
Parents d5e2030224c2
Children b0e6b49ed37b
Move all of the static assets into a hgk/ directory so that the theme can easily be installed into the existing themes directory
--- a/templates/hgkeeper/header.tmpl Mon Apr 13 21:20:36 2020 -0500
+++ b/templates/hgkeeper/header.tmpl Mon Apr 13 22:54:13 2020 -0500
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
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+ <script type="text/javascript" src="{staticurl|urlescape}hgk/js/clipboard.min.js"></script>
+ <script type="text/javascript" src="{staticurl|urlescape}hgk/js/graph.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{staticurl|urlescape}mercurial.js"></script>
--- a/templates/static/css/bootstrap.min.css Mon Apr 13 21:20:36 2020 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
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-<glyph glyph-name="diving-goggle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe80a;" d="M63 407c3 15 6 31 14 46 16 32 42 54 76 66 45 16 90 26 137 33 82 12 164 15 247 13 89-2 177-9 264-32 27-7 54-14 77-31 32-22 52-52 58-91 0-1 1-3 2-4v-120c-3-5-3-12-4-17-20-71-64-116-136-133-8-2-16-2-24-2-62 0-123 0-184 0-16 0-21 4-23 20-5 28-12 55-33 77-25 25-59 24-83-2-17-21-25-45-29-71-1-2-1-5-2-8-2-11-8-16-19-16-59 0-118-1-176 0-57 0-101 26-132 72-16 22-25 47-28 74-1 2-1 4-2 6l0 120z m632-235c24 0 48 0 72 0 75-1 130 63 133 124 2 32 1 65 1 98-1 30-14 54-37 73-14 12-31 18-49 24-83 25-170 34-257 37-85 3-171 0-256-12-47-7-93-15-138-32-37-13-63-47-64-86-1-33 0-66 0-98 0-17 3-34 11-49 21-46 56-77 108-79 54-2 108 0 162 0 5 0 6 2 7 6 5 26 15 50 31 71 40 50 106 51 147 3 17-21 27-45 33-72 1-6 3-8 10-8 29 0 57 0 86 0z m-210 321c95 0 189-5 282-27 18-4 35-9 52-15 30-11 46-33 46-65 0-29 1-59-1-89-3-46-44-87-90-89-45-1-89 0-134 0-10 0-16 5-20 15-11 28-26 54-51 73-55 44-131 34-175-24-12-15-21-32-28-51-3-8-9-13-18-13-43 0-86-1-128 0-35 1-58 22-74 52-6 12-10 26-10 40-1 33-2 65 0 98 2 25 15 43 39 52 38 14 77 22 117 28 64 10 128 14 193 15z m12-37c-54-1-110-3-166-10-47-6-93-13-138-29-15-5-21-13-21-29v-71c0-8 0-16 2-24 5-31 27-49 59-49 32 0 63 0 95 0 6 0 9 2 12 7 8 18 18 35 31 50 54 66 148 78 217 28 27-20 46-47 59-77 3-6 6-8 13-8 35 0 70 1 104 0 36-1 65 32 64 64 0 26 0 51 0 77 0 17-6 26-22 32-26 9-53 15-80 20-75 14-151 18-229 19z m-163-144c-10 0-18 6-19 16-1 10 5 19 15 20 13 2 26 4 38 5 10 1 19-6 20-16 1-10-5-19-15-21-13-1-26-2-39-4z m-54 6c0-9-5-15-14-18-11-4-23-7-35-10-9-3-18 2-22 11-3 9 1 19 10 23 13 5 27 9 41 12 10 2 20-8 20-18z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="flora-flower" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe80c;" d="M909 232v-5c-3-2-4-6-5-9-49-94-110-179-201-239-120-80-245-89-374-20-78 42-135 105-184 176-20 30-37 61-54 92v5c2 0 5 0 7 1 44 12 87 11 130-3 80-24 141-74 194-135 18-22 34-45 50-72 0 5 0 7 0 9 0 133 0 266 1 399 0 10-5 11-13 11-43-1-83 8-121 28-49 25-81 64-84 119-1 29-1 58 0 88v111l133-124 112 124 107-124 135 124 3-61c0-3 0-5 0-7 1-41 0-81 0-121 0-45-18-82-54-110-43-34-94-46-149-47-11 0-15-3-15-14 1-130 1-260 1-390 0-4-1-8 1-12 1 1 2 1 2 1l5 9c43 69 99 126 171 167 50 28 103 44 162 36 14-1 27-5 40-7z" />
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21 1 31 3 3 0 4 0 4-3 0-9 1-17 4-24 3-10 4-22 10-31 9-14 15-31 21-48 4-14 16-22 29-20 19 3 36 12 55 18 22 8 43 19 65 29 18 9 37 18 54 29 7 4 13 7 22 4 18-6 36-7 55-7 12 1 25 1 38-1 8-1 15-1 22-6 4-2 8-4 12-5 3-1 7-3 10 1 3 3 6 6 8 10 10 16 18 33 25 51 10 25 14 50 17 77 1 15 2 31 1 46 0 1 0 2 2 3 0 0 0-1 0-1 7-13 14-25 20-38 13-22 25-44 30-69 0-2 1-4 4-2 8 6 17 11 23 20 16 20 25 43 32 68 3 11 5 23 6 34 3 20 3 39 0 61 10-12 20-23 29-34 13-18 30-30 51-36 15-4 30-5 46-5 6 1 6 1 5 8z m-214 406c8 6 15 11 23 17 3 2 5 2 6-3l7-28c0-2 1-3-2-4-9-2-18-5-27-7-3-1-3 1-3 2-2 5-4 11-6 16-1 3 0 5 2 7z m-36-53c-14 0-22 11-22 24 0 13 12 26 23 24 10 2 22-11 23-24 0-13-11-24-24-24z m68-407c-7 10-13 20-20 29-1 2-2 4 0 7l10 17c1 2 2 2 3 1 6-6 11-11 17-17 1-1 2-2 1-4-4-11-7-22-11-33z m-37 69c-3 7-5 13-8 20-1 2-2 3-1 5 7 8 13 15 20 24 3-12 6-24 9-35 0-3 1-6 2-9 3-9 1-16-3-23-3-3-4-7-6-12-6 10-9 20-13 30z m-21 90c7 7 14 14 22 22 2-10 3-18 5-27 1-8 2-16 4-24 0-3 0-6-2-8-6-7-12-14-18-22-2 7-4 14-5 21-3 11-5 21-8 32 0 2 0 4 2 6z m-3 4c-1 9-3 18-4 26-1 7-1 14-3 21 0 3 0 5 2 7 7 7 14 14 22 21 2-11 3-22 5-33 0-3 0-7 1-10 2-5 0-8-3-11-7-7-13-14-20-21z m71-118c-7 8-16 13-20 24-4 10-6 20-7 31-1 6-3 12-2 19 12-7 23-14 35-21 1-1 2-3 2-4-1-16-1-32-5-48-1-3-1-3-3-1z m7 59c-1-1-3 1-4 1l-30 16c-3 2-5 4-6 8-2 17-5 33-7 52 14-9 28-16 41-24 4-3 2-9 3-13 2-12 2-23 3-35 1-2 1-4 0-5z m-7 60c-1 0-2 1-3 1l-36 23c-3 1-3 4-3 6-3 14-5 28-7 42 7-2 13-7 20-11 6-2 11-7 16-9 3-2 5-4 5-8l8-41c0-1 1-2 0-3z m-11 57c-13 7-25 14-37 21-3 1-3 5-3 7-3 15-4 30-7 45-2 20-6 40-9 60 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3-2 8 2 9 4 1 5-3 6-5 7-14 12-29 17-44 5-16 13-32 17-49 4-15 9-29 14-45z m-52 81c2-14 4-28 6-42 0-3 0-6 1-9 1-5-1-8-4-11-6-7-12-13-19-21-2 10-1 18-2 26-2 35 0 69-1 104 0 5 0 12 5 12 5 0 6-7 7-12 2-15 5-31 7-47z m-1 204c3 0 4-1 4-5 0-10 0-20 0-31 0-3-1-4-4-4-11-2-19 3-25 13-6 9-14 17-21 27 16-1 31-1 46 0z m-231-612c-13-6-25-15-38-22-26-14-53-25-80-35-12-4-23-8-35-11-4-2-9-2-13-1-5 1-9 3-12 10-4 12-10 24-16 36-9 16-14 34-15 53-1 11-2 11 9 14 18 4 35 10 51 19 17 10 33 21 40 41 1 3 2 5 1 8-6-3-7-9-11-13-11-13-25-21-40-27-16-7-32-13-49-17-15-3-30-6-45-6-9 0-18-2-28-2-15 0-30 3-45 8-22 8-26 34-20 50 6 14 6 30-2 45-6 10-5 18 1 28 1 2 3 3 6 2 21-2 41-1 62 6 8 3 17 0 18-11 0 0 0-1 0-2 2-3 2-8 7-7 4 1 4 6 4 10-1 7-1 14-8 19-4 3-8 8-8 15 1 9-4 13-13 13-4 0-9 1-13 0-4 0-8 0-8-5 0-4 3-6 7-6 2 0 5-1 8-2 1 0 3 0 3-2 1-2-1-3-2-4-6-4-12-4-18-6-13-5-27-3-41-3-5 0-8 5-8 10-1 14 2 28 5 41 3 10 8 14 18 14 12 1 23 3 34 4 12 0 24-2 34-8 4-2 7-7 9-11 2-4 5-7 7-11 1-2 2-4 4-3 2 0 3 3 3 5-1 7-3 14-7 19-6 7-14 13-21 18-3 2-4 4-4 7 2 26-24 40-41 39-8 0-12-5-13-14-1-8 2-14 9-16 4-1 8-5 12-2 2 1 5 1 4 4-1 2-2 4-5 4-2 0-5-1-8 1-2 2-5 5-4 8 0 3 3 5 6 6 5 1 10 1 14-2 6-3 11-8 14-13 7-12-1-21-12-22-21-1-41-5-61-7-8 0-16-1-24 3-6 4-9 10-10 17-1 12 4 22 10 32 14 27 31 52 46 79 7 14 13 29 8 46-7 21 3 36 17 49 10 10 21 19 31 29 16 15 33 28 50 42 16 13 33 25 49 38 3 2 5 2 8-1 8-7 18-13 27-19 8-7 15-14 20-24 6-15 15-29 18-45 3-17 4-33 2-50-1-6 0-13 0-19-1-15-4-30-6-44-1-11-3-22-4-33-1-12-2-24-2-36 0-25 4-49 11-73 7-25 18-48 29-71 3-5 6-8 13-8 23 0 35-24 30-43-2-11-3-21-7-31-1-2 0-3 0-5 14-30 27-60 40-90 2-4 4-6-2-9z m77 50c-4-1-7 0-11 0-4 0-6-2-7-6-5-13-16-21-27-19-12 3-21 11-24 24-6 22-10 44-10 67-1 15-4 31-12 44-8 14-18 27-27 40-16 22-29 46-38 72-3 8-4 17-4 25-1 13-1 27 0 40 1 19 2 37 5 55 4 24 8 48 10 72 1 8 3 17 3 25 0 20-3 39-12 57-8 17-15 34-22 51-4 10-5 22-5 33 0 7 7 16 15 18 16 6 29 0 42-9 12-7 23-14 36-18 17-5 32-2 47 9 7 6 15 11 25 11 9 1 18-2 23-10 8-12 12-25 16-39 3-7 6-14 10-21 2-5 7-7 13-8 9 0 19-1 28 5 2 1 5 1 6-1 1-3 0-5-3-7-13-8-26-8-40-2-10 3-14 13-19 22-6 15-9 32-19 44-8 11-15 12-26 5-9-6-18-13-29-18-10-4-21-3-32 0-18 5-32 16-48 25-7 5-15 8-24 4-9-4-13-11-12-21 3-15 9-29 15-43 6-14 13-27 18-42 2-6 3-13 4-20 0-4 1-4 4-4 19 2 37 6 56 8 17 2 34 4 51 5 15 1 29 3 44 3 9 0 19-1 29-1 3 0 5-1 5-3 1-3-2-3-4-4-3-1-7-1-10-1-17 0-34 0-51 0-12-1-23-3-35-4-9 0-18-1-27-2-20-3-39-6-58-10-3-1-3-2-3-4 1-11 0-22-1-32-2-18-4-35-8-52-2-12-3-24-5-36-2-15-3-31-4-47-1-16 1-32 3-48 4-24 17-42 29-62 10-15 20-29 30-45 11-18 19-38 20-60 1-13 1-26 3-39 3-12 7-24 13-35 2-5 10-8 17-6 5 1 8 5 10 12 4 8-1 13-7 17-10 7-15 18-17 31-1 6 1 14 4 20 2 3 5 4 9 3 13-5 24-20 24-34v-18c0-4-1-7 3-9 5-1 9-1 12 3 4 6 7 12 8 19 1 11-4 19-9 27-9 18-21 34-35 48-21 22-42 44-57 71-5 8-8 18-12 27-6 18-9 37-8 56 1 22 2 44 3 66 2 24 5 48 12 71 3 7 7 12 15 14 7 1 12-4 16-9 5-7 9-14 14-20 0-1 0-3 2-3 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 9 2 17 3 25 1 7 3 13 5 20 2 6 4 12 11 13 6 0 12-2 16-8 5-6 10-13 15-19 4 3 4 8 5 13 1 6 2 12 4 17 1 3 3 6 6 5 2-1 4-4 3-8-3-9-4-18-8-27-4-11-10-14-18-4-5 6-11 11-15 18-2 3-4 4-6 3-3 0-4-2-4-4-3-10-4-21-4-31-1-7-4-14-7-20-3-5-8-5-13-2-5 3-9 9-12 14-3 3-6 7-8 10-4 5-9 5-11-1-4-10-7-21-9-32-2-16-3-33-4-49-2-15-4-29-5-44 0-12 0-24 3-36 2-9 3-19 5-28 2-13 10-23 17-34 12-18 27-34 41-51 13-14 26-28 37-44 9-12 17-26 19-43 2-11-8-29-18-33z m18 195c-16-17-34-32-50-49-5-5-9-4-12 2-13 24-25 48-35 73 0 3 0 4 1 6 8 19 18 37 27 57 12 27 29 52 46 77 12 17 24 35 39 51 11 11 20 25 31 35 13 13 25 26 39 37 1 1 3 2 4 3 5-10 1-16-4-22-9-11-13-24-18-36l-9-24c-8-20-12-41-18-61-7-25-15-49-20-74-4-19-6-38-11-57-2-7-4-13-10-18z m117-127c-2-19-6-38-9-56-6-26-17-50-28-73-2-5-6-9-11-9-6 0-9 4-11 9-10 20-20 40-27 61-5 15-6 30-8 45-4 26-6 53-6 83-1 15 1 34 2 53 4 50 13 99 26 147 6 20 10 41 16 61 8 23 18 46 30 68 1 2 1 4 2 5 2 2 2 6 5 4 2-1 5-3 4-8-6-21-5-42-5-63 1-8 1-17 1-25 0-22 1-43 2-65 1-18 1-36 2-54 1-19 2-38 4-57 2-14 2-28 4-43 2-16 5-31 6-48 1-11 2-23 1-35z m116 66c-1-21-5-41-11-60-4-14-8-28-15-40-7-9-14-18-22-26-3-3-4-2-5 1-4 23-17 41-27 61-8 17-16 33-26 49-4 5-4 11-4 17-1 14-4 27-5 41-1 13-3 27-5 40-4 35-5 71-6 107-1 36 0 73 0 110 0 6 1 12 2 18 0 4 2 4 5 4 4 0 3-3 3-6-4-39-4-79-3-119 1-22 2-44 4-66 2-36 10-71 18-105 7-31 19-60 35-86 6-11 13-21 21-30 6 13 9 27 14 41 8 23 8 47 8 71-1 14-2 28-4 42-2 14-3 28-7 43-1 3-1 7-2 11 2 0 2-2 3-3 8-18 17-36 26-54 2-4 2-9 2-13 1-16 2-32 1-48z m123-23c-25 1-47 8-66 25-9 8-17 16-26 24-12 12-22 28-31 43-10 18-20 36-30 55-7 14-12 29-15 45-1 5-4 10-5 16-9 27-19 54-30 80-5 12-8 26-14 38-3 5-6 10-8 16 0 2 0 4 2 4 4 1 7 4 11 6 8-22 16-44 24-66 9-23 17-48 27-71 12-28 23-56 38-83 5-9 9-18 14-27 13-27 30-51 53-69 8-6 18-9 28-11 4-1 7 0 10-2 4-1 4 0 5 4 0 19-1 38-4 57-5 32-17 62-32 90-7 13-15 24-22 36-6 11-15 21-23 31-9 11-17 23-27 33-17 16-32 33-48 49-11 10-21 22-32 32-4 4-5 8-3 14 0 1 1 3 1 5 3-2 5-4 7-6 15-16 33-30 49-46 15-15 31-31 47-46 26-24 47-52 64-83 12-21 24-43 31-67 5-18 10-36 10-55 0-21 0-43 0-64 0-5-1-7-5-7z m-124 164c4 8 6 16 8 24 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 2-1 2-2 12-21 24-41 36-62l2-5c4-7 3-14 0-21-4-8-6-17-9-27-15 22-28 45-40 69-3 6-5 13-1 21z m-5-3h-2c-4 9-9 17-12 26-6 12-10 25-16 37-4 10-2 20-1 30 1 3 2 7 3 11 7-13 14-25 21-37 5-8 10-17 15-25 3-4 4-9 2-14-3-9-8-18-10-28z m50-89l10 35c1 1 1 1 2 2 6-10 11-21 17-31 1-2 1-5 4-4 4 2 1 4 0 6-5 11-10 21-16 31 0 1-1 2-1 3 11-2 21-4 31-6 5-1 7-4 8-9 3-15 5-30 5-46 0-7 1-13 1-20 0-4-1-5-4-3-4 2-9 3-14 4-20 4-32 18-43 35-1 1 0 2 0 3z m40 42l-22 4c-6 1-8 6-11 10-11 20-23 40-34 59-1 2-2 4-3 6 17-5 34-9 50-14 1 0 3-2 4-3 9-16 17-33 22-52l0-1c3-10 3-10-6-9z m-44 78c-8 2-16 5-25 7-6 2-8 7-11 11-11 19-22 37-33 55-1 1-1 2-2 4 13-2 25-3 35-8 6-3 10-11 15-16 8-10 15-20 22-30 7-9 13-19 20-29-8 2-15 4-21 6z m-40 75c-13 4-23 6-34 9-3 1-4 4-5 6-4 10-12 19-17 28-1 2-2 4-3 3-2-2-2-4-1-5 4-6 6-11 10-16l11-18c2-2 2-5 1-8-2-6-2-13-4-22-17 33-26 66-36 100 28-23 51-51 78-77z m-111 125c-6-1-14-9-14-16 0-7 8-17 15-16 6 0 15 9 15 16 0 7-9 16-16 16z m-362-259c-9-8-15-19-18-30-5-13-5-26 2-38 7-12 17-19 29-22-10 14-15 31-14 49s7 35 22 48c-9 1-16-2-21-7z m308 207l7 14-2 1c-13-19-29-34-43-52-11-13-21-26-31-40-11-16-22-33-33-49-12-18-23-36-32-56-6-11-11-24-17-36-4-7-5-14-1-21 4-9 8-18 13-26 4-9 7-18 12-27 2-3 4-5 8-1 5 4 9 8 13 12 12 11 23 22 34 33 5 4 8 8 8 15 1 6 2 11 3 17 3 19 8 37 12 55 6 27 12 53 20 78 9 28 17 57 29 83z m-137-196c6 9 11 18 15 28 4 12 13 18 24 23 5 2 11 4 16 6-1-8-5-16-8-23-3-8-5-17-8-25-1-3-3-5-6-7-12-6-25-10-37-17 0 6 2 11 4 15z m53-58c-8-10-19-19-29-28-7-8-9-7-14 2-5 12-12 24-17 37-2 4-3 8-4 12-1 9 0 10 7 13 6 3 13 6 18 8 6 3 12 6 20 10-4-16-8-29-12-43-2-6-4-12-6-18-1-2-2-5 1-6 3-2 4 1 4 4 6 17 12 35 18 53 6-9 11-18 16-26 6-10 6-9-2-18z m14 14c-10 12-19 23-22 38-1 3-1 6 0 8 5 15 10 29 16 45 6-10 10-18 15-27 4 1 2 5 5 7-7-23-9-47-14-71z m14 73c-5 10-10 19-15 27-1 1-1 3-1 4 8 17 12 36 22 53 3 4 6 9 7 15 1 1 1 3 0 4-2 1-2-1-3-2-6-7-9-15-13-22-6-10-11-20-15-31-1-5-4-8-9-10-8-4-16-8-23-12 28 46 59 89 95 128-19-49-33-101-45-154z m-368 50c4 0 8 1 11 2 13 2 26 5 38 9 3 0 7 2 7 5 0 3-2 7-5 9-15 9-30 17-44 27-7 4-8 7-3 18 3 6 6 7 13 4 12-6 24-13 36-18 13-5 25-4 37 4 3 2 6 5 5 9-1 3-5 4-9 4-22-1-41 8-58 22-10 7-21 14-33 12h-4c-10 0-20-2-27-10-3-3-4-6-2-10 2-3 3-6 5-8 3-4 2-6 0-9-3-3-5-7-8-9-4-4-2-6 1-8 5-3 9-5 14-7 2-1 4-1 3-5-3-8-3-18-1-27 1-2 0-3-3-4-5 0-10-1-16-2-3 0-6-1-6-4 0-4 3-4 6-4 5-1 10-1 14 0 3 0 4-1 4-5l0-13c0-2 1-4 3-5 2-1 3 1 5 2 5 4 8 10 10 16 2 4 4 5 7 5z m0 36c14-6 27-11 40-17-11-5-22-10-34-9-3 0-6-3-8 0-2 3-2 7-2 11 1 4 2 8 2 12 0 2 0 3 2 3z m-10 25c-5 3-11 4-16 7-2 2-2 4 0 6 7 2 14 4 20 6 4 0 5-2 4-5-1-4-3-8-5-12 0-2-1-3-3-2z m225-288c-6 10-17 12-27 6-10-8-15-19-17-31-3-10-4-19-1-29 2-5 4-10 8-14 9-7 21-5 29 5 8 12 14 25 13 41 2 8-1 15-5 22z m-19-54c-3-3-6-4-10-2-4 2-7 6-7 11-1 3 0 5 0 6-1 14 4 23 13 31 7 7 17 2 18-8 2-15-2-28-14-38z m-97 244c-1 8-6 15-13 16-8 0-15-3-20-7-14-11-30-14-46-16-3 0-4 2-4 5 0 4 3 6 6 6 5 0 9 3 14 4 7 2 14 5 18 13 3 6 2 8-4 9-3 1-6 1-9 0-11-3-22-9-33-14-6-4-10-9-13-15-2-5-1-9 2-12 3-3 6-6 8-9 2-2 2-4 0-6-2-3-5-5-4-10 0-11 8-20 19-20 8 0 17 0 25 1 9 1 18 5 25 10 4 2 6 5 5 10-2 4-5 6-9 6-8 1-14-3-21-6-7-2-14-4-22-1-2 1-5 2-5 5 0 3 3 3 5 4 14 6 28 9 43 7 9 2 18-2 27 4 6 5 8 9 6 16z m-29 167c5-5 11-9 16-14 3-3 4-1 4 2 1 7-2 11-6 15-8 7-15 14-22 22-1 1-5 2-1 4 3 2 4 6 8 3 5-4 9-8 13-13 14-15 31-27 43-44 1-2 4-4 6-2 3 2 3 5 1 8-1 1-1 2-3 4-4 5-9 10-13 15-11 15-24 27-36 38-4 3-4 5 0 7 2 2 4 1 6-1 11-7 19-16 28-25 2-2 3-3 5-4 4-2 5 1 6 3 0 3-1 4-2 5-9 12-20 21-31 31-4 3-9 6-14 3-11-8-20-16-30-24-4-3-4-7 0-10 7-8 14-15 22-23z m-73-377c-1 1-3 2-5 2-10 4-21 8-29 15-4 2-7 3-11 1-3-2-7-5-11-5-3 0-3-2-3-5l-2-44c1-3 2-6 4-8 4-3 8-3 13-3 4 1 5 4 7 8 2-6 5-11 9-15 4-3 7-6 12-3 6 3 11 7 12 14 0 8-5 14-8 22 5-1 8 1 12 3 7 5 7 12 0 18z m458 74c-2 14-3 27-4 41-2 23-3 46-4 68 0 38 0 76-1 114 0 15-2 31-1 46 0 1-1 1-1 3-1-1-1-2-1-2-8-20-17-40-23-61-3-8-7-16-9-25-5-20-10-40-13-60-2-11-5-22-7-34-2-13-3-26-5-39-1-17-4-35-4-52-1-33 0-66 5-99 1-10 2-20 4-31 2-12 5-24 9-36 6-15 13-30 22-44 3 6 6 11 8 16 5 13 11 26 16 39 6 14 10 29 12 44 2 9 2 18 3 26 2 12 3 23 1 34-4 17-5 35-7 52z m-7 36c0-15 3-30 5-44 1-8 0-16 2-24-8 6-14 12-21 16-7 4-12 9-16 15-1 2-2 3-2 5-1 21 2 43 1 66 11-8 20-15 29-23 2-2 2-7 2-11z m-13 170c3 1 8-3 8-7 0-7 0-13 0-20-1-25 0-51 1-76 1-14 0-28 2-41 0-2 0-4 0-7-8 3-13 9-19 13l-1 1c-9 5-9 13-7 22 2 8 2 16 3 24 1 16 3 32 5 48 2 12 5 24 5 37 0 2 0 5 3 6z m-40-109c5 32 15 63 22 94 1 4 3 7 4 11 1 3 5 4 8 3 3-1 1-4 1-5-4-21-6-42-9-63-2-16-4-33-5-49 0-4-1-7-3-9-6-7-13-12-20-17l-2 1c1 11 3 23 4 34z m-7-58c0 9 3 15 10 21 5 4 10 9 16 14l1-1c-2-19 0-37-3-56 0-4 0-8 0-12 1-5 0-9-4-11-7-4-11-11-19-14-2-1-3-2-4 2 0 19 2 38 3 57z m2-134c0 5-2 9-2 14 0 14-2 28-1 42 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 11 2 16 10 20 5 3 10 7 16 11 1-6 1-12 2-17 0-14 0-27 1-41 0-1 0-2 0-3 2-15 3-13-10-22-4-2-7-4-11-6-3-2-5-2-5 2z m64-23c-1-6-2-12-3-18-4-10-13-14-22-5-3 3-5 8-8 12-2-11-6-15-15-15-4 0-7 3-8 6-5 9-6 19-7 30 0 2 1 3 3 4l22 13c2 1 3 1 5 0 10-6 20-13 30-19 3-2 4-5 3-8z m3 19l0-2c-2-7-2-6-8-4-9 4-17 11-25 17-3 2-5 5-5 8l-2 67c0 1 0 2 0 4 11-10 21-19 32-26 7-4 8-9 9-16 1-16 0-32-1-48z" />
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m-299-183c-1 2-2 5-5 1-5-8-12-16-8-28 10-30 18-61 22-92 5-43 8-86 7-129 0-13 0-26-2-39h3c23 26 36 57 41 91 4 39 1 76-14 113-11 29-28 56-44 83z m-183-1l-24-40c-26-48-40-99-33-155 5-35 18-66 42-92h3c-1 2-1 4-2 6-3 52-1 103 5 154 4 33 11 65 21 96 4 12 2 21-4 30-3 5-5 7-8 1z m162 516c12 24 30 43 49 62 3 3 7 6 9 10h-7c-3-2-7-2-11-3-36-10-67-36-63-83 1-10 3-20 8-31 3 17 7 32 15 45z m-191 64c15-16 31-31 43-50 12-17 19-36 22-57 3 0 3 2 3 3 7 20 9 41 1 62-10 26-32 40-59 47-3 1-7 1-10 3h-7c1-3 4-5 7-8z m388-466c-28 28-60 52-90 77-3 4-5 3-7-2-2-6-4-13-8-19-3-7-2-11 4-16 26-20 48-43 67-70 29-43 44-89 42-141 0 0 0-1-2-1-1 4-1 8-2 13-9 59-34 112-76 155-12 13-25 24-40 33-5 4-9 4-12-3-4-7-7-15-11-22-3-5-2-9 2-13 8-10 17-21 26-31 58-63 87-138 89-224 1-9 0-19 0-30 5 2 6 4 7 6 10 17 19 34 27 51 22 46 34 94 27 146-4 35-18 65-43 91z m-401-10c4 5 5 9 2 15-3 5-5 10-8 16-7 14-8 14-21 5l-1-1c-56-43-91-99-106-168-2-10-4-20-5-29-2 19-2 39 3 58 9 43 31 81 61 114 13 15 28 29 44 41 5 4 7 7 3 13-3 6-5 13-7 20-2 6-4 7-10 3-24-21-49-41-73-62-14-13-26-26-36-43-25-41-29-86-21-132 8-42 25-80 46-116 3-6 7-12 11-18 2 3 1 6 2 9 1 26 1 53 7 79 10 53 31 101 64 143 14 19 30 36 45 53z m435 120c-35 26-74 45-111 66-6 2-6-1-7-5-4-11-9-21-16-30-4-4-5-9-3-14 2-7 6-14 11-20 7-8 16-15 25-22 33-27 68-53 97-85 29-35 52-72 61-118 0-1 0-3 2-4 3 0 3 3 3 4 6 26 10 52 10 78 0 11-1 21-2 32-6 50-29 89-70 118z m-562-75c25 22 52 42 78 64 9 7 15 16 19 28 1 3 2 7 0 11-9 11-16 22-19 35-2 4-4 4-7 2-6-3-11-6-17-9-34-17-67-35-97-58-25-19-45-42-56-71-9-24-14-50-13-76 0-26 4-52 10-78 0-2 0-5 3-5 2 1 2 3 2 5 2 9 4 18 7 26 17 51 50 91 90 126z m389-62c-1 1-2 3-4 3-2-1-2-4-2-5 0-20-9-36-26-46-6-3-5-5-2-9 26-37 50-75 66-118 18-47 28-96 18-147-1-6-3-12-3-20 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 4 3 9 13 15 27 20 41 15 50 13 101 3 151-12 56-39 103-77 144z m-222-58c3 5 3 8-2 11-2 0-3 2-4 3-12 8-20 19-21 35 0 4 0 8-3 12-5-3-8-8-11-12-28-30-48-64-61-103-14-39-18-80-17-122 1-30 8-59 21-86 4-8 9-15 16-22 1 4 0 6 0 9-3 11-5 22-5 33-4 43 6 84 20 123 16 43 40 82 67 119z m161 9c-19-9-35-2-50 9-10 7-14 16-14 29 1 11 5 17 15 21 13 6 26 11 38 18 8 5 11 14 12 23-3 1-4-1-6-2-7-5-15-8-24-7-5 0-10-1-15-4-15-6-31-6-46 0-5 3-10 4-16 4-9-1-16 1-23 7-1 1-3 3-5 3-1-3-1-5 0-8 3-9 9-15 17-20 14-6 27-11 40-18 4-2 6-5 6-10 0-6 0-12 1-18 0-4-1-7-4-10-6-4-11-9-17-13-12-8-25-11-39-5-10 4-14 0-13-11 1-4 2-8 4-11 5-10 8-10 16-3 33 31 78 31 111 1 9-8 13-8 18 3 3 6 4 11 2 17-1 5-3 7-8 5z m-51-73c-10 0-21-1-32 0-6 0-8-2-8-8 1-36 3-72 8-107 2-17 8-32 16-49 7 14 12 27 14 40 6 39 8 78 9 117 1 5-1 7-7 7z m-67-94c-3 31-3 62-2 93 0 3 1 5-1 8-3-2-3-4-4-6-9-25-13-52-15-78-3-25-3-50 2-75 6-22 16-41 36-55 1-1 4-3 6-1 2 1 0 4-1 5-11 36-19 72-21 109z m105 100c0-23 0-46-1-69-1-48-9-95-23-140-1-2-3-4-1-6 2-1 5 1 6 2 12 9 22 19 28 33 8 17 11 35 12 53 1 32-3 63-9 94-3 12-6 23-12 33z m-145 326c-4 3-8 8-13 4l-32-20c-4-2-2-4 1-6 4-4 8-1 11 0 5 2 7 1 8-3 0-4 3-7 6-9 9-5 18-8 29-7 6 0 8-3 7-10-1-3-2-6-1-9 12 3 12 3 11-11-1-14-5-28-9-41-3-9-6-17-7-26 2 2 4 5 5 8 5 13 11 27 15 40 7 21 11 42 7 64-2 8-6 14-15 16-5 2-13 1-16 8-1 2-3-1-4-2-4-2-7-4-10-7l-1 2c2 2 4 3 6 6 2 1 4 2 2 3z m176-2c-4-8-13-6-19-9-4-2-8-4-10-8-3-9-5-19-4-28 1-20 5-39 13-57 5-11 9-23 16-36 0 8-3 12-4 17-6 19-13 38-12 59 0 5 0 8 7 5 2-1 4-3 4 2-1 15-1 15 13 16 2 0 4 0 5 0 8 3 19 4 22 13 3 8 6 8 12 5 1-1 2-1 3-1 4 0 7 1 8 4 2 3-2 4-4 5-9 6-19 12-29 18-3 2-12 1-14-3-2-4 3-4 5-7 1-1 3-1 3-4-5 1-7 5-11 7-1 1-3 3-4 2z m-195-177c-1 1-3 3-4 2-3-1-1-4 0-5 2-5 5-11 8-16 10-13 23-20 40-18 13 1 27 4 41 1 1 1 3-1 4 1 1 2-1 3-3 4-9 6-18 7-28 6-17-3-34-4-47 11-4 5-8 9-11 14z m55-17c-20 2-36 12-50 25 1-19 29-33 50-25z m127-34c-10-2-19 0-29 2-2 0-4 1-4-2-1-1 1-2 2-3 7-3 13-6 20-6 8 0 15 3 21 6 1 1 2 2 2 4-1 1-3 1-4 0-3 0-5-1-8-1z m-414 266c48 31 100 48 156 58 35 7 68 19 97 41 11 9 20 19 29 33-3-1-3-1-4-1-1-1-2-1-3-2-18-15-40-21-64-23-31-2-63 1-94 1-26 0-51-4-72-19-29-21-43-51-51-84 0-2-2-5 0-7 2-1 4 1 6 3z m485 106c-29 0-56 5-79 25 0 0-1 0-3 1 4-9 17-25 28-33 29-23 62-34 98-41 47-9 93-23 135-47 8-4 14-8 22-13 1 0 2-2 4-1 1 1 0 3 0 4-2 7-3 14-5 20-17 56-53 84-111 86-30 0-59-1-89-1z m-392 14c26 9 53 13 81 6 30-8 59-6 88 7 1 1 4 1 4 4-10 2-21 3-31 6-19 5-36 15-54 23-9 5-19 7-30 6-19-2-36-10-51-22-14-12-26-25-38-40 0 0 1-1 1-2 10 4 20 8 30 12z m401 42c-13-7-26-13-40-18-12-3-24-5-36-7 1-4 4-4 6-4 29-14 59-14 89-7 7 2 15 4 22 4 26 1 49-7 73-17 4-1 8-4 13-4 1 3-2 5-3 6-11 13-22 25-35 36-26 20-57 29-89 11z m-299 14c21-7 40-18 60-28-11 21-24 40-45 52-25 14-64 5-81-19 23 5 44 2 66-5z m234-28c39 21 78 42 126 34-11 9-21 17-34 22-9 3-18 5-28 3-33-7-50-32-64-59z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="parrot" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe877;" d="M329 636c24-15 47-26 72-34 87-26 171-61 249-108 3-2 6-5 11-4-8 19-9 40-4 59 3 10 0 15-9 19-113 62-233 100-359 120 8-37 40-52 40-52z m309-294c42-34 40-61-6-80 20-14 43-23 64-34 5-2 7 2 9 4 29 30 39 89 17 122-12 16-17 37-13 56 4 20-4 30-18 43-20 19-41 36-65 50-36 20-73 37-111 54-58 26-122 37-181 70 1-28 14-46 33-62 23-21 51-35 79-47 63-27 125-56 184-91 9-5 18-11 26-17 13-10 17-24 11-40-5-14-16-22-29-28z m3-181c-23 26-45 52-59 84-5 11-9 23-8 36 1 9 4 13 14 7 9-6 18-12 28-16 15-8 33-1 43 14 9 15 6 31-9 42-16 10-32 20-49 29-23 13-48 7-65-13-11-14-19-29-24-46-10-40-6-80 7-120 2-6 6-8 10-10 27-16 53-34 78-53 38-29 71-61 100-103 7 23 2 43-6 62-14 33-36 61-60 87z m228 231c5-14 8-27 10-39 2-13 2-27 1-40-2-37-23-60-55-62-16-1-32 4-46 12-19 11-40 7-54-10-7-9-13-18-20-28 5-2 9-4 13-6 27-12 53-25 76-43 23-17 37-39 33-69-2-12-7-23-12-36 101 40 188 191 54 321z m8-162c-7 6-5 13 0 19 6 7 12 4 19-1 1 12-4 20-10 27-3 5-4 9 1 12 4 4 8 2 12-2 9-10 9-44 0-54-7-7-15-7-22-1z m-558 100c89 66 185 70 286 30 8-3 16-7 24-8 14-1 24 8 29 23 4 13 0 22-12 29-51 28-105 42-163 42-106-1-191-44-257-126-10-12-19-26-23-41-7-23 1-39 23-47 9-4 14-2 18 7 18 36 43 67 75 91z m-70-46c-9-11-14-24-16-42-4 19 3 32 11 44 66 94 156 135 270 124 38-4 73-16 105-35-22 7-43 15-66 20-123 22-224-15-304-111z m237 169c43 1 84-9 125-23l-11 6c-45 26-92 49-140 69-12 5-23 6-35 4-70-12-134-36-187-84-34-29-65-61-88-100-9-15-16-30-17-48-1-18 7-29 24-35 10-3 14-2 19 9 62 130 165 198 310 202z m-305-151c-11-16-14-26-18-48-4 21 4 37 14 53 50 85 124 139 220 162 31 7 63 9 96 7 5 0 11-2 17-2-47-1-93-8-138-24-80-28-143-78-191-148z m515 159c12-10 24-19 36-29 29-22 55-47 65-83 5-22 7-43-9-61-12-13-12-13 5-21 5-2 11-4 17-5 30-6 51 8 58 38 2 9 2 19 2 27 0 45-15 86-46 116-45 42-96 76-148 110-6 4-8 2-9-4-8-35 0-65 29-88z m-435-8c51 34 107 55 171 64-26 14-49 26-69 44-4 4-8 1-12 0-113-35-201-103-263-205-13-21-23-44-25-69-2-21 7-37 24-42 9-2 14-1 18 9 30 83 82 150 156 199z m-148-137c-11-18-20-35-19-56-7 13-2 26 3 38 12 32 30 62 52 89 57 72 130 118 219 140 2 1 5 1 8 0-3-2-6-3-9-4-60-21-114-51-161-94-37-33-68-71-93-113z m390 2c5-1 8-1 10 4 10 19 22 36 43 47-15 5-28 7-41 8-90 9-166-17-225-88-7-9-13-19-17-29-7-21 1-37 21-46 7-3 11-3 15 5 45 71 110 105 194 99z m-204-95c-4 16 3 29 11 41 27 36 62 58 104 71 31 10 63 11 95 4-36 0-70-5-104-18-29-12-55-28-78-49-14-14-26-29-28-49z m200 38c0 9 2 18 3 27 0 8 9 17 3 22-5 4-16 2-24 2-29 0-56-6-82-19-24-12-44-29-55-53-10-21-4-39 14-50 7-5 10-4 14 3 29 40 68 59 117 59 7 0 10 1 10 9z m-136-65c-3 12 1 23 9 34 22 30 55 42 91 46 8 0 16 0 25 0-52-13-105-21-125-80z m248 67c-8 5-17 9-27 15 0-18 7-32 15-45 19-32 43-61 71-86 20-18 39-36 60-55 4 20-2 37-11 52-26 48-64 86-108 119z m-121-18c-22 1-42-3-61-12-17-7-29-18-31-38-1-19 10-31 25-40-6 41 26 64 73 51-33-4-68-7-73-51 5-1 7 3 9 6 7 8 15 14 24 18 17 8 35 7 54 1-5 21-10 40-11 60 0 6-6 5-9 5z m299 65c1 5 3 9-5 13-17 5-24 28-12 41 8 9 1 14-3 18-6 7-11-1-14-4-8-7-10-17-11-25 0-27 13-46 34-50 6-1 9 0 11 7z m-50-2c0-16-5-29-8-43 11 8 23 8 36 11-10 10-19 20-28 32z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="paw" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe878;" d="M713 198c-41 29-66 64-78 112-16 63-78 107-143 106-67-1-122-45-139-109-12-43-29-81-71-105-49-28-64-78-65-116-1-97 39-151 110-161 36-5 71 6 104 20 50 21 99 22 147-4 8-4 16-7 23-10 41-17 79-12 115 14 71 51 109 176-3 253z m-31 275c62 70 81 152 48 242-26 72-95 85-149 31-46-46-63-104-65-167-1-27 4-53 14-77 31-73 99-88 152-29z m-357-7c50-47 111-35 141 26 13 28 18 57 17 87-1 66-20 126-70 172-49 46-110 34-140-27-11-21-16-44-17-67-4-73 14-139 69-191z m609 22c-10 47-49 72-96 64-83-16-164-123-162-214 0-5 0-10 1-15 9-69 52-100 114-80 91 28 164 153 143 245z m-611-157c0 82-38 148-104 196-24 18-52 30-83 26-49-5-76-45-73-118 9-73 46-144 128-185 74-37 132 6 132 81z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="penguin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe87a;" d="M692 510c-24 20-48 40-71 61-11 11-22 23-31 36-13 22-5 39 20 43 15 3 31 3 46 4 27 1 54 2 81 3-5 29-16 39-56 42-42 4-75 16-100 55-22 33-61 40-99 28-35-10-52-38-56-73-2-16-3-32-1-48 3-31-7-57-29-78-27-26-57-49-84-75-14-14-30-31-37-50-15-39-16-80-5-121 3-10 9-19 13-29l6-12c4 13 9 40 14 53 10 26 21 52 34 76 3 7 18 16 26 11 9-4 4-19 5-29 0-3-3-7-4-10-14-41-30-82-42-123-31-101-25-197 47-282 12-14 7-27-9-35-9-5-20-8-29-13-12-6-24-12-35-19l-17-9c30 0 81 1 112 0 15 0 25 5 35 17 7 9 20 17 31 19 23 3 47 4 70 0 15-2 29-13 43-21 8-5 15-17 23-17 33-2 74-1 107-1h16l-20 11c-17 8-32 17-49 23-33 13-38 24-15 51 46 55 61 120 57 190-4 64-19 126-42 186-4 10-9 20-10 31 0 8-2 22 6 26 8 5 21-2 27-8 10-11 18-24 23-38 7-20 9-42 14-62 2-6 5-22 8-28 5 5 14 21 14 26 4 39 8 78 7 117-1 30-21 53-44 72z m-150 232c10 0 18-8 18-17s-8-18-18-18-17 8-17 18 7 17 17 17z m84-650c-11-52-50-76-101-79-24-1-49 1-72 6-54 13-85 55-92 120-2 10-2 20-2 30 2 46 14 87 26 129 17 56 35 112 53 167 6 17 13 33 20 49 9 19 25 32 47 31 21-1 38-13 45-33 21-63 42-126 60-189 11-40 22-82 25-123 3-35-2-72-9-108z" />
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0-34 8-63 42-80 0 6-3 11-1 17 11-15 21-29 40-35-3 11-3 21 2 34 11-21 28-34 49-34 22-1 39 13 51 33 5-12 5-22 2-34 19 7 29 21 40 36 2-6-2-11-1-17 16 7 27 19 34 34 7 15 8 31 9 49 12-16 17-33 17-52 32 29 27 64 21 99 17-17 23-38 27-62 8 11 10 21 11 31 2 21 0 42-6 62-4 13-7 26 0 39 8-36 28-45 65-32-16 24-17 46-1 64 11-19 24-35 44-44 1 1 1 1 1 2l0 5c-5 34-1 67 13 99 3 8 6 11 14 3 15-16 33-19 55-14-24 22-36 48-43 77-2 9-1 11 8 8 14-4 29-6 41 6 4 3 6 5 0 9z m-52 3c-12 5-12 5-11-8 1-28 9-55 28-79-13 3-20 11-28 19-6 5-9 6-14-2-19-29-29-61-26-97-15 11-21 26-27 43-15-21-27-41-28-65-1-5 1-9 2-13 0-3 5-5 2-8-3-3-7-2-11-1-13 4-15 16-17 27-2 10-1 20-4 32-24-21-33-45-24-75 4-12 9-24 8-40-8 15-16 25-29 30-4 1-7 2-11 3-6 1-8 0-6-7 4-14 9-28 11-42 1-12 1-23-3-37-5 19-16 29-32 33-12 3-13 2-11-10 3-11 5-23 2-36-1-5-3-9-5-13-3-4-5-8-9-8-5 0-2 6-4 9-2 2-3 5-5 8-3 4-6 10-11 8-6-2-1-8-1-12 1-15-5-27-18-36-3 8-4 16-10 23-6 5-9 7-13-2-5-10-11-20-21-27-1-1-3-3-5-2-3 1-1 3-2 5 0 2 0 3 0 4-1 12-10 26-16 26-7 0-16-15-17-27 0-3 0-6 0-10-14 7-21 19-27 31-4 9-8 7-13 1-5-6-8-14-9-23-15 11-21 24-19 41 1 3 3 6 0 8-3 2-6-1-8-3-7-6-10-14-12-23-11 7-15 17-16 29-1 11 1 23 4 34 1 6-1 7-7 6-18-4-31-13-37-34-4 16-4 30-1 43 2 12 6 24 9 36 2 7 0 8-7 7-17-4-29-15-38-33-2 13 1 22 4 31 4 14 9 29 5 45-3 15-13 27-25 40-4-12-3-22-4-32-2-17-10-27-22-28-5-1-9-1-5 7 3 6 3 13 2 20-3 22-14 41-28 60-5-17-12-32-26-43-1 14 0 26-2 39-4 23-15 43-27 62-3 4-4 3-7 1-6-5-11-10-16-14-4-3-9-7-16-8 19 25 26 51 28 80 1 11 1 12-10 8-10-5-20-9-33-6 21 23 35 49 49 77-12-4-19-13-32-11 19 17 27 40 36 64-9-3-15-8-26-6 15 10 24 23 32 37 11 18 14 37 17 57 0 5 0 10 2 13 6 10 3 17-2 26-20 39-32 80-30 125 1 30 13 41 44 41 31 0 61-7 87-25 15-10 29-11 44 0 5 3 11 6 18 9-10 6-19 4-29 2 5 6 11 7 18 8 16 3 33 3 50 5 2 0 6-1 7 2 1 3-3 5-5 6-8 7-18 7-28 9 17 6 34 5 51 0 5-1 10-3 14-4 5-1 11-6 14-1 4 5-1 10-5 15-4 5-9 9-15 12 24-2 44-12 59-30 8-9 12-8 19 0 16 18 36 28 59 31-7-5-14-10-18-18-2-3-4-7-2-10 2-4 7-2 10-1 12 4 23 9 36 10 11 1 23 0 37-4-13-2-23-2-32-9-2-1-5-3-4-5 0-4 4-3 7-3 16-2 33-2 50-5 6-1 13-2 20-8-12 1-21 4-32-2 12-6 22-12 33-16 9-4 17 0 25 5 25 16 53 24 82 27 39 3 57-14 54-53-3-43-12-85-36-122-1-2-3-4-1-6 7-11 7-24 9-36 5-33 19-60 46-82-9-2-15 3-25 6 9-24 17-46 35-63-7-1-7-1-30 10 12-28 27-54 48-76-11-4-21 0-31 4z m-233-136c-19 1-36 4-53 12 1-7 8-11 11-17-12-2-21 1-30 6-17 9-28 23-38 39-5 9-3 16 3 22 1 3 4 4 6 7h-31c3-3 6-6 8-9 3-4 7-9 4-15-9-16-19-30-34-40-11-8-23-12-37-10 4 6 10 10 11 16-35-13-70-16-106 3 9-12 19-19 32-22 4-2 7-3 9-8 13-24 19-49 9-75-3-9-4-18-2-27 2-14 5-15 17-7 6 4 11 12 18 8 7-5 5-14 5-21 0-3-1-6-2-8-5-19 3-31 23-33 11-1 22 0 32 4 19 6 38 5 58-1 13-3 27-5 40-1 14 5 19 14 15 28-2 9-4 17-1 26 2 7 6 9 12 5 4-2 7-5 10-8 11-7 15-6 17 8 1 8 1 17-2 25-9 25-5 49 6 73 3 6 6 10 13 12 12 3 22 10 31 23-19-12-36-15-54-15z m-192-88c-14 17-20 37-22 58-1 1 0 4 1 4 10 1 17 10 29 10-11-24-8-48-8-72z m26-68c-5-2-9 1-10 6-4 13-5 25-1 39 5-11 11-22 17-33 2-5-1-10-6-12z m20-2c-5 0-8 2-9 6 0 4 3 6 6 6 5-1 7-4 8-8 0-3-3-4-5-4z m7 119c-5-1-6 3-7 8-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-3-8-9-14-7s-3 10-3 15c0 9 7 11 16 5 3-2 4-6 8-6 4 0 8-1 7-6 0-2-1-5-4-5z m20 5c-1-3-3-6-6-6-3 0-5 2-5 5 0 4 2 5 5 5 3 0 6 0 6-4z m12-6c-4 0-5 2-6 5-1 4 2 5 5 5 3 0 6-1 6-4 0-4-2-6-5-6z m21-118c-3 0-5 1-5 4 1 5 3 8 8 8 3 0 5-2 6-5-2-5-5-7-9-7z m1 126c-3-1-2-4-3-5-2-2-3-3-6-2-2 1-4 3-4 5 0 3 1 5 3 5 6 1 10 5 15 8 4 2 10 6 13 0 2-6 3-14-2-20-2-2-5-1-7 1-3 2-6 5-9 8z m28-119c-1-4-5-7-10-5-4 2-8 6-5 11 5 11 12 22 17 34 4-14 2-27-2-40z m39 120c-3-20-8-40-22-57-1 24 4 48-8 71 12 1 19-8 29-10 1 0 1-2 1-4z m-83 100l1-1h-1c0 1 0 1 0 1z m-16 453c6-8 10-15 16-21 17-20 41-25 66-27 19-2 38-4 57-9 16-5 31-12 43-25-22 9-45 16-70 17 22-11 43-24 59-44-38 22-78 32-122 30 17 8 35 8 53 5 0 5-4 4-6 5-23 9-47 12-71 6-9-2-20-7-20-16 0-11 11-14 20-16 19-4 37-4 56-4 13 0 26 1 38-5-14 0-27 1-41-7 30-16 61-29 73-63-10 10-21 19-34 25 0-6 5-10 3-16-27 32-62 40-102 37 34-13 64-27 89-56-15 6-28 11-42 16 2-7 7-12 4-19-9 7-18 16-28 21-13 6-26 12-38 0-3-2-4 0-6 1-10 9-20 7-31 2-13-5-23-15-34-24-3 7 1 12 4 18-15-3-27-10-43-15 25 29 56 43 89 55-32 7-65-4-102-35 0 5 3 9 5 15-15-6-26-14-35-25 2 13 11 25 29 38 13 10 27 17 44 25-15 8-28 7-44 6 10 5 19 6 27 6 23 1 45-1 67 4 7 2 15 4 20 9 5 5 5 9 0 14-5 6-13 9-20 11-25 4-48 0-71-9-1 0-2-2-5-4 20 2 38 3 55-5-22 0-42-1-63-6-21-5-40-13-59-24 16 20 37 32 58 44-25-2-49-8-72-19 15 15 34 24 56 29 14 3 30 5 45 6 36 3 66 14 83 49z m260-278c-4-14-4-28 0-42 3-8 5-17 5-27-10 8-14 3-19-4-4-8-9-16-12-25-4-10-10-13-20-10-9 3-16 8-22 14-8 8-11 7-16-2-5-10-7-20-10-31-4 17 0 44 9 58 6 9 14 8 21 3 8-5 12-2 17 4 10 13 17 26 15 44-2 13-1 27 2 40 2 11-1 20-6 30-9 15-17 32-19 50 0 5-1 10 2 15 4-8 8-17 12-25 6-12 15-21 29-26 17-5 22-14 19-31-1-12-4-23-7-35z m-519-44c4 16 4 31-1 47-3 12-6 25-7 38 0 11 4 20 15 23 25 7 36 27 44 49 1 2 1 3 3 6 3-14 0-26-3-37-4-12-10-23-16-34-4-7-6-14-5-22 3-19 3-38 3-56-1-11 12-34 21-38 3-1 6 1 9 3 14 7 22 3 27-12 6-15 8-31 5-48-3 9-5 18-9 27-6 12-8 13-18 4-7-6-13-11-22-14-10-3-16 0-19 11-2 11-11 19-17 29-4 6-9 4-14-3-1 11 1 19 4 27z m570 15l6-31c0-2 3-6-4-5-6 2-6-6-6-10-4-18-10-35-22-49 7 19 2 39 4 58 0 5-1 10-4 14-11 21-10 44-5 66 1 6 2 12 3 18 4 26-4 47-23 65-3 3-6 5-5 10 2 30-2 60-22 87 16-9 37-40 60-91-3-3-6 2-10 0 11-18 20-36 26-55 2-5 3-11 5-16 0-1 1-4-1-4-13 0-8-10-7-15 2-9 6-18 9-27 1-2 7-7-2-7-4 0-2-5-2-8z m-627-30c2 9 5 18 6 28 0 3 6 11-5 10-2 0 0 4 0 6 4 9 8 18 10 27 1 6 7 15-6 17-4 0-1 4-1 7 7 24 17 47 31 68-4 1-7-3-12-1 18 31 31 66 59 90-18-26-22-55-20-86 1-4-1-7-4-9-22-20-28-44-22-72 1-9 3-17 4-26 2-13 3-27-4-40-11-25-8-51-5-76 1-3 3-5 1-8-11 14-18 31-21 48-1 5 2 14-9 11-3-1-2 4-2 6z m236 93c-3 4-4 9-4 13 0 16-8 28-19 38-11 12-22 14-35 6-20-11-40-22-66-19 9-11 17-19 22-33 1 5 1 7 2 9 1 4 2 9 7 9 6 1 7-4 10-8 5-8 3-13-2-19-13-17-21-36-20-58 7 11 13 23 22 33 8 8 17 15 29 13 8-1 14-1 21 1 3 2 6 3 9-1 2-3 1-6-1-9-5-7-11-13-18-18-6-5-13-9-21-16 22 2 37 12 52 25-4-26-15-51 4-73-1 19 5 37 11 54 8 18 7 36-3 53z m-24-4c-5-3-10-4-17-4-12 0-23 5-31 16-7 12-2 26 11 30 17 5 41-5 49-20 3-7-2-18-12-22z m279 27c7-2 6-9 7-14 1 0 1-1 2-2 4 12 13 20 20 30-20 0-38 4-54 14-24 17-39 13-56-11-5-8-8-16-9-25 0-5 0-10-3-14-12-19-11-38-2-59 6-16 12-33 9-51 19 23 9 48 5 73 38-22 38-22 50-21-3 2-6 4-9 6-10 7-19 15-27 25-3 3-5 6-2 10 3 4 6 2 9 1 5-1 9-3 13-2 19 6 31-4 42-18 6-9 11-18 17-29 1 26-8 46-23 63-7 9 1 13 2 19 1 4 5 6 9 5z m-32-26c-15-9-35-7-45 5-6 7-7 14 1 21 9 8 19 17 30 17 15 0 25-7 28-16 3-9-3-20-14-27z m174-143c-13-20-3-41-6-62-4 8-7 15-18 14-13-2-24-7-32-18-4-6 1-11 4-16 4-8 10-14 11-24-23 10-23 10-28-10-5 11-11 7-20 6-16-2-28-9-42-14 2 2 4 3 5 5 7 7 6 13-3 17-7 4-16 4-26 5 12 6 21 4 31 2 15-5 30-6 44 2 4 3 11 5 11 11 0 6-5 8-9 11-10 6-21 12-30 18-14 10-23 22-21 40 4-2 4-7 6-11 9-14 28-24 46-21 11 2 13 5 12 16-3 16-2 27 3 41 3-8 3-15 4-22 6-30 13-33 37-14 8 7 15 15 21 24z m-480-97c-5 0-10-1-15-2-7-1-14-2-16-10-2-7 5-10 10-15-7 1-10 4-14 6-8 4-15 9-24 7-2-1-4 0-5 1-9 7-15 5-19-6-4 6-1 16-10 17-7 1-12-4-19-7 1 9 6 16 11 23 8 13 7 18-6 26-5 3-9 5-14 7-14 5-19 2-24-11-4 5-6 7-4 12 5 15 4 29-2 43-1 2-1 4-2 5 10-14 21-24 36-32 9-5 13-4 17 6 5 12 6 25 8 41 7-15 6-28 5-41-2-13 1-17 14-18 20-2 38 9 46 29 1 1 1 2 3 3 1-13-3-23-11-32-7-7-15-12-24-17-6-4-13-7-19-12-8-6-8-11 1-16 12-8 25-12 39-8 9 3 18 5 27 4 4 1 8 1 11-3z m143 282c-12 7-16 7-34 0 8 17 35 29 52 22 2 0 3-1 5-1 20 6 41-2 54-22-12 6-23 10-35 1 28-11 32-14 36-29-12 8-24 12-37 12-7-1-11-3-11-11-2-16-3-32-9-48-5 5-5 11-5 17-2 10-4 21-5 32 0 7-3 9-10 9-13 1-26-2-37-10 5 19 20 23 36 28z m5-248l0-1h0v1s0 0 0 0z m0 0c-17 5-33 11-48 21-18 11-21 25-9 44 3 5 6 11 9 16 3-2 2-4 2-5 0-15 2-22 18-22 14 0 26-3 38-11 4-2 7-2 11 0 12 8 25 10 38 12 17 2 17 2 18 20 1 1 0 3 3 4 5-8 12-16 14-26 4-12-2-24-14-32-15-9-31-16-48-21-4 14 6 22 15 30 6 6 13 7 21 8 3 1 7 0 7 4 1 3-2 6-5 8-3 2-7 2-11 2-12-2-23-6-34-11-6-3-11-3-18 0-11 5-22 10-34 11-7 0-15 0-16-8-1-8 8-6 12-6 20-4 33-20 31-38z m31 0c1 0 1 0 1 0l0-1c0 0-1 1-1 1z m-215 393c13 20 31 33 50 44 24 13 50 22 76 28 12 3 20 8 25 21 11-15 25-23 44-13-6-16-17-22-32-24-27-2-53-7-79-14-30-10-58-23-84-42z m204 79c20-7 28-5 45 13 4-13 14-18 27-21 31-7 61-18 88-36 14-9 26-20 37-37-4 3-6 4-8 6-42 30-89 44-140 50-6 1-13 2-20 3-13 2-23 8-29 22z m-322-67c0-2 0-4 0-6-8 12-7 53 0 67 3 4 7 6 12 7 29 7 85-16 102-41 3-5 5-9 5-17-16 16-33 27-53 33-37 12-61-4-66-43z m525 17c-2-2-5-4-8-6 0 10 5 16 11 22 25 24 55 36 90 36 14 0 18-4 21-18 5-20 4-39-1-61-2 10-2 18-4 25-7 25-28 36-55 31-21-5-38-15-54-29z m-127-417c20 20 22 43 9 68 10-2 13-8 15-15 3-8 5-17 7-25 2-7 6-11 14-9 9 2 13 7 10 16-4 15-6 31-6 47-1 17 8 35 23 42-5-10-11-19-12-30-1-15 3-29 7-43 1-7 4-13 5-20 3-12-4-22-16-21-19 1-37-4-56-10z m-159 0c-5 1-7 1-10 2-14 5-29 9-45 7-15-1-22 10-18 25 2 11 6 22 9 33 5 20 3 39-9 56 8-2 13-6 16-15 10-23 8-45 1-69-3-12-1-17 9-20 7-2 11 1 14 8 2 8 4 17 7 25 2 6 5 13 14 16-10-25-10-48 12-68z m389 378c0-23-8-43-21-63-11 26-26 45-42 65 14-9 27-20 39-32 14 20 13 48-2 65 15-3 25-16 26-35z m-599-63c-14 22-23 43-21 67 2 17 11 27 27 32-10-9-14-20-13-32 0-12 2-23 9-34 12 12 25 23 40 32-16-20-32-40-42-65z m114-284c6-12 13-25 24-33 8-6 17-12 27-2 2 1 3 1 4-1 10-12 25-15 39-18-13-6-27-4-41-2-11 2-22 5-32 10-18 10-22 28-21 46z m311-52c-18-5-37-9-56-3 15 4 29 7 39 19 2 2 3 2 5 0 7-8 15-4 23 1 13 8 21 21 28 38 1-32-10-47-39-55z m-54-27c25 0 47 8 69 21-7-20-15-26-34-25-12 1-24-3-35 4z m-235 21c23-13 45-21 73-19-7-6-12-6-17-6-10 0-19-1-29-1-11 1-17 6-27 26z m40 247c0-7-7-19-10-18-5 0-11 13-10 19 1 5 3 10 6 13 1 2 3 4 5 3 3-2 0-3-1-5-1-3 0-6 3-5 9 4 5-5 7-7z m247-3c-1-6-3-12-10-15-3-2-10 10-10 18 0 5 3 10 6 14 1 1 3 4 5 3 3-2 0-4-1-5-1-4 0-6 3-5 9 1 7-6 7-10z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="tiger" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe891;" d="M231 425c-8-17-12-35-16-54-4-20-6-41-11-61-6-23-15-44-30-62-26-31-70-30-94-9-9 8-15 19-17 32-1 5 0 9 2 13 1 3 4 4 7 4 3-1 4-3 5-6l1-6c6-24 33-35 55-23 13 6 19 18 24 30 12 24 15 51 19 77 4 31 7 62 15 92 10 35 31 62 65 77 22 9 43 20 67 24 15 2 31 0 46-1 28-2 54-11 81-16 18-3 36-3 54-5 22-1 43-5 64-9 9-2 17-3 25-4 12-1 22 3 31 8 15 8 30 13 46 13 6 0 13-1 19-3 12-3 23-1 35 3 13 6 27 10 41 16 13 6 27 5 40 8 7 1 14 3 22 2 2 0 3 1 4 3 1 3 2 6 4 8 5 9 14 10 21 3 5-4 8-8 10-15 1-6 4-10 9-13 14-9 24-22 33-35 6-8 8-17 8-26 0-7 2-13 7-19 7-9 11-19 14-30 2-5-2-10-6-13-5-3-7-9-12-12 0 0-1-2-1-3-2-8-6-13-14-14-10-2-18 0-25 8-4 4-7 7-11 11-6 4-9 4-15 0-7-5-15-7-24-9-13-2-27-2-38-12-7-6-12-12-15-21-9-24-13-50-22-74-9-26-16-52-20-79-3-18-1-36 11-52 7-9 16-11 26-12 9-1 17-1 25-6 5-3 8-7 10-12 2-5-1-10-6-12-12-6-25-7-38-8-10-1-19 1-28 6-10 4-18 11-28 15-8 2-12 9-14 16-5 27-15 53-23 79-2 7-4 13-6 21-5-15-16-25-22-37-6-13-5-27-3-40 1-6 7-7 13-8 5 0 11-1 15-4 7-3 8-7 3-13 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-4-2-9-8-10-9-1-19-5-29-2-3 1-6 2-9 3-13 2-18 6-19 19-1 10-3 18-7 26-4 8-5 16 0 24 8 12 9 26 10 39 0 9 0 18-1 26-1 4-2 7-6 7-11 0-20 4-28 9-15 9-31 10-47 6-27-7-53-3-79 5-9 4-20 6-30 7-10 1-16-2-21-11l-17-38c-7-15-17-28-25-41-4-7-7-13-9-20-4-11 0-20 7-29 10-12 23-21 39-24 9-1 16-6 21-13 6-6 5-11-3-14-1 0-2-1-2-1-6-7-13-6-20-5-1 0-2 0-3 0-9-5-19-3-29 0-1 0-3 1-4 2-11 12-25 20-34 33-7 9-14 19-22 28-5 5-7 13-5 21 4 16 7 33 4 51-1 4-2 4-5 2-26-12-40-33-42-61-1-14 3-18 15-23 7-3 14-7 19-14 5-9 3-13-6-15-1-1-1-1-2-1-4-7-10-5-16-5-8 1-15 1-22 2-5 1-10 4-13 8-2 5-6 10-9 14-7 8-7 18-6 27 2 14 1 29 1 43-1 9 4 18 11 24 9 9 15 19 20 30 6 15 8 30 9 46 1 24-4 48-11 71-3 7-3 15-5 23z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="turtle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe892;" d="M518 564c82 0 153-38 209-104 48-54 79-117 104-184 2-5 2-7-4-9-18-8-37-16-56-24-3-1-6-1-9 2-21 20-42 40-63 60-3 3-5 7-5 11 2 28 0 56 0 85 0 6 2 10 7 14 7 6 13 12 19 18 4 3 9 6 3 12-6 7-9-1-12-3-5-4-11-9-15-14-6-6-11-7-18 0-26 21-53 43-79 64-6 4-6 9-6 15 0 6 0 12 0 18 0 4-2 5-6 5-3 0-5-1-5-5 0-1 0-2 0-3 4-19-5-31-20-41-19-14-36-29-54-44-5-4-8-5-13 0-19 16-38 32-58 48-4 4-6 8-6 13 1 11 0 21 0 31 0 4 0 6-5 6s-6-3-6-6c0-11 0-21 0-32 0-5-1-9-6-12-25-19-49-39-74-58-5-5-8-3-12 1-10 13-22 26-32 38-3 4-6 6-11 2-5-4 0-6 2-9 13-16 27-31 40-47 4-4 6-8 6-14-1-21-1-42 0-63 0-5-2-9-6-12-12-10-24-21-36-32-4-4-7-3-11 1-27 25-54 51-81 76-3 3-6 5-3 10 19 31 35 65 65 89 51 43 110 71 174 88 26 6 51 9 83 9z m312-313c-11-37-22-73-33-109-2-4-4-6-9-6-37 0-73 0-109 0-9 0-9 3-6 9 4 8 10 14 17 20 3 3 7 6 13 10-28-5-54-9-80-11-51-5-103-6-154-2-44 3-86 9-128 19-6 1-9 0-11-5-6-12-12-23-18-34-2-5-5-6-10-6-29 0-59 0-88 0-6 0-8 1-7 8 2 21 14 38 32 49 9 5 6 9 0 13-19 17-41 27-64 36-30 13-60 24-90 34-19 6-28 24-19 41 11 20 28 36 49 46 17 9 36 6 54-1 25-10 45-26 64-45 32-30 62-61 93-92 5-4 9-7 15-9 72-26 147-36 223-31 92 5 179 27 262 65 1 1 2 1 4 1z m-683 93c1 8-3 12-13 13-11 1-22-9-23-19-1-9 5-17 14-18 9-1 21 12 22 24z m366 19c0 16 1 33 0 49 0 5 2 9 6 13 20 18 41 35 61 54 5 4 8 3 12-1 28-22 56-45 84-68 4-3 5-7 5-12 0-27 0-53 1-79 0-6-2-11-7-15-26-21-51-41-77-62-5-4-8-4-13 0-22 20-44 39-66 58-4 3-5 6-5 11 0 17 0 34-1 52z m-16-4c1-12-1-29-1-45 1-5-1-9-5-12-16-13-33-26-49-39-4-4-7-4-11 0-27 23-54 45-81 68-3 3-3 6-3 9 0 23 0 46 0 69 0 5 2 7 5 10 23 17 46 34 68 51 5 3 8 3 12-1 19-14 38-29 58-43 5-4 7-8 7-14-1-16 0-33 0-53z m29-156c-24-1-48 0-71 2-9 0-11 3-13 12-2 20 5 34 22 44 13 8 23 17 34 26 5 4 7 3 11 0 24-20 48-40 72-60 7-6 6-13 5-19-1-7-8-5-12-5-16 0-32 0-48 0z m-96 23c0-19 0-19-19-15-10 2-21 5-32 6-36 6-56 33-80 55-3 4-1 6 2 8 12 11 24 22 36 34 3 3 5 2 8-1 27-22 54-45 80-67 8-6 3-14 5-20z m169-10c-1 6 2 10 7 15 25 19 50 39 74 59 6 4 9 5 14 0 17-17 34-33 51-48 6-6 4-7-2-10-44-16-90-24-137-27-10 0-6 6-7 11z m235 82c32-10 60-19 87-29 7-3 18-6 16-14-1-9-12-8-20-8-28-3-56-6-83-16 11 21 10 43 0 67z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="whale" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe893;" d="M138 430c13 7 25 17 37 25 10 9 22 15 35 18 2 0 5-1 5 2 0 1-2 3-3 4-23 20-50 33-81 35-22 1-41-5-56-21-14-15-17-39-5-54 10-12 23-15 35-16 13 0 23 3 33 7z m636-213c1-11 8-16 18-20 14-7 30-7 46-7 20 0 22-3 14-22-3-5-6-11-9-16-10-14-22-27-36-38-35-26-74-39-118-28-31 8-52 29-71 53-44 57-87 115-145 159-22 17-44 31-69 42-39 17-80 30-122 34l-5 0c0 22-1 44 1 66 1 27 16 44 41 53 8 2 17 3 25 4 13 1 25 3 36 11 16 11 20 28 10 43-7 10-16 17-28 20-34 8-65-8-79-41-2-7-4-13-6-19-1 2-1 3 0 5 3 18 6 36 3 55-3 19-10 38-24 52-13 14-30 21-48 23-30 3-57-3-77-28-18-23-17-51 3-73 13-14 29-23 45-32 21-12 42-23 60-39 13-11 23-26 25-44 1-18 1-37 0-55-28 2-57 0-84-10-63-22-105-105-92-177 10-54 45-88 90-113 3-1 6-1 9-1 51-1 102-3 153-2 17 0 29 20 48 15 10-4-5-15-12-17-12-4-26-4-39-4-44 0-87 0-131 0l0-3c13-5 25-10 40-10 142 0 284 0 427 0 24 0 49 3 72 11 60 19 106 55 120 120 1 6 4 6 8 6 17-1 34-1 50 7 8 4 14 9 14 18-54-12-109-11-163 2z m-429-92c0-9-7-14-19-13 3 4 9 9 3 15-4 4-9 2-13-1 1 11 7 16 16 15 8 0 14-8 13-16z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="woodpecker" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe894;" d="M838 587c-51 0-102-5-153-6-6 0-10 2-14 6-6 10-15 19-24 27-66 55-150 13-167-52-1-4-2-9-3-15-3 2-5 3-8 5-124 78-250 154-376 229-4 2-8 3-10 7h-2c-1-22 3-42 10-62 23-68 60-127 107-181 25-30 54-56 88-77 11-6 22-11 35-12 9 0 18-2 27-3-17-1-34 0-51-2-48-4-84-25-106-68-16-33-19-69-18-105 1-45 10-88 20-131 20-80 50-156 80-233 0 0 0-2 2-1 0 1 1 3 1 5 6 37 12 74 18 111 1 6 1 12-1 18-5 15-10 31-14 46-4 14-7 29-9 43 11-24 20-48 32-73 5 15 7 30 12 43 8 18 5 33-6 48-7 10-12 21-15 33 10-15 21-28 33-41 3-4 5-4 7 1 6 13 13 26 23 38 3 5 2 7-2 10-10 8-20 17-30 25 13-5 25-12 37-18 3-1 5-3 8 0 13 13 27 25 43 36-41 7-81 10-119 27 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 4-1 37-10 74-15 112-8 92 18 166 104 170 199 1 21 10 38 26 51 14 13 31 21 49 27 65 21 132 31 200 39 21 3 42 5 63 7-27 7-54 8-81 7z m-232-26c-10 0-19 8-19 18 0 11 8 19 18 19 11 0 19-8 18-19 0-10-8-18-17-18z m-298 102c49-31 98-62 147-92 2-2 5-3 7-5l2 2c-45 75-104 137-163 201-1-31 0-62-1-94 0-6 3-9 8-12z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-acer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe896;" d="M998 459c-3 5-7 9-24 10-5 1-20 1-44 1-66 0-110-20-133-59 6 39-32 59-115 59-97 0-158-39-182-118-9-29-10-53-3-71l-23-2c-18-1-42-3-56-3-36 0-58 6-67 18-7 11-6 31 3 60 14 48 51 70 110 70 30 0 60-3 60-3 4 0 6 4 6 8l-1 4-2 17c-1 10-9 17-24 19-13 0-23 1-37 1h-1c-77 0-131-25-161-76 11 51-24 76-107 76-46 0-79-1-99-4-15-2-24-8-28-19l-6-21c-1-3 1-5 5-5h1c3 0 17 1 41 3 31 3 55 4 70 4 46 0 65-11 58-34-2-5-5-8-11-9-43-7-77-12-102-16-71-9-112-31-123-66-15-48 23-72 114-72 45 0 83 2 114 7 18 3 27 8 31 19l16 54c-1-54 36-81 114-81 33 0 65 1 80 4 16 3 23 6 27 18l3 17c17-26 53-38 109-38 59 0 93 1 103 5 8 2 13 6 15 12 0 1 0 2 1 4l7 23c1 4-1 5-6 5l-37-2c-26-1-45-2-60-2-26 0-45 2-55 6-15 6-22 17-21 34l119 15c54 7 90 24 108 50l-41-141c-1-3 0-5 1-6 2-2 4-3 8-3h49c9 0 12 4 13 8l44 152c6 20 24 30 56 30 29 0 51 0 65-1h1c3 0 8 1 10 8l8 21c2 4 1 7-1 10z m-796-183c-16-2-38-3-67-3-50 0-72 10-66 30 5 15 18 24 40 26l114 16-21-69z m528 124c-5-16-27-27-67-32l-95-14 2 8c8 26 19 43 34 52 14 10 38 14 70 14 43 0 62-9 56-28z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-blackberry" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8b1;" d="M48 529c12 57 24 113 37 173 57-2 114-1 170-6 32-2 58-20 65-55 8-34-6-69-35-89-23-16-49-23-76-23-53-1-106 0-161 0z m-11-91c57 0 112 2 167-1 38-2 63-26 69-57 7-36-7-73-40-90-22-11-47-20-71-21-53-3-107-1-162-1 12 57 25 114 37 170z m317-169c13 57 25 114 38 173 57-1 114-1 170-6 32-2 57-20 65-54 8-34-6-70-35-90-24-17-53-23-82-24-50-2-100-1-150-1-1 0-3 1-6 2z m48 260c12 57 24 113 37 171 10 0 20 1 30 0 46-1 93 0 140-4 32-2 58-19 66-54 8-35-7-70-37-91-22-15-48-22-74-22-53-1-106 0-162 0z m-98-530c12 56 24 112 37 171 11 0 23 0 34 0 38 0 75-1 113-1 9 0 19-2 28-4 29-7 53-21 60-53 7-33-2-63-28-86-19-16-43-26-68-27-58-2-116 0-176 0z m421 376c11 47 21 94 31 142 6 29 7 29 36 29 39 0 77 0 116-1 9 0 18-1 28-3 31-7 56-22 62-57 7-34-3-65-32-84-19-13-42-23-64-25-58-3-116-1-177-1z m-51-272c9 43 18 86 28 128 3 14 3 34 12 42 9 7 29 3 43 2 39 0 77 0 116-2 47-4 77-35 76-75-1-36-17-64-51-79-17-8-37-15-56-15-55-2-110-1-168-1z" />
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40 0 6 2 9 7 10 2 0 3 1 6 1s3 0 3 2c0 1-1 1-4 1z m54-143c10 0 23 1 32 8 14 10 19 21 19 35 0 16-8 31-33 45l-8 4c-17 10-21 16-21 25 0 12 13 19 27 19 12 0 18-5 21-8 4-5 5-11 5-13 0-2 1-3 2-3 2 0 3 2 3 6 0 15 0 20 0 22 0 2-1 2-2 3-5 1-15 3-28 3-26 0-48-15-48-38 0-16 7-29 30-42l11-7c17-10 19-18 19-26 0-13-10-24-26-24-12 0-27 5-31 19-1 3-2 7-2 9 0 2 0 3-2 3-1 0-2-2-2-4-1-3-1-15-1-25 0-4 0-5 3-7 9-3 20-4 32-4z m127 2c2 0 4 1 4 2 0 1-1 2-3 2-3 0-8 1-10 1-6 1-7 4-8 9-1 8-1 23-1 41v33c0 28 0 33 1 39 0 7 2 9 7 10 2 0 3 1 5 1s4 0 4 2c0 1-2 1-4 1-8 0-20 0-25 0-6 0-19 0-26 0-3 0-5 0-5-1 0-2 2-2 4-2 2 0 4 0 7-1 4-1 6-4 6-10 0-6 0-11 0-39v-33c0-18 0-33-1-41 0-5-1-8-5-9-2 0-4-1-7-1-2 0-3-1-3-2 0-1 1-2 4-2 7 0 20 1 25 1 5 0 18-1 31-1z m68 2c0 2-1 2-3 2-3 0-7 1-10 2-4 1-6 5-7 20l-2 76h1c4-3 24-26 45-46 20-20 44-43 56-54 2-2 5-4 8-4 2 0 3 2 3 6l2 118c1 10 2 13 7 15 3 1 4 1 6 1 3 0 4 1 4 2 0 1-2 1-5 1-9 0-16 0-19 0-4 0-14 0-24 0-3 0-5 0-5-1 0-1 1-2 3-2 3 0 7 0 10-1 5-2 7-5 7-17l2-83h-1c-3 3-28 29-42 42-28 28-57 57-59 60-3 3-6 6-8 6-2 0-4-3-4-7l-1-110c-1-16-1-21-6-23-3 0-6-1-9-1-2 0-3-1-3-2 0-1 2-2 4-2 10 0 19 1 21 1 4 0 13-1 25-1 3 0 4 1 4 2z m223 3c1 4 3 16 3 20 0 2 0 5-2 5-1 0-2-1-2-3-2-8-4-12-9-14-5-2-13-2-18-2-19 0-25 3-26 15 0 6 0 22 0 28v15c0 1 0 2 1 2 5 0 27 0 30-1 8-1 10-3 11-7 1-3 1-5 1-7 0-1 0-1 2-1 1 0 2 2 2 4 0 1 0 9 1 12 1 10 1 13 1 14 0 1-1 2-1 2-1 0-2-1-4-3-1-2-4-2-9-2-4-1-29-1-33-1-2 0-2 1-2 2v46c0 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 26 0 30-1 9-1 11-3 12-7 2-2 2-5 2-6 0-2 0-3 1-3 2 0 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 11 2 13 0 8 1 10 1 12 0 0 0 1-1 1-1 0-2 0-3-1-2 0-5 0-8-1-4 0-47 0-53 0-6 0-18 1-28 1-3 0-4-1-4-2 0-1 1-2 3-2 3 0 6 0 8-1 6-2 8-3 8-10 0-6 0-11 0-39v-33c0-17 0-32-1-40 0-5-1-9-5-10-2 0-4 0-7 0-3 0-3-2-3-2 0-2 1-2 3-2 4 0 9 0 14 0 4 0 9 0 11 0 6 0 13 0 22 0 10-1 21-1 36-1 7 0 9 0 10 5z m110 36c0 16-8 31-34 45l-7 4c-18 10-21 16-21 25 0 12 13 19 26 19 13 0 19-5 22-8 4-5 5-11 5-13 0-2 1-3 2-3 1 0 2 2 2 6 0 15 1 20 1 22 0 2-1 2-3 3-5 1-14 3-27 3-27 0-49-15-49-38 0-16 8-29 31-42l11-7c17-10 19-18 19-26 0-13-10-24-27-24-12 0-26 5-30 19-2 3-2 7-2 9 0 2 0 3-2 3-2 0-3-2-3-4 0-3-1-15-1-25 0-4 1-5 4-7 8-3 20-4 31-4 11 0 23 1 32 7 14 11 20 22 20 36z m26-38c8-4 20-5 31-5 11 0 23 1 32 8 14 10 20 21 20 35 0 16-8 31-34 45l-7 4c-18 10-21 16-21 25 0 12 13 19 26 19 13 0 19-5 22-8 4-5 5-11 5-13 0-2 1-3 2-3 1 0 2 2 2 6 0 15 1 20 1 22 0 2-1 2-3 3-5 1-14 3-27 3-27 0-49-15-49-38 0-16 8-29 31-42l11-7c17-10 19-18 19-26 0-13-10-24-27-24-12 0-26 5-30 19-2 3-2 7-2 9 0 2 0 3-2 3-2 0-3-2-3-4 0-3-1-15-1-25 0-4 1-5 4-6z m-817-233c-3 0-8 1-11 1-7 1-8 5-9 11-1 9-1 27-1 48v39c0 33 0 39 1 46 0 8 2 11 8 12 2 1 4 1 6 1 3 0 4 1 4 2 0 2-2 2-5 2-8 0-21-1-26-1-7 0-21 1-29 1-3 0-5 0-5-2 0-1 1-2 3-2 3 0 6 0 8-1 5-1 7-5 8-12 0-7 0-13 0-46v-39c0-21 0-39-1-48-1-6-2-10-7-11-2 0-4-1-7-1-3 0-4 0-4-2 0-1 2-2 4-2 9 0 23 1 28 1 6 0 20-1 34-1 3 0 4 1 4 2 1 2 0 2-3 2z m189 137c-10 0-17 0-19 0-4 0-15 0-25 0-3 0-5 0-5-1 0-2 1-2 4-2 2 0 7 0 10-2 4-1 6-5 6-16l2-83h-1c-2 3-28 29-41 42-28 27-57 57-60 59-3 4-6 7-8 7-2 0-3-3-3-7l-2-110c0-16-1-21-6-23-3-1-6-1-9-1-2 0-3-1-3-2 0-2 2-2 5-2 9 0 19 1 20 1 4 0 13-1 25-1 3 0 5 1 5 2 0 1-1 2-4 2-3 0-6 0-10 2-3 1-6 5-6 20l-2 76h0c4-4 24-26 45-46 21-20 45-43 57-54 2-2 4-4 8-4 1 0 3 2 3 6l2 117c0 11 2 14 7 16 2 0 4 0 6 0 2 0 3 1 3 2 0 2-2 2-4 2z m95-55l-8 4c-17 10-20 16-20 25 0 12 12 19 26 19 13 0 19-5 22-8 4-5 5-11 5-13 0-2 0-3 2-3 1 0 2 2 2 6 0 15 1 20 1 22 0 2-1 2-3 3-5 1-15 3-27 3-27 0-49-15-49-38 0-16 7-29 30-42l11-7c18-10 20-18 20-26 0-13-11-24-27-24-12 0-27 5-31 19-1 3-2 7-2 9 0 2 0 3-2 3-1 0-2-2-2-4 0-3-1-15-1-25 0-4 1-5 4-7 8-3 20-4 31-4 10 0 23 1 32 7 14 10 19 21 19 35 0 17-8 32-33 46z m128-82c-2 0-7 1-10 1-5 1-7 4-7 9-1 8-1 23-1 41v32c0 29 0 34 0 40 1 6 2 9 7 10 3 0 4 1 6 1s3 0 3 2c0 1-1 1-4 1-7 0-20 0-24 0-6 0-19 0-26 0-3 0-5 0-5-1 0-2 1-2 3-2 3 0 5-1 7-1 4-2 6-4 7-10 0-6 0-11 0-40v-32c0-18 0-33-1-41-1-5-2-8-6-9-1 0-3-1-6-1-3 0-3-1-3-2 0-1 1-2 3-2 8 0 21 1 25 1 6 0 19-1 32-1 2 0 3 1 3 2 0 1 0 2-3 2z m99 137c-12 0-26 0-32 0-5 0-17 0-28 0-2 0-4 0-4-1 0-2 1-2 3-2 3 0 6-1 8-1 6-2 8-4 8-10 1-6 1-11 1-40v-33c0-17 0-31-1-39-1-6-2-9-6-10-2-1-4-1-7-1-2 0-3-1-3-2 0-1 1-2 4-2 4 0 9 0 13 1 5 0 9 0 11 0 5 0 12-1 20-1 7-1 16-1 23-1 35 0 56 13 64 21 11 11 21 29 21 52 0 22-8 38-18 48-21 21-53 21-77 21z m51-120c-11-9-24-12-42-12-15 0-23 3-25 7-2 2-2 8-2 13 0 4-1 18-1 38v23c0 15 0 30 1 37 0 2 0 3 2 3 1 1 8 2 12 2 15 0 36-2 54-18 8-8 18-23 18-47 0-19-4-35-17-46z m174 9c-1 0-2-1-2-3-1-8-4-12-8-14-5-2-13-2-19-2-19 0-25 3-26 15 0 6 0 22 0 28v15c0 1 1 2 1 2 5 0 27-1 31-1 7-1 9-4 10-7 1-3 1-5 1-7 0-1 0-2 2-2 2 0 2 3 2 5 0 1 0 8 1 12 1 10 1 13 1 14 0 1 0 2-1 2-1 0-2-1-3-3-2-2-5-2-10-2-4-1-29-1-33-1-1 0-2 1-2 2v46c0 1 1 2 2 2 4 0 27 0 30-1 10-1 11-3 13-7 1-2 1-5 1-7 0-1 0-2 1-2 2 0 2 2 3 3 0 2 1 10 1 12 0 9 1 11 1 12 0 1 0 2-1 2-1 0-2 0-3-1-2 0-5-1-8-1-4 0-47 0-53 0-5 0-18 1-28 1-2 0-4-1-4-2 0-1 1-2 3-2 3 0 6 0 8-1 6-2 8-4 8-10 0-6 0-11 0-39v-33c0-17 0-32 0-40-1-5-2-9-6-10-2 0-4 0-7 0-2 0-3-2-3-2 0-2 1-2 4-2 4 0 8 0 13 0 5 0 9 0 11 0 6 0 13 0 22 0 10-1 21-1 36-1 7 0 9 0 10 5 1 4 3 16 3 20 0 2 0 5-2 5z m183-26c-2 0-3 0-5 1-3 0-10 1-21 12-11 12-25 29-42 50 19 15 27 27 27 41 0 12-8 22-14 25-10 7-24 8-36 8-6 0-24 0-30 0-4 0-17 0-27 0-2 0-4 0-4-2 0-1 1-2 3-2 3 0 6 0 8 0 6-2 8-4 8-10 0-6 0-12 0-40v-33c0-17 0-31 0-39-1-6-2-9-6-10-2-1-4-1-7-1-2 0-3-1-3-2 0-1 1-2 4-2 7 0 20 1 23 1 3 0 19-1 30-1 3 0 4 1 4 2 0 1-1 2-2 2-3 0-7 0-10 1-5 1-6 4-7 10-1 8-1 22-1 39v3c0 1 1 1 1 1l18 0c1 0 2 0 3-1 3-3 11-16 18-26 11-14 18-23 27-27 5-3 10-4 21-4h18c3 0 4 1 4 2 0 1-1 2-2 2z m-78 67c-3-2-6-3-14-3-4 0-10 0-14 2-2 0-2 1-2 3v55c0 2 0 3 2 3 2 0 6 1 11 1 12 0 30-7 30-33 0-16-7-24-13-28z" />
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15z m167 176h-31l-15-28h29l17 28z m441 49c-13-7-24-12-37-16-13-3-27-5-41-4l-27-32c3 0 5-1 6-1 4 0 8 0 13 0 9 0 19 1 29 4 20 5 42 16 60 31 9 8 16 16 22 23 6 8 11 16 14 24-13-11-27-22-39-29z m-35-199c-5-8-11-15-15-20-5-6-8-9-11-12-3-3-5-5-7-6-1-1-3-2-4-3-2-1-4-2-6-1-2 0-2 2-2 4 0 0 0-1 3 5 2 5 6 13 11 21l52 89h-26l-8-8c-4 3-7 5-9 6-3 1-4 1-6 2-1 0-3 0-5 0-9 0-17-3-26-8-3-2-6-4-9-7-4-2-8-6-12-10-5-4-10-9-19-21-10-12-23-30-33-42-9-13-14-20-18-24-4-4-6-6-8-7-1-1-3-2-4-2-1-1-2-1-4-1-2 0-5 4-5 6-1 5-1 7 1 14 1 4 3 10 5 18 3 8 6 17 10 27 19 13 39 27 53 39 15 12 26 23 36 35 11 13 22 27 32 43l-12-2c-8-10-16-21-26-32-10-11-21-22-33-33-12-11-26-21-39-31 8 17 18 33 27 49 10 16 20 31 31 45 10 15 20 28 29 38 9 11 17 20 23 26 7 6 12 10 16 13 4 3 7 4 9 5 2 1 3 2 5 2 1 0 1-1 2-1 3-3 2-4 2-7 0 0 0-1-2-4-1-3-3-9-5-14l10 1c2 4 4 7 5 9 1 2 2 3 2 5 0 1 1 3 1 4 0 5-1 10-6 15-1 1-2 2-4 2-6 2-10 1-17-1-4-1-9-3-15-6s-13-8-22-15c-8-7-18-15-29-27-11-12-24-26-37-43-13-17-26-37-38-57-12-19-23-40-34-61h-14c3 6 6 12 7 16 2 5 3 7 3 10 2 7 2 15 0 21-1 2-2 4-3 5-5 6-9 7-15 7-2 0-5-1-8-1-3-1-6-2-10-4-5-2-9-5-14-8-5-4-11-9-17-15-6-5-13-12-19-20-12-15-22-32-28-44-3-7-5-13-6-18-1-5-2-9-2-13-1-3-1-7 0-10 0-2 1-5 2-7s3-5 5-6c1-2 3-3 6-4 2-1 5-1 7-1 6 0 11 1 18 4 3 2 7 5 11 8 5 3 10 7 15 13 6 6 12 13 20 23 7 10 15 22 23 34h14c-5-12-9-24-12-32-2-8-3-11-3-14-1-6-2-12-2-17 1-2 1-4 2-6 0-2 1-4 2-6 1-1 3-2 4-4 2-1 4-2 6-2 2-1 4-1 6-1 8 0 15 2 24 9 4 2 8 5 13 10 4 4 10 10 15 16 0-4 0-7 0-11 0-3 0-5 0-7 1-2 1-4 2-5 0-2 1-3 1-4 1-2 3-3 4-5 3-1 5-2 9-2 2 0 4 0 6 1 4 0 7 2 12 5 3 1 5 3 9 6 4 4 9 8 13 13 0-3 0-7 0-9 0-3 0-5 1-6 0-2 0-3 1-4 1-3 4-6 6-6 8-3 14-1 23 3 3 2 7 4 11 8 4 3 9 7 14 13 5 5 11 12 17 21 7 9 13 19 19 30l-7-1z m-230-9c-4-5-8-10-12-15-4-4-7-8-10-11-3-3-6-5-8-7-2-1-4-2-5-2-2-1-2-1-3-1-3 0-6 1-9 5 0 1-1 2-2 3-1 3-1 6-1 10 1 3 1 6 2 9 1 3 2 7 4 10 5 12 14 25 27 36 2-2 3-5 6-8 1-1 2-2 4-4 2-1 4-2 7-4 3-1 7-3 11-4-4-6-7-11-11-17z m24 54c0-2 0-3-1-5 0-2 0-4-2-8-2-3-4-9-7-15-4 1-7 3-9 4-2 1-3 2-5 3-1 1-2 2-2 2-2 2-3 4-3 6-3 9-2 19 10 27 3 2 6 3 9 3 3 0 5-1 8-3 2-2 2-5 3-8 0-2-1-4-1-6z m138-61c-3-5-7-11-10-15-4-4-6-6-8-8-2-2-4-3-6-4-3-1-7-1-9 1-2 2-2 4-2 8 0 1 0 3 1 6 1 2 1 5 2 8 2 3 3 7 5 11 2 4 5 8 8 13s7 11 11 17c5 6 10 12 15 17 5 5 9 10 13 13 4 3 7 6 10 7 2 2 4 3 5 3s3 1 4 1c1 0 3 0 4-1 2-2 1-4 0-6 0-2-1-4-2-6-1-2-3-5-4-8l-37-57z m-231 50c1 7 2 13 3 19 0 4 0 9-1 12-1 2-1 3-2 4-2 3-4 4-7 6-1 0-3 1-5 1-2 1-4 1-7 1-2 0-5-1-8-1-12-2-24-9-37-23-4-4-7-8-10-13-4-5-7-10-10-16-3-6-5-13-8-20-2-7-4-14-6-21 7 6 14 11 19 15 5 3 8 5 12 7 4 2 9 5 14 7 2 8 4 16 8 23 1 3 3 6 4 9 2 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 8 7 11 9 6 2 11 3 15-2 2-2 3-4 3-7 0-9-2-18-6-28-2-4-4-9-6-14-3-5-6-10-10-15-7-10-17-21-29-30-10-9-22-15-29-18-4-1-7-1-10-1-2 0-5 0-7 1-5 1-10 5-14 9-2 3-3 5-5 8-2 6-3 12-2 17 1 7 2 13 6 24 5 11 11 27 20 45 10 17 21 37 32 54 11 17 22 31 31 43 10 12 18 21 26 28 8 8 14 14 20 18 7 5 12 8 17 11 5 3 9 5 13 6 11 5 21 5 31 5-8-5-16-11-24-17-14-11-25-23-32-33-4-6-6-10-9-15-2-4-3-9-4-13-2-4-2-7-3-10 0-3 0-5 0-7 1-2 1-4 2-5 0-2 1-3 2-4 1-1 2-2 4-3 1-1 2-1 4-2 2 0 4 0 6 0 5 0 9 1 15 3 3 2 6 3 9 6 4 2 7 5 11 9 4 4 8 8 12 13s7 11 10 16c6 10 10 20 12 29 1 5 2 8 2 12 0 1 0 2 0 4s0 5 0 7c0 2 0 3 0 5 10 0 20-1 29-4 8-2 17-6 29-13 11-8 27-19 42-32l28 30c-9 8-19 15-28 21-8 5-15 9-22 12-6 3-12 4-18 6-8 1-14 2-23 1-4-1-7-1-13-3-6-2-16-5-25-8-5 3-10 6-14 8-4 2-6 2-9 3-9 1-18 0-29-3-9-3-19-7-31-13-11-6-25-15-39-25-14-10-28-23-41-36-14-13-26-27-36-40-10-13-18-26-25-38-7-12-13-23-17-34-4-11-7-20-10-29-2-10-3-18-4-25-1-7 0-12 0-17 1-5 2-10 4-14s4-9 7-13c4-4 7-7 11-10 5-3 9-5 14-6 10-3 20-3 31 0 6 2 13 5 20 9 15 8 32 21 45 36 13 14 22 30 28 44 4 6 6 13 8 19z m77 170c-1-6-2-11-4-18-1-6-4-14-7-21s-6-13-9-18c-3-6-5-10-8-13-7-9-13-14-19-17-6-3-12-3-17 0-1 1-3 3-3 5-1 6 0 12 3 19 1 3 3 6 5 9 2 3 4 7 8 11 3 4 7 9 12 14 5 5 12 11 18 15 7 5 14 10 21 14z m-279-155c-5-6-7-8-9-10-2-2-3-3-4-3-2-2-5-2-7-2-1 0-3 1-3 3 1 1 0 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 5 10s8 15 13 25l44 75h-28l-5-7c-4 2-8 4-11 6-3 1-4 1-6 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-7 0-13-2-21-7-3-2-7-4-11-7-4-4-9-8-19-19-10-11-25-29-36-43-12-15-22-26-29-33-6-7-10-10-14-13-3-2-5-4-8-5-2-1-4-2-6-2-5-1-10-1-13 2-2 1-3 3-3 5-1 5 0 10 1 15 0 3 2 6 3 10 2 4 4 9 6 14 3 5 6 11 11 17 8 13 20 27 29 36 5 5 9 8 12 10 3 2 5 3 7 4 1 0 2 1 3 1 2 0 3-1 5-2 1-1 1-2 2-4 0-2 0-3 0-5-3 0-6-1-8-1-2-1-3-2-5-2-1-1-2-2-3-2-6-5-7-11-7-15 0-2 2-4 3-5 5-5 12-2 18 6 1 1 3 3 4 5 3 5 6 11 7 15 1 8 1 17-8 23-3 2-6 3-10 3-2 0-5 0-8-1-3 0-6-1-9-3-4-1-7-3-14-8-7-6-18-15-26-22-8-7-14-11-19-15-5-3-9-5-14-7-4-1-8-2-12-3 3 5 5 10 6 15 2 5 3 9 4 12 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 4 0 8-1 12-1 1-1 3-2 4-2 3-5 5-7 6-7 3-12 2-19 0-4 0-8-2-13-4-4-3-10-6-15-10-6-4-12-9-18-15-7-6-13-13-18-20-11-14-20-29-25-41-2-6-4-11-6-16-1-5-2-10-2-13 0-4 0-7 0-9 0-3 1-5 2-7s1-4 2-5c1-2 3-3 4-4 2-2 4-2 6-3 2-1 5-1 7-1s6 0 9 1c3 1 6 2 10 4 3 1 7 3 11 6 4 3 9 7 14 12 5 6 12 12 19 22 8 10 17 23 26 36l21 5c-6-11-12-23-15-30-4-8-5-11-6-15-2-11-3-22 2-30 2-3 4-5 6-7 3-2 5-4 9-5 3-1 7-1 10-1 10 0 19 2 30 9 4 3 9 6 15 11 6 6 13 14 21 22-1-7-1-14-1-19s0-7 0-8c1-2 1-3 1-4 1-1 1-2 2-3 2-3 4-4 6-5 8-2 14-1 22 3 3 1 6 3 10 6 4 3 9 7 14 12 0-3 0-6 0-8 0-2 0-3 0-4 1-2 1-3 2-5 3-3 6-4 10-4 1-1 3-1 5-1 7 0 15 3 24 9 5 3 10 7 15 13 6 5 12 12 18 21 7 8 13 19 19 30l-5 1c-8-11-16-21-22-27z m-248 1c-5-7-8-10-10-12-2-2-4-3-5-4-1-1-3-2-4-2-6-3-12-3-16 3-1 2-2 5-1 8 0 2 0 5 1 8s3 7 6 13c3 5 6 11 11 19 5 7 11 14 17 22 3-4 6-8 9-10 2-3 4-4 6-6s7-3 11-4c-10-14-19-27-25-35z m39 70c0-2 0-4-1-6 0-2-1-3-2-7-2-3-4-8-6-12-3 1-6 2-9 3-2 1-3 2-5 3-1 1-2 2-3 3-1 1-1 2-2 3-4 7-4 15 4 22 1 1 2 2 4 3 1 1 3 2 4 3 5 1 9 3 13 0 4-5 3-10 3-15z m160-63c-3-4-5-8-8-11-2-3-4-5-6-7-1-2-3-3-4-4-2-2-4-3-6-3-2-1-6-1-8 2-2 3-2 5-2 8 0 1 0 3 1 5 1 3 2 6 3 10 2 3 4 8 8 14 3 5 7 12 13 19 5 7 11 15 16 21 6 6 11 11 15 15 3 4 6 6 9 7 2 2 3 2 4 3 3 1 5 1 7 0 3-2 2-6 1-9 0 0 0-1-2-4-1-3-4-7-7-12l-34-54z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-dove" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8c9;" d="M838 501c-23-10-43-28-63-44-16-14-29-31-44-46-6-6-14-10-22-15-2 12-1 20 2 27 25 80-36 177-135 180-66 3-125-16-185-38-56-20-111-43-168-59-66-18-134-33-205-31 26-19 52-37 81-50 78-38 164-41 249-44 29-1 45-12 45-29 0-19-16-28-47-28-82 1-158 25-232 56-37 16-73 34-114 53 6-11 10-18 14-24 33-54 77-96 126-134 100-75 212-126 330-163 107-33 208-14 291 63 34 32 61 73 88 112 42 58 77 121 151 146-47 78-93 97-162 68z m59-52c-11 0-19 8-19 19s8 19 19 19 19-9 19-19-8-19-19-19z" />
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5-3 7-3v-3l-22 0v3c2 0 4 0 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 5l1 18c-1 2 0 4-1 5-2 1-4 1-6 1v3m15-4v-12c2 0 4 0 5 1 3 2 3 7 1 9-2 2-4 2-6 2z m-101 4h21l0-3c-2-1-5 0-6-2-1-4-1-7-1-11 0-4 0-9 0-14 1-3 5-2 7-3 0-1 0-2 0-2-8-1-15 0-22 0v2c2 1 4 1 6 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 0 6 0 12 0 18 0 2 0 3-1 5-2 1-4 1-6 1l1 3z m309-3c2 1 4 3 6 4l1 0 12-29c0-2 1-3 2-4 1-1 2-1 4-2v-2c-7 0-13 0-19 0v2c2 1 3 1 5 2-1 3-2 6-3 9h-10c-1-3-3-6-2-9 2-1 4-1 6-2v-2c-6 0-12 0-17 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 4 1 5 3 3 8 7 17 10 25 1 1 0 2 0 3m-1-15h7l-3 8c-2-3-3-6-4-8z m-391 20h2l11-29c0-1 1-3 2-4 1-1 2-1 4-2l0-2c-6-1-12 0-19 0v2c2 1 4 1 5 2-1 3-2 6-3 9-3 0-7 0-10 0-1-3-3-6-1-9 1-1 3-1 5-2v-2h-17v2c2 1 4 1 5 3l10 25c1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 5 4m-3-12c-1-2-2-5-3-7 2-1 4-1 6 0-1 2-2 5-3 7h0z m359 72l90 93c6-7 12-13 18-20-25-27-51-53-77-79l5-1c0-2 0-4 0-6-16 0-32 0-48 1 4 4 8 8 12 12z m221 115c34 0 68 0 102 0 14 0 28 0 43-2 11-2 22-5 32-10 9-5 17-11 24-19 7-8 11-18 13-28 1-11-1-22-6-31-5-9-12-15-20-21-11-7-23-12-35-14-13-3-27-3-40-3-31 0-63 0-94 0 0 2 0 3 0 5 2 1 6 2 5 5 0 31 0 62 0 93 11 0 22 0 32 0l0-82c19 0 38 0 56 0 12 0 25 1 36 4 9 3 18 8 24 16 9 10 11 25 5 37-4 10-13 17-22 22-12 5-25 6-37 6-38 0-76 0-113 1 0 4 0 9 0 13l-5 3 0 5z m-128-19c6 7 13 13 19 20l122-129-48 0c0 2 0 4 0 6 2 0 4 0 5 0-12 14-25 27-37 40-1 1-1 2-3 2-19 0-39 0-58 0-3 0-5-2-8-3-2 1-3 2-5 3l15 16c1 1 3 3 5 5 10 0 21 0 32 0-8 8-16 16-24 24-5 6-10 11-15 16z m-237 20c15 0 29 0 43 0v-5c-2-2-4-2-5-4-1-19 0-38 0-57 5 7 10 14 16 20 12 1 24 0 36 0 15 0 31 0 47 0-1 12 0 25 0 37l-6 3v5c14 0 29 0 43 0 0-2 0-3 0-5-2-1-4-2-5-3-1-1 0-2 0-3 0-23 0-47 0-70-11-11-22-23-33-34l1 48c-12 1-24 0-36 1-17-1-34 0-51 0-4-1-7-4-10-5-1 0-2 0-2 1 0-17 0-33 0-49l5-4v-5c-14 0-29 0-43 1 0 1 0 3 0 4 2 2 5 3 5 6 0 36 0 73 0 110-1 1-3 2-5 3v5z m-52 0c14 0 29 0 43 0 0-2 0-3 0-5-2-2-6-2-5-6 0-36 0-73 0-109l5-3v-5c-15 0-29 0-43 0v5c2 1 4 2 5 4 1 16 0 32 1 48 0 21 0 42 0 62-2 2-4 3-6 4l0 5z m-220-24c7 8 13 16 20 24 64 0 129 0 194 0-7-8-14-17-21-25-1-2-4-1-6-1l0 4c-15 1-29 0-44 0h-22c0-32 0-65 0-98 2-1 3-2 5-3v-5l-43 0v5c2 1 4 2 6 4 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 30 0 61 0 91l-71 1c-5 0-8-4-12-5-2 1-4 1-6 2z m-82 22c11 3 22 2 34 3l58-1-22-25c-2 0-3 0-5 0 0 1 0 2 0 3-1 1-3 1-4 1-10 0-19 0-28 0-7-1-13 0-20-1-13-2-26-6-35-15-8-8-13-19-11-30 5 6 9 14 14 20l55 0c13 0 25 0 38 0 14 0 28 0 42 0l-21-26c-2 0-4 0-6 0l1 4c-3 1-6 1-9 1l-114 0c1-9 5-18 12-23 9-8 21-12 32-13 16-3 32-2 49-2 21 0 43 0 65 0 4 0 6 3 10 4 2 0 5 0 8 0-8-8-15-17-22-26-24 0-48 0-72 0-16 0-31 0-47 2-12 2-25 6-36 12-9 5-18 11-24 19-12 17-12 42 0 59 6 9 14 16 23 22 11 6 22 11 35 12z m167 208c4-3 8-8 11-12 4-3 7-8 12-9 1-3 1-5-1-7-2-2-5-3-6-5-1-2-1-5-1-7h103c3 0 7 0 10-3 3-2 4-6 4-10 0-2-1-4-1-6v-60c0-2 1-4-1-6-4-9-13-14-22-15-9-2-18-1-26 4-4 2-7 6-9 11 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 9 0 14-24 0-48 0-72 0v20h84c1-9 0-17 1-26 2-5 6-8 11-9 3 0 7 0 10 2 3 2 4 6 4 9l0 47c0 5-5 7-9 7l-102 0c0 19 0 39 0 58z m326 11l14 14c5-5 10-9 15-15-5-4-10-9-15-14-5 4-9 9-14 13 0 1-1 2 0 2z m-18 14c1 1 2 0 2-1 4-4 9-9 14-13-2-2-4-4-6-6-3-3-6-6-9-9l-1 0c-5 5-9 10-14 15 5 4 10 9 14 14z m67 13c1 0 2 1 3 0 5-7 11-14 17-19 2-2 5-3 5-6 1-3-3-5-5-7-4-2-4-7-4-10 0-23 0-47 0-70 7-7 14-14 21-22 7 7 14 14 21 21 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 21 1 43 0 64 0 4 1 8-1 12-2 3-6 3-7 7 0 2-1 4 1 5 3 2 6 5 9 8 4 5 8 9 12 14 0 0 1 0 2 0 0-40 0-80 0-120-5-6-11-12-17-18-2-3-5-6-8-9 7-7 14-13 21-20-11-11-22-22-33-33l-33 33c7 7 14 13 21 20-8 9-17 16-25 25 0 1 0 3 0 4l0 118m23-167c5-5 10-10 14-15 5 5 10 10 15 15l-15 14c-5-4-9-9-14-14z m79 173c4-7 9-12 14-16 5-4 9-8 15-11 2-1 1-4 1-5-2-4-6-4-9-7-2-3-2-8-2-12 0-33 0-67 0-101-6 0-13 0-19 0v105l0 47z m-317-18c6 5 12 10 16 17 0-33 0-65 0-98 0-11 0-22 0-34 37 0 74 0 112 0 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 4-3 8-7 10-5 3-12 3-19 3-11 0-23 0-34 0-2 0-5 0-7 1-5 1-7 6-8 10-1 4-1 8 1 11 1 2 3 3 4 4 3-5 9-6 14-7 14-1 29 0 44 0 9 0 18-3 24-10 7-8 9-20 8-31h30c0 13 0 27-1 40 0 3-1 6-3 8-3 1-6 2-7 5 0 2-1 5 2 5 4 2 7 5 11 8 6 6 12 12 16 19 0-35 0-69 0-104-16 0-32 0-49 0 0-5 1-11 3-16 1-2 3-4 4-5-4-3-9-5-14-4-4 1-8 3-10 7-3 6-3 12-2 18-44 0-87 0-130 0-1 35 0 70-1 105 0 3-1 6-3 8-2 2-6 2-8 5 0 2-1 6 2 6 4 3 8 6 12 10z" />
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0 1 0c229 104 465 104 694-2l0 0c0 0 0-1 0-2 0-3-3-177-4-190z m-117-55c-2-4-3-10-7-16-5-8-13-18-16-18-2 0-3 5-3 5s-3 7 2 17c3 7 5 9 9 14 3 5 6 8 8 13 3 5 3 6 5 13 0 2-1 5-2 5-3 0-9-14-16-21-6-7-18-17-18-17s-1 0-1 2c0 2-1 8 1 13 1 5 3 11 7 19 6 10 13 16 16 20 2 1 6 4 4 5-2 1-8-4-13-7-5-4-7-6-13-13-6-6-8-9-8-9s-5-9-6-18c-2-9-2-13-2-13s0-8 1-13c0-5 2-12 2-12s3-9 4-14c1-5 3-20 3-20s2-11 1-22c-1-10-2-16-3-19-1-3-5-12-10-17-5-6-5-7-5-7s-6-4-10-6c-4-3-11-6-14-6-2-1-6-1-7-1l-3 0c-1 0-1 0-2 1 0 0 0 2 0 2s-3 11-6 19c-3 6-9 14-9 14s-10 14-18 22c-9 9-20 16-26 21-2 2-8 5-8 5s-21 21-28 37c-5 12-9 20-8 33 1 3 2 8 2 8 1 0 4-1 4-1 1 0 4-3 7-4 2-1 5-1 5-1s3 0 4-1c1 0 4-1 6-2 2-1 4-3 4-3s5-3 5-3c1-1 5-5 5-5s3-2 4-2c1 0 1-1 2-1h1s1 1 1 2c0 1-1 0-4 3-3 3-4 5-4 5s-1 2-3 5c-2 2-5 4-5 4s-2 2-5 3c-3 0-4 1-4 2 0 1 4 0 4 0s4 0 7-2c4-2 6-4 6-4l2-1 2-2 1-1s2-1 2 1c0 2 0 3 0 3s-2 2-2 2l-6 5c-1 1-2 3-4 4-2 1-4 3-8 4-2 1-4 1-7 2-2 1-4 2-5 3 0 1-2 2 1 1 3 0 4-1 7-2 5-1 8-1 12-3 2 0 4-2 4-2l6-2s7-4 12-4c6 0 10 1 12 2 1 0 5 2 5 3 1 1 2 2 2 2s0 0 0 1c0 0 0 1 0 1-1 2-4-3-9-4-5-1-5-1-8-1-3 1-5 2-8 4-4 4-6 8-12 11-3 1-7 3-7 3s-7 1-10 4c-3 1-8 2-6 4 0 1 7-3 12-3 4-1 7-1 10 0 3 0 7 0 7 0 1 1 3 0 5 0 2 0 3-1 5-2 2-1 4-2 5-2 0 0 1 0 1 0s1 0 1 0l0 1 0 1-1 0-2 2s-3 1-5 3c-2 3-4 5-8 6-3 1-7 2-7 2l-4 0-1 0s-3 1-1 2c2 0 3 1 4 1 0 0 4 0 6-1 3 0 7-2 7-2 0-1 4-3 7-4 4-1 9-1 9-1s2 0 2 0c1 0 1 1 1 1s1 0 1 0c0 1 0 2 0 2s0 1-2 1c-2 1-5 1-8 4l-6 4s-2 2-6 3c-5 1-6 2-6 2l-2 0-3 1s-1 1-2 3c-1 1-3 4 2 2 4-2 6-2 6-2s2-3 4-3c2 0 3-1 4 0 1 2-3 4-6 6-2 1-4 5-4 5s-2 1 1 0c2 0 7-3 7-3s2-1 3-1c1-1 3-2 4-2 1-1 4-1 6-2 2-2 3-4 4-5 1-1 2-2 4-2 1-1 2-1 3-1 1 1 1 1 1 1s0 1-1 2l-4 3 0 1-1 1-1 2-3 4s-4 6-7 7c-4 2-6 3-6 3s-2 1-3 2c-1 1-2 2-3 3-1 2-2 3-4 5-3 3-13 5-9 7 2 1 5 1 6 0 1 0 4-1 6-2l5-1c2 0 4-1 5-1 0-1 1-2 2-2 0 0 2-4 7-6 4-2 5-3 10-4 3 0 8 1 8 1s1 1 0 2c-1 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-8 1-11 5-2 1-2 2-3 4-1 2-1 3-2 4 0 2-2 4-2 4s-4 5-9 8c-5 2-8 5-9 5-1 1-2 3-2 3s-2 2-2 3c0 0-1 1-1 1 0 4 5-1 9-2 5-1 7-3 13-5 2-1 4-1 7-2 5-2 6-7 12-8 3 0 8-1 7 1-1 3-7 3-10 7l-2 4c-3 3-8 6-8 6s-2 1-4 5c-2 4-6 7-13 11-6 2-16 3-12 6 3 1 5 1 8 0 3-1 4-2 7-4 2-1 3-1 4-1 0-1 3-2 3-2 1 0 5-1 6-1 1 0 6-1 6-1l5-2s2-1 4-1c1 0 3 1 3 1l2 1 0 1s1 1-1 1c-2 1-3 1-3 1-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-1 1s-4 3-8 4c-3 2-4 2-4 2s-1 0-2 1c0 0-1 0-1 0s-2 0-4 2c-2 2-3 3-5 5l-3 3s-2 1-2 3c0 2 5-3 5-3l4-2s2-2 8-2c5 0 11 1 11 1s1 1 4 0 5-3 5-3l2-1s4-4 4-4 0 0 1 0c0 0 1 2-1 5l-7 6s-6 3-12 5l-8 1s-4 0-7 3c-2 3-4 5-4 5l-2 2s-2 1-4 3c-3 1-6 2-6 2s-4 2-5 4c0 3 7 0 12-1 4-1 6-3 10-3 3-1 5-1 9-1 2 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 4 1 6 0 3 0 4-2 7-3 1-1 2-2 4-2 2 0 5-1 5 0 0 1-1 1-1 1-1 2-3 3-5 4-4 3-5 5-10 7-2 2-4 2-7 3-3 0-4 0-7 0-2 1-3 2-5 4-5 2-7 4-11 6-3 1-8 2-8 2l-2 0s0 1-1 1c-4 1 7 4 13 6 2 0 3 1 6 1 2-1 5-4 7-2 4 2-4 7-7 8-3 1-9 0-9 0l-13 1-4 0s-2 0-4 2c-2 2-8 10-16 11-8 1-10 0-11 1-6 10-13 12-18 17-2 2-4 5-5 5 0-1-1-5-3-9-1-4 0-6 1-8 1-1 2-3-1-4-2-2-6-2-6-2s-3 1-6 2l-8 4s-5 1-9 1c-3 0-3 0-6-1-1 0-2 0-3 0-1-1-3 0-3-1 0-1 3-2 5-2 2-1 7-1 6-2-1-1-6-2-6-1 0 0-3 0-5 0-4 0-4 0-10-3 0 0 0-2 1-2 2 1 5 2 8 1 4 0 6-1 9-2 3 0 4-1 8-2 1 0 2 1 2 0 0-1-1-1-1-1s-3-1-2-2c0-1 3 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-5-2-8-3-7-3-10-6-17-10-7-3-17-7-17-7s-4-2-8-3c-5-1-5-1-8-1-4 0-5-1-8-2-1-1-2-2-4-3l-4-6-2-4c-1-1-1-2-2-3 0-1-1-2-1-3-1-4 0-6 1-9 0-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 2-2 2-2l1-1s4 1 7 1c2 1 6 2 6 2s4 1 4 1c1 0 4 1 4 1s2 0 2-1c0-1-1-2-1-2s-1-1-3-1c-1-1-5-2-5-2 0 0-4-1-4-1l-2-1s-1 0-1-1c-1-1-1-1-1-1 1-1 1-1 2-2 1-1 1-1 3-2 2 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 5 0 7 1 2 2 3 2 6 3 1 0 3 1 4 1 5 0 8-1 14-2l13-3c6-1 9-3 15-1 3 0 5 1 6-1 2-3 2-4 2-4s0-2-3-7l-8-19-4-9s-4-7-12-16c-8-9-8-9-8-9s-4-3-9-9c-4-5-4-7-8-11-3-3-4-4-7-6-4-2-7-2-17-8-9-6-13-11-14-11-1 0-4 3-5 3-1 1-17 12-17 12l-7 5-3 2-1 0-2 3s-2 3-5 5-7 6-12 7c-5 1-8 2-13 0-3 0-5-2-7-4-3-3-4-5-6-9-3-3-5-6-6-8-1-2-4-6-4-6s-5-10-9-16l-8-17c-6-10-13-20-15-25-2-4-3-5-3-5s0-3 0-4c-1-2-1-5-1-6 0-1-1-3-1-3s-4-7-5-11c-1-5-4-18 0-20 3-2 26 8 29 18 2 7-6 10-4 15 1 2 2 3 3 5 2 3 1 11 6 18 3 6 9 12 18 22 5 6 11 16 11 16s1 4 3 3c3-1 5 0 5 0s1-1 1-1c0-1 2-3 2-3l4-5s6-8 7-11c2-2 5-3 7-6 3-3 4-4 8-7 6-5 4-7-3-3-3 2-7 3-10 4-3 1-17 4-23 5-7 1-7 1-7 1s-4 0-7-2l-6-4s-4-5-5-6c0-1-2-4-2-4s-1-2-2-4c0-2 0-4 0-4l0-5 1-4s0-10 3-20c0-3 1-8 1-8l1-10s1-11 2-14c1-4 1-4 2-7 1-4-1-6 1-11 2-5 4-5 6-8 1-2 2-2 3-6 1-2 5-12 9-19 5-7 11-16 15-15 4 1 7 7 7 7s5 12 2 24c-3 13-17 7-18 16 0 2 0 5 0 5s-1 4-1 5c-1 1-5 10-7 17-1 5-1 23-2 28-4 12-4 11-2 13 2 3 4 2 4 2s2 0 2 0c0 0 2-1 2-1s2-1 4-2l5-4 9-7s6-3 8-4c3-1 5-2 5-2l2-2 5-3s0-1 1-1c0-1 0-1 0-1s2-5 11-10c7-4 13-3 16-6 0-1 5-7 7-11 3-5 7-10 8-12 1-2 8-11 8-11l10-10 12-11 11-10 7-6s7-6 14-11c7-4 7-5 12-8 3-2 8-5 12-9 5-3 10-10 8-13-1-1-4 3-9 7-4 4-6 6-10 9-5 4-8 6-14 9-3 2-8 5-8 5-2-7-2-12-1-20 0-5 1-10 2-17 2-6 3-9 6-15l6-16 7-13 6-10 3-6 1-1s2-4 0-6-3-7-6-7-8-1-8-1l-34 0-18 2s-2 1-13 1c-6 0-11-3-14-3-3 0-17 1-26-3-9-4-14-5-17-10-2-4 12-11 23-14 18-4 13 4 20 9 1 0 1 1 2 1 5 2 7-2 12-2 5 0 8 2 13 2 26 4 67-8 67-8s10-4 15-3c5 2 4 3 6 7 1 2 1 3 1 6 0 1 0 2-1 4-1 5-4 12-4 12s-2 5-3 7c-1 4-2 6-3 10-1 11-1 10-1 16 0 11 1 17 4 28 4 15 12 22 18 37 2 4 2 10 4 10 2 0 2-7 1-11-4-15-13-22-17-37-3-12-5-19-4-31 0-7 3-17 3-17s3-11 5-16l5-11 8-14 4-7s3-2 1-7c-1-4-4-6-7-10-10-12-33-29-39-33-8-6-7-8-8-10-3-9-12-9-23-20-2-2-8-9-7-14 1-2 26-6 40 0 11 5 2 10 5 16 2 4 8 4 10 7 5 6 2 5 6 10 12 15 20 24 42 37 2 1 6 3 6 3s3 1 4 3c2 3 1 5 1 7 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 3 0 5-1 3-3 6-4 7-1 2-3 4-4 10-2 5-2 10 0 16l8 11 13 9s11 8 15 11c3 3 11 10 16 17 6 8 9 14 12 24 1 3 1 9 1 9s0 4 2 4c3 1 3 0 3 0s2-1 3-7c0-6-2-12-2-12s-2-7-2-11c0-3 0-4 0-7 0-5 2-9 2-9s1 0 1 2c0 2 0 5 1 9 1 3 2 2 3 7 2 7 0 6 2 10 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 0 2-2 2-2s2-8 1-15c-2-7-7-16-7-16l-4-7s-3-5-4-8c-1-4-2-5-1-8 1-3 4-8 5-7 1 0-2 3 2 10 3 7 8 12 8 12s6 7 9 13c3 5 5 13 5 13s2 8 2 14c-1 6-2 9-2 9s-2 4-2 5-2 3-2 3c0 1 0 2 1 2 1 1 3-1 4-3 2-2 4-5 5-9 1-3 1-6 1-8 0-2-1-12 3-18 1-3 5-10 5-7 0 7-2 10-2 16 0 7 2 5 2 9 1 3 2 4 1 9l-2 11s-2 4-2 5c0 0-1 1-1 1s1 1 1 1c1 0 7 3 7 3s9 4 13 6c3 3 8 8 8 8s6 7 8 12c7 13 7 30 7 37 0 7-2 17-2 17s-2 11-2 19c1 7 1 11 1 11s0 7 6 15c7 8 9 14 11 19 0 6-2 14-5 11z m-176 102c-2 0-4 2-4 2s-1 1 1 2c1 1 4 0 4 0s0 0 1 0c1-1 3-3 3-4 0-2-4 0-5 0z m1 12c-2 0-5 2-5 2s-1 1 1 2l5 1s1 0 1-1 4-3 4-5c0-2-4 0-6 1z m2 13c-3 0-6 3-6 3s-1 1 1 2c3 1 6 1 6 1s1-1 2-1c1-1 3-4 4-6 0-2-5 1-7 1z m-2 53c-1 1-4 2-4 2s0 1 1 2c2 1 4 0 4 0s1 0 2 0 3-3 3-4c0-1-4 0-6 0z m7-13c0-1-4 1-6 1-2 0-4 2-4 2s-1 1 1 2l4 0s1 0 2 0c0-1 2-3 3-5z m-9-21c2 1 5 1 5 1s1-1 1-1 4-4 4-5c0-2-4 0-6 1l-5 2s-1 1 1 2z m4 10c-2 0-5 2-5 2s0 1 1 2c2 2 5 1 5 1s1 0 2-1c1-1 3-3 3-5 0-1-4 0-6 1z m4 43c2-1 3-2 1-2-1 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-3 1-6-1-3-2-1-1-6-3l-3 3s0 1 1 3 3 1 5 1c4 0 7 0 10-1z m-17 17c2 1 4 1 4 1s1 0 1-1c1 0 3-3 3-4 0-1-3 0-5 1-2 0-4 2-4 2s0 1 1 1z m-125-35l-2-1c-2-2-3-4-4-4-1 1-1 4-1 4s1 3 2 5l3 3c2 0 5-2 5-4s-2-2-3-3z m24-9s-1 0-2 2c0 2 2 2 2 2s3 2 3 0c0-2-3-4-3-4z m31 40s-4-7-9-9c-5-2-9-3-19-4-1 0-1 1-1 1s12 3 18 6c4 2 8 5 9 6 4 3 2 0 2 0z m42-39c1 2 0-2 0-2s0-4-2-5c-3-1-9-3-10-2 0 1 8 3 12 9z m-18 44s1 0 3-1c2-1 3-5 3-5s0-1-1-1c-1 0-1 2-2 3-1 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-4 0-4 2 0 1 4 1 4 1z m-13-10s1 2 3 3l6 2s1 0 4-2c2-1 3-6 3-6s1-3-1-4c-1-2-3 1-5 2-1 2-2 2-4 3-2 1-5-2-6 0 0 1 0 2 0 2z m-1-40c-2 0 0 2 0 2s5 2 8 4c5 2 15 13 12 8-1-3-4-6-4-6s-4-6-5-6c-4-3-9-1-11-2z m26-58c-8-15-20-25-20-25-4-4-1 2-1 2s11 15 16 26c4 8 6 18 8 20 4 5 2-15-3-23z m10 55s-1-4-3-5c-3-1-14-1-14 0-1 1 12 2 17 7 1 1 0-2 0-2z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-gizmodo" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8dd;" d="M178 422c-4 0-8-2-10-4-3-3-4-8-4-13v-110c0-5 1-9 4-12 2-3 6-5 10-5 4 0 8 2 10 5 3 2 4 7 4 13v109c0 5-1 10-4 13s-6 4-10 4z m750 0c-39 0-71-32-71-72s32-72 71-72c40 0 72 33 72 72s-32 72-72 72z m0-115c-23 0-42 20-42 43 0 24 19 43 42 43s43-19 43-43c0-24-19-43-43-43z m-322 115c-39 0-71-32-71-72s32-72 71-72c40 0 72 33 72 72s-32 72-72 72z m0-115c-23 0-42 20-42 43 0 24 19 43 42 43 24 0 43-19 43-43s-19-43-43-43z m158 115l-2 0-36 0c-6 0-11-2-13-4-3-3-4-8-4-14v-108c0-6 1-11 4-13 2-3 7-5 13-5l36 0c1 0 1 0 2 0 23 1 43 12 56 30 9 12 14 26 14 42v0c0 16-5 31-14 42-13 18-33 29-56 30z m41-72c0-9-3-17-8-24-7-10-17-17-30-18-3-1-7-1-11-1h-19v86h19c4 0 8-1 11-1 12-1 23-8 30-18 5-7 8-15 8-24z m-311 71c-5 2-11 0-14-5l-43-66-43 66c-3 5-9 7-14 5-5-1-9-6-9-12v-117c0-7 6-13 12-13 7 0 13 6 13 13v75l30-47 1 0v0l0 0c0 0 0-1 0-1l1 0 0-1 1 0 0 0 1-1 0 0c0 0 1-1 1-1l0 0c0 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 2-1 4-1 0 0 0 0 0 0h1c0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0l0 0c0 0 0 1 1 1l0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0c0 1 0 1 0 1l0 0c1 1 1 1 1 1l0 0v0l0 1 31 46v-75c0-7 5-13 12-13 7 0 13 6 13 13v117c0 6-4 11-9 12z m-165-113h-66l74 86c4 5 5 15 1 19-5 5-10 6-15 6h-84c-7 0-13-5-13-12 0-7 6-13 13-13h62l-76-89c-4-5-4-11-2-16 2-5 8-8 13-8h93c7 0 12 6 12 14 0 7-5 13-12 13z m-212 54h-34c-8 0-14-7-14-14s6-14 14-14h20v-20c-6-4-16-8-31-8-27 0-41 23-41 43 0 34 24 46 41 46 19 0 33-10 34-10 6-4 14-2 18 4 4 6 3 15-3 19-1 0-21 14-49 14-28 0-72-20-72-73 0-17 7-35 19-48 13-15 32-23 52-23 26 0 46 11 55 20 3 2 4 6 4 9v41c0 7-6 14-13 14z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-hi5" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e3;" d="M965 410l9 176h-336l-50-273 1 0c-4-8-7-18-9-27v-44h33v-64c34-37 92-64 172-64 127 0 215 80 215 194 0 36-12 73-35 102z m-176-252c-103 0-165 52-165 104 0 35 24 67 66 67 30 0 45-20 45-43 0-12-5-17-5-27 0-14 6-23 29-23 33 0 49 34 49 68 0 31-12 53-38 53-19 0-28-7-32-19l-96 12 36 192h254l-5-96h-169l-9-51c11 17 45 31 90 31 80 0 121-61 121-118 0-83-60-150-171-150z m-166 128v273h-184v-84h-62v-163h34v-26h-34v-163h279v163h-33z m-141 230h98v-65h-98v65z m131-349h-192v75h33v114h-33v75h159v-189h33v-75z m-192 0v75h33v44h-34v64c0 74-51 130-120 130-20 0-38-4-54-10v116h-246v-163h33v-137h-33v-162h454v43l-33 0z m-11 0h-173v75h14v74c0 23-1 44-14 44-13 0-26-16-35-50v-68h15v-75h-173v75h32v225h-32v75h158v-168c17 32 52 63 98 63 44 0 77-38 77-87v-108h33v-75z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="brand-honda" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e4;" d="M506-57c-71 2-135 4-199 7-47 2-94 8-140 21-62 17-103 56-123 118-12 37-19 74-25 112-14 97-21 195-18 293 0 37 1 73 10 109 17 67 60 107 125 126 35 10 71 15 107 18 106 10 212 12 319 10 75-1 150-4 225-13 31-4 62-9 91-20 63-22 100-66 113-131 8-40 8-80 9-121 1-87-5-173-17-259-6-42-14-83-26-122-22-67-67-108-134-123-35-7-71-14-107-16-72-5-145-7-210-9z m0 34c61 2 128 4 195 9 33 2 66 7 98 14 52 12 89 43 107 94 8 26 16 53 21 80 16 91 23 183 22 276 0 46-1 92-10 137-11 56-44 93-99 110-20 6-41 10-61 13-75 11-150 14-225 15-97 2-194 0-291-10-31-3-61-8-92-15-61-15-100-53-110-116-6-36-8-73-10-109-3-84 3-167 14-249 5-40 12-80 24-119 19-59 58-96 119-108 37-7 75-13 113-15 59-4 119-5 185-7z m-260 33c-15 226-31 449-46 674 17 1 32 3 48 4 22 1 22 1 27-21 22-97 45-195 69-292 5-21 13-42 22-61 17-37 47-57 86-60 31-2 62-2 93 0 46 3 79 28 94 71 13 38 24 77 34 116 19 80 37 160 55 241 1 5 3 7 9 7 18-2 36-3 54-4 3-1 5-1 9-2-15-224-30-447-46-671-9-1-16-3-23-3l-71-4c-5 0-8 1-9 7-10 37-21 74-31 110-3 10-7 19-11 28-11 24-29 37-56 41-37 5-74 5-110-1-24-4-42-16-50-38-11-30-21-61-31-91-5-17-8-34-13-50-1-3-4-6-6-6-31 2-63 3-97 5z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-htc" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e7;" d="M658 394c-1-42-2-75-3-109-2-29-4-59-6-88-1-23-3-46-5-68-2-25-5-49-7-74-2-18-4-36-7-55-3-25-11-50-28-70-11-13-25-21-40-27-26-10-52-15-80-15-39 0-77-2-115-1-27 0-54 4-80 12-28 9-48 25-61 52-11 24-19 50-24 76-5 31-8 62-7 94 0 2 1 4 3 6 45 51 91 101 137 152 9 11 19 21 26 33 14 23 14 45 3 69-6 12-15 21-24 31-35 40-70 80-105 121-14 16-28 32-42 48-2 3-3 6-3 9 0 13-1 26 0 40 1 18 2 35 5 53 2 20 7 40 15 60 10 25 28 42 53 52 15 6 30 9 45 10 13 1 27 3 40 4 19 2 38 3 57 4 31 1 61-2 92-5 10-1 19-1 29-2 23-2 45-7 65-21 15-10 24-25 32-41 11-24 18-49 20-75 3-26 6-53 8-79 1-26 3-51 4-77 2-42 3-85 3-119z m81-46c1 61 7 113 22 163 2 7 4 15 7 21 9 22 27 30 49 25 11-3 19-8 27-16 23-22 46-43 68-65 26-26 50-52 71-82 6-9 11-18 15-27 5-14 0-27-4-40-6-16-16-29-27-41-26-28-51-57-78-84-21-22-43-42-67-59-1 0-1-1-2-1-14-11-25-10-39 2-12 10-18 23-22 38-8 36-15 73-17 110-2 22-2 43-3 56z m-739 0c1 61 7 113 22 163 2 7 4 15 7 21 9 22 27 30 49 25 11-3 20-8 28-16 22-22 45-43 67-65 26-26 50-52 71-82 6-9 11-18 15-27 5-14 1-27-4-40-6-16-15-29-27-41-26-28-51-57-78-84-21-22-43-42-67-59-1 0-1-1-2-1-14-11-25-10-39 2-12 10-18 23-21 38-9 36-16 73-18 110-2 22-2 43-3 56z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="brand-huawei" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e8;" d="M569 145s-2-2 0-4c0 0 2-1 4 0 44 21 225 114 301 187 0 0 47 38 50 100 4 85-80 164-80 164s-159-191-276-447h1z m-451-28c29-13 58-14 58-14 5-1 181 0 228 0 2 0 3 3 3 3 2 2-1 4-1 4-133 90-392 229-392 229-24-73 8-132 8-132 33-69 96-90 96-90z m8 211c76-73 258-167 301-188 0 0 3 0 4 1 0 0 2 1 1 4-116 254-275 447-275 447s-87-83-81-165c4-62 50-99 50-99z m400-159c0-3 3-3 3-3 2-1 4 2 4 2 29 42 160 237 187 356 0 0 15 58 0 97 0 0-19 73-100 93 0 0-23 6-48 9 0 0-90-116-47-554h1z m-60-1s2-3 4-2c0 0 3 0 3 3h1c43 438-47 554-47 554-24-3-48-9-48-9-81-20-99-93-99-93-15-39 0-97 0-97 26-119 157-314 186-356z m-67-87l-304-10c33-59 88-105 146-91 40 10 131 73 160 95 3 2 2 4 2 4-1 2-4 2-4 2z m590 160c3 9 4 18 5 27 0 9 2 19 0 29 0 6-1 13-2 20-2 7-3 17-7 22h0c-19-10-38-20-56-31-24-13-48-26-71-39-40-22-80-45-119-69-15-7-29-17-43-25-8-6-35-22-41-25-10-8-22-13-31-20-11-5-20-14-30-19-5-6 2-8 7-7h236c40 6 78 23 106 53 11 11 21 25 29 39 8 14 14 29 17 45z m-84-171l-305 11s-2 0-3-2c0 0 0-4 1-4 29-22 118-83 160-95 0 0 79-27 147 90z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-myspace" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe911;" d="M728 517c-92 0-167 74-167 166 0 92 75 167 167 167s167-75 167-167c0-92-75-166-167-166z m-137-161c0 92-75 167-167 167s-167-75-167-167c0-4 0-7 1-11h-1v-289h334v289h0c0 4 0 7 0 11z m-167 189c68 0 123 55 123 122s-55 122-123 122-122-54-122-122c0-67 55-122 122-122z m532-286c0 126-102 227-228 227s-228-101-228-227c0-5 1-10 1-15h-1v-394h456v394h-1c0 5 1 10 1 15z m-775 282c-75 0-136-61-136-136 0-4 0-7 0-10h0v-236h273v236h-1c1 4 1 7 1 10 0 75-61 136-137 136z m0 18c56 0 100 45 100 100s-44 100-100 100c-55 0-100-45-100-100s45-100 100-100z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-nasa" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe913;" d="M819 569c-1 1-2 2-2 3-18 28-40 54-64 78-37 36-79 64-127 84-47 20-95 30-146 32-2 0-4 1-6 1h-20c-1 0-2 0-3 0-24-1-47-4-71-9-46-9-89-25-129-50-53-31-96-72-131-122-36-52-59-109-68-171-5-29-7-58-5-87 2-21 4-42 8-63 2-6 1-6-4-9-16-8-32-17-48-26-1 0-2-1-3-2 5-3 9-2 13 0 9 6 18 11 28 15 5 3 11 6 17 9 10-39 24-76 44-111 20-34 45-65 74-93-2-1-3-2-4-3-18-17-36-33-54-49-5-4-4-9-4-14 22 21 44 41 67 61 1-1 2-2 3-3 32-29 67-52 106-70 46-20 93-33 143-36l16-1h27c8 0 17 1 25 2 38 3 74 11 110 24 85 33 153 88 203 165 52 80 72 168 64 263-3 42-13 82-29 121-1 4-4 7-3 10 1 2 4 4 7 7 33 29 65 60 91 96 22 28 40 59 53 92 1 1 1 3 2 4 0 2 0 3 1 5-50-64-114-111-181-153z m46-175c4-42 3-84-5-126-16-79-53-146-110-203-45-45-97-78-157-98-30-10-61-17-93-19-31-2-63-2-95 2-67 10-128 34-182 75-10 8-19 16-29 24-1 1-2 2-3 3 5 4 10 8 15 12 48 40 98 78 149 114 52 37 106 73 160 107 36 23 72 46 107 69 1 0 2 1 3 2-3 4-5 7-7 12-3-2-5-3-7-4-28-18-56-35-84-53-29-18-58-37-86-56-35-24-70-47-105-71-35-26-70-53-103-82-16-14-32-29-48-43-2 1-4 3-6 5-37 36-67 77-87 125-9 21-16 43-21 65-1 3 0 4 2 5 11 4 22 9 32 13 2 0 4 1 5 3l13 13c2 2 3 4 2 7-18-9-37-18-57-28 0 2-1 3-1 5-7 39-9 78-5 118 7 84 39 159 94 223 27 31 57 58 92 80 39 25 82 42 128 52 40 9 81 11 123 7 73-5 139-29 199-72 42-30 78-68 107-112 1-1 1-3 2-5-76-44-156-79-238-111 5-6 10-13 16-20 0 0 1-1 3-1 5-1 11-3 17-4 1 0 3 0 4 1l12 8c3 2 4 2 4-2 0-4 0-9 0-14 61 23 119 51 173 87 1-1 1-1 1-1-1-2-2-3-3-4-16-14-32-28-49-41-23-18-46-35-70-53-16-11-33-22-49-33-1-1-2-1-3-2 3-4 5-8 8-12 70 46 139 94 203 149 3-8 6-15 8-22 11-31 18-62 21-94z m-602-108c-3 3-4 5-4 8 1 36 1 72 0 108 0 6 1 12 7 16 2 2 4 4 7 7 0 0 1 1 1 2h-51c5-5 10-10 14-14 1-1 2-3 2-4 0-25 0-50 0-75 0-1-1-1-1-3-2 3-4 6-5 8-17 28-34 57-50 85-2 2-3 3-6 3-20 0-40 0-60 0h-4c0 0 0-1-1-1 5-4 9-9 14-13 1-1 2-3 2-4 0-39 0-78 0-117 0-1-1-3-2-4-4-4-9-9-13-13-1-1-2-2-3-3h54c-5 6-9 11-13 16-1 1-2 3-2 4 0 25 0 51 0 76 0 1 0 2 1 3 0-1 1-1 1-2 19-31 37-63 56-94 1-2 2-3 5-3 20 0 41 0 61 0 1 0 2 0 4 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-7 8-11 11z m207 6c-4 10-8 19-12 29-13 34-27 68-40 102-1 3-3 4-6 4-22 0-44 0-67 0-1 0-2 0-4 0 4-5 8-9 12-13 2-2 3-4 2-6-10-34-20-69-30-103-2-11-7-20-16-27-2-1-3-3-5-5 0 0 0-1 1-1h49c-2 2-2 3-3 4-3 3-5 6-8 9-1 2-1 4-1 5 1 5 3 9 4 14 1 2 1 3 4 3 16 0 33 0 49 0 1 0 3-2 3-3 2-3 3-7 5-11 1-2 0-4-1-5-4-4-8-9-13-13 0-1-1-2-2-3h5c20 0 40 0 60 0 9-1 15 6 22 10-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 3-6 6-7 9z m-82 39h-31c-2 0-3 0-2 3 5 17 9 33 14 50 0 0 1 0 1 1 7-18 14-36 22-54-2 0-3 0-4 0z m431-39c-10 23-19 46-28 69-8 21-17 42-25 63-1 2-2 3-4 3-9 0-18 0-26 0-2 0-4-1-5-2-9-6-17-12-26-18-1-1-2-2-3-4-1-5-3-10-4-15l-28-96c0-1 0-2-1-3-5-5-9-9-13-13-1-1-2-2-4-4h51c-4 5-8 9-11 13-1 2-1 4-1 5 1 5 3 10 4 15 1 1 2 2 3 2 17 0 33 0 50 0 2 0 3-1 3-2 2-4 3-8 5-12 1-2 1-4-1-5-3-3-5-5-8-8-3-2-5-5-8-8h97l1 1c-5 5-10 10-15 15-2 1-3 2-3 4z m-116 39c5 18 10 36 15 54l1 0c7-18 14-36 22-54h-38z m-145 54c-7 3-8 11-3 17 6 5 13 7 20 7 18 0 33-7 47-18 1 0 1-1 3-2 0 16-1 31-1 47-2-1-3-2-4-2-4-3-7-5-11-7-1-1-3-1-4-1-13 4-27 6-41 4-23-2-41-12-53-31-10-16-7-37 5-50 9-10 21-14 33-20 2-1 3 0 5 1l32 20c7 4 14 9 22 14-5 2-9 4-14 6-12 5-24 9-36 15z m69-34c-2 1-3 2-5 0-15-10-30-19-45-29-1-1-2-1-3-2 5-3 9-5 13-8 4-4 4-10 0-14-7-6-15-8-23-8-9 1-18 3-27 4-1 1-3 0-4 0-8-5-16-10-23-15-1-1-2-2-2-3 0-4 0-8 1-14 5 5 10 8 16 12 1 1 3 1 4 1 15-5 30-8 46-7 15 1 29 4 42 12 27 17 31 49 10 71z m-354 103c10-29 23-56 38-82 4-6 4-6 9-3 0 0 0 0 1 0l-2 4c-9 19-19 37-27 56-12 27-21 54-26 82-4 20-5 40 0 60 6 28 25 44 55 44 16 1 31-3 46-9 26-10 50-24 73-41 30-21 57-46 82-73 17-18 34-37 50-56 3-4 6-5 11-4-3 4-6 8-9 12l-9 11c-27 32-56 63-88 90-32 27-67 51-106 67-18 7-36 12-55 11-24-1-42-11-52-34-8-17-9-36-8-55 1-27 8-54 17-80z m285-23c5 1 9 1 14 2-4 4-8 8-11 13-2 2-3 2-6 1-32-11-65-23-98-35-9-3-19-6-29-10 5-12 10-25 15-37 0 0 2-1 3-1 18 5 37 10 55 15 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 11 6 20 13 27 12 12 26 20 42 22z m-294-83c-1 0-3-1-3-2 0-9 0-19 0-28l1 0c23 6 46 11 69 17 1 0 2 1 2 2 3 12 7 25 11 38-6-2-12-4-17-6-21-7-42-14-63-21z m208-157c-9 6-17 13-25 19-7 5-13 10-19 16-4-2-7-5-10-7 4-5 8-11 11-16 8-9 16-19 26-26 4-3 8-6 14-6 7 1 11 8 8 14-2 2-3 4-5 6z m203 76c-2 4-3 5-7 3 7-20 13-40 15-61 3-18 3-36-2-53-6-22-21-36-44-40-11-1-21-1-31 1-8 2-17 4-25 6 0-1 0-1 0-1 4-1 7-2 10-3 17-4 33-8 51-6 21 3 36 15 43 35 5 15 6 31 5 47-2 25-8 49-15 72z m-311 38c-1 0-2 1-3 1-2 0-5 0-7 0l-1-1c18-24 36-47 54-71 3 2 6 4 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 1-17 21-34 42-51 64z m302-12c-10 24-23 47-36 69-7 13-16 24-24 37-1 2-6 4-9 4 27-37 48-76 66-119 5 4 5 4 3 9z m-488 24c-9-3-17-7-26-10 0-1-1-2-1-2 0-5 0-9 0-13 0-2 1-5 4-4 12 4 23 7 36 11-4 6-7 12-11 17 0 1-2 1-2 1z m177 256c0-2 0-3-1-5 0-1 0-2-1-3-3-2-7-4-9-5 2-2 5-4 7-5 5-2 2-6 5-9 0 8 4 13 12 14-8 0-12 5-13 13z m429-348c-3 3-3 6-5 10 0-9-6-11-11-13 5-3 11-6 12-14 0 8 4 12 12 13-3 2-6 2-8 4z m-239 446c1 8 6 12 13 13-8 1-11 6-13 13 0-8-5-12-13-13 10-2 11-4 13-13z m-235-612c0-8-5-12-13-13 9-1 13-5 13-13 2 3 1 6 4 9 3 3 6 3 9 4-8 1-11 6-13 13z m432 84c0-8-6-11-13-13 8-1 12-6 13-14 1 9 5 13 13 14-8 0-12 5-13 13z m-188 252c10 4 21 7 31 11-14 4-30-2-31-11z m-209-268c0 2-1 4-4 4-2 0-4-2-4-4 0-3 2-4 4-4 2 0 5 2 4 4z m328 84c2 0 4 2 4 4 0 2-2 5-4 4-2 0-4-1-4-4 0-2 2-4 4-4z m118-14c-2 0-4-2-4-5 0-2 2-3 4-3 2 0 4 2 4 4 0 2-1 4-4 4z m-586-28c-2 0-4-2-4-4 0-3 2-4 4-4 3 0 4 1 4 4 1 2-1 4-4 4z m11-36c-2-1-4-2-4-5 0-2 2-4 4-4 3 0 4 2 4 4 1 3-1 5-4 5z m222 545c3 0 4 1 5 4-1 2-2 4-4 4-3 0-4-1-5-4 0-2 2-4 4-4z m105-85c0-3 1-4 4-4 2 0 4 0 4 3 0 3-1 4-4 5-2 0-4-2-4-4z m-57 79c3 0 4 2 4 4 0 3-2 4-4 4-2 0-4-1-4-4 0-2 2-4 4-4z m182-486c0-2 2-4 4-4 3 0 5 2 5 5-1 2-2 3-4 3-3 0-5-2-5-4z m-354 3c-2 0-3-1-3-4-1-2 1-4 4-4 2 0 4 2 4 4 0 2-2 5-5 4z m419 24c2 0 4 2 4 4 0 3-1 4-4 4-2 1-4-1-4-4 0-2 1-4 4-4z m-227 87c3 2 5 4 8 5-3 3-6 5-9 7 1-4 1-7 1-12z m-122 345c1 1 3 2 3 3 0 1-1 3-2 4h-2c-1-1-2-2-2-4 0-1 2-3 3-3z m260-453v1c-1 1-2 3-4 3-1 0-2-2-3-4 0-1 2-2 4-3 1 1 2 2 3 3z m-180 532c1 1 3 2 3 3 0 2-2 4-3 4-1-1-3-2-3-3-1-2 1-3 2-4h1z m-264-579c-1 0-3-2-3-4 0 0 2-2 3-2 1 0 3 1 4 2v2c-2 0-3 2-4 2z m126 408h-2c-1-1-2-3-2-4 0-1 1-3 3-3 1-1 3 1 3 3 0 1-2 3-2 4z m78 79c1 0 2 1 4 2v2c-2 1-3 2-4 2-1 0-3-2-3-3 0-1 2-3 3-3z m83-1c-2 0-3-1-4-2l0-1c1-1 2-3 3-3 2 0 3 2 4 3 0 1-2 3-3 3z m-92 7c1 1 2 3 2 4 0 1-2 3-3 3-1 0-3-2-3-3 0-1 1-3 2-4 1 0 1 0 2 0z m124-509c-1-1-2-3-2-4 0-1 2-3 2-3 2 0 4 2 4 3 0 1-2 3-2 4-1 0-1 0-2 0z m250 60c-1-2-2-3-2-4 0-1 2-3 3-3 1 0 3 2 3 3 0 1-1 2-2 4h-2z m-36-43c1 0 2 2 3 3v1c-1 1-2 3-4 3-2 0-3-2-3-4 1-1 3-3 4-3z m-93-3c1 0 3 1 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 1-2 3-3 3-1 0-4-2-3-3 0-1 1-3 2-3z m-294-52c-1-1-2-3-2-4-1-2 1-4 3-3 1 0 3 2 3 3 0 2-2 3-3 4 0 0-1 0-1 0z m-46 2c1 0 2 1 4 2v2c-2 1-3 2-4 2-1 0-3-2-3-3 0-1 2-3 3-3z m462 41c0-1-2-3-2-4 0-1 2-3 3-3 1 0 3 2 3 3 0 2-1 3-2 4-1 0-1 0-2 0z m-449 127c1 0 3 2 3 3 0 1-1 2-2 4 0 0-1 0-1 0-1-2-3-3-3-4 0-1 2-3 3-3z m343-202c-1-1-3-3-3-4 0-1 2-3 3-3 1 0 3 2 4 3v1c-1 1-3 3-4 3z m-218 41c0-1-2-2-2-4 0-1 2-3 3-3 1 1 3 2 3 4 1 1-1 2-2 3h-2z m12 544c2 1 3 2 3 3 0 2-1 3-2 4h-2c0-1-2-2-2-4 0-2 1-3 3-3z m279-405c-1 0-3 2-4 2-1 0-3-2-3-3 0-1 2-3 3-3 1 0 3 1 4 2 0 1 0 1 0 2z m-458-91c-1 0-3-2-3-3 0-1 1-3 2-4h2c0 1 2 3 2 4 0 1-2 3-3 3z m36 419c0-1 2-3 3-3 1 0 3 1 4 2v2c-1 0-3 2-4 2-1 0-3-2-3-3z m-147-403c-1 0-3-2-3-3-1-2 1-4 3-3 1 0 2 1 4 2 0 1 0 1 0 2-2 1-3 2-4 2z m226 458c-1-2 1-4 3-3 1 0 2 1 4 2v2c-2 1-3 2-4 2-2 0-3-2-3-3z m314-195h-8c-1 0-1 0-2 0 1-2 2-3 4-5 2 2 3 3 6 5z m-341-85c8 2 16 4 24 6-4 11-8 22-13 33-4-13-7-26-11-39z" />
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1-30-1-45-2-6-1-12-1-19-1 1 3 2 6 3 8 0 2-1 5-2 5-3 2-4 0-5-3-3-10-10-16-20-19-1-1-2-1-3-2-4-4-9-9-13-13-2-2-2-5 0-8 2-3 5-5 8-7 4-2 9-3 13-4 4-1 8 1 10 5 1 3 2 6 4 9 2 4 5 6 10 6 5 0 9 0 14 0s5-2 3-6c-2-3-3-6-5-8-2-3-4-6-9-6-3 0-5-2-5-5-1-4-2-8-6-11-5-4-10-5-15-3-10 3-20 6-29 9-3 1-5 2-7 4-3 3-6 4-10 4-5-1-6-1-9 5-41-56-95-88-165-88-70 1-125 32-165 88-3-2-6-5-9-6-3-1-6-1-8-1-2 0-5-1-7-2-11-4-23-9-35-13-7-2-13 0-17 6-3 2-4 5-6 9-2 3-5 5-8 4-4-1-7 0-8 4-3 4-5 8-8 12-1 3 0 6 3 6 6 1 11 2 17 2 4 0 7-2 9-5 3-4 5-9 8-12 5-8 9-9 18-7 4 2 9 4 13 6 4 3 5 7 3 11-2 8-7 14-14 18-4 2-7 4-10 6-7 5-12 11-14 19-1 3-1 5-4 4-3-1-2-3-2-5 3-8 0-12-9-12-12 0-25 1-38 1-5 0-10-1-15-2-4 0-7 0-10 1-8 1-12 7-11 18 1 6 2 12 3 19 0 2 0 4-2 4-3 0-4 0-5-3-1-8-3-16-4-25-2-13-10-22-21-28-10-5-20-7-31-7-11 0-23-2-33-8-4-3-8-7-12-11-2-1-2-3-3-5 0-1 0-2 0-4 1 1 3 1 3 2 9 9 20 15 32 17 4 0 9 0 13 1 8 0 16 0 24 1 9 1 16 5 21 12 4 4 7 9 10 13 1 1 2 2 4 3 1-2 2-4 3-6 0 0 0-1-1-2-3-6-6-12-10-18-1-2-4-4-7-5-4-3-7-4-11-7-7-4-14-5-22-4-6 1-11 2-17 2-6 1-11-1-15-6-5-5-11-7-16-10-4-2-7-2-11-1-8 2-10 1-14-5-7-14-14-15-27-12-1 1-3 1-5 1 1 5 2 10 4 15 1 3 3 5 6 6 3 1 6 4 8 7 3 3 6 6 9 8 8 4 14 9 16 18 0 2 1 4 2 5 2 5 5 7 10 7 8-1 15 3 22 8 4 2 5 5 3 9-2 8-4 16-6 24-1 4 0 8 0 11 0 5-1 6-6 5-8-3-17-4-26-2-32 6-39 35-29 55 4 7 11 13 18 19 3 4 8 7 12 11 2 2 4 4 3 7-1 3-3 3-6 3-3 1-6 1-9 1-15 0-29 16-26 31 0 2 1 5 2 8 2-1 3-2 4-3 9-7 19-10 29-12 6-1 11-3 16-5 10-6 13-20 6-29-5-6-11-11-17-16-5-5-10-9-14-14-14-15-7-37 12-42 8-2 16 0 22 4 10 4 19 9 27 15 14 11 28 19 46 20 13 1 23 7 32 16 8 8 17 13 29 14 1 0 2 0 2 0 7-2 12 1 16 5 10 12 23 17 37 21 10 3 19 7 28 13 10 8 22 10 34 8 3-1 3 1 4 2 21 29 47 51 80 66 79 36 173 15 230-51 6-6 11-13 16-20z m-23-198c1-3 1-6 2-8 1-9-7-15-15-13-3 1-6 2-10 4-8 3-17 6-27 4-6-2-11 1-15 5-1 1-2 1-3 2-2 3-4 3-7 0-6-5-13-11-20-15-3-2-9-3-13-4-1 0-3 1-3 2 0 0 1 2 1 3 1 0 2 1 2 1 5 5 9 11 13 16 3 4 5 9 8 13 1 2 2 4 3 6 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 0-2 0-2-1-1 0-2-1-3-2-5-7-10-13-14-20-5-6-11-9-18-9-2-1-5 0-6 1-1 3 2 3 3 5l2 1c13 9 21 22 26 37 6 19 11 39 16 58 6 19 14 37 29 49 14 12 28 24 42 35 9 6 17 12 26 19-45 61-104 91-180 84-56-6-100-34-133-79 4-3 8-5 11-8 6-4 11-9 16-13 23-18 42-39 58-63 3-6 6-13 7-20 2-20 7-40 15-59 0-2 2-4 3-5 3-5 7-9 10-13 6-9 11-18 21-22 1 0 2-1 2-2-1 0-2-1-2-1-2-1-5-1-7-1-10 2-16 9-22 17-3 5-7 10-12 15-1 1-4 2-5 3l-1-1c0-1 1-2 2-3 3-6 7-12 10-18 3-8 7-13 14-17l8-5c1 0 2-2 2-3-1 0-2-1-3-1-13 0-24 4-33 13-5 6-7 6-13 1-5-4-10-8-17-7-10 2-19 0-28-3-5-2-11-3-17-4-4-1-8 2-9 5-2 7-2 14 3 19 1 1 1 2 1 3-1 0-2 1-3 0-4 0-5 1-4 4 2 4 5 7 8 10 3 3 5 6 6 10 1 3 3 6 5 9 1 1 1 2 2 3-1 0-1 1-2 1-7-1-15-3-23-4-3-1-7-2-11-2-6 0-6 2-3 7 5 8 7 18 6 28 0 1-2 3-3 4-1-1-2-2-3-4-1-4-1-8-2-12-2-11-7-20-20-20-1 0-2-1-3-1-3-1-4-3-3-6 0-1 1-2 2-4 4-7 7-14 12-21 3-6 3-11 2-16-1-2-2-4-2-6 0-1-1-2-1-4 2 1 2 1 3 1 9 8 11 17 5 27l0 1-11 21c6 4 12 2 15-4 3-6 6-12 9-17 3-6 4-11 1-17-1-2-1-4 0-5 4-6 7-11 11-16 47-54 105-79 176-68 57 8 100 38 131 86 1 1 1 3 1 5-1 5-1 9 1 13 4 6 7 12 10 18 5 8 5 9 15 3l0 0c-1-2-1-3-2-4-4-6-7-11-11-16-3-5-1-19 4-21 0 0 0 1 0 2-1 8 1 14 5 20 4 5 7 10 10 14 2 4 2 8 0 10-1 2-3 4-5 5-10 5-15 13-16 23-1 7-1 14-2 21 0 3-1 6-4 6-2 0-3-2-4-5 0-5 0-10 0-16 1-9 5-18 9-27 2-4 1-5-4-5-14-1-27 2-38 13 0 0 0 0-1 1-1 0-2 0-3 1 0-1 0-3 0-4 3-4 6-7 8-11 3-4 5-7 8-10 2-4 4-8 6-11 1-3 3-6 4-9 2-4 0-6-4-6-1 1-2 1-5 1z m-66 43c1 0 1-2 2-3 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 7 5 10 3 3 7 6 10 8 4 3 6 2 9-1 1-2 3-2 4-3 1 2 2 4 1 5-2 5-4 9-7 13-2 3-4 3-7 0l-13-15c-4-5-6-10-7-18z m-172 20c1-1 1-1 2-1l3 4c4 5 7 5 12 0 5-4 8-10 8-17 0-1 1-2 1-3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 7 2 10-2 10-10 16-15 24-1 1-1 1-1 1-3 2-5 1-6-2-2-4-4-8-6-12-1-2-1-4-2-6z m250 62c5 12 15 20 24 29 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 6-2 2-4 1-6 0-8-7-15-14-19-23-2-5-3-9-1-14z m-309-8l1 1c3 8 3 17-1 25-1 3-3 5-5 7-1 1-3 1-4 0-1 0-1-2-1-3 0-2 1-3 1-4 3-5 5-10 7-16 1-3 2-6 2-10z m58-113c9 0 12 2 12 8 0 3-1 4-4 4-4-1-7-4-9-8-1-1-2-2-1-3 0-1 2-1 2-1z m201-3c1 0 4 0 3 3 0 4-5 9-10 8-1 0-2-2-2-3 0-5 3-8 9-8z m-324-19c-4 0-6 2-7 4-2 5-3 10-8 13-2 2 0 3 2 4 5 0 10 0 16 0 1 0 3-1 4-3 1-3 2-7 3-10 1-1 0-3-1-3-3-2-6-4-9-5z m708-6c3 0 7-4 7-8 1-5 1-9 3-13 2-2 1-4-1-4-10-5-10-5-13 6-1 3-2 7-3 11-1 3 3 8 7 8z m-977-27c-4 1-8 2-11 3-1 0-1 3-1 4 4 3 4 8 4 13 0 3 2 6 5 8 1 0 2 0 3 0 4-2 6-6 5-11-2-5-3-11-5-17z m706 51l8 1c2 0 3-1 3-4-1-4-3-8-4-12 0 0 0-1-1-1-5-3-9-1-13 1-3 1-4 4-3 7 1 7 3 8 10 8z m256-24c-1 0-3 0-3 1-4 4-7 9-10 13 0 1 2 4 3 5 1 1 4 1 5 0 4-2 7-5 10-7 2-2 4-4 2-7-2-2-4-4-6-6-1 1-1 1-1 1z m-947 1c-4 0-7 1-8 4-1 3 0 6 3 8 3 2 6 4 9 6 2 2 4 2 6 0s3-4 1-6c-2-3-4-6-6-9-2-1-4-2-5-3z" />
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5-5-3-8-10-5-15z m-9 56c-5-2-6-8-4-13 3-5 9-6 13-4 5 3 6 8 4 13-3 5-8 6-13 4z m32-89c-4 6-11 8-18 5-7-4-9-12-6-18 4-7 12-9 19-5 6 3 9 11 5 18z m-11-43c-4 7-13 10-21 6-7-4-10-13-6-20 4-8 13-10 21-7 7 4 10 14 6 21z m-49 169c-6-3-8-9-5-15 3-6 10-8 16-5 5 3 7 10 4 16-3 6-10 8-15 4z m-35-224c-9-5-13-16-8-26 5-9 17-13 26-7 10 5 13 17 8 26-5 9-17 13-26 7z m53-4c8 4 11 15 7 23-5 8-15 11-24 7-8-5-11-15-6-24 4-8 15-11 23-6z m70 166c8-2 16 2 18 10 3 8-2 17-10 19-8 2-17-2-19-10-2-8 2-17 11-19z m-151 145c-3-13 4-27 17-31 14-4 27 3 31 17 5 13-3 27-17 31-13 4-27-4-31-17z m-167-36c-2-8 2-17 11-19 8-2 16 2 18 11 3 8-2 16-10 18-8 3-16-2-19-10z m271-322c2 8-2 17-10 19-8 2-17-2-19-11-2-7 2-16 10-18 8-2 17 2 19 10z m-3 318c4 11-3 24-14 27-12 4-24-3-27-15-4-11 3-23 14-27 12-3 24 3 27 15z m-250-341c12-3 24 3 27 15 3 11-3 23-15 27-11 3-23-3-27-15-3-11 3-23 15-27z m-44 45c10-3 21 3 24 13 3 10-3 21-13 24-11 3-21-3-24-13-4-10 2-21 13-24z m-5 239c7-2 13 2 15 9 2 6-2 13-8 15-7 2-14-2-15-9-2-6 2-13 8-15z m95 68c10-3 21 2 24 13 3 10-3 21-13 24-10 3-21-3-24-13-3-10 3-21 13-24z m60 9c12-4 24 3 27 14 3 12-3 24-14 28-12 3-24-4-27-15-4-12 2-24 14-27z m187-61c3 10-3 21-13 24-10 2-21-4-24-14-3-10 3-21 13-24 10-3 21 3 24 14z m-366-197c8-2 17 3 19 11 2 8-2 16-10 18-9 3-17-2-19-10-2-8 2-16 10-19z m400 83c2 7-2 14-8 16-7 2-14-2-16-9-2-6 2-13 9-15 6-2 13 2 15 8z m-402 45c5-2 10 1 12 6 1 5-2 10-7 12-4 1-10-2-11-7-1-4 1-10 6-11z m7-56c2 7-2 13-9 15-6 2-13-2-15-8-2-7 2-13 8-15 7-2 14 2 16 8z m373-56c5-1 10 2 11 7 1 4-1 10-6 11-5 1-10-1-11-6-2-5 1-10 6-12z m-219-132c4 14-4 28-17 32-13 3-27-4-31-17-4-14 4-27 17-31 13-4 27 3 31 16z m104 30c-10 3-21-3-25-13-2-10 4-21 14-24 10-4 21 2 23 13 3 10-2 20-12 24z m94 68c-6 1-13-2-15-9-2-7 2-13 8-15 7-2 14 2 16 8 1 6-2 14-9 16z m-155-78c-11 4-23-3-27-14-3-12 3-24 15-27 11-4 23 3 27 14 3 12-3 24-15 27z m121 396c11 12 10 29-1 40-11 10-28 10-39-1-11-12-10-29 1-40 11-10 29-10 39 1z m26-50c13-13 34-12 46 1 12 13 11 33-2 46-13 12-33 11-45-2-12-13-12-33 1-45z m-317-337c-13 12-33 11-45-2-12-13-12-33 1-45 13-12 34-12 45 1 12 13 12 34-1 46z m-88 188c7 8 6 21-1 28-8 7-20 7-28-1-7-8-7-20 1-28 8-7 20-7 28 1z m36-166c10 12 10 29-1 40-12 10-29 10-40-2-10-11-10-28 1-39 12-10 29-10 40 1z m-30 80c9 10 8 26-1 35-10 10-26 9-35-1-10-10-9-25 1-34 10-10 25-10 35 0z m292 310c10 10 9 26-1 35-10 10-25 9-35-1-9-10-8-25 1-35 10-9 26-9 35 1z m-86 2c7 7 7 20-1 27-8 8-20 7-28-1-7-8-7-20 1-27 8-7 20-7 28 1z m70-491c-8-8-7-20 0-28 8-7 20-7 28 1 7 8 7 20-1 28-8 7-20 7-27-1z m-87 1c-9-10-8-26 1-35 10-9 26-9 35 1 10 10 9 26-1 35-9 9-25 9-35-1z m279 143c-7-7-6-17 0-23 7-6 17-5 23 1 6 6 5 16-1 22-7 6-17 6-22 0z m-360-118c-11-11-10-29 1-39 11-11 29-10 40 1 10 11 10 28-1 39-12 11-30 10-40-1z m333 47c-5 5-13 5-17 0-4-5-4-13 0-17 5-4 13-4 17 1 5 4 5 12 0 16z m-62-70c6 7 5 17-1 23-7 6-16 6-22-1-6-6-6-16 0-22 7-6 17-6 23 0z m113 350c11 11 10 29-1 39-11 11-29 10-40-1-10-11-10-29 2-39 11-11 29-10 39 1z m-4-128c-8-8-7-20 1-27 8-8 20-8 27 1 7 7 7 20-1 27-7 8-20 7-27-1z m28 87c-10 10-25 9-35-1-9-10-8-25 1-34 10-10 26-9 35 1 10 9 9 25-1 34z m-475 105c5-5 12-4 17 1 4 4 4 12-1 16-5 5-12 5-17 0-4-5-4-13 1-17z m-27-70c6 6 5 16-1 22-6 6-16 6-22-1-6-6-6-16 1-22 6-6 16-5 22 1z m89 140c-7-6-6-16 0-22 7-6 16-6 23 0 5 7 5 17-1 23-7 6-17 6-22-1z m-159-47c7-9 21-12 30-5 10 7 12 20 6 30-7 10-20 12-30 5-10-7-12-20-6-30z m499-478c5-7 16-8 23-2 7 6 9 16 3 23-6 8-16 9-24 3-7-6-8-16-2-24z m15 531c17 5 26 23 21 40-6 17-23 27-41 21-17-5-26-23-21-40 6-17 24-27 41-21z m-96 100c-14-4-22-18-18-32 3-14 17-22 31-19 14 4 23 18 19 32-4 14-18 23-32 19z m-102-7c2-12 13-19 25-17 12 2 19 14 17 25-2 12-14 19-25 17-12-2-19-13-17-25z m315-239c20 8 29 31 20 51-8 20-31 29-51 21-20-9-29-32-20-52 8-19 31-29 51-20z m2-252c12 8 16 24 8 36-7 12-23 16-35 8-13-7-16-24-8-36 7-12 23-16 35-8z m-288-177c-9-1-16-10-15-19 2-9 10-16 19-14 10 1 16 9 15 19-2 9-10 15-19 14z m327 393c-8 18-30 25-48 16-17-8-24-30-16-48 9-17 30-24 48-16 18 9 25 30 16 48z m-137 137c7-18 28-28 46-21 19 7 28 27 21 46-6 18-27 28-45 21-19-7-28-27-22-46z m-107-508c-8-3-12-12-8-20 4-8 13-12 20-8 8 3 12 13 8 20-3 8-12 12-20 8z m242 281c-9 15-29 21-44 12-16-9-22-29-13-44 10-16 29-21 44-12s22 28 13 44z m-591-223c-17-6-26-24-21-41 5-17 24-26 41-21 17 5 26 23 21 40-5 17-24 27-41 22z m96-101c14 4 22 18 19 32-4 14-18 22-32 19-14-4-22-18-19-32 4-14 18-22 32-19z m-80 631c-6 7-17 8-24 3-7-6-9-17-3-24 6-7 16-9 24-3 7 6 8 17 3 24z m498-478c-7 10-21 12-30 5-10-7-12-20-6-30 7-10 21-12 31-5 9 7 12 20 5 30z m-428 500c8 3 12 13 8 20-3 8-12 12-20 8-8-3-12-12-8-20 3-8 13-12 20-8z m-107-508c-7 19-28 28-46 21-19-6-28-27-21-46 6-18 27-27 46-21 18 7 27 28 21 46z m-135 228c9-16 29-22 44-13 16 9 22 29 13 44-9 16-29 21-44 13s-21-29-13-44z m354-366c-2 12-13 19-25 17-12-2-19-14-17-25 3-12 14-19 25-17 12 2 20 13 17 25z m-28 668c9 2 15 10 14 19-1 10-10 16-19 15-9-2-16-10-14-20 1-9 9-15 19-14z m-261-221c12 8 16 24 8 36-8 12-24 16-36 8-12-7-16-23-8-36 8-12 23-15 36-8z m5-279c20 8 29 31 20 51-8 20-31 29-51 21-20-9-29-32-20-52 9-20 32-29 51-20z m-72 107c9-18 30-25 48-16 17 9 25 30 16 48-9 18-30 25-48 16-18-9-25-30-16-48z m757 247c22-2 43 14 45 37 2 23-14 43-37 46-22 2-43-14-45-37-3-23 14-43 37-46z m63-131c-27 0-50-22-50-50 0-27 23-50 50-50 28 0 50 23 50 50 0 28-22 50-50 50z m-60 68c-2-25 18-47 43-48 25-2 47 18 48 43 2 26-18 47-43 48-26 1-47-18-48-43z m-275-527c-11-3-18-15-15-26 3-11 15-18 26-15 11 3 19 14 15 26-3 12-14 18-26 15z m200 128c-18-3-30-20-28-38 3-19 20-31 38-28 18 3 31 20 28 38-3 18-20 30-38 28z m72 100c-23-2-40-23-37-46 2-23 23-39 45-37 23 3 40 23 37 46-2 23-23 39-45 37z m-165-177c-15-4-24-18-21-33 3-15 18-24 32-21 15 3 25 17 22 33-3 14-18 24-33 21z m211 289c-25-2-45-23-44-49 2-25 23-44 49-43 25 1 44 23 43 48-1 26-23 45-48 44z m-211 428c15-4 30 6 33 21 3 15-7 29-21 32-15 4-30-6-33-21-3-15 7-29 21-32z m-644-289c26 1 45 23 44 48-2 25-23 45-49 43-24-1-44-22-43-48 1-25 23-45 48-43z m47 111c22 3 39 23 36 46-2 23-22 39-45 37-23-2-40-23-37-46 3-22 23-39 46-37z m-15-181c0 28-22 50-49 50-28 0-50-22-50-50 0-27 22-50 50-50 27 0 49 23 49 50z m179 359c15 3 24 17 21 32-3 15-18 25-32 21-15-3-25-17-22-32 4-15 18-25 33-21z m107 50c11 3 18 15 15 26-3 12-15 18-26 16-11-3-18-15-15-27 3-11 15-18 26-15z m-275-527c2 26-18 47-43 49-25 1-47-18-48-43-1-26 18-47 43-49 25-1 47 18 48 43z m75 400c19 3 31 20 28 38-3 18-20 30-38 27-18-3-30-19-27-38 2-18 19-30 37-27z m619 0c18-3 35 9 38 27 3 19-10 36-27 39-18 3-36-10-38-28-4-18 9-35 27-38z m-309 143c11 0 20 9 20 20 0 11-9 20-20 20-11 0-20-9-20-20 0-11 9-20 20-20z m-381-606c-23 3-43-14-46-37-2-23 14-43 37-46 23-2 43 14 45 37 3 23-14 44-36 46z m490 590c11-3 23 4 26 15 4 12-4 24-15 27-11 3-23-4-26-16-3-11 4-23 15-26z m-110-834c-11 0-20-8-20-20 0-11 9-20 20-20 11 0 20 9 20 20 1 12-8 20-20 20z m-309 143c-18 3-35-9-38-27-3-19 10-35 28-38 18-3 35 9 38 27 3 18-9 35-28 38z m200-127c-11 3-23-3-26-15-3-11 4-23 15-26 11-3 23 3 26 15 3 11-4 23-15 26z m-107 51c-15 3-30-7-33-21-3-15 7-30 21-33 15-3 30 6 33 21 3 15-6 29-21 33z" />
