
Update our dependencies

15 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Update our dependencies
# Administration Repository
To make life easier, we're going to run the setup command as the `hg` user. The
easiest way to do this is with the following commands:
sudo su hg
cd ~
We changed to the `hg` user's home directory as this is where we are going to
store all of the files. The last line of output should just say `hg`, which we
are using to verify that you did in fact switch to the `hg` user.
Now that we're in the proper location we can create the administration
repository. For this, we'll need an SSH public key of the initial administrator
saved in a file, and a name for the administrator. The name is used to
determine where to put the public key and by the authentication system.
In this example, we have the administrator's SSH public key in a file named
`` in the current directory. We are also giving them a name of `me`.
hgkeeper setup --admin-username=me