
Update our dependencies

15 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Update our dependencies
# Installing
When running in on demand mode HGKeeper needs to be installed in a place where
OpenSSH Server can find it. However, since OpenSSH Server is also going to be
running it, there are some additional requirements that must be met.
These requirements are that the program:
* must be owned by root
* is not writeable by group or others
* is specified by an absolute path
Luckily for us, something like `/usr/local/bin` meets all of these requirements
and will put it on the `$PATH` so that we can use it to set up the
administration repository later.
So we will just copy the file to `/usr/local/bin/` and make sure it has a file
mode of `0755`:
sudo cp hgkeeper /usr/local/bin/
sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/hgkeeper
sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/hgkeeper