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8-18 5-9 9-10 18-5 18 10 34 23 56 24-2 10-3 20-4 30 22-1 29 0 42 8 10 7 21 15 31 23 2 2 3 4 3 7 5 13 7 27 14 39 10 20 21 40 33 59 13 20 15 41 12 63-4 19-8 39-12 59-8 40 2 76 25 109 5 7 12 13 22 15-1-1-1-3-2-3-18-25-25-52-25-82 0-29 6-56 16-83 9-23 8-45-4-66-9-16-20-31-29-47-8-15-17-30-21-46-8-26 0-51 12-75 4-7 8-14 12-21-16-13-31-25-48-36-8-6-18-11-28-14-23-7-27-5-35 18-3 10-5 11-16 10-18-3-32-14-47-23 7-8 12-15 18-22 3-4 5-4 9-2 7 4 13 9 21 11 6 2 14 2 21 1 6-1 13-11 12-17-1-8-8-7-13-9-6-1-13-2-18-5-9-3-10-6-4-13 2-3 5-5 7-7 13-13 13-12 29-5 4 1 7 3 10 3 4-1 8-2 11-4 4-3 6-8 8-11 3-4 3-7-2-10-5-2-10-6-15-9 15-15 30-27 48-35 7 13 13 25 20 37 7 12 15 23 22 35 8 13 14 27 15 42 0 8 2 15 3 22 4-2 5-4 6-6 9-19 8-37-2-54-9-15-18-28-27-43-8-12-16-25-17-41 0-3 1-6 3-8 7-4 15-9 24-14 0 26 11 46 23 65 10 15 20 31 29 47 10 19 9 39-2 58-6 12-13 22-21 33-10 14-21 26-30 40-15 24-17 50-5 76 10 18 22 36 35 52 20 24 27 51 18 81-6 18-12 37-18 55-7 20-11 40-6 61 5 17 11 35 19 51 6 12 17 21 26 32 3 3 7 4 11 6-1-3-2-6-4-8-26-36-38-77-29-122 4-20 15-38 23-57 15-33 14-63-9-92-11-14-22-30-31-45-22-38-19-72 8-105 10-13 20-25 30-37 11-15 17-30 17-48 0-21-6-41-17-58-10-16-20-32-29-48-7-13-9-27-7-42 0-3 1-8 3-8 10-4 20-7 32-11-8 30 0 55 14 79 8 13 16 26 23 39 21 39 19 75-10 109-10 12-20 24-29 37-20 29-22 59-4 89 9 16 20 31 31 45 14 20 20 42 14 65-5 20-13 39-21 58-10 25-18 50-15 78 3 35 16 65 45 87 3 2 6 3 9 5-4-8-9-14-13-21-7-13-14-25-18-39-10-31-3-62 9-91 8-22 18-44 27-67 8-20 7-39-2-58-5-10-10-19-16-28-7-12-15-23-22-35-16-30-16-59 6-86 8-10 16-20 24-30 30-37 35-77 12-119-8-14-16-29-24-44-8-16-14-32-12-50 4-35 0-37 38-38 0 0 1 1 2 1-18 36-7 69 9 102 9 19 19 37 27 57 11 26 8 51-7 74-4 6-9 12-13 18-12 16-24 32-35 49-11 16-12 35-3 53 7 12 15 24 22 36 7 11 15 23 20 35 8 19 14 23 32 16 18-7 36-7 54-1 6 2 13 3 20 3 6 0 11-3 14-9 6-11 12-23 19-33 8-13 18-24 25-36 12-19 13-39 4-58-8-15-18-29-28-44-10-13-21-26-29-41-12-21-12-43-1-65 9-16 18-33 26-50 17-34 28-69 11-108 11 3 21 5 30 7 3 1 5 4 6 7 5 16 6 32 2 48-5 23-17 42-28 63-6 12-14 24-18 38-9 24-2 48 12 69 11 18 25 34 37 52 6 9 12 18 15 28 6 22-1 43-13 62-9 16-21 30-30 46-5 8-9 17-12 27-5 22 2 42 11 62 9 19 19 38 25 57 18 51 9 98-26 139l-4 5c4 0 7-1 9-3 41-33 57-74 46-125-5-23-15-45-22-68-3-11-6-21-10-32-7-22-3-43 10-62 10-14 20-26 30-40 9-12 16-26 17-42 3-22-5-41-18-58-11-16-23-31-35-47-20-26-23-54-9-84 8-17 19-33 28-49 9-17 18-33 19-52 1-9 1-19 1-29 7 3 16 6 24 8 5 2 6 4 7 9 2 20-4 38-13 54-10 16-20 31-29 46-9 14-13 29-12 45 1 18 8 35 19 50 11 17 24 33 36 50 5 9 9 18 12 28 6 25-3 47-15 68-12 19-24 38-37 57-8 12-12 26-9 40 2 14 6 27 11 40 4 13 12 24 16 37 14 51 5 98-25 141l-4 6 2 3c8-7 17-13 23-21 26-34 39-71 29-114-6-26-14-52-22-78-4-16-3-31 3-46 5-11 11-21 17-30 9-14 20-28 29-42 17-28 17-56 0-84-12-19-24-37-38-54-25-30-28-53-9-87 8-15 17-28 25-42 11-18 21-37 22-60 7 3 13 5 19 8 6 3 9 8 6 15-4 9-6 19-11 28-8 14-17 27-26 40-13 17-15 36-13 56 1 6 4 12 6 18 1 0 3 0 4-1 0-2 0-4 1-7 3-14 3-29 9-41 16-30 34-59 51-89 16 10 33 19 47 34-6 3-10 6-15 9-7 4-8 7-4 14l6 8c3 5 7 5 12 3 6-3 13-5 20-7 2-1 5-1 6 0 9 7 18 14 24 26-12 5-22 9-32 13-2 1-5 3-6 4-2 9 9 21 18 19 12-3 24-8 37-12 2-1 7-2 8 0 7 7 13 15 19 24-17 9-33 16-48 24-7 3-12 1-15-6-2-6-4-12-6-18-3-7-7-11-15-8-11 4-24 6-34 12-17 11-33 25-49 37-2 2-3 7-2 9 4 8 8 16 12 24 9 15 12 32 11 49-2 22-11 41-23 59l-31 50c-7 11-11 24-9 37 3 18 8 36 12 54 6 23 11 47 9 71-3 24-12 45-22 66-1 3-3 6-5 11 13-8 24-15 30-27 21-45 27-92 9-140-10-27-9-53 6-78 8-15 19-28 27-43 8-14 16-29 19-44 3-15 10-25 21-33 2-1 3-2 4-3 15-13 31-23 53-18-1-11-3-21-4-32 17 0 31-8 46-16 5-3 11-6 17-9 2 0 6 0 7 1 4 7 9 14 12 21 1 2-1 6-2 7-25 10-44 32-73 34 1 6 2 11 3 16 3 12 3 13 15 10 6-1 12-3 18-6 9-4 18-9 26-14 30-15 32-19 44 19-16 8-30 14-44 21-17 8-34 15-50 23-2 1-4 3-4 4-1 6-1 12 0 17 0 6 3 9 9 7 13-4 26-8 38-13 17-8 33-16 50-23 9-4 14-1 16 9 2 8 2 17 3 23-15 6-29 10-43 15-10 4-19 10-28 16-14 8-29 15-46 16-2 1-5 2-5 4-2 8-4 17-5 26 16 3 30 0 43-6 14-6 27-13 40-19 15-7 31-11 47-8 3 1 7 4 7 7 2 12 3 25 3 35-15 1-30-2-43 1z m-686 193c-30-20-53-46-75-75-2-3-5-6-8-5-29 4-56-6-82-18-12-5-23-12-35-16-17-6-35-7-52 4 8 13 16 25 23 37 19 28 37 55 48 87 7 22 10 44 8 67-1 4 1 8 1 13 5-2 11-2 15-5 23-17 37-41 43-70 1-5 2-10 3-17 8 3 16 6 23 9 22 8 43 15 66 14 13 0 26-3 38-12-6-5-11-10-16-13z m147-25c14 2 28-1 38-11 2-2 3-6 5-8l-2-2-23 5c-7 2-14 0-20-5-5-5-9-3-11 4-2 11 2 16 13 17z m178 26c1-2 0-5 1-8-17 0-32 0-47 0-5 0-9-2-13-3-16-5-24-14-25-31-1-11 0-22 2-32 0-3 3-7 6-8 2-1 6 3 8 5 5 10 11 11 21 8 11-3 23-4 34 1 6 3 10-1 11-6 2-6 4-13 3-19-5-31-15-61-36-85-6-7-12-12-19-17-26-20-61-20-87 0-36 28-55 65-55 111 0 5 2 9 5 13 2 5 8 7 13 4 8-5 17-5 25-3 9 2 19 4 28-1 1-1 6 0 6 2 3 5 5 11 5 17 0 8-1 17-3 26 0 3-2 6-5 8-8 8-18 11-28 11-9 1-18 1-28 0-9 0-13 5-8 14 8 17 21 29 39 37 24 9 48 10 73 7 15-2 30-7 43-13 17-7 26-21 31-38z m-3-47c0-1-6-1-9 0-14 5-28 9-43 0-2 7-3 12 3 14 13 5 27 9 41 5 3-1 7-3 8-6 2-4 1-9 0-13z m113 130c-8-17-13-35-20-54-57 24-118 44-184 43-66-1-128-18-187-46-6 19-12 37-20 54-8 17-18 33-29 51 29 3 52-12 78-21 2 25-12 44-21 68 7-1 14 0 19-2 18-7 35-15 53-24 12-7 24-15 38-23 4 7 8 13 11 21 5 11 8 23 11 35 1 2-1 7-3 9-12 11-25 22-37 34-2 2-4 4-7 9 13 1 23 1 33 2 10 1 22-2 30 3 7 5 9 18 14 27 4 10 9 20 13 30l4 0c5-12 12-24 16-37 4-16 12-23 29-21 14 1 27-2 43-3-3-4-4-8-7-10-12-11-24-23-36-34-4-4-5-6-2-11 7-17 14-34 21-51 28 16 54 35 86 44 6 1 12 2 19 3 1 0 2 0 4 0-4-23-19-42-18-66 26 7 48 22 77 21-10-18-20-34-28-51z m109-166c-3 0-7 2-8 4-24 35-52 65-89 86 0 0-1 1-1 1 1 9 8 11 15 13 26 6 52 2 76-8 11-4 21-9 32-14 3 11 5 22 9 32 7 26 23 46 46 59 3 1 8 2 9 1 3-2 5-7 4-10-8-44 5-82 27-118 13-20 26-40 39-60 2-4 5-8 8-13-13-10-28-12-43-8-13 4-26 9-37 16-27 15-56 22-87 19z m-320 235c-15-11-29-22-43-32 2-8 6-9 12-9 25 1 50 1 75 2 3 0 5 2 8 3l0 3c-15 11-31 22-47 33-1 1-4 1-5 0z m-3-322c18-3 35 8 47 29h-79c1-7 22-27 32-29z m-8 66c-4-1-8-3-13-5 18-12 33-13 51 0-6 2-10 4-15 5-7 0-15 0-23 0z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-symbian" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe940;" d="M603 210c-3-93-8-191-40-284-7-21-16-40-29-57-22-26-47-25-68 2-21 27-32 59-39 92-40 182-42 364 11 544 6 21 17 39 30 56 20 25 42 25 64 1 15-17 25-39 32-61 7-26 15-52 20-78 14-70 18-140 19-215z m-107 455c-50 1-89 43-87 95 2 49 44 90 92 90 52 0 95-43 93-94-1-43-29-94-98-91z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="brand-t-mobile" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe941;" d="M713-99c-10 0-20 0-29 2-68 7-93 34-99 102-2 14-5 28-5 41 0 243 1 487 0 730 0 30 11 36 38 33 112-14 187-75 224-181 15-41 23-86 34-132 13 2 27 5 32 6 0 110 0 213 0 316 1 24-8 32-32 32-247-1-494-1-741 0-27 0-35-9-35-34-2-93-4-186-8-279-2-36 16-41 46-38 3 20 6 38 9 56 23 139 101 227 221 250 59 11 62 9 62-50 1-229 1-457 0-686 0-32-4-64-9-96-6-34-29-55-61-63-19-5-40-5-59-9-17-4-44 6-44-26 0-33 26-24 44-24 139-1 278-1 417 0 10 0 19 1 29 2 12 34-1 48-34 48z m-424 309c2 52 1 104 0 156 0 7-11 19-16 19-60 2-119 1-179 1v-196c59 0 117-1 175 0 7 1 20 13 20 20z m444 175c-7 0-20-12-20-19-1-52-1-104 0-156 1-7 11-19 17-20 59-1 118 0 178 0v196c-59 0-117 1-175-1z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-teliasonera" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe947;" d="M812 410c-13 8-21 7-32-3-102-85-213-155-337-205-105-42-212-72-329-47 14-23 27-44 43-62 66-74 152-101 247-105 56-1 112 9 166 24 64 19 124 45 180 81 24 15 47 33 69 51 36 29 66 62 84 105 14 34 7 65-13 95-20 29-49 47-78 66z m-581-171c93 13 181 45 266 83 56 25 111 53 163 86 21 13 44 24 65 40-4 2-6 4-8 4-94 33-191 55-289 73l-4 1-20 4-219 41c-18 4-37 8-55 12-9 1-17 3-25 5-9 3-14 1-20-6-62-84-85-173-48-274 11-28 28-47 55-58 46-21 93-17 139-11z m337-263c-76-22-153-31-233-19-29 5-57 13-89 26 37-38 73-68 114-91 36-22 74-36 116-41 65-7 121 18 173 50 76 47 132 113 181 187 11 18 24 35 33 58-3-2-5-2-6-3-81-83-180-134-289-167z m243 696c-33-20-66-40-102-55-89-36-183-47-281-49 46-8 90-16 135-24 67-12 134-28 200-46 15-8 27-5 39 7 22 22 47 41 69 64 25 26 48 54 67 84 25 41 19 77-9 113-7 9-9 11-17 1-30-36-63-68-101-95z m163-43c-31-63-78-113-127-163 43-21 80-46 110-87 19 85 30 166 17 250z m-831 8l51-14s280-63 485 14l5 2c44 16 86 34 123 63 35 22 63 51 91 80 7 8 5 11-2 17-22 16-46 26-71 33-71 22-144 21-217 12-147-19-283-68-405-152-23-15-44-32-65-54l5-1z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="brand-the-verge" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe949;" d="M892 335v35l-36 0-37 1v-38l14 0 14 0 1-7c1-8-1-9-12-9-11 0-21 5-28 15-4 6-5 9-5 18 0 14 5 24 16 31 8 5 9 5 21 4 9 0 15-2 22-5l9-4v58l-26-1c-31-1-42-3-57-13-17-11-30-29-35-50-3-14-1-38 5-52 11-27 35-46 64-51 17-3 43 1 60 10 14 8 15 10 13 17-1 4-3 20-3 41z m-891 98l0-23-1-23 16 0 15 1 0-56c0-31-1-59-2-61-2-3 0-5 25-5h25v168l-39-1-39 0z m169-3v-64h-30v22l9-1 9-1v44h-70v-164h31c26 0 28 2 27 5-1 2-2 15-2 30l-1 26h27v-22c0-14 1-30 0-32l-1-7h53v164h-52z m60 0l2-5c4-10 3-151 0-155-3-3 1-4 47-4h49v53l-3-2c-2 0-13-1-23-2l-20-1 1 10 1 9 6 1c4 0 9-1 13-2l7-1v40l-14-1-14 0 1 10 1 10 13 0c8 1 18 0 23-2l8-2v44h-98z m252 0l-17-44c-9-25-17-44-18-43-1 1-17 45-17 47 0 0 6 1 13 1l13 1 8 20c4 10 7 18 7 19 0 0-26-1-58-1h-58l4-3c4-4 45-97 68-154l3-7h35l26 64c15 34 27 63 28 63 2 0 0-121-2-123-1-2 8-4 49-4h47v28c0 14 1 24 1 24s-3-2-7-3c-5-2-13-4-22-4h-16l1 11 0 10 7 1c3 1 8 0 12-1l6-1v40l-14-1-14 0v18l21-1c12-1 21-1 23-2 3-1 2 0 2 24v21h-131z m255-92l-7 6 4 6c14 19 12 51-5 67-13 14-28 17-75 17l-31 0 1-4c2-5 2-153 0-157-2-3 0-3 28-3 29 0 29 0 28 4-1 1-2 12-2 24 0 21 0 21 4 20 7-3 17-10 21-17 5-8 7-23 4-29l-2-6h30c17 0 29 3 28 4 0 1-2 11-4 21-4 23-11 39-22 47z m-43 25c-4-3-7-6-11-6h-10v18c0 12 3 16 6 16 2 0 6-2 9-3 10-5 14-17 6-25z m301-45c-5-2-38-4-41-3-1 1-1 4-1 10l1 9 12-1c6 0 11-1 12-2 3-1 2 1 2 20v20l-16-1-15 0v21h16c12 0 21-1 30-4l5-2 0 24-1 24-49 0-50 1 1-4c2-5 2-155 0-159-1-3 2-5 49-5h48v53l-3-1z" />
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4 33 10 66 3 99-12 1-16-8-22-12-8-4-15-10-23-13z m-81 35c-4 15-8 38-24 37-33-2-67 13-101-2-14-6-12-12-9-22 10-29 43-50 81-50 11-1 24 2 37 8 12 5 19 15 16 29z m-100 14c26-5 48-9 71-14-25-23-54-17-71 14z m49 63c44-6 87-11 128 7 38 16 53 43 47 83-3 18-14 35-6 55 4 9-5 8-11 9-28 6-34-2-34-40-1-12 0-23-11-30-4-3-10-2-14 1-10 9-7 20-3 31 5 15 6 31-14 35-25 6-49 5-79-5 16-6 25-10 34-14 10-6 26-10 24-23-2-11-17-6-26-9-5-2-12-1-15-9 7-3 14-4 20-7 15-7 34-10 37-31 1-7-1-14-9-17-18-9-32 3-49 15 4-22-1-38-19-51z m136 81c1 5 5 8 9 7 3-1 6-5 8-8 6-17 2-32-13-42-15-11-33-14-53-12 22 14 46 26 49 55z m-153-437c-19-2-42 2-51-23 17-14 45-20 41-49-5-31-37-28-56-37 8-18 21-31 41-37 0 4 1 8 1 12 0 20 5 46 26 42 21-3 12-29 8-46-2-8-10-21 10-17 5 1 12-8 27-18-14 22-9 32 15 34-18 11-29 18-37 29-5 9-13 19-3 27 9 8 19 0 27-7 8-7 14-16 21-24 14 14 18 29 11 48-20-3-46-18-53 1-9 25 24 21 38 29-8 21-23 29-44 31 0-13 6-25 1-37-3-7-4-17-14-16-11 1-13 12-13 20 0 13 8 25 4 38z m-528-84c5-9 11-17 13-27 4-16 0-26-20-20-4 1-7 9-12 2-4-5-2-11 1-17 7-14 19-17 33-14 18 5 25 19 22 37-2 22-18 37-30 54-27 40-55 79-42 137-38-33-57-67-55-112 1-22 2-48-36-40 4-16 13-21 25-18 15 2 21 13 22 28 3 25-6 53 10 77 2-30 18-54 19-83 0-10 4-23-12-26-5-1-10 0-9-7 1-5 4-10 9-11 21-5 29 7 28 25 0 17-6 33-12 49-9 23-14 47-5 73 10-40 30-74 51-107z m491-140c14 0 26 5 26 22 0 20-13 34-31 34-18 0-4-23-14-30-4-18 5-25 19-26z m217 515c8 13 12 26-5 42-8-37-34-48-64-54-8-2-19-1-16-13 1-9 12-11 19-10 26 3 51 10 66 35z m-30 37c-4 9-11 6-18 4-9-3-19-6-28-8-7-2-19 2-15-12 2-9 7-16 24-15 8 1 19 7 30 14 5 4 11 10 7 17z m-265-59c7-3 11 7 14 13 4 11 12 27 2 33-15 9-32 20-52 14-16-4-27-13-27-34 11 4 19 9 29 10 6 0 21 2 17-13-5-16 9-19 17-23z m-7-119c-11 0-19-6-20-18 0-13 7-20 20-22 12 2 20 9 19 22 0 11-8 18-19 18z m43 40c-14 1-23-8-23-22 0-13 7-21 21-21 14-1 22 7 22 21 0 14-8 22-20 22z m-2-156c13 0 22 8 23 22 0 16-9 24-23 27-14-3-25-9-25-25 0-15 10-24 25-24z m-105 228c-8-1-10-16-9-26 2-13 3-37 15-33 17 6 31 1 46 2 33 3 51 24 47 62-5-7-9-16-15-19-14-6-31-35-44 4-2 7-26 11-40 10z m25-489c9-1 15 4 16 13-1 12-8 21-20 22-13 1-7-12-9-18-3-10 2-17 13-17z m27 125c7-5 16-8 23-3 11 8 0 16-3 23-3 9-8 19 6 22 8 2 21 2 21-10 0-14 6-14 16-13 13 3 28 2 33 15 4 8-8 16-15 20-9 4-16 25-28 8-7-9-11-12-22-10-7 2-11 7-12 15 0 10 4 17 13 22 12 6 27 6 36 19-39 18-39 18-53-16-1-3-5-7-8-7-8-1-11 6-10 12 10 41-22 50-48 65-14-42-12-48 21-68 4-3 9-5 13-8 8-7 16-15 9-26-9-14-16-2-24 4-5 4-10 10-18 6-8-4-6-12-6-19 0-13 2-27-7-43 23 2 33 13 43 24 5 6 10 16 19 10 8-6 0-13-3-19-4-9-5-16 4-23z m-56 211c-1-13 7-21 19-22 11 0 18 8 21 19-2 11-7 19-19 20s-19-5-21-17z m-456 106c-2 18-13 35-37 34-40 0-73-32-71-71 2-26 29-16 43-18 27-4 68 31 65 55z m-62-40c-13 5-21 15-21 29-1 6 0 13 7 15 8 2 8-6 10-11 6-9 12-18 19-26-3-9-9-9-15-7z m36 24c-15 3-18 16-22 27 0 8 3 14 10 12 15-3 19-18 24-30 2-5-5-11-12-9z m-33-398c-16 18-20 38-6 59 12-1 16-20 32-12-11 23-6 44 5 65 18 36 37 71 49 109 4 13 12 26 2 42-20-22-20-56-48-73-5 34 24 60 16 97-24-25-21-59-44-86-6 28 7 50 0 75-17-15-13-34-18-50-3-8-2-21-13-21-12 0-7 14-8 22-2 7 3 15-7 25-16-41-18-80-10-121 2-11 0-30 19-26 16 4 23 20 21 36 0 6-5 11-6 17-2 9-1 19 9 23 10 4 13-6 18-12 14-13 15-27 4-43-10-15-20-29-29-45-29-51-23-99 18-136 7-7 16-24 27-12 9 10 6 27-5 38-8 10-18 19-26 29z m214-150c11 35-7 84-38 102-21 13-43 18-64 3-16-11-20-28-17-45 5-26 21-43 47-50 16-4 33-1 40 16 9 19 2 36-15 47-7 6-18 10-24 1-6-11 4-15 12-20 7-3 17 2 20-10-10-17-24-14-39-7-15 8-21 21-18 37 1 14 11 21 24 23 28 3 58-27 59-60 1-28-16-44-48-44-38 0-62 18-75 54-5 15-1 31-6 48-23-16-28-37-23-61 12-49 65-82 118-75 24 4 40 18 47 41z m-234 763c1 6-8 6-12 5-15-4-27-10-22-32 16 6 30 11 34 27z m4-151c-20 7-24 25-30 42-14-12-18-24-8-37 9-12 21-18 38-5z m13-164c-22-5-40-3-57 12 8-37 19-40 57-12z m624-340c-40-13-79-19-112 6-23 16-26-4-32-13-8-13 5-19 16-23 15-7 32-5 46 2 21 11 21-6 26-17 9-17-6-18-15-20-19-5-38-4-56 4-24 11-40 29-42 57-1 28 18 38 40 46 6 3 18 4 15 11-10 37 17 21 31 24 7 1 25 4 12 13-31 20 8 18 7 27-36 17-77 7-108-28-31-35-36-87-11-128 24-40 70-59 117-47 37 9 63 43 66 86z m-79-127c-6 6 0 20-21 16-26-6-57-9-82 11-11 10-19 11-26-5-8-18-24-30-42-37-16-7-31-12-43-28-16-19-45-11-55 11-7 14-13 27-30 35-3-39-30-49-65-50 11-16 24-23 38-24 28-2 51-15 74-28 46-25 94-28 142-7 11 5 18 4 28-3 22-15 46-12 71 6-60 7-73 10-87 32-12 20-21 20-38 6-37-28-78-31-109-7 43-1 82 5 112 36 19 20 33 19 44-7 3-5 6-10 10-15 27-29 52-24 66 12 3 9 1 21 13 26 14 6 7 14 0 20z m-51-39c-11-1-16 7-16 17 1 9 7 14 16 14 10 0 13-7 15-16-2-8-6-15-15-15z m187 46c-24-15-49-21-77-16-23 4-41-15-44-46-2-24 11-37 39-37 32 3 65 12 92 38 12 12 21 26 19 45-2 19-9 28-29 16z m-25-62c-11-7-23-14-36-9-7 2-3 8-3 13 1 15 40 39 53 32 2-1 4-5 4-7 1-14-8-23-18-29z m244 416c-9 4-15-1-21-7-8-7-13-18-28-21 3 25 16 40 29 55 39 50 32 90-21 122-7 4-15 7-19 15-25 52-68 68-124 58-6-1-12 0-18 2-20 6-19-6-17-19 12-70 73-104 142-77 23 9 41 8 57-10 16-18 19-40 7-61-4-9-9-24-23-19-12 5-12 18-10 29 1 14 10 28 1 42-42-27-42-51-3-77 8-5 13-9 7-18-9-13-12-29-27-38-5-4-6-10-10-1-20 50-81 69-95 124 0 3-5 4-10 7-1-6-1-10-2-14-10-45-8-48 38-61 24-6 41-22 52-42 10-17 18-36 27-54 29 34 33 35 55 4 12 11 17 25 19 40 1 7 3 16-6 21z m-117 135c-14 10 5 15 2 23-10 5-17-4-25-5-5 0-24-24-17 9 3 15-22-2-36 13 21 2 19 16 18 29 15-1 16-17 28-19 9 3 1 15 10 19 15 4 13-52 41-11 7-15 13-28 28-41-22 0-37-5-49-17z m-32-38c28-36 55-63 77-93-17 34-16 82-77 93z m37-287c-27 10-52 7-70-17-15-19-33-33-56-38-12-3-22-8-15-23 7-14 18-8 28-3 18 11 32 28 46 43 5 4 10 12 17 5 6-7 3-14-3-19-13-12-26-24-40-36-15-13-12-23 3-33 17-12 33-13 48 3 9 11 17 22 27 33 5 6 8 20 19 12 8-6 1-17-3-24-11-20-28-34-48-44-5-3-15-6-9-15 5-7 9-13 20-9 30 11 74 73 75 107-2 27-13 48-39 58z m2-46c-14 0-25 7-27 23-1 9 6 14 15 15 13-3 27-8 30-24 2-12-10-15-18-14z m61 153c-15-1-20-11-19-25 0-9 0-15-13-13-15 3-26-5-29-19-4-16 7-25 19-30 19-8 35-19 44-43 27 35 43 68 30 108-5 15-15 24-32 22z m-830 210c5-12 15-14 29-7-10 10-9 24-12 38-18-6-22-17-17-31z m328-271c8-6 17-12 14-24-4-12-15-15-26-17-34-5-63 4-87 28-6-5-7-11-7-17-1-58 67-97 122-70 25 13 39 34 41 62 1 27-13 43-37 52-14 5-19 19-29 29-14-19-8-32 9-43z m29-39c8 3 9-6 9-13-3-16-15-28-30-33-11-3-9 7-10 14 0 21 17 26 31 32z m-259 266c20 19 41 33 71 27-2-6-4-11-5-15-15-51-7-99 25-142 5-6 10-15 19-9 12 8 3 16-2 23-22 30-25 65-28 101-1 14 6 30 19 33 11 3 18-13 22-24 3-10 3-21 5-33 16 8 28 18 30 34 4 26-24 27-37 41 38 10 47 9 78-8 7 44-16 51-88 23 2 18 43 40 3 51-30 8-11-29-26-45-3 4-5 8-8 12-11 13-20 28-39 30-13 1-22-3-24-17-2-16 11-10 19-11 17-2 31-9 40-26-68-2-77-7-74-45z m54-291c35-6 55-25 58-61 0-7 4-14 7-19 12-19 31-25 52-22 9 1 16 7 14 16-4 21-18 38-39 40-24 1-30 13-35 32-7 24-20 44-51 44-9-1-23 1-26-12-3-14 11-16 20-18z m-136 507c-1 24-14 44-30 43-15-1-23-10-24-26 0-18 21-37 40-37 16 0 12 12 14 20z m77-439c-8-1-13-1-18 5-11 12-31 14-33 3-4-25-40-33-29-62 3-8 10-12 19-13 6 0 13 1 17-2 16-11 37-17 42 2 5 19 25 26 25 48-3 9-8 21-23 19z m-13-35c-1-9-7-15-16-14-9 0-14 7-14 16 1 9 7 14 16 14 9-2 15-7 14-16z m14 324c-1 19-23 47-36 43-16-6-18-22-18-37-1-20 8-35 28-36 18-1 26 13 26 30z m-33 288c13 0 20 20 34 12 12-6 9-20 13-33 11 12 4 32 22 33 16 0 17-20 32-25-13 47-13 47 31 44-8 16-47 17-18 50-16-2-27 2-35-5-17-16-31-19-49 0-8 8-22 6-33 2 21-31-17-27-25-41 47 1 47 1 28-37z m223-364c1-20-9-32-24-42-45-30-45-40 1-70 3-2 5-4 8-5 6-5 15-9 10-19-5-7-14-5-19-1-24 18-28-2-32-17-11-42 23-78 77-80-27 24-25 48-5 74 11 15 19 33 1 48-22 18-18 33-2 53 19 24 14 41-15 59z m22 388c2 1 4 10 2 13-9 15-21 7-38 4 12-15 21-22 36-17z m-381-14c17-1 31-2 44-3 8-1 18 2 22-7 5-9-3-16-9-23-14-17-29-33-43-50-4-4-9-9-3-15 4-4 9-2 14 1 15 8 31 17 47 25 8 3 16 11 25 5 10-5 5-16 5-24 0-5-2-10-3-15 0-6 0-12 5-16 7-5 12 0 16 3 31 18 31 19 36-18l1-15c1-6 1-15 11-15 8 0 9 9 11 16 3 12 5 25 8 38 4 13 11 23 24 7 13-15 18-6 20 7 5 25 17 20 31 8 10-8 20-16 30-24 6-4 11-12 18-7 6 5 3 14 1 20-4 13-10 24-14 37-2 9-13 19-6 27 8 10 20 0 31-2 18-4 44-21 54-3 9 15-17 30-30 43-36 38-36 39 10 59 4 2 11 2 11 11-13 0-25 1-37-1-17-2-39-1-45-18-6-15 15-24 23-36 5-9 20-17 13-27-9-14-21 0-32 3-2 0-4 1-6 2-7 0-14 10-21 1-6-6-2-15-1-23 2-15 19-26 14-44-20 5-28 27-49 29-8-9 3-28-11-31-12-4-11 17-24 19-13-10-3-31-19-42-12 14-2 34-13 47-13-4-16-16-24-24-3-2-6-5-10-2-2 1-3 5-3 7 0 13 12 29-1 36-11 6-24-10-37-14-3 0-6 1-12 1 7 18 21 25 31 37 9 11 10 19-8 21-7 1-14 0-21 2-17 4-19 12-6 24 4 4 10 7 15 10 4 4 11 7 10 13-2 7-9 8-15 9-24 3-48 5-74 1 7-12 16-10 23-13 7-4 18-2 20-11 2-9-9-12-15-17-10-7-24-12-32-29z m374-99c-16 14-31 28-56 39 9-27 23-44 37-60 5-7 10-22 22-12 11 10 9 23-3 33z m-4-67c-28 23-46-7-69-17-1 8-2 13-3 19-4 18-12 32-31 36-19 4-36-1-50-15-3-3-12-9-4-13 31-16 18-38 3-51-21-18-20 14-33 22-2-23-7-45 16-55 36-17 65 1 93 27 11-18 10-38 26-50 13-9 28-11 42-2 15 10 5 17-2 27-8 12-6 30 6 38 14 8 5-16 18-17 4 19 5 38-12 51z m-132-59c-1 30 3 58 26 80 1-30-3-58-26-80z m36 12c-9-2-11 7-9 14 3 11 3 26 17 28 11 2 7-11 9-15 0-15-5-24-17-27z m68-23c-2-5-5-12-13-9-5 2-5 8-4 12 3 18 4 37 22 55 7-23 2-41-5-58z" />
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1-4-2-5-4-7-14-13-28-19-42-3-7-3-14 5-17 8-4 14-1 19 5 4 5 3 11 3 17 1 17 14 30 32 29 6 0 14-1 17-8 3-6-1-11-5-16l-5-8c-6-7-5-12 5-14 14-3 27-4 40 0 14 3 26-1 28-15 5-21 4-41-10-59-9-11-20-12-31-6-16 7-20 5-23-13-1-4-1-9-1-13 0-22 3-23 21-14 14 7 27 5 31-6 8-21 15-42 10-64-2-10 1-12 10-10 4 1 8 1 12 2 25 4 50 7 75-1 14-5 17-11 12-24-2-5-4-9-7-13-8-11-2-15 8-16 15-1 30-1 45 4 8 3 21 2 23 11 2 9-10 12-15 17-9 9-9 17 1 24 4 3 9 5 13 7 38 14 76 23 116 27 21 2 26 8 22 30-1 6-3 12-4 17-10 45-33 44-60 18-12-11-27-11-37-1-7 9-13 19-14 31-2 24 11 49 44 42 5-1 10-1 15-2 16-3 24 3 25 19 2 17-6 30-13 44-6 11-14 14-26 15-29 1-54-10-81-19-20-7-21-13-6-28 11-10 11-15-2-21-26-13-53-21-82-14-8 2-10 7-5 14 4 6 9 11 13 17 3 4 8 8 6 14-2 6-9 4-14 5-16 1-32-2-47-5-14-4-17-1-12 13 2 8 5 16 8 25-10-10-13-24-14-37-1-6-4-10-10-10-7 0-9 5-9 11 1 24 12 45 24 65 4 6 11 6 18 4 20-6 24-4 32 16 2 7 4 15 6 23 9-6 16-13 12-25-9-26-12-29-29-27-21 2-25 0-30-21 9 14 20 21 38 16 9-2 16 6 19 15 2 10 8 12 17 11 19-1 37 4 54 12 8 3 15 6 9 16-3 5-2 8 3 9 8 4 17 8 26 8 7 0 12-3 11-10-2-10 4-11 12-11 10 0 19 4 29 8 7 2 14 8 22 7-10-14-12-54-3-68 3-4 7-7 13-7 27 2 54 2 80 12 8 2 18 5 20 13 1 8-10 10-16 14-12 9-13 16 0 25 19 13 40 17 62 16 16 0 21-8 17-24-1-6-2-13 6-13 28 0 55 2 80 13 6 3 7 7 1 12-13 9-21 23-27 37-3 9-11 17-5 26 7 9 16 3 24 2 4-1 8-2 10 2 1 3-2 5-3 8-6 9-14 15-23 21-7 6-13 6-18-3-6-10-14-9-23-4-16 8-27 20-37 34-1 2-1 4 2 5 11-11 20-25 34-33 6-3 12-7 18 1 8 13 18 11 29 3 6-6 13-10 19-16 6-6 14-14 8-23-5-8-15-3-22 0-11 5-13 0-10-9 6-16 14-32 26-45 6-6 11-8 18-2 11 8 23 12 36 16 23 7 34 0 40-23l1-4c2-8 9-9 14-8 8 1 18 2 22 11 4 8-4 10-9 13-19 15-19 22 0 39 7 6 11 7 16-1-12-1-21-9-23-19-3-10 8-13 14-18 4-4 11-6 9-14-1-9-16-20-28-21-13 0-20 6-22 19-4 20-17 27-37 19l-23-11c-12-5-11-9-2-17 14-12 27-25 31-44 3-17-5-27-22-27-5 0-11 0-17 2-12 2-14-4-14-14-1-14 8-23 15-33 7-9 14-11 22-1 5 6 10 13 17 17 8 4 16 7 21-2 13-19 32-36 35-61 1-8 5-7 10-4 9 6 18 13 28 18 11 6 23 14 34 6 11-7 6-20 6-31 0-3-2-9 2-10 11-1 18 7 25 13 5 5 8 11 2 18-17 20-13 34 5 52 13 12 16 23 10 38-6 9-10 17-16 26-2 4-5 10-10 9-6-1-4-8-6-12 0-1 0-4 0-5 0-4-2-5-5-3-1 1-4 3-2 4 9 5 3 13 4 19 1 4 2 7 6 9 6 2 8-2 11-6 8-12 15-26 19-40 33-66 49-137 49-211 0-4-1-6-5-9-12-8-17-29-11-42 3-9 5-17-2-25-7-8-15-16-23-24-5-5-11-5-17-1-5 4-6 9-4 16 2 5 6 11 2 18-7-1-13-5-19-9-12-10-25-20-37-30-7-5-9-9-5-17 19-38 5-65-34-74-18-4-31-26-25-45 3-11 9-12 17-3 8 9 18 17 28 25 6 4 10 3 12-5 4-13 5-26 1-40 21 14 36 34 62 46-4-13-7-22-11-31-1-4 0-13-8-10-6 2 1 8 0 12 0 1-1 2-2 4-24-21-50-40-59-74 10 2 14 9 20 14 6 4 9 12 17 14 2-6 2-11-1-16-5-8-11-16-16-24-8-6-16-12-24-18-12-9-24-19-27-35 19 16 39 31 52 52 5 2 7 6 10 10 87 109 124 234 110 372z m-908 206c-3 20 16 10 20 17 1-14-15-7-20-17z m58 8c-3-9-7-18-17-22-2-1-6 0-8 1-4 2 0 5 0 7 0 8 14 14 2 23 3 1 5 3 7 3 4 0 4-4 3-6-2-6-5-12-7-17-1-3-3-6 1-8 2-1 4 1 6 3 5 6 8 13 9 21 1 7 5 10 13 8-7-2-7-8-9-13z m120-191c14 16 49 24 70 15 21-9 24-31 5-46-4-3-11-3-13-11 8 0 15 0 21 5 2 2 4 7 7 2 2-4 2-9-3-10-11-2-22-3-33-4-2-1-5 0-6 3 0 4 1 7 5 9 11 6 18 14 18 26 0 5 0 9-3 13-7 11-24 14-42 7-13-5-21-17-19-29 2-11 9-18 19-20 5-1 8-4 7-9-1-5-5-5-9-6-7-1-14-2-21-3-3 0-7-1-9 2-1 2-1 6 0 7 3 5 6 1 8 0 6-2 11-1 17 1-2 6-7 5-10 6-18 8-23 27-9 42z m-88 257c-4 10 11 14 16 24-6 3-10 1-15 0 1 3 3 4 5 5 6 2 14 7 18 2 4-6-5-10-9-15-2-3-8-5-6-10 1-5 7-3 11-4 3 0 5 0 6-3 0 0 0-2-1-2-9 0-21-6-25 3z m37-50c-7-2-14-1-10 10 6 19 16 37 29 52 13 15 21 32 27 51-11 0-16-9-24-11 3 16 20 32 35 32 10 1 15 8 20 13 5 5 9 10 13 15-6 4-12-4-18 0 8 4 14 14 24 6 0-1 0-2 0-3 12-21-1-33-15-45-4-3-7-5-13-5-14 1-18-6-14-20 4-16-5-30-15-42-10-13-21-25-26-42-1-6-7-9-13-11z m271 9c-8-1-15 0-22 2-5 1-10 2-15 3 11 8 24 6 37 9 4 1 6-2 6-6 1-4-2-7-6-8z m11 14c-10 20-19 23-35 13-26-16-40-8-43 26 6-7 9-14 17-15 8-1 14 3 20 8 8 6 16 13 28 6 11-8 17-22 13-38z m43 3c-2-3-3-7-8-5s-4 6-2 10c4 7 8 13 12 20 6 12 8 25 7 38 0 9-4 10-11 6-10-4-21-9-18-24 1-3 1-8-3-9-6 0-4 6-5 9-2 12 1 21 14 25 1 1 2 2 4 2 25 14 25 13 25-17 2-20-6-38-15-55z m65 37c-5-2-6 4-8 7-2 3-3 6-4 9-5 8-9 17-16 1-1-2-2-6-6-4-2 1-3 3-2 5 9 11 12 25 20 38-6-19 8-31 15-45 2-3 8-8 1-11z m148 18c3-7 9-13 9-23-12 8-17 21-19 32-3 13-10 17-20 20-8 1-16 3-24 7 17 12 37 14 49 3-6-2-12 1-18-4 7-11 21-8 32-13-9-5-12-12-9-22z m132-155c-5-3-5 7-9 7-4 0-8-2-4-8 3-4-1-9-3-6-5 10-17 7-23 13-5 5-8 10-5 17 14-16 24-17 35-4 3 3 6 7 4 11-1 5-6 3-10 3-9 0-13 5-15 12-1 7 5 9 10 11 2 1 5 2 7-1 1-2-1-4-4-5-3-1-8-2-6-7 2-5 6-4 10-4 13-1 18-9 13-21-1-2-2-4-3-6-2-5 10-7 3-12z m59-373c-4 5 5 17-10 15 1 1 1 5 1 5 8 1 5 13 13 13 5 0 2-4 4-6 7-12-1-19-8-27z m24 31c-1-1-4 0-7 0 5 10 14 24 5 29-8 6-14-10-21-16-6-5-7-12-17-18 10 21 24 34 38 47 2 2 5 3 7 0 7-7 4-36-5-42z m-471 82c0-27 26-42 50-29 10 6 20 15 31 18 10 3 21 6 30-3 12-12 13-53 1-66-5-4-10-5-16-5-13 0-26 0-39 0-11 0-20-5-23-17-5-15-6-31-4-47 1-15 8-21 24-20 11 0 22 1 33 3 27 3 55 6 79 21 16 9 16 13 1 22-18 11-18 17-1 29 23 16 48 25 76 30 10 1 22 7 28 0 6-8-4-17-8-25-4-9-3-15 8-13 30 5 58 12 82 30 5 4 8 7 4 14-11 22-7 46-3 69 2 15 14 25 29 26 17 2 19 4 18 21-1 8-2 15-6 22-8 12-11 13-20 1-4-4-9-9-13-13-13-13-21-12-31 3-3 4-5 9-7 14-5 15-6 30-6 48-4-2-7-3-8-5-29-23-63-28-99-30-14 0-19 9-15 22 1 5 4 9 5 14 2 4 2 9-5 9-27 2-54-1-77-18-8-6-7-13 2-19 6-3 11-8 17-12 7-5 7-11 0-16-5-4-10-8-16-11-33-17-69-21-105-19-9 1-12-1-14-10-1-13-2-26-2-38z m172 21c-8-8-9-41-2-47 3-2 5 0 7 2 13 16 26 32 38 48 5 6 2 8-8 8 15 6 26 10 38 14-15-17-1-33 0-49 0-8 4-10 12-12-11-4-22-8-36-14 12 13 12 28 0 49-14-18-29-36-43-54-5-7 5-3 5-7-12-4-24-8-40-13 24 18 4 36 5 53 0 10-9 6-19 9 17 5 30 9 43 13z m186-305c9 6 16 12 23 26-8-7-13-11-17-14-4-3-7-7-12-3-4 3-4 7-4 12 0 4 7 8 3 14-25-16-52-26-80-34-4-1-11-5-14 1-3 5 2 10 5 14 3 5 9 9 9 18-28-6-54-15-77-32-8-6-3-9 3-12 4-2 10-1 10-7-1-4-6-7-9-9-5-2-10-5-15-7-28-13-58-18-88-22-10-1-17-13-17-27 1-13 10-10 17-10 10 0 18 3 26 7 13 7 27 10 41 12 9 2 11-3 9-10-3-13-16-25-29-27-13-3-27-1-40-7-7-3-13-9-11-17 3-9 11-8 19-7 22 5 43 13 64 21 5 2 23-1 10 15-1 2 2 6 6 7 20 9 38 21 60 25 3 1 7 0 10 1 0-15 11-2 17-7-12-4-23-16-34-13-15 6-24-5-37-6-2-1-6-3-4-7 4-9-4-11-9-13-29-15-61-23-94-27-5 0-13-3-17 4-3 9 0 17 6 23 3 5 8 7 13 8 12 4 24 5 36 6 7 1 12 3 15 9 2 4 2 7-1 9-6 4-12 3-18 0-2 0-5-1-7-2-10-4-21-9-31-11-21-6-32 8-27 28 2 4 5 8 4 14-38-2-74-10-113-18 6-7 11-7 16-10 3-1 8-2 7-7 0-4-5-5-8-5-29-7-59-7-89-3-9 1-15 5-6 15 4 5 5 9-4 10-25 4-50 5-75 6-10 0-11-4-7-11 7-15 24-25 43-24 18 1 34-3 50-13 3-2 7-4 5-9-1-4-5-5-9-5-6 0-8 1-10 8-6 16-23 16-38 14-26-3-44 10-57 31-4 7-8 9-14 10-15 3-30 7-43 16 8-2 15-4 22-7 7-2 15-5 23-5 3 1 7-1 9 3 3 4 0 7-2 10l-24 28c-6 8-14 12-24 9-18-4-29 4-38 17-3 4-5 9-10 11-1-4-2-7-4-11-1-2-4-4-6-2-3 1-2 3-2 5 0 26-15 44-43 51 6-12 12-24 17-35-6 16-26 18-35 32 5 4 8-4 12 1 0 5-7 9-3 17 17-10 34-17 47-31 5-5 8-18 20-6 2 4 11 1 16-1 7-3 13-7 20-9 4-2 9-5 11 1 4 11-1 21-7 29-7 9-8 23-24 24l-1 0c-30-2-56 10-80 25-9 5-12 12-7 22 2 3 5 8 1 10-11 8-23 18-41 16 6-9 10-17 15-25 2-4 7-8 3-13-5-5-10 0-15 2-3 2-6 4-7 7 5 1 10-4 13 1 3 4-2 8-4 12-3 4-6 7-8 11-2 3-5 7-2 10 2 3 6 3 9 2 16-4 30-11 43-21 7-5 10-11 5-20-4-6-2-10 4-13 20-11 40-21 64-20 7 0 11 2 5 9-15 17-12 38-11 58 0 10 6 14 16 15 11 1 22-2 32-7 5-2 10-5 14 1 7 9 2 36-8 48-10 11-19 3-27-2-22-16-45 0-49 25-1 11-1 21 0 32 1 23 3 19-18 15-20-3-37 3-54 10-12 5-15 15-9 27 8 18 2 26-17 26-11 0-14-5-11-15 2-6 5-12 5-19 0-6-1-11-7-13-5-3-10-4-16 0-5 3-8 15-15 10-6-5-2-15-2-22 0-2 0-4 1-6 2-11-2-26 16-28 3 0 5-6 7-9 5-14 6-29 7-43 0-2 1-5-2-6-3-2-4 0-6 2-1 2-5 5-3 8 11 11 1 23 0 34 0 4-1 8-6 7-10-2-10 6-12 12-7 19-5 39-6 59 0 7 0 14-8 19-2-37 2-73 11-108 5-21 7-44 21-63-2-5 0-9 3-14 7-16 17-33 24-49 15-32 34-60 56-86 131-149 296-204 490-167 77 14 146 48 207 98 2 2 8 5 6 7-8 8 0 13 3 17 8 14 20 24 34 33z m-782 214c5-1 10-2 8 6-2 9 4 12 11 10 11-2 21-7 28-17-7 4-15 7-22 10-4 2-8 4-11-2-2-4 0-8 4-9 8-3 4-8 5-13 1-12 4-23 6-35-11 9-9 21-12 33-1 5-2 12-9 10-7-2-3-8-2-12 1-9 5-18 4-27-4 9-10 13-19 16-7 3-17 10-12 20 6 9 12-3 18-4 2 10 2 10-7 13-5 3-12 3-18 9 12 0 19-6 28-8z m108-234c14-5 10-26 19-26-14 2-24 13-19 26z m148-109c-2 2-4 4-3 6 1 3 4 3 6 3 6-3 15 3 15-10 1-9 15-9 26-15-19 2-33 5-44 16z m-67 423c-26 3-52 4-78-2-6-1-9-4-10-10-2-14-4-29-2-44 2-25 13-32 35-22 14 7 28 9 42-3 12-11 16-31 10-48-5-14-12-18-27-13-8 2-16 6-24 8-5 1-13 4-13-6-1-17-3-35 5-52 4-10 10-14 21-13 32 2 64 5 96-3 24-6 27-11 19-34-3-9 0-10 7-11 14-2 28-1 42 2 8 2 19 1 22 9 2 8-10 9-16 13-11 8-10 16 2 22 6 3 14 5 20 7 35 9 71 16 108 21-10 20-7 40-4 60 2 16 12 24 25 29 11 4 22 4 33 2 24-3 36 11 29 34-7 23-22 29-42 16-6-4-12-7-17-11-32-24-59 5-59 32-1 13-1 26 2 40 3 14-1 17-16 15-34-5-67-13-99-24-7-2-16-2-17-9-1-9 8-11 15-15 2-1 4-3 7-4 9-8 10-16-1-21-29-13-59-25-92-20-28 3-31 10-16 35 8 12 7 18-7 20z m81-78c13 1 26 3 38 5 8 1 11-1 12-8 2-10 4-19 5-29 2-13 2-28 26-22-11-9-70-16-89-12 11 2 11 7 9 16-4 13-6 27-9 41-1 6 0 9 8 9z m-41-22c-2 3-6 1-9 1-4 0-7-1-11 1 3 5 8 5 10 10 1 7 8 7 11 0 0-2 1-4 1-4 24 0 5-12 5-19 7-3 9 7 17 6-5-6 2-25-17-12-3-7 0-13 1-19 1-4 5-10-1-12-8-2-6 5-8 9 0 2-1 3-1 5-3 15-3 15-19 12 6 5 12 8 16 12 3 2 7 5 5 10z m137 267c-8 1-16 2-23 4-12 4-18-2-21-13-2-7-3-14-1-22 6-23 20-29 40-16 9 5 17 11 27 13 16 5 30 0 35-14 8-22 17-44 13-68-1-5 0-7 5-7 33 0 65 2 95 17 23 10 23 14 2 29l-6 4c-10 6-9 14-1 21 4 4 8 7 13 10 22 14 48 18 74 20 21 2 25-4 17-23-8-20-8-20 21-20 19 1 44 6 67 18 20 11 24 26 14 46-4 8-9 16-15 23-19 23-19 32-41 3-7-9-16-11-24-5-17 12-28 28-28 49 0 16 8 23 24 22 6 0 12-1 19-2 10-1 12 3 12 13-2 19-16 29-27 42-6 7-12 9-21 3-23-16-50-17-76-18-20 0-25 6-20 26 1 7 0 11-8 11-17 0-35 0-51-7-5-2-12-3-12-9-1-7 5-9 9-12 3-2 7-4 11-7 7-5 9-10 1-16-13-11-26-21-44-23-15-2-30-5-45-5-14-1-15-2-7-15 5-9 10-18 12-28 5-26-14-47-40-44z m139 56c-7-8-3-12 2-16 7-6 13-12 21-17 4-3 7-12 13-4 5 7 11 16 1 23-8 7-15 13-27 16 7 5 14 5 20 8 2 0 5 2 4-3 0-10 9-15 14-12 6 3 9 13-1 20 9 3 15 5 23 7-24-36-19-35 4-48 10 19 13 45 4 50 6 4 13 6 20 8-10-19-11-39-16-59-5-17-5-17-19-6-15 11-15 11-21-6l-2-4c-7-16-7-16-21-4-10 9-19 17-29 26-7 5-13 10-23 9 9 7 20 8 33 12z m269-370c15 2 22 10 25 24 2 8 1 16-1 24-6 18-9 19-25 8-25-17-53-29-83-35-7-2-15-3-20 4-4 6 0 13 3 19 2 3 4 6 6 10 3 9 2 15-10 13-21-4-41-10-60-21-25-13-25-16-2-32 10-6 10-12 1-18-13-11-29-18-45-22-24-7-49-10-73-12-4 0-10 2-12-3-2-4 4-7 6-11 3-5 7-10 10-15 14-25 2-48-27-48-13 0-26 1-39 1-16 0-22-11-15-26 6-14 21-20 36-14 12 5 24 11 38 12 15 2 24-4 29-18 4-12 5-23 1-37 34 4 66 8 95 24 5 3 11 5 1 11-13 8-13 12 0 21 27 18 57 27 88 35 9 2 9-3 7-9-4-7-8-14-13-23 29 7 55 18 77 35 19 16 26 35 20 59-2 11-6 9-12 3-7-6-12-15-18-22-10-12-23-10-29 4-2 6-4 12-2 19 5 24 18 38 43 40z m-73-78c-6 0-3 11-3 16-2 23-1 23-23 15-18-7-36-15-56-20-4-1-9-2-13 2-2 1-1 5 1 6 4 3 5 10 14 7s16 3 24 6c14 4 26 9 39 14 17 6 20 4 22-12 0-5 0-10 1-15 0-1 0-2 0-3-2-5 4-16-6-16z m-321-140c38 9 76 16 114 19 6 1 10 2 13 7 8 13 5 26-1 38-6 10-17 6-27 5-3-1-6-2-9-3-11-4-22-10-34-13-12-3-23-3-31 8-8 9-13 19-8 32 5 13 17 16 30 17 13 0 27 0 40-1 13-1 18 6 20 17 6 23-25 56-48 53-30-5-58-11-87-18-8-3-21-2-22-9-1-10 13-11 20-16 4-3 10-3 10-10-1-5-7-6-11-8-28-12-58-13-87-14-11 0-22 2-29 12-5 9 5 14 8 20 2 7 6 15-4 16-31 6-62 5-95 1 11-15 21-27 26-41 2-6 5-13-1-18-6-5-13-9-21-6-9 4-17 8-25 11-5 2-10 7-14 3-4-4 1-9 4-14 5-6 10-13 15-19 3-4 7-7 13-6 39 6 58-21 75-49 4-6 8-7 14-8 29-1 58-2 86-9 9-3 18-4 5-14-5-4-3-8 3-9 20-2 41-4 61 5l-4 3c-5 2-14 2-13 9 0 8 9 7 14 9z m-43 49c-9 2-18 1-27-2-14-4-29-4-42 2-5 2-8 5-7 10 1 5 6 4 9 5 8 2 15 0 22-2 2-1 4-3 3-5-1-3-4-2-6-1-6 5-12 5-20 2 8-11 19-8 27-6 18 5 36 5 55 3 10-1 26-1 27 9 2 11-15 11-24 15-14 4-27 0-41 0-17-1-34-1-52-1-5 0-12-3-10 9 0 5-12-1-17 8 10-1 19 6 25-7 2-4 7-3 10-3 28 0 55 2 82 4 3 1 7 1 9 5 1 3-7 7 1 7 3 0 6 0 8-3 2-4 0-7-2-9-2-2-4-4-8-7 9-4 18-5 24-11 9-7 8-12-1-18-14-8-30-7-45-4z m-382 527c-18-50-28-102-29-155 0-9 4-14 12-20 3 17 3 34 3 50 0 2 1 6-2 6-8 1-7 6-6 11 1 3 3 3 6 2 5-2 5-6 5-11 0-4 1-9 0-13 0-17 0-34-2-51 0-10 5-16 13-20 4-3 9-3 13 1 6 6 1 13-1 20-1 3-2 6-2 10-2 6 1 11 7 14 9 6 32 1 42-9s5-18 0-27c-4-6-6-13 3-17 17-6 35-12 54-10 14 2 23 8 25 23 3 16-2 32-6 47-5 20-5 20-24 10-16-9-27-3-29 15 0 9-1 19 0 28 4 25 18 33 40 22 10-5 14-2 19 6 8 14 5 28 5 43 1 10-3 14-14 10-11-4-22-4-33-3-30 3-34 10-17 36 1 1 2 3 3 5 1 3 1 5-3 7-10 6-25-2-26-14-1-5-1-10-2-16-3-15-16-25-31-20-9 3-10-1-11-8-5-18-7-36-19-53-3 5-5 9-7 13 0 3 0 8 5 6 6-1 7-1 8 3 4 21 19 41 5 64-3-1-3-3-4-5z m32-55c4 7 11 8 18 4 6-3 9-10 13-16-5 3-10 6-15 9-3 2-7 2-10 0-4-3-2-6 1-8 2-2 3-3 0-5-2-1-5 0-6 1-5 5-4 10-1 15z m11-20c11-2 2-10 3-15-8 7-9 7-19-1-1 13 6 17 16 16z m3-24c21 2 16-7 13-18-2-6-2-12-4-20-6 3-12 5-17 8-5 2-17-4-15 8 2 19 8 20 23 22z m-42 104l0 0 0 0h-1l1 0z m843-49c-10-4-20-10-29-17-8-6-21-11-22-22-3-23-1-46 14-66 6-8 11-7 16 0 7 9 14 18 23 25 9 9 16 7 20-5 5-12 9-25 7-38-1-18-4-22-21-25-21-2-25-7-25-27 0-5 0-10 0-15h-2c1-9 1-17 2-26 2-17 6-19 19-9 14 11 27 22 41 32 7 5 15 15 23 10 7-6 2-17 0-25-2-8 0-11 8-10 12 2 29 23 24 34-9 20 0 36 8 52 4 6 7 12 8 20 2 56-15 108-34 159-1 4-3 8-9 6-15-7-23-37-12-50 4-4 9-8 6-15-5-14-12-27-28-32-12-5-18 0-19 13 0 6 1 12 1 18 0 13-7 18-19 13z m93-93c-8 18-10 37-13 55 8-17 12-35 13-55z m-41 26c0 1 1 2 2 3 6 5 10 15 18 8 8-6 4-15-3-21l-1-1c-3-7-8-12-15-7-8 4-4 11-1 18z m25-13c-10-10-2-22-4-35-5 21-14 16-25 4l-2 5c11 9 21 17 31 26z m-7 18c-2 2-4 2-6 1-6-3-9-7-9-13 0-15 8-4 13-4l1 1c0 5 6 10 1 15z m-581-225c-5-1-11 0-10-10 2-8 6-10 13-9 6 1 12 2 17 2 6 1 10 2 8 9-1 5-1 11-9 10-6-1-13-1-19-2z m-3 19c-5 0-11 1-10-7 0-9 6-8 11-8 6 1 12 3 19 3 5 0 6 3 6 7 0 6-3 8-8 7-6 0-12-1-18-2z m-3 5c4 0 6 0 8 1 6 1 17-2 17 8-1 12-12 4-19 6-1 1-4 0-5 0-5-3-14 1-12-9 1-9 8-6 11-6z m-296 187c6-3 11-6 18-9 2 18-3 24-16 21-3-1-5-3-6-6-1-4 1-5 4-6z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="billboard" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe965;" d="M929 181c5 0 9 4 9 9v486c0 5-4 9-9 9h-137v18c0 5-4 9-9 9h-20c-5 0-9-4-9-9v-18h-508v18c0 5-4 9-9 9h-20c-5 0-9-4-9-9v-18h-136c-5 0-9-4-9-9v-486c0-5 4-9 9-9h136v-34h-139c-4 0-6-3-6-6v-11c0-3 2-6 6-6h139v-127c0-5 4-9 9-9h20c5 0 9 4 9 9v127h508v-127c0-5 4-9 9-9h20c5 0 9 4 9 9v127h139c4 0 6 3 6 6v11c0 3-2 6-6 6h-139v34l137 0z m-175-34h-508v34h508v-34z m-650 62c-5 0-9 4-9 9v430c0 5 4 9 9 9h792c5 0 9-4 9-9v-430c0-5-4-9-9-9l-792 0z m760 423h-728c-7 0-13-6-13-14v-371c0-7 6-13 13-13h728c7 0 13 6 13 13v371c0 8-6 14-13 14z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="chart-pie-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe982;" d="M342 159c-3 2-5 5-8 7-68 62-97 139-81 230 19 104 100 182 204 200 9 1 10 5 10 12 0 81 0 161 0 242h-10c-17-3-33-5-50-8-199-43-329-162-390-357-2-6-3-11-5-17-5-20-24-114 0-227 28-125 97-225 203-300 5-4 8-4 11 2 40 68 79 137 118 205 3 5 4 8-2 11z m607 409c-3 6-5 7-11 4-68-40-135-81-203-121-6-3-7-5-4-11 2-3 3-6 4-10 28-87 16-169-43-240-67-82-176-110-275-74-9 3-11 0-15-6-39-70-79-140-118-210l8-5c16-6 31-13 47-18 195-60 367-20 515 120 5 4 9 8 13 12 14 16 77 88 112 198 36 123 25 243-30 361z m-413 28c62-10 113-39 154-88 4-5 7-6 13-2 67 39 135 78 203 117 7 4 6 7 2 13-20 28-43 55-68 79-72 66-155 109-251 127-17 3-34 5-50 8h-10v-244c0-5-1-9 7-10z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="safety-hat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b1;" d="M913 289c-27 33-62 51-101 64-9 4-13 7-15 17-32 132-105 232-234 282-113 43-224 29-325-39-80-54-126-131-135-228-1-10 1-15 10-20 93-52 185-105 284-144 48-19 97-33 148-35 28-2 31 1 32 29 1 32 0 64-3 96-6 56-18 111-47 160-32 55-76 98-136 122-7 3-16 5-12 14 4 10 12 4 19 3 2-1 3-2 5-2 85-37 146-97 181-183 26-65 36-132 38-201 1-25 1-25 24-15 46 19 86 47 120 83 4 4 7 13 15 9 8-5 7-14 5-22-5-12-13-23-22-32-29-28-63-50-97-72-38-25-79-29-122-24-78 9-150 34-219 71-74 40-143 87-215 131-16 9-24 8-33-7-24-34-21-47 17-66 6-3 12-6 18-8 76-28 152-54 223-94 56-32 111-66 167-98 56-32 115-56 190-56 27-1 60 6 91 24 55 30 100 71 135 125 26 41 26 78-6 116z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="tools-bag" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b5;" d="M520-42c-62-2-123 2-185 8-65 6-129 16-192 32-7 2-10 6-13 12-37 66-59 137-65 212-8 89 3 175 36 258 9 21 20 41 30 61 4 6 8 8 14 10 40 10 80 18 120 23 10 1 15 4 13 14 0 3 0 7 0 10-2 11 2 17 13 18 10 1 13 8 15 16 0 4 1 8 2 11 14 48 18 53 67 62 9 2 14 5 18 14 6 15 15 24 34 23 50-2 100-1 151 0 17 1 27-7 32-21 4-12 12-16 22-18 5-1 10-3 16-4 21-1 31-14 36-33 3-9 6-16 8-25 3-13 6-26 24-27 6-1 6-6 6-12 1-26 1-26 26-30 36-5 71-13 106-21 8-2 12-5 16-12 52-93 72-192 67-297-5-82-26-159-67-231-4-7-8-11-17-13-64-16-130-26-196-33-46-4-91-6-137-7z m10 76c91 2 182 11 272 29 8 2 14 6 18 14 23 52 37 107 40 164 6 81-7 157-41 230-3 8-8 12-16 14-46 10-93 17-140 22-79 8-159 10-238 6-77-4-153-12-228-28-9-2-13-6-16-14-22-45-34-93-40-142-9-87 3-170 38-250 4-9 10-14 20-16 109-23 220-30 331-29z m74 554c5 2 16-7 15 6-1 15 5 22 19 24 4 1 8 2 6 8-2 7-3 14-7 21-5 10-27 11-34 2-5-7-10-10-19-10-55 0-110 0-165 0-8 0-14 2-17 9-5 10-13 8-22 7-15-2-19-12-23-24-3-8-2-13 7-14 12-2 19-7 16-20-1-8 2-11 10-10 14 1 28 2 42 2 57 2 114 2 172-1z m150-288c-14 0-27 0-41 0-7 0-9-2-9-9 0-17 0-34 0-51 0-9 3-13 12-12l79 0c8 0 10-1 6-10-18-36-45-59-87-61-28-1-55-2-80 16-13 9-25 20-32 35-3 6-7 9-15 9-58 0-117 0-175 0-7 0-11-3-14-8-20-35-50-52-91-52-35-1-67 5-91 33-8 9-13 19-19 30-2 6-1 8 6 8 27 0 54 0 81 0 9-1 12 2 12 11-1 17-1 34 0 50 0 9-4 11-11 11-27 0-54 0-80 0-9 0-10 2-6 10 15 37 53 62 93 61 15 0 30 1 44-3 27-7 48-23 61-48 4-7 9-10 17-10 58 1 115 1 173 1 7 0 11 1 14 7 22 40 56 54 100 53 39 0 69-13 91-45 5-7 13-16 9-24-2-5-14-2-22-2-8-1-17 0-25 0z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="tow-truck" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b6;" d="M938 362c-1 4-2 8-4 12l-135 202c-5 7-12 11-20 11h-182c-13 0-24-11-24-24v-268h-37v78c0 24-3 35-17 45-14 10-347 239-347 239-7 5-16 3-21-3l-18-23c-5-6-4-16 2-21l51-56v-168c0-18-14-32-32-32-18 0-33 14-33 32 0 2-2 4-4 4-2 0-4-1-4-4 0-22 18-40 41-40 22 0 40 18 40 40v159l160-174v-76h-260c-17 0-31-14-31-32v-82c0-17 14-32 31-32h78c0-60 49-109 109-109s110 49 110 109h255c0-60 49-109 109-109 61 0 110 49 110 109h49c13 0 24 11 24 24v188l0 1z m-256 6v146h93l97-146h-190z m-401-273c-30 0-54 24-54 54 0 31 24 55 54 55 30 0 55-24 55-55 0-30-25-54-55-54z m474 0c-30 0-54 24-54 54 0 31 24 55 54 55 30 0 55-24 55-55 0-30-25-54-55-54z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="trolley" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b7;" d="M860 205c-45 34-110 31-153-8-5-4-9-6-16-6-15 1-31-2-46-5-3-1-6-3-10-1 17 14 34 24 52 33 50 23 104 33 158 36 6 0 12 0 18 1 3 0 7 1 7 4 1 4-2 6-5 7-4 3-8 5-12 7-41 22-83 43-124 64-117 59-235 119-353 179-25 13-39 5-41-24-1-17-2-34-3-52h-2c-3 13-7 25-10 37-10 45-30 84-61 118-34 38-73 68-116 94-13 8-25 16-39 23-13 5-30 0-38-13-7-12-4-21 10-32 37-26 74-51 109-81 46-41 79-89 91-151 7-36 14-72 21-108 9-47 19-95 39-139 28-64 75-92 144-88 25 1 50 6 75 12 34 7 68 16 103 20 9 1 11-1 10-11-7-60 31-115 88-131 57-15 115 12 142 65 25 52 10 114-38 150z m-24-143c-19-23-52-30-80-17-27 12-43 43-38 73 2 7 4 9 12 6 14-6 27-15 37-26 13-13 24-15 35-5 13 11 15 28 5 41-11 14-25 25-41 36 24 10 57-1 74-24 18-26 17-60-4-84z m78 264c-139 71-278 142-417 213-41 20-82 41-123 62-18 9-36 4-44-12-7-16-1-33 18-42l270-138 268-136c21-11 39-8 48 9 9 16 1 34-20 44z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="trowel" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b8;" d="M938 621c-50-40-105-69-161-97-39-19-78-37-120-48-20-5-39-6-55 9-3 3-6 2-9 0-14-9-27-17-42-26-4-2-4-6-4-10-1-31-1-61-2-91l-3-70c0-6-2-9-8-11-36-14-71-28-108-40l42 38c3 3 7 6 10 8 17 10 21 26 21 44-1 46 4 91 2 137-1 15 5 25 18 33 16 9 31 19 47 28 5 3 6 6 4 11-6 21 1 36 19 46 67 40 130 85 197 124 15 9 31 19 48 26 6 3 12 3 18 0 18-7 35-16 49-28 19-16 31-36 35-61 0-2 1-4 1-6l1-16z m-565-417c34 9 68 19 102 28 24 7 48 14 72 21 9 3 16 2 23-3 38-24 76-48 113-72 12-7 19-16 19-31-1-5-4-9-6-14-8-14-20-21-36-26-168-46-335-92-502-139-15-4-28-3-40 5-27 15-46 37-54 67-3 10-1 18 5 27 73 103 146 207 219 311 7 9 13 18 22 24 15 12 30 16 49 7 22-10 40-26 59-41 16-13 33-27 49-41 6-4 6-7 2-12-29-34-59-67-88-100-3-3-6-6-9-10 1 0 1-1 1-1z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="under-construction-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b9;" d="M937-60c-2 6-5 10-9 15-11 13-23 25-42 27-6 0-15-2-19 6-6 9-14 15-24 18-6 1-7 4-6 9 2 11-1 20-6 29-10 22-28 39-58 30-4-1-7 2-8 5-7 13-17 24-28 34-21 20-46 23-73 16-20-5-35-18-47-34-3-5-6-5-11-1-15 13-31 26-47 39-54 43-108 87-162 130-3 3-4 4-1 9 23 42 46 84 69 127 9 16 18 33 27 49 10 16 10 31 2 46-24 42-55 81-82 121-9 13-20 19-37 19-58-1-116-1-174 0-26 0-36-12-43-32-9-24-12-49-18-74-4-17-8-33-12-51-6 5-11 9-15 13-5 5-11 8-18 10-5 1-8-2-11-4-2-3-6-6-4-11 3-6 6-12 12-16 9-5 17-12 25-18 3-3 8-5 8-9 0-15 9-22 21-27-10-10-20-20-29-29-5-4-9-9-9-15 0-10-2-20-2-30 1-56 0-112 0-167 0-3 0-6 0-9-14-54-28-109-41-163-4-16-4-32 5-47 11-22 43-25 61-11 12 9 18 22 22 36 14 53 27 106 40 160 4 12 9 25 9 37-1 41 0 81 1 123l10-12c29-36 58-72 86-108 3-3 5-5 3-10-28-56-54-112-81-168-8-17-11-33-1-50 11-18 35-23 52-16 14 6 22 19 30 31 13 20 23 43 35 65 22 41 42 84 64 125 9 16 8 38-1 49-8 8-15 17-23 25-2 3-2 4-1 7 3 3 5 0 6-1 6-4 11-9 17-13 59-48 119-95 178-142 5-4 6-6-1-9-15-6-28-16-36-31-5-10-10-19-24-16 0 0-2-2-3-2-16-7-25-19-27-36-1-4-3-6-7-7-5 0-11-1-17-1-24-2-43-15-57-33-3-3-6-7-5-11 2-4 7-2 11-2 172 0 344 0 516 0 2 0 4 1 6 0 5 0 5 2 4 6z m-732 535c5 22 10 45 15 68 0 3 2 5 5 5 17-2 34 1 50-3l-70-70z m124-150c-2-4-5-4-8-1-13 10-25 20-38 30-5 4-3 6 1 7 24 10 47 20 70 30 5 2 9 6 16 5-14-24-27-47-41-71z m211 273c42 0 83 30 85 84-1 46-35 84-84 84-50 1-83-36-84-83-1-46 34-84 83-85z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="under-construction" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ba;" d="M731 83c-22 38-44 76-66 114-14 24-20 25-43 10-7-5-15-9-17-17-6-15-16-14-27-10-4 2-9 2-12 4-13 7-24 5-35-7 18-6 35-11 53-16 13-3 7-13 10-21 2-8-5-6-8-8-15-7-29-16-34-32-6-21-13-42-29-57-2-2-2-5-3-7-5-10-3-15 10-15 57 1 113 1 170 1 11 0 23 1 33 6 10 4 14 11 12 22-3 12-8 23-14 33z m-144-34c-11 1-17 7-17 18 0 10 7 16 16 16 11 0 18-7 18-17 0-10-7-17-17-17z m43 93c-10 0-16 6-16 16-1 10 5 18 16 18 10 0 16-6 18-16-1-12-7-18-18-18z m63-55c0-10-6-17-18-17-10 1-16 7-16 18 0 11 8 16 18 16 10-1 17-7 16-17z m-397 167c17 15 35 29 52 44 4 3 7 4 13 3 7-3 15-3 25-5-6-10-11-19-16-27-4-7-5-10 5-13 19-5 38-11 57-17 7-2 11-2 14 5 10 16 20 31 34 44 2 3 4 5 2 8-6 13-12 27-20 40-3 6-10 10-18 10-32 0-65 0-97 0-10 0-18-2-24-11-14-22-29-45-43-67-5-7-2-10 3-14 5-5 8-4 13 0z m167-83c-34 27-76 33-115 46-7 2-9-1-11-6-5-13 2-28 16-36 24-12 48-24 72-36 7-3 10-7 10-15 3-34 8-67 11-100 1-11 6-11 14-11 8 0 12 0 13 10 2 37 5 74 8 105 1 29 0 28-18 43z m36 163c29 0 53 25 53 53 0 28-24 53-52 53-29 0-52-23-53-52 0-30 22-53 52-54z m-110-193c-14 7-28 14-45 23 8-31-11-49-23-70-11-18-22-36-34-53-4-7-4-11 3-15 7-4 11-9 19-1 23 26 46 51 70 76 8 9 12 19 14 31 0 4 0 7-4 9z m-82 103c58-18 115-35 174-52-8 17-19 25-35 29-37 10-74 21-111 33-13 4-20-1-28-10z m221-48c-2 3-3 6-4 9-7 14-13 29-20 44-5 9-7 25-15 25-9 1-14-15-21-23-5-6-5-11 0-17 12-15 24-31 36-46 2-3 4-8 9-4 5 4 12 5 15 12z m399-147l-359 674c-14 26-37 40-67 40s-53-14-67-40l-361-674c-14-25-14-51 1-76 15-24 38-36 66-36h720c28 0 51 12 66 36 15 25 15 51 1 76z m-43-50c-6-9-13-13-24-13h-720c-11 0-18 4-24 13-5 10-5 17 0 26l0 1 361 673 0 1c6 10 13 14 24 14s18-4 23-15l360-673 0-1c5-9 5-16 0-26z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-cement" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9bb;" d="M936 460c-8 34-16 68-24 102l-4 20c-5 20-10 40-14 60-3 12-10 22-25 19-13-3-16-13-13-25 3-14-6-12-14-10-87 15-173 30-260 45-13 3-23 1-34-8-19-15-101-91-142-130-11-8-14-16-9-29 18-58 35-116 53-174 1-5 1-10 7-13 4 6 2 13 2 19 1 34 0 69 1 104 0 32 27 51 58 43 22-6 32-21 33-47 0-42 0-85-1-127 0-10 3-16 12-18 2-1 3-1 4-1 24-3 48-6 72-11 14-3 24 0 35 9 70 55 140 109 210 164 7 5 13 11 17-3 3-12 10-20 23-16 15 3 16 16 13 27z m-772-271c-11 0-22 0-32 0l-18 0c-3 0-6 0-10 0h-3v0c-36-1-40-9-38-53 1-20 9-28 29-29h12c7 0 14 0 21 0l17 0c49 0 53 5 51 54-1 19-9 28-29 28z m658 62c-86 0-171 0-257 0-11 0-15-5-14-15 0-12 0-23 0-35-2-27-21-44-48-43-26 0-43 18-44 44 0 10 0 21 1 31 0 13-4 20-18 19-11-1-22-1-33-1-27 0-27 0-27 26 0 59 0 117 0 175 0 15-4 21-20 21-44-1-88-1-131 0-11 0-19-4-25-13-45-57-90-114-135-171-6-7-9-15-8-24 0-16 0-31 0-47-1-12 3-18 16-17l64 0c30 1 57 0 62-38 7 2 9 6 11 9 23 39 57 57 101 52 43-5 72-29 86-70 4-12 10-16 22-16 42 1 84 1 125 0 14 0 21 4 26 18 15 41 46 65 89 68 46 4 83-16 100-59 10-25 23-27 46-28 6 0 6 0 10 0 10 1 16 6 16 16 0 28-1 55 0 83 0 11-4 15-15 15z m-507 49c-23 0-46 0-69 0-24 0-48-1-71 0-14 0-18 7-10 17 26 33 52 65 78 98 3 3 7 4 12 4 21 1 41 0 62 0 9 0 12-4 12-13 0-31 0-62 0-93 1-10-4-14-14-13z m-10-89c-50 0-92-42-92-92-1-50 41-92 93-91 50 0 91 41 91 91 0 51-42 92-92 92z m0-123c-19 0-33 14-32 33 0 18 15 32 34 31 17 0 31-16 31-32 0-19-15-33-33-32z m368 122c-52 0-91-39-91-91 0-52 39-92 92-92 51 1 90 40 91 92 0 52-39 91-92 91z m1-124c-17 0-33 16-34 33-1 16 15 32 32 33 17 1 34-15 34-32 1-17-15-34-32-34z m-203 122c0-26 12-38 35-38 21 0 33 12 33 37 0 76 0 152 0 228 0 25-12 37-34 37-21 1-34-12-34-36 0-38 0-76 0-114 0-38 0-76 0-114z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-crane" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9bc;" d="M862 105h-379c-52 0-79-25-79-61v-74c0-38 26-58 79-58h384c39 0 61 26 61 75v52c0 36-29 66-66 66z m-99-123h-79c7 7 12 16 12 27s-5 20-12 26h79c-7-6-12-16-12-26 0-11 5-20 12-27z m-203 53h79c-7-6-12-16-12-26s5-20 12-27h-79c7 7 12 16 12 27s-5 20-12 26z m-81-53c-3 0-5 3-5 5v43c0 3 2 5 5 5h36c-7-6-12-16-12-26s5-20 12-27h-36z m379 5c0-2-2-5-5-5h-45c7 7 12 16 12 27s-5 20-12 26h45c3 0 5-2 5-5v-43z m-600 242c6 8 9 18 9 31 0 9-7 17-17 17s-18-8-18-17c0-3 0-5 0-7-1-3-6-4-8-2-4 2-8 2-12 0l-3-4c-2-1-5-1-7 0-4 3-6 8-6 16 0 15 16 19 18 20 9 1 15 8 15 17v45c0 2 2 5 5 5h10c3 0 5 1 5 4l23 112c0 3-2 6-5 6h-15c-3 0-5 2-5 5v101c0 6 7 7 9 3l200-385c0 0 0-1 0-2v-14c0-3 3-5 5-5h60c3 0 5-2 5-5v-25c0-3 2-5 5-5h253c2 0 5 2 5 5v25c0 3 2 5 5 5h94c3 0 5 2 5 5v322c0 3-2 5-5 5h-252c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-162l20-54c1-3-1-6-5-6h-27c-2 0-4 0-5 2l-361 503c-2 3-4 3-7 2l-72-44c-2-1-3-4-2-7l21-37c1-1 1-2 1-3v-219c0-3-2-5-5-5h-15c-3 0-5-3-5-6l16-112c0-3 3-4 5-4h4v-34c0-2-1-4-3-5-15-7-30-22-30-48 0-17 5-29 14-38 2-2 2-5-1-7l-80-69c-3-3-1-9 3-9h12c1 0 2 0 3 1l80 69c2 2 4 2 5 1 7-2 14-3 21-3 7 0 15 1 21 4 2 1 4 1 5 0l87-71c1-1 2-1 4-1h25l0 0-101 82c-2 2-2 4-1 7z m443 203c0 3 2 5 5 5h112c3 0 5-2 5-5v-95c0-3-2-5-5-5h-112c-3 0-5 2-5 5v95z m-170-85l34-46c2-2 1-6-1-7l-76-44c-4-2-9 2-7 7l42 89c1 4 6 4 8 1z m-42 25l-34-82c-2-4-7-4-9 0l-23 41c-2 2-1 5 1 6l58 41c4 3 9-1 7-6z m-38 84l29-40 0 0-58-38c-4-3-9 1-7 6l27 71c2 4 7 4 9 1z m-36 19l-26-70c-2-5-8-5-10-1l-20 39c-1 2 0 5 2 6l46 32c4 3 10-1 8-6z m-68 25l14 68c1 5 6 6 9 2l28-41c1-2 1-5-2-7l-42-27c-4-2-8 1-7 5z m-8 97l-14-65c-1-5-8-6-10-1l-22 41c-1 3-1 5 2 7l36 24c4 2 9-1 8-6z m-72 25l15 68c1 5 7 6 10 2l24-43c2-3 1-6-1-7l-40-26c-4-2-9 1-8 6z m-49 88l33 22c4 2 9-1 8-5l-12-63c-1-4-7-5-9-1l-22 41c-1 2 0 5 2 6z m-6-65c0 5 7 7 9 2l7-14c1-1 1-1 1-2v-154c0-3-2-5-5-5h-7c-3 0-5 2-5 5v168z m134-523h-269c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-25c0-2 2-5 5-5h25c2 0 5-2 5-5v-42c0-3-3-5-5-5h-25c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-25c0-3 2-5 5-5h269c3 0 5 2 5 5v25c0 3-2 5-5 5h-24c-3 0-5 2-5 5v42c0 3 2 5 5 5h24c3 0 5 3 5 5v25c0 3-2 5-5 5z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-delivery-van" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9bd;" d="M406 371c0 74 0 148 1 222 0 13 1 27 5 40 7 22 20 32 43 32h417c13 0 23-8 23-19 1-12-8-21-22-21-17 0-33 0-50 0-14 0-22-8-22-22 0-14 8-21 23-21 28 0 55 0 83 0 5 0 10-1 15-2 9-2 16-12 16-20-1-10-9-18-20-19-3 0-6 0-10 0h-180c-16 0-24-6-25-19-1-15 7-25 23-25 42 0 85 0 127 0 11 0 22 0 33 0 14 0 24-8 24-21-1-11-10-19-24-19-15 0-31 0-46 0-16 0-25-9-25-22 0-15 9-23 25-23 24 0 49 0 73 0 15 0 25-8 25-20 0-12-11-20-26-20l-144 0c-14 0-22-8-22-21-1-15 6-22 22-22 28 0 57-1 85 0 8 0 10-3 10-10 0-34 0-68 0-102 0-45-38-83-83-84-10 0-21-2-28 2-8 4-3 16-4 25-10 71-75 120-147 113-59-5-109-51-119-109-1-8-1-15-1-23 0-6-2-8-8-8-19 0-38 1-56 0-9 0-10 3-10 11 0 50 0 101 0 151-1 26-1 51-1 76z m-32-143c-11 12-24 22-37 30-44 26-110 20-149-13-33-27-49-62-50-104 0-6-3-8-9-8-10 1-20 0-30 0-19 1-34 13-36 31-2 16 9 32 27 36 7 2 7 5 7 11 0 41 0 82 0 123 0 14 2 27 6 40 15 43 29 86 44 130 13 40 42 63 84 63 45 1 91 0 136 0 5 0 8 0 8-7 0-109 0-218 0-328 0 0 0-1-1-4z m-130 165c27 0 54 0 82 0 7 0 10 1 10 10 0 38 0 76 0 114 0 7-2 10-10 9-33 0-66 0-99 0-20 0-34-9-41-29-10-31-21-63-31-94-3-8-1-10 7-10 27 0 55 0 82 0z m132-253c0-57-47-104-104-104-56-1-104 47-104 103 0 57 48 105 104 105 57 0 103-47 104-104z m-147-1c0-24 19-42 43-43 24 0 43 19 43 44 0 24-19 42-43 42-25 0-43-17-43-43z m385-103c-55 0-104 45-104 103 0 61 48 105 105 104 55 0 103-41 103-104 1-59-48-103-104-103z m-43 104c0-25 19-43 43-44 24 0 43 19 43 44 0 24-18 43-43 42-24 0-43-18-43-42z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-excavator" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9bf;" d="M937 432c0 18 0 19-18 18-20-3-28 5-37 23-51 103-104 205-156 308-3 6-5 7-11 3-14-10-28-20-43-30-6-4-6-7-4-13 5-13 9-27 14-40 3-7 2-11-6-15-92-49-185-98-276-149-20-10-35-14-53 1-4 3-8 4-13 1-14-8-29-16-43-24-5-2-6-5-4-10l12-35c1-5 1-10-1-15-25-59-49-117-73-175-3-7-7-10-14-10-31 1-61 1-91 1-27-1-44-17-44-44 0-35 0-69 0-103 1-25 12-37 37-37 34 0 68 0 102 0 4 0 8 1 11-2-16-16-19-36-14-57 5-19 16-29 36-29l138 0c35 0 54 26 47 59-3 11-10 19-17 28 4 2 9 1 13 1l136 0c24 0 33 9 32 33 0 47 0 93 1 140 0 7-2 12-5 17-20 30-39 60-58 90-4 5-7 7-14 7-41 0-81 0-122 0-10 0-13-2-13-12 1-29 0-58 1-86 0-11-4-14-14-13-26 0-51 0-77 0-3 0-7-1-10 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 34 64 68 129 102 194 2 5 5 6 10 7 106 31 212 62 318 92 6 2 10 1 14-5 26-37 52-73 78-110 11-16 26-30 31-48 6-18 2-39 2-58 0-3 0-5 0-7 2-10-1-17-8-24-8-9-14-18-21-27-1 0-1-1-1-1l6-14c12 17 31 42 31 42v-5l-30-40 6-15 40 47 3-2-42-48 12-27c32 32 63 65 95 98 4 3 5 7 5 13-1 34-1 68-1 102z m-519-100c0 7 2 9 9 9 26 0 52 0 78 0 5 0 9-2 12-7 16-26 32-53 48-79 6-9 3-19 3-29 0-4-6-2-9-2-22-1-44-1-65-1-23 0-45 1-67 0-7 0-9 2-9 8 1 34 1 68 0 101z m203-309c-60 1-120 0-180 1-4 0-7-1-9-6-9-17-24-23-43-23-48 0-96 0-145-1-17 0-29 8-35 23-3 5-5 7-10 7-29-1-58 0-88-1-34-1-51-24-48-50 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-29 19-48 47-48h254v0h255c26 0 45 16 48 42 1 10 1 19-1 28-5 26-20 40-45 40z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-trucktor" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c0;" d="M907 422c-10 2-20 3-31 3-17 0-34 0-51 0-6 0-14-1-14 8-1 13-5 29 1 38 17 25 7 52 10 78 1 17-8 23-24 22-5 0-10 0-14 0-20 2-27-8-26-26 3-25 0-49 10-75 10-27 3-60 1-91 0-8-7-13-16-13-9 0-16 5-18 14-1 9-1 18-1 26 2 15-3 20-18 19-22-1-45 0-68 0-10-1-14 2-14 13 0 84 0 168 0 252 0 7 1 12 10 14 20 3 16 19 15 32-1 14-11 16-22 16-137 0-275 0-412 0-12 0-22-2-23-17 0-14-3-29 17-31 10-1 10-6 9-14-9-79-18-158-27-237-2-14-1-22 16-22 49 0 98-1 148 1 48 2 95 2 125-45 3-4 8-7 12-11 6-7 18-11 5-24-13-13-17-1-22 5-29 35-62 60-111 48 0 0-1 0-2 0-67 0-134 0-201 0-7 0-12-3-16-7-22-27-50-49-74-74-2-3-7-5-6-10 3-10 34-28 47-26 18 4 7 18 8 27 3 37 26 52 61 37 4-2 9-3 12-6 11-9 15-6 21 6 19 41 53 47 77 11 14-21 24-18 42-10 34 14 55 0 58-37 1-4 1-7 0-11-1-13 1-20 17-16 4 1 8 0 12-1 37-5 53-30 34-62-12-20-9-28 10-38 17-9 29-24 22-46-3-9 1-11 9-11 25 0 51-2 71 20 6 6 8 8 4 16-19 36-7 57 33 62 9 1 13 2 15 13 5 44 22 53 64 35 7-3 10-3 14 4 26 37 47 37 73 1 5-7 8-9 16-5 40 19 58 8 64-36 0-4-2-9 3-11 6-1 8 3 9 7 13 28 26 55 40 86-20 0-38 0-55 0-13 0-23 3-24 17 0 16 10 20 23 20 21 0 42 1 62 0 11-1 15 4 18 13 8 24-3 44-28 49z m-506 39c-47 0-94-1-141-2-13 0-18 4-17 18 6 56 10 113 16 169 2 28 11 35 39 35 26 1 53 1 79 0 30 0 39-9 39-40 0-26 0-52 0-78 0-29 0-57 1-85 0-11-2-17-16-17z m200 1c0-25-7-32-33-33-18 0-37 0-55 1-40 0-57 16-57 56l1 140c0 27 6 33 32 33 28 0 55 0 83 0 21-1 29-9 29-30 1-28 0-57 0-85 0-27 1-54 0-82z m-154-288c-18 5-23 19-22 34 1 9 9 17 14 25 11 21 7 28-17 29-3 0-6 0-8 0-30-1-40 8-39 38-1 9 5 21-6 28-11 6-20-4-30-8-1 0-2-1-4-2-22-13-38-8-49 16-4 10-7 22-19 22-13 1-17-12-22-21-15-28-27-32-53-15-8 5-16 13-26 8-11-5-8-16-8-26-1-35-7-41-43-40-9 0-21 2-26-8s3-18 7-26c1-2 3-5 5-7 12-18 6-36-13-46-10-5-25-8-25-22-1-15 15-17 25-23 1-1 2-1 3-2 16-8 21-28 11-43-4-7-9-13-13-21-6-12 0-18 12-20 6-1 12-1 18-1 30 1 38-8 38-38 0-11-4-24 8-30 10-5 19 4 28 9 25 16 39 12 52-14 5-9 9-21 20-21 14-1 17 13 22 22 13 25 28 29 52 13 3-2 7-4 10-6 17-8 24-4 26 14 0 4 0 8 0 12-1 32 7 40 39 39 10 0 22-3 28 7 8 11-3 21-8 30-15 24-12 38 14 51 9 5 22 9 22 22 0 12-13 18-23 21z m-181-106c-45 0-83 38-84 84 0 45 37 84 83 85 46 0 85-38 85-84 0-45-39-85-84-85z m626 63c-22 12-24 21-11 44 1 2 2 5 4 7 8 14 2 20-12 22-4 0-9 0-13-1-20 0-28 8-28 28 0 9 4 21-6 27-10 5-18-4-25-8-18-11-30-8-40 11-2 4-4 7-6 11-8 12-16 12-23 0-3-4-5-8-7-13-9-16-23-20-39-9-8 5-16 13-26 7-9-5-5-16-5-24 0-23-7-31-30-30-9 1-21 4-26-7-4-8 3-16 8-23 12-17 8-31-10-40-8-5-20-7-19-19 0-11 11-13 20-18 17-9 20-23 9-40-4-7-13-15-8-24 5-10 17-6 26-6 22 0 30-8 29-31 0-17 1-22 6-24 10-5 17 2 24 7 19 12 31 8 42-12 4-8 7-18 18-17 10 0 12 10 16 17 12 21 22 24 42 12 8-5 15-13 24-7 10 5 6 16 6 24 0 23 7 31 32 31 8 0 17-3 22 5 6 9-1 17-6 24-12 20-9 31 12 42 7 4 18 7 18 18-1 9-11 12-18 16z m-148-84c-38 0-68 29-68 67-1 38 29 68 67 69 36 0 68-31 69-68 0-37-31-68-68-68z m25 546c2 1 3-1 4-2 8-7 17-9 26-5 9 4 14 14 12 24 0 3 0 4 3 5 10 3 15 10 14 21 0 2 0 3 1 4 4 4 6 8 7 13 0 1-1 3 1 3 1 0 2 0 3 0 8 0 14 6 14 14s-6 14-14 14c-7 0-13-6-14-13-1 0-2 0-3 1-11 3-19-1-23-13-1-2-2-3-5-2-10 4-21-1-24-12-1-2-1-5-1-8-11 1-19-1-25-10-5-8-5-16 0-24 5-9 14-12 24-10z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-wrecking" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c1;" d="M196 293c2 19 3 37 4 56h19c8 41 16 81 24 122h-25v125c2-4 3-5 4-7 64-123 128-247 192-370 7-14 15-26 13-42 0-1 0-1 1-3h68v-34h262v35h104v330h-260c-1-3-1-6-1-8 0-50 0-99 0-148 0-7 2-14 4-20 6-16 12-33 18-50-11 0-20 0-29 0-6-1-10 1-13 6-17 24-34 48-51 72-103 143-206 287-309 430h-2c-3-1-5-3-7-5-24-14-48-28-72-43 7-12 14-24 21-36 2-4 3-9 3-13 1-69 1-138 1-207v-12h-26c6-41 12-81 17-122 3 0 6-1 9-1v-54c-41-9-67-44-62-85 4-34 34-63 68-66 37-2 70 20 80 55 5 17 4 34-3 51-10 23-28 37-52 44z m475 142h122v-103h-122v103z m-133-139c-30-18-60-35-90-52l-2 1c16 36 33 71 50 108 14-19 28-38 42-57z m-73 89c-15-34-29-69-44-105-11 19-20 36-31 54 25 17 49 35 73 52l2-1z m-15 30c-23-15-46-30-68-45-1 1-1 1-2 1 12 30 23 60 36 91 12-16 23-31 34-47z m-60 72c-12-31-23-61-35-94-10 19-18 35-27 53 20 14 40 28 60 42 1-1 1-1 2-1z m-57 92c13-19 25-37 38-55-19-12-37-24-57-36 7 31 13 59 19 91z m-41-61c-11 20-21 38-31 57 16 11 33 21 51 33-7-31-13-60-20-90z m-36 183c11-20 22-39 33-58-17-11-35-22-54-35 7 32 14 62 21 93z m-24 36c-6-30-11-58-17-88-11 20-21 39-30 57 15 10 30 20 47 31z m-49-78c8-14 18-26 17-44-1-43 0-86 0-129v-14h-17v187z m713-603c-2 26-19 42-44 47-6 1-13 1-19 1-119 0-237 0-356 0-16 0-33 0-49-2-36-6-53-27-54-63 0-23 0-46 0-70 0-27 13-44 39-51 7-2 14-4 21-6h414c30 7 46 28 48 58 2 28 2 57 0 86z m-69-73h-383v51h383v-51z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="afghani-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c5;" d="M411 378c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-37-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-18 3-36 10-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-122l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 32 32-32 31 21 21 32-31 32 31 21-21-32-31 32-32z m398 231c-28 84-60 126-95 126-40 0-85-29-135-89-48-56-71-100-71-133 0-18 12-35 38-50 23-13 44-20 64-20 38 0 72 12 102 34l44 55c15-30 23-52 27-68 9-24 12-54 11-89h-276c-2-38-22-72-51-93h326c21 0 38 51 52 155 1 45-11 102-36 172z m-157-70c-13 0-22 2-28 4-31 17-46 31-46 41 3 12 14 26 32 43 17 17 32 26 43 26 14 1 30-10 51-33 19-22 31-43 38-63-22-12-52-18-90-18z m-12-301v-176l-72-28v180l72 24z m-5 617l-17-93-99 55 17 93 99-55z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="afghani-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c6;" d="M411 378c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-37-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-18 3-36 10-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-32-107h-118v33h118v-33z m392 216c-28 84-60 126-95 126-40 0-85-29-135-89-48-56-71-100-71-133 0-18 12-35 38-50 23-13 44-20 64-20 38 0 72 12 102 34l44 55c15-30 23-52 27-68 9-24 12-54 11-89h-276c-2-38-22-72-51-93h326c21 0 38 51 52 155 1 45-11 102-36 172z m-157-70c-13 0-22 2-28 4-31 17-46 31-46 41 3 12 14 26 32 43 17 17 32 26 43 26 14 1 30-10 51-33 19-22 31-43 38-63-22-12-52-18-90-18z m-12-301v-176l-72-28v180l72 24z m-5 617l-17-93-99 55 17 93 99-55z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="afghani-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c7;" d="M411 378c-22 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-37-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 91-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-30-109h-42v-42h-37v42h-42v37h42v42h37v-42h42v-37z m390 218c-28 84-60 126-95 126-39 0-84-29-135-89-47-56-71-100-71-133 0-18 13-35 38-50 23-13 45-20 64-20 38 0 72 12 102 34l45 55c14-30 22-52 27-68 8-24 12-54 11-89h-276c-3-38-23-72-52-93h326c21 0 38 51 53 155 0 45-12 102-37 172z m-157-70c-13 0-22 2-28 4-30 17-46 31-46 41 3 12 14 26 32 43 18 17 32 26 44 26 13 1 30-10 50-33 19-22 31-43 38-63-22-12-51-18-90-18z m-12-301v-176l-71-28v180l71 24z m-5 617l-17-93-99 55 17 93 99-55z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="bitcoin-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d0;" d="M814 132c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-68-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 56-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 36-15 68-38 91z m-32-108h-118v34h118v-34z m-127 193c-1 15-5 30-10 43-7 20-17 38-30 53-13 15-29 28-48 38-18 9-38 16-59 18v3c35 11 64 30 86 56 22 26 33 60 33 101 0 32-6 60-18 83-12 23-28 41-48 56-20 14-43 25-68 31-10 3-20 5-30 6v83h-83v-79h-37v79h-83v-79h-112v-718h111v-79h84v79h36v-79h84v84c10 1 19 3 28 5 20 4 38 10 54 18-4 15-7 31-7 48 0 72 50 133 117 150z m-385 383h101c47 0 81-8 102-23 21-15 32-39 32-70 0-27-10-49-31-65-20-17-51-25-92-25h-112l0 183z m250-450c-10-14-22-25-37-32-15-8-32-12-50-14-18-2-34-3-50-3h-113v206h118c50 0 87-7 110-22 24-15 36-41 36-79 0-24-5-42-14-56z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="bitcoin-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d1;" d="M814 132c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 24-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 36-14 68-38 91z m-30-110h-42v-42h-37v42h-42v38h42v42h37v-42h42v-38z m-129 195c-1 15-5 30-10 43-7 20-18 38-31 53-13 15-28 28-47 38-18 10-38 16-60 18v3c36 11 65 30 87 56 22 26 33 60 33 101 0 32-6 60-19 83-12 23-28 41-48 56-19 14-42 25-67 31-10 3-20 5-31 6v83h-83v-79h-37v79h-83v-79h-112v-718h112v-79h83v79h37v-79h83v84c10 1 20 3 29 5 19 4 37 10 54 18-5 15-7 31-7 48 0 72 49 133 117 150z m-385 383h101c47 0 81-8 102-23 21-15 32-39 32-70 0-27-11-49-31-65-21-17-51-25-92-25h-112v183z m249-450c-10-14-22-25-37-32-15-8-31-12-49-14-18-2-35-3-50-3h-113v206h118c49 0 86-7 110-22 24-15 35-41 35-79 0-24-4-42-14-56z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="bitcoin-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d2;" d="M814 132c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-68-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 56-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 36-15 68-38 91z m-24-61l-79-79c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 49c-2 2-2 5 0 7l11 12c2 2 6 2 8 0l33-33 63 63c2 3 5 3 8 0l11-11c2-2 2-6 0-8z m-135 146c-1 15-5 30-10 43-7 20-17 38-30 53-13 15-29 28-48 38-18 9-38 16-59 18v3c35 11 64 30 86 56 22 26 33 60 33 101 0 32-6 60-18 83-12 23-28 41-48 56-20 14-43 25-68 31-10 3-20 5-30 6v83h-83v-79h-37v79h-83v-79h-112v-718h111v-79h84v79h36v-79h84v84c10 1 19 3 28 5 20 4 38 10 54 18-4 15-7 31-7 48 0 72 50 133 117 150z m-385 383h101c47 0 81-8 102-23 21-15 32-39 32-70 0-27-10-49-31-65-20-17-51-25-92-25h-112l0 183z m250-450c-10-14-22-25-37-32-15-8-32-12-50-14-18-2-34-3-50-3h-113v206h118c50 0 87-7 110-22 24-15 36-41 36-79 0-24-5-42-14-56z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="dollar-flase" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d4;" d="M522 115c0 45 19 87 48 116 17 17 38 30 61 38-2 8-4 16-6 22-8 22-18 40-32 55-14 14-30 27-50 37-20 10-41 20-65 29l-57 22c-10 4-19 8-29 12s-18 9-26 15c-7 6-13 14-18 22-4 9-6 20-6 32 0 16 3 29 8 39 6 10 13 17 22 22 9 5 19 9 30 10 11 2 22 3 33 3 18 0 33 0 47-2 14-2 27-4 38-6 11-3 21-6 31-10s20-7 29-11c17 35 27 71 31 108-31 11-61 19-89 25-16 3-32 5-49 7v88h-129v-97c-3-1-6-2-9-3-28-8-53-21-73-38s-36-37-47-62c-11-25-17-53-17-85 0-27 4-50 10-69 7-19 16-35 28-49 12-13 27-25 44-35s37-19 58-27l58-22c11-4 22-9 33-13 11-5 21-11 29-18 9-7 16-16 21-26 5-10 8-22 8-38 0-30-11-53-34-68-23-14-54-22-94-22-27 0-52 3-75 8-24 6-49 14-75 24-7-20-13-40-18-60-5-20-9-39-11-57 16-7 31-12 46-17 15-4 29-8 44-10 15-3 31-5 47-7 9 0 18-1 27-1v-84h129v96c4 1 8 2 13 4 21 7 40 15 57 26-3 4-5 8-7 12-9 20-14 42-14 65z m262 90c-23 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-122l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 32 32-32 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="dollar-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d7;" d="M522 115c0 45 18 87 48 116 16 17 37 30 60 38-2 8-4 16-6 22-8 22-18 40-32 55-14 14-30 27-50 37s-41 20-65 29l-57 22c-10 4-19 8-29 12-9 4-18 9-25 15-8 6-14 14-18 22-5 9-7 20-7 32 0 16 3 29 9 39 5 10 13 17 21 22 9 5 19 9 30 10 11 2 22 3 33 3 18 0 34 0 48-2 13-2 26-4 37-6 11-3 22-6 31-10s20-7 29-11c17 35 27 71 31 108-31 11-61 19-89 25-16 3-32 5-49 7v88h-129v-97c-3-1-6-2-9-3-28-8-53-21-73-38-20-17-36-37-47-62-11-25-17-53-17-85 0-27 4-50 10-69 7-19 16-35 28-49 12-13 27-25 44-35 17-10 37-19 58-27l58-22c11-4 22-9 33-13 11-5 21-11 29-18 9-7 16-16 21-26 5-10 8-22 8-38 0-30-11-53-34-68-23-14-54-22-94-22-27 0-52 3-75 8-24 6-49 14-75 24-7-20-13-40-18-60-5-20-9-39-11-57 16-7 31-12 46-17 15-4 29-8 44-10 15-3 31-5 47-7 9 0 18-1 27-1v-84h129v96c4 1 8 2 13 4 21 7 40 15 57 26-3 4-5 8-7 12-9 20-13 42-13 65z m262 90c-22 22-52 36-85 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 15-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-15 67-38 90z m-24-60l-78-79c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-2 2-2 6 0 8l12 11c2 2 5 2 7 0l33-32 62 62c3 3 6 3 8 0l11-11c2-2 2-5 0-7z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="euro-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9df;" d="M902 175c-22 21-51 34-83 36h-4c-34 0-65-14-87-36-22-22-36-53-36-87 0-18 4-34 10-49 6-14 15-27 26-38 22-22 53-36 87-36 68 0 123 55 123 123 0 34-14 65-36 87z m-31-103h-113v32h113v-32h0z m-458 486c-20-25-35-56-45-94h306l-43-84h-276c0-11-1-21-1-32l1-14h276l-40-85h-227c25-117 100-177 225-177 21 0 40 1 57 4 3-37 20-70 45-95 11-12 25-22 40-29-24-8-45-12-65-15-31-5-65-7-101-7-64 0-120 10-168 31-49 21-89 50-122 87s-58 82-74 133c-7 22-12 44-16 68h-122l38 85h76c0 5-1 9-1 14 0 11 1 21 1 32h-113l42 84h83c3 18 8 35 13 52 18 52 42 96 75 134 33 37 73 67 121 88 48 21 102 32 163 32 37 0 70-3 100-7 31-5 64-14 99-28-1-23-6-45-13-66-8-22-16-44-25-65-26 9-50 15-70 19-21 4-45 5-73 5-72 0-127-23-166-70z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="euro-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e0;" d="M902 176c-22 21-51 34-83 36h-4c-34 0-64-14-87-36-22-22-36-53-36-87 0-17 4-34 11-48 6-15 14-28 25-39 23-22 53-35 87-35 68 0 122 55 122 122 1 34-13 65-35 87z m-29-105h-40v-40h-36v40h-40v36h40v40h36v-40h40v-36z m-462 486c-20-24-35-55-44-93h305l-43-84h-275c0-10-1-21-1-32l1-14h275l-40-84h-226c25-117 99-176 224-176 21 0 40 1 57 3 3-37 19-70 44-95 12-11 25-21 40-28-23-8-44-12-64-15-32-5-65-7-101-7-64 0-120 10-168 31-48 21-88 50-121 87s-57 81-74 132c-7 22-12 44-16 68h-121l38 84h75c0 5 0 10 0 14 0 11 0 21 1 32h-113l42 84h82c4 18 8 35 14 52 17 51 42 95 74 133 33 37 73 67 121 88 48 21 102 31 163 31 36 0 69-2 99-6 31-5 63-14 99-29-2-22-6-44-14-65-7-22-16-43-25-65-26 9-49 15-70 19-20 4-44 6-71 6-72 0-128-24-167-71z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="euro-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e1;" d="M902 176c-21 21-50 34-82 36h-4c-34 0-65-14-87-36-22-22-36-53-36-86 0-18 4-34 11-49 5-14 14-27 25-38 22-22 53-36 86-36 68 0 123 55 123 123 0 33-14 64-36 86z m-23-58l-75-75c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-45 46c-2 2-2 5 0 7l11 11c1 2 5 2 7 0l31-31 60 60c2 2 5 2 7 0l11-11c2-2 2-5 0-7z m-468 438c-21-24-35-55-45-93h304l-43-84h-273c-1-10-1-20-1-31l0-14h274l-40-84h-225c25-117 99-176 223-176 21 0 40 1 57 3 3-36 20-69 44-94 12-11 25-21 40-29-23-7-44-11-64-15-31-4-65-6-100-6-64 0-120 10-168 31-47 20-88 49-120 86-33 37-57 81-74 132-7 22-12 44-16 68h-121l38 84h75c0 5-1 10-1 14 0 11 1 21 2 31h-113l42 84h82c3 18 8 35 13 52 18 51 42 96 75 133 33 37 72 67 120 87 48 21 102 32 162 32 36 0 69-2 99-7 31-4 64-14 99-28-2-22-6-44-14-65-7-22-15-43-24-65-26 9-50 15-70 19-20 4-44 6-72 6-71 0-127-24-165-71z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="frank-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e3;" d="M789 167c-23 23-53 37-87 38h-4c-36 0-68-14-91-38-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-122l-22-21-31 32-32-32-21 21 31 32-31 32 21 21 32-32 31 32 22-21-32-32 32-32z m-315 605v-188h231c4-24 6-47 6-69 0-24-2-47-6-70h-231v-130h113c-25-28-40-64-40-105 0-11 1-22 4-32h-77v-137c-29-4-55-7-80-7-28 0-55 3-83 7v137h-99v137h99v595h454c4-23 6-45 6-68 0-25-2-48-6-70h-291z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="frank-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e4;" d="M786 167c-22 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-35 0-68-14-91-38-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-19 3-36 10-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 56-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-32-107h-118v34h118l0-34z m-316 590v-188h231c5-24 7-47 7-69 0-24-2-47-7-70h-231v-130h114c-25-28-40-64-40-105 0-11 1-22 3-32h-77v-137c-28-4-55-7-80-7-27 0-55 3-82 7v137h-99v137h99v595h453c5-23 7-45 7-68 0-25-2-48-7-70h-291z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="frank-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e5;" d="M788 164c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-4c-36 0-68-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 15-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 91-37 71 0 128 58 128 128 0 36-14 68-38 91z m-29-110h-43v-41h-37v41h-42v38h42v42h37v-42h43v-38z m-323 596v-188h231c4-24 6-47 6-69 0-24-2-47-6-70h-231v-130h113c-25-28-40-64-40-105 0-11 1-22 4-32h-77v-137c-29-4-55-7-80-7-28 0-55 3-83 7v137h-98v137h98v595h454c4-23 6-45 6-68 0-25-2-48-6-70h-291z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="hryvnia-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e8;" d="M852 157c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-15-91-38-24-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-38-123l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 32 32-32 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z m-202 313c-13-7-25-14-38-20h181l-16-66h-345c-18-9-33-19-46-30-20-16-29-39-29-70 0-19 4-36 13-50 8-15 20-27 34-36 14-9 30-16 47-21 17-5 34-7 52-7 32 0 64 8 93 23 10 4 19 10 27 17-3-11-4-22-4-34 0-44 20-83 51-109-5-2-10-4-14-6-48-17-98-25-150-25-41 0-79 5-116 16-37 11-69 28-98 49-27 22-49 50-66 83-16 34-25 73-25 118 0 31 5 58 13 82h-66l15 66h91c15 17 31 31 50 42l7 4h-143l13 67h304l9 3c29 11 54 24 73 39 20 15 29 36 29 65 0 18-3 35-11 48-8 14-18 25-31 34-13 9-28 15-44 19-16 4-33 6-50 6-29 0-56-6-83-16-26-11-47-27-63-50l-108 114c33 30 70 52 111 66 41 13 84 20 128 20 38 0 76-6 113-16 37-10 69-25 98-46 28-21 52-47 69-78 18-32 26-69 26-112 0-38-5-70-17-96h78l-16-67h-113c-10-10-21-19-33-26z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="hryvnia-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e9;" d="M852 157c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-15-91-38-24-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-32-108h-118v34h118v-34z m-208 298c-13-7-25-14-38-20h181l-16-66h-345c-18-9-33-19-46-30-20-16-29-39-29-70 0-19 4-36 13-50 8-15 20-27 34-36 14-9 30-16 47-21 17-5 34-7 52-7 32 0 64 8 93 23 10 4 19 10 27 17-3-11-4-22-4-34 0-44 20-83 51-109-5-2-10-4-14-6-48-17-98-25-150-25-41 0-79 5-116 16-37 11-69 28-98 49-27 22-49 50-66 83-16 34-25 73-25 118 0 31 5 58 13 82h-66l15 66h91c15 17 31 31 50 42l7 4h-143l13 67h304l9 3c29 11 54 24 73 39 20 15 29 36 29 65 0 18-3 35-11 48-8 14-18 25-31 34-13 9-28 15-44 19-16 4-33 6-50 6-29 0-56-6-83-16-26-11-47-27-63-50l-108 114c33 30 70 52 111 66 41 13 84 20 128 20 38 0 76-6 113-16 37-10 69-25 98-46 28-21 52-47 69-78 18-32 26-69 26-112 0-38-5-70-17-96h78l-16-67h-113c-10-10-21-19-33-26z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="hryvnia-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ea;" d="M850 160c-22 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-24-24-38-56-38-91 0-19 4-36 11-52 6-15 15-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 91-37 71 0 129 57 129 129 0 35-14 67-38 91z m-30-110h-42v-43h-38v43h-42v37h42v42h38v-42h42v-37z m-207 297c-12-7-25-14-38-20h182l-16-66h-346c-17-9-33-19-46-30-19-16-29-39-29-70 0-19 4-36 13-50 8-15 20-27 34-36 14-9 30-16 47-21 17-5 34-7 52-7 33 0 64 8 93 23 10 4 19 10 27 17-3-11-4-22-4-34 0-44 20-83 51-109-4-2-9-4-14-6-48-17-98-25-150-25-40 0-79 5-116 16-37 11-69 28-97 49-28 22-50 50-67 83-16 34-24 73-24 118 0 31 4 58 12 82h-66l16 66h91c14 17 30 31 49 42l7 4h-143l13 67h304l10 3c29 11 53 24 72 39 20 15 30 36 30 65 0 18-4 35-12 48-8 14-18 25-31 34-13 9-28 15-44 19-16 4-32 6-50 6-29 0-56-6-83-16-26-11-47-27-63-50l-108 114c33 30 70 52 111 66 41 13 84 20 128 20 38 0 76-6 113-16s69-25 98-46c29-21 52-47 69-78 18-32 27-69 27-112 0-38-6-70-18-96h79l-16-67h-113c-11-10-22-19-34-26z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="hryvnia-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9eb;" d="M852 157c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-15-91-38-24-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-24-61l-79-79c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-3 2-3 6 0 8l11 11c2 3 6 3 8 0l33-32 63 63c2 2 5 2 8 0l11-11c2-3 2-6 0-8z m-216 251c-13-7-25-14-38-20h181l-16-66h-345c-18-9-33-19-46-30-20-16-29-39-29-70 0-19 4-36 13-50 8-15 20-27 34-36 14-9 30-16 47-21 17-5 34-7 52-7 32 0 64 8 93 23 10 4 19 10 27 17-3-11-4-22-4-34 0-44 20-83 51-109-5-2-10-4-14-6-48-17-98-25-150-25-41 0-79 5-116 16-37 11-69 28-98 49-27 22-49 50-66 83-16 34-25 73-25 118 0 31 5 58 13 82h-66l15 66h91c15 17 31 31 50 42l7 4h-143l13 67h304l9 3c29 11 54 24 73 39 20 15 29 36 29 65 0 18-3 35-11 48-8 14-18 25-31 34-13 9-28 15-44 19-16 4-33 6-50 6-29 0-56-6-83-16-26-11-47-27-63-50l-108 114c33 30 70 52 111 66 41 13 84 20 128 20 38 0 76-6 113-16 37-10 69-25 98-46 28-21 52-47 69-78 18-32 26-69 26-112 0-38-5-70-17-96h78l-16-67h-113c-10-10-21-19-33-26z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="hryvnia" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ec;" d="M703 373h113l16 67h-78c11 26 17 58 17 96 0 43-8 80-26 112-18 31-41 57-69 78-29 21-62 36-98 46-37 10-75 16-113 16-44 0-87-7-128-20s-78-36-111-66l108-114c16 22 37 39 63 50 26 10 54 15 83 15 17 0 34-1 50-5 16-4 31-11 44-19 13-9 23-20 31-34s11-30 11-49c0-28-9-49-29-64-20-15-44-28-73-39l-10-3h-303l-14-67h143c-2-1-4-3-7-4-18-12-34-26-49-42h-91l-15-66h65c-8-24-12-51-12-83 0-44 8-83 25-117s38-61 66-83c28-22 60-38 97-49 37-11 76-17 117-17 51 0 101 9 149 26 48 17 89 46 124 87l-112 109c-18-28-42-49-71-64-30-16-61-23-94-23-17 0-34 2-52 7-17 5-32 12-47 21-14 9-25 21-34 36-8 14-13 31-13 50 0 30 10 54 30 70 13 11 28 21 45 30h346l16 66h-181c13 6 25 13 37 20 12 8 24 16 34 26z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="lira-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ed;" d="M864 157c-22 22-52 36-85 37h-5c-35 0-66-14-89-37-23-23-37-54-37-89 0-18 3-35 10-51 6-15 16-28 27-39 23-23 54-37 89-37 71 0 127 57 127 127 0 35-14 66-37 89z m-37-121l-21-21-32 32-31-32-21 21 31 32-31 31 21 21 31-32 32 32 21-21-32-31 32-32z m-434 518c-5-17-7-32-7-48 0-4 0-7 0-10h175c2-13 3-25 4-35 1-11 2-21 2-32 0-11-1-21-2-31-1-9-2-20-4-31h-160l11-64h149c2-13 3-24 4-35 1-10 2-21 2-32 0-10-1-20-2-30-1-9-2-20-4-32h-142c-1-10-2-20-3-30-5-24-14-50-27-78h207c0-4 0-7 0-10 0-65 39-120 95-144h-554l-5 17 16 14c18 14 32 33 44 53 12 22 22 43 29 66 7 23 13 45 17 67 3 17 4 32 5 45h-138c-3 12-4 23-5 32-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 11 0 22 1 32 1 11 2 22 5 35h126l-10 64h-116c-3 11-4 22-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 31 0 10 0 21 1 32 1 10 2 22 5 35h101c0 8-1 16-1 24 0 33 6 66 18 98s30 60 54 85c25 25 56 46 94 61 37 16 81 24 133 24 45 0 83-4 114-10 32-7 61-16 89-27-2-19-5-40-11-65s-15-50-28-76c-23 9-45 16-67 23-21 6-48 10-81 10-25 0-47-5-64-13-17-9-31-19-41-33-10-12-18-27-22-43z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="lira-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ee;" d="M864 157c-22 22-52 36-85 37h-5c-35 0-66-14-89-37-23-23-37-54-37-89 0-18 3-35 10-51 6-15 16-28 27-39 23-23 54-37 89-37 71 0 127 57 127 127 0 35-14 66-37 89z m-31-106h-117v33h117v-33z m-440 503c-5-17-7-32-7-48 0-4 0-7 0-10h175c2-13 3-25 4-35 1-11 2-21 2-32 0-11-1-21-2-31-1-9-2-20-4-31h-160l11-64h149c2-13 3-24 4-35 1-10 2-21 2-32 0-10-1-20-2-30-1-9-2-20-4-32h-142c-1-10-2-20-3-30-5-24-14-50-27-78h207c0-4 0-7 0-10 0-65 39-120 95-144h-554l-5 17 16 14c18 14 32 33 44 53 12 22 22 43 29 66 7 23 13 45 17 67 3 17 4 32 5 45h-138c-3 12-4 23-5 32-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 11 0 22 1 32 1 11 2 22 5 35h126l-10 64h-116c-3 11-4 22-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 31 0 10 0 21 1 32 1 10 2 22 5 35h101c0 8-1 16-1 24 0 33 6 66 18 98s30 60 54 85c25 25 56 46 94 61 37 16 81 24 133 24 45 0 83-4 114-10 32-7 61-16 89-27-2-19-5-40-11-65s-15-50-28-76c-23 9-45 16-67 23-21 6-48 10-81 10-25 0-47-5-64-13-17-9-31-19-41-33-10-12-18-27-22-43z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="lira-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ef;" d="M858 157c-21 22-52 36-85 37h-4c-35 0-67-14-90-37-23-23-37-54-37-89 0-18 4-35 10-51 7-15 16-28 27-39 23-23 55-37 90-37 70 0 127 57 127 127 0 35-14 66-38 89z m-29-108h-42v-42h-37v42h-41v37h41v42h37v-42h42v-37z m-431 505c-4-17-6-32-6-48 0-4 0-7 0-10h174c3-13 4-25 5-35 1-11 1-21 1-32 0-11 0-21-1-31-1-9-2-20-5-31h-159l10-64h149c3-13 4-24 5-35 1-10 1-21 1-32 0-10 0-20-1-30-1-9-2-20-5-32h-141c-1-10-2-20-4-30-4-24-13-50-27-78h208c0-4 0-7 0-10 0-65 39-120 95-144h-554l-5 17 16 14c17 14 32 32 44 53 12 22 21 43 29 66 7 23 13 45 16 67 3 17 5 32 6 45h-138c-3 12-4 23-5 32-1 10-2 20-2 30 0 11 1 22 2 32 1 11 2 22 5 35h125l-10 64h-115c-3 11-4 22-5 31-1 10-2 20-2 31 0 10 1 21 2 32 1 10 2 22 5 35h101c-1 8-2 16-2 24 0 33 7 66 18 98 12 32 31 60 55 85 25 25 56 46 93 61 37 16 82 24 134 24 45 0 83-4 114-10 31-7 61-16 89-27-2-19-6-40-11-65-6-25-15-50-29-76-23 9-45 16-66 23-22 6-49 10-81 10-26 0-47-5-64-13-17-9-31-19-42-33-10-12-17-27-22-43z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="lira-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f0;" d="M864 157c-22 22-52 36-85 37h-5c-35 0-66-14-89-37-23-23-37-54-37-89 0-18 3-35 10-51 6-15 16-28 27-39 23-23 54-37 89-37 71 0 127 57 127 127 0 35-14 66-37 89z m-24-60l-77-78c-2-2-6-2-8 0l-47 48c-2 2-2 5 0 7l11 11c2 3 6 3 8 0l32-32 63 63c2 2 5 2 7 0l11-12c2-1 2-5 0-7z m-447 457c-5-17-7-32-7-48 0-4 0-7 0-10h175c2-13 3-25 4-35 1-11 2-21 2-32 0-11-1-21-2-31-1-9-2-20-4-31h-160l11-64h149c2-13 3-24 4-35 1-10 2-21 2-32 0-10-1-20-2-30-1-9-2-20-4-32h-142c-1-10-2-20-3-30-5-24-14-50-27-78h207c0-4 0-7 0-10 0-65 39-120 95-144h-554l-5 17 16 14c18 14 32 33 44 53 12 22 22 43 29 66 7 23 13 45 17 67 3 17 4 32 5 45h-138c-3 12-4 23-5 32-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 11 0 22 1 32 1 11 2 22 5 35h126l-10 64h-116c-3 11-4 22-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 31 0 10 0 21 1 32 1 10 2 22 5 35h101c0 8-1 16-1 24 0 33 6 66 18 98s30 60 54 85c25 25 56 46 94 61 37 16 81 24 133 24 45 0 83-4 114-10 32-7 61-16 89-27-2-19-5-40-11-65s-15-50-28-76c-23 9-45 16-67 23-21 6-48 10-81 10-25 0-47-5-64-13-17-9-31-19-41-33-10-12-18-27-22-43z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="peseta-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f2;" d="M775 181c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-23-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 68-37 91z m-38-123l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 31 32-31 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z m153 475h-93c-4 42-13 78-29 107-20 39-47 70-80 91s-70 37-111 45c-40 8-81 12-120 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-244h-123c-2-16-4-33-4-50 0-16 2-33 4-49h123v-516c16-2 31-4 47-5 15 0 28-1 41-1 14 0 28 1 42 1 14 1 29 3 44 5v275c8-1 16-1 25-2 10 0 19 0 30 0 24 0 48 1 73 5 5 7 11 14 18 21 32 32 76 52 125 52 12 0 23-1 34-3 22 20 41 44 57 73 14 26 23 58 27 96h95c2 15 3 32 3 49 0 17-1 33-4 49z m-282-118c-9-19-20-35-35-47-15-12-32-20-51-26-19-5-38-7-58-7h-30c-9 0-18 1-27 2v97h207c-2-6-4-13-6-19z m-201 118v107c14 2 25 3 32 3 8 1 16 1 25 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 14-12 26-29 35-49 4-8 6-18 8-28l-209 0z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="peseta-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f3;" d="M775 181c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-23-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 68-37 91z m-32-108h-118v34h118l0-34z m147 460h-93c-4 42-13 78-29 107-20 39-47 70-80 91s-70 37-111 45c-40 8-81 12-120 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-244h-123c-2-16-4-33-4-50 0-16 2-33 4-49h123v-516c16-2 31-4 47-5 15 0 28-1 41-1 14 0 28 1 42 1 14 1 29 3 44 5v275c8-1 16-1 25-2 10 0 19 0 30 0 24 0 48 1 73 5 5 7 11 14 18 21 32 32 76 52 125 52 12 0 23-1 34-3 22 20 41 44 57 73 14 26 23 58 27 96h95c2 15 3 32 3 49 0 17-1 33-4 49z m-282-118c-9-19-20-35-35-47-15-12-32-20-51-26-19-5-38-7-58-7h-30c-9 0-18 1-27 2v97h207c-2-6-4-13-6-19z m-201 118v107c14 2 25 3 32 3 8 1 16 1 25 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 14-12 26-29 35-49 4-8 6-18 8-28l-209 0z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="peseta-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f4;" d="M775 181c-22 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-23-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 24-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129-1 35-15 68-38 91z m-30-110h-42v-42h-38v42h-42v38h42v42h38v-42h42v-38z m145 462h-93c-4 42-13 78-29 107-20 39-47 70-80 91s-70 37-111 45c-40 8-81 12-120 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-244h-123c-2-16-4-33-4-50 0-16 2-33 4-49h123v-516c16-2 31-4 47-5 15 0 28-1 41-1 14 0 28 1 42 1 14 1 29 3 44 5v275c8-1 16-1 25-2 10 0 19 0 30 0 24 0 48 1 73 5 5 7 11 14 18 21 32 32 76 52 125 52 12 0 23-1 34-3 22 20 41 44 57 73 14 26 23 58 27 96h95c2 15 3 32 3 49 0 17-1 33-4 49z m-282-118c-9-19-20-35-35-47-15-12-32-20-51-26-19-5-38-7-58-7h-30c-9 0-18 1-27 2v97h207c-2-6-4-13-6-19z m-201 118v107c14 2 25 3 32 3 8 1 16 1 25 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 14-12 26-29 35-49 4-8 6-18 8-28l-209 0z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="peseta-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f5;" d="M775 181c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-23-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 68-37 91z m-24-61l-79-79c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-2 2-2 6 0 8l11 11c2 2 6 2 8 0l32-33 64 64c2 2 5 2 7 0l12-12c2-2 2-5 0-7z m139 413h-93c-4 42-13 78-29 107-20 39-47 70-80 91s-70 37-111 45c-40 8-81 12-120 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-244h-123c-2-16-4-33-4-50 0-16 2-33 4-49h123v-516c16-2 31-4 47-5 15 0 28-1 41-1 14 0 28 1 42 1 14 1 29 3 44 5v275c8-1 16-1 25-2 10 0 19 0 30 0 24 0 48 1 73 5 5 7 11 14 18 21 32 32 76 52 125 52 12 0 23-1 34-3 22 20 41 44 57 73 14 26 23 58 27 96h95c2 15 3 32 3 49 0 17-1 33-4 49z m-282-118c-9-19-20-35-35-47-15-12-32-20-51-26-19-5-38-7-58-7h-30c-9 0-18 1-27 2v97h207c-2-6-4-13-6-19z m-201 118v107c14 2 25 3 32 3 8 1 16 1 25 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 14-12 26-29 35-49 4-8 6-18 8-28l-209 0z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="peso-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f7;" d="M845 229c-23 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-38-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-41 23-23 55-37 91-37 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-122l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 31 32-31 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z m27 481h-86c-5 19-11 37-19 52-21 39-48 69-81 91s-70 37-110 45c-41 8-81 12-121 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-37-2-74-5-111-8v-189h-75v-54h75v-77h-75v-54h75v-485c16-2 31-4 47-4 15-1 28-2 41-2 14 0 27 1 42 2 14 0 29 2 44 4v275c8 0 16-1 25-2 9 0 19 0 30 0 38 0 78 4 118 12 11 2 22 5 33 8 22 56 75 96 138 99 6 9 12 19 17 29 10 18 18 40 23 64h83v55h-76c1 10 1 20 1 31 0 16 0 31-2 45h77v54z m-467 52c14 2 25 3 33 3 7 1 15 1 24 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 7-6 14-14 20-22h-186v52z m166-272c-15-12-32-21-51-25-19-6-38-8-58-8h-30c-9 0-17 0-27 2v66h194c-8-14-17-26-28-35z m45 89h-211v77h209c3-15 5-30 5-47 0-11-1-20-3-30z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="peso-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f8;" d="M845 229c-23 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-38-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-41 23-23 55-37 91-37 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-32-107h-119v34h119v-34z m21 466h-86c-5 19-11 37-19 53-21 38-48 69-81 90s-70 37-110 45c-41 8-81 12-121 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-189h-75v-54h75v-77h-75v-54h75v-485c16-2 31-4 47-4 15-1 28-1 41-1 14 0 27 0 42 1 14 0 29 2 44 4v275c8 0 16-1 25-2 9 0 19 0 30 0 38 0 78 4 118 12 11 2 22 5 33 8 22 56 75 96 138 99 6 9 12 19 17 29 10 19 18 40 23 64h83v55h-76c1 10 1 20 1 31 0 16 0 31-2 45h77v54h0z m-467 52c14 2 25 3 33 3 7 1 15 1 24 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 7-6 14-14 20-22h-186v52z m166-272c-15-12-32-21-51-25-19-6-38-8-58-8h-30c-9 0-17 0-27 2v66h194c-8-14-17-26-28-35z m45 90h-211v76h209c3-15 5-30 5-47 0-11-1-20-3-29z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="renminbi-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea01;" d="M902 216c-21 21-49 34-81 36h-5c-33 0-64-14-85-36-23-22-36-52-36-86 0-17 4-33 10-48 6-14 15-27 26-38 21-21 52-35 85-35 67 0 122 54 122 121 0 34-14 64-36 86z m-36-116l-20-20-30 30-30-30-20 20 30 30-30 31 20 20 30-31 30 31 20-20-30-31 30-30z m-324 148l0-105c0-43 22-68 59-69 20-1 37 4 49 16 7-41 31-77 66-98-24-24-55-41-90-46-86-14-179 54-190 148-9 80-6 163-7 244-1 19 0 39 0 60h-50c-19-86-32-170-58-251-26-83-87-145-152-204-24 25-47 49-73 77 111 98 147 230 156 379h-189v136h665v-134h-186v-153z m132 423c1 28 0 56 0 86h-555v-113h553c1 10 2 18 2 27z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="renminbi-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea02;" d="M902 216c-21 21-49 34-81 36h-5c-33 0-64-14-85-36-23-22-36-52-36-86 0-17 4-33 10-48 6-14 15-27 26-38 21-21 52-35 85-35 67 0 122 54 122 121 0 34-14 64-36 86z m-30-102h-112v32h112v-32z m-330 134l0-105c0-43 22-68 59-69 20-1 37 5 49 17 7-42 31-78 66-99-24-24-55-41-90-46-86-14-179 54-190 148-9 81-6 163-8 244 0 19 0 39 0 60h-49c-19-86-32-170-58-251-27-83-87-145-152-204-24 25-47 49-73 77 111 98 147 230 156 379h-189v136h665v-134h-186v-153z m132 423c1 28 0 56 0 86h-555v-113h553c1 10 2 18 2 27z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="renminbi-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea03;" d="M902 216c-21 21-50 35-81 36h-5c-33 0-63-14-86-36-21-22-35-52-35-85 0-18 4-34 10-49 6-14 15-27 25-37 23-22 53-36 86-36 67 0 122 55 122 122 0 33-14 63-36 85z m-28-103h-40v-40h-35v40h-40v35h40v40h35v-40h40v-35z m-332 135l0-105c0-43 22-67 59-69 20-1 37 5 49 17 6-42 31-78 66-99-24-24-55-40-90-46-86-13-179 54-190 148-9 81-6 163-8 244 0 20 0 39 0 60h-49c-19-85-32-170-58-251-27-83-87-145-152-204-24 25-47 50-73 78 111 97 147 229 156 379h-189v135h665v-134h-186v-153z m132 423c1 28 0 56 0 86h-555v-113h552c2 10 3 18 3 27z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="renminbi-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea04;" d="M902 216c-21 21-49 34-81 36h-5c-33 0-64-14-85-36-22-22-36-52-36-86 0-17 4-33 10-48 6-14 15-27 26-38 22-21 52-35 85-35 68 0 122 54 122 121 0 34-14 64-36 86z m-22-57l-75-75c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-45 46c-2 2-2 5 0 7l11 11c2 2 5 2 7 0l31-31 59 59c3 3 6 3 8 0l11-10c1-2 1-6 0-7z m-338 89l0-105c0-43 22-68 59-69 20-1 37 4 49 16 7-41 31-77 66-98-24-24-55-41-90-46-86-14-179 54-190 148-9 80-6 163-8 244 0 19 0 39 0 60h-49c-19-86-32-170-58-251-27-83-87-145-152-204-24 25-47 49-73 77 111 98 147 230 156 379h-189v136h665v-134h-186v-153z m132 423c1 28 0 56 0 86h-555v-113h553c1 10 2 18 2 27z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="riyal-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea06;" d="M319 190c0 35-14 67-37 90-23 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-38-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-19 3-36 10-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129z m-75-32l-21-21-32 31-32-31-21 21 31 32-31 31 21 22 32-32 32 32 21-22-32-31 32-32z m618-111l-43-61c26-18 52-37 76-59 16 18 31 36 42 60-23 23-48 43-75 60z m-49 37c43 0 75 20 96 56 19 32 28 64 28 96 0 31-14 77-38 129h-4c-17-22-31-44-44-65 21-41 37-79 41-111-13-11-32-18-58-18-23 0-44 6-59 17-30 23-46 56-46 142l-2 116c30 17 61 29 93 29 38 0 69-16 74-59l9-3c10 29 16 59 16 84 0 46-34 68-77 68-35 0-74-16-113-43h-3c0 99-4 188-15 259l-6 1c-15-19-28-38-41-60 8-98 14-173 17-232-26-21-51-45-77-71h-3l-8 158 45 43c-34 44-55 85-55 117 0 9 0 16 2 25l-8 4c-24-26-52-73-52-97 0-18 10-45 16-72 6-56 12-135 17-220-53-59-99-98-140-98-14 0-35 5-49 28-7 12-12 31-12 56 0 42 22 94 63 157l-17 12c-55-75-84-149-84-222 0-8 0-15 1-23 5-33 19-60 39-77 15-12 32-19 51-19 47 0 81 29 133 88 9 10 14 17 20 24l2-2c4-48 6-97 6-149-4-18-20-38-50-62-36-28-76-48-130-48-35 0-64 14-84 37-12-19-38-37-62-36 22-62 73-95 146-95 75 0 149 43 194 111 16 52 25 108 25 166 0 43-1 83-3 121 23 25 48 50 75 73l3-2c2-55 5-107 5-156 0-120 52-177 123-177z m-71-48l-45-61c26-16 53-35 79-57 17 18 33 38 45 60-24 23-50 43-79 58z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="riyal-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea07;" d="M319 188c0 35-14 68-37 91-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-23-24-37-56-37-91 0-18 3-36 10-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 91-38 71 1 128 58 128 129z m-69-17h-118v34h118v-34z m563-87c43 0 75 20 96 56 19 32 28 64 28 96 0 31-14 77-38 129h-4c-17-22-31-44-44-65 21-41 37-79 41-111-13-11-32-18-58-18-23 0-44 6-59 17-30 23-46 56-46 142l-2 116c30 17 61 29 93 29 38 0 69-16 74-59l9-3c10 29 16 59 16 84 0 46-34 68-77 68-35 0-74-16-113-43h-3c0 99-4 188-15 259l-6 1c-15-19-28-38-41-60 8-98 14-173 17-232-26-21-51-45-77-71h-3l-8 158 45 43c-34 44-55 85-55 117 0 9 0 16 2 25l-8 4c-24-26-52-73-52-97 0-18 10-45 16-72 6-56 12-135 17-220-53-59-99-98-140-98-14 0-35 5-49 28-7 12-12 31-12 56 0 42 22 94 63 157l-17 12c-55-75-84-149-84-222 0-8 0-15 1-23 5-33 19-60 39-77 15-12 32-19 51-19 47 0 81 29 133 88 9 10 14 17 20 24l2-2c4-48 6-97 6-149-4-18-20-38-50-62-36-28-76-48-130-48-35 0-64 14-84 37-12-19-38-37-62-36 22-62 73-95 146-95 75 0 149 43 194 111 16 52 25 108 25 166 0 43-1 83-3 121 23 25 48 50 75 73l3-2c2-55 5-107 5-156 0-120 52-177 123-177z m49-37l-43-61c26-18 52-37 76-59 16 18 31 36 42 60-23 23-48 43-75 60z m-120-11l-45-61c26-16 53-35 79-57 17 18 33 38 45 60-24 23-50 43-79 58z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="riyal-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea08;" d="M320 188c0 35-15 67-38 90-22 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-67-14-91-38-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-19 3-36 10-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 24-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129z m-68-19h-42v-42h-38v42h-42v38h42v41h38v-41h42v-38z m561-85c43 0 75 20 96 56 19 32 28 64 28 95 0 31-14 78-38 130h-4c-17-22-31-44-44-66 21-41 37-79 41-110-13-12-32-18-58-18-23 0-44 6-59 16-30 23-47 57-47 143l-1 115c30 18 61 30 92 30 39 0 70-16 75-60l9-2c10 29 16 58 16 83 0 46-34 69-78 69-34 0-73-16-113-44h-2c0 100-4 189-15 259l-6 2c-15-19-29-38-42-60 9-98 15-173 18-233-26-20-51-44-77-70h-3l-8 158 45 43c-34 44-55 85-55 117 0 9 0 16 2 25l-8 4c-24-26-52-73-52-97 0-18 10-45 16-72 6-57 12-135 17-220-53-59-99-98-140-98-14 0-35 4-49 27-7 12-12 31-12 57 0 42 22 94 63 157l-18 12c-54-75-84-149-84-222 0-8 1-16 2-23 5-33 19-60 39-77 15-13 32-19 51-19 47 0 81 29 133 88 9 10 14 17 20 24l2-2c4-48 6-98 6-149-4-18-20-38-50-62-36-28-76-48-130-48-35 0-64 14-84 36-12-18-38-37-62-36 22-62 73-95 146-95 75 0 149 44 194 111 16 53 25 109 25 167 0 43-1 83-3 121 23 25 48 50 75 73l3-2c2-55 5-107 5-156 0-120 52-177 123-177z m49-38l-43-60c26-18 52-38 76-60 16 18 31 36 43 60-24 23-49 43-76 60z m-120-10l-45-61c26-17 53-35 78-58 18 18 34 39 46 61-24 23-50 42-79 58z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="rouble-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea0b;" d="M780 148c-22 23-52 36-85 38h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-38-23-22-38-54-38-89 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 89z m-38-121l-21-21-31 32-32-32-21 21 31 32-31 31 21 21 32-31 31 31 21-21-31-31 31-32z m-5 634c-17 33-40 59-68 78-28 19-59 32-94 39-34 6-69 10-102 10-33 0-65-1-96-3-32-2-64-4-95-6v-384h-94c-4-20-6-41-6-62 0-21 2-41 6-61h94v-87h-94c-4-20-6-40-6-62 0-20 2-40 6-60h94v-146c14-2 27-3 40-4 12 0 24-1 35-1 12 0 23 1 35 1 13 1 25 2 38 4v146h84c0 2 0 3 0 5 0 43 17 82 45 110 3 3 5 5 8 8h-137v86h1c33 0 106 2 146 12 34 8 65 20 93 39 28 19 50 45 68 78 17 33 26 77 26 130 0 53-9 96-27 130z m-136-194c-7-17-17-31-30-41-12-10-27-19-43-24-16-4-36-9-98-7v266c12 1 21 2 28 2 6 1 13 1 21 1 16 0 33-3 49-7 16-4 30-12 43-23 13-10 23-24 30-41 7-18 11-39 11-65 0-24-4-45-11-61z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rouble-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea0c;" d="M780 148c-22 23-52 36-85 38h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-38-23-22-38-54-38-89 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 89z m-32-106h-117v33h117v-33z m-11 619c-17 33-40 59-68 78-28 19-59 32-94 39-34 6-69 10-102 10-33 0-65-1-96-3-32-2-64-4-95-6v-384h-94c-4-20-6-41-6-62 0-21 2-41 6-61h94v-87h-94c-4-20-6-40-6-62 0-20 2-40 6-60h94v-146c14-2 27-3 40-4 12 0 24-1 35-1 12 0 23 1 35 1 13 1 25 2 38 4v146h84c0 2 0 3 0 5 0 43 17 82 45 110 3 3 5 5 8 8h-137v86h1c33 0 106 2 146 12 34 8 65 20 93 39 28 19 50 45 68 78 17 33 26 77 26 130 0 53-9 96-27 130z m-136-194c-7-17-17-31-30-41-12-10-27-19-43-24-16-4-36-9-98-7v266c12 1 21 2 28 2 6 1 13 1 21 1 16 0 33-3 49-7 16-4 30-12 43-23 13-10 23-24 30-41 7-18 11-39 11-65 0-24-4-45-11-61z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rouble-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea0d;" d="M780 148c-22 23-52 36-86 38h-4c-35 0-67-14-90-38-23-22-38-54-38-89 0-18 4-36 11-51 7-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 89z m-30-108h-42v-42h-37v42h-41v37h41v42h37v-42h42v-37z m-13 621c-17 33-40 59-68 78-28 19-59 32-94 39-34 6-69 10-102 10-33 0-65-1-96-3-32-2-64-4-95-6v-384h-94c-4-20-6-41-6-62 0-21 2-41 6-61h94v-87h-94c-4-20-6-40-6-62 0-20 2-40 6-60h94v-146c14-2 27-3 40-4 12 0 24-1 35-1 12 0 23 1 35 1 13 1 25 2 38 4v146h84c0 2 0 3 0 5 0 43 17 82 45 110 3 3 5 5 8 8h-137v86h1c33 0 106 2 146 12 34 8 65 20 93 39 28 19 50 45 68 78 17 33 26 77 26 130 0 53-9 96-27 130z m-136-194c-7-17-17-31-30-41-12-10-27-19-43-24-16-4-36-9-98-7v266c12 1 21 2 28 2s13 1 21 1c16 0 33-3 49-7 16-4 30-12 43-23 13-10 23-24 30-41 7-18 11-39 11-65 0-24-4-45-11-61z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rouble-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea0e;" d="M780 148c-22 23-52 36-85 38h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-38-23-22-38-54-38-89 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 89z m-24-60l-78-78c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-2 2-2 5 0 7l12 12c2 2 5 2 7 0l33-33 62 63c2 2 6 2 8 0l11-11c2-2 2-6 0-8z m-19 573c-17 33-40 59-68 78-28 19-59 32-94 39-34 6-69 10-102 10-33 0-65-1-96-3-32-2-64-4-95-6v-384h-94c-4-20-6-41-6-62 0-21 2-41 6-61h94v-87h-94c-4-20-6-40-6-62 0-20 2-40 6-60h94v-146c14-2 27-3 40-4 12 0 24-1 35-1 12 0 23 1 35 1 13 1 25 2 38 4v146h84c0 2 0 3 0 5 0 43 17 82 45 110 3 3 5 5 8 8h-137v86h1c33 0 106 2 146 12 34 8 65 20 93 39 28 19 50 45 68 78 17 33 26 77 26 130 0 53-9 96-27 130z m-136-194c-7-17-17-31-30-41-12-10-27-19-43-24-16-4-36-9-98-7v266c12 1 21 2 28 2 6 1 13 1 21 1 16 0 33-3 49-7 16-4 30-12 43-23 13-10 23-24 30-41 7-18 11-39 11-65 0-24-4-45-11-61z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="rupee-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea10;" d="M797 147c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-122l-21-21-32 32-31-32-22 21 32 32-32 32 22 21 31-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z m-30 570c3-17 5-34 5-51 0-18-2-35-5-52h-121c-10-60-37-108-82-146-44-37-102-60-174-68 48-50 108-117 180-202-1-7-1-13-1-20 0-62 33-115 83-144h-111c-7 0-12 3-16 8-129 152-233 270-314 355-4 4-6 8-6 14v79c0 5 2 10 6 13 4 4 9 6 15 6h70c56 0 100 9 134 27 34 18 56 44 65 78h-287c-3 17-5 34-5 52 0 17 2 34 5 51h79v0h199c-24 47-80 70-169 70h-109c-3 20-5 41-5 62 0 15 1 29 3 44v1l2 16h559c3-17 5-34 5-52 0-17-2-35-5-52h-163c19-25 33-54 40-89l123 0z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rupee-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea11;" d="M797 147c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-32-107h-118v34h118v-34z m-36 555c3-17 5-34 5-51 0-18-2-35-5-52h-121c-10-60-37-108-82-146-44-37-102-60-174-68 48-50 108-117 180-202-1-7-1-13-1-20 0-62 33-115 83-144h-111c-7 0-12 3-16 8-129 152-233 270-314 355-4 4-6 8-6 14v79c0 5 2 10 6 13 4 4 9 6 15 6h70c56 0 100 9 134 27 34 18 56 44 65 78h-287c-3 17-5 34-5 52 0 17 2 34 5 51h79v0h199c-24 47-80 70-169 70h-109c-3 20-5 41-5 62 0 15 1 29 3 44v1l2 16h559c3-17 5-34 5-52 0-17-2-35-5-52h-163c20-25 33-54 40-89l123 0z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rupee-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea12;" d="M797 147c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-4c-36 0-68-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-36 11-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 91-37 70 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-15 67-38 90z m-30-109h-42v-42h-37v42h-42v37h42v42h37v-42h42v-37z m-38 557c3-17 5-34 5-51 0-18-2-35-5-52h-121c-10-60-37-108-82-146-44-37-102-60-174-68 48-50 108-117 180-202-1-7-1-13-1-20 0-62 33-115 83-144h-111c-7 0-12 3-16 8-129 152-233 270-314 355-4 4-6 8-6 14v79c0 5 2 10 6 13 4 4 9 6 15 6h70c56 0 100 9 134 27 34 18 56 44 65 78h-287c-3 17-5 34-5 52 0 17 2 34 5 51h79v0h199c-24 47-80 70-169 70h-109c-3 20-5 41-5 62 0 15 1 29 3 44v1l2 16h559c3-17 5-34 5-52 0-17-2-35-5-52h-163c20-25 33-54 40-89l123 0z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rupee-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea13;" d="M797 147c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-24-60l-78-79c-2-2-6-2-8 0l-47 48c-3 2-3 6 0 7l11 12c2 2 6 2 7 0l33-33 63 63c2 3 6 3 8 0l11-11c2-2 2-6 0-7z m-44 508c3-17 5-34 5-51 0-18-2-35-5-52h-121c-10-60-37-108-82-146-44-37-102-60-174-68 48-50 108-117 180-202-1-7-1-13-1-20 0-62 33-115 83-144h-111c-7 0-12 3-16 8-129 152-233 270-314 355-4 4-6 8-6 14v79c0 5 2 10 6 13 4 4 9 6 15 6h70c56 0 100 9 134 27 34 18 56 44 65 78h-287c-3 17-5 34-5 52 0 17 2 34 5 51h79v0h199c-24 47-80 70-169 70h-109c-3 20-5 41-5 62 0 15 1 29 3 44v1l2 16h559c3-17 5-34 5-52 0-17-2-35-5-52h-163c20-25 33-54 40-89l123 0z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="headphone-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea33;" d="M651 155c-7 0-12 2-15 8-3 6-6 12-8 18-2 5-5 9-8 13-10 10-23 9-31-3-5-8-7-18-10-28-2-9-3-18-7-26-1-1-1-3-3-3-3 0-3 2-3 4-4 13-5 27-7 41-3 23-4 45-12 67-2 4-4 9-7 13-8 10-17 8-22 6l0 0c-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 0-2-1-3-2l0 0 0 0-1-1 0 0c-1-1-2-2-3-3l0 0c-2-3-4-6-5-9-3-6-4-12-6-18-6-31-7-62-10-92-1-14-3-27-6-39 0-2 0-4-2-4-2 0-2 2-3 3-2 7-4 14-6 21-4 19-6 38-11 57-2 8-5 17-10 24-8 10-20 10-28 1-3-3-5-7-7-10-6-15-8-30-11-46-1-9-3-17-6-26 0-1-1-3-3-3-1 0-2 2-2 3-2 3-3 6-4 9-3 10-6 21-13 30-6 9-15 14-26 14-13 0-25 0-38 0-2 0-4 0-5-1v-18c1-1 3-1 5-1 12 0 24 0 36 0 6 0 11-3 14-8 3-7 5-14 8-22 2-6 5-13 9-19 9-13 25-13 34 1 6 11 8 24 11 36 2 12 4 25 7 36 1 2 1 3 2 5 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 0 2-1 3-2 2-7 4-15 5-22 5-20 7-40 13-59 1-4 2-8 4-12 3-9 9-16 19-19h4c8 2 13 8 16 16 5 15 7 30 9 45 3 29 3 57 8 86 1 7 3 15 5 22 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 0 3-2 3-4 4-10 6-22 8-33 3-22 4-45 9-67 1-6 3-12 6-17 8-15 23-12 31-5 6 7 10 15 12 24 3 11 6 22 9 33 0 1 0 4 3 4 2 0 3-2 3-4 4-7 6-15 11-21 7-11 16-17 30-17 14 1 28 0 42 0v20c-14 0-28 0-41 0z m-651-77c18-8 35-16 54-25v165c-19-9-36-17-54-25v-115z m784 553c-104 91-226 117-359 98-191-28-339-191-345-381-3-107 0-214 0-321 0-36 26-61 62-62 28 0 57 0 85 0 44 1 68 24 68 68 0 68 0 136 0 204 0 45-25 70-70 70-24 0-49 0-75 0-3 134 47 240 161 307 130 77 265 74 392-9 105-68 151-170 147-298-27 0-52 1-77 0-42 0-67-25-68-67 0-69 0-138 0-207 1-42 24-66 66-67 26-1 53-1 79-1 47 1 70 25 70 72 0 100 1 200 0 300-1 118-48 216-136 294z m216-452c0 5-1 12-4 14-16 10-32 18-50 27v-167c14 7 27 15 40 20 10 5 14 11 14 23-1 28 0 55 0 83z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="htc-one" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea38;" d="M693 850h-376c-28 0-56-18-56-47v-895c0-29 28-58 56-58h376c28 0 46 29 46 58v895c0 29-18 47-46 47z m36-942c0-23-15-47-37-47h-376c-22 0-45 24-45 47v21h458l0-21z m-437 79v768h416v-768h-416z m437 789h-458v27c0 23 23 36 45 36h376c23 0 37-13 37-36l0-27z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="curved-double-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea71;" d="M494 554c5 10 5 27 0 37l-27 52c-6 10-14 10-20 0l-144-275c-6-10-6-26 0-36l144-274c6-10 14-10 19 0l28 51c5 10 5 27 0 37l-98 186c-6 10-6 26 0 36l98 186z m105-222c-5 10-5 26 0 36l99 186c5 10 5 27 0 37l-28 52c-5 10-14 10-19 0l-145-275c-5-10-5-26 0-36l145-274c5-10 14-10 19 0l28 51c5 10 5 27 0 37l-99 186z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="hand-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea8c;" d="M298 75c-9 7-23 9-35 12-22 6-43 11-65 16-12 3-18 8-18 22 1 86 1 173 0 260 0 12 4 18 17 21 39 10 78 21 116 33 11 3 21 9 28 17 51 58 101 117 151 175 15 17 32 27 56 21 22-5 36-18 43-40 6-19 0-36-13-51-22-27-45-53-67-80-2-2-4-5-5-8-2-5 1-11 6-13 3-1 7-1 10-1 104-1 208-1 312-1h41c38 0 62-19 62-51 1-31-24-53-61-53-14 0-28 0-42 0h-194c-4 0-8-1-11-1-7-1-12-3-12-5-1-2 3-5 8-6 3-1 6-1 9-1 37-1 74 0 110-1 29 0 49-17 51-43 1-25-16-45-44-47-41-2-81-1-122-2-4 0-8 0-12-1-2 0-4 0-6-1-4-1-5-5-3-7 2-1 3-2 5-2 3-1 6-2 9-2 31 0 62 0 93 0 28 0 45-15 45-40 1-24-19-46-45-46-43-1-86 0-129-1-3 0-7 0-10-1-5-1-9-4-9-6 0-2 4-4 9-5 4 0 7-1 10-1 30 