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24 months ago, Gary Kramlich
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# Configuring OpenSSH Server
Configuring OpenSSH Server is very straight forward. All we need to do is drop
the following snippet into `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`. Of course, if you customized
the `hg` username you will have to adjust the snippet.
You may be able to use `/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/hgkeeper.conf` but in our
testing on Debian unstable we were unable to get it working properly. If you
have some pointers here, we'd love to hear them!
In the following snippet, be sure to replace `<external-hostname>`, `<external-post>`, and the `hg` user with the proper values for your environment.
Match User hg
AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/bin/curl -q --get --data-encode "fp=%f" http://<external-hostname>:<external-http-port>/hgk/authorized_keys
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser hg
PasswordAuthentication no
Open you've saved the file, you will need to reload OpenSSH Server. This is
usually done via `sudo service ssh reload` but will vary based on your
operating system.