
Add `go 1.11` to the bottom of go.mod and run `go mod tidy`
# This is a model for implementing role based access control.
# This model is nearly identical to the `RBAC with deny-override` define on
#, but has the addition of falling back to a
# "public" user/subject in the matcher if the requested role does not match
# other polcies.
# In theory you should be able to swap this model out with another one that fits
# your needs (remembering to update your policy.csv as well), but this has not
# been tested.
r = sub, obj, act
p = sub, obj, act, eft
g = _, _
e = some(where (p.eft == allow)) && !some(where (p.eft == deny))
m = (g(r.sub, p.sub) || p.sub == "public") && keyMatch(r.obj, p.obj) && access(r.act, p.act)