0 61 0 91 0 24 0 39-13 43-36 4-20-9-42-29-48-9-3-20-4-30-4-91-1-183-1-275-1-32 1-62 7-88 29z m-143 305v-256c0-15-12-27-28-27h-37c-15 0-27 12-27 27v256c0 15 12 27 27 27h37c16 0 28-12 28-27z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="line-block-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea8e;" d="M500 243l283 292 40-38-323-332-322 332 39 38z m438-331v876h-875v-876h875z m-32 32h-812v812h812v-812z m-689 591z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="rounded-double-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea97;" d="M212 378l203 203c15 16 40 16 56 0l17-17c16-16 16-41 0-56l-129-130c-8-8-12-18-12-28s4-20 12-28l129-130c16-15 16-40 0-56l-17-17c-16-16-41-16-56 0l-203 203c-8 8-12 18-12 28 0 10 4 20 12 28z m300 0l203 203c15 16 40 16 56 0l17-17c16-16 16-41 0-56l-129-130c-8-8-12-18-12-28s4-20 12-28l129-130c16-15 16-40 0-56l-17-17c-16-16-41-16-56 0l-203 203c-8 8-12 18-12 28 0 10 4 20 12 28z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rounded-double-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea98;" d="M788 378l-203 203c-15 16-40 16-56 0l-17-17c-16-16-16-41 0-56l129-130c8-8 12-18 12-28s-4-20-12-28l-129-130c-16-15-16-40 0-56l17-17c16-16 41-16 56 0l203 203c8 8 12 18 12 28 0 10-4 20-12 28z m-300 0l-203 203c-15 16-40 16-56 0l-17-17c-16-16-16-41 0-56l129-130c8-8 12-18 12-28s-4-20-12-28l-129-130c-16-15-16-40 0-56l17-17c16-16 41-16 56 0l203 203c8 8 12 18 12 28 0 10-4 20-12 28z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="rounded-left-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea9b;" d="M288 138c-9 9-14 21-14 35v355c0 27 22 49 49 49h30c27 0 49-22 49-49v-227c0-13 6-26 14-35s22-14 35-14h227c27 0 49-22 49-49v-30c0-28-22-49-49-49h-355c-14 0-26 5-35 14z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rounded-left-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea9c;" d="M288 562c9 9 21 14 35 14h355c27 0 49-21 49-49v-30c0-27-22-49-49-49h-227c-13 0-26-5-35-14s-14-21-14-35v-226c0-28-22-49-49-49h-30c-28 0-49 21-49 49v355c0 13 5 25 14 34z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="swoosh-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeac3;" d="M800 341l-2 17c-1 3-3 5-6 5h-124l-2 16h98c2 0 4 1 5 3 0 1 1 3 1 5l-3 20c-1 3-3 5-5 5h-351l109 109c9 9 10 23 3 32l-42 58c-6 9-18 10-26 2l-249-248c-8-8-8-22 0-30l249-248c8-8 20-7 26 2l41 59c7 9 5 24-3 32l-108 108h331c2 0 3 1 4 3 1 1 2 3 1 5l-2 16c0 3-3 5-5 5h-94l-2 16h151c1 0 3 1 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 5z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="swoosh-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeac4;" d="M200 341l3 17c0 3 2 5 5 5h124l2 16h-98c-2 0-3 1-5 3 0 1-1 3-1 5l3 20c1 3 3 5 5 5h351l-109 109c-9 9-10 23-3 32l42 58c6 9 18 10 26 2l249-248c8-8 8-22 0-30l-248-248c-9-8-20-7-27 2l-41 59c-7 9-5 24 3 32l108 108h-331c-2 0-3 1-4 3-1 1-2 3-1 5l2 16c0 3 3 5 5 5h94l2 16h-151c-1 0-3 1-4 3-1 1-1 3-1 5z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="group-students" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeadd;" d="M998-47c0 2 0 4 0 6-2 57-6 114-12 171-5 44-11 87-19 130-5 28-20 46-45 56-15 6-31 12-46 18-9 3-13 1-16-7-13-28-30-52-54-72-20-16-42-31-64-44-12-6-16-14-16-27 1-76 1-152 1-228 0-1 0-1 0-2h-27c0 1 0 1 0 2 0 78 0 156 0 234 0 8-2 13-9 17-14 8-28 17-41 26-21 14-41 30-57 50-12 15-20 31-29 47-2 4-4 8-10 6-23-9-47-16-68-30-12-7-20-17-23-30-16-66-23-132-29-199-3-41-6-82-6-123h0c-1-5-1-10-1-16-1-17 7-25 24-25l262 0 263 0c17 0 25 8 24 25 0 5-1 10-2 15z m-423 545c9-6 13-13 17-22 13-33 28-65 54-90 38-37 88-38 127-3 30 28 49 63 65 100 2 6 5 11 11 15 23 15 27 38 10 60-3 4 0 6 1 9 4 14 8 28 8 42 1 38-15 69-39 96-7 7-7 12-4 19 5 9 10 17 15 26-15-1-26-6-37-12-7-4-9-2-12 4-7 14-9 29-13 45-8-7-12-15-15-23-4-9-7-8-13-3-8 7-15 16-26 22 0-3-1-4-1-5-3-7 6-17-2-21-6-4-15-2-22-2l-1-1c-62-7-106-40-133-94-14-29-11-59-3-90 2-4 5-8 1-13-18-23-7-48 12-59z m31 65c31-2 62 1 92 8 32 8 60 23 85 47 8-27 21-48 41-65 3-3 4-6 3-10-14-48-32-95-67-132-10-10-21-19-35-23-27-7-47 6-64 24-24 27-37 60-48 94-5 16-9 32-14 48-2 8 0 9 7 9z m190-209c-3 0-6 1-8-3-13-34-43-51-70-70-3-2-5-4-9-1-27 19-57 36-71 69-1 3-2 7-6 5-14-3-27-5-40-8-6-1-5-4-3-7 11-17 20-34 34-49 24-27 56-44 86-64 4-3 7-1 10 1 16 11 32 22 49 33 30 19 51 48 68 79 3 4 3 7-4 8-12 2-24 4-36 7z m-402-416c0 5 0 11 0 16h1c0 41 3 82 6 123 1 11 2 22 3 33-22-6-44-11-67-15-25-5-51-11-77-10-25 2-50 7-75 12-46 10-92 22-138 36-7 2-9 0-10-7-7-58-14-116-16-175 0-6 0-10-1-13h0c0-2 0-4 0-7-1-12 6-18 21-18l227 1h147c-15 0-22 8-21 24z m-328 435c7 1 9 2 9 9-2 33 0 65 7 96 5 18 11 34 27 48 4-26 15-48 34-65 5-4 8-10 12-16 14-25 31-48 54-66 34-27 75-28 110-2 25 18 42 43 57 69 3 4 5 8 8 11 17 17 27 37 33 59 1 3 0 8 3 9 5 1 7-4 10-7 13-18 19-38 22-60 4-25 5-50 4-75 0-5-1-9 6-10 40-4 70 23 69 62-1 54-46 109-99 120-8 2-10 6-9 13 1 20 0 41-7 60-22 63-67 100-133 108-67 7-120-21-156-79-16-27-22-56-20-87 1-9-1-13-11-15-30-7-53-25-71-50-15-20-24-43-25-68-1-39 21-66 66-64z m91 163c17 5 25 20 33 34 3 6 6 13 10 22 5-16 4-30 1-44-2-7 0-9 6-10 9 0 16 2 23 8 13 15 20 33 26 51 1 3 1 6 4 9 5-17 3-35 2-52 0-6 2-8 7-9 33-4 65-6 98 1 13 3 13 3 11-9-8-46-27-87-58-122-34-39-77-38-111 1-2 2-3 4-5 6-25 31-41 66-50 105 0 4-3 8 3 9z m8-266c2 22 5 44 7 67-26-8-50-18-73-31-17-10-28-25-33-44-8-27-14-55-20-83-2-9 1-11 9-13 57-18 114-32 173-42 16-3 33-8 50-5 44 7 87 16 130 27 5 43 11 87 22 129 2 10 7 18 14 24-3 2-5 4-8 6-21 13-43 22-66 30-9 3-9-2-8-8 5-23 7-46 8-69 2-19 1-38 1-58-32 19-64 38-96 58-5 3-9 4-15 0-31-19-61-37-91-56-6-3-8-2-7 4 1 22 1 43 3 64z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="hat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeadf;" d="M978 537c-145 45-290 91-434 136-8 3-16 5-24 8h-4c-4-2-8-3-11-4-76-23-151-45-226-68-74-23-148-46-222-70-6-1-11-4-16-7-12-7-13-19-2-28 6-5 14-10 23-12 45-15 90-28 136-42 3-1 8 1 12 3 10 8 19 17 29 24 62 46 132 72 208 78 30 3 61 1 91 1 16-1 26-12 25-28 0-14-12-24-27-24-6 1-12 1-17 1-71 4-138-7-201-40-19-9-36-21-55-33 3-2 4-3 5-3 73-23 147-46 221-68 21-6 42-7 63 0 142 45 284 90 426 136 8 3 15 10 22 16v9c-7 5-14 12-22 15z m-531-25c29 3 59 1 88 1 10 0 18 6 19 15 1 9-5 16-15 18-2 1-5 1-7 1-39 2-77 2-116-5-100-17-182-65-245-144-5-7-10-11-19-12-16-4-27-14-31-31s-1-30 12-41c6-6 7-13 7-21-3-33-15-63-35-89-27-36-56-71-84-106-2-3-5-5-7-8 44 30 76 70 100 116 9-1 9-6 6-11-13-19-24-40-38-59-23-32-50-60-82-82v-2c11-7 23-13 34-20 2 2 3 3 4 3 28 34 55 69 74 109 2 5 5 9 11 3-13-45-32-88-65-125 9-1 17-2 24-2 27-1 50 7 63 33 3 8 8 15 11 23 30 73 44 147 34 226-1 4 1 9 3 12 14 16 17 36 5 54-3 5-3 8 1 12 65 79 148 122 248 133z m-185-211c24-12 49-25 74-34 87-31 177-36 267-19 59 11 115 31 167 61 5 3 8 6 5 13-3 11-6 23-9 35-3 14-7 28-11 42-2-1-2-1-3-1-66-17-131-35-197-52-15-5-31-8-48-4-31 7-62 13-93 21-45 11-90 24-135 36-1-1-2-2-2-3-7-29-14-57-20-85-1-3 2-9 5-10z m-7-17c-6-19-6-19 9-32 28-25 60-45 94-62 62-28 126-41 193-32 85 11 158 49 221 106 12 11 13 14 5 29-172-93-346-101-522-9z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="lamp-light" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae1;" d="M983 290c22 22 23 42 1 64-85 86-171 173-257 259-18 18-18 17 0 36l2 1c24 25 25 54 1 79-22 23-44 44-66 66-28 29-56 29-84 1-43-42-85-84-127-127-6-6-10-7-17 0-21 22-42 44-64 65-18 19-41 19-60 1-19-19-39-39-58-58-18-19-18-41 1-60 23-23 46-47 69-70 6-5 6-8 1-15-27-41-22-94 14-130 33-34 88-39 129-12 6 4 9 3 14-2 21-22 43-44 65-65 18-18 40-18 58 0 20 20 40 39 59 59 18 18 18 40 1 58-19 19-38 38-57 57-17 17-17 17 0 33 1 2 3 3 4 4 6 10 11 7 17 0 68-68 136-137 204-205 6-6 4-9-1-14-103-102-206-204-309-307-4-4-9-6-16-6-23 0-46 1-68 0-24 0-39-15-41-38-1-11 0-23 0-34 0-31 15-46 45-46 36 0 72 0 108 0 62-1 124-1 186-1 26 0 42 17 42 43 0 10-1 21 0 31 3 23-15 46-43 45-13-1-27 0-42 0 4 4 7 7 10 10 93 93 186 186 279 278z m-712-2c-20 14-37 32-51 51-4 6-6 6-11 1-32-32-64-64-97-97-8-8-13-18-13-28 0-19 11-37 28-44 17-7 33-4 47 9 33 32 65 65 98 97 5 5 4 7-1 11z m-81 109c-6 18-11 38-12 57-2 22-2 22-23 17-41-11-83-22-125-34-21-6-33-26-29-46 3-24 20-40 43-40 3 0 7 0 10 1 44 12 88 23 132 35 6 1 6 4 4 10z m138-141c-6 3-7-1-9-6-11-43-23-86-35-129-6-23 6-46 29-53 26-8 49 4 56 29 3 10 6 21 9 32 10 37 20 74 30 112-28 1-54 5-80 15z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="microscope-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae3;" d="M359-150h-228c-21 0-32 11-32 32 0 16 0 32 0 48 1 20 11 31 32 31 32 0 64 0 96 0 8 0 11 2 10 10 0 2 0 3 0 5 2 10-1 14-12 13-16-1-31-1-47 0-15 0-23 8-23 23-1 11 0 23 0 34 0 18 7 25 25 25 53 1 107 1 161 1 76 0 152 0 228-1 22 0 28-6 28-28 0-15 0-30 0-45 0-6 1-7 7-6 93 16 162 101 158 195-4 95-69 169-162 186-6 1-11 0-16-4-33-22-68-24-103-4-46 27-92 53-138 80-15 9-17 17-8 32 41 71 82 143 124 214 8 15 16 17 31 9 43-24 86-49 129-74 14-8 16-17 8-31-12-20-23-40-35-60-2-3-8-8-4-12 4-5 8-11 17-12 69-7 130-34 182-80 62-54 100-122 110-204 15-115-21-213-106-291-52-48-113-76-184-83-48-5-96-2-144-3-35 0-69 0-104 0l0 0z m198 597c0 16-12 28-27 28-15 0-27-12-27-28 0-15 12-27 27-27 15 0 27 12 27 27z m-87-119c0-3-2-6-4-10-11-20-23-40-34-61-8-13-17-15-30-8-44 25-87 51-131 76-12 7-14 16-7 28 11 20 22 41 34 61 7 13 17 15 30 8 43-25 86-50 130-75 7-4 12-9 12-19z m246 423c-5-11-11-24-21-33-4-4-10-3-15 0-9 5-18 10-26 15-6 5-10 4-13-3-11-19-22-38-33-57-3-5-5-7-11-3-19 11-39 23-58 34-6 3-6 6-3 11 11 18 20 37 32 54 5 9 3 13-5 17-8 4-15 8-23 13-10 6-12 12-6 23 4 7 8 14 12 21 5 7 12 9 21 5 46-27 92-54 139-81 5-3 10-7 10-16z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="microscope" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae4;" d="M713 484c-9 11-39 44-55 60-7 35-37 63-73 63-41 1-76-34-76-77 0-43 33-77 74-77 17 0 33 6 45 15 59-57 91-151 73-233-19-82-69-137-144-168l-13 15c-31 33-79 32-109-1-45-49-89-99-132-149-4-3-5-9-7-14 5-2 10-5 16-5 59-1 118-1 177-1 60 0 120 0 179 1 5 0 10 3 15 4-2 5-2 11-5 14-23 26-46 52-69 78 3 0 7 1 11 4 103 58 156 149 161 268 4 76-22 144-68 203z m-129-14c-31 1-57 28-57 60 0 32 26 58 57 58s57-26 57-58c0-32-27-60-57-60z m-94-475c-21 0-38 17-38 39-1 21 16 39 37 39 22 0 39-16 39-38 1-22-17-40-38-40z m-109 390c0-3 2-9 4-10 10-4 9-10 7-18-5-16-9-33-13-49-2-6-1-10 6-11 10-3 20-6 30-9 5-1 8 1 10 7 4 18 10 35 14 53 1 6 3 9 9 8 7 0 12 2 13 10 1 1 1 2 1 3 11-3 22-6 34-9 8 32 16 62 24 92 0 3-2 8-4 10-48 58-28 136 40 161 5 2 10 7 11 12 6 20 11 40 17 62-42 11-84 23-127 35-29-113-58-225-87-337l12-4c-1-2-1-4-1-6z m4-259c50 0 101 0 151 0 17 0 19 2 19 19 0 17-2 19-19 19-101 0-202-1-303 0-16 0-15-9-15-21 0-11 1-18 15-18 51 1 101 1 152 1z m-18-92c16 18 31 36 48 55-13 6-25 15-38 16-36 2-73 0-113 0 28-32 58-56 92-73 3-1 9 0 11 2z m97 717c41-11 81-23 121-34 16-4 15 9 18 19 4 10 1 15-9 18-33 9-66 18-99 27-8 2-16 4-24 7-14-1-12-13-14-21-3-7-2-14 7-16z m120-183c-20 0-38-18-37-38 0-21 17-39 37-39 20 1 37 18 37 39 0 21-17 38-37 38z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="paper" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae5;" d="M662 771c99-3 198-6 297-9 31-1 44-15 41-47-5-43-9-86-14-129-9-79-20-157-35-235-18-92-39-183-74-270-13-34-29-66-50-96-31-44-71-66-126-64-117 3-234 3-350 5-49 0-97 2-146 3-59 2-105 30-141 75-31 39-51 83-63 132-6 24 10 44 35 43 85-1 169-4 254-6 88-2 176-3 264-5 4 0 7-1 10-1 21 2 34-9 43-28 14-31 31-61 51-89 12-17 25-33 41-46 22-17 39-17 59 2 23 23 36 51 48 80 31 74 50 151 67 229 16 78 29 158 40 238 5 44 9 88 14 132 1 8-1 10-9 10-65 2-130 3-194 5-108 3-216 7-324 10-9 0-11-2-12-11-13-133-32-265-71-393-8-24-17-47-25-70-2-5-4-7-9-7-20 1-40 1-60 1-8 0-8 3-5 9 42 93 62 193 80 293 12 71 19 143 26 214 2 22 15 34 37 34l235-7c22-1 44 0 66 0 0-1 0-1 0-2z m-47-780c-26 34-45 68-63 103-2 4-5 6-10 5-10 0-20 1-30 1-85 2-169 4-254 6-52 1-105 2-158 3-19 1-19 1-11-16 29-56 67-97 137-97 118 0 235-3 353-5 11 0 22 0 36 0z m24 548c-49 1-97 3-145 4-5 1-9 1-14 2-11 1-18 9-17 20 0 11 7 18 18 20 4 0 9 0 13 0 99-4 198-8 297-11 14-1 22-9 22-21-1-12-9-20-23-19-50 1-101 3-151 4v1z m73-144c-83 3-166 6-248 9-14 0-23 6-24 17-2 10 3 17 12 22 4 2 9 1 14 1l125-4c52-2 103-4 154-5 7-1 14-1 19-7 6-6 7-13 5-21-4-9-11-13-21-14-12 0-36 1-36 2z m-139-139c-52 3-104 6-155 9-9 0-14 6-15 17-1 10 2 17 8 22 2 2 5 1 8 1l78-4c33-2 65-4 97-5 4-1 8-1 11-7 4-6 5-14 3-21-2-9-7-13-12-14-8 0-23 1-23 2z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="pen-alt-4" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae6;" d="M749 416c-61 60-123 122-184 183-5 6-8 6-14 0-162-162-324-325-487-487-11-11-18-24-21-40-4-28-9-56-15-84-1-7 0-11 5-15 30-30 59-60 89-90 3-2 6-6 11-5 26 5 52 11 78 14 23 3 41 13 57 30 50 51 101 101 151 152l328 328c5 4 9 7 2 14z m12 220c-28 27-55 55-82 82-22 21-39 21-61-1-5-4-9-9-14-14-21-21-21-38 0-59 76-75 151-151 227-226 7-7 7-10 0-17-75-75-150-150-225-225-16-16-16-35-1-50 15-15 34-15 50 1 91 90 182 181 273 272 9 10 14 21 15 35 0 15-7 27-17 37-56 55-110 110-165 165z m221 73c-42 42-83 84-125 125-22 21-49 21-70 0-22-21-43-42-65-63-5-6-4-9 1-14 61-61 123-123 184-184 4-4 6-6 11-1 22 23 45 45 67 67 9 9 14 20 13 34 1 15-6 26-16 36z m-968-778l-6-41-6-40 81 12-35 34-34 35z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="pen-nib" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae7;" d="M759 329c-20 26-41 51-60 77-37 53-78 103-94 168-2 8-7 7-12 7-63 0-125 0-187 0-8 0-11-2-13-11-5-24-16-46-29-68-35-60-77-115-122-169-9-10-9-16 2-25 23-20 42-44 59-69 66-94 110-199 152-305 10-26 20-53 31-84 1 7 2 9 2 11 0 138 0 277 0 415 0 9-3 14-11 19-21 11-30 32-24 52 6 21 23 35 44 36 20 1 40-13 46-32 7-21 0-43-20-55-11-6-12-13-12-24 0-79 0-158 0-237v-180l4 0c1 4 3 9 5 14 28 78 58 156 95 230 38 78 79 155 145 214 9 8 3 11-1 16z m-402 289c7-14 20-16 34-16h126c31 0 62 0 93 0 13 0 26 3 32 16 6 13 2 23-8 31-5 3-4 6 0 9 10 8 14 19 7 32-6 13-18 13-31 13h-111v0c-39 0-78 0-118 0-11 0-21-4-25-16-5-10-2-19 6-27 3-3 10-5 3-10-10-9-15-19-8-32z m257 130l12 102h-254l11-102h231z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="bbq" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb42;" d="M695 145c84 58 106 146 102 193h-461c0-4 0-6 0-9 4-77 38-137 100-182 6-4 7-7 5-14-20-59-39-118-58-177-3-11-7-22-11-33 12-4 22-7 33-10 8 25 17 50 24 74 2 8 6 10 14 10 84 0 169 0 253 0 8 0 12-2 14-10 7-24 16-49 24-75l33 11c-12 38-24 74-36 111-12 37-24 74-36 111z m-254-123c11 35 22 68 34 103 63-25 125-25 189 2 12-35 23-69 34-105h-257z m143 730c-43 25-88 39-137 35-63-5-116-30-159-77-5 3-10 7-15 10 1 3 2 4 3 6 4 9 2 14-6 19-8 5-14 4-19-3-16-25-32-50-47-75-4-7-3-13 5-18 10-6 13-5 25 8 5-3 9-6 15-10-21-53-25-106-8-160 17-54 50-96 99-127 81 131 163 262 244 392z m-328-90c-5 4-10 6-14 9 7 12 14 23 22 35 4-3 9-6 13-9-7-11-14-23-21-35z m321-155c-20-20-26-47-22-75 3-22 19-46 36-53l-2 6c-1 2-2 4-2 6-13 40-11 76 20 108 14 15 22 33 25 53 5 31-11 66-37 79 0 0 0-1 0-1l1-4c18-43 15-83-19-119z m81-129c-1 3-2 6-3 8-11 32-9 62 16 87 5 6 10 13 13 21 14 31 5 64-22 81 0-1-1-1-1-1 2-3 3-6 4-9 9-30 8-58-15-83-5-5-9-11-13-17-17-32-8-70 21-87z m-125 111c17 31 7 70-20 86 0-1-1-1-1-1 1-2 1-3 2-5 12-33 10-63-16-90-8-9-13-21-16-33-8-26 4-54 25-67 1 1 1 2 1 2-1 3-2 6-3 8-9 30-8 58 15 82 5 5 9 11 13 18z" />
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2-8 3l0 0c-1-1-3-1-4-2-14-19-29-37-43-56 5-4 13-4 21-2 19 7 38 14 58 21 5 2 11 3 17 4 17 3 34 6 52 9-13 19-16 38-15 58z m-23-29c-9 9-6 22 8 37-1-14-16-22-8-37z m-59 159h-15s4-25-4-26c0 0 25-22 28-40l9 13-18 53z m65 34c-4-5-4-12-5-18 6 0 12 0 18 0l1-4c-5-1-9-4-14-5-5-1-7-3-9-9-4-16-10-31-15-46-2-5-6-8-9-12 0-2-2-3-2-4-2-11 0-37-2-49 11 3 18 21 30 25-6 29 5 54 20 77 13 20 16 40 9 63-8-6-16-11-22-18z m-45-34c-1-6-9-13-6-20 3-7 9-12 12-19 2-5 3-9 4-13 6 14 12 29 17 44 2 6 0 14-1 21-2 7-5 13-7 20l4 1 8-15h3c1 20 2 40 3 60l4 0c1-12 1-24 3-37 8 5 11 18 22 10-4 17-7 34-12 50-3 9-7 9-14 2-1-1-2-2-2-4-5-13-12-23-25-29-1-1-2-6-1-9 4-15 4-16-9-25-2-1-4-4-4-6 0-11 2-21 1-31z m-65-158c-2-1-5-3-6-5-7-10-13-20-20-29-4-6-8-10-14-17 9 2 16 5 20 3 5-2 7-1 9 2 6 4 11 8 15 13 12 14 22 29 33 44 1 1 1 3 2 5 2 6 3 12 6 17 3 7 7 14 10 22 6 13 6 26-7 36-6 5-8 14-17 16-2 1-4 6-5 9-2 3-3 7-5 12-4-7-6-14-11-18-7-5-7-12-8-19-1-6-1-12-3-17-2-10-5-18-13-23-7-5-14-11-20-17-3-3-8-7-9-11-2-9-5-16-17-14 0-7-1-13-1-19-1-14-5-25-17-33-6-4-9-10-13-16-1-1-1-3-1-5 4-12 8-24 12-36 2 4 6 8 8 14 5 11 7 25 22 29 1 1 1 2 2 3 8 11 16 23 25 34 16 20 16 29 4 51-1 2 0 5-1 8 3-1 7-1 8-3 4-5 6-11 10-18 13 26 12 54 26 78l3-1c-3-13-7-26-10-40 8 3 13 5 19 8l2-4c-5-3-9-7-14-10-3-3-9-5-10-8-5-11-8-22-12-33 11 6 21 11 32 17l3-5c-3-1-6-3-9-4-9-5-18-10-28-16z m-516 28c0 7-6 9-9 14-6 9-9 19-14 28-1 2-4 4-6 4-16 2-17 3-19 18 0 3-3 8-5 8-14-1-26 5-35 15-1 1-3 1-4 2-9 3-13 1-11-8 2-17 7-33 10-50l0 0c0 0 0 0 1 0l0 0v0c6 12 15 2 24 2-4 11-9 22-13 34l2 1c10-17 20-34 30-52l2 2 2 17 4 0c1-7 1-14 2-20 2-7 4-15 9-20 11-11 23-21 34-31 0 3-1 8-2 12 0 8-1 16-2 24z m-16 18c0-10 1-19 2-30-12 6-12 24-2 30z m560 222c-4-1-9-1-15-2 6-10 12-20 17-29 2-3 3-7 3-11-1-7-2-14-3-21 0-2-1-6 1-6 6-4 4-10 4-15v-10c5 2 9 3 12 5 3 3 7 7 8 10 1 7 0 15 0 22 0 4-1 8 5 11 3 1 6 6 1 11-2 2-4 7-2 9 6 7 3 12-2 15 0 7 0 11 0 16 1 5 2 10 1 15 0 2-2 3-4 5-2 1-4 3-6 4 6 12 6 12 1 16-1-3-1-6-2-9-4-10-9-21-14-32-1-2-3-3-5-4z m-37-342c-7 10-15 15-26 14-12-1-22-5-26-17 4-3 8-5 11-8 5-4 9-4 14-1 4 2 9 2 14 3l1-4c-6-2-12-4-19-6 9-9 18-17 26-25-6-5-11-4-19 4-5 5-10 11-16 18-4-11-7-21-11-30l-3 1c2 7 4 14 7 20 4 12 4 12-6 21-5-7-9-13-14-19-6-7-12-14-17-20 10-9 18-12 30-10 3 1 7-1 10-3 15-10 29-7 44 0 8 5 14 15 12 24-2 13-4 26-12 38z m-68 102c1 1 3 3 4 3 12 0 13 9 15 18 1 3 3 5 5 7 2-3 5-6 4-8-2-6-5-13-9-19-2-4-4-8-7-13h12c8 19 12 24 27 37 3 3 9 5 11 9 10 12 8 28 10 43 1 3 3 9 5 9 7 0 9 6 11 11 2 7 4 15 7 22 3 7 8 14 11 21 1 2 0 4 0 6 0 3-1 7 0 10 2 7 2 11-8 9 2 5 4 8 6 13-6 0-8 2-6 7 2 4 4 8 4 13 0 2-3 7-3 7-9-1-7 4-8 8 0 5 0 12-3 15-8 6-8 13-5 21h12c4 4 7 6 10 9 2 2 5 5 5 6-5 6 0 8 4 12 1 1 1 3 2 4-3 2-5 4-8 6 3 2 5 4 7 6 1 2 3 4 4 6-1 1-3 3-5 4-5 1-6 3-4 8 4 12 3 14-9 19 0 4-1 9-1 13h-9c-1 5-2 9-2 13-9-1-12 7-18 10-6 3-13 6-20 9l1 4c4-2 8-3 12-4 8 6 10 13 6 23-1 2 1 5 1 8l3 0c2-5 4-9 6-14 7 5 14 10 22 15 1 1 4-1 6-1-1-2-1-5-3-5-7-3-8-9-9-16 0 0 0-1-1-1-2 1-3 3-4 4-3-1-5-3-7-5 8-3 14-6 21-9l-1-3c-6 1-11 2-16 4-11 3-11 3-14-1 5-12 24-8 24-23 4-2 8-4 11-6 11 11 12 24 9 38-3 10-4 19-5 27-18 2-36 4-55 5-1-3-1-6-2-10-5 7-10 13-15 19 0 1 2 2 2 3 1 7 2 14 3 21l-2 8c0 9-3 12-13 12-1-1-3 0-4 1 1 14 0 15-13 9-1 0-5 2-6 4-3 4-3 8-5 13-11-7-11-6-15 5-1 2-6 5-7 4-7-3-9 0-11 6-2 7-6 8-11 2-4-3-7-3-9 2-3 9-9 8-16 4-2-2-7-3-8-2-9 9-15 3-23-1-6-4-13-5-19-7 0 1 0 1-1 2 2 3 3 6 6 11-5 0-8 1-11 0-5-3-7-1-10 4-1 2-5 4-6 4-10-5-18 2-26 4l7 2c1 1 1 2 1 3-3 1-7 4-10 4-5-2-9 0-12 4-3 5-8 7-14 3-4-3-7-1-10 4-1 3-7 4-11 5-3 0-7-1-11-2-2 9-8 8-15 6-4-1-8-1-11-1-7 1-12-2-14-8-2-6 0-11 8-12-12-6-12-6-16 7-6 3-11 4-15 7-8 4-15 4-23-1-8-4-15-9-24-11-8-2-10-8-15-14-4-5-16-5-18-10-4-11-14-16-22-23-3-2-5-4-8-5-1 3 0 6 1 8 1 3 3 6 5 10-7 0-13 1-19 0-11 0-18-9-22-20-4-12-9-25-26-27-7-1-14-7-21-11-1-1-4-4-3-6 2-7-3-8-8-9-8-2-12-8-14-16-1-4-3-8-6-12-2-6-6-11-8-17-4-11-7-23-10-34 0-1 0-1-1-2-14-8-12-20-10-33 2-7 6-12 14-9-1 9-2 17 7 23 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 9 6 14 13 18 4 2 8 6 10 10 10 15 39 24 56 15-5-1-8-2-11-2-13-1-24-4-34-12-2-2-5-5-4-7 2-6-2-6-6-7-12-3-15-8-17-21 0-2-1-4-2-5-10-2-7-8-6-15 1-4 0-7-6-6-16 2-28-11-27-28 1-2 0-5-1-7-6-7-9-15-5-20-2-9-5-15-6-21 0-6 4-12 5-19 1-6 2-11 11-10 2 0 6-1 7-3 5-10 15-14 25-9 8 4 14 7 21 3 5 4 8 7 12 10 1-1 1-1 2-2-2-5-4-9-6-13-2-2-7-4-8-3-7 5-13 4-20 0-3-2-6-3-9-3-13-3-21-14-16-25 2-7 1-11-2-17-2-6-2-11 6-12 5-2 7-4 4-9-2-5 1-8 5-10 6-3 11-6 15-13 3-6 10-12 17-14 12-2 15-10 17-20 0-3 4-6 7-6 10 1 14-3 16-12 1-2 2-4 4-9 0 8-1 14-1 19-14 5-20 14-18 28 1 2 0 4 0 7 0 6 0 13 0 19 0 4 2 7 1 10-2 10 4 18 13 20-11-10-11-11-5-25 1-2 0-6-1-9-3-4-4-8 1-11 5-3 3-6 1-9-5-8-1-18 7-20 3-1 7-1 12-1-8-14-2-26 7-38-1 0-1-1-2-2-3 1-5 2-11 3 5-6 11-9 13-14 3-10 6-21 5-31-1-16 9-25 21-33 5-3 12-6 17-5 7 1 9-1 10-6 0-6 3-7 8-7 6 0 12 1 17-1 8-4 13-3 18 4 12-10 12-10 23 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 1 1 24-10 24-12 4-11 9-15 20-13 5 1 7 0 10-4 2-3 7-5 10-8 2 4 6 6 7 10 5 14 14 22 29 24 19 2 38 3 57 5 17 1 34 0 49-10 12-7 26-8 39-1 3 1 6 2 9 2 9-1 17-2 15 11 8 7 12 16 17 25 3 7 5 13 5 20l1 2c-3 0-6 0-9 1l-2 2c4 2 10 6 11 4 8-6 13-4 17 4z m26 66c-5 2-7 4-10 5 2 3 3 5 6 8 3 3 6 6 11 9 6-19-3-34-9-49-3-6-9-9-16-8-1 0-3 2-4 3 0 1 1 4 2 4 15 4 11 20 20 28z m-104 364c10-3 20-7 29-13 8-4 13-37 8-45 0 0-1-1-3-2-2 12-3 22-6 33-1 6-3 12-12 10-1 0-4 2-5 3-10 11-10 11-24 7 1 7 5 10 13 7z m-73-64h-17l0-1c2-1 3-2 4-5 1-4-2-10-7-10 0-1-1-1-1-1-1 0-1 0-1 0l0 0c-1 0-2-1-2-1 0-1-1-1-1-2l-1-1c-1-1-1-2-2-3l-2-4c-3-4-8-6-12-3-5 2-6 8-4 12 4 5 7 12 12 16-8 0-17 2-26 2-5 1-9 4-9 9 0 5 4 10 9 9 12-1 24-3 36-3 4 0 6-2 7-4h17c6 0 6-10 0-10z m-28-189c-2 2 0 8 0 12h3c-3-11 16-21 1-33 2 8 3 15-4 21z m-31 53c-11-12-27-18-43-21-6-1-8 9-2 10 3 0 6 1 9 1-1 1-1 1-1 2v7c0 3 3 5 5 5 3 0 5-3 5-5v-6c7 3 13 7 18 12 10 10 12 23 8 37-1 6 8 8 10 2 4-15 1-31-9-44z m7-153c-11-7-25-6-32 3 10-1 20-2 32-3z m-98 267c5 7 10 6 15 2 5-4 9-7 13-11 2-2 4-4 4-6 1-9 6-14 16-15l-19-9c1 20-8 33-29 39z m51-239c-11-3-19 4-19 18 7-7 13-13 19-18z m-124 326c7 7 17 7 26 7 3 0 6-1 7 1 8 8 19 11 28 16 10 5 20 4 32 0-15 13-14 25 0 37 3 3 3 7 6 10 1 2 3 2 5 4 1-2 2-5 1-6-2-7-2-14-11-17-6-2-5-11 0-19 6 1 11 3 15 2 11-3 19 1 28 5 14 5 28 11 42 15 6 2 14-1 21-2 2 0 3-2 5-2 9 0 12-6 14-13 2-10 3-21 4-31 1-2-1-4-3-7-2 2-4 2-4 4-1 9-3 18-4 27-1 6 0 13-10 12 0 0-2 0-2 1-11 10-19 5-26-2-20 1-36-6-50-18-6 7-15 5-23 4-3-1-4-8-7-15-2 1-7 2-11 3-4 0-10 3-12 1-10-10-27-5-35-19 0-1-5-1-7-1-14 1-24-1-29-17-4-9-11-3-17-2 6 8 11 15 17 22z m9-94c0-3 0-6 0-9-1-6-10-6-10 0 1 18 2 43 24 49 6 1 8-8 2-9-9-3-13-11-15-21 8-5 15-10 19-19 1-2-2-5-4-5-2-1-5 0-6 3-1 4-5 8-10 11z m4-23c-7-7-10-16-10-26 0-6-10-6-10 0 0 12 5 23 14 32 4 5 11-2 6-6z m-39-120c-1 3-3 6-5 10 4 4 6 6 11-1 4-7 5-13 2-20 0-5 0-10 1-16 2-2 6-6 9-9l-1-1c-5 1-11 3-16 3-5 0-10-4-17-4 5 4 10 8 13 11 4 6 7 11 10 16-2 4-4 7-7 11z m-22 106c-3-7-5-14-7-21-1-2-2-6-4-6-9 0-7-7-7-13 0-3-1-6-2-9-2-8 1-14 8-19-11-4-19 3-17 17 0 8 2 15 4 23 0 1 0 1 1 2 5 11 11 21 17 31 3 6 4 12 7 17l3 0c3-8 1-15-3-22z m3 138c4-10 7-17 10-25-8 0-12 9-10 25z m22-412c-15-9-15-9-20-6 6 4 13 8 20 12 4-3 10-8 16-11 6-3 13-4 17 5 12-6 21-1 29 8 3 2 7 4 10 4 10-1 17 3 21 12 2 3 5 4 7 6 1-3 2-7 1-9-5-11-13-18-26-18-3 0-6-1-9-3-8-6-16-11-28-8-3 0-6-3-10-3-11-2-21 2-28 11z m232-34c-5 8-10 16-15 24 9 2 17-10 17-23l-2-1z m28-36c-6-2-13-1-15 9 4-1 7-2 10-2 3 1 6 3 9 4 5 1 10 3 15 4 1-1 1-2 1-3-7-4-13-9-20-12z m101 252c-2 1-5 1-5 2-5 10-10 4-15 2-5-2-10-5-14-7-2-2-6-6-5-7 2-7-3-8-7-11-6-3-13-7-6-16 0-1 0-5-1-6-7-5-3-8 2-11 3-2 7-4 10-6 0-1-1-2-1-3-4 0-9-1-12 1-11 4-22 2-30-6-1-2-2-4-2-6 0-12 1-24 1-36-1-5-3-11-6-13-7-5-6-9-4-15 1-5 2-10 3-15l-2-1c-2 2-4 4-7 7-11-9-23-14-37-15-3 0-6-4-7-6-2-5-2-9-3-14-4-10-9-14-20-13-10 1-23-7-26-17-1-2-1-4-1-5 0-5 0-10 0-16 3-3 10-7 1-13 3-4 5-8 9-10 3-3 8-5 12-8-17-4-28 6-27 22 0 6 1 12-1 18-3 11 3 19 9 27-4 2-8 4-11 6-3-10-6-20-10-29 0-1-2-3-3-3-15-6-27-17-45-14-10 1-21-4-31-6-4-1-9-3-13-2-9 2-18 5-26 8-8 2-11 7-12 17 3-3 6-5 8-6 5-2 10-4 15-6 4-1 9-2 13-2 4-1 9-2 10 0 6 6 12 8 20 3 1 0 4 1 7 1-3 10-19 18-5 32-2-10 1-16 8-19 3-2 6-4 7-6 3-11 12-10 21-9-2 16 15 7 19 16-6 4-7 6 2 10 3 1 5 6 6 10 1 3-3 7-5 8-7 5-15 8-23 12-10 6-16 12-15 26 1 6-3 15-8 19-10 10-6 20-1 30-11 5-18 12-16 24 0 2 6 4 11 8-7-18 8-19 14-25-3-9-6-17-9-27 13 1 13-5 12-13 0-2 1-6 3-8 3-5 8-8 6-16-2-8 14-13 24-8 2-16 12-17 24-13 3-9 15-13 20-7 6 7 10 5 17-1 2 8 5 14 5 20 1 10 5 13 15 13 7 0 14 0 19 3 6 3 11 9 15 14 2 3-1 9-2 16 5 3 18 0 15 14-1 3-4 5-7 10 1 6 20 17-5 23 2 3 4 5 6 6 11 1 12 8 12 17-1 8-4 14-13 14 0 4 1 9-1 12-2 4-5 9-9 11-7 4-7 5 0 11 12-17 28-32 30-55 4 1 9 3 13 4 1 12-1 24 7 34 5 5 12 7 13 16 1 6 31 20 37 18 3-2 6-6 9-10 1 0-1-2-1-4z m-31 37c-2 4-3 6-8 4-5-2-7 0-8 5-1 4-4 7-6 10 0 0 1 1 2 1 8-6 17-12 25-18 2-1 4-3 6-4 2-3 4-6 4-9 0-2-2-5-4-8l-2 2c0 1 0 3 0 3-3 6-7 9-9 14z m49-6c-9 5-13-1-16-7-1-1-3-3-6-6 0 5-1 9 1 10 7 6 7 16 15 21 3 2 3 8 6 12 3 5 2 8-1 13-1 1 0 5 0 8 1 3 4 6 3 8-6 13-5 27-6 40 0 2-3 5-5 6-3 1-8 1-11 3-9 7-19 4-27 0-9-3-16-11-24-17-2-2-4-4-6-6l-3 2c4 6 6 12 11 16 11 10 25 16 40 15 3 0 7 0 9-2 4-8 9-5 13 0 4 4 6 11 15 7 2 0 6 5 9 7-1-7 0-17-12-15-2 0-4-3-5-3 8-31 13-61 7-93 6 2 10 4 15 5 3 1 6 0 8 0 0-2 0-5-1-7-3-8-7-11-15-6-1 0-6-4-8-6-2-2-6-5-6-5z m-90-407c5 17 23 18 34 29-3 2-4 3-6 3-2 1-4 2-6 2l-55-1c-4 0-9 0-14 0l0 4c17 8 36 3 52 5-6 9-13 19-19 29-7-5-15-12-23-18-7-5-14-8-15-18 0-2-3-5-5-7-5-4-10-8-14-12 8-4 16-7 22-12 21-16 44-20 71-17 26 4 43 20 60 38 2 3 3 8 4 11-15-3-32-5-46-10-14-6-26-17-40-26z m-139 58c-6 5-10 10-15 13-2 2-4 2-6 2-12-1-21 4-24 17-6 1-14 4-16 2-15-14-32-5-48-6-4-6-8-13-12-20-11-17-5-47 12-53 16-6 33-7 50-10-7 18-14 33-20 49l-20-21-2 2c2 4 4 9 7 12 8 10 19 17 20 31 0 2 2 4 4 6 0-5-1-10-1-16-1-20 8-37 17-54 2-4 3-8 5-15 16-7 34-11 51-5 1 12 2 23 2 33 0 1 0 3-1 4-7 9-6 20-3 29z m-69-2c22-7 37-15 40-22-18 0-32 7-40 22z m9-26c13-4 24-6 36-10-13-6-27-3-36 10z m245 55c-17-4-34-2-49 6-7 4-15 6-23 8-13 2-25 1-32-13l15-9-2-3c-3 1-7 1-10 3-10 4-11 4-15-5 4-4 7-8 11-12l-2-2c-5 3-9 5-15 9l-22-39c-6 10 2 19 4 28-6-1-12-1-18-2l-1 4c6 1 13 2 19 5 5 3 9 8 14 12l-1 2-28-6-2 3c2 2 4 5 6 5 8 2 17 3 25 5 3 0 6 1 8 2 3 3 6 6 11 10-10 0-17 0-25-1-8-1-16-2-24-6-6-3-13-7-9-17 1-1 0-5-1-5-10-5-10-13-10-21 0-8 1-15 2-22 0-8 0-17 1-25 2-10 3-10 12-4 4 3 9 5 14 5 9 0 14 4 13 12 0 6 2 8 7 9 3 2 6 4 9 6 8 6 16 11 17 22 0 1 2 1 3 2 11 11 23 22 35 33 1 2 5 3 6 2 2-1 2-4 2-6 0-3-1-6-1-8 8-16 19-28 37-31v24l2 0c4-10 9-20 14-32 15 4 29 8 45 12-1 8 1 18-3 24-10 18-19 20-39 16z m-491 160l2 3c-2 2-4 4-5 5-5 4-11 6-15 10-17 15-33 31-49 46-13 13-15 13-28-1-2-3-4-5-5-8-5-7-5-15 3-19 23-11 46-22 69-31 9-4 19-3 28-5z m3-17c-1 2-4 7-6 7-14 0-29 0-43-1-4-1-11-6-13-10-9-19 1-41 20-48 14-6 27-12 41-16 8-3 17-4 26-7-4 10-8 16-10 23-6 17-10 35-15 52z m-13-39c-14 10-27 20-47 15 12 16 48 5 60-18-5 1-10 0-13 3z m25 88c-6 6-11 11-20 8-5-1-10-3-14 4 4 1 8 1 12 2-5 6-9 11-12 15-7-2-13-4-19-4-1-1-4 3-6 5 3 1 5 3 7 3 4 1 9 1 13 1-3 5-5 10-7 14-11-3-22-5-34-7 20-16 38-32 57-48 4-3 11-5 15-4 10 3 19 0 29-3-4 2-7 4-10 6-4 3-8 5-11 8z m244-293c-8 8-17 15-29 13-4 0-7 0-11 0-18 1-34 9-42 26-9 18-7 35 4 51 3 5 6 9 10 14-12 3-16 3-17-3-4-12-8-24-11-37-3-16-1-31 14-42 8-7 16-15 24-23 2-1 3-4 5-5 9-9 18-19 28-27 2-2 6-3 9-3 24 1 39 21 60 30-12 2-24 2-36 3-3 0-6 1-8 3z m-104 101c-13-2-28 1-39-4-27-12-52-28-78-42l3-4c1-1 2-2 4-3 31-20 64-25 99-13 13 4 16 24 7 34-3 3-4 8-6 12l3 2c3-3 6-6 9-10 3 10 6 20 9 30-4-1-8-2-11-2z m-20-49l-3 0c-1 3-3 6-4 9-12-1-7-15-13-20l0 3c-5 1-10 3-15 3-11-1-22-3-33-4-3-1-7 0-12 0 8 12 20 7 30 10-3 3-5 4-8 6l1 2c14-1 29-13 42 3-1 1-3 2-7 4 9 2 17 3 24 5-1-6-1-13-2-21z" />
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2-1 3-3 3-5 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-2 1-3s-1-2-2-4c-2-2-3-4-4-6-3-3-6-2-7 2-1 6 1 11 5 16z m-15 44c3 4 7 3 8-1 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-3 0-7-1-10-1-1-2-3-3-4-2-4-6-3-7 1-3 5-2 15 2 19z m-10-95c-1-2-3-3-4-2-2 0-3 2-3 3-1 1-1 2-1 3 0 2 1 5 2 7 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 6 1 7-2 1-5 0-9-3-12z m-6 142c3 3 6 3 7-2 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-3 0-7-1-10-1-1-2-3-3-4-2-3-5-3-7 1-2 5-1 14 3 19z m-12-85c3 3 6 3 8-1 0-1 0-3 0-4 1-3 0-7-1-9 0-2-1-3-2-4-2-3-5-3-7 1-2 4-1 13 2 17z m-5-71c2-1 4-4 3-8 0-2-1-4-2-5 0-1-2-2-3-2-1 0-2 1-2 3-1 0-1 1-1 2 0 2 0 5 1 7 1 2 3 3 4 3z m-14 111c1 2 2 3 3 5 2 3 5 2 7-1 3-6 2-16-2-20-3-3-6-3-8 0 0 2-1 4-1 6 0 3 0 7 1 10z m1-79c1-1 1-2 2-4 0-2 0-6-1-9-1-2-3-3-4-3-3 1-5 4-5 8 0 3 1 6 2 9 2 2 5 2 6-1z m-16 123c1 2 3 5 4 6 3 4 7 3 7-2 2-6 0-12-5-16-1-1-3-2-4-2-2 1-3 3-3 4 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 1-1 3-1 3 0 0 1 2 2 4z m-8-79c2 4 5 4 7 0 1-2 2-4 2-7 1-2 0-6-1-9-1-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-5 2-5 7 0 4 0 8 1 12z m-6-54c-1-1-1-1-3 0-3 3-5 8-5 12 0 3 2 3 3 2 3-2 4-4 5-7 1-2 1-6 0-7z m-6 97c2 2 4 2 5-1 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-2 0-6-1-8-1-1-1-2-2-4-2-2-4-1-6 1-2 4-1 13 3 16z m-11 42c1 1 4 2 5 2 1-1 1-2 2-3 0-2 0-5-2-7-1-2-3-4-5-5-2-3-5-1-5 2 0 5 2 8 5 11z m-11-80c0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 2-1 3-2 3-4 4-8 4-13 0-1-1-3-2-3-1 0-2 1-3 2-2 2-3 5-4 8 0 3 0 6 1 7z m-5 40c0 1 1 2 2 2 0-1 1-2 1-2 1-1 1-2 1-4 0-1-1-4-2-6 0-1 0-2-1-3 0-1-1-2-2-2 0 0-1 1-1 2-1 5 0 9 2 13z m50 100c3-3 7-6 11-10 2-2 1-3-1-3-2 0-3 0-5-1-1 0-2 0-3-1-1-1-2-3 0-4 0-1 1-2 2-2 8-3 17-6 25-8 8-2 16-3 23-4 11-1 22-2 33-2 6-1 12 1 19 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 0 4-1 0-1 1-2 1-1 1-3 1-4 2-2 1-2 2 0 3 3 2 5 3 7 4 5 3 11 7 15 11 4 3 3 6-2 7-1 0-2 0-3 0-6-1-12-1-17-3-6-1-11-3-17-5-2 0-4 0-3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 5 5 10 7 16 0 2 0 5-2 6-1 1-4 0-6-1-4-3-7-6-11-9-1-1-2-2-3-3-1-2-2-1-1 2 3 16 9 31 20 44 2 2 2 6-1 7-2 2-5 3-9 3-6 0-9-5-11-10-4-8-7-18-10-27-1-5-2-9-3-15 0-2-1-3-2 0-1 1-2 2-2 4-3 4-6 8-9 12-3 3-6 1-7-3 0-2-1-5 0-7 0-3 0-6 1-9 0-3-1-4-4-2-4 3-9 6-13 9-5 2-11 4-16 6-2 1-5 0-6-1-1-1 0-4 1-6 2-3 4-7 7-10z m-71-481c1-2 2-4 3-7 0-3 1-6 2-9h17c-1 6-3 11-4 16-1 2-1 5-1 7-1 2-1 5-2 7-2 14-3 28-2 42-11-10-25-17-40-20 10-8 18-17 24-29 1-2 2-5 3-7z m-12-9c-1 3-2 5-3 8-7 16-21 28-38 34-2 1-5 2-7 2l0-2c-1-5-3-11-5-16-6-13-15-24-27-33h82c-1 3-1 5-2 7z m37 118c0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 4 0 6 0 2 1 4 1 6-2 19-11 35-25 46-12-11-28-18-45-20-3 0-5 0-8 0-9 0-18 1-26 4 0-14-3-27-10-39 13-11 23-27 27-45 1-3 2-7 2-11 0-2 0-4 0-6h1c2 0 4-1 7-1 5-1 10-1 16-1 23 2 42 16 53 35 1 5 2 10 4 15l1 2c0 3 1 5 2 8z m-180-124c0 0 1-1 2-1h26c27 6 48 27 53 53 0 1 0 3 1 4 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 5v2c0 2 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 1-2 18-11 33-23 44-3-3-5-6-8-8-2-2-4-4-6-5s-4-3-6-4c-10-7-22-11-35-12-3-1-5-1-8-1-2 0-4 1-6 1 0-2 1-4 1-5 2-25-7-48-23-65 9-8 20-14 32-17z m71 200c1-2 2-5 3-7 0-3 1-5 2-7 0-1 0-2 0-3 10-5 22-7 33-6 13 1 25 6 35 14 2 1 4 3 5 5 2 2 4 3 6 5 11 13 17 31 15 49-3 35-32 61-67 61-2 0-4 0-6 0-36-4-64-36-60-73 15-8 27-22 34-38z m-155-193c12 1 23 6 32 12 2 2 4 3 6 5 2 1 3 3 5 5 12 13 19 32 17 51 0 3-1 6-1 9-1 3-2 6-3 8-1 4-2 7-4 10-1 1-1 2-2 3-1 2-2 4-4 6-1 2-3 4-5 5-5 6-12 10-19 14-3 1-6 2-9 3-3 1-6 2-9 2-3 1-7 1-10 1-2 0-4 0-6 0-18-2-34-10-46-24-11-14-17-31-15-49 3-37 35-64 73-61z m-112 303c52-16 103-41 132-88 1-2 2-4 4-6 1-3 2-5 4-7-11-13-16-30-14-47 0-4 1-6 1-9 14-4 27-12 37-22 2-2 4-4 5-6 2-1 3-3 4-5 4-6 7-12 9-18 6-1 11-2 16-1 12 1 23 5 33 12 2 2 4 3 6 5 2 2 4 4 6 6l0 0c0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 2 2 3 4 4 6 6 11 9 24 8 37v1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-1 6-2 9l0 0c0 3-1 5-2 8-1 1-1 3-2 5-4 8-8 14-14 20-4 3-7 6-11 9-3 1-5 2-8 4-9 3-18 6-28 6-2 0-4 0-6-1-7 0-13-2-19-5l-4 6c-1 2-3 5-4 7-35 53-91 82-153 101-20 7-26-26-6-33z m97-61c-69 70-106-87-106-87 45-25 175 17 106 87z m749 166c-58-5-114-17-159-51-3-2-6-5-10-7-3-3-6-6-9-9-7 2-15 3-22 3-41 0-79-28-93-72-1-2-2-4-2-6-4-11-14-32-41-46-38-19-58-37-58-37l0 0c-22-17-41-40-53-66-1-2-2-4-2-7-1-2-2-4-3-6l-1-4c-8-24-9-50-5-75 0-2 0-5 1-7 0-2 1-5 1-7 2-6 4-12 6-18h370c7 30 6 61-4 90l0 0s-4 27-24 64c-15 30-10 55-7 64 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 7 2 10-19 13-34 29-40 48-3 11-5 30 10 49-1 1-2 2-3 3 3 2 6 4 9 6 3 3 6 5 9 7l5 2c2 1 3 3 4 3 11 7 21 12 31 13 27 10 56 15 85 17 22 2 24 37 1 35z m-77-65c-9 0-20-4-32-12-2-1-5-3-7-5-3-2-5-4-8-7-3-2-5-5-7-8-18-25-3-51 22-70 4-3 7-5 11-7 3-2 6-4 10-6 17-8 36-13 53-13 6 0 11 0 16 2 0 0-2 126-58 126z m-708-365c0-206 167-255 374-255 206 0 373 49 373 255h-747z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="plant" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb86;" d="M513 172c-1 43-2 86-3 128 0 13 0 15-10 14-9 1-9-1-10-14 0-42-1-85-3-128-26 77-70 134-144 160 84-125 141-261 141-420h32c1 159 57 295 142 420-74-26-119-83-145-160z m-119 203c10-21 23-38 41-51 11-7 22-12 34-8 30 9 41 42 23 71-10 17-24 30-41 40-25 15-53 24-83 31 5-19 9-35 14-50 3-11 8-22 12-33z m103 53c-14-26-1-50 19-61 16-10 30-3 44 7 18 13 30 30 40 51 11 25 19 51 24 79-28-3-74-22-95-39-13-10-24-22-32-37z m-22 199c18 0 29 10 34 29 4 18 4 35 0 52-7 29-20 54-35 80-16-27-29-54-36-85-3-16-3-32 2-48 5-19 16-28 35-28z m23-97c-5-8-8-18-6-28 6-24 28-36 48-25 9 4 17 11 24 19 23 26 31 61 40 97-25-6-48-14-69-26-15-8-28-20-37-37z m-41-102c13-8 25-2 35 10 10 11 13 24 6 38-3 8-8 16-14 22-25 29-59 37-95 48 8-37 17-70 39-97 8-9 18-16 29-21z m1 95c12-7 25-4 35 8 10 11 12 24 4 37-5 9-12 19-20 26-22 18-47 25-74 32 6-29 13-57 29-79 7-9 17-17 26-24z m37 91c-6-13-5-24 4-34 10-12 20-16 33-10 17 7 29 20 37 38 9 20 15 41 23 62l-3 3c-29-8-57-15-79-38-6-6-11-14-15-21z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="raddish" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb8a;" d="M739-65c-50 6-96 21-132 56-39 38-63 85-74 139-6 29 2 52 28 72 85 63 118 174 74 271-41 91-124 132-228 104-12-4-24-8-37-11-17 77-27 156-76 222-3-3-6-4-8-6-1-1-3-3-5-5 30-51 44-106 56-165-18 42-36 81-54 120-7 16-11 16-26 4 18-41 36-83 54-124l-5-3c-31 54-63 107-94 161-6-6-16-9-9-22 19-35 38-70 56-105 10-19 20-38 31-59-5 5-9 8-12 13-22 33-45 66-66 101-7 11-13 11-24 4 30-63 67-120 116-167-22-19-44-35-62-54-75-77-82-182-14-259 51-59 119-82 200-74 44 4 61-6 77-46 10-23 19-48 32-70 37-64 93-106 172-113 32-3 64-4 95-6 48-3-42 19-65 22z" />
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1l0 0c5 3 11 13 12 68 1 19 0 37 0 49 18-7 25-14 25-15l1-1 1 1c8 1 14 5 18 11 8 15 0 36 0 37 10 1 16 3 17 3 20 3 15 41 15 43z m-87 156c2-13 6-44 2-113l-9-3c-6 50 2 96 7 116z m-17-136c-15-9-31-21-40-28 2 7 2 15-1 21l41 7z m-66 94c6 6 14 6 18 2 5-5 4-13-1-19-6-5-14-6-18-1-5 4-4 13 1 18z m-27-88c10 1 19 1 27 1 6-2 13-6 18-12 0 0-1-1-1-1 1-1 2-2 3-2 3-6 4-14 1-23l0 0v0s0-1-1-2c0-1 0-1-1-1 0-1 0-2 0-3-2-4-5-10-11-18l-4-2c0 0 0 0 0-1-4-1-7-4-8-4l0-1 0 0c0-2-1-3-1-3-1 0-1 0-2 0l-2-1c-1 0-3 0-4 1-7 4-14 5-20 3l-1 0c-18-3-37 3-37 3l-40 11c3 1 7 2 11 3 10-3 41-12 62-14 1 0 5-1 11-1 10 0 22 2 34 11l0 0c1 1 10 13 12 26v0c-1 1-2 21-18 27l0 0c-1 1-31 8-62-16-28-21-54-41-104-32 0 0 0 0 0 0l-17 2 4 2c6-1 58-5 77 8 0 0 42 29 74 39z m-102-81c-8 2-14 1-17-3 0-1-1-2-1-2l-22 2-1 0c-16-8-44 9-44 9l-1 0-1 0c-13-1-18 11-18 12l0 0 0 1-1 0 4 15 97-13c0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0l0 0 38-5h1l0 0 21-6c0 0 12-4 27-4 2 0 3 0 5 0-1-1-1-1-2-2-6 0-10-1-12-5 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0-28-6 0 0-28 2c-5 3-13 4-19 5z m13-8c-3 1-6 1-9 0-7-1-12-5-17-10 0 3 0 7 0 10v1c0 0-1 1 0 1 1 1 3 3 12 2 6-1 11-2 14-4v0z m-32-17c-1-3-2-4-3-5 0 0 0 0 0-1-3-3-7-4-8-5-7 3-17 18-21 26 4 0 8 0 12 2l21-2c1-6 1-11-1-15z m-119 44c-1 1-2 1-2 2 3 1 7 1 10 2 0-1 0-2 0-2 11-19-6-33-8-34-3 1-5 3-6 5 0 3 3 7 4 8l0 0 0 0c4 9 4 15 2 19z m-28 0c0 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-2 1 19 5 30 12 37 19 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 56 18 61 34 0 1 0 2 0 3l8 1c0-1 0-3-1-4-3-10-21-30-102-54z m60 16l-4-12c-4 3-9 4-15 4 7 3 13 6 19 8z m-19-12c6 0 12-2 16-7 2-6 9-15 22-14 1-1 5-3 9-5l-53-10c6 6 15 20 6 36z m205-26c1 2 5 3 9 2l1 0 1 2c0 0 2 4 6 6l3 1c0 0 1 0 1 0 3 1 8-1 12-3l-33-15c-1 3-1 5 0 7z m34 67c-1 0-3 0-3-1-3-5-34-15-70-25 10 6 20 13 30 21 28 20 55 15 58 15 12-5 14-21 14-23-1-10-9-21-10-23-18-14-41-9-41-9l-1 1c-7 0-15 2-24 4l42 2c2 0 3 1 3 2 0 1-2 2-3 2l-56-2c-1 0-1 0-1 0-5 1-10 3-14 4 4 1 9 3 14 4 58 17 61 22 63 24 0 1 0 3-1 4z m-76 73c5 4 11 3 14-1 3-5 1-11-4-14-5-4-11-3-14 1-3 5-1 11 4 14z m-39-59c20 1 39 1 57 2l-58-8c0 2 1 4 1 6z m-3-11h0l86 11c-28-12-55-31-57-32-14-10-48-9-65-8 2 1 4 2 5 2 15 7 25 16 31 27l0 0z m-2 11c-6-34-62-43-62-43l-1 0-17 2c6 1 14 2 22 4 27 7 44 20 51 37 2 0 5 0 7 0z m-52-1c13 0 26 0 39 1-12-28-57-36-76-37 24 12 33 22 36 30 1 2 1 4 1 6z m-19 104c7 2 14-2 15-8 2-6-3-12-11-14-7-1-14 2-15 8-2 7 3 13 11 14z m1-105c0 0 0-1 0-2-1-3-6-10-30-20-9-4-17-7-22-9 4 6 4 11 4 12 1 10-2 14-5 16 0 1-1 2-1 2 18 0 36 1 54 1z m-59-1c0 0 0-1 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 2-2 4-4 3-13 0 0 0-6-5-12-6-7-16-15-38-21-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 2-3 4-4 6 19-3 34 11 34 12l1 0 0 0c5 10 6 18 3 25-2 3-4 6-6 8 3 0 6 0 10 0z m-41-1c7 0 14 0 21 1 3-1 9-4 11-10 3-5 2-12-2-20-2-2-16-14-33-10 0 0 0 0 0 0-7 5-13 8-20 7-5 0-9-3-11-4l-1 0-24-1c11 5 22 12 32 20l0 1c0 0 8 6 17 12 3 1 6 3 10 4z m-43-48h-41c5 1 10 3 14 6l30 1c-2-3-3-5-3-7z m12-19c-3-4-4-7-5-9-48-9-70-4-76-3 0 4-2 6-4 9l0 0v11c3 1 8 2 13 4 1 0 1 0 1 0h60c3-6 8-10 11-12z m1 54c-35-28-80-40-90-42 0 3-1 6-2 8l0 2c8 1 37 7 66 25 1 0 22 12 32 20 4 0 8 0 12 0-10-5-17-12-18-13z m-98 12h8c2-6 6-27-7-38v0c-3 1-5 2-5 2l0 1h-1l-1-1c3 5 6 9 7 15 1 1 2 5 2 9 0 3-1 8-3 12z m7-59v-6c0 1-1 1-2 2 1 1 1 2 2 4l0 0z m87 130c7 2 14-2 16-9s-4-13-12-14c-7-2-15 2-16 9-1 6 4 12 12 14z m2-70c-11-7-26-16-26-16-27-16-54-22-64-24 3 2 5 5 6 9 5 1 51 14 68 31 5 0 11 0 16 0z m-23 0c-17-13-49-23-60-26 1 4 2 8 2 12-1 5-1 10-2 13 19 0 39 0 60 1z m-73 96c7 0 14-5 14-12 0-6-7-11-14-11-7 0-14 5-14 11 0 7 7 12 14 12z m-111-25c12 0 20-8 20-17 0-9-9-17-20-17-11 0-19 8-19 17-1 9 8 17 19 17z m-116-51c0 0-1 1-1 1 5 7 22 33 52 56-30-24-46-49-51-57z m-33-71c4 14 28 23 28 23l2 1-1 3c-3 5-3 9-1 13 4 6 13 11 28 14 6 1 12 2 17 2 15-1 33-2 54-3-8-10-13-18-13-18-21-25-51-32-52-32-1-1-2-2-1-3 0-1 1-2 2-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 33 8 55 34 0 1 6 9 15 21 33-2 74-3 121-3 7-9 3-18 3-19l-1 0 0 0c-5-22-29-30-32-31-25 3-33 10-33 10l-1 1 0 0c-8 2-19 3-29 2 1 2 1 4 1 6-1 4-6 8-9 10 11 7 35 20 61 15 1-1 2 0 3 1 0 2-1 3-2 3-37 9-71-19-72-21l0 0c-7-7-15-13-24-17h0c0 0-1-1-1-1-6-3-12-5-17-6 2 1 5 2 7 4 19 12 32 27 36 42 1 1 0 3-1 3-2 0-3 0-3-2-10-32-54-49-60-52-18-2-32-3-33-4l-2 0-1 0c-5 2-10-5-12-8-4-2-8-5-12-9-2 3-6 8-12 9-2 1-4 1-6 0-3 5-3 9-2 14z m202-13c0 1-2 1-3 1-1 0-2-2-1-3 0 0 4-14 1-29 0 0 0 0 0-1-5-12-26-7-26-7-2 1-3 0-3-1s0-3 2-3c0 0 5-1 11-1h1c-9-17-22-20-27-20-2 22-8 36-16 41l31 9 1 1c9 11 10 20 10 24 7 0 28-3 35-24l0 0c0-3 0-6 1-7-4-12-13-21-20-28 11 22 3 47 3 48z m-40-12l-31-9-12 14 43-5z m-47 11c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0h-1c-2 0-3-2-5-3 0 0 0 1-1 2l-1 1v1c-2-1-6-7-10-16-16 1-28-1-35-4h0l-11-2v25c4 0 15 2 29 3h0l1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0c7 1 16 2 24 3 50 4 67 2 73 0-1-6-5-14-8-18 0 0-1 0-1 1l-54 7z m20-25v0c1 0 2 0 3-1 4-2 10-9 14-32-9 0-15 1-18 6-7 9 1 27 1 27z m45 42l-2-1 0-1c-12 3-40 2-67 0 3 1 7 3 10 4 7 1 48 7 67 2 2-2 12-9 36-11h0l0 0c1 0 9 2 18 8-2-3-3-6-3-8-9-2-15-6-18-12 0 0-1-1-1-2-11 22-39 21-40 21z m-48 8c5 4 10 8 14 13 0 0 1 0 2 1 3-1 9-4 9-7 1-2-1-4-3-5-8 0-16-1-22-2z m-138-50c-2 6 1 15 3 18 4 2 7 3 10 2 5-1 8-5 10-7-8-7-15-15-17-18-3 1-5 3-6 5z m59-5h-47l0 0c6 7 18 20 29 25l1 1 0 0c3 4 6 8 7 8 0 0 1-1 2-7v-20l0-1c0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 1-2 2-2h1l6 1c-1-2-1-3-1-4z m5 0s0 1 1 3c1 0 3 0 4-1 1 0 2-1 2-2h-7c0 0 0 0 0 0z m6-5h1c1 0 2 0 2 1 2-3 5-6 10-9-5 1-9 4-13 8z m24 1c-1-4-2-6-4-8-5 2-11 7-14 12-1 3-2 5-4 6-1 1-1 1-1 1 5 2 14 4 29 4-2-5-4-10-6-15z m48-85c-2 3-3 6-3 6l-1 0v1c0 2-5 6-9 9-11 3-23 15-24 16l0 0 0 0c-9 21 0 31 3 34-1 17 1 28 2 35 3 7 7 12 9 13v-1l1-1c1-1 1-3 0-6-1-1-6-11-5-43-4-3-12-13-4-32l0 0 1-1c0 0 12-12 23-15 5-2 10-6 10-8v-1l0 0c0 0 1-3 3-7l-6 1z m66-9c-44-15-57 13-59 17 0 5-10 11-12 12l0 0 0 0c-9 2-20 12-21 14-9 19 2 26 2 26l2 1v1c-2 33 4 42 4 42l0 1c1 0 1 1 1 1l11-13h0c-2-5-6-20 1-29 3-5 10-8 19-8 1 0 2 0 3 0l0-2 0-2 2 0c0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 12 2 6 2 15 8 21 22 3 1 5 2 7 3-2-6-6-12-12-17-21-14-30-25-29-34 2-8 11-10 11-10l1 0 0 0c3 1 4 0 4 0 0 0 0-1 0-2-2-4-3-8-2-11 2-4 9-5 9-5 16-1 21-5 23-7 0-1 0-2 0-2z m43 61h0l-1 1c0 0-8 3-11 12-1 6 0 12 4 19 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 3 7 9l1 0s0 1 0 1h1c1 1 1 2 1 3l0 1c1 1 1 3 2 6 1 0 1-1 2-1 1-1 3-2 4-3 0 0-1 0-1-1-3-13-12-18-12-19 0 0-1 0-1-1 0 0-1 0-1-1-4-6-5-13-4-18 2-5 5-8 8-10h-1z m14-30l-1 0 0 1c-1 1-10 11-10 20 0 3 1 5 4 7 0 0 0 0-1 0 4 0 5-1 5-1 0 0 0-1 0-1-2-2-3-4-3-7 0-8 9-18 10-19l0 0 1 0c5-3 10-5 14-5-5 0-12 1-19 5z m112 86l0-2c0 0-1 0-1-1l1 0c-1 0-1-1-1-1l0-1 0 0c-1-1-4-4-5-9-1-3-2-8 1-12 0-1 1-2 0-5-1-2-2-4-3-6-2-2-4-3-8-6l-5 20c0 1-2 2-3 1-1 0-2-1-2-3l6-21c0-1 1-1 1-1-1-2-2-3-5-5-2 0-6-2-9-6l-10 25c-1 1-2 2-3 2-1-1-2-2-1-4l12-30c0 0 0-1 1-1v-1c0 0-1-3-3-6-3-3-9-6-23-5-2 0-10 0-15-1l13 30c0 1 0 2-2 3-1 0-2 0-3-1l-14-34c0 0 0 0 0-1l0 0c0-1-1-3-3-4-3-1-9-2-21 4-3 3-8 10-8 15 0 2 1 3 2 4l1 0 0 1c0 0 1 3-1 5-1 3-5 4-9 4-2 1-6 3-8 8-1 4 0 9 3 15l0 0 1 0c0 0 10 7 14 22 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 1c-1 1-3 2-4 3-4 3-6 6-6 9-1 7 5 14 7 16l1 1c1 1 1 3 0 4-1 0-3 0-3-1l-1-1c-3-2-10-10-9-20 0-1 1-3 1-4 0 0-1 0-1-1-3 2-4 2-4 2 0-1 0-3 1-5-1-2-1-4 0-7 0 0 0 0 0 0h-1c0 0 0-1 0-1-19-15-26-28-30-35-3-8-2-13-2-13l0-1 0 0-7-53c-5 3-12 6-23 7-1 0-5 0-6 2 0 2 0 4 2 7l1 1 0 0c0 0 0 4-2 7-2 1-4 2-8 1-1 0-6 2-6 6-1 4 2 12 27 29 1 1 27 16 36 41l0 1 0 0c0 0-3 8 1 15 3 5 8 8 16 10l2 0 0 2c1 4 5 15 12 16 1-1 5-3 7-7 2-5 1-10-2-16l-1-2 2-1c0 0 10-6 11-14l0-2 1 0c1 0 23-9 81 2l1 0 1 2c2 5 8 16 13 16 0 0 1-1 2-2 1-2 1-5 0-11z m52-73c-4 4-4 10-4 12-10 9-16 17-16 24 0 5 2 9 4 10-1 6-3 11-6 15 3-3 9-10 9-18-1-2-3-5-3-10 0-7 5-15 15-23 0-2 0-8 4-11 2-1 3-1 5-2-3 1-6 1-8 3z m38-5l-1 0-1 1c-2 4-3 7-5 9 1 0 1 1 2 1 1-2 4-6 6-11l1-1-2 1z m39 8c3 5 7 12 7 21v0c0 0 1 4 3 7 1 1 3 1 5 1 1-1 3-3 6-5-6-12-14-20-21-24z m70 56l-1 0c-1 0-2-1-3-1-1 0-2-1-3-1-11-5-15-15-15-16l0 0v0c0-4-5-9-7-10-15-8-23 4-23 5l-1 1-1 0c-4 0-7-1-9-3-4-3-4-9-4-10-2-13-11-24-11-24 0 0 0-1 0-1-12-4-23-2-26-1-4 7-7 11-7 11l-1 1-1 0c-6 2-14-6-16-8-4-1-9-2-12 0-3 3-2 9-2 9l0 2-1 0c-12 9-14 16-15 20 0 4 3 7 3 7l1 0v2c0 13-11 24-13 25-3 4-10 6-17 6-3 0-6 0-9 0 1 6 1 10-1 13-2 4-5 5-5 5l0 0h-1c-3 0-7-3-9-6-4 3-11 8-11 14 0 3 2 5 6 8l0 0 0 0s4 5 11 5c5 1 10-1 16-6 0-3 4-13 12-16 1-1 2-1 4-2l0 0h0c3 0 6 0 9 2l1 0c0 0 3 2 9 4 0-1 0-1 0-1 0 0 3 0 5-2 1-3 1-7-2-13-1-1-5-6-4-11 0-5 4-8 10-11l1 0 68 12 0 0c4-1 8-2 13-3 0 0 0 0 0-1 1-2 14-26 25-30l1 0h0c0 0 7 1 13 7 1 2 2 4 3 6 3 5 10 14 19 15 6 1 11 0 17-4-6 2-11 2-16 1z m17-22l0-1-4-1 2 5c3 5 3 9 2 12 2-2 4-7 0-15z m20 27c-4-4-7-6-10-6-5 1-7 6-8 7l18-1z m16-43c-9 0-15 15-17 20l-1 3-12-4c3 9-2 15-3 16 2-1 4-2 6-2 5-1 11 2 17 10l25 5c0-8 7-18 9-21-2-23-22-26-24-27z m28 32l0-2c-2 2-3 5-5 7 1 0 1 1 2 1 1-2 2-3 2-5l1 0 0-1z m49 14c-1 0-2-1-2-2-3 1-8 3-14 3 0 0-1 0-1 0-5 1-12 1-20-1l-1 0 23 11c2 0 3 0 4 1 2 1 4 3 4 6 2 1 5 3 8 3 1 0 2-1 4-3 0-2 1-10-5-18z m67-127c0 1 0 2-1 4 1-1 1-3 1-4z m6 6c-4 20-14 71-10 111 2 0 5-1 7-2-2-34 2-75 5-99 0-4-1-7-2-10z m-68 121c7 10 4 19 4 20l0 0 0 0c-2 2-3 4-5 5l0 0 1 0 90-7 0 0 1 0 1-19h-16l-76 1z m121-17c-3-5-7-8-13-9-3 2-11 9-28 15l0 5h17l-1 23c6 0 11-1 16-1 3 0 6 0 9 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0 0 7-20 0-32z m21 42l0-1c0 0-21-5-46-2v1l-93 7c6 8 8 13 10 17 9 7 46 38 65 42 1 0 60 13 75-27 1-10 2-36-11-37z m-23 60l0 0c-7 2-13 2-20 2-26 0-40-11-41-12l-53-45 123-4 1 0c23 10 20 28 19 31-1 18-28 28-29 28z m8-54l-109 4 18 16 1-1c0 0 0 0 0 1 24 6 63 13 70 2 0-1 2-2 3-1 1 1 1 2 1 3-9 15-48 7-67 2l17 14c0 1 14 12 38 12 6 0 12-1 19-2 1-1 25-10 25-25l0 0c1-1 5-17-16-25z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="toy-duck" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebaa;" d="M855 313c-14 10-30 20-44 30-68 49-78 89-45 165-52 15-100 40-138 80-15 15-25 34-14 58 10 20 27 27 49 23 17-3 31 2 44 15 59 64 51 104-26 142-36 18-75 27-115 23-93-10-160-58-191-146-30-85-15-165 50-232 33-34 41-85 21-121-16-27-187-50-209-27-16 17-30 35-44 53-47 58-82 56-121-8-49-81-45-169-33-257 23-173 110-249 283-259 157-9 311 7 466 29 96 13 157 61 172 154 23 139 0 203-105 278z m-311-338c-46-23-96-31-153-31-34-3-73 3-111 16-82 27-123 80-130 167-2 19-11 38-14 57-6 40 14 63 49 49 95-36 192-35 291-37 55 0 103-17 124-76 22-62 3-115-56-145z m128 675c-16 0-34 9-41-13-6-16 3-28 13-40 12-15 24-10 41-7 68 12 124 61 194 61 41 0 47 20 46 45-2 52-15 62-57 44-25-12-51-19-75-7-30 14-40 0-51-24-14-30-30-60-70-59z m186-18c-8 0-16-4-23-7-48-20-95-43-155-52 52-46 98-54 149-18 15 10 32 17 48 25 18 10 50 15 43 38-8 25-40 14-62 14z m-397-453c-92 0-183-1-271 35-27 10-39-2-35-32 7-49 33-75 88-83 22-4 46-3 65-18-49-9-94 3-146 25 32-80 106-77 164-100l-5-12c-29 5-58 11-91 16 76-63 262-63 330-2 33 28 36 64 24 103-15 48-52 69-123 68z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="toy-elephant" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebab;" d="M989 432c-63 182-275 248-431 230 114-86 139-214 66-312-48-65-166-103-224-51 129-9 209 38 230 137 18 87-28 174-110 205-57 21-111 13-160-23-48-34-66-87-80-147-17 32 9 57-1 86-8-7-13-11-18-16-67-73-88-157-58-253 15-47 10-90-30-121-38-29-66-5-94 23-21 22-48 7-68-7-22-16-6-36 4-53 12-22 33-37 55-48 82-40 170-12 229 73 35 50 77 69 116 53 37-16 59-65 52-120-2-13-11-28 3-37 31-20 65-19 100-7 29 11 19 34 16 55-8 75 46 131 119 122 70-9 104-48 105-120 1-50 15-61 63-48 24 6 40 23 54 41 25 34 38 73 48 114 18 74 38 154 14 224z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="cannon-firing" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebb1;" d="M833 463c-3 45-5 90-7 134-1 13-5 16-17 15-114-3-229-5-344-7-64 0-129-3-194-4-51-1-103-2-155-3-8-1-12-2-12-13 4-61 8-123 11-185 0-10 3-13 13-12 19 2 39 4 59 6 6 0 9 3 9 10-1 13 0 26 0 39-1 8 2 11 10 10 23 0 46 0 69 0 7 0 12 2 18 6 84 64 190 64 273 1 6-5 11-7 18-7 28 1 56 0 84 0 7 0 17 4 17-10-1-5 4-3 7-2 44 4 87 8 131 12 8 0 11 2 10 10z m-403 30c-113 0-207-94-207-207 0-114 94-206 210-205 112 0 203 93 203 208-1 111-94 204-206 204z m128-104c19-23 29-50 34-78 2-9 0-15-12-13-19 2-38 2-54 3-17 0-27 9-30 24 0 4 1 5 3 7 16 19 33 38 49 57 5 5 7 4 10 0z m-109 61c30-4 57-15 81-34 6-4 8-7 1-13-18-15-35-30-53-45-8-8-31 0-32 11-2 25-3 50-5 75 0 7 4 6 8 6z m-121-35c24 19 52 30 83 35 7 1 10-1 7-10-1-21-2-44-4-67 0-5 1-11-7-12-9-1-15-13-26-3-17 16-35 31-53 46-5 4-6 7 0 11z m-62-111c4 32 16 60 36 86 4 4 6 3 9-1 16-18 33-37 49-56 5-6-5-30-13-31-25-2-50-3-73-5-7-1-9 2-8 7z m34-118c-19 24-30 51-33 81-2 16 12 3 16 8 22-2 43-3 64-5 11-1 19-24 12-32-15-18-30-34-45-52-6-6-9-7-14 0z m108-62c-32 4-61 17-87 39 22 19 42 37 63 55 6 5 30-6 30-14 2-25 3-49 5-74 1-10-7-7-11-6z m21 100c-34 0-60 28-61 63-1 33 32 65 62 61 31 3 62-27 62-62 0-34-29-63-63-62z m25-100c-9-2-14-1-13 11 2 21 3 43 4 64 1 7 0 13 10 14 8 1 15 12 25 1 18-18 38-34 58-51-25-22-53-34-84-39z m104 60c-4-6-6-5-10 0-16 18-32 36-47 54-7 8 1 31 12 32 21 2 42 3 60 5 22 0 22 0 18-20-5-26-16-50-33-71z m-520 18c-12-5-28-7-34-16-8-10-1-27-3-40-1-10 3-13 13-12 81 0 162 0 243 0 3 0 7-1 11 2-35 39-54 84-59 136-58-24-114-47-171-70z m631 97c0 43 0 86 0 129 0 5 2 11-6 11-24 0-48 0-72 0 79-102 80-203 0-305 21 0 42 1 61-1 13 0 17 3 17 16-1 50 0 100 0 150z m175 177c2-33 2-33 35-31 25 2 25 2 24 28 0 1 0 3 0 4-1 21-2 40-3 60-2 27-4 55-5 82-1 4 0 8-7 8-14-2-29-2-44-3-7 0-9-3-8-10 3-46 5-92 8-138z m109-306c-27 0-49-20-50-47 0-26 22-49 49-49 27-1 48 20 48 48 0 27-20 48-47 48z m-113 0c-28 0-49-21-49-48 0-27 22-48 48-48 27-1 49 22 49 49-1 27-21 47-48 47z m104 49c0 28-21 49-49 49-26 0-47-21-48-48 0-27 22-49 49-48 27 0 48 20 48 47z m-897 264c11-4 10-12 12-20 5-18 12-34 23-48 6-8 12-15 22-20-4 65-7 129-11 195-24-23-34-50-37-80-1-6 0-11-8-14-6-3-6-12-1-13z m224-44c-20 0-36 0-51 1-9 0-11-4-11-12 1-35 0-71 0-107 10 43 29 83 62 118z m160-127c-13 0-26-13-27-26 0-13 12-25 27-25 13 1 24 12 24 26 0 13-12 25-24 25z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="cc-camera" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebb2;" d="M993 31c-24-47-62-68-110-68-256 0-511 0-767 0-9 0-19 1-28 3-25 6-33 19-23 43 6 15 15 29 23 43 4 8 9 14 4 24-9 18-17 36-27 59-18-31-34-58-49-86-39-73-5-136 78-146 9-1 18-1 28-1 252 0 504 0 756 0 13 0 26 1 38 3 68 9 99 58 77 126z m-649 465c39 69 79 138 119 207 26 43 49 44 75 1 31-54 62-108 93-163 7-11 15-19 28-24 47-20 74-60 72-108-1-36 12-61 27-88 20-34 40-68 59-102 24-40 24-40 48-1 7 10 15 16 6 31-95 164-189 329-286 493-43 74-124 74-168 1-62-104-121-209-186-321 25 11 42 20 60 26 25 8 41 25 53 48z m341-88c-2 34-23 58-60 68 2-6 4-9 5-12 13-31 13-31-18-44-121-54-242-107-364-160-18-8-35-11-54-3-17 7-35 12-53 18-12 4-22 0-31-7-10-9-2-18 1-26 9-21 19-42 27-63 6-16 13-15 27-9 39 16 77 36 117 51 17 7 25 11 32-9 4-13 14-6 21-3 30 13 59 27 89 39 21 9 43 29 60 22 18-7 20-38 28-58 8-23 14-43 43-22 7 5 17 1 24 8-11 27-21 55-33 81-7 16-3 22 12 28 28 11 55 23 83 36 31 14 47 37 44 65z m-386-105c98 47 198 88 298 131 19 8 19 16 11 31-18 35-51 47-89 30-95-41-190-83-284-124-45-19-89-39-138-60 20-7 36-11 50-18 53-27 101-15 152 10z m360-161c0-13 4-25 1-35-6-22 5-22 22-22 62 1 125-1 187 1 28 1 40-6 35-34-2-14 2-23 19-24 17 0 19 10 19 23 0 40 0 79 0 119 0 13 2 28-19 28-22 0-21-15-19-28 4-25-8-29-30-28-72 1-143 0-215 0z m-121-27c-1-23 17-43 40-44 23-1 43 18 43 41 0 24-18 43-41 43-22 0-41-18-42-40z m-414 19c10 3 8 13 5 22-15 32-28 64-43 96-4 9-9 20-26 18 18-42 35-82 53-122 2-6 3-17 11-14z" />
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2-5 2-8-2-12-3-3-7-5-12-5-11 0-22 2-32 6-1 0-3 1-4 1-20 2-40 1-58-10-7-4-16-7-25-8-5 0-8 1-10 7-1 1-2 1-3 2-2 1-4 2-5 4-5 3-6 6-2 11 4 6 4 12 5 19 0 9 1 17 1 26 0 3 0 6-2 8l-143 265c-8 16-17 31-25 46-1 3-2 3-5 2-12-6-24-12-37-17-1-1-3-3-5-1-1 2-2 3 0 5 12 12 23 24 34 35 3 3 3 5 1 7-1 1-1 2-1 3-1 3-3 4-6 1-1-1-2-1-4-1-9 1-19 9-22 18 0 2 0 3 0 4 4 6 2 12 1 17 0 3 0 5 2 6 3 2 3 5 1 8-3 5-5 10-8 15-1 4-4 6-8 7-8 1-7 0-6 8 4 18 16 22 32 18 2-1 2-2 2-3-2-12 5-21 10-31 1-1 2-1 3 0l18 9c3 2 4 5 6 8 1 1 2 3 3 5 14 36 39 66 60 98 5 7 7 16 11 24 16 34 34 68 54 100 8 12 20 17 33 18 13 1 23 5 31 15 5 5 6 11 8 18 0 1 0 2-2 2-4 1-9 2-13 3-3 2-5 3-7 6 0 0-1 1-1 1-11 3-11 13-12 22-1 6 1 12 1 19 1 10 2 20-1 30-1 2 0 4 1 6 4 6 7 12 11 17 8 7 16 16 26 21 7 3 13 1 20-2 2-1 3-1 6 0 15 7 28 4 40-8 4-5 9-11 13-16 6-8 8-17 5-27-1 0-1-1-1-1-4-7-4-14 2-20 2-1 2-3 1-5-1-9-1-19-6-28 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-5-2-9-6-11-6-3-11-4-17-4-7 0-8-1-6-8 1-4 4-7 7-10 8-10 19-13 31-15 13-3 26-7 39-10 5-1 9-3 13-7 5-4 11-8 16-12 7-7 17-8 25-12 13-5 27-10 40-15 2-1 4-1 7 0 23 13 46 26 68 41 3 3 6 6 9 10 4 5 8 10 13 15 6 6 13 11 22 12 3 1 7 2 10 3 3 2 5 1 7-1 2-1 4-2 5-3 8-8 17-15 26-21 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 4-6-4-8z m-539-297c3-6 1-10-3-14-9-7-17-15-25-23-2-1-2-2-1-5 11-20 21-41 32-61 17-35 35-69 53-104l50-97c0-1 0-2 2-2-1 7-3 14-4 21-6 33-12 67-17 101-4 33-7 66-9 98-2 34-2 67 1 100 1 7 1 14 5 21 10 20 20 39 30 59 1 3 2 4-2 5-12 2-15 8-13 19 1 7 3 13 1 20-3 11-6 22-8 33-2 7-4 14-6 21-2-2-4-4-5-6-17-21-31-43-46-66-1 0-2-1-2-3-2-12-9-23-17-33-12-16-26-30-39-44-8-10-15-20-16-33-1-5-3-11-4-16-1-3-2-5-4-5-1 0-3 0-2-1 0-2 1-4 3-5 1-2 2 0 3 0 6 3 12 5 18 8 9 4 17 8 25 12z m455 135h38c6 0 6 0 4 5-9 32-18 64-27 96-3 9-5 17-7 26-1 0-1 3-3 1-3-3-8-6-10-11-12-38-25-76-38-113-1-3 0-4 3-4 13 0 26 0 40 0z m148 3c13 0 25 0 38 0 4 0 4 1 3 4l-36 126c0 1 0 3-2 3-3 0-3-2-3-3-14-42-28-84-41-127-2-3-1-3 2-3 13 0 26 0 39 0z m-457-518l45 5c3 0 3 2 4 4 12 29 21 60 28 91 7 31 12 62 15 93 3 22 5 44 7 66 1 20 2 40 4 60 2 30 1 59 0 88-1-2-1-4-1-6-1-24-2-49-3-73-1-27-3-54-5-81-3-28-6-56-11-84-5-30-12-59-23-87-13-31-29-59-60-76z m35 798c0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-4 0-19 1-37-2-55-9-2-1-4-1-4-3-1-4-1-8-2-12 0-2 1-3 3-2 9 2 18 3 27 4 26 1 51 1 76-2 1 0 2-1 3 0 0 3 1 5 1 8 0 2-2 2-4 2-12 5-25 7-38 9 13 0 26-1 38-6 5-2 5-2 6 4 2 4 0 4-3 5-5 2-10 3-15 5-30 10-60 8-89-5-2 0-4-1-3-3 1-2 3 0 4 0 18 6 36 8 55 7 2-1 3 0 5-2z m-63-276v-2c0-8 3-16 3-24 0-1 1-1 2-1 11-2 21-6 31-8 5-1 10-2 15 0 28 14 50 35 66 62 13 24 22 50 29 77 1 7 3 15 5 22-1-1-2-3-2-4-10-32-21-63-41-91-17-24-38-44-67-54-3-2-6-1-9 0-12 6-22 13-32 23z m-6-507c0 9-4 17-8 24-36 76-72 151-108 226-10 22-21 44-31 66-1 1-1 2-2 2-3 1-6-4-5-7 17-34 33-67 50-101 29-59 59-118 88-177 5-11 11-22 16-33z m142 646l-6-4c-29-18-60-27-95-22-22 3-42 12-57 28-2 2-3 6-5 6-2 1-5-2-7-4-6-3-6-3-1-9 18-22 43-31 71-31 27-1 52 5 75 18 9 5 18 10 25 18z m-76-586c-3 1-5 1-8 0-8-1-16-3-24-5-3 0-5 0-7 3-4 8-8 16-11 25-10 25-15 52-20 79l-7 34c-1-2-1-3-1-4 3-24 6-48 11-72 6-30 15-59 28-87 1-2 2-3 4-2 14 7 26 17 35 29z m-72 370c7-12 13-25 21-36 6-9 14-17 23-24 3-1 4-1 6 1 8 7 16 13 24 20 9 7 16 17 23 26-1-1-2-1-3-2-9-8-18-15-26-23-4-4-6-4-10-1-17 12-35 22-52 35l-6 4z m138-463c0 2-1 4-2 6-2 4-4 8-6 12-5 6-5 13-4 21 5 27 12 54 16 81 1 8 2 15 2 22-2-7-4-14-5-21-7-35-17-69-33-101-1-4 0-5 3-5 11-2 21-5 28-15 0 0 1 0 1 0z m8 571c-5-33-28-49-55-61 6-1 12-1 18-2 5 0 8 2 12 5 14 13 21 29 24 47 0 3 2 7 1 11z m236 115l11 3c-4 0-8 1-11-3z m-181-725c-7-8-15-16-22-25-4-4-9-8-15-6 2 8 6 16 10 24 7 15 16 29 30 39 10 7 22 10 34 12 2 0 4 1 3-3-4-19-10-38-22-54-9-12-21-21-36-25 6-1 12-3 18-5 15-5 29-13 41-22 3-2 2-3 0-4-16-13-35-20-56-18-15 1-28 6-42 12-5 2-10 5-15 7-1-1 0-2 0-4v-11c0-8-6-12-13-8-3 1-3 5-3 8v39c0 5 0 9 0 13 0 8 6 11 13 8 3-1 3-5 3-8 0-10 0-20 0-30v-6c6 9 15 6 22 6 9-1 19-2 28-2 1 0 3 0 4 0-17 3-34 7-51 10 10 9 21 14 34 15 7 0 11 2 14 8 7 10 15 20 22 30l-1 0z m-232-63c11 0 21 1 31 2 5 0 10 0 15 1 2 0 3-2 6-3v17c0 4 0 8 0 12 0 9 3 11 12 10 3-1 4-4 4-6 1-4 0-7 0-11v-44c0-6-1-8-6-8-8 0-10 1-10 8 0 5 0 10 0 16-4-2-8-3-11-5-13-5-25-10-39-12-19-3-36 1-53 12-2 1-5 4-8 6-2 1-2 2 0 3 17 13 35 23 57 26 1 1 2 0 3 2-26 6-39 26-49 48-5 9-7 19-10 29-1 4 1 5 4 4 20-3 37-11 49-27 11-15 18-31 25-48-6-1-10 0-14 5-8 10-16 18-24 27-1-1 0-2 1-3 8-11 16-22 23-33 2-2 3-2 6-3 12 0 24-3 34-11 2-1 3-2 5-4-17-3-34-6-51-10v0z m493 320c11 24 29 41 50 55 1 1 2 2 4 2 1-1 0-3 1-5 4-35-11-62-35-86-5-5-10-11-16-16-2 6-1 11 2 17 6 11 12 23 18 34l-13-18c-5-7-9-14-14-20-3-3-6-8-9-12-3 15-5 29-8 43l-1 0c1-7 1-15 2-22 0-5 0-10 1-15 1-5-2-8-4-11-1-1-2-1-2 0-11 24-21 49-13 76 3 9 7 17 12 25 2 3 3 2 4 0 10-14 17-28 20-44 0-1 0-1 1-3z m-749-56c-3 4-4 8-4 14 1 12 1 24 2 36l-8-43c-1 0-2 1-2 1-11 14-20 29-30 44-1 1-2 2-4 3l4-7c5-10 10-20 16-30 2-4 0-7 0-12-2 1-4 3-5 5-12 11-23 22-32 35-13 20-17 42-14 65 0 3 2 2 3 1 21-14 39-31 50-54 1 0 1-1 2-2 3 19 11 34 22 49 22-21 22-69 0-105z m749 197c3-8 6-16 9-24 2-6 2-7-1-13-27 27-35 52-24 87 8-5 15-12 22-21-8 30-1 57 9 84 10-11 17-23 21-37 4-16 3-33 1-50-2-8-3-15-5-24-3 4-7 7-7 12-1 13-2 26-4 39v-47c-2 0-2 2-4 2 4-12 4-25-1-38l-15 31-1-1z m-780-38c-2 6-2 10 0 15 3 8 5 16 7 24-5-10-10-20-15-30-3 7-4 14-4 21 0 3 1 6 1 9 0 2 2 4-1 6-1 1 0 5 0 7v39c-3-5-2-9-2-13-1-8-2-16-2-24 0-5-3-9-7-13-2 8-4 16-5 24-2 14-3 28-1 42 3 17 10 31 22 44 11-27 17-54 10-82 2 0 2 1 3 2 4 5 8 9 13 13 5 4 5 4 7-2 7-24 3-46-13-66-4-5-8-10-13-16z m664-341c-18-4-36-8-55-12 6 11 15 20 25 26 14 9 29 13 45 15 15 1 31 0 47-3 3 0 3-1 1-3-15-27-38-43-69-48-14-2-29-3-44-3-3 0-4 1-2 3 2 5 5 8 11 10 14 5 27 10 41 15z m-486-12c-18 4-35 9-53 12l32-12c3-1 6-2 9-3 5-1 8-5 10-10 2-2 1-3-1-3-8 0-15 0-23 1-17 1-34 3-50 11-18 8-31 22-41 39-1 2-1 3 1 3 31 6 61 6 89-10 11-6 20-14 26-25 1-1 1-2 1-3z m-38-33c15 8 30 13 46 16 15 3 30 3 44-3 9-4 17-10 23-18-18-1-35-1-52-2v0c14-2 27-3 41-4 7-1 10-4 14-9-13-4-25-7-38-9-15-2-30-2-44 4-14 5-24 14-34 25z m393-20c3 5 7 8 13 9 14 0 27 2 41 4-17 1-34 1-52 2 7 9 16 15 26 18 19 7 38 5 58-1 9-2 18-6 26-11 3-1 3-2 1-4-12-13-26-23-44-26-15-3-30-1-45 2-8 2-16 4-24 7z m-425 120c-16 7-31 13-46 19l-1-1c3-1 5-3 7-4 9-4 17-9 25-13 6-3 10-7 11-14-4-1-8 1-12 1-20 4-41 8-58 21-16 10-26 26-34 44 34 0 65-4 91-27 8-7 13-16 17-26z m576-13c1 6 4 11 10 14 11 5 22 11 32 18-15-6-29-12-45-19 3 9 7 17 13 23 14 14 31 22 49 26 15 3 29 5 45 4-4-10-9-19-15-27-14-18-34-28-56-34-10-2-20-4-30-5-1-1-2 0-3 0z m-117-64c9 14 18 28 27 42l0 0c-4-4-9-9-12-14-4-5-9-9-12-14-4-6-9-8-16-8 5 13 10 26 16 39 6 11 13 21 22 30 12 11 27 16 43 19 1 0 2 0 2-2-5-27-13-52-31-72-9-11-21-17-34-20l-2 0c-1 0-1 0-3 0z m-333 6c-6 0-11 1-15 6-8 11-17 22-26 32 9-15 18-29 28-44-9 1-17 3-24 7-15 9-24 23-32 38-7 15-11 30-14 46 0 2 0 3 3 3 26-4 46-18 59-41 9-15 15-31 21-47z m-87 50c-5 3-9 6-10 12-5 14-10 27-14 41 3-18 7-35 11-54-6 3-11 6-15 10-11 11-17 25-20 40-4 22-2 43 2 65 7-4 14-9 19-14 16-15 23-33 26-54 2-14 2-29 1-43 1-1 1-2 0-3z m508 0c3 17 7 34 11 51l-1 1-4-14-10-27c-2-6-3-7-10-10-1 11-1 22 0 33 1 13 3 25 7 37 7 18 20 31 36 42 1 0 3 2 3-1 5-25 6-50-1-74-5-16-14-29-29-37 0-1-1-2-2-1z m-610 85c-13 12-24 23-36 33l-1 0 16-18c3-4 7-8 11-12 4-4 4-9 4-14-25 14-49 28-63 54-6 11-9 23-10 36 0 2 1 3 3 2 25-9 48-22 64-44 7-11 12-22 12-37z m698 0c0 17 7 30 16 42 13 16 42 34 63 39-1-13-4-25-9-37-9-17-23-30-39-40-8-6-16-11-25-16 0 6 1 11 5 16 8 8 15 16 22 24 1 2 2 3 3 5l-36-33z m-26-9c3 13 6 27 9 40l-1 0c-2-7-5-13-7-20-1-4-3-7-4-11-1-4-4-6-6-8-2 0-3-1-3 1 0 23-1 46 10 67 7 11 16 20 27 27 2 2 3 2 4-1 4-25 5-49-6-73-4-8-10-15-18-20-1-1-3-2-5-2z m-646-1c-12 7-19 16-24 28-7 17-8 35-6 53 0 5 1 10 2 15 0 3 1 3 3 1 21-12 32-31 36-54 2-13 1-26 1-38 0-4-1-4-3-2-3 2-5 4-6 7-4 12-8 23-12 34 3-14 6-28 9-44z m760 286c4-9 6-17 7-26 3-23-6-43-17-63-4-6-8-12-12-18-2 5-3 9-1 14 3 12 6 24 8 36-5-14-10-29-16-44-3 6-4 12-5 17-2 19 3 35 12 51 6 12 14 23 24 33z m-817-85l-16-33c-5 15-5 29 1 43 6 15 16 26 29 35 2 2 3 1 4-1 8-28 3-52-16-73-3-4-5-7-8-11-1 0-1 0-1 0-3 4-3 9-1 14 3 8 6 17 9 26l-1 0z m776-32c-6 11-11 21-16 32l0-1c3-9 6-18 9-27 1-4 1-7-1-11 0-1-1-1-2 0-23 26-34 48-23 83 0 2 1 3 3 1 17-12 29-27 33-47 2-9 0-22-3-30z m-389-360c0-8 0-17 0-26-1-7-8-11-14-8-2 1-3 4-3 6 0 19 0 37 0 56 0 5 2 7 7 7 7 0 9-1 9-7 1-9 0-18 0-28h1z m-38 0v26c0 8 4 11 12 9 2-1 3-2 4-4 0-2 0-4 0-6v-50c0-2 0-3 0-5-1-3-2-5-6-4-1 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-7 1-7 6l0 28z m60 3v-23c0-1 0-3 0-4-1-7-7-10-13-7-3 1-3 4-3 7v52c0 9 3 11 12 10 2-1 3-2 3-4 1-2 1-4 1-6 0-8 0-17 0-25z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="pen-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebf1;" d="M269 850l-76-500c230-167 269-500 269-500h24v523c-25 8-44 31-44 60 0 35 26 63 58 63 32 0 58-28 58-63 0-28-19-52-43-60v-523h24s38 333 269 500l-77 500h-462z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="capsule" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec12;" d="M955 707c-23 30-51 56-79 83-83 79-218 82-303-4-169-171-340-341-511-511-71-72-83-184-26-268 26-40 61-71 95-102 40-37 89-55 136-55 68 0 117 23 159 64 170 171 340 340 510 510 7 8 15 16 21 24 58 77 58 184-2 260z m-268-504c-1-1-1-1-2-2-1 0-5 2-9 6l-321 321c-4 4-5 9-2 11 2 1 4 3 5 4 77 77 155 153 230 231 68 69 174 75 251 21 44-33 84-71 113-118 47-75 37-170-25-233-79-81-160-161-240-241z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="crutch" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec13;" d="M544 431v-18c0-107 0-214 1-322 0-10-3-12-13-12-32 0-64 0-95 0-4 0-10 2-10-5 0-8 5-6 10-6l97 0c3 0 9 1 9-2 1-6-5-5-8-6l-98-27c-2 0-5 0-7-1-4-2-3-6-3-9 1-5 5-3 7-2 18 9 34 2 50-5 17-7 35-14 53-21 6-2 8-5 7-11-1-7-6-4-10-4-32 0-65 0-97 0-4 0-10 2-10-6 0-8 5-6 9-6 13 0 26 0 40-2-14-8-28-16-42-24-7-4-9-8-5-16 16 9 34 17 49 28 18 13 37 16 58 14 6 0 8-1 9-7 1-28 1-28-25-33-27-5-54-10-81-15-7-1-12-1-13-11-4-31-31-54-61-52-33 2-57 27-57 61 0 64 0 129 0 194 0 16 0 33 0 49 1 5-1 7-6 8-37 9-53 30-53 67 0 89 0 178 0 268 0 9 0 19 3 28 7 25 29 43 56 43 34 0 68 0 102 0 9 0 11-3 11-11-1-106-1-213 0-319 0-4 0-7 0-10 0-4 2-6 5-6 4 0 6 2 6 5 0 4 0 7 0 11 0 106 0 212 0 318 0 10 3 12 13 12 32-1 65 0 97 0 16 0 29-5 41-15 36-29 71-58 107-87 17-14 25-31 24-52 0-3 0-5 0-8 0-8-2-17 1-24 4-7 15-1 23-2 7-1 11-5 11-12 0-41 2-83-1-124-1-20-12-37-24-54-14-21-30-42-45-63-8-11-12-23-12-38 1-72 0-145 0-218 0-3 1-7 0-10-1-7-6-11-13-11-6 1-10 5-10 12-1 7-1 13-1 20 0 69 0 138 1 207 0 14-4 26-12 37-15 21-30 42-45 63-12 17-22 35-25 56-1 5-1 9-1 14 0 34 0 69 0 103 0 14 3 18 17 18 2 0 5-1 7 0 4 1 9-3 11 3 1 5-1 9-5 12-15 11-29 23-47 36z m112-296c17 25 37 48 52 73 9 15 17 29 18 46 1 32 0 63 0 95 0 5-1 7-6 7-5 0-5-3-5-7v-18c0-20 0-40-1-60 0-31-26-56-58-57-29 0-57 23-58 53-2 26-1 53-1 79 0 5 1 10-7 10-7-1-4-6-4-10-1-30 0-60 0-89 0-10 2-19 6-28 16-35 42-62 64-94z m-229 715c65 0 118-54 117-119 0-64-54-117-118-117-66 0-118 54-118 121 1 63 55 115 119 115z m46-998c14 21 28 41 43 61 6 8 17 6 26 7 3 0 2-3 2-5 5-39-33-72-71-63z m29 61c-14-20-26-37-38-54-3-4-5-3-9-1-13 8-21 20-27 34-2 6 1 8 6 9 22 4 43 8 68 12z m-28 119c23 6 44 12 64 17 5 2 6 0 6-4 0-12 0-23 0-35 0-4-1-5-5-4-21 8-42 17-65 26z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="dna-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec15;" d="M619 506c-71-6-143-13-217-20 15-15 29-27 44-38 6-5 7-8-1-13-25-16-50-33-75-49-4-3-7-5-11-1-54 48-105 99-130 169-17 45-18 91-10 137 5 25 28 41 55 40 23-1 45-21 46-45 1-10 4-10 12-8 87 24 173 48 260 71 6 2 8 3 3 9-19 28-15 60 8 79 23 19 57 17 79-6 40-40 76-83 95-137 25-71 14-138-23-203-26-47-65-83-108-115-64-47-133-89-198-134-25-17-49-35-70-57-1-1-2-2-5-6 77 7 152 14 226 20 2 5-2 6-4 8-14 12-27 25-41 36-5 5-6 7 0 11 26 17 52 34 77 51 4 3 7 4 11 1 52-48 102-98 129-166 18-47 18-94 4-141-8-24-27-38-52-38-22 0-42 16-48 39-2 9-6 9-13 7-59-17-119-33-179-49-25-7-50-14-74-21-6-1-9-2-6-10 9-28 0-54-23-69-24-14-52-10-72 11-38 41-72 84-88 138-21 73-6 141 33 204 32 51 78 87 126 120 54 38 109 74 164 111 24 16 48 33 70 53 3 3 6 5 9 7-1 2-2 3-3 4z m-283-483c5-13 12-23 18-33 4-7 9-8 17-6 97 23 195 46 292 69 19 4 20 6 17 24-2 14-2 14-16 11l-197-39c-44-8-87-17-131-26z m299 681c0 0-2 0-4-1l-292-69c-22-5-22-5-18-27 1-8 4-11 13-9 64 13 127 25 191 38 43 8 87 17 130 26 7 1 13 2 7 11-6 9-12 18-17 27-2 3-4 6-10 4z m23-573c-2 4-3 7-5 9-14 24-14 24-42 20-83-13-166-25-248-37-32-4-32-4-37-35 0-1 0-2 0-2-2-7 1-9 8-8 12 2 24 4 36 6 96 16 191 31 288 47z m-315 424c6-8 11-15 15-22 5-6 10-8 18-7 87 12 173 23 260 35 33 5 32 5 38 37 2 8 1 12-9 10-27-5-55-9-83-14-57-9-114-18-171-27-22-4-44-8-68-12z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="dna-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec16;" d="M198 119c24-24 48-48 72-72 9 32 7 65 5 97-3 61-9 121 2 182 22 123 132 232 255 249 75 10 55 13 63-53 1-15 7-33-2-44-8-11-27-5-41-8-7-1-13-3-25-7 28-27 54-52 79-76 11-11 12 0 13 7 8 40 5 80 2 120-4 66-8 131 12 194 15 48 41 90 77 125 20 21 50 22 72 4 21-17 26-47 7-71-10-13-8-20 3-31 33-31 65-63 97-96 8-9 14-10 24-2 27 20 58 16 75-6 19-25 15-53-10-77-57-54-125-81-202-86-15-1-21 2-21 18 0 22-1 44-4 66-2 18 5 24 22 23 7 0 14-1 17 1-21 22-42 43-62 63-10-49-1-103 2-156 7-119-27-220-122-296-53-42-114-63-181-67-13 0-19 2-19 17 0 24-2 49-4 73-1 12 3 16 15 17 16 1 31 4 47 6 11 2 13 6 5 15-27 27-53 54-82 84-9-25-12-46-12-67-2-65 8-130 4-195-4-79-35-146-89-202-21-22-51-23-74-5-20 16-25 44-8 69 7 11 5 16-4 24-34 33-67 66-99 100-9 9-15 10-25 3-25-16-53-11-69 10-18 22-17 51 4 72 58 58 130 87 212 91 10 1 15-2 16-13 0-25 2-50 4-75 1-14-3-20-17-19-11 0-23 0-34-6z m352 160c-36 36-73 73-110 108-5 5-10 18-18 5-6-9-25-17-8-33 28-27 55-55 82-82 25-25 25-25 54 2z m47 54c1 6-2 9-4 11-33 33-65 67-98 99-14 13-23-5-32-11-11-8 1-13 6-17 30-31 61-62 93-93 5-5 10-16 17-12 8 5 13 16 18 23z m-451-228c-5-3-13-5-17-11-4-7 5-10 9-14 31-31 62-61 92-93 15-16 18-5 23 6 4 6 1 11-4 16-30 30-61 61-91 91-3 3-5 6-12 5z m608 615c-5-13-19-21-9-32 30-32 61-62 93-93 9-9 17 1 24 4 6 3 4 7 0 11-36 36-71 72-108 110z" />
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8-37-5-14-14-23-27-30-3-2-6-3-9-4-1 0-1 0-1-2 0-10-1-20-1-30 0-1 0-1 1-2 5 4 7 9 7 15s-2 12-7 16c9 3 16 6 22 12 3-5 5-10 6-16 0-9-2-18-7-26-5-8-12-15-21-22-1-1-2-2-2-4 0-5 0-10 0-15 3 1 4 3 4 5 1 4 0 7-1 9-1 2-1 2 0 3 4 2 6 5 9 8 0 0 1 0 2 0 3-4 5-8 6-13 0-7-2-14-6-20-2-4-4-7-7-10-7-8-10-17-11-27-1-11-3-23-3-35 0-2 0-4-1-5 0 2-1 5-1 7 0 14-2 28-4 42-1 10-1 20-2 30-1 6-1 13-1 19 0 1 0 1 0 2-3 0-4-2-4-4-1-3-1-5 1-7 1-2 2-4 2-6 1-10 1-20 2-30 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 1-2 2-3 5-7 11-10 16-4 7-7 15-8 23-1 6 0 12 3 17 3 4 7 7 13 8 2 1 2 1 2 3 0 11 0 21 0 31 0 1 0 2-1 2-1 0-1 0-2-1-5-6-6-12-4-20 2-4 4-8 6-11-2-2-3-2-5-2-2-1-4-2-6-3-1-1-2-1-3 0-6 6-11 13-14 22-3 13 1 25 10 35 4 5 9 9 15 12 2 1 2 2 2 4 0 8 0 16-1 25 0 0 0 0 0 1-3-2-8-7-9-11-1-3 0-5 1-7 1-3 3-5 5-6 1-1 2-2 3-2-1-1-2-1-2-2-5-3-9-6-13-9-2-2-2-2-6-1-8 5-13 13-15 22-2 14 2 25 11 35 6 6 13 10 21 14 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 2 2 3-1 10-1 20-2 30 0 2 0 3-2 2-3 0-5-1-8-3-3-2-4-5-4-9 1-6 4-11 8-14 2-2 4-3 5-4 0-1-1-1-2-2-8-3-16-8-22-14-2-1-3-1-4 0-8 6-14 13-17 23-7 18-3 34 9 49 8 11 20 17 32 22 4 1 4 1 4 5-1 16-1 33-2 49 0 3 0 3-3 3-4 0-9 0-13-2-12-3-17-13-15-25 2-13 10-22 22-26 1-1 2-1 2-1 0-1-1-1-2-2-10-5-19-11-27-20-3-2-3-3-6-1-13 7-23 17-30 31-5 10-8 20-7 32 1 5 2 10 5 15 10 18 24 31 42 39 9 4 18 7 28 7 2 0 3 1 2 4 0 14-1 29-1 44-1 12-1 25-1 37-1 5-1 5-6 5-11 0-22-1-32-4-6-2-11-5-16-9-7-7-10-16-9-26 1-13 7-23 16-30 9-8 20-13 31-16l5-1c1-1 1-1 1-1-2 0-3-1-5-1-18-5-34-15-47-29-3-3-3-3-7-1-25 15-44 35-53 63-5 15-5 31 1 46 5 14 15 25 28 34 12 7 25 12 38 15 12 3 24 4 36 3 5 0 10 1 15 1 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 14-1 29-1 43 0 8-1 16-1 25 0 2-1 4-3 5-8 6-18 11-28 14-16 5-32 7-48 5-3 0-5 0-8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 9 9 19 12 28 3 7 5 14 8 20 2 4 5 8 8 11 5 5 11 8 18 9 11 1 21-1 32-5 3-1 6-3 9-4 0 3-1 6-2 9-1 5-3 9-6 13l-5 9c-5 9-6 18-3 27 0 2 1 4 2 6 1 4 1 4-2 7-7 6-13 13-17 22-17 37 6 81 47 89 34 6 67-16 73-51 5-24-3-45-22-61 0 0-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 2-3 3-6 4-9 2-10 1-18-3-27-3-3-5-7-7-11-4-6-6-12-7-18 0-1 0-1 0-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 4 1 9 4 18 7 28 8 6 0 12 0 17-2 4-2 8-4 11-8 3-3 6-7 8-12 3-8 6-16 9-24 3-8 6-15 10-22 0 0 0-1 0-1-3 0-6 0-9 0-24 2-47-2-68-14-3-2-5-4-7-5-2-2-3-3-3-5 0-12-1-23-1-35 0-10-1-21-1-32 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 7 0 13-1 20-1 12 0 25 0 38 1s26 3 38 7c3 1 6 3 9 4 1 1 3 2 4 3 7 5 10 11 9 18-2 9-8 15-17 17-6 1-13 0-19-1-11-1-21-3-32-4-10-1-20-1-30 3-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 4 1 6 1 4 0 7 0 11 0 3 0 5 0 8 0 1 0 3 0 3 1 0 2-2 2-3 3-3 0-6 1-10 1-3 0-6 0-10 1-1 0-3 1-5 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 7 4 14 7 21 8 13 3 26 4 39 2 13-1 26-3 38-9 7-2 13-6 19-10 19-14 20-36 13-52-4-8-10-15-17-21-7-6-14-10-22-14-5-2-10-3-15-4-29-6-57-9-86-8-5 0-9 0-13 1-3 0-3 0-3-3-1-12-1-25-1-38-1-15-1-30-2-45 0-3 0-3 3-3 13 3 26 7 38 14 6 3 12 8 16 14 7 9 9 18 8 29-1 11-7 19-16 24l-4 2c0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 23 0 45 4 67 10 2 1 3 1 3-1 6-9 9-18 10-28 2-18-3-35-12-50-11-20-26-36-47-46-15-7-31-12-47-15-7-1-13-2-20-2-3 0-3 0-3-3 0-16-1-33-1-49 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-1 3 0 5 0 8 1 14 5 22 14 24 29 1 8-2 15-9 20-1 1-2 1-2 2z m-538 435c1 0 2 0 3-1 21-11 45-19 69-22 20-3 40-3 61-2 34 4 66 13 97 28 20 9 41 19 63 27 14 5 28 9 43 11 15 3 30 3 45 1 11-3 21-7 30-14 9-7 13-15 15-26 2-11 1-21 1-32 0-6 0-13 0-19 1-5 1-11 3-16 3-8 8-15 17-18 0 0 1 0 1-1-9-3-20 2-26 9-2 4-4 8-6 12-2 7-4 14-6 20-3 10-7 20-14 28-6 9-14 16-25 19-9 2-18 2-27 0-10-3-20-7-30-12-12-6-23-13-35-20-24-15-48-29-74-41-21-10-42-18-64-23-14-4-29-6-43-6-18 1-35 4-50 14-14 9-24 21-31 35-9 15-14 32-17 49 0 0 0 0 0 0z m609-21c0 0 0 0 0 0 9 13 20 20 36 19 9-1 18-4 26-7 11-5 22-11 32-17 22-14 44-27 66-39 23-12 47-22 72-30 14-4 27-8 41-9 15-2 31-2 46 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0-3-1-5-3-8-5-14-15-25-28-33-13-8-27-13-43-16-8-2-16-3-24-3-12 1-23 4-34 8-15 6-29 15-42 25-11 9-22 20-32 30-14 13-27 27-41 39-11 11-23 21-37 28-11 6-23 9-36 10-1 0-1 0-1 1z m-539-81c4 0 8-1 12-2 10-2 21-2 32-1 28 3 55 12 81 23 27 12 53 26 78 41 12 7 23 14 34 21 11 6 22 12 35 15 6 2 13 3 20 3 9-1 16-4 23-11 2-2 5-5 7-9-2 0-4 0-6 0-13-2-26-6-38-13-12-8-24-18-35-28-12-11-24-23-36-35-11-11-22-22-35-32-10-8-21-16-34-21-16-8-32-12-50-10-22 2-42 8-60 21-13 8-22 20-27 34 0 1-1 3-1 4z m523 43c3 10 6 19 9 27 1 2 2 3 5 3 12 0 24-4 35-10 12-6 22-13 32-22 10-9 20-18 29-28 15-15 30-30 46-43 14-12 30-22 47-29 13-5 27-8 42-8 3 0 7 1 10 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-1 0-1-7-10-16-19-26-26-9-5-18-9-28-8-8 0-15 2-21 5-12 6-21 13-31 21-14 12-27 26-40 40-13 15-27 29-42 43-10 8-20 16-32 23-9 5-19 10-30 11-1 1-2 1-3 1-1 0-2 0-4 0z m-443-109c2 0 4 0 5 0 18-2 35 1 52 8 15 6 29 16 43 26 15 13 29 27 43 41 13 13 25 26 39 37 10 8 21 15 32 21 10 4 20 6 30 6 2 0 3-1 4-3 3-8 6-16 8-25 1-2 1-2-2-2-7-1-14-3-21-6-13-5-24-12-34-21-15-11-28-25-41-39-14-14-27-28-40-41-10-9-20-19-32-26-7-4-15-8-23-10-12-2-23-1-33 5-9 5-16 12-23 19-2 3-5 6-7 10z m269 85c-4 0-7 0-10-1-12-3-21-9-29-17-8-7-14-16-20-24-7-11-14-23-21-34-5-9-11-18-17-26-4-5-9-9-13-13-13-10-26-13-41-8-7 2-17 7-22 11-1 1 0 1 0 1 15 11 28 23 40 36 16 16 30 33 47 48 10 11 21 20 34 29 10 6 21 11 32 14 3 0 6 1 9 1 1 0 2 0 2-2 2-5 5-10 9-15z m336-111c-1-1-1-1-1-1-8-6-17-11-27-13-12-2-22 0-31 7-6 4-12 9-16 15-7 8-13 18-19 27-7 12-14 24-22 35-6 9-13 18-21 26-9 7-18 12-30 14-2 1-4 1-7 2 3 3 5 6 7 9 0 1 1 3 2 5 0 2 2 2 3 2 6-1 12-2 17-4 12-4 23-11 33-18 13-10 24-21 35-32 13-13 25-27 38-40 12-12 24-24 38-34 0 0 1 0 1 0z m-300 3c-3-2-6-2-9-2-4-1-8-1-13-2-1 0-3 0-5-1 0 0-1-1-1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 9 0 13 0 3 1 5 1 8 0 1-1 3-1 4-2 1-1 1-2-1-3-4-1-7-2-11-3-9-1-18-1-27 1-10 1-20 3-30 4-6 0-11 1-17-1-9-3-16-14-13-23 1-4 3-7 6-10 4-3 9-5 14-7 9-3 18-5 28-6 4-1 9-1 14-2 0 0 1 0 2 0-2-1-5-2-7-2-12-3-23-8-33-14-7-5-13-10-17-16-1-1-2-1-3-1-13 6-24 13-32 24-6 7-10 15-11 24-2 13 1 25 11 35 7 7 16 11 25 15 12 5 24 7 37 8 13 2 26 1 39-2 8-1 15-4 22-9 0 0 1-1 1-1 0 0 1 0 1-1z m-45 99c-9-10-13-23-17-36-3-7-6-14-9-21-2-4-5-8-8-11-6-6-13-8-21-7-3 0-7 1-10 2-1 1 0 1 0 1 8 13 15 26 24 38 5 8 11 16 19 22 6 6 13 10 21 12 0 0 1 0 1 0z m180 0c6-1 11-3 15-6 9-6 16-14 22-22 7-9 13-19 20-29 3-5 6-10 9-16-1-1-2-1-2-1-5-1-10-2-15-1-7 0-13 4-17 10-4 4-6 9-8 14-4 8-7 16-10 25-2 6-5 13-9 19-1 2-3 5-5 7z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="stretcher" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec34;" d="M987 454c-11 6-23 4-35 4-98 1-195 0-293 1-10 0-28-6-29 10 0 17 18 11 28 12 60 0 119 0 179 0 19 0 37 3 38 26 1 27-17 30-39 30-41-1-82 0-134 0 40 36 70 64 102 92 15 14 24 29 10 46-16 20-34 10-49-4-37-33-74-66-112-100-8-7-15-14-30-14-98 2-197 1-296 2-25 0-51 2-65-26-14-26-3-47 19-72-13-1-18-2-24-2-24-2-43-5-24 32 13 25 3 54-27 68-23 12-46 9-65-9-20-19-24-43-11-65 14-25 5-28-18-27-22 1-45 1-67 0-21 0-45 2-45-27 0-30 25-30 47-29 28 0 57-1 85 0 19 1 25-5 25-24-1-83 0-166 0-249 0-11-2-20-10-29-24-26-25-52-6-72 19-18 50-19 68 0 20 20 19 47-5 72-13 13-14 27-10 42 5 18 22 9 34 9 179 1 359 1 538 0 13 0 32 8 39-8 7-16 3-32-13-47-23-20-21-51-1-69 21-19 44-17 65 0 21 17 22 47 1 69-11 11-15 22-15 37 1 81 1 162 1 243 0 20 6 27 27 26 33-2 66-1 100 0 13 0 25 6 29 21 3 13-1 24-12 31z m-794-392c-1-12-7-18-18-18-12 0-17 8-17 18 0 11 7 18 18 18 11-1 16-9 17-18z m566 146c-87 0-173 0-260 0v0c-90 0-181 1-271-1-29 0-36 8-35 36 3 45 2 90 1 135-1 20 6 24 24 24 188-1 375-1 563 0 19 0 27-3 26-26-2-39 2-78 2-117 0-52 0-51-50-51z m83-145c-1-11-6-18-17-19-11-1-18 5-19 16 0 11 6 19 17 20 10 1 17-6 19-17z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="ui-alarm" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec3f;" d="M516 850c7-6 15-10 21-17 17-20 11-50-11-65-6-3-7-7-7-13 0-19 0-39 0-58 194-22 329-121 377-313 45-177-19-321-161-434 13-13 26-26 40-39 9-10 13-21 11-34-6-26-37-36-58-17-16 15-32 31-48 48-6 6-10 7-19 4-107-46-215-45-323 0-7 4-11 2-16-3-15-16-31-32-47-48-15-14-37-15-50-1-14 14-14 35 1 50 7 7 14 14 21 20 6 7 13 13 19 20-157 127-214 286-148 480 47 138 183 256 364 266 0 22 1 43 0 65 0 2-2 4-4 5-31 16-32 65 4 82 1 0 2 1 2 2h32z m299-563c0 172-142 315-314 314-173 0-314-140-315-313-1-172 141-314 314-315 173 0 314 141 315 314z m-812 335c3 17 6 34 11 51 28 82 84 134 169 151 87 18 160-11 217-79 1-1 2-2 3-3 1-1 1-2 1-3-160-39-272-133-340-288-1 3-2 7-4 9-31 35-49 76-55 122 0 3-2 7-2 10l0 30z m592 116c56 69 126 101 212 88 92-14 154-68 181-158 24-80 3-152-53-216-30 74-74 136-134 187-59 50-127 83-206 99z m-62-428h14c29 0 59 1 88 0 18 0 31-13 31-31 0-18-13-32-32-32-44 0-89 0-133 0-19 0-32 13-32 33 0 68 0 136 0 204 0 20 14 34 32 33 18 0 32-14 32-33 0-53 0-106 0-159 0-5 0-9 0-15z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="ui-touch-phone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8a;" d="M716 850h-431c-48 0-87-39-87-87v-826c0-48 39-87 87-87h431c48 0 87 39 87 87v826c0 48-39 87-87 87z m-287-36h142c8 0 13-4 13-9 0-4-5-8-13-8h-142c-7 0-13 4-13 8 0 5 6 9 13 9z m71-920c-37 0-67 30-67 67 0 37 30 68 67 68s68-31 68-68c0-37-31-67-68-67z m253 206c0-24-20-44-43-44h-419c-24 0-44 20-44 44v620c0 24 20 43 44 43h419c23 0 43-19 43-43v-620z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="ui-travel" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8b;" d="M277 172h446c34 0 62 28 62 62v266c0 34-28 62-62 62h-40v83c0 34-28 62-62 62h-242c-34 0-62-28-62-62v-83h-40c-34 0-62-28-62-62v-266c0-34 28-62 62-62z m101 421v28c0 17 14 31 31 31h182c17 0 31-14 31-31v-59h-244v31z m-322-489c-31 0-56-25-56-56 0-30 25-55 56-55s55 25 55 55c0 31-25 56-55 56z m177 0c-30 0-55-25-55-56 0-30 25-55 55-55s56 25 56 55c0 31-25 56-56 56z m178 0c-31 0-56-25-56-56 0-30 25-55 56-55 31 0 56 25 56 55 0 31-25 56-56 56z m178 0c-31 0-56-25-56-56 0-30 25-55 56-55s56 25 56 55c0 31-25 56-56 56z m178 0c-31 0-56-25-56-56 0-30 25-55 56-55 30 0 55 25 55 55 0 31-25 56-55 56z m177 0c-30 0-55-25-55-56 0-30 25-55 55-55 31 0 56 25 56 55 0 31-25 56-56 56z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="ui-user-group" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8d;" d="M692 185c-125 76-255 78-380 6-45-26-73-59-87-95h544c-12 34-38 66-77 89z m-195 419c89 0 160-70 160-159 1-88-71-160-159-161-89-1-160 71-160 161 0 89 70 159 159 159z m467-434c-37 32-80 45-127 47-41 1-81-5-118-27 39-30 63-60 74-94h207c0 26-12 53-36 74z m-683 20c-4 3-6 5-9 6-78 33-154 31-224-17-32-22-48-53-48-83h208c13 35 38 66 73 94z m447 154c0 54 44 99 98 99 54 1 100-44 100-98 1-53-45-100-97-100-56-1-101 44-101 99z m-553-98c-56-1-100 42-100 98-1 54 44 99 99 100 53 0 99-45 99-98 1-56-43-100-98-100z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="ui-user" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8e;" d="M859 47c-230 139-469 144-700 11-82-47-134-109-159-176h1000c-22 64-69 122-141 165z m-359 771c163 0 294-130 295-292 1-162-131-295-293-297-164-1-295 131-296 296 0 163 130 293 294 293z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="ui-v-card" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8f;" d="M892 721h-783c-60 0-109-49-109-109v-523c0-60 49-109 109-109h783c59 0 108 49 108 109v523c0 60-49 109-108 109z m-779-171c0 30 25 54 55 54h181c30 0 55-24 55-54v-209c0-30-25-54-55-54h-181c-30 0-55 24-55 54v209z m736-426h-706c-18 0-33 14-33 32 0 17 15 32 33 32h706c17 0 32-15 32-32 0-18-15-32-32-32z m0 168h-320c-18 0-33 14-33 31 0 18 15 32 33 32h320c17 0 32-14 32-32 0-17-15-31-32-31z m0 130h-320c-18 0-33 15-33 32 0 18 15 32 33 32h320c17 0 32-14 32-32 0-17-15-32-32-32z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="ui-video-play" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec92;" d="M0-65v831h1000v-831h-1000z m372 567v-298c94 50 184 98 278 149-94 51-184 99-278 149z m-251 198v-78h199v78h-199z m760-80v79h-199v-79h199z m-761-619h200v78h-200v-78z m762 79h-199v-79h199v79z m-481 540h197v79h-197v-79z m0-619h198v79h-198v-79z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="music-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec9f;" d="M857 602c-41 87-130 146-262 178h-1c-9 2-19 4-28 6-67 10-96-21-101-50l-75-505c-25 12-53 19-82 19-50 2-98-15-134-46-36-31-56-73-57-118-2-84 66-158 157-171 9-2 18-2 27-2 96-3 176 63 190 155l74 495c7 0 14-1 21-2 84-13 156-59 208-135 21-31 35-61 43-80 2-5 7-8 12-8 5 0 10 3 11 8 19 55 43 160-3 256z" />
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0l-1-1h0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l-1-1 0 0 0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0-1 0 0-1 0 0 0h0l-1-1h0c-1 0-1 0-1 0s0 0-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0-1c0 0-1 0-1 0l-1 0-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0h0s0-1 0-1c0 0 0 0 0 0h-1s-1 0-1 0c0 0 0 0-1 0h0l0 0 0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0s-1 0-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0v-1 1h0c-1-1-2-1-3-1h-1l-1 1 0 0h0l-1 0h-1c0 0 0 0 0 0h-1s0 0 0 0l-1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0-1 1 0 0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0h0c-1 0-1 0-1 0h0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 1l-1 0h0s0 0 0 0l0 0c0 0 0 0-1 0 0 1-1 1-2 2l0 0c0 0 0 0-1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0l0 0s-1 0-1 0l0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 1c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1l0 0 0 0c-1 1-1 1-1 1l0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1v0l-1 1c-1 2-2 5-2 8v1c0 0 0 1 1 1l0 1c0 0 0 1 0 1l0 0c0 0 0 1 0 1s0 0 0 1v0l1 1s0 0 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1l1 0v0s0 0 0 0l0 0s0 1 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0v0c0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1h0c1 0 1 0 1 0l1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0 1 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 1l1 0 1 0h0l1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0l0 0s0 0 0 0c1 0 1 0 1 0h0l1 0c0 0 0 1 1 1h0s0 0 1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0h0l1 0h0c1 0 3 0 5 0 1 0 2 0 3 0l1 0c0 0 1 0 1 0h0l1 0s1 0 1 0h1l1 0s0 0 0 0h0v0c0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 1-1v0c0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 2-1 2-1v3c0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1l0 1 0 0 0 1c-1 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0 0 0h0l0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1s0 0 0 0h-1l0 0 0 0 0 0h0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 1-1 1s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0s0 0 0 0l-1 0 0 1 0 0-1 0h0s0 0 0 0l-1 1 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0s-1 0-1 0h0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0h-1l-1 1 0 0s0 0 0 0l-1 0h0l0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0 0 0h-2l-1 0s0 0 0 0l0 0h-1s0 0-1 0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0 0c0 0-1-1-1-1h0l-1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0h0v0h-1c0 0 0 0 0 0h0c0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l-1-1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1-1 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-2-1-3-2 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0l0-1c-1 0-1 0-1-1h-1l-4 5h1l-4 4h0l0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 4 3 6 5 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1v0c0 0 0 0 0 0h0c0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 0 1 0 2 0l2 1h1c0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 4 0 5 0h0c1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3-1 4-2 0 0 0 0 0 0h1v0h0v0c0 0 0 0 0 0h0c1 0 1 0 1 0l0 0h1l1-1h0c0 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 1-1s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l2-2c0 0 1-1 2-2l0-1c1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-6 2-10v-26h9v-11z m71 0h-57v11h23v35h-18v11h30v-46h22v-11z m84 0h-29v11h9v24c0 10-6 12-11 12-9 0-18-6-18-17v-19h9v-11h-30v11h9v35h-8v11h19v-7c4 5 11 9 20 9 13 0 22-8 22-21v-27h8v-11z m59 3c-1 0-1 0-2-1 0 0 0 0-1 0-1-1-2-1-3-2 0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 0l-1-1-2 0-1 0c0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1h-3c-14 0-25 8-25 24v24h-15v11h15v21h11v-21h28v-11h-28v-24c0-9 7-13 14-13h2c0 0 0 0 0 1h0c1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0l0 0 1 0h0l1 0 0 1 0 0v0l0 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0s1 0 1 1l0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0l1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1s1 1 1 1l1 1 0 0 3-3 1-1 4-4c-2-2-4-4-7-6z m71 38c-1 4-5 7-9 7-10 0-20-8-20-22v-15h20v-11h-45v11h13v35h-10v11h22v-10c3 7 11 12 21 12 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0s1 0 1-1c1 0 1 0 1 0l1 0h0l2 0c0-1 0-1 1-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 0 0 0 0 1 0l0 0c4-3 7-7 8-12l-11-3z m80-17h-49c2-9 10-15 20-15 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0h1c0 0 1 0 1 0h0s0 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 1l1 0h0s0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0c1 0 1 0 1 0l2 1s1 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1l2 0c0 1 0 1 1 1l0 0 1 1 1 0c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0l1 1 0 1 8-8c-6-7-16-11-28-11h-2s-1 0-1 0h-1l-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0-1 1-1 1-2 1s0 0-1 0c0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0-1 0l0 0c-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 0-2 0l0 0-1 1c0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 0 0 0-1 1-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 1-1 1-1 1s0 0 0 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 1c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0-1 0 0 1h0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0 0 0c0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0-1 0-1 0v0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 1c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 1v0l-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0h0c0 0 0 1 0 1v0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0 1-1 0 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 1l-1 0s0 0 0 0v1h0s0 0 0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0c0 1 0 1 0 2l-1 1 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 1 0 0 0 0c-1 1 0 1 0 2l0 0-1 1s0 1 0 2c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 1 0 1 0 1c0 3 0 5 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0l1 2c0 3 2 6 4 8l0 0c1 2 2 3 3 4l0 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2v1h0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0v0h1c1 1 2 1 4 2 0 0 1 0 1 0l0 0s1 1 1 1l0 0 1 0h0c0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 4 1 7 1h0v0l0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0l0 0c1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-1s1 0 1 0h1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0h0s0 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0l0 0 1-1h1l1 0h0c1 0 1 0 1 0l1-1s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 1-1l1 0 0 0 1-1c0 0 0 0 0 0h0l1 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0l0 0 0 0 0 0c0 0 0-1 0-1s0 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0s0 0 1-1l0 0v1c0 0 0-1 0-1l1 0 0-1 1-1 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l1-1 0 0 0 0 0 0c1-1 1-1 1-1l0 0 1-1s0 0 0 0l0-1s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 1 0l0-1v0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0-1v0l0 0s0-1 1-1l0 0 0 0s0-1 0-1c0 0 0 0 1-1l0 0 0-1s0-1 0-1c0 0 0 0 0 0l1-1s0-1 0-2l0-1 1-1c0-2 0-3 0-5v-4z m73 0h-49c2-9 10-15 20-15 1 0 2 0 3 0l2 0c1 1 1 1 2 1s0 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0s1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1l0 0c1 1 3 1 4 2 0 0 1 1 1 1l0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 8-8c-6-7-16-11-28-11h-3c0 0 0 0-1 0h0l-1 0s-1 0-1 1c-1 0-2 0-3 0l-1 0 0 0c-1 1-2 1-3 1l-1 1-3 1 0 0c0 0-1 0-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0h-1l0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0h0c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 1-1 1-1 1v0h0c0 1-1 1-1 1l-1 1 0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 1v0l0 0-1 0 0 0c0 0 0 1 0 1l-1 1-1 1s-1 2-2 3c-1 1-1 3-2 5 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-1 0v1l0 1v0c0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 3l0 5v1c0 0 0 0 0 1l1 0v1l0 0c0 1 0 2 1 3 1 4 3 8 6 11l1 1c2 1 3 3 5 4 1 0 2 0 3 1s2 1 3 1l2 1c1 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 4 1 7 1h4l1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0v-1l1 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0h0s1 0 1 0l1 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0-1l1 0s0 0 0 0l0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0h0l1-1 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l0-1s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0c1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0l0-1c0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0l0 0 0-1 1 0c1-1 1-1 1-1s1-1 1-1l1 0c5-6 9-15 9-24v-3z m-600 32c0 7-5 10-16 10h-13v-21h14c10 0 15 4 15 11z m-14-22h-15v-23h15c12 0 18 4 18 12 0 7-6 11-18 11z m126-18c0-5 5-7 11-7 9 0 18 5 18 13v1c-3 1-9 3-14 3-8 0-15-3-15-10z m385 32c-10 0-16-6-18-14h35c-2 9-9 14-17 14z m73 0c-9 0-16-6-18-14h35c-2 9-9 14-17 14z" />
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0-1 0-2 1 0 1 0 2 0 2-2 7-9 9-14 7-5-2-6-7-3-10 1-2 3-4 5-5 3-1 6-2 9-4 7-3 9-8 8-14 0-5-5-9-11-11-6-2-12-1-18 2-1 0-1 1-1 2l-1 7c0 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1-1 0-2 1-4 2-5 3-5 8-7 13-6 6 1 8 7 4 12z m-58-12c1 0 2 0 3 0 3 1 3 1 3 4v21c0 2 0 4 0 7 1 2-1 4-3 5 0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 2l11 5c1 0 2 0 2-2v-9c2 3 3 6 5 8 3 2 6 4 10 3 3-1 5-4 4-8-2-3-5-4-7-2-3 2-5 2-8 1-3-2-4-4-4-8 0-8 0-16 0-24 0-2 0-3 3-3 2-1 4-1 6-1 1 0 2 0 2-1 0-1-1-1-2-1-8 0-16 0-24 0-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1z m-36 38c7 9 21 9 28 2 3-3 4-8 4-12 0-2-1-2-2-2h-26c-2 0-2 0-2-1 0-5 0-9 2-13 5-10 14-13 23-6 1 1 3 2 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 1-1 0-2-4-5-8-9-14-11-10-2-18 2-22 11-4 11-3 22 4 31z m-56-38h1c3 1 4 1 4 5 0 8 0 17 0 25 0 4-1 6-5 8 0 0-1 0-1 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 4 1 8 2 12 4 1 0 1 0 1-1v-6c4 2 6 4 10 5 2 1 5 2 8 2 7 0 11-4 12-10 0-2 0-4 0-6v-25c0-3 1-3 4-4 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2-1 0-1-1-1-2-1h-19c-1 0-2 0-2 1s1 1 2 1h1c3 1 4 1 4 4v26c0 7-5 11-12 9-3-1-6-2-9-4-1 0-1-1-1-2v-29c0-2 1-3 3-3 1-1 2-1 3-1 1 0 1 0 1-1 0-1 0-1-1-1h-19c-1 0-2-1-2 1s1 1 2 1z m-16 71c3 0 5-2 5-5 0-3-2-5-5-5s-5 3-5 5c0 3 3 5 5 5z m-10-71c5 0 6 1 6 6 0 8 0 17 0 25 0 4-1 6-4 7-1 1-2 1-2 2s1 1 2 1c3 1 7 2 10 4 2 1 2 0 2-2v-38c0-4 1-5 5-5 1 0 2 1 2 0 1-1 0-2-1-2-7 0-13 0-20 0-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1z m-75 70c6 0 12 0 16 0 9 0 16 1 24-1 11-2 20-8 26-18 11-20 1-44-20-51-6-2-12-2-18-2-9 0-19 0-28 0-1 0-2-1-2 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 7 0 8 2 8 9v48c0 1 0 3 0 5-1 2-3 4-6 4 0 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-1 2-1 1 0 1 1 1z m-61-143c-15-12-32-19-50-22-5-1-10-1-15-1-16 0-31-1-47 0-34 0-61 14-81 41-15 19-20 41-18 65 1 16 5 31 14 45 12 19 29 33 51 40 11 4 22 6 34 6h25c8 0 18 0 28 0 21-2 40-8 57-21 14-10 25-24 32-40 6-13 8-28 7-43-2-29-15-52-37-70z m75 8c-5 1-10 1-14 0-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 0 3 0 3 3v28c0 3-1 4-4 4-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 5 0 11 0 16 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 0-1 0-1-1-1-3 0-4-1-4-4v-28c0-3 1-3 3-4 1 0 2 1 2-1 0-1-1-1-2-1z m48 38c-3 0-4-1-4-5 0-10 0-21 0-32 0 0 1-1 0-1-1-1-2-1-3 0-2 3-5 5-7 8-7 8-14 15-21 23v-13c0-4 0-7 0-11 0-3 1-4 4-4 1 0 2 0 2-2s-1-1-2-1c-4 1-8 1-12 0-1 0-1 0-1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 4 1 4 3 0 1 1 3 1 4v23c0 3-2 5-5 5-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 0 6 0 10 0 1 1 1 0 2-1l22-25c0 0 1-1 2-1v19c0 5-2 6-6 6-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 5-1 9-1 14 0 0 0 1-1 1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2z m42-5c0-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1 0-1 1 0 3-1 4-5 4-2 0-4 0-6 0-1 0-2 0-2-2 0-4 0-9 0-14 0-4 0-9 0-13 0-4 1-6 5-5 1 0 1-1 1-2s0-1-1-1c-2 0-5 1-7 1-3 0-7-1-10-1-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 4 0 5 0 5 4v28c0 2-1 2-2 2-3 0-5 0-8 0-3 0-3 0-4-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-2-1-1 0-1 1-1 1 1 3 1 5 1 8 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-2 2-2 3-2h30c1 0 2 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-3 0-5 0-8z m34-25l-1-6c-1-1-1-2-2-2-5 0-10 0-14 0h-14c-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 2 0 2 1 2 3 0 4 0 4 3v28c0 3-1 4-4 4-1 0-1 0-1 1s0 1 1 1c9 0 17 0 26 0 1 0 2 0 2-1-1-2 0-5 0-7 0-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 0 0-1 1 0 4-2 5-6 5-2 0-4 0-7 0 0 0-1 0-1-1 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-1 1-1 2-1 1 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 3 1 4 3 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 0 1-2 1-2 0-4 0-7 0-10 0-1 0-2-1-2-2 0-1 1-1 1-1 4-1 4-5 4h-5c-1 0-1 0-1-1v-11c0-2 1-3 3-4 3 0 6 0 10 1 3 0 4 2 5 5 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1-1 1-2z m40-8c-3 1-6 1-9 0-1 0-1 1-2 2-3 5-7 10-10 15 0 1 0 2-2 2-2 0-2 0-2-2v-10s1-4 4-4c1 0 2 0 2-2 0-1-1-1-2-1h-6c-3 1-6 1-9 0-1 0-2 1-2 2 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 0 3 1 3 4v26c0 4 0 5-4 5-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 4 0 6 0l12 0c2 0 4 0 6 0 3-1 6-3 7-7 1-4 0-7-3-10-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-2-1-2-2 0-1 1-2 1-3l8-11c1-2 2-3 4-3 2 0 1-1 1-2 1-1 0-1-1-1z m43 33c0 0 0-1 0-2 0-10-1-20 0-30 0-1 0-1 0-2-1 0-2 0-3 1l-3 4-23 25c-1 1-1 1-2 2 0-8 0-16 0-24 0-3 1-4 5-4 1 0 1-1 1-2 0-1 0-1-1-1-4 1-9 1-13 0-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 4 0 5 1 5 4 0 3 0 5 0 8v17c0 4-1 6-5 6 0 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 7 0 11 0 1 0 1-1 2-1l22-25c0 0 0-1 1-1 0 0 0 1 0 1v18c0 5-1 6-5 6-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 5 0 9 0 14 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 0 0 0-1-1-1-3 0-5-2-5-5z m44-33l-6 1c-3 0-6 0-9-1 0 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 3 0 3 0 3 3-1 2-2 5-3 7 0 1-1 1-1 1-4 0-7 0-10 0-2 0-2 0-2-1-1-2-1-5-2-7-1-2 0-3 2-3 1 0 1-1 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-2 0-1 0-1-1-1-4 1-7 1-11 0-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 3 1 4 3 4 11 7 21 11 32 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 2-1l9-24 3-11c1-1 2-3 4-3 1 0 1 0 1-1 0 0 0-1-1-1z m35 33c0-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 0 0 0 1-1 3-2 4-5 4h-7c-1 0-1 0-1-2 0-4 0-9 0-14v-14c0-3 1-4 4-4 1 0 2-1 2-2 0-1-1-1-2-1-5 1-11 1-16 0-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 4 0 5 0 5 4 0 10 0 19 0 29 0 1 0 1-1 1-3 0-6 0-8 0-3 0-4-1-5-3 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1-1 0-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 5 1 8 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0-2 1-2 3-2h29c1 0 2 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-1-1-3-1-5-1-8z m-9 60c0 2-1 5-1 7 0 15 10 28 24 34 11 4 21 3 32 0l7-2c1-1 1-1 1-2l1-12c0-1 0-2-1-2 0 0-1 0-2 1-2 13-13 17-23 16-13-1-23-9-26-22-3-12-2-24 6-34 5-7 12-11 21-12 11-1 20 5 23 16 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 1-1 0-5-1-9-2-13 0-1 0-2-1-2-14-6-29-7-43 0-11 6-16 15-18 27z m28-90c0 0 1 0 1-2 0-1-1-1-1-1-5 1-10 1-15 0-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 3 0 4 0 4 3v28c0 3-1 4-3 4-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 9 0 13 0 1 0 2 0 2-1 0-1-1-1-1-1-3 0-4-1-4-4v-28c0-3 1-3 4-3z m28-3c-1 0-3-1-4 0-11 0-19 6-21 15-3 13 6 26 19 26 8 0 16-2 20-9 8-12 0-30-14-32z m58 34c0-2 0-4 0-6 0-9 0-18 0-28 0 0 1-1 0-1-1 0-2 0-3 1-2 3-4 5-6 7l-21 23c0 1 0 1-1 1v-23c0-4 1-6 6-5 1 0 1-1 1-2s-1-1-1-1c-5 1-9 1-14 0-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 4 0 5 1 5 5 0 8 0 17 0 26 0 2-2 4-4 4-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 3 0 6 0 9 0 1 0 2 0 2-1 8-8 15-17 22-25 1 0 1-1 2-2 0 8 0 14 0 21 0 3-2 5-5 5-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 4 0 9 0 13 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 0-1 0-1-1-1-3 0-4-1-5-4z m44-34c-5 1-10 1-14 0-1 0-2 1-2 1 0 1 0 2 1 2h2c1 0 2 0 1 2-1 3-2 5-2 8-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 0-3 0-5 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-1 0-1 0-2-1 0-2-1-5-2-7 0-2 0-3 3-3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-2 0-1-1-1-2-1-3 1-7 1-11 0 0 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 0 4 1 4 3 4 11 8 21 11 32 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 2 0 3 1 1 1 2 1 3-1 2-7 4-13 7-20 1-5 3-10 5-14 0-2 1-3 3-3 1 0 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-2-1-2z m35 9l-2-8c0-1-1-1-1-1h-28c-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 2 0 2 1 2 3 0 4 1 4 3v29c0 2-1 3-4 3-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 4 0 6 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 1 0 2 0 2-1s-1-1-2-1c-3 0-4 0-4-4v-27c0-3 1-3 4-4 2 0 5 0 7 0 3 1 5 2 6 5l1 2c0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1-1z m-657 149c-50 0-90-41-90-90 0-50 40-90 89-91 51 0 91 41 91 91 0 49-40 90-90 90z m-21-91v-51c0-2 0-2-1-1-6 2-10 5-15 9-10 9-16 19-19 32-5 22 5 46 23 58 3 3 7 5 11 6 1 1 1 1 1-1 0-17 0-34 0-52z m71-27c-6-12-16-20-28-25-1-1-2-1-2 1 0 17 0 34 0 52v51c0 2 0 2 2 1 31-13 44-50 28-80z m141 35c0-6 3-8 9-9 1 0 2 0 3 0 12 0 21 5 26 16 3 7 3 15 2 22-1 7-3 13-8 18-6 7-15 10-25 10-1 0-3-1-6-1-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-18 0-35 0-53z m428-1c1-4 4-9 9-10 5-1 10 1 13 5 7 8 6 22-1 30-7 7-13 7-20 1 0 0-1-1-1-2v-12c0-4 0-8 0-12z m-285 21h17c1 0 2 0 2 2 1 5-4 11-10 10-5-1-10-6-10-11-1-1 0-1 1-1z m-7-57c-1 0-1-1-1-2v-7c0-2 0-4 0-6 0-2 1-2 2-2 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 1 4 1 5 3 1 3 2 7 0 10-2 3-5 4-9 4z m177-8c-1-3-1-6-1-8 0-6 1-10 3-14 3-4 7-6 12-5 5 0 8 3 10 9 0 2 0 4 1 6 0 6-1 11-5 15-6 8-16 6-20-3z m92-12h10c-2 5-3 10-5 15-2-5-3-10-5-15z m-184 0h9c-1 5-3 10-4 15-2-5-4-10-5-15z" />
