
make hgweb use the site.hgrc in the admin repo if it exists
# hgkeeper
This repository is used to manage keys for hgkeeper. This is done by
organizing ssh public keys in the keys directory.
# keys/
Files in the keys directory should be named after the user the belong to and
contain the ssh public keys for that user. The name of the file is used in
access.yaml as the users/group name.
# site.hgrc
This file is a sitewide [hgrc](
file for that will be used for every repository on your site. It defaults to
enabling evolve from pypi and makes all repositories non-publishing.
As this file is in the hgkeeper reapo, you are free to modify this however you
# model.conf
This file is part of the authentication system and more information can be read
inline in [model.conf](model.conf) itself.
# policy.csv
This file is poart of the authentication system and more information can be
read inline in [policy.csv](policy.csv) itself.