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1-40-4-5-10-7-16-6-7 1-12 7-12 13 0 6 0 11 0 16v16c0 1 1 2 2 3z m-184-46c19-10 38-7 58 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 2 12 3 18 0 1-1 1-2 2-2 1-2-1-2-2-4-15-16-23-30-22-11 2-20 7-27 16-11 14-13 30-9 46 4 17 17 28 35 29 13 1 28-4 31-21 0-2 2-1 3-1 1 0 1 1 1 1-1 6-1 12-1 17 0 1-1 2-2 2l-9 3c-15 4-29 5-43 0-19-8-31-25-31-45 0-3 0-6 1-9 2-16 9-28 23-36z m-274-4h25c1 0 2 0 2 2 0 2-1 2-2 2-1 0-3 0-4 0-2 0-3 1-3 4v39c0 1 0 2 1 2 3 3 7 5 12 6 9 2 15-3 15-12v-34c0-4-1-5-5-5-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-2 0-2-2 0-2 1-2 2-2h25c2 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 2-2 2-1 0-1 0-2 0-4 0-5 1-5 5v32c0 3 0 5 0 8-1 9-7 14-16 14-4 0-8-1-11-3-5-2-8-4-12-7v8c0 1-1 2-3 1-5-2-10-4-15-5-2-1-2-2-1-3 0-1 1-1 1-1 5-2 7-5 7-10-1-11-1-22-1-34 0-4 0-5-5-5h-1c-1 0-3 0-3-2 0-3 1-2 3-2z m372 57c5-1 6-3 6-8 0-3 0-5 0-8 0-10 0-20 1-30 0-8 6-13 14-13 5 0 9 1 13 3s8 5 12 8v-9c0-2 0-2 1-2 6 2 12 3 18 4 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 2-1 2-2 0-3 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 4v49c0 2-1 3-3 2-6 0-12-1-18-1-1-1-2 0-2-2 0-1 0-1 2-2 2 0 5-1 7-2 2-1 3-2 3-4 0-11 0-23 0-34 0-1 0-2-1-2-4-3-8-6-13-7-6-2-12 1-14 7-1 3-1 5-1 8v36c0 3 0 4-3 3-5 0-9 0-14 0-1-1-2 0-2-2 0-1 1-1 2-1z m-275-59c9 2 14 8 20 14 0 1 0 2-1 2-1 1-1 1-2 0-1-1-3-2-4-3-12-9-25-5-31 8-2 5-2 11-2 17 0 1 0 2 2 2 5 0 11 0 17 0h18c1 0 3 0 3 2 0 6-2 11-6 16-10 10-27 9-37-2-10-13-11-27-5-41 5-12 16-17 28-15z m-20 45c1 8 7 14 14 15 8 1 15-6 14-13-1-2-2-3-4-3h-22c-1 0-2 0-2 1z m25-122c-3 0-4 2-6 4-3 5-6 10-10 15 0 1-2 2-2 3 0 1 3 2 4 2l1 2c5 4 6 8 5 14-2 5-5 7-10 8-2 1-5 1-8 1-5 0-10 0-15 0-3 0-5 0-8 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 5 0 6-1 6-6v-35c0-4-1-5-5-6-2 0-2 0-2-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 4 0 8 1 13 0h7c1 0 2 0 2 2 0 1 0 1-2 1-4 0-5 1-5 6 0 4 0 8 0 13 0 3 0 3 3 3 2-1 2-2 2-3 4-7 9-14 14-20 0-1 1-2 2-2 4 1 8 1 12 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 2-2 3z m-21 28c-1-2-3-3-5-4-2 0-3 0-5 0-2 0-2 0-2 2 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 1 0 2 2 2 4 0 8 0 11-5 2-4 2-9-1-13z m262 51c8 0 17 0 25 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 2-1 1-2 1-7 1-7 1-7 8v88c0 2 0 3 0 4 0 1-1 2-2 1-5-3-10-5-15-6-1-1-1-1-1-2 0-1 1-1 1-1 4-1 6-4 6-8 0-1 0-3 0-4v-73c0-6-1-6-6-7h-1c-1 1-2 0-2-2 0-1 1-1 2-1z m-177-31c0 1 0 1-1 1-6 0-12 0-18 0-1 0-2 0-2-1 0-1 1-2 2-2 5 0 7-2 7-8v-23c0-1 0-2-1-2 0 0-1 1-1 2-10 11-20 21-29 32-1 1-2 2-3 2-5 0-9 0-14 0-1 0-1 0-1-1s0-2 1-2c5 0 7-3 7-7v-24c0-3 0-7 0-10-1-4-2-5-7-6-1 0-1-1-1-2 0-1 1-1 1-1 6 1 12 1 18 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 2-1 2-2 2-5 0-6 2-6 5-1 11 0 22 0 33 1-1 1-2 2-2l30-34 5-5c1-1 2-1 3-1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 13 0 27 0 40 0 1 0 2 0 3 1 4 3 6 7 6 1 0 1 1 1 2z m-217 1c-6 0-12 0-18 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 6 0 7-2 7-7v-26c-1 0-1 1-2 2l-29 33c-1 0-2 2-3 1-4 0-9 0-13 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 4 0 6-2 6-7v-30c0-2 0-3 0-5-1-3-2-4-6-5-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 5 1 11 1 16 0 1 0 2 0 2 2 0 2-1 1-2 1-4 0-6 2-6 6 0 5 0 10 0 15v17c10-10 19-21 28-31 3-3 6-6 9-10 1-1 2-1 4-1 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 14 0 28 0 42 0 4 2 6 6 6 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1-1 1z m461-1c0 1-1 2-2 1-6 0-11 0-17 0-1 0-2 0-2-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 4 0 6-2 6-6 0-9 0-18 0-28-1 2-1 2-2 3-10 11-19 22-29 32-1 1-2 3-3 2-4 0-8 0-13 0 0 0-2 1-2-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 4 0 6-2 6-5 0-12 0-23 0-35 0-4-2-6-6-6-2-1-2-1-2-2 0-1 1-2 2-1 6 0 12 0 17 0 2-1 2 0 2 1s0 2-2 2c-5-1-6 2-6 7v30c0 0 1 0 1-1 9-10 18-20 27-30 3-3 6-6 9-10 1-1 2 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 1-1 12 0 24-1 36 0 3 0 5 1 8 0 4 2 5 6 5 1 0 2 1 2 2z m-92 2c-18 0-30-16-27-34 3-12 14-21 29-21 1 0 3 1 5 1 19 3 29 26 19 42-7 10-16 13-26 12z m18-30c0-3 0-6-1-9-2-7-6-11-12-11-7-1-13 1-16 7-4 5-5 11-5 18 0 3 0 7 2 11 5 12 19 14 27 4 4-6 6-13 5-20z m-165 72c0-3 0-6 0-9 0-1 1-2 2-2 8-4 16-5 24-3 8 2 14 8 15 15 1 8-2 14-11 18-4 2-8 4-12 6-3 1-5 3-7 5-4 5-2 12 4 14 7 3 16 1 19-9 0-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 2-1 3-1 1-1 1 0 1 1 0 4-1 7-1 11 0 1 0 2-1 2-7 3-13 4-20 3-8-1-14-7-16-14-1-8 2-15 10-19 3-2 7-4 10-5 3-2 6-3 8-5 5-6 2-15-6-17-6-1-13 2-17 8-1 2-2 5-3 7 0 1 0 2-1 2-1-1-2-1-2-2 0-1 0-3 1-4z m-50-13c11 0 22 0 33 0 1 0 1 0 1 2s0 2-1 2c-3-1-6-1-9 0-3 0-4 1-4 4 0 11 0 22 0 33 0 4 2 7 6 9 4 3 7 1 10-1 3-2 7 0 9 3 2 5-1 9-5 10-5 1-9-1-12-4-3-2-5-6-8-10v13c0 2-1 2-3 1l-14-7c-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 1 0 1 0 2 0 3-2 4-4 4-7 0-3 0-6 0-10v-27c0-3-1-4-4-4-2-1-3-1-5-1s-1 0-1-1c0-2 0-2 1-2z m-73-70c-1 1-2 0-2-1-1-3-3-6-7-7-4-1-8-1-12 0-3 0-4 2-4 4 0 5 0 10 0 16 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 4 0 6 0 5 0 6-1 7-5 0-1-1-2 1-2 2 0 2 1 2 2 0 4 0 9 0 13 0 1 1 3-1 3-2 0-2-1-2-2-1-3-2-4-6-4h-6c-2 0-2 0-2 1 0 5 0 11 0 16 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 0 7 1 10 0 5 0 7-1 7-6 1-1 0-2 2-2 1 0 2 1 2 2-1 3-1 6-1 9 0 1 0 2-2 2-11-1-22-1-34 0-1 0-2 0-2-2 0-1 1-1 2-1 4-1 5-2 5-5v-38c0-3-2-4-5-4-1 0-2 0-2-2s1-1 2-1h18s12 0 18 0c2 0 3 0 3 2 1 3 1 5 2 8 0 1 1 2-1 2z m412-9c-3 0-4 1-5 4-2 6-4 12-6 18-3 9-7 18-10 27 0 2-1 3-3 1-1 0-3-1-4-2-1 0-2-1-2-2-5-14-10-28-15-42-1-2-2-4-5-4-2-1-2-1-2-2 0-2 1-2 2-2 5 1 10 1 15 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 2-1 1 0 0-1 0-1 0-4 1-5 2-4 5 1 3 2 6 3 9 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 0 4 0 6 0 2 0 4 0 7 0 1 0 1 0 2-2l3-10c1-2 0-3-2-4-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 7 1 13 1 20 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 2-1 2z m-34 20c2 6 4 13 6 20 2-7 4-14 6-20h-12z m-210-20c-2 0-3 1-4 3-2 5-4 10-5 15-4 10-8 21-11 31-1 2-2 3-4 2-1-1-3-2-4-3-1 0-1-1-2-1l-14-43c-1-2-3-4-6-4-1 0-1-1-1-2 0-1 0-1 1-1 5 0 10 0 15 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 2-2 2h-1c-3 0-4 1-3 4l3 9c0 2 1 2 2 2 4 0 9 0 13 0 1 0 2 0 2-1 1-4 2-7 3-10 1-3 1-4-3-4-1 0-2-1-2-2 0-2 1-1 2-1 4 0 8 0 12 0 2 0 5 0 7 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 2-2 2z m-34 20c2 6 4 13 6 20 3-7 5-14 7-20h-13z m81 31c0 0-1 1-2 0 0-2-2-2-3-2h-39c-2 0-3 0-4 2 0 1-1 1-2 0s-1 0-1-1c0-3 0-7-1-10 0-1 0-2 1-2 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 2 5 6 5l11 0c1 0 2 0 2-2v-37c0-6-1-6-7-6-1 0-1-1-1-2 0-1 0-2 2-2 7 1 14 1 22 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1-1 2-5 0-6 1-6 6v37c0 2 0 2 2 2 3 0 6 0 9 0 4 0 5-1 6-5 0-1-1-2 1-2 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 3 0 7 1 10 0 0 0 1-1 1z m-259 0c-1 0-2 1-2 0-1-2-2-2-4-2h-39c-1 0-3 0-3 2-1 1-2 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-4-1-7-1-10 0-1-1-2 1-2 1 0 2-1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 2 5 6 5 3 0 7 0 10 0 2 0 2-1 2-3l0-36c0-6-1-6-6-6-1 0-1-1-1-2s0-2 1-2c5 1 9 1 13 1 4 0 7 0 10-1 1 0 1 1 1 2s0 2-1 1c-6 0-7 3-7 7 0 6 0 12 0 18v19c0 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 6 0 9 0 5 0 6-1 6-6 1 0 0-1 1-1 1 0 3 0 3 2-1 3 0 7 0 10 0 1 1 1 0 1z m-38 28c9 0 17 0 26 0 1 0 2 1 1 3 0 1-2 0-3 0-5 1-6 1-6 7v50c0 3 0 3-3 2-4-2-8-3-13-5 0 0-2 0-2-1 0-1 1-2 2-2 4-2 5-5 5-10 0-11 0-22 0-34 0-6 0-7-7-7-1 0-2 0-2-2 0-1 1-1 2-1z m539-69c0 0-2 0-2-1 0-1 0-1-1-2-1-4-4-6-8-6-3-1-6-1-9-1-4 1-5 2-5 6v35c0 5 0 5 5 5 1 0 2 0 2 2s-1 1-2 1c-4 0-8 0-12 0-3 0-5 0-8 0-2 1-2 0-2-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 4 0 5-1 5-4v-38c0-3-1-4-5-4-1 0-2 0-2-2s1-1 2-1h37c1 0 2 0 2 1l2 10c0 1 1 2-1 2z m-620-10c-3 0-4 1-4 4v37c0 4 1 5 5 5 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1-1 1-7 0-14 0-21 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 5 0 5-1 5-5v-37c0-3-1-4-4-4-2 0-2-1-2-2 0-2 1-2 2-1 6 0 13 0 19 0 1-1 2-1 2 1 1 2 0 1-2 2z m402 46c1 0 2 0 2 2 0 2-1 1-2 1-6 0-12-1-17 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-2 1-2-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 3 0 4-1 4-4v-38c0-4-1-4-5-5-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 6 1 13 1 19 0 1 0 2 0 2 2 0 2-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-4 5v38c0 3 1 4 4 4z m-308 117c3-1 6 2 6 6 1 4-2 7-6 7-3 0-7-3-7-6 0-4 3-7 7-7z m-311-8c-3 1-3 1-3-2v-136c0-2 0-2 2-1 17 7 29 18 37 33 22 40 5 88-36 106z m-60 0c-4-2-9-5-14-8-24-16-37-48-30-77 3-17 12-31 25-42 6-5 12-9 19-12 3-1 3-1 3 1v68c0 23 0 46 0 68 0 3-1 3-3 2z" />
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2c-2 1-3 2-4 3l-1 1c-2 2-3 3-5 4l-1 1c-1 1-3 3-5 4l-1 1c-2 1-3 2-5 3l-1 1-5 2-2 1-4 4c0 0-1 1-1 2-3 3-4 7-5 11v8c1 1 1 3 1 4 2 6 6 10 11 14l1 1v-1c0 0 1 1 1 1l3 1c0 0 0 0 0 1l8 0 3 0 6-1 1-1c2-1 4-2 6-3 0 0 1 0 1-1l5-3 2-1c1-1 3-2 4-3 1 0 1-1 2-1l4-3 2-1c1-1 3-2 4-3 1-1 1-1 1-1 2-2 3-3 5-4l1-1c1-1 3-2 4-3 1-1 1-1 2-2 1-1 2-2 3-3l2-2c1-1 2-2 3-4 1 0 1-1 2-2l5-5c1-4 1-8 2-12 1-22-3-43-13-63-2-5-5-10-7-15l-1 0z m75 49c0-2 0-4 0-6-1-1-1-2-1-3 0-3-1-6-2-9l0-4c-1-3-2-6-3-10-1-1-1-2-1-3 0 0-1-1-1-1l-4-11c-1-2-1-4-2-5l-8-15h1l-1-1c-1-2-3-4-4-6l-4-4-6-4c-3-1-6-2-9-2h-3l-6 1-2 1-5 2c0 1-1 1-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4l-1 2-4 5c0 0 0 1 0 1-1 2-1 4-2 6 0 1 0 2 0 3l1 8c2 6 6 10 8 16 10 20 14 41 12 63 0 4 0 7-1 11-1 3-1 6-2 9l-1 2c0 2-1 4-1 6 0 1-1 2-1 2 0 2-1 4-2 6l-1 2c-1 2-1 3-2 5 0 0-1 1-1 1-1 2-2 4-3 6 0 0 0 1-1 1-1 2-2 4-3 5l0 3-2 5v3c1 3 2 6 2 9l3 5 0 1c1 0 1 0 1 1l0 0c0 0 0 0 1 0l4 4 1 1 0 0 4 3c1 0 1 0 1 0v0c3 1 6 1 9 2h3l6-2c1 0 1 0 2 0l5-3c0-1 1-1 2-1 1-1 2-3 4-4l0-1c9-14 16-30 21-47 4-18 6-36 5-55l-1-9z m14-35l-1 6-1 2c0 2-1 4-1 6 0 1 0 1-1 2 0 2-1 4-2 6l-1 2c0 2-1 4-2 5l0 2c-1 1-1 3-2 4 0 3 1 6 1 9 1 19-1 37-6 55-5 17-12 33-21 47 1 0 1 0 1 0 2-1 3-2 5-3 0 0 0-1 1-1 1-1 3-2 5-4 0 0 1 0 1-1 1-1 3-2 4-3 1 0 1-1 1-1l4-4 2-1c1-1 3-3 4-4l1-1c1-1 3-3 4-4l1-1c1-2 3-3 4-4l1-2c1-1 3-3 4-4 0 0 1-1 1-1 1-2 2-3 4-4l1-2 3-4 5-7c6-40 1-78-15-115 0-1-1-2-1-3l-1 7c0 1 0 2 0 2 0 3-1 5-1 8l0 2c-1 2-1 4-1 6 0 1-1 2-1 3z m77 2l-1-3-2-9-1-5-4-11-1-4c-1-4-3-7-4-11-1-2-2-3-2-5-1 0-1 0-1-1-2-5-4-10-7-14 0 0 0 0 0-1l-1 0-6-6c0 0 0 0 0 0v0c-5-3-10-5-15-5-8-1-15 2-22 6l-1 1c-1 2-2 3-3 4l-1 2-3 5 0 2-1 7 0 3c1 3 2 7 4 10 0 2 1 3 1 4l0 1 2 3c16 37 21 75 15 115-1 3-1 6-2 9 0 3-1 5-2 7l0 2-2 6 0 2c-1 2-1 4-2 6 0 1-1 1-1 2 0 1-1 3-2 5l0 2c-1 2-2 4-3 6l0 2c-1 2-2 4-3 5 0 1 0 1-1 2l-2 5-1 2-1 6 0 3c0 3 0 6 1 8l1 4c5 7 11 13 20 15 1 0 2 0 2 0h9c3-1 7-2 11-4l1-1c2-1 3-2 4-3l2-2c1-1 2-3 3-4 0-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-3 2-5 1 0 1-1 1-2l3-5 0-1c1-2 2-4 3-6 0-1 0-1 0-2l2-5 1-2 2-6c0-1 0-1 1-2 0-2 1-4 1-6l1-2c0-2 1-4 2-6 0 0 0-1 0-2 1-2 1-4 2-6 0-1 0-1 0-2l1-7 1-2c0 0 0-1 0-2 2-9 3-19 3-28 2-24 0-48-5-72z m172 59c-8-32-15-64-22-97-2-6-6-5-10-5-7-1-10 1-11 9-5 24-11 49-16 73-1 3-2 5-4 8-3-14-6-28-9-41-4-15-7-29-10-43-1-9-7-6-12-6-5-1-7 1-8 6l-21 94c-1 2-4 7 2 7 3 0 9 3 11-4 3-19 7-37 11-55l7-31 2 0c6 28 12 55 17 83 2 7 6 7 11 7 7 1 9-2 11-8 5-27 12-55 18-83 3 3 3 7 3 11 6 24 11 49 16 73 1 6 8 10 13 7 2-1 1-3 1-5z m-13 42c-10 0-18 8-18 18 0 10 9 18 20 18 10 0 18-8 18-18 0-10-9-18-20-18z m23-4c4 4 9 4 14 5 0 0 1 0 2 0-2 2-3 5-2 7 0 1 0 1-1 1-2 0-3 0-5 0-4 2-7 5-8 10-1 5 1 9 5 13 3 2 7 3 10 3 6 0 12 0 18 0-2-2-5-3-8-3 0-1 1-1 1-1 5-6 4-13-1-18-1-1-2-2-3-3-2-1-1-3 0-5 2-1 4-3 5-4 7-6 7-14 0-19-7-5-19-6-26-2-6 4-7 11-1 16z m79-140c-6-1-12-1-11 10-11-11-23-14-36-12-19 4-28 18-27 39 1 17 13 29 31 30 9 1 18 1 27-2 4-1 5 0 5 4l0 7c-1 9-2 17-11 20-11 3-21 4-31-4-3-2-5-6-6-9 0-4-2-4-5-4-9 1-9 1-6 9 4 11 13 18 24 21 8 2 16 1 24-1 15-3 23-14 23-31 1-19 0-37 1-56 0-3 0-7 0-11-1-3 5-8-2-10z m31 0c-5 0-6 1-6 6 0 47 0 94 0 141 0 4 2 6 6 6s7-2 7-7c-1-23 0-46 0-70 0-23-1-47 0-70 0-5-2-6-7-6z m39 0c-5 0-7 0-7 6 0 47 0 94 0 141 0 5 2 6 7 6 5 0 6-2 6-6 0-24 0-48 0-71 0-24 0-47 0-70 0-5-1-6-6-6z m42 27c4-12 13-18 26-17 10 0 18 7 21 19 1 8 4 8 10 7 4-1 4-2 4-5-3-18-15-31-31-33-20-3-35 5-42 23-8 22-8 45 1 67 6 15 17 22 33 22 15 0 26-7 33-21 5-10 6-22 6-33 0-4-1-5-5-5-9 0-18 0-27 0-10 0-19 0-28 0-4 0-5-1-5-4 1-7 2-14 4-20z m118 69c-6 0-11 0-17 0-4 0-5-1-5-5 0-7 0-13 0-19 0-16 0-33 0-49 0-10 3-13 14-12 3 0 5 3 8 0v-10c-7-3-13-2-20-2-9 1-14 8-14 20-1 22-1 44-1 66 0 10 0 10-9 11-5 0-5 2-5 5 0 4 0 7 5 6 9-1 10 3 10 10-1 5-1 10-1 15 0 11 0 11 13 14 0-11 0-22 0-33 0-5 1-6 6-6 5 0 10 0 16 0v-11z m-286 66c0 4-1 8-4 11-1 2-3 3-5 3-5 1-8-2-8-8 0-4 2-8 4-10s5-3 8-2c3 1 5 3 5 6z m4-28c-1 4-7 9-11 9-4 0-7-1-9-2-5-3-6-10-1-13s11-4 16-2c4 2 5 5 5 8z m-53 43c-4-1-7-4-7-8-1-5 0-11 2-15 3-6 8-9 13-8 4 2 7 6 7 13 0 5-1 10-5 15-2 3-6 4-10 3z m-26-24c1 2 1 4 1 6 0 5-1 10-4 14-2 3-5 5-10 4-4 0-7-3-8-7-1-8 0-15 5-21 5-5 14-3 16 4z m123 16c2 1 3 2 1 4-1 4-5 5-9 4-4-2-6-5-6-10v-1c0-3 0-3 3-2 3 2 7 3 11 5z m-12-115c-8 2-16 3-25 1-10-2-16-9-17-20 0-12 5-21 14-24 19-7 37 7 37 27 0 2 0 3 0 5 1 7-2 10-9 11z m133 9l21 0h16c11 0 11 0 9 10-4 18-14 26-28 24-13-1-26-20-23-32 1-3 3-2 5-2z" />
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0-1 0l-4-2v0c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0c0 0-1-1-1-1-7-5-12-11-15-19-1-2-1-4-2-6v-10c2-6 4-11 7-16l2-2c2-2 4-3 6-5 0 0 1-1 2-1 2-2 4-3 6-4l3-2c2-1 4-2 6-4l2-1c2-1 4-3 6-5 1 0 2-1 2-1 2-2 4-3 6-5l1-2c3-1 4-3 6-5 1-1 1-1 2-2 2-1 4-3 5-5l2-2c2-2 3-4 4-6l2-2c1-2 3-4 4-6 0 0 1-1 1-2 2-2 4-4 5-7 0-1 1-1 1-2 2-2 3-4 4-6l1-3c1-2 3-5 3-7l2-3 2-6 1-4c1-2 2-5 3-7 0-1 0-3 0-4 1-2 2-5 3-8l0-3c1-3 2-6 2-9 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-1 2 7 7 14 10 21 14 27 19 55 17 86z m96-100l0-3c1-3 1-6 1-10 1 0 1-1 0-2l1-11c1 2 2 3 2 4 22 51 29 104 21 158l-7 10-4 5c-1 1-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 4-5 6 0 0-1 1-1 2-2 1-4 3-5 5-1 1-1 2-2 3-2 1-4 3-5 5l-2 2-5 5-2 2-5 5-2 2-6 5-2 1c-2 2-4 3-6 5l-1 1c-2 2-5 3-6 5-1 0-2 1-2 2-3 1-4 2-6 4-1 0-1 0-2 0 13-20 22-42 29-65 6-24 9-49 7-75 0-4 0-8-1-12l3-6 1-2c1-3 2-5 2-8l2-3c0-2 2-5 2-7 0-1 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-6 2-9 0-1 1-2 1-3l1-8c1-1 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-6 2-9z m-31 13z m-25 200l-1 1c-2 1-3 3-5 5-1 0-2 1-2 2l-7 3-3 1-9 2h-3c-4 0-8-1-12-2v0c0-1-1-1-2-1l-5-3-1 0-1-1-6-6c0 0 0 0 0-1l0 0c0 0-1-1-1-1 0 0-1 0-1-1l-3-7c-2-4-3-8-3-12v-4l1-8 1-3 4-7c1 0 1-1 1-2 2-2 3-4 4-7 1-1 1-1 1-2 2-2 3-5 3-7l2-3c1-2 2-5 2-8 1 0 1-1 1-2l3-8 0-3c2-4 2-9 3-13 1-5 2-10 2-15 3-30-3-59-16-87-4-7-8-13-11-21-1-3-1-7-2-11 1-1 1-2 1-3l2-9c0 0 0-1 0-1 2-3 3-5 5-8 0 0 1-1 2-2 1-1 3-3 5-5 1 0 1 0 2-1l6-3 3-1 9-2h4c4 1 8 2 12 3l8 4 6 6c2 3 3 6 5 8l1 2h0c3 6 7 13 10 20 1 2 2 5 3 7 2 5 4 10 6 15 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 3 2 4 1 5 2 9 3 14 1 2 1 3 1 5l3 13c0 1 0 2 1 4 0 3 0 5 1 8 0 4 0 8 1 12 1 26-2 51-8 75-6 23-16 45-28 65z m807-125c7-1 15-1 23-1v16c-7 0-15 0-22 0-6-1-8 2-8 8 0 15 0 30 0 45-17-4-17-4-17-19 0-7 0-13 0-20 1-10-1-16-13-14-7 1-7-3-7-8 0-5 1-7 7-8 13 0 13-1 13-14 0-31 0-61 0-91 0-16 7-25 20-27 9-1 18-1 27 2v15c-4 3-7 0-10 0-15-2-20 2-20 16 0 22 0 44 0 66 0 9 0 18 0 26 0 6 1 8 7 8z m-363 41c10 7 10 18 1 26l-7 5c-2 3-2 5 0 8 1 1 3 2 4 4 7 6 8 16 1 23 0 1-1 1-1 3 4-1 8 0 11 4-8 0-16 0-24-1-5 0-10-1-14-4-6-5-9-11-8-18 2-7 6-11 12-13 2 0 4-1 6 0 2 0 2-1 2-2-1-3 0-6 2-9-1 0-2 0-3 0-6-1-13-2-19-7-8-6-7-17 2-22 10-5 27-4 35 3z m-22 43c-3 4-5 9-6 15 0 7 4 11 11 11 3 0 5-2 7-5 3-4 5-9 5-15-1-4-3-7-7-9-3-1-7 0-10 3z m-5-23c3 2 7 3 12 3 6 0 14-7 15-12 1-5-1-9-6-11-7-3-15-3-22 2-7 5-6 14 1 18z m-153 3c8 1 15 2 23 4 3 1 3 2 3 4 1 6-2 12 4 18-6 0-12-1-18 0-4 0-6-3-10-4 4-1 8 0 11 0 3 0 3-1 3-3 0-3 0-7 0-10 0-2-1-3-3-3-5-2-9-2-14-1-19 3-30 18-29 37 1 11 5 19 15 23s20 4 28-3c4-3 4-3 2-7 5 0 6 4 9 6 3 2 2 3 0 4-12 6-24 8-36 5-19-4-31-22-28-40 3-20 19-32 40-30z m114 51c-15 0-27-11-27-25 1-14 11-25 26-25 15 0 26 11 26 26 0 13-11 24-25 24z m4-46c-6-2-13 2-16 10-4 6-5 13-4 21 1 6 4 9 10 11 6 2 10 0 14-5 5-6 6-13 7-19 0-11-4-16-11-18z m10-54c-6 4-16-1-18-9-7-34-13-67-20-101-1-4-1-10-6-14-8 38-17 76-24 113-2 9-5 12-14 11-8 0-13 0-15-10-8-38-17-75-25-113-1 0-2 0-2 0l-10 43c-5 24-10 49-15 74-2 11-10 6-15 6-8 0-4-6-3-9 10-43 20-86 29-130 2-6 5-9 11-8 7 1 15-3 17 9 3 19 8 38 13 58 4 19 9 37 13 56 3-3 4-6 5-10 7-33 15-67 22-100 2-11 6-14 15-13 6 1 11-1 13 8 10 44 20 88 30 133 1 2 2 4-1 6z m-70 50c15 0 26 11 26 25 0 14-10 25-24 25-15 0-27-11-27-25 0-14 10-25 25-25z m-14 36c1 6 5 9 11 10 6 1 10-1 13-6 4-6 6-13 6-20 0-2 0-4-1-7-3-10-15-13-22-5-7 8-9 18-7 28z m185-35c8-2 19-1 26 7-1 0-1 0-1 0-15-7-27 1-31 16-1 2 0 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 6 1 7 3 14 6 22 9 1 0 1 1 1 3-2 5-7 9-12 10-16 4-30-9-29-26 0-10 7-19 16-22z m1 44c5 2 10 0 13-4 1-3 1-5-2-6l-16-7c-3-1-3-1-3 2v1c0 8 3 12 8 14z m-37 26c2 0 3-1 3-3-1-18-1-36-1-54 0-4 1-9-3-12 7 1 15-2 21 1l0 1c-1 0-3 1-4 1-3 0-4 1-4 4 0 19-1 38 0 57 1 3 1 6 5 8-11 2-18 1-21-3 1 0 3 0 4 0z m61-254c1 5 0 11 0 16 0 25 0 50 0 76-1 23-11 38-33 43-10 2-22 3-33 0-15-4-26-13-32-28-5-11-4-11 7-13 5 0 7 1 8 5 1 6 4 10 9 14 12 10 26 10 41 5 12-5 15-16 15-27 0-4 0-7 0-11 1-5-1-6-6-5-12 4-25 5-37 4-24-3-42-19-43-41-2-30 12-49 37-54 18-3 34 2 49 16-1-14 7-16 15-14 10 3 2 10 3 14z m-17 45c-1-2-1-4-1-6 0-28-24-47-50-38-13 5-20 17-19 34 1 14 10 25 24 27 11 3 22 1 34-1 9-2 13-6 12-16z m169 11c13 0 26 0 38 0 13 0 25 1 38 0 5 0 7 2 7 7-1 16-2 31-9 45-9 20-25 29-45 29-21-1-37-10-45-30-12-30-12-61-1-91 9-25 30-36 57-32 22 2 38 20 42 45 0 4 0 6-5 7-8 2-13 1-15-9-3-17-14-26-28-27-17-1-29 7-36 23-3 9-4 18-5 27 0 5 2 7 7 6z m24 64c20 2 34-9 39-33 2-15 2-15-12-15h-22c-10 0-19 0-29 0-2 0-5-1-6 3-4 16 13 43 30 45z m-75-30c0 32 0 65 0 97 1 6-1 9-8 9-6 0-9-1-9-9 0-64 0-128 0-192 0-8 3-9 9-9 7 0 8 2 8 9 0 31 0 63 0 95z m-52 1c0 32 0 64 0 96 0 6-2 9-8 9-7 0-9-2-9-9 1-64 0-128 0-192 0-7 2-9 9-9 6 0 8 2 8 9 0 32 0 64 0 96z" />
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26-1 10 14 17 22 25 17 19 17 19 34 1z m17-54v-46c-30 28-30 20 0 46z m-45 77c-14-14-25-26-37-37-3-3-5 0-7 2-11 10-22 21-36 35h80z m-91-8c2-1 4-2 5-3 11-11 23-23 34-34 4-4 1-7-2-10-10-10-21-20-31-31-4-4-7-5-11 0-11 11-22 22-32 32-4 3-5 6-1 10 11 11 22 22 33 33 1 1 3 2 5 3z m-12 7c-13-13-24-24-35-36-3-2-6-1-8 1-11 11-23 22-37 35h80z m-88-7c1-1 2-3 4-5 6-5 12-11 18-17 18-19 18-19-1-38-23-24-23-24-46 0-19 19-19 19 0 38 5 6 11 12 16 17 2 2 4 5 9 5z m-89 7h70l2-3c-11-10-22-20-33-31-4-4-7-2-10 1-10 10-21 20-31 30l2 3z m-102 1h71c-10-14-22-24-33-35-2-3-5-3-7 0-12 10-23 20-34 31l3 4z m-12-10c11-11 23-23 35-35 0 0 1-1 2-3-2-2-4-4-5-6-11-10-21-21-31-31-4-4-7-5-11 0-10 10-20 20-31 30-4 5-5 8 0 12 11 11 21 22 32 32 3 3 5 5 9 1z m-90 9h74c-13-13-24-24-36-35-3-3-5-2-8 1-11 10-22 20-33 31l3 3z m-6-15c6-7 13-12 19-18 13-14 13-14 0-28-7-7-15-15-23-22-2-2-4-4-7-6-3 3-6 6-9 8-10 11-28 21-29 33-1 12 19 21 28 33 8 9 14 10 21 0z m-26 15l3-4c-11-10-22-20-34-30-3-3-5-3-8 0-11 10-23 20-34 34h73z m-79-16c2-1 3-1 4-2 34-31 34-33-4-63v65z m-1-307l4 4c9-10 18-20 27-30 4-5 2-7-2-11-9-8-17-18-29-30v67z m78-88c-25-1-51 0-80 0 16 16 29 30 42 44 5 4 7 1 10-2 11-10 21-21 32-32 6-6 3-10-4-10z m17 15c-2 1-3 2-4 4-2 1-3 2-5 4-10 11-31 22-29 33 3 14 21 24 33 37 4 4 7 5 12 0 10-11 20-21 30-31 3-3 7-6 2-10-11-12-23-23-35-35-1-1-3-1-4-2z m92-12c-1-2-4-3-7-3-11 0-22 0-32 0-11 0-22 0-33 0-3 0-7 0-8 4-2 3 1 5 3 7 10 10 21 20 31 31 4 4 6 5 11 0 10-11 21-21 32-32 2-2 5-3 3-7z m-25 47c-3 2-7 5-3 9 12 13 25 25 38 37 0 1 2 0 4 0 10-11 20-22 32-33 7-6 6-11-1-16 0 0 0 0-1-1-11-10-22-21-32-31-14 10-25 23-37 35z m126-47c-1-4-4-3-7-3-11 0-22 0-32 0-11 0-22 0-33 0-3 0-6 0-7 3-2 3 1 5 3 7l32 33c3 3 6 3 9-1 11-11 22-21 32-32 2-2 5-4 3-7z m103 0c-2-3-5-3-8-3-11 0-22 0-33 0-11 0-22 0-32 0-4 0-7 0-8 3-1 3 2 5 4 6 11 11 22 22 32 34 4 3 6 3 10-1 10-11 21-21 32-32 2-2 4-4 3-7z m5 17c-11 13-33 23-31 37 1 13 21 25 33 37 3 3 6 5 9 1 12-11 24-23 36-35 1-1 1-2 2-4-2-2-3-3-5-5-10-10-21-20-31-31-5-5-8-5-13 0z m98-16c-1-4-6-4-10-4-10 0-20 0-30 0-11 0-21 0-32 0-4 0-7 1-8 4-1 4 2 5 4 7 10 10 20 20 29 30 5 6 9 6 14 0 9-10 19-19 29-29 2-2 6-4 4-8z m6 15c-11 11-21 21-31 31-5 5-5 9 0 13 10 10 20 19 29 29 5 5 9 6 14 0 9-10 19-19 29-28 2-2 4-5 5-7 0-1 0-2-1-3-13-13-25-26-38-38-3-2-5 1-7 3z m96-15c-1-4-4-4-8-4-11 0-22 0-32 0-11 0-22 0-32 0-4 0-7 1-8 3-2 4 2 6 3 7 11 11 21 21 31 32 4 4 8 5 12 0 10-10 21-20 31-31 2-2 5-4 3-7z m45 7c-1-10-10-15-20-10-4 3-4 5 0 9 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 8 9 12 14l4-2c0-5 0-10 0-15z m-19 18c-16-17-12-18-29 0-9 9-26 17-24 29 1 10 16 18 25 27 13 14 14 14 27 0 8-8 20-14 20-30 1-13-11-18-19-26z m9 111c-6-6-11-13-7-22 6 1 8 8 15 11 3-14 1-28 1-43-8 3-11 9-16 14-11 10-22 10-32 0-9-8-18-16-26-25-7-8-12-10-19-1-7 9-16 17-25 25-11 12-22 12-34 0-9-9-18-17-26-27-6-6-10-6-16 0-8 10-18 19-27 28-10 9-22 10-31 1-9-9-18-18-27-27-7-8-13-8-19 1-3 3-7 7-11 10-4 4-8 0-11-2-4-4 1-6 3-8 18-21 18-21-1-40-22-22-22-22-45 1l-1 1c-17 17-17 17-3 37-7 2-13 3-18-3-5-7-9-6-13 0-11 13-27 19-41 26-7 9-13 10-21 1-11-11-21-31-34-30-11 1-22 19-33 30-13 13-24 13-38-1-8-8-16-16-24-25-5-5-9-6-14 0-10 11-20 21-30 30-5 5-5 8 0 12 8 8 16 16 24 24 5 4 4 8 0 12-5 4-7-1-9-4-6-6-13-13-21-23v67c9-2 11-12 19-16 0 17 0 17-11 27-6 6-9 11 0 17 12 8 16 22 18 38l-22-29-5 3v61l5 4c8-9 16-19 24-28 2-3 4-7 9-3 4 4 3 8-1 11-10 10-19 20-29 29-4 5-7 8-1 13 11 10 21 21 31 31 5 6 8 4 13-1 8-9 16-18 26-26 8-7 9-12-1-19-4-3-8-5-10-11 16 4 30 13 48 9-12 10-7 17 2 24 5 4 9 9 13 14 18 18 18 18 36 0 1-2 2-3 4-4 19-20 19-20 1-40-3-2-8-4-2-9 4-3 6-4 10 1 21 20 42 40 62 61 7 7 10 7 17 1 9-9 15-22 35-16-10 10-19 18-28 26-6 4-6 8 0 13 10 10 20 20 29 30 5 4 8 5 12 0 10-11 21-21 31-31 6-5 5-8 0-12-11-9-21-19-32-29 10-8 16-7 22 0 9 8 16 24 27 22 9-1 17-15 25-23 1 0 2-1 2-2 14-14 14-14 0-28-2-3-4-5-7-7-3-4-2-6 1-9 2-3 5-2 7 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 10 13 22 22 41 13-9 18-10 18 4 31 9 9 17 25 27 24 9 0 18-15 27-23 0-1 1-1 2-2 10-8 17-16 1-28 15 2 28 2 45-1-18 13-12 21-1 29 7 6 13 12 18 19 8 10 14 8 21 0 3-4 6-7 10-11 22-22 22-22-1-45-12-12-12-12-7-28 10 12 21 23 31 35 5 6 9 7 15 1 6-8 15-14 21-22 7-8 7-18 1-27 0-1-1-2-2-2-10-8-17-25-27-24-9 0-18 15-27 23-5 4-8 10-15 13-4-8-1-14 4-19 6-6 12-12 18-19 2-1 5-3 5-5 2-21 19-11 30-14-2-10 1-17 8-24 14-13 14-24 0-37z m9 49c-8 1-10 10-17 12-5 6-7 11 1 17 5 4 8 10 13 14 5-15 3-29 3-43z m-364 103c-50 1-91-39-92-88-1-49 39-91 89-92 49 0 91 40 91 89 1 49-40 91-88 91z m2-13c1 5 5 3 8 3 17-3 31-10 45-23-20-1-35 3-49 14-2 1-5 2-4 6z m11-48c6-11 14-22 17-34 3-11-17-24-34-24-15 0-32 15-32 27 0 11 20 34 31 34 6-1 14 3 18-3z m-25 51c2 1 6 1 7-3 1-4-2-5-5-6-14-7-27-14-46-12 13 13 28 18 44 21z m-31-26c12 2 23-10 19-22-4-10-12-20-18-30-2-4-8-2-14-3-5-2-7 3-10 8-12 24-4 42 23 47z m-35-81c-5 15-4 30-2 48 11-16 15-30 14-46-1-3-1-7-5-8-5-1-5 3-7 6z m10-18c-1 2-4 4-1 6 3 2 5 3 8 1 15-8 28-17 34-37-19 5-31 16-41 30z m35-5c0 8 6 14 14 16 5 0 10 0 17 0 5-1 13 2 19-3 5-4 13-9 11-15-4-10-11-19-22-23-16-6-39 8-39 25z m95 1c-11-14-25-23-46-29 11 18 24 28 39 37 3 2 6 3 9 0 3-3 0-5-2-8z m11 19c-2-2-2-6-6-6-4 1-4 4-5 8-1 16 4 31 14 49 3-20 3-36-3-51z m-13 29c-2-5-7-2-10-2-9-1-15 2-18 9-4 8-10 15-13 23-5 13 5 23 18 23 18 1 25-10 31-23 5-12-5-20-8-30z m-197 6c-5 0-10-1-15 0-10 1-11-5-11-13 1-12 11-5 16-7 4-1 10 3 11-4 1-6 1-11-6-15-22-13-47-4-52 22-3 10-2 21 1 31 3 12 11 18 23 20 11 3 23 1 30-10 7-12 17-7 23-2 7 4-1 12-4 17-21 27-78 20-92-13-11-23-10-48 5-70 15-21 37-22 59-20 29 4 37 13 37 39 0 25 0 25-25 25z m307 40c-3 8-5 16-16 13-5-2-13 3-16-6-13-34-27-67-40-101-1-4-2-8 3-8 9 0 21-4 23 10 2 13 10 16 22 16 17-1 33 3 38-21 2-9 16-6 22-4 7 2 0 9-1 13-11 30-23 59-35 88z m-5-55c-7-4-16-3-24-1-5 1-2 5-1 8 3 10 7 20 12 33 4-11 8-18 10-26 2-5 7-12 3-14z m136-28c-13 0-25 0-37 0-10-1-14 2-13 13 0 24-1 48 0 73 0 8-3 10-11 10-8 0-13 0-13-10 1-16 0-32 0-47 0-16 0-32 0-48 0-7 2-10 9-10 22 0 43 0 65 0 8 0 8 5 8 10 0 6-2 9-8 9z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="justify-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedf7;" d="M40 314h920c2 0 3 0 5 0 19 0 35-16 35-35 0-24 0-48 0-73 0-8-3-16-8-22-9-10-20-13-32-13-307 0-613 0-919 0-2 0-4 0-6 0-8 0-16 3-22 8-6 6-10 13-13 21v85c0 0 1 0 1 1 6 20 18 28 39 28z m-23 423c5 3 10 5 16 6h934c1 0 1-1 2-1 19-3 31-17 31-37 0-23 0-46 0-68 0-3 0-6-1-8-2-15-17-29-36-29-308 0-617 0-925 0h-3c-8 0-15 3-21 8-7 5-11 13-14 21v84c3 10 8 18 17 24z m23-209h920c2 0 5 0 7 0 19-1 33-17 33-36 0-23 0-47 0-71 0-2 0-5-1-7-3-17-18-29-36-29h-883c-15 0-29 0-44 0-9 0-16 3-23 9-7 6-10 13-13 21v84c0 0 1 1 1 1 6 20 18 28 39 28z m387-428h548c1 0 3 0 4 0 12-1 21-16 21-37 0-23 0-47 0-70 0-10-2-18-6-25-5-9-11-11-18-11-184 0-367 0-551 0-1 0-3 0-4 0-6 0-11 5-15 12-3 5-4 11-5 17v84c5 24 11 30 26 30z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="link-broken" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedf8;" d="M998 572c-5 49-29 89-63 122-74 73-186 88-277 38l-121-65c-28-16-56-30-83-47-19-12-27-31-23-53 4-23 18-38 41-44 17-5 31 0 45 8 62 33 123 68 185 100 52 26 111 14 150-30 15-17 27-38 24-62-6-49-26-89-72-114-40-21-80-43-119-64-23-13-46-25-68-38-19-12-28-35-23-55 9-39 47-56 83-37 65 35 130 71 195 106 60 33 99 83 117 149 5 17 7 35 11 53v29c0 1-1 3-2 4z m-417-380c-24 11-47 5-66-16-46-50-92-101-138-151-39-43-94-55-146-32-24 11-47 26-53 53-13 49-7 95 30 134 30 33 60 66 90 99 18 20 37 39 54 60 19 24 11 61-15 78-23 15-52 11-73-12-50-55-100-109-150-164-23-25-40-54-50-86-14-42-14-84-7-127 4-28 13-54 31-76 47-60 109-90 180-92 68 1 124 22 168 68 52 54 101 109 151 164 5 6 11 13 16 19 20 28 9 67-22 81z m-259 58c-21-24-25-53-12-77 22-43 75-49 109-13 83 88 164 176 246 265 13 13 20 29 20 46 0 37-30 68-66 67-22-1-39-10-53-26-63-67-125-135-188-202-19-20-38-40-56-60z m-59 224v0c5 0 10 0 15 0 18 0 28 17 22 33-4 7-10 12-17 15-75 37-150 74-225 111-18 9-20 8-29-10-1-2-2-4-3-7-11-24-17-50-22-76-3-13-5-26-4-39 1-8 4-11 12-12 22-1 45-2 67-4 61-4 123-7 184-11z m72 185c4-21 9-42 14-63 3-12 10-19 21-18 11 0 18 7 21 19 0 1 0 2 1 3 13 74 26 147 40 221 2 9-1 13-10 15-17 4-34 4-51 4-20 0-41-1-60-6-12-3-13-6-10-17 11-53 22-105 34-158z m-235 77c42-29 84-59 126-88 9-7 18-14 28-19 11-6 22 0 23 12-1 4-3 8-6 12-33 49-67 97-100 146-4 6-8 8-15 4-24-12-43-29-59-51-5-7-4-11 3-16z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="rotation" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedff;" d="M1000 321c-5-21-8-43-16-64-38-109-144-185-259-185-30-1-55 20-58 48-3 30 15 57 44 62 17 3 34 2 50 6 67 18 111 61 124 128 13 71-7 133-67 178-17 13-37 21-58 21-40 1-81 1-122 1 0-6 5-8 7-11 21-20 41-40 61-60 22-24 22-58 0-80-22-21-56-21-78 1-67 66-133 133-200 199-6 6-5 8 0 13 67 66 133 133 199 199 8 9 19 12 30 18h20c1-3 4-3 6-3 42-15 53-62 22-94-7-8-14-14-21-21-16-16-31-31-49-49h16c34 0 69 0 103 0 25-1 50-5 74-14 81-32 131-92 159-174 6-19 8-40 13-59 0-20 0-40 0-60z m-634-137c-24 24-46 46-69 68-9 9-15 19-18 31-4 25 7 48 28 60 21 12 47 9 65-8 32-31 63-63 94-94 35-35 70-71 106-106 6-6 6-9 0-15-66-65-131-131-197-197-24-23-57-24-79-3-23 22-24 57-1 81 22 23 45 45 69 68-6 4-10 3-15 3-39 0-79-3-118 1-77 7-135 46-179 108-82 117-66 275 38 372 52 49 115 74 187 75 32 0 57-25 57-56 0-31-24-55-56-56-14 0-27-2-40-5-66-16-116-72-125-141-8-69 22-138 79-171 18-10 37-16 57-16 36 0 73 0 109 0 2 0 3 0 8 1z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="auto-rickshaw" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee11;" d="M909 252c9-6 18-7 28-6-5 28-23 43-46 55-22 11-46 16-70 11 0 11 7 14 16 16 22 3 22 3 22 26 0 19 0 19-16 25-4 15-6 31-10 45-20 62-54 116-90 168l-23 31c-16 23-39 31-65 31-73-1-146 0-219-1-65 0-129 0-194-2-34-1-68-9-98-27-42-24-65-60-65-112 1-39 0-79 0-119v-11h254v194c0 18 6 23 23 23 42 0 85 0 128 0 18 0 24-7 24-25 0-116 0-232 0-347 0-7 0-13-1-19-3-13-8-17-21-17-26 0-51 0-77 0-16 0-27 12-28 28-1 15-2 30-4 44-3 21-7 43-23 58-12 12-22 24-22 42h-253v-39c-6-2-11-3-16-4v-42c17-5 17-5 17-24v-107h634c0 4 1 7 1 10 14 104 121 143 194 95z m-243 166c-16 0-33 0-49 0-17 0-34 0-50 0-13 0-21 8-23 20-1 7 0 14 0 21 0 39 0 78 0 117 0 17 5 23 22 23 28 0 56 0 84 0 13 0 24-6 25-23 4-44 9-88 14-132 1-17-7-26-23-26z m60 33c-8 42-16 84-23 126-2 10 7 21 17 20 2 0 5-2 6-4 32-44 59-90 81-140 0-1 0-2 0-4-21-4-41-8-62-12-9-2-17 4-19 14z m115-197c-60 4-103-46-104-97-5-57 37-107 96-110 51-4 99 35 104 95 5 59-37 109-96 112z m-4-137c-18-1-33 14-33 33 0 19 14 34 32 34 18 1 33-15 33-33 0-19-14-34-32-34z m-629-21c-18 0-32 14-32 32h-65c2-42 49-81 95-82 47-1 94 38 99 82h-66c0-18-14-32-31-32z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="bicycle-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee13;" d="M770 405c-15 0-29-2-43-6-1 9-3 18-4 27 5-2 10-3 16-3h57c26 0 37 21 37 47v57c0 26-21 47-47 47h-125c-25 25-61 47-111 58 0 0-12 1-12-11 0-12 5-13 15-16 38-9 87-42 108-68-20-33-117-180-270-223l-64 188 38 4c11 0 21 10 21 21 0 12-10 21-21 21l-104 13c-12 0-21-22-21-34 0-11 9-34 21-34l37 5-27-78h-100c-11 0-19-9-19-19 0-5 2-10 6-13-56-27-95-85-95-151 0-93 75-168 168-168 88 0 160 68 167 155l37 0c10-11 25-18 42-18 11 0 20 3 29 8l21-30-15-19 10-8 22 26 0 1 14 18-10 8-12-15-12 15-8 11c12 11 20 27 20 44 0 4 0 7-1 10 64 53 132 131 159 167 3-18 5-35 9-51-60-26-101-86-101-154 0-93 75-168 168-168 92 0 168 75 168 168 0 92-76 168-168 168z m-449 39l30-91c-14 15-32 28-52 37l22 54z m-78-66c5 0 9-1 13-2l-13-38v40z m0-124l46 112c46-21 78-65 83-116h-129v4z m-12-159c-79 0-143 63-143 142 0 69 51 127 117 139v-135h0v-17l167 0c-6-72-67-129-141-129z m189 155h-22c-1 13-4 25-7 37 13 4 26 8 38 13-7-10-11-22-11-35 0-5 1-10 2-15z m393 220c0-15-2-27-17-27h-57c-8 0-15 4-20 9-1 8-2 15-2 23 0 0-1 6-4 14h100v-19z m-289-169c-10 13-26 22-43 23 103 57 170 149 195 188 7-12 11-23 13-30-29-40-101-125-165-181z m155 253h107c15 0 27-12 27-27v-18h-107c-6 13-15 29-27 45z m91-459c-79 0-143 63-143 142 0 56 33 105 81 128 22-92 54-143 56-146l22 14c-1 1-32 51-53 141 11 3 24 5 37 5 78 0 142-64 142-142 0-79-64-142-142-142z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="bus-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee16;" d="M257 267c-45 0-82-37-82-82s37-81 82-81 81 37 81 81-37 82-81 82z m0-117c-20 0-36 16-36 35s16 36 36 36 35-16 35-36c0-19-16-35-35-35z m477 117c-45 0-82-37-82-82s37-81 82-81 81 37 81 81-36 82-81 82z m0-117c-20 0-36 16-36 35s16 36 36 36c19 0 35-16 35-36s-16-35-35-35z m155 446h-729c-27 0-53-21-59-48l-29-106c-5-26-9-69-9-96v-112c0-27 21-49 48-49h50c0 53 43 96 96 96s95-43 95-96h286c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h59c27 0 49 22 49 49v313c-1 27-22 49-49 49z m-625-205h-113l18 42c3 8 0 16-8 20-7 3-16-1-19-8l-22-53c-15 4-24 18-21 35l26 104c4 20 23 36 43 36h96l0-176z m217 0h-187v176h187v-176z m216 0h-187v176h187v-176z m211 36c0-20-17-36-37-36h-145v176h145c20 0 37-17 37-37l0-103z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="bus-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee17;" d="M765 788h-531c-54 0-98-48-98-108v-577c0-33 14-63 36-83v-79c0-16 13-29 28-29h105c16 0 28 13 28 29v54h87v1l246-1v-54c0-16 13-29 29-29h104c16 0 29 13 29 29v79c22 20 36 50 36 83v577c0 60-44 108-99 108z m-419-46h307v-30h-307v30z m62-571h-194v71h194v-71z m-184 233c-15 0-28 6-28 13v255c0 7 13 13 28 13h551c16 0 29-6 29-13v-255c0-8-13-13-29-13h-551z m378-233v71h194v-71h-194z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="bus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee18;" d="M882 469c-1 0-2 0-3 0-3 79-6 158-9 237-2 51-35 81-86 81-64 1-129 0-193 0-126 0-251 1-377 0-49 0-82-31-84-79-3-80-7-159-10-239 0 0-1 0-2 0-9 0-17-10-17-22v-74c0-12 6-21 15-23-3-65-4-129-7-194-2-40 6-75 30-107 2-4 3-9 3-14 0-28 0-57 0-85 0-20 11-35 31-36 28-2 57-2 85 0 20 1 31 15 31 36v41h422v-41c0-21 12-35 32-36 28-2 55-2 83 0 20 1 32 15 32 36 0 27-1 55 0 82 0 8 2 16 7 21 18 28 28 58 26 91-2 69-5 137-7 206 8 1 15 11 15 23v74c0 12-7 22-17 22z m-443 279c21 0 41 0 61 0 20 0 41 0 61 0 17 0 26-9 27-24 0-15-10-25-27-25-41 0-81 0-122 0-17 0-27 10-27 26 1 14 10 23 27 23z m-192-648c-38 0-67 30-67 69 0 38 30 67 68 67 38 0 68-30 68-68 0-38-30-68-69-68z m531 212c-55-8-110-14-166-18 0 47 39 86 86 86 41 0 75-29 84-67-2-1-3-1-4-1z m-26-212c-38 0-68 30-68 68 0 12 3 23 8 33 2 2 3 5 5 7 12 17 32 28 55 28 3 0 6 0 9 0 3-1 6-1 9-2 29-7 50-34 50-66 0-38-30-68-68-68z m71 263c0-24-13-41-34-48-9 41-47 73-91 73-52 0-93-42-93-94v0c-34-3-68-4-102-4-95-1-190 6-283 22-28 4-43 22-43 50 2 87 4 173 6 260 1 18 13 30 31 31 72 4 144 9 216 11 71 2 142 1 212-1 49-1 97-6 145-10 18-1 29-14 29-32 1-45 7-125 7-133 0-42 0-83 0-125z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="cab" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee19;" d="M891 399c25 1 47 24 46 49 0 26-21 47-48 47-15 0-31 1-46 0-9 0-13 3-16 11-13 31-26 61-40 91-12 27-33 40-62 40-149 1-298 0-447 1-33 0-55-15-68-45-12-30-25-59-38-89-3-7-6-9-14-9-15 1-30 0-46 0-28 0-49-20-50-47 0-27 22-49 51-49 5 0 10 0 18 0-3-8-5-14-7-21-7-28-18-56-19-85-3-90-3-180-3-270 0-32 21-57 52-61 19-2 39-2 58 1 29 3 53 22 50 59-1 12 0 24 0 36h475v-39c0-30 15-50 45-55 15-3 31-2 47-2 44-1 68 23 68 68 0 73 1 147 0 221 0 39-4 79-19 116-3 10-6 20-10 32l23 0z m-678-198c-28-1-50 21-50 49 0 28 21 49 49 49 28 1 49-21 49-49 0-27-21-49-48-49z m7 199c4 16 9 30 13 44 12 40 24 79 35 119 3 8 6 12 16 12 144-1 288 0 433 0 6 0 11 0 14-9 16-54 32-108 48-162 1-1 0-2 0-4h-559z m568-199c-27 0-49 22-49 50 0 27 21 49 48 49 28 0 50-22 50-49 0-28-21-50-49-50z m-129 459h-21l-1 27h-29c0-9 0-18 0-27h-28v27h-29v-27h-27v27h-34v-27h-27v27h-29v-27h-28c0 9 0 18 0 27h-29c0-9 0-18-1-27h-20c-1-7-1-15-1-22h304c0 7 0 15 0 22z m-282 56h29v-29h28v29h30v-29h26v29h34v-29h27v29h29v-29h28v29h30v-29h21c0 4 0 8-1 12-3 24-21 39-46 39-69 1-139 1-209 0-21 0-41-15-44-35-1-5-1-11-2-16h20v29z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="cable-car" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee1a;" d="M788 442h-20c0 1 0 2 0 4v19c0 9-7 16-16 16h-235v192l414 86-6 29-855-177 6-29 408 84v-185h-236c-9 0-16-7-16-16v-19c0-2 0-3 0-4h-19c-45 0-82-37-82-81v-371h738v371c0 44-36 81-81 81z m-324-292c0-4-4-8-9-8h-162c-5 0-8 4-8 8v227c0 5 3 8 8 8h162c5 0 9-3 9-8v-227z m252 0c0-4-4-8-8-8h-163c-4 0-8 4-8 8v227c0 5 4 8 8 8h163c4 0 8-3 8-8v-227z m-503-238h575c36 0 66 24 77 57h-729c10-33 41-57 77-57z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="car-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee1b;" d="M937 480c0 15-7 23-23 23-13 0-25-1-37 0-18 1-30-5-38-22-2-6-9-11-15-19-2 7-4 10-4 14-15 48-34 95-60 140-10 19-26 32-47 38-11 4-21 8-33 9-50 4-100 9-151 10-70 2-140 1-210-10-40-6-71-23-87-62-13-30-27-61-40-91-6-15-10-30-15-44l-3-2c-5 7-11 14-16 22-5 10-13 17-25 17-16 0-33 0-49 0-13-1-20-8-21-20-1-9-1-17 0-26 1-13 8-21 22-21 17 0 34 0 51 0h28c-3-3-5-5-6-6-25-23-43-50-51-82-18-64-9-127 15-189 7-17 20-29 38-36 6-2 8-6 8-13 0-17 0-34 0-52 0-20 11-30 32-30 3 0 6 0 8 0 61-2 66 1 64 61 0 4 0 9 0 13 77-2 152-6 227-6 76 0 152 4 229 6 0-15 0-30 0-45 1-18 12-29 30-29 14 0 29 0 43 0 20 0 31 11 31 30 0 18 0 36 1 53 0 4 2 9 5 10 28 12 43 35 49 63 7 30 12 60 15 91 5 61-16 113-61 156-1 1-2 3-4 5h13c21 0 42 0 63 0 17 1 24 8 25 24 0 6 0 13-1 20z m-689 21c12 30 27 60 41 89 2 5 8 9 13 10 38 12 78 18 117 18 63 1 126 1 188-2 31-1 61-10 92-16 4-1 9-5 11-8 27-42 45-88 55-136 0-1 0-2 0-4-177 23-353 23-532-1 5 18 8 35 15 50z m-28-272c-30 0-55 23-55 53-1 29 25 54 55 54 30 0 55-24 55-54 0-29-25-53-55-53z m436 84c-7-24-15-47-22-70-2-9-7-13-16-13-79 1-157 1-236 0-8 0-13 4-16 12l-23 73c-4 12 1 19 15 19 47 0 95 0 142 0h140c17 0 21-6 16-21z m124-84c-30 0-55 25-55 54 1 29 26 53 56 53 29 0 55-25 54-54 0-30-25-54-55-53z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="car-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee1c;" d="M930 303l-2 1c-1 1-1 5 0 11 3 10 6 20 8 30 4 15-3 29-17 35-5 2-10 3-15 4-61 6-122 13-183 19-6 1-11 3-16 7-24 26-49 52-72 78-12 15-27 21-45 21-85-1-169-1-253-2-26 0-48-9-65-31-14-21-33-38-48-58-10-13-23-17-39-19-31-3-61-9-92-13-13-2-19-9-20-22 0-13-3-25 7-37 4-4 2-8-3-11-8-4-14-10-12-19 1-9 8-14 16-17l10-2c3-1 5-2 7-4 6-4 13-11 20-12 19-3 39-5 58-5 19 0 25 6 29 25 7 32 34 54 66 55 43 0 69-33 70-63 1-19 8-25 28-25 50 0 101 0 152 0 59 0 118 0 178 0 32 0 41 6 50 37 8 28 32 48 61 51 28 2 55-14 68-40 5-8 10-16 15-24 4-5 10-8 14-2 5 8 12 8 20 8 6 0 10 3 12 9 1 7-1 12-7 15z m-462 110c0-5-4-9-10-9h-154c-5 0-7 3-4 8 14 21 27 41 41 61 5 5 14 10 21 11 34 1 68 1 103 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 2-5 2-10 0-21 0-41 0-62z m192-9h-157c-5 0-10 4-10 9v62c0 6 4 10 10 10h70c3 0 6-1 9-1 15 3 26-4 35-16 15-19 30-37 46-57 4-4 2-7-3-7z m-390-81c-36 0-65-29-65-65-1-36 28-66 64-66 37-1 67 29 67 66 0 36-30 65-66 65z m0-108c-23 0-43 19-42 42 0 24 16 43 42 43 25 0 43-21 42-43 0-23-18-41-42-42z m545 108c-37 0-66-29-66-66 0-36 30-65 66-65 36 0 65 29 65 65 0 36-29 66-65 66z m-1-107c-24 0-42 18-42 43 1 24 20 42 43 41 29-1 43-24 42-44-1-23-20-41-43-40z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="motor-biker" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee28;" d="M217 283c-71 6-134-41-150-110-2-7-3-13-4-19v-28c1-4 2-9 3-14 14-74 85-125 159-114 80 11 135 83 123 163-12 73-67 117-131 122z m-11-237c-51 0-93 41-94 94 0 51 41 93 94 94 51 1 93-41 94-92 0-54-41-95-94-96z m263 559c-18-2-36-5-55-7v-50c15 4 32 0 43 13 2 2 4 3 6 5 20 14 41 23 65 19 11-2 22-7 34-10 16 24 19 50 7 78-9 24-25 42-52 48-7 1-14 2-21 3h-9c-1 0-3-1-4-1-21-5-40-12-54-29-9-11-14-24-16-39 19 3 38 6 56 9v-39z m171-437c7 57 37 97 92 117 36 13 73 15 111 14 2 0 6 1 8 2 12 12 13 34 4 47-3 5-6 7-11 6-26 0-53 0-79 0h-54c-9 29-31 47-45 72-3-2-4-3-5-4-27-21-55-42-82-64-4-3-8-5-14-5-25 1-50 0-74 1-16 0-31 0-46 0-19 1-30-7-35-25-1-2-2-4-2-7-31 12-58 28-74 59 48 36 94 72 141 108 30-42 60-84 90-126 32 24 63 47 94 70-11 16-22 31-34 46-20 26-40 53-62 78-19 22-61 24-84 6-47-35-93-70-140-105-6-5-12-9-19-14-1 9-2 16-2 26-33-13-63-25-94-38-8-4-14-9-21-13-22-17-34-39-31-67 2-18 8-34 16-50 1-2 5-3 7-3 11-2 22-2 33-4 41-6 75-25 101-58 20-26 32-56 38-88 3-16 13-26 26-34 6-3 13-6 19-9 31-12 63-14 96-15 38-2 76-2 113-2 7 0 14 0 20 0 0 2 1 4 0 6-3 24-4 48-1 73z m155 115c-78 0-142-58-144-139-2-82 62-147 143-148 78 0 143 65 144 144 0 78-65 143-143 143z m-1-237c-52 0-94 42-94 94 0 52 42 94 94 94 52-1 94-42 94-94 0-52-42-94-94-94z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="oil-truck" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee29;" d="M657 259h-566c-16 0-28-13-28-29v-2c0-14 8-25 20-28 10 25 35 43 64 43 29 0 54-18 63-44h328c10 26 35 44 64 44 29 0 54-18 63-43 12 3 21 14 21 28v2c0 16-13 29-29 29z m-53-26c-27 0-50-23-50-51s23-50 50-50c28 0 51 23 51 50s-23 51-51 51z m0-86c-19 0-35 16-35 35s16 35 35 35 35-15 35-35-15-35-35-35z m-460 86c-27 0-50-23-50-51s23-50 50-50c28 0 51 23 51 50s-23 51-51 51z m0-86c-19 0-35 16-35 35s16 35 35 35 35-15 35-35-15-35-35-35z m722 295c-6 8-14 10-19 10h-127c-5 0-9-5-9-10v-229c0-5 4-9 9-9h34c11 23 34 39 62 39s51-16 62-39h50c5 0 10 4 10 9v114l-72 115z m17-99h-135c-5 0-9 4-9 9v72c0 5 4 10 9 10h79c15 0 19-4 22-10l44-72c0-5-5-9-10-9z m47-117c0-5-4-9-9-9s-9 4-9 9v17c0 5 4 9 9 9s9-4 9-9v-17z m-117 7c-27 0-50-23-50-51s23-50 50-50c28 0 51 23 51 50 0 28-23 51-51 51z m1-86c-20 0-35 16-35 35s15 35 35 35 35-15 35-35-16-35-35-35z m-192 402h-495v-273h495v273z m-205-172c-4-22-25-35-43-35-16 0-36 11-41 32l-2 6v10c2 9 6 18 11 26 4 8 8 15 13 23 8 14 15 29 19 45h1l0-2c4-14 10-27 17-40 7-12 14-25 21-37 5-9 5-18 4-28z m-306-101v273c-26 0-47-21-47-47v-178c0-26 21-48 47-48z m574 48v178c0 26-21 47-48 47v-273c27 0 48 22 48 48z m-435 231h75c4 0 8 3 8 6 0 4-4 7-8 7h-75c-5 0-8-3-8-7 0-3 3-6 8-6z m174 0h75c4 0 8 3 8 6 0 4-4 7-8 7h-75c-5 0-8-3-8-7 0-3 3-6 8-6z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rickshaw" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2a;" d="M791 272c-13-2-18 3-22 14-12 36-25 72-38 108-2 4-8 10-12 10-19 2-37 1-56 1-2 0-5-2-5-5v-27c0-3 3-6 5-5 11 0 22 2 30-2 7-3 11-14 17-25 1-2 0-4-3-4-69 0-133 0-196 0-4 0-7 3-10 5-3 2-4 5-4 6 1 2 4 3 7 3h32c3 0 5 2 5 5v26c0 2-2 5-5 5h-85c-3 0-5-3-5-5-1-15-3-28 10-40 5-5 8-20 4-27-24-49-50-97-76-145-2-4-7-9-11-10-14-1-28 0-41 0-3 0-6 2-7 5-21 86-90 113-148 106-66-8-115-63-114-128 0-67 48-120 117-128 56-7 125 23 145 105 0 3 3 5 6 5 2 1 4 1 6 1 73 0 145 0 217-1 14 0 24 4 34 13 46 44 92 86 139 130 3 2 6 2 7-1 5-8 3-13-5-19-45-32-62-76-53-129 12-73 87-119 161-102 73 17 116 91 96 162-14 47-63 100-142 93z m-509-152c-7-40-48-70-91-68-47 2-88 40-90 85-2 53 34 92 88 98 42 4 84-27 95-70 0-3-2-5-5-5h-84c-3 0-6-3-6-6v-24c0-2 3-5 6-5h83c3 0 5-2 4-5z m144 45c19 37 38 72 58 109 1 3 3 3 4 0 18-37 35-72 52-109 1-2 0-4-3-4h-108c-3 0-5 2-3 4z m150 17c-18 38-36 76-55 116-1 2 0 4 3 4h175c3 0 4-1 2-3-40-40-79-79-119-118-2-2-5-2-6 1z m146-80c-20 39-8 89 26 111 2 2 5 1 6-2 7-18 13-36 20-55 1-3 4-4 7-3 9 3 17 5 26 8 3 1 4 4 3 7-7 20-13 39-19 58-1 3 0 6 3 6 37 10 82-15 98-56 18-43-3-96-46-115-47-22-100-4-124 41z m-545 344c3-1 5 1 5 4-1 20-2 38-3 60 0 2 1 3 3 1 25-30 47-57 70-85 2-2 5-2 7 0 53 80 104 157 156 236 2 2 1 4-2 5-59 7-114 13-170 19-6 1-14-1-19-4-33-23-65-46-97-69-4-3-7-9-8-13 0-44 0-87 0-131 1-4 5-11 8-12 16-4 32-7 50-11z m97 148h56c3 0 4-2 3-4-20-33-40-65-61-101-2-2-3-2-3 1v99c0 3 2 5 5 5z m-34-2v-108c0-3-1-4-3-1-18 22-34 43-51 64-2 3-1 6 1 8 15 14 22 38 48 41 3 1 5-2 5-4z m29-227c-4 34-23 49-58 53-29 3-57 11-87 18-3 0-5-1-5-4 0-33 0-65 1-96 0-4 5-10 9-11 84-32 169-63 254-94 3-1 6 0 7 3 2 11-3 17-13 22-13 6-24 16-38 21-41 16-64 46-70 88z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rocket-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2b;" d="M527 765c22-22 45-45 65-69 30-35 51-76 68-121h-320c3 8 5 16 9 23 33 71 77 134 141 182 2 2 4 5 6 8h4c2 0 14-11 27-23z m-355-638l90 51c6 4 12 8 19 11 15-62 30-123 45-187-50-25-101-50-153-76-15-7-28 1-28 18v134c0 18 12 40 27 49z m654-201c-51 26-102 51-152 76 15 62 29 123 45 187 35-21 72-42 108-62 15-9 28-31 28-49v-134c0-17-13-25-29-18z m-324 622c49 0 99-1 149 0 16 1 22-6 26-20 26-90 31-182 20-274-10-80-29-158-55-234-5-12-10-17-23-17-79 1-158 1-238 0-11 0-18 3-22 15-38 112-65 226-60 345 3 56 16 111 25 167 2 16 11 18 25 18 51-1 102 0 153 0z m-95-226c1-41 10-80 39-112 32-34 75-34 107 0 52 55 53 166 3 223-34 38-78 38-112 0-28-32-36-70-37-111z m-38-345h261c-5-19-10-38-16-56-1-4-8-8-13-8-68-1-135-1-202 0-5 0-12 6-14 10-6 17-10 34-16 54z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rocket-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2c;" d="M418 110c-32-32-49-8-68 11-27 27-55 55-83 83-18 19-49 34-11 70l-10 2c-8-2-16-3-23-7-28-17-57-32-84-51-32-22-41 10-57 23-17 13-1 24 7 33 39 45 78 90 119 133 8 9 22 14 34 16 21 3 42 6 63 4 36-3 55 16 74 43 75 104 164 192 280 252 65 34 65 34 116-17 36-37 71-74 109-108 13-13 14-22 8-38-40-97-101-179-180-248-37-33-79-61-117-93-9-8-17-23-19-36-4-30-3-60-7-90-1-10-7-22-15-30-45-40-92-80-138-120-11-10-22-17-32-2-10 15-42 20-24 49 18 31 36 61 54 92 4 6 6 13 9 20-2 3-3 6-5 9z m253 478c-36 0-67-30-67-66 0-33 30-64 64-65 34-1 67 32 67 66 0 33-31 64-64 65z m-609-665c19 12 36 23 51 36 8 6 16 16 19 25 3 9 2 22-3 28-4 4-18 1-27 0-4-1-9-5-15-9-6 42 18 66 45 89 2 3 7 3 9 6 9 11 18 23 27 34-12 4-23 7-42 12 11 11 21 24 33 31 36 21 88 14 120-13 42-35 55-78 40-127-16-52-51-83-101-100 0 2-1 4-1 5l-2 43c-13-7-27-11-39-20-15-11-28-26-43-37-26-18-36-18-71-3z m848 683c-53 53-101 102-153 156 54 9 107 19 161 26 21 2 21-16 18-31-8-50-17-99-26-151z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="rocket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2d;" d="M937 788s-131 3-262-62c-40-19-84-48-120-84-59-59-151-168-222-255h-161l-73-110 124-33c0-4 2-11 5-19l-19-42s-8-15 47-73c58-58 76-51 76-51l46 20c7-2 12-2 15-2l34-128 109 73v165c89 72 197 161 255 218 37 36 66 80 88 120 62 131 58 263 58 263z m-255-328c-40 0-73 32-73 73s33 72 73 72c40 0 73-32 73-72s-33-73-73-73z m-557-485s-7 106 47 175c-3 7-7 11-11 18l-25-22c-84-84-73-233-73-233s149-11 233 73l22 25c-7 4-11 8-18 11-69-54-175-47-175-47z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="sail-boat-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2e;" d="M572 159c84 0 168 0 253 0-8 29-247 581-270 621v-322c0-91 0-183 0-274 0-12-4-25 17-25z m32-28c-11 0-23 1-27-13-5-23-18-43-19-68h215c-6 19-13 36-16 53-5 24-17 30-41 29-37-2-74-1-112-1z m-135-77c5 31 5 685 0 727-119-228-234-451-353-678 126 8 244 10 353-49z m94-33c-24 0-33 5-35 24v187c0 171 0 343 0 514 0 8-1 16 0 24 0 10-1 18-15 17-11 0-12-7-12-15l0-24c0-227 0-453-1-679l0-20s1-27-22-27h0c-63 2-126-2-188 4-57 6-112 21-172 35 26-52 53-97 91-134 10-10 21-15 36-15 188 1 376 1 563 1 12 0 22 0 28 13 14 31 30 61 48 96-112 0-217 1-321-1z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="sail-boat-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2f;" d="M261 115c-1-1-2-3-2-4-2-3-2-7 1-9 3-3 6-4 9-2 4 2 8 4 12 5 94 41 191 70 291 90 10 1 14 6 13 16 0 31 0 62 0 92 0 142 0 284 0 425 0 9 2 11 10 8 33-11 66-14 100-4 21 7 42 6 62 2 4-1 8-3 10 2 1 4-2 6-6 8-18 9-36 16-56 18-16 2-32-1-48 0-26 2-51 10-75 23-11 6-18 2-19-11 0-4 0-8 0-11v-71c-4 3-6 5-8 6-25 19-49 38-73 57-10 7-16 4-17-7-11-91-30-179-54-267-36-128-83-251-150-366z m-9 53c40 75 73 153 99 233 55 155 75 265 63 276-6 6-81 63-81 63-17 13-34 26-51 39-9 6-14 4-16-7-1-6-1-12-2-18-14-95-33-189-58-281-33-124-75-244-137-357-2-4-5-8-1-13 5-5 9-2 14 0 50 22 101 40 154 53 8 1 13 5 16 12z m669 72c-2 0-4-1-5-1-93-18-186-38-277-67-66-21-132-46-199-67-99-31-199-52-304-44-6 1-6-3-6-7-1-25 8-46 28-62 5-4 11-7 19-7l61 1c48 18 141 40 283 19 65-9 120-5 165 5 7 59 33 109 78 151 13 12 26 21 43 26l1 0c0 1 1 1 1 1l97 26c6 2 12 4 18 5 7 2 11 6 10 13-1 7-7 8-13 8z m-303 330c-6-4-3-9-1-14 26-75 38-151 29-230-2-11-4-21-5-32 0-6 4-9 11-8 72 15 142 7 211-17 5-1 9-2 12 3 4 5 0 8-3 12l-241 281c-3 4-7 9-13 5z m-97-574c-221 31-323-39-323-39s53 29 328 9l328 120s-111-122-333-90z m36-53c-177 26-258-31-258-31s42 23 262 8l262 95c0 0-89-97-266-72z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="sail-boat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee30;" d="M826 158c-16 46-29 94-51 137-75 152-185 274-331 362-13 7-18 15-17 30 2 18 1 37 1 56-18-17-32-32-48-45-24-20-49-39-74-58l-27-21 2-4c45 9 89 19 137 29-2-32 3-64-7-90-66-171-151-331-267-475-5-7-10-14-18-24 237 27 469 54 703 81-1 8-1 15-3 22z m-396-48v528c38-176 59-352 0-528z m-367-91c7-17 14-31 19-45 5-13 13-16 25-16 202 0 404 1 606-1 48-1 87 14 124 41 11 9 22 16 32 25 28 25 54 53 69 93-294-32-583-65-875-97z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="scooter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee31;" d="M768 514h-263v-50h293l-30 50z m-610-233c-48 0-87-39-87-88 0-49 39-88 87-88s88 39 88 88c0 49-39 88-88 88z m0-126c-20 0-37 17-37 38 0 21 17 38 37 38 21 0 38-17 38-38s-17-38-38-38z m347 293s183-201 0-201h-33s-272 24-107 291l27 27h49v16s-74 31-80 0c-7-31-164-220-164-220-55 13-98-20-134-80 66 20 131 45 183-14 53-59 28-69 405-69 0 0-69 4-24 49h62c-12-15-20-33-20-54 0-49 40-88 88-88 49 0 88 39 88 88 0 21-7 39-19 54h46c100 0-67 201-67 201l-300 0z m252-293c-21 0-38 17-38 38 0 21 17 38 38 38 21 0 38-17 38-38s-17-38-38-38z m156 149h25v-47h-25v47z m-568 280l-36 11v-47h25l11 36z" />
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8c0 1 0 2 0 2l4 8c0 2-1 5-4 4l-8-2c-1 0-2 0-3 0l-6 6c-2 2-4 1-4-2z m83 5c1 0 1-1 1-1l2-6c0-2 2-2 3-1l3 5c1 0 1 0 2 0l6 0c1 0 2 1 2 2l-3 6c-1 0-1 1-1 1l3 6c0 1-1 3-2 2l-6-1c-1-1-1 0-2 0l-4 4c-1 1-3 0-3-1l-1-6c0-1 0-1-1-2l-5-3c-1-1-1-2 0-3l6-2z m-104 60c0 0 1-1 1-1l2-8c0-1 2-2 4-1l4 6c1 1 2 1 2 1l8-1c1 0 3 2 2 4l-4 6c0 1-1 1 0 2l3 7c0 2-1 3-3 3l-7-2c-1 0-2 0-2 1l-6 5c-1 1-3 0-4-2l0-7c0-1 0-2-1-2l-6-4c-2-1-2-3 0-4l7-3z m-123-56c0 0 1 0 1-1l1-5c0-1 2-1 3 0l3 4c0 0 1 0 1 0l5 0c1 0 2 1 2 2l-3 5c0 0 0 1 0 1l2 5c0 1-1 2-2 2l-5-1c0-1-1 0-1 0l-4 3c-1 1-2 1-3-1l0-5c0 0 0-1-1-1l-4-3c-1 0-1-2 0-2l5-3z m59-608v-6l-6 6-4-4 10-10v-10c0 1 1 1 2 1s2 0 3-1v10l9 10-4 4-5-6v6h-5z m5-49c-1 0-2 0-3 0s-2 0-2 0v-10l-10-9 4-4 6 6v-6h5v6l5-6 4 4-9 9 0 10z m-15 10c0 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 3h-10l-10 9-3-4 5-5h-6v-6h6l-5-5 3-4 10 9h10z m-19 17l13 0 8-7c1 1 2 3 3 4l-7 7 0 13h-5v-8l-4 4-4-4 4-4h-8l0-5z m12-45h5l0 13 7 7c-1 1-2 3-3 4l-8-7-13 0v-5h8l-4-4 4-4 4 4 0-8z m55 39l-4 4-9-9h-10c0-1 0-2 0-3 0-1 0-2 0-3h10l9-9 4 4-5 5h6v6h-6l5 5z m-21 23l0-13-8-7c2-1 3-3 4-4l7 7 14 0v5h-8l4 4-4 4-4-4v8l-5 0z m17-45l-14 0-7 7c-1-1-2-3-4-4l8-7 0-13h5v8l4-4 4 3-4 5h8l0 5z m-32 24c-5 0-9-5-9-10 0-5 4-10 9-10s10 5 10 10c0 5-4 10-10 10z m-219 80v-14l-13 13-8-9 21-21v-23c2 1 4 1 6 1s4 0 6-1v23l21 21-9 9-12-13v14h-12z m12-110c-2 0-4 0-6 0s-4 0-6 0v-22l-21-21 8-9 13 13v-14h12v14l12-13 8 9-20 21 0 22z m-34 23c-1 2-1 4-1 6s0 4 1 6h-23l-21 21-8-9 12-12h-13v-12h13l-12-13 8-8 21 21 23 0z m-42 37l30 0 16-16c2 3 5 6 8 9l-16 15 0 30-12 0 0-18-9 10-9-9 9-9-17 0v-12z m46-47l-17-16-29 0 0-12 17 0-9-9 8-9 10 10 0-18 12 0 0 30 16 15c-3 3-6 6-8 9z m104 34l-8 9-21-21h-23c1-2 1-4 1-6 0-2 0-4-1-6h23l21-21 8 8-12 13h13v12h-13l12 12z m-48 51l0-29-16-16c3-3 6-6 8-9l16 16 30 0 0 12-17 0 9 9-9 9-9-9 0 17h-12z m38-101l-29 0-17 16c-2-3-5-6-8-8l16-16 0-30 12 0 0 18 10-10 8 9-9 9 17 1 0 11z m-70 53c-12 0-22-9-22-21 0-12 10-22 22-22 12 0 21 10 21 22s-9 21-21 21z m119-103v4h-5v-4l-4 4-3-3 7-7v-8c1 1 2 1 2 1s2 0 2-1v8l8 7-3 3-4-4z m0-33c-1 0-2 0-2 0s-2 0-2 0v-7l-8-8 3-2 5 4v-5h4v5l4-4 3 2-7 8 0 7z m-12 8c0 1 0 1 0 2s0 1 0 2h-8l-7 7-3-3 4-4h-4v-4h4l-4-4 3-3 7 7 8 0z m-14 13l10 0 5-6c1 1 2 2 3 3l-5 6 0 10h-4v-6l-4 3-2-3 3-3h-6v-4z m15-16l-5-6-10 0v-4h6l-4-3 3-3 3 3v-6h5l0 11 5 5c-1 1-2 2-3 3z m36 11l-3 3-7-7h-8c0-1 1-1 1-2s-1-1-1-2h8l7-7 3 3-4 4h4v4h-4l4 4z m-16 17l-1-10-5-5c1-1 2-2 3-3l5 5 10 0v4h-5l3 4-3 2-3-3v6h-4z m12-34l-10 0-5 6c-1-1-2-3-3-3l5-6 1-10h4v6l3-3 3 3-3 3h5v4z m-23 18c-5 0-8-3-8-7s3-8 8-8 7 4 7 8c0 4-3 7-7 7z m205 143v-5l-4 4-3-3 7-7v-8c1 0 1 1 2 1s1-1 2-1v8l7 7-3 3-4-4v5h-4v0z m4-38c-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-2 0v-8l-7-7 3-3 4 4v-5h4v5l4-4 3 3-7 7v8z m-12 8c0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2h-8l-7 7-3-3 4-4h-4v-4h4l-4-5 3-3 7 8h8z m-14 12l10 1 6-6c0 1 1 2 3 3l-6 6 0 10h-4v-6l-4 3-3-3 4-3h-6l0-5z m16-16l-6-5-10 0v-4h6l-4-4 3-3 4 4v-6h4l0 10 6 5c-2 1-3 2-3 3z m36 12l-3 3-7-7h-8c0-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-2 0-2h8l7-8 3 3-4 5h4v4h-4l4 4z m-17 18l0-10-5-6c1-1 2-2 3-3l5 6 10-1v5h-6l4 3-3 3-4-3v6l-4 0z m13-35l-10 0-5 5c-1-1-2-2-3-3l5-5 0-11h4v6l4-3 3 3-4 3h6l0 5z m-17 11c0-5-3-8-7-8s-8 3-8 8 4 7 8 7 7-3 7-7z m-119-135v-3l-3 3-2-2 5-6v-5c0 0 1 0 1 0s1 0 2 0v5l5 6-2 2-3-3v3h-3z m3-27c-1 0-1 0-2 0s-1 0-1 0v-5l-6-5 3-2 3 3v-4h2v4l3-3 3 2-6 5 1 5z m-9 6c0 0 0 1 0 1s0 1 0 2h-5l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-4v-3h4l-3-3 2-2 5 5 5 0z m-10 9h7l4-4c1 1 2 2 2 2l-3 4v7h-3v-4l-3 2-2-2 3-2h-5v-3z m11-11l-4-4h-7v-3h5l-3-2 2-3 3 3v-5h3v8l3 3c0 1-1 2-2 3z m26 8l-2 2-5-5h-6c0-1 0-1 0-2s0-1 0-1h6l5-5 2 2-3 3h3v3h-3l3 3z m-7 10l-2-2v4h-3v-7l-4-4c1 0 2-1 2-2l4 4h7v3h-4l2 2-2 2z m4-22h-7l-4 3c0 0-1-1-2-2l4-3v-8h3v5l2-3 2 2-2 3h4v3z m-12 7c0-3-2-5-5-5s-5 2-5 5c0 3 2 5 5 5 3 1 5-2 5-5z m-108 135v-2l-2 2-2-1 4-4v-4c0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0v4l4 4-2 1-2-2v2h-2z m0-26v-2h2v2l2-2 2 1-4 4v4c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0-1 0-1 0v-4l-4-4 2-1 2 2z m-13 11h2l-2-2 1-2 4 4h4c0 0 0 1 0 1s0 1 0 1h-4l-4 4-1-2 2-2h-2v-2z m2 7h5l3-3c0 0 1 1 1 1l-3 3v5h-2v-3l-1 2-2-2 2-1h-3l0-2z m6-18v5l3 3c0 0-1 1-1 1l-3-2h-5v-3h3l-2-1 1-2 2 2v-3l2 0z m19 17l-4-4h-4c0 0 0-1 0-1s0-1 0-1h4l4-4 1 2-2 2h2v2h-2l2 2-1 2z m-7 7v-5l-3-3c0 0 1-1 1-1l3 3h5v2h-3l2 1-1 2-2-2v3h-2z m6-17h-5l-3 2c0 0-1-1-1-1l2-3v-5h3v3l1-2 2 2-2 1h3l0 3z m-8 5c0-2-2-4-4-4s-4 2-4 4c0 2 2 4 4 4s4-2 4-4z" />
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0-1l-4-2c-1 0-1-1 0-2l4-1z m-155 3c0 0 1-1 1-1l1-3c0-1 1-2 1-1l3 3c0 0 0 0 0 0l4 0c1 0 1 1 1 2l-2 3c0 0 0 0 0 1l1 3c1 1 0 1-1 1l-3-1c-1 0-1 0-1 0l-3 3c0 0-1 0-1-1l-1-3c0-1 0-1 0-1l-3-2c-1 0-1-2 0-2l3-1z m369-316c-38 0-77 0-115 0l-1 0c-8-19-20-34-36-44 52 0 104 0 155 0 54-1 94-44 89-96-4-38-47-66-81-53-27 10-40 43-25 64 13 17 37 18 51 2 8-10 20-11 30-4 9 7 11 19 5 30-14 24-47 36-77 28-58-15-77-81-42-130 16-22 38-33 64-38h25c9 3 19 5 29 9 58 26 83 94 54 154-25 53-67 78-125 78z m-95 125c13-1 24 6 24 19 1 21 17 34 31 35 21 1 40-13 46-32 10-34-17-73-52-76-22-2-44-2-67-1 5-14 6-29 4-44 20 0 39 0 58 0 56 0 105 50 104 106-1 52-38 89-90 91-41 2-77-34-77-75 0-13 8-22 19-23z m324 14c-17 20-40 28-66 23-24-6-39-21-46-45-1-5-1-10-1-15 0-12 8-20 20-21 11-1 20 6 23 17 4 17 10 22 22 20 14-2 23-16 21-30-3-20-19-33-42-33-28-1-56 0-84 0-13-1-21-6-24-16-3-14 5-27 20-28 17-1 35 0 52 0 23 1 46-3 68 4 52 18 72 84 37 124z m-558-246v-4l-4 4-2-2 6-7v-7c1 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 1-1 2-1v7l6 7-3 2-4-4v4h-3z m4-33c-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-2 0v-7l-6-6 2-3 4 4v-4h4v4l4-4 2 3-6 6 0 7z m-11 7c0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2h-7l-6 6-2-3 3-4h-4v-3h4l-3-4 2-3 6 7 7 0z m-12 11h9l5-5c0 1 1 2 2 3l-5 5v9h-3v-5l-3 2-3-2 3-3h-5l0-4z m8-30h3v9l5 5c-1 0-2 1-3 2l-4-5h-9v-3h5l-3-3 3-3 2 3 1-5z m37 26l-2 3-7-6h-6c0-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-2h6l7-6 2 2-3 4h4v4h-4l3 3z m-14 16v-9l-5-5c1-1 2-2 2-3l5 5h9v4h-5l3 3-3 2-3-3v6l-3 0z m11-31h-9l-5 5c0-1-1-2-2-2l5-5v-9h3v5l3-3 3 3-3 3h5l0 3z m-15 10c0-4-3-7-6-7-4 0-7 3-7 7 0 3 3 6 7 6 4 0 6-3 6-6z m-156 61v-9l-8 8-6-6 14-14v-15c1 0 3 0 4 0s3 0 4 0v15l14 14-5 6-9-8v9h-8z m8-75c-1 0-2 0-4 0s-3 0-4 0v-15l-14-14 6-6 8 8v-9h8v9l9-8 6 6-15 14v15z m-23 16c0 1 0 2 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 4h-15l-15 14-5-6 8-8h-9v-8h9l-8-9 5-6 15 15 15 0z m-28 25l20 0 11-11c1 2 3 4 6 6l-11 11-1 20h-8l0-12-6 6-6-5 7-7-12 0v-8z m31-32l-11-11-20 0v-8h12l-7-6 6-6 6 6 0-11h8l1 20 11 11c-3 1-5 3-6 5z m71 23l-6 6-14-14h-15c0-1 0-3 0-4 0-2 0-3 0-4h15l14-15 6 6-8 9h9v8h-9l8 8z m-33 35l0-20-11-11c3-1 5-3 6-6l11 11 20 0v8l-12 0 7 7-6 6-7-7 1 12h-9z m26-69l-20 0-11 11c-1-2-3-4-6-6l11-10 0-21h9l0 12 6-6 6 6-7 6h12v8z m-48 37c-8 0-15-7-15-15s7-15 15-15 15 6 15 15c0 8-7 15-15 15z m81-71v3h-3v-3l-2 3-2-2 4-5v-5c1 0 1 0 2 0s1 0 1 0v5l5 5-2 2-3-3z m0-22c0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 0v-5l-4-5 2-2 3 3v-3h2v3l3-3 2 2-5 5 0 5z m-8 5c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2h-5l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-3v-3h3l-3-3 2-2 5 5 5 0z m-9 9h7l3-4c1 1 1 1 2 2l-3 4v6h-3v-4l-2 2-2-2 2-2h-4l0-2z m10-11l-3-4h-7v-3h4l-2-2 2-2 2 2v-4h3v7l3 4c-1 0-1 1-2 2z m25 8l-2 2-5-5h-6c1-1 1-1 1-2 0 0 0 0-1-1h6l5-5 2 2-3 3h3v3h-3l3 3z m-12 11v-6l-3-4c1-1 1-1 2-2l3 4h7v2h-4l2 3-2 2-2-3v5l-3-1z m9-23h-7l-3 4c-1-1-2-2-2-2l3-4v-7h3v4l2-2 2 2-2 2h4l0 3z m-11 7c0-2-2-5-5-5s-5 3-5 5 2 5 5 5 5-2 5-5z m135 102v-3l-3 3-2-2 5-5v-5c0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0v5l5 5-2 2-3-3v3h-3z m3-25c-1 0-1-1-2-1s-1 1-1 1v-6l-5-5 2-2 3 3v-3h3v3l3-3 2 2-5 5 0 6z m-8 5c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2h-6l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-3v-3h3l-3-3 2-2 5 5h6z m-10 9h7l4-4c0 1 1 1 2 2l-4 4v7h-3v-4l-2 2-2-2 2-2h-4l0-3z m11-11l-4-4h-7v-3h4l-2-2 2-2 2 2v-4h3v7l4 4c-1 0-2 1-2 2z m24 8l-2 2-4-5h-6c0-1 0-1 0-2 0 0 0-1 0-1h6l4-5 2 2-2 3h3v3h-3l2 3z m-11 12v-7l-4-4c1-1 2-1 2-2l4 4h7v3h-4l2 2-2 2-2-2v4l-3 0z m9-24h-7l-4 4c0-1-1-2-2-2l4-4v-7h3v4l2-2 2 2-2 2h4l0 3z m-12 7c0-3-2-5-5-5s-5 2-5 5c0 3 2 6 5 6s5-3 5-6z m-81-91v-3l-2 2-2-1 4-3v-4c0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0v4l3 3-1 1-2-2v3h-2z m2-19c-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0v-3l-4-4 2-1 2 2v-2h2v2l2-2 1 1-3 4 0 3z m-6 4c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1h-4l-3 4-2-2 2-2h-2v-2h2l-2-2 2-1 3 3h4z m-7 6h5l3-2c0 0 1 1 1 1l-2 3v5h-2v-3l-2 1-1-1 1-2h-3v-2z m8-7l-3-3h-5v-2h3l-1-2 1-1 2 2v-3h2v5l2 2c0 0-1 1-1 2z m17 5l-1 2-4-4h-4c1 0 1-1 1-1 0 0 0-1-1-1h4l4-3 1 1-2 2h2v2h-2l2 2z m-4 7l-2-1v3h-2v-5l-3-3c1 0 1-1 2-1l3 2h4v2h-2l1 2-1 1z m2-15h-4l-3 3c-1-1-1-1-2-2l3-2v-5h2v3l2-2 1 1-1 2h2v2z m-8 5c0-2-1-4-3-4s-4 2-4 4 2 4 4 4 3-2 3-4z m-74 92v-1l-1 1-1-1 2-2v-3c1 0 1 0 1 0s1 0 1 0v3l2 2-1 1-1-1v1h-2z m0-18v-1h2v1l1-1 1 1-2 2v3c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0-1 0v-3l-2-2 1-1 1 1z m-9 8h2l-2-2 1-1 3 3h3c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 1 0 1h-3l-2 3-1-1 1-2h-2v-1z m2 4h3l2-2c1 1 1 1 1 1l-2 2v4h-1v-2l-1 1-1-1 1-1h-2l0-2z m4-12v4l2 2c0 0-1 0-1 1l-2-2h-3v-2h2l-1-1 1-1 1 1v-2l1 0z m13 12l-3-3h-2c0 0 0 0 0-1s0 0 0 0h2l3-3 1 1-2 2h2v1h-2l2 2-1 1z m-5 5v-4l-2-2c1 0 1 0 1-1l2 2h4v2h-2l1 1-1 1-1-1v2l-2 0z m5-12h-4l-2 2c0-1-1-1-1-1l2-2v-4h1v2l1-1 1 1-1 1h2l1 2z m-6 3c0-1-1-2-3-2s-2 1-2 2c0 2 1 3 2 3s3-1 3-3z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="snowy-windy-sunny" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee7b;" d="M522 411c-30 30-66 38-107 23-7-3-10-3-14 6-26 65-87 101-157 93-63-7-113-57-125-125 0-4 0-9-5-11-11-5-20-12-27-20v0s-54-50-1-108c1-2 2-4 4-5l1-1 0 0c12-12 29-19 48-21 21-2 41 0 62-1l176 0c27 0 51 0 75 0 43 2 74 23 91 62 16 36 8 80-21 108z m-108 81c-3 2-7 2-10-1-6-5-5-13 2-17 8-4 16-8 24-12 7-3 9-3 15 2l2 3v1c0 5-2 9-6 11-9 4-18 9-27 13z m-146 63c-1-3-2-6-3-9 50 1 95-21 123-61 2 2 3 5 4 7 18 34 4 76-30 93-35 18-77 4-94-30z m142-25c-1-4 1-8 5-10 1-1 3-2 4-2 11 1 21 1 31 2 6 1 9 5 9 10 0 6-4 10-9 10-11 0-22-1-32-2-4 0-8-4-8-8z m-43 62c5-2 11 0 14 5 2 4 4 9 6 13l6 13 1 0c2 5 0 11-5 14-5 2-11 0-13-5-5-9-9-17-13-26-3-5-1-11 4-14z m-148-24c5-2 9-5 14-7 4-2 8-4 13-6 5-3 10-1 13 3 3 5 1 11-4 14-9 5-18 9-27 14-5 2-11 0-13-5-3-5-1-11 4-13z m181-7c4-1 7-2 10 0 9 6 17 12 26 17 4 3 5 9 2 14-3 4-9 6-13 3-9-6-18-11-26-17-6-4-5-14 1-17z m-79 43c6-4 14 1 14 9-1 10-1 20-2 30 0 5-5 9-10 9-6-1-10-5-10-11 1-10 1-19 2-29 0-4 2-7 6-8z m-49-12c1-1 3-2 4-3 4-2 9-1 12 2 3 3 4 8 1 12-5 8-11 17-16 25-3 5-9 6-14 3-5-4-6-9-3-14l16-25z m414-298c-39 0-79 0-118 0l0 0c-9-20-22-35-37-45 52 0 105 0 158-1 55 0 96-44 90-97-4-39-47-67-82-55-28 11-41 44-25 66 13 18 37 19 51 2 9-10 21-11 31-4 9 7 11 20 5 30-14 25-48 37-78 29-60-16-79-83-44-132 17-23 39-34 66-39h25c10 3 20 5 30 9 60 26 85 96 55 157-25 54-69 80-127 80z m-97 127c13-1 24 7 24 20 1 21 18 35 31 35 22 2 42-12 48-32 10-34-17-75-53-78-23-2-46-1-68-1 4-14 6-30 4-45 20 0 39 0 59 0 57 0 107 51 106 108-1 54-39 92-92 94-42 2-78-35-79-77 0-13 8-23 20-24z m331 15c-18 21-41 29-68 23-24-5-39-21-46-45-2-5-2-11-2-16 1-12 9-20 21-21 11-1 20 5 23 17 4 18 10 23 22 21 15-3 24-17 22-31-3-21-19-34-42-34-29 0-58 0-87 0-13 0-21-6-24-16-4-15 5-28 20-29 18 0 36 0 54 0 23 1 46-3 69 5 53 17 74 85 38 126z m-577-251v-4l-4 4-2-3 6-7v-7c1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 2-1v7l7 7-3 3-4-4v4h-4z m4-34c-1 0-1 0-2 0s-1 0-2 0v-7l-6-6 2-3 4 4v-4h4v4l4-4 2 3-6 6v7z m-11 7c0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2h-7l-6 6-3-2 4-4h-4v-4h4l-4-4 3-2 6 6 7 0z m-13 11h10l5-5c0 2 1 2 2 3l-5 5v9h-3v-5l-3 3-3-3 3-3h-5l-1-4z m8-31h4v9l5 5c-1 1-2 2-2 3l-5-5h-10v-4h6l-3-3 2-2 3 3 0-6z m39 28l-3 2-6-6h-7c0-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-2 0-2h7l6-7 3 3-4 4h4v3h-4l4 5z m-15 15v-9l-5-5c1 0 2-1 3-2l5 5h9v3h-5l2 3-2 3-3-3v5l-4 0z m12-31h-9l-5 5c-1-1-2-2-3-3l5-4v-10h4v6l3-3 2 3-3 3h6l0 3z m-15 10c0-4-3-7-7-7s-7 3-7 7 3 7 7 7 7-3 7-7z m-160 62v-9l-9 9-5-6 14-15v-16c1 1 3 1 4 1s3 0 4-1v16l15 15-6 6-9-9v9h-8z m8-76c-1 0-2 0-4 0s-3 0-4 0v-16l-14-14 5-6 9 9v-10h8v10l9-9 6 6-15 14v16z m-23 16c-1 1-1 2-1 4 0 1 0 3 1 4h-16l-15 15-5-6 8-9h-9v-8h9l-8-9 5-6 15 15h16z m-29 26l20 0 11-11c2 2 4 4 6 6l-11 11 0 20h-8l0-12-7 7-6-6 7-7-12 0v-8z m31-33l-11-11-20 0v-8h12l-7-7 6-6 7 7 0-12h8l0 20 11 11c-2 2-4 4-6 6z m73 24l-5 6-15-15h-16c0-1 1-3 1-4 0-2-1-3-1-4h16l14-15 6 6-8 9h9v8h-9l8 9z m-33 35l0-20-11-11c2-2 4-4 6-6l11 11 20 0v8l-12 0 7 7-6 6-7-7 0 12h-8z m26-70l-20 0-12 11c-1-2-3-4-5-6l11-11 0-21h8l0 13 7-7 6 6-7 7h12v8z m-49 37c-8 0-15-7-15-15 0-9 7-15 15-15 9 0 15 6 15 15 0 8-6 15-15 15z m83-72v3h-3v-3l-3 3-2-2 5-5v-5c1 0 1 0 2 0s1 0 1 0v5l5 5-2 2-3-3z m0-23c0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 0v-5l-5-5 2-2 3 3v-3h3v3l3-3 2 2-5 5v5z m-8 6c0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1h-5l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-4v-2h4l-3-3 2-2 5 5h5z m-10 8h7l4-3c0 0 1 1 2 2l-4 3v7h-3v-4l-2 2-2-2 2-2h-4l0-3z m11-11l-4-3h-7v-3h4l-2-2 2-2 2 2v-4h3v7l4 3c-1 1-2 2-2 2z m25 8l-2 2-5-5h-6c1 0 1 0 1-1 0 0 0-1-1-1h6l5-5 2 2-3 3h3v2h-3l3 3z m-12 12v-7l-3-3c0-1 1-2 2-2l3 3h7v3h-4l2 2-2 2-2-2v4l-3 0z m9-23h-7l-3 3c-1 0-2-1-2-2l3-3v-7h3v4l2-3 2 2-2 3h4l0 3z m-11 7c0-3-2-5-5-5s-6 2-6 5c0 3 3 5 6 5s5-2 5-5z m138 104v-3l-3 3-2-2 5-5v-5c0 0 1 0 1 0s1 0 2 0v5l5 5-2 2-3-3v3h-3z m3-26c-1 0-1 0-2 0s-1 0-1 0v-6l-5-5 2-2 3 3v-3h3v3l3-3 2 2-5 5 0 6z m-9 5c0 1 0 1 0 2s0 1 0 1h-5l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-3v-3h3l-3-3 2-2 5 5 5 0z m-10 9h7l4-4c1 1 1 2 2 2l-4 4v7h-3v-4l-2 3-2-3 2-2h-4v-3z m11-11l-4-4h-7v-3h5l-3-2 2-2 3 2v-4h2v7l4 4c0 0-1 1-2 2z m26 8l-2 2-6-5h-5c0 0 0-1 0-1s0-1 0-2h6l5-5 2 2-3 3h3v3h-3l3 3z m-12 13v-8l-4-3c1-1 2-2 2-3l4 4h7v3h-4l2 3-2 2-2-3v5h-3z m9-25h-7l-4 4c0-1-1-1-2-2l4-4v-7h3v4l2-2 2 2-2 2h4v3z m-12 8c0-3-2-6-5-6s-5 3-5 6 2 5 5 5 5-2 5-5z m-83-94v-2l-2 2-2-2 4-3v-4c0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0v4l3 3-1 2-2-2v2h-2z m2-19c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0-1 0-1 0v-3l-3-4 1-1 2 2v-2h2v2l2-2 2 1-4 4v3z m-6 4c0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1h-4l-3 4-1-2 2-2h-3v-2h3l-2-2 1-1 3 3h4z m-7 7h5l3-3c0 0 1 1 1 1l-2 3v5h-2v-3l-2 2-1-2 1-1h-3v-2z m8-8l-3-3h-5v-2h3l-1-2 1-1 2 2v-3h2v5l2 2c0 1-1 1-1 2z m18 5l-2 2-3-4h-4c0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0-1h4l3-3 2 1-2 2h2v2h-2l2 2z m-5 8l-1-2v3h-2v-5l-3-3c0 0 1-1 1-1l3 3h5v2h-3l2 1-2 2z m3-16h-5l-3 3c0-1-1-1-1-2l3-3v-5h2v3l1-1 2 1-2 2h3v2z m-8 5c0-2-2-3-4-3s-4 1-4 3 2 4 4 4 4-2 4-4z m-76 94v-1l-1 1-1-1 2-2v-3c0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0v3l2 2-1 1-1-1v1h-2z m0-18v-2h2v2l1-2 1 1-3 3v3c0 0 0 0 0 0s-1 0-1 0v-3l-3-3 1-1 2 2z m-9 8h1l-1-2 1-1 3 3h2c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1h-2l-3 3-1-1 1-2h-1v-1z m1 4h4l2-2c0 1 0 1 1 1l-2 2v4h-2v-2l-1 1-1-1 1-1h-2l0-2z m5-12v3l2 2c-1 1-1 1-1 1l-2-2h-4v-1h2l-1-1 1-1 1 1v-2l2 0z m13 12l-3-3h-3c0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0h3l3-3 1 1-2 2h2v1h-2l2 2-1 1z m-5 5v-4l-2-2c0 0 1 0 1-1l2 2h3v2h-2l1 1-1 1-1-1v2l-1 0z m4-13h-3l-2 2c0 0-1 0-1-1l2-2v-3h1v2l2-1 1 1-2 1h3l-1 1z m-6 4c0-1-1-2-2-2s-3 1-3 2 1 3 3 3 2-1 2-3z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="sunny-day-temp" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee82;" d="M655 259v253c-41 44-100 71-165 71-127 0-230-102-230-229 0-126 102-229 228-230 31 0 60 6 86 17l0 1c7 30 20 58 40 81 12 14 26 26 41 36z m-393-36c-9 15-28 20-44 12-4-2-8-5-13-7-24-15-49-28-73-43-14-8-19-23-15-38 4-14 17-23 33-23 4 0 9 1 14 4 29 16 59 33 88 51 16 9 19 29 10 44z m235 389c18 0 32 15 32 34 0 16 0 32 0 48v49c0 18-14 33-32 33-19 0-33-15-33-34-1-32-1-64 0-97 0-19 14-33 33-33z m0-524c-19 0-33-14-33-33-1-32-1-65 0-97 0-19 14-34 33-34 18 0 32 15 32 34 0 16 0 32 0 48v49c0 19-14 33-32 33z m-303 233c18 0 32 13 33 31 1 18-13 34-31 34-34 1-68 1-102 0-18 0-32-16-31-33 0-19 15-32 33-32 17-1 33 0 49 0 16 0 32-1 49 0z m119 271c7-10 16-16 29-16 25 0 41 26 28 49-16 28-32 57-49 85-10 17-29 21-45 12-16-9-21-28-12-45 16-28 33-56 49-85z m-180-72c27-16 56-32 84-48 5-3 10-5 15-5 16 0 29 10 33 24 4 14-1 29-15 37-28 17-56 33-85 49-17 10-36 4-45-12-10-16-4-35 13-45z m230-400c-17 10-36 4-47-14-16-27-32-54-47-82-3-5-6-11-5-17-1-15 9-28 23-32 15-4 29 1 38 15 16 28 32 55 48 83 10 18 6 37-10 47z m432 439c0 12-2 20-4 26-6 14-16 14-22 14-5 0-15 0-21-14-3-6-4-14-4-26v-180h51v180z m60-316v347c0 41-29 76-67 85-6 1-13 2-19 2-33 0-61-18-76-45-7-12-11-26-11-42v-350c-14-9-27-21-38-34-18-21-30-46-36-74-2-10-4-21-4-33l0-2c2-91 76-165 167-165 11 0 23 1 34 4 76 15 133 83 133 163 0 61-34 115-83 144z m-84-247c-58 0-105 47-105 105 0 3 0 5 1 8 0 6 1 11 2 16 5 17 13 31 24 42 5 5 11 9 17 13 6 4 13 7 20 9v370c0 9 1 18 3 26 2 4 3 7 4 10 4 6 9 11 15 14 5 3 11 4 17 4 30 0 40-24 40-54v-368c41-11 63-46 66-82 0-3 0-5 0-8 0-58-46-105-104-105z m42 118c2-24-5-46-22-65-14-16 18-31 31-15 21 23 30 52 27 80-1 19-38 19-36 0z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="sunny" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee83;" d="M886 287c-55 53-120 68-192 42-13-5-19-6-25 10-47 117-157 182-281 167-114-13-203-103-224-225-1-7 0-16-9-20-20-9-36-21-49-35l0 0s-96-90-3-194c3-3 6-6 8-9 1-1 1-1 2-1l0 0c22-22 51-35 87-38 36-4 73-1 110-2l315 1c48 0 92-1 135 0 76 3 132 40 163 110 29 66 14 144-37 194z m-455 257c-3-5-5-10-7-15 91 2 171-38 222-109 2 4 5 8 7 12 31 62 6 136-55 167-62 31-136 7-167-55z m253-44c-1-7 3-15 10-18 2-2 5-3 7-2 19 1 38 1 56 3 10 1 16 9 16 18-1 10-8 17-17 17-19-1-38-2-57-3-8-1-14-7-15-15z m-76 112c9-5 19-1 24 8 4 8 8 16 12 23l11 23 1 1c4 9 1 19-8 24-9 4-20 1-24-8-8-16-16-31-24-47-4-9-1-20 8-24z m-264-44c7-4 15-8 23-12l24-12c9-4 19-1 23 7 5 9 2 20-6 24-17 9-33 17-50 25-8 4-19 0-23-9-4-8 0-19 9-23z m348-135c-9 4-19 0-23-9-4-9-1-19 8-23 8-4 16-8 24-12l24-12c9-4 19-1 23 7 5 9 2 19-7 24-16 9-32 17-49 25z m-24 123c5-3 11-3 16 0 16 10 31 20 47 31 7 5 9 16 4 24-5 7-15 11-23 6-16-10-32-21-47-31-11-8-9-24 3-30z m-143 76c12-6 26 3 25 16-1 18-2 36-3 54-1 10-9 17-19 16-10 0-17-8-16-18 0-18 2-36 3-53 0-7 3-12 10-15z m-86-20c1-3 4-5 6-6 8-4 16-3 22 3 5 6 6 15 2 22-10 15-20 30-30 44-6 9-16 11-25 6-8-6-10-16-4-25 9-15 19-30 29-44z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="thunder-light" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee84;" d="M418 504c-29-1-41 3-30 36 19 58 32 117 49 175 7 23 1 29-21 29-53-1-107-1-160 0-17 0-27-5-32-23-32-117-65-233-97-350-5-18-1-27 20-26 42 1 83-1 125 1 31 1 44-2 34-41-33-128-61-258-92-387l8-6c138 196 277 391 420 592-83 0-154 1-224 0z m324 140c-17 0-24 2-18 22 12 34 19 70 29 104 4 14 1 18-12 17-32 0-64 0-96 0-10 1-16-3-19-13-20-70-39-140-58-210-4-10-1-16 12-15 25 0 49-1 74 0 19 1 27-1 21-24-20-77-37-155-55-232l4-3c83 117 166 233 252 354-49 0-92 1-134 0z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="wave" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee89;" d="M109 451c31 4 58 16 80 38 7 6 10 5 16 0 57-51 128-51 186-1 7 6 10 6 17 0 28-25 60-38 92-38 33 0 65 13 93 38 7 6 10 6 17 0 57-50 129-50 186 1 6 5 9 6 15 0 23-22 50-34 80-38 21-2 36 4 43 19 11 22-3 46-29 48-31 2-52 19-68 43-7 12-15 21-29 24h-10c-13-3-22-12-28-24-4-7-10-13-15-18-26-27-59-32-88-15-13 9-24 20-32 33-7 12-15 21-29 24h-10c-13-3-22-12-28-24-7-12-17-21-28-29-12-9-26-14-40-14-14 0-27 5-39 14-11 8-21 17-28 29-7 12-15 21-28 24h-11c-13-3-22-12-29-24-8-13-18-24-32-33-29-17-61-12-87 15-6 5-11 11-15 18-6 12-15 20-28 24h-10c-14-3-22-12-30-24-15-24-36-41-67-43-26-2-40-26-30-48 7-15 22-21 43-19z m796-108c-32 3-52 20-68 44-7 11-16 21-29 24h-10c-13-4-22-12-29-24-3-7-9-13-14-19-27-26-59-32-88-14-13 8-24 19-32 33-7 11-15 20-29 24h-10c-13-4-22-12-28-24-7-12-17-22-28-30-12-9-26-14-40-13-14-1-27 4-40 13-11 8-20 18-27 30-7 12-16 20-29 24h-10c-13-4-22-13-29-24-8-14-19-25-32-33-29-18-61-12-87 14-6 6-11 12-15 19-6 12-15 20-28 24h-11c-13-3-21-13-29-24-16-24-36-41-67-44-27-1-40-26-30-48 8-15 22-21 43-18 31 3 58 16 80 37 7 6 10 5 16 0 57-51 128-51 186 0 7 6 10 6 17 0 28-26 60-38 92-38 33 0 65 12 93 38 7 6 10 6 17 0 57-51 129-51 186 0 6 5 9 6 15 0 23-21 50-34 80-37 21-3 36 3 43 18 11 22-3 47-29 48z m0-161c-32 2-52 20-68 44-7 11-16 20-29 24h-10c-13-4-22-12-29-24-3-7-9-13-14-19-27-27-59-32-88-14-13 8-24 19-32 32-7 12-15 21-29 25h-10c-13-4-22-13-28-24-7-12-17-22-28-30-12-9-26-14-40-13-14-1-27 4-40 13-11 8-20 18-27 30-7 11-16 20-29 24h-10c-13-4-22-13-29-25-8-13-19-24-32-32-29-18-61-13-87 14-6 6-11 12-15 19-6 11-15 20-28 24h-11c-13-4-21-13-29-24-16-24-36-42-67-44-27-1-40-26-30-48 8-15 22-21 43-18 31 3 58 16 80 37 7 6 10 5 16 0 57-51 128-51 186-1 7 6 10 6 17 0 28-25 60-37 92-37 33 0 65 12 93 37 7 6 10 6 17 0 57-50 129-50 186 1 6 5 9 6 15 0 23-21 50-34 80-37 21-3 36 3 43 18 11 22-3 47-29 48z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="wind-scale-0" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee8a;" d="M717 331c9-9 19-16 31-21 12-4 24-7 37-7s26 3 38 7 22 11 31 21c8 10 15 22 20 38 5 16 8 35 8 58 0 23-3 42-8 57-5 16-12 29-20 39-9 9-19 17-31 21-12 5-24 7-38 7s-25-2-37-7c-12-4-22-11-31-21-8-10-15-23-20-38-5-16-8-35-8-58 0-23 3-42 8-58 5-15 12-28 20-38z m32 156c9 13 21 19 37 19 15 0 28-6 37-19 9-13 13-33 13-60 0-13-1-25-3-35-3-10-6-18-10-25-5-6-10-11-16-14-6-3-13-5-21-5-16 0-28 7-37 20-9 13-13 32-13 59 0 27 4 47 13 60z m185-263c-4 6-9 8-16 8-22 1-40 10-53 29-7 11-20 11-28-1-16-22-37-31-63-27-18 2-34 8-42 25-8 16-18 18-31 6-12-11-25-20-41-23-26-6-43 6-47 33-1 7 0 14 0 21 2 12-8 19-19 15-4-1-8-4-11-7-8-6-15-13-23-19-27-22-58-31-92-24-64 14-114 77-115 144-1 41 21 85 54 109 41 31 99 21 128-21 19-26 15-60-9-81-19-18-59-15-76 4-7 8-8 19-2 27 5 8 13 11 24 7 2-1 3-1 5-2 8-2 15 1 18 8 3 7 0 15-7 19-13 6-26 8-40 3-19-6-30-20-33-39-3-22 5-40 23-51 47-31 109-25 134 40 17 46 2 86-30 120-40 42-89 49-142 37-60-14-106-49-143-97-30-41-50-87-66-134-7-22-15-44-29-63-21-29-41-59-83-59-10 0-17-9-17-16 1-8 8-14 18-16 2-1 4-1 6-1 23 0 43 8 61 22 5 5 8 4 14 1 44-31 83-30 127 3 4 3 6 3 10 0 40-32 87-34 129-6 5 4 7 2 11-1 39-26 90-25 127 3 6 4 9 4 15 0 43-30 84-29 125 3 6 4 8 3 12 0 41-33 89-33 130-1 4 4 6 2 10-1 18-15 39-22 63-23 7 0 12 3 15 9 4 6 3 12-1 17z m-155-79c-21 0-38 9-51 27-9 14-21 13-31-1-12-17-29-26-51-27-23 0-42 10-57 28-11 12-20 13-31 1l-2-2c-31-32-63-35-99-9-3 2-6 4-9 6-12 11-18 11-30 0-15-14-31-24-53-24-11 1-19-6-19-16 0-10 8-17 20-17 22 0 42 8 59 21 6 5 10 5 17 1 43-30 83-29 125 3 5 4 8 3 12 0 39-33 90-33 129-2 4 3 6 4 10 0 18-15 38-22 58-23 10-1 17 2 21 10 4 6 2 12-2 17-4 5-10 6-16 7z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="wind-scale-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee8b;" d="M755 307h48v240h-72v-48h24v-192z m179-83c-4 6-9 8-16 8-22 1-40 10-53 29-7 11-20 11-28-1-16-22-37-31-63-27-18 2-34 8-42 25-8 16-18 18-31 6-12-11-25-20-41-23-26-6-43 6-47 33-1 7 0 14 0 21 2 12-8 19-19 15-4-1-8-4-11-7-8-6-15-13-23-19-27-22-58-31-92-24-64 14-114 77-115 144-1 41 21 85 54 109 41 31 99 21 128-21 19-26 15-60-9-81-19-18-59-15-76 4-7 8-8 19-2 27 5 8 13 11 24 7 2-1 3-1 5-2 8-2 15 1 18 8 3 7 0 15-7 19-13 6-26 8-40 3-19-6-30-20-33-39-3-22 5-40 23-51 47-31 109-25 134 40 17 46 2 86-30 120-40 42-89 49-142 37-60-14-106-49-143-97-30-41-50-87-66-134-7-22-15-44-29-63-21-29-41-59-83-59-10 0-17-9-17-16 1-8 8-14 18-16 2-1 4-1 6-1 23 0 43 8 61 22 5 5 8 4 14 1 44-31 83-30 127 3 4 3 6 3 10 0 40-32 87-34 129-6 5 4 7 2 11-1 39-26 90-25 127 3 6 4 9 4 15 0 43-30 84-29 125 3 6 4 8 3 12 0 41-33 89-33 130-1 4 4 6 2 10-1 18-15 39-22 63-23 7 0 12 3 15 9 4 6 3 12-1 17z m-155-79c-21 0-38 9-51 27-9 14-21 13-31-1-12-17-29-26-51-27-23 0-42 10-57 28-11 12-20 13-31 1l-2-2c-31-32-63-35-99-9-3 2-6 4-9 6-12 11-18 11-30 0-15-14-31-24-53-24-11 1-19-6-19-16 0-10 8-17 20-17 22 0 42 8 59 21 6 5 10 5 17 1 43-30 83-29 125 3 5 4 7 3 12 0 38-33 90-33 128-2 5 3 7 4 11 0 17-15 38-22 58-23 10-1 17 2 21 10 3 6 2 12-2 17-4 5-10 6-16 7z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="windy-thunder" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee9e;" d="M523 469c-30 30-66 38-107 23-7-2-10-3-14 6-26 66-88 102-157 94-64-8-114-58-126-126 0-4 0-9-5-11-11-5-20-12-27-20v0s-54-51-2-109c2-2 3-3 5-5l1-1 0 1c12-13 29-20 48-22 21-2 41 0 62 0 8-1 9 4 11 10l29 105c1 8 4 11 13 11 27-1 55-1 82 0 9 0 10-3 8-11-6-19-11-39-17-61h89c-13-18-25-35-39-54 27 0 52-1 76 0 43 2 74 22 91 61 17 37 8 81-21 109z m-209-134c-9 0-12 1-9 11 6 17 9 34 14 51 2 7 1 9-6 9-16-1-31-1-47 0-5 0-8-2-10-7-9-34-19-69-28-103-2-5 0-8 6-8 12 1 24 0 36 0 10 1 13 0 11-11-10-38-19-77-27-115l2-1c41 57 81 115 124 174-25 0-46 0-66 0z m375 16c-39 0-78 0-117 0l0 0c-9-20-21-35-37-45 52 0 104 0 157 0 54 0 94-44 89-97-4-38-47-66-81-54-28 11-41 44-25 65 12 18 36 19 51 3 8-10 20-12 30-4 9 6 11 19 5 29-14 25-47 37-77 29-60-15-78-82-43-131 16-22 39-33 64-39h25c10 4 21 6 30 10 59 25 84 94 55 155-25 53-68 79-126 79z m-96 126c13-1 23 7 24 19 1 22 17 35 31 35 21 2 41-12 47-32 10-34-17-74-53-76-22-2-45-2-67-2 5-14 6-29 4-44 19 0 39 0 58 0 57 0 107 51 105 107-1 53-38 90-91 93-41 1-78-35-78-76 0-13 8-23 20-24z m327 15c-18 20-41 28-67 22-24-5-39-21-46-45-1-5-1-10-1-15 0-12 8-20 20-21 12-1 20 5 23 17 4 17 10 23 22 20 14-2 24-16 22-30-3-21-19-34-42-34-29 0-57 0-86 0-13 0-21-6-24-16-3-14 5-27 20-28 18-1 36 0 53 0 23 1 46-3 68 4 53 18 73 85 38 126z" />
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6-16 6-32s-2-26-6-32z m91 55c-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-2-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-17-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-11 22-11 7 0 13 2 18 6 5 4 8 9 10 16 3 7 4 17 4 28 0 10-1 17-2 23z m-16-55c-4-5-8-8-14-8s-10 3-13 8c-4 6-6 16-6 32s2 27 6 33c4 4 8 7 13 7 6 0 11-3 14-8 4-6 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32z m-295-177v97h-7c-2-5-6-9-11-13-5-5-11-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 3 8 5 11 8v-75l11 0z m92 70c-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-8 3-14 3-7 0-13-1-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10 8 0 13 2 18 5 5 4 8 10 10 17 3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-2 23z m-16-55c-4-5-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 3-13 8-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33 4 4 8 7 13 7s11-3 14-8c4-5 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32z m74-15v97h-7c-2-5-6-9-11-13-4-5-10-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 3 8 5 11 8v-75l11 0z m65-1v97h-7c-2-4-6-8-11-13-4-4-10-8-17-11v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 2 8 5 11 8v-76h11z m63-1c7 0 13 2 17 5 5 4 8 10 11 17 2 7 3 16 3 27 0 10-1 17-2 23-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-8 4-13 4-8 0-13-2-18-6-5-4-8-9-10-16-3-7-4-16-4-28 0-18 3-31 10-39 5-7 12-10 22-10z m-14 82c4 4 8 7 13 7s11-3 14-8c4-5 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32-3-5-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 3-13 8-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33z m102-80v97h-8c-2-5-5-9-10-13-5-5-11-9-18-12v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 3 8 5 11 8v-75l12 0z m-356-92c-1 6-3 10-6 14-2 4-5 7-9 9-4 2-9 4-14 4-7 0-13-2-17-6-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10 7 0 13 2 18 6 5 3 8 9 10 16 3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-3 23z m-15-54c-4-6-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 2-13 8-4 5-6 15-6 31s2 27 6 33c3 4 8 7 13 7s10-3 14-8c4-5 5-16 5-32 1-16-1-26-5-31z m74-16v97h-7c-2-5-6-9-11-13-5-5-11-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 12 6 5 3 9 5 12 8v-76l11 1z m92 70c-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-8 4-14 4-7 0-13-2-17-6-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10 8 0 13 2 18 6 5 3 8 9 10 16 3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-2 23z m-16-54c-4-6-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 2-13 8-4 5-6 15-6 31s2 27 6 33c4 4 8 7 13 7s10-3 14-8c4-5 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-31z m89 4c3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-2 23-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-9 4-14 4-7 0-13-2-17-6-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10 7 0 13 2 18 6 4 3 8 9 10 16z m-28-12c-5 0-10 2-14 8-3 5-5 15-5 31s2 27 6 33c3 5 8 7 13 7 6 0 10-3 14-8 4-5 5-16 5-32s-1-26-5-31c-4-6-8-8-14-8z m75-10c7 0 13 2 18 6 5 3 8 9 10 16 3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-2 23-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-1-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10z m-13 82c3 4 8 7 13 7 6 0 10-3 14-8 4-6 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32-4-5-8-8-14-8s-10 3-13 8c-4 6-6 16-6 32s2 27 6 33z m102-80v97h-8c-2-5-6-9-11-13-5-5-10-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 12 6 5 3 9 5 12 8v-76l12 1z m65 0v97h-8c-2-5-6-9-11-13s-10-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 3 8 5 11 8v-76l12 1z m-435-138v96h-7c-2-4-6-8-11-13-5-4-11-8-17-11v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 2 8 5 11 8v-75h11z m90 20c3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-2 23-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-8 3-14 3-7 0-13-1-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 10-39 5-7 12-10 21-10 8 0 13 2 18 5 5 4 8 10 10 17z m-28-13c-5 0-10 3-13 8-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33 4 4 8 7 13 7s10-3 14-8c4-5 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32-4-5-8-8-14-8z m88-7v96h-7c-2-4-6-8-11-13-4-4-10-8-17-11v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 2 8 5 11 8v-75h11z m65-1v97h-7c-2-4-6-8-11-13-4-4-10-8-17-11v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 2 8 5 11 8v-76h11z m-262-86c-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 5-7 13-10 22-10 7 0 13 1 18 5 4 4 8 10 10 17 2 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-3 23-1 5-3 10-6 14-2 4-5 7-9 9-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-2-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16z m28 12c6 0 10-3 14-8 4-5 5-16 5-32s-1-26-5-31c-4-6-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 2-14 8-3 5-5 15-5 31s2 27 6 33c3 4 8 7 13 7z m88-88v98h-7c-2-5-6-9-11-13-5-5-11-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 12 6 5 3 9 5 12 8v-76h11z m34 76c-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10 7 0 13 1 18 5 4 4 8 10 10 17 2 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-3 23-1 5-3 10-6 14-2 4-5 7-9 9-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-2-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16z m28 12c6 0 10-3 14-8 4-5 6-16 6-32s-2-26-6-31c-4-6-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 2-13 8-4 5-6 15-6 31s2 27 6 33c3 4 8 7 13 7z m87-119h-294c-18 0-32 14-32 32v65c1 0 3 1 4 2 5 3 9 5 11 8v-75h12v96h-7c-2-4-6-8-11-12-3-3-6-4-9-7v92c5-6 12-9 21-9 6 0 12 2 17 5 5 4 8 10 10 17 3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-3 23-1 6-3 11-6 14s-5 7-9 9c-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-1-17-5-2-1-3-3-4-4v116c2 0 4 1 5 2 5 3 8 6 11 8v-75h12v97h-7c-2-5-6-9-11-13-3-3-7-5-10-7v92c6-6 13-9 21-9 7 0 13 2 18 6 4 3 8 9 10 16 2 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-3 23-1 6-3 11-6 14-2 4-6 8-9 10-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-2-18-6l-3-4v139l5 3c5 3 8 5 11 8v-75h12v97h-7c-2-4-6-9-11-13-3-3-7-5-10-7v21c0 18 14 32 32 32h371c18 0 41-11 53-24l12-14c-2-3-4-5-8-8-5-5-11-9-17-12v-11c3 1 8 3 12 6 5 3 8 5 11 8v-75h12v80l13-14 45-52c11-13 20-39 20-56v-32c-2 2-3 4-6 6-4 2-8 3-14 3-6 0-12-2-17-6-5-4-8-9-10-16-3-7-4-16-4-27 0-19 3-32 10-40 5-7 13-10 21-10 8 0 14 2 18 6 1 1 2 2 3 2v-195c11-4 21-10 31-17v351c0 20-10 47-23 62l-50 58c-13 15-26 30-39 45-13 15-39 27-59 27h-412c-20 0-36-16-36-36v-804c0-20 16-35 36-35h374c-20 11-38 26-52 44z m-319 274c3 4 8 7 13 7s10-3 14-8c4-6 6-16 6-32s-2-26-6-32c-4-5-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 3-13 8-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33z m0 300c3 4 8 7 13 7s10-3 14-8c4-6 6-16 6-32s-2-26-6-32c-4-5-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 3-13 8-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33z m542-65c-3-5-8-8-14-8s-10 3-13 8c-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33 4 4 8 7 14 7s10-3 13-8c4-6 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32z m64-343l-2 0-6 16 0 1c20 44 18 45 15 49l-26 25c-1 1-2 2-4 2-2 0-6 0-44-18l-2 0-15 6-1 2c-18 44-20 44-24 44h-37c-4 0-6 0-23-44l0-2-16-6-2 0c-25 11-40 17-44 17-2 0-4-1-5-2l-26-26c-3-3-4-4 16-47l1-2-7-15-1-1c-46-17-46-19-46-23v-36c0-5 1-7 44-22 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-11 1-19 4-26-14-32-13-33-10-36l26-25c1-1 3-2 5-2 1 0 6 0 44 17l1 1 16-6 1-2c17-45 19-45 24-45h36c5 0 7 0 23 45l1 2 16 6 1-1c26-11 41-16 45-16 2 0 3 0 5 2l25 25c4 3 5 5-15 48l-1 1 6 15 2 1c45 18 45 19 45 24v36c0 5 0 7-45 23z m-127-99c-32 0-59 26-59 57s27 58 59 58c33 0 59-26 59-58s-26-57-59-57z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="box" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec1;" d="M147 574l-83-178c-4-9 3-18 12-17l312 31c5 0 9 3 10 7l101 227-343-63c-4-1-7-4-9-7z m329-60l-52-126c-2-5-6-7-10-8l-265-23c-7-1-12-6-11-13l5-208c0-5 4-10 10-11l312-66c7-2 15-2 23-2v454c0 17-6 18-12 3z m460-118l-83 178c-1 3-5 6-9 7l-343 63 101-227c2-4 5-6 10-7l312-31c9-1 16 8 12 17z m-85-39l-265 23c-4 1-8 3-10 8l-52 126c-6 15-12 14-12-3v-454c8 0 16 0 24 2l311 66c6 1 10 6 10 11l6 208c0 7-5 12-12 13z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="broken" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec3;" d="M594 686l-27 5-14-79 26-5 15 79z m306-452l-185 184-66 8 9-65 185-184c19-19 19-50 0-70l-53-52c-20-20-51-20-70 0l-184 184-65 9 8-66 184-185c51-50 133-50 184 0l53 53c50 51 50 134 0 184z m-286 399l64 48 16-21-63-48-17 21z m-7-53l78 14 5-26-79-15-4 27z m-189-268l-25 60-225 131c-24 14-32 44-18 68l38 64c13 24 44 32 67 18l225-131 65 7-24 62-225 132c-62 36-142 15-178-47l-38-65c-36-62-15-141 47-177l225-132 66 10z m-29-193l23-11 31 69-23 11-31-69z m-71 48l12-22 66 37-12 22-66-37z m9 81l-1-25 75-4 2 25-76 4z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="bucket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec4;" d="M85 603c30-208 61-415 90-623 3-16 8-21 23-20 47 0 94 0 141 0 151 0 302 0 453 0 15 0 26 0 28 20 3 38 12 75 17 113 6 36 11 72 17 108-37 2-71 1-104 6-108 19-188 78-247 169-9 13-16 24-34 29-28 7-41 37-36 70 4 28 26 46 55 47 43 1 67-33 59-80-2-8-1-19 3-26 70-108 164-166 296-153 15 2 20 7 22 20 12 83 26 166 38 249 5 29 9 58 13 86h-834c0-5-1-10 0-15z m852 100c-2 21-14 33-35 36-9 1-19 1-29 1-125 0-249 0-374 0-123 0-247 0-370 0-10 0-20 0-30-1-22-3-34-16-36-37-2-22 9-37 29-43 9-3 18-4 27-4 254 0 507 0 761 0 10 0 20 1 29 4 21 7 31 23 28 44z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="bulb-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec9;" d="M500 698c10 0 18 8 18 18v54c0 10-8 18-18 18s-18-8-18-18v-54c0-10 8-18 18-18z m-188-38c4-5 10-9 16-9 3 0 6 1 9 3 8 5 11 16 6 24l-26 47c-5 8-16 11-25 6-8-4-11-15-6-24l26-47z m-101-103l-46 27c-9 5-20 2-25-7-4-8-1-19 7-24l46-27c3-2 6-2 9-2 6 0 12 3 15 9 5 8 2 19-6 24z m-56-172h-52c-10 0-18-8-18-18 0-10 8-18 18-18h52c10 0 18 8 18 18 0 10-8 18-18 18z m743 0h-53c-10 0-18-8-18-18 0-10 8-18 18-18h53c9 0 17 8 17 18s-8 18-17 18z m-38 192c-5 9-16 12-24 7l-46-27c-9-5-12-16-7-24 3-6 9-9 16-9 3 0 6 1 8 2l46 27c9 5 12 16 7 24z m-196 77c2-2 6-3 8-3 7 0 12 4 16 9l26 47c5 8 2 19-6 24-9 5-19 2-24-6l-27-47c-5-8-2-19 7-24z m-184-360c2-12 8-16 20-16 12 0 19 4 21 16l14 96c1 6 2 13 2 19v47c0 21-14 32-37 32s-36-11-36-32v-47c0-6 1-13 2-19l14-96z m20-42c-21 0-38-18-38-40s17-39 38-39 38 18 38 39-17 40-38 40z m-66 361c-114-32-184-109-202-225-19-113 21-207 113-277 15-12 32-26 37-43 15-45 44-61 89-56 10 2 20 1 30 1h42c43 0 53 8 72 46 8 17 18 36 33 46 88 64 129 149 125 257-8 169-176 295-339 251z m189-459c-19-15-36-34-50-54-29-46-112-48-143-4-17 23-37 46-60 63-77 61-108 165-75 259 32 93 118 152 217 149 113-3 207-106 207-234-1-70-33-132-96-179z m-64-176c-19 1-39 0-58 0-19 0-39 1-58 0-7-1-17-4-20-10-3-5 1-15 5-21 32-46 114-46 146 0 4 5 8 16 5 21-2 6-13 9-20 10z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="close-line-squared-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeedf;" d="M63 720v-740c0-37 30-67 67-67h740c37 0 67 30 67 67v740c0 37-30 68-67 68h-740c-37 0-67-31-67-68z m780-780h-686c-37 0-67 30-67 67v686c0 37 30 67 67 67h686c37 0 67-30 67-67v-686c0-37-30-67-67-67z m-573 148l230 229 230-229 33 32-230 230 230 230-33 33-230-230-230 230-32-33 229-230-229-230 32-32z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="close-squared-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee2;" d="M756 528c9 8 9 17 0 26l-51 52c-3 3-8 5-13 5-3 0-5-1-9-2-3-2-5-4-8-6l-152-151c-13-13-33-13-46 0l-155 154c-4 4-8 5-14 5-2 0-4 0-7-2-4-1-7-4-10-6l-47-49c-9-9-9-18 0-27l156-154c13-13 13-34 0-46l-156-155c-3-4-5-8-5-14 0-5 2-10 5-13l52-51c4-3 8-5 14-5 4 0 8 2 12 5l155 155c13 13 33 13 46 0l155-155c4-4 8-5 14-5 4 0 8 2 12 5l52 51c3 3 5 8 5 13 0 6-2 10-5 14l-157 156c-12 13-12 34 1 46l156 154z m150 228c-22 21-48 32-78 32h-656c-30 0-56-11-77-32s-32-48-32-78v-656c0-30 10-56 32-77s47-32 77-32h656c30 0 56 10 78 32 21 21 32 47 32 77v656c0 30-11 56-32 78z m-23-734c0-15-6-28-16-39-11-10-24-16-39-16h-656c-15 0-28 6-38 16-11 11-17 24-17 39v656c0 15 6 28 17 39 10 10 23 16 38 16h656c15 0 28-6 39-16 10-11 16-24 16-39v-656z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="cloud-download" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee5;" d="M861 405c-20 17-28 34-32 60-12 89-63 151-145 182-86 33-170 24-242-37-15-14-30-21-48-23-34 42-86 69-144 69-104 0-187-84-187-187 0-46 16-87 43-120-31-52-37-113-16-174 30-87 107-141 204-141 71 0 143 0 214 0 73 0 146 0 219 0 90 1 168 55 198 139 30 83 6 175-64 232z m-776 64c0 91 74 164 165 164 51 0 97-23 127-60 7-9 13-18 19-29 7-15 13-32 16-49 1-9 2-17 2-26 0-91-74-164-164-164-29 0-57 7-80 20-10 6-19 12-28 20-7 6-13 12-19 19-23 28-38 65-38 105z m814-279c-23-76-91-126-173-126-72 0-143 0-215 0-73 0-146 0-219 0-84 0-153 50-176 127-15 48-10 95 12 136 9-8 20-15 31-22-15-28-18-61-9-96 17-66 71-107 145-107 140 0 281 0 422 0 76 0 133 41 149 108 17 66-14 129-81 165-9 6-19 20-19 30 2 89-38 156-111 182-82 28-155 2-209-76-3-4-6-8-11-13l-1 0c-3 20-9 39-18 57 11 2 20 8 31 19 64 65 144 77 226 46 79-31 125-92 129-179 0-23 9-36 27-49 67-46 94-126 70-202z m-742 304c4 3 10 3 13 0l51-51v136c0 5 4 9 9 9h36c5 0 9-4 9-9v-140l54 55c4 3 9 3 13 0l21-22c4-3 4-9 0-12l-107-108c-4-3-9-3-13 0l-107 107c-4 4-4 10 0 13l21 22z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="excavator" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef17;" d="M937 449c-12 0-22 1-33 0-8-1-12 2-15 9-44 87-88 173-132 259-11 23-23 46-36 70-16-11-32-23-48-34-7-4-8-7-5-14 6-16 11-32 17-48-3-2-6-4-8-5-93-50-186-99-278-150-19-11-34-14-52 0-3 3-9 4-12 2-17-8-33-18-50-27 5-15 10-29 14-43 1-4 1-10-1-14-24-58-49-116-73-175-3-7-7-9-15-9-30 0-59-1-89 0-29 0-46-23-45-45 2-34 0-68 1-103 0-23 12-35 35-36 20 0 40 0 60 0h56c-17-17-20-37-16-57 5-21 16-30 37-30 45 0 91 0 137 0 19 0 35 6 43 24 9 19 5 41-9 57-1 1-3 3-5 6h14c46 0 91 0 136 1 23 0 32 9 32 32 0 47 0 94 0 140 0 6-2 12-5 17-19 30-38 60-57 89-4 6-8 8-15 8-40 0-81 0-121 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-1-5-1-8-1-10 0-31 0-61 0-91 0-3-4-9-6-9-31-1-62-1-95-1 2 4 3 7 4 10 33 62 65 125 98 187 3 5 10 9 16 10 80 24 159 47 239 70 28 8 56 16 84 24 28-41 54-81 84-119 25-31 37-64 32-104-1-15-2-27-14-38-6-6-10-14-16-20-7-9-5-17 0-27 4-7 7-16 9-24 2-8 3-15 4-24 2 1 4 2 5 4 27 27 52 56 80 81 21 19 30 40 27 68-2 29 0 59 0 89z m-518-110c3 0 6 1 8 1 26 0 51 0 76 0 5-1 11-4 13-8 17-25 33-50 48-77 5-9 3-20 5-32h-150c0 39 0 77 0 116z m201-316c-60 0-119 0-179 0-3 0-7-2-9-5-9-18-25-24-44-24-48 0-97 0-146 0-15 0-27 7-33 21-3 6-6 8-12 8-28 0-56 0-84 0-32-1-53-21-50-51 0-4 0-9 0-13 0-28 19-46 47-46h253v0h256c25 0 44 15 47 40 1 10 1 21-1 31-4 25-20 39-45 39z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="exclamation-circle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef19;" d="M500 788c-242 0-437-196-437-438s195-438 437-438 438 196 438 438-196 438-438 438z m0-162c19 0 39-1 59-4l-8-370c-18-3-34-4-51-4-17 0-34 1-51 4l-8 370c20 3 39 4 59 4z m56-548c-20-2-38-4-56-4-18 0-37 2-56 4-3 19-4 37-4 56 0 18 1 37 4 56 19 2 37 4 55 4 19 0 37-2 56-4 4-19 5-38 5-56 0-18-1-37-4-56z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="exclamation-square" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef1a;" d="M873 787h-745c-36 0-65-28-65-64v-746c0-36 29-64 65-64h745c36 0 65 28 65 64v746c0 36-29 64-65 64z m-373-161c19 0 39-1 59-4l-8-370c-17-3-34-4-51-4-17 0-34 1-51 4l-8 370c20 3 39 4 59 4z m56-548c-19-3-38-4-55-4-19 0-38 1-56 4-3 19-5 38-5 56s2 36 5 55c18 3 36 5 55 5 18 0 37-2 56-5 3-19 4-37 4-55 0-18-1-37-4-56z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="exclamation-tringle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef1b;" d="M937 4c-2 12-6 23-11 33-11 20-22 40-33 59-113 204-226 407-339 610-6 12-14 23-23 33-18 17-41 18-60 1-8-8-16-18-21-28-125-225-250-450-375-675-4-6-7-13-9-19-11-33 4-59 37-67 8-3 18-4 27-4h739c7 0 14 1 21 2 31 3 51 26 47 55z m-438 552c18 0 35-1 53-4l-7-327c-15-3-30-4-45-4-15 0-30 1-45 4l-7 327c18 2 34 4 51 4z m50-485c-17-2-33-4-49-4-16 0-33 2-49 4-3 17-4 33-4 49 0 16 1 33 4 50 16 2 32 4 48 4 17 0 33-2 50-4 3-17 4-33 4-49 0-17-1-33-4-50z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="external-link" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef1f;" d="M808 351h-67c-11 0-21-9-21-21v-280c0-12-9-21-21-21h-503c-12 0-21 9-21 21v505c0 12 9 21 21 21h280c12 0 21 9 21 21v65c0 12-9 21-21 21h-392c-12 0-21-9-21-21v-726c0-11 9-21 21-21h724c12 0 21 10 21 21v394c0 12-9 21-21 21z m16 433h-249c-8 0-15-7-15-15v-83c0-9 7-15 15-15h127c8 0 10-5 5-11l-212-211c-6-6-6-16 0-21l86-86c6-6 15-6 21 0l212 212c6 6 10 4 10-5v-128c0-8 7-15 15-15h84c8 0 15 7 15 15v363c0 0-114 0-114 0z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="eye-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef21;" d="M473 684h54c3-1 6-2 9-2 39-3 77-12 113-26 130-47 235-128 322-234 39-48 38-97-1-145-54-67-118-123-190-169-59-38-122-67-192-82-20-4-41-7-61-10h-54c-3 1-7 2-10 2-33 3-66 10-98 21-137 46-247 131-338 241-15 18-25 39-27 62-2 34 12 61 33 86 55 66 119 121 192 167 61 38 125 67 196 81 17 3 35 5 52 8z m-182-334c0-115 94-208 208-209 115 0 209 94 209 209 0 114-94 208-208 208-115 0-209-93-209-208z m248 118c-41-35-51-72-26-107 24-36 61-40 111-13 5-42-31-96-77-114-53-22-114-4-147 41-35 46-34 108 2 152 33 42 94 60 137 41z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="eye-blocked" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef22;" d="M937 319c-24 38-51 73-86 104-33 29-69 53-107 72l-63-76 1 0c52-24 96-56 131-98 3-4 5-7 1-12-58-69-135-110-229-129 54 32 85 76 85 134 0 26-6 49-18 70l-248-298c57-10 117-10 180 0 156 23 274 97 352 223 2 3 2 7 1 10z m-218 346l-105-127c-38 8-76 12-117 13-16-1-34-2-52-3-10-1-20-3-29-4-156-25-275-99-352-224-2-3-2-8 0-10 28-47 62-88 107-122 32-25 66-44 101-61l-42-50 51-43 489 589-51 42z m-279-252c21-1 39-16 41-35l-33-38c-2-1-5-1-7-1-24 0-41 16-41 36-1 21 18 38 40 38z m-229-131c-8 8-15 17-24 25-5 6-4 9 0 15 44 51 100 88 168 111 19 7 39 12 59 16-53-32-84-76-83-135 0-32 9-60 27-84l-23-27c-46 19-87 44-124 79z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="eye-dropper" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef23;" d="M529 613c-19 19-37 37-55 55 18 18 36 36 55 55 2 2 5 2 6 0 27-28 55-56 84-87 2-1 5-1 6 1 4 5 7 9 11 13 33 34 67 68 101 101 34 34 75 46 120 30 46-16 73-50 80-98 5-40-12-72-39-100-36-35-71-72-106-108-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-2 0-4 1-6 29-28 58-56 86-84 2-1 2-4 0-6-18-19-36-36-53-53-2-2-4-2-6 0-20 20-40 40-61 61-2 2-5 2-7 0-2-2-4-4-6-6-151-150-301-301-452-452-10-10-21-15-36-15-53 1-105 1-158 1-25 0-36 10-36 35 0 55 1 109 0 163 0 11 4 20 11 28 61 62 122 124 183 187l263 268c3 4 6 8 10 12 2 2 2 5 0 7z m39-49c-119-122-238-244-358-367-2-2-2-5 0-7 41-44 82-88 122-131 2-2 5-2 6 0l368 367c2 2 2 5 0 7l-131 131c-2 2-5 2-7 0z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="eye" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef24;" d="M497 586c138-2 256-42 354-128 35-30 62-65 86-103 1-3 1-8-1-10-78-126-196-201-352-224-154-23-293 12-413 103-45 33-80 75-107 121-2 3-2 8 0 10 77 126 196 199 351 225 10 1 20 3 30 3 18 2 36 2 52 3z m88-370c94 18 171 60 229 128 4 6 2 9-1 13-35 42-79 74-131 97-30 14-63 24-100 31 57-33 88-77 88-135-1-59-31-102-85-134z m-170 0c-54 32-84 75-85 134 0 58 31 102 84 135-20-5-40-10-59-16-68-23-124-60-168-112-4-5-5-9 0-14 9-8 16-18 24-26 56-53 125-86 204-101z m26 158c22 1 40 17 40 37 0 20-19 37-41 37-22 0-41-17-40-37 0-21 18-37 41-37z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="favourite" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef25;" d="M230-64c2 30 5 58 7 86 5 62 10 123 16 184 2 16-4 26-14 38-58 65-115 131-172 197-1 1-2 2-4 4-1 2-1 4 2 4 28 7 54 13 81 20 63 14 126 29 189 43 9 3 15 7 20 15 46 77 92 154 138 231 1 2 3 4 4 7 2 2 4 2 5 0 8-12 15-24 22-35 40-68 81-135 122-203 4-5 12-11 18-13 90-21 180-42 271-63 2 0 3-2 2-4-2-2-3-4-4-6-60-69-120-138-179-208-4-4-6-11-6-16 7-83 15-166 22-249 1-9 2-19 3-31 0-2-1-3-4-3-4 2-7 3-10 4-81 34-163 69-244 103-10 5-18 4-28 0-80-35-161-69-241-103-4-2-8-3-12-5-3-1-4 1-4 3z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="fax" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef26;" d="M911 534h-79c-4 0-7 4-7 8v238c0 4-4 8-8 8h-362c-4 0-7-4-7-8v-238c0-4-4-8-8-8h-132c-4 0-8-3-8-7v-574c0-4 4-7 8-7h603c5 0 8 3 8 7v574c0 4-3 7-8 7z m-405 201c0 4 3 7 7 7h254c4 0 7-3 7-7v-11c0-4-3-7-7-7h-253c-5 0-8 3-8 7 0 0 0 11 0 11z m0-67c0 4 3 8 7 8h254c4 0 7-4 7-8v-10c0-4-3-7-7-7h-253c-5 0-8 3-8 7v10z m0-62c0 4 3 8 7 8h254c4 0 7-3 7-8v-10c0-4-3-7-7-7h-253c-5 0-8 3-8 7v10z m-106-545c0-4-4-7-8-7h-26c-4 0-7 3-7 7v324c0 4 3 7 7 7h26c5 0 8-3 8-7l0-324z m148-3c0-4-4-7-8-7h-66c-4 0-7 3-7 7v65c0 4 3 8 7 8h66c4 0 8-3 8-8v-65z m0 133c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-7 3-7 8v65c0 4 3 7 7 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m0 126c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-7 4-7 8v65c0 4 3 7 7 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m150-259c0-4-4-7-8-7h-66c-4 0-8 3-8 7v65c0 4 4 8 8 8h66c4 0 8-3 8-8v-65z m0 133c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-8 3-8 8v65c0 4 4 7 8 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m0 126c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-8 4-8 8v65c0 4 4 7 8 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m150-259c0-4-4-7-8-7h-66c-4 0-8 3-8 7v65c0 4 4 8 8 8h66c4 0 8-3 8-8v-65z m0 133c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-8 3-8 8v65c0 4 4 7 8 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m0 126c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-8 4-8 8v65c0 4 4 7 8 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m24 124c0-4-3-7-7-7h-458c-4 0-7 3-7 7v49c0 4 3 7 7 7h33c4 0 8-3 8-7v-17c0-4 3-7 7-7h362c4 0 7 3 7 7v17c0 4 4 7 8 7h33c4 0 7-3 7-7l0-49z m-620 159h-153c-10 0-18-8-18-19v-650c0-10 8-19 18-19h153c11 0 19 9 19 19v650c0 11-8 19-19 19z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="file-fill" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef27;" d="M778 658c-16 19-32 38-48 58-13 15-25 30-38 45-13 15-38 27-57 27h-401c-19 0-34-16-34-36v-804c0-20 15-35 34-35h532c19 0 34 15 34 35v648c0 19-10 47-22 62z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="film" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef28;" d="M110 755v-810c0-18 15-33 33-33h714c18 0 33 15 33 33v810c0 18-15 33-33 33h-714c-18 0-33-15-33-33z m98-775c-18 0-33 15-33 33v1c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-15 32-33v-1c0-18-14-33-32-33z m0 135c-18 0-33 14-33 32v2c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-15 32-33v-2c0-18-14-32-32-32z m0 134c-18 0-33 15-33 33v2c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-15 32-33v-2c0-18-14-33-32-33z m0 135c-18 0-33 14-33 33v1c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-15 32-33v-1c0-19-14-33-32-33z m0 134c-18 0-33 15-33 33v2c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-15 32-33v-2c0-18-14-33-32-33z m0 135c-18 0-33 15-33 33v1c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-14 32-33v-1c0-18-14-33-32-33z m454-673h-324c-18 0-33 15-33 33v271c0 18 15 33 33 33h324c18 0 33-15 33-33v-271c0-18-15-33-33-33z m0 404h-324c-18 0-33 14-33 33v270c0 18 15 33 33 33h324c18 0 33-15 33-33v-271c0-18-15-32-33-32z m130-404c-18 0-32 15-32 33v1c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-15 33-33v-1c0-18-15-33-33-33z m0 135c-18 0-32 14-32 32v2c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-15 33-33v-2c0-18-15-32-33-32z m0 134c-18 0-32 15-32 33v2c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-15 33-33v-2c0-18-15-33-33-33z m0 135c-18 0-32 14-32 33v1c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-15 33-33v-1c0-19-15-33-33-33z m0 134c-18 0-32 15-32 33v2c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-15 33-33v-2c0-18-15-33-33-33z m0 135c-18 0-32 15-32 33v1c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-14 33-33v-1c0-18-15-33-33-33z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="filter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef29;" d="M395 374c9-10 14-23 14-36v-397c0-23 29-36 47-19l112 127c15 18 23 26 23 44v245c0 13 5 26 14 36l322 344c24 26 5 68-30 68h-793c-36 0-55-42-31-68l322-344z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="fire-burn" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef2b;" d="M342 140c-69 7-93 120-93 120s-31-250 151-332c-20 38-19 87 1 121 41 66 11 106 11 106 86-31 39-108 39-108s77 17 21 114c-55 97 8 139 8 139s-43-60 68-156l36-158c34 4 46 58 46 58s9-81-36-132c57 17 98 52 124 96 47 80 46 187 2 259l-2 4c-19 31-30 59-35 84-20 83 17 132 17 132-87-31-109-85-109-132 0-50 26-92 26-92s-74 17-84 92c-4 34 5 81 41 145 115 200-14 287-14 287s87-123-143-322c-45-40-76-76-96-110-78-134 21-215 21-215z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="inbox" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef4c;" d="M922 279c0 6-2 12-5 16-43 58-87 116-130 174-3 3-9 6-14 6-29 1-58 1-88 1l-48-47h110c7 0 12-1 16-7 32-43 64-86 97-128 1-2 1-3 3-6h-268c-3-31-14-57-39-75-18-14-39-20-62-19-37 3-83 29-88 93h-270c3 5 5 7 7 10 31 41 61 82 92 123 5 6 9 9 18 9 36 0 73 0 109 0l-47 47c-30 0-59 0-88-1-5 0-11-3-14-6-43-58-87-116-130-174-3-4-5-11-5-17-1-113-1-226-1-339 0-21 6-27 28-27h792c19 0 26 6 26 25 0 114 0 228-1 342z m-434 69c7-7 18-7 24 0l206 199c7 7 7 18 0 24l-41 40c-7 6-18 6-25 0l-97-95v255c0 9-7 17-17 17h-69c-9 0-17-8-17-17v-262l-105 102c-6 6-17 6-24 0l-41-40c-7-7-7-17 0-24l206-199z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="info-circle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef4e;" d="M500 788c-242 0-437-196-437-438s195-438 437-438 438 196 438 438-196 438-438 438z m-65-167c8 1 17 3 26 3 10 1 18 1 26 1 8 0 17 0 27-1 9 0 18-2 26-3 2-8 3-17 3-25 0-8 1-16 1-24 0-8-1-16-1-25 0-8-1-16-3-25-8-1-17-2-26-2-9-1-18-1-26-1-8 0-17 0-26 1-10 0-19 1-27 2-3 17-4 34-4 50 0 15 1 32 4 49z m163-546h-196c-3 13-4 26-4 39 0 6 0 13 1 20 0 7 2 14 3 20h48v226h-48c-1 6-3 13-3 20-1 7-1 13-1 20 0 13 1 26 4 39h148v-305h48c2-6 3-13 3-20 1-7 1-14 1-20 0-13-1-26-4-39z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="info-square" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef4f;" d="M873 787h-745c-36 0-65-28-65-64v-746c0-36 29-64 65-64h745c36 0 65 28 65 64v746c0 36-29 64-65 64z m-438-166c8 1 17 2 26 3 10 1 18 1 26 1 8 0 17 0 27-1 9-1 18-2 26-3 2-9 3-17 3-25 1-8 1-16 1-24 0-8 0-16-1-25 0-8-1-16-3-25-8-1-17-2-26-3-9 0-18 0-26 0-8 0-17 0-26 0-10 1-18 2-27 3-3 17-4 33-4 50 0 15 1 32 4 49z m163-546h-196c-3 12-4 25-4 39 0 6 0 13 1 20 0 7 2 14 3 20h48v225h-48c-1 7-3 13-3 20-1 8-1 14-1 21 0 13 1 26 4 38h148v-304h48c2-6 3-13 4-20 0-7 1-14 1-20 0-14-2-27-5-39z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="light-bulb" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef6b;" d="M577 74h-155c-12 0-22-10-22-22 0-12 10-22 22-22h155c12 0 22 10 22 22s-9 22-22 22z m-117-127c3-19 19-35 40-35s37 15 40 35c27 2 48 24 48 51h-176c0-28 21-49 48-51z m40 715c16 0 29 13 29 29v67c0 16-13 30-29 30-16 0-29-13-29-30v-67c0-16 13-29 29-29z m-191-42c6-8 15-12 24-12 6 0 12 1 17 5 13 10 16 28 7 41l-40 54c-10 13-28 16-41 7s-16-28-6-41l39-54z m-152-132l64-21c3-1 6-1 9-1 12 0 23 7 27 20 5 15-3 31-18 36l-64 21c-16 5-32-3-37-18-5-16 3-32 19-37z m686-162l-64 21c-15 5-32-4-37-19-5-15 4-32 19-37l64-20c3-1 6-2 9-2 12 0 24 8 28 20 5 16-3 32-19 37z m-622 21l-64-21c-16-5-24-21-19-37 4-12 15-20 28-20 3 0 6 1 9 2l64 20c15 5 23 22 18 37-5 15-21 24-36 19z m549 119c3 0 6 0 9 1l64 21c15 5 24 21 19 36-5 16-22 24-37 19l-64-21c-15-5-24-21-19-36 5-13 16-20 28-20z m-46 249c-13 9-31 6-41-7l-40-54c-9-13-6-31 7-41 5-4 11-5 17-5 9 0 18 4 23 12l40 54c10 13 7 31-6 41z m-129-608v68c20 33 46 72 70 101 28 36 45 81 45 130 0 116-94 209-210 209-116 0-210-93-210-209 0-49 17-94 45-130 25-31 48-65 68-99v-70h192z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="lightning-ray" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef6d;" d="M723 531h-14c-6 19-13 39-26 61-43 70-119 109-212 109-96 0-172-39-213-109-13-23-20-46-25-64-101-16-170-86-170-179 0-85 63-155 158-176 27-6 55 9 62 34 6 24-11 49-39 55-48 10-78 44-78 87 0 55 45 91 111 91 29 0 51 20 52 45 0 12 8 126 140 126 57 0 97-19 121-58 21-33 23-68 23-68 2-24 25-43 52-43h58c67 0 112-37 112-91 0-45-35-91-112-91-28 0-52-21-52-46s24-45 52-45c122 0 215 78 215 182 0 103-91 180-215 180z m-111-179c-3 5-9 9-15 9h-125c-6 0-13-5-16-12l-69-179c-2-6-1-12 2-16s8-7 14-7h36l-47-125c-4-8 0-16 6-21 3-1 6-2 10-2 4 0 9 2 12 6l189 214c4 4 6 12 2 18-3 6-7 9-12 9h-50l62 88c4 5 5 12 1 18z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="like" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef6e;" d="M929 390c-7 45-42 74-88 75-61 1-122 0-182 0h-87c3 9 5 16 7 24 12 46 26 92 20 141-5 35-13 69-33 100-26 39-63 60-111 57-34-2-58-20-64-53-4-25-5-51-4-77 1-35-4-67-23-96-30-49-61-96-93-143-8-12-12-24-12-38 0-138 0-276 0-413 0-14 5-24 14-33 17-16 38-20 60-20 121 0 241 0 361 0 20 0 40 3 60 8 30 7 57 22 75 50 16 25 14 52 2 79 23 12 40 28 46 54 6 25 2 48-13 70 51 31 57 84 27 124 34 22 44 54 38 91z m-745 15h-22v0h-33v0h-21c-23 0-38-16-38-40-1-69 0-137 0-206v-201c0-31 14-45 45-45h14v-1l17 1s11-1 16-1v1h14c32 0 46 14 46 45v201c0 69 0 137 0 206 0 24-16 40-38 40z m-38-106c-15 0-26 12-26 26 0 14 11 26 26 26 14 0 26-12 26-26s-12-26-26-26z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="line-height" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef6f;" d="M352 413v-12c12 1 27 2 45 2 23 0 47-1 73-2v12c-17 1-30 4-39 10s-13 15-13 30c0 16 6 38 16 66l16 41h129l35-97c5-13 7-22 7-28 0-8-3-13-9-16-7-3-17-5-32-6v-12c19 2 49 2 89 2 37 0 66-1 90-2v12c-6 0-13 4-19 9-7 6-13 16-18 29l-143 369c-6 0-13 0-21 0-7 0-14 0-20 0l-135-345c-14-38-31-59-51-62z m164 318l58-160h-119l61 160z m125-462v-12c16 0 28-4 37-11s12-19 12-35c0-17-5-41-16-72l-73-196-104 265c-5 12-7 21-7 28 0 8 3 13 10 16 6 3 17 5 32 5v12c-20-1-50-1-90-1-36 0-66 0-90 1v-12c6 0 13-3 20-9 6-6 12-15 17-28l151-370c4 0 11 1 20 1 9 0 16-1 21-1l124 337c7 21 16 37 25 48 10 11 20 19 30 22v12c-12-1-27-1-45-1-23 0-48 0-74 1z m-381 212v238h39l-49 66-48-66h39v-238h-39l48-66 49 66h-39z m-83 369h55v-13h-55v13z m74 0h55v-13h-55v13z m74 0h55v-13h-55v13z m73 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m-591-493h55v-13h-55v13z m74 0h55v-13h-55v13z m74 0h55v-13h-55v13z m73 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="link-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef70;" d="M531 255l-62-62c9-9 14-20 14-32 0-12-4-23-14-32l-156-158c-8-9-19-14-31-14-13 0-23 5-33 14l-125 125c-9 9-14 20-14 32 0 12 4 22 13 31l157 158c8 9 18 14 31 14s23-5 32-13l63 62-32 32c-18 18-39 27-63 26-25 0-46-9-64-26l-219-222c-17-17-26-38-26-63 1-25 10-46 27-64l190-188c17-17 38-25 63-25 24 0 46 9 64 26l219 222c17 18 26 39 25 64 0 24-9 45-27 62l-32 31z m440 382l-190 188c-17 17-38 25-63 25-24 0-46-9-64-26l-219-222c-17-18-25-39-25-63 0-25 9-46 27-63l32-31 62 62c-9 10-14 20-14 32 0 12 5 23 14 32l156 158c8 9 19 14 31 14 13 0 24-5 33-14l125-125c9-9 14-19 14-31 0-13-4-23-13-32l-157-158c-8-9-18-14-31-13-12 0-23 4-32 12l-63-62 32-32c18-18 39-27 63-26 25 0 46 9 64 26l220 222c17 18 25 39 25 63-1 25-9 46-27 64z m-640-414c0-12 4-23 12-32 9-8 19-12 32-12 12 0 23 4 32 13l251 254c8 8 11 19 11 31 0 13-4 23-12 32-9 8-19 12-32 12-12 0-23-4-32-13l-250-253c-8-9-12-19-12-32z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="medicine" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef8e;" d="M834 500l-63 96c-5 7-8 18-8 25 0 7 2 13 5 13s6 7 6 15v124c0 8-6 15-15 15h-517c-8 0-15-7-15-15v-124c0-8 3-15 6-15 2 0 5-6 5-13 0-7-4-18-8-25l-64-96c-4-7-8-19-8-27v-546c0-8 7-15 15-15h655c8 0 14 7 14 15v546c0 8-3 20-8 27z m-130 254c0 4 3 8 7 8 5 0 8-4 8-8v-96c0-4-3-8-8-8-4 0-7 4-7 8v96z m-85 0c0 4 3 8 7 8 4 0 7-4 7-8v-96c0-4-3-8-7-8-4 0-7 4-7 8v96z m-86 0c0 4 4 8 8 8 4 0 7-4 7-8v-96c0-4-3-8-7-8-4 0-8 4-8 8v96z m-85 0c0 4 3 8 7 8 4 0 8-4 8-8v-96c0-4-4-8-8-8-4 0-7 4-7 8v96z m-85 0c0 4 3 8 7 8 4 0 7-4 7-8v-96c0-4-3-8-7-8-4 0-7 4-7 8v96z m-86 0c0 4 3 8 8 8 4 0 7-4 7-8v-96c0-4-3-8-7-8-4 0-8 4-8 8v96z m491-782h-536c-8 0-15 6-15 15v120c0 23 19 41 42 41h483c22 0 41-18 41-41v-120c0-8-7-15-15-15z m-238 328h46c3 0 5-3 5-6v-38c0-3-2-5-5-5h-46c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-46c0-3-3-5-6-5h-38c-3 0-5 2-5 5v46c0 3-3 6-6 6h-45c-4 0-6 2-6 5v38c0 3 2 6 6 6h45c3 0 6 2 6 5v46c0 3 2 5 5 5h38c3 0 6-2 6-5v-46c0-3 2-5 5-5z m211 92h-482c-23 0-42 14-42 32v31c0 8 4 20 9 27l63 96c5 7 8 19 8 27v14c0 8 7 15 15 15h376c9 0 15-7 15-15v-14c0-8 4-20 9-27l63-96c4-7 8-19 8-27v-31c0 0-19-32-42-32z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="megaphone-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef90;" d="M580 330c-25 62-51 125-77 187-3 7-7 14-15 16-14 6-24 1-34-8-106-93-213-187-320-280-3-3-7-5-11-7-30-16-64-21-97-28-23-5-31-19-22-41 13-33 27-66 40-99 11-24 26-29 48-14 25 17 50 35 80 45 7 2 10 2 13-5 13-35 28-68 42-102 6-16 18-24 30-22 7 1 13 4 19 7 19 8 25 22 16 42-11 27-22 54-34 81-3 7-3 9 6 10 116 7 233 15 350 23 30 2 40 17 29 45-21 50-42 100-63 150z m-460-203c-13-10-26-21-41-32-10 25-19 49-29 72-2 5 0 6 4 7 14 1 29 3 43 5 4 1 6-1 8-5 5-13 10-26 16-39 1-3 3-5-1-8z m601 461c-14 13-29 24-46 34-11 4-21 1-30-6-10-9-10-18 2-25 65-44 113-100 138-175 19-58 19-117 7-176-2-14 4-21 18-19 16 3 24 11 28 32 23 134-14 246-117 335z m124 96c-18 16-37 30-57 42-15 6-27 2-38-8-13-11-12-21 2-31 82-54 143-125 173-220 24-72 25-146 10-220-4-19 4-27 22-24 20 3 30 13 35 40 29 168-17 309-147 421z m-221-173c-12 6-28 0-35-9-7-11 0-17 8-24 58-53 84-120 80-199-1-13 6-19 20-17 15 2 23 11 24 26 4 80-21 148-77 206-7 7-14 13-20 17z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="megaphone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef91;" d="M789 772c-5 2-28 10-51 1-89-40-176-84-265-125-33-15-66-32-99-47-38-16-78-22-119-22-30-1-60-1-89 0-56 1-98-24-130-67-11-16-20-34-26-52-10-31-18-84 4-149 12-31 31-58 58-79 3-2 5-4 5-8 3-33 11-65 17-97 9-55 20-108 30-163 4-21 16-34 37-40 1 0 2-1 2-1h14c19 5 40 7 59 11 19 4 37 7 56 11 28 5 43 29 38 58-7 37-21 70-42 101-19 27-31 56-38 88-2 8 0 10 8 10 51-2 99-14 145-36 109-53 220-105 330-157 36-17 75-1 87 37 33 101 54 205 57 311 5 131-17 258-59 382-5 16-15 26-29 33z m-434-504c-13 3-27 6-41 8 28 88 13 181 1 229 14 2 27 5 41 8 33-131 14-209-1-245z m443 82c-4-86-20-170-44-252-3-9-5-10-13-6-109 52-219 104-328 156 40 109 14 230-1 284 24 10 47 22 70 33 86 41 173 82 259 123 5 3 10 6 12-3 33-110 51-221 45-335z m200 66c-8 43-30 76-65 100-5 3-10 8-18 9 12-90 12-180 0-269 3-1 5 1 6 2 32 18 55 44 69 78 5 11 6 23 10 34v41c-2 2-2 4-2 5z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="mic-mute" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef94;" d="M346 318c0-11 1-20 4-30 2-5 6-6 9-1l261 395c3 5 5 13 2 19-25 58-88 94-151 85-68-9-124-69-126-138-1-55 0-110 0-165 0-55-2-110 1-165z m185-131c64 20 105 78 105 151 0 44 0 87 0 130 0 6-2 7-5 2l-180-272c-3-5-2-11 4-12 24-6 50-6 76 1z m-246-11l43 65c3 4 4 12 1 17-9 22-14 45-14 70 0 48 0 95 0 143v6c0 4-5 7-11 7h-69c-5 0-10-5-10-10 0-54-2-107 1-160 2-52 18-98 48-138 3-5 8-5 11 0z m471 304c0 1 0 2 0 2-1 1-6 2-11 2h-69c-6 0-10-3-10-6v-7c0-46 0-91 0-137-1-11-1-23-3-34-11-80-85-146-165-148-21-1-41 2-60 8-5 2-12 0-15-5l-39-59c-3-5-2-11 4-13 15-6 31-12 49-16 3 0 8-4 8-6 1-16 1-32 1-49 0-6-5-10-11-10h-79c-6 0-11-5-11-10v-69c0-6 5-10 11-10h269c6 0 11 4 11 10v69c0 6-5 10-11 10h-80c-5 0-10 5-10 11 0 15 0 30 0 45 0 7 3 8 9 10 117 26 202 121 210 240 4 57 2 115 2 172z m15 278l-35 24c-5 3-11 2-14-3l-492-744c-3-4-2-11 3-14l35-23c5-4 11-2 15 3l491 742c3 5 2 11-3 15z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="minus-square" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef99;" d="M865 788h-730c-40 0-72-33-72-73v-730c0-40 32-73 72-73h730c40 0 73 33 73 73v730c0 40-33 73-73 73z m-63-467c-1-9-2-19-5-30h-594c-2 11-4 21-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 9 0 18 1 27 1 9 3 19 5 30h594c3-11 4-21 5-31 1-10 1-20 1-30 0-9 0-18-1-27z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef9a;" d="M794 409c2-11 4-22 5-31 1-10 1-20 1-30 0-9 0-18-1-27-1-9-3-19-5-30h-588c-2 11-4 22-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 9 0 18 1 27 1 9 3 19 5 30h588z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="mobile-phone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef9b;" d="M664 685c-17 0-30 14-30 31v40c0 18-13 32-30 32h-20c-16 0-29-14-29-32v-40c0-17-14-31-30-31h-188c-16 0-29-14-29-32v-709c0-18 13-32 29-32h327c16 0 29 14 29 32v709c0 18-13 32-29 32z m-262-684c-16 0-30 15-30 32s14 31 30 31c16 0 30-14 30-31s-14-32-30-32z m0 105c-16 0-30 14-30 31s14 32 30 32c16 0 30-15 30-32s-14-31-30-31z m0 104c-16 0-30 14-30 31s14 32 30 32c16 0 30-14 30-32s-14-31-30-31z m97-209c-17 0-30 15-30 32s13 31 30 31c16 0 29-14 29-31s-13-32-29-32z m0 105c-17 0-30 14-30 31s13 32 30 32c16 0 29-15 29-32 0-17-13-31-29-31z m0 104c-17 0-30 14-30 31s13 32 30 32c16 0 29-14 29-32 0-17-13-31-29-31z m96-209c-16 0-30 15-30 32s14 31 30 31c16 0 30-14 30-31s-14-32-30-32z m0 105c-16 0-30 14-30 31s14 32 30 32c16 0 30-15 30-32s-14-31-30-31z m0 104c-16 0-30 14-30 31s14 32 30 32c16 0 30-14 30-32s-14-31-30-31z m48 196c0-17-13-32-29-32h-227c-16 0-29 15-29 32v173c0 18 13 32 29 32h227c16 0 29-14 29-32v-173z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="muffin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefa0;" d="M832 439c-49 89-132 157-233 184 9 16 13 33 13 52 0 62-50 113-113 113-61 0-112-51-112-113 0-19 5-37 13-53-100-27-183-94-232-183-48-13-84-58-84-110 0-36 17-69 43-90 11-8 23-15 36-19h20l55-277c4-18 19-31 38-31h31v187h35v-187h140v187h36v-187h140v187h35v-187h50c18 0 34 13 37 31l55 277h2c13 4 26 11 36 19 26 21 43 54 43 90 1 52-35 97-84 110z m-333 272c21 0 37-16 37-36s-16-36-37-36c-20 0-36 16-36 36s17 36 36 36z m301-414c0-1 0-1 0-1h-599l0 1c-19 2-33 18-33 37 0 21 17 38 38 38 5 0 10-1 14-3 9 22 19 42 32 60 55 79 146 131 248 131s194-52 248-131c13-18 24-38 32-60 5 2 9 3 14 3 21 0 38-17 38-38 0-19-14-35-32-37z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="mustache" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefa1;" d="M938 370c-1 7-5 13-11 16-6 3-13 2-19-2-51-37-105-23-133 9-32 36-74 114-174 108-59-3-87-29-101-60-14 31-42 57-101 60-100 6-141-72-174-108-28-32-82-46-133-9-6 4-13 5-19 2-6-3-10-9-10-16-1-35 9-89 66-125 93-57 234-71 325 9 0 0 28 29 46 65 18-36 46-65 46-65 91-80 232-66 325-9 57 36 67 90 67 125z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="navigation-menu" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefa2;" d="M63 628v-24c0-38 30-69 68-69h738c38 0 68 31 68 69v24c0 38-30 69-68 69h-738c-38 0-68-31-68-69z m68-359h738c38 0 68 31 68 69v24c0 38-30 69-68 69h-738c-38 0-68-31-68-69v-24c0-38 30-69 68-69z m0-266h738c38 0 68 30 68 68v25c0 38-30 68-68 68h-738c-38 0-68-30-68-68v-25c0-38 30-68 68-68z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="navigation" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefa3;" d="M746 402c-7 9-17 14-28 14h-139v79h140c10 0 20 4 26 12l55 64c11 13 12 33 1 47l-55 75c-6 9-17 15-27 15h-140c-1 44-36 80-79 80-44 0-79-38-79-84v-73h-140c-10 0-21-6-27-14l-55-76c-11-14-10-34 1-47l55-64c6-8 16-12 26-12h140v-475c0-17 13-31 29-31h100c16 0 29 14 29 31v260h140c10 0 19 5 26 12l54 64c12 13 13 33 2 47l-55 76z m-167 257h134l47-63-45-53h-136v116z m-294-193l-45 53 47 64h134v-117h-136z m429-215h-135v117h134l47-64-46-53z" />
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5v29c0 3 2 5 5 5h29c3 0 5-2 5-5v-29c0-3-2-5-5-5z m9 340v31c0 3 2 5 5 5h28c3 0 5-2 5-5v-31c0-2-2-5-5-5h-28c-3 0-5 3-5 5z m373-83v112c0 3-2 6-5 6l-31 2c-3 0-5 3-5 5v73c0 3-3 5-6 5h-71c-3 0-5 2-6 5 0 10 0 20-1 29 0 3-3 5-5 5h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-28c0-3 2-5 5-6 10 0 19-1 28-1 3 0 5-3 5-6v-72c0-3-2-5-5-5h-71c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-32c0-3 2-5 5-5h197c3 0 5-2 5-5v-31c0-3-2-5-5-5h-153c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-32c0-3 3-5 6-5h28c3 0 5-2 5-5 1-11 2-21 2-31 1-3 3-5 6-5h29c3 0 5-3 5-6v-32c0-3 3-5 6-5h32c3 0 6-2 6-5v-29c0-3 2-5 5-5h70c3 0 5 2 5 5v29c0 3-2 5-5 5-10 1-19 1-28 2-3 0-5 2-5 5v71c0 3 2 6 5 6 10 1 20 1 29 2 3 0 5 2 5 5z m-89 121h-28c-3 0-5 2-5 5v28c0 3 2 5 5 5h28c3 0 6-2 6-5v-28c0-3-3-5-6-5z m0-169h-30c-2 0-5 2-5 5v29c0 3 3 6 5 6h30c3 0 5-3 5-6v-29c0-3-2-5-5-5z m-160 166c0 0 0 1 0 1s0 0 0 0c-1 0-1-1 0-1z m-621-415h279c3 0 5 2 5 5v279c0 3-2 5-5 5h-279c-2 0-5-2-5-5v-279c0-3 3-5 5-5z m42 248h196c3 0 5-3 5-6v-195c0-3-2-5-5-5h-196c-3 0-5 2-5 5v195c0 3 2 6 5 6z m237 626h-279c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-279c0-3 2-5 5-5h279c3 0 5 2 5 5v279c0 3-3 5-5 5z m-41-247h-196c-3 0-5 2-5 5v196c0 3 2 5 5 5h196c3 0 5-2 5-5v-196c0-3-2-5-5-5z m627 248h-279c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-278c0-3 2-6 5-6h279c3 0 5 3 5 6v278c0 3-2 6-5 6z m-42-250h-195c-3 0-5 3-5 6v196c0 3 2 5 5 5h195c3 0 5-2 5-5v-196c0-3-2-6-5-6z m-746-209c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0z m0 41c0 0 0 0 0 1s0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1z m293-35v29c0 3 3 6 6 6 10 1 19 1 28 2 3 0 5 3 5 5v31c0 3-2 5-5 5h-71c-2 0-5 2-5 5v29c0 3-2 5-5 5h-116c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3-3-6-6-6h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5-1-11-2-21-2-31 0-3-3-6-6-6h-29c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-30c0-3 3-5 6-5h71c3 0 6 2 6 5l1 29c1 3 3 5 6 5h32c3 0 5-2 5-5v-72c0-3 2-5 5-5l30 2c3 0 6 2 6 5v31c0 2 2 5 5 5h115c3 0 5 2 5 5z m-119 77h71c3 0 5-2 5-5v-29c0-3-2-6-5-6h-71c-3 0-5 3-5 6v29c0 3 2 5 5 5z m251 252h28c3 0 5 2 5 5v113c0 3-2 5-5 5h-72c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3-2-6-5-6h-31c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-115c0-3 2-5 5-5h72c3 0 5 2 5 5 1 12 1 21 2 32 0 3 3 5 6 5z m-14 43h-29c-3 0-5 2-5 5v29c0 3 2 6 5 6h29c3 0 5-3 5-6v-29c0-3-2-5-5-5z m-77-85c0 0 0 0 0 0s1 0 1 0 0 0-1 0z m376-628c0 0 0 0 1 0s0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0z m1-41c-1 0-1 0-1 0s0-1 1 0 0 0 0 0z m-84 0c0 0 0 0 0-1s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0z m-41 41c0 0-1 0-1 0s0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1-1z m0 84c0 0-1 0-1 0s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0z m41-89v-31c0-3 3-5 6-5l72 0c3 0 5 2 5 5v31c0 2-2 5-5 5h-32c-3 0-5 2-5 5v73c0 3-2 6-5 6h-72c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-72c0-3 2-5 5-5h31c3 0 5-3 5-6z m-334 549c0 0 0 0 0 0s-1 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0z m5 1l32 0c2 0 5 3 5 6l-1 71c0 3-2 5-5 5h-30c-3 0-6 3-6 5l-1 31c-1 3-3 5-6 5h-28c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-71c0-3 3-5 6-5 10-1 20-2 30-2 3 0 5-3 5-6v-29c0-3 2-5 5-5z m36 83c0 0 0-1 1-1s0 1 0 1c-1 0-1 0-1 0z m-41-628c0 1 0 1 0 1s-1 0-1-1c1 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0z m-6 0h-29c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-71c0-3 2-5 5-5h71c3 0 5 2 5 5v29c0 3-2 5-5 5h-32c-3 0-5 2-5 5v32c0 3-2 5-5 5z m48-41c0-1 0-1-1-1s0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0z m-335 376c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0z m-76-82h28c3 0 5 2 5 5 1 10 1 20 2 30 0 3 3 6 6 6h29c3 0 5 2 5 5l1 30c0 3-3 6-6 6h-70c-3 0-6-3-6-6v-71c0-3 3-5 6-5z m76 41c0 0-1-1-1-1s1 0 1 0c0 0 0 1 0 1z m544 41c0 0 0 0 0 0s-1 0-1 0 0 0 1 0z m-84 42c0 0 0 0 0 0s0-1 0-1-1 0-1 1 1 0 1 0z m0 34v-29c0-3 3-5 5-5h32c3 0 5-2 5-5v-31c0-3 2-6 5-6h31c3 0 5 3 5 6v71c0 2-2 5-5 5h-73c-2 0-5-3-5-6z m-542 42v-28c0-3 2-5 5-6 10 0 19-1 29-1 3-1 5-3 5-6l2-30c0-3 3-5 6-5h29c3 0 6 2 6 5v71c0 3-3 5-6 5h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5z m82-76c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0z m424 126h29c3 0 5 2 5 5v71c0 3-2 5-5 5h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3 2-6 5-6h31c3 0 5-2 5-5v-31c0-3 3-5 6-5z m-343-245v30c0 2-2 5-5 5h-71c-2 0-5-3-5-5v-30c0-3 3-5 5-5h71c3 0 5 2 5 5z m-81 35c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0z m168 1c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-1 0-1s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0z m0-6v-31c0-3 3-5 6-5h71c3 0 6 2 6 5v31c0 3-3 6-6 6h-71c-3 0-6-3-6-6z m83-37c0 0 0 1 0 1s0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0z m460-251c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 1 0 1-1-1 0-1z m76 40h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3 2-5 5-5h71c3 0 5 2 5 5v29c1 3-2 5-5 5z m-369 462c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1c0 0 0-1 0-1z m-36-81h30c3 0 6 2 6 5v71c0 2-3 5-6 5h-30c-3 0-5-3-5-5v-71c0-3 2-5 5-5z m29-297h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3 2-6 5-6h71c3 0 5 3 5 6v29c0 3-2 5-5 5z m-77-40c1 0 1 0 1 0s0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0z m377-125c-1-1-1-1 0-1s0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0z m40-35v29c0 3-3 5-6 5h-29c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3 2-6 5-6h29c3 0 6 3 6 6z m-424 367h-29c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3 2-5 5-5h29c3 0 6 2 6 5v29c0 3-3 5-6 5z m-34-40c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 1 0 1-1-1 0-1z m83 293c1 0 1 0 1 0s-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0z m-40 1c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0z m41-43c0 0-1 0-1 0s0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1-1 1-1z m-1 6v30c0 3-2 6-5 6l-30 0c-3 1-5-2-5-5v-31c0-3 2-5 5-5h30c3 0 5 2 5 5z m-118-4h29c3 0 5 2 5 5v29c0 3-2 6-5 6h-29c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-29c0-3 2-5 5-5z m35 40c-1 0-1 0-1 0s0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0z m-286-542h112c3 0 5 3 5 6v111c0 3-2 5-5 5h-112c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-111c0-3 2-6 5-6z m111 708h-111c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-112c0-3 3-5 6-5h111c3 0 5 2 5 5v112c0 3-2 5-5 5z m586-1h-112c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-112c0-2 2-5 5-5h112c3 0 5 3 5 5v112c0 3-2 5-5 5z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="space" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff0;" d="M257 453c-3-6-3-10 2-15 18-17 35-35 54-51 62-52 131-95 203-132 59-31 119-57 184-72 6-1 10 0 14 5 48 66 65 139 48 218-27 121-133 208-263 209-11-1-25-1-39-3-95-18-163-71-203-159z m657-272c-21 34-49 63-79 91-16 15-32 29-49 43-3 3-5 2-6-1-4-19-7-36-12-54-1-5 0-9 3-14 8-13 16-27 21-42 5-17-4-30-22-35-10-3-21-4-31-3-23 3-46 6-69 12-73 20-141 53-206 90-77 44-149 92-211 156-18 20-35 40-44 66-7 22 1 36 24 41 12 3 26 1 39 2 5 0 11 0 14 3 14 12 28 25 42 38 2 2 3 4 3 4-1 1-1 1-2 1-43 13-86 27-130 38-31 8-62 11-94 5-35-7-50-30-39-64 6-16 14-32 24-46 40-57 92-102 146-145 97-76 202-140 312-193 80-39 163-73 250-91 32-7 65-11 97-5 36 6 50 30 39 64-5 14-12 27-20 39z m-282-65c3 2 3 4 0 5-141 60-270 134-391 226-3 1-5 0-5-3 0-86 49-184 144-231 84-43 167-40 252 3z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="spinner-alt-4" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff7;" d="M183 616c-11 11-30 9-41-6-40-55-68-120-79-190-3-19 9-34 25-34s31 15 34 34c10 54 31 104 61 148 11 15 12 36 0 48z m99 51c44 30 94 51 148 61 19 3 34 18 34 34s-15 28-34 25c-70-11-135-39-190-79-15-11-17-30-5-41 11-12 32-11 47 0z m-219-387c11-70 39-135 79-190 11-15 30-17 41-5 12 11 11 32 1 47-31 44-52 94-62 148-3 19-17 34-34 34s-28-15-25-34z m507 448c54-10 104-31 148-61 15-11 36-11 48 0 11 11 9 31-6 41-55 40-120 68-190 79-19 3-34-9-34-25s15-31 34-34z m-330-736c55-40 120-68 190-79 19-3 34 9 34 25s-15 31-34 34c-54 10-104 31-148 61-15 11-36 11-48 0s-9-30 6-41z m697 428c-11 70-39 135-79 190-10 15-30 17-41 6-11-12-11-33 0-48 30-44 51-94 61-148 3-19 18-34 34-34s28 15 25 34z m-120-335c11-12 31-10 41 5 40 55 68 120 79 190 3 19-9 34-25 34s-31-15-34-33c-10-55-31-105-61-149-11-15-12-36 0-47z m-281-147c0-16 15-28 34-25 70 11 135 39 190 79 15 11 17 30 6 41s-33 11-48 1c-44-30-94-52-148-62-19-3-34-18-34-34z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="spinner-alt-5" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff8;" d="M882 83c30-1 54-25 55-56 2-29-21-55-51-57-23-1-46-1-69-1-48 1-95 0-143 2-28 0-50 25-50 53-1 69-1 137 0 205 0 31 26 55 57 55 30-1 55-25 55-56l0-72c0-2 0-5 1-9 34 42 57 87 67 138 7 33 35 52 67 46 30-6 49-36 43-67-8-40-22-78-41-113-13-23-28-45-42-68 17 0 34 0 51 0z m-32 309c-13 0-31 5-39 22-13 27-25 56-31 85-6 25 15 50 39 56 27 8 55-3 66-28 10-23 19-47 24-71 8-32-20-64-59-64z m-92 197c-22-11-44-7-64 7-12 10-25 19-38 28-27 17-35 51-20 77 16 26 50 35 77 19 19-12 38-26 56-40 12-10 18-25 19-43-1-20-10-38-30-48z m-236 79h-22v0c-9 0-18 0-27 0-28 1-52 24-55 53-2 26 17 54 45 57 21 3 43 2 65 0 29-2 51-29 49-56-2-31-25-54-55-54z m-319-183c-16-21-46-25-68-12-23 13-37 40-27 64 8 20 19 39 33 55 14 18 40 22 60 13 22-11 33-28 34-54-1-4 0-10-3-14-9-18-17-36-29-52z m94 125c-2-1-5 0-7 0-24 0-44 14-52 36-8 23-1 49 18 63 13 9 28 18 43 25 22 10 49 3 64-14 17-19 20-47 6-66-18-24-44-37-72-44z m-126-217c7-17 6-35 3-53-3-21-15-36-35-44-21-8-40-4-56 10-17 14-22 32-20 51 0 7 0 11 0 15 1 27 19 48 46 54 24 4 51-10 62-33z m133-308c31 0 60-27 60-58 1-32-24-58-55-58-32-1-61 27-61 58-1 30 25 57 56 58z m-136 136c31 0 58-28 58-60 0-31-25-56-55-56-32 0-60 29-60 62 1 31 25 55 57 54z m323-188c32 0 58-25 58-57-1-32-25-54-58-56-26-1-56 19-57 56-1 31 25 57 57 57z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="spinner-alt-6" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff9;" d="M746 107c-26-25-27-62-3-87 25-25 61-25 87 0 26 24 27 63 3 87-24 25-62 25-87 0z m-650 444c-13-13-13-31-1-43 11-12 31-12 43 0 12 12 12 33 0 45-13 11-30 11-42-2z m199 201c-12-11-12-30-1-42 11-11 32-12 44 0 12 10 12 32 1 44-12 11-31 11-44-2z m-61-716c-12-12-11-31 1-42 12-12 32-12 43 0 12 12 12 30 0 42-13 13-31 14-44 0z m577 581c-12-12-12-31 1-43 11-12 31-12 42 0 12 11 12 32 0 44-12 11-31 11-43-1z m-739-348c-12-12-12-31 0-43 12-12 30-12 42-1 12 12 12 32 1 44-12 11-31 11-43 0z m856 75c-12 12-31 11-43-2-12-12-11-30 1-42 12-11 31-11 42 0 12 12 12 33 0 44z m-420-381c-11-12-11-30 1-42 12-12 32-11 43 1 12 11 11 31 0 42-13 12-31 12-44-1z m69 815c-11-12-11-30 1-42 11-12 32-12 43 0 12 12 11 32-2 43-12 12-30 11-42-1z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="spinner" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeffa;" d="M797 164c-48 33-115 20-149-27-29-41-26-99 6-133 40-42 93-51 140-22 5 4 10 7 16 11 2 3 5 6 8 9 1 5 6 8 8 12 34 48 20 116-29 150z m-571 491c-16 0-30-7-44-15-4-4-8-8-12-12-1-2-1-3-2-5-19-27-16-64 5-88 24-25 60-32 89-15 29 16 44 49 35 81-8 33-37 54-71 54z m683-258c-39 40-102 41-141 2-39-39-39-102 0-141 39-38 101-38 140 0 39 39 40 101 1 139z m-109 122c35 35 35 92 0 127-34 35-91 36-126 2-36-36-37-92-2-128 36-36 93-36 128-1z m-376 223c-31-32-31-83 1-115 32-32 83-31 115 1 31 32 31 82-1 114-32 32-83 32-115 0z m-254-369c-24 25-64 25-89 0-25-25-25-64 0-89 25-25 65-25 89 0 25 24 25 65 0 89z m18-258c-22-22-22-57 0-78 22-22 57-22 78 0 22 21 22 57 0 78-21 22-57 22-78 0z m246-105c-17-18-17-45 0-63 18-18 46-18 64-1 18 18 18 48 0 65-18 17-46 17-64-1z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="star-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeffe;" d="M936 363c2 0 2 0 0 0-113 7-225 15-339 44-2 0-2 1-1 3 34 53 66 104 99 156 1 2 1 2 0 1-44-45-87-88-137-125-1-1-3-1-3 1-32 113-42 228-51 342 0 2 0 2 0 0-8-113-19-226-48-337-1-2-2-2-4-1-50 36-93 79-137 121-1 1-1 1 0 0 36-50 71-99 101-154 1-2 1-3-1-4-116-31-233-41-351-49-2 0-2 0 0 0 118-10 236-20 355-55 1 0 2-2 1-3-39-48-76-94-113-140-1-1 0-1 1 0 44 37 88 74 138 106 1 0 3 0 3-2 36-116 49-234 59-352 0-2 0-2 1 0 6 119 14 238 45 356 0 2 2 2 3 1 28-17 55-33 81-50 26-16 51-34 76-52 1-1 1-1 0 1-42 42-84 85-122 135-1 2-1 3 1 3 40 9 77 19 114 26 39 7 78 12 117 17 37 5 75 7 112 11z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="star-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefff;" d="M926 375h-355c-6 0-8 3-3 8l251 251c4 4 4 11 0 16l-19 19c-5 4-12 4-16 0l-251-251c-5-5-8-3-8 3v355c0 7-5 12-11 12h-28c-6 0-11-5-11-12v-355c0-6-3-8-8-3l-251 251c-4 4-11 4-16 0l-19-19c-4-5-4-12 0-16l251-251c5-5 3-8-3-8h-355c-6 0-11-5-11-11v-28c0-6 4-11 11-11h355c6 0 8-3 3-8l-251-251c-4-4-4-11 0-16l19-19c5-4 12-4 16 0l251 251c5 5 8 3 8-3v-355c0-7 5-12 11-12h28c6 0 11 5 11 12v355c0 6 3 8 8 3l251-251c4-4 11-4 16 0l19 19c4 5 4 12 0 16l-251 251c-5 5-3 8 3 8h355c7 0 12 5 12 11v28c0 6-5 11-12 11z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="star" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf000;" d="M935 444c-16-17-33-34-50-51-45-44-91-89-137-133-7-7-14-14-21-22-3-3-4-8-4-12 17-99 34-197 51-296 0-1 0-1 0-2-1-1-5 1-10 4-18 9-35 18-52 27-69 36-138 73-207 109-6 3-10 2-15-1-86-45-172-91-259-136-1-1-3-2-4-2-3-1-4 2-3 8 4 23 7 46 11 69 13 74 26 148 38 222 1 3-1 8-4 11-45 44-90 87-134 132-25 24-48 49-70 74-4 4-3 8 3 9 12 2 26 4 40 6 60 9 121 17 181 26 20 3 41 7 61 9 8 1 11 4 15 11 42 86 84 172 127 258 1 2 2 3 3 5 1 3 4 4 6 1 1-1 2-3 2-4 43-87 86-174 129-261 3-6 7-9 14-10 89-13 177-26 266-39 7-1 13-2 20-3 6 0 7-4 3-9z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="street-view" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf001;" d="M760 130c-42 43-97 60-153 73-7 1-16-7-17-14 0-8 8-5 12-8 0 0 1 0 2 0 34-9 67-22 95-45 45-37 46-87 2-124-16-13-34-25-53-32-49-19-98-28-148-28-50 0-99 9-148 28-19 8-37 19-53 33-45 36-43 86 2 123 28 23 61 36 95 45 1 0 2 0 2 1 4 2 12-1 12 8-1 6-10 15-17 13-56-12-111-30-153-73-43-43-41-96 3-138 34-31 74-48 116-61 50-14 101-19 135-18 2 0 4 0 6 0l5 0c35-1 86 4 135 18 43 13 83 30 117 61 44 41 46 95 3 138z m-405 282c1-18 13-31 29-31 18-1 31 12 31 31 0 48 0 95 1 143 0 4 2 8 4 12 1-4 3-8 3-12 1-130 1-260 1-390-2 0-3 0-5 0-25-9-48-20-64-43-11-16-10-37 2-53 14-19 33-30 54-37 29-11 59-16 89-16h1c29 0 59 5 89 16 21 7 40 18 54 37 11 16 12 37 2 53-16 23-39 34-64 43-1 0-3 0-4 0v168c0 74 0 147 0 221 0 4 3 8 4 13 1-5 4-9 4-13 0-46 0-92 0-138 0-11 3-21 12-28 10-7 20-9 31-3 13 6 17 17 17 30 1 54 1 107 0 160-1 48-34 80-82 80-43 0-86 0-129 0-46-1-79-34-79-80 0-22 0-45 0-68-1-32-1-63-1-95z m92-334c24-8 47 8 47 34l0 222c0 5-2 14 6 14 9 0 7-9 7-14 0-73 0-146 0-218 0-8 2-17 6-24 7-14 24-19 41-14 15 4 24 17 24 33v31c4-2 9-4 13-6 13-8 25-17 25-34s-12-26-25-33c-26-15-55-19-82-19-3 0-6 0-9 0h0l-9 0c-27 0-56 4-82 19-13 7-25 16-25 33s12 26 25 34c5 2 10 5 15 7v-25c0-3 0-7 0-10 0-14 9-26 23-30z m53 585c35 0 62 27 62 62 1 35-27 63-61 63-35 0-64-29-63-63 0-34 28-62 62-62z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="tag" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf004;" d="M537-62c-150 150-300 300-450 451-2 2-5 4-7 6-6 12-15 24-17 36-2 15 1 30 5 45 15 70 31 140 47 210 5 25 19 44 45 49 74 17 148 33 222 50 31 7 57 0 79-23 26-28 54-54 81-82l370-370c33-32 34-73 2-105-90-90-181-181-271-271-14-14-30-21-46-21-26-1-44 9-60 25z m-216 663c0 40-33 72-73 72-40 0-72-32-73-72 0-40 33-73 74-73 40 1 73 34 72 73z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="tags" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf005;" d="M815 315c-109 109-218 219-328 328-24 24-48 48-72 72-6 7-13 12-20 15-15 8-31 9-49 5-66-15-131-29-197-44-24-5-35-21-40-43-14-62-28-124-42-187-3-12-6-26-4-39 2-11 10-21 15-32 2-2 4-4 6-6 133-133 266-266 399-399 14-14 30-23 53-22 11 0 22 4 32 11 3 2 6 5 8 8 80 80 161 160 240 240 29 28 28 64-1 93z m-552 204c-10-7-22-11-35-11-35 0-64 27-65 61-1 1-1 2-1 3 1 11 3 21 8 30 11 21 32 34 57 34 13 0 26-4 36-10 17-12 29-31 29-54 0-22-12-41-29-53z m653-204c-110 109-219 219-328 328-24 24-49 48-72 72-20 20-43 26-70 20-7-1-15-3-22-5 7-3 13-8 20-15 23-24 48-48 72-72 109-109 219-219 328-328 29-29 29-65 1-93-80-80-160-160-240-240-3-3-6-6-9-8 11-7 24-12 40-11 15 0 29 7 41 19 80 80 160 160 240 240 28 28 27 64-1 93z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="thumbs-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00b;" d="M192 269c-32 0-64 0-96 0-24 0-33 9-33 33v420c0 22 10 32 31 33 33 0 66 0 98 0 22-1 33-11 33-33 0-140 0-280 0-421 0-23-10-32-33-32z m640-29h-269c0-2 1-4 1-5 10-50 19-101 19-152 0-33-2-65-16-96-9-19-21-35-43-40-22-6-39 3-42 22-3 14-5 28-7 42-3 32-12 62-34 86-13 14-24 29-37 43-32 33-57 70-74 112-3 8-8 16-12 24-8 13-20 19-35 20-16 1-24 6-28 22-2 7-3 15-3 22 0 115 0 229 0 343 0 6 0 12 1 18 3 18 14 27 32 27 7 0 14 0 21 0 27 2 54 5 80 12 28 6 55 15 84 15h223c1 0 3 0 5 0 51-3 92-44 93-96 27-19 45-51 45-87v-1c0-3 0-6 0-9 4-3 7-5 10-8 21-20 34-47 34-78v-2c0-10-2-20-5-30 37-16 62-53 62-96v-2c1-59-47-106-105-106z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="thumbs-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00c;" d="M192 431c-32 0-64 0-96 0-24 0-33-9-33-33v-421c0-21 10-32 31-32 33 0 66 0 98 0 22 0 33 10 33 33 0 140 0 280 0 420 0 24-10 33-33 33z m640 28h-269c0 3 1 4 1 6 10 50 19 100 19 152 0 33-2 65-16 95-9 19-21 35-43 41-22 6-39-3-42-23-3-14-5-28-7-42-3-32-12-61-34-85-13-14-24-30-37-43-32-33-57-70-74-112-3-8-8-16-12-24-8-13-20-19-35-20-16-1-24-7-28-22-2-7-3-15-3-23 0-114 0-228 0-343 0-5 0-11 1-18 3-17 14-26 32-26 7 0 14-1 21-1 27-1 54-5 80-11 28-7 55-16 84-16h223c1 0 3 0 5 1 51 2 92 44 93 95 27 20 45 51 45 87v2c0 3 0 6 0 9 4 2 7 5 10 8 21 19 34 47 34 77v2c0 11-2 21-5 30 37 17 62 54 62 97v1c1 59-47 106-105 106z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="tick-boxed" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00d;" d="M937 713s-33 50-38 50c-228-140-392-317-459-395l-171 134c-5 4-98-80-96-82l312-318c2-2 5-4 9-4 0 0 1 0 2 1 4 1 8 4 9 8 51 128 216 397 428 592 4 3 6 9 4 14z m-110-670c0-33-27-61-60-61h-599c-33 0-60 28-60 61v598c0 33 27 60 60 60h526s21 20 51 46h-622c-33 0-60-27-60-60v-690c0-33 27-60 60-60h690c33 0 60 27 60 60v551c-16-14-32-27-46-37v-468z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="tick-mark" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00e;" d="M933 657c-243-223-432-530-490-678-1-4-6-8-11-8-1-1-1-1-2-1-4 0-8 1-10 4l-357 363c-3 3 105 99 110 95l196-154c76 90 264 293 525 452 5 0 43-57 43-57 2-5 0-12-4-16z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="ticket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00f;" d="M937 270l-40 124c-1 6-7 9-13 9-40-1-64 13-74 43-5 14-6 29-1 44 6 18 18 30 34 39 5 3 7 9 6 15l-40 125c-2 5-8 8-13 6l-177-56 4-12c-5-2-10-4-15-6-6-2-11-3-16-4l-4 12-518-165c-6-2-9-8-7-13l40-125c2-5 8-9 13-9 40 1 64-14 74-45 11-32 1-57-34-81-4-3-7-10-5-15l40-125c1-5 7-8 13-6l518 165-4 12c4 2 9 4 15 6 5 2 10 3 16 4l3-12 178 57c6 2 9 7 7 13z m-338 304c5 3 10 5 15 6 5 2 10 3 16 4l16-51c-5-2-10-4-15-6-5-2-10-3-16-4l-16 51z m24-74c4 2 9 4 15 6 5 2 10 3 16 4l16-51c-5-3-10-5-15-7-5-1-11-3-16-3l-16 51z m24-75c4 3 9 5 14 6 6 2 11 3 16 4l17-51c-5-2-10-4-15-6-6-2-11-3-16-4l-16 51z m23-74c5 2 10 4 15 6 6 2 11 3 16 4l17-51c-5-3-10-5-15-7-6-1-11-3-16-3l-17 51z m56-122c-5-2-10-3-16-4l-16 51c5 3 10 5 15 7 5 1 11 3 16 3l16-51c-5-2-10-4-15-6z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="tie" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf010;" d="M602 490c-7 38-14 77-21 115h-159c-1-3-2-6-2-10-19-103-39-206-58-309-3-21-7-42-11-63l281 104c-10 54-20 109-30 163z m34-182l-288-107c-2-9-3-18-4-27l296 110c-1 8-3 16-4 24z m19-109l-12 66-301-112c1-13 4-26 11-37 37-59 74-118 112-176 23-36 49-36 74-3 2 2 3 5 5 8l102 166c8 12 13 26 13 42 0 16-1 32-4 46z m-289 549c18-31 36-61 54-91 2-3 6-6 9-6 49 0 98 0 147 0 2 0 6 2 8 5 11 19 22 39 34 58 5 9 10 18 15 27 3 6 6 12 8 19 4 17-3 27-19 27-40 0-80 0-121 0h-14c-36 0-71 0-107 0-18 0-25-13-18-31 1-3 3-6 4-8z" />
-<glyph glyph-name="toggle-off" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf011;" d="M753 563h-506c-102 0-184-96-184-213s82-213 184-213h506c102 0 184 95 184 213s-82 213-184 213z m-22-389h-462c-92 0-167 78-167 176s75 176 167 176h462c92 0 167-79 167-176s-75-176-167-176z m-290 176c0-74-60-134-134-134s-134 60-134 134c0 74 60 134 134 134s134-60 134-134z m193 50c-4 7-9 11-15 15-6 4-13 5-21 5s-15-1-21-5c-6-3-11-8-15-15-4-6-6-14-8-22-2-9-3-18-3-28 0-10 1-20 3-28 2-9 4-16 8-23 4-6 9-11 15-14s13-6 21-6 15 2 21 6c6 3 11 8 15 14 4 7 7 14 9 23 2 8 2 18 2 28 0 10 0 19-2 28-2 8-5 16-9 22z m-36-97c-16 0-24 15-24 47s8 47 24 47c8 0 14-4 18-12 4-8 6-20 6-35 0-32-8-47-24-47z m66 115v-136c3-1 7-1 11-1 3 0 7 0 11 1v57h31c1 4 1 8 1 12 0 3 0 7-1 11h-31v32h40c0 4 0 8 0 12 0 4 0 8 0 12h-62v0z m77 0v-136c3-1 7-1 11-1 3 0 7 0 11 1v57h31c1 4 1 8 1 12 0 3 0 7-1 11h-31v32h39c1 4 1 8 1 12 0 4 0 8-1 12h-61v0z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="tools-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf013;" d="M671 428c30 31 59 47 102 39 42-7 82 0 115 33 41 41 63 108 41 162-26-29-50-54-73-80-11-12-21-14-36-10-75 20-74 19-94 92-6 19-2 31 12 43 24 23 47 47 73 73-111 24-196-47-191-153 1-11 0-23 1-34 4-23-5-38-21-55-99-97-197-196-295-295-12-12-25-16-42-16-34 2-71 9-102-1-79-27-118-129-89-192 26 28 49 54 73 80 7 8 13 14 26 13 73-11 82-20 103-91 7-23 2-37-15-51-25-20-48-41-72-62 111-34 202 41 195 145-1 14-2 29-3 43-2 16 3 27 15 39 93 92 186 183 277 278z m17-126c-19 20-31 24-47 0-3-4-7-8-11-10-18-13-16-23-1-37 59-57 116-115 175-173 14-14 28-30 9-47-17-16-32-4-45 10-55 55-112 108-165 165-21 22-35 28-54 1-3-4-7-8-11-11-13-10-13-18-1-30 75-74 149-150 226-224 30-30 69-37 109-19 38 17 55 49 59 84 0 37-14 62-36 85-70 68-139 136-207 206z m-569 333c20-20 40-42 72-37 18 2 28-5 40-16 47-48 96-95 143-143 15-16 22-10 35 2 13 13 14 21 0 34-46 44-90 89-135 134-15 15-36 28-23 52 0 35-24 54-45 73-45 42-45 41-88-2-49-48-49-49 1-97z" />
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-<glyph glyph-name="unlocked" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf01b;" d="M928 398v-470c0-9-7-15-15-15h-540c-9 0-16 6-16 15v470c0 8 7 15 16 15h42c9 0 16 3 16 8v7c-1 50 0 100-1 150-3 66-63 123-129 127-69 3-130-44-144-111-2-11-3-23-3-35 0-45 0-89 0-134v-4s-7-5-15-5h-52c-8 0-15 7-15 16 0 51-1 102 1 152 5 93 73 172 163 196 126 34 255-50 274-180 3-21 3-44 3-65 0-36 0-72 0-108v-7s7-7 15-7h385c8 0 15-7 15-15z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="crown-king" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe806;" d="M260 594l-67 86 53 69c9 11 24 11 33 0l58-75-77-80z m549 88l-52 67c-9 11-24 11-33 0l-59-76 75-79 69 88z m129 41v-441c0-101-196-183-438-183s-437 82-437 183v441c0 18 11 30 23 30 6 0 12-3 17-9l70-90 85-109 99 103 128 133c5 4 10 6 15 6s11-2 15-6l130-135 98-101 154 199c5 6 11 9 17 9 12 0 24-12 24-30z m-761-372l-17 42c-3 9-13 9-17 0l-16-42c-1-3-1-8 0-11l16-42c4-9 14-9 17 0l17 42c1 4 1 8 0 11z m384-50l-53 99c-4 6-12 6-16 0l-53-99c-2-4-2-10 0-14l53-98c4-7 12-7 16 0l53 98c2 5 2 10 0 14z m314 50l-17 42c-3 9-13 9-16 0l-17-42c-1-3-1-8 0-11l17-42c3-9 13-9 17 0l16 42c1 4 1 8 0 11z m-276-297c-31-4-65-5-99-5-34 0-67 1-99 5-164 15-293 69-330 137-4 6-6 12-8 19v-115c0-101 195-183 437-183s438 82 438 183v115c-2-7-5-13-8-19-38-68-167-122-331-137z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="crown-queen" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe807;" d="M910 132c13-15 11-37-4-49-74-62-230-101-406-101s-331 39-406 100c-15 13-17 35-4 50 12 15 34 17 49 4 70-58 232-84 361-84s291 26 361 84c15 13 37 11 49-4z m27 365l-36-305c-1-6-3-11-8-15-71-60-222-98-393-98s-322 38-393 98c-5 4-7 9-8 15l-36 305c-1 10 3 19 11 24s19 3 26-2c1-1 62-48 139-48 100 0 180 78 239 232 4 9 12 15 22 15s19-6 22-15c59-154 139-232 239-232 77 0 138 47 139 47 7 6 17 7 25 2 9-4 14-13 12-23z m-664-233c0 23-17 42-37 42-20 0-37-19-37-42s17-42 37-42c20 0 37 19 37 42z m313 0l-71 107-71-107 31-47 40-60 40 60 31 47z m239 0c0 23-17 42-37 42s-37-19-37-42 17-42 37-42c20 0 37 19 37 42z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dart" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe808;" d="M272 487c-27-43-42-93-42-147 0-155 126-281 280-281 155 0 281 126 281 281s-126 281-281 281c-54 0-104-16-147-42l38-38c32 18 70 28 109 28 126 0 229-103 229-229 0-126-103-229-229-229s-228 103-228 229c0 40 10 77 27 109l-37 38z m104-105c-4-13-6-27-6-42 0-77 63-140 140-140 77 0 140 63 140 140s-63 140-140 140c-15 0-29-2-42-6l45-46c48-1 85-40 85-88 0-49-39-89-88-89-48 0-87 38-88 86l-46 45z m-232 178c-39-65-61-140-61-220 0-236 192-428 427-428 236 0 427 192 427 428 0 236-191 427-427 427-80 0-155-22-219-61l37-38c54 30 116 47 182 47 207 0 376-168 376-375 0-207-169-376-376-376s-375 169-375 376c0 66 17 128 47 182l-38 38z m-81 136l73 18 18 74 138-138-6-49 244-244c10-10 10-26 0-36-10-11-27-11-37 0l-243 243-50-5-137 137z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="disability-race" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe809;" d="M538 44c-96-1-173 76-173 171 0 95 77 172 171 172 94 1 172-76 172-169 1-98-74-174-170-174z m-127 170c1-68 57-124 126-125 69 0 125 56 126 126 0 70-57 127-127 126-69 0-125-57-125-127z m-200 273c48-40 106-55 251-64-51-53-114-68-187-80 39-17 73-16 109-16-8-18-16-33-23-48-2-4-5-6-9-7-28-5-55-9-84 0 23 4 44 10 62 29-17 3-32 5-46 7-22 5-41 16-56 33-16 20-33 40-66 43 22 13 39 11 57 5 49-18 95-4 141 17-14 1-28 3-42 5-31 6-62 15-87 34-43 33-91 33-140 21-10-2-18-4-28-7 42 55 106 77 172 58 38-11 76-21 115-16 12 1 24 2 33 11-51 26-60 33-75 68 39-19 79-12 118-9 66 5 130-2 189-35 5-2 11-4 13-11-73 13-145 27-222 13 15-12 32-6 49-16-75-62-158-52-244-35z m477-161c-25 31-52 53-87 64-9 4-12 8-6 17 16 28 32 58 48 86 16 26 47 35 74 25 27-11 43-38 37-66-4-17 2-19 15-19 31 0 62-2 94-2 18-1 32-7 31-27-1-18-15-23-32-22-39 1-79 1-118 3-17 1-27-3-34-20-6-12-14-24-22-39z m142 265c0-36-30-66-65-66-36 1-66 32-65 67 1 35 30 64 65 64 36 1 66-29 65-65z m19-547c-51-1-90 38-89 88 0 50 38 88 86 89 50 1 91-38 92-87 1-49-40-90-89-90z m67 89c0 38-31 68-69 68-37-1-68-32-68-70 1-37 32-67 70-67 38 0 68 31 67 69z m-222 178h58l80-80s-37-2-53-29l-39 37-22-1c0 0 0 31-24 73z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="diving-goggle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe80a;" d="M63 407c3 15 6 31 14 46 16 32 42 54 76 66 45 16 90 26 137 33 82 12 164 15 247 13 89-2 177-9 264-32 27-7 54-14 77-31 32-22 52-52 58-91 0-1 1-3 2-4v-120c-3-5-3-12-4-17-20-71-64-116-136-133-8-2-16-2-24-2-62 0-123 0-184 0-16 0-21 4-23 20-5 28-12 55-33 77-25 25-59 24-83-2-17-21-25-45-29-71-1-2-1-5-2-8-2-11-8-16-19-16-59 0-118-1-176 0-57 0-101 26-132 72-16 22-25 47-28 74-1 2-1 4-2 6l0 120z m632-235c24 0 48 0 72 0 75-1 130 63 133 124 2 32 1 65 1 98-1 30-14 54-37 73-14 12-31 18-49 24-83 25-170 34-257 37-85 3-171 0-256-12-47-7-93-15-138-32-37-13-63-47-64-86-1-33 0-66 0-98 0-17 3-34 11-49 21-46 56-77 108-79 54-2 108 0 162 0 5 0 6 2 7 6 5 26 15 50 31 71 40 50 106 51 147 3 17-21 27-45 33-72 1-6 3-8 10-8 29 0 57 0 86 0z m-210 321c95 0 189-5 282-27 18-4 35-9 52-15 30-11 46-33 46-65 0-29 1-59-1-89-3-46-44-87-90-89-45-1-89 0-134 0-10 0-16 5-20 15-11 28-26 54-51 73-55 44-131 34-175-24-12-15-21-32-28-51-3-8-9-13-18-13-43 0-86-1-128 0-35 1-58 22-74 52-6 12-10 26-10 40-1 33-2 65 0 98 2 25 15 43 39 52 38 14 77 22 117 28 64 10 128 14 193 15z m12-37c-54-1-110-3-166-10-47-6-93-13-138-29-15-5-21-13-21-29v-71c0-8 0-16 2-24 5-31 27-49 59-49 32 0 63 0 95 0 6 0 9 2 12 7 8 18 18 35 31 50 54 66 148 78 217 28 27-20 46-47 59-77 3-6 6-8 13-8 35 0 70 1 104 0 36-1 65 32 64 64 0 26 0 51 0 77 0 17-6 26-22 32-26 9-53 15-80 20-75 14-151 18-229 19z m-163-144c-10 0-18 6-19 16-1 10 5 19 15 20 13 2 26 4 38 5 10 1 19-6 20-16 1-10-5-19-15-21-13-1-26-2-39-4z m-54 6c0-9-5-15-14-18-11-4-23-7-35-10-9-3-18 2-22 11-3 9 1 19 10 23 13 5 27 9 41 12 10 2 20-8 20-18z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="eye-open" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe80b;" d="M462 650c0 15-1 30 0 46 0 24 17 41 39 41 23 0 40-18 41-41 0-31 0-62-1-93 0-8 1-12 11-13 8 0 16-3 24-5 6-2 9 0 10 6 9 29 19 57 28 86 7 22 27 34 48 28 22-6 35-27 28-50-9-30-19-60-29-90-2-7-2-10 5-13 8-3 15-8 23-12 12-7 12-7 19 5 16 25 31 49 47 74 17 25 54 23 68-4 7-14 6-28-3-41-16-26-32-53-49-79-4-5-4-9 2-13 8-6 16-12 24-20 4-4 7-4 11 1 19 22 38 44 58 65 17 19 41 22 58 6 18-16 18-40 1-58-19-23-39-45-59-67-6-6-6-10 0-18 24-27 45-56 60-90 8-16 8-32 1-49-19-42-48-77-79-110-51-55-109-101-176-135-59-29-121-47-187-44-56 2-108 17-157 43-100 51-181 126-243 220-6 9-12 19-17 29-7 15-7 30 0 45 18 36 41 67 67 97 6 7 6 10 0 16-20 22-40 44-59 67-12 14-12 32-2 47 10 14 28 21 44 16 9-3 16-9 23-16 16-20 34-38 50-58 6-7 9-6 16 0 6 6 14 12 22 18 5 4 6 7 2 12-16 25-31 50-47 75-16 26-3 56 26 62 15 4 31-4 41-18 15-24 30-49 45-73 4-7 7-7 14-3 9 5 18 10 28 15 5 2 6 4 4 10-9 29-18 57-27 86-7 22 3 45 25 52 21 7 42-4 50-27 9-28 19-56 27-84 2-7 5-8 12-7 8 3 17 4 25 5 6 1 8 3 8 9-1 16 0 32 0 49z m-193-370c0-126 101-229 224-229 131-1 233 100 233 230 0 123-103 226-226 226-128 0-230-100-231-227z m100-1c2 75 59 130 134 128 68-1 124-61 122-131-1-69-60-130-137-125-65 4-119 59-119 128z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="flora-flower" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe80c;" d="M909 232v-5c-3-2-4-6-5-9-49-94-110-179-201-239-120-80-245-89-374-20-78 42-135 105-184 176-20 30-37 61-54 92v5c2 0 5 0 7 1 44 12 87 11 130-3 80-24 141-74 194-135 18-22 34-45 50-72 0 5 0 7 0 9 0 133 0 266 1 399 0 10-5 11-13 11-43-1-83 8-121 28-49 25-81 64-84 119-1 29-1 58 0 88v111l133-124 112 124 107-124 135 124 3-61c0-3 0-5 0-7 1-41 0-81 0-121 0-45-18-82-54-110-43-34-94-46-149-47-11 0-15-3-15-14 1-130 1-260 1-390 0-4-1-8 1-12 1 1 2 1 2 1l5 9c43 69 99 126 171 167 50 28 103 44 162 36 14-1 27-5 40-7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="flora" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe80d;" d="M860 295c-1-100-35-187-101-260-59-65-131-106-216-119-58-9-114 0-168 23-101 44-173 120-213 228-15 39-21 80-22 121 0 80 0 160 0 239 0 82 1 163 0 245 0 12 1 16 14 14 99-13 190-46 273-104 25-18 20-14 3-34-59-72-111-149-131-244-17-81-5-157 44-224 33-45 76-71 129-79 113-17 208 65 231 184 12 69 0 134-27 197-28 64-68 121-113 173-10 12-10 12 3 22 78 57 165 91 258 106 10 2 19 2 28 4 6 1 8-1 8-7v-9c0-159 0-317 0-476z m-350 327c53-63 100-129 122-211 18-64 14-126-26-181-60-84-179-73-226 20-15 30-23 62-22 90-1 62 19 111 44 158 24 45 54 85 87 123 8 9 12 10 21 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="gift-box" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe80e;" d="M467 12c0-100 0-100-101-100-93 0-102 9-102 101 0 102 0 102 100 102 103 0 103 0 103-103z m-102 367c-90 0-100-10-101-102 0-100 0-100 100-100 103 0 103 0 103 103 0 100 0 100-102 99z m106 46c-67 4-126 4-181 27-27 11-52 25-49 57 3 40 26 69 60 89 28 16 52 3 73-16 45-41 69-95 97-157z m-108 29c25-11 53-11 83-13-13 29-23 54-44 72-10 9-21 15-34 8-16-9-26-23-28-41-1-15 11-21 23-26z m265-277h5c98 0 98 0 98 97 0 95-10 106-103 105-99 0-99 0-99-101 0-101 0-101 99-101z m-129 248c-47 94-96 176-94 276 1 58 35 88 95 87 59-1 89-29 90-86 3-99-44-183-91-277z m46 168c-1 27-16 40-44 41-29 0-45-14-45-42-1-48 22-88 45-133 22 45 45 86 44 134z m162-142c-48-20-99-19-144-25-25-3-35 2-24 24 22 48 45 95 84 131 21 20 45 33 73 18 37-20 61-52 63-93 2-30-26-44-52-55z m-53 28c-1 18-12 32-28 41-12 6-23 1-32-8-18-16-28-37-38-58-4-10 0-12 11-11 20 3 43 3 64 12 11 5 23 10 23 24z m-28-364c-97 0-97 0-97-98 0-105 0-105 107-105 84 0 95 12 95 97 1 106 1 106-105 106z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="halloween-pumpkin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe80f;" d="M389 755c7 18 31 25 51 10 15-11 28-25 40-40 9-10 25-21 19-37-6-17-25-16-39-19-34-1-83 55-71 86z m544-492c-19-143-90-242-206-308-34-19-70-24-107-26-38-2-77 0-116 0-63-2-126-7-188 11-143 41-237 172-251 348-7 81-1 161 32 236 39 90 108 125 196 134 81 8 161-3 245 18 232 61 431-155 395-413z m-339 239l114-147 90 147h-204z m-135-256h153l-11 26c-1 2-2 5-4 8l-56 123-82-157z m-207 256l106-152 98 152h-204z m580-272c-37-17-68-49-109-53-7 0-10-6-12-13-8-40-23-33-46-11-15 15-99 3-108-11-19-32-66-34-83-2-7 14-15 17-25 15-31-4-66 21-95-15-5-6-28-10-30 15-1 10-2 21-14 22-44 5-76 36-113 58 2-90 60-170 144-202 22-9 39-13 52 18 12 27 34 27 41-5 6-27 21-29 40-29 26-1 53 0 79-1 23 0 40 4 48 34 8 30 26 24 38 1 9-14 13-28 34-25 79 12 161 113 159 204z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hand-power" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe810;" d="M760-88h-418c0 72 0 144 0 215 0 10-4 15-11 20-44 33-88 66-133 99-10 7-15 15-14 28 1 49 0 99 0 148 1 73 48 121 120 122 50 0 101-1 151 0 14 1 16-5 15-18-6-52-54-95-110-97-16-1-32-1-47 0-8 0-16-1-13-11 3-17-12-43 8-48 50-14 102-19 152-30 25-5 51-9 73-23 42-28 65-67 67-117 1-12 4-16 15-16 14 0 14 7 14 17-1 45-19 82-49 115-38 42-91 50-143 59-35 7-106-19-111 21-1 14 23 4 32 4 44 1 81 18 108 52 16 21 29 42 55 50 5 2 10 7 13 11 7 11 12 8 19 0 36-36 89-36 124 0 9 9 12 8 20 0 29-30 69-35 105-15 4 2 7 7 14 4 0-101 0-204 0-306 0-9-3-11-11-13-28-7-45-26-45-53-1-72-1-145 0-218z m-87 736c0-24 0-48-1-73 0-34-25-59-57-60-32 0-57 25-57 59-1 51-1 102 0 152 0 22 11 33 32 33 17 1 34 1 51 0 20 0 31-11 32-32 0-26 0-52 0-79z m-171-123c-4-2-2 4-2 5-1 42-1 42-44 42-42 0-42 0-42 42 0 45-1 90 0 136 0 28 9 37 37 37 15 1 31 1 47 0 20-1 31-10 31-30 0-62 0-124 0-186 0-19-7-40-27-46z m314 96c0-16 1-32 0-49-1-32-26-56-56-57-30 0-56 22-58 53-2 35-1 69 0 104 0 19 11 29 29 29 19 1 37 1 55 0 20 0 29-11 30-31 0-16 0-33 0-49z m-546 21c0 19 0 38 0 56 1 21 12 32 32 32 18 0 35 0 53 0 18 0 30-10 30-29 1-39 0-78 1-116 0-11-5-13-14-13-30 0-60 0-91-1-10 0-11 5-11 13 1 19 0 39 0 58z" />
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21 1 31 3 3 0 4 0 4-3 0-9 1-17 4-24 3-10 4-22 10-31 9-14 15-31 21-48 4-14 16-22 29-20 19 3 36 12 55 18 22 8 43 19 65 29 18 9 37 18 54 29 7 4 13 7 22 4 18-6 36-7 55-7 12 1 25 1 38-1 8-1 15-1 22-6 4-2 8-4 12-5 3-1 7-3 10 1 3 3 6 6 8 10 10 16 18 33 25 51 10 25 14 50 17 77 1 15 2 31 1 46 0 1 0 2 2 3 0 0 0-1 0-1 7-13 14-25 20-38 13-22 25-44 30-69 0-2 1-4 4-2 8 6 17 11 23 20 16 20 25 43 32 68 3 11 5 23 6 34 3 20 3 39 0 61 10-12 20-23 29-34 13-18 30-30 51-36 15-4 30-5 46-5 6 1 6 1 5 8z m-214 406c8 6 15 11 23 17 3 2 5 2 6-3l7-28c0-2 1-3-2-4-9-2-18-5-27-7-3-1-3 1-3 2-2 5-4 11-6 16-1 3 0 5 2 7z m-36-53c-14 0-22 11-22 24 0 13 12 26 23 24 10 2 22-11 23-24 0-13-11-24-24-24z m68-407c-7 10-13 20-20 29-1 2-2 4 0 7l10 17c1 2 2 2 3 1 6-6 11-11 17-17 1-1 2-2 1-4-4-11-7-22-11-33z m-37 69c-3 7-5 13-8 20-1 2-2 3-1 5 7 8 13 15 20 24 3-12 6-24 9-35 0-3 1-6 2-9 3-9 1-16-3-23-3-3-4-7-6-12-6 10-9 20-13 30z m-21 90c7 7 14 14 22 22 2-10 3-18 5-27 1-8 2-16 4-24 0-3 0-6-2-8-6-7-12-14-18-22-2 7-4 14-5 21-3 11-5 21-8 32 0 2 0 4 2 6z m-3 4c-1 9-3 18-4 26-1 7-1 14-3 21 0 3 0 5 2 7 7 7 14 14 22 21 2-11 3-22 5-33 0-3 0-7 1-10 2-5 0-8-3-11-7-7-13-14-20-21z m71-118c-7 8-16 13-20 24-4 10-6 20-7 31-1 6-3 12-2 19 12-7 23-14 35-21 1-1 2-3 2-4-1-16-1-32-5-48-1-3-1-3-3-1z m7 59c-1-1-3 1-4 1l-30 16c-3 2-5 4-6 8-2 17-5 33-7 52 14-9 28-16 41-24 4-3 2-9 3-13 2-12 2-23 3-35 1-2 1-4 0-5z m-7 60c-1 0-2 1-3 1l-36 23c-3 1-3 4-3 6-3 14-5 28-7 42 7-2 13-7 20-11 6-2 11-7 16-9 3-2 5-4 5-8l8-41c0-1 1-2 0-3z m-11 57c-13 7-25 14-37 21-3 1-3 5-3 7-3 15-4 30-7 45-2 20-6 40-9 60 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3-2 8 2 9 4 1 5-3 6-5 7-14 12-29 17-44 5-16 13-32 17-49 4-15 9-29 14-45z m-52 81c2-14 4-28 6-42 0-3 0-6 1-9 1-5-1-8-4-11-6-7-12-13-19-21-2 10-1 18-2 26-2 35 0 69-1 104 0 5 0 12 5 12 5 0 6-7 7-12 2-15 5-31 7-47z m-1 204c3 0 4-1 4-5 0-10 0-20 0-31 0-3-1-4-4-4-11-2-19 3-25 13-6 9-14 17-21 27 16-1 31-1 46 0z m-231-612c-13-6-25-15-38-22-26-14-53-25-80-35-12-4-23-8-35-11-4-2-9-2-13-1-5 1-9 3-12 10-4 12-10 24-16 36-9 16-14 34-15 53-1 11-2 11 9 14 18 4 35 10 51 19 17 10 33 21 40 41 1 3 2 5 1 8-6-3-7-9-11-13-11-13-25-21-40-27-16-7-32-13-49-17-15-3-30-6-45-6-9 0-18-2-28-2-15 0-30 3-45 8-22 8-26 34-20 50 6 14 6 30-2 45-6 10-5 18 1 28 1 2 3 3 6 2 21-2 41-1 62 6 8 3 17 0 18-11 0 0 0-1 0-2 2-3 2-8 7-7 4 1 4 6 4 10-1 7-1 14-8 19-4 3-8 8-8 15 1 9-4 13-13 13-4 0-9 1-13 0-4 0-8 0-8-5 0-4 3-6 7-6 2 0 5-1 8-2 1 0 3 0 3-2 1-2-1-3-2-4-6-4-12-4-18-6-13-5-27-3-41-3-5 0-8 5-8 10-1 14 2 28 5 41 3 10 8 14 18 14 12 1 23 3 34 4 12 0 24-2 34-8 4-2 7-7 9-11 2-4 5-7 7-11 1-2 2-4 4-3 2 0 3 3 3 5-1 7-3 14-7 19-6 7-14 13-21 18-3 2-4 4-4 7 2 26-24 40-41 39-8 0-12-5-13-14-1-8 2-14 9-16 4-1 8-5 12-2 2 1 5 1 4 4-1 2-2 4-5 4-2 0-5-1-8 1-2 2-5 5-4 8 0 3 3 5 6 6 5 1 10 1 14-2 6-3 11-8 14-13 7-12-1-21-12-22-21-1-41-5-61-7-8 0-16-1-24 3-6 4-9 10-10 17-1 12 4 22 10 32 14 27 31 52 46 79 7 14 13 29 8 46-7 21 3 36 17 49 10 10 21 19 31 29 16 15 33 28 50 42 16 13 33 25 49 38 3 2 5 2 8-1 8-7 18-13 27-19 8-7 15-14 20-24 6-15 15-29 18-45 3-17 4-33 2-50-1-6 0-13 0-19-1-15-4-30-6-44-1-11-3-22-4-33-1-12-2-24-2-36 0-25 4-49 11-73 7-25 18-48 29-71 3-5 6-8 13-8 23 0 35-24 30-43-2-11-3-21-7-31-1-2 0-3 0-5 14-30 27-60 40-90 2-4 4-6-2-9z m77 50c-4-1-7 0-11 0-4 0-6-2-7-6-5-13-16-21-27-19-12 3-21 11-24 24-6 22-10 44-10 67-1 15-4 31-12 44-8 14-18 27-27 40-16 22-29 46-38 72-3 8-4 17-4 25-1 13-1 27 0 40 1 19 2 37 5 55 4 24 8 48 10 72 1 8 3 17 3 25 0 20-3 39-12 57-8 17-15 34-22 51-4 10-5 22-5 33 0 7 7 16 15 18 16 6 29 0 42-9 12-7 23-14 36-18 17-5 32-2 47 9 7 6 15 11 25 11 9 1 18-2 23-10 8-12 12-25 16-39 3-7 6-14 10-21 2-5 7-7 13-8 9 0 19-1 28 5 2 1 5 1 6-1 1-3 0-5-3-7-13-8-26-8-40-2-10 3-14 13-19 22-6 15-9 32-19 44-8 11-15 12-26 5-9-6-18-13-29-18-10-4-21-3-32 0-18 5-32 16-48 25-7 5-15 8-24 4-9-4-13-11-12-21 3-15 9-29 15-43 6-14 13-27 18-42 2-6 3-13 4-20 0-4 1-4 4-4 19 2 37 6 56 8 17 2 34 4 51 5 15 1 29 3 44 3 9 0 19-1 29-1 3 0 5-1 5-3 1-3-2-3-4-4-3-1-7-1-10-1-17 0-34 0-51 0-12-1-23-3-35-4-9 0-18-1-27-2-20-3-39-6-58-10-3-1-3-2-3-4 1-11 0-22-1-32-2-18-4-35-8-52-2-12-3-24-5-36-2-15-3-31-4-47-1-16 1-32 3-48 4-24 17-42 29-62 10-15 20-29 30-45 11-18 19-38 20-60 1-13 1-26 3-39 3-12 7-24 13-35 2-5 10-8 17-6 5 1 8 5 10 12 4 8-1 13-7 17-10 7-15 18-17 31-1 6 1 14 4 20 2 3 5 4 9 3 13-5 24-20 24-34v-18c0-4-1-7 3-9 5-1 9-1 12 3 4 6 7 12 8 19 1 11-4 19-9 27-9 18-21 34-35 48-21 22-42 44-57 71-5 8-8 18-12 27-6 18-9 37-8 56 1 22 2 44 3 66 2 24 5 48 12 71 3 7 7 12 15 14 7 1 12-4 16-9 5-7 9-14 14-20 0-1 0-3 2-3 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 9 2 17 3 25 1 7 3 13 5 20 2 6 4 12 11 13 6 0 12-2 16-8 5-6 10-13 15-19 4 3 4 8 5 13 1 6 2 12 4 17 1 3 3 6 6 5 2-1 4-4 3-8-3-9-4-18-8-27-4-11-10-14-18-4-5 6-11 11-15 18-2 3-4 4-6 3-3 0-4-2-4-4-3-10-4-21-4-31-1-7-4-14-7-20-3-5-8-5-13-2-5 3-9 9-12 14-3 3-6 7-8 10-4 5-9 5-11-1-4-10-7-21-9-32-2-16-3-33-4-49-2-15-4-29-5-44 0-12 0-24 3-36 2-9 3-19 5-28 2-13 10-23 17-34 12-18 27-34 41-51 13-14 26-28 37-44 9-12 17-26 19-43 2-11-8-29-18-33z m18 195c-16-17-34-32-50-49-5-5-9-4-12 2-13 24-25 48-35 73 0 3 0 4 1 6 8 19 18 37 27 57 12 27 29 52 46 77 12 17 24 35 39 51 11 11 20 25 31 35 13 13 25 26 39 37 1 1 3 2 4 3 5-10 1-16-4-22-9-11-13-24-18-36l-9-24c-8-20-12-41-18-61-7-25-15-49-20-74-4-19-6-38-11-57-2-7-4-13-10-18z m117-127c-2-19-6-38-9-56-6-26-17-50-28-73-2-5-6-9-11-9-6 0-9 4-11 9-10 20-20 40-27 61-5 15-6 30-8 45-4 26-6 53-6 83-1 15 1 34 2 53 4 50 13 99 26 147 6 20 10 41 16 61 8 23 18 46 30 68 1 2 1 4 2 5 2 2 2 6 5 4 2-1 5-3 4-8-6-21-5-42-5-63 1-8 1-17 1-25 0-22 1-43 2-65 1-18 1-36 2-54 1-19 2-38 4-57 2-14 2-28 4-43 2-16 5-31 6-48 1-11 2-23 1-35z m116 66c-1-21-5-41-11-60-4-14-8-28-15-40-7-9-14-18-22-26-3-3-4-2-5 1-4 23-17 41-27 61-8 17-16 33-26 49-4 5-4 11-4 17-1 14-4 27-5 41-1 13-3 27-5 40-4 35-5 71-6 107-1 36 0 73 0 110 0 6 1 12 2 18 0 4 2 4 5 4 4 0 3-3 3-6-4-39-4-79-3-119 1-22 2-44 4-66 2-36 10-71 18-105 7-31 19-60 35-86 6-11 13-21 21-30 6 13 9 27 14 41 8 23 8 47 8 71-1 14-2 28-4 42-2 14-3 28-7 43-1 3-1 7-2 11 2 0 2-2 3-3 8-18 17-36 26-54 2-4 2-9 2-13 1-16 2-32 1-48z m123-23c-25 1-47 8-66 25-9 8-17 16-26 24-12 12-22 28-31 43-10 18-20 36-30 55-7 14-12 29-15 45-1 5-4 10-5 16-9 27-19 54-30 80-5 12-8 26-14 38-3 5-6 10-8 16 0 2 0 4 2 4 4 1 7 4 11 6 8-22 16-44 24-66 9-23 17-48 27-71 12-28 23-56 38-83 5-9 9-18 14-27 13-27 30-51 53-69 8-6 18-9 28-11 4-1 7 0 10-2 4-1 4 0 5 4 0 19-1 38-4 57-5 32-17 62-32 90-7 13-15 24-22 36-6 11-15 21-23 31-9 11-17 23-27 33-17 16-32 33-48 49-11 10-21 22-32 32-4 4-5 8-3 14 0 1 1 3 1 5 3-2 5-4 7-6 15-16 33-30 49-46 15-15 31-31 47-46 26-24 47-52 64-83 12-21 24-43 31-67 5-18 10-36 10-55 0-21 0-43 0-64 0-5-1-7-5-7z m-124 164c4 8 6 16 8 24 1 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 2-1 2-2 12-21 24-41 36-62l2-5c4-7 3-14 0-21-4-8-6-17-9-27-15 22-28 45-40 69-3 6-5 13-1 21z m-5-3h-2c-4 9-9 17-12 26-6 12-10 25-16 37-4 10-2 20-1 30 1 3 2 7 3 11 7-13 14-25 21-37 5-8 10-17 15-25 3-4 4-9 2-14-3-9-8-18-10-28z m50-89l10 35c1 1 1 1 2 2 6-10 11-21 17-31 1-2 1-5 4-4 4 2 1 4 0 6-5 11-10 21-16 31 0 1-1 2-1 3 11-2 21-4 31-6 5-1 7-4 8-9 3-15 5-30 5-46 0-7 1-13 1-20 0-4-1-5-4-3-4 2-9 3-14 4-20 4-32 18-43 35-1 1 0 2 0 3z m40 42l-22 4c-6 1-8 6-11 10-11 20-23 40-34 59-1 2-2 4-3 6 17-5 34-9 50-14 1 0 3-2 4-3 9-16 17-33 22-52l0-1c3-10 3-10-6-9z m-44 78c-8 2-16 5-25 7-6 2-8 7-11 11-11 19-22 37-33 55-1 1-1 2-2 4 13-2 25-3 35-8 6-3 10-11 15-16 8-10 15-20 22-30 7-9 13-19 20-29-8 2-15 4-21 6z m-40 75c-13 4-23 6-34 9-3 1-4 4-5 6-4 10-12 19-17 28-1 2-2 4-3 3-2-2-2-4-1-5 4-6 6-11 10-16l11-18c2-2 2-5 1-8-2-6-2-13-4-22-17 33-26 66-36 100 28-23 51-51 78-77z m-111 125c-6-1-14-9-14-16 0-7 8-17 15-16 6 0 15 9 15 16 0 7-9 16-16 16z m-362-259c-9-8-15-19-18-30-5-13-5-26 2-38 7-12 17-19 29-22-10 14-15 31-14 49s7 35 22 48c-9 1-16-2-21-7z m308 207l7 14-2 1c-13-19-29-34-43-52-11-13-21-26-31-40-11-16-22-33-33-49-12-18-23-36-32-56-6-11-11-24-17-36-4-7-5-14-1-21 4-9 8-18 13-26 4-9 7-18 12-27 2-3 4-5 8-1 5 4 9 8 13 12 12 11 23 22 34 33 5 4 8 8 8 15 1 6 2 11 3 17 3 19 8 37 12 55 6 27 12 53 20 78 9 28 17 57 29 83z m-137-196c6 9 11 18 15 28 4 12 13 18 24 23 5 2 11 4 16 6-1-8-5-16-8-23-3-8-5-17-8-25-1-3-3-5-6-7-12-6-25-10-37-17 0 6 2 11 4 15z m53-58c-8-10-19-19-29-28-7-8-9-7-14 2-5 12-12 24-17 37-2 4-3 8-4 12-1 9 0 10 7 13 6 3 13 6 18 8 6 3 12 6 20 10-4-16-8-29-12-43-2-6-4-12-6-18-1-2-2-5 1-6 3-2 4 1 4 4 6 17 12 35 18 53 6-9 11-18 16-26 6-10 6-9-2-18z m14 14c-10 12-19 23-22 38-1 3-1 6 0 8 5 15 10 29 16 45 6-10 10-18 15-27 4 1 2 5 5 7-7-23-9-47-14-71z m14 73c-5 10-10 19-15 27-1 1-1 3-1 4 8 17 12 36 22 53 3 4 6 9 7 15 1 1 1 3 0 4-2 1-2-1-3-2-6-7-9-15-13-22-6-10-11-20-15-31-1-5-4-8-9-10-8-4-16-8-23-12 28 46 59 89 95 128-19-49-33-101-45-154z m-368 50c4 0 8 1 11 2 13 2 26 5 38 9 3 0 7 2 7 5 0 3-2 7-5 9-15 9-30 17-44 27-7 4-8 7-3 18 3 6 6 7 13 4 12-6 24-13 36-18 13-5 25-4 37 4 3 2 6 5 5 9-1 3-5 4-9 4-22-1-41 8-58 22-10 7-21 14-33 12h-4c-10 0-20-2-27-10-3-3-4-6-2-10 2-3 3-6 5-8 3-4 2-6 0-9-3-3-5-7-8-9-4-4-2-6 1-8 5-3 9-5 14-7 2-1 4-1 3-5-3-8-3-18-1-27 1-2 0-3-3-4-5 0-10-1-16-2-3 0-6-1-6-4 0-4 3-4 6-4 5-1 10-1 14 0 3 0 4-1 4-5l0-13c0-2 1-4 3-5 2-1 3 1 5 2 5 4 8 10 10 16 2 4 4 5 7 5z m0 36c14-6 27-11 40-17-11-5-22-10-34-9-3 0-6-3-8 0-2 3-2 7-2 11 1 4 2 8 2 12 0 2 0 3 2 3z m-10 25c-5 3-11 4-16 7-2 2-2 4 0 6 7 2 14 4 20 6 4 0 5-2 4-5-1-4-3-8-5-12 0-2-1-3-3-2z m225-288c-6 10-17 12-27 6-10-8-15-19-17-31-3-10-4-19-1-29 2-5 4-10 8-14 9-7 21-5 29 5 8 12 14 25 13 41 2 8-1 15-5 22z m-19-54c-3-3-6-4-10-2-4 2-7 6-7 11-1 3 0 5 0 6-1 14 4 23 13 31 7 7 17 2 18-8 2-15-2-28-14-38z m-97 244c-1 8-6 15-13 16-8 0-15-3-20-7-14-11-30-14-46-16-3 0-4 2-4 5 0 4 3 6 6 6 5 0 9 3 14 4 7 2 14 5 18 13 3 6 2 8-4 9-3 1-6 1-9 0-11-3-22-9-33-14-6-4-10-9-13-15-2-5-1-9 2-12 3-3 6-6 8-9 2-2 2-4 0-6-2-3-5-5-4-10 0-11 8-20 19-20 8 0 17 0 25 1 9 1 18 5 25 10 4 2 6 5 5 10-2 4-5 6-9 6-8 1-14-3-21-6-7-2-14-4-22-1-2 1-5 2-5 5 0 3 3 3 5 4 14 6 28 9 43 7 9 2 18-2 27 4 6 5 8 9 6 16z m-29 167c5-5 11-9 16-14 3-3 4-1 4 2 1 7-2 11-6 15-8 7-15 14-22 22-1 1-5 2-1 4 3 2 4 6 8 3 5-4 9-8 13-13 14-15 31-27 43-44 1-2 4-4 6-2 3 2 3 5 1 8-1 1-1 2-3 4-4 5-9 10-13 15-11 15-24 27-36 38-4 3-4 5 0 7 2 2 4 1 6-1 11-7 19-16 28-25 2-2 3-3 5-4 4-2 5 1 6 3 0 3-1 4-2 5-9 12-20 21-31 31-4 3-9 6-14 3-11-8-20-16-30-24-4-3-4-7 0-10 7-8 14-15 22-23z m-73-377c-1 1-3 2-5 2-10 4-21 8-29 15-4 2-7 3-11 1-3-2-7-5-11-5-3 0-3-2-3-5l-2-44c1-3 2-6 4-8 4-3 8-3 13-3 4 1 5 4 7 8 2-6 5-11 9-15 4-3 7-6 12-3 6 3 11 7 12 14 0 8-5 14-8 22 5-1 8 1 12 3 7 5 7 12 0 18z m458 74c-2 14-3 27-4 41-2 23-3 46-4 68 0 38 0 76-1 114 0 15-2 31-1 46 0 1-1 1-1 3-1-1-1-2-1-2-8-20-17-40-23-61-3-8-7-16-9-25-5-20-10-40-13-60-2-11-5-22-7-34-2-13-3-26-5-39-1-17-4-35-4-52-1-33 0-66 5-99 1-10 2-20 4-31 2-12 5-24 9-36 6-15 13-30 22-44 3 6 6 11 8 16 5 13 11 26 16 39 6 14 10 29 12 44 2 9 2 18 3 26 2 12 3 23 1 34-4 17-5 35-7 52z m-7 36c0-15 3-30 5-44 1-8 0-16 2-24-8 6-14 12-21 16-7 4-12 9-16 15-1 2-2 3-2 5-1 21 2 43 1 66 11-8 20-15 29-23 2-2 2-7 2-11z m-13 170c3 1 8-3 8-7 0-7 0-13 0-20-1-25 0-51 1-76 1-14 0-28 2-41 0-2 0-4 0-7-8 3-13 9-19 13l-1 1c-9 5-9 13-7 22 2 8 2 16 3 24 1 16 3 32 5 48 2 12 5 24 5 37 0 2 0 5 3 6z m-40-109c5 32 15 63 22 94 1 4 3 7 4 11 1 3 5 4 8 3 3-1 1-4 1-5-4-21-6-42-9-63-2-16-4-33-5-49 0-4-1-7-3-9-6-7-13-12-20-17l-2 1c1 11 3 23 4 34z m-7-58c0 9 3 15 10 21 5 4 10 9 16 14l1-1c-2-19 0-37-3-56 0-4 0-8 0-12 1-5 0-9-4-11-7-4-11-11-19-14-2-1-3-2-4 2 0 19 2 38 3 57z m2-134c0 5-2 9-2 14 0 14-2 28-1 42 0 0 0 0 0 0-4 11 2 16 10 20 5 3 10 7 16 11 1-6 1-12 2-17 0-14 0-27 1-41 0-1 0-2 0-3 2-15 3-13-10-22-4-2-7-4-11-6-3-2-5-2-5 2z m64-23c-1-6-2-12-3-18-4-10-13-14-22-5-3 3-5 8-8 12-2-11-6-15-15-15-4 0-7 3-8 6-5 9-6 19-7 30 0 2 1 3 3 4l22 13c2 1 3 1 5 0 10-6 20-13 30-19 3-2 4-5 3-8z m3 19l0-2c-2-7-2-6-8-4-9 4-17 11-25 17-3 2-5 5-5 8l-2 67c0 1 0 2 0 4 11-10 21-19 32-26 7-4 8-9 9-16 1-16 0-32-1-48z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="bear-tracks" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe82b;" d="M895 428c-67 56-144 87-232 85-79-3-134-76-114-150 9-30 13-59 19-89 7-40 14-80 29-119 13-35 38-57 75-67 25-7 49-10 75-9 5 0 11 0 16 0 57 1 94 27 112 81 5 14 10 28 14 42 15 52 29 104 29 159 0 25-2 50-23 67z m-568-2c-79 0-149-29-212-75-20-15-30-35-32-58-1-18-1-36 1-54 8-62 26-121 46-179 5-14 13-26 24-36 28-26 61-35 101-32 5 0 12 0 20 1 100 7 121 41 140 111 16 59 22 120 37 179 6 21 3 44-5 65-21 55-65 78-120 78z m101 1c24 20 29 70 10 95-15 19-35 18-48-2-10-14-14-30-14-46 0-16 4-31 15-43 12-12 25-14 37-4z m160 81c13 0 22 8 28 20 14 24 9 63-9 84-11 12-27 13-39 2-13-12-17-27-17-44 0-15 3-30 11-43 6-10 13-20 26-19z m-272-65c17 0 31 19 34 41 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 14-7 34-16 44-12 12-26 13-37 0-13-15-19-33-14-53 5-23 18-38 33-37z m395 105c12 22 11 45-3 66-14 21-32 20-46 0-8-12-12-24-11-40-1-8 2-18 7-27 15-23 39-23 53 1z m-559-128c15-12 32-8 40 10 5 12 6 24 6 36-1 9-2 17-3 26 0 3-1 7-2 11-5 13-14 17-27 12-19-9-29-27-31-47-3-18 2-35 17-48z m757 129c-14 8-26 3-30-13-3-11-4-22-5-33 0-11 1-22 4-32s8-19 19-21c11-3 20 2 28 10 22 24 14 73-16 89z m-153-26c15-2 25 7 31 20 12 23 9 46-2 68-10 17-27 18-39 3-11-13-15-29-16-48 1-4 2-10 3-16 3-14 7-26 23-27z m-636-143c5 11 5 23 5 36-1 12 0 24-4 36-5 13-15 17-27 12-18-8-27-24-30-42-4-20-1-39 16-52 15-13 33-8 40 10z m733 131c22 25 14 74-16 89-14 7-24 3-30-12-4-11-3-22-4-34 1-11 0-22 3-33 9-23 30-28 47-10z m-628-70c16-10 32-6 39 11 4 9 4 19 5 28 0 18-3 34-15 48-9 12-21 13-32 5-18-14-25-73 3-92z m685 130c7 1 8 6 6 12-4 17-13 31-25 47 2-19 4-35 5-50 1-9 8-9 14-9z m-820-86c7-1 14 0 15 9 1 14 2 29 4 47-13-15-21-28-25-43-2-6-2-12 6-13z m320 63c8 1 8 7 6 14-4 14-12 27-25 43 2-19 4-33 5-47 0-10 7-11 14-10z m358 94c9 1 8 9 6 15-5 14-13 27-25 42 2-18 3-32 4-46 1-10 8-12 15-11z m-178-7c8-2 13 1 14 10 2 15 4 29 6 48-13-16-21-28-26-43-1-6-3-13 6-15z m-357-80c8-1 13 3 13 12 1 14 3 28 5 42-11-11-20-23-24-38-2-6-4-15 6-16z m-69-23c7-1 13 0 14 10 1 14 3 28 4 42-12-11-20-23-24-37-2-7-4-13 6-15z m672 86c10 2 8 9 6 15-4 15-13 28-25 43 2-18 5-32 6-47 0-9 5-12 13-11z m-526-55c5 0 12-1 12 7 0 16-3 33-7 49-6-15-11-30-13-46-1-6 1-11 8-10z m380 87c7 0 10 4 9 10-4 15-7 31-14 48-5-18-6-34-6-49-1-9 5-9 11-9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bear" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe82c;" d="M888 383c8-17 10-33-8-46-22-17-37-7-52 10 4-23-8-25-25-17-17 7-28 39-19 56 7 12 19 20 33 19 18-2 8-17 9-27 1-3 1-6 1-9 2 17 12 30 30 34 15 3 25-8 31-20z m32 252c-5-9-8-19-11-28-7-18-18-29-40-25-15 3-32 4-49-7 6-2 10-2 14-3 12-3 33 0 33-14 0-17-20-21-35-23-73-8-102-66-134-118-15-23-4-48 12-69 15-21 35-38 54-55 27-24 42-55 44-92 1-36-13-52-49-59-36-6-70 9-73 40-4 43-31 62-62 83-54 35-72 90-74 160-26-54-19-105 21-146 24-24 18-38-6-50-37-17-51-40-45-83 6-40-11-80-37-112-20-25-12-33 13-42 15-4 28-13 38-25 12-14 9-25-10-27-38-3-76-3-114 5-30 6-48 61-28 84 24 29 45 59 58 94 21 58 3 118-51 160 82-136 5-221-88-305 20-10 42-13 58-28 8-7 16-15 14-26-4-12-17-10-26-10-26-1-52-2-77-1-63 3-99 47-85 108 9 39 8 73-20 105-11 13-18 30-23 46-8 26-15 48-48 54-20 3-23 29-3 40 32 16 44 43 55 74 8 23 24 40 45 52l63 39c52 32 97 68 118 129 28 81 86 129 173 142 22 3 43 12 65 17 21 5 40 6 33 39-5 25 21 29 41 30 22 0 43-7 39-33-4-25 8-30 26-34 16-4 32-9 48-13 20-5 31-16 36-37 8-31 34-38 60-17 7 5 13 11 22 5 9-6 9-14 5-24z m-232 43c-1 16-14 28-31 30-14 1-24-8-26-21-2-20 12-30 27-35 15-4 31 13 30 26z m103-36c-6 8-15 6-22 9-9 4-19 8-28-1-4-4-3-8 0-11 8-7 17-12 28-11 9 1 18 3 22 14z m83-324c-22 0-45 0-68 0 14-32 49-42 74-22 5 5 13 9 10 17-2 7-10 5-16 5z m-41 94c12 0 23 0 34 0 12 1 19 6 10 17-25 32-60 47-98 54-23 4-31-23-44-37-11-14-31-30-23-46 5-10 31-10 52-15 3-1 10 0 15 7 13 19 34 20 54 20z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="bird-flying" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe82e;" d="M936-32c-10 33-17 59-33 90-15 29-27 59-45 86-14 21-24 44-35 66-7 12-12 24-26 29-12 5-25 9-37 13-6 3-12 5-18 7-5 2-9 3-14 5-24 9-48 20-69 35-14 9-27 20-40 30-6 5-8 9-5 17 2 5 1 11 2 17 0 6 1 13 2 19 1 3 4 6 7 7 6 3 13 5 19 9 11 5 16 4 25-4 2-1 5-3 7-3 7 3 8 10 8 16l0 1c0 4-1 7-3 10l-4 4c-2 2-5 3-7 3-2 1-4 1-6 2-1 0-3 0-4 0l-2 1c-1 0-3 0-4 0l-1 1c-1 0-2 0-3 1-4 2-8 5-11 11-2 3-5 7-9 8-18 8-37 8-54-2-9-6-16-13-24-20-15-13-30-15-43-6-11 9-22 17-31 27-14 16-28 33-38 52-18 30-33 62-49 93-2 4-4 8-7 10-16 10-31 21-47 29-23 12-48 21-71 34-25 14-53 21-80 30-17 6-35 8-52 15-22 8-43 19-65 29h-6c1-2 2-5 3-6 3-5 6-10 9-15 2-4 4-7 6-11 1-2 3-3 4-5 8-12 14-24 26-31 2-1 2-3 3-4 7-8 15-15 22-22 3-3 5-7 9-9 8-5 17-10 26-15 3-2 10-2 10-4 1-8 10-7 14-9 13-5 25-14 40-15 10-1 20-6 30-10 3-1 6-3 9-5 7-6 14-13 23-17 6-3 9-8 11-14l7-15c0-2 1-4 2-6 2-4 3-8 5-11 2-4 6-7 8-11 5-10 10-21 15-32l2-4c2-7 6-13 11-19l4-6c3-6 5-14 9-18 10-8 9-23 21-29 4-2 4-10 6-14 1-3 4-4 6-6 0-2 2-4 3-6 3-5 6-9 8-14l4-12c2-5 0-21-3-25-7-11-15-22-21-35-14-32-32-61-67-75-2-1-4-4-4-6 1-8 3-15 5-22-8-5-16-9-24-14 9-18 9-18 17-13 5-5 8-9 13-13 6 3 12 6 17 10l2 2c4 1 7 3 10 5 5 1 11 2 16 2 8 1 15 2 18 11 5 12 14 22 26 26 14 5 28 10 42 13 18 4 34 10 47 22 7 6 14 5 21 3 21-7 43-15 64-22 12-4 24-7 36-11 15-4 30-10 45-15 4-1 8-1 13-3 6-2 12-6 18-7 16-3 31-8 46-16 5-3 10-8 14-14 8-12 14-26 21-39 7-13 13-26 20-39 2-3 5-6 8-9 3-3 6-6 9-9 4-4 8-9 13-13 1-2 4-2 5-4 3-8 8-14 17-17 4-1 6-5 9-8 3-3 5-7 8-9 10-9 21-17 31-25 0-1 1 1 1 3 4-9 4 1 6 1 2-9 6-16 15-19 6-2 5 3 5 6-1 0-2 1-2 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bird" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe82f;" d="M938 611v-14c-4-11-5-23-9-34-16-41-44-72-79-97-44-32-93-53-146-69-4-1-9-3-16-5 17-1 31 0 44 3 49 7 92 27 132 55 17 12 33 25 50 37 2 2 6 4 9 2 2-2 1-5 0-8-3-12-7-25-11-37-8-31-25-57-52-76-43-28-89-34-138-29-12 1-24 3-38 5 3-2 4-3 5-3 32-14 65-19 99-15 17 2 34 5 52 8 7 1 10-2 6-8-11-16-23-31-39-39-35-20-72-20-107-1-10 5-18 12-27 18 9-20 24-34 43-43 9-5 20-9 29-13 2-1 4-1 5-4 0-2-2-3-4-4-8-4-15-9-23-12-19-6-37-5-54 7-10 7-14 18-20 28-3-3-1-6-1-9 1-8 5-16 9-24 12-21 9-26-13-32-18-5-33 2-40 19-1 2 0 4-3 4-2-8 3-15 6-22 2-6 0-9-5-11-4-2-7-2-11-3-7-1-14 0-21-4 4-6 9-10 14-14 15-12 30-25 45-37 5-4 5-6 1-10-9-8-19-12-31-13-12-1-25-2-35-11-6-6-14-8-22-8-13 0-24-6-37-7h-17c-8 2-17 6-25 7-13 0-25 4-35 13-4 3-8 4-13 4-18-2-33 5-46 16-3 4-3 5 1 8 10 8 20 16 30 24 10 9 21 17 30 29-8 1-15 1-21 2-15 3-17 7-12 21 2 6 4 11 1 19-9-29-34-32-53-23-9 5-11 10-7 20 3 7 7 14 10 21 3 6 6 14 3 23-3-6-6-10-8-14-10-18-25-26-45-26-16-1-29 6-42 14-3 1-6 2-6 6 0 3 4 3 7 4 15 6 31 12 44 23 11 9 21 19 27 33-2-1-2-1-2-1-1-1-3-2-4-3-20-16-42-26-67-28-42-4-72 15-97 47-2 3-8 8-5 12 3 4 9 2 14 1 31-6 63-11 95-6 18 3 36 8 54 17-3 0-5 0-6 0-21-5-43-7-64-7-39 1-76 10-108 33-14 10-28 21-35 37-12 23-20 49-26 75-1 3-2 5 0 7 3 2 6 0 8-1 7-5 14-10 20-15 46-35 95-65 153-77 19-3 41-5 52-3-3 1-6 2-9 3-62 18-122 44-172 87-25 22-46 48-57 80-5 11-6 23-10 34v14c2 1 4 2 5 3 4 7 11 6 17 3l5-2c25-12 45-30 65-47 62-54 129-95 210-112 16-4 22-15 19-32-2-13-5-27-9-40-7-27-12-54-4-81 10-36 36-56 70-69 0 4-2 6-3 9-21 38-33 79-26 123 3 20 9 37 23 52 4 3 6 3 9-1 6-9 15-15 25-18 9-2 16-7 22-14 7-9 11-18 16-29 3 6 5 10 7 15 7 14 17 25 33 29 10 2 18 8 24 16 3 5 5 4 9 0 16-21 23-45 25-71 1-24-5-46-13-68-5-14-12-28-20-43 50 21 73 72 64 123-3 23-12 44-16 67s2 31 25 36c28 6 55 15 81 27 44 20 83 49 120 80 21 17 40 35 65 47 11 5 20 8 28-3z m-488-171c5 0 7-6 12-7-1 8-2 14-6 20-3 5-2 9 1 13 13 18 32 21 53 19 15-2 28-9 35-24 2-4 2-7 0-10-4-6-6-13-7-21l11 8c1-9-5-21-11-24-3-2-6-2-9 0l-10 8c-12 8-26 8-38 0l0-1c-6-3-11-12-19-7-8 6-13 15-12 26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="birds" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe830;" d="M428 270c-3-1-6 1-7 4-38 107-154 165-262 130-39-12-71-34-95-62-2-2-2-5 0-7s3-3 6-2l2 1c125 40 259-27 302-151 1-3 4-4 8-3 125 36 257-34 297-159 0-1 0-2 1-3 0-2 3-4 5-4 3 0 5 2 5 4 9 37 9 76-4 114-34 108-149 169-258 138z m200 180c-3-1-6 1-7 4-34 94-136 145-231 114-34-10-62-30-84-55-1-1-1-4 0-6 1-1 3-2 6-1 0 0 1 0 2 0 110 35 228-24 266-132 1-3 4-4 6-4 111 32 227-29 262-139l1-3c1-2 3-3 5-3 2 0 4 1 4 3 8 32 7 67-3 100-31 96-132 149-227 122z m304 66c-21 65-90 102-156 83-2 0-4 1-4 3-23 64-93 99-158 78-23-7-42-21-57-38-1-1-1-2 0-4 0-1 2-1 3-1 1 0 1 1 2 1 75 24 156-17 182-91 0-2 2-3 4-2 76 22 155-20 179-96 0 0 1-1 1-1 0-2 2-3 3-3 2 0 3 1 3 3 5 22 5 45-2 68z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe831;" d="M502 278c80 0 160-8 237-32 12-4 21-8 29-19 30-43 88-52 130-22 42 30 53 88 22 131-8 10-8 17-1 28 32 44 21 102-22 131-43 30-100 20-131-24-5-7-10-12-18-14-40-14-82-22-124-28-74-9-149-10-223-3-50 5-100 14-148 30-8 3-14 7-19 14-31 45-90 56-133 24-45-34-51-94-14-138 5-6 4-9-1-14-3-3-7-6-9-10-27-43-15-100 27-128 41-28 98-20 127 21 8 12 18 17 31 22 78 24 159 31 240 31z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bull" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe832;" d="M913 637c-5 3-12 7-11 13 4 29-17 27-34 27-8 1-15 0-23 3-24 10-49 10-74 5-31-5-54-21-64-51-10-30 0-55 22-76 12-11 24-22 31-36 12-24 7-46-17-68-27-26-32-27-61-9-48 31-90 68-122 116-20 29-40 59-59 89-20 30-47 40-82 34-55-9-110-22-163-39-26-8-44-10-67 12-30 30-92 27-117 0 13 0 26 1 38 0 22-3 44-9 51-32 6-22 15-33 43-31-20-16-33-16-43 2-20 33-64 41-98 15 26-4 57 7 75-23-17-9-18-10-16-14 14-21 6-40-3-60-2-4-4-11-2-15 15-26 7-50-4-74-7-15 2-16 12-16 4 10 12 18 21 10 10-8 22-8 32-14 36-6 37-5 43 28 6-26 7-28 16-24 36 13 49 49 29 82-4 8-9 15-13 22 24-9 34-28 36-51 1-6-3-16 5-18 23-6 15-26 13-37-3-14-3-29-11-42-6-10-3-18 11-17-3-2-6-5-8-5-22 6-23-12-28-24-6-16 7-21 16-27 24-17 53-27 66-57 4-8 12-19 27-11 20 11 27 34 15 53-4 5-6 11-5 17 2 11-4 12-13 12-7 0-15 1-22 3-11 3-19 10-19 21 0 11 11 12 19 14 44 11 70 41 83 83 3 12 3 25 13 37 6-35-6-63-22-89-14-21-13-23 13-25 17-1 34 0 50-7 16-8 23-5 29 12 7 23 22 40 50 42-2-9-8-12-12-16-41-44-42-120-1-163 40-43 40-93-1-134-3-3-6-6-8-9-11-13-23-27-16-43 7-14 25-9 39-10 21-2 32 5 30 28-1 18 9 34 23 43 15 9 30 14 14 36-4 4-5 18 3 23 8 4 13-6 18-11 20-18 19-42 15-66-2-13-6-26-9-39-4-15 2-23 17-24 57-3 69-4 49 56-7 23-9 48 18 65 7 4 12 13 10 23-28-6-54 5-66 27-12 24 4 38 17 54 5 6 11 12 18 18 34 33 40 74 23 116-9 21-6 30 11 43 55 47 57 91 7 145-8 9-17 19-24 30-16 26-5 55 24 65 17 7 35 7 52 6 13 0 23-3 26-18 3-13 11-24 24-27 22-6 43-14 65-30-4 23-7 40-24 52z m-744-154c-10-2-11 8-10 13 0 8 4 18 13 20 9 1 10-9 12-16 0-11-5-16-15-17z m158-132c-2-9-12-3-19-3 25 13 6 37 17 58 6-20 5-38 2-55z m-41-74c-34 23-35 26-16 68-21-14-31-31-43-46-14-16-10-27 8-38 18-11 38-21 45-45 4-12 10-27 28-16 15 10 32 18 20 41-9 19-27 25-42 36z m-108 127h1c0 0-1 1-1 1h0c0 0 0-1 0-1z m-16 0c-8-3-14-10-12-19 1-9 8-13 16-12 9 0 15 6 16 15 1 6 0 11-4 16-5 0-11 1-16 0z m-37 4l0 1 0 0h0l0-1c0 0 0 0 0 0z m-9-12c4-6 12-10 20-7 6 2 7 9 6 15-2 13-11 3-17 4-3-5-16-3-9-12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="butterfly-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe833;" d="M446 468c9 18 21 32 36 38-40 140-124 229-128 233-9 9-23 9-31 1s-9-23-1-31c1-1 91-97 124-241z m-76-229c13 0 26 4 37 10 1 40 5 105 18 161-40 118-152 202-284 202-43 0-78-35-78-78v-107c0-104 84-188 188-188h119v0z m-208 179c-7 21-6 39 3 51 13 19 44 26 67 26 39 0 71-37 71-81 0-60-11-81-40-81-27 0-77 11-101 85z m392 50c33 144 123 240 124 241 8 9 8 22-1 31-8 8-22 8-31-1-4-4-88-93-128-233 15-6 27-20 36-38z m-197-255h-113c-38 0-69-30-69-68 0-105 86-191 191-191 35 0 63 28 63 64v1c-16 58-21 131-22 174-13 13-30 20-50 20z m-1-145c0-15-12-27-27-27-44 0-80 36-80 81 0 15 13 29 29 29h48c8 0 15-4 21-9 0-18 2-49 9-74l0 0z m503 545c-132 0-244-85-284-203 13-56 17-121 18-160 11-7 24-11 37-11h119c104 0 189 84 189 188v107c0 43-36 79-79 79z m-21-195c-24-74-73-85-101-85-29 0-39 21-39 81 0 44 31 81 70 81 24 0 54-7 67-26 9-13 10-30 3-51z m-338 63c-35 0-64-116-64-259s29-260 64-260c36 0 64 116 64 260s-29 259-64 259z m256-268h-113c-19 0-37-7-50-20-1-43-6-116-22-174v-1c0-35 28-64 63-64 105 0 191 86 191 191 0 38-31 68-69 68z m-85-172c-15 0-27 12-27 27v0c7 25 9 56 9 74 6 5 13 9 21 9h48c16 0 29-13 29-29 0-45-36-81-80-81z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="camel" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe837;" d="M920 252c-22 11-34 38-29 63 6 27 8 55 1 82-1 8-4 14-6 19-3-27-5-56-8-84-3-27 1-51 18-73 4-6 8-13 13-18 24-25 27-56 24-88-3-31-4-61-6-92 0-14 0-28 8-41 7-11 0-24-13-26-18-2-36-1-54 0-9 0-11 7-6 14 3 3 5 7 8 9 21 10 26 29 27 49 2 34 1 68 1 102 0 15-8 28-20 37-7 5-13 11-21 15-24 14-46 31-59 57-1 3-3 5-5 8-15-15-20-32-13-51 1-5 2-10 5-14 10-20 10-39-9-55-3-2-5-6-6-9-11-38-32-72-37-111-2-12-4-25-18-29-17-6-34-4-50 5-7 5-5 11 0 15 6 5 13 10 20 14 17 13 29 28 35 49 7 24 17 47 25 70 5 17 3 35-8 50-19 25-25 53-21 84 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 30-2 33-31 27-28-6-56-12-85-15-14-2-30 0-45 3-31 6-40-8-38-36 0-13 0-27 0-40-2-39-5-79-6-118 0-24 2-48 3-72 0-28-21-43-48-36-9 3-13 9-9 19 2 4 4 9 8 13 18 20 21 44 17 69-5 35-9 70-14 104-1 11-4 21-5 32l-4 0c-2-12-3-24-5-35-7-34-15-67-22-101-5-28-9-56-13-84-2-20-8-26-29-28-8 0-17 0-26 1-15 2-19 10-9 22 3 4 9 8 14 10 27 12 34 34 34 60 0 28 0 56 0 84 1 17 6 33 5 50 0 21-3 43-5 64-2 32-16 45-47 44-33-1-64 2-89 27-35 36-62 78-75 127-8 27-11 56-17 84-2 9-8 19-15 24-20 14-43 21-69 18-20-3-32 8-29 25 1 4 4 9 7 11 45 17 80 37 125 44 4 0 10 0 14 2 16 5 29 6 38-11 1-3 7-4 11-6 4-2 9-3 10-6 1-3-2-9-5-10-9-5-7-12-5-21 8-30 15-61 22-91 7-27 19-49 43-65 18-13 31-13 48 2 33 30 65 60 98 89 30 27 70 72 110 82 53 13 102-8 127-60 31-37 69-66 113-84 28-12 47-31 60-58 7-15 14-30 22-45 11-22 13-45 9-69-2-20-3-39 5-58 4-11 3-25 5-40z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cat-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe838;" d="M913 122c-20 1-40 2-60 4-46 4-92 8-142 22 9 7 16 11 21 16 35 46 45 85-8 125-2 1-4 3-6 4-20 20-16 38 10 47 13 5 27 8 41 12 18 6 27 21 31 37 4 18-16 15-25 22-6 4-12 7-16 12-18 24-43 31-71 31-14 0-25 4-37 12-16 12-38 31-55 19-18-12-6-39-1-59 2-9 8-17 2-28-11-18-8-37-1-56 4-11 9-22 15-32 11-17-7-20-13-29-8-12-12-2-19 1-40 15-75 40-115 54-49 16-95 18-143-1-28-12-45-34-58-56-20-34-27-74-26-114 1-17-5-20-20-19-53 5-93 39-98 86-6 57 30 112 79 128 53 18 107 24 163 25 44 1 89 4 130 24 66 33 88 105 47 159-42 58-145 62-192 8-17-19-27-42-26-69 0-10-2-24 12-26 13-3 15 10 19 19 3 7 5 13 7 19 11 25 30 41 55 49 53 18 104-20 95-71-5-28-33-52-69-58-60-10-122-5-183-15-85-15-157-47-186-138-26-80 17-156 100-175 21-4 41-6 63-5 7 0 15 2 20-6 8-12 21-13 34-13 62 0 124-1 187 1 12 0 35-7 31 22 0 1 7 5 10 6 28 5 55 8 83 1 7-2 13-3 17-10 8-16 23-18 38-19 87-3 175-3 262 0 8 1 23-3 22 13-1 13-10 20-24 21z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cat-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe839;" d="M737 333c-46 2-88-10-114-52-22-36-22-74-2-112 18-33 63-58 95-53 8 1 18 2 21 12 3 11-7 15-15 19-12 7-25 12-37 20-23 15-30 37-24 63 6 26 25 40 51 43 46 5 86-23 99-72 17-64-15-134-80-179-107-74-272-64-397 5 11 8 23 3 35 4 38 1 76 2 114 3 8 1 19 0 21 12 1 9-2 17-8 24-7 10-18 11-29 12-20 2-40 3-64 5 13 23 24 42 36 62 18 29 28 61 16 93-10 28 2 34 22 38 7-76 35-142 69-207 17-34 43-44 77-41 11 1 30-5 30 15 0 17-9 29-28 30-24 1-34 14-38 37-2 19-7 38-11 57-16 69-4 126 57 170 26 19 38 50 48 80 12 35 9 67-18 94-9 10-17 20-25 30-24 31-17 49 21 58 11 3 23 3 35 7 24 7 38 26 44 48 5 23-21 21-32 30-7 5-15 10-20 17-14 20-34 32-58 32-44 1-81 15-117 40-10 6-24 16-36 7-12-9-9-26-7-40 5-22 19-48 12-66-21-56-2-100 28-142-36-34-64-14-94 4-29 18-61 29-96 32-80 6-149-47-181-137-61-174 27-390 193-470 98-48 202-63 309-46 113 19 196 79 233 190 37 112-28 218-135 224z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cat-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe83a;" d="M627 280c-33 16-59 39-76 71-12 21-21 44-23 68-3 41-2 82 11 121 5 16 11 32 22 45 5 6 8 8 13-1 14-22 29-43 42-65 6-8 10-9 20-7 23 6 47 11 72 4 9-3 19-2 28-6 6-2 10 4 14 8 18 19 36 38 55 57 3 3 5 10 11 7 5-2 3-8 4-12 5-43 10-86 8-128-2-47-13-92-47-126-20-19-42-33-68-39-17-5-19-9-22-26-4-24-10-47-16-70-6-26-13-52-19-79-5-24-13-48-18-73-5-25-12-49-21-73-5-13-10-26-20-36-13-12-24-8-30 9-4 12-4 24-4 37-2 42 4 83 4 125 1 15-2 30-8 44-5 9-12 15-24 15-11 0-17-5-23-14-10-18-14-37-18-57-9-45-15-91-26-136-2-8-6-15-10-22-2-4-7-8-13-7-5 0-9 4-11 9-8 16-11 32-13 49-4 33-10 66-13 99-3 29-5 58-9 87-2 14-5 29-12 42-6 11-14 18-26 17-13-1-17-12-20-22-10-29-13-59-15-90-2-41-5-81-7-122-1-20 0-42-12-60-8-13-19-14-28-2-9 12-14 26-18 41-5 21-11 43-16 64-5 18-10 36-14 54-5 25-11 50-16 75-3 13-6 27-8 40-4 23-9 46-12 69-8 54-15 108-1 162 4 17 10 34 19 50 2 4 3 6-1 11-30 30-39 69-40 111-3 80 45 139 108 168 45 21 93 25 141 18 40-6 72-28 97-60 9-11 18-21 17-36-1-10-2-18-12-23-10-5-16 1-22 5-14 10-26 23-41 31-27 17-58 19-88 16-47-4-77-33-95-74-12-26-12-53 0-80 5-13 9-14 20-6 32 23 68 34 107 29 20-2 40-6 58-13 7-2 9-7 7-13-11-39-12-79-10-119 4-61 31-109 86-139 22-13 46-19 71-24 3-1 7-2 11 2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cat-dog" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe83b;" d="M671 122c10-16 13-36 11-56-1-11-5-19-17-21-6-1-12-4-17 1-5 6 0 12 3 17 13 26 6 49-21 60-22 10-44 20-58 42-3 5-8 9-13 8-7-2-7-9-8-14-1-8-1-17-1-26-1-32-18-57-39-79-5-5-12-8-19-8-9 1-14 6-8 15 5 7 10 14 16 20 19 19 10 39 2 59-7 19-21 26-40 24-11-1-22 0-33-3-26-8-32-21-20-45 8-16 17-33 17-52 0-16-14-25-30-20-7 3-10 9-3 14 11 8 10 18 4 27-12 17-25 35-37 52-5 6-13 8-20 8-26 0-51-3-76-11-17-6-28-17-29-36 0-4 0-8-3-12-3-3-6-7-10-6-7 1-5 6-5 10-2 32 12 54 40 71 28 16 37 43 26 71-5 12-12 20-27 17-8-2-17-2-25-1-16 3-22 16-16 30 6 15 10 31 29 36 11 2 2 14 8 21 13-3 20-14 30-22 8-7 15-15 24-22 29-22 59-26 92-7 44 26 92 39 140 21 30-11 53-15 82 2 26 15 53-2 76-17 23-15 45-32 69-46 33-19 65-6 76 30 6 18 3 35-10 48-15 13-33 18-53 14-10-3-17-10-19-21 2 0 3-1 4-1 12-2 24-4 22-20-1-11-21-19-33-16-28 8-37 45-18 68 17 20 62 26 96 13 31-12 49-37 48-67 0-59-61-99-116-79-27 10-50 26-72 43-10 8-20 16-32 21-13 6-26 8-39 2-20-9-21-19-12-38 19-41 39-81 64-119z m-435 237c1 6 7 0 10-2 23-12 41-29 59-46 32-27 56-33 96-11 54 31 112 35 170 8 8-5 14-3 22 2 25 16 52 20 80 8 13-5 25-12 40-20-8 40 10 65 45 78-18 27-41 46-69 60-59 30-122 36-185 28-79-10-152-3-212 53-31 28-62 57-70 102-3 14-11 27-20 38h-4c-7-13-13-26-13-41 0-11-5-14-14-17-20-5-39-14-44-35-3-14-12-20-22-26-10-5-20-10-30-13-16-4-15-12-7-22 15-19 36-26 59-26 13 1 21-4 27-15 21-37 45-71 72-104 2-2 6-15 10 1z m551-93c8-5 18-18 30-7 12 12 16 28 10 44-7 16-23 18-38 19 12-14 16-28 5-44-2-4-14-7-7-12z m26-82c-4 5-7 8-14 8-29 0-56 10-79 26-21 14-40 28-60 42-10 7-20 12-33 7-10-4-14-8-7-20 15-27 37-45 63-59 25-13 36-34 36-61-1-14-1-29-19-34-6-2-6-29-1-32 10-5 43 9 46 21 9 33 17 66 6 106 30-24 53-48 70-77 9-17 6-23-12-30-9-3-13-9-12-16 1-9 8-8 14-8 14-1 27 0 40 3 22 4 28 16 16 35-17 30-36 59-54 89z m115 89c-9 3-17 7-25 10-6 2-11 3-12-6-1-13-6-24-13-36 21-2 45 17 60 28l-10 4z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cat-face" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe83c;" d="M917 415c-21 109-46 217-74 325-2 9-6 16-16 18-10 3-17-2-23-11-11-15-23-30-34-44-36-49-72-97-107-146-4-5-7-7-13-4-7 4-14 6-20 8-54 16-109 19-164 16-39-2-78-8-115-23-7-3-11-2-15 4-47 63-94 126-141 189-6 8-13 13-23 11-9-2-14-9-16-18-15-60-30-121-43-181-20-87-39-175-49-264-6-59 6-114 38-164 5-7 8-7 15-3 46 24 92 48 139 72 7 4 15 4 22-1 6-5 9-12 7-20-1-8-7-12-14-16-43-22-86-45-130-67-8-4-7-7-1-12 8-7 15-15 23-23 5-6 9-5 16-2 38 21 77 41 115 61 12 6 24 3 29-8 6-10 2-21-10-27-6-4-13-7-19-10-29-15-58-30-88-46 171-119 424-116 591 2-10 5-20 10-29 15l-75 39c-12 6-15 17-10 28 5 9 17 12 28 7 1 0 3-1 4-2 36-19 72-37 108-56 7-4 12-4 17 2 7 7 14 14 21 21 8 9 8 9-2 14-42 22-84 43-125 65-10 5-14 13-13 22 2 14 16 21 31 13 45-23 90-46 134-70 5-2 8-3 11 2 27 44 43 90 40 141-3 49-11 96-20 143z m-700-31c-4 33 6 37 33 41 78 12 164-45 180-130 3-12-2-20-13-25-18-8-42-13-61-13-73 1-130 54-139 127z m400-198c-33-58-67-115-100-173-10-17-27-17-37 1l-100 172c-10 18-2 33 19 33 33 0 66 0 100 0 33 0 66 0 99 0 21 0 30-14 19-33z m54 73c-8-1-15-1-22-2-21 1-41 5-60 13-13 5-17 13-14 26 17 78 87 133 167 130 11 0 21-2 31-5 11-3 16-9 16-21-2-63-40-128-118-141z m-235-79c-6 0-6-2-3-6l34-60c10-18 21-35 32-54 23 40 45 79 69 120-45 0-89 0-132 0z m-67 157c-27 32-61 51-104 50-4 0-8 0-7-7 9-48 51-83 102-83 6 0 14 1 22 3 4 1 6 2 4 7-5 11-10 21-17 30z m369 50c-49 1-100-33-118-79-3-5-2-7 4-8 8-2 15-3 20-3 51 0 90 32 102 80 3 9 0 10-8 10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe83d;" d="M933 33c-14 2-28 3-42 5-36 4-72 12-107 25-49 18-91 46-125 87-20 24-39 50-58 75-27 34-57 64-94 85-40 23-83 38-127 48-51 12-103 16-164 17-9 1-27-1-44 1-32 3-54 18-67 47-9 19-10 39-10 59 0 34 3 68 11 101 5 22 11 44 21 64 2 4 3 9 3 14 1 19-14 34-32 35-20 0-35-15-35-35 0-34 0-68 1-101 2-32 5-64 9-95 6-47 16-92 33-136 12-33 27-64 46-94 56-87 131-150 230-183 38-12 76-20 115-24 28-3 55-5 83-5 4 0 5 1 5 5-1 6-1 11 0 17 0 5-2 6-7 6-43 0-87 4-129 14-34 8-66 19-94 40-15 12-29 26-35 46-6 19-3 37 13 51 14 13 32 16 50 13 22-4 41-13 60-24 40-23 79-49 118-75 63-42 131-71 205-87 36-8 73-13 109-18 18-2 37-4 55-6 4 0 6 1 6 5 0 6 1 12 1 18 1 4 0 5-4 5z m-272 159c44-23 98-15 136 19 25 22 46 72 39 92-10-25-29-41-56-42-32-2-53 14-65 43-12-29-33-46-66-43-27 1-45 17-55 44-3-42 20-90 67-113z m-1 194c27-3 45-18 55-44 10 26 28 41 55 44 27 2 48-10 63-34v124c-2-3-3-4-4-6-15-20-30-41-45-62-2-3-3-5-7-2-41 23-82 23-124 0-3-2-4-2-6 1-11 16-22 31-33 47-5 7-11 14-16 22v-125c14 25 34 37 62 35z m73-63c0-23 19-42 42-43 24 0 43 20 43 43 0 23-19 42-42 43-23 0-43-19-43-43z m-79 43c-23 0-42-19-42-43 0-23 19-42 42-42 24-1 43 19 43 42 0 23-19 43-43 43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cow-head" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe83e;" d="M211 485c-22 15-41 30-57 48-60 68-47 134 35 173 49 24 103 36 158 38-23-17-50-29-73-49-44-39-43-72 4-107 30-22 64-36 99-49 10-4 19-4 30 0 62 20 124 20 186 0 3-1 6-2 9-2 37-6 143 57 155 92 8 25-7 43-23 59-23 24-53 37-79 56 69-6 137-18 194-61 37-28 43-66 22-113-16-37-47-60-85-88 54-2 97-18 135-45 23-17 21-27 0-42-65-47-131-58-203-17-10 6-21 17-26-6-17-83-37-167-43-253-2-19 0-38 6-57 16-51 3-79-52-93-70-17-142-19-212 4-53 17-63 38-45 89 15 47 2 92-4 136-9 57-22 112-33 169-4 19-9 21-27 11-74-40-143-32-208 21-14 12-16 19 0 33 31 25 59 38 137 53z m298-513c27-2 62 6 95 25 32 18 33 46 3 67-49 34-162 35-212 1-30-20-31-43-1-66 30-24 67-27 115-27z m-305 392c21 0 48 11 74 26 28 16 27 35-1 52-59 38-133 32-188-14-9-8-15-13-2-23 33-23 67-40 117-41z m599 1c42-1 77 16 109 39 7 6 14 10 3 21-48 49-144 56-198 14-20-16-19-33 1-46 27-17 55-29 85-28z m-172-27c-1 15-9 25-22 26-16 1-26-9-26-24 0-14 9-23 23-24 15 0 22 9 25 22z m-214-1c0 16-8 26-21 27-15 1-25-8-25-24 0-14 8-23 22-24 14 0 22 9 24 21z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cow" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe83f;" d="M276 485c4 20 7 36 34 33 14-2 26 9 33 21 9 15 11 28-14 27-16 0-32 0-50 0 28 49 29 61 12 83-24-60-31-63-85-66-51-3-75 23-88 69-13-33-5-59 19-86-18 0-31 1-43 0-10-2-28 8-31-9-3-16 10-27 23-34 8-5 18-7 27-7 9 1 15 0 18-12 7-37 23-73 23-112 0-27 10-37 36-39 15 0 31 0 46 3 14 2 20 9 20 23-1 37 14 70 20 106z m-36-105c-6-8-10 0-15 2-13 3-27 5-39-2-6-3-10-8-15 1-4 6-2 12 2 17 27 38 23 77 4 117-15 31-6 46 27 47 37 0 46-15 31-47-18-39-23-78 3-115 4-7 7-13 2-20z m661-274c0 24 5 48-18 66-9 5-6 15-3 23 7 18 14 36 22 58 20-25 36-47 34-78-1-36 1-71 0-106-1-9-1-16 1-20h-45c9 7 9 23 9 57z m-413-57h-42c1 3 0 8-1 13-7 43-19 86-15 130 0 10-7 29 15 24 15-4 41 6 40-26-1-41 0-83 0-124-1-8 0-13 3-17z m330 19c-4-9-5-15-3-19h-45c12 31 32 63 27 96-4 34-20 65-31 98-4 14-11 12-19 3l-3-2c-51-47-130-41-155-37-50 8-100 17-150 26-13 2-25 6-24-15 0-53 0-106 0-159 0-4 1-8 2-10h-43c2 3 2 8 1 16-12 86-24 172-78 246-32 44-23 98-10 146 12 42 47 63 91 64 152 1 303 1 455 0 57 0 100-39 103-96 3-60 1-120 1-180-3 0-6 0-9-1-13 29-1 61-7 90-8 1-8-6-9-9-32-86-62-172-94-257z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="crab" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe840;" d="M628 745c89-27 144-93 189-169 6-10 8-16-6-21-12-4-23-13-34-21-8-6-12-5-18 3-10 13-22 24-32 37-14 18-33 26-56 29-25 2-49 8-72 17-29 12-43 33-40 63 14-13 27-27 42-37 13-7 25-14 39-17 15-3 29-2 38 11 9 13 5 27-3 39-16 25-41 40-68 52-7 4-17 4-21 14 0 0 42 0 42 0z m-216 0c-2-8-9-8-14-11-22-9-42-20-59-36-8-7-14-15-19-25-5-11-7-22 1-33 8-11 19-14 32-12 27 4 47 19 66 36 7 5 13 12 19 18 6-20-3-41-24-54-20-13-42-18-64-22-7-1-15-3-22-3-24-1-43-11-58-30-7-10-16-19-24-28-17-20-10-20-35-4-6 4-12 10-19 12-20 6-16 16-7 30 38 62 83 118 152 149 11 5 22 8 34 12l41 1z m32-187c14-8 17-19 20-29 4-13 6-27 9-41 2-9 5-15 16-7 4 3 10 5 14 2 15-10 18 0 21 11 6 18 12 37 23 52 3 5 7 10 12 6 6-5-2-7-4-11-9-14-11-30-12-46 0-10 7-11 14-13 42-16 83-34 119-62 22-16 35-36 28-65-14-67-40-128-96-170-76-55-184-39-249 35-30 35-48 74-58 119-9 38 6 63 37 83s64 34 99 46c11 4 14 9 14 20 0 22-3 44-7 70z m-267-6c3-1 5-3 7-4 43-28 84-58 123-91 10-8 13-13 1-23-28-25-27-26-58-2-26 20-52 41-74 65-16 18-17 34-5 50 2 2 2 5 6 5z m659-26c-2-12-6-21-13-29-29-30-61-56-95-80-10-7-17-5-24 3-2 3-5 5-7 8-19 19-19 19 3 37 34 27 69 53 106 78 6 3 12 12 17 8 8-6 12-16 13-25z m102-87c-25-61-57-112-109-150-21-15-42-30-66-41-20-8-40-10-61-4-6 2-10 5-6 13 5 8 8 17 13 26 1 4 3 7 9 5 20-11 38-1 56 6 66 25 115 70 151 130 2 3 5 7 8 11 0 1 1 1 5 4z m-874 0c14-23 29-45 45-65 36-43 82-69 133-87 9-3 19-5 29-3 5 1 12 9 17 2 7-11 11-24 16-36 1-3-5-4-8-5-21-7-41-5-60 4-83 38-140 100-173 185-1 1 0 2 1 5z m9-168c71-44 149-51 229-44 16 2 16-9 20-16 15-24 14-29-13-27-82 4-160 22-226 74-4 3-10 6-10 13z m849-4c-15-20-36-32-59-43-51-23-105-36-161-41-12-1-31-2-34 7-4 12 11 24 17 36 3 5 8 1 13 0 62-6 123 1 182 21 15 5 28 13 42 20z m-671-291c-14 42-2 79 20 115 19 32 47 57 71 85 3 5 6 5 9 2 4-3 8-5 12-7 24-16 24-16 1-34-19-15-39-29-58-45-34-31-58-67-55-116z m497 0c3 59-31 97-72 130-18 14-35 27-53 40-7 6-10 11 1 18 27 17 27 18 49-6 30-32 60-65 74-108 8-25 10-50 1-74z m-140-21c3 47-11 90-31 131-4 7-8 14-11 22-4 10-16 22-9 31 7 10 23 3 36 4 5 1 6-2 8-7 10-42 22-85 19-129-1-18-2-36-12-52z m-218 0c-13 29-14 60-11 90 3 30 11 59 18 88 2 8 4 11 12 10 37-1 44 8 23-35-24-49-46-97-42-153z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="crocodile" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe841;" d="M893 490c-34 36-95 50-133 32 17-17 33-33 50-51-1-2-2-7-4-12 6-1 11-1 18-2-5-6-8-10-12-14 8-4 15-7 23-11l-21-9c6-6 10-11 17-18-8 1-12 2-19 3v-15c-4 5-7 8-10 11l-14-19c-5 7-9 13-14 20l-13-21c-5 8-9 14-14 21-5-7-9-13-13-20l-15 19c-5-7-9-13-14-19-5 7-8 13-13 20l-14-21c-5 8-9 14-14 21l-13-20-15 20c-4-7-8-13-13-20l-14 19c-5-7-9-13-14-19l-14 20-14-20c-5 8-9 13-14 20-4-7-8-13-12-20-6 7-11 13-16 19l-13-19c-4 7-9 13-14 21-6-10-10-17-14-22-42 3-81 10-128 8 1 0 2-1 3-1 2 0 3 0 5 0 12 0 22-5 22-12s-10-12-22-12c-6 0-11 2-15 4-2 0-4 0-6 0-12 0-21 5-21 12s9 12 21 12c3 0 5-1 7-1-8 4-20 6-32-7-5-5-12-11-18-12-36-7-72-14-109-18-25-2-53-5-75 4-32 13-41 5-49-19-12-37-2-76 47-69 88 12 171-17 259-28 0-18 0-33 0-48 1-17 9-27 27-27 18 1 24 12 24 29 0 10 0 21 0 32l6-1c0-11 0-23 1-34 0-17 8-26 25-26 17 0 25 10 25 26 1 12 1 24 1 36h278c0-12 0-22 0-33 1-16 6-28 24-29 18-1 27 8 28 28 1 11 1 23 1 34h5c0-12-1-24 0-36 1-16 8-26 25-26 17 0 26 10 27 25 0 15-1 30 0 45 1 8 4 17 10 22 71 61 77 160 13 228z m-583-195c-77-1-155 0-232 0-2 0-3 1-5 3 95 2 191-12 285 13-11-15-31-16-48-16z m30 90c0-3-3-5-7-5-4 0-8 2-8 5 0 3 4 6 8 6s7-3 7-6z m29-5c0-3-3-6-7-6-4 0-8 3-8 6 0 3 4 5 8 5s7-2 7-5z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="dog-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe843;" d="M901 223c12-6 23-10 37-11-1 1-1 2-1 2-57 28-105 67-146 114-5 6-9 12-8 20 0 8-1 16-2 24-6 45-28 76-73 90-24 8-49 11-74 12-30 0-60 0-90 0-37 0-75 1-112 10-38 9-72 26-97 58-2 3-5 6-7 9-12-18-27-33-42-48-12-11-25-22-36-34-24-26-29-54-17-87 7-18 17-35 28-51 2-3 4-7 4-11 2-65 3-130 0-195-2-32-4-63-11-94-1-5 0-5 4-5 14 0 27 0 41 0 6 0 7 2 8 6 1 15 4 29 7 42 3 8 5 17 11 24 1-1 1-2 1-2 0-22-2-44-10-65-2-5-1-5 4-5 10 0 20 0 31 0 3 0 4 1 6 4 4 14 7 28 10 42 5 30 5 61 8 91 4 30 13 57 37 77 11 9 23 17 36 23 39 16 79 27 119 37 22 6 41 1 57-15 4-5 9-9 14-14 19-21 38-42 56-63 18-21 35-43 46-68 9-20 13-41 7-63-4-15-12-28-23-40-2-3-3-5-2-8 1-4 4-3 7-3 13 0 26 0 39 0 4 0 6 1 7 5 3 9 5 19 6 28 3 23 3 45 4 68 1 8 1 16 3 24 1 3 2 5 6 2 22-23 31-50 26-82-2-14-6-27-9-40-1-4-1-5 4-5 11 0 22 0 33 0 4 0 6 1 6 5 4 40 3 81 1 121 0 3-1 4-3 6-26 21-45 49-58 80-9 22-15 45-16 71 3-3 5-5 7-7 35-32 73-60 116-79z m-591 345c2 3 2 5 0 8-12 18-24 37-36 55-10 14-21 26-36 35-24 12-48 10-73 3-1 0-3-1-3-2-7-17-21-25-37-31-16-6-33-9-50-13-10-3-12-5-12-16 0-15 11-38 24-47 21-13 44-14 67-6 2 1 5 2 8 1 27-7 49-20 59-47 2-4 4-4 8-3 36 9 62 31 81 63z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dog-barking" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe844;" d="M467 186c-35-75-56-154-57-239-24 18-53 87-66 153-60-39-108-91-159-144 4 76 25 143 65 205-30 3-117 3-187-32 36 84 81 158 161 208-28 6-55 6-81 3-27-4-53-8-80-13 45 56 99 100 169 128-22 18-42 36-65 50-22 14-47 24-71 35 11 1 22 3 33 4 49 4 98 1 146-7 5-1 8-3 10-9 5-20 12-40 23-60 10 6 20 11 30 16-25 46-29 96-24 146 5 44 19 85 44 123 25-55 50-109 74-160 25 1 50 3 74 3 44-1 88-9 128-29 18-10 35-9 54-7 76 9 151 18 228 15 7 0 14 0 21-1-4-22-8-42-13-63 0-2-1-3-2-5-14-18-28-36-43-55-5 16-9 32-15 49-15-18-29-36-44-55-4 16-8 31-12 48-15-18-28-35-43-54-5 17-9 33-14 51-15-20-29-38-44-57-5 17-9 33-14 51-7-14-13-26-20-37-16-25-25-51-23-81 1-11 0-21 0-34 15 19 28 37 43 56 5-17 10-33 14-51 15 19 29 38 44 57l14-47c14 18 27 35 41 53 5-17 9-33 14-50 15 19 30 37 45 56 4-15 7-28 10-41 1-3 0-6-2-9-9-18-18-35-28-53-2-3-6-5-9-5-105-5-209-21-309-50-30-9-58-23-87-35-3-2-7-4-13-7 9 39 17 75 25 112-27 6-54 6-83-2 17 36 34 70 51 105-10 5-20 9-30 15-30-60-59-119-89-180 37 12 70 30 109 32-11-50-22-99-33-151 30 18 59 34 88 51l2-2z m158 349c-35 12-69 25-107 17 12-28 32-45 59-54 1 0 3-1 4-1 20 1 38 17 44 38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dog" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe845;" d="M810-59c-16 20-28 42-33 69-32 159-66 318-99 476-3 12-5 19-21 17-60-7-112 12-154 55-13 13-17 8-22-5-38-99-86-194-117-296-21-71-45-141-68-211-15-45-32-49-67-18-12 10-22 35-39 25-17-10-5-34-3-51 8-54 39-85 93-87 74-3 148-1 222-1v-1h171c14 0 29-1 43 0 11 0 23 1 27 14 4 14-10 17-19 22-23 12-49 16-75 22-18 4-27 12-30 32-5 50-32 87-73 115-19 14-41 22-61 34-8 6-26 8-20 21 5 12 20 5 32 3 7-1 13-5 20-7 26-12 49-26 71-44 20-16 29-12 38 11l5 15c3 8 4 19 13 19 10 0 11-11 14-19 15-43 29-87 43-130 7-21 19-38 36-50 19-14 38-28 52-46 6-8 15-16 25-7 10 8 2 16-4 23z m-176 581c13 4 35-8 40 11 12 39 45 57 74 79 24 19 40 43 49 73 9 31-1 46-35 47-37 2-73 2-110 3-26 1-45 11-55 36-3 6-1 17-11 16-9 0-10-9-13-15l-70-167c-5-11 0-19 7-26 33-37 74-56 124-57z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dolphin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe846;" d="M937-21c-2-5-5-5-8 1-6 10-16 15-25 22-12 7-25 14-37 20-3 1-5 2-7 2-15-1-26 5-36 15-8 8-14 8-20-1-9-15-22-24-38-29-19-5-33-15-45-31-2-3-6-5-9-8-6-3-7-3-8 4-2 13 1 27 6 39 15 43 37 81 60 120 2 3 2 5 0 9-19 34-42 65-68 94-23 26-48 51-74 73-29 26-60 49-91 72-49 35-100 66-153 96-9 5-19 10-28 14-4 2-5 5-3 9 6 8 13 16 21 23 5 5 3 9 0 13-3 5-7 2-10 0-6-3-10-8-14-14-15-21-23-46-32-70-7-21-13-42-18-64-11 8-17 18-22 30-10 25-13 52-15 79-1 10-1 20-1 29 0 4-1 7-5 9-25 14-53 22-81 30-25 7-51 12-77 14-16 1-32 6-36 22 0 4-1 7 0 10 3 8 10 13 18 17 15 8 31 13 47 16 5 1 9 4 12 8 24 40 59 63 103 73 29 7 58 8 87 5 51-4 100-18 147-38 4-1 6-1 9 1 26 20 54 33 86 38 28 4 54 0 79-12 2-2 5-4 5-7 0-3-3-4-6-5-7-2-15-5-21-9-23-16-34-39-39-65-2-6 0-9 5-13 28-22 54-46 78-73 41-45 72-96 96-152 12-28 22-58 29-88 12-50 15-101 13-153 0-4 1-7 5-9 21-13 40-28 57-46 20-21 37-43 50-69 6-12 11-25 14-38 0-5 1-9 0-13z m-374 156c-38 25-81 32-125 29-37-3-71-15-105-31-46-21-95-30-146-30-25 0-50 3-75 8-2 1-4 2-6 0-1-2 0-4 1-6 3-6 9-10 14-14 19-15 42-23 65-28 48-10 95-3 141 15 25 9 49 21 75 28 49 14 100 17 150 10 9-2 18-3 27-5 6 0 4 3 3 6-5 8-11 14-19 18z m-14 123c-53 25-107 26-163 10-22-6-42-17-64-25-66-27-135-32-206-19-3 1-8 4-10 0-1-3 3-7 5-10 0-1 1-1 2-2 9-10 21-17 34-22 60-25 119-22 178 1 19 7 37 16 55 23 57 20 116 25 176 15 8-1 16-2 24-4 6 1 2 5 1 7-8 12-20 20-32 26z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="eagle-head" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe848;" d="M776 252c25 0 50-4 74-10 31-8 59-23 88-35-47 54-107 85-178 102 36 24 76 21 117 32-54 20-103 39-162 41 36 20 68 30 104 44-62 24-121 37-186 43 35 45 82 71 123 106-20 5-35-2-52-3-101-8-200-25-298-54-87-26-161-71-208-153-18-32-17-32 18-41 66-17 59-7 66-70 3-19 12-13 21-12 124 24 245 9 362-35 59-22 113-54 168-84-51 45-102 89-148 140 30-13 60-12 91-11z m-355 151c-12-5-28-9-8-25 7-6 2-11-1-16-11-14-37-17-52-7-27 20-27 20-67 22 49 35 96 59 161 41-14-6-23-11-33-15z m-178-110c-22 0-42 7-61 18-5 3-10 5-17 4-48-7-111-56-102-126 24 26 53 37 84 44 29 8 59 11 89 8 26-3 29 9 27 29-1 14-4 23-20 23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="eaten-fish" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe849;" d="M221 212c-44 14-84 8-122 14-32 6-40 18-35 47 19 100 81 171 158 231 34 27 71 48 110 67 47 22 55 16 56-33 2-45 5-89 7-134 1-15 2-22 22-19 56 6 57 5 53 60-1 18-4 39 18 41 24 2 20-22 22-38 1-12 0-25 5-35 6-12 19-4 28-2 17 5 7 17 7 29-2 18-29 43 1 54 33 11 28-25 36-43 6-13 7-31 31-25 21 6 28 16 18 37-8 16 2 26 15 30 15 4 18-10 24-20 7-11-1-33 23-31 17 2 26 15 34 29 27 51 54 101 82 152 19 34 28 34 48 2 32-49 31-56-5-103-38-49-38-49 9-91 16-14 32-28 48-41 21-18 35-34 11-62-36-42-51-46-83-21-37 29-74 58-111 88-8 6-14 12-24 7-10-6-3-14-3-21 0-10 5-22-9-26-15-4-26 2-30 17-5 21-16 22-35 17-18-6-25-11-15-29 6-12-4-20-14-25-12-5-21 1-24 13-6 27-25 25-45 19-25-6-17-25-16-41 1-15 8-36-13-39-24-3-22 20-27 36-4 10 9 37-18 27-22-8-64 11-62-39 4-59 5-118 9-176 2-35-13-54-45-64-58-19-117-30-176-7-41 16-46 36-20 72 9 13 19 25 29 38 8 11 17 23 28 38z m34 158c-1 23-8 31-22 32-16 0-26-8-25-24 1-14 11-24 26-23 14 1 21 10 21 15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="elephant-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe84a;" d="M197 608c-8 16-15 30-28 40-14 12-29 13-41 5-12-8-13-16-2-25 10-9 14-19 8-31-7-14-19-16-32-12-16 5-33 12-38 31-5 19 3 35 17 49 11 11 18 19 32 24 7 3 24 4 33-1 36-20 47-42 51-80z m50 40c9 5 17 3 25-3 8-7 3-12-1-18-4-8-2-15 5-20 12-7 25-5 36 2 12 7 15 17 11 29-9 34-56 47-81 22-14-13-20-31-25-53 6 11 10 18 14 26 4 6 9 11 16 15z m689-539c-2-5-6-10-12-7-8 3-15 0-22-1-15-3-31-4-44 3-16 8-22 0-27-12-9-19-15-40-17-61-1-11-3-19-10-20-22-5-90 0-90 0 2 9 3 12 3 17-1 6-1 13-9 14-9 0-10-7-11-13 0-6 1-12 2-18h-91c-12 49-29 94-49 138-17 37-42 65-76 86-30 17-57 39-85 58-8 5-11 9-2 17 8 6 22 14 10 26-11 10-22 0-29-8-8-10-14-9-23-1-59 51-112 105-141 179-6 16-11 32-14 49-1 4-5 12 5 13 8 1 14 4 17-8 14-47 40-88 73-125 18-20 39-38 67-45 17-4 33-1 46 11 25 23 52 26 83 16 6-2 13-3 18-6 43-19 88-19 134-14 65 9 130 3 190-29 48-26 75-65 74-121 0-27-12-51-24-74-6-12-13-24-19-37-6-15 0-25 15-27 14-1 30-7 42 6 5 5 11-1 16-1 3 0 1-3 0-5z m-481 269c0 5-3 8-8 8-5 0-8-2-9-8 0-5 3-9 8-9 6 0 9 3 9 9z m220 2c-30 8-60 3-87-11 22 4 43 8 66 6 29-3 39-15 30-44-14-40-37-74-68-103-31-28-45-26-70 7 5-28 31-42 55-26 48 32 83 76 96 134 5 19-3 32-22 37z m-41-370h0 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="elephant-head-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe84b;" d="M553 488c-12-6-16-17-18-29-4-33 1-65 7-97 0-1 0-2 0-5-7 3-15 5-22 7-28 9-56 5-78-13-16-13-34-22-49-36-37-32-51-87-32-132 4-10 4-18-2-26-11-19-22-37-36-54-4-6-7-7-12-1-37 44-54 95-60 152-8 76 9 148 39 217 25 60 51 119 70 182 11 37 35 62 71 75 62 23 123 46 188 56 55 9 107 2 148-40 31-32 48-71 57-114 19-89-9-167-57-240-23-36-53-67-90-89-18-11-36-17-58-12-21 5-33 17-32 40 0 19-11 35-18 51-11 25-19 51-22 78-1 11 1 21 6 30z m-163-1c-9 0-18 1-27-2-7-2-13-5-13-14 0-9 5-15 12-17 8-3 16-4 24 7-5-2-6-3-7-3-9-2-17-1-19 9-2 9 7 10 13 13 6 2 12 1 17 7z m5-29c-10-10-12-13-32-12 12-10 23-7 32 12z m-8 40c-12 0-24 3-34-4 11 2 23-3 34 4z m-217-585c16 14 31 28 46 41 73 65 127 144 169 232 23 49 44 98 57 150 2 6 6 10 11 13 16 9 34 12 52 9 14-1 21-13 16-28-10-36-25-69-43-102-39-72-92-135-145-197-43-48-94-85-151-114-3-2-6-3-8-4-1-1-2 0-4 0z m366 201c-3-23-20-32-46-27-27 5-44 36-34 62 8 18 25 23 42 26 38 7 87-22 92-63 4-30-9-51-32-69-22-16-48-22-75-22-38 0-74 10-107 29-7 4-8 6-3 13 13 16 24 32 36 49 6 7 14 6 21-4 6-9 12-18 20-24 23-17 53-19 74-4 13 9 18 20 12 34z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="elephant-head" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe84c;" d="M894 215c-13 0-26 0-40-1 17 6 35 10 53 8 3 0 3 1 3 3 0 14-1 28-3 42-1 3-2 3-4 3-13 1-25 0-37-4l-20-5c11 7 23 14 36 16 7 1 13 1 19 2 2 0 4 0 3 3-2 13-5 26-9 38-1 3-3 4-6 5-10 2-21 2-32 0-14-2-28-5-41-10 5 4 11 6 16 8 17 9 35 15 54 13 4 0 4 2 3 4-4 14-10 27-15 39-1 3-2 3-4 4-31 5-59-1-86-15-3-2-5-4-9-5 13 12 28 20 43 26 16 7 32 9 50 7-6 10-11 18-15 27-3 7-8 10-15 11-5 0-10 2-15 2-30 0-58-9-84-23-1-1-2-2-3-2-1 0-2-2-4 0 32 24 65 43 107 36-4 7-8 14-12 20-2 2-4 4-6 5-6 4-13 6-21 8-29 7-55-4-80-15-9-4-18-10-26-16-1-1-2-3-4-1 4 4 8 8 12 12 5 5 12 8 17 12 18 14 39 22 63 23 9 0 19-1 28-5-3 6-7 10-7 15-1 16 0 32 5 47 4 11 7 23 7 35 0 34-16 63-34 90-5 8-12 15-18 22-13 16-29 29-45 39-16 10-32 20-51 26-13 4-27 9-41 13-20 6-41 7-61 9-12 1-23 2-35 1-6 0-11 2-16-1-2 2-4 1-6 1-25 0-49-3-74-5-10 0-20-3-30-4 20-10 41-16 59-28 0 0-1 0-2 0-19 6-39 10-59 13-26 4-52 3-78-2-19-4-37-12-56-18-18-6-35-15-51-25-18-10-34-23-48-37-10-10-20-21-28-32-14-19-25-39-33-62-9-27-17-54-18-82-1-24-2-47 2-70 4-20 12-39 20-58 4-8 9-16 17-23 2 35 7 69 24 100 1-2 0-3 0-4-10-35-15-69-12-105 0-3 1-5 3-7 14-13 30-24 45-36 6-4 12-8 18-12 2 57 4 112 23 165 0-1 0-1 0-2-4-18-7-35-8-53-4-37-4-73 0-110 0-6 0-12 8-14 1 0 3-1 4-2 19-12 40-21 60-30 5-3 5-1 5 4-2 24-3 48-4 72 0 23 0 45 1 67 2 26 3 52 9 77 1 3 1 6 3 8-4-35-5-84-3-122 2-38 7-75 14-112 0-3 2-4 4-5 15-5 29-11 44-15 29-8 58-17 86-27 6-1 4 3 4 5 0 20-6 39-14 58-7 19-17 38-29 55-10 13-20 26-26 41-10 25-18 52-25 79 0 2-1 4 0 7 5-22 13-42 22-61 9-20 21-39 35-57 11-12 22-24 36-34 17-12 35-23 55-29 22-7 45-12 68-13 24-1 48 0 71 4 13 2 27 5 40 9-25 23-43 51-53 83 1-1 2-2 3-4 6-11 13-22 21-32 9-11 19-22 31-31 7-4 13-11 21-14 12-4 21-12 27-23 10-16 17-34 19-53 6-47 3-93-16-138-9-23-24-41-45-52-5-3-15-5-20-5 2 1 3 1 4 2 9 3 17 10 23 18 3 2 4 5 0 8-6 5-9 12-11 20-10 26-3 50 6 74 7 19 18 35 27 52 4 7 8 14 10 21 0 4 3 9 0 12-4 3-9 1-13 0-11-5-23-6-35-5-11 0-23 2-34 4-14 2-18-2-16-16 2-16 0-31-5-46-5-16-13-31-17-47-6-25-9-50-8-76 1-14 3-27 9-39 10-18 25-31 43-41 36-18 73-18 110-5 24 10 45 25 64 44 5 5 9 11 14 16 7 9 14 19 20 29 3 6 2 8-4 9 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 0 5-2 7 1 9 5 5 7 8 15 11 23 4 13 4 13-9 17l-2 1c4 0 8 0 12 0 3-1 5 1 5 4 3 11 5 21 8 32 1 4 0 5-4 6-10 1-19 4-29 6 10 1 21 0 31-2 3 0 4 0 5 4 2 12 4 24 5 36 1 5-1 8-6 9-12 2-24 4-37 4 1 1 2 1 3 1 12 2 24 3 36 1 4 0 5 1 5 5 0 8 1 16 1 25 0 16 0 16-17 17z m-394 328c-4-2-8-3-11-3-14 2-23 10-30 20-1 2 0 3 1 3 15 5 33 6 43-11 2-5 2-7-3-9z m23 237c2 1 4 3 7 6l0 0c-3-3-5-5-7-6z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="elephant" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe84d;" d="M918 427c-3 11-13 8-22 6-11-3-7-10-5-17 7-22 13-45 12-68 0-31-18-49-49-51-50-2-104 31-126 76-22 47-21 98-24 148-5 86-46 135-126 146-76 9-152 6-227-13-104-25-180-83-208-190-8-29-24-46-49-58-7-4-16-7-24-9-8-3-8-9-7-16 2-9 7-11 15-8 16 5 31 11 48 17-9-117 5-230 17-343 1-12 6-15 17-17 26-4 51 0 77 1 28 2 29 1 29 30 0 44 1 88 4 131 2 38 21 62 56 73 22 7 45 8 67 5 63-9 102-35 115-100 7-36 13-72 18-107 4-32 3-32 36-34 20-1 41 0 61 2 11 1 16 5 17 17 11 67 17 135 23 202 3 27 2 27 28 19 55-16 110-31 168-27 37 2 61 19 72 51 16 47 1 91-13 134z m-424 111c-5-33-3-66 6-99-17 29-18 61-13 93 2 18 7 36 18 51 11 16 24 26 44 21-31-3-49-26-55-66z m157-38c-12 1-10 11-11 20 0 6 1 12 9 13 8-4 12-10 12-18 0-7-1-15-10-15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="elk" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe84e;" d="M920 605c-8 15-18 29-28 41-46 52-102 90-159 129 27-52 75-86 113-137-76 14-149 5-220 55 29-49 53-66 105-79 32-7 65-10 97-20 23-6 46-22 42-49-3-26-32-21-50-22-90-2-176-16-247-87-6 56 15 101 23 160-73-82-83-171-79-263 1-24 11-48 41-50 29-1 38 21 43 46 13 73 60 113 129 129 43 10 87 13 131 22 75 14 95 58 59 125z m-519-290c3-21 20-35 43-31 21 3 35 18 36 40 1 32 3 64-1 95-7 62-22 122-74 172 5-55 25-101 22-159-53 59-117 79-185 87-29 4-58 3-87 7-33 6-38 23-16 48 21 23 50 28 79 31 41 4 79 15 113 37 16 10 32 21 33 47-64-48-137-35-211-51 38 55 92 88 115 145-42-33-84-65-125-100-36-31-68-66-78-114-9-42 4-67 44-82 24-9 50-12 76-15 102-11 197-31 216-157z m380-94c9-19-8-25-21-30-33-13-67-12-101-3-27 7-53 18-58-26-1-9-12-18-28-11 7 12 14 24 22 36-77-56-25-146-62-215-21 22-45 32-66-2-42 67 12 157-56 219-5-19 18-24 12-39-19-2-29 12-31 26-3 27-16 20-34 16-30-7-62-16-93-8-23 5-49 8-52 40-28-22-1-33 11-42 35-28 76-19 116-15 11 1 21 11 29-8 24-64 63-123 70-193 4-34 29-48 58-49 30-1 57 13 62 44 9 65 37 121 63 178 12 27 20 34 48 28 39-8 81-11 113 22 16 15 15 19-2 32z m-1 1l1-1c0 1 0 1 0 2l-1-1z m-564 4l-3-1 0 0c0 0 0-1 0-1l1 0c1 1 1 1 2 2z m119-9c26-12 51 3 63 36-28-9-53-11-78-3-40 13-74 3-104-24 40 9 79 10 119-9z m355 36c-30-7-59-11-93 2 19-38 46-50 77-34 36 18 70 16 105 3-22 31-55 37-89 29z m90-31l1 1c-1 1-2 1-2 1 0-1 1-1 1-2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fish-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe84f;" d="M111 314c-34 11-51 34-48 65 4 43 52 67 89 45 4-2 8-5 12-8 56-52 121-62 193-41 51 16 99 39 149 58 44 16 89 29 136 31 77 3 143-24 205-68 31-22 59-48 86-75 4-4 8-7 2-13-46-47-95-89-155-117-76-35-154-35-233-10-52 16-102 40-154 59-30 11-61 20-93 22-51 3-95-14-133-47-15-14-31-23-53-19-27 4-47 23-51 50-4 27 11 52 36 63 3 2 7 3 12 5z m715-1c0 54-42 97-96 97-54 0-97-43-97-97 0-52 43-95 95-96 54 0 98 43 98 96z m-168 169c-44-2-86-10-127-24-9-2-17-5-26-9-8-3-9 1-9 8-2 30 14 59 41 71 28 14 61 9 84-12 12-11 23-23 37-34z m72-120c26 0 48-22 48-48 0-27-22-49-49-48-26 0-47 21-48 48 0 27 22 48 49 48z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fish-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe850;" d="M684 187c-44 1-94 14-144 31-63 21-123 50-187 71-31 10-63 19-96 17-21-1-39-9-55-22-17-15-34-29-52-43-25-20-57-18-76 6-18 23-14 55 10 75 6 5 12 10 17 15 14 11 14 16 0 27-6 5-12 10-18 16-24 21-27 53-8 76 20 22 51 24 76 4 14-12 29-23 42-36 29-28 64-33 101-27 53 9 102 31 152 50 57 23 114 46 174 59 61 12 121 13 178-17 37-18 66-47 90-80 3-5 4-8-3-11-20-9-35-25-50-42-5-5-3-8 1-12 14-16 29-32 50-42 7-3 5-6 2-10-48-67-111-105-204-105z m-533 163c-6-4-12-7-17-11-13-11-17-28-11-43 5-13 21-22 36-21 5 0 8 0 8 6 0 4-3 6-7 6-1 0-3 0-5 0-14 2-22 9-24 22-1 11 6 22 18 27 13 5 27 5 40 5l474 0c16 0 32 2 45-11 2-2 7-3 10-4 25-7 52 1 69 21 16 21 18 49 6 71-12 23-39 37-63 34-40-5-66-44-54-83 2-9 0-11-8-11-28 1-56 1-84 1h-392c-15 0-31 0-45 7-11 5-17 14-15 26 1 11 9 18 21 20 3 0 6 1 10 1 4 0 4 3 4 6 0 3-1 4-4 5-18 5-40-10-42-29-4-23 10-36 30-45z m510-181c-40-27-81-47-131-43-57 5-75 51-70 94 1 11 8 5 12 3 39-15 79-30 119-40 23-6 46-10 70-14z m2 362c-69-7-131-29-192-54-10-4-11 1-11 9-5 62 41 95 97 88 28-3 54-13 79-27 8-5 18-6 27-16z m275-182c0-6-2-13-5-20-6-15-19-21-35-17-20 6-34 20-48 34-2 3-3 6 0 9 13 13 26 27 44 33 25 9 43-7 44-39z m-245 39c0 23 20 43 43 43 24 0 44-19 44-43 0-24-20-45-44-44-24 0-43 20-43 44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fish-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe851;" d="M757 348c-1 76 51 120 96 132 25 8 49 8 74 1 8-3 11-7 10-15-1-52-25-90-70-115-3-2-7-4-11-6 0 0 0-1-1-2 4-2 8-4 12-6 44-26 69-63 70-115 1-9-2-13-11-16-79-24-166 37-169 120 0 4 0 8 0 12-6-1-6-6-8-9-51-81-121-137-211-169-10-4-10-7-7-15 7-15 9-30 10-46 0-9-3-13-12-16-51-15-108 3-142 46-5 6-9 9-17 10-128 15-226 76-299 182-11 16-12 27 0 44 58 87 137 145 239 172 5 1 8 4 11 8 39 59 96 79 163 77 12-1 24-3 36-6 8-2 11-5 11-13 0-22-6-41-17-59-3-4-6-7 2-9 104-31 182-94 239-186 0 0 0 0 2-1z m-559-84c44 0 79 36 79 79 0 44-36 80-80 80-43 0-79-36-79-80 1-44 36-79 80-79z m254 120c1 1 1 2 2 2 29 24 31 50 3 77-6 6 0 6 2 9 14 12 20 27 16 45-3 18-22 35-39 35-4 0-8 1-8-4-1-4 3-5 6-6 3 0 5 0 8-1 23-7 32-33 20-53-7-10-16-16-28-17-3 0-7 0-7-4 0-4 3-5 6-6l5 0c18-5 30-18 29-35 0-18-11-32-30-35-4-1-10-1-11-7 0-6 7-4 11-5 19-5 30-19 29-38-1-17-13-30-31-32-4-1-9-1-9-6 0-5 5-4 9-4 18-3 31-16 33-33 1-18-12-33-30-38-3-1-11 1-10-6 0-6 7-4 11-5 25-6 35-30 24-52-6-11-16-16-27-18-4-1-9-1-8-6 1-5 6-4 9-3 9 1 17 4 23 9 24 21 22 52-7 76 14 10 23 22 24 40 0 18-10 30-23 41 29 28 29 52-2 80z m401 67l1-3c-4-1-7-3-10-5-42-22-64-56-62-102 1-47 25-80 67-100 12-5 25-7 38-8 6-1 12-1 12 7 1 7-5 8-10 8-4 0-8 1-12 1-43 7-77 43-80 87-3 46 24 85 67 99 9 2 18 4 27 4 5 1 8 3 8 9 0 4-2 6-6 6-19 0-38 0-57 0v-2c6 0 12-1 17-1z m-331-189c31 28 31 52 0 82 31 26 31 54 0 81 3 2 6 5 8 7 13 13 18 29 13 46-5 17-16 27-34 31-4 1-11 4-13-2-2-8 7-6 11-7 18-5 29-18 29-35-1-18-12-31-30-35-3-1-10 1-10-6 0-5 6-4 10-5 19-5 30-18 30-36-1-17-13-31-31-35-4 0-9 1-9-4-1-6 5-5 9-6 19-5 31-18 31-35 0-18-12-32-31-36-4-1-9 1-9-5 0-5 5-4 8-5 12-2 21-8 27-18 12-23-1-48-27-53-3 0-8 1-8-5 0-6 6-4 10-4 3 0 6 1 10 2 31 12 43 57 6 83z m-140 163c4 3 8 6 10 9 13 13 16 29 10 46-5 17-17 26-34 29-4 1-10 3-11-2-2-7 5-6 9-7 19-4 30-17 30-34 1-18-12-32-31-37-3 0-9 1-9-4 0-6 6-5 9-6 20-5 32-18 31-35 0-18-12-31-31-36-4-1-8 0-8-4-1-6 4-5 8-6 20-5 32-18 31-36 0-17-12-31-31-35-3-1-8 1-8-5 0-5 5-4 8-5 20-4 32-18 32-36-1-18-12-31-32-35-4-1-9 0-8-6 1-5 6-4 9-3 20 2 37 20 39 40 2 19-7 34-22 45 31 28 31 50 0 82 30 26 30 54-1 81z m210-41c4 4 7 6 10 9 13 14 16 31 9 48-5 16-18 25-34 28-4 1-10 3-11-3-1-7 5-5 9-6 20-5 31-19 31-36-1-17-13-31-32-35-3-1-8 1-8-5 0-5 5-5 9-5 19-5 31-18 31-36-1-18-13-31-32-35-3-1-8 0-8-5 0-5 4-5 8-5 20-5 32-18 32-36-1-18-12-31-33-35-3-1-8-1-7-6 1-5 5-4 9-4 20 2 37 20 39 40 2 20-7 35-23 46 32 26 32 55 1 81z m-260-42c0 11-1 21-3 32-9 41-31 73-66 95-3 2-7 6-10 3-4-5 4-5 5-8 1-1 2-2 3-2 78-60 78-178-1-237l-7-5c-1-1-2-3-1-4 1-1 3-2 4-1 3 1 6 2 9 4 43 30 65 71 67 123z m329 1c4 4 8 7 11 10 12 14 16 29 10 46-6 17-18 27-35 29-4 1-10 3-11-3-1-6 5-5 9-6 20-5 30-17 30-36-1-18-12-30-32-35-3-1-8 0-8-4 0-5 5-5 9-6 20-5 31-17 31-35 0-19-12-32-32-36-4-1-9 0-7-6 1-4 5-3 8-3 27 2 46 30 39 57-3 12-12 21-22 28z m-463-41c-24 0-43 19-43 42 1 22 20 41 42 42 24 0 43-20 43-43 0-23-19-41-42-41z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fish-4" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe852;" d="M186 312c-3 29 0 57 13 83 1 4 1 5-3 7-17 9-34 20-52 27-18 7-43 5-57-10-10-10-14-21-18-34-2-8-4-16-5-24-2-14-2-44 0-58 1-8 3-16 5-24 11-39 34-54 73-46 21 5 38 19 56 30 3 2 2 4 0 6-6 13-10 28-12 43z m239-106c-14 35-23 71-25 108-2 24 0 48 4 72 7 36 17 71 38 103 2 4 2 7-3 9-16 6-31 13-47 19-28 9-56 19-87 16-12-2-24-6-31-16-11-17-11-36-8-54 2-16 12-29 23-41-14-7-27-16-41-20-6-2-9-5-11-11-7-23-10-47-8-72 1-17 4-32 8-48 2-5 5-8 10-9 11-3 21-10 31-15 4-2 3-4 2-6-10-20-16-40-15-63 1-19 10-38 32-44 25-7 51-4 76 1 24 5 46 16 69 23 5 2 5 4 3 8-8 13-14 26-20 40z m281-10c-16 29-28 59-34 92-3 14-4 29-4 43-1 23 2 45 8 68 8 29 21 55 37 80 6 9 13 16 20 23 3 4 4 8 3 13-12 39-36 68-70 89-17 11-34 19-53 24-60 18-88 0-88 0-13-5-22-13-27-28-7-21-6-44-6-66 0-12-1-24-7-37-18-43-28-89-32-136-2-26-2-52 1-77 5-34 11-67 24-98 12-27 20-55 18-85-1-10 3-22 12-30 2-2 5-3 7-4 1 0 47-11 95 11 14 7 26 15 37 26 7 6 14 13 21 20 7 10 17 14 29 16 15 1 30 6 45 11-15 13-26 28-36 45z m222 170c-11 24-29 43-49 59-31 27-66 48-103 66-5 3-8 2-11-2-14-23-26-47-34-72-11-36-15-72-11-110 2-25 8-50 16-75 9-24 22-47 37-68 1-2 3-3 5-1 9 4 19 7 27 11 35 18 68 39 94 70 12 14 22 29 30 46 3 8 5 16 7 25 2 7 2 23 0 30-1 8-5 14-8 21z m-94-67c-16 1-31 15-31 33 0 18 15 32 32 32 18 0 33-15 33-32 0-18-15-33-34-33z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fish-5" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe853;" d="M63 505c10-45 26-87 50-127 37-61 85-110 146-147 33-21 70-36 108-47 4-1 8-4 11-7 40-43 87-76 142-95 1-1 2-1 5-2 2 17 4 34 6 50 1 12 3 24 5 36 0 2 3 6 5 6 56 8 107 26 156 54 2 1 3 2 7 3 27-63 65-117 119-163 0 5 0 8 0 11 2 57 3 115 5 172 0 6 2 12 6 17 33 47 66 95 100 142 1 2 2 4 4 7-70-5-133-26-193-61-37 85-93 152-172 202 18 0 64-23 108-53 6 34 11 67 16 100-91 31-181 46-275 11 61-162-26-297-95-341 23 22 41 46 55 73 32 63 39 128 21 195-7 27-18 51-34 74-1 2-5 4-7 4-47 2-93-4-137-17-38-11-73-26-105-48-19-12-37-26-55-40-2-2-3-6-2-9z m162-18c21 10 45 2 55-18 10-20 2-45-18-55-20-10-45-2-55 19-10 20-2 44 18 54z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="frog-tracks" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe857;" d="M929 530c-11 11-22 11-34 2-8-7-14-15-18-24-14-30-40-44-67-57-14-7-23-2-27 11-15 45-16 91 4 134 9 20 15 39 9 61-4 12-6 26-22 28-18 1-31-8-38-24-8-16-3-32 2-48 7-21 14-42 9-68 0-9 1-21 0-33-2-13-4-26-7-38-8-27-29-34-51-15-21 18-40 38-43 69 0 8-4 13-11 17-13 6-35 0-42-11-9-15-4-34 10-45 14-11 28-23 41-34 28-23 30-52 20-84-4-15-14-24-31-25-24-1-48 2-68 20-10 9-22 15-36 18-13 3-24 2-32-10-8-14-12-30-4-45 8-13 20-11 33-8 14 3 29 7 42-1 45-28 95-50 133-88 14-14 30-23 48-28 15-4 32-7 42 7 23 32 45 64 32 106-4 11-5 23-8 34-5 17-4 35 8 48 29 31 51 69 93 84 5 2 10 6 14 10 11 13 9 25-1 37z m-467-335c-9-3-17-7-24-13-22-20-47-23-74-21-11 0-18 5-23 13-16 24-14 65 6 86 15 15 29 31 47 41 17 9 20 24 16 40-5 19-21 19-36 19-12-1-20-5-21-17-2-34-23-56-48-74-16-13-37-6-43 13-5 13-7 27-8 40-3 38-4 75 9 112 12 33 0 56-27 64-12 3-20 0-25-10-11-21-17-45-4-66 16-26 20-54 20-84 0-22 2-44-11-64-5-8-10-15-20-11-28 10-54 24-69 51-5 10-11 19-18 26-16 15-27 16-38 2-13-15-11-26 5-40 12-11 30-10 41-23l55-60c15-16 19-35 12-57-12-42-16-82 13-120 18-24 27-32 56-23 14 4 28 10 37 20 36 36 80 57 122 84 21 13 41 17 65 12 24-6 35 5 33 29-2 30-20 42-48 31z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="froggy" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe859;" d="M103 309c0 50 9 99 28 146 2 4 1 6-2 10-43 45-61 99-53 160 5 39 22 72 48 101 32 34 71 55 117 60 69 7 126-17 171-71 3-4 7-8 10-13 1-3 3-4 6-3 32 6 65 8 98 6 15-1 30-3 45-6 3-1 5 0 7 3 18 27 42 49 71 64 22 11 44 18 69 21 29 2 58-1 86-12 46-18 81-50 103-95 34-71 21-153-32-211-7-7-7-12-4-20 9-23 15-47 19-72 4-24 7-48 6-73-1-66-17-128-49-186-32-58-75-105-131-142-46-30-97-50-153-59-17-3-35-4-52-4-29-1-57 1-85 6-38 7-75 20-110 38-43 22-80 51-112 87-27 30-49 64-66 100-18 40-29 82-33 126-1 13-2 26-2 39z m397-97l-309 0c-3 0-6 0-9 0-4 0-5-2-4-5 7-20 16-40 26-59 19-32 42-60 70-85 21-19 44-35 69-48 29-15 59-26 92-32 24-5 48-7 73-7 29 1 56 6 84 13 22 6 44 15 65 26 27 14 52 32 75 53 12 12 24 25 35 39 14 18 26 36 36 57 7 14 13 28 18 42 2 5 1 6-4 6-16 0-33 0-49 0h-268z m-237 511c-68 1-125-55-125-124 0-69 55-126 124-126 69-1 126 55 127 123 1 70-57 128-126 127z m473 0c-69 0-125-56-125-126 0-68 57-125 126-124 72 1 125 60 124 127 0 68-56 124-125 123z m-468-192c-1 21 15 38 36 40 25 2 42-17 43-37 1-21-16-40-36-42-23-2-44 17-43 39z m495-39c-22 0-40 18-39 41 1 19 16 39 41 38 22 0 39-18 39-41-1-22-19-39-41-38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="giraffe-head-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe85a;" d="M599-23c-18 7-17 21-29 27-3-27 5-54-14-77-10 7-13 22-24 31-6-6 1-13-4-19-11-4-15 10-24 12-7-10-7-20-10-30-1-4-3-7-6-8-4-2-8 2-8 5-3 26-32 41-28 69-12 1-5-13-15-14-2 7-3 14-5 21-2 5 2 13-6 15-6 1-5-9-11-11-6 6-2 13-1 18 6 15 2 27-5 39-15 26-22 54-21 85 1 27-6 52-16 77-24 59-44 119-44 184 0 39-19 66-57 78-58 19-67 68-70 116-1 15 11 12 18 9 17-6 32-16 47-26 24-17 48-35 71-53 11-8 20-9 30 1 2 2 7 2 5 5-8 19 8 27 16 39 9 12 6 29 2 43-15 64-52 115-101 156-6 5-11 9-18 14 31 3 81-19 111-48 29-29 47-65 61-102 8-19 13-39 25-55 22-34 51-34 73-1 7 11 11 23 16 35 13 30 24 61 42 89 33 50 80 76 144 86-47-36-82-74-106-121-11-22-20-45-20-70 0-13-4-29 14-36 6-3 4-9 2-14-7-12-2-18 9-26 12-9 18-2 26 4 33 26 65 54 102 76 7 4 16 11 23 7 10-6 5-18 4-26-5-47-21-87-71-105-37-14-47-48-47-83 1-60-18-116-37-171-12-33-19-66-21-101 0-1 0-1 0-2-9-46-33-89-22-142z m35 434c13 0 23 5 24 17 1 8-7 17-16 17-14-1-20-15-23-26-3-10 10-6 15-8z m-268 0c5 2 17-3 14 9-3 11-9 23-21 25-10 1-19-8-18-18 2-13 13-16 25-16z m113-295c-8 27-29 46-40 70-2-32 18-52 40-70z m37-5c34 25 49 53 42 82-8-33-31-50-42-82z m17-53c-23-13-45-10-68-1 29-22 45-22 68 1z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="kangaroo" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe866;" d="M656 353c7 22 25 22 34 32 7 7 17 14 13 25-4 13-17 10-26 9-39-3-74-21-107-39-28-16-54-33-81-57 93-54 175-117 220-217-35-4-56 4-63 37-15 67-65 90-121 108-33 10-67 18-100 27-48 14-52 27-22 66 16 21 36 40 47 65 11 28 1 44-29 39-38-6-75-17-112-26-48-11-96-16-145-4-52 13-86 45-101 97 12 5 14-5 17-11 37-54 81-71 145-61 79 14 148 52 217 92 25 15 51 29 78 42 60 28 117 25 172-19 39-31 83-52 133-14-6 3-12 5-17 9-13 8-26 20-18 33 8 14 22 0 33-4 55-23 88-68 110-121 3-6 8-12 2-18-6-5-12-3-18 0-9 5-17 11-26 17-54 36-54 36-101-12-24-23-47-47-72-69-16-13-35-23-62-26z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="lion-head-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe868;" d="M580 482c3-13 6-27 8-41 11-57 3-111-21-163-17-37-39-70-64-102-18-22-35-44-48-69-17-34-24-70-22-108 0-1 0-2 0-3-2 1-2 3-2 4-10 23-15 47-17 72-2 32 2 64 13 95 2 7 4 13 7 19 3 6 7 11 10 17-6-3-12-8-18-13-23-21-35-47-41-77-7-33-5-66 1-98 6-35 16-69 32-101 0 0 0-1 0-1-9 5-16 10-24 16-30 25-46 57-52 95-3 17-5 33-5 50 0 33 9 65 25 94 16 29 38 52 62 73 24 20 49 37 74 55 14 10 28 21 40 34 3 4 7 9 9 14-6-7-14-14-22-20-22-17-47-32-70-49-28-19-55-40-77-66-24-29-41-61-47-99l0-1c-4 8-7 16-8 24-4 25-1 48 5 72 8 31 20 60 36 88 14 25 36 45 59 62 15 11 30 22 44 34 17 14 30 31 35 53 5 20 2 39-4 58-1-2 0-3 0-4l1-5c4-35-7-65-32-90-15-14-31-25-47-36-17-12-35-24-49-40-2-3-4-6-7-8 3 6 3 12 3 19-1 4-1 8-3 12-2 5-5 7-10 5-8-2-14-6-18-13-4-7-9-15-11-24 0-2-2-3-4-4-11-5-22-11-33-16-10-4-14-3-19 7-5 9-10 19-15 29-1 3-2 6-3 9-2 10-1 12 8 17 2 1 3 2 1 3-2 2-4 5-5 7-5 8-4 15-1 23 2 5 5 6 9 2 3-3 6-6 8-9 5-6 10-11 18-13 1 0 2 0 4 0 9 5 18 11 27 18 11 9 13 22 11 35-1 7-3 14-7 21-8 12-20 17-34 13-8-3-15-6-22-10-4-3-4-7-5-12-1-6 0-13 0-19 0-8-2-10-10-6-7 4-11 9-12 17 0 1 0 3-2 4-1 0-3-1-4-2-5-4-9-3-13-1-14 7-23 18-30 31-1 3-2 4-4 5-3 2-5 4-7 6-8 8-8 17-1 26 4 5 10 9 17 12 33 15 66 28 98 45 9 5 18 11 25 20 17 18 38 30 61 40 2 1 3 2 5 3-10-3-20-7-29-12-5-3-10-6-15-9-2-1-3-1-4 1-15 39-11 78 20 109 17 17 49 36 71 42-15-16-27-34-36-54-8-19-13-40-16-61 9 44 26 84 61 114 23 20 60 37 87 40-1-4-2-7-4-11-4-10-9-19-15-28-1 0-1-1-2-2-28-20-47-48-62-79-3-6-5-13-8-19 0 0 0-1 1-2 1 4 3 7 4 11 16 31 35 58 63 79 25 18 52 28 82 32 13 2 26 2 39 2 0-1 0-2 0-2-7-13-13-25-22-37-1-2-3-3-5-4-15-5-28-11-40-20 1-1 1 0 2 0 41 25 85 28 130 13 48-16 85-47 107-93 1-2 2-4 3-6-9-1-18-1-27-1-15 1-30 2-44 3-3 0-5 1-8 2-14 6-30 11-46 13-3 1-4 1-5 5-2 9-7 15-15 20-14 8-28 10-44 9-34-2-64-15-88-40-9-10-17-20-19-34 0 0 0-1 0-2 0-3-1-7 2-9 2-1 5 3 7 5 13 11 25 23 40 33 19 14 41 20 65 18 6-1 13-2 19-6 9-6 13-15 10-25-8-22-23-37-44-45-30-10-58-6-84 14 2-3 4-4 6-6 11-9 23-14 37-16 26-4 49 3 70 20 10 8 19 17 27 27 6 9 11 18 12 29 0 3 1 3 3 2 28-5 53-17 74-35 42-34 67-79 76-132 3-19 3-38-2-57-1 0-1 1-1 2-3 7-8 13-14 18-6 5-13 9-20 13-5 3-10 6-14 9-6 3-11 8-14 15-16 35-41 63-73 85-1 1-2 2-3 3-1-1 0-2 1-2 38-28 61-66 73-111 16-57 11-114-7-170-7-19-15-38-26-55 0-1 0-2-1-2 0 17-2 32-6 48-3 11-7 22-12 32-2 3 0 5 0 8 8 54 4 107-18 157-11 25-26 47-46 64-1 1-2 2-4 3 6-6 12-12 17-19 22-29 36-63 44-99 7-34 7-69 1-104-5-23-16-43-32-61-17-20-38-36-59-51-23-17-48-33-70-52-15-14-29-29-41-47 0-1 0-1-1-2 1 9 4 18 8 26 11 23 25 45 39 67 10 16 22 33 28 51 6 18 16 34 21 51 12 34 16 69 12 104-3 29-10 57-20 84-1 2-2 3-2 4z m-68-61c-10-19-24-35-40-49-9-9-19-18-30-27-21-19-42-39-59-62-26-35-41-75-44-119 2 5 3 10 4 15 10 35 29 65 53 93 19 23 40 43 61 64 15 16 30 32 42 51 7 10 12 21 13 34z m1 235c2 0 3 1 4 2 40 33 86 46 138 36 28-5 54-16 79-31 1-1 2-2 4-3 0 2-1 2-1 3-32 39-73 54-123 47-28-4-53-15-75-32-9-6-18-14-26-22z m-192-98c4-2 7-2 11-2 2 0 3 0 2-3 0-5 1-11 2-17 1-5 1-5 6-3 12 4 21 10 30 18 4 3 7 5 12 5 2 0 4 0 7 1 22 4 40 16 58 31-2-1-4-1-5-2-19-5-37-10-57-11-12 0-25 0-37-1-12-1-22-6-29-16z m286-319c16 23 30 48 38 75 14 42 16 84-1 126 0 1 0 3-1 3 0-1-1-2 0-3 1-28 1-56-2-84-3-26-8-51-16-76-5-14-11-28-18-41z m58 356c65-25 106-74 137-135-9 42-30 74-62 100-22 18-46 31-75 35z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lion-head-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe869;" d="M890 383c-13 65-47 115-106 148-29 17-60 26-91 37-37 12-74 24-106 46-44 30-72 71-83 123-1 6-1 12-4 17-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-2-1-5-2-8-11-63-46-110-102-141-26-14-55-24-84-34-33-11-67-21-98-39-47-28-80-67-97-120-4-12-5-25-9-38v-10c2-1 3 0 4 2 25 41 60 71 101 95 31 18 64 30 97 44 7 4 15 7 23 11 0-15-2-13 12-9 0 0 1 0 1 0 6 2 7 4 2 8-3 4-8 7-10 12 4 0 8 0 12 0s8 0 12 0c5-1 6 1 4 6-2 5-4 9-5 15 4 0 8 0 12 0 15 1 15 1 13 16-1 10-1 10 8 6l7-2c4-2 7-2 9 4 2 7 6 13 11 20 7 10 7 10 17 2 2-2 4-3 6-5 4-3 6-2 8 2 3 7 6 14 9 20 5-3 6-7 9-10 7-10 16-19 26-26 4-2 6-2 9 0 11 7 20 15 27 26 2 3 4 7 8 10 4-6 7-13 10-20 2-4 4-5 8-2 3 3 6 5 9 8 4 4 8 3 11-2 6-7 11-14 14-23 2-5 4-6 9-4 4 2 7 3 11 4 3 1 5 1 4-3 0-4-1-8-2-12-1-6 1-9 7-9 7 1 13 0 20-1-2-5-3-9-5-13-3-6-1-8 5-7 7 0 15 0 23 0-1-3-3-5-5-7-2-2-4-4-6-6-1-1-4-2-2-5 1-1 15-6 16-5 4 3 1 7 1 10 1 0 1 1 2 1 7-3 15-7 23-10 32-14 65-26 96-44 41-24 75-54 101-95 1-2 2-3 4-2v10c-2 3-2 7-3 11z m-299-183c-1 2-2 5-5 1-5-8-12-16-8-28 10-30 18-61 22-92 5-43 8-86 7-129 0-13 0-26-2-39h3c23 26 36 57 41 91 4 39 1 76-14 113-11 29-28 56-44 83z m-183-1l-24-40c-26-48-40-99-33-155 5-35 18-66 42-92h3c-1 2-1 4-2 6-3 52-1 103 5 154 4 33 11 65 21 96 4 12 2 21-4 30-3 5-5 7-8 1z m162 516c12 24 30 43 49 62 3 3 7 6 9 10h-7c-3-2-7-2-11-3-36-10-67-36-63-83 1-10 3-20 8-31 3 17 7 32 15 45z m-191 64c15-16 31-31 43-50 12-17 19-36 22-57 3 0 3 2 3 3 7 20 9 41 1 62-10 26-32 40-59 47-3 1-7 1-10 3h-7c1-3 4-5 7-8z m388-466c-28 28-60 52-90 77-3 4-5 3-7-2-2-6-4-13-8-19-3-7-2-11 4-16 26-20 48-43 67-70 29-43 44-89 42-141 0 0 0-1-2-1-1 4-1 8-2 13-9 59-34 112-76 155-12 13-25 24-40 33-5 4-9 4-12-3-4-7-7-15-11-22-3-5-2-9 2-13 8-10 17-21 26-31 58-63 87-138 89-224 1-9 0-19 0-30 5 2 6 4 7 6 10 17 19 34 27 51 22 46 34 94 27 146-4 35-18 65-43 91z m-401-10c4 5 5 9 2 15-3 5-5 10-8 16-7 14-8 14-21 5l-1-1c-56-43-91-99-106-168-2-10-4-20-5-29-2 19-2 39 3 58 9 43 31 81 61 114 13 15 28 29 44 41 5 4 7 7 3 13-3 6-5 13-7 20-2 6-4 7-10 3-24-21-49-41-73-62-14-13-26-26-36-43-25-41-29-86-21-132 8-42 25-80 46-116 3-6 7-12 11-18 2 3 1 6 2 9 1 26 1 53 7 79 10 53 31 101 64 143 14 19 30 36 45 53z m435 120c-35 26-74 45-111 66-6 2-6-1-7-5-4-11-9-21-16-30-4-4-5-9-3-14 2-7 6-14 11-20 7-8 16-15 25-22 33-27 68-53 97-85 29-35 52-72 61-118 0-1 0-3 2-4 3 0 3 3 3 4 6 26 10 52 10 78 0 11-1 21-2 32-6 50-29 89-70 118z m-562-75c25 22 52 42 78 64 9 7 15 16 19 28 1 3 2 7 0 11-9 11-16 22-19 35-2 4-4 4-7 2-6-3-11-6-17-9-34-17-67-35-97-58-25-19-45-42-56-71-9-24-14-50-13-76 0-26 4-52 10-78 0-2 0-5 3-5 2 1 2 3 2 5 2 9 4 18 7 26 17 51 50 91 90 126z m389-62c-1 1-2 3-4 3-2-1-2-4-2-5 0-20-9-36-26-46-6-3-5-5-2-9 26-37 50-75 66-118 18-47 28-96 18-147-1-6-3-12-3-20 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 3 2 4 3 9 13 15 27 20 41 15 50 13 101 3 151-12 56-39 103-77 144z m-222-58c3 5 3 8-2 11-2 0-3 2-4 3-12 8-20 19-21 35 0 4 0 8-3 12-5-3-8-8-11-12-28-30-48-64-61-103-14-39-18-80-17-122 1-30 8-59 21-86 4-8 9-15 16-22 1 4 0 6 0 9-3 11-5 22-5 33-4 43 6 84 20 123 16 43 40 82 67 119z m161 9c-19-9-35-2-50 9-10 7-14 16-14 29 1 11 5 17 15 21 13 6 26 11 38 18 8 5 11 14 12 23-3 1-4-1-6-2-7-5-15-8-24-7-5 0-10-1-15-4-15-6-31-6-46 0-5 3-10 4-16 4-9-1-16 1-23 7-1 1-3 3-5 3-1-3-1-5 0-8 3-9 9-15 17-20 14-6 27-11 40-18 4-2 6-5 6-10 0-6 0-12 1-18 0-4-1-7-4-10-6-4-11-9-17-13-12-8-25-11-39-5-10 4-14 0-13-11 1-4 2-8 4-11 5-10 8-10 16-3 33 31 78 31 111 1 9-8 13-8 18 3 3 6 4 11 2 17-1 5-3 7-8 5z m-51-73c-10 0-21-1-32 0-6 0-8-2-8-8 1-36 3-72 8-107 2-17 8-32 16-49 7 14 12 27 14 40 6 39 8 78 9 117 1 5-1 7-7 7z m-67-94c-3 31-3 62-2 93 0 3 1 5-1 8-3-2-3-4-4-6-9-25-13-52-15-78-3-25-3-50 2-75 6-22 16-41 36-55 1-1 4-3 6-1 2 1 0 4-1 5-11 36-19 72-21 109z m105 100c0-23 0-46-1-69-1-48-9-95-23-140-1-2-3-4-1-6 2-1 5 1 6 2 12 9 22 19 28 33 8 17 11 35 12 53 1 32-3 63-9 94-3 12-6 23-12 33z m-145 326c-4 3-8 8-13 4l-32-20c-4-2-2-4 1-6 4-4 8-1 11 0 5 2 7 1 8-3 0-4 3-7 6-9 9-5 18-8 29-7 6 0 8-3 7-10-1-3-2-6-1-9 12 3 12 3 11-11-1-14-5-28-9-41-3-9-6-17-7-26 2 2 4 5 5 8 5 13 11 27 15 40 7 21 11 42 7 64-2 8-6 14-15 16-5 2-13 1-16 8-1 2-3-1-4-2-4-2-7-4-10-7l-1 2c2 2 4 3 6 6 2 1 4 2 2 3z m176-2c-4-8-13-6-19-9-4-2-8-4-10-8-3-9-5-19-4-28 1-20 5-39 13-57 5-11 9-23 16-36 0 8-3 12-4 17-6 19-13 38-12 59 0 5 0 8 7 5 2-1 4-3 4 2-1 15-1 15 13 16 2 0 4 0 5 0 8 3 19 4 22 13 3 8 6 8 12 5 1-1 2-1 3-1 4 0 7 1 8 4 2 3-2 4-4 5-9 6-19 12-29 18-3 2-12 1-14-3-2-4 3-4 5-7 1-1 3-1 3-4-5 1-7 5-11 7-1 1-3 3-4 2z m-195-177c-1 1-3 3-4 2-3-1-1-4 0-5 2-5 5-11 8-16 10-13 23-20 40-18 13 1 27 4 41 1 1 1 3-1 4 1 1 2-1 3-3 4-9 6-18 7-28 6-17-3-34-4-47 11-4 5-8 9-11 14z m55-17c-20 2-36 12-50 25 1-19 29-33 50-25z m127-34c-10-2-19 0-29 2-2 0-4 1-4-2-1-1 1-2 2-3 7-3 13-6 20-6 8 0 15 3 21 6 1 1 2 2 2 4-1 1-3 1-4 0-3 0-5-1-8-1z m-414 266c48 31 100 48 156 58 35 7 68 19 97 41 11 9 20 19 29 33-3-1-3-1-4-1-1-1-2-1-3-2-18-15-40-21-64-23-31-2-63 1-94 1-26 0-51-4-72-19-29-21-43-51-51-84 0-2-2-5 0-7 2-1 4 1 6 3z m485 106c-29 0-56 5-79 25 0 0-1 0-3 1 4-9 17-25 28-33 29-23 62-34 98-41 47-9 93-23 135-47 8-4 14-8 22-13 1 0 2-2 4-1 1 1 0 3 0 4-2 7-3 14-5 20-17 56-53 84-111 86-30 0-59-1-89-1z m-392 14c26 9 53 13 81 6 30-8 59-6 88 7 1 1 4 1 4 4-10 2-21 3-31 6-19 5-36 15-54 23-9 5-19 7-30 6-19-2-36-10-51-22-14-12-26-25-38-40 0 0 1-1 1-2 10 4 20 8 30 12z m401 42c-13-7-26-13-40-18-12-3-24-5-36-7 1-4 4-4 6-4 29-14 59-14 89-7 7 2 15 4 22 4 26 1 49-7 73-17 4-1 8-4 13-4 1 3-2 5-3 6-11 13-22 25-35 36-26 20-57 29-89 11z m-299 14c21-7 40-18 60-28-11 21-24 40-45 52-25 14-64 5-81-19 23 5 44 2 66-5z m234-28c39 21 78 42 126 34-11 9-21 17-34 22-9 3-18 5-28 3-33-7-50-32-64-59z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="panda-face" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe873;" d="M596 224c-14 7-17-6-21-16-10-20-33-27-50-16-11 7-16 14-3 24 12 9 23 19 34 30 10 9 8 16-5 21-17 8-35 12-54 13-19-1-37-5-54-12-15-6-18-13-6-24 11-10 21-20 32-28 13-10 8-18-2-24-19-12-40-5-51 18-4 9-8 19-19 14-12-4-10-15-7-25 11-32 44-49 78-37 20 6 37 6 56-1 33-11 64 4 76 35 4 9 9 21-4 28z m-124 161c1 71-47 111-98 91-50-20-82-82-69-135 14-56 63-77 112-47 37 23 53 58 55 91z m102 91c-32-11-46-39-48-72-3-31 7-58 24-82 22-33 61-49 91-39 33 10 53 41 53 87-1 27-11 55-31 78-24 26-54 40-89 28z m363 84c-3 30-12 60-33 84-43 47-113 62-181 34-36-15-69-15-106-1-79 32-160 31-239 2-37-14-70-15-106-1-57 22-113 20-162-19-51-40-62-114-29-178 13-25 29-48 51-65 13-10 16-21 15-37-13-178 100-330 274-371 193-46 397 95 421 292 0 4 1 8 2 11 4 28-5 58 4 83 8 25 38 38 54 61 18 28 31 54 35 87 1 3 0 14 0 18z m-140-229c-4-154-148-288-304-284-173 5-304 142-300 314 5 162 147 297 307 291 177-6 303-142 297-321z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="panda" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe874;" d="M589 175c69 69 112 148 109 249-2 76-30 136-88 183-5 4-10 7-18 8 1-11 5-19 8-27 5-10 10-20 8-32-3-28-15-50-36-67-27-23-58-34-91-41-11-2-15-6-18-16-4-14-10-27-23-34-39-22-85-26-118 16-13 15-27 21-45 21-1 0-2 0-2 0-30 5-56 15-73 42-17 29-43 39-74 36-54-5-81-55-57-103 8-15 19-28 34-38 43-28 88-51 139-61 28-5 56-7 84-11 20-2 40-5 58-15 22-11 26-28 10-48-9-11-21-20-34-28-22-12-45-22-68-33-14-6-28-13-39-24-14-12-25-26-21-46 4-20 21-29 38-33 70-18 138-14 202 19 43 21 82 49 115 83z m246 21c-25 33-64 45-98 29-38-19-62-48-64-91-3-40-23-61-63-65-16-2-32 0-48 4-18 5-37 6-57 4-37-3-56-32-44-67 10-34 42-57 80-60 39-2 77-4 116-9 28-4 56-13 86-10 14-1 28 0 42 1 55 4 85 37 86 93 1 43-6 85-16 127-3 16-10 30-20 44z m-591 441c42 12 67 43 85 81 8 16 0 31-15 41-10 7-22 10-31 10-45 0-83-33-94-79-8-37 18-64 55-53z m669-349c-51 110-132 193-228 265-4 3-8 5-13 8 2-5 4-9 7-12 24-29 53-54 79-81 52-53 96-112 128-180 27-56 33-115 18-175-7-33-13-66-21-101 4 4 5 6 7 8 49 85 66 174 23 268z m-403 388c13-2 20-12 28-21 17-19 41-15 51 9 5 11 5 24 5 34-1 46-13 63-50 70-10 2-21 2-31 0-28-4-43-21-44-45-1-23 16-42 41-47z m-194-85c-33-7-65-46-65-82 0-3 0-7 1-12 3-12 9-22 22-26 13-3 28-4 37 8 16 22 33 44 42 70 10 27-9 47-37 42z m3-44c-9 1-13 7-13 15-1 9 5 14 13 14 9 0 14-6 15-15-1-8-5-14-15-14z m138 50c-20 3-32-9-32-29 1-10 4-18 8-27 10-19 26-35 32-56 2-5 6-7 12-5 15 5 37 36 37 53 0 30-27 61-57 64z m0-46c-9 1-13 7-13 16 0 9 6 12 14 13 9-1 14-6 14-15 0-9-6-14-15-14z m-78-159c2-1 3-1 5-1 11 4 32 28 33 39 1 11-4 19-14 17-12-2-24-5-33 1-13-1-18-7-18-17 0-12 16-35 27-39z m-219 125c1 43 14 81 46 113-10 1-16-1-20-6-16-19-23-31-29-45-8-17-8-34-7-52 1-4 2-8 10-10z m189 189c34 15 67 19 102 2 4-2 9-5 15-2-4 8-11 12-18 14-35 13-70 11-103-5-5-3-15-6-12-12 3-7 11 0 16 3z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="panther" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe875;" d="M528-60c7 44 9 85 6 126-3 56-13 111-52 156-6 7-14 12-22 21 78-7 147-33 218-57-85 58-180 89-285 99 26 17 44 36 59 59 2 4 9 4 14 6 62 23 108 63 126 129 1 4 1 7 2 11 0 3 0 6-1 10-13-37-35-66-65-90-15-12-31-21-50-27-10-4-15-4-16 10-2 27-15 49-39 68 5-13 10-22 13-31 12-39 6-73-26-100-27-24-54-49-81-73-21-19-21-32 0-51 2-3 5-5 9-8-16-1-28 4-41 9-38 14-72 34-98 65-5 6-10 12-7 20 2 8 10 4 16 5 46 8 87 25 119 59 22 24 22 49 1 76-10 13-22 24-32 36 27-11 45-35 69-52-7 19-22 32-37 44-37 31-77 56-127 59-29 2-55-4-77-23-9-9-14-6-18 5-1 3-2 7-1 10 7 22-8 32-23 40-13 8-20 18-20 33 1 4-2 12 7 11 5 0 10-2 11-10 0-9 3-19 13-25 0 5-1 9-1 13-1 11 1 18 16 15 10-3 21-3 32-4-1 5-6 5-9 6-18 8-36 17-53 27-16 10-17 19 2 26 19 6 36 20 58 18 11-1 22 5 32 10 35 17 72 29 99 60 26 31 61 31 97 26 61-8 119-24 175-47 9-4 17-5 27-2 55 13 109 7 162-13 8-3 15-8 23-12 8-5 8-11 1-18-22-23-48-38-81-42 1-7 7-8 11-11 71-48 140-98 202-158 13-12 24-26 37-38 15-15 16-32 12-52-13-64-48-117-90-166-88-103-195-182-309-254-2-1-4-2-8-4z m-47 686c-46 12-94 12-141 6-26-3-51-14-77-2-14 6-24-2-35-12 38-3 69-16 92-45 24-30 27-64 25-100 9 25 7 50 4 76 37-7 69-23 101-39-28 21-58 37-91 47-12 4-17 11-22 21-2 7-1 9 5 9 17-1 34 0 50-2 26-3 52-9 77-15-41 17-84 28-129 26-14 0-22 5-30 16 14 6 28 9 42 11 43 7 86 6 129 3z m108 10c20 16 40 26 61 33 21 8 43 9 66 11-51 14-128-14-152-54 32-8 71-5 90 7-21-3-42-6-65 3z m-218 47c-22-6-42-1-63 2-17 3-33-12-34-29 13 4 24 10 35 17 2 1 5 5 8 2 3-2 2-5 1-8-2-7-4-13-6-20 25 5 44 15 59 36z m-140-17c-38-18-76-34-121-39 8-5 13-11 22-8 35 11 68 26 99 47z m58-217c-25 24-50 39-82 42-15 2-20-3-22-18-1-18 5-34 14-49-20 3-57 41-60 60-1 10 8 12 14 15 34 16 84 8 113-19 9-8 17-16 23-31z m-65-56c17-57 41-68 104-17-6-13-13-20-22-27-19-16-42-25-66-33-11-4-17 3-19 12-7 22-6 43 3 65z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="parrot-lip" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe876;" d="M894 392c-17 101-66 184-138 255-3 2-7 4-10 5-18 1-36 2-54 2-50-1-86-25-106-70-16-36-29-73-43-110-19-50-42-97-82-133-14-14-30-25-45-38 2 0 5-1 7-2 50-13 98-29 143-53 40-22 76-49 101-88 34-54 38-112 24-173-5-25-14-49-21-74 52 38 98 80 135 132 77 103 111 219 89 347z m-543-74c3-1 7 0 10 1 26 11 50 26 71 45 38 34 59 78 77 125 15 38 28 76 45 113 17 38 45 67 86 80 19 6 39 8 58 12-2 1-4 3-6 4-41 28-85 50-132 65-62 20-126 30-191 22-67-8-126-31-176-77-66-62-101-136-92-228 6-70 59-128 128-141 41-7 81-14 122-21z m25 252c46 0 84-38 84-85-1-45-36-83-85-83-46-1-84 38-84 84 0 46 39 85 85 84z m201-482l-2 5c-17 37-24 76-16 117l-34 17c-2-10-4-19-5-28-4-38 2-76 18-114-62 37-100 88-114 157-4 22-3 23-26 27-50 10-100 19-149 29-25 5-50 12-74 18 0-1-1-3-1-5-2-45 8-87 29-126 72-133 229-197 373-152 16 5 32 13 51 20-4 2-5 3-7 3-22 0-35 12-43 32z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="parrot" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe877;" d="M329 636c24-15 47-26 72-34 87-26 171-61 249-108 3-2 6-5 11-4-8 19-9 40-4 59 3 10 0 15-9 19-113 62-233 100-359 120 8-37 40-52 40-52z m309-294c42-34 40-61-6-80 20-14 43-23 64-34 5-2 7 2 9 4 29 30 39 89 17 122-12 16-17 37-13 56 4 20-4 30-18 43-20 19-41 36-65 50-36 20-73 37-111 54-58 26-122 37-181 70 1-28 14-46 33-62 23-21 51-35 79-47 63-27 125-56 184-91 9-5 18-11 26-17 13-10 17-24 11-40-5-14-16-22-29-28z m3-181c-23 26-45 52-59 84-5 11-9 23-8 36 1 9 4 13 14 7 9-6 18-12 28-16 15-8 33-1 43 14 9 15 6 31-9 42-16 10-32 20-49 29-23 13-48 7-65-13-11-14-19-29-24-46-10-40-6-80 7-120 2-6 6-8 10-10 27-16 53-34 78-53 38-29 71-61 100-103 7 23 2 43-6 62-14 33-36 61-60 87z m228 231c5-14 8-27 10-39 2-13 2-27 1-40-2-37-23-60-55-62-16-1-32 4-46 12-19 11-40 7-54-10-7-9-13-18-20-28 5-2 9-4 13-6 27-12 53-25 76-43 23-17 37-39 33-69-2-12-7-23-12-36 101 40 188 191 54 321z m8-162c-7 6-5 13 0 19 6 7 12 4 19-1 1 12-4 20-10 27-3 5-4 9 1 12 4 4 8 2 12-2 9-10 9-44 0-54-7-7-15-7-22-1z m-558 100c89 66 185 70 286 30 8-3 16-7 24-8 14-1 24 8 29 23 4 13 0 22-12 29-51 28-105 42-163 42-106-1-191-44-257-126-10-12-19-26-23-41-7-23 1-39 23-47 9-4 14-2 18 7 18 36 43 67 75 91z m-70-46c-9-11-14-24-16-42-4 19 3 32 11 44 66 94 156 135 270 124 38-4 73-16 105-35-22 7-43 15-66 20-123 22-224-15-304-111z m237 169c43 1 84-9 125-23l-11 6c-45 26-92 49-140 69-12 5-23 6-35 4-70-12-134-36-187-84-34-29-65-61-88-100-9-15-16-30-17-48-1-18 7-29 24-35 10-3 14-2 19 9 62 130 165 198 310 202z m-305-151c-11-16-14-26-18-48-4 21 4 37 14 53 50 85 124 139 220 162 31 7 63 9 96 7 5 0 11-2 17-2-47-1-93-8-138-24-80-28-143-78-191-148z m515 159c12-10 24-19 36-29 29-22 55-47 65-83 5-22 7-43-9-61-12-13-12-13 5-21 5-2 11-4 17-5 30-6 51 8 58 38 2 9 2 19 2 27 0 45-15 86-46 116-45 42-96 76-148 110-6 4-8 2-9-4-8-35 0-65 29-88z m-435-8c51 34 107 55 171 64-26 14-49 26-69 44-4 4-8 1-12 0-113-35-201-103-263-205-13-21-23-44-25-69-2-21 7-37 24-42 9-2 14-1 18 9 30 83 82 150 156 199z m-148-137c-11-18-20-35-19-56-7 13-2 26 3 38 12 32 30 62 52 89 57 72 130 118 219 140 2 1 5 1 8 0-3-2-6-3-9-4-60-21-114-51-161-94-37-33-68-71-93-113z m390 2c5-1 8-1 10 4 10 19 22 36 43 47-15 5-28 7-41 8-90 9-166-17-225-88-7-9-13-19-17-29-7-21 1-37 21-46 7-3 11-3 15 5 45 71 110 105 194 99z m-204-95c-4 16 3 29 11 41 27 36 62 58 104 71 31 10 63 11 95 4-36 0-70-5-104-18-29-12-55-28-78-49-14-14-26-29-28-49z m200 38c0 9 2 18 3 27 0 8 9 17 3 22-5 4-16 2-24 2-29 0-56-6-82-19-24-12-44-29-55-53-10-21-4-39 14-50 7-5 10-4 14 3 29 40 68 59 117 59 7 0 10 1 10 9z m-136-65c-3 12 1 23 9 34 22 30 55 42 91 46 8 0 16 0 25 0-52-13-105-21-125-80z m248 67c-8 5-17 9-27 15 0-18 7-32 15-45 19-32 43-61 71-86 20-18 39-36 60-55 4 20-2 37-11 52-26 48-64 86-108 119z m-121-18c-22 1-42-3-61-12-17-7-29-18-31-38-1-19 10-31 25-40-6 41 26 64 73 51-33-4-68-7-73-51 5-1 7 3 9 6 7 8 15 14 24 18 17 8 35 7 54 1-5 21-10 40-11 60 0 6-6 5-9 5z m299 65c1 5 3 9-5 13-17 5-24 28-12 41 8 9 1 14-3 18-6 7-11-1-14-4-8-7-10-17-11-25 0-27 13-46 34-50 6-1 9 0 11 7z m-50-2c0-16-5-29-8-43 11 8 23 8 36 11-10 10-19 20-28 32z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="paw" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe878;" d="M713 198c-41 29-66 64-78 112-16 63-78 107-143 106-67-1-122-45-139-109-12-43-29-81-71-105-49-28-64-78-65-116-1-97 39-151 110-161 36-5 71 6 104 20 50 21 99 22 147-4 8-4 16-7 23-10 41-17 79-12 115 14 71 51 109 176-3 253z m-31 275c62 70 81 152 48 242-26 72-95 85-149 31-46-46-63-104-65-167-1-27 4-53 14-77 31-73 99-88 152-29z m-357-7c50-47 111-35 141 26 13 28 18 57 17 87-1 66-20 126-70 172-49 46-110 34-140-27-11-21-16-44-17-67-4-73 14-139 69-191z m609 22c-10 47-49 72-96 64-83-16-164-123-162-214 0-5 0-10 1-15 9-69 52-100 114-80 91 28 164 153 143 245z m-611-157c0 82-38 148-104 196-24 18-52 30-83 26-49-5-76-45-73-118 9-73 46-144 128-185 74-37 132 6 132 81z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pelican" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe879;" d="M934 637s4 7 3 9c-4 10-19 12-29 13-51 6-102 10-154 14-96 8-191 16-287 25-10 1-22 5-27 12-34 44-90 63-146 48-50-13-83-50-90-108-6-48-8-96-11-145-2-17-2-34-3-56 59 20 112 11 166-6 52-16 105-30 154-53-8-4-15-4-21-2-40 11-80 23-120 33-31 8-62 17-93 19-100 3-209-104-213-208-1-36 0-71 0-106v-103c12 9 16 14 21 16 23 10 45 24 69 28 31 4 64 2 97-1 50-4 55-2 52-57 0-6 0-11 1-16 0-22-6-36-31-37-9-1-23-4-25-13 0-2 4-6 4-6h288c-5 36-23 48-64 42-38-5-75-10-112-16-18-3-27 3-26 22 1 12 1 24 2 37 1 30 2 31 33 31 57 0 113 0 169-1 47 0 88 15 122 50 44 47 88 95 138 136 61 52 48 167-49 192-104 27-207 65-309 98-7 3-14 7-20 11l3 6c7-1 15-2 22-4 111-32 222-64 333-96 42-12 63-2 83 36 18 32 37 64 54 97 5 8 7 17 12 29-159 14-315 20-469 35l0 12 473-17z m-554 18c-10 0-19 9-19 19 0 11 9 20 19 20s20-9 20-20c0-10-9-19-20-19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="penguin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe87a;" d="M692 510c-24 20-48 40-71 61-11 11-22 23-31 36-13 22-5 39 20 43 15 3 31 3 46 4 27 1 54 2 81 3-5 29-16 39-56 42-42 4-75 16-100 55-22 33-61 40-99 28-35-10-52-38-56-73-2-16-3-32-1-48 3-31-7-57-29-78-27-26-57-49-84-75-14-14-30-31-37-50-15-39-16-80-5-121 3-10 9-19 13-29l6-12c4 13 9 40 14 53 10 26 21 52 34 76 3 7 18 16 26 11 9-4 4-19 5-29 0-3-3-7-4-10-14-41-30-82-42-123-31-101-25-197 47-282 12-14 7-27-9-35-9-5-20-8-29-13-12-6-24-12-35-19l-17-9c30 0 81 1 112 0 15 0 25 5 35 17 7 9 20 17 31 19 23 3 47 4 70 0 15-2 29-13 43-21 8-5 15-17 23-17 33-2 74-1 107-1h16l-20 11c-17 8-32 17-49 23-33 13-38 24-15 51 46 55 61 120 57 190-4 64-19 126-42 186-4 10-9 20-10 31 0 8-2 22 6 26 8 5 21-2 27-8 10-11 18-24 23-38 7-20 9-42 14-62 2-6 5-22 8-28 5 5 14 21 14 26 4 39 8 78 7 117-1 30-21 53-44 72z m-150 232c10 0 18-8 18-17s-8-18-18-18-17 8-17 18 7 17 17 17z m84-650c-11-52-50-76-101-79-24-1-49 1-72 6-54 13-85 55-92 120-2 10-2 20-2 30 2 46 14 87 26 129 17 56 35 112 53 167 6 17 13 33 20 49 9 19 25 32 47 31 21-1 38-13 45-33 21-63 42-126 60-189 11-40 22-82 25-123 3-35-2-72-9-108z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pig-face" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe87b;" d="M937 616c-3 5-8 3-12 3-5 0-9-1-13-1-27 0-52 8-76 16-30 10-60 12-90-1-24-10-40-29-54-50-3-6-6-7-12-4-22 8-44 16-67 22-48 13-97 20-147 15-46-5-90-17-134-33-6-2-13-7-18-6-6 1-8 10-13 15-5 6-10 12-15 18-17 18-37 29-63 31-22 2-43-1-63-8-28-10-57-17-87-14-10 1-13-3-8-13 15-26 28-52 40-78 6-13 10-27 18-39 17-28 40-45 75-40 5 0 10 1 16 1-3-7-6-13-8-18-19-53-18-107-5-160 22-92 76-157 165-191 61-22 125-28 189-19 50 6 96 22 138 50 96 61 129 194 111 285-4 18-10 35-18 53 5-1 8-1 11-1 10 0 20-2 30 0 28 7 45 27 56 51 6 13 11 25 17 38 10 23 22 45 34 67 2 3 5 7 3 11z m-626-200c-2 1-3 3-5 5-3 4-6 8-12 2-3-2-7-1-10 2-3 3-3 6-2 10 19 53 75 69 121 30 3-3 4-6 3-10-3-5-7-7-11-6-8 2-6-5-6-7-10-35-50-48-78-26z m227-250c-13-3-25-4-37-3-19-1-37 1-54 7-39 14-62 47-64 91-3 55 34 98 92 105 26 3 51 2 76-6 45-16 69-54 66-102-3-48-31-81-79-92z m177 259c-3-3-8-4-12-1-3 3-4 3-6 0-13-16-30-22-50-17-21 5-33 20-37 41 0 0 0 1-1 2-2-1-4-1-7-1-4 0-7 2-8 6-2 4 0 7 3 10 35 31 83 31 110-10 4-6 7-12 10-19 2-4 3-8-2-11z m-273-122c-12-1-19-10-19-24 1-13 2-26 4-39 2-12 12-19 23-18 11 2 18 11 17 23-1 12-2 25-4 37-1 14-9 21-21 21z m117-1c-13 1-21-6-22-20-2-12-3-25-4-37-1-12 5-21 16-23 12-2 22 6 24 18 1 13 2 26 4 39 0 13-7 23-18 23z m-194 162c2-19-4-30-18-34-14-3-25 4-31 23-10-9-10-11-3-21 9-11 24-16 37-13 15 4 25 16 27 31 1 10 0 12-12 14z m319-11c-8-19-17-26-32-22-5 1-9 4-13 8-6 8-6 17-4 26-13-4-14-5-12-16 2-15 13-27 27-30 15-3 27 2 37 14 7 9 7 11-3 20z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pig" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe87c;" d="M522 701c17-3 22-19 32-28 9-8 8-7 32-7 19 0 30 4 44-12 11-11 27-21 39-33 9-10 22-7 31 4 12 16 23 32 35 48 16 23 35 43 63 53 14 6 25 17 32 31 4 9 5 25 20 23 15-2 18-17 21-29 9-41 18-83 26-124 7-41 11-82 1-124-9-36-30-66-50-96-8-12-21-15-34-13-10 2-18 5-27 7-24 5-32 0-33-25-1-34 4-66 18-97 24-54 41-111 35-172-8-80-51-134-124-163-77-32-158-35-240-29-33 2-65 6-96 15-126 36-186 146-151 273 14 49 36 96 41 147 1 12 2 24-1 36-4 15-11 18-28 15-72-16-108 7-112 81-1 26 1 52 8 76 15 53 14 106 5 159-4 23 2 44 17 62 8 11 20 12 26-1 18-36 48-60 79-84 21-16 36-38 52-59 19-26 30-24 52-1 12 12 24 34 50 24 2-1 6 0 7 1 15 24 32 7 49 3 5-1 11-5 14-3 6 4 3 11 1 16-3 7-7 17 0 22 8 5 16-2 23-7 10-6 19-13 30-19 5-4 12-9 18-3 8 6-1 12-3 17-2 5-10 14-2 16z m-18-634c13 1 27 1 40 4 26 7 47 20 53 49 12 56-23 111-80 125-48 11-100-24-114-78-11-46 11-87 55-96 15-3 30-3 46-4z m-134 341c-10-1-24 0-23-13 2-22 23-18 37-22 6-2 14-2 12 7-3 14-5 30-26 28z m262 0c-18 1-24-9-25-24-1-8 1-14 10-11 15 4 36 0 38 22 1 11-13 13-23 13z m-156-254c2-11-6-18-18-17-8 1-16 4-14 14 2 10 9 18 20 19 10 1 11-9 12-16z m61 17c10 1 18-9 20-20 1-9-6-13-14-14-11-1-16 5-18 14-2 10 3 19 12 20z" />
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0-34 8-63 42-80 0 6-3 11-1 17 11-15 21-29 40-35-3 11-3 21 2 34 11-21 28-34 49-34 22-1 39 13 51 33 5-12 5-22 2-34 19 7 29 21 40 36 2-6-2-11-1-17 16 7 27 19 34 34 7 15 8 31 9 49 12-16 17-33 17-52 32 29 27 64 21 99 17-17 23-38 27-62 8 11 10 21 11 31 2 21 0 42-6 62-4 13-7 26 0 39 8-36 28-45 65-32-16 24-17 46-1 64 11-19 24-35 44-44 1 1 1 1 1 2l0 5c-5 34-1 67 13 99 3 8 6 11 14 3 15-16 33-19 55-14-24 22-36 48-43 77-2 9-1 11 8 8 14-4 29-6 41 6 4 3 6 5 0 9z m-52 3c-12 5-12 5-11-8 1-28 9-55 28-79-13 3-20 11-28 19-6 5-9 6-14-2-19-29-29-61-26-97-15 11-21 26-27 43-15-21-27-41-28-65-1-5 1-9 2-13 0-3 5-5 2-8-3-3-7-2-11-1-13 4-15 16-17 27-2 10-1 20-4 32-24-21-33-45-24-75 4-12 9-24 8-40-8 15-16 25-29 30-4 1-7 2-11 3-6 1-8 0-6-7 4-14 9-28 11-42 1-12 1-23-3-37-5 19-16 29-32 33-12 3-13 2-11-10 3-11 5-23 2-36-1-5-3-9-5-13-3-4-5-8-9-8-5 0-2 6-4 9-2 2-3 5-5 8-3 4-6 10-11 8-6-2-1-8-1-12 1-15-5-27-18-36-3 8-4 16-10 23-6 5-9 7-13-2-5-10-11-20-21-27-1-1-3-3-5-2-3 1-1 3-2 5 0 2 0 3 0 4-1 12-10 26-16 26-7 0-16-15-17-27 0-3 0-6 0-10-14 7-21 19-27 31-4 9-8 7-13 1-5-6-8-14-9-23-15 11-21 24-19 41 1 3 3 6 0 8-3 2-6-1-8-3-7-6-10-14-12-23-11 7-15 17-16 29-1 11 1 23 4 34 1 6-1 7-7 6-18-4-31-13-37-34-4 16-4 30-1 43 2 12 6 24 9 36 2 7 0 8-7 7-17-4-29-15-38-33-2 13 1 22 4 31 4 14 9 29 5 45-3 15-13 27-25 40-4-12-3-22-4-32-2-17-10-27-22-28-5-1-9-1-5 7 3 6 3 13 2 20-3 22-14 41-28 60-5-17-12-32-26-43-1 14 0 26-2 39-4 23-15 43-27 62-3 4-4 3-7 1-6-5-11-10-16-14-4-3-9-7-16-8 19 25 26 51 28 80 1 11 1 12-10 8-10-5-20-9-33-6 21 23 35 49 49 77-12-4-19-13-32-11 19 17 27 40 36 64-9-3-15-8-26-6 15 10 24 23 32 37 11 18 14 37 17 57 0 5 0 10 2 13 6 10 3 17-2 26-20 39-32 80-30 125 1 30 13 41 44 41 31 0 61-7 87-25 15-10 29-11 44 0 5 3 11 6 18 9-10 6-19 4-29 2 5 6 11 7 18 8 16 3 33 3 50 5 2 0 6-1 7 2 1 3-3 5-5 6-8 7-18 7-28 9 17 6 34 5 51 0 5-1 10-3 14-4 5-1 11-6 14-1 4 5-1 10-5 15-4 5-9 9-15 12 24-2 44-12 59-30 8-9 12-8 19 0 16 18 36 28 59 31-7-5-14-10-18-18-2-3-4-7-2-10 2-4 7-2 10-1 12 4 23 9 36 10 11 1 23 0 37-4-13-2-23-2-32-9-2-1-5-3-4-5 0-4 4-3 7-3 16-2 33-2 50-5 6-1 13-2 20-8-12 1-21 4-32-2 12-6 22-12 33-16 9-4 17 0 25 5 25 16 53 24 82 27 39 3 57-14 54-53-3-43-12-85-36-122-1-2-3-4-1-6 7-11 7-24 9-36 5-33 19-60 46-82-9-2-15 3-25 6 9-24 17-46 35-63-7-1-7-1-30 10 12-28 27-54 48-76-11-4-21 0-31 4z m-233-136c-19 1-36 4-53 12 1-7 8-11 11-17-12-2-21 1-30 6-17 9-28 23-38 39-5 9-3 16 3 22 1 3 4 4 6 7h-31c3-3 6-6 8-9 3-4 7-9 4-15-9-16-19-30-34-40-11-8-23-12-37-10 4 6 10 10 11 16-35-13-70-16-106 3 9-12 19-19 32-22 4-2 7-3 9-8 13-24 19-49 9-75-3-9-4-18-2-27 2-14 5-15 17-7 6 4 11 12 18 8 7-5 5-14 5-21 0-3-1-6-2-8-5-19 3-31 23-33 11-1 22 0 32 4 19 6 38 5 58-1 13-3 27-5 40-1 14 5 19 14 15 28-2 9-4 17-1 26 2 7 6 9 12 5 4-2 7-5 10-8 11-7 15-6 17 8 1 8 1 17-2 25-9 25-5 49 6 73 3 6 6 10 13 12 12 3 22 10 31 23-19-12-36-15-54-15z m-192-88c-14 17-20 37-22 58-1 1 0 4 1 4 10 1 17 10 29 10-11-24-8-48-8-72z m26-68c-5-2-9 1-10 6-4 13-5 25-1 39 5-11 11-22 17-33 2-5-1-10-6-12z m20-2c-5 0-8 2-9 6 0 4 3 6 6 6 5-1 7-4 8-8 0-3-3-4-5-4z m7 119c-5-1-6 3-7 8-2-2-3-3-3-4-4-3-8-9-14-7s-3 10-3 15c0 9 7 11 16 5 3-2 4-6 8-6 4 0 8-1 7-6 0-2-1-5-4-5z m20 5c-1-3-3-6-6-6-3 0-5 2-5 5 0 4 2 5 5 5 3 0 6 0 6-4z m12-6c-4 0-5 2-6 5-1 4 2 5 5 5 3 0 6-1 6-4 0-4-2-6-5-6z m21-118c-3 0-5 1-5 4 1 5 3 8 8 8 3 0 5-2 6-5-2-5-5-7-9-7z m1 126c-3-1-2-4-3-5-2-2-3-3-6-2-2 1-4 3-4 5 0 3 1 5 3 5 6 1 10 5 15 8 4 2 10 6 13 0 2-6 3-14-2-20-2-2-5-1-7 1-3 2-6 5-9 8z m28-119c-1-4-5-7-10-5-4 2-8 6-5 11 5 11 12 22 17 34 4-14 2-27-2-40z m39 120c-3-20-8-40-22-57-1 24 4 48-8 71 12 1 19-8 29-10 1 0 1-2 1-4z m-83 100l1-1h-1c0 1 0 1 0 1z m-16 453c6-8 10-15 16-21 17-20 41-25 66-27 19-2 38-4 57-9 16-5 31-12 43-25-22 9-45 16-70 17 22-11 43-24 59-44-38 22-78 32-122 30 17 8 35 8 53 5 0 5-4 4-6 5-23 9-47 12-71 6-9-2-20-7-20-16 0-11 11-14 20-16 19-4 37-4 56-4 13 0 26 1 38-5-14 0-27 1-41-7 30-16 61-29 73-63-10 10-21 19-34 25 0-6 5-10 3-16-27 32-62 40-102 37 34-13 64-27 89-56-15 6-28 11-42 16 2-7 7-12 4-19-9 7-18 16-28 21-13 6-26 12-38 0-3-2-4 0-6 1-10 9-20 7-31 2-13-5-23-15-34-24-3 7 1 12 4 18-15-3-27-10-43-15 25 29 56 43 89 55-32 7-65-4-102-35 0 5 3 9 5 15-15-6-26-14-35-25 2 13 11 25 29 38 13 10 27 17 44 25-15 8-28 7-44 6 10 5 19 6 27 6 23 1 45-1 67 4 7 2 15 4 20 9 5 5 5 9 0 14-5 6-13 9-20 11-25 4-48 0-71-9-1 0-2-2-5-4 20 2 38 3 55-5-22 0-42-1-63-6-21-5-40-13-59-24 16 20 37 32 58 44-25-2-49-8-72-19 15 15 34 24 56 29 14 3 30 5 45 6 36 3 66 14 83 49z m260-278c-4-14-4-28 0-42 3-8 5-17 5-27-10 8-14 3-19-4-4-8-9-16-12-25-4-10-10-13-20-10-9 3-16 8-22 14-8 8-11 7-16-2-5-10-7-20-10-31-4 17 0 44 9 58 6 9 14 8 21 3 8-5 12-2 17 4 10 13 17 26 15 44-2 13-1 27 2 40 2 11-1 20-6 30-9 15-17 32-19 50 0 5-1 10 2 15 4-8 8-17 12-25 6-12 15-21 29-26 17-5 22-14 19-31-1-12-4-23-7-35z m-519-44c4 16 4 31-1 47-3 12-6 25-7 38 0 11 4 20 15 23 25 7 36 27 44 49 1 2 1 3 3 6 3-14 0-26-3-37-4-12-10-23-16-34-4-7-6-14-5-22 3-19 3-38 3-56-1-11 12-34 21-38 3-1 6 1 9 3 14 7 22 3 27-12 6-15 8-31 5-48-3 9-5 18-9 27-6 12-8 13-18 4-7-6-13-11-22-14-10-3-16 0-19 11-2 11-11 19-17 29-4 6-9 4-14-3-1 11 1 19 4 27z m570 15l6-31c0-2 3-6-4-5-6 2-6-6-6-10-4-18-10-35-22-49 7 19 2 39 4 58 0 5-1 10-4 14-11 21-10 44-5 66 1 6 2 12 3 18 4 26-4 47-23 65-3 3-6 5-5 10 2 30-2 60-22 87 16-9 37-40 60-91-3-3-6 2-10 0 11-18 20-36 26-55 2-5 3-11 5-16 0-1 1-4-1-4-13 0-8-10-7-15 2-9 6-18 9-27 1-2 7-7-2-7-4 0-2-5-2-8z m-627-30c2 9 5 18 6 28 0 3 6 11-5 10-2 0 0 4 0 6 4 9 8 18 10 27 1 6 7 15-6 17-4 0-1 4-1 7 7 24 17 47 31 68-4 1-7-3-12-1 18 31 31 66 59 90-18-26-22-55-20-86 1-4-1-7-4-9-22-20-28-44-22-72 1-9 3-17 4-26 2-13 3-27-4-40-11-25-8-51-5-76 1-3 3-5 1-8-11 14-18 31-21 48-1 5 2 14-9 11-3-1-2 4-2 6z m236 93c-3 4-4 9-4 13 0 16-8 28-19 38-11 12-22 14-35 6-20-11-40-22-66-19 9-11 17-19 22-33 1 5 1 7 2 9 1 4 2 9 7 9 6 1 7-4 10-8 5-8 3-13-2-19-13-17-21-36-20-58 7 11 13 23 22 33 8 8 17 15 29 13 8-1 14-1 21 1 3 2 6 3 9-1 2-3 1-6-1-9-5-7-11-13-18-18-6-5-13-9-21-16 22 2 37 12 52 25-4-26-15-51 4-73-1 19 5 37 11 54 8 18 7 36-3 53z m-24-4c-5-3-10-4-17-4-12 0-23 5-31 16-7 12-2 26 11 30 17 5 41-5 49-20 3-7-2-18-12-22z m279 27c7-2 6-9 7-14 1 0 1-1 2-2 4 12 13 20 20 30-20 0-38 4-54 14-24 17-39 13-56-11-5-8-8-16-9-25 0-5 0-10-3-14-12-19-11-38-2-59 6-16 12-33 9-51 19 23 9 48 5 73 38-22 38-22 50-21-3 2-6 4-9 6-10 7-19 15-27 25-3 3-5 6-2 10 3 4 6 2 9 1 5-1 9-3 13-2 19 6 31-4 42-18 6-9 11-18 17-29 1 26-8 46-23 63-7 9 1 13 2 19 1 4 5 6 9 5z m-32-26c-15-9-35-7-45 5-6 7-7 14 1 21 9 8 19 17 30 17 15 0 25-7 28-16 3-9-3-20-14-27z m174-143c-13-20-3-41-6-62-4 8-7 15-18 14-13-2-24-7-32-18-4-6 1-11 4-16 4-8 10-14 11-24-23 10-23 10-28-10-5 11-11 7-20 6-16-2-28-9-42-14 2 2 4 3 5 5 7 7 6 13-3 17-7 4-16 4-26 5 12 6 21 4 31 2 15-5 30-6 44 2 4 3 11 5 11 11 0 6-5 8-9 11-10 6-21 12-30 18-14 10-23 22-21 40 4-2 4-7 6-11 9-14 28-24 46-21 11 2 13 5 12 16-3 16-2 27 3 41 3-8 3-15 4-22 6-30 13-33 37-14 8 7 15 15 21 24z m-480-97c-5 0-10-1-15-2-7-1-14-2-16-10-2-7 5-10 10-15-7 1-10 4-14 6-8 4-15 9-24 7-2-1-4 0-5 1-9 7-15 5-19-6-4 6-1 16-10 17-7 1-12-4-19-7 1 9 6 16 11 23 8 13 7 18-6 26-5 3-9 5-14 7-14 5-19 2-24-11-4 5-6 7-4 12 5 15 4 29-2 43-1 2-1 4-2 5 10-14 21-24 36-32 9-5 13-4 17 6 5 12 6 25 8 41 7-15 6-28 5-41-2-13 1-17 14-18 20-2 38 9 46 29 1 1 1 2 3 3 1-13-3-23-11-32-7-7-15-12-24-17-6-4-13-7-19-12-8-6-8-11 1-16 12-8 25-12 39-8 9 3 18 5 27 4 4 1 8 1 11-3z m143 282c-12 7-16 7-34 0 8 17 35 29 52 22 2 0 3-1 5-1 20 6 41-2 54-22-12 6-23 10-35 1 28-11 32-14 36-29-12 8-24 12-37 12-7-1-11-3-11-11-2-16-3-32-9-48-5 5-5 11-5 17-2 10-4 21-5 32 0 7-3 9-10 9-13 1-26-2-37-10 5 19 20 23 36 28z m5-248l0-1h0v1s0 0 0 0z m0 0c-17 5-33 11-48 21-18 11-21 25-9 44 3 5 6 11 9 16 3-2 2-4 2-5 0-15 2-22 18-22 14 0 26-3 38-11 4-2 7-2 11 0 12 8 25 10 38 12 17 2 17 2 18 20 1 1 0 3 3 4 5-8 12-16 14-26 4-12-2-24-14-32-15-9-31-16-48-21-4 14 6 22 15 30 6 6 13 7 21 8 3 1 7 0 7 4 1 3-2 6-5 8-3 2-7 2-11 2-12-2-23-6-34-11-6-3-11-3-18 0-11 5-22 10-34 11-7 0-15 0-16-8-1-8 8-6 12-6 20-4 33-20 31-38z m31 0c1 0 1 0 1 0l0-1c0 0-1 1-1 1z m-215 393c13 20 31 33 50 44 24 13 50 22 76 28 12 3 20 8 25 21 11-15 25-23 44-13-6-16-17-22-32-24-27-2-53-7-79-14-30-10-58-23-84-42z m204 79c20-7 28-5 45 13 4-13 14-18 27-21 31-7 61-18 88-36 14-9 26-20 37-37-4 3-6 4-8 6-42 30-89 44-140 50-6 1-13 2-20 3-13 2-23 8-29 22z m-322-67c0-2 0-4 0-6-8 12-7 53 0 67 3 4 7 6 12 7 29 7 85-16 102-41 3-5 5-9 5-17-16 16-33 27-53 33-37 12-61-4-66-43z m525 17c-2-2-5-4-8-6 0 10 5 16 11 22 25 24 55 36 90 36 14 0 18-4 21-18 5-20 4-39-1-61-2 10-2 18-4 25-7 25-28 36-55 31-21-5-38-15-54-29z m-127-417c20 20 22 43 9 68 10-2 13-8 15-15 3-8 5-17 7-25 2-7 6-11 14-9 9 2 13 7 10 16-4 15-6 31-6 47-1 17 8 35 23 42-5-10-11-19-12-30-1-15 3-29 7-43 1-7 4-13 5-20 3-12-4-22-16-21-19 1-37-4-56-10z m-159 0c-5 1-7 1-10 2-14 5-29 9-45 7-15-1-22 10-18 25 2 11 6 22 9 33 5 20 3 39-9 56 8-2 13-6 16-15 10-23 8-45 1-69-3-12-1-17 9-20 7-2 11 1 14 8 2 8 4 17 7 25 2 6 5 13 14 16-10-25-10-48 12-68z m389 378c0-23-8-43-21-63-11 26-26 45-42 65 14-9 27-20 39-32 14 20 13 48-2 65 15-3 25-16 26-35z m-599-63c-14 22-23 43-21 67 2 17 11 27 27 32-10-9-14-20-13-32 0-12 2-23 9-34 12 12 25 23 40 32-16-20-32-40-42-65z m114-284c6-12 13-25 24-33 8-6 17-12 27-2 2 1 3 1 4-1 10-12 25-15 39-18-13-6-27-4-41-2-11 2-22 5-32 10-18 10-22 28-21 46z m311-52c-18-5-37-9-56-3 15 4 29 7 39 19 2 2 3 2 5 0 7-8 15-4 23 1 13 8 21 21 28 38 1-32-10-47-39-55z m-54-27c25 0 47 8 69 21-7-20-15-26-34-25-12 1-24-3-35 4z m-235 21c23-13 45-21 73-19-7-6-12-6-17-6-10 0-19-1-29-1-11 1-17 6-27 26z m40 247c0-7-7-19-10-18-5 0-11 13-10 19 1 5 3 10 6 13 1 2 3 4 5 3 3-2 0-3-1-5-1-3 0-6 3-5 9 4 5-5 7-7z m247-3c-1-6-3-12-10-15-3-2-10 10-10 18 0 5 3 10 6 14 1 1 3 4 5 3 3-2 0-4-1-5-1-4 0-6 3-5 9 1 7-6 7-10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tiger" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe891;" d="M231 425c-8-17-12-35-16-54-4-20-6-41-11-61-6-23-15-44-30-62-26-31-70-30-94-9-9 8-15 19-17 32-1 5 0 9 2 13 1 3 4 4 7 4 3-1 4-3 5-6l1-6c6-24 33-35 55-23 13 6 19 18 24 30 12 24 15 51 19 77 4 31 7 62 15 92 10 35 31 62 65 77 22 9 43 20 67 24 15 2 31 0 46-1 28-2 54-11 81-16 18-3 36-3 54-5 22-1 43-5 64-9 9-2 17-3 25-4 12-1 22 3 31 8 15 8 30 13 46 13 6 0 13-1 19-3 12-3 23-1 35 3 13 6 27 10 41 16 13 6 27 5 40 8 7 1 14 3 22 2 2 0 3 1 4 3 1 3 2 6 4 8 5 9 14 10 21 3 5-4 8-8 10-15 1-6 4-10 9-13 14-9 24-22 33-35 6-8 8-17 8-26 0-7 2-13 7-19 7-9 11-19 14-30 2-5-2-10-6-13-5-3-7-9-12-12 0 0-1-2-1-3-2-8-6-13-14-14-10-2-18 0-25 8-4 4-7 7-11 11-6 4-9 4-15 0-7-5-15-7-24-9-13-2-27-2-38-12-7-6-12-12-15-21-9-24-13-50-22-74-9-26-16-52-20-79-3-18-1-36 11-52 7-9 16-11 26-12 9-1 17-1 25-6 5-3 8-7 10-12 2-5-1-10-6-12-12-6-25-7-38-8-10-1-19 1-28 6-10 4-18 11-28 15-8 2-12 9-14 16-5 27-15 53-23 79-2 7-4 13-6 21-5-15-16-25-22-37-6-13-5-27-3-40 1-6 7-7 13-8 5 0 11-1 15-4 7-3 8-7 3-13 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-4-2-9-8-10-9-1-19-5-29-2-3 1-6 2-9 3-13 2-18 6-19 19-1 10-3 18-7 26-4 8-5 16 0 24 8 12 9 26 10 39 0 9 0 18-1 26-1 4-2 7-6 7-11 0-20 4-28 9-15 9-31 10-47 6-27-7-53-3-79 5-9 4-20 6-30 7-10 1-16-2-21-11l-17-38c-7-15-17-28-25-41-4-7-7-13-9-20-4-11 0-20 7-29 10-12 23-21 39-24 9-1 16-6 21-13 6-6 5-11-3-14-1 0-2-1-2-1-6-7-13-6-20-5-1 0-2 0-3 0-9-5-19-3-29 0-1 0-3 1-4 2-11 12-25 20-34 33-7 9-14 19-22 28-5 5-7 13-5 21 4 16 7 33 4 51-1 4-2 4-5 2-26-12-40-33-42-61-1-14 3-18 15-23 7-3 14-7 19-14 5-9 3-13-6-15-1-1-1-1-2-1-4-7-10-5-16-5-8 1-15 1-22 2-5 1-10 4-13 8-2 5-6 10-9 14-7 8-7 18-6 27 2 14 1 29 1 43-1 9 4 18 11 24 9 9 15 19 20 30 6 15 8 30 9 46 1 24-4 48-11 71-3 7-3 15-5 23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="turtle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe892;" d="M518 564c82 0 153-38 209-104 48-54 79-117 104-184 2-5 2-7-4-9-18-8-37-16-56-24-3-1-6-1-9 2-21 20-42 40-63 60-3 3-5 7-5 11 2 28 0 56 0 85 0 6 2 10 7 14 7 6 13 12 19 18 4 3 9 6 3 12-6 7-9-1-12-3-5-4-11-9-15-14-6-6-11-7-18 0-26 21-53 43-79 64-6 4-6 9-6 15 0 6 0 12 0 18 0 4-2 5-6 5-3 0-5-1-5-5 0-1 0-2 0-3 4-19-5-31-20-41-19-14-36-29-54-44-5-4-8-5-13 0-19 16-38 32-58 48-4 4-6 8-6 13 1 11 0 21 0 31 0 4 0 6-5 6s-6-3-6-6c0-11 0-21 0-32 0-5-1-9-6-12-25-19-49-39-74-58-5-5-8-3-12 1-10 13-22 26-32 38-3 4-6 6-11 2-5-4 0-6 2-9 13-16 27-31 40-47 4-4 6-8 6-14-1-21-1-42 0-63 0-5-2-9-6-12-12-10-24-21-36-32-4-4-7-3-11 1-27 25-54 51-81 76-3 3-6 5-3 10 19 31 35 65 65 89 51 43 110 71 174 88 26 6 51 9 83 9z m312-313c-11-37-22-73-33-109-2-4-4-6-9-6-37 0-73 0-109 0-9 0-9 3-6 9 4 8 10 14 17 20 3 3 7 6 13 10-28-5-54-9-80-11-51-5-103-6-154-2-44 3-86 9-128 19-6 1-9 0-11-5-6-12-12-23-18-34-2-5-5-6-10-6-29 0-59 0-88 0-6 0-8 1-7 8 2 21 14 38 32 49 9 5 6 9 0 13-19 17-41 27-64 36-30 13-60 24-90 34-19 6-28 24-19 41 11 20 28 36 49 46 17 9 36 6 54-1 25-10 45-26 64-45 32-30 62-61 93-92 5-4 9-7 15-9 72-26 147-36 223-31 92 5 179 27 262 65 1 1 2 1 4 1z m-683 93c1 8-3 12-13 13-11 1-22-9-23-19-1-9 5-17 14-18 9-1 21 12 22 24z m366 19c0 16 1 33 0 49 0 5 2 9 6 13 20 18 41 35 61 54 5 4 8 3 12-1 28-22 56-45 84-68 4-3 5-7 5-12 0-27 0-53 1-79 0-6-2-11-7-15-26-21-51-41-77-62-5-4-8-4-13 0-22 20-44 39-66 58-4 3-5 6-5 11 0 17 0 34-1 52z m-16-4c1-12-1-29-1-45 1-5-1-9-5-12-16-13-33-26-49-39-4-4-7-4-11 0-27 23-54 45-81 68-3 3-3 6-3 9 0 23 0 46 0 69 0 5 2 7 5 10 23 17 46 34 68 51 5 3 8 3 12-1 19-14 38-29 58-43 5-4 7-8 7-14-1-16 0-33 0-53z m29-156c-24-1-48 0-71 2-9 0-11 3-13 12-2 20 5 34 22 44 13 8 23 17 34 26 5 4 7 3 11 0 24-20 48-40 72-60 7-6 6-13 5-19-1-7-8-5-12-5-16 0-32 0-48 0z m-96 23c0-19 0-19-19-15-10 2-21 5-32 6-36 6-56 33-80 55-3 4-1 6 2 8 12 11 24 22 36 34 3 3 5 2 8-1 27-22 54-45 80-67 8-6 3-14 5-20z m169-10c-1 6 2 10 7 15 25 19 50 39 74 59 6 4 9 5 14 0 17-17 34-33 51-48 6-6 4-7-2-10-44-16-90-24-137-27-10 0-6 6-7 11z m235 82c32-10 60-19 87-29 7-3 18-6 16-14-1-9-12-8-20-8-28-3-56-6-83-16 11 21 10 43 0 67z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="whale" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe893;" d="M138 430c13 7 25 17 37 25 10 9 22 15 35 18 2 0 5-1 5 2 0 1-2 3-3 4-23 20-50 33-81 35-22 1-41-5-56-21-14-15-17-39-5-54 10-12 23-15 35-16 13 0 23 3 33 7z m636-213c1-11 8-16 18-20 14-7 30-7 46-7 20 0 22-3 14-22-3-5-6-11-9-16-10-14-22-27-36-38-35-26-74-39-118-28-31 8-52 29-71 53-44 57-87 115-145 159-22 17-44 31-69 42-39 17-80 30-122 34l-5 0c0 22-1 44 1 66 1 27 16 44 41 53 8 2 17 3 25 4 13 1 25 3 36 11 16 11 20 28 10 43-7 10-16 17-28 20-34 8-65-8-79-41-2-7-4-13-6-19-1 2-1 3 0 5 3 18 6 36 3 55-3 19-10 38-24 52-13 14-30 21-48 23-30 3-57-3-77-28-18-23-17-51 3-73 13-14 29-23 45-32 21-12 42-23 60-39 13-11 23-26 25-44 1-18 1-37 0-55-28 2-57 0-84-10-63-22-105-105-92-177 10-54 45-88 90-113 3-1 6-1 9-1 51-1 102-3 153-2 17 0 29 20 48 15 10-4-5-15-12-17-12-4-26-4-39-4-44 0-87 0-131 0l0-3c13-5 25-10 40-10 142 0 284 0 427 0 24 0 49 3 72 11 60 19 106 55 120 120 1 6 4 6 8 6 17-1 34-1 50 7 8 4 14 9 14 18-54-12-109-11-163 2z m-429-92c0-9-7-14-19-13 3 4 9 9 3 15-4 4-9 2-13-1 1 11 7 16 16 15 8 0 14-8 13-16z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="woodpecker" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe894;" d="M838 587c-51 0-102-5-153-6-6 0-10 2-14 6-6 10-15 19-24 27-66 55-150 13-167-52-1-4-2-9-3-15-3 2-5 3-8 5-124 78-250 154-376 229-4 2-8 3-10 7h-2c-1-22 3-42 10-62 23-68 60-127 107-181 25-30 54-56 88-77 11-6 22-11 35-12 9 0 18-2 27-3-17-1-34 0-51-2-48-4-84-25-106-68-16-33-19-69-18-105 1-45 10-88 20-131 20-80 50-156 80-233 0 0 0-2 2-1 0 1 1 3 1 5 6 37 12 74 18 111 1 6 1 12-1 18-5 15-10 31-14 46-4 14-7 29-9 43 11-24 20-48 32-73 5 15 7 30 12 43 8 18 5 33-6 48-7 10-12 21-15 33 10-15 21-28 33-41 3-4 5-4 7 1 6 13 13 26 23 38 3 5 2 7-2 10-10 8-20 17-30 25 13-5 25-12 37-18 3-1 5-3 8 0 13 13 27 25 43 36-41 7-81 10-119 27 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 4-1 37-10 74-15 112-8 92 18 166 104 170 199 1 21 10 38 26 51 14 13 31 21 49 27 65 21 132 31 200 39 21 3 42 5 63 7-27 7-54 8-81 7z m-232-26c-10 0-19 8-19 18 0 11 8 19 18 19 11 0 19-8 18-19 0-10-8-18-17-18z m-298 102c49-31 98-62 147-92 2-2 5-3 7-5l2 2c-45 75-104 137-163 201-1-31 0-62-1-94 0-6 3-9 8-12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="zebra" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe895;" d="M456 58c5-31 0-61-11-90-6-18-13-35-25-50-2-2-4-6-8-5-3 0-3 5-4 8-10 32-20 63-34 93-17 39-44 72-74 102-24 26-49 51-67 82-48 85-47 171-8 258 7 14 14 28 23 40 4 6 9 11 15 15 2 2 5 5 8 3 3-1 1-5 2-8-1-20-6-39-8-58-5-44-9-88 9-131 12-28 31-52 51-75 27-30 58-58 84-89 22-29 41-59 47-95z m11 231c-6 36-22 68-41 99-17 25-34 50-48 78-15 28-27 58-25 91 0 3 0 6-1 9 0 3 0 8-4 9-4 1-7-3-9-6-32-42-44-89-37-141 4-34 19-65 38-93 19-29 43-56 63-85 23-34 43-70 47-113 0-3-1-9 4-10 5 0 5 6 6 10 9 38 11 77 11 113-1 14-1 27-4 39z m0 243c-7 24-12 48-4 73 9 23 9 45 0 66l-2 4-1 2c-8 14-31 13-46 12 7-20 7-40-1-61-3-7-6-15-9-22-8-18-11-37-9-57 5-35 16-68 34-99 13-24 25-49 31-76 3-11 6-21 9-32 2-6 5-6 9-1 2 2 3 4 4 6 13 29 18 59 12 90-6 33-17 64-27 95z m-282 3c8-5 15-10 22-15 8-5 16-8 25-11 3-1 6-2 9 0 2 3 1 6 0 8-2 5-4 10-5 15-2 7-4 15 2 21 6 5 14 4 21 2 6-2 12-4 18-5 12-3 19 2 19 15 1 8 0 15 0 22 1 10 5 13 14 10 6-2 13-5 19-7 11-5 14-3 18 8 3 8 4 16 6 24 2 7 4 8 10 4 5-4 8-8 13-11 7-6 9-6 13 3 7 13 10 28 9 44 0 5 1 10 0 16 0 8-3 10-11 9-13-2-25-6-36-12-57-27-108-62-151-108-6-7-12-13-17-21-2-5-3-8 2-11z m11-72c-2 20-9 38-20 54-6 8-15 10-22 3-11-10-20-21-29-32-5-7-4-11 4-15 18-9 37-13 57-16 3 3 12-4 10 6z m657-30c-4 5-8 10-13 15-71 73-143 146-214 220-14 14-27 28-50 25-6 0-9 1-11 8-8 34-34 55-60 77-17 14-27 14-33-9-4-13-10-27-13-41-3-24 2-46 17-65 3-4 7-11 14-7 6 2 3 9 4 13 2 23 3 45 5 71 24-15 31-33 27-56-3-16-12-30-21-43-11-20-24-40-28-66 15 5 22 15 30 22 20 17 39 36 61 50 10 6 20 12 30 2 39-38 78-76 120-118-47-9-87-18-127-26-31-7-45-21-49-51-4-30 4-57 17-84 3-6 7-8 13-9 16-1 31-2 48-3-7 28-19 52-22 79-2 20 1 39 23 46 34 11 68 15 103 20 6 0 11-1 12-7 1-5-2-10-7-12-13-4-26-9-39-13-55-17-60-27-44-84 2-6 4-11 5-17 4-20 22-17 33-15 13 3 2 15 0 23-2 10-5 20-8 29-7 19-1 32 19 37 26 6 53 10 80 15 5 1 13 1 14-7 1-6-4-11-9-13-13-5-26-9-39-13-27-8-32-20-26-48 9-39 41-44 71-52 30-7 66 12 85 42 18 28-1 46-18 65z m-196 125c1 17-10 24-26 25-16-1-29-7-29-25-1-15 9-23 24-23 16 0 30 5 31 23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-acer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe896;" d="M998 459c-3 5-7 9-24 10-5 1-20 1-44 1-66 0-110-20-133-59 6 39-32 59-115 59-97 0-158-39-182-118-9-29-10-53-3-71l-23-2c-18-1-42-3-56-3-36 0-58 6-67 18-7 11-6 31 3 60 14 48 51 70 110 70 30 0 60-3 60-3 4 0 6 4 6 8l-1 4-2 17c-1 10-9 17-24 19-13 0-23 1-37 1h-1c-77 0-131-25-161-76 11 51-24 76-107 76-46 0-79-1-99-4-15-2-24-8-28-19l-6-21c-1-3 1-5 5-5h1c3 0 17 1 41 3 31 3 55 4 70 4 46 0 65-11 58-34-2-5-5-8-11-9-43-7-77-12-102-16-71-9-112-31-123-66-15-48 23-72 114-72 45 0 83 2 114 7 18 3 27 8 31 19l16 54c-1-54 36-81 114-81 33 0 65 1 80 4 16 3 23 6 27 18l3 17c17-26 53-38 109-38 59 0 93 1 103 5 8 2 13 6 15 12 0 1 0 2 1 4l7 23c1 4-1 5-6 5l-37-2c-26-1-45-2-60-2-26 0-45 2-55 6-15 6-22 17-21 34l119 15c54 7 90 24 108 50l-41-141c-1-3 0-5 1-6 2-2 4-3 8-3h49c9 0 12 4 13 8l44 152c6 20 24 30 56 30 29 0 51 0 65-1h1c3 0 8 1 10 8l8 21c2 4 1 7-1 10z m-796-183c-16-2-38-3-67-3-50 0-72 10-66 30 5 15 18 24 40 26l114 16-21-69z m528 124c-5-16-27-27-67-32l-95-14 2 8c8 26 19 43 34 52 14 10 38 14 70 14 43 0 62-9 56-28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-adidas" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe897;" d="M193 228l-193-115 29-49h263l-54 89-45 75z m644 108l-181 300-192-116 118-196 156-260h262l-163 272z m-413 96l-192-116 6-10 146-242h262l-64 107-158 261z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-adobe" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe898;" d="M5 788v-876l366 876h-366z m506-700l70-176h152l-233 553-160-377h171z m118 700l366-876v876h-366z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-air-new-zealand" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe899;" d="M967 452h-711s54 79 170 194c29 28 105 101 182 101 51 0 90-32 90-78 0-44-36-57-36-57 3 19-8 71-56 71-50 0-71-40-71-66 0-56 47-95 103-95 106 0 156 80 156 157s-72 161-186 161c-106 0-204-81-259-138-198-203-302-342-302-342h880l40 92z m-418-437c0 85-63 142-136 142-79 0-95-63-95-79 0-35 29-69 64-69 58 0 62 48 62 48s18-12 18-43c0-29-24-67-80-67-44 0-109 23-154 123-53 116-57 149-57 149h696l40 94-875 1s46-139 107-272c52-114 138-182 243-182 100 0 167 80 167 155z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-aol" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8a6;" d="M153 548l-153-388h103l21 56h134l19-56h105l-151 388h-78z m-2-253l41 135 40-135h-81z m394 166c-106 0-156-83-156-154s50-155 156-155c105 0 155 83 155 155s-50 154-155 154z m0-228c-38 0-70 31-70 74 0 42 32 73 70 73s69-31 69-73-32-74-69-74z m204 315v-388h88v386l-1 2z m193-274c-32 0-58-26-58-58 0-32 26-58 58-58 32 0 58 26 58 58 0 32-26 58-58 58z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-appstore" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8a8;" d="M0 248v136c0 13 10 23 23 23h240l-105-181h-135c-13 0-23 10-23 22z m171-277l-77-52c-10-7-17-3-16 10l10 88c2 13 12 18 23 12l59-34c11-7 11-18 1-24z m18 50l-59 33c-11 7-15 20-8 31l274 476c6 11 20 14 31 8l59-34c11-6 15-20 9-31l-275-475c-6-11-20-15-31-8z m209 205l104 181h60l85-181h-249z m340-54c-24 12-142 283-172 354s-122 259-92 274c21 10 96-138 153-227 56-89 175-319 189-345 15-26-14-48-29-55-16-6-25-13-49-1z m78-125l-36 56c-8 12-4 26 8 32l34 18c12 6 27 1 34-11l28-54c6-12 2-28-10-35l-24-14c-12-7-27-3-34 8z m131-147c-8 24-64 25-90 61-25 36-4 54 5 63 103 58 85-124 85-124z m53 348c0-12-10-22-23-22h-120c-1 7-3 14-7 20-3 6-11 21-22 42-16 30-38 73-63 119h212c13 0 23-10 23-23l0-136z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-audi" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8ac;" d="M999 372c-13 125-155 192-261 130-7-4-15-7-23-11-2 1-5 2-7 4-53 36-121 40-177 12-10-5-19-10-28-16-4-1-7 1-11 4-53 35-117 40-173 14-11-5-22-11-33-18-3-1-6 0-9 3-30 21-63 31-96 32-15 0-30-2-45-5-21-5-40-14-58-26-59-38-84-96-77-167 13-124 155-192 261-129 8 3 15 7 23 10 3 0 5-2 8-3 52-37 120-41 176-12 10 4 19 10 28 16 4 0 7-1 11-4 53-36 118-40 173-14 11 5 22 11 33 18 3 0 6-1 9-3 30-21 64-31 96-32 15-1 30 1 46 5 20 5 40 14 57 26 59 37 84 95 77 166z m-251-130c48 73 48 145 0 217 2 2 5 4 7 5 7 5 13 8 20 11 39 15 94 13 135-23 57-48 64-131 16-188-15-18-34-32-56-40-41-14-89-9-122 18z m-279-1c-14-10-30-17-47-21-37-8-80 0-107 23 50 66 47 152 0 216 16 12 35 20 55 23 35 5 73-3 99-24-49-73-49-145 0-217 0 0 0 0 0 0z m-185 186c32-42 33-110 1-152-33 36-36 110-1 152z m215 0c34-38 35-107 2-153-34 37-34 106-2 153z m32-184c49 72 49 144 0 216l1 0c13 11 29 18 46 22 37 7 81 0 107-23-49-67-47-152 0-216-16-13-35-20-55-24-34-5-73 4-99 25z m184 183c34-36 36-110 1-152-32 41-33 110-1 152z m-470-190c-7-4-13-8-20-10-39-16-93-13-135 22-56 48-64 132-16 189 15 18 35 31 56 39 41 14 89 9 122-18-48-73-48-144 0-216-2-2-5-4-7-6z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-axiata" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8ad;" d="M153 850l694-397v-402l-347-201-347 202 347 197-347 204v397z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-bada" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8ae;" d="M7 406c35-255 343-399 513-378 223 27 467 272 424 533 90-130 62-381-61-533-135-167-378-225-585-138-195 81-317 296-291 516z m139 291c182 203 519 204 695 5 80-92 99-196 59-310-28-77-75-140-137-203 129 274-92 508-323 549-102 18-200 10-294-41z m148-576c-117 58-214 135-238 275-26 155 84 296 241 305 47 3 94 0 141-1-83-12-147-59-196-121-25-33-50-65-63-106-37-115 12-232 88-322 9-10 18-20 27-30z m-35 40s-219 292 96 513l-65 11-182-165 85-315 66-44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-bbc" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8af;" d="M690 499v-298h310v298h-310z m242-230c-22-12-47-18-75-18-23 0-42 4-59 13-15 10-28 23-38 38-9 18-14 35-14 53 0 31 11 56 33 76 21 20 47 31 78 31 23 0 47-6 73-17l-1-32c-24 14-47 21-70 21-24 0-43-7-59-23-15-14-24-33-24-56 0-21 8-40 24-55 16-15 35-22 59-22 25 0 49 8 73 23v-32z m-586-68h309v298h-309v-298z m95 253h53c18 0 31-2 40-6 10-5 17-12 22-19 5-8 7-17 7-28 0-20-10-35-31-43 15-3 27-9 36-19 8-9 12-21 13-34 0-10-3-20-8-28-6-8-13-15-24-20-11-5-23-8-39-8h-69v205z m82-79c6 7 10 15 10 24 0 20-13 30-38 30h-25v-62h19c16 0 27 3 34 8z m23-84c3 5 5 10 5 16-1 6-2 12-6 17-3 6-8 10-15 12-7 3-18 5-33 4h-27v-65h29c14 0 25 1 32 3 7 4 12 8 15 13z m-546-90h310v298h-310v-298z m94 253h54c18 0 30-2 40-6s17-12 22-20c5-7 7-16 8-27-1-20-11-34-32-44 16-2 27-8 36-18 9-9 13-21 13-34 0-11-2-20-8-28-5-9-13-15-23-20-11-5-24-8-40-8h-70v205z m83-79c6 6 10 15 10 24 0 19-13 30-38 30h-25v-62h20c15 0 26 3 33 8z m23-85c3 5 4 11 5 17-1 7-3 13-6 17-4 6-9 10-15 12-7 3-19 4-33 4h-27v-65h29c15 0 26 1 33 3 6 3 10 7 14 12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-bing" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8b0;" d="M498 380l155-79-537-280 3 6 210 187-1 565-217 67-6 3-4-838 226-159 573 338v244l-494 149z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-blackberry" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8b1;" d="M48 529c12 57 24 113 37 173 57-2 114-1 170-6 32-2 58-20 65-55 8-34-6-69-35-89-23-16-49-23-76-23-53-1-106 0-161 0z m-11-91c57 0 112 2 167-1 38-2 63-26 69-57 7-36-7-73-40-90-22-11-47-20-71-21-53-3-107-1-162-1 12 57 25 114 37 170z m317-169c13 57 25 114 38 173 57-1 114-1 170-6 32-2 57-20 65-54 8-34-6-70-35-90-24-17-53-23-82-24-50-2-100-1-150-1-1 0-3 1-6 2z m48 260c12 57 24 113 37 171 10 0 20 1 30 0 46-1 93 0 140-4 32-2 58-19 66-54 8-35-7-70-37-91-22-15-48-22-74-22-53-1-106 0-162 0z m-98-530c12 56 24 112 37 171 11 0 23 0 34 0 38 0 75-1 113-1 9 0 19-2 28-4 29-7 53-21 60-53 7-33-2-63-28-86-19-16-43-26-68-27-58-2-116 0-176 0z m421 376c11 47 21 94 31 142 6 29 7 29 36 29 39 0 77 0 116-1 9 0 18-1 28-3 31-7 56-22 62-57 7-34-3-65-32-84-19-13-42-23-64-25-58-3-116-1-177-1z m-51-272c9 43 18 86 28 128 3 14 3 34 12 42 9 7 29 3 43 2 39 0 77 0 116-2 47-4 77-35 76-75-1-36-17-64-51-79-17-8-37-15-56-15-55-2-110-1-168-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-bmw" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8b2;" d="M0 372c2 16 3 31 5 47 5 43 17 84 34 124 28 67 68 125 122 174 61 57 132 96 213 117 33 9 66 14 100 16 1 0 3 0 4 0h45c10-1 20-2 30-3 44-4 86-14 127-30 72-28 134-70 186-126 63-68 104-147 124-238 6-30 9-60 10-91 0-1 0-3 1-5v-14c-1-14-2-28-3-42-4-38-12-75-24-111-24-70-61-131-112-185-70-74-156-122-256-144-32-7-64-10-96-11-124-2-235 37-331 117-76 63-129 143-158 239-11 37-18 76-20 115 0 2-1 4-1 6v45z m500-505c266 0 481 215 483 479 2 272-218 487-482 487-268 0-483-216-484-483 0-264 214-483 483-483z m-463 483c0 256 208 465 467 463 254-2 463-210 459-471-4-251-211-459-471-455-250 4-455 208-455 463z m463 296c-162 0-292-130-296-289-3-168 131-303 296-303 163 0 296 132 296 296 0 165-134 296-296 296z m0-296c2 0 4 0 7 0h270c-1-67-22-127-65-178-55-65-126-97-212-99v270c0 3 0 5 0 7l0 0z m0 0c-2 0-4 0-6 0h-270c-4 149 127 281 276 276v-271c0-1 0-3 0-5l0 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-box" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8b3;" d="M537 463c-74 0-139-42-171-103-33 61-97 103-172 103-43 0-84-14-116-39v164c-1 21-18 38-39 38s-38-17-39-38v-322h0c2-106 88-191 194-191 75 0 139 42 172 103 32-61 97-103 171-103 108 0 194 87 194 194 1 107-86 194-194 194z m-343-310c-64 0-116 52-116 116 0 64 52 117 116 117 65 0 117-53 117-117 0-64-52-116-117-116z m343 0c-64 0-116 52-116 116 0 64 52 117 116 117 65 0 117-53 117-117 0-64-52-116-117-116z m456-17l-100 133 100 133c12 17 8 41-8 53s-41 10-54-7l-86-114-86 114c-13 17-37 20-54 7s-20-36-8-53l99-133-99-133c-12-17-9-41 8-54s41-9 54 7l86 115 86-115c13-16 37-20 53-7s21 37 9 54z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-burger-king" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8b4;" d="M346 755c-122-66-140-174-140-174-1-2-2-10 1-14 3-3 7-3 12-2 43 15 171 57 251 79 115 30 210 49 270 59 5 1 9 2 10 6 2 6-2 12-2 12s-38 63-169 77c-70 7-166-7-233-43z m162-819c-126-2-238 41-318 116l-48-20 0 75c-53 71-84 161-84 264 0 263 201 470 482 470 46 0 87-8 118-15-48 16-96 24-149 24-301 0-504-244-504-496 0-274 216-504 498-504 270 0 416 190 462 305l-84 45c-69-154-200-262-373-264z m301 567c-38-7-114-40-114-144 0-84 61-111 116-104 40 4 67 20 82 35 14 13 17 32 17 46 1 20 0 84 0 84l-104-23v-25c0-16 8-25 25-21 5 0 13 3 13 3l0-20c0 1 2-11-25-16-34-6-50 15-50 53 0 40 23 64 51 70 31 7 48 0 59-2 34-5 44 47 13 59-24 9-54 11-83 5z m-194-92v-74s-42 53-69 80c-15 15-39 6-39 6l-36-11 0-247s32 11 35 12c26 9 35 24 35 51 0 29 0 85 0 85l74-86c12-12 28-13 42-9 14 4 26 17 26 36 0 62 0 214 0 214s-19-4-35-9c-18-5-33-17-33-48z m-245-281s21 7 40 14c28 11 38 25 38 54 0 25 0 209 0 209s-22-7-41-14c-23-8-37-22-37-58 0-33 0-205 0-205z m-84-8c13-14 36-21 57-4 19 15 16 42 6 53l-54 54s48 75 55 87c11 17 5 37-13 46-21 9-39-1-46-13l-64-108 0 87-75-31 0-246 53 22s10 3 16 13c6 9 6 24 6 24l0 78 59-62z m304-112c201 48 243 190 248 210 1 4 2 11-2 15-3 3-8 3-14 2-139-33-371-104-505-161-5-3-8-4-10-8-3-6 4-12 4-12 27-35 148-78 279-46z m-360 466c0 25-23 42-61 28-14-5-56-22-56-22l0-179 67 28c32 13 57 32 56 66 0 18-14 31-29 34 16 13 23 27 23 45z m-71-8c15 8 25 5 25-9 0-11-7-20-17-25-2-1-5-2-8-4l0 38z m10-104c-4-2-10-5-10-5v44c18 9 29 2 29-12 1-13-8-22-19-27z m135 12c34 10 57 30 58 79l0 94c0 15-11 19-23 15-10-3-22-7-22-7l0-112c0-11-2-25-16-28-10-3-15 4-15 15l0 91c0 16-11 20-24 16-14-5-22-8-22-8s0-79 0-111c0-37 25-55 64-44z m440 272c0 6 0 19 0 19-24-4-69-13-97-20l0-163s53 12 83 19c10 2 16 9 16 21v19l-54-12 0 32s26 5 34 7c9 2 14 7 14 17 0 10 0 19 0 19l-48-10v25s25 5 38 8c11 2 14 9 14 19z m-252-90c1 27-24 43-58 35-22-5-60-18-60-18l0-168s18 6 27 9c10 4 18 12 18 24 0 13 0 44 0 44l39-40c13-13 28-7 34-1 10 9 10 25 1 34l-29 27c13 11 28 27 28 54z m-73-49v47c9 3 26 7 27-11 0-22-27-36-27-36z m381 26c0 12 0 40 0 40l37-45c7-7 19-11 31-4 13 8 13 24 5 33-7 7-29 33-29 33 12 8 27 22 27 46 0 26-22 45-56 41-12-2-59-10-59-10l0-161 24 4c13 3 20 12 20 23z m25 96c1-21-25-31-25-31l-1 43c9 2 26 5 26-12z m-243-39c10 2 19 1 26 0 17-3 27 6 27 20 1 15-13 25-42 24-63-2-95-48-95-102 0-55 36-79 80-71 25 5 37 13 46 20 9 8 12 19 12 29v63l-67-15s0-7 0-19c0-8 6-14 15-12 6 1 10 2 10 2l0-18c0-8-11-13-22-12-16 0-25 13-26 36 1 31 16 50 36 55z m368-321c-24 0-45-17-45-43 0-27 21-44 45-44s45 17 45 44c0 26-21 43-45 43z m0-78c-18 0-33 15-33 35 0 20 15 34 33 34 18 0 33-14 33-34 0-20-15-35-33-35z m20 45c0 10-7 14-19 14h-18v-49h0 9v21h6l12-21h10l-13 21c8 1 13 5 13 14z m-28-6v13h8c5 0 10-1 10-6 0-6-4-7-9-7h-9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-business-insider" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8b5;" d="M35 386c4 0 10 0 17-1 6 0 12 0 15 0 40 0 59 24 59 48 0 25-22 41-40 47 12 9 22 20 22 38 0 12-7 33-47 33-7 0-16-1-26-1-5 0-19 1-30 1-4 0-5 0-5-2s1-2 4-2c3 0 6 0 8-1 7-1 9-5 10-12 0-7 0-13 0-47v-38c0-20 0-38-1-47-1-6-2-11-7-12-2 0-4-1-7-1-3 0-4 0-4-2 0-1 2-2 4-2 5 0 11 1 16 1 5 0 10 0 12 0z m64 37c0-23-17-28-27-28-5 0-10 0-16 2-7 3-8 7-8 21v52c0 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 5 0 9-1 9 0 14-2 18-5 17-11 22-30 22-43z m-51 115c0 2 1 3 2 4 3 0 5 0 8 0 18 0 27-19 27-34 0-11-3-19-9-23-4-3-8-4-16-4-5 0-8 0-10 0-1 1-2 1-2 3v54z m240-12c-7 0-20 0-22 0 0 0-13 0-23 0-3 0-4 0-4-1 0-2 1-2 3-2 2 0 6-1 7-1 6-2 8-4 8-10 0-6 1-11 1-40v-23c0-19-1-35-12-45-7-8-17-10-25-10-7 0-16 0-25 7-9 8-14 18-14 45v26c0 29 0 34 0 40 0 6 2 9 7 10 2 0 4 1 6 1 2 0 3 0 3 2s-1 1-4 1c-7 0-20 0-25 0-6 0-19 0-29 0-3 0-4 0-4-1 0-2 1-2 3-2 3 0 6-1 7-1 7-2 8-4 9-10 0-6 0-11 0-40v-27c0-27 8-41 17-49 14-13 34-13 44-13 13 0 28 2 41 13 16 14 19 36 19 57v19c0 29 0 34 0 40 0 6 2 9 7 10 2 0 3 1 6 1s3 0 3 2c0 1-1 1-4 1z m54-143c10 0 23 1 32 8 14 10 19 21 19 35 0 16-8 31-33 45l-8 4c-17 10-21 16-21 25 0 12 13 19 27 19 12 0 18-5 21-8 4-5 5-11 5-13 0-2 1-3 2-3 2 0 3 2 3 6 0 15 0 20 0 22 0 2-1 2-2 3-5 1-15 3-28 3-26 0-48-15-48-38 0-16 7-29 30-42l11-7c17-10 19-18 19-26 0-13-10-24-26-24-12 0-27 5-31 19-1 3-2 7-2 9 0 2 0 3-2 3-1 0-2-2-2-4-1-3-1-15-1-25 0-4 0-5 3-7 9-3 20-4 32-4z m127 2c2 0 4 1 4 2 0 1-1 2-3 2-3 0-8 1-10 1-6 1-7 4-8 9-1 8-1 23-1 41v33c0 28 0 33 1 39 0 7 2 9 7 10 2 0 3 1 5 1s4 0 4 2c0 1-2 1-4 1-8 0-20 0-25 0-6 0-19 0-26 0-3 0-5 0-5-1 0-2 2-2 4-2 2 0 4 0 7-1 4-1 6-4 6-10 0-6 0-11 0-39v-33c0-18 0-33-1-41 0-5-1-8-5-9-2 0-4-1-7-1-2 0-3-1-3-2 0-1 1-2 4-2 7 0 20 1 25 1 5 0 18-1 31-1z m68 2c0 2-1 2-3 2-3 0-7 1-10 2-4 1-6 5-7 20l-2 76h1c4-3 24-26 45-46 20-20 44-43 56-54 2-2 5-4 8-4 2 0 3 2 3 6l2 118c1 10 2 13 7 15 3 1 4 1 6 1 3 0 4 1 4 2 0 1-2 1-5 1-9 0-16 0-19 0-4 0-14 0-24 0-3 0-5 0-5-1 0-1 1-2 3-2 3 0 7 0 10-1 5-2 7-5 7-17l2-83h-1c-3 3-28 29-42 42-28 28-57 57-59 60-3 3-6 6-8 6-2 0-4-3-4-7l-1-110c-1-16-1-21-6-23-3 0-6-1-9-1-2 0-3-1-3-2 0-1 2-2 4-2 10 0 19 1 21 1 4 0 13-1 25-1 3 0 4 1 4 2z m223 3c1 4 3 16 3 20 0 2 0 5-2 5-1 0-2-1-2-3-2-8-4-12-9-14-5-2-13-2-18-2-19 0-25 3-26 15 0 6 0 22 0 28v15c0 1 0 2 1 2 5 0 27 0 30-1 8-1 10-3 11-7 1-3 1-5 1-7 0-1 0-1 2-1 1 0 2 2 2 4 0 1 0 9 1 12 1 10 1 13 1 14 0 1-1 2-1 2-1 0-2-1-4-3-1-2-4-2-9-2-4-1-29-1-33-1-2 0-2 1-2 2v46c0 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 26 0 30-1 9-1 11-3 12-7 2-2 2-5 2-6 0-2 0-3 1-3 2 0 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 11 2 13 0 8 1 10 1 12 0 0 0 1-1 1-1 0-2 0-3-1-2 0-5 0-8-1-4 0-47 0-53 0-6 0-18 1-28 1-3 0-4-1-4-2 0-1 1-2 3-2 3 0 6 0 8-1 6-2 8-3 8-10 0-6 0-11 0-39v-33c0-17 0-32-1-40 0-5-1-9-5-10-2 0-4 0-7 0-3 0-3-2-3-2 0-2 1-2 3-2 4 0 9 0 14 0 4 0 9 0 11 0 6 0 13 0 22 0 10-1 21-1 36-1 7 0 9 0 10 5z m110 36c0 16-8 31-34 45l-7 4c-18 10-21 16-21 25 0 12 13 19 26 19 13 0 19-5 22-8 4-5 5-11 5-13 0-2 1-3 2-3 1 0 2 2 2 6 0 15 1 20 1 22 0 2-1 2-3 3-5 1-14 3-27 3-27 0-49-15-49-38 0-16 8-29 31-42l11-7c17-10 19-18 19-26 0-13-10-24-27-24-12 0-26 5-30 19-2 3-2 7-2 9 0 2 0 3-2 3-2 0-3-2-3-4 0-3-1-15-1-25 0-4 1-5 4-7 8-3 20-4 31-4 11 0 23 1 32 7 14 11 20 22 20 36z m26-38c8-4 20-5 31-5 11 0 23 1 32 8 14 10 20 21 20 35 0 16-8 31-34 45l-7 4c-18 10-21 16-21 25 0 12 13 19 26 19 13 0 19-5 22-8 4-5 5-11 5-13 0-2 1-3 2-3 1 0 2 2 2 6 0 15 1 20 1 22 0 2-1 2-3 3-5 1-14 3-27 3-27 0-49-15-49-38 0-16 8-29 31-42l11-7c17-10 19-18 19-26 0-13-10-24-27-24-12 0-26 5-30 19-2 3-2 7-2 9 0 2 0 3-2 3-2 0-3-2-3-4 0-3-1-15-1-25 0-4 1-5 4-6z m-817-233c-3 0-8 1-11 1-7 1-8 5-9 11-1 9-1 27-1 48v39c0 33 0 39 1 46 0 8 2 11 8 12 2 1 4 1 6 1 3 0 4 1 4 2 0 2-2 2-5 2-8 0-21-1-26-1-7 0-21 1-29 1-3 0-5 0-5-2 0-1 1-2 3-2 3 0 6 0 8-1 5-1 7-5 8-12 0-7 0-13 0-46v-39c0-21 0-39-1-48-1-6-2-10-7-11-2 0-4-1-7-1-3 0-4 0-4-2 0-1 2-2 4-2 9 0 23 1 28 1 6 0 20-1 34-1 3 0 4 1 4 2 1 2 0 2-3 2z m189 137c-10 0-17 0-19 0-4 0-15 0-25 0-3 0-5 0-5-1 0-2 1-2 4-2 2 0 7 0 10-2 4-1 6-5 6-16l2-83h-1c-2 3-28 29-41 42-28 27-57 57-60 59-3 4-6 7-8 7-2 0-3-3-3-7l-2-110c0-16-1-21-6-23-3-1-6-1-9-1-2 0-3-1-3-2 0-2 2-2 5-2 9 0 19 1 20 1 4 0 13-1 25-1 3 0 5 1 5 2 0 1-1 2-4 2-3 0-6 0-10 2-3 1-6 5-6 20l-2 76h0c4-4 24-26 45-46 21-20 45-43 57-54 2-2 4-4 8-4 1 0 3 2 3 6l2 117c0 11 2 14 7 16 2 0 4 0 6 0 2 0 3 1 3 2 0 2-2 2-4 2z m95-55l-8 4c-17 10-20 16-20 25 0 12 12 19 26 19 13 0 19-5 22-8 4-5 5-11 5-13 0-2 0-3 2-3 1 0 2 2 2 6 0 15 1 20 1 22 0 2-1 2-3 3-5 1-15 3-27 3-27 0-49-15-49-38 0-16 7-29 30-42l11-7c18-10 20-18 20-26 0-13-11-24-27-24-12 0-27 5-31 19-1 3-2 7-2 9 0 2 0 3-2 3-1 0-2-2-2-4 0-3-1-15-1-25 0-4 1-5 4-7 8-3 20-4 31-4 10 0 23 1 32 7 14 10 19 21 19 35 0 17-8 32-33 46z m128-82c-2 0-7 1-10 1-5 1-7 4-7 9-1 8-1 23-1 41v32c0 29 0 34 0 40 1 6 2 9 7 10 3 0 4 1 6 1s3 0 3 2c0 1-1 1-4 1-7 0-20 0-24 0-6 0-19 0-26 0-3 0-5 0-5-1 0-2 1-2 3-2 3 0 5-1 7-1 4-2 6-4 7-10 0-6 0-11 0-40v-32c0-18 0-33-1-41-1-5-2-8-6-9-1 0-3-1-6-1-3 0-3-1-3-2 0-1 1-2 3-2 8 0 21 1 25 1 6 0 19-1 32-1 2 0 3 1 3 2 0 1 0 2-3 2z m99 137c-12 0-26 0-32 0-5 0-17 0-28 0-2 0-4 0-4-1 0-2 1-2 3-2 3 0 6-1 8-1 6-2 8-4 8-10 1-6 1-11 1-40v-33c0-17 0-31-1-39-1-6-2-9-6-10-2-1-4-1-7-1-2 0-3-1-3-2 0-1 1-2 4-2 4 0 9 0 13 1 5 0 9 0 11 0 5 0 12-1 20-1 7-1 16-1 23-1 35 0 56 13 64 21 11 11 21 29 21 52 0 22-8 38-18 48-21 21-53 21-77 21z m51-120c-11-9-24-12-42-12-15 0-23 3-25 7-2 2-2 8-2 13 0 4-1 18-1 38v23c0 15 0 30 1 37 0 2 0 3 2 3 1 1 8 2 12 2 15 0 36-2 54-18 8-8 18-23 18-47 0-19-4-35-17-46z m174 9c-1 0-2-1-2-3-1-8-4-12-8-14-5-2-13-2-19-2-19 0-25 3-26 15 0 6 0 22 0 28v15c0 1 1 2 1 2 5 0 27-1 31-1 7-1 9-4 10-7 1-3 1-5 1-7 0-1 0-2 2-2 2 0 2 3 2 5 0 1 0 8 1 12 1 10 1 13 1 14 0 1 0 2-1 2-1 0-2-1-3-3-2-2-5-2-10-2-4-1-29-1-33-1-1 0-2 1-2 2v46c0 1 1 2 2 2 4 0 27 0 30-1 10-1 11-3 13-7 1-2 1-5 1-7 0-1 0-2 1-2 2 0 2 2 3 3 0 2 1 10 1 12 0 9 1 11 1 12 0 1 0 2-1 2-1 0-2 0-3-1-2 0-5-1-8-1-4 0-47 0-53 0-5 0-18 1-28 1-2 0-4-1-4-2 0-1 1-2 3-2 3 0 6 0 8-1 6-2 8-4 8-10 0-6 0-11 0-39v-33c0-17 0-32 0-40-1-5-2-9-6-10-2 0-4 0-7 0-2 0-3-2-3-2 0-2 1-2 4-2 4 0 8 0 13 0 5 0 9 0 11 0 6 0 13 0 22 0 10-1 21-1 36-1 7 0 9 0 10 5 1 4 3 16 3 20 0 2 0 5-2 5z m183-26c-2 0-3 0-5 1-3 0-10 1-21 12-11 12-25 29-42 50 19 15 27 27 27 41 0 12-8 22-14 25-10 7-24 8-36 8-6 0-24 0-30 0-4 0-17 0-27 0-2 0-4 0-4-2 0-1 1-2 3-2 3 0 6 0 8 0 6-2 8-4 8-10 0-6 0-12 0-40v-33c0-17 0-31 0-39-1-6-2-9-6-10-2-1-4-1-7-1-2 0-3-1-3-2 0-1 1-2 4-2 7 0 20 1 23 1 3 0 19-1 30-1 3 0 4 1 4 2 0 1-1 2-2 2-3 0-7 0-10 1-5 1-6 4-7 10-1 8-1 22-1 39v3c0 1 1 1 1 1l18 0c1 0 2 0 3-1 3-3 11-16 18-26 11-14 18-23 27-27 5-3 10-4 21-4h18c3 0 4 1 4 2 0 1-1 2-2 2z m-78 67c-3-2-6-3-14-3-4 0-10 0-14 2-2 0-2 1-2 3v55c0 2 0 3 2 3 2 0 6 1 11 1 12 0 30-7 30-33 0-16-7-24-13-28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-buzzfeed" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8b6;" d="M0 438c28 0 56 1 85 0 21 0 38-15 42-35 4-23-8-42-26-48 0 0-1 0-2-1 18-5 28-16 31-33 5-29-11-52-40-55-7-1-14-1-20-1l-70 0v173z m38-140c0 0 1-1 1-1 12 0 23 0 35 0 12 1 19 8 20 19 0 11-7 19-19 21-7 1-15 0-22 0-5 0-10 0-15 0v-39z m-1 72h32c2 0 4 0 6 0 7 2 12 5 14 13 3 12-4 22-17 23-6 0-12 0-17 0h-18c0-1 0-2 0-3v-33z m634-108c-4 0-9 1-13 2-34 8-51 38-48 70 2 27 16 47 42 56 36 13 78-5 85-53 0-6 0-13 1-20h-94c2-12 8-20 19-24 17-8 33-4 48 6 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 5-7 9-14 15-22-5-3-9-6-14-9-9-4-19-7-29-8-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-8 0-12 0z m34 78c1 16-14 28-33 27-15-1-29-14-28-27h61z m101-78c-5 1-11 1-16 3-26 7-43 28-45 55-3 24 5 45 24 61 31 24 90 18 101-38 1-4 2-8 2-12 0-4 0-9 0-14h-93c1-7 3-12 8-17 10-11 23-13 37-10 9 1 17 5 24 11 5-7 10-14 15-22-4-3-7-5-11-8-10-5-20-8-31-9-1 0-3 0-4 0h-11z m-27 78h61c1 15-14 27-32 27-16 0-30-13-29-27z m-590-78c-4 0-8 1-12 2-25 6-39 24-39 49v77h33v-4c0-23 0-46 0-69 0-10 3-19 13-24 11-5 21-4 31 3 8 5 10 13 10 21v73h32v-76c0-29-18-49-46-52-2 0-3 0-5-1-5 1-11 1-17 1z m313 3v173h120v-16c0-4 0-8 0-11 1-4-1-5-4-5-24 0-48 0-71 0h-8v-36h5c18 0 35 0 53 0 4 0 5-1 5-5 0-9 0-18 0-27h-63v-73c-13 0-25 0-37 0z m378 0v121c0 5 0 5 6 5 18 0 36 1 54-1 26-2 46-13 56-39 9-26 2-55-18-71-11-10-25-14-40-15-18-1-37 0-56 0 0 0-1 0-2 0z m32 27h18c22 0 35 12 37 33 2 15-6 31-19 36-12 5-24 2-36 3 0-24 0-48 0-72z m-588 70h-56v28h102c0-5-1-10 0-16 0-5-1-9-4-12-17-21-34-43-51-64-1-1-1-2-3-4h58v-29h-102c0 8 0 16 0 24 0 1 1 3 2 4 18 22 35 43 52 65 0 1 1 2 2 4z m55 0v25c0 1 1 2 1 3h101c0-7 0-15 0-22 0-1-1-3-2-4l-52-66c-1-1-2-2-3-4h5c16 0 33 0 49 0 3 0 4-1 4-4 0-8 0-16 0-25h-102c0 8-1 16 0 24 0 1 1 2 1 3l51 64c1 2 2 4 4 6h-57z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-casio" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8b8;" d="M299 440l-77-181h62l12 33h90l12-33h63l-78 181h-84z m12-109l25 69h10l25-69h-60z m-148-1c-1-11-2-15-6-19-5-5-20-5-45-5s-43 0-48 5c-5 5-5 13-5 39s0 35 5 40c5 5 24 5 48 5s40 0 45-5c3-3 3-7 4-16h59c1 25-3 40-16 54-15 14-37 16-92 16-55 0-78-2-94-18-16-16-18-31-18-76 0-44 2-59 18-75 15-14 38-18 94-18 45 0 77 0 94 17 13 13 17 26 17 56h-60z m446 40l-69 3c-12 1-23-2-23 13 0 15 10 14 42 14 34 0 43 2 43-16h58c0 15-2 30-15 43-15 15-38 15-86 15-44 0-68 0-83-15-12-11-15-30-15-41 0-35 17-53 51-54l78-4c16-1 20-4 20-14 0-14-9-15-29-15h-33c-23 0-29 4-29 16h-58c0-11 0-30 11-40 14-14 23-19 92-19 69 0 76 4 91 19 12 12 13 27 13 38 0 42-18 55-59 57z m81 69h59v-179h-59z m291-13c-17 17-48 18-93 18s-75-1-93-18c-16-16-19-32-19-76 0-45 3-60 19-76 18-17 49-18 93-18s76 1 93 18c16 16 19 31 19 76s-3 60-19 76z m-46-115c-5-5-23-5-47-5s-42 0-47 5c-5 5-6 13-6 39 0 26 1 34 6 39 5 5 23 5 47 5s42 0 47-5c5-5 6-13 6-39 0-26-1-34-6-39z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-china-mobile" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8b9;" d="M161 457c20-16 39-32 60-49 21 17 41 34 62 51 54 45 107 91 161 136 36 30 74 53 123 52 31 0 59-10 82-29 104-83 206-168 309-252 3-3 7-8 7-12 1-16 1-32 1-53-15 11-25 19-36 28-77 64-155 128-233 192-60 49-118 49-177-1l-196-164c-6-5-12-11-17-16 24-29 51-32 80-9 48 40 95 81 143 121 49 41 89 41 138 1 93-76 187-152 280-228 7-6 13-12 22-19-14-12-27-24-40-35-103-86-206-173-309-259-13-11-27-21-41-31-65-42-117-42-180 4-44 33-85 68-127 103-73 59-146 120-219 179-13 10-20 21-18 38 1 17 0 35 0 57 8-6 13-9 17-13 98-78 196-157 294-235 72-59 131-60 203 0 78 65 155 132 233 198 18 15 36 31 56 48-20 17-39 33-58 49-66-54-130-109-195-163-29-23-57-47-87-69-39-28-81-28-119 1-63 48-125 98-187 148-44 35-87 72-132 106-19 15-29 30-25 54 1 6 0 14 0 23 6-3 10-5 13-7 82-66 163-132 245-197 16-13 33-26 50-37 39-25 78-23 113 7 70 58 139 116 209 173 10 9 20 17 29 25-24 31-51 34-80 10-50-41-100-83-150-124-49-41-76-41-126-1-98 80-195 159-293 239-5 4-10 8-16 14 38 31 74 62 110 92 76 64 152 127 228 190 44 36 92 60 150 57 50-3 93-26 131-57 102-84 203-167 304-252 7-6 12-18 13-27 2-19 0-39 0-64-19 15-33 26-47 38-89 73-177 145-266 218-27 22-56 40-92 42-39 2-72-14-100-38-99-81-197-164-295-246-1-1-2-3-5-7z" />
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15z m167 176h-31l-15-28h29l17 28z m441 49c-13-7-24-12-37-16-13-3-27-5-41-4l-27-32c3 0 5-1 6-1 4 0 8 0 13 0 9 0 19 1 29 4 20 5 42 16 60 31 9 8 16 16 22 23 6 8 11 16 14 24-13-11-27-22-39-29z m-35-199c-5-8-11-15-15-20-5-6-8-9-11-12-3-3-5-5-7-6-1-1-3-2-4-3-2-1-4-2-6-1-2 0-2 2-2 4 0 0 0-1 3 5 2 5 6 13 11 21l52 89h-26l-8-8c-4 3-7 5-9 6-3 1-4 1-6 2-1 0-3 0-5 0-9 0-17-3-26-8-3-2-6-4-9-7-4-2-8-6-12-10-5-4-10-9-19-21-10-12-23-30-33-42-9-13-14-20-18-24-4-4-6-6-8-7-1-1-3-2-4-2-1-1-2-1-4-1-2 0-5 4-5 6-1 5-1 7 1 14 1 4 3 10 5 18 3 8 6 17 10 27 19 13 39 27 53 39 15 12 26 23 36 35 11 13 22 27 32 43l-12-2c-8-10-16-21-26-32-10-11-21-22-33-33-12-11-26-21-39-31 8 17 18 33 27 49 10 16 20 31 31 45 10 15 20 28 29 38 9 11 17 20 23 26 7 6 12 10 16 13 4 3 7 4 9 5 2 1 3 2 5 2 1 0 1-1 2-1 3-3 2-4 2-7 0 0 0-1-2-4-1-3-3-9-5-14l10 1c2 4 4 7 5 9 1 2 2 3 2 5 0 1 1 3 1 4 0 5-1 10-6 15-1 1-2 2-4 2-6 2-10 1-17-1-4-1-9-3-15-6s-13-8-22-15c-8-7-18-15-29-27-11-12-24-26-37-43-13-17-26-37-38-57-12-19-23-40-34-61h-14c3 6 6 12 7 16 2 5 3 7 3 10 2 7 2 15 0 21-1 2-2 4-3 5-5 6-9 7-15 7-2 0-5-1-8-1-3-1-6-2-10-4-5-2-9-5-14-8-5-4-11-9-17-15-6-5-13-12-19-20-12-15-22-32-28-44-3-7-5-13-6-18-1-5-2-9-2-13-1-3-1-7 0-10 0-2 1-5 2-7s3-5 5-6c1-2 3-3 6-4 2-1 5-1 7-1 6 0 11 1 18 4 3 2 7 5 11 8 5 3 10 7 15 13 6 6 12 13 20 23 7 10 15 22 23 34h14c-5-12-9-24-12-32-2-8-3-11-3-14-1-6-2-12-2-17 1-2 1-4 2-6 0-2 1-4 2-6 1-1 3-2 4-4 2-1 4-2 6-2 2-1 4-1 6-1 8 0 15 2 24 9 4 2 8 5 13 10 4 4 10 10 15 16 0-4 0-7 0-11 0-3 0-5 0-7 1-2 1-4 2-5 0-2 1-3 1-4 1-2 3-3 4-5 3-1 5-2 9-2 2 0 4 0 6 1 4 0 7 2 12 5 3 1 5 3 9 6 4 4 9 8 13 13 0-3 0-7 0-9 0-3 0-5 1-6 0-2 0-3 1-4 1-3 4-6 6-6 8-3 14-1 23 3 3 2 7 4 11 8 4 3 9 7 14 13 5 5 11 12 17 21 7 9 13 19 19 30l-7-1z m-230-9c-4-5-8-10-12-15-4-4-7-8-10-11-3-3-6-5-8-7-2-1-4-2-5-2-2-1-2-1-3-1-3 0-6 1-9 5 0 1-1 2-2 3-1 3-1 6-1 10 1 3 1 6 2 9 1 3 2 7 4 10 5 12 14 25 27 36 2-2 3-5 6-8 1-1 2-2 4-4 2-1 4-2 7-4 3-1 7-3 11-4-4-6-7-11-11-17z m24 54c0-2 0-3-1-5 0-2 0-4-2-8-2-3-4-9-7-15-4 1-7 3-9 4-2 1-3 2-5 3-1 1-2 2-2 2-2 2-3 4-3 6-3 9-2 19 10 27 3 2 6 3 9 3 3 0 5-1 8-3 2-2 2-5 3-8 0-2-1-4-1-6z m138-61c-3-5-7-11-10-15-4-4-6-6-8-8-2-2-4-3-6-4-3-1-7-1-9 1-2 2-2 4-2 8 0 1 0 3 1 6 1 2 1 5 2 8 2 3 3 7 5 11 2 4 5 8 8 13s7 11 11 17c5 6 10 12 15 17 5 5 9 10 13 13 4 3 7 6 10 7 2 2 4 3 5 3s3 1 4 1c1 0 3 0 4-1 2-2 1-4 0-6 0-2-1-4-2-6-1-2-3-5-4-8l-37-57z m-231 50c1 7 2 13 3 19 0 4 0 9-1 12-1 2-1 3-2 4-2 3-4 4-7 6-1 0-3 1-5 1-2 1-4 1-7 1-2 0-5-1-8-1-12-2-24-9-37-23-4-4-7-8-10-13-4-5-7-10-10-16-3-6-5-13-8-20-2-7-4-14-6-21 7 6 14 11 19 15 5 3 8 5 12 7 4 2 9 5 14 7 2 8 4 16 8 23 1 3 3 6 4 9 2 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 8 7 11 9 6 2 11 3 15-2 2-2 3-4 3-7 0-9-2-18-6-28-2-4-4-9-6-14-3-5-6-10-10-15-7-10-17-21-29-30-10-9-22-15-29-18-4-1-7-1-10-1-2 0-5 0-7 1-5 1-10 5-14 9-2 3-3 5-5 8-2 6-3 12-2 17 1 7 2 13 6 24 5 11 11 27 20 45 10 17 21 37 32 54 11 17 22 31 31 43 10 12 18 21 26 28 8 8 14 14 20 18 7 5 12 8 17 11 5 3 9 5 13 6 11 5 21 5 31 5-8-5-16-11-24-17-14-11-25-23-32-33-4-6-6-10-9-15-2-4-3-9-4-13-2-4-2-7-3-10 0-3 0-5 0-7 1-2 1-4 2-5 0-2 1-3 2-4 1-1 2-2 4-3 1-1 2-1 4-2 2 0 4 0 6 0 5 0 9 1 15 3 3 2 6 3 9 6 4 2 7 5 11 9 4 4 8 8 12 13s7 11 10 16c6 10 10 20 12 29 1 5 2 8 2 12 0 1 0 2 0 4s0 5 0 7c0 2 0 3 0 5 10 0 20-1 29-4 8-2 17-6 29-13 11-8 27-19 42-32l28 30c-9 8-19 15-28 21-8 5-15 9-22 12-6 3-12 4-18 6-8 1-14 2-23 1-4-1-7-1-13-3-6-2-16-5-25-8-5 3-10 6-14 8-4 2-6 2-9 3-9 1-18 0-29-3-9-3-19-7-31-13-11-6-25-15-39-25-14-10-28-23-41-36-14-13-26-27-36-40-10-13-18-26-25-38-7-12-13-23-17-34-4-11-7-20-10-29-2-10-3-18-4-25-1-7 0-12 0-17 1-5 2-10 4-14s4-9 7-13c4-4 7-7 11-10 5-3 9-5 14-6 10-3 20-3 31 0 6 2 13 5 20 9 15 8 32 21 45 36 13 14 22 30 28 44 4 6 6 13 8 19z m77 170c-1-6-2-11-4-18-1-6-4-14-7-21s-6-13-9-18c-3-6-5-10-8-13-7-9-13-14-19-17-6-3-12-3-17 0-1 1-3 3-3 5-1 6 0 12 3 19 1 3 3 6 5 9 2 3 4 7 8 11 3 4 7 9 12 14 5 5 12 11 18 15 7 5 14 10 21 14z m-279-155c-5-6-7-8-9-10-2-2-3-3-4-3-2-2-5-2-7-2-1 0-3 1-3 3 1 1 0 1 1 4 1 1 2 4 5 10s8 15 13 25l44 75h-28l-5-7c-4 2-8 4-11 6-3 1-4 1-6 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-7 0-13-2-21-7-3-2-7-4-11-7-4-4-9-8-19-19-10-11-25-29-36-43-12-15-22-26-29-33-6-7-10-10-14-13-3-2-5-4-8-5-2-1-4-2-6-2-5-1-10-1-13 2-2 1-3 3-3 5-1 5 0 10 1 15 0 3 2 6 3 10 2 4 4 9 6 14 3 5 6 11 11 17 8 13 20 27 29 36 5 5 9 8 12 10 3 2 5 3 7 4 1 0 2 1 3 1 2 0 3-1 5-2 1-1 1-2 2-4 0-2 0-3 0-5-3 0-6-1-8-1-2-1-3-2-5-2-1-1-2-2-3-2-6-5-7-11-7-15 0-2 2-4 3-5 5-5 12-2 18 6 1 1 3 3 4 5 3 5 6 11 7 15 1 8 1 17-8 23-3 2-6 3-10 3-2 0-5 0-8-1-3 0-6-1-9-3-4-1-7-3-14-8-7-6-18-15-26-22-8-7-14-11-19-15-5-3-9-5-14-7-4-1-8-2-12-3 3 5 5 10 6 15 2 5 3 9 4 12 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 4 0 8-1 12-1 1-1 3-2 4-2 3-5 5-7 6-7 3-12 2-19 0-4 0-8-2-13-4-4-3-10-6-15-10-6-4-12-9-18-15-7-6-13-13-18-20-11-14-20-29-25-41-2-6-4-11-6-16-1-5-2-10-2-13 0-4 0-7 0-9 0-3 1-5 2-7s1-4 2-5c1-2 3-3 4-4 2-2 4-2 6-3 2-1 5-1 7-1s6 0 9 1c3 1 6 2 10 4 3 1 7 3 11 6 4 3 9 7 14 12 5 6 12 12 19 22 8 10 17 23 26 36l21 5c-6-11-12-23-15-30-4-8-5-11-6-15-2-11-3-22 2-30 2-3 4-5 6-7 3-2 5-4 9-5 3-1 7-1 10-1 10 0 19 2 30 9 4 3 9 6 15 11 6 6 13 14 21 22-1-7-1-14-1-19s0-7 0-8c1-2 1-3 1-4 1-1 1-2 2-3 2-3 4-4 6-5 8-2 14-1 22 3 3 1 6 3 10 6 4 3 9 7 14 12 0-3 0-6 0-8 0-2 0-3 0-4 1-2 1-3 2-5 3-3 6-4 10-4 1-1 3-1 5-1 7 0 15 3 24 9 5 3 10 7 15 13 6 5 12 12 18 21 7 8 13 19 19 30l-5 1c-8-11-16-21-22-27z m-248 1c-5-7-8-10-10-12-2-2-4-3-5-4-1-1-3-2-4-2-6-3-12-3-16 3-1 2-2 5-1 8 0 2 0 5 1 8s3 7 6 13c3 5 6 11 11 19 5 7 11 14 17 22 3-4 6-8 9-10 2-3 4-4 6-6s7-3 11-4c-10-14-19-27-25-35z m39 70c0-2 0-4-1-6 0-2-1-3-2-7-2-3-4-8-6-12-3 1-6 2-9 3-2 1-3 2-5 3-1 1-2 2-3 3-1 1-1 2-2 3-4 7-4 15 4 22 1 1 2 2 4 3 1 1 3 2 4 3 5 1 9 3 13 0 4-5 3-10 3-15z m160-63c-3-4-5-8-8-11-2-3-4-5-6-7-1-2-3-3-4-4-2-2-4-3-6-3-2-1-6-1-8 2-2 3-2 5-2 8 0 1 0 3 1 5 1 3 2 6 3 10 2 3 4 8 8 14 3 5 7 12 13 19 5 7 11 15 16 21 6 6 11 11 15 15 3 4 6 6 9 7 2 2 3 2 4 3 3 1 5 1 7 0 3-2 2-6 1-9 0 0 0-1-2-4-1-3-4-7-7-12l-34-54z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-debian" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8c2;" d="M584-149z m-111 177c-31 0-40-25-45-39 0 17 1 74 3 104-21-10-34-12-47-13 12-5 12-27 12-96v-79c0-23 0-37-4-48 13-4 30-7 49-7 13 0 49 0 69 40 9 18 13 44 13 63 0 11-2 36-11 52-9 16-24 23-39 23z m-27-158c-6 0-12 1-16 2-1 12-1 32-1 55 0 28 3 42 5 49 7 23 22 23 25 23 24 0 29-34 29-59h0c0-30-5-70-42-70z m88 206l26-27 27 27-27 27z m44-89c0 23 0 30 3 43-12-5-20-7-46-10 4-3 7-5 9-17 2-16 2-93 1-121-1-22-2-24-6-31 8 2 15 3 25 3 9 0 14-1 20-3-7 14-7 26-6 136z m141-73v66c0 25-7 48-55 48-32 0-51-9-60-14 4-7 7-13 10-27 12 11 29 17 45 17 27 0 27-18 27-43-6 0-11 1-19 1-42 0-69-16-69-59h1c0-20 6-41 24-49 8-3 16-3 19-3 29 0 39 21 45 35 0-15 0-23 1-35 6 1 12 2 22 2 5 0 10-1 16-2-4 6-6 9-7 22 0 12 0 24 0 41z m-38-17c-7-14-18-19-27-19-19 0-23 16-23 32 0 30 27 33 39 33h17c0-21-1-35-6-46z m-173 950c7 3 18 1 25 3-10-1-19-1-29-2l4-1z m-243-142c8 17-3 5-3 11 2-15-11-21 3-11z m-14-613c-11-5-21-9-43-11 8-10 8-14 8-57-6 2-13 4-27 4-57 0-66-50-66-87 0-90 48-90 55-90 20 0 33 10 38 30l1-30c6 1 12 2 22 2 3 0 6 0 9-1 2 0 5 0 8-1-5 11-9 34-9 84 0 49 0 132 4 157z m-36-179c-1-10-2-34-25-34-24 0-30 27-31 39-3 13-3 24-3 29 0 15 1 59 38 59 11 0 17-3 22-6v-21h0c0-1 0-52-1-66z m114 116c-66 0-66-73-66-88 0-65 29-91 79-91 22 0 32 3 38 5-1 11 1 19 3 28-7-4-15-9-35-9-50 0-50 45-50 61h85l1 19h0c0 38-8 75-55 75z m23-71h-55c1 26 6 50 28 50 26 0 28-28 27-50z m-106 689c3 10 3 16 5 22-9-12-4-14-5-22z m203-141c-4 4-6 9-9 13 3-8 7-15 12-23l-3 10z m277 120c0 10 3 5 4 8-2 1-7 8-10 22 2 3 6-8 9-9-2 11-6 20-6 28-8 18-2-2-9 8-10 29 7 7 8 20 14-20 22-52 26-64-3 15-8 31-13 45 4-2-7 33 5 10-12 48-55 93-95 114 5-4 11-10 9-10-20 11-16 12-19 17-16 7-17-1-28 0-30 16-36 14-64 24l2-5c-20 6-24-3-45 0-2 1 7 3 13 4-19-2-18 4-37 0 5 3 10 5 15 8-16-1-38-9-31-2-26-11-72-28-97-52l-1 6c-12-14-51-42-55-61l-3 0c-6-11-10-22-15-33-8-14-11-5-10-7-16-32-24-59-30-81 4-7 0-43 2-72-8-143 100-281 218-313 17-6 43-6 65-7-26 8-30 4-55 13-18 9-22 18-35 29l5-9c-25 9-14 12-35 18l6 7c-9 1-22 14-26 21l-9-1c-10 13-16 23-16 30l-2-5c-4 6-40 50-21 40-4 3-8 5-13 14l4 4c-9 12-17 27-17 32 5-7 9-8 12-9-23 57-24 3-41 58h3c-3 5-4 9-7 14l2 16c-16 19-5 80-2 114 2 14 14 29 23 52l-6 1c11 18 61 75 85 72 11 14-3 0-5 3 25 26 33 19 50 23 18 11-16-4-7 4 31 8 22 18 63 22 4-2-10-3-14-7 26 13 82 10 119-7 42-19 90-78 92-133l2-1c-1-22 3-47-4-71l5 11c1-16-5-25-10-39l-9-4c-7-15 1-9-4-21-12-10-35-32-43-34-5 0 4 7 5 9-15-10-12-15-35-22l-1 2c-58-28-138 26-137 100-1-5-2-4-3-5-3 37 17 75 52 91 33 17 73 10 97-13-13 18-40 36-71 34-31 0-59-20-69-41-16-10-17-38-24-43-9-68 17-97 62-132 4-2 4-3 4-5 53-19 108-15 153 22 12 9 25 25 28 25-5-8 2-4-3-11 12 18-5 7 12 32l7-9c-3 16 19 35 17 59 1 2 2 3 3 1 0 4 0 7 0 12 2-5 5-11 6-17-4 19 5 32 7 42-1 2-6-7-8 14z m-295-128c7-9 12-19 21-27-6 13-11 18-19 34l-2-7z m170 35c6 9 11 18 13 28-2-7-6-13-9-19-20-12-2 7 0 14-21-26-3-15-4-23z m272-650v97c-1 20-1 49-41 49-33 0-40-22-45-33v35c-7-4-16-8-42-10 4-3 7-6 8-18 3-21 2-108 2-125-1-18-2-21-4-27 6 2 11 2 18 2 10 0 17-1 22-2-3 12-3 16-3 57 0 47 0 60 2 71 3 11 9 24 27 24 19 0 20-14 21-20 1-7 1-30 1-44v-35c0-9 0-34-2-41 0-5-1-7-3-12 7 2 11 3 18 3 14 0 18-2 25-3-4 10-4 22-4 32z m-312 629c4 3 7 6 10 9-8-2-17-2-25-2-11 0 2-5 15-7z m153-6c10 19 17 40 20 62l-2-4c-3-20-8-39-18-58z m-92 81c1 18-4 13-5 5 1-1 3-13 5-5z m100-21c-1-5-2-11-4-17 3 7 3 12 4 17z m-219-113c-15 6-29 17-40 30 6-9 13-17 21-24-14 5-33 34-39 35 25-43 99-76 138-59-18-1-41-1-61 7-9 4-20 13-18 15-1-2-1-3-1-4z m218 123c0-4 1-7 1-10 0 5 0 8-1 10z m-217-119c0 0 0 0 0 0z m13 382h0l-4-1h4z m-11 3c6-1 12-2 11-3 6 1 8 2-11 3z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-delicious" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8c3;" d="M961 545c-38 89-102 166-181 220-40 27-84 48-131 62-47 15-97 23-149 23-69 0-135-14-195-39-89-38-166-102-220-181-27-40-48-84-63-131-14-47-22-97-22-149 0-69 14-135 39-195 38-89 102-166 181-220 40-27 84-48 131-63s97-22 149-22c69 0 135 14 195 39 89 38 166 102 220 181 27 40 48 84 63 131 14 47 22 97 22 149 0 69-14 135-39 195z m-62-363c-33-78-88-144-157-191-35-23-73-41-113-54-41-13-84-19-129-19v432h-432v0c0 60 12 117 34 168 32 78 87 144 156 191 35 23 73 41 114 54 40 13 83 19 128 19v-432h433c-1-60-13-117-34-168z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-dell" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8c4;" d="M915 289v199h-104v-289h189v90h-85z m-205 199h-104v-91l-149-94-29 17 142 89-55 38-143-92-31 18 140 90-59 42-148-96s-39 79-113 79h-161v-289h178c85 0 99 88 99 88l154-92 175 116v-112h189v90h-85v199z m-575-201h-29v109h26c11 0 48-2 48-57 0-43-36-52-45-52z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-designbump" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8c5;" d="M665 249l-38-33v356h175l-302 278-302-278h173v-88l-36 26-218-204h110v-456h200v456h123l-145 140v171h-122l217 199 217-199h-123v-439l-144-128h121v-200h200v200h112l-218 199z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-designfloat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8c6;" d="M571 600v98c133-31 230-123 260-267h-97c-25 89-85 144-163 169z m-144 0v98c-156-31-238-123-268-267h97c25 89 93 144 171 169z m-171-302h-97c30-167 112-245 268-275v97c-78 26-145 100-171 178z m681 62c0-245-198-444-442-444s-442 199-442 444c0 245 198 444 442 444s442-199 442-444z m-44 0c0 221-178 400-398 400s-398-179-398-400 178-399 398-399c220 0 398 179 398 399z m-398-202c-111 0-201 91-202 202 1 112 91 202 202 203 111-1 201-91 201-203 0-112-90-202-201-202z m157 202c0 87-70 158-157 158s-157-71-157-158c0-87 70-157 157-157 87 0 157 70 157 157z m-81-239v-98c133 31 230 108 260 275h-97c-26-78-85-152-163-177z m380-20c-27 0-49-22-49-49s22-49 49-49 49 22 49 49c0 27-22 49-49 49z m-118-125c-35 0-63-28-63-63 0-35 28-63 63-63 34 0 62 28 62 63 0 35-28 63-62 63z m102 285c-15 0-28-13-28-29s13-28 28-28 29 12 29 28-13 29-29 29z m-866-333c-17 0-31-14-31-31 0-18 14-32 31-32 17 0 31 14 31 32 0 17-14 31-31 31z m-10 166c-16 0-30-13-30-30s14-30 30-30 30 14 30 30-13 30-30 30z m98-76c-22 0-40-18-40-40 0-22 18-40 40-40 23 0 41 18 41 40 0 22-18 40-41 40z m794 613c-11 0-20-9-20-21 0-12 9-21 20-21 12 0 21 9 21 21 0 12-9 21-21 21z m-916 89c-19 0-35-16-35-36s16-35 35-35 36 15 36 35-16 36-36 36z m82 130c-25 0-45-20-45-45 0-24 20-44 45-44 24 0 44 20 44 44 0 25-20 45-44 45z m-70-277c-12 0-22-10-22-22 0-12 10-22 22-22s22 10 22 22-10 22-22 22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-disney" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8c7;" d="M335 469c-64 52-161 90-261 88-18-1-59-3-73-29-2-5-2-13 4-15 5-1 25-6 27 1 2 7-17 6-17 10 1 4 17 7 28 8 66 3 127-9 183-34 57-26 127-66 144-132 3-24-3-46-23-62-41-30-97-35-149-26-2 0-4 2-5 4-5 27-2 58-2 86 0 4 4 5 7 4 30-3 79-9 88-19 7-7-15-15-16-20 0-5 12-5 19-5 10 1 21 8 24 17 3 9 1 25-10 34-30 22-69 23-108 25-9 21 1 50-19 66-3 2-7 1-9-2-7-20-7-43-9-65-2 0-1-3-3-2-32-6-64-15-89-35-4-5-7-12-5-18 17-34 52-61 84-74 17-7 8-27 19-38 4-3 11-5 16-3 8 3 11 12 13 19 39-9 86-10 124 1 38 10 84 43 91 86 5 54-39 102-73 130z m-182-174c-16 2-33 11-46 19-13 7-26 18-36 31-4 6 2 11 7 13 24 9 51 12 76 12 2-1 0-2 2-3 0-25 0-48-3-72z m840 84c-3 6-12 14-21 13-35-11-59-48-83-74-1-1-2 0-4 1 0 33 31 52 32 84-1 2-3 3-4 3-15-13-28-28-36-44-12-23-20-53-6-78-6-16-14-35-16-43-2-8-26-70 3-94 5-1 11-8 14 0 6 39 16 76 30 111 35-4 65 18 83 40 17 22 20 56 8 81z m-39-73c-9-4-19-11-30-10 8 23 25 42 42 61 4 2 6 7 10 7 1-3 5-6 5-9 1-20-9-38-27-49z m-513 96c-3 2-7-1-9-5-7-24-7-53-8-79 1-16-2-35 7-48 2-4 10-5 15-4 4 2 10 3 10 8 1 37-1 70-4 105-1 10-2 18-11 23z m164-22c4 1 8 8 8 13-1 4-4 5-7 6-44 8-96 11-130-20-7-7-7-19-4-28 1-4 8-8 13-9 27-2 55-2 80-9 9-3 22-6 23-17 0-4-5-7-8-8-29-8-61-17-90-5-4 2-2 9 2 11 23 11 42-20 68-5 4 2 12 2 10 9-23 14-56 20-82 9-7-3-11-11-11-20 1-12 11-21 22-27 27-16 69-17 96 0 11 8 16 22 15 33-1 15-6 32-21 36-27 7-57 8-86 12-2 1-7 2-6 6 33 11 73 8 108 13z m89 44c-6-4-3-14-3-20 6-22 13-45 16-69 0-6 4-16-4-19-9 10-15 23-23 34-10 15-20 36-37 43-12-9-15-25-19-38-3-26-12-54-3-80 2-7 9-10 15-9 17 20 7 53 12 79 2 1 2 4 4 3 15-25 25-54 50-73 6-5 17 1 23 8 21 27 11 73 0 102-8 14-15 31-31 39z m-167 54c4 8 2 20-5 26-6 5-12 7-19 7-28 29-79 7-97-13-11-13-20-29-13-46 2-3 5-3 6-5 5-8-3-20 7-28 7-4 11 6 17 10 11-5 27-5 39-1 21 5 52 23 65 50z m-117-14c-3 7 0 14 7 21 6 7 17 11 27 13 2-1 0-2 0-3-15-9-21-21-34-31z m94 7c-18-17-41-24-66-22-4 4 2 7 3 10 18 19 38 38 63 36 3-2 5-4 6-6 3-7-1-13-6-18z m336-169c-14 3-29-1-43-3-7-1-14-5-20-1 3 9 2 21 11 27 7 3 31 0 45 1 6 1 7 13 6 16-8 11-26 5-37 6-2 0-4 1-6 2-2 7 3 14 7 19 20 2 42-1 58 6 4 2 3 7 0 10-3 5-9 14-13 15-22 2-47 0-69-5-9-1-19 0-28-4-2-15 16-15 23-23-6-7-4-22-16-22-4-1-7-6-6-11 7-12-5-22-7-33-4-16 1-34 13-39 32-14 62 5 85 24 3 5-1 11-3 15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-dodge" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8c8;" d="M980 728c0 63-35 104-98 108-120 7-240 14-360 14-133 0-266-8-399-14-60-2-105-37-103-106 5-154 9-309 15-463 1-28 7-57 13-86 16-76 67-127 132-163 101-56 203-109 304-164 13-7 22-4 33 2 98 52 196 103 292 156 63 35 120 79 138 153 12 51 19 104 22 156 6 87 6 174 9 261h2c0 48 0 97 0 146z m-42-4c-4-156-11-311-16-467-3-99-50-168-137-213-90-47-178-96-267-143-9-4-24-5-33-1-92 48-184 97-275 146-85 45-129 114-133 209-5 159-11 317-16 475-1 45 12 59 56 66 29 4 60 3 90 5 98 4 196 8 290 12 127-5 250-9 372-15 53-3 71-21 69-74z m-239-287c-4 24 7 43 28 45 20 2 33-13 33-38 0-5-1-10-2-15-5-35-12-70-17-106-1-8 0-21 4-23 8-4 20-2 27 2 10 6 20 15 25 25 18 37 33 74 50 111 2 6 6 13 9 19 4 7 12 14 12 20-2 47-18 88-64 107-49 20-94 9-134-25-40-35-64-81-80-134 25-7 26-23 21-45-5-22-13-36-36-42-22-7-27-21-22-52 11 8 23 16 37 26 4-27-3-42-26-49-8-3-18-15-19-23-6-37-10-75-14-118-20-14-45-12-72 6 18 40-1 79-5 117-1 7-12 16-19 18-25 7-29 23-28 50 16-11 28-20 42-30-5 23 3 47-28 57-39 13-46 60-12 87-17 50-39 95-77 130-39 34-85 47-134 28-47-19-65-61-69-109 0-6 3-17 5-17 21 0 18-18 21-29 13-46 29-89 64-121 8-8 23-8 35-11 1 11 5 21 4 31-3 19-9 37-12 55-3 22-7 44-6 65 1 25 16 37 36 33 17-4 29-24 25-44-10-53-3-69 45-89 17-8 25-19 29-36 9-34 14-71 31-102 19-36 38-71 44-112 1-9 9-23 18-26 45-19 78 1 87 49 3 16 5 34 14 46 32 44 46 94 55 147 3 17 11 26 27 33 48 20 58 39 48 89z m-375 8l8 2c11-26 22-52 36-83-47 13-56 35-44 81z m317-79l-6 5 35 77c19-48 8-71-29-82z m221 59c-10-51-23-101-54-144-11-16-26-31-42-39-33-18-61 4-57 41 1 4 1 8 2 11-2 1-4 2-5 2-3-8-6-16-8-24-13-55 20-91 74-81 41 7 65 35 81 71 23 51 30 106 30 161 0 8-4 15-6 23-5-7-13-13-15-21z m-566-131c-3-33-8-48-25-55-20-8-44-1-63 21-9 9-19 19-23 31-17 45-32 92-48 137-2 7-8 13-13 19l-8-4c0-72 5-143 45-206 20-32 50-50 90-47 33 2 56 27 54 60-1 15-6 30-9 44z m100 326c32-30 56-68 87-106 2 15 11 34 5 45-35 71-86 124-171 129-60 4-109-17-144-66 3 0 5 1 8 3 69 54 150 54 215-5z m249 28c63 29 122 19 176-23-19 32-54 54-94 61-83 14-154-23-205-104-16-25-13-45 1-71 31 57 63 110 122 137z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-dove" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8c9;" d="M838 501c-23-10-43-28-63-44-16-14-29-31-44-46-6-6-14-10-22-15-2 12-1 20 2 27 25 80-36 177-135 180-66 3-125-16-185-38-56-20-111-43-168-59-66-18-134-33-205-31 26-19 52-37 81-50 78-38 164-41 249-44 29-1 45-12 45-29 0-19-16-28-47-28-82 1-158 25-232 56-37 16-73 34-114 53 6-11 10-18 14-24 33-54 77-96 126-134 100-75 212-126 330-163 107-33 208-14 291 63 34 32 61 73 88 112 42 58 77 121 151 146-47 78-93 97-162 68z m59-52c-11 0-19 8-19 19s8 19 19 19 19-9 19-19-8-19-19-19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-drupal" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8ca;" d="M690 625c-44 28-86 39-128 66-27 18-63 60-93 97-6-59-23-82-44-99-42-34-69-44-106-64-31-16-200-117-200-335s182-378 385-378c202 0 378 148 378 371s-165 325-192 342z m-509-169s-15 14 15 55c0 0 11 14 14 18 0 0 9 10 11 11 0 0 19 19 24 24 0 0 21 19 49 38 0 0 18 12 31 19 0 0 18 10 29 16 0 0 16 7 35 20 0 0 28 18 36 24 0 0 19 14 28 28 0 0 9 11 15 35 0 0 5 20 5 28 0 0 7-22 8-30 0 0 4-22 2-36 0 0-3-20-15-31 0 0-7-5-8-7 0 0-3-3-2-5 0 0 2-2 4-4 0 0 5-4 3-12 0 0 0-12-16-32 0 0-31-38-50-53 0 0-32-27-47-36 0 0-50-34-60-39 0 0-43-24-59-29 1 0-38-16-52-2z m514-464c-4-4-43-31-88-36-46-4-107-6-144 27-6 6-4 15 0 18 4 4 8 6 13 6s4 0 6-2c17-13 42-24 96-24s92 15 108 28c8 6 11 1 12-3 1-3 3-8-3-14z m-147 77c9 8 24 22 39 27 14 6 22 5 35 5s28 0 38-7c10-7 16-22 19-31 3-8 0-13-7-16-6-4-6-2-12 9-6 11-11 22-41 22s-38-10-52-22c-15-12-20-16-25-9-5 6-3 13 6 22z m222-7c-30 2-90 97-129 98-49 2-154-102-237-102-51 0-66 8-83 19-25 18-38 45-37 82 1 65 62 127 140 128 98 1 166-98 216-97 42 1 122 83 162 83 42 0 53-43 53-70 0-26-8-73-28-102-20-30-33-41-57-39z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-ebay" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8cb;" d="M745 286c0 34 1 65 0 87-1 25 1 85-107 90 0 0-105 9-115-68h53s4 35 58 34c51-1 60-26 60-57 0 0-44 0-58 0-26 0-114-3-127-55 2 8 3 17 3 26 1 76-57 119-120 119-63 0-90-37-90-37v126h-50l0-201c-1 36-18 112-123 112-125 0-130-97-129-123 0 0-6-113 126-113 114 0 120 71 120 71l-53 0s-10-39-67-38c-72 1-75 71-75 71h201s1 2 1 5l0-50s0-31-2-52h49l2 30s23-37 89-37c58 0 106 31 118 89l0-2c-11-67 49-88 96-87 46 0 73 14 93 39l2-31 46 0c0 0-1 17-1 52z m-692 79s3 64 75 64c72 0 72-64 72-64h-147z m328-105c-80-1-78 84-78 84s-3 82 78 84c81 2 78-86 78-86s1-81-78-82z m232-2s-50 0-53 40c-3 43 78 41 78 41l57 0c0 0 9-82-82-81z m334 196l-86-171-85 171h-59l117-220-45-84h56l155 304-53 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-eleven" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8cc;" d="M711 660h-473l1-178h249c35 65 177 161 223 178z m-357-362h-42v-134h75v29h-33z m-131-134h75v29h-33v25h33v25h-33v25h33v30h-75z m294 134h-37l21-134h54l26 134h-32l-16-90z m-74 19l191-1c5 51 74 135 142 157v196c-186-83-307-209-333-352z m30-124h-33v25h33v25h-33v25h33v30h-75v-134h75z m250 97l0-32v40h-41v-134h41v94c2 15 23 11 23 2v-96h40v113c0 24-33 34-63 13z m-705 560v-1000h964v1000h-964z m802-862c0-22-14-40-31-40h-169v-37h-231v37h-175c-17 0-31 18-31 40l-73 741c0 22 17 39 38 39h706c21 0 38-17 38-39l-72-741z m-230 176h75v29h-33v25h33v25h-33v25h33v30h-75z m-187-240h205c0 83 1 161 7 226h-202c-6-65-10-143-10-226z" />
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5-3 7-3v-3l-22 0v3c2 0 4 0 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 5l1 18c-1 2 0 4-1 5-2 1-4 1-6 1v3m15-4v-12c2 0 4 0 5 1 3 2 3 7 1 9-2 2-4 2-6 2z m-101 4h21l0-3c-2-1-5 0-6-2-1-4-1-7-1-11 0-4 0-9 0-14 1-3 5-2 7-3 0-1 0-2 0-2-8-1-15 0-22 0v2c2 1 4 1 6 2 1 1 1 3 1 4 0 6 0 12 0 18 0 2 0 3-1 5-2 1-4 1-6 1l1 3z m309-3c2 1 4 3 6 4l1 0 12-29c0-2 1-3 2-4 1-1 2-1 4-2v-2c-7 0-13 0-19 0v2c2 1 3 1 5 2-1 3-2 6-3 9h-10c-1-3-3-6-2-9 2-1 4-1 6-2v-2c-6 0-12 0-17 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 4 1 5 3 3 8 7 17 10 25 1 1 0 2 0 3m-1-15h7l-3 8c-2-3-3-6-4-8z m-391 20h2l11-29c0-1 1-3 2-4 1-1 2-1 4-2l0-2c-6-1-12 0-19 0v2c2 1 4 1 5 2-1 3-2 6-3 9-3 0-7 0-10 0-1-3-3-6-1-9 1-1 3-1 5-2v-2h-17v2c2 1 4 1 5 3l10 25c1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 5 4m-3-12c-1-2-2-5-3-7 2-1 4-1 6 0-1 2-2 5-3 7h0z m359 72l90 93c6-7 12-13 18-20-25-27-51-53-77-79l5-1c0-2 0-4 0-6-16 0-32 0-48 1 4 4 8 8 12 12z m221 115c34 0 68 0 102 0 14 0 28 0 43-2 11-2 22-5 32-10 9-5 17-11 24-19 7-8 11-18 13-28 1-11-1-22-6-31-5-9-12-15-20-21-11-7-23-12-35-14-13-3-27-3-40-3-31 0-63 0-94 0 0 2 0 3 0 5 2 1 6 2 5 5 0 31 0 62 0 93 11 0 22 0 32 0l0-82c19 0 38 0 56 0 12 0 25 1 36 4 9 3 18 8 24 16 9 10 11 25 5 37-4 10-13 17-22 22-12 5-25 6-37 6-38 0-76 0-113 1 0 4 0 9 0 13l-5 3 0 5z m-128-19c6 7 13 13 19 20l122-129-48 0c0 2 0 4 0 6 2 0 4 0 5 0-12 14-25 27-37 40-1 1-1 2-3 2-19 0-39 0-58 0-3 0-5-2-8-3-2 1-3 2-5 3l15 16c1 1 3 3 5 5 10 0 21 0 32 0-8 8-16 16-24 24-5 6-10 11-15 16z m-237 20c15 0 29 0 43 0v-5c-2-2-4-2-5-4-1-19 0-38 0-57 5 7 10 14 16 20 12 1 24 0 36 0 15 0 31 0 47 0-1 12 0 25 0 37l-6 3v5c14 0 29 0 43 0 0-2 0-3 0-5-2-1-4-2-5-3-1-1 0-2 0-3 0-23 0-47 0-70-11-11-22-23-33-34l1 48c-12 1-24 0-36 1-17-1-34 0-51 0-4-1-7-4-10-5-1 0-2 0-2 1 0-17 0-33 0-49l5-4v-5c-14 0-29 0-43 1 0 1 0 3 0 4 2 2 5 3 5 6 0 36 0 73 0 110-1 1-3 2-5 3v5z m-52 0c14 0 29 0 43 0 0-2 0-3 0-5-2-2-6-2-5-6 0-36 0-73 0-109l5-3v-5c-15 0-29 0-43 0v5c2 1 4 2 5 4 1 16 0 32 1 48 0 21 0 42 0 62-2 2-4 3-6 4l0 5z m-220-24c7 8 13 16 20 24 64 0 129 0 194 0-7-8-14-17-21-25-1-2-4-1-6-1l0 4c-15 1-29 0-44 0h-22c0-32 0-65 0-98 2-1 3-2 5-3v-5l-43 0v5c2 1 4 2 6 4 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 30 0 61 0 91l-71 1c-5 0-8-4-12-5-2 1-4 1-6 2z m-82 22c11 3 22 2 34 3l58-1-22-25c-2 0-3 0-5 0 0 1 0 2 0 3-1 1-3 1-4 1-10 0-19 0-28 0-7-1-13 0-20-1-13-2-26-6-35-15-8-8-13-19-11-30 5 6 9 14 14 20l55 0c13 0 25 0 38 0 14 0 28 0 42 0l-21-26c-2 0-4 0-6 0l1 4c-3 1-6 1-9 1l-114 0c1-9 5-18 12-23 9-8 21-12 32-13 16-3 32-2 49-2 21 0 43 0 65 0 4 0 6 3 10 4 2 0 5 0 8 0-8-8-15-17-22-26-24 0-48 0-72 0-16 0-31 0-47 2-12 2-25 6-36 12-9 5-18 11-24 19-12 17-12 42 0 59 6 9 14 16 23 22 11 6 22 11 35 12z m167 208c4-3 8-8 11-12 4-3 7-8 12-9 1-3 1-5-1-7-2-2-5-3-6-5-1-2-1-5-1-7h103c3 0 7 0 10-3 3-2 4-6 4-10 0-2-1-4-1-6v-60c0-2 1-4-1-6-4-9-13-14-22-15-9-2-18-1-26 4-4 2-7 6-9 11 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 9 0 14-24 0-48 0-72 0v20h84c1-9 0-17 1-26 2-5 6-8 11-9 3 0 7 0 10 2 3 2 4 6 4 9l0 47c0 5-5 7-9 7l-102 0c0 19 0 39 0 58z m326 11l14 14c5-5 10-9 15-15-5-4-10-9-15-14-5 4-9 9-14 13 0 1-1 2 0 2z m-18 14c1 1 2 0 2-1 4-4 9-9 14-13-2-2-4-4-6-6-3-3-6-6-9-9l-1 0c-5 5-9 10-14 15 5 4 10 9 14 14z m67 13c1 0 2 1 3 0 5-7 11-14 17-19 2-2 5-3 5-6 1-3-3-5-5-7-4-2-4-7-4-10 0-23 0-47 0-70 7-7 14-14 21-22 7 7 14 14 21 21 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 21 1 43 0 64 0 4 1 8-1 12-2 3-6 3-7 7 0 2-1 4 1 5 3 2 6 5 9 8 4 5 8 9 12 14 0 0 1 0 2 0 0-40 0-80 0-120-5-6-11-12-17-18-2-3-5-6-8-9 7-7 14-13 21-20-11-11-22-22-33-33l-33 33c7 7 14 13 21 20-8 9-17 16-25 25 0 1 0 3 0 4l0 118m23-167c5-5 10-10 14-15 5 5 10 10 15 15l-15 14c-5-4-9-9-14-14z m79 173c4-7 9-12 14-16 5-4 9-8 15-11 2-1 1-4 1-5-2-4-6-4-9-7-2-3-2-8-2-12 0-33 0-67 0-101-6 0-13 0-19 0v105l0 47z m-317-18c6 5 12 10 16 17 0-33 0-65 0-98 0-11 0-22 0-34 37 0 74 0 112 0 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 4-3 8-7 10-5 3-12 3-19 3-11 0-23 0-34 0-2 0-5 0-7 1-5 1-7 6-8 10-1 4-1 8 1 11 1 2 3 3 4 4 3-5 9-6 14-7 14-1 29 0 44 0 9 0 18-3 24-10 7-8 9-20 8-31h30c0 13 0 27-1 40 0 3-1 6-3 8-3 1-6 2-7 5 0 2-1 5 2 5 4 2 7 5 11 8 6 6 12 12 16 19 0-35 0-69 0-104-16 0-32 0-49 0 0-5 1-11 3-16 1-2 3-4 4-5-4-3-9-5-14-4-4 1-8 3-10 7-3 6-3 12-2 18-44 0-87 0-130 0-1 35 0 70-1 105 0 3-1 6-3 8-2 2-6 2-8 5 0 2-1 6 2 6 4 3 8 6 12 10z" />
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0 1 0c229 104 465 104 694-2l0 0c0 0 0-1 0-2 0-3-3-177-4-190z m-117-55c-2-4-3-10-7-16-5-8-13-18-16-18-2 0-3 5-3 5s-3 7 2 17c3 7 5 9 9 14 3 5 6 8 8 13 3 5 3 6 5 13 0 2-1 5-2 5-3 0-9-14-16-21-6-7-18-17-18-17s-1 0-1 2c0 2-1 8 1 13 1 5 3 11 7 19 6 10 13 16 16 20 2 1 6 4 4 5-2 1-8-4-13-7-5-4-7-6-13-13-6-6-8-9-8-9s-5-9-6-18c-2-9-2-13-2-13s0-8 1-13c0-5 2-12 2-12s3-9 4-14c1-5 3-20 3-20s2-11 1-22c-1-10-2-16-3-19-1-3-5-12-10-17-5-6-5-7-5-7s-6-4-10-6c-4-3-11-6-14-6-2-1-6-1-7-1l-3 0c-1 0-1 0-2 1 0 0 0 2 0 2s-3 11-6 19c-3 6-9 14-9 14s-10 14-18 22c-9 9-20 16-26 21-2 2-8 5-8 5s-21 21-28 37c-5 12-9 20-8 33 1 3 2 8 2 8 1 0 4-1 4-1 1 0 4-3 7-4 2-1 5-1 5-1s3 0 4-1c1 0 4-1 6-2 2-1 4-3 4-3s5-3 5-3c1-1 5-5 5-5s3-2 4-2c1 0 1-1 2-1h1s1 1 1 2c0 1-1 0-4 3-3 3-4 5-4 5s-1 2-3 5c-2 2-5 4-5 4s-2 2-5 3c-3 0-4 1-4 2 0 1 4 0 4 0s4 0 7-2c4-2 6-4 6-4l2-1 2-2 1-1s2-1 2 1c0 2 0 3 0 3s-2 2-2 2l-6 5c-1 1-2 3-4 4-2 1-4 3-8 4-2 1-4 1-7 2-2 1-4 2-5 3 0 1-2 2 1 1 3 0 4-1 7-2 5-1 8-1 12-3 2 0 4-2 4-2l6-2s7-4 12-4c6 0 10 1 12 2 1 0 5 2 5 3 1 1 2 2 2 2s0 0 0 1c0 0 0 1 0 1-1 2-4-3-9-4-5-1-5-1-8-1-3 1-5 2-8 4-4 4-6 8-12 11-3 1-7 3-7 3s-7 1-10 4c-3 1-8 2-6 4 0 1 7-3 12-3 4-1 7-1 10 0 3 0 7 0 7 0 1 1 3 0 5 0 2 0 3-1 5-2 2-1 4-2 5-2 0 0 1 0 1 0s1 0 1 0l0 1 0 1-1 0-2 2s-3 1-5 3c-2 3-4 5-8 6-3 1-7 2-7 2l-4 0-1 0s-3 1-1 2c2 0 3 1 4 1 0 0 4 0 6-1 3 0 7-2 7-2 0-1 4-3 7-4 4-1 9-1 9-1s2 0 2 0c1 0 1 1 1 1s1 0 1 0c0 1 0 2 0 2s0 1-2 1c-2 1-5 1-8 4l-6 4s-2 2-6 3c-5 1-6 2-6 2l-2 0-3 1s-1 1-2 3c-1 1-3 4 2 2 4-2 6-2 6-2s2-3 4-3c2 0 3-1 4 0 1 2-3 4-6 6-2 1-4 5-4 5s-2 1 1 0c2 0 7-3 7-3s2-1 3-1c1-1 3-2 4-2 1-1 4-1 6-2 2-2 3-4 4-5 1-1 2-2 4-2 1-1 2-1 3-1 1 1 1 1 1 1s0 1-1 2l-4 3 0 1-1 1-1 2-3 4s-4 6-7 7c-4 2-6 3-6 3s-2 1-3 2c-1 1-2 2-3 3-1 2-2 3-4 5-3 3-13 5-9 7 2 1 5 1 6 0 1 0 4-1 6-2l5-1c2 0 4-1 5-1 0-1 1-2 2-2 0 0 2-4 7-6 4-2 5-3 10-4 3 0 8 1 8 1s1 1 0 2c-1 2-1 2-3 2-4 2-8 1-11 5-2 1-2 2-3 4-1 2-1 3-2 4 0 2-2 4-2 4s-4 5-9 8c-5 2-8 5-9 5-1 1-2 3-2 3s-2 2-2 3c0 0-1 1-1 1 0 4 5-1 9-2 5-1 7-3 13-5 2-1 4-1 7-2 5-2 6-7 12-8 3 0 8-1 7 1-1 3-7 3-10 7l-2 4c-3 3-8 6-8 6s-2 1-4 5c-2 4-6 7-13 11-6 2-16 3-12 6 3 1 5 1 8 0 3-1 4-2 7-4 2-1 3-1 4-1 0-1 3-2 3-2 1 0 5-1 6-1 1 0 6-1 6-1l5-2s2-1 4-1c1 0 3 1 3 1l2 1 0 1s1 1-1 1c-2 1-3 1-3 1-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-1 1s-4 3-8 4c-3 2-4 2-4 2s-1 0-2 1c0 0-1 0-1 0s-2 0-4 2c-2 2-3 3-5 5l-3 3s-2 1-2 3c0 2 5-3 5-3l4-2s2-2 8-2c5 0 11 1 11 1s1 1 4 0 5-3 5-3l2-1s4-4 4-4 0 0 1 0c0 0 1 2-1 5l-7 6s-6 3-12 5l-8 1s-4 0-7 3c-2 3-4 5-4 5l-2 2s-2 1-4 3c-3 1-6 2-6 2s-4 2-5 4c0 3 7 0 12-1 4-1 6-3 10-3 3-1 5-1 9-1 2 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 4 1 6 0 3 0 4-2 7-3 1-1 2-2 4-2 2 0 5-1 5 0 0 1-1 1-1 1-1 2-3 3-5 4-4 3-5 5-10 7-2 2-4 2-7 3-3 0-4 0-7 0-2 1-3 2-5 4-5 2-7 4-11 6-3 1-8 2-8 2l-2 0s0 1-1 1c-4 1 7 4 13 6 2 0 3 1 6 1 2-1 5-4 7-2 4 2-4 7-7 8-3 1-9 0-9 0l-13 1-4 0s-2 0-4 2c-2 2-8 10-16 11-8 1-10 0-11 1-6 10-13 12-18 17-2 2-4 5-5 5 0-1-1-5-3-9-1-4 0-6 1-8 1-1 2-3-1-4-2-2-6-2-6-2s-3 1-6 2l-8 4s-5 1-9 1c-3 0-3 0-6-1-1 0-2 0-3 0-1-1-3 0-3-1 0-1 3-2 5-2 2-1 7-1 6-2-1-1-6-2-6-1 0 0-3 0-5 0-4 0-4 0-10-3 0 0 0-2 1-2 2 1 5 2 8 1 4 0 6-1 9-2 3 0 4-1 8-2 1 0 2 1 2 0 0-1-1-1-1-1s-3-1-2-2c0-1 3 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-5-2-8-3-7-3-10-6-17-10-7-3-17-7-17-7s-4-2-8-3c-5-1-5-1-8-1-4 0-5-1-8-2-1-1-2-2-4-3l-4-6-2-4c-1-1-1-2-2-3 0-1-1-2-1-3-1-4 0-6 1-9 0-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 2-2 2-2l1-1s4 1 7 1c2 1 6 2 6 2s4 1 4 1c1 0 4 1 4 1s2 0 2-1c0-1-1-2-1-2s-1-1-3-1c-1-1-5-2-5-2 0 0-4-1-4-1l-2-1s-1 0-1-1c-1-1-1-1-1-1 1-1 1-1 2-2 1-1 1-1 3-2 2 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 5 0 7 1 2 2 3 2 6 3 1 0 3 1 4 1 5 0 8-1 14-2l13-3c6-1 9-3 15-1 3 0 5 1 6-1 2-3 2-4 2-4s0-2-3-7l-8-19-4-9s-4-7-12-16c-8-9-8-9-8-9s-4-3-9-9c-4-5-4-7-8-11-3-3-4-4-7-6-4-2-7-2-17-8-9-6-13-11-14-11-1 0-4 3-5 3-1 1-17 12-17 12l-7 5-3 2-1 0-2 3s-2 3-5 5-7 6-12 7c-5 1-8 2-13 0-3 0-5-2-7-4-3-3-4-5-6-9-3-3-5-6-6-8-1-2-4-6-4-6s-5-10-9-16l-8-17c-6-10-13-20-15-25-2-4-3-5-3-5s0-3 0-4c-1-2-1-5-1-6 0-1-1-3-1-3s-4-7-5-11c-1-5-4-18 0-20 3-2 26 8 29 18 2 7-6 10-4 15 1 2 2 3 3 5 2 3 1 11 6 18 3 6 9 12 18 22 5 6 11 16 11 16s1 4 3 3c3-1 5 0 5 0s1-1 1-1c0-1 2-3 2-3l4-5s6-8 7-11c2-2 5-3 7-6 3-3 4-4 8-7 6-5 4-7-3-3-3 2-7 3-10 4-3 1-17 4-23 5-7 1-7 1-7 1s-4 0-7-2l-6-4s-4-5-5-6c0-1-2-4-2-4s-1-2-2-4c0-2 0-4 0-4l0-5 1-4s0-10 3-20c0-3 1-8 1-8l1-10s1-11 2-14c1-4 1-4 2-7 1-4-1-6 1-11 2-5 4-5 6-8 1-2 2-2 3-6 1-2 5-12 9-19 5-7 11-16 15-15 4 1 7 7 7 7s5 12 2 24c-3 13-17 7-18 16 0 2 0 5 0 5s-1 4-1 5c-1 1-5 10-7 17-1 5-1 23-2 28-4 12-4 11-2 13 2 3 4 2 4 2s2 0 2 0c0 0 2-1 2-1s2-1 4-2l5-4 9-7s6-3 8-4c3-1 5-2 5-2l2-2 5-3s0-1 1-1c0-1 0-1 0-1s2-5 11-10c7-4 13-3 16-6 0-1 5-7 7-11 3-5 7-10 8-12 1-2 8-11 8-11l10-10 12-11 11-10 7-6s7-6 14-11c7-4 7-5 12-8 3-2 8-5 12-9 5-3 10-10 8-13-1-1-4 3-9 7-4 4-6 6-10 9-5 4-8 6-14 9-3 2-8 5-8 5-2-7-2-12-1-20 0-5 1-10 2-17 2-6 3-9 6-15l6-16 7-13 6-10 3-6 1-1s2-4 0-6-3-7-6-7-8-1-8-1l-34 0-18 2s-2 1-13 1c-6 0-11-3-14-3-3 0-17 1-26-3-9-4-14-5-17-10-2-4 12-11 23-14 18-4 13 4 20 9 1 0 1 1 2 1 5 2 7-2 12-2 5 0 8 2 13 2 26 4 67-8 67-8s10-4 15-3c5 2 4 3 6 7 1 2 1 3 1 6 0 1 0 2-1 4-1 5-4 12-4 12s-2 5-3 7c-1 4-2 6-3 10-1 11-1 10-1 16 0 11 1 17 4 28 4 15 12 22 18 37 2 4 2 10 4 10 2 0 2-7 1-11-4-15-13-22-17-37-3-12-5-19-4-31 0-7 3-17 3-17s3-11 5-16l5-11 8-14 4-7s3-2 1-7c-1-4-4-6-7-10-10-12-33-29-39-33-8-6-7-8-8-10-3-9-12-9-23-20-2-2-8-9-7-14 1-2 26-6 40 0 11 5 2 10 5 16 2 4 8 4 10 7 5 6 2 5 6 10 12 15 20 24 42 37 2 1 6 3 6 3s3 1 4 3c2 3 1 5 1 7 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 3 0 5-1 3-3 6-4 7-1 2-3 4-4 10-2 5-2 10 0 16l8 11 13 9s11 8 15 11c3 3 11 10 16 17 6 8 9 14 12 24 1 3 1 9 1 9s0 4 2 4c3 1 3 0 3 0s2-1 3-7c0-6-2-12-2-12s-2-7-2-11c0-3 0-4 0-7 0-5 2-9 2-9s1 0 1 2c0 2 0 5 1 9 1 3 2 2 3 7 2 7 0 6 2 10 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 0 2-2 2-2s2-8 1-15c-2-7-7-16-7-16l-4-7s-3-5-4-8c-1-4-2-5-1-8 1-3 4-8 5-7 1 0-2 3 2 10 3 7 8 12 8 12s6 7 9 13c3 5 5 13 5 13s2 8 2 14c-1 6-2 9-2 9s-2 4-2 5-2 3-2 3c0 1 0 2 1 2 1 1 3-1 4-3 2-2 4-5 5-9 1-3 1-6 1-8 0-2-1-12 3-18 1-3 5-10 5-7 0 7-2 10-2 16 0 7 2 5 2 9 1 3 2 4 1 9l-2 11s-2 4-2 5c0 0-1 1-1 1s1 1 1 1c1 0 7 3 7 3s9 4 13 6c3 3 8 8 8 8s6 7 8 12c7 13 7 30 7 37 0 7-2 17-2 17s-2 11-2 19c1 7 1 11 1 11s0 7 6 15c7 8 9 14 11 19 0 6-2 14-5 11z m-176 102c-2 0-4 2-4 2s-1 1 1 2c1 1 4 0 4 0s0 0 1 0c1-1 3-3 3-4 0-2-4 0-5 0z m1 12c-2 0-5 2-5 2s-1 1 1 2l5 1s1 0 1-1 4-3 4-5c0-2-4 0-6 1z m2 13c-3 0-6 3-6 3s-1 1 1 2c3 1 6 1 6 1s1-1 2-1c1-1 3-4 4-6 0-2-5 1-7 1z m-2 53c-1 1-4 2-4 2s0 1 1 2c2 1 4 0 4 0s1 0 2 0 3-3 3-4c0-1-4 0-6 0z m7-13c0-1-4 1-6 1-2 0-4 2-4 2s-1 1 1 2l4 0s1 0 2 0c0-1 2-3 3-5z m-9-21c2 1 5 1 5 1s1-1 1-1 4-4 4-5c0-2-4 0-6 1l-5 2s-1 1 1 2z m4 10c-2 0-5 2-5 2s0 1 1 2c2 2 5 1 5 1s1 0 2-1c1-1 3-3 3-5 0-1-4 0-6 1z m4 43c2-1 3-2 1-2-1 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-3 1-6-1-3-2-1-1-6-3l-3 3s0 1 1 3 3 1 5 1c4 0 7 0 10-1z m-17 17c2 1 4 1 4 1s1 0 1-1c1 0 3-3 3-4 0-1-3 0-5 1-2 0-4 2-4 2s0 1 1 1z m-125-35l-2-1c-2-2-3-4-4-4-1 1-1 4-1 4s1 3 2 5l3 3c2 0 5-2 5-4s-2-2-3-3z m24-9s-1 0-2 2c0 2 2 2 2 2s3 2 3 0c0-2-3-4-3-4z m31 40s-4-7-9-9c-5-2-9-3-19-4-1 0-1 1-1 1s12 3 18 6c4 2 8 5 9 6 4 3 2 0 2 0z m42-39c1 2 0-2 0-2s0-4-2-5c-3-1-9-3-10-2 0 1 8 3 12 9z m-18 44s1 0 3-1c2-1 3-5 3-5s0-1-1-1c-1 0-1 2-2 3-1 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-4 0-4 2 0 1 4 1 4 1z m-13-10s1 2 3 3l6 2s1 0 4-2c2-1 3-6 3-6s1-3-1-4c-1-2-3 1-5 2-1 2-2 2-4 3-2 1-5-2-6 0 0 1 0 2 0 2z m-1-40c-2 0 0 2 0 2s5 2 8 4c5 2 15 13 12 8-1-3-4-6-4-6s-4-6-5-6c-4-3-9-1-11-2z m26-58c-8-15-20-25-20-25-4-4-1 2-1 2s11 15 16 26c4 8 6 18 8 20 4 5 2-15-3-23z m10 55s-1-4-3-5c-3-1-14-1-14 0-1 1 12 2 17 7 1 1 0-2 0-2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-fitbit" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8d5;" d="M500-1c-18 0-37-8-51-21-13-13-21-32-21-51 0-18 8-37 21-51 13-13 31-21 51-21 19 0 37 8 51 21 14 14 22 32 22 51 0 19-8 37-22 51-14 13-32 21-51 21z m0 424c-18 0-37-8-51-22-13-13-21-32-21-51 0-18 8-37 21-51 13-13 31-20 51-21 19 0 37 8 51 21 14 14 22 32 22 51 0 19-8 37-22 51-14 14-32 22-51 22z m0 422c-18 0-37-7-51-20-13-14-21-32-21-51 0-19 8-37 21-51 13-12 31-20 51-21 19 0 37 8 51 21 14 13 22 32 22 51 0 18-8 37-22 51-14 12-32 20-51 20z m3-211c-19 1-38-6-51-19-14-12-22-30-23-49 0-20 7-38 19-52 12-13 30-22 50-23 19 0 38 7 51 19 15 13 23 31 24 50 0 19-7 38-20 51-13 14-31 22-50 23z m-3-423c-18 0-37-8-51-21-13-14-21-32-21-51s8-37 21-51c13-13 31-21 51-21 19 0 37 8 51 21 14 14 22 32 22 51 0 18-8 37-22 51-14 14-32 21-51 21z m212 212c-19 0-37-8-51-22-14-13-22-32-22-51 0-18 8-37 22-51 13-13 32-20 51-21 18 0 36 8 50 21 14 14 22 32 22 51 0 19-8 37-22 51-14 14-32 22-50 22z m0 211c-19 0-37-7-51-21-14-13-22-32-22-50 0-19 8-37 22-51 13-14 32-22 51-22 18 0 36 8 50 22 14 13 22 32 22 51 0 18-8 36-22 50-14 13-32 21-50 21z m0-423c-19 0-37-8-51-21-14-14-22-32-22-51s8-37 22-51c13-13 32-21 51-21 18 0 36 8 50 21 14 14 22 32 22 51 0 18-8 37-22 51-14 14-32 21-50 21z m211 212c-18 0-37-8-51-22-13-13-21-32-21-51 0-18 8-37 21-51 13-13 31-20 51-21 19 0 37 8 51 21 13 14 21 32 21 51 0 19-7 37-21 51-13 14-32 22-51 22z m-635 0c-18 0-37-8-51-22-13-13-21-32-21-51 0-18 8-37 21-51 14-13 32-20 51-21 18 0 37 8 51 21 13 14 21 32 21 51 0 19-8 37-21 51-14 14-33 22-51 22z m0 211c-18 0-37-7-51-21-13-13-21-32-21-50 0-19 8-37 21-51 14-14 32-22 51-22 18 0 37 8 51 22 13 13 21 32 21 51 0 18-8 36-21 50-14 13-33 21-51 21z m0-423c-18 0-37-8-51-21-12-14-20-32-20-51s7-37 20-51c14-13 32-21 51-21 18 0 37 8 51 21 13 14 21 32 21 51 0 18-8 37-21 51-14 14-33 21-51 21z m-211 212c-18 0-37-8-51-22-13-13-21-32-21-50 0-19 8-37 21-51 13-13 31-20 51-21 19 0 37 8 51 21 14 13 22 32 22 51 0 18-8 37-22 51-14 13-32 21-51 21z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-flikr" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8d6;" d="M444 350c0-122-100-222-222-222s-222 100-222 222 99 222 222 222 222-99 222-222z m556 0c0-122-99-222-222-222s-222 100-222 222 100 222 222 222 222-99 222-222z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-forbes" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8d7;" d="M92 458l27 0 26 0 6-2c15-5 25-16 34-34 2-4 4-10 5-13 1-3 2-6 2-6 0 0 3 0 6 1l5 2-1 23c0 13 0 28-1 34l0 11h-201l0-4 0-4 7-1c9-1 12-2 15-5 6-3 9-9 11-18 3-14 4-45 4-103-1-61-2-74-6-86-3-10-9-16-19-17-2-1-6-2-8-2l-3-1v-8h128v4c0 3 0 4 0 4-4 0-20 4-22 5-10 5-14 16-15 39-2 17-3 66-2 66s31 0 35-1c10-3 17-12 21-27l2-7 4 0 4 0v83h-4c-5 0-5 0-5-1 0-3-3-12-5-17-4-9-10-14-17-15-2-1-10-2-19-2-12 0-16 0-16 0-1 1 1 96 2 101l0 1z m234-71c-15 14-34 21-58 21-26 0-47-8-63-24-17-18-26-42-26-70 0-29 8-53 24-70 9-9 17-14 30-19 4-1 7-2 19-4 1 0 7 0 15 0 9 0 14 0 19 2 12 3 23 7 32 14 22 16 34 42 35 74 1 32-8 59-27 76z m-37-139c-4-7-10-13-15-14-20-6-34 13-39 52-2 13-2 47 0 62 3 32 13 48 29 48 7 0 10-2 16-7 13-13 19-38 19-77 0-32-3-51-10-64z m707 54c-6 13-17 20-42 31-19 8-30 15-35 21-4 5-5 9-5 16 0 10 4 17 11 22 7 4 14 5 23 3 11-2 19-9 26-21 2-4 7-15 10-22 0-1 0-1 3 0 1 0 3 1 3 1v23l0 23-3 1c-4 2-16 5-23 6-6 1-11 1-24 1-16 0-18 0-24-1-20-6-34-17-41-32-4-8-5-14-5-23 0-14 3-24 12-33 6-8 16-13 32-19 12-5 25-11 30-15 3-2 5-5 6-8 3-4 3-5 3-12 0-6 0-7-3-12-5-11-15-17-30-16-19 2-33 15-45 42-2 7-2 7-7 5l-2 0 1-26c0-22 0-25 1-26 3-3 24-8 38-9 12-2 28-2 37 0 31 4 51 21 56 46 2 12 1 25-3 34z m-188 101c-8 4-16 5-26 5-25 0-45-8-61-25-13-13-20-27-25-48-1-6-1-9-1-22s0-16 1-22c8-38 34-63 70-69 8-2 22-2 31 0 16 2 33 10 44 22 7 6 9 9 8 10-2 4-2 4-8 1-10-6-15-8-26-9-13-2-26 1-37 7-8 3-18 12-22 20-6 11-9 24-10 41-1 7-1 8 0 9 1 0 25 0 54 0h53v3c0 5-1 17-3 24-6 27-20 46-42 53z m-9-65l-12 0c-7-1-18-1-26-1l-13 0v3c0 1 1 6 1 9 5 29 15 47 29 47 12 0 19-18 21-49v-9z m-300 68c-5 2-10 3-16 2 0 0-1 0-2 0-18-1-34-13-45-33-2-4-4-7-5-7 0 0 0 4 0 20l0 20-1 0c-1-1-16-4-32-7-36-7-41-8-42-9 0 0 0-1 0-3 0-2-1-2 7-3 12-2 16-8 17-23 2-21 2-102-1-113-1-6-5-11-8-13-1-1-5-2-9-3l-6-1 0-4 0-4h105v8l-5 1c-13 1-16 2-20 7-4 7-5 20-5 73v41l1 2c3 2 9 6 14 7 10 2 23 0 33-5 3-1 6-2 6-2 0 0 17 44 17 46 1 1 0 1-3 3z m168-38c-10 19-26 32-45 36-14 3-33 1-46-5-4-2-7-3-8-3-1 0-1 5-1 42l1 42-3-1c-2 0-18-3-36-7s-34-6-35-6c-1 0-1-1-1-3 0-3 0-3 3-4 9-2 11-2 14-6 4-4 6-10 7-21 1-9 1-167 0-190l0-14 7-1c28-6 57-8 74-6 22 4 38 11 52 24 19 20 28 47 28 80-1 18-4 29-11 43z m-45-72c-3-25-11-45-22-55-4-4-8-6-14-7-3-1-5-1-11 0-3 0-4 0-5 2-1 2-2 87-1 121l0 26 5 1c3 1 7 2 11 2 6 0 7 0 12-3 12-6 21-21 25-44 1-9 2-32 0-43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-foursquare" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8d8;" d="M257 722c-6-15-5-31-5-47 1-209-1-419 1-628 56 65 110 131 164 198 13 14 26 34 49 34 53 4 107-2 161 2 12 0 23 7 26 19 11 37 17 75 24 112 3 16 3 41-18 41-64 6-129-3-192 4-34 6-36 47-32 74 2 22 23 34 43 33 65 2 130-1 195 1 13 1 30 0 37 15 10 24 12 52 18 78 4 22 11 44 7 66-10 17-32 14-49 16-128-1-255-1-383 0-16-1-38-1-46-18z m-48 125c10 2 20 3 30 3 175 0 349-1 524 0 29 0 64-2 82-29 22-34 11-78 4-115-31-149-58-299-89-448-6-24-12-50-30-68-13-13-32-18-51-19-54-3-108 2-162-1-14 1-24-10-32-19-75-89-153-175-228-264-10-11-21-24-34-31-23-12-55-6-70 15-10 13-11 30-11 46 0 257 0 514 0 771 0 31-3 64 3 95 5 32 32 59 64 64z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-foxconn" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8d9;" d="M0 356v-64h46l-1 43h72v23h-74v21h80v30h-83c-41-5-40-53-40-53z m276 16c-2 28-37 36-37 36h-67c-31-3-39-32-39-32v-47c4-31 33-37 33-37h78c30 10 32 33 32 33v47z m-41-50h-61l1 56h60v-56z m426 86h-67c-31-3-39-32-39-32v-47c4-31 34-37 34-37h77c30 10 33 33 33 33v47c-3 28-38 36-38 36z m-4-86h-61l1 56h60v-56z m-232 86h-50l-24-24-25 25h-52l47-59-47-58 53 0 23 24 25-25 52 3-47 57 45 57z m0-36c-1-7-3-26 2-48l0-1c6-21 39-31 39-31h80v31h-80v52h81v34h-80c-36-4-42-37-42-37z m390 37h-106v-118h43v85h55l1-84 43 1v79c-3 28-36 37-36 37z m149 0h-106v-118h43v85h55l1-84 43 1v79c-2 28-36 37-36 37z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-fujitsu" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8da;" d="M531 529c0 33-27 62-62 62-20 0-38-12-49-27v-33c15 44 49 41 49 41 25 0 44-20 44-43 0-26-19-46-44-46-12 0-23 6-31 14l-21 24c-9 9-22 15-36 15-28 0-50-23-50-51 0-27 23-50 50-50 16 0 30 7 39 19v25c-15-30-39-25-39-25-18 0-32 14-32 31 0 18 14 32 32 32 9 0 17-3 23-10l21-24c12-10 27-17 44-17 35 0 62 27 62 63z m-28-109h-73c10 0 18-11 18-21v-181c0-10-8-21-18-21h73c-10 0-17 11-17 21v181c0 10 7 21 17 21z m-136-21v-226s-1-41-33-64c0 0 71 10 71 77l0 213c0 10 7 21 17 21h-73c10 0 18-11 18-21z m-99 21c10 0 18-11 18-21v-141c0-24-19-44-42-44-23 0-42 20-42 42v143c0 10 7 21 17 21h-73c10 0 18-11 18-21v-139c0-43 36-69 80-69 44 0 80 26 80 69v139c0 10 7 21 17 21h-73z m-250-21v-181c0-10-8-21-18-21h73c-10 0-17 11-17 21v88h51c9 0 19-8 19-17l0 39h-70v69h68c10 0 19-8 19-18v41h-143c10 0 18-11 18-21z m751-86l-45 24c-22 11-19 29-19 29s-2 36 43 36c0 0 28 1 40-19v34c-6 6-42 7-42 7-80 0-79-62-79-62s-5-34 41-59l45-26c20-11 17-25 17-25s0-37-51-38c0 0-41 3-54 24l13-42c15-6 41-5 41-5 90 0 88 64 88 64s5 34-38 58z m158 107c10 0 17-11 17-21v-141c0-24-18-44-41-44s-43 20-43 42v143c0 10 8 21 18 21h-73c10 0 17-11 17-21l0-139c0-43 36-69 81-69 44 0 79 26 79 69v139c0 10 8 21 18 21h-73z m-139-37z m-272 37l-12-41c10 18 25 18 25 18h39v-179c0-10-8-21-18-21h74c-10 0-18 11-18 21v179h32c10 0 18-8 18-18l12 41h-152z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-general-electric" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8db;" d="M1000 350c0 276-224 500-500 500s-500-224-500-500c0-277 224-500 500-500s500 223 500 500z m-24 0c0-263-213-476-476-476s-476 213-476 476 213 477 476 477 476-215 476-477z m-30 0c0 158-81 322-254 374-36 11-66 18-101 18-80 0-83-45-120-45-21 0-35 15-35 33 0 31 38 56 97 56 56 0 99-14 107-18l1 4c-15 6-68 24-141 24-159 0-321-82-374-253-11-36-18-67-18-101 0-81 46-85 46-122 0-20-15-34-33-34-32 0-57 37-57 97 0 56 14 99 16 107l-4 1c-4-16-22-68-22-141 0-161 82-323 254-376 36-11 66-17 101-17 80 0 83 47 120 47 20 0 35-16 35-35 0-30-36-55-97-55-55 0-100 13-107 16l-1-4c15-7 68-22 141-22 160 0 323 80 374 254 11 34 18 66 18 99 0 82-46 85-46 122 0 21 14 35 34 35 32 0 57-38 57-99 0-54-14-97-17-106l4-2c5 17 22 68 22 143z m-168-133c0-62-54-127-133-127-95 0-144 80-144 152 0 101 70 144 99 159-6 5-10 10-14 17-34-23-64-44-128-80-2-45-6-93-18-127-23-70-72-121-136-121-53 0-80 38-80 80 0 30 18 69 50 98 40 36 85 58 146 91 1 8 2 16 4 26-15-14-38-20-56-20-29 0-52 25-58 52-39 3-68 30-69 74 0 32 12 60 33 60 9 0 11-7 11-13 0-5-7-23-7-41 0-18 9-42 31-42 0 72 53 165 115 165 41 0 47-30 47-44 0-65-65-137-118-155 1-6 7-21 24-21 21 0 45 20 58 35 5 29 26 70 54 70 11 0 16-8 16-18 0-21-22-47-38-65-3-14-4-29-4-41 48 29 73 44 109 70-3 10-3 21-3 32 0 65 43 137 100 137 32 0 48-22 48-47 0-47-40-88-97-131 5-11 11-21 22-27 2 3 20 6 35 6 17 0 40-4 40-21 0-19-26-24-47-24-11-1-29 3-29 3-30-8-89-43-89-131 0-60 38-115 96-115 44 0 80 33 82 84 0 33-14 68-47 68-17 0-32-12-32-30-1-28 19-31 19-49 0-12-9-18-19-18-28 0-49 28-49 62 0 42 36 76 83 76 61 1 93-52 93-109z m-102 349c0 7-1 16-10 16-21 0-54-45-54-102 42 36 64 67 64 86z m-245 6c0 7-4 10-10 10-29 0-70-77-70-122 45 25 80 81 80 112z m-17-259c-62-31-141-85-141-144 0-22 11-36 32-36 60 0 98 97 109 180z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-gillette" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8dc;" d="M110 363l-12-51h41c-4-26-70-38-60 27 7 46 64 70 77 35l70 18c-10 44-49 65-92 65-58 0-124-41-133-122-8-68 43-105 102-104 42 1 76 16 92 28l24 104h-109z m128 23l-35-150h73l35 150h-73z m107 86l-56-236h73l56 236h-73z m-18-22h-74l-12-55 78 20 8 35z m600-54c-30 0-55-13-72-34 2 11 5 23 5 23h-30l15 65h-73l-15-65h-17l16 65h-73l-16-65-23 0-11-39c-8 34-41 50-71 50-44 0-77-28-91-67l34 143h-74l-55-236h73l16 67c-3-27 7-75 73-75 33 0 76 21 86 51l-58 10c-6-8-16-13-25-13-16 0-20 13-17 25l106 0c1 4 4 8 5 21 0 4 0 8-1 11h21l-23-98h73l23 98h16l-23-98h74l23 98h20l0 0c-4-9-6-18-8-28-3-26 5-78 73-78 33 0 76 22 86 52l-57 10c-7-8-16-13-26-13-15 0-20 13-17 25h107c1 4 3 8 4 21 3 51-36 74-73 74z m-354-65l-41 1c6 21 44 25 41-1z m365 0l-41 0c7 21 44 26 41 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-gizmodo" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8dd;" d="M178 422c-4 0-8-2-10-4-3-3-4-8-4-13v-110c0-5 1-9 4-12 2-3 6-5 10-5 4 0 8 2 10 5 3 2 4 7 4 13v109c0 5-1 10-4 13s-6 4-10 4z m750 0c-39 0-71-32-71-72s32-72 71-72c40 0 72 33 72 72s-32 72-72 72z m0-115c-23 0-42 20-42 43 0 24 19 43 42 43s43-19 43-43c0-24-19-43-43-43z m-322 115c-39 0-71-32-71-72s32-72 71-72c40 0 72 33 72 72s-32 72-72 72z m0-115c-23 0-42 20-42 43 0 24 19 43 42 43 24 0 43-19 43-43s-19-43-43-43z m158 115l-2 0-36 0c-6 0-11-2-13-4-3-3-4-8-4-14v-108c0-6 1-11 4-13 2-3 7-5 13-5l36 0c1 0 1 0 2 0 23 1 43 12 56 30 9 12 14 26 14 42v0c0 16-5 31-14 42-13 18-33 29-56 30z m41-72c0-9-3-17-8-24-7-10-17-17-30-18-3-1-7-1-11-1h-19v86h19c4 0 8-1 11-1 12-1 23-8 30-18 5-7 8-15 8-24z m-311 71c-5 2-11 0-14-5l-43-66-43 66c-3 5-9 7-14 5-5-1-9-6-9-12v-117c0-7 6-13 12-13 7 0 13 6 13 13v75l30-47 1 0v0l0 0c0 0 0-1 0-1l1 0 0-1 1 0 0 0 1-1 0 0c0 0 1-1 1-1l0 0c0 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 2-1 4-1 0 0 0 0 0 0h1c0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0l0 0c0 0 0 1 1 1l0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0c0 1 0 1 0 1l0 0c1 1 1 1 1 1l0 0v0l0 1 31 46v-75c0-7 5-13 12-13 7 0 13 6 13 13v117c0 6-4 11-9 12z m-165-113h-66l74 86c4 5 5 15 1 19-5 5-10 6-15 6h-84c-7 0-13-5-13-12 0-7 6-13 13-13h62l-76-89c-4-5-4-11-2-16 2-5 8-8 13-8h93c7 0 12 6 12 14 0 7-5 13-12 13z m-212 54h-34c-8 0-14-7-14-14s6-14 14-14h20v-20c-6-4-16-8-31-8-27 0-41 23-41 43 0 34 24 46 41 46 19 0 33-10 34-10 6-4 14-2 18 4 4 6 3 15-3 19-1 0-21 14-49 14-28 0-72-20-72-73 0-17 7-35 19-48 13-15 32-23 52-23 26 0 46 11 55 20 3 2 4 6 4 9v41c0 7-6 14-13 14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-gnome" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8de;" d="M589 59c9-71-52-106-112-60-190 145 316 217 283 416-28 165-533 114-591-144-39-174 160-416 368-416 103 0 221 92 243 210 17 89-199 53-191-6z m229 786c-206 0-245-293-129-293 115 0 335 293 129 293z m-342-257c61-4 129 236 13 221-116-15-75-217-13-221z m-283-148c44 19 5 208-69 156-75-51 25-176 69-156z m123 98c53 11 56 225-37 187-94-39-15-197 37-187z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-google" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8df;" d="M341 423c-45 0-82-34-82-81 0-47 37-82 82-82 45 0 82 35 82 82 0 47-37 81-82 81z m0-131c-25 0-46 21-46 50 0 29 21 49 46 49s46-20 46-49c0-29-22-50-46-50z m-213 106v-35h83c-2-19-9-33-19-43-12-12-31-25-64-25-50 0-90 41-90 92s40 92 90 92c28 0 48-11 63-25l24 24c-21 20-48 35-87 35-69 0-128-57-128-126s59-127 128-127c38 0 66 12 89 36 23 22 30 54 30 80 0 9-1 16-2 22h-117z m669 107h35v-240h-35z m134-213c-19 0-32 8-40 25l109 45-4 9c-6 18-27 52-69 52-42 0-77-33-77-81 0-46 34-82 81-82 37 0 59 23 68 36l-28 19c-10-14-22-23-40-23z m-3 100c14 0 26-8 30-18l-73-30c-1 31 25 48 43 48z m-190 13h-1c-8 9-24 18-43 18-41 0-78-36-78-82 0-45 37-81 78-81 19 0 35 9 43 19h1v-12c0-31-17-48-43-48-22 0-36 16-42 29l-31-13c9-22 33-48 73-48 41 0 77 25 77 85v146h-34v-13z m-41-113c-25 0-45 21-45 49 0 29 20 50 45 50 24 0 43-21 43-50 0-28-19-49-43-49z m-178 131c-45 0-82-34-82-81 0-47 37-82 82-82 45 0 82 35 82 82 0 47-37 81-82 81z m0-131c-25 0-46 21-46 50 0 29 21 49 46 49s46-20 46-49c0-29-21-50-46-50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-gopro" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e0;" d="M202 352c-5 0-8 0-11-1h-53c-6 0-11-5-11-11s5-11 11-11h44v-15c0-4-5-7-14-10-8-2-15-3-22-3h-72c-28 0-42 5-42 14v69c0 10 17 15 51 15 1 0 2 0 4-1 1 0 3 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0h9c7 0 11 4 11 11s-4 10-11 10h-29c-17 0-33-2-47-7-18-6-27-15-27-27v-70c0-13 9-23 27-28 12-5 28-7 47-7h72c17 0 32 2 44 7 16 6 24 16 24 28v28c0 6-4 9-12 9z m162 38h-50c-18 0-33-2-45-7-17-7-25-16-25-28v-40c0-13 8-22 25-28 13-4 28-7 45-7h50c18 0 32 3 43 7 15 6 23 15 23 28v40c0 23-22 35-66 35z m36-75c0-5-5-9-15-12-7-1-14-2-22-2h-49c-9 0-17 0-24 2-11 2-16 6-16 12v40c0 5 5 9 15 12 8 2 16 3 25 3h49c25 0 37-5 37-13v-42z m382 75c-22 0-39-1-50-5-18-5-27-14-27-29v-66c0-7 3-10 10-10s12 1 13 1c5 1 7 4 7 9v66c0 9 11 14 34 14h6c2 0 4 0 5 0 9 0 13 3 13 9 0 7-3 11-11 11z m152 0h-51c-17 0-32-2-44-7-17-7-25-16-25-28v-40c0-13 8-22 25-28 13-4 28-7 45-7h50c18 0 32 3 43 7 15 6 23 15 23 28v40c0 23-22 35-66 35z m36-75c0-5-5-9-15-12-7-1-14-2-22-2h-49c-9 0-17 0-24 2-11 2-16 6-16 12v40c0 5 5 9 15 12 8 2 16 3 25 3h49c25 0 37-5 37-13v-42z m-292 74c0 11-9 20-28 25-12 4-28 6-45 6h-132c-8 0-12-3-12-9v-121c0-6 4-9 12-9 7 0 12 0 13 1 5 1 7 4 7 8v41h110c19 0 35 2 49 6 17 7 26 17 26 30v22z m-32-21c0-11-14-17-41-17h-112v49h112c27 0 41-5 41-13v-19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-gucci" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e1;" d="M653 9c-48-2-94 9-139 27-10 3-24 1-34-3-129-50-284-26-383 81-93 99-120 217-77 345 43 128 137 204 270 228 67 12 132 5 194-23 15-6 27-1 41 4 131 46 253 29 360-64 171-148 148-422-45-543-57-35-118-54-187-52z m-80 80c114-37 244 9 311 110 68 101 61 234-17 326-79 93-203 117-292 85 50-47 88-101 106-169-20 0-37 1-54 0-13-1-19 3-24 15-20 44-49 82-88 112-11 8-18 9-28 0-40-31-69-69-90-114-3-6-10-13-16-13-19-2-39-1-60-1 17 70 56 124 107 171-108 39-243-9-311-109-68-102-59-239 20-330 77-89 206-116 287-82-80 93-116 166-112 231h161v-67h-75c7-39 66-117 98-128 4-2 12 1 17 5 38 29 68 65 88 109 2 4 2 9 4 16h-77v64h165c-11-92-50-168-120-231z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-hallmark" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e2;" d="M908 439c-156-315-183-83-161-4 14 46-12 57-28 7-19-47-58-140-104-134-76 11-101 151-104 306 0 35-30 33-30 0-3-60-15-289-104-304-63-11-97 103-102 130-14 49-42 40-29-9 8-46 17-138-19-154-56-24-131 128-148 163-16 36-39 23-25-12l139-335c150 67 439 77 587 2l154 332c14 30-7 44-26 12z m-416-337c-161 0-292-35-292-78 0-44 131-79 292-79s292 35 292 79c0 43-131 78-292 78z m0-121c-134 0-242 19-242 43 0 24 108 43 242 43s242-19 242-43c0-24-109-43-242-43z m42 735c0-21-17-38-38-38s-37 17-37 38 16 38 37 38 38-17 38-38z m263-171c0-21-16-37-37-37s-38 16-38 37 17 38 38 38 37-17 37-38z m203-14c0-21-17-38-38-38s-38 17-38 38 17 38 38 38 38-17 38-38z m-722 14c0-21-17-37-38-37s-37 16-37 37 16 38 37 38 38-17 38-38z m-202-14c0-21-17-38-38-38s-38 17-38 38c0 21 17 38 38 38s38-17 38-38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-hi5" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e3;" d="M965 410l9 176h-336l-50-273 1 0c-4-8-7-18-9-27v-44h33v-64c34-37 92-64 172-64 127 0 215 80 215 194 0 36-12 73-35 102z m-176-252c-103 0-165 52-165 104 0 35 24 67 66 67 30 0 45-20 45-43 0-12-5-17-5-27 0-14 6-23 29-23 33 0 49 34 49 68 0 31-12 53-38 53-19 0-28-7-32-19l-96 12 36 192h254l-5-96h-169l-9-51c11 17 45 31 90 31 80 0 121-61 121-118 0-83-60-150-171-150z m-166 128v273h-184v-84h-62v-163h34v-26h-34v-163h279v163h-33z m-141 230h98v-65h-98v65z m131-349h-192v75h33v114h-33v75h159v-189h33v-75z m-192 0v75h33v44h-34v64c0 74-51 130-120 130-20 0-38-4-54-10v116h-246v-163h33v-137h-33v-162h454v43l-33 0z m-11 0h-173v75h14v74c0 23-1 44-14 44-13 0-26-16-35-50v-68h15v-75h-173v75h32v225h-32v75h158v-168c17 32 52 63 98 63 44 0 77-38 77-87v-108h33v-75z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-honda" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e4;" d="M506-57c-71 2-135 4-199 7-47 2-94 8-140 21-62 17-103 56-123 118-12 37-19 74-25 112-14 97-21 195-18 293 0 37 1 73 10 109 17 67 60 107 125 126 35 10 71 15 107 18 106 10 212 12 319 10 75-1 150-4 225-13 31-4 62-9 91-20 63-22 100-66 113-131 8-40 8-80 9-121 1-87-5-173-17-259-6-42-14-83-26-122-22-67-67-108-134-123-35-7-71-14-107-16-72-5-145-7-210-9z m0 34c61 2 128 4 195 9 33 2 66 7 98 14 52 12 89 43 107 94 8 26 16 53 21 80 16 91 23 183 22 276 0 46-1 92-10 137-11 56-44 93-99 110-20 6-41 10-61 13-75 11-150 14-225 15-97 2-194 0-291-10-31-3-61-8-92-15-61-15-100-53-110-116-6-36-8-73-10-109-3-84 3-167 14-249 5-40 12-80 24-119 19-59 58-96 119-108 37-7 75-13 113-15 59-4 119-5 185-7z m-260 33c-15 226-31 449-46 674 17 1 32 3 48 4 22 1 22 1 27-21 22-97 45-195 69-292 5-21 13-42 22-61 17-37 47-57 86-60 31-2 62-2 93 0 46 3 79 28 94 71 13 38 24 77 34 116 19 80 37 160 55 241 1 5 3 7 9 7 18-2 36-3 54-4 3-1 5-1 9-2-15-224-30-447-46-671-9-1-16-3-23-3l-71-4c-5 0-8 1-9 7-10 37-21 74-31 110-3 10-7 19-11 28-11 24-29 37-56 41-37 5-74 5-110-1-24-4-42-16-50-38-11-30-21-61-31-91-5-17-8-34-13-50-1-3-4-6-6-6-31 2-63 3-97 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-hp" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e5;" d="M500 850h-2c-35-101-72-201-108-302 26-1 52 0 78-1 19-1 39-8 49-25 12-19 12-43 4-63-35-99-71-198-106-297-31 0-62 0-93 0-4 0-9 0-13 1 40 109 78 218 117 327l-56 0c-3-6-4-12-7-18-35-101-71-201-107-302-2-2-1-8-5-8-30 0-60 0-89 0-5 0-11-1-16 1l241 674c-222-51-387-250-387-487 0-233 159-429 375-484 80 225 161 451 241 677 1 1 2 5 3 6 50 0 100 0 149 0 17 0 33 2 49-3 18-5 35-18 41-37 4-14 1-30-4-44-32-93-65-185-98-277-8-24-33-39-57-40l-116 0c-36-99-71-198-106-297 7-1 15-1 23-1 276 0 500 224 500 500 0 276-224 500-500 500z m158-645c33 96 68 191 102 286-15 0-29 0-43 0-4 0-10 2-13-2-34-95-68-190-102-284 19 0 38-1 56 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-hsbc" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e6;" d="M250 600l-250-250 250-250v500z m0 0l250-250-250-250h500l-250 250 250 250h-500v0z m500 0v-500l250 250-250 250z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-htc" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e7;" d="M658 394c-1-42-2-75-3-109-2-29-4-59-6-88-1-23-3-46-5-68-2-25-5-49-7-74-2-18-4-36-7-55-3-25-11-50-28-70-11-13-25-21-40-27-26-10-52-15-80-15-39 0-77-2-115-1-27 0-54 4-80 12-28 9-48 25-61 52-11 24-19 50-24 76-5 31-8 62-7 94 0 2 1 4 3 6 45 51 91 101 137 152 9 11 19 21 26 33 14 23 14 45 3 69-6 12-15 21-24 31-35 40-70 80-105 121-14 16-28 32-42 48-2 3-3 6-3 9 0 13-1 26 0 40 1 18 2 35 5 53 2 20 7 40 15 60 10 25 28 42 53 52 15 6 30 9 45 10 13 1 27 3 40 4 19 2 38 3 57 4 31 1 61-2 92-5 10-1 19-1 29-2 23-2 45-7 65-21 15-10 24-25 32-41 11-24 18-49 20-75 3-26 6-53 8-79 1-26 3-51 4-77 2-42 3-85 3-119z m81-46c1 61 7 113 22 163 2 7 4 15 7 21 9 22 27 30 49 25 11-3 19-8 27-16 23-22 46-43 68-65 26-26 50-52 71-82 6-9 11-18 15-27 5-14 0-27-4-40-6-16-16-29-27-41-26-28-51-57-78-84-21-22-43-42-67-59-1 0-1-1-2-1-14-11-25-10-39 2-12 10-18 23-22 38-8 36-15 73-17 110-2 22-2 43-3 56z m-739 0c1 61 7 113 22 163 2 7 4 15 7 21 9 22 27 30 49 25 11-3 20-8 28-16 22-22 45-43 67-65 26-26 50-52 71-82 6-9 11-18 15-27 5-14 1-27-4-40-6-16-15-29-27-41-26-28-51-57-78-84-21-22-43-42-67-59-1 0-1-1-2-1-14-11-25-10-39 2-12 10-18 23-21 38-9 36-16 73-18 110-2 22-2 43-3 56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-huawei" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e8;" d="M569 145s-2-2 0-4c0 0 2-1 4 0 44 21 225 114 301 187 0 0 47 38 50 100 4 85-80 164-80 164s-159-191-276-447h1z m-451-28c29-13 58-14 58-14 5-1 181 0 228 0 2 0 3 3 3 3 2 2-1 4-1 4-133 90-392 229-392 229-24-73 8-132 8-132 33-69 96-90 96-90z m8 211c76-73 258-167 301-188 0 0 3 0 4 1 0 0 2 1 1 4-116 254-275 447-275 447s-87-83-81-165c4-62 50-99 50-99z m400-159c0-3 3-3 3-3 2-1 4 2 4 2 29 42 160 237 187 356 0 0 15 58 0 97 0 0-19 73-100 93 0 0-23 6-48 9 0 0-90-116-47-554h1z m-60-1s2-3 4-2c0 0 3 0 3 3h1c43 438-47 554-47 554-24-3-48-9-48-9-81-20-99-93-99-93-15-39 0-97 0-97 26-119 157-314 186-356z m-67-87l-304-10c33-59 88-105 146-91 40 10 131 73 160 95 3 2 2 4 2 4-1 2-4 2-4 2z m590 160c3 9 4 18 5 27 0 9 2 19 0 29 0 6-1 13-2 20-2 7-3 17-7 22h0c-19-10-38-20-56-31-24-13-48-26-71-39-40-22-80-45-119-69-15-7-29-17-43-25-8-6-35-22-41-25-10-8-22-13-31-20-11-5-20-14-30-19-5-6 2-8 7-7h236c40 6 78 23 106 53 11 11 21 25 29 39 8 14 14 29 17 45z m-84-171l-305 11s-2 0-3-2c0 0 0-4 1-4 29-22 118-83 160-95 0 0 79-27 147 90z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-hulu" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8e9;" d="M473 279c-1-6-3-11-6-15-5-4-10-6-16-6h-46c-6 0-11 2-15 6-4 4-6 9-6 15v133h-79v-140c0-18 3-34 11-47 7-13 18-23 31-30 14-6 29-10 48-10h78v1c16 0 31 4 42 11 12 7 21 17 28 30 6 13 9 29 9 45v140h-79v-133z m-270 125c-14 6-29 9-46 8h-51l-20-2c-4-2-7-3-7-3v108h-79v-330h79v134c1 5 3 11 7 14 4 4 9 6 15 6h46c6 0 11-2 15-6 4-3 6-9 7-14v-134h79v144c0 20-4 36-12 48-9 12-19 21-33 27z m410 111h79v-330h-79z m387-103h-80v-133c0-6-2-11-6-15-3-4-8-6-14-6h-47c-6 0-11 2-15 6-4 4-6 9-6 15v133h-80v-140c1-18 4-34 12-47 8-13 18-23 31-30 14-6 30-10 48-10h77v1c17 0 31 4 44 11 11 7 20 17 26 30 7 13 10 29 10 45l0 140z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-hyundai" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8ea;" d="M558 604c99-6 194-24 285-66 39-18 76-41 107-73 23-24 40-51 47-84 8-36 0-70-19-102-19-32-47-57-78-78-53-36-112-59-174-76-41-11-82-18-125-23-46-5-92-7-139-5-93 3-183 17-270 51-42 17-82 38-117 66-29 24-54 51-66 87-17 45-9 88 17 128 23 34 54 60 89 81 53 33 111 54 171 69 40 10 80 17 121 21 18 2 36 4 53 4 2 0 95 0 98 0z m-161-165c-1-33 11-49 35-55 9-2 18-3 28-2 20 1 41 4 61 10 85 25 164 63 240 109 3 2 7 5 9 8 5 6 4 11-1 15-3 3-7 4-11 6-18 8-37 12-56 17-64 16-130 24-196 22-27-2-50-11-69-32-26-30-37-66-40-98z m79-305c11-1 21 0 32 1 14 1 27 5 39 14 16 14 29 30 40 49 12 23 21 47 19 74-1 9-4 18-10 25-11 13-25 17-41 18-22 2-44-2-65-6-96-20-182-59-258-120-6-5-6-10 1-14 7-4 16-7 24-9 38-11 77-18 116-24 34-4 69-8 103-8z m-434 216c0-14 3-27 9-41 11-25 28-46 47-64 9-9 19-17 32-22 10-3 17-2 23 8 5 7 8 14 11 22 30 82 74 155 126 225 14 19 30 36 43 57 5 7 3 11-6 11-10 1-21 0-31-3-46-13-91-28-134-51-33-17-64-38-89-67-18-21-31-46-31-75z m914 1c0 4 1 8 0 12-9 52-38 90-85 113-10 5-16 3-21-8-4-7-8-14-11-21-22-47-44-93-70-137-21-37-42-73-67-107l-28-37c-2-3-3-6-1-10 2-2 6-1 9-1 55 10 108 27 158 53 33 18 63 38 87 67 18 22 30 47 29 76z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-icofont" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8ec;" d="M863 289c-74 326-364 253-364 253-3-1-6-2-9-3-133-40-265-81-398-120-31-9-40-31-25-56 25-39 55-74 83-110 13-16 29-30 36-48 35-91 117-146 209-134 40 6 80 17 126 27-12-61-24-116-35-170-14-65-4-78 57-78 219-1 375 214 320 439z m-441-145c-60-15-137 7-165 70 44 14 86 27 129 39 62 18 124 39 187 48 70 11 138-36 155-88-42-6-87-9-130-19-67-16-109-34-176-50z m320-134c-47-63-112-96-196-93 14 65 21 129 43 186 9 22 53 39 81 39 26 0 63-20 75-42 12-23 12-70-3-90z m47 230c-56 102-166 150-274 119-75-21-148-45-223-67-66-19-125 9-154 74 121 37 237 78 356 108 157 39 303-85 318-270-10 16-17 26-23 36z m2 610c-82 0-149-67-149-149 0-82 66-149 149-149s149 67 149 149c0 82-67 149-149 149z m0-246c-54 0-97 44-97 97 0 53 43 97 97 97s97-44 97-97c0-54-44-97-97-97z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-icq" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8ed;" d="M788 631c73 2 132-21 165-90 24-51 8-101-46-167 86-53 93-151 60-221-19-40-48-70-90-86-42-17-84-13-125 4 8-135-133-204-225-115-17-46-48-79-94-96-43-15-85-13-127 4-45 17-79 48-97 93-18 46-13 90 8 135-63-2-114 17-140 77-22 52-9 99 29 140-2 1-3 3-5 3-88 36-110 139-60 214 41 61 121 92 196 77 3-1 6-1 11-2-4 6-6 11-9 16-23 45-27 90-4 137 25 52 76 72 128 67 41-4 76-21 105-51 1-1 2-2 4-4 56 94 159 97 224 67 80-36 110-101 92-202z m-220-169c47 55 94 110 140 166 10 12 16 30 19 46 6 44-18 79-62 98-75 32-151-17-142-99 6-56 9-112 12-169 1-16 3-30 21-35 3-1 6-3 12-7z m39-189c52-43 104-87 157-130 18-15 40-21 64-18 44 5 74 34 86 81 17 72-30 126-104 117-22-2-44-4-66-6-38-3-76-6-114-10-4-1-9-3-11-7-5-7-7-16-12-27z m-191-52c-10-11-19-20-27-29-34-39-68-76-101-115-18-23-26-49-20-79 10-58 79-90 131-77 48 12 74 53 68 106-6 55-11 109-17 164-1 12-3 20-17 22-6 1-11 5-17 8z m-52 205c-27 27-54 55-82 81-18 18-41 27-66 30-46 8-99-16-121-53-27-47-8-99 41-112 15-4 32-4 47-3 47 6 94 13 140 19 17 2 30 6 34 24 1 4 4 7 7 14z m259-44c1-1 2-1 2-1 62 7 123 13 184 22 39 6 68 28 81 66 7 18 7 37-3 54-22 34-88 59-130 22-48-42-94-86-140-129-3-2-4-7-4-10 3-8 7-16 10-24z m-165 105c0 3 0 4 0 6-5 56-10 112-15 168-6 49-30 79-71 90-39 10-71-5-81-39-8-27-1-52 16-75 10-14 22-27 32-41 30-39 59-78 89-118 9 3 19 6 30 9z m164-503c20 0 35 9 47 26 21 30 20 68-7 98-32 38-67 74-102 110-1 2-4 4-6 4-16-2-22-12-21-27 4-34 8-69 12-103 3-26 7-52 22-75 13-19 30-33 55-33z m-138 280c45 0 82 37 83 82 0 45-38 83-84 83-45 0-82-37-82-82-1-46 37-83 83-83z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-intel" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8f1;" d="M830 198c0 0-1 0-1 0-30-18-62-33-95-45-47-18-95-32-144-43-42-10-85-17-128-20-22-2-44-3-66-4-23 0-47 0-71 2-24 1-47 3-70 7-26 4-51 10-76 19-30 11-57 25-81 46-20 18-36 39-46 64-11 28-14 56-12 85 2 24 8 47 16 69 12 31 29 59 52 84 0 1 1 2 1 3v26c-1-1-1-1-2-2-13-12-26-24-37-38-22-25-39-52-52-82-10-25-16-50-18-77-1-17 0-34 3-52 3-20 8-40 17-59 16-35 40-63 71-86 28-20 59-35 92-46 41-14 84-22 128-26 22-2 43-3 65-4 26 0 51 1 77 2 18 2 35 3 53 5 22 3 44 6 65 10 45 9 89 19 132 33 43 14 85 31 125 52 2 1 2 2 2 4l0 71c1 1 1 1 0 2z m169 270c0 8-2 17-3 25-5 22-13 43-26 62-8 13-18 25-30 36-6 6-13 12-21 18-12 9-25 17-38 24-15 7-30 14-46 19-21 8-43 13-65 18-13 2-26 4-40 6-10 1-21 2-31 3-9 1-19 1-28 1-27 1-54 1-80-1-20-2-39-4-58-7-24-3-48-7-72-13-59-13-115-32-170-58-24-11-48-24-71-38-1 0-2 0-2-2v-18c1 0 2 1 3 1 13 7 26 13 39 19 57 25 116 45 177 59 37 9 74 15 112 19 22 3 43 4 65 5 31 1 61 0 91-3 21-3 41-6 62-10 31-8 62-18 90-34 22-13 42-29 58-49 28-37 39-78 32-123-4-26-14-49-29-70-17-26-40-46-66-62-2-1-2-2-2-4 0-17 0-33 0-50v-3c3 2 6 3 9 4 39 17 71 43 96 76 33 44 49 94 44 150z m-267-114c-1 16-4 31-12 45-9 19-23 33-43 40-17 7-35 7-52 4-30-7-51-24-63-51-8-16-10-33-11-51 0-16 2-32 7-47 8-22 22-40 43-50 23-11 48-12 73-7 20 3 37 14 52 28 1 2 1 2 0 3-10 9-19 18-28 27-2 2-3 2-5 0-15-16-34-20-55-16-21 3-35 20-35 42-1 2 0 3 2 3 21-1 42 0 63 0h63c1 0 2 0 2 2 0 9 0 18-1 28z m-53 4c-12 1-24 1-37 1s-24 0-37-1c-2 0-3 1-2 3 1 11 4 22 12 30 11 11 32 15 46 7 10-5 15-13 18-23 2-5 2-9 3-14 0-2-1-3-3-3z m-433-121c16 0 31 0 46 0 2 0 3 1 3 3l0 157c0 2 0 3 2 3 13 0 26 0 39 0 3 0 5-1 8-1 8-1 12-6 14-14 1-2 1-5 1-7v-138c0-2 0-3 3-3 15 0 30 0 45 0 3 0 3 1 3 3 0 47 0 93 0 140 0 5 0 11-1 16-3 14-9 25-21 34-10 8-23 11-35 11-36 0-71 0-106 0-3 0-3 0-3-3v-99c0-33 0-66-1-99 0-2 1-3 3-3z m250 260c-15 0-30 0-45 0-2 0-3 0-3-3 0-34 0-67 0-101 0-33 0-66 0-99 0-12 4-23 11-33 11-16 27-23 46-23 10-1 21 0 31 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 13 0 25 0 38 0 2 0 3-2 3-7 0-14 0-21 0-8 0-13 4-15 12 0 2-1 4-1 6 0 33 0 65 0 98 0 2 1 2 3 2l34 0c2 0 2 1 2 3 0 12 0 24 0 37 0 2 0 2-2 2l-34 0c-2 0-3 0-3 3l0 50c1 3 0 3-3 3z m287-247c9-6 19-9 30-10 2-1 2 1 2 3v280c0 3 0 3-3 3h-46c-3 0-3 0-3-3v-227c0-5 0-9 1-14 2-13 8-24 19-32z m-588 191c-15 0-31 0-46 0-3 0-3 0-3-3v-147c0-4 0-8 0-12 3-16 10-28 24-36 8-4 16-6 25-7 2-1 3 0 3 2 0 33 0 67 0 100v100c0 3-1 3-3 3z m-47 29c8 0 16 0 24 0h24c1 0 2 0 2 2 0 15 0 30 0 45 0 2-1 2-3 2-15 0-31 0-47 0-2 0-2-1-2-2 0-15 0-30 0-45 0-2 0-2 2-2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-ipair" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8f2;" d="M500 761c-276 0-500-168-500-375 0-112 65-212 168-281-10-52-27-115-61-166 44 0 155 51 234 91 50-13 103-20 159-20 276 0 500 168 500 376 0 207-224 375-500 375z m239-381c-1-7-4-14-9-23-9-17-22-32-36-44-70-74-194-156-194-156s-124 82-194 156c-15 12-27 27-36 44-5 9-8 16-10 23-5 15-8 31-8 48 0 83 68 151 151 151 55 0 97-61 97-101 0 40 20 101 97 101 83 0 150-68 150-151 0-17-3-33-8-48z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-java" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8f4;" d="M486 325c-46 38-91 78-113 136-19 52 10 88 45 120 31 28 65 54 98 81 59 48 104 104 90 188 29-36 27-75 12-115-20-52-57-91-99-126-29-24-60-48-81-81-24-38-21-75-4-115 14-31 42-54 52-88z m-240-327c-14-9-30-11-43-22-13-10-12-16 2-22 36-16 73-19 111-22 130-11 259-8 388 9 28 3 55 11 82 18 15 5 30 12 30 33 16-14 15-23-2-34-25-16-54-25-83-31-189-41-378-36-566-3-15 3-33 4-36 20-5 18 14 25 26 32 28 16 58 28 91 22z m299 285c28 35 27 65 1 96-15 18-28 36-36 57-18 49-4 95 42 134 28 24 61 40 94 55 8 4 15 1 28 1-33-25-63-46-88-73-30-32-34-66-10-103 7-9 14-19 20-28 29-42 26-76-10-112-11-10-20-23-41-27z m111-253c-89-37-180-43-273-24-13 3-26 9-38 15-12 5-27 11-26 26 1 18 19 20 31 27 3 2 9 4 9-2-1-23 18-19 29-20 57-9 114-10 171-1 50 8 50 7 97-21z m36 228c-26-20-57-25-87-29-116-15-232-19-349-2-13 2-27 5-39 13-10 6-11 15 0 21 46 27 97 39 150 42-21-12-47-12-67-26-7-5-18-7-17-17 2-9 13-9 21-11 47-9 94-7 141-6 70 1 140 6 210 16 12 1 24 3 37-1z m-356-73c-8-23-4-29 24-32 83-11 167-9 249 7 27 5 43-7 64-22-22-9-43-12-64-15-88-16-176-22-264-3-15 3-29 6-42 14-19 13-19 21-2 36 10 8 21 16 35 15l0 0z m-36-319c191-3 381-11 564 65-2-16-13-22-24-29-45-24-95-34-146-40-120-15-240-17-360-1-11 1-23 3-34 5z m442 433c30 26 84 20 113-11 24-26 23-73-6-101-30-29-65-52-107-60-7-2-13-4-19-6 13 9 25 20 40 28 15 9 27 19 39 33 22 27 40 54 21 88-17 30-47 37-81 29z m-406-114l0 1 0-1 0 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-joomla" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8f5;" d="M324 447l209 204s73 75 177 31c0 0 7 97 113 106 0 0 115-2 115-117 0 0 5-95-101-114 0 0 31-123-55-197l-80 81s58 49 3 111c0 0-53 46-111-9l-183-184-87 88z m274 79l203-208s75-74 31-178c0 0 97-7 105-113 0 0-1-115-116-115 0 0-96-5-114 102 0 0-123-31-197 54l81 81s49-59 111-4c0 0 46 53-9 111l-184 183 89 87z m78-274l-208-203s-74-75-178-31c0 0-7-97-113-105 0 0-115 1-114 116 0 0-5 96 101 114 0 0-31 123 54 197l81-81s-59-49-4-111c0 0 53-46 111 9l183 184 87-89z m-275-79l-202 209s-75 74-31 178c0 0-97 7-105 113 0 0 2 115 116 114 0 0 96 5 114-101 0 0 123 31 197-55l-81-80s-49 58-111 4c0 0-46-53 8-111l184-184-89-87z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-kickstarter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8f6;" d="M436 356c-6 4-14 8-24 11-7 3-11 5-11 8 0 3 2 4 5 4 1 0 4-1 7-4 6-4 11-6 15-6 5 0 8 1 11 4 2 3 4 7 4 11 0 7-4 13-11 18s-15 7-25 7c-11 0-20-3-28-9-8-7-13-16-13-28 0-16 8-26 25-32 10-3 15-5 16-6 2-1 3-3 3-5 0-3-2-5-5-5-2 0-6 3-12 7-4 4-9 6-13 6-4-1-8-2-12-5-3-3-4-7-4-12 0-7 3-13 9-18 8-7 19-10 31-10 13 0 23 3 30 9 9 7 13 16 13 29 0 11-4 19-11 26z m-105-5l19 27c2 3 3 6 3 10 0 5-2 9-6 13-3 3-8 5-13 5-6 0-11-3-15-8l-20-30v18c0 3-1 6-1 8 0 2-2 4-4 6-4 4-8 6-14 6-5 0-10-2-13-6-3-4-5-8-5-14v-71c0-6 2-11 5-15 3-4 8-6 14-6 6 0 11 3 15 8 2 3 3 7 3 13v19l27-35c3-3 8-5 13-5 5 0 9 2 13 5 4 4 5 8 5 14 0 3-1 7-3 10l-23 28z m-127 21c7 0 12-3 16-7 5-5 7-8 9-8 2-2 5-2 8-2 4 0 7 1 10 3 6 3 8 8 8 15 0 7-4 15-13 22-11 9-24 14-37 14-16-1-29-6-40-16-13-12-19-26-19-43 0-11 3-22 9-31 6-10 14-17 24-22 8-3 17-5 26-5 14 0 27 4 38 14 8 7 12 14 12 21 0 5-2 9-5 12s-8 6-13 6c-4 0-8-2-11-4-2-3-5-5-8-8-4-3-9-5-14-5-6 0-11 2-15 7-4 4-6 9-6 15 0 6 2 11 6 15 4 5 9 7 15 7z m-83 34c-6 0-10-2-14-6-3-3-5-9-5-16v-69c0-7 2-12 5-15 4-4 8-6 14-6 5 0 10 2 13 6 3 4 5 9 5 15v69c0 7-2 13-5 16-3 4-8 6-13 6z m-52-55l19 27c2 3 3 6 3 10 0 5-2 9-6 13-3 3-8 5-13 5-6 0-11-3-15-8l-20-30v18c0 3-1 6-1 8 0 2-2 4-4 6-4 4-8 6-14 6-5 0-10-2-13-6-3-4-5-8-5-14v-71c0-6 2-11 5-15 3-4 8-6 14-6 6 0 11 3 15 8 2 3 3 7 3 13v19l27-35c3-3 8-5 13-5 5 0 9 2 13 5 4 4 5 8 5 14 0 3-1 7-3 10l-23 28z m927-27l-8 13c8 9 12 19 12 29 0 5-1 10-4 16-3 7-7 12-14 17-7 4-14 6-21 6h-24c-15 0-22-7-22-21v-68c0-6 1-11 4-15 3-5 8-7 14-7 6 0 10 2 13 5 4 4 5 8 5 13v15l16-25c3-5 8-8 15-8 5 0 9 2 13 5 3 3 5 8 5 13 0 4-1 8-4 12z m-108 47c6 0 11 2 15 4 3 3 5 8 5 14 0 5-2 9-6 13-3 2-6 3-10 3-1 0-4 0-10 0h-22c-6 0-10 0-12 0-4-1-7-3-10-5-2-3-3-6-4-9 0-2 0-5 0-10v-61c0-6 0-11 1-14 2-4 5-8 10-10 2-1 7-1 14-1h28c7 0 12 1 15 4 4 3 6 7 6 13 0 5-2 9-6 13-3 3-8 4-15 4h-17v8h13c11 0 16 5 16 14 0 4-1 7-4 9-3 3-6 4-10 4h-15v7h18z m-71 33c-2 1-8 1-17 1h-37c-11 0-17 0-20-1-3-2-5-4-7-7-2-2-2-5-2-9 0-5 1-9 5-12 4-3 8-5 13-5h10v-55c0-7 1-11 3-15 4-5 9-7 16-7s11 3 15 8c2 3 3 8 3 14v55h8c7 0 11 2 14 4 4 4 6 8 6 14 0 3-1 6-3 9-2 3-4 5-7 6z m-274-15c0 3-1 6-3 9-2 3-4 5-7 6-2 1-8 1-17 1h-37c-11 0-17 0-20-1-3-2-5-4-7-7-2-3-2-6-2-9 0-5 1-9 5-12 4-3 8-5 13-5h10v-55c0-7 1-11 3-15 4-5 9-7 16-7 6 0 11 3 15 8 2 3 3 8 3 14v55h8c7 0 11 2 14 4 4 4 6 9 6 14z m176-52c8 9 12 19 12 29 0 5-2 10-4 16-3 7-8 12-14 17-7 4-14 6-22 6h-23c-15 0-22-7-22-21v-68c0-6 1-11 4-15 3-5 8-7 14-7 5 0 10 2 13 5 3 4 5 8 5 13v15l15-25c4-5 9-8 15-8 6 0 10 2 13 5 4 3 6 8 6 13 0 4-1 8-4 12l-8 13z m-118 58c-4 8-9 11-17 11-8 0-14-3-17-11l-35-73c-1-4-2-7-2-10 0-4 1-7 3-10 4-6 9-8 15-8 5 0 10 2 13 6 2 2 4 5 6 9h34c2-5 4-9 7-11 3-3 7-4 12-4 5 0 10 2 14 6 2 4 4 8 4 12 0 3-1 6-2 9l-35 74z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-kik" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe8f7;" d="M942 355c-31 0-57-25-57-57 0-32 26-57 57-57s58 25 58 57-26 57-58 57z m-463 56h-1c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 29-23 53-51 53-29 0-52-24-52-53l0-1h0l0-259h0c1-29 24-52 52-52s51 23 51 52h1l0 259z m-174-229l-95 127 68 67-1 0c9 10 14 22 14 36 0 29-23 53-52 53-15 0-29-7-38-18l0 1-97-95 0 192h-1c0 1 0 2 0 3 0 29-22 52-51 52-28 0-51-23-51-52l0-2h-1v-393h1l0-1c0-29 23-52 51-52 27 0 49 22 51 49h1v68l26 24 86-115c9-15 26-26 45-26 28 0 51 24 51 53 0 10-3 20-8 28l1 1z m551 0l-94 127 67 67 0 0c9 10 14 22 14 36 0 29-23 53-52 53-15 0-29-7-38-18l0 1-97-95 0 192h-1c0 1 0 2 0 3 0 29-23 52-51 52s-51-23-51-52l0-2h-1v-393h1l0-1c0-29 23-52 51-52 27 0 49 22 51 49h1v68l26 24 86-115c9-15 25-26 44-26 29 0 52 24 52 53 0 10-3 20-8 28l0 1z" />
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0-1-1-1-2 0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0l-1-2v-1c0-1 0-2 0-3 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-1-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0-1 0-2v0c0-1 0-2 0-3v-116h24v116c0 7 3 14 7 19 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 2 6 4 9 4l1 0c1 0 2 0 2 0l26 0c0 4 0 8 0 12 0 1 0 1 0 1v1c1 0 1 1 1 2v0c0 1 0 2 0 2-2 1-3 2-5 2z m-96-40l0 2v0l0 0-1 1c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1l0 1-1 1 0 0 0 1c0 0 0 1 0 1l0 0c0 1 0 1 0 1-1 0-1 0-1 0l0 2c0 0 0 0 0 0-1 1-1 1-1 2l0 1-1 1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 2-1 2 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-1 1-2 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-1 1-1 2 0 0 0 0-1 0l0 0-1 2-1 1c0 1-1 1-2 2l0 0 0 0c-1 1-1 1-2 2l0 0c0 0 0 0-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 1-2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 0-2 1-2 1l-1 1 0 0c-1 0-1 1-2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 1-2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1l-1 0c0 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 1-1 1l-1 0c0 0-1 1-2 1l-1 0c-1 0-1 1-2 1l-1 0c-1 0-2 0-3 0l0 1-3 0-1 0h0c-1 0-2 0-3 0h0c0 0-1 0-2 0l-1 0c0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0l-1-1c-1 0-1 0-1 0l-1 0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-1 0-1 0-1 0l-1 0c-1 0-1 0-1-1h-1c0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 0c0 0 0 0-1 0 0-1 0-1-1-1 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0-1-1l0 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0 0 0 0 1 0l0 1c0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1l0 0c1 1 1 1 1 1l0 1 0 1c1 1 1 1 1 1l0 1c0 1 0 1 0 1v1c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 3z m-39-33v-165h37v164l-37 2z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-mazda" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe907;" d="M527 756c66-1 159-9 247-44 134-52 206-151 222-293 7-60 5-120-7-179-27-122-99-207-215-248-181-63-365-65-546 0-138 49-209 155-224 299-7 65-5 130 13 193 38 136 133 212 265 247 71 19 144 25 245 25z m343-322c-63-23-122-45-183-66-70-25-123-70-159-134-9-17-18-33-29-52-6 11-10 19-14 27-40 79-101 133-187 158-48 14-95 32-143 48-26 9-27 9-29-19-3-41-2-82 4-122 17-123 89-205 209-235 99-25 200-24 300-5 78 15 146 49 188 120 53 86 54 181 43 280z m-370-128c48 113 140 164 241 203 23 9 45 21 68 30 18 8 16 16 6 30-36 45-82 75-136 90-119 32-239 32-358 0-59-17-107-50-143-101-9-13-9-20 6-26 31-13 61-29 93-40 94-35 173-87 223-186z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-mcdonals" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe908;" d="M719 788c-89 0-167-118-219-302-51 184-130 302-219 302-155 0-281-392-281-876h125c0 449 70 813 156 813 87 0 157-336 157-750h125c0 414 70 750 156 750 86 0 156-364 156-813h125c0 484-126 876-281 876z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-mercedes" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe909;" d="M1000 350c-1-278-224-501-502-500-275 1-498 225-498 500 0 276 225 500 501 500 276 0 500-225 499-500z m-92-242c-5 2-7 4-9 5-129 52-258 105-388 156-8 3-19 2-27-2-109-44-217-89-326-134-21-9-41-17-64-27 94-145 225-226 396-229 181-4 319 78 418 231z m-401 714c5-35 9-66 14-97 15-107 29-213 45-320 2-9 8-21 15-27 97-76 194-151 292-226 13-11 27-21 42-32 81 166 81 328-18 483-89 140-221 210-390 219z m-420-705c5 3 6 4 8 5 108 88 217 175 325 263 6 5 11 15 12 23 16 102 31 203 47 305 5 35 10 71 16 109-169-9-302-78-391-218-100-157-100-320-17-487z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-micromax" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe90a;" d="M819 274c70 36 74 170 10 315-13 32-24 48-41 61-16 12-23 15-37 15-24 0-40-10-51-31-13-24-14-44-8-107 3-32 6-90 8-130 4-91 8-105 32-118 16-10 31-13 54-12 17 1 23 2 33 7z m-408-81c7 4 14 11 19 19 10 16 16 48 14 71-1 16-15 93-25 143-11 50-11 52-7 67 6 22 14 36 24 39 7 2 9 2 15-3 14-12 15-20 14-99-1-108 4-133 34-170 25-29 53-43 79-40 29 4 60 29 68 55 9 31 9 55-4 135-2 11-8 51-14 89-13 88-16 98-27 128-14 36-33 56-57 56-13 0-26-9-47-33-28-30-53-44-81-44-8 0-27 3-42 7-42 10-53 10-72 0-7-3-20-13-30-22-26-24-49-41-61-43-6-2-33-4-60-4-46-2-51-2-67-8-14-6-18-9-26-19-8-13-8-15-9-48-3-92 22-173 63-206 18-15 36-22 56-22 20 0 30 4 42 18 10 10 22 33 22 42 0 7-11 50-26 102-13 45-14 59-5 72 17 25 46 21 55-8 4-14 12-106 12-142 0-84 48-142 114-139 14 1 20 2 29 7z m390-159c72 12 121 33 140 59 8 12 7 39-2 52-8 13-29 27-51 35-25 10-61 18-81 20-40 3-100-9-112-23-3-4-6-7-7-7-10-6-14-54-7-79 11-36 44-61 82-61 7 0 24 2 38 4z m-670-56c-31 9-51 23-66 47-10 15-12 26-41 240-2 11-7 50-13 87-12 84-14 110-7 137 4 19 16 47 24 54 5 5 34 26 41 30 11 6 33 9 61 8 37-2 66 3 88 17 17 10 28 19 37 29 14 15 35 30 50 33 16 4 33 2 68-10 13-4 29-8 36-9 13-1 37 2 37 6 0 1 2 2 4 2 4 0 9 6 13 14 1 3 3 4 5 4s3 1 3 3c0 4 31 40 35 40 2 0 5 1 7 3 3 5 24 13 32 13 4 0 14-2 21-4 25-6 46-28 60-64 10-23 16-34 21-34 2 0 4 3 4 6 0 8 18 31 34 43 19 15 23 17 44 25 15 5 19 6 35 4 37-3 71-30 96-75l8-15 16 1c40 2 53-16 66-93 4-26 14-88 23-138 27-162 33-232 22-270-9-34-38-69-75-90-42-23-90-35-146-35-33-1-37 0-55 6-11 4-29 12-40 19l-20 12-29-3c-16-1-47-4-68-7-21-2-63-7-95-10-68-7-173-18-229-24-62-7-90-7-107-2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-microsoft" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe90b;" d="M0 374h476v476h-476v-476z m1000 0c0 159 0 317 0 476h-476v-476h476z m-1000-524h476v476l-476 0v-476z m524 0h476v476h-476v-476z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-mobileme" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe90c;" d="M213-11l-1 0h6c2 0 5 0 7 0s6 0 8 0l501 0c4 0 8 0 11 0 141 0 255 115 255 257 0 141-114 256-254 256-6 0-11 0-16-1-22 120-125 210-250 210-141 0-254-115-254-257 0-3 0-7 0-11h0c-125 0-226-101-226-227 0-121 94-220 213-227z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-mobily" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe90d;" d="M749 285c5-23 17-41 39-51 38-17 75-34 113-51l65-29c13-6 23-2 29 11 1 3 2 7 3 11 3 13 2 26 2 39 0 141 0 282 0 422 0 23 1 46-2 69-1 11-3 21-7 32-14 35-38 57-76 63-3 0-6-1-9 1l-4 0c-2 1-5 1-8 1h-655c-2 0-4 0-6 0h-2c-1 0-2 0-3 0h-124c-1 0-2-1-4-1-2 0-4 0-6 0-2 0-4 0-6-1-18-2-34-8-48-20-1-1-1-1-2-1l-2-2-1-1-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-2h0l-1-1c-5-7-10-15-13-23-9-21-11-43-11-65 0-137 0-274 0-411 0-8 0-16 1-23 5-63 45-109 103-127 25-7 50-13 75-20 31-8 62-16 93-24 139-37 279-73 418-108 54-14 107-27 161-40 28-7 56-13 84-20 12-2 24-5 36-7 16-1 31 11 29 27 0 4-1 7-2 11-5 11-12 18-23 23-85 38-169 76-253 114l-84 38-63 29-145 66c-33 15-65 30-98 44-24 10-45 24-61 45-14 18-22 38-21 61 1 15 1 31 1 47 0 2 1 4-1 5 1 2 0 4 0 6 0 30 0 60 0 90 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 5 2 10 4 15 5 12 13 20 25 25 9 4 19 5 29 5h377c4 0 7 0 11 0 13-1 25-4 35-14 12-11 16-25 16-41 0-65 0-131 0-197 0-5 0-10 1-15z m-720 487z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-motorola" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe90e;" d="M1000 350c0-277-225-501-503-500-273 1-497 226-497 501 0 274 225 499 500 499 275 0 500-225 500-500z m-498-93l-4 1-141 467-4 0c-61-201-122-401-183-602 34-4 33-3 41 25 7 24 13 48 22 71 15 39 29 78 61 107 40 36 90 36 127-2 17-17 30-37 42-57 14-22 24-47 37-72 9 19 16 36 26 52 16 26 31 53 51 75 36 39 84 41 124 7 15-14 30-31 39-51 19-42 34-86 49-131 9-28 9-30 40-22-61 200-122 400-183 600l-3 0c-47-156-94-312-141-468z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-msi" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe90f;" d="M909 225l69 189s-51 0-102-10l-65-179h98z m-11 240l-13-36c51 10 102 10 102 10l13 36s-51 0-102-10z m-357-195c31-6 62-9 95-9 33 0 57 8 60 30 1 11-9 19-28 29-21 12-39 18-57 30-19 12-27 32-21 53 8 24 24 38 50 51 30 15 54 21 113 21 36 0 72-4 107-10l-12-35c-31 6-63 9-95 9-34 0-58-8-60-30-1-11 9-19 27-29 22-12 39-18 58-30 18-12 26-32 20-53-7-24-24-38-50-51-30-15-54-21-112-21-37 0-73 4-108 10l13 35z m-149-45l57 158c19 52-50 33-66 21-12-10-35-31-43-54l-45-125h-99l57 158c19 52-50 33-66 21-12-10-35-31-43-54l-45-125h-99l91 250c31 0 48-7 62-21 6-5 9-12 11-19 18 11 34 19 45 24 21 8 46 16 78 16s48-7 62-21c5-5 9-12 11-19 18 11 34 19 45 24 21 8 46 16 78 16 31 0 48-7 62-21 15-14 14-40 9-54l-63-175-99 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-mts" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe910;" d="M870 287c-12 171-68 326-181 455-127 145-257 144-381-4-120-143-180-311-179-497 2-265 193-425 449-385 187 30 308 209 292 431z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-myspace" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe911;" d="M728 517c-92 0-167 74-167 166 0 92 75 167 167 167s167-75 167-167c0-92-75-166-167-166z m-137-161c0 92-75 167-167 167s-167-75-167-167c0-4 0-7 1-11h-1v-289h334v289h0c0 4 0 7 0 11z m-167 189c68 0 123 55 123 122s-55 122-123 122-122-54-122-122c0-67 55-122 122-122z m532-286c0 126-102 227-228 227s-228-101-228-227c0-5 1-10 1-15h-1v-394h456v394h-1c0 5 1 10 1 15z m-775 282c-75 0-136-61-136-136 0-4 0-7 0-10h0v-236h273v236h-1c1 4 1 7 1 10 0 75-61 136-137 136z m0 18c56 0 100 45 100 100s-44 100-100 100c-55 0-100-45-100-100s45-100 100-100z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-mytv" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe912;" d="M814 313v-298h-306v296c-37-32-74-63-111-94-29 30-59 61-90 92v-294h-307v671h7c96 0 192 0 289 1 4 0 7-2 10-5 29-33 59-66 88-99 2-1 3-3 5-5 14 13 26 26 39 39 22 22 44 44 66 66 2 2 6 3 8 3 99 0 197 0 295 0h7v-7c0-72 0-145 0-218 0-3-1-7-3-10-10-18-19-37-27-56-4-9-10-17-15-25-6-11-13-22-19-33-2-4-3-8-4-12-1-2-2-4-3-7-3-4-7-9-13-9-7 1-12 6-14 12-2 9-4 18-5 27l-7 64c0 5-2 9-4 13-3 6-8 8-15 9-14 2-27-2-38-11-5-4-6-9-6-15-1-14 1-28 6-42 16-42 26-87 38-131 6-19 13-37 21-55 9-21 20-22 41-19 3 0 7 2 9 5 13 12 19 28 18 46-1 15 2 29 8 44 7 20 20 36 29 54 1 1 1 1 3 3z m-261-189c-1-25 5-33 22-36 4 0 7-1 10-2 15-2 30 4 35 15 7 16 12 33 3 51-8 15-9 33-10 50-1 12 0 24 0 36 0 22 0 45 0 67s-2 44-2 66c-1 24-1 48-1 71-1 13 5 18 17 22 4 1 8 2 11 4 5 2 10 5 15 7 2 1 5 3 7 4 11 6 21 14 33 18 12 5 18 14 22 26 4 11-1 20-10 27-7 6-18 6-26 2-10-4-20-11-26-20-3-4-7-8-11-10-12-5-24-10-36-15-4-1-8-4-12-4-5-1-11-1-16-1-4 1-7 3-10 4-12 4-21-1-29-8-9-8-10-17-8-27 1-7 2-13-4-18-4-3-9-7-15-9-12-5-23-11-33-18-9-7-21-12-30-19-17-12-33-23-53-28-15-4-21-16-23-30-1-14 7-24 19-31 11-7 27-3 33 8 9 16 19 31 36 39 5 2 8 5 12 9 3 2 6 5 9 7 15 10 30 19 45 28 6 4 11 2 13-5 1-3 2-6 2-9 2-20 4-40 5-60 0-24 0-47 0-71 0-10-1-21-2-31 0-7 0-14-2-20-4-13-3-26 0-39 5-19 8-38 10-50z m274 562c12-7 24-15 36-21 11-5 14-12 14-23-1-30-1-60-1-90l2-1c1 1 1 3 2 4 5 6 10 13 14 19 9 13 21 22 35 29 25 13 60-1 69-28 2-6 2-12 2-18 0-16-4-30-12-43-7-11-16-18-27-22-11-5-20-11-29-19-15-12-25-27-35-43-5-8-12-15-17-23-2-3-4-7-4-11 0-113 0-227 0-341 0-5-1-8-5-11-15-9-29-19-45-30v7c0 103 0 205 1 308 0 9 5 17 9 25 3 8 9 14 13 21 11 21 22 41 36 59 8 11 16 23 23 34 1 1 2 3 4 4 14 10 25 24 42 30 17 5 27 18 31 35 2 7 3 15 3 22 1 19-11 32-30 35-15 3-28-1-39-12-9-9-17-19-25-29-15-17-29-35-44-52-5-6-9-12-13-18-3-4-6-8-10-14 0 74 0 145 0 217z m-509-671v265c9-9 17-17 24-24 2-1 3-3 4-4 6-6 14-11 17-18s0-16 0-24c0-51 0-103 0-154 0-6-1-10-6-14-12-7-23-16-34-24-1-1-2-2-5-3z m9 663c26-13 54-25 80-38 8-4 14-11 21-17-10-10-19-19-28-29-25 28-50 55-74 83 0 0 0 0 1 1z m170-392c0-13 0-24 0-34 0-1-1-3-2-3 0-1-1-2-2-2-15-18-37-21-58-25-6-2-12-3-19-3 26 22 53 44 81 67z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-nasa" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe913;" d="M819 569c-1 1-2 2-2 3-18 28-40 54-64 78-37 36-79 64-127 84-47 20-95 30-146 32-2 0-4 1-6 1h-20c-1 0-2 0-3 0-24-1-47-4-71-9-46-9-89-25-129-50-53-31-96-72-131-122-36-52-59-109-68-171-5-29-7-58-5-87 2-21 4-42 8-63 2-6 1-6-4-9-16-8-32-17-48-26-1 0-2-1-3-2 5-3 9-2 13 0 9 6 18 11 28 15 5 3 11 6 17 9 10-39 24-76 44-111 20-34 45-65 74-93-2-1-3-2-4-3-18-17-36-33-54-49-5-4-4-9-4-14 22 21 44 41 67 61 1-1 2-2 3-3 32-29 67-52 106-70 46-20 93-33 143-36l16-1h27c8 0 17 1 25 2 38 3 74 11 110 24 85 33 153 88 203 165 52 80 72 168 64 263-3 42-13 82-29 121-1 4-4 7-3 10 1 2 4 4 7 7 33 29 65 60 91 96 22 28 40 59 53 92 1 1 1 3 2 4 0 2 0 3 1 5-50-64-114-111-181-153z m46-175c4-42 3-84-5-126-16-79-53-146-110-203-45-45-97-78-157-98-30-10-61-17-93-19-31-2-63-2-95 2-67 10-128 34-182 75-10 8-19 16-29 24-1 1-2 2-3 3 5 4 10 8 15 12 48 40 98 78 149 114 52 37 106 73 160 107 36 23 72 46 107 69 1 0 2 1 3 2-3 4-5 7-7 12-3-2-5-3-7-4-28-18-56-35-84-53-29-18-58-37-86-56-35-24-70-47-105-71-35-26-70-53-103-82-16-14-32-29-48-43-2 1-4 3-6 5-37 36-67 77-87 125-9 21-16 43-21 65-1 3 0 4 2 5 11 4 22 9 32 13 2 0 4 1 5 3l13 13c2 2 3 4 2 7-18-9-37-18-57-28 0 2-1 3-1 5-7 39-9 78-5 118 7 84 39 159 94 223 27 31 57 58 92 80 39 25 82 42 128 52 40 9 81 11 123 7 73-5 139-29 199-72 42-30 78-68 107-112 1-1 1-3 2-5-76-44-156-79-238-111 5-6 10-13 16-20 0 0 1-1 3-1 5-1 11-3 17-4 1 0 3 0 4 1l12 8c3 2 4 2 4-2 0-4 0-9 0-14 61 23 119 51 173 87 1-1 1-1 1-1-1-2-2-3-3-4-16-14-32-28-49-41-23-18-46-35-70-53-16-11-33-22-49-33-1-1-2-1-3-2 3-4 5-8 8-12 70 46 139 94 203 149 3-8 6-15 8-22 11-31 18-62 21-94z m-602-108c-3 3-4 5-4 8 1 36 1 72 0 108 0 6 1 12 7 16 2 2 4 4 7 7 0 0 1 1 1 2h-51c5-5 10-10 14-14 1-1 2-3 2-4 0-25 0-50 0-75 0-1-1-1-1-3-2 3-4 6-5 8-17 28-34 57-50 85-2 2-3 3-6 3-20 0-40 0-60 0h-4c0 0 0-1-1-1 5-4 9-9 14-13 1-1 2-3 2-4 0-39 0-78 0-117 0-1-1-3-2-4-4-4-9-9-13-13-1-1-2-2-3-3h54c-5 6-9 11-13 16-1 1-2 3-2 4 0 25 0 51 0 76 0 1 0 2 1 3 0-1 1-1 1-2 19-31 37-63 56-94 1-2 2-3 5-3 20 0 41 0 61 0 1 0 2 0 4 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-7 8-11 11z m207 6c-4 10-8 19-12 29-13 34-27 68-40 102-1 3-3 4-6 4-22 0-44 0-67 0-1 0-2 0-4 0 4-5 8-9 12-13 2-2 3-4 2-6-10-34-20-69-30-103-2-11-7-20-16-27-2-1-3-3-5-5 0 0 0-1 1-1h49c-2 2-2 3-3 4-3 3-5 6-8 9-1 2-1 4-1 5 1 5 3 9 4 14 1 2 1 3 4 3 16 0 33 0 49 0 1 0 3-2 3-3 2-3 3-7 5-11 1-2 0-4-1-5-4-4-8-9-13-13 0-1-1-2-2-3h5c20 0 40 0 60 0 9-1 15 6 22 10-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 3-6 6-7 9z m-82 39h-31c-2 0-3 0-2 3 5 17 9 33 14 50 0 0 1 0 1 1 7-18 14-36 22-54-2 0-3 0-4 0z m431-39c-10 23-19 46-28 69-8 21-17 42-25 63-1 2-2 3-4 3-9 0-18 0-26 0-2 0-4-1-5-2-9-6-17-12-26-18-1-1-2-2-3-4-1-5-3-10-4-15l-28-96c0-1 0-2-1-3-5-5-9-9-13-13-1-1-2-2-4-4h51c-4 5-8 9-11 13-1 2-1 4-1 5 1 5 3 10 4 15 1 1 2 2 3 2 17 0 33 0 50 0 2 0 3-1 3-2 2-4 3-8 5-12 1-2 1-4-1-5-3-3-5-5-8-8-3-2-5-5-8-8h97l1 1c-5 5-10 10-15 15-2 1-3 2-3 4z m-116 39c5 18 10 36 15 54l1 0c7-18 14-36 22-54h-38z m-145 54c-7 3-8 11-3 17 6 5 13 7 20 7 18 0 33-7 47-18 1 0 1-1 3-2 0 16-1 31-1 47-2-1-3-2-4-2-4-3-7-5-11-7-1-1-3-1-4-1-13 4-27 6-41 4-23-2-41-12-53-31-10-16-7-37 5-50 9-10 21-14 33-20 2-1 3 0 5 1l32 20c7 4 14 9 22 14-5 2-9 4-14 6-12 5-24 9-36 15z m69-34c-2 1-3 2-5 0-15-10-30-19-45-29-1-1-2-1-3-2 5-3 9-5 13-8 4-4 4-10 0-14-7-6-15-8-23-8-9 1-18 3-27 4-1 1-3 0-4 0-8-5-16-10-23-15-1-1-2-2-2-3 0-4 0-8 1-14 5 5 10 8 16 12 1 1 3 1 4 1 15-5 30-8 46-7 15 1 29 4 42 12 27 17 31 49 10 71z m-354 103c10-29 23-56 38-82 4-6 4-6 9-3 0 0 0 0 1 0l-2 4c-9 19-19 37-27 56-12 27-21 54-26 82-4 20-5 40 0 60 6 28 25 44 55 44 16 1 31-3 46-9 26-10 50-24 73-41 30-21 57-46 82-73 17-18 34-37 50-56 3-4 6-5 11-4-3 4-6 8-9 12l-9 11c-27 32-56 63-88 90-32 27-67 51-106 67-18 7-36 12-55 11-24-1-42-11-52-34-8-17-9-36-8-55 1-27 8-54 17-80z m285-23c5 1 9 1 14 2-4 4-8 8-11 13-2 2-3 2-6 1-32-11-65-23-98-35-9-3-19-6-29-10 5-12 10-25 15-37 0 0 2-1 3-1 18 5 37 10 55 15 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 11 6 20 13 27 12 12 26 20 42 22z m-294-83c-1 0-3-1-3-2 0-9 0-19 0-28l1 0c23 6 46 11 69 17 1 0 2 1 2 2 3 12 7 25 11 38-6-2-12-4-17-6-21-7-42-14-63-21z m208-157c-9 6-17 13-25 19-7 5-13 10-19 16-4-2-7-5-10-7 4-5 8-11 11-16 8-9 16-19 26-26 4-3 8-6 14-6 7 1 11 8 8 14-2 2-3 4-5 6z m203 76c-2 4-3 5-7 3 7-20 13-40 15-61 3-18 3-36-2-53-6-22-21-36-44-40-11-1-21-1-31 1-8 2-17 4-25 6 0-1 0-1 0-1 4-1 7-2 10-3 17-4 33-8 51-6 21 3 36 15 43 35 5 15 6 31 5 47-2 25-8 49-15 72z m-311 38c-1 0-2 1-3 1-2 0-5 0-7 0l-1-1c18-24 36-47 54-71 3 2 6 4 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 1-17 21-34 42-51 64z m302-12c-10 24-23 47-36 69-7 13-16 24-24 37-1 2-6 4-9 4 27-37 48-76 66-119 5 4 5 4 3 9z m-488 24c-9-3-17-7-26-10 0-1-1-2-1-2 0-5 0-9 0-13 0-2 1-5 4-4 12 4 23 7 36 11-4 6-7 12-11 17 0 1-2 1-2 1z m177 256c0-2 0-3-1-5 0-1 0-2-1-3-3-2-7-4-9-5 2-2 5-4 7-5 5-2 2-6 5-9 0 8 4 13 12 14-8 0-12 5-13 13z m429-348c-3 3-3 6-5 10 0-9-6-11-11-13 5-3 11-6 12-14 0 8 4 12 12 13-3 2-6 2-8 4z m-239 446c1 8 6 12 13 13-8 1-11 6-13 13 0-8-5-12-13-13 10-2 11-4 13-13z m-235-612c0-8-5-12-13-13 9-1 13-5 13-13 2 3 1 6 4 9 3 3 6 3 9 4-8 1-11 6-13 13z m432 84c0-8-6-11-13-13 8-1 12-6 13-14 1 9 5 13 13 14-8 0-12 5-13 13z m-188 252c10 4 21 7 31 11-14 4-30-2-31-11z m-209-268c0 2-1 4-4 4-2 0-4-2-4-4 0-3 2-4 4-4 2 0 5 2 4 4z m328 84c2 0 4 2 4 4 0 2-2 5-4 4-2 0-4-1-4-4 0-2 2-4 4-4z m118-14c-2 0-4-2-4-5 0-2 2-3 4-3 2 0 4 2 4 4 0 2-1 4-4 4z m-586-28c-2 0-4-2-4-4 0-3 2-4 4-4 3 0 4 1 4 4 1 2-1 4-4 4z m11-36c-2-1-4-2-4-5 0-2 2-4 4-4 3 0 4 2 4 4 1 3-1 5-4 5z m222 545c3 0 4 1 5 4-1 2-2 4-4 4-3 0-4-1-5-4 0-2 2-4 4-4z m105-85c0-3 1-4 4-4 2 0 4 0 4 3 0 3-1 4-4 5-2 0-4-2-4-4z m-57 79c3 0 4 2 4 4 0 3-2 4-4 4-2 0-4-1-4-4 0-2 2-4 4-4z m182-486c0-2 2-4 4-4 3 0 5 2 5 5-1 2-2 3-4 3-3 0-5-2-5-4z m-354 3c-2 0-3-1-3-4-1-2 1-4 4-4 2 0 4 2 4 4 0 2-2 5-5 4z m419 24c2 0 4 2 4 4 0 3-1 4-4 4-2 1-4-1-4-4 0-2 1-4 4-4z m-227 87c3 2 5 4 8 5-3 3-6 5-9 7 1-4 1-7 1-12z m-122 345c1 1 3 2 3 3 0 1-1 3-2 4h-2c-1-1-2-2-2-4 0-1 2-3 3-3z m260-453v1c-1 1-2 3-4 3-1 0-2-2-3-4 0-1 2-2 4-3 1 1 2 2 3 3z m-180 532c1 1 3 2 3 3 0 2-2 4-3 4-1-1-3-2-3-3-1-2 1-3 2-4h1z m-264-579c-1 0-3-2-3-4 0 0 2-2 3-2 1 0 3 1 4 2v2c-2 0-3 2-4 2z m126 408h-2c-1-1-2-3-2-4 0-1 1-3 3-3 1-1 3 1 3 3 0 1-2 3-2 4z m78 79c1 0 2 1 4 2v2c-2 1-3 2-4 2-1 0-3-2-3-3 0-1 2-3 3-3z m83-1c-2 0-3-1-4-2l0-1c1-1 2-3 3-3 2 0 3 2 4 3 0 1-2 3-3 3z m-92 7c1 1 2 3 2 4 0 1-2 3-3 3-1 0-3-2-3-3 0-1 1-3 2-4 1 0 1 0 2 0z m124-509c-1-1-2-3-2-4 0-1 2-3 2-3 2 0 4 2 4 3 0 1-2 3-2 4-1 0-1 0-2 0z m250 60c-1-2-2-3-2-4 0-1 2-3 3-3 1 0 3 2 3 3 0 1-1 2-2 4h-2z m-36-43c1 0 2 2 3 3v1c-1 1-2 3-4 3-2 0-3-2-3-4 1-1 3-3 4-3z m-93-3c1 0 3 1 4 2 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 1-2 3-3 3-1 0-4-2-3-3 0-1 1-3 2-3z m-294-52c-1-1-2-3-2-4-1-2 1-4 3-3 1 0 3 2 3 3 0 2-2 3-3 4 0 0-1 0-1 0z m-46 2c1 0 2 1 4 2v2c-2 1-3 2-4 2-1 0-3-2-3-3 0-1 2-3 3-3z m462 41c0-1-2-3-2-4 0-1 2-3 3-3 1 0 3 2 3 3 0 2-1 3-2 4-1 0-1 0-2 0z m-449 127c1 0 3 2 3 3 0 1-1 2-2 4 0 0-1 0-1 0-1-2-3-3-3-4 0-1 2-3 3-3z m343-202c-1-1-3-3-3-4 0-1 2-3 3-3 1 0 3 2 4 3v1c-1 1-3 3-4 3z m-218 41c0-1-2-2-2-4 0-1 2-3 3-3 1 1 3 2 3 4 1 1-1 2-2 3h-2z m12 544c2 1 3 2 3 3 0 2-1 3-2 4h-2c0-1-2-2-2-4 0-2 1-3 3-3z m279-405c-1 0-3 2-4 2-1 0-3-2-3-3 0-1 2-3 3-3 1 0 3 1 4 2 0 1 0 1 0 2z m-458-91c-1 0-3-2-3-3 0-1 1-3 2-4h2c0 1 2 3 2 4 0 1-2 3-3 3z m36 419c0-1 2-3 3-3 1 0 3 1 4 2v2c-1 0-3 2-4 2-1 0-3-2-3-3z m-147-403c-1 0-3-2-3-3-1-2 1-4 3-3 1 0 2 1 4 2 0 1 0 1 0 2-2 1-3 2-4 2z m226 458c-1-2 1-4 3-3 1 0 2 1 4 2v2c-2 1-3 2-4 2-2 0-3-2-3-3z m314-195h-8c-1 0-1 0-2 0 1-2 2-3 4-5 2 2 3 3 6 5z m-341-85c8 2 16 4 24 6-4 11-8 22-13 33-4-13-7-26-11-39z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-natgeo" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe914;" d="M849 349c0 158 0 316 1 474 0 20-3 27-25 27-217-1-434-1-650 0-19 0-24-5-24-23 1-318 1-636 0-954 0-19 6-23 24-23 217 1 434 1 650 0 20 0 25 6 25 25-1 158-1 316-1 474z m-123-397c-151 0-302 0-453 0-17-1-20 5-20 21 0 251 0 502 0 753 0 17 3 23 21 23 151-1 301-1 451 0 20 0 23-7 23-24-1-124-1-249-1-373 0-126 0-252 1-378 0-17-4-23-22-22z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-nescafe" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe916;" d="M429 333c-8 4-23 12-30 15-10 5-12 17-6 23 11 11 40 8 50-12 2-4 2-6 2-6h1v1l11 38s-1 1-6 4c0 0-14 10-40 10-26 0-62-13-64-52-1-27 18-43 30-49 16-8 34-14 41-24 5-8 2-26-23-26-34 0-41 31-41 31h-1l-9-42s2-3 8-6c6-3 26-11 46-11 18 1 64 4 67 56 0 11-4 35-36 50z m315-85c-2 6-4 12-16 50-29 87-35 103-35 103h-57v-1c8-1 8-12 6-17 0 0-43-136-47-151h43v1c0 0-7 4-6 14 1 8 6 25 6 25h46c3-10 4-15 6-19 6-17 10-20 10-20h56v0c-6 1-10 10-12 15z m-69 51h-31l1 1 15 53v1l0-1c2-5 8-28 16-53l0-1h-1z m290 130c16 10 20 27 18 43v0s-19-17-101-48v0c0 0 63-6 83 5z m-366-157c-1-2-10-18-37-13-17 3-43 18-42 69 2 36 25 48 38 50 11 1 30-4 36-24l1 0h0l14 36s-1 2-4 4c0 0-15 14-49 12-34-1-84-24-83-91 1-66 49-88 76-88 28 0 42 11 51 45l-1 0z m-287-10c-17-3-38-1-42 0h0v46h0c5 0 28 0 36 0 9 0 9-5 9-5v0h1l6 34h-52l0-1v37h0c5 0 25-1 37-1 15 0 17-9 18-12v-1h0v1l6 41h-121v-1c14-1 12-58 12-58v-89c0-11 2-20 3-21h103l11 44-1 1c-1-1-5-10-26-15z m687 15c0-1-4-10-25-15-17-3-38-1-42 0h0v46h0c4 0 27 0 36 0 8 0 9-5 9-5v0h1l5 34h-51l0-1v37h0c4 0 25-1 37-1 14 0 16-9 17-12 0 0 0 0 0-1h1v1l6 41h-121v-1c13-1 11-58 11-58v-89c0-11 2-20 3-21h104l10 44-1 1z m-251 123c13-2 11-58 11-58v-91s0-14 3-18h55v0c0 1-10 2-10 22v53h1c4 0 25 0 34 0 8 0 9-5 9-5v0h1s3 23 5 34h-49l-1-1v37h1c4 0 23-1 35-1 14 0 16-9 17-12v-1h1v1c2 12 6 41 6 41h-119v-1z m-555 26h650s21 1 37 33l-2 1c0-2-2-2-9-2h-726v-1s10-7 10-51c0-37 1-77 1-77v-12c0 1-1 2-1 2-3 5-47 77-54 88 0 0-20 30-30 41-9 10-17 10-21 10h-48v-2c1 0 12-6 12-55v-111c0-51-12-57-12-57v0h44c8 0 8 5 8 7v50c0 40-1 76-1 82v1c0-1 1-1 1-1 0-1 8-9 48-71 33-52 30-47 34-53 4-6 8-15 20-15h42s-3 10-3 43l0 150z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-nestle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe917;" d="M775 482h-22c-9 0-15-6-15-15v-234c0-9 6-16 15-16h22c8 0 15 7 15 16v234c0 9-7 15-15 15z m52-40h155c7 0 13 5 13 12v19c0 7-6 14-13 13 0 0-150-15-155-15-5-1-8-5-8-10v-11c0-5 4-8 8-8z m-111-32h-34v58c0 8-6 14-15 14h-22c-8 0-14-6-14-14v-58h-11c-6 0-11-5-11-11v-15c0-6 5-11 11-11h11v-94c0-32 24-62 62-62h21c6 0 12 6 12 12v17c0 6-6 11-12 11h-3c-19 0-29 12-29 29v87h34c6 0 11 5 11 11v15c0 6-5 11-11 11z m-383 7c-62 0-97-49-97-100 0-55 37-103 97-103 42 0 82 22 90 57 1 5-2 11-9 11h-30c-5 0-9-2-12-6-8-12-21-19-39-19-26 0-43 20-45 43h125c12 0 17 6 17 17 0 50-30 100-97 100z m-44-79c2 22 21 39 44 39s43-17 45-39h-89z m711-21c0 50-30 100-97 100-62 0-97-49-97-100 0-55 37-103 98-103 41 0 81 22 89 57 1 5-2 11-9 11h-29c-6 0-10-2-13-6-8-12-20-19-39-19-26 0-43 20-45 43h125c12 0 17 6 17 17z m-141 21c2 22 21 39 44 39s43-17 45-39h-89z m-270 102c6 0 11 5 11 12v17c0 6-5 11-11 11h-406c-9 0-16-8-16-17l1-159s-87 158-92 166c-4 7-13 14-26 14h-33c-9 0-17-7-17-16v-234c0-9 7-16 17-16h21c9 0 17 7 17 16l-1 164s88-159 91-166c6-8 14-15 27-15h30c9 0 17 8 17 17v206l370 0z m-28-108c-12 3-40 10-46 11-11 3-22 7-22 16 0 15 14 20 30 20 18 0 31-7 36-18 2-5 6-6 12-6h25c4 0 8 3 8 9 0 28-33 53-81 53-49 0-81-24-81-61 0-29 22-46 50-53 13-3 34-8 45-11 11-3 21-7 21-16 0-16-16-21-34-21-16 0-33 8-38 20-3 6-7 7-15 7h-24c-5 0-10-3-10-9v-3c0-27 37-56 87-56 36 0 86 15 86 63 0 28-19 47-49 55z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-netflix" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe918;" d="M1000 486h-43l-1-1-27-68-25 69h-42l44-125-52-129c14-2 28-3 42-5l30 76 29-83c15-2 30-4 45-6l-51 146 51 126z m-222-248c14-1 28-2 44-4v252h-44v-248z m-286 10c3 0 6 0 8 0 12 0 23 0 35 0v93h51v38h-51v67h59v40h-102v-238z m-163 198h39v-200c15 1 29 1 43 1v199h40v40h-122v-40z m-231-115l-55 155h-43v-272h0c14 2 27 4 41 5v150l50-143c16 1 31 3 47 5v255h-40v-155z m87-57v-39c33 3 67 5 102 7v39c-21-1-40-2-59-4v64h51v38h-51v67h59v40h-102v-212z m493 212h-42v-240c34-1 68-3 102-5v39c-20 1-40 2-60 3v203z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-nike" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe91a;" d="M1000 521l-104-44c-209-88-418-177-627-265-52-21-104-38-161-36-52 2-95 33-105 79-5 24-4 48 3 71 21 78 72 136 125 194-9-25-19-50-23-77-11-67 28-114 95-116 56-3 107 16 159 30 211 55 421 111 631 167 2 0 4 0 6 0 0-1 1-2 1-3z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-nokia" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe91b;" d="M179 311l-96 118h-83v-158h48v120l97-120h82v158h-48v-118z m214 121h-82c-29 0-44-4-54-15-7-7-11-14-11-36v-61c0-22 4-30 11-37 10-11 25-14 54-14h82c29 0 43 3 54 14 6 7 10 15 10 37v61c0 22-4 29-10 36-11 11-25 15-54 15z m19-106c0-9-1-12-4-14-2-3-6-3-17-3h-78c-11 0-15 0-18 3-2 2-3 5-3 14v48c0 10 1 12 3 15 3 2 7 2 18 2h78c11 0 15 0 17-2 3-3 4-5 4-15v-48z m65 103v-158h50v158h-50z m202 0h-67l-85-76 92-82h71l-101 84 90 74z m21 0h50v-158h-50v158z m211 0h-63l-89-158h56l14 27h98l15-27h58l-89 158z m-64-96l31 57 32-57h-63z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-nvidia" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe91c;" d="M373 484v59c6 1 12 1 18 1 163 5 271-140 271-140s-116-161-240-161c-18 0-34 3-49 8v181c64-8 77-36 115-100l85 72s-62 82-167 82c-11 0-22-1-33-2z m0 197v-89c6 0 12 1 18 1 227 7 375-187 375-187s-170-207-347-207c-16 0-31 2-46 4v-55c12-1 25-2 38-2 165 0 285 84 400 184 19-16 98-53 114-69-110-92-366-166-511-166-14 0-27 0-41 2v-78h627v662h-627z m0-430v-47c-152 27-195 185-195 185s74 82 195 95v-52h0c-64 8-114-52-114-52s28-100 114-129z m-271 145s91 134 271 147v49c-200-16-373-186-373-186s98-283 373-309v51c-202 26-271 248-271 248z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-omega" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe91d;" d="M186 15c-111 128-179 265-150 433 15 90 56 165 123 226 164 148 451 155 628 17 108-84 151-199 155-329 5-129-43-242-135-345 57-8 102-20 131 35 10 20 27 32 49 20 21-12 12-30 5-48-42-111-42-111-161-111-67 0-135-1-202 0-15 1-36-9-43 13-7 18 1 33 18 46 99 77 148 181 170 302 31 167-50 330-202 404-66 32-130 29-193-7-221-126-247-363-117-565 34-52 80-94 132-129 19-12 31-25 26-48-5-29-29-16-44-16-86-2-171 1-257-2-34-1-54 8-67 40-9 20-23 38-33 57-10 20-33 42-7 63 22 17 40-6 56-20 51-41 51-41 118-36z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-opensuse" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe91e;" d="M741 556c0 10 0 19 0 28 0 4 1 5 5 4 59-9 116-20 172-41 15-6 29-12 41-24 8-9 13-19 17-29 10-22 18-45 24-69 0-3 1-6-3-8-22-16-45-29-73-30-19-2-37 3-55 9-34 11-65 29-95 48-2 1-4 2-7 3 5-13 11-25 16-37 0-1 2-2 3-2 32-16 65-31 100-40 30-8 58 0 85 11 6 3 12 6 18 9 3 1 5 2 7 1 2-2 0-4 0-6-3-18-13-29-29-37-59-29-121-36-186-30-17 2-35 5-53 4-29-1-42-14-43-43-1-24 8-46 19-67 6-13 14-24 21-36-3-2-5 0-7 1l-67 32c-4 1-8 4-10 7-15 16-30 33-44 49-21 22-46 39-76 44-25 4-49 2-71-12-20-13-25-33-27-55-1-16-1-33 2-49 1-1 0-2 0-4-8 4-16 8-23 12-12 5-23 11-35 16-4 2-5 5-7 9-17 72-63 118-131 141-37 12-75 10-110-10-40-22-60-68-52-111 10-46 45-80 92-85 16-2 33-2 48 4 30 10 47 42 39 74-8 32-38 53-69 48-16-3-26-13-27-26-1-14 11-25 25-22 4 1 7 2 11 3 11 2 22-3 26-14 4-10 0-22-10-27-26-14-55-12-78 10-37 35-24 95 25 117 46 20 106 0 134-46 43-72 1-160-82-176-85-15-168 34-193 116-15 46-8 91 12 135 26 57 68 102 119 138 65 46 136 79 214 95 53 11 106 11 159 10 78-2 153-18 226-41l3-1z m154-26c-32 0-59-26-59-58 0-33 27-60 59-60 33 0 60 27 59 60 0 32-27 58-59 58z m0-17c23 0 42-19 42-42 0-22-19-41-42-41-22 0-41 19-41 42 0 22 18 41 41 41z m9-45c10 0 18 6 18 12-1 7-8 12-18 12h-1c-10 0-18-6-18-12 1-7 9-13 19-12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-oracle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe91f;" d="M432 330h66l-35 57-64-102h-29l78 122c3 5 9 8 15 8 6 0 12-3 15-8l78-122h-29l-14 23h-67l-14 22z m303-22v106h-25v-117c0-3 1-6 4-8 2-3 5-4 9-4h113l14 23h-115z m-410 19c24 0 44 19 44 43s-20 44-44 44h-108v-129h25v106h82c11 0 20-9 20-21s-9-21-20-21h-70l74-64h36l-50 42 11 0z m-261-42c-35 0-64 29-64 64 0 36 29 65 64 65h75c36 0 65-29 65-65 0-35-29-64-65-64 0 0-75 0-75 0z m74 23c23 0 41 18 41 41 0 23-18 42-41 42l-72 0c-23 0-42-19-42-42 0-23 19-41 42-41l72 0z m470-23c-36 0-65 29-65 64 0 36 29 65 65 65h89l-15-23h-72c-23 0-42-19-42-42 0-23 19-41 42-41h89l-15-23h-76z m303 23c-19 0-35 13-40 30h105l15 23h-120c4 17 21 30 40 30h72l15 23h-89c-35 0-64-29-64-65 0-35 28-64 64-64h76l15 23h-89z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-panasonic" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe920;" d="M189 386c-41 0-55-14-54-39h36c1 9 9 13 15 13 4 0 13-1 13-8 0-23-70-2-70-49 0-22 22-31 34-30 15 0 27 3 39 14l4-11h36c-2 4-2 66-2 66 0 25-3 44-51 44z m-8-90c-8 0-12 6-12 11 0 8 18 8 32 15 1-14-6-26-20-26z m780 23c-1-8-5-18-16-18-13 0-20 12-20 28 0 12 5 28 20 28 5 0 8-1 11-4 2-2 4-6 4-10h39c-3 30-27 42-54 42-34 0-59-20-59-56 0-34 26-56 59-56 28 0 51 15 55 46l-39 0z m-119 62h40v-105h-40v105z m0 43h40v-27h-40v27z m-185-38c-35 0-59-21-59-57 0-35 26-56 59-56 33 0 59 21 59 58 0 32-23 55-59 55z m0-85c-10 0-18 11-18 30 0 12 5 26 18 26 11 1 19-11 19-26 0-20-8-30-19-30z m-130 55c0 5 5 7 12 7 4 0 8-1 10-2 1-1 4-4 4-8h37c-1 27-28 33-52 33-21 0-49-8-49-35 0-43 66-27 66-43 0-8-6-10-15-10-4 0-8 2-11 4-3 2-4 5-4 10h-37c1-29 27-40 51-40 43 0 56 19 56 40 0 42-68 29-68 44z m-97 30c-40 0-54-14-53-39h36c1 9 9 13 15 13 4 0 13-1 13-8 0-23-70-2-70-49 0-22 22-31 34-30 15 0 27 3 38 14l5-11h36c-2 4-2 66-2 66 0 25-3 44-52 44z m-8-90c-8 0-11 6-11 11 0 8 18 8 31 15 1-14-5-26-20-26z m-352 132h-70v-152h45v47h27c40 0 60 22 60 52 0 29-21 53-62 53z m-2-72h-23v35h17c10 0 25-3 25-16 0-12-8-19-19-19z m727 30c-15 0-22-3-36-16l0 12h-37v-106h37v55c0 14 7 22 19 22 12 0 15-7 15-17v-60h40v65c0 28-11 45-38 45z m-469 0c-15 0-22-3-36-16l0 12h-38v-106h40v55c0 14 5 23 17 23 12 0 14-8 14-18v-60h41v65c0 28-11 45-38 45z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-paypal" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe921;" d="M675 483h-78c-5 0-10-4-11-9l-31-200c-1-3 2-7 6-7h40c4 0 7 3 8 6l9 57c0 5 5 9 10 9h25c51 0 81 25 88 74 4 21 0 38-10 50-11 13-30 20-56 20z m9-73c-4-28-26-28-46-28h-12l8 52c1 3 3 6 7 6h5c14 0 27 0 34-8 4-5 5-12 4-22z m-564 73h-78c-5 0-10-4-10-9l-32-200c-1-3 3-7 7-7h37c5 0 10 4 10 9l9 54c1 5 5 9 11 9h24c51 0 81 25 89 74 3 21 0 38-10 50-11 13-31 20-57 20z m9-73c-4-28-26-28-46-28h-12l8 52c1 3 4 6 7 6h5c14 0 27 0 34-8 4-5 6-12 4-22z m224 1h-38c-3 0-6-2-6-5l-2-11-2 4c-8 12-26 16-44 16-41 0-77-32-83-75-4-22 1-43 13-58 12-13 28-18 47-18 34 0 52 21 52 21l-2-11c0-3 3-7 7-7h33c6 0 10 4 11 9l20 128c1 4-2 7-6 7z m-52-72c-4-22-21-36-42-36-11 0-20 4-25 10-6 7-8 16-6 26 3 21 20 36 42 36 10 0 19-3 24-10 6-7 8-16 7-26z m606 72h-37c-3 0-6-2-6-5l-2-11-2 4c-9 12-26 16-44 16-42 0-77-32-84-75-3-22 2-43 14-58 12-13 28-18 47-18 33 0 52 21 52 21l-2-11c-1-3 2-7 6-7h34c5 0 10 4 11 9l20 128c0 4-3 7-7 7z m-52-72c-3-22-20-36-42-36-10 0-19 4-25 10s-7 16-5 26c3 21 20 36 41 36 11 0 20-3 25-10 6-7 8-16 6-26z m-304 72h-37c-4 0-7-2-9-5l-52-76-22 73c-1 5-6 8-10 8h-37c-5 0-8-4-6-8l41-121-39-55c-3-4 0-10 5-10h38c3 0 7 1 9 4l124 180c3 4 0 10-5 10z m400 67l-32-204c0-3 3-7 7-7h32c5 0 10 4 11 9l31 200c1 3-2 7-6 7h-36c-4 0-6-2-7-5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-pepsi" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe922;" d="M772 695c9 24 2 34-17 46-77 50-162 75-253 76-20 0-40-1-59-4-346-43-525-436-331-724 10-14 18-17 35-12 307 106 516 311 625 618z m131-139c2-12 4-24 4-37 2-149-70-253-202-317-69-35-144-51-218-68-114-26-228-50-341-85 149-185 448-233 657-54 211 180 190 461 94 594 2-12 5-23 6-33z m-405 294c-276-1-498-227-497-504-1-258 211-496 501-496 275 0 498 226 497 502-1 275-227 499-501 498z m7-991c-257-5-491 202-496 481-5 273 210 495 482 501 273 5 495-211 500-486 5-270-213-492-486-496z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-philips" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe923;" d="M379 438h54v-176h-54z m-93-70h-56v70h-54v-176h54v69h56v-69h53v176h-53z m-220 74c-22 0-48-2-66-4v-176h54v42h19c50 0 82 26 82 71 0 49-34 67-89 67z m-3-106h-9v72c3 1 6 1 9 1 26 0 39-13 39-35 0-23-11-38-39-38z m534 102h54v-176h-54z m318-45c0 10 10 14 25 14 17 0 36-4 48-9l-4 39c-14 2-27 5-49 5-44 0-73-17-73-53 0-62 84-50 84-78 0-11-8-17-28-17-18 0-45 6-61 14l5-41c17-6 39-9 56-9 45 0 82 15 82 59 0 59-85 48-85 76z m-159 49c-21 0-47-2-65-4v-176h54v42h19c50 0 81 26 81 71 1 49-33 67-89 67z m-2-106h-9v72c3 1 6 1 9 1 26 0 39-13 39-35 0-23-11-38-39-38z m-228 102h-54v-176h98l8 35h-52z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-pizza-hut" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe924;" d="M311 297s27 57-24 99c-51 42-125 21-153 3-29-19-19-39-16-41 3-3 10-7 40 5 0 0-77-88-114-274 0 0-6-46 11-48 18-2 28 24 34 40 3 7 116 269 96 284 0 0 71 4 78-45 8-48-67-85-88-89-22-5-22-13-20-15 1-1 6-7 34-3 28 4 93 24 122 84z m113 106c-1 22-7 24-14 23-8-1-9-11-9-11-54-72-60-95-63-117-3-21 8-48 25-48 17-1 11 14 11 14 0 4 15 39 23 53 18 31 29 64 27 86z m295-112c-1 3-6 5-11 2-6-2-26-6-37-7-12-2-38 0-86 9-49 8-90 0-90 0l61 58s39 42 44 58c5 15-6 22-13 23-8 1-63 0-82-3-18-3-32-2-42-1-11 1-15-8-15-8-11-22 27-27 27-27 25-3 71 7 71 7-78-64-120-103-129-116-5-9-14-25-3-37 11-13 37 1 37 1 32 9 91 8 91 8s30 0 82-1c53-2 81 16 89 21 8 5 9 9 6 13z m65 55c-2 6-9 4-11 3-1 0-4 0-15-2s-45 4-51 5c-5 0-26 2-26 2 3 1 76 76 76 76s22 24 10 37c-15 15-41 10-41 10s-85-12-89-11c-5 1-8 2-11 2-4 0-8-2-10-4-8-7-3-19-3-19 2-6 8-12 14-14 12-5 83 4 83 4l-84-69s-21-15-29-36c-7-20 6-21 8-21 1 0 15 4 28 5 13 1 49-1 61-2 13 0 43 1 64 10 20 9 28 18 26 24z m-393-270c0-2-9-33-10-54 0-21 9-30 18-31 9-1 19 6 27 18 8 12 28 99 28 99l29 19s7 6 5 11c-3 4-8 2-8 2l-20-8s13 76 15 89c2 12-9 13-12 13-2 0-8-1-24-29-17-27-34-88-34-88l-75-16s50 128 25 127c-26-1-87-140-87-140s-30-4-47-7c0 0-13-2-15-12-1-9 4-15 4-15 6-9 41-12 41-12-8-24-18-66-18-79 1-13 3-34 18-36 12-2 26 6 33 18 6 12 29 103 29 103 11 1 78 28 78 28z m530-3c-2 7-8 6-8 6s-28-2-90-9c-32-4-76-14-110-23l20 60 29 79c12 2 118 45 118 45s11 5 10 9c-1 5-8 3-8 3l-103-19 14 29s8 17-3 25c-11 7-17-2-17-2-7-6-41-62-41-62s-23-4-27-4c-5-1-10 0-10 0-8 4-27 1-26-16l45-16v-1s-16-43-21-68c-4-26-2-63-2-66 0 0 0-1 1-2-19-6-32-10-32-10l-61-19-180-72s-69-31-95-39c-27-10-22-29-22-29 2-9 6-18 25-21 19-4 42 5 42 5s192 84 206 90c16 6 149 63 337 120 0 0 10 1 9 7z m67 318c-1 3-19 5-26 6-7 0-13 4-16 12-2 7 8 31 12 48 5 16-5 22-10 23-5 0-12-5-12-5-68 15-145-57-150-90-3-23 4-39 23-44 19-4 37 3 52 9 15 6 45 29 45 29 3-7 19-15 34-15 15-1 41 11 45 14 4 3 4 9 3 13z m-88 29c-1-4-2-10-2-10s-24-14-34-18c-12-5-26-4-26-4 14 47 73 56 73 56s-9-20-11-24z m-475 42c12 11 48 66 51 71 2 5 4 10 1 13-3 4-11 0-11 0s-17-5-38-18c-21-13-31-33-34-40-3-7-5-24 4-29 9-5 20-4 27 3z m233-277c-7 17-21 5-21 5-8-6-24-38-24-38-13-22-76-61-76-61 8 20 9 40 8 52-1 12-11 29-25 32-15 3-29-1-32-5-4-3-2-7 5-11 7-3 10-11 10-11 2-3 0-9 0-10 0-1-13-39-13-39s-11-37 5-49c16-12 27-11 53 1l56 55c-1-29 16-44 26-52 10-8 16-5 16-5 10 5 4 14 3 15-1 2 0 54 4 81 5 26 5 40 5 40z m-355 475c1 0 3 0 3 1 0 0 62 91 62 91l130 31s115 36 117 37c2 0 11 5 8 14-3 10-13 8-13 8l-49-12s-192-55-199-58c-8-2-10-8-10-8-19-33-49-94-51-98-1-4 1-5 2-6z m368 109s6-41 9-49c4-8 29-16 29-16 49-12 239-80 239-80s12-5 14-5c2 0 9 1 11 8 3 6-3 12-3 12-1 1-6 3-6 3-52 27-156 64-161 65-5 1-100 29-100 29s-28 78-30 83c-2 5-15 29-15 29s-1 3-2 2c-2-1-1-3-1-3l16-78z m-287-247l21 4c4 5 10 9 16 13 20 12 37 18 40 19 8 3 19 4 25-3 4-3 6-7 6-14l8 1 1 0c110 19 352 35 352 35 8 2 32 10 28 33-4 19-35 20-40 20-4-1-317-42-338-45-113-19-307-68-307-68l-120-35c3 5 98 72 103 76 6 4 117 72 117 72s8 4 6 9c-3 5-7 4-7 4s-7-3-27-12c-38-16-100-53-100-53-49-27-150-110-150-110s-11-7-5-19c5-12 19-11 19-11l148 40c11 5 204 44 204 44z m538-493v0c2 1 4 2 4 5 0 2-1 3-2 4-1 1-3 2-6 2-3 0-4 0-6-1v-19h3v8h3c2 0 3-1 4-4 0-2 1-4 1-4h4c-1 0-1 1-2 4 0 3-1 5-3 5z m-4 1h-3v7c1 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 5-1 5-3 0-3-3-4-5-4z m1 17h0c-10 0-18-7-18-17 0-10 8-18 18-18 10 0 17 8 17 18 0 10-7 17-17 17z m0-32c-8 0-14 6-14 15s6 15 14 15h0c8 0 14-7 14-15s-6-15-14-15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-playstation" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe925;" d="M538-39l-152 66v712s332-56 377-194c46-138-25-227-50-230-70-7-96 36-96 36v223l-76 32-3-645z m40 98v-83s360 116 412 161c53 45-123 156-218 134 0 0-101-5-193-44-1-1 0-76 0-76l232 55 82-36-315-111z m-231 6s-47-24-151-23-197 31-196 94c1 63 173 132 346 161v-89l-184-48s-31-40 11-41c96-3 175 23 175 23l-1-77z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-puma" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe926;" d="M98 735c4-6 9-13 14-21 11 9 20 15 28 21 6-8 12-17 19-25 2-3 6-5 9-6 76-9 138-48 196-93 44-33 85-69 127-104 40-32 84-59 134-72 62-17 112-2 148 52 25 39 43 83 63 124 23 49 54 91 103 117 6 3 12 7 19 9 28 8 48-10 40-38-4-13-14-25-23-36-4-5-10-8-16-10-72-28-114-83-140-153-16-42-38-79-77-104-3-2-6-13-3-16 29-38 33-84 38-128 3-20 2-40 2-60 1-27 13-49 35-64 14-9 20-20 22-37 1-16 10-30 15-45 2-8 6-17 5-25 0-15-4-30-5-45 0-13-4-17-17-15-25 4-38 21-43 44-4 19-5 39-5 58-1 15-4 25-16 34-61 46-107 104-134 176-24 64-68 99-139 95-17 0-33 4-50 6-59 9-108 36-149 79-3 3-6 6-9 9-25 24-24 24-54 6-26-17-55-15-82-5-25 8-49 19-73 29-15 7-25 7-28-13-3-13-11-15-23-13-15 4-29 13-29 29 0 12 8 29 18 36 25 19 56 19 86 14 12-2 22-4 27 10 4 15-2 26-17 30-9 2-19 3-27 1-17-4-30 0-41 13-6 7-14 11-21 17-12 10-14 19-2 32 8 8 12 19 18 28 1 3 2 6 4 8 17 16 33 32 53 51z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-qatar-air" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe927;" d="M1000 693c-1 2-5 4-7 5-3 1-6 0-8-1-85-24-169-51-250-84-95-37-186-82-271-138-2-1-6-1-8-1 1 3 2 6 4 8 28 18 56 38 84 55 50 30 101 58 150 88 83 51 167 101 257 141 2 1 4 1 5 3 2 2 4 7 3 9-2 2-6 4-9 5-4 0-8-2-11-3-22-9-44-16-65-26-103-44-200-100-294-162-4-2-9-4-14-4-24 1-48 2-72 3-44 1-88 3-132 3-63 1-126 2-189 2-9 0-19-3-28-7-8-3-8-10 0-14 7-3 15-6 22-6 56 0 112 0 167 1 70 2 140 4 211 6 2 0 5 0 10 0-3-3-4-4-6-5-14-10-30-19-43-31-19-16-39-25-64-18-1 0-1 0-1 0-42 0-84 1-126 2-69 0-138 1-207 1-8 0-17-2-25-5-5-3-8-8-12-13 4-3 8-9 12-11 13-3 26-7 38-7 82 1 163 2 245 4l36 1c12 0 25 0 39 0-17-14-31-25-45-37-6-5-11-7-19-7-22 1-44 2-66 2-78 1-157 2-235 1-12 0-25-4-37-9-12-5-12-15 0-22 2-1 4-2 6-3 13-2 27-6 40-6 36-1 72 0 108 1 47 0 93 1 139 2 5 0 9 0 12 0-10-11-19-21-29-32-5-5-10-7-17-6-21 0-42 1-63 1-32 1-63 2-95 2-31 0-63 0-94-2-11-1-23-7-33-12-8-5-8-11 0-17 5-4 11-7 18-8 32-9 65-5 97-5 47 0 93 0 141 0-6-7-13-13-18-20-7-10-15-13-26-12-59 1-117 1-175 1-16 0-31-3-43-12-10-7-10-14 1-20 7-4 15-8 23-9 38-7 76-3 115-3 19 0 39 0 60 0-6-9-12-16-17-24-4-5-7-7-13-7-39 1-78 1-117 1-15-1-30-3-43-11-11-7-12-17 1-22 11-5 23-9 35-10 31-1 61-1 92-1h10c-1-10 2-17 10-18 6 0 13 2 19 5 7 4 13 9 20 14 0-5 0-9-1-11-9-13-20-22-36-23-31 0-62 1-92 0-12 0-23-5-34-9-4-1-9-7-9-11 0-4 5-8 9-11 1-2 3-2 5-3 14-2 29-7 43-7 57 0 113 1 170 2 61 1 122 2 183 3 3 0 7 0 8-2 10-14 20-28 30-43-5 0-7-1-10-1-41 1-81 2-122 3-78 1-156 2-234 2-11 0-22-3-32-7-4-1-9-7-9-10 0-4 5-9 9-11 11-3 22-7 34-7 40-1 80 0 120 1 78 1 157 2 235 4 19 1 34-1 42-20 0 0 1-1 2-2 8-10 17-21 27-33-5 0-8 0-11 0-15 1-29 2-44 2-39 1-78 2-117 2-65 2-131 3-197 3-9 0-19-4-28-8-7-3-7-9 0-12 6-3 13-6 19-7 16-1 32-1 47-1 39 0 78 0 118 1 73 2 146 5 219 7 4 0 9-2 12-5 8-6 14-13 21-20 4-4 7-4 12-1 17 13 34 25 51 37 7 5 12 11 20 18-13 2-23 3-34 4-10 2-21 2-33 9 6 2 10 4 14 4 21 3 41 5 61 7 10 1 18 3 24 12 7 12 15 22 23 34-51 5-101 4-149 16 3 3 7 5 11 5 25 3 50 6 74 8 25 2 49 3 74 4 3 0 8 1 9 3 6 12 11 24 16 37-69 5-137 4-204 16v5c72 13 144 12 216 17 3 13 5 25 7 38-38 2-74 4-111 6-36 2-73 3-108 14 73 14 148 14 223 19v33c-27 5-54 10-80 16-26 7-51 16-74 31 48 3 96 4 143 12-8 2-16 4-25 4-49 3-98 5-147 8-4 0-9 1-12 4-5 5-10 10-14 16-3 2-5 7-4 10 1 2 6 3 10 4 3 0 6 0 10 0 25-1 49 3 70 18 2 1 5 2 7 2 17 1 34 2 51 3 10 1 21 3 31 4l0 3c-26 2-53 5-79 7-46 2-92 3-138 5-3 0-5 2-8 3 1 3 2 6 4 9 1 2 3 3 5 4 17 11 34 22 52 33 4 2 9 3 13 3l81 4c10 1 20 2 30 4v2c-29 2-57 4-88 6 4 3 6 4 8 6 18 9 36 19 55 28 99 49 202 90 306 129 4 2 9 3 13 6 2 2 5 6 4 9z m-668-532c6 0 13 0 19 1 11 2 22 5 33 8 21 6 30 2 42-19-49 1-97 2-147 3 35 53 57 109 73 168-8-2-16-4-26-7 6 22 18 36 35 45 5 3 8 6 9 11 2 12 5 24 8 37 11-13 17-28 19-43 2-15 2-30 3-46 13 13 20 30 26 47 11-41 17-82-3-122-19-40-53-63-92-80 0-1 0-2 1-3z m179-231c-38 1-76 4-114 5-43 1-86 1-129 2-5 0-11-2-16-4-6-3-6-8 0-11 6-3 14-4 21-4 51 0 101 1 152 2 25 1 49 3 74 4 9 0 18 2 26 2l0 2c-4 0-9 1-14 2z m-257 705c1-1 4-2 6-2 16 0 33-1 49 0 55 1 109 2 163 4 17 0 34 2 51 4v2c-23 1-46 3-69 4-61 1-122 3-183 4-6 0-11-1-17-2-2-1-5-5-6-7 0-2 3-5 6-7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-qvc" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe928;" d="M497 850c221 0 409-151 454-365 26-120 5-232-58-338-3-5-5-5-10-2-52 28-104 55-156 83-5 3-5 4-2 9 108 159 23 374-165 416-149 34-299-68-324-218-24-149 75-287 223-312 35-6 71-5 105 4 14 4 28 2 42 0 61-10 122-20 183-30 20-3 39-6 58-9 4-1 6-2 8-5 29-37 59-73 88-110 3-4 3-5-1-8-48-38-96-76-144-113-5-4-6-1-8 2-29 37-57 75-85 112-4 5-7 6-12 3-64-29-132-43-203-42-204 3-388 149-437 347-10 40-16 81-15 123 7 235 175 407 375 445 29 5 58 8 84 8z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-readernaut" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe929;" d="M36 447c24 79 87 94 98 96 62 146 208 248 378 248 171 0 317-103 379-249 1 0 3-1 6-2v196c-22 9-38 30-38 55 0 33 27 59 60 59s60-26 60-59c0-28-19-51-46-58v-211c20-14 40-37 51-75 0 0 20-97-13-122 0 0-16-22-62-40-4-14-8-27-13-40-18-3-36-6-56-10 29 50 45 107 45 167 0 195-169 352-377 352s-376-157-376-352c0-62 17-120 47-171-17 4-33 7-49 10-5 14-10 28-14 43l-1 0c-49 18-66 41-66 41-33 25-13 122-13 122z m464-434c-144 174-500 189-500 189v-132c322-2 500-220 500-220s178 218 500 220v132s-356-15-500-189z m340 328c0-42-8-81-22-118-110-25-243-72-318-163-72 87-197 134-304 160-15 38-24 78-24 121 0 182 150 329 334 329 185 0 334-147 334-329z m-491 52c0 20-17 37-38 37s-37-17-37-37 16-37 37-37 38 17 38 37z m89 93c0 32-26 57-58 57-32 0-58-25-58-57s26-56 58-56c32 0 58 25 58 56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-redbull" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe92a;" d="M666 459c12 8 24 9 37 0 5-3 9-8 14-12 3-3 6-5 10-6 13-3 26-6 37-14 2-1 4-3 6-4 5-6 12-8 19-9 8-1 16-4 22-9 11-9 22-15 36-17 18-3 32-12 46-21 7-5 15-10 22-14 9-4 19-6 29-3 11 3 16 14 13 24-3 10-10 16-16 23-6 6-13 12-18 19-8 9-6 20 3 27 8 6 16 10 26 12 7 1 14 3 19 10 2-5 3-10 2-14-1-17-11-25-29-27-1 0-2 0-3 0-4-1-5-4-3-7 2-2 4-4 6-6 9-8 17-16 23-26 15-29-8-53-32-53-6 0-11 1-17 2-5 1-6-1-5-6 4-11 3-23-2-34-3-8 4-14 10-15 4 0 7 0 10 0 4 0 6-2 8-6 1-5 3-9 4-14 1-4 3-7 5-9 5-4 9-8 13-13 3-3 6-7 11-8 1 0 2-1 3-2 1-4 2-9 4-14 0-2-1-3-2-3-11-1-21-1-27 10-4 6-6 6-13 3-6-3-12-1-17 3-6 4-12 8-18 11-10 5-20 6-31 3-4-1-9 0-13 2-4 3-10 5-14 9-3 2-5 5-7 9-2 6-3 13-5 20 0 1 1 3 2 4 0-1 2-2 2-3 4-8 9-17 17-22 11-7 22-9 34-7 14 3 27-2 39-11 2-1 4-3 6-5 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 0 2-13 15-27 24-48 22-16-2-29 3-38 17-6 9-9 19-10 29-1 7-3 12-5 18 0 3-1 4-4 4-3-1-2-3-2-5 1-5 3-11 3-16 2-15-4-23-20-23-2-1-5-1-8 0-15 1-30-1-45-2-6-1-12-1-19-1 1 3 2 6 3 8 0 2-1 5-2 5-3 2-4 0-5-3-3-10-10-16-20-19-1-1-2-1-3-2-4-4-9-9-13-13-2-2-2-5 0-8 2-3 5-5 8-7 4-2 9-3 13-4 4-1 8 1 10 5 1 3 2 6 4 9 2 4 5 6 10 6 5 0 9 0 14 0s5-2 3-6c-2-3-3-6-5-8-2-3-4-6-9-6-3 0-5-2-5-5-1-4-2-8-6-11-5-4-10-5-15-3-10 3-20 6-29 9-3 1-5 2-7 4-3 3-6 4-10 4-5-1-6-1-9 5-41-56-95-88-165-88-70 1-125 32-165 88-3-2-6-5-9-6-3-1-6-1-8-1-2 0-5-1-7-2-11-4-23-9-35-13-7-2-13 0-17 6-3 2-4 5-6 9-2 3-5 5-8 4-4-1-7 0-8 4-3 4-5 8-8 12-1 3 0 6 3 6 6 1 11 2 17 2 4 0 7-2 9-5 3-4 5-9 8-12 5-8 9-9 18-7 4 2 9 4 13 6 4 3 5 7 3 11-2 8-7 14-14 18-4 2-7 4-10 6-7 5-12 11-14 19-1 3-1 5-4 4-3-1-2-3-2-5 3-8 0-12-9-12-12 0-25 1-38 1-5 0-10-1-15-2-4 0-7 0-10 1-8 1-12 7-11 18 1 6 2 12 3 19 0 2 0 4-2 4-3 0-4 0-5-3-1-8-3-16-4-25-2-13-10-22-21-28-10-5-20-7-31-7-11 0-23-2-33-8-4-3-8-7-12-11-2-1-2-3-3-5 0-1 0-2 0-4 1 1 3 1 3 2 9 9 20 15 32 17 4 0 9 0 13 1 8 0 16 0 24 1 9 1 16 5 21 12 4 4 7 9 10 13 1 1 2 2 4 3 1-2 2-4 3-6 0 0 0-1-1-2-3-6-6-12-10-18-1-2-4-4-7-5-4-3-7-4-11-7-7-4-14-5-22-4-6 1-11 2-17 2-6 1-11-1-15-6-5-5-11-7-16-10-4-2-7-2-11-1-8 2-10 1-14-5-7-14-14-15-27-12-1 1-3 1-5 1 1 5 2 10 4 15 1 3 3 5 6 6 3 1 6 4 8 7 3 3 6 6 9 8 8 4 14 9 16 18 0 2 1 4 2 5 2 5 5 7 10 7 8-1 15 3 22 8 4 2 5 5 3 9-2 8-4 16-6 24-1 4 0 8 0 11 0 5-1 6-6 5-8-3-17-4-26-2-32 6-39 35-29 55 4 7 11 13 18 19 3 4 8 7 12 11 2 2 4 4 3 7-1 3-3 3-6 3-3 1-6 1-9 1-15 0-29 16-26 31 0 2 1 5 2 8 2-1 3-2 4-3 9-7 19-10 29-12 6-1 11-3 16-5 10-6 13-20 6-29-5-6-11-11-17-16-5-5-10-9-14-14-14-15-7-37 12-42 8-2 16 0 22 4 10 4 19 9 27 15 14 11 28 19 46 20 13 1 23 7 32 16 8 8 17 13 29 14 1 0 2 0 2 0 7-2 12 1 16 5 10 12 23 17 37 21 10 3 19 7 28 13 10 8 22 10 34 8 3-1 3 1 4 2 21 29 47 51 80 66 79 36 173 15 230-51 6-6 11-13 16-20z m-23-198c1-3 1-6 2-8 1-9-7-15-15-13-3 1-6 2-10 4-8 3-17 6-27 4-6-2-11 1-15 5-1 1-2 1-3 2-2 3-4 3-7 0-6-5-13-11-20-15-3-2-9-3-13-4-1 0-3 1-3 2 0 0 1 2 1 3 1 0 2 1 2 1 5 5 9 11 13 16 3 4 5 9 8 13 1 2 2 4 3 6 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 0-2 0-2-1-1 0-2-1-3-2-5-7-10-13-14-20-5-6-11-9-18-9-2-1-5 0-6 1-1 3 2 3 3 5l2 1c13 9 21 22 26 37 6 19 11 39 16 58 6 19 14 37 29 49 14 12 28 24 42 35 9 6 17 12 26 19-45 61-104 91-180 84-56-6-100-34-133-79 4-3 8-5 11-8 6-4 11-9 16-13 23-18 42-39 58-63 3-6 6-13 7-20 2-20 7-40 15-59 0-2 2-4 3-5 3-5 7-9 10-13 6-9 11-18 21-22 1 0 2-1 2-2-1 0-2-1-2-1-2-1-5-1-7-1-10 2-16 9-22 17-3 5-7 10-12 15-1 1-4 2-5 3l-1-1c0-1 1-2 2-3 3-6 7-12 10-18 3-8 7-13 14-17l8-5c1 0 2-2 2-3-1 0-2-1-3-1-13 0-24 4-33 13-5 6-7 6-13 1-5-4-10-8-17-7-10 2-19 0-28-3-5-2-11-3-17-4-4-1-8 2-9 5-2 7-2 14 3 19 1 1 1 2 1 3-1 0-2 1-3 0-4 0-5 1-4 4 2 4 5 7 8 10 3 3 5 6 6 10 1 3 3 6 5 9 1 1 1 2 2 3-1 0-1 1-2 1-7-1-15-3-23-4-3-1-7-2-11-2-6 0-6 2-3 7 5 8 7 18 6 28 0 1-2 3-3 4-1-1-2-2-3-4-1-4-1-8-2-12-2-11-7-20-20-20-1 0-2-1-3-1-3-1-4-3-3-6 0-1 1-2 2-4 4-7 7-14 12-21 3-6 3-11 2-16-1-2-2-4-2-6 0-1-1-2-1-4 2 1 2 1 3 1 9 8 11 17 5 27l0 1-11 21c6 4 12 2 15-4 3-6 6-12 9-17 3-6 4-11 1-17-1-2-1-4 0-5 4-6 7-11 11-16 47-54 105-79 176-68 57 8 100 38 131 86 1 1 1 3 1 5-1 5-1 9 1 13 4 6 7 12 10 18 5 8 5 9 15 3l0 0c-1-2-1-3-2-4-4-6-7-11-11-16-3-5-1-19 4-21 0 0 0 1 0 2-1 8 1 14 5 20 4 5 7 10 10 14 2 4 2 8 0 10-1 2-3 4-5 5-10 5-15 13-16 23-1 7-1 14-2 21 0 3-1 6-4 6-2 0-3-2-4-5 0-5 0-10 0-16 1-9 5-18 9-27 2-4 1-5-4-5-14-1-27 2-38 13 0 0 0 0-1 1-1 0-2 0-3 1 0-1 0-3 0-4 3-4 6-7 8-11 3-4 5-7 8-10 2-4 4-8 6-11 1-3 3-6 4-9 2-4 0-6-4-6-1 1-2 1-5 1z m-66 43c1 0 1-2 2-3 1 1 2 2 3 4 2 3 3 7 5 10 3 3 7 6 10 8 4 3 6 2 9-1 1-2 3-2 4-3 1 2 2 4 1 5-2 5-4 9-7 13-2 3-4 3-7 0l-13-15c-4-5-6-10-7-18z m-172 20c1-1 1-1 2-1l3 4c4 5 7 5 12 0 5-4 8-10 8-17 0-1 1-2 1-3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 7 2 10-2 10-10 16-15 24-1 1-1 1-1 1-3 2-5 1-6-2-2-4-4-8-6-12-1-2-1-4-2-6z m250 62c5 12 15 20 24 29 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 6-2 2-4 1-6 0-8-7-15-14-19-23-2-5-3-9-1-14z m-309-8l1 1c3 8 3 17-1 25-1 3-3 5-5 7-1 1-3 1-4 0-1 0-1-2-1-3 0-2 1-3 1-4 3-5 5-10 7-16 1-3 2-6 2-10z m58-113c9 0 12 2 12 8 0 3-1 4-4 4-4-1-7-4-9-8-1-1-2-2-1-3 0-1 2-1 2-1z m201-3c1 0 4 0 3 3 0 4-5 9-10 8-1 0-2-2-2-3 0-5 3-8 9-8z m-324-19c-4 0-6 2-7 4-2 5-3 10-8 13-2 2 0 3 2 4 5 0 10 0 16 0 1 0 3-1 4-3 1-3 2-7 3-10 1-1 0-3-1-3-3-2-6-4-9-5z m708-6c3 0 7-4 7-8 1-5 1-9 3-13 2-2 1-4-1-4-10-5-10-5-13 6-1 3-2 7-3 11-1 3 3 8 7 8z m-977-27c-4 1-8 2-11 3-1 0-1 3-1 4 4 3 4 8 4 13 0 3 2 6 5 8 1 0 2 0 3 0 4-2 6-6 5-11-2-5-3-11-5-17z m706 51l8 1c2 0 3-1 3-4-1-4-3-8-4-12 0 0 0-1-1-1-5-3-9-1-13 1-3 1-4 4-3 7 1 7 3 8 10 8z m256-24c-1 0-3 0-3 1-4 4-7 9-10 13 0 1 2 4 3 5 1 1 4 1 5 0 4-2 7-5 10-7 2-2 4-4 2-7-2-2-4-4-6-6-1 1-1 1-1 1z m-947 1c-4 0-7 1-8 4-1 3 0 6 3 8 3 2 6 4 9 6 2 2 4 2 6 0s3-4 1-6c-2-3-4-6-6-9-2-1-4-2-5-3z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-reuters" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe92c;" d="M431 232c-6-3-9-12-5-18 3-7 11-9 18-6 6 4 8 12 5 19-4 6-11 9-18 5z m63-17c-4 7-13 10-21 6-7-4-10-14-6-21 4-7 13-10 21-6 7 4 10 13 6 21z m-12 262c8 5 11 15 7 23-4 9-15 12-24 7-8-4-11-14-6-23 4-9 15-12 23-7z m24 9c3-8 12-10 20-6 8 3 10 13 6 20-4 8-13 10-20 6-8-3-10-13-6-20z m28-293c8 5 11 15 6 24-4 8-14 11-23 6-8-4-11-14-7-23 5-8 16-11 24-7z m-178 212c4-7 14-10 21-6 8 4 10 14 6 21-4 7-13 10-20 6-8-4-11-13-7-21z m21-132c5 3 7 9 4 13-2 5-8 7-13 4-4-2-6-8-4-13 3-4 9-6 13-4z m33-22c-3 6-10 8-15 5-6-3-8-10-5-16s9-7 15-4c6 3 8 10 5 15z m-23 214c-8-5-11-15-6-23 4-8 14-12 23-7 8 4 11 15 7 23-5 8-15 12-24 7z m-19-135c-3 5-10 8-15 5-6-4-8-10-5-16 3-5 10-8 16-4 5 2 7 9 4 15z m188 162c-7-4-9-12-6-18 4-7 12-9 18-5 7 3 9 11 6 18-4 6-12 8-18 5z m-211-129c4-6 12-9 18-5 7 3 9 11 6 18-4 6-12 8-19 5-6-3-8-12-5-18z m96 97c9 5 12 17 7 26-5 9-17 13-26 8-9-5-13-17-8-26 5-9 17-13 27-8z m190-89c3-6 10-8 16-5 5 3 7 10 4 15-3 6-10 8-15 5-5-3-8-10-5-15z m-9 56c-5-2-6-8-4-13 3-5 9-6 13-4 5 3 6 8 4 13-3 5-8 6-13 4z m32-89c-4 6-11 8-18 5-7-4-9-12-6-18 4-7 12-9 19-5 6 3 9 11 5 18z m-11-43c-4 7-13 10-21 6-7-4-10-13-6-20 4-8 13-10 21-7 7 4 10 14 6 21z m-49 169c-6-3-8-9-5-15 3-6 10-8 16-5 5 3 7 10 4 16-3 6-10 8-15 4z m-35-224c-9-5-13-16-8-26 5-9 17-13 26-7 10 5 13 17 8 26-5 9-17 13-26 7z m53-4c8 4 11 15 7 23-5 8-15 11-24 7-8-5-11-15-6-24 4-8 15-11 23-6z m70 166c8-2 16 2 18 10 3 8-2 17-10 19-8 2-17-2-19-10-2-8 2-17 11-19z m-151 145c-3-13 4-27 17-31 14-4 27 3 31 17 5 13-3 27-17 31-13 4-27-4-31-17z m-167-36c-2-8 2-17 11-19 8-2 16 2 18 11 3 8-2 16-10 18-8 3-16-2-19-10z m271-322c2 8-2 17-10 19-8 2-17-2-19-11-2-7 2-16 10-18 8-2 17 2 19 10z m-3 318c4 11-3 24-14 27-12 4-24-3-27-15-4-11 3-23 14-27 12-3 24 3 27 15z m-250-341c12-3 24 3 27 15 3 11-3 23-15 27-11 3-23-3-27-15-3-11 3-23 15-27z m-44 45c10-3 21 3 24 13 3 10-3 21-13 24-11 3-21-3-24-13-4-10 2-21 13-24z m-5 239c7-2 13 2 15 9 2 6-2 13-8 15-7 2-14-2-15-9-2-6 2-13 8-15z m95 68c10-3 21 2 24 13 3 10-3 21-13 24-10 3-21-3-24-13-3-10 3-21 13-24z m60 9c12-4 24 3 27 14 3 12-3 24-14 28-12 3-24-4-27-15-4-12 2-24 14-27z m187-61c3 10-3 21-13 24-10 2-21-4-24-14-3-10 3-21 13-24 10-3 21 3 24 14z m-366-197c8-2 17 3 19 11 2 8-2 16-10 18-9 3-17-2-19-10-2-8 2-16 10-19z m400 83c2 7-2 14-8 16-7 2-14-2-16-9-2-6 2-13 9-15 6-2 13 2 15 8z m-402 45c5-2 10 1 12 6 1 5-2 10-7 12-4 1-10-2-11-7-1-4 1-10 6-11z m7-56c2 7-2 13-9 15-6 2-13-2-15-8-2-7 2-13 8-15 7-2 14 2 16 8z m373-56c5-1 10 2 11 7 1 4-1 10-6 11-5 1-10-1-11-6-2-5 1-10 6-12z m-219-132c4 14-4 28-17 32-13 3-27-4-31-17-4-14 4-27 17-31 13-4 27 3 31 16z m104 30c-10 3-21-3-25-13-2-10 4-21 14-24 10-4 21 2 23 13 3 10-2 20-12 24z m94 68c-6 1-13-2-15-9-2-7 2-13 8-15 7-2 14 2 16 8 1 6-2 14-9 16z m-155-78c-11 4-23-3-27-14-3-12 3-24 15-27 11-4 23 3 27 14 3 12-3 24-15 27z m121 396c11 12 10 29-1 40-11 10-28 10-39-1-11-12-10-29 1-40 11-10 29-10 39 1z m26-50c13-13 34-12 46 1 12 13 11 33-2 46-13 12-33 11-45-2-12-13-12-33 1-45z m-317-337c-13 12-33 11-45-2-12-13-12-33 1-45 13-12 34-12 45 1 12 13 12 34-1 46z m-88 188c7 8 6 21-1 28-8 7-20 7-28-1-7-8-7-20 1-28 8-7 20-7 28 1z m36-166c10 12 10 29-1 40-12 10-29 10-40-2-10-11-10-28 1-39 12-10 29-10 40 1z m-30 80c9 10 8 26-1 35-10 10-26 9-35-1-10-10-9-25 1-34 10-10 25-10 35 0z m292 310c10 10 9 26-1 35-10 10-25 9-35-1-9-10-8-25 1-35 10-9 26-9 35 1z m-86 2c7 7 7 20-1 27-8 8-20 7-28-1-7-8-7-20 1-27 8-7 20-7 28 1z m70-491c-8-8-7-20 0-28 8-7 20-7 28 1 7 8 7 20-1 28-8 7-20 7-27-1z m-87 1c-9-10-8-26 1-35 10-9 26-9 35 1 10 10 9 26-1 35-9 9-25 9-35-1z m279 143c-7-7-6-17 0-23 7-6 17-5 23 1 6 6 5 16-1 22-7 6-17 6-22 0z m-360-118c-11-11-10-29 1-39 11-11 29-10 40 1 10 11 10 28-1 39-12 11-30 10-40-1z m333 47c-5 5-13 5-17 0-4-5-4-13 0-17 5-4 13-4 17 1 5 4 5 12 0 16z m-62-70c6 7 5 17-1 23-7 6-16 6-22-1-6-6-6-16 0-22 7-6 17-6 23 0z m113 350c11 11 10 29-1 39-11 11-29 10-40-1-10-11-10-29 2-39 11-11 29-10 39 1z m-4-128c-8-8-7-20 1-27 8-8 20-8 27 1 7 7 7 20-1 27-7 8-20 7-27-1z m28 87c-10 10-25 9-35-1-9-10-8-25 1-34 10-10 26-9 35 1 10 9 9 25-1 34z m-475 105c5-5 12-4 17 1 4 4 4 12-1 16-5 5-12 5-17 0-4-5-4-13 1-17z m-27-70c6 6 5 16-1 22-6 6-16 6-22-1-6-6-6-16 1-22 6-6 16-5 22 1z m89 140c-7-6-6-16 0-22 7-6 16-6 23 0 5 7 5 17-1 23-7 6-17 6-22-1z m-159-47c7-9 21-12 30-5 10 7 12 20 6 30-7 10-20 12-30 5-10-7-12-20-6-30z m499-478c5-7 16-8 23-2 7 6 9 16 3 23-6 8-16 9-24 3-7-6-8-16-2-24z m15 531c17 5 26 23 21 40-6 17-23 27-41 21-17-5-26-23-21-40 6-17 24-27 41-21z m-96 100c-14-4-22-18-18-32 3-14 17-22 31-19 14 4 23 18 19 32-4 14-18 23-32 19z m-102-7c2-12 13-19 25-17 12 2 19 14 17 25-2 12-14 19-25 17-12-2-19-13-17-25z m315-239c20 8 29 31 20 51-8 20-31 29-51 21-20-9-29-32-20-52 8-19 31-29 51-20z m2-252c12 8 16 24 8 36-7 12-23 16-35 8-13-7-16-24-8-36 7-12 23-16 35-8z m-288-177c-9-1-16-10-15-19 2-9 10-16 19-14 10 1 16 9 15 19-2 9-10 15-19 14z m327 393c-8 18-30 25-48 16-17-8-24-30-16-48 9-17 30-24 48-16 18 9 25 30 16 48z m-137 137c7-18 28-28 46-21 19 7 28 27 21 46-6 18-27 28-45 21-19-7-28-27-22-46z m-107-508c-8-3-12-12-8-20 4-8 13-12 20-8 8 3 12 13 8 20-3 8-12 12-20 8z m242 281c-9 15-29 21-44 12-16-9-22-29-13-44 10-16 29-21 44-12s22 28 13 44z m-591-223c-17-6-26-24-21-41 5-17 24-26 41-21 17 5 26 23 21 40-5 17-24 27-41 22z m96-101c14 4 22 18 19 32-4 14-18 22-32 19-14-4-22-18-19-32 4-14 18-22 32-19z m-80 631c-6 7-17 8-24 3-7-6-9-17-3-24 6-7 16-9 24-3 7 6 8 17 3 24z m498-478c-7 10-21 12-30 5-10-7-12-20-6-30 7-10 21-12 31-5 9 7 12 20 5 30z m-428 500c8 3 12 13 8 20-3 8-12 12-20 8-8-3-12-12-8-20 3-8 13-12 20-8z m-107-508c-7 19-28 28-46 21-19-6-28-27-21-46 6-18 27-27 46-21 18 7 27 28 21 46z m-135 228c9-16 29-22 44-13 16 9 22 29 13 44-9 16-29 21-44 13s-21-29-13-44z m354-366c-2 12-13 19-25 17-12-2-19-14-17-25 3-12 14-19 25-17 12 2 20 13 17 25z m-28 668c9 2 15 10 14 19-1 10-10 16-19 15-9-2-16-10-14-20 1-9 9-15 19-14z m-261-221c12 8 16 24 8 36-8 12-24 16-36 8-12-7-16-23-8-36 8-12 23-15 36-8z m5-279c20 8 29 31 20 51-8 20-31 29-51 21-20-9-29-32-20-52 9-20 32-29 51-20z m-72 107c9-18 30-25 48-16 17 9 25 30 16 48-9 18-30 25-48 16-18-9-25-30-16-48z m757 247c22-2 43 14 45 37 2 23-14 43-37 46-22 2-43-14-45-37-3-23 14-43 37-46z m63-131c-27 0-50-22-50-50 0-27 23-50 50-50 28 0 50 23 50 50 0 28-22 50-50 50z m-60 68c-2-25 18-47 43-48 25-2 47 18 48 43 2 26-18 47-43 48-26 1-47-18-48-43z m-275-527c-11-3-18-15-15-26 3-11 15-18 26-15 11 3 19 14 15 26-3 12-14 18-26 15z m200 128c-18-3-30-20-28-38 3-19 20-31 38-28 18 3 31 20 28 38-3 18-20 30-38 28z m72 100c-23-2-40-23-37-46 2-23 23-39 45-37 23 3 40 23 37 46-2 23-23 39-45 37z m-165-177c-15-4-24-18-21-33 3-15 18-24 32-21 15 3 25 17 22 33-3 14-18 24-33 21z m211 289c-25-2-45-23-44-49 2-25 23-44 49-43 25 1 44 23 43 48-1 26-23 45-48 44z m-211 428c15-4 30 6 33 21 3 15-7 29-21 32-15 4-30-6-33-21-3-15 7-29 21-32z m-644-289c26 1 45 23 44 48-2 25-23 45-49 43-24-1-44-22-43-48 1-25 23-45 48-43z m47 111c22 3 39 23 36 46-2 23-22 39-45 37-23-2-40-23-37-46 3-22 23-39 46-37z m-15-181c0 28-22 50-49 50-28 0-50-22-50-50 0-27 22-50 50-50 27 0 49 23 49 50z m179 359c15 3 24 17 21 32-3 15-18 25-32 21-15-3-25-17-22-32 4-15 18-25 33-21z m107 50c11 3 18 15 15 26-3 12-15 18-26 16-11-3-18-15-15-27 3-11 15-18 26-15z m-275-527c2 26-18 47-43 49-25 1-47-18-48-43-1-26 18-47 43-49 25-1 47 18 48 43z m75 400c19 3 31 20 28 38-3 18-20 30-38 27-18-3-30-19-27-38 2-18 19-30 37-27z m619 0c18-3 35 9 38 27 3 19-10 36-27 39-18 3-36-10-38-28-4-18 9-35 27-38z m-309 143c11 0 20 9 20 20 0 11-9 20-20 20-11 0-20-9-20-20 0-11 9-20 20-20z m-381-606c-23 3-43-14-46-37-2-23 14-43 37-46 23-2 43 14 45 37 3 23-14 44-36 46z m490 590c11-3 23 4 26 15 4 12-4 24-15 27-11 3-23-4-26-16-3-11 4-23 15-26z m-110-834c-11 0-20-8-20-20 0-11 9-20 20-20 11 0 20 9 20 20 1 12-8 20-20 20z m-309 143c-18 3-35-9-38-27-3-19 10-35 28-38 18-3 35 9 38 27 3 18-9 35-28 38z m200-127c-11 3-23-3-26-15-3-11 4-23 15-26 11-3 23 3 26 15 3 11-4 23-15 26z m-107 51c-15 3-30-7-33-21-3-15 7-30 21-33 15-3 30 6 33 21 3 15-6 29-21 33z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-siemens" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe932;" d="M3 276v30c17-5 32-8 45-8 18 0 27 5 27 14 0 4-2 7-4 9-3 3-10 6-21 11-19 8-32 15-38 20-8 8-12 17-12 29 0 15 6 26 17 34 11 8 26 12 44 12 10 0 24-2 43-6v-28c-14 5-27 8-39 8-17 0-25-5-25-14 0-3 1-6 5-8 2-2 10-6 23-12 18-8 30-15 36-21 8-7 11-16 11-27 0-17-7-29-21-38-11-7-26-10-44-10-16 0-31 2-47 5z m134 148h42v-150h-42v150z m81-150v150h107v-27h-67v-34h58v-25h-58v-35h69v-29l-109 0z m143 0v152h55l38-97 39 97h53v-152h-40v108l-45-110h-26l-44 110v-108h-30z m224 0v152h109v-27h-68v-35h59v-25h-59v-36h70v-29h-111z m139 0v152h49l53-102v102h30v-152h-48l-54 103v-103h-30z m162 2v31c17-6 32-9 45-9 19 0 28 5 28 15 0 3-2 6-4 9-3 3-10 6-21 11-20 8-33 15-39 21-8 7-12 17-12 29 0 15 6 27 17 34 11 8 26 12 45 12 10 0 23-1 39-5l4 0v-29c-14 5-27 8-39 8-17 0-26-5-26-14 0-4 2-6 5-9 3-1 11-5 24-11 18-8 31-15 37-22 7-7 11-16 11-27v-1c0-17-7-29-21-37-12-7-27-11-46-11-15 0-31 2-47 5z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-slideshare" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe934;" d="M985 458c-38-73-118-96-196-137v-158c0-22-29-152-138-152-110 0-146 63-146 89v146c-11 3-21 7-32 12v-158c0-26-40-63-94-63s-158 76-158 126v171s-144 57-177 98c-34 41-51 57-41 81 9 24 117-67 180-81 63-15 172-23 219-21s72-17 98-41c2-1 3-3 5-4v18c0 23 59 32 95 32h157c19 0 163 47 196 84 34 38 68 27 32-42z m-333 10c61 0 111 49 111 110s-50 111-111 111-110-49-110-111c0-61 49-110 110-110z m-291 0c61 0 111 49 111 110s-50 111-111 111-110-49-110-111c0-61 49-110 110-110z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-smashing-magazine" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe935;" d="M527 245c-53 25-108 47-161 72-148 69-243 227-135 416l-158-36c-51-12-82-62-71-112l151-662c12-51 62-82 112-71l66 15v1c-43 20-84 38-128 57 26 62 50 120 76 181 17-9 28-17 40-23 70-39 144-58 224-44 37 6 69 20 80 60 11 42-2 78-33 106-19 16-41 29-63 40z m471-130l-151 662c-12 51-62 82-112 71l-94-22c0 0 0 0 0 0 46-15 85-27 123-42 10-4 34-13 34-13s-47-122-67-179c-74 60-145 76-227 64-35-5-69-29-79-66-11-38 2-68 34-88 23-15 48-28 74-39 50-22 102-40 151-63 121-56 184-150 173-286-3-39-14-86-25-131 1-1 1-1 1-1l94 21c51 12 82 62 71 112z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-snapchat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe936;" d="M1000 100c-3 12-12 15-23 18-90 19-147 78-189 156-21 40-14 57 30 73 22 8 46 14 64 30 23 20 20 46-6 62-16 9-33 10-50 4-10-3-20-8-30-10-19-4-29 1-27 23 3 29 4 58 6 87 0 30-1 61-10 91-29 95-95 155-191 176-110 25-209 4-289-82-62-68-64-152-58-236 4-68 5-68-60-50-25 8-54-2-62-23-11-27 7-42 28-52 21-11 44-18 66-27 21-10 31-27 20-49-39-83-95-146-186-171-13-4-31-2-33-22-1-18 11-28 25-36 25-16 55-22 84-27 19-3 28-9 32-29 8-40 14-45 55-36 63 13 117 1 167-40 31-25 67-41 106-48 65-10 120 12 169 50 38 28 79 48 128 42 17-2 34-4 51-7 21-4 37 3 38 24 3 34 22 43 52 47 28 4 56 13 79 32 9 7 16 17 14 30z m-20-6c-30-26-62-33-93-37-29-4-48-15-50-47-1-18-9-24-28-19-66 14-126 2-182-39-91-68-164-68-255-1-57 42-117 55-184 39-15-4-24-1-25 16-2 35-23 48-56 52-30 3-60 11-87 36 100 22 164 82 209 166 30 57 18 87-44 109-15 5-29 10-43 17-9 5-24 11-17 25 7 12 20 17 35 11 14-5 29-11 44-13 35-5 48 10 47 44-2 41-2 81-3 121-3 94 70 177 148 206 123 46 260 6 324-97 20-31 31-65 31-103 0-43 1-86-4-129-4-31 13-46 44-41 15 2 29 8 44 13 17 6 33 1 39-14 5-13-11-20-22-25-18-8-38-14-56-22-41-18-53-48-33-89 45-90 110-156 217-179z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-sony" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe938;" d="M727 432c-32-1-63-1-95-1-2 0-5 0-7 0-2 1-3 0-3-2 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-3 1-3 3-3 9-1 17-1 25-1 8-1 11-3 11-11 1-2 1-4 1-5l-1-72v-4l0 0c-2 2-3 3-5 5-17 21-35 42-53 63-11 13-22 27-33 40-1 2-2 2-5 2-12 0-24 0-36 0-17 0-35 0-53 0-2 0-3 0-3-2 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-2 0-3 3-3 8-1 17-1 26-2 7 0 10-2 10-10v-4l0-86c0-5 1-9 0-13-1-9-4-12-12-12-8-1-16-1-24-1-2 0-3 0-3-3 0-3 0-7 0-10 0-3 1-4 4-4 33 0 65 0 98 0 3 0 7-1 9 0 2 2 0 6 0 9 0 8 0 8-8 8-7 0-14-1-21 0-5 1-8 4-9 9-1 4-1 8-1 12 0 25 0 50 0 76 0 2-1 5 1 8 1-2 3-3 5-5 8-10 17-20 25-30 13-16 26-31 39-47 11-12 20-25 31-36 2-2 3-4 6-4 13 0 27 0 40 0 2 0 3 0 3 3-1 15-1 30-1 45 0 29 0 58 1 87 1 6 3 8 9 9 2 1 4 1 6 1 6 0 12 0 19 0 2 0 3 0 3 3 0 3-1 7 0 10 0 4-2 5-5 5z m-317-17c-24 14-50 20-78 20-19 0-38-3-57-10-18-7-35-17-47-33-20-26-20-62 0-87 11-14 25-23 41-29 31-11 62-14 94-8 20 3 39 10 56 22 25 19 34 45 28 75-4 22-18 38-37 50z m-15-84c-4-20-16-34-35-42-18-7-37-8-55-1-23 8-35 26-39 49-2 13-2 25 2 37 7 23 25 35 48 40 5 1 11 2 15 2 13 0 23-2 33-6 15-6 23-18 28-32 5-16 7-31 3-47z m-246 28c-22 8-45 10-67 14-11 1-23 2-33 8-10 4-12 15-5 23 5 6 12 8 19 10 20 4 39 2 58-7 11-4 20-12 25-22 2-4 4-8 5-13 0-1 1-2 3-2 6 0 12 0 18 0 2 0 3 0 3 2v57c0 2-1 3-2 3-6-1-13 1-18-1-5-1-6-7-9-11-1-2-2-3-4-1-6 3-13 7-19 9-22 8-45 9-68 6-14-3-28-7-39-17-11-8-16-19-16-33 1-16 9-27 23-34 9-4 18-6 26-7l69-12c9-2 18-4 26-9 9-7 10-19 1-27-5-4-11-6-17-7-16-3-33-3-49 1-8 2-16 5-24 9-14 8-23 20-26 36-1 3-2 5-6 4-5 0-10 0-16 0-2 0-3-1-3-3 0-11 0-21 0-32v-31c0-2 1-3 3-3 6 0 12 0 18 0 2 0 3 0 4 2 2 4 4 8 5 12 2 2 3 3 5 1 8-6 17-11 27-14 22-6 43-7 65-3 14 2 28 6 40 14 20 14 23 44 7 61-9 9-18 14-29 17z m851 58c0 3 0 7 0 10 0 4-1 5-4 4-18 0-35 0-53 0-16 0-32 0-48 1-3 0-4-1-4-4 0-4 0-7 0-11 0-2 1-3 3-3 7 0 14 0 21 0 2 0 4-1 6-2 3-1 4-2 2-5-1-2-2-4-4-6-6-10-15-17-23-26-4-4-8-8-12-12-2-2-3-1-4 0-2 3-5 5-8 8-9 10-19 20-28 30-2 2-5 5-3 8 1 4 5 4 8 4 8 1 16 1 24 1 3 0 5 0 4 4 0 3 0 6 0 9 1 4-1 4-4 4-29 0-58 0-87 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-3 0-3 0-3-3 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-2 0-2 2-2 3 0 6 0 9 0 11-1 21-4 28-13 2-3 5-5 8-8l53-51c2-1 3-3 3-6 0-13 0-26 0-40-1-5-3-8-8-9-4-1-8-1-13-1-7 0-14 1-20 0-3 0-4-1-3-3 0-4 0-7 0-11-1-3 0-3 3-3 21 0 43 0 64 0v0c21 0 42 0 63-1 3 0 4 1 4 4 0 3 0 7 0 10 0 3-1 4-4 4-4 0-8 0-12 0-5 0-11 0-16 0-10 0-13 6-13 14 0 12 0 24 0 36 0 2 0 4 2 6 8 8 15 16 23 23 12 12 22 25 35 36 6 6 12 11 21 12 5 0 10 0 15 0 2 1 3 2 3 4z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-soundcloud" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe939;" d="M0 250c0-34 15-64 40-85v169c-25-20-40-51-40-84z m82 106v-213c10-3 20-4 31-4h11v221c-4 0-8 0-11 0-11 1-21-1-31-4z m92-14c-3 2-5 4-9 5v-208h42v279c-16-22-28-48-33-76z m75 115v-318h42v339c-15-5-29-12-42-21z m84 29v-347h42v346c-8 1-17 2-26 2-6 0-11 0-16-1z m107-24c-13 8-28 14-44 19v-342h63v348c-7-8-13-16-19-25z m40 46v-369h398v0c84 6 122 58 122 121 0 67-51 122-119 122-17 0-32-4-47-10-11 106-101 189-213 189-54 0-103-20-141-53z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-squidoo" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe93b;" d="M867 55c-13-44-55-70-92-58-38 11-58 55-45 99s54 70 92 58c38-11 58-56 45-99z m-160-203c-93 10-162 89-178 179-11 56 1 98-36 112-65 24-150-19-233-9-75 9-131 66-134 161-2 87 62 206-26 246 37-8 68-16 85-49 35-71-21-208 40-246 30-19 83-10 120-5 43 6 72 19 112 18-23 32-60 39-85 58-30 23-74 64-94 103-35 69-29 193-80 238-39 34-104 35-170 22 46 39 162 45 206 13 58-42 46-161 98-223 24-28 59-39 85-50 30-12 62-23 107-27 34 148-81 169-152 233-53 48-88 105-80 224 11-62 23-113 67-148 29-23 70-31 102-49 78-44 149-116 170-224 17 10 29 33 45 54 15 21 35 38 36 67 1 41-28 74-54 94-62 49-176 37-152 170 11-33 14-70 40-89 39-28 99-28 143-54 40-23 99-75 99-143-1-78-78-108-45-197 77-21 116-23 156-58 159-139 43-448-192-421z m215 184c30 102-17 207-106 233s-185-34-215-136c-31-102 17-207 105-233 89-27 185 34 216 136z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-starbucks" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe93c;" d="M969 172c0 1 0 1 0 0z m0 0v0l0 0 0-1c0 1 0 1 0 1z m-12 154c-17 5-33 13-49 20-19 9-37 18-59 19-2 0-5 2-6 4-4 8-7 16-11 25 5 1 8 2 10 2 21 4 38-3 56-12 14-8 28-16 43-22 19-8 37-7 54 5 2 2 5 6 5 9-1 10-2 21-3 32-8 68-28 132-62 192-47 80-112 141-191 187-82 49-173 66-268 63-82-4-158-26-229-68-95-56-163-136-206-237-23-52-36-107-41-164-1-9 3-14 12-18 21-8 41-4 60 5 15 7 30 15 45 22 13 6 26 9 41 8 9-1 11-5 7-14-1-2-3-4-4-7-2-11-10-12-19-13-8-2-17-4-25-7-17-7-32-16-49-24-18-7-36-11-56-7-4 1-7 2-11 3 1-12 3-22 2-33 0-9 5-11 13-12 18-2 34 3 50 11 14 7 29 14 44 20 9 3 19 3 32 5-3-11-4-20-7-28 0-2-4-5-7-6-15-6-31-10-45-17-23-11-44-26-72-25 3-10 6-20 8-29 1-5 3-7 7-6 10 2 21 4 30 8 12 5 23 13 34 18 11 4 22 6 33 8 1 1 6-2 6-4 0-7 0-14-1-20 0-2-3-4-5-5-11-4-22-7-32-12-19-11-36-24-59-27 0-3 0-6 0-8 3-26 13-31 36-18 11 6 21 14 33 19 6 4 14 6 22 7 2 0 8-3 9-6 1-7 2-15 2-23 0-1-3-1-4-2-11-4-22-7-32-12-12-7-24-15-36-23 2-6 4-12 8-18 5-9 9-10 18-5 18 10 34 23 56 24-2 10-3 20-4 30 22-1 29 0 42 8 10 7 21 15 31 23 2 2 3 4 3 7 5 13 7 27 14 39 10 20 21 40 33 59 13 20 15 41 12 63-4 19-8 39-12 59-8 40 2 76 25 109 5 7 12 13 22 15-1-1-1-3-2-3-18-25-25-52-25-82 0-29 6-56 16-83 9-23 8-45-4-66-9-16-20-31-29-47-8-15-17-30-21-46-8-26 0-51 12-75 4-7 8-14 12-21-16-13-31-25-48-36-8-6-18-11-28-14-23-7-27-5-35 18-3 10-5 11-16 10-18-3-32-14-47-23 7-8 12-15 18-22 3-4 5-4 9-2 7 4 13 9 21 11 6 2 14 2 21 1 6-1 13-11 12-17-1-8-8-7-13-9-6-1-13-2-18-5-9-3-10-6-4-13 2-3 5-5 7-7 13-13 13-12 29-5 4 1 7 3 10 3 4-1 8-2 11-4 4-3 6-8 8-11 3-4 3-7-2-10-5-2-10-6-15-9 15-15 30-27 48-35 7 13 13 25 20 37 7 12 15 23 22 35 8 13 14 27 15 42 0 8 2 15 3 22 4-2 5-4 6-6 9-19 8-37-2-54-9-15-18-28-27-43-8-12-16-25-17-41 0-3 1-6 3-8 7-4 15-9 24-14 0 26 11 46 23 65 10 15 20 31 29 47 10 19 9 39-2 58-6 12-13 22-21 33-10 14-21 26-30 40-15 24-17 50-5 76 10 18 22 36 35 52 20 24 27 51 18 81-6 18-12 37-18 55-7 20-11 40-6 61 5 17 11 35 19 51 6 12 17 21 26 32 3 3 7 4 11 6-1-3-2-6-4-8-26-36-38-77-29-122 4-20 15-38 23-57 15-33 14-63-9-92-11-14-22-30-31-45-22-38-19-72 8-105 10-13 20-25 30-37 11-15 17-30 17-48 0-21-6-41-17-58-10-16-20-32-29-48-7-13-9-27-7-42 0-3 1-8 3-8 10-4 20-7 32-11-8 30 0 55 14 79 8 13 16 26 23 39 21 39 19 75-10 109-10 12-20 24-29 37-20 29-22 59-4 89 9 16 20 31 31 45 14 20 20 42 14 65-5 20-13 39-21 58-10 25-18 50-15 78 3 35 16 65 45 87 3 2 6 3 9 5-4-8-9-14-13-21-7-13-14-25-18-39-10-31-3-62 9-91 8-22 18-44 27-67 8-20 7-39-2-58-5-10-10-19-16-28-7-12-15-23-22-35-16-30-16-59 6-86 8-10 16-20 24-30 30-37 35-77 12-119-8-14-16-29-24-44-8-16-14-32-12-50 4-35 0-37 38-38 0 0 1 1 2 1-18 36-7 69 9 102 9 19 19 37 27 57 11 26 8 51-7 74-4 6-9 12-13 18-12 16-24 32-35 49-11 16-12 35-3 53 7 12 15 24 22 36 7 11 15 23 20 35 8 19 14 23 32 16 18-7 36-7 54-1 6 2 13 3 20 3 6 0 11-3 14-9 6-11 12-23 19-33 8-13 18-24 25-36 12-19 13-39 4-58-8-15-18-29-28-44-10-13-21-26-29-41-12-21-12-43-1-65 9-16 18-33 26-50 17-34 28-69 11-108 11 3 21 5 30 7 3 1 5 4 6 7 5 16 6 32 2 48-5 23-17 42-28 63-6 12-14 24-18 38-9 24-2 48 12 69 11 18 25 34 37 52 6 9 12 18 15 28 6 22-1 43-13 62-9 16-21 30-30 46-5 8-9 17-12 27-5 22 2 42 11 62 9 19 19 38 25 57 18 51 9 98-26 139l-4 5c4 0 7-1 9-3 41-33 57-74 46-125-5-23-15-45-22-68-3-11-6-21-10-32-7-22-3-43 10-62 10-14 20-26 30-40 9-12 16-26 17-42 3-22-5-41-18-58-11-16-23-31-35-47-20-26-23-54-9-84 8-17 19-33 28-49 9-17 18-33 19-52 1-9 1-19 1-29 7 3 16 6 24 8 5 2 6 4 7 9 2 20-4 38-13 54-10 16-20 31-29 46-9 14-13 29-12 45 1 18 8 35 19 50 11 17 24 33 36 50 5 9 9 18 12 28 6 25-3 47-15 68-12 19-24 38-37 57-8 12-12 26-9 40 2 14 6 27 11 40 4 13 12 24 16 37 14 51 5 98-25 141l-4 6 2 3c8-7 17-13 23-21 26-34 39-71 29-114-6-26-14-52-22-78-4-16-3-31 3-46 5-11 11-21 17-30 9-14 20-28 29-42 17-28 17-56 0-84-12-19-24-37-38-54-25-30-28-53-9-87 8-15 17-28 25-42 11-18 21-37 22-60 7 3 13 5 19 8 6 3 9 8 6 15-4 9-6 19-11 28-8 14-17 27-26 40-13 17-15 36-13 56 1 6 4 12 6 18 1 0 3 0 4-1 0-2 0-4 1-7 3-14 3-29 9-41 16-30 34-59 51-89 16 10 33 19 47 34-6 3-10 6-15 9-7 4-8 7-4 14l6 8c3 5 7 5 12 3 6-3 13-5 20-7 2-1 5-1 6 0 9 7 18 14 24 26-12 5-22 9-32 13-2 1-5 3-6 4-2 9 9 21 18 19 12-3 24-8 37-12 2-1 7-2 8 0 7 7 13 15 19 24-17 9-33 16-48 24-7 3-12 1-15-6-2-6-4-12-6-18-3-7-7-11-15-8-11 4-24 6-34 12-17 11-33 25-49 37-2 2-3 7-2 9 4 8 8 16 12 24 9 15 12 32 11 49-2 22-11 41-23 59l-31 50c-7 11-11 24-9 37 3 18 8 36 12 54 6 23 11 47 9 71-3 24-12 45-22 66-1 3-3 6-5 11 13-8 24-15 30-27 21-45 27-92 9-140-10-27-9-53 6-78 8-15 19-28 27-43 8-14 16-29 19-44 3-15 10-25 21-33 2-1 3-2 4-3 15-13 31-23 53-18-1-11-3-21-4-32 17 0 31-8 46-16 5-3 11-6 17-9 2 0 6 0 7 1 4 7 9 14 12 21 1 2-1 6-2 7-25 10-44 32-73 34 1 6 2 11 3 16 3 12 3 13 15 10 6-1 12-3 18-6 9-4 18-9 26-14 30-15 32-19 44 19-16 8-30 14-44 21-17 8-34 15-50 23-2 1-4 3-4 4-1 6-1 12 0 17 0 6 3 9 9 7 13-4 26-8 38-13 17-8 33-16 50-23 9-4 14-1 16 9 2 8 2 17 3 23-15 6-29 10-43 15-10 4-19 10-28 16-14 8-29 15-46 16-2 1-5 2-5 4-2 8-4 17-5 26 16 3 30 0 43-6 14-6 27-13 40-19 15-7 31-11 47-8 3 1 7 4 7 7 2 12 3 25 3 35-15 1-30-2-43 1z m-686 193c-30-20-53-46-75-75-2-3-5-6-8-5-29 4-56-6-82-18-12-5-23-12-35-16-17-6-35-7-52 4 8 13 16 25 23 37 19 28 37 55 48 87 7 22 10 44 8 67-1 4 1 8 1 13 5-2 11-2 15-5 23-17 37-41 43-70 1-5 2-10 3-17 8 3 16 6 23 9 22 8 43 15 66 14 13 0 26-3 38-12-6-5-11-10-16-13z m147-25c14 2 28-1 38-11 2-2 3-6 5-8l-2-2-23 5c-7 2-14 0-20-5-5-5-9-3-11 4-2 11 2 16 13 17z m178 26c1-2 0-5 1-8-17 0-32 0-47 0-5 0-9-2-13-3-16-5-24-14-25-31-1-11 0-22 2-32 0-3 3-7 6-8 2-1 6 3 8 5 5 10 11 11 21 8 11-3 23-4 34 1 6 3 10-1 11-6 2-6 4-13 3-19-5-31-15-61-36-85-6-7-12-12-19-17-26-20-61-20-87 0-36 28-55 65-55 111 0 5 2 9 5 13 2 5 8 7 13 4 8-5 17-5 25-3 9 2 19 4 28-1 1-1 6 0 6 2 3 5 5 11 5 17 0 8-1 17-3 26 0 3-2 6-5 8-8 8-18 11-28 11-9 1-18 1-28 0-9 0-13 5-8 14 8 17 21 29 39 37 24 9 48 10 73 7 15-2 30-7 43-13 17-7 26-21 31-38z m-3-47c0-1-6-1-9 0-14 5-28 9-43 0-2 7-3 12 3 14 13 5 27 9 41 5 3-1 7-3 8-6 2-4 1-9 0-13z m113 130c-8-17-13-35-20-54-57 24-118 44-184 43-66-1-128-18-187-46-6 19-12 37-20 54-8 17-18 33-29 51 29 3 52-12 78-21 2 25-12 44-21 68 7-1 14 0 19-2 18-7 35-15 53-24 12-7 24-15 38-23 4 7 8 13 11 21 5 11 8 23 11 35 1 2-1 7-3 9-12 11-25 22-37 34-2 2-4 4-7 9 13 1 23 1 33 2 10 1 22-2 30 3 7 5 9 18 14 27 4 10 9 20 13 30l4 0c5-12 12-24 16-37 4-16 12-23 29-21 14 1 27-2 43-3-3-4-4-8-7-10-12-11-24-23-36-34-4-4-5-6-2-11 7-17 14-34 21-51 28 16 54 35 86 44 6 1 12 2 19 3 1 0 2 0 4 0-4-23-19-42-18-66 26 7 48 22 77 21-10-18-20-34-28-51z m109-166c-3 0-7 2-8 4-24 35-52 65-89 86 0 0-1 1-1 1 1 9 8 11 15 13 26 6 52 2 76-8 11-4 21-9 32-14 3 11 5 22 9 32 7 26 23 46 46 59 3 1 8 2 9 1 3-2 5-7 4-10-8-44 5-82 27-118 13-20 26-40 39-60 2-4 5-8 8-13-13-10-28-12-43-8-13 4-26 9-37 16-27 15-56 22-87 19z m-320 235c-15-11-29-22-43-32 2-8 6-9 12-9 25 1 50 1 75 2 3 0 5 2 8 3l0 3c-15 11-31 22-47 33-1 1-4 1-5 0z m-3-322c18-3 35 8 47 29h-79c1-7 22-27 32-29z m-8 66c-4-1-8-3-13-5 18-12 33-13 51 0-6 2-10 4-15 5-7 0-15 0-23 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-stc" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe93d;" d="M248 387h-164c-17 0-31 14-31 31s14 32 31 32h226v53h-226c-46 0-84-38-84-85 0-46 38-84 84-84l164 0c23 0 42-18 42-41 0-23-19-42-42-42h-242v-53h242c53 0 95 42 95 95 0 52-42 94-95 94z m117 63h121v-252h53v252h120v53h-294v-53z m463-1h172v54h-172c-45 0-154-20-154-153 0-133 109-152 154-152h172v53h-172c-29 0-101 19-101 99s72 99 101 99z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-steam" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe93e;" d="M925 477c0-51-41-92-92-92s-93 41-93 92 42 93 93 93c51 0 92-42 92-93z m-37-155l-112-96c1-7 2-15 2-23 0-81-66-147-148-147-70 0-129 49-144 114l-277 94c-22-17-49-27-79-27-72 0-130 59-130 130s58 130 130 130c62 0 114-43 127-100l268-91c26 26 62 43 102 44l40 121c0 3 0 5 0 7 0 92 74 167 166 167s167-75 167-167c0-72-47-134-112-156z m-676 90c-15 28-45 47-79 47-51 0-92-41-92-91s41-91 92-91c9 0 18 1 26 4l-43 14c-35 19-48 62-29 97 18 35 62 48 97 29l28-9z m491 66c0-71 58-129 130-129s129 58 129 129-58 129-129 129-130-58-130-129z m3-288c0 55-44 98-99 98-7 0-15 0-22-2l55-19c35-18 48-62 30-97-19-34-63-47-98-29l-59 20c12-40 50-69 94-69 55 0 99 44 99 98z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-suzuki" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe93f;" d="M605 90s-60 45-223 150c-164 104-368-41-368-41l484-344c213 225 485 306 485 306l-1 0-619 434c9 30 32 15 32 15s60-45 223-150l368 41-485 344c-212-225-484-306-484-306l1 0 619-434c-9-30-32-15-32-15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-symbian" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe940;" d="M603 210c-3-93-8-191-40-284-7-21-16-40-29-57-22-26-47-25-68 2-21 27-32 59-39 92-40 182-42 364 11 544 6 21 17 39 30 56 20 25 42 25 64 1 15-17 25-39 32-61 7-26 15-52 20-78 14-70 18-140 19-215z m-107 455c-50 1-89 43-87 95 2 49 44 90 92 90 52 0 95-43 93-94-1-43-29-94-98-91z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-t-mobile" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe941;" d="M713-99c-10 0-20 0-29 2-68 7-93 34-99 102-2 14-5 28-5 41 0 243 1 487 0 730 0 30 11 36 38 33 112-14 187-75 224-181 15-41 23-86 34-132 13 2 27 5 32 6 0 110 0 213 0 316 1 24-8 32-32 32-247-1-494-1-741 0-27 0-35-9-35-34-2-93-4-186-8-279-2-36 16-41 46-38 3 20 6 38 9 56 23 139 101 227 221 250 59 11 62 9 62-50 1-229 1-457 0-686 0-32-4-64-9-96-6-34-29-55-61-63-19-5-40-5-59-9-17-4-44 6-44-26 0-33 26-24 44-24 139-1 278-1 417 0 10 0 19 1 29 2 12 34-1 48-34 48z m-424 309c2 52 1 104 0 156 0 7-11 19-16 19-60 2-119 1-179 1v-196c59 0 117-1 175 0 7 1 20 13 20 20z m444 175c-7 0-20-12-20-19-1-52-1-104 0-156 1-7 11-19 17-20 59-1 118 0 178 0v196c-59 0-117 1-175-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-tango" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe942;" d="M603-115c-80-34-155-44-234-28-36 8-55 26-54 60 4 118 5 235 14 352 9 119 26 237 39 356 1 6 0 13 0 18-52 0-101-2-150 0-37 2-74 4-110 12-81 17-109 73-78 149 6 15 16 30 25 46 143-54 287-24 431-19 135 4 272 19 406-13 41-9 78-26 88-70 10-45-18-79-46-109-6-7-24-9-33-6-91 41-186 30-281 25-26-2-38-13-41-42-12-125-31-250-39-376-8-120-5-242 63-355z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-target" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe943;" d="M502 72c215 0 390 174 390 389 0 215-175 389-390 389s-389-174-389-389c0-215 174-389 389-389z m0 649c144 0 260-116 260-260s-116-260-260-260-260 116-260 260c1 144 117 260 260 260z m0-394c74 0 134 60 134 134 0 74-60 133-134 133s-133-59-133-133c0-74 60-134 133-134z m-277-330h-118v-27h43v-117h32v117h43z m40 0l-54-144h32l11 32h54l10-32h33l-54 144h-32z m-3-88l19 52h0l18-52h-37z m198 12v0c16 7 23 19 23 36 0 22-17 40-42 40h-77v-144h31v56h31c16 0 22-6 24-21 2-12 1-26 5-35h32c-6 8-6 25-6 34-1 15-6 30-21 34z m-30 11h-35v40h35c14 0 22-6 22-20 0-14-8-20-22-20z m141-25h32c-2-20-14-31-34-31-29 0-39 24-39 48 0 25 10 49 39 49 14 0 26-8 30-24h30c-3 33-31 51-60 51-44 0-71-33-71-76 0-41 26-74 71-74 14 0 28 5 39 20l3-17h20v78h-60v-24z m113 8h69v25h-69v30h76v27h-107v-144h108v27h-77z m91 82v-27h43v-117h32v117h43v27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-tata-indicom" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe944;" d="M625 848c-219 8-398-166-403-380-5-214 165-393 379-399 211-5 398 163 399 390 0 210-167 381-375 389z m-14-568c-91-1-179 72-179 179 0 108 88 180 180 179 97-1 178-78 178-179 0-109-90-181-179-179z m-454-114c-86 1-158-71-157-158 0-77 62-156 158-156 86 1 156 69 156 157 0 91-75 158-157 157z m0-216c-37 1-59 30-59 60 0 32 28 59 60 58 31 0 58-27 58-58 0-32-25-60-59-60z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-techcrunch" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe945;" d="M0 600v-167h167v-333h166v333h167v167h-500z m667 0h333v-167h-333v167z m-167-167v-333h500v167h-333v166h-167z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-telenor" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe946;" d="M516 423c0 12 0 23 0 34 0 6-2 8-7 11-14 7-29 8-45 3-10-3-19-7-28-13-34-21-62-48-89-77-42-45-80-95-119-143-16-19-33-38-54-53-30-21-64-30-100-23-40 7-64 32-71 72-8 38 1 72 24 103 26 35 58 63 94 87 66 45 138 78 217 96 29 7 59 11 89 13 23 2 47 0 71-2 11-2 25 9 27 20 5 25 11 49 21 71 21 49 51 92 95 121 50 33 104 56 163 65 19 2 39 4 58 3 28-1 56-4 83-14 12-5 23-11 33-19 30-26 29-54 0-79-15-13-34-22-52-30-44-19-91-31-137-43-49-13-98-22-146-37-21-6-42-13-62-21-6-3-10-7-12-13-4-11-8-22-11-33-1-5-1-7 4-9 40-16 73-42 106-69 25-21 49-42 71-67 59-66 109-138 141-222 18-45 27-93 25-142-1-30-7-59-24-85-16-26-40-38-70-39-33 0-62 12-89 29-36 22-65 53-90 87-31 42-52 89-70 138-18 47-29 95-36 145-4 30-7 59-9 89-1 16-1 31-1 46z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-teliasonera" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe947;" d="M812 410c-13 8-21 7-32-3-102-85-213-155-337-205-105-42-212-72-329-47 14-23 27-44 43-62 66-74 152-101 247-105 56-1 112 9 166 24 64 19 124 45 180 81 24 15 47 33 69 51 36 29 66 62 84 105 14 34 7 65-13 95-20 29-49 47-78 66z m-581-171c93 13 181 45 266 83 56 25 111 53 163 86 21 13 44 24 65 40-4 2-6 4-8 4-94 33-191 55-289 73l-4 1-20 4-219 41c-18 4-37 8-55 12-9 1-17 3-25 5-9 3-14 1-20-6-62-84-85-173-48-274 11-28 28-47 55-58 46-21 93-17 139-11z m337-263c-76-22-153-31-233-19-29 5-57 13-89 26 37-38 73-68 114-91 36-22 74-36 116-41 65-7 121 18 173 50 76 47 132 113 181 187 11 18 24 35 33 58-3-2-5-2-6-3-81-83-180-134-289-167z m243 696c-33-20-66-40-102-55-89-36-183-47-281-49 46-8 90-16 135-24 67-12 134-28 200-46 15-8 27-5 39 7 22 22 47 41 69 64 25 26 48 54 67 84 25 41 19 77-9 113-7 9-9 11-17 1-30-36-63-68-101-95z m163-43c-31-63-78-113-127-163 43-21 80-46 110-87 19 85 30 166 17 250z m-831 8l51-14s280-63 485 14l5 2c44 16 86 34 123 63 35 22 63 51 91 80 7 8 5 11-2 17-22 16-46 26-71 33-71 22-144 21-217 12-147-19-283-68-405-152-23-15-44-32-65-54l5-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-tesla" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe948;" d="M501 650c16 20 32 39 48 58 3 3 8 6 13 6 102 2 204-3 304-24 27-5 53-14 80-22-32-41-75-63-123-79-7 43-41 53-75 60-28 5-57 5-85 8-7 1-10-1-11-9-23-115-46-231-70-347-25-130-51-260-77-389-1-6-2-12-5-17-7 36-14 71-22 107-28 140-56 280-83 420-16 75-31 151-46 227-1 5-2 8-8 8-37-1-73-2-108-14-14-5-29-13-40-23-8-7-11-19-17-31-45 16-88 38-124 79 24 7 45 13 67 18 62 15 126 23 190 26 43 2 86 1 129 2 7 1 12-2 16-7 15-19 30-37 47-57z m499 92c-9-12-18-24-27-36-1-2-6-2-9-1-43 10-85 23-128 30-56 10-112 18-168 21-70 5-141 6-211 6-106-1-212-9-316-31-34-7-68-17-103-26-6-2-9-2-13 4-7 11-16 22-25 35 21 6 40 11 60 16 94 24 189 35 285 40 97 6 195 6 292 2 112-5 224-18 332-49 10-3 19-6 29-9 1 0 1-1 2-2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brand-the-verge" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe949;" d="M892 335v35l-36 0-37 1v-38l14 0 14 0 1-7c1-8-1-9-12-9-11 0-21 5-28 15-4 6-5 9-5 18 0 14 5 24 16 31 8 5 9 5 21 4 9 0 15-2 22-5l9-4v58l-26-1c-31-1-42-3-57-13-17-11-30-29-35-50-3-14-1-38 5-52 11-27 35-46 64-51 17-3 43 1 60 10 14 8 15 10 13 17-1 4-3 20-3 41z m-891 98l0-23-1-23 16 0 15 1 0-56c0-31-1-59-2-61-2-3 0-5 25-5h25v168l-39-1-39 0z m169-3v-64h-30v22l9-1 9-1v44h-70v-164h31c26 0 28 2 27 5-1 2-2 15-2 30l-1 26h27v-22c0-14 1-30 0-32l-1-7h53v164h-52z m60 0l2-5c4-10 3-151 0-155-3-3 1-4 47-4h49v53l-3-2c-2 0-13-1-23-2l-20-1 1 10 1 9 6 1c4 0 9-1 13-2l7-1v40l-14-1-14 0 1 10 1 10 13 0c8 1 18 0 23-2l8-2v44h-98z m252 0l-17-44c-9-25-17-44-18-43-1 1-17 45-17 47 0 0 6 1 13 1l13 1 8 20c4 10 7 18 7 19 0 0-26-1-58-1h-58l4-3c4-4 45-97 68-154l3-7h35l26 64c15 34 27 63 28 63 2 0 0-121-2-123-1-2 8-4 49-4h47v28c0 14 1 24 1 24s-3-2-7-3c-5-2-13-4-22-4h-16l1 11 0 10 7 1c3 1 8 0 12-1l6-1v40l-14-1-14 0v18l21-1c12-1 21-1 23-2 3-1 2 0 2 24v21h-131z m255-92l-7 6 4 6c14 19 12 51-5 67-13 14-28 17-75 17l-31 0 1-4c2-5 2-153 0-157-2-3 0-3 28-3 29 0 29 0 28 4-1 1-2 12-2 24 0 21 0 21 4 20 7-3 17-10 21-17 5-8 7-23 4-29l-2-6h30c17 0 29 3 28 4 0 1-2 11-4 21-4 23-11 39-22 47z m-43 25c-4-3-7-6-11-6h-10v18c0 12 3 16 6 16 2 0 6-2 9-3 10-5 14-17 6-25z m301-45c-5-2-38-4-41-3-1 1-1 4-1 10l1 9 12-1c6 0 11-1 12-2 3-1 2 1 2 20v20l-16-1-15 0v21h16c12 0 21-1 30-4l5-2 0 24-1 24-49 0-50 1 1-4c2-5 2-155 0-159-1-3 2-5 49-5h48v53l-3-1z" />
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4 33 10 66 3 99-12 1-16-8-22-12-8-4-15-10-23-13z m-81 35c-4 15-8 38-24 37-33-2-67 13-101-2-14-6-12-12-9-22 10-29 43-50 81-50 11-1 24 2 37 8 12 5 19 15 16 29z m-100 14c26-5 48-9 71-14-25-23-54-17-71 14z m49 63c44-6 87-11 128 7 38 16 53 43 47 83-3 18-14 35-6 55 4 9-5 8-11 9-28 6-34-2-34-40-1-12 0-23-11-30-4-3-10-2-14 1-10 9-7 20-3 31 5 15 6 31-14 35-25 6-49 5-79-5 16-6 25-10 34-14 10-6 26-10 24-23-2-11-17-6-26-9-5-2-12-1-15-9 7-3 14-4 20-7 15-7 34-10 37-31 1-7-1-14-9-17-18-9-32 3-49 15 4-22-1-38-19-51z m136 81c1 5 5 8 9 7 3-1 6-5 8-8 6-17 2-32-13-42-15-11-33-14-53-12 22 14 46 26 49 55z m-153-437c-19-2-42 2-51-23 17-14 45-20 41-49-5-31-37-28-56-37 8-18 21-31 41-37 0 4 1 8 1 12 0 20 5 46 26 42 21-3 12-29 8-46-2-8-10-21 10-17 5 1 12-8 27-18-14 22-9 32 15 34-18 11-29 18-37 29-5 9-13 19-3 27 9 8 19 0 27-7 8-7 14-16 21-24 14 14 18 29 11 48-20-3-46-18-53 1-9 25 24 21 38 29-8 21-23 29-44 31 0-13 6-25 1-37-3-7-4-17-14-16-11 1-13 12-13 20 0 13 8 25 4 38z m-528-84c5-9 11-17 13-27 4-16 0-26-20-20-4 1-7 9-12 2-4-5-2-11 1-17 7-14 19-17 33-14 18 5 25 19 22 37-2 22-18 37-30 54-27 40-55 79-42 137-38-33-57-67-55-112 1-22 2-48-36-40 4-16 13-21 25-18 15 2 21 13 22 28 3 25-6 53 10 77 2-30 18-54 19-83 0-10 4-23-12-26-5-1-10 0-9-7 1-5 4-10 9-11 21-5 29 7 28 25 0 17-6 33-12 49-9 23-14 47-5 73 10-40 30-74 51-107z m491-140c14 0 26 5 26 22 0 20-13 34-31 34-18 0-4-23-14-30-4-18 5-25 19-26z m217 515c8 13 12 26-5 42-8-37-34-48-64-54-8-2-19-1-16-13 1-9 12-11 19-10 26 3 51 10 66 35z m-30 37c-4 9-11 6-18 4-9-3-19-6-28-8-7-2-19 2-15-12 2-9 7-16 24-15 8 1 19 7 30 14 5 4 11 10 7 17z m-265-59c7-3 11 7 14 13 4 11 12 27 2 33-15 9-32 20-52 14-16-4-27-13-27-34 11 4 19 9 29 10 6 0 21 2 17-13-5-16 9-19 17-23z m-7-119c-11 0-19-6-20-18 0-13 7-20 20-22 12 2 20 9 19 22 0 11-8 18-19 18z m43 40c-14 1-23-8-23-22 0-13 7-21 21-21 14-1 22 7 22 21 0 14-8 22-20 22z m-2-156c13 0 22 8 23 22 0 16-9 24-23 27-14-3-25-9-25-25 0-15 10-24 25-24z m-105 228c-8-1-10-16-9-26 2-13 3-37 15-33 17 6 31 1 46 2 33 3 51 24 47 62-5-7-9-16-15-19-14-6-31-35-44 4-2 7-26 11-40 10z m25-489c9-1 15 4 16 13-1 12-8 21-20 22-13 1-7-12-9-18-3-10 2-17 13-17z m27 125c7-5 16-8 23-3 11 8 0 16-3 23-3 9-8 19 6 22 8 2 21 2 21-10 0-14 6-14 16-13 13 3 28 2 33 15 4 8-8 16-15 20-9 4-16 25-28 8-7-9-11-12-22-10-7 2-11 7-12 15 0 10 4 17 13 22 12 6 27 6 36 19-39 18-39 18-53-16-1-3-5-7-8-7-8-1-11 6-10 12 10 41-22 50-48 65-14-42-12-48 21-68 4-3 9-5 13-8 8-7 16-15 9-26-9-14-16-2-24 4-5 4-10 10-18 6-8-4-6-12-6-19 0-13 2-27-7-43 23 2 33 13 43 24 5 6 10 16 19 10 8-6 0-13-3-19-4-9-5-16 4-23z m-56 211c-1-13 7-21 19-22 11 0 18 8 21 19-2 11-7 19-19 20s-19-5-21-17z m-456 106c-2 18-13 35-37 34-40 0-73-32-71-71 2-26 29-16 43-18 27-4 68 31 65 55z m-62-40c-13 5-21 15-21 29-1 6 0 13 7 15 8 2 8-6 10-11 6-9 12-18 19-26-3-9-9-9-15-7z m36 24c-15 3-18 16-22 27 0 8 3 14 10 12 15-3 19-18 24-30 2-5-5-11-12-9z m-33-398c-16 18-20 38-6 59 12-1 16-20 32-12-11 23-6 44 5 65 18 36 37 71 49 109 4 13 12 26 2 42-20-22-20-56-48-73-5 34 24 60 16 97-24-25-21-59-44-86-6 28 7 50 0 75-17-15-13-34-18-50-3-8-2-21-13-21-12 0-7 14-8 22-2 7 3 15-7 25-16-41-18-80-10-121 2-11 0-30 19-26 16 4 23 20 21 36 0 6-5 11-6 17-2 9-1 19 9 23 10 4 13-6 18-12 14-13 15-27 4-43-10-15-20-29-29-45-29-51-23-99 18-136 7-7 16-24 27-12 9 10 6 27-5 38-8 10-18 19-26 29z m214-150c11 35-7 84-38 102-21 13-43 18-64 3-16-11-20-28-17-45 5-26 21-43 47-50 16-4 33-1 40 16 9 19 2 36-15 47-7 6-18 10-24 1-6-11 4-15 12-20 7-3 17 2 20-10-10-17-24-14-39-7-15 8-21 21-18 37 1 14 11 21 24 23 28 3 58-27 59-60 1-28-16-44-48-44-38 0-62 18-75 54-5 15-1 31-6 48-23-16-28-37-23-61 12-49 65-82 118-75 24 4 40 18 47 41z m-234 763c1 6-8 6-12 5-15-4-27-10-22-32 16 6 30 11 34 27z m4-151c-20 7-24 25-30 42-14-12-18-24-8-37 9-12 21-18 38-5z m13-164c-22-5-40-3-57 12 8-37 19-40 57-12z m624-340c-40-13-79-19-112 6-23 16-26-4-32-13-8-13 5-19 16-23 15-7 32-5 46 2 21 11 21-6 26-17 9-17-6-18-15-20-19-5-38-4-56 4-24 11-40 29-42 57-1 28 18 38 40 46 6 3 18 4 15 11-10 37 17 21 31 24 7 1 25 4 12 13-31 20 8 18 7 27-36 17-77 7-108-28-31-35-36-87-11-128 24-40 70-59 117-47 37 9 63 43 66 86z m-79-127c-6 6 0 20-21 16-26-6-57-9-82 11-11 10-19 11-26-5-8-18-24-30-42-37-16-7-31-12-43-28-16-19-45-11-55 11-7 14-13 27-30 35-3-39-30-49-65-50 11-16 24-23 38-24 28-2 51-15 74-28 46-25 94-28 142-7 11 5 18 4 28-3 22-15 46-12 71 6-60 7-73 10-87 32-12 20-21 20-38 6-37-28-78-31-109-7 43-1 82 5 112 36 19 20 33 19 44-7 3-5 6-10 10-15 27-29 52-24 66 12 3 9 1 21 13 26 14 6 7 14 0 20z m-51-39c-11-1-16 7-16 17 1 9 7 14 16 14 10 0 13-7 15-16-2-8-6-15-15-15z m187 46c-24-15-49-21-77-16-23 4-41-15-44-46-2-24 11-37 39-37 32 3 65 12 92 38 12 12 21 26 19 45-2 19-9 28-29 16z m-25-62c-11-7-23-14-36-9-7 2-3 8-3 13 1 15 40 39 53 32 2-1 4-5 4-7 1-14-8-23-18-29z m244 416c-9 4-15-1-21-7-8-7-13-18-28-21 3 25 16 40 29 55 39 50 32 90-21 122-7 4-15 7-19 15-25 52-68 68-124 58-6-1-12 0-18 2-20 6-19-6-17-19 12-70 73-104 142-77 23 9 41 8 57-10 16-18 19-40 7-61-4-9-9-24-23-19-12 5-12 18-10 29 1 14 10 28 1 42-42-27-42-51-3-77 8-5 13-9 7-18-9-13-12-29-27-38-5-4-6-10-10-1-20 50-81 69-95 124 0 3-5 4-10 7-1-6-1-10-2-14-10-45-8-48 38-61 24-6 41-22 52-42 10-17 18-36 27-54 29 34 33 35 55 4 12 11 17 25 19 40 1 7 3 16-6 21z m-117 135c-14 10 5 15 2 23-10 5-17-4-25-5-5 0-24-24-17 9 3 15-22-2-36 13 21 2 19 16 18 29 15-1 16-17 28-19 9 3 1 15 10 19 15 4 13-52 41-11 7-15 13-28 28-41-22 0-37-5-49-17z m-32-38c28-36 55-63 77-93-17 34-16 82-77 93z m37-287c-27 10-52 7-70-17-15-19-33-33-56-38-12-3-22-8-15-23 7-14 18-8 28-3 18 11 32 28 46 43 5 4 10 12 17 5 6-7 3-14-3-19-13-12-26-24-40-36-15-13-12-23 3-33 17-12 33-13 48 3 9 11 17 22 27 33 5 6 8 20 19 12 8-6 1-17-3-24-11-20-28-34-48-44-5-3-15-6-9-15 5-7 9-13 20-9 30 11 74 73 75 107-2 27-13 48-39 58z m2-46c-14 0-25 7-27 23-1 9 6 14 15 15 13-3 27-8 30-24 2-12-10-15-18-14z m61 153c-15-1-20-11-19-25 0-9 0-15-13-13-15 3-26-5-29-19-4-16 7-25 19-30 19-8 35-19 44-43 27 35 43 68 30 108-5 15-15 24-32 22z m-830 210c5-12 15-14 29-7-10 10-9 24-12 38-18-6-22-17-17-31z m328-271c8-6 17-12 14-24-4-12-15-15-26-17-34-5-63 4-87 28-6-5-7-11-7-17-1-58 67-97 122-70 25 13 39 34 41 62 1 27-13 43-37 52-14 5-19 19-29 29-14-19-8-32 9-43z m29-39c8 3 9-6 9-13-3-16-15-28-30-33-11-3-9 7-10 14 0 21 17 26 31 32z m-259 266c20 19 41 33 71 27-2-6-4-11-5-15-15-51-7-99 25-142 5-6 10-15 19-9 12 8 3 16-2 23-22 30-25 65-28 101-1 14 6 30 19 33 11 3 18-13 22-24 3-10 3-21 5-33 16 8 28 18 30 34 4 26-24 27-37 41 38 10 47 9 78-8 7 44-16 51-88 23 2 18 43 40 3 51-30 8-11-29-26-45-3 4-5 8-8 12-11 13-20 28-39 30-13 1-22-3-24-17-2-16 11-10 19-11 17-2 31-9 40-26-68-2-77-7-74-45z m54-291c35-6 55-25 58-61 0-7 4-14 7-19 12-19 31-25 52-22 9 1 16 7 14 16-4 21-18 38-39 40-24 1-30 13-35 32-7 24-20 44-51 44-9-1-23 1-26-12-3-14 11-16 20-18z m-136 507c-1 24-14 44-30 43-15-1-23-10-24-26 0-18 21-37 40-37 16 0 12 12 14 20z m77-439c-8-1-13-1-18 5-11 12-31 14-33 3-4-25-40-33-29-62 3-8 10-12 19-13 6 0 13 1 17-2 16-11 37-17 42 2 5 19 25 26 25 48-3 9-8 21-23 19z m-13-35c-1-9-7-15-16-14-9 0-14 7-14 16 1 9 7 14 16 14 9-2 15-7 14-16z m14 324c-1 19-23 47-36 43-16-6-18-22-18-37-1-20 8-35 28-36 18-1 26 13 26 30z m-33 288c13 0 20 20 34 12 12-6 9-20 13-33 11 12 4 32 22 33 16 0 17-20 32-25-13 47-13 47 31 44-8 16-47 17-18 50-16-2-27 2-35-5-17-16-31-19-49 0-8 8-22 6-33 2 21-31-17-27-25-41 47 1 47 1 28-37z m223-364c1-20-9-32-24-42-45-30-45-40 1-70 3-2 5-4 8-5 6-5 15-9 10-19-5-7-14-5-19-1-24 18-28-2-32-17-11-42 23-78 77-80-27 24-25 48-5 74 11 15 19 33 1 48-22 18-18 33-2 53 19 24 14 41-15 59z m22 388c2 1 4 10 2 13-9 15-21 7-38 4 12-15 21-22 36-17z m-381-14c17-1 31-2 44-3 8-1 18 2 22-7 5-9-3-16-9-23-14-17-29-33-43-50-4-4-9-9-3-15 4-4 9-2 14 1 15 8 31 17 47 25 8 3 16 11 25 5 10-5 5-16 5-24 0-5-2-10-3-15 0-6 0-12 5-16 7-5 12 0 16 3 31 18 31 19 36-18l1-15c1-6 1-15 11-15 8 0 9 9 11 16 3 12 5 25 8 38 4 13 11 23 24 7 13-15 18-6 20 7 5 25 17 20 31 8 10-8 20-16 30-24 6-4 11-12 18-7 6 5 3 14 1 20-4 13-10 24-14 37-2 9-13 19-6 27 8 10 20 0 31-2 18-4 44-21 54-3 9 15-17 30-30 43-36 38-36 39 10 59 4 2 11 2 11 11-13 0-25 1-37-1-17-2-39-1-45-18-6-15 15-24 23-36 5-9 20-17 13-27-9-14-21 0-32 3-2 0-4 1-6 2-7 0-14 10-21 1-6-6-2-15-1-23 2-15 19-26 14-44-20 5-28 27-49 29-8-9 3-28-11-31-12-4-11 17-24 19-13-10-3-31-19-42-12 14-2 34-13 47-13-4-16-16-24-24-3-2-6-5-10-2-2 1-3 5-3 7 0 13 12 29-1 36-11 6-24-10-37-14-3 0-6 1-12 1 7 18 21 25 31 37 9 11 10 19-8 21-7 1-14 0-21 2-17 4-19 12-6 24 4 4 10 7 15 10 4 4 11 7 10 13-2 7-9 8-15 9-24 3-48 5-74 1 7-12 16-10 23-13 7-4 18-2 20-11 2-9-9-12-15-17-10-7-24-12-32-29z m374-99c-16 14-31 28-56 39 9-27 23-44 37-60 5-7 10-22 22-12 11 10 9 23-3 33z m-4-67c-28 23-46-7-69-17-1 8-2 13-3 19-4 18-12 32-31 36-19 4-36-1-50-15-3-3-12-9-4-13 31-16 18-38 3-51-21-18-20 14-33 22-2-23-7-45 16-55 36-17 65 1 93 27 11-18 10-38 26-50 13-9 28-11 42-2 15 10 5 17-2 27-8 12-6 30 6 38 14 8 5-16 18-17 4 19 5 38-12 51z m-132-59c-1 30 3 58 26 80 1-30-3-58-26-80z m36 12c-9-2-11 7-9 14 3 11 3 26 17 28 11 2 7-11 9-15 0-15-5-24-17-27z m68-23c-2-5-5-12-13-9-5 2-5 8-4 12 3 18 4 37 22 55 7-23 2-41-5-58z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="brand-volkswagen" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe954;" d="M999 384c-7 97-39 185-97 262-72 97-167 161-284 190-32 8-65 12-98 13-2 0-4 1-6 1h-28c-7 0-13-1-20-1-45-3-89-12-131-27-163-57-285-194-323-363-10-46-14-91-11-138 12-217 164-401 375-456 47-12 94-17 142-15 116 5 219 45 307 121 84 71 138 162 163 270 7 30 10 60 11 91 1 1 1 3 1 5v26l-1 21z m-499-466c-239 0-432 194-432 432 0 239 193 432 432 432 239 0 432-193 432-432s-194-432-432-432z m280 650c-22 27-46 51-75 71-5 4-11 8-17 12l-2-4c-44-93-87-186-130-279-2-3-3-4-6-4-30 0-60 0-89-1-4 0-6 1-8 5-46 93-92 186-138 279 0 2-1 3-2 5-2-1-3-2-5-3-35-23-65-50-90-83-2-3-2-5-1-8 57-121 113-242 169-363 1-3 2-6 4-9 1 2 1 4 2 5 19 49 38 98 58 147 1 3 2 4 6 4 32 0 63 0 95 0 4 0 5-1 6-4 9-22 18-44 27-66 11-26 22-53 33-79 1 1 1 2 2 3 54 121 108 243 162 364 1 3 1 5-1 8z m-54-492c28 23 51 50 71 80 20 31 35 63 45 98 9 35 14 71 12 107-1 37-12 95-20 105-67-148-134-296-201-445 21 6 65 32 93 55z m-567 372c-26-99-16-193 37-281 42-70 102-119 177-149 0 1 0 1 1 1l-214 429c-1 0-1 0-1 0z m250-441c65-17 130-16 194 3-34 81-67 161-101 242-31-82-62-163-93-245z m191 683c-64 19-128 19-193 2 33-75 65-149 98-225 32 75 63 149 95 223z" />
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1-4-2-5-4-7-14-13-28-19-42-3-7-3-14 5-17 8-4 14-1 19 5 4 5 3 11 3 17 1 17 14 30 32 29 6 0 14-1 17-8 3-6-1-11-5-16l-5-8c-6-7-5-12 5-14 14-3 27-4 40 0 14 3 26-1 28-15 5-21 4-41-10-59-9-11-20-12-31-6-16 7-20 5-23-13-1-4-1-9-1-13 0-22 3-23 21-14 14 7 27 5 31-6 8-21 15-42 10-64-2-10 1-12 10-10 4 1 8 1 12 2 25 4 50 7 75-1 14-5 17-11 12-24-2-5-4-9-7-13-8-11-2-15 8-16 15-1 30-1 45 4 8 3 21 2 23 11 2 9-10 12-15 17-9 9-9 17 1 24 4 3 9 5 13 7 38 14 76 23 116 27 21 2 26 8 22 30-1 6-3 12-4 17-10 45-33 44-60 18-12-11-27-11-37-1-7 9-13 19-14 31-2 24 11 49 44 42 5-1 10-1 15-2 16-3 24 3 25 19 2 17-6 30-13 44-6 11-14 14-26 15-29 1-54-10-81-19-20-7-21-13-6-28 11-10 11-15-2-21-26-13-53-21-82-14-8 2-10 7-5 14 4 6 9 11 13 17 3 4 8 8 6 14-2 6-9 4-14 5-16 1-32-2-47-5-14-4-17-1-12 13 2 8 5 16 8 25-10-10-13-24-14-37-1-6-4-10-10-10-7 0-9 5-9 11 1 24 12 45 24 65 4 6 11 6 18 4 20-6 24-4 32 16 2 7 4 15 6 23 9-6 16-13 12-25-9-26-12-29-29-27-21 2-25 0-30-21 9 14 20 21 38 16 9-2 16 6 19 15 2 10 8 12 17 11 19-1 37 4 54 12 8 3 15 6 9 16-3 5-2 8 3 9 8 4 17 8 26 8 7 0 12-3 11-10-2-10 4-11 12-11 10 0 19 4 29 8 7 2 14 8 22 7-10-14-12-54-3-68 3-4 7-7 13-7 27 2 54 2 80 12 8 2 18 5 20 13 1 8-10 10-16 14-12 9-13 16 0 25 19 13 40 17 62 16 16 0 21-8 17-24-1-6-2-13 6-13 28 0 55 2 80 13 6 3 7 7 1 12-13 9-21 23-27 37-3 9-11 17-5 26 7 9 16 3 24 2 4-1 8-2 10 2 1 3-2 5-3 8-6 9-14 15-23 21-7 6-13 6-18-3-6-10-14-9-23-4-16 8-27 20-37 34-1 2-1 4 2 5 11-11 20-25 34-33 6-3 12-7 18 1 8 13 18 11 29 3 6-6 13-10 19-16 6-6 14-14 8-23-5-8-15-3-22 0-11 5-13 0-10-9 6-16 14-32 26-45 6-6 11-8 18-2 11 8 23 12 36 16 23 7 34 0 40-23l1-4c2-8 9-9 14-8 8 1 18 2 22 11 4 8-4 10-9 13-19 15-19 22 0 39 7 6 11 7 16-1-12-1-21-9-23-19-3-10 8-13 14-18 4-4 11-6 9-14-1-9-16-20-28-21-13 0-20 6-22 19-4 20-17 27-37 19l-23-11c-12-5-11-9-2-17 14-12 27-25 31-44 3-17-5-27-22-27-5 0-11 0-17 2-12 2-14-4-14-14-1-14 8-23 15-33 7-9 14-11 22-1 5 6 10 13 17 17 8 4 16 7 21-2 13-19 32-36 35-61 1-8 5-7 10-4 9 6 18 13 28 18 11 6 23 14 34 6 11-7 6-20 6-31 0-3-2-9 2-10 11-1 18 7 25 13 5 5 8 11 2 18-17 20-13 34 5 52 13 12 16 23 10 38-6 9-10 17-16 26-2 4-5 10-10 9-6-1-4-8-6-12 0-1 0-4 0-5 0-4-2-5-5-3-1 1-4 3-2 4 9 5 3 13 4 19 1 4 2 7 6 9 6 2 8-2 11-6 8-12 15-26 19-40 33-66 49-137 49-211 0-4-1-6-5-9-12-8-17-29-11-42 3-9 5-17-2-25-7-8-15-16-23-24-5-5-11-5-17-1-5 4-6 9-4 16 2 5 6 11 2 18-7-1-13-5-19-9-12-10-25-20-37-30-7-5-9-9-5-17 19-38 5-65-34-74-18-4-31-26-25-45 3-11 9-12 17-3 8 9 18 17 28 25 6 4 10 3 12-5 4-13 5-26 1-40 21 14 36 34 62 46-4-13-7-22-11-31-1-4 0-13-8-10-6 2 1 8 0 12 0 1-1 2-2 4-24-21-50-40-59-74 10 2 14 9 20 14 6 4 9 12 17 14 2-6 2-11-1-16-5-8-11-16-16-24-8-6-16-12-24-18-12-9-24-19-27-35 19 16 39 31 52 52 5 2 7 6 10 10 87 109 124 234 110 372z m-908 206c-3 20 16 10 20 17 1-14-15-7-20-17z m58 8c-3-9-7-18-17-22-2-1-6 0-8 1-4 2 0 5 0 7 0 8 14 14 2 23 3 1 5 3 7 3 4 0 4-4 3-6-2-6-5-12-7-17-1-3-3-6 1-8 2-1 4 1 6 3 5 6 8 13 9 21 1 7 5 10 13 8-7-2-7-8-9-13z m120-191c14 16 49 24 70 15 21-9 24-31 5-46-4-3-11-3-13-11 8 0 15 0 21 5 2 2 4 7 7 2 2-4 2-9-3-10-11-2-22-3-33-4-2-1-5 0-6 3 0 4 1 7 5 9 11 6 18 14 18 26 0 5 0 9-3 13-7 11-24 14-42 7-13-5-21-17-19-29 2-11 9-18 19-20 5-1 8-4 7-9-1-5-5-5-9-6-7-1-14-2-21-3-3 0-7-1-9 2-1 2-1 6 0 7 3 5 6 1 8 0 6-2 11-1 17 1-2 6-7 5-10 6-18 8-23 27-9 42z m-88 257c-4 10 11 14 16 24-6 3-10 1-15 0 1 3 3 4 5 5 6 2 14 7 18 2 4-6-5-10-9-15-2-3-8-5-6-10 1-5 7-3 11-4 3 0 5 0 6-3 0 0 0-2-1-2-9 0-21-6-25 3z m37-50c-7-2-14-1-10 10 6 19 16 37 29 52 13 15 21 32 27 51-11 0-16-9-24-11 3 16 20 32 35 32 10 1 15 8 20 13 5 5 9 10 13 15-6 4-12-4-18 0 8 4 14 14 24 6 0-1 0-2 0-3 12-21-1-33-15-45-4-3-7-5-13-5-14 1-18-6-14-20 4-16-5-30-15-42-10-13-21-25-26-42-1-6-7-9-13-11z m271 9c-8-1-15 0-22 2-5 1-10 2-15 3 11 8 24 6 37 9 4 1 6-2 6-6 1-4-2-7-6-8z m11 14c-10 20-19 23-35 13-26-16-40-8-43 26 6-7 9-14 17-15 8-1 14 3 20 8 8 6 16 13 28 6 11-8 17-22 13-38z m43 3c-2-3-3-7-8-5s-4 6-2 10c4 7 8 13 12 20 6 12 8 25 7 38 0 9-4 10-11 6-10-4-21-9-18-24 1-3 1-8-3-9-6 0-4 6-5 9-2 12 1 21 14 25 1 1 2 2 4 2 25 14 25 13 25-17 2-20-6-38-15-55z m65 37c-5-2-6 4-8 7-2 3-3 6-4 9-5 8-9 17-16 1-1-2-2-6-6-4-2 1-3 3-2 5 9 11 12 25 20 38-6-19 8-31 15-45 2-3 8-8 1-11z m148 18c3-7 9-13 9-23-12 8-17 21-19 32-3 13-10 17-20 20-8 1-16 3-24 7 17 12 37 14 49 3-6-2-12 1-18-4 7-11 21-8 32-13-9-5-12-12-9-22z m132-155c-5-3-5 7-9 7-4 0-8-2-4-8 3-4-1-9-3-6-5 10-17 7-23 13-5 5-8 10-5 17 14-16 24-17 35-4 3 3 6 7 4 11-1 5-6 3-10 3-9 0-13 5-15 12-1 7 5 9 10 11 2 1 5 2 7-1 1-2-1-4-4-5-3-1-8-2-6-7 2-5 6-4 10-4 13-1 18-9 13-21-1-2-2-4-3-6-2-5 10-7 3-12z m59-373c-4 5 5 17-10 15 1 1 1 5 1 5 8 1 5 13 13 13 5 0 2-4 4-6 7-12-1-19-8-27z m24 31c-1-1-4 0-7 0 5 10 14 24 5 29-8 6-14-10-21-16-6-5-7-12-17-18 10 21 24 34 38 47 2 2 5 3 7 0 7-7 4-36-5-42z m-471 82c0-27 26-42 50-29 10 6 20 15 31 18 10 3 21 6 30-3 12-12 13-53 1-66-5-4-10-5-16-5-13 0-26 0-39 0-11 0-20-5-23-17-5-15-6-31-4-47 1-15 8-21 24-20 11 0 22 1 33 3 27 3 55 6 79 21 16 9 16 13 1 22-18 11-18 17-1 29 23 16 48 25 76 30 10 1 22 7 28 0 6-8-4-17-8-25-4-9-3-15 8-13 30 5 58 12 82 30 5 4 8 7 4 14-11 22-7 46-3 69 2 15 14 25 29 26 17 2 19 4 18 21-1 8-2 15-6 22-8 12-11 13-20 1-4-4-9-9-13-13-13-13-21-12-31 3-3 4-5 9-7 14-5 15-6 30-6 48-4-2-7-3-8-5-29-23-63-28-99-30-14 0-19 9-15 22 1 5 4 9 5 14 2 4 2 9-5 9-27 2-54-1-77-18-8-6-7-13 2-19 6-3 11-8 17-12 7-5 7-11 0-16-5-4-10-8-16-11-33-17-69-21-105-19-9 1-12-1-14-10-1-13-2-26-2-38z m172 21c-8-8-9-41-2-47 3-2 5 0 7 2 13 16 26 32 38 48 5 6 2 8-8 8 15 6 26 10 38 14-15-17-1-33 0-49 0-8 4-10 12-12-11-4-22-8-36-14 12 13 12 28 0 49-14-18-29-36-43-54-5-7 5-3 5-7-12-4-24-8-40-13 24 18 4 36 5 53 0 10-9 6-19 9 17 5 30 9 43 13z m186-305c9 6 16 12 23 26-8-7-13-11-17-14-4-3-7-7-12-3-4 3-4 7-4 12 0 4 7 8 3 14-25-16-52-26-80-34-4-1-11-5-14 1-3 5 2 10 5 14 3 5 9 9 9 18-28-6-54-15-77-32-8-6-3-9 3-12 4-2 10-1 10-7-1-4-6-7-9-9-5-2-10-5-15-7-28-13-58-18-88-22-10-1-17-13-17-27 1-13 10-10 17-10 10 0 18 3 26 7 13 7 27 10 41 12 9 2 11-3 9-10-3-13-16-25-29-27-13-3-27-1-40-7-7-3-13-9-11-17 3-9 11-8 19-7 22 5 43 13 64 21 5 2 23-1 10 15-1 2 2 6 6 7 20 9 38 21 60 25 3 1 7 0 10 1 0-15 11-2 17-7-12-4-23-16-34-13-15 6-24-5-37-6-2-1-6-3-4-7 4-9-4-11-9-13-29-15-61-23-94-27-5 0-13-3-17 4-3 9 0 17 6 23 3 5 8 7 13 8 12 4 24 5 36 6 7 1 12 3 15 9 2 4 2 7-1 9-6 4-12 3-18 0-2 0-5-1-7-2-10-4-21-9-31-11-21-6-32 8-27 28 2 4 5 8 4 14-38-2-74-10-113-18 6-7 11-7 16-10 3-1 8-2 7-7 0-4-5-5-8-5-29-7-59-7-89-3-9 1-15 5-6 15 4 5 5 9-4 10-25 4-50 5-75 6-10 0-11-4-7-11 7-15 24-25 43-24 18 1 34-3 50-13 3-2 7-4 5-9-1-4-5-5-9-5-6 0-8 1-10 8-6 16-23 16-38 14-26-3-44 10-57 31-4 7-8 9-14 10-15 3-30 7-43 16 8-2 15-4 22-7 7-2 15-5 23-5 3 1 7-1 9 3 3 4 0 7-2 10l-24 28c-6 8-14 12-24 9-18-4-29 4-38 17-3 4-5 9-10 11-1-4-2-7-4-11-1-2-4-4-6-2-3 1-2 3-2 5 0 26-15 44-43 51 6-12 12-24 17-35-6 16-26 18-35 32 5 4 8-4 12 1 0 5-7 9-3 17 17-10 34-17 47-31 5-5 8-18 20-6 2 4 11 1 16-1 7-3 13-7 20-9 4-2 9-5 11 1 4 11-1 21-7 29-7 9-8 23-24 24l-1 0c-30-2-56 10-80 25-9 5-12 12-7 22 2 3 5 8 1 10-11 8-23 18-41 16 6-9 10-17 15-25 2-4 7-8 3-13-5-5-10 0-15 2-3 2-6 4-7 7 5 1 10-4 13 1 3 4-2 8-4 12-3 4-6 7-8 11-2 3-5 7-2 10 2 3 6 3 9 2 16-4 30-11 43-21 7-5 10-11 5-20-4-6-2-10 4-13 20-11 40-21 64-20 7 0 11 2 5 9-15 17-12 38-11 58 0 10 6 14 16 15 11 1 22-2 32-7 5-2 10-5 14 1 7 9 2 36-8 48-10 11-19 3-27-2-22-16-45 0-49 25-1 11-1 21 0 32 1 23 3 19-18 15-20-3-37 3-54 10-12 5-15 15-9 27 8 18 2 26-17 26-11 0-14-5-11-15 2-6 5-12 5-19 0-6-1-11-7-13-5-3-10-4-16 0-5 3-8 15-15 10-6-5-2-15-2-22 0-2 0-4 1-6 2-11-2-26 16-28 3 0 5-6 7-9 5-14 6-29 7-43 0-2 1-5-2-6-3-2-4 0-6 2-1 2-5 5-3 8 11 11 1 23 0 34 0 4-1 8-6 7-10-2-10 6-12 12-7 19-5 39-6 59 0 7 0 14-8 19-2-37 2-73 11-108 5-21 7-44 21-63-2-5 0-9 3-14 7-16 17-33 24-49 15-32 34-60 56-86 131-149 296-204 490-167 77 14 146 48 207 98 2 2 8 5 6 7-8 8 0 13 3 17 8 14 20 24 34 33z m-782 214c5-1 10-2 8 6-2 9 4 12 11 10 11-2 21-7 28-17-7 4-15 7-22 10-4 2-8 4-11-2-2-4 0-8 4-9 8-3 4-8 5-13 1-12 4-23 6-35-11 9-9 21-12 33-1 5-2 12-9 10-7-2-3-8-2-12 1-9 5-18 4-27-4 9-10 13-19 16-7 3-17 10-12 20 6 9 12-3 18-4 2 10 2 10-7 13-5 3-12 3-18 9 12 0 19-6 28-8z m108-234c14-5 10-26 19-26-14 2-24 13-19 26z m148-109c-2 2-4 4-3 6 1 3 4 3 6 3 6-3 15 3 15-10 1-9 15-9 26-15-19 2-33 5-44 16z m-67 423c-26 3-52 4-78-2-6-1-9-4-10-10-2-14-4-29-2-44 2-25 13-32 35-22 14 7 28 9 42-3 12-11 16-31 10-48-5-14-12-18-27-13-8 2-16 6-24 8-5 1-13 4-13-6-1-17-3-35 5-52 4-10 10-14 21-13 32 2 64 5 96-3 24-6 27-11 19-34-3-9 0-10 7-11 14-2 28-1 42 2 8 2 19 1 22 9 2 8-10 9-16 13-11 8-10 16 2 22 6 3 14 5 20 7 35 9 71 16 108 21-10 20-7 40-4 60 2 16 12 24 25 29 11 4 22 4 33 2 24-3 36 11 29 34-7 23-22 29-42 16-6-4-12-7-17-11-32-24-59 5-59 32-1 13-1 26 2 40 3 14-1 17-16 15-34-5-67-13-99-24-7-2-16-2-17-9-1-9 8-11 15-15 2-1 4-3 7-4 9-8 10-16-1-21-29-13-59-25-92-20-28 3-31 10-16 35 8 12 7 18-7 20z m81-78c13 1 26 3 38 5 8 1 11-1 12-8 2-10 4-19 5-29 2-13 2-28 26-22-11-9-70-16-89-12 11 2 11 7 9 16-4 13-6 27-9 41-1 6 0 9 8 9z m-41-22c-2 3-6 1-9 1-4 0-7-1-11 1 3 5 8 5 10 10 1 7 8 7 11 0 0-2 1-4 1-4 24 0 5-12 5-19 7-3 9 7 17 6-5-6 2-25-17-12-3-7 0-13 1-19 1-4 5-10-1-12-8-2-6 5-8 9 0 2-1 3-1 5-3 15-3 15-19 12 6 5 12 8 16 12 3 2 7 5 5 10z m137 267c-8 1-16 2-23 4-12 4-18-2-21-13-2-7-3-14-1-22 6-23 20-29 40-16 9 5 17 11 27 13 16 5 30 0 35-14 8-22 17-44 13-68-1-5 0-7 5-7 33 0 65 2 95 17 23 10 23 14 2 29l-6 4c-10 6-9 14-1 21 4 4 8 7 13 10 22 14 48 18 74 20 21 2 25-4 17-23-8-20-8-20 21-20 19 1 44 6 67 18 20 11 24 26 14 46-4 8-9 16-15 23-19 23-19 32-41 3-7-9-16-11-24-5-17 12-28 28-28 49 0 16 8 23 24 22 6 0 12-1 19-2 10-1 12 3 12 13-2 19-16 29-27 42-6 7-12 9-21 3-23-16-50-17-76-18-20 0-25 6-20 26 1 7 0 11-8 11-17 0-35 0-51-7-5-2-12-3-12-9-1-7 5-9 9-12 3-2 7-4 11-7 7-5 9-10 1-16-13-11-26-21-44-23-15-2-30-5-45-5-14-1-15-2-7-15 5-9 10-18 12-28 5-26-14-47-40-44z m139 56c-7-8-3-12 2-16 7-6 13-12 21-17 4-3 7-12 13-4 5 7 11 16 1 23-8 7-15 13-27 16 7 5 14 5 20 8 2 0 5 2 4-3 0-10 9-15 14-12 6 3 9 13-1 20 9 3 15 5 23 7-24-36-19-35 4-48 10 19 13 45 4 50 6 4 13 6 20 8-10-19-11-39-16-59-5-17-5-17-19-6-15 11-15 11-21-6l-2-4c-7-16-7-16-21-4-10 9-19 17-29 26-7 5-13 10-23 9 9 7 20 8 33 12z m269-370c15 2 22 10 25 24 2 8 1 16-1 24-6 18-9 19-25 8-25-17-53-29-83-35-7-2-15-3-20 4-4 6 0 13 3 19 2 3 4 6 6 10 3 9 2 15-10 13-21-4-41-10-60-21-25-13-25-16-2-32 10-6 10-12 1-18-13-11-29-18-45-22-24-7-49-10-73-12-4 0-10 2-12-3-2-4 4-7 6-11 3-5 7-10 10-15 14-25 2-48-27-48-13 0-26 1-39 1-16 0-22-11-15-26 6-14 21-20 36-14 12 5 24 11 38 12 15 2 24-4 29-18 4-12 5-23 1-37 34 4 66 8 95 24 5 3 11 5 1 11-13 8-13 12 0 21 27 18 57 27 88 35 9 2 9-3 7-9-4-7-8-14-13-23 29 7 55 18 77 35 19 16 26 35 20 59-2 11-6 9-12 3-7-6-12-15-18-22-10-12-23-10-29 4-2 6-4 12-2 19 5 24 18 38 43 40z m-73-78c-6 0-3 11-3 16-2 23-1 23-23 15-18-7-36-15-56-20-4-1-9-2-13 2-2 1-1 5 1 6 4 3 5 10 14 7s16 3 24 6c14 4 26 9 39 14 17 6 20 4 22-12 0-5 0-10 1-15 0-1 0-2 0-3-2-5 4-16-6-16z m-321-140c38 9 76 16 114 19 6 1 10 2 13 7 8 13 5 26-1 38-6 10-17 6-27 5-3-1-6-2-9-3-11-4-22-10-34-13-12-3-23-3-31 8-8 9-13 19-8 32 5 13 17 16 30 17 13 0 27 0 40-1 13-1 18 6 20 17 6 23-25 56-48 53-30-5-58-11-87-18-8-3-21-2-22-9-1-10 13-11 20-16 4-3 10-3 10-10-1-5-7-6-11-8-28-12-58-13-87-14-11 0-22 2-29 12-5 9 5 14 8 20 2 7 6 15-4 16-31 6-62 5-95 1 11-15 21-27 26-41 2-6 5-13-1-18-6-5-13-9-21-6-9 4-17 8-25 11-5 2-10 7-14 3-4-4 1-9 4-14 5-6 10-13 15-19 3-4 7-7 13-6 39 6 58-21 75-49 4-6 8-7 14-8 29-1 58-2 86-9 9-3 18-4 5-14-5-4-3-8 3-9 20-2 41-4 61 5l-4 3c-5 2-14 2-13 9 0 8 9 7 14 9z m-43 49c-9 2-18 1-27-2-14-4-29-4-42 2-5 2-8 5-7 10 1 5 6 4 9 5 8 2 15 0 22-2 2-1 4-3 3-5-1-3-4-2-6-1-6 5-12 5-20 2 8-11 19-8 27-6 18 5 36 5 55 3 10-1 26-1 27 9 2 11-15 11-24 15-14 4-27 0-41 0-17-1-34-1-52-1-5 0-12-3-10 9 0 5-12-1-17 8 10-1 19 6 25-7 2-4 7-3 10-3 28 0 55 2 82 4 3 1 7 1 9 5 1 3-7 7 1 7 3 0 6 0 8-3 2-4 0-7-2-9-2-2-4-4-8-7 9-4 18-5 24-11 9-7 8-12-1-18-14-8-30-7-45-4z m-382 527c-18-50-28-102-29-155 0-9 4-14 12-20 3 17 3 34 3 50 0 2 1 6-2 6-8 1-7 6-6 11 1 3 3 3 6 2 5-2 5-6 5-11 0-4 1-9 0-13 0-17 0-34-2-51 0-10 5-16 13-20 4-3 9-3 13 1 6 6 1 13-1 20-1 3-2 6-2 10-2 6 1 11 7 14 9 6 32 1 42-9s5-18 0-27c-4-6-6-13 3-17 17-6 35-12 54-10 14 2 23 8 25 23 3 16-2 32-6 47-5 20-5 20-24 10-16-9-27-3-29 15 0 9-1 19 0 28 4 25 18 33 40 22 10-5 14-2 19 6 8 14 5 28 5 43 1 10-3 14-14 10-11-4-22-4-33-3-30 3-34 10-17 36 1 1 2 3 3 5 1 3 1 5-3 7-10 6-25-2-26-14-1-5-1-10-2-16-3-15-16-25-31-20-9 3-10-1-11-8-5-18-7-36-19-53-3 5-5 9-7 13 0 3 0 8 5 6 6-1 7-1 8 3 4 21 19 41 5 64-3-1-3-3-4-5z m32-55c4 7 11 8 18 4 6-3 9-10 13-16-5 3-10 6-15 9-3 2-7 2-10 0-4-3-2-6 1-8 2-2 3-3 0-5-2-1-5 0-6 1-5 5-4 10-1 15z m11-20c11-2 2-10 3-15-8 7-9 7-19-1-1 13 6 17 16 16z m3-24c21 2 16-7 13-18-2-6-2-12-4-20-6 3-12 5-17 8-5 2-17-4-15 8 2 19 8 20 23 22z m-42 104l0 0 0 0h-1l1 0z m843-49c-10-4-20-10-29-17-8-6-21-11-22-22-3-23-1-46 14-66 6-8 11-7 16 0 7 9 14 18 23 25 9 9 16 7 20-5 5-12 9-25 7-38-1-18-4-22-21-25-21-2-25-7-25-27 0-5 0-10 0-15h-2c1-9 1-17 2-26 2-17 6-19 19-9 14 11 27 22 41 32 7 5 15 15 23 10 7-6 2-17 0-25-2-8 0-11 8-10 12 2 29 23 24 34-9 20 0 36 8 52 4 6 7 12 8 20 2 56-15 108-34 159-1 4-3 8-9 6-15-7-23-37-12-50 4-4 9-8 6-15-5-14-12-27-28-32-12-5-18 0-19 13 0 6 1 12 1 18 0 13-7 18-19 13z m93-93c-8 18-10 37-13 55 8-17 12-35 13-55z m-41 26c0 1 1 2 2 3 6 5 10 15 18 8 8-6 4-15-3-21l-1-1c-3-7-8-12-15-7-8 4-4 11-1 18z m25-13c-10-10-2-22-4-35-5 21-14 16-25 4l-2 5c11 9 21 17 31 26z m-7 18c-2 2-4 2-6 1-6-3-9-7-9-13 0-15 8-4 13-4l1 1c0 5 6 10 1 15z m-581-225c-5-1-11 0-10-10 2-8 6-10 13-9 6 1 12 2 17 2 6 1 10 2 8 9-1 5-1 11-9 10-6-1-13-1-19-2z m-3 19c-5 0-11 1-10-7 0-9 6-8 11-8 6 1 12 3 19 3 5 0 6 3 6 7 0 6-3 8-8 7-6 0-12-1-18-2z m-3 5c4 0 6 0 8 1 6 1 17-2 17 8-1 12-12 4-19 6-1 1-4 0-5 0-5-3-14 1-12-9 1-9 8-6 11-6z m-296 187c6-3 11-6 18-9 2 18-3 24-16 21-3-1-5-3-6-6-1-4 1-5 4-6z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="bank-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe961;" d="M929 26h-858c-5 0-8-4-8-8v-58c0-5 3-8 8-8h859c4 0 8 3 8 8v58c0 4-4 8-9 8z m-47 547c5 0 7 1 5 2-1 1-2 1-3 1-124 56-248 112-372 169-11 4-19 4-30-1-94-44-190-87-285-130-26-12-52-24-78-36-4-2-7-4-7-4 0-1 4-1 8-1h762z m-382 124c21 0 38-17 38-38 0-20-17-37-37-37-21-1-38 17-39 37 0 21 17 38 38 38z m-226-565c5 0 8 3 8 8v317c0 5-3 8-8 8h-91c-5 0-8-3-8-8v-317c0-5 3-8 8-8h91z m182-1c5 0 8 4 8 8v318c0 5-3 8-8 8h-91c-5 0-8-3-8-8v-318c0-4 3-8 8-8h91z m365 1c4 0 8 3 8 8v318c0 4-4 8-8 8h-92c-4 0-8-4-8-8v-318c0-5 4-8 8-8h92z m-183 0c5 0 8 3 8 8v318c0 4-3 8-8 8h-91c-5 0-8-4-8-8v-318c0-5 3-8 8-8h91z m-522 364h769c4 0 8 3 8 8v23c0 4-4 8-8 8h-769c-4 0-8-4-8-8v-23c0-5 4-8 8-8z m-8-402v-24c0-4 4-8 8-8h769c5 0 8 4 8 8v27c0 3-4 5-8 5h-769c-4 0-8-4-8-8z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bank" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe962;" d="M94 474h812s23 19 0 43l-406 239-406-239s-28-26 0-43z m839-497l-49 43c-3 2-9 4-14 4l-730-1c-5 0-11-2-14-4l-58-42c-3-2-5-6-5-9v-19c0-2 4-5 9-5h857c5 0 9 3 9 5v19c0 3-3 7-5 9z m-129 464h75v-375h-75v375z m-122 0h74v-375h-74v375z m-427 0h75v-375h-75v375z m-122 0h75v-375h-75v375z m369-374c5 0 11 1 16 2v46c24 5 41 15 54 30 12 14 18 32 18 54 0 13-2 23-5 32s-7 15-13 21c-6 6-13 11-21 15-8 5-17 9-27 13l-23 10c-4 1-8 3-12 5-4 2-7 4-10 6-4 3-6 6-8 9-2 4-3 9-3 14 0 6 2 11 4 14 2 4 5 7 9 9 4 2 8 4 12 4 5 1 9 1 14 1 7 0 14 0 19-1 6 0 11-1 16-2s9-3 13-4c4-2 8-3 12-5 6 15 11 30 12 45-11 4-21 6-30 9-10 2-20 3-31 4v40c-6 2-11 3-17 3-5 0-11-1-17-3v-41c-23-3-41-11-55-25-13-13-20-32-20-55 0-11 2-21 4-28 3-8 7-14 12-20 5-6 11-10 18-14s15-8 24-12l21-9c4-2 9-4 13-6 5-2 9-4 13-7 4-2 7-6 9-10 3-4 4-9 4-15 0-13-4-22-13-27-9-6-22-9-39-9-11 0-21 1-31 3-9 1-20 5-30 9-3-8-6-16-8-24-2-8-3-15-4-23 6-3 13-5 19-7 6-2 12-3 18-4 6-1 12-2 19-3 7 0 15-1 23-1h3v-41c6-1 12-2 18-2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="barcode" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe963;" d="M128 728h-60c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-744c0-3 2-6 5-6h60c3 0 6 3 6 6v744c0 3-3 6-6 6z m659 0h-59c-4 0-6-3-6-6v-744c0-3 2-6 6-6h59c4 0 6 3 6 6v744c0 3-2 6-6 6z m-359 0h-60c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-744c0-3 2-6 5-6h60c3 0 6 3 6 6v744c0 3-3 6-6 6z m195 0h-36c-4 0-6-3-6-6v-744c0-3 2-6 6-6h36c3 0 6 3 6 6v744c0 3-3 6-6 6z m-86 0h-24c-3 0-6-3-6-6v-744c0-3 3-6 6-6h24c3 0 6 3 6 6v744c-1 3-3 6-6 6z m-262 0h-31c-4 0-6-3-6-6v-744c0-3 2-6 6-6h31c3 0 6 3 6 6v744c0 3-3 6-6 6z m-64 0h-24c-3 0-6-3-6-6v-744c0-3 3-6 6-6h24c3 0 6 3 6 6v744c0 3-3 6-6 6z m721 0h-31c-4 0-6-3-6-6v-744c0-3 2-6 6-6h31c3 0 6 3 6 6v744c0 3-3 6-6 6z m-64 0h-24c-3 0-6-3-6-6v-744c0-3 3-6 6-6h24c3 0 6 3 6 6v744c0 3-3 6-6 6z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bill-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe964;" d="M500 525c75 0 136-79 136-175s-61-175-136-175c-75 0-136 79-136 175s61 175 136 175z m-437-424h875v498h-875v-498z m157 49c0 67-54 122-122 122v156c68 0 122 55 122 122h560c0-67 54-122 122-122v-156c-68 0-122-55-122-122l-560 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="billboard" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe965;" d="M929 181c5 0 9 4 9 9v486c0 5-4 9-9 9h-137v18c0 5-4 9-9 9h-20c-5 0-9-4-9-9v-18h-508v18c0 5-4 9-9 9h-20c-5 0-9-4-9-9v-18h-136c-5 0-9-4-9-9v-486c0-5 4-9 9-9h136v-34h-139c-4 0-6-3-6-6v-11c0-3 2-6 6-6h139v-127c0-5 4-9 9-9h20c5 0 9 4 9 9v127h508v-127c0-5 4-9 9-9h20c5 0 9 4 9 9v127h139c4 0 6 3 6 6v11c0 3-2 6-6 6h-139v34l137 0z m-175-34h-508v34h508v-34z m-650 62c-5 0-9 4-9 9v430c0 5 4 9 9 9h792c5 0 9-4 9-9v-430c0-5-4-9-9-9l-792 0z m760 423h-728c-7 0-13-6-13-14v-371c0-7 6-13 13-13h728c7 0 13 6 13 13v371c0 8-6 14-13 14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="briefcase-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe966;" d="M496 289c43 0 70-24 90-83 113 14 216 46 309 112 30 22 46 45 42 85-4 34-1 70-1 105 0 87-57 145-145 147-33 1-66-1-98 1-10 1-25 9-28 17-25 68-75 96-145 95-23 0-46 1-68-1-60-3-102-33-122-88-7-20-16-24-34-24-31 1-61 1-92 0-83-2-140-61-141-143 0-47-1-94 0-140 1-12 4-27 11-33 96-83 210-118 332-133 21 59 47 82 90 83z m-39 410c48-2 103 19 142-42h-202c10 31 33 44 60 42z m389-501c0-41-6-81-11-122-5-45-36-76-81-76-170-1-339-1-509 0-45 0-76 31-81 75-5 46-8 91-14 136-1 12-11 25-20 34-14 11-31 19-51 31 4-59 8-111 12-163 2-18 4-36 6-54 8-65 67-125 133-125 180-3 359-2 539-1 64 1 125 59 132 123 9 73 14 147 20 225-15-9-25-18-38-23-27-11-37-30-37-60z m-393-6c-1-43 11-61 41-62 30-1 45 16 45 55 1 39-15 61-43 61-26 0-43-21-43-54z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="briefcase-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe967;" d="M634 711h-267c-25 0-46-21-46-46v-65h64v37c0 8 7 14 15 14h201c8 0 14-6 14-14v-37h64v65c0 25-20 46-45 46z m-571-668c0-29 24-53 53-53h768c30 0 53 24 53 53v323h-875v-323z m821 515h-768c-29 0-53-24-53-54v-89h875v89c0 30-24 54-54 54z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="contact-add" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe96d;" d="M134 88c-14 0-26 12-26 27v523c0 15 12 27 26 27h640c14 0 26-12 26-27v-239c16-2 31-6 46-12v289c0 14-12 26-27 26h-730c-15 0-26-12-26-26v-599c0-14 11-26 26-26h479c-7 12-13 24-18 37h-416z m165 245h-20c-41 0-75-33-75-75v-21c0-13 11-24 24-24h252c13 0 23 11 23 24v21c0 42-33 75-75 75h-20c-10 0-18 9-18 19 0 4 2 7 4 10 12 11 21 26 28 42 2-2 3-2 5-2 10 0 23 24 23 41 0 16-1 29-12 29-1 0-3 0-4 0-1 44-12 100-80 100-71 0-80-55-80-100-1 0-2 0-3 0-11 0-13-13-13-29 0-17 13-41 24-41 1 0 3 0 4 1 7-16 16-30 27-41 3-3 4-6 4-10 0-10-8-19-18-19z m381 190c0 9-8 18-18 18h-211c6-14 11-31 12-51 5-3 8-7 11-13h188c10 0 18 8 18 18v28z m-2-151c1 2 2 5 2 7v28c0 10-8 18-18 18h-184c-5-19-17-39-34-44l-1-3v-16h213c7 3 14 7 22 10z m-125-125c9 23 21 44 37 63h-71c9-15 15-33 15-52v-11h19v0z m332 55c-31 31-73 51-120 52h-6c-50 0-94-20-126-52-32-32-53-77-53-126 0-25 6-49 15-71 9-21 22-40 38-56 32-32 76-52 126-52 99 0 179 80 179 179 0 49-20 94-53 126z m-41-152h-59v-59h-52v59h-58v52h58v58h52v-58h59v-52z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="handshake-deal" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe96f;" d="M200 367h-98c-22 0-39-17-39-38v-371c0-22 17-39 39-39h98c22 0 40 17 40 39v370c-1 22-18 39-40 39z m232-117h-97c-22 0-40-17-40-39v-253c0-22 18-39 40-39h98c22 0 39 17 39 39v253c0 22-18 39-40 39z m233 0h-97c-22 0-40-17-40-39v-253c0-22 18-39 40-39h97c22 0 40 17 40 39v253c0 22-18 39-40 39z m233 117h-98c-22 0-39-17-39-38v-371c0-22 17-39 39-39h98c22 0 40 17 40 39v370c0 22-18 39-40 39z m-293 336c-2 1-4 2-5 3l-114 35c-46 14-75-11-83-19-5-4-9-9-11-13l-50-117c-3-7-2-16 2-25 7-13 19-22 33-25 15-4 32 1 44 14 4 3 6 7 8 10l17 31c3 5 7 10 11 14 15 15 22 8 25 5 26-24 159-156 159-156 5-4 4-13-2-19-6-6-15-7-20-2l-37 37c-5 5-13 5-18 0-4-5-4-12 0-17l38-37c5-5 4-14-2-19-6-6-15-7-20-3l-37 37c-5 5-13 5-18 0-5-4-5-12 0-17l38-37c4-5 3-13-3-19-6-6-15-7-19-2l-38 36c-5 5-13 5-17 0-5-4-5-12 0-17l37-37c5-4 4-13-2-19-6-6-15-7-20-2l-46 45c7 10 5 24-5 33-10 11-27 12-37 2 10 10 9 26-2 37-11 11-28 11-37 2 9 10 8 26-3 36-10 11-27 12-37 3 10 9 9 26-2 36-10 10-25 12-35 4l-74 73c-5 4-13 4-18 0-5-5-5-13 0-17l74-73-22-21c-10-10-9-26 2-37 11-11 28-12 38-2-10-10-9-26 2-37 11-10 27-11 37-2-10-9-9-26 2-36 11-11 28-12 38-3-10-9-9-25 2-36 11-11 27-12 37-2l23 22 46-44c14-14 39-13 54 2 8 8 12 17 13 27 9 0 19 4 27 12 8 7 12 17 12 26 10 1 20 5 27 12 8 8 12 17 13 27 9 1 19 5 27 12 15 16 16 40 2 54l-19 19 78 77c5 4 5 12 0 17l-113 112z m186-28l-100 99c-10 9-25 9-35 0l-35-35c-10-9-10-25 0-34l100-98c10-10 25-10 35 0l35 34c10 9 10 25 0 34z m-53-50c-11 0-20 9-20 20 0 11 9 20 20 20s21-9 21-20c0-11-9-20-21-20z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="meeting-add" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe971;" d="M313 460c0 5-3 8-8 8h-92c-5 0-9-3-9-8v-92c0-5 4-8 9-8h92c5 0 8 3 8 8v92z m155 8h-93c-4 0-8-3-8-8v-92c0-5 4-8 8-8h93c4 0 8 3 8 8v92c0 5-4 8-8 8z m-163-162h-92c-5 0-9-4-9-8v-93c0-4 4-8 9-8h92c5 0 8 4 8 8v93c0 4-3 8-8 8z m163 0h-93c-4 0-8-4-8-8v-93c0-4 4-8 8-8h93c4 0 8 4 8 8v93c0 4-4 8-8 8z m70 162c-5 0-8-3-8-8v-92c0-5 3-8 8-8h92c5 0 8 3 8 8v92c0 5-3 8-8 8h-92z m-315 158h21c13 0 24 11 24 24v114c0 13-11 24-24 24h-21c-13 0-24-11-24-24v-113c0-14 11-25 24-25z m377 0h21c13 0 24 11 24 24v114c0 13-11 24-24 24h-21c-13 0-24-11-24-24v-113c0-14 11-25 24-25z m-148-479h-284c-22 0-41 18-41 41v329h590v-127c4 0 9 0 13 0 17 0 33-2 48-4v268c0 30-24 55-54 55h-45v-59c0-32-26-58-58-58h-21c-32 0-58 26-58 58v59h-240v-59c0-32-26-58-58-58h-21c-32 0-58 26-58 58v59h-45c-30 0-55-25-55-55v-521c0-30 25-55 55-55h336c-3 17-5 34-5 52 0 5 0 11 1 17z m421 125c-37 37-87 60-142 62h-7c-59 0-111-23-149-62-38-38-62-91-62-149 0-30 6-58 17-83 11-25 26-47 45-66 38-38 90-61 149-61 116 0 211 94 211 210 0 58-24 111-62 149z m-49-180h-70v-69h-61v69h-69v62h69v69h61v-69h70v-62z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="money-bag" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe972;" d="M813 52c8 25 12 53 12 87 0 184-125 323-228 387-15 9-18 26-7 39 118 142 76 225 9 166-73-64-123 22-259 54-104 25 8-142 66-221 11-14 6-32-9-42-102-65-222-202-222-383 0-36 5-66 13-91 6-17 5-42-2-58-6-19-6-34 3-42 8-8 23-8 40-3 17 5 41 5 58-2 57-25 131-31 213-31 83 0 158 6 216 32 16 7 40 7 57 2 19-7 35-6 43 2 10 9 9 26 1 47-7 16-9 41-4 57z m-239 61c-12-15-29-25-52-30v-44c-5-2-11-2-16-2-6 0-12 0-17 2v40h-4c-8 0-16 1-22 1-7 1-13 2-19 3-6 1-12 2-18 4-6 2-12 4-18 7 0 7 2 15 4 22 2 8 4 16 7 24 11-5 21-7 31-9 9-2 19-2 30-2 16 0 29 2 37 8 9 5 14 14 14 26 0 6-1 12-4 15-2 5-5 8-9 10-4 3-8 5-12 7-5 2-10 4-14 6l-20 8c-9 4-16 8-23 12-7 4-13 9-18 14-5 5-9 12-12 19-2 8-4 17-4 28 0 23 7 41 20 54 13 14 31 21 54 24v41c5 2 11 2 16 2 6 0 11 0 17-2v-40c10 0 20-2 30-4 9-2 19-5 30-9-2-15-6-29-13-43-4 1-7 3-11 4-4 2-8 3-13 4s-10 2-15 3c-6 0-12 1-19 1-5 0-9-1-14-1-4-1-8-2-12-5-3-2-6-4-8-8-3-4-4-9-4-15 0-5 1-9 3-13 1-3 4-6 7-9s6-4 10-6l12-5 23-10c10-4 18-8 26-12 8-4 15-9 20-15s10-13 13-21c3-8 5-19 5-31 0-21-6-39-18-53z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pie-chart" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe973;" d="M451 712c-214 0-388-174-388-389s174-388 388-388 389 174 389 388h-389v389z m487-344c0 107-44 204-114 275l-275-275h389z m-438 398v-389l275 275c-76 76-175 114-275 114z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="presentation-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe974;" d="M420 588h-144c-6 0-11-5-11-11v-147c0-6 5-10 11-10h144c6 0 11 4 11 10v147c0 6-5 11-11 11z m-144-278h448c5 0 10 5 10 11v37c0 6-5 10-10 10h-448c-6 0-11-4-11-10v-37c0-6 5-11 11-11z m447 277h-221c-5 0-10-4-10-10v-37c0-6 5-10 10-10h222c5 0 10 4 10 10v37c0 6-5 10-11 10z m0-109h-221c-5 0-10-5-10-11v-37c0-5 5-10 10-10h222c5 0 10 4 10 10v37c0 6-5 11-11 11z m-643 299v-85c0-5 5-10 10-10h48c5 0 10-4 10-10v-500c0-6 4-10 10-10h276c6 0 10-5 10-10v-164c0-6-4-10-10-10h-70c-5 0-10-5-10-10v-45c0-6 5-11 10-11h272c5 0 10 5 10 11v45c0 5-4 10-10 10h-70c-6 0-11 4-11 10v164c0 6 5 11 11 11h276c6 0 10 4 10 10v500c0 5 5 10 11 10h46c6 0 10 4 10 10v84c0 6-4 10-10 10h-819c-5 0-10-4-10-10z m706-560h-573c-6 0-10 5-10 10v443c0 6 4 10 10 10h573c6 0 10-4 10-10v-443c0-5-4-10-10-10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="presentation" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe975;" d="M63 767v-579c0-38 29-69 65-69h744c36 0 66 31 66 69v579h-875z m810-518c0-33-25-59-55-59h-635c-31 0-56 26-56 59v383h746v-383z m-179-267l-176 166c-4 4-11 6-17 6l-1 0-1 0c-6 0-13-2-17-6l-175-166c-9-9-9-22 0-31s23-8 32 0l139 133v-129c0-12 10-22 22-22s23 10 23 22v129l139-133c9-8 23-8 32 0 8 9 8 22 0 31z m-356 430l150 20c-4 25-15 49-33 70-52 59-145 66-207 17s-71-138-18-197c51-58 142-66 205-18l-97 108z m212 79h257v-26h-257v26z m0-70h257v-26h-257v26z m0-69h164v-27h-164v27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="stamp" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe976;" d="M911 136c-10 42-43 69-85 69-49 0-97 1-146 0-15-1-26 4-36 14-28 26-46 58-50 97-4 34 1 67 12 99 15 40 31 80 47 120 12 30 23 61 19 95-6 42-20 79-49 108-44 42-97 56-154 47-47-8-86-32-112-75-30-48-39-100-17-155 7-20 16-39 24-59 16-39 33-78 40-120 12-65-3-119-52-162-7-6-14-9-24-9-51 0-102 0-152 0-31 0-57-12-74-40-7-11-10-25-16-39v-128c7-16 22-12 35-13v-49c0-18 6-23 22-23h716c14 0 20 6 20 21 1 6 0 12 0 19v32h15c14 1 20 7 20 22 0 35 0 71 0 106 0 8-1 16-3 23z m-66-186h-689v35h689v-35z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="stock-mobile" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe977;" d="M709 787h-418c-26 0-48-21-48-47v-780c0-26 22-48 48-48h418c26 0 48 22 48 48v780c0 26-22 47-48 47z m-250-45h82c5 0 10-5 10-10 0-5-5-10-10-10h-82c-5 0-10 5-10 10 0 5 5 10 10 10z m41-794c-15 0-27 12-27 27s12 27 27 27 27-12 27-27-12-27-27-27z m204 106c0-13-10-23-23-23h-362c-13 0-23 10-23 23v615c0 13 10 23 23 23h362c13 0 23-10 23-23v-615z m-272 21v159c0 13-10 23-23 23h-54c-13 0-23-10-23-23v-159h100z m118 0v205c0 12-10 22-23 22h-54c-13 0-23-10-23-22v-205h100z m118 0v282c0 12-10 23-23 23h-54c-13 0-23-10-23-23v-282h100z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-arrows-axis" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe978;" d="M992-2c-38 30-76 59-114 89-3 2-6 5-10 3-5-2-5-6-5-11 0-15-1-31 0-46 0-9-3-11-12-11-63 0-126 0-189 0-171 0-342 0-512 0-11 0-13 3-13 13 0 81 0 163 0 245 0 130 0 260 0 390 0 7 2 9 9 8 16 0 32 0 48 0 5 0 9 0 11 5 3 4 0 7-3 11-30 38-60 77-90 115-6 9-12 9-18 1l-90-116c-3-3-5-6-3-11 2-4 6-5 11-5 14 0 28 0 43 0 14 0 14 0 14-14l0-162 0-508c0-27 13-41 39-41 123 0 247 0 370 0h37c112 0 225 0 338 0 7 0 10-1 10-9-1-15 0-31 0-46 0-5 0-10 5-13 5-3 8 1 12 4 37 29 75 59 112 88 11 9 11 12 0 21z m-165 368c-5-3-9-6-13-9-50-36-100-72-151-109-6-4-11-5-18-3-34 9-69 18-104 27-7 2-12 0-17-7-34-43-68-86-102-130-6-8-9-9-16-1-41 51-82 101-123 152-6 7-9 8-15 1-29-29-59-57-88-86-6-4-8-9-8-16 1-36 1-71 1-106 0-22 0-22 21-22 208 0 415 0 622 0 10 0 12 2 12 12-1 38 0 76 0 114-1 60-1 121-1 183z m-655 63c1-41 0-82 0-123v-39c6 2 8 5 11 8 28 28 56 55 83 84 8 8 12 7 18-1l123-148c6-7 8-6 14 1 29 37 59 74 87 112 7 8 13 10 23 7 38-9 76-17 114-26 7-1 12-1 18 4 52 39 105 78 158 116 5 4 7 8 7 15-1 42-1 84-1 126v41c-5-1-7-4-10-6-51-41-103-83-154-124-6-5-10-5-17-4-39 11-79 20-119 31-7 1-12 0-16-6-5-8-11-15-16-23-25-33-51-66-75-100-5-5-8-7-12 0-2 2-4 5-6 7-40 50-80 100-120 150-4 6-7 8-13 1-30-30-61-60-91-90-4-4-6-8-6-13z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-bar-graph" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe979;" d="M615 1c0-14 3-18 16-17 38 1 75 0 113 0 0 210 0 420 0 631 0 9-2 11-11 11-39-1-79-1-118-1 0-3 0-7 0-10 0-205 0-410 0-614z m-159-9c0-6 3-8 13-8 34 0 67 0 100 0 12 0 16 1 16 9-1 26-1 53-1 79 0 69 0 138 1 206 0 9-4 11-18 11-32-1-64-1-96 0-12 0-16-2-15-10 0-47 0-95 0-143 0-48 0-96 0-144z m-147-8c33 1 67 1 100 0 12-1 16 4 15 18 0 71 0 142 0 213s0 142 0 213c1 13-3 17-13 16-34 0-68 0-102 0-10 0-14-4-13-16 0-143 0-285 0-428-1-12 3-16 13-16z m-160 0c33 0 67 0 100 0 12 0 15 2 15 10 0 40 0 79 0 119 0 39 0 79 0 119 0 7-3 9-13 9-34-1-68-1-102 0-11 0-14-2-14-9 1-80 1-160 0-239 0-7 3-9 14-9z m637 0c34 0 67 0 100 0 12 0 16 2 16 8-1 30-1 61-1 92 0 30 0 61 1 92 0 5-4 7-14 7-34-1-68-1-102 0-10 0-13-2-13-7 0-62 0-123 0-185 0-6 3-7 13-7z m203-21h-938v815c0 6-4 11-10 11h-30c-6 0-11-5-11-11v-856c0-6 5-11 11-11h978c6 0 11 5 11 11v30c0 6-5 11-11 11z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-flow-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe97a;" d="M978 96h-70c0 3 0 6 0 9 0 81 0 162 0 243 0 26-16 41-42 41-106 0-212 0-317 0-3 0-6 0-9 1v146h16c29 0 58 0 88 0 28 0 42 15 42 43 0 68 0 136 1 204 0 23-7 40-30 48h-310c-23-8-30-25-29-48 0-67 0-134 0-201 0-7 0-14 2-20 5-16 19-26 39-26 31 0 62 0 93 0h12v-147h-11l-315 0c-26 0-41-16-41-42 0-82 0-163 0-244 0-2 0-4-1-7h-74c-12 0-22-10-22-23v-182c0-12 10-22 22-22h249c13 0 23 10 23 22v182c0 13-10 23-23 23h-100v219h293v-221h-9c-21 0-41 0-62 0-23 0-38-15-38-38-1-48 0-96 0-144 0-20 11-32 29-39h236c23 8 30 25 30 48-1 44-1 87-1 131 0 28-14 42-42 42-22 0-44 0-67 0v221h293v-219h-104c-13 0-23-10-23-23v-182c0-12 10-22 23-22h249c12 0 22 10 22 22v182c0 13-10 23-22 23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-flow-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe97b;" d="M836 8c-14 54-56 91-114 97-47 5-98-19-124-68-2-5-4-9-10-9-57 1-115 0-172 1-39 0-64 20-75 54-2 9-4 18-4 27l0 199c0 7 2 7 7 5 25-10 50-14 76-14 55 0 110 0 165 0 7 0 10-2 13-8 23-42 59-66 107-69 54-4 106 30 126 81 19 51 4 111-38 145-65 52-157 33-196-41-2-4-4-7-9-7-58 0-116 0-175 1-36 0-62 21-72 54-3 10-4 21-4 31 0 37 0 74 0 111 0 5 1 8 7 11 46 25 70 64 70 116-1 52-27 90-73 114-1 1-3 1-4 2-39 16-82 6-83 6-8-2-15-4-22-8-31-16-52-38-64-69-14-43-6-77 1-95 11-28 30-49 57-64 8-4 10-8 10-16 0-160 0-319 0-478 0-47 13-89 42-126 36-45 85-63 141-64 54 0 107 0 161 0 10 0 16-2 21-12 30-55 98-79 157-56 60 23 93 87 78 149z m-124 416c41-1 73-33 73-74 0-40-33-73-73-73-41 0-74 33-74 74 0 40 34 74 74 73z m-426 226c-40 0-73 33-73 73 0 41 33 74 73 74 41 0 74-33 74-73 0-41-33-75-74-74z m425-745c-40 0-73 33-73 73 0 41 34 74 74 74 41-1 73-34 73-75 0-40-33-72-74-72z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-flow" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe97c;" d="M359 150c93 0 187 0 281 0 6 0 9-2 11-9 5-25 24-41 50-41 49 0 97 0 145 0 32 0 53 20 54 51 0 16 0 32 0 48-1 30-20 51-50 51-50 1-100 1-150 0-27 0-44-16-49-42-2-6-4-8-10-8-94 0-188 0-282 0-6 0-9 1-9 8 1 61 1 122 0 183 0 6 2 9 9 9 94-1 188-1 282 0 6 0 9-2 10-9 4-25 24-41 49-41 50 0 100 0 150 0 26 0 47 18 49 44 2 21 2 41 0 62-2 25-23 44-49 44-50 0-99 0-149 0-26 0-45-16-50-42-1-6-4-8-10-8-94 0-188 0-282 0-7 0-8 3-8 9 0 26 0 53-1 79 0 9 3 11 12 11 29 0 59 0 89 0 56 2 99 45 99 102 0 31-1 61 0 92 3 54-39 108-105 107-24-1-49 0-74 0-59 0-119 1-179-1-52-2-91-47-92-99 0-31 0-62 0-94 0-7 0-15 2-23 9-50 49-83 100-84 29 0 57 0 86 0 10 1 12-2 12-12 0-87 0-175 0-262v-61c0-68 0-135 0-203 0-9-2-11-11-11-12 1-24 1-36 1-31-1-52-21-53-52 0-15 0-29 0-44 0-35 20-55 55-55 13 0 26 0 39 0l101 0c31 0 48 14 55 44 1 6 5 6 10 6 60 0 121 0 181 0 6 0 9-1 10-8 4-25 21-41 46-41 52-1 104-1 156 0 26 0 45 20 47 46 1 18 1 37 0 56-2 27-23 47-50 47-50 1-100 1-150 0-25 0-45-17-49-41-1-7-3-9-10-9-60 1-120 0-180 0-7 0-10 2-12 9-4 25-24 41-49 42-14 0-27 0-40-1-8 0-9 3-9 10 0 44 0 87 0 131-1 7 1 9 8 9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-growth" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe97d;" d="M938-49v-22c0-9-8-16-17-16h-842c-9-1-16 7-16 16v842c0 9 7 17 16 17h22c9 0 16-8 16-17v-788c0-9 7-16 16-16h788c9 0 17-7 17-16z m-469 529l193-48c8-2 19 2 24 10l60 101c5 8 15 10 22 6l43-26c7-5 14-1 14 8l3 186c0 9-6 12-14 8l-162-90c-8-4-8-12-1-16l43-26c7-4 10-14 5-22l-40-66c-4-8-15-12-24-10l-182 46c-9 2-21-2-27-8l-207-207c-7-6-7-16 0-23l15-16c7-6 17-6 23 0l185 186c7 6 19 9 27 7z m-62-458h77c9 0 16 7 16 16v362c0 9-7 18-15 20-8 2-20-2-26-8l-57-57c-6-6-11-19-11-28v-289c0-9 7-16 16-16z m-180 180v-164c0-9 7-16 16-16h77c9 0 16 7 16 16v235c0 9-5 11-11 4l-68-67c-6-6-30 1-30-8z m492 173v-337c0-9 7-16 16-16h77c9 0 16 7 16 16v395c0 9-6 20-14 24l-27 16c-8 5-18 3-22-5l-38-63c-5-8-8-21-8-30z m-55-337v321c0 9-7 18-16 20l-78 19c-8 2-15-3-15-12v-348c0-9 7-16 16-16h77c9 0 16 7 16 16z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-histogram-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe97e;" d="M974 642c-78 68-156 136-234 204-6 5-4 6-11 0l-222-194-14-13 0-1h6c40 0 80 0 120 0 4 0 6 0 5-5-4-22-9-44-16-65-50-167-181-306-350-358-58-18-116-25-176-21-16 1-31 3-46 5-8 1-14-5-13-12 2-5 5-7 10-8 104-36 211-45 320-28 93 15 180 47 259 100 138 94 224 222 253 387 1 4 3 5 7 5 33 0 66 0 100 0 1 0 3 0 5 1 0 2-2 2-3 3z m-79-413v376c0 1 0 2-1 2-1 0-2-1-2-2 0-1-1-1-1-2-20-93-59-176-118-250-2-3-2-5-2-8 0-163 0-326 0-490 0-4 1-5 5-5 38 0 75 0 113 0 7 0 6-1 6 7 0 124 0 248 0 372z m-186 53c-2-1-3-2-4-3-36-32-75-61-118-84-3-2-3-4-3-7 0-111 0-222 0-333 0-4 1-5 5-5 38 0 75 0 113 0 6 0 7 2 7 7-1 139-1 279-1 418v7h1z m-187-126c0 6 0 6-6 4-37-16-75-28-114-36-4-1-5-3-5-7 0-87 0-174 0-261 0-5 1-6 6-6 37 0 75 0 113 0 5 0 6 1 6 6 0 50 0 100 0 150v150z m-379-41c-39 6-77 15-115 28-4 1-5 0-5-4 0-47 0-94 0-142 0-47 0-94 0-141 0-5 2-6 7-6 37 0 75 0 113 0 4 0 5 1 5 5 0 85 0 170 0 254 0 4-1 6-5 6z m192-8c0 4-1 5-5 5-38-5-76-6-115-4-4 0-5-1-5-6 0-82 0-164 0-247 0-4 1-5 6-5 37 0 75 0 113 0 5 0 6 2 6 6 0 42 0 83 0 125 0 42 0 84 0 126z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-histogram" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe97f;" d="M275 255c-38-42-77-84-115-127-16-17-25-17-42-1-8 8-17 17-25 25-11 11-31 3-31-13v-271c0-10 8-18 18-18h209c10 0 18 8 18 18v375c0 17-21 24-32 12z m312 17c-21-23-42-45-62-68-17-17-26-18-43-1-24 22-47 44-70 65-13 12-34 3-34-14v-384c0-11 9-20 20-20h204c11 0 20 9 20 20v388c0 19-22 28-35 14z m339 177c-2 1-4 3-7 5-23 23-46 46-69 69-4 5-10 7-16 7h0c-6 0-12-3-16-7-40-43-80-87-120-130-3-4-5-9-5-15v-506c0-12 9-22 21-22h202c12 0 21 10 21 22v559c1 8-4 14-11 18z m-403-146c96 105 192 209 288 313 7 7 10 8 17 0 24-25 49-49 73-73 11-11 26-10 33 2 2 5 3 11 3 16 0 89 0 177 0 266 0 16-8 23-24 23-45 0-89 0-134 0s-89 0-134 0c-10 0-18-3-21-13-4-9-1-16 6-23 28-27 54-55 82-81 7-7 8-11 1-19-72-79-143-158-213-238-7-7-11-6-17 0-43 39-86 79-130 118-13 12-23 12-35-1-83-89-165-179-247-268-11-13-11-22 1-34l62-61c16-16 25-16 40 1 56 62 113 124 169 186 6 6 9 7 16 0 41-38 82-76 123-115 17-15 26-15 41 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-line-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe980;" d="M1000-87h-552c-125 0-250 0-375-1-2 0-3 1-4 1v124h58v63h-58v125h58v63h-58v124h58v63h-58v124h58v63h-6c-1 1-3 1-4 1-16-1-31 0-47-1h-1v125h58v63h-120v0h-7c0-330 0-661 0-991 0-5 4-9 9-9 327 0 655 0 982 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 4-1 5 1 5 5 0 19 0 38 0 58z m-791 429c6-5 8-4 13 1 19 24 39 47 58 71 6 7 9 7 17 2 171-114 342-228 514-343 7-5 10-4 14 4 21 39 43 78 64 117 3 6 5 7 12 3 15-8 30-16 47-25-1 63-3 125-4 188-54-33-107-65-161-98 17-9 32-18 48-26 5-3 6-5 3-11-11-18-21-37-31-56-6-10-6-10-16-4-168 112-336 224-504 336-4 3-8 7-13 0-33-40-66-79-99-118-3-4-3-6 1-10 13-10 25-20 37-31z m267 67c5-3 7-2 10 2 6 8 13 15 19 23 4 6 7 5 13 2 59-40 118-79 177-119 6-4 8-4 12 2 19 35 39 70 59 105 39 68 79 137 118 206 4 7 6 8 13 4 12-8 24-14 36-21 10-6 10-6 10 5 0 56-1 113-1 170 0 2 1 4-2 7-53-31-106-62-161-94 17-10 32-19 47-27 6-3 7-6 3-12-48-84-95-167-143-251-4-7-6-8-13-3-56 37-112 74-167 112-4 2-7 6-12 0-20-25-41-50-61-74-4-4-4-6 1-9 14-9 28-18 42-28z m-265-318c1-1 3-2 5-4 2 2 4 4 5 6 59 71 118 141 176 211 4 5 4 7-1 10-14 9-28 18-41 28-5 3-8 2-11-2-15-18-29-35-44-53-42-51-85-102-128-153-3-4-6-6 0-10 13-11 26-22 39-33z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-line" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe981;" d="M248 28c39 0 70 31 70 69 0 24-12 45-30 58l0 0c24 59 47 118 71 177 1 3 2 5 3 7 3-1 6-1 10-1 9 0 17 2 24 4 16-24 32-48 49-72-12-12-19-29-19-47 0-39 31-70 70-70s70 31 70 70c0 25-14 47-33 59l0 1c27 79 53 159 79 239 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 5 0 7 0 13 0 26 4 37 10 30-30 60-60 90-90-6-11-10-23-10-36 0-39 31-70 70-70s69 31 69 70c0 25-13 47-34 59 28 81 55 163 82 244 2 0 4-1 7-1 38 0 69 32 69 70s-31 70-69 70-70-31-70-70c0-25 13-46 32-59l0-2c-27-79-54-159-80-239 0-1-1-2-1-3-2 0-4 0-5 0-14 0-27-4-38-11-30 31-60 61-90 91 7 10 10 23 10 36 0 39-31 70-69 70s-70-31-70-70c0-25 13-47 33-59l0-2c-26-76-52-152-77-228-1-5-2-9-4-12-2 0-4 0-6 0-9 0-17-1-25-4-16 24-32 48-48 72 12 12 19 29 19 47 0 39-32 70-70 70s-70-31-70-70c0-23 12-44 30-57-25-61-49-122-74-184l0 0c-3 0-7 0-10 0-39 0-70-31-70-69 0-38 32-69 70-69z m197-116c-125 0-249 0-373 0-2 0-3 0-4 0v124h58v62h-58v124h58v62h-58v124h58v62h-58v123h58v63h-6c-1 0-3 0-4 0-16-1-31 0-47 0h-1v123h58v63h-119v-1h-7c0-327 0-655 0-982 0-5 4-9 9-9 325 0 649 0 974 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 4-1 5 1 5 5-1 19 0 38 0 57h-547z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-pie-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe982;" d="M342 159c-3 2-5 5-8 7-68 62-97 139-81 230 19 104 100 182 204 200 9 1 10 5 10 12 0 81 0 161 0 242h-10c-17-3-33-5-50-8-199-43-329-162-390-357-2-6-3-11-5-17-5-20-24-114 0-227 28-125 97-225 203-300 5-4 8-4 11 2 40 68 79 137 118 205 3 5 4 8-2 11z m607 409c-3 6-5 7-11 4-68-40-135-81-203-121-6-3-7-5-4-11 2-3 3-6 4-10 28-87 16-169-43-240-67-82-176-110-275-74-9 3-11 0-15-6-39-70-79-140-118-210l8-5c16-6 31-13 47-18 195-60 367-20 515 120 5 4 9 8 13 12 14 16 77 88 112 198 36 123 25 243-30 361z m-413 28c62-10 113-39 154-88 4-5 7-6 13-2 67 39 135 78 203 117 7 4 6 7 2 13-20 28-43 55-68 79-72 66-155 109-251 127-17 3-34 5-50 8h-10v-244c0-5-1-9 7-10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-pie" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe983;" d="M437 308c-2 3-2 7-2 11l77 405c1 9-5 17-14 19-21 3-42 4-64 4-246 0-445-205-433-454 10-226 196-408 422-414 64-2 126 11 181 34 21 9 29 34 18 53l-185 342z m534 162c-6 16-25 23-41 16l-336-159c-15-8-21-27-13-42l177-327c8-15 28-20 43-10 120 77 199 212 199 365 0 55-10 108-29 157z m-410-52l330 157c12 6 17 20 10 32-57 105-158 184-277 213-13 4-26-5-28-18l-68-359c-3-18 16-33 33-25z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chart-radar-graph" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe984;" d="M503 850c-276 2-502-219-503-499-1-275 220-499 500-501 275 1 497 221 500 495 3 277-219 503-497 505z m2-966c-261-2-470 204-472 465-1 257 206 466 465 468 258 2 467-207 469-467 1-254-208-465-462-466z m128 337c-6-2-9-2-13 3-12 17-25 34-38 51-3 5-4 9-1 15 10 25 9 51-6 75-33 53-109 51-141-3-2-4-4-9-11-7-18 3-37 7-55 10-6 1-8 2-7 8 0 9-1 19-5 28-3 7-1 9 5 13 53 29 106 59 159 89 7 4 12 4 18-2 25-26 65-31 97-14 31 18 48 55 40 89-11 48-58 76-105 61-46-15-69-65-50-110 3-9 1-11-6-15-52-29-105-58-157-88-7-4-11-3-16 3-28 34-78 39-112 12-35-27-43-76-18-111 20-28 47-39 80-35 31 5 53 23 64 52 3 7 5 10 13 8 16-4 33-7 49-9 8-1 9-4 8-11-6-40 17-78 56-90 35-10 65 0 90 28 13-17 25-33 37-49 6-7 6-10-2-16-35-26-46-73-28-113 17-38 59-62 99-55 56 10 91 62 78 116-13 54-68 84-122 67z m-127 53c-27 0-48 20-48 46 0 27 20 48 47 48 26 1 47-20 48-46 1-26-21-48-47-48z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="barricade" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe987;" d="M898 675h-796c-22 0-39-17-39-39v-261c0-22 17-39 39-39h796c22 0 39 17 39 39v261c1 22-17 39-39 39z m-753-282c-3-2-5-5-8-7-7-6-16-6-24-4-7 2-6 14-5 20-2 37 1 68 1 103 0 10 5 19 12 26 31 29 61 60 91 90 4 4 8 8 15 8 49 0 99 0 148 0l2-5c-49-48-98-97-147-146-29-28-54-59-85-85z m329 6c-12-12-24-18-42-18-43 1-87 1-131 1l-3 4c36 35 71 70 106 105 44 43 87 86 130 129 5 5 9 10 16 10 50-1 100-1 149-1l3-4c-29-29-59-57-88-86-47-46-94-93-140-140z m408 85c-32-31-63-63-94-94-5-5-10-8-17-8-49 0-98 0-147 0-1 1-1 3-2 4 61 60 121 121 182 181 18 18 37 36 54 55 8 8 22 9 26 6 5-2 4-12 4-19 1-35 0-70 0-106 0-7-1-13-6-19z m-614-412v248h-63v-249h-116v-46h292v46h-112c-1 0-1 1-1 1z m525 0v248h-35l-2 0c-3 0-5 0-8 0h-18v-249h-114v-46h291v46h-113l-1 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bolt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe988;" d="M795 788h-589c-14 0-26-13-26-27v-115c0-15 12-27 26-27h588c15 0 27 13 27 27v115c0 14-12 27-26 27z m-401-363c72 15 142 30 212 45v111h-212v-156z m190-2c-32-7-65-13-97-21-25-5-51-11-77-17-10-2-16-9-15-20 1-11 8-15 17-16 3 0 4 0 5 0 58 13 117 26 175 39 13 3 18 12 16 23-3 10-12 15-24 12z m-164-146c36 8 73 16 109 24 22 5 44 10 66 15 10 3 16 11 12 21-2 7-9 12-14 17l-3-2-4-1c-58-12-116-25-175-38-12-3-18-12-15-24 2-10 12-14 24-12z m0-73c19 5 37 9 56 13 38 8 76 16 113 25 10 2 19 6 19 20 1 11-10 19-22 17-58-13-117-26-175-39-13-3-18-12-15-23 2-11 12-15 24-13z m163 1c-28-6-56-12-84-18-29-7-58-13-87-20-12-2-18-10-17-21 2-11 9-15 18-15 2 0 3 0 3 0 59 13 118 25 176 39 13 3 19 12 15 23-2 10-11 15-24 12z m-164-146c37 8 74 16 111 24 21 4 43 9 64 14 10 3 15 10 14 21-1 10-8 14-17 15-2 0-3 0-5 0-58-13-117-26-175-39-13-3-18-12-15-23 2-10 11-15 23-12z m167 1c-58-13-116-25-174-38-13-3-19-12-16-24 2-10 12-15 25-12 14 3 28 6 42 10 42 9 84 18 126 27 10 2 19 6 19 21 1 10-9 19-22 16z m0-73c-58-12-116-25-174-38-13-3-19-12-16-23 2-11 11-16 24-13 23 5 46 10 68 15 34 8 68 15 102 22 10 3 18 7 18 20 0 12-10 20-22 17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bricks" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe989;" d="M937 396v40c0 61 0 61-57 83-149 57-298 114-448 171-10 5-21 7-33 4-106-29-214-57-321-85-11-4-15-8-15-21 0-47 0-94 0-142 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-5 0-10 0-15v-12c0-1 0-2 0-3v-2c1-9 5-14 15-17l18-7c159-60 317-120 475-181l3-1c8-3 16-4 25-1l5 1c100 26 200 53 300 80l16 4c11 3 16 7 17 16 0 2 0 5 0 7-1 28 0 54 0 82z m-172 110c-47-22-95-29-141 6 48 21 96 30 141-6z m-318 33c18-2 34-8 51-20 1 0 2 0 2-1-47-25-95-26-142 5 30 12 60 20 89 16z m177-70c-47-27-94-21-140 5 28 13 57 21 85 18 16-2 33-8 49-18 2-2 4-3 6-5z m15 85c-47-22-95-28-141 5 48 23 96 29 141-5z m-125 49c-62-26-91-25-143 4 55 26 79 26 143-4z m-138-37c-69-25-87-24-142 4 53 26 78 25 142-4z m177-314c-106 40-212 80-318 121-40 15-81 31-121 46-13 4-19 9-18 24l0 25c1 31 0 63 0 99 38-15 73-28 108-42l45-17 123-47c20-7 39-15 59-22l67-25c20-8 39-15 58-22l3-1c9-4 13-10 12-21 0-8 0-16 0-24 0-13-1-26-1-40 0-14 1-27 1-42 1-16-2-19-18-12z m339 67l-273-73c-11-3-15-1-15 11 1 19 0 38 0 57v22c0 11 0 23 0 34 0 10 1 15 12 18 45 11 89 23 134 35 48 13 96 26 143 39 10 3 11-1 11-8-1-30-1-60 0-90 0-11 0-21 0-32 0-9-5-12-12-13z m46-177c0-17-4-25-18-29-107-35-214-71-321-107-9-3-17-2-25 2-166 79-331 158-496 237-11 5-15 12-15 27 0 60 0 118 0 178 1-12 5-18 15-22 6-3 12-6 18-9 1-40 1-78 0-115-1-19 5-25 18-31 40-18 81-38 121-57 106-51 212-101 318-153 16-7 19-3 18 17 0 30-1 61 0 91h33v-29c0-24 1-48 0-71 0-15 4-18 15-15 91 31 182 62 273 92 7 2 12 5 12 17 0 42 0 84 0 126l16 5c12 4 16 10 17 20 0-5 0-13 0-20v-51c0-35-1-69 1-103z m-334 82v-53h-33c0 19 0 38 0 57l3-3c8-11 16-14 25-5 2 0 4 3 5 4z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="building-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe98a;" d="M757 725c-11 60-14 63-76 63h-122c-50-1-58-8-64-62-103-25-133-59-135-164-2 0-3 1-4 1-34 0-68 0-102 0-34 0-39-27-42-53-74-24-97-55-97-134 0-135 0-269 0-403 0-48 12-60 59-61 71 0 142 0 217 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 7-2 16-2 26-3 144 0 288 0 432 0 11 0 21 1 35 2v637c0 110-27 147-127 174z m-449-658c-45 0-59-11-61-52 0-10 0-21 0-33h-64c-1 4-3 8-3 13 0 132-1 264 0 396 0 35 14 49 49 49 42 0 85 0 130 0v-97c-23-3-27-22-26-42 0-24 2-43 26-46v-31c-22-3-28-20-26-43-1-24 3-41 26-44v-90c-7 15-22 20-51 20z m511-85h-114c0 23 1 45 0 67-1 41-13 54-51 54-23 0-46 1-69 0-32-1-45-14-47-48 0-24 0-48 0-73h-112c-1 12-2 23-2 34 0 185 0 369 0 554 0 60 24 86 82 87 78 0 156 0 234-1 55 0 80-27 80-84 0-187 0-374 0-561 0-9-1-18-1-29z m-572 272c32-1 34 20 32 44 2 25-1 45-31 45-32 0-34-21-34-46-1-24 3-43 33-43z m1-29c-31 0-35-20-35-46 0-25 4-42 34-43 32-1 34 20 32 45 3 25-2 44-31 44z m282 341c-42 0-47-6-47-57 0-49 5-55 49-55 40 1 44 6 44 56 0 51-4 57-46 56z m-2-293c-40 0-45-6-45-58 0-47 6-54 46-54 43 0 47 5 47 57 0 52-3 55-48 55z m48 88c0 56-1 57-44 58-47 0-49-3-49-54 0-54 2-56 47-56 44 0 46 2 46 52z m138 205c-41 0-46-6-46-57 0-49 5-55 48-55 41 1 45 6 45 56 0 51-5 57-47 56z m-1-293c-40 0-45-6-45-58 0-47 5-54 46-54 43 0 47 5 47 57 0 52-3 55-48 55z m48 88c0 56-2 57-45 58-46 0-48-3-48-54 0-54 1-56 46-56 45 0 47 2 47 52z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bull-dozer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe98b;" d="M506 278h262c26 0 48 21 48 47v281c0 27-22 48-48 48h-215c-26 0-52-21-57-47l-28-104c-6-26-10-68-10-94v-84c0-26 22-47 48-47z m-12 210l25 102c4 20 23 35 43 35h188c20 0 36-16 36-35v-101c0-20-16-36-36-36h-205l18 42c3 7-1 15-8 18-7 3-16 0-19-7l-21-52c-15 4-24 18-21 34z m-63-137c-5 8-18 13-27 7-33-25-66-50-99-74v42c0 19-11 23-24 10l-211-265c-13-13-8-24 10-24h191c19 0 34 15 34 34v153c40 30 79 60 119 89 9 7 13 17 7 28z m63-205c0-25-20-45-44-45s-45 20-45 45 20 45 45 45 44-20 44-45z m187 0c0-25-20-45-44-45s-45 20-45 45 20 45 45 45 44-20 44-45z m187 0c0-25-20-45-44-45s-45 20-45 45 20 45 45 45 44-20 44-45z m36 97c-22 16-47 16-73 16h-410c-46 0-85-35-85-82v-48c0-28 14-52 36-68 21-16 47-15 71-15h409c46 0 83 35 85 81 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 42 5 87-33 115z m7-115c-1-30-25-54-56-55-4 0-8 0-12 0h-415c-7 0-14 0-20 1-27 5-45 29-45 56v47c0 31 25 55 55 56 16 0 31 0 47 0h349c17 0 35 2 52-1 27-5 45-30 45-57v-47z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="calculations" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe98c;" d="M857 97c-2 12-4 23-14 33-208 207-415 415-622 622-9 9-13 10-23 0-44-45-90-90-135-135v-3c6-2 9-8 14-12 205-206 411-412 616-617 7-7 15-13 25-15 51-10 102-21 154-32 11-2 15-1 12 13-9 48-18 97-27 146z m-110-71c-5-6-11-8-18-4-4 2-6 5-9 8-191 191-382 381-572 572-3 3-6 6-8 9-6 10 1 22 13 23 8-1 12-7 17-12l386-386c60-60 121-121 181-182 4-3 8-7 11-11 4-6 4-12-1-17z m51 51c-5-3-11-3-16 0-4 3-7 7-10 10l-567 567c-2 2-5 5-7 7-7 7-8 14-1 21 7 8 15 7 22 0 3-3 5-5 7-7 189-189 378-378 566-566 6-6 13-11 14-20-1-5-3-10-8-12z m135 541c-46 46-93 93-139 139-7 8-11 6-18-1-76-76-153-153-230-230-6-6-8-9-1-16 15-14 30-29 44-44 6-6 9-6 15 0 5 6 9 10 1 16-4 4-7 8-11 11-7 6-9 10-2 18 8 8 12 6 18-1 4-4 8-8 12-12 5-6 9-4 14 1 5 4 9 9 1 15-4 3-8 8-12 12-5 5-9 9-2 16 8 7 12 7 18 0l11-11c6-8 10-6 16 0 6 6 7 10 0 15-4 3-7 7-11 11-6 5-10 9-2 17 9 9 13 6 19-1 3-4 8-7 11-11 5-7 9-5 15 0 5 6 8 10 0 16l-10 10c-9 7-9 12 0 21 29 28 58 56 86 85 7 8 11 8 19 0 23-24 47-49 72-72 10-9 9-14 0-23-64-64-128-127-191-191-5-5-15-9-11-16 7-10 18-19 27-28 3 2 6 4 8 7 78 77 155 155 233 232 6 6 6 9 0 15z m-513-466c-48-49-97-97-145-145-4-3-7-7-11-10-2 1-4 2-5 4-28 27-55 55-83 82-2 3-4 5-2 9 8 17 22 20 35 7 2-2 4-3 5-5 5-7 10-8 17-1 7 7 5 11-1 16-3 3-6 7-10 10-8 6-8 11-1 19 9 9 13 3 18-2 4-5 8-8 12-13 6-6 10-2 14 2 4 5 8 9 1 14-3 4-7 8-10 11-6 6-13 9-4 19 10 10 15 3 21-3 2-3 6-5 8-8 6-8 10-7 16-1 7 7 6 11 0 16-4 4-7 8-11 11-8 6-8 10-1 17 7 7 11 6 16-1 3-3 8-7 11-11 5-5 9-8 16-1 7 7 7 12 0 17-4 3-7 7-10 10-6 5-10 9-2 17 8 9 13 7 19-1 3-4 7-7 10-11 6-7 10-4 16 1 6 6 6 10 0 15-15 14-29 28-42 43-8 9-12 6-19-1-59-60-119-120-179-179-8-8-8-12 0-20 45-44 89-89 133-134 9-9 14-10 24 0 55 57 112 113 168 169 19 19 18 18 0 38-9 9-15 11-24 0z m401 457c0 21-16 38-36 38-20 0-36-16-37-36-1-21 16-39 37-38 19 0 35 16 36 36z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cement-mix" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe98d;" d="M63 646c3 0 5 3 8 4 39 25 79 50 118 76 5 3 8 3 11-3 1-3 3-5 5-8 5-6 10-13-2-18-4-1-1-4 0-7 7-11 14-22 22-33 3-4 3-8 2-13-4-17-7-35-12-52-1-4 0-7 2-11 25-42 51-83 76-125 3-6 5-6 10-3 18 13 37 25 56 37 3 2 6 4 9 0 23-37 45-75 58-117 6-17 4-34-1-52-6-20-13-39-22-58-2-5-5-6-9-6-26-1-52 1-77 6-16 3-28 12-39 22-31 29-54 63-77 97-3 5 0 7 3 9 19 12 38 24 57 36 6 3 5 6 2 11-25 41-49 82-74 123-3 5-6 7-12 9-16 3-33 7-49 10-5 1-9 3-11 8-7 11-14 21-21 32-3 5-5 7-10 3-5-5-8-3-11 2-4 6-7 13-12 18v3z m141-2c1 3 0 4-1 6-7 10-13 20-19 29-2 4-4 4-8 2-20-13-40-26-61-39-3-3-4-5-1-8 6-9 12-19 18-28 1-3 4-5 7-5l48-11c3 0 5-1 6 3 4 17 7 34 11 51z m734-654c-8 0-14-3-21-6-11-4-21 1-30 7-2 1-3 3-2 5 2 8 4 16 6 24 1 2 2 3 4 3 9 3 19 10 27 8 7-2 6-15 10-23 2-5 2-10 6-15v-3z m-121-18h-102l-529 0c-10 0-10 0-9 10 2 11 4 22 5 34 1 5 4 7 7 9 19 10 38 21 58 31 5 3 7 5 6 12-4 22-6 44-9 66-1 7 0 10 8 10 25 2 51 5 77 7 6 0 8 2 9 8 0 10 2 20 3 30 0 4 1 6 6 6 32 3 63 6 95 8 7 1 8 3 9 9 1 22 3 44 5 66 1 8 8 13 12 19 4 8 10 10 19 7 6-2 14-4 21-5 9 0 11-5 12-12 0-8 2-16 2-23 0-6 3-8 9-8l53 4c7 1 9-1 10-8 0-21 2-42 3-62 0-6 2-9 7-11 22-8 43-17 65-25 5-2 7-4 7-10 1-16 2-32 3-48 1-7 5-9 10-8 8 0 17 2 25 3 10 1 11-1 12-10 0-11 5-18 14-24 8-5 17-8 26-10 3-1 7-1 7-5 4-28 23-45 40-65 1-1 2-2 4-5z m27 200c21 0 35-10 46-26 10-16 17-34 23-51 2-6 1-12-3-18-6-11-16-19-29-23-14-5-28-10-42-15-2 0-4-2-7 1-11 13-24 24-37 35-8 7-11 14-9 24 4 24 15 45 31 63 7 9 18 8 27 10z m-31 104c-1-9-2-16-4-22-2-7-6-12-14-15-5-2-9-4-14-6-20-9-29-3-38 15-8 17-8 36-2 54 4 13 10 15 23 11 10-3 21-8 33-7 5 1 8-3 10-7 4-8 5-16 6-23z m-148 87c6 0 12-2 17-6 7-5 11-11 9-20-3-10-10-18-19-19-7-1-14-2-22-3-5-1-9 0-8 7 0 6 0 12-1 17-1 16 7 24 24 24z m225-159c-9 1-17 4-24 8-3 2-2 5-2 7 2 7 4 14 6 21 1 2 1 4 3 4l27 9c3 1 4-1 5-3 3-11 7-22 11-33 0-2 1-4-2-5-8-3-17-6-24-8z m-140-54c-4 1-6 2-9 3-17 4-18 6-13 22 1 6 1 13 6 16 8 4 18 6 27 9 3 1 3-2 4-4l11-31c0-3 2-5-1-6-9-3-18-6-25-9z m-98 115c1 8 6 13 12 18 1 1 2 1 4 0 9-3 19-6 29-10 5-2 7-9 7-15 0-6-4-9-9-11l-8-3c-18-6-22-5-33 12-2 3-2 6-2 9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cement-mixer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe98e;" d="M937 320c0 78-51 136-128 148-14 3-19-1-19-16 1-36 0-72 1-108 0-10-2-15-14-15-16-1-24 4-21 21 1 8 0 16 0 24 0 57 0 57-57 55-16 0-15-9-16-19-2-12 4-14 14-13 11 1 16-2 16-14-1-49-1-98 0-147 0-12-4-15-16-15-160 0-319 0-479 0-13 0-16 4-16 16 0 48 0 95 0 143-1 14 4 18 17 17 8-1 17-1 14 11-3 8 2 20-15 21-58 3-58 4-58-53v-6c0-44 0-43-43-41-10 0-14 4-14 14 1 23 1 45 0 68 0 13-7 22-21 22-13-1-19-10-19-22 0-67-1-134 0-200 0-14 6-23 20-23 14 0 20 10 21 23 0 16 0 31 0 47 0 33 0 32 33 34 19 1 24-5 24-24-1-88-1-175-1-263 0-16 0-26 22-26 21 0 20 10 20 25 0 52 0 105 0 157 0 14 4 18 18 18 80 0 159 0 239 0v0c71 0 141 0 212 0 39 0 40 1 41-37 1-10 4-12 12-10 5 1 10 1 14 0 15-4 19 3 18 17-1 42 0 84 0 126 0 13 3 16 16 17 15 1 21-5 19-20-1-7 0-15-1-22 0-11 4-14 15-14 39 0 78 0 118 0 12-1 15 4 14 15 0 23 0 46 0 69z m-74 33c-12 0-20 8-20 21 0 14 9 20 21 22 14-2 22-9 22-23-1-13-10-21-23-20z m-617 96c3-11 9-19 18-25 57-44 123-62 215-62 28 0 74 10 118 29 47 19 81 49 84 103 0 2 1 3 1 4 15 68-2 126-56 170-88 73-254 71-341-3-40-34-59-77-56-130 2-29 9-57 17-86z m83 232c84 47 172 47 257 0 56-31 55-84 0-118-40-24-84-31-129-32-35 1-70 6-103 20-9 4-18 8-25 13-54 34-55 86 0 117z m-69-297c17-74 109-130 206-126 95 5 179 60 188 125-131-72-262-72-394 1z m472-267c-37-1-66-32-65-70 0-37 31-68 68-67 36 0 68 32 67 68 0 40-31 69-70 69z m1-104c-19 0-34 16-34 36 0 19 16 35 35 36 19 0 36-17 36-37-1-20-18-36-37-35z m-161 583c30 28 27 54-10 74-32 17-67 22-94 21-52 1-94-8-119-23-31-19-34-44-8-70 56-55 173-56 231-2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="concrete-mixer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe98f;" d="M326 226c-51 0-92-41-92-92s41-92 92-92 92 41 92 92c0 51-41 92-92 92z m0-132c-22 0-40 18-40 40s18 40 40 40 40-18 40-40-18-40-40-40z m385 132c-51 0-92-41-92-92s41-92 92-92 92 41 92 92-41 92-92 92z m0-132c-22 0-40 18-40 40s18 40 40 40 40-18 40-40-18-40-40-40z m-458 172c154-68 242-10 286 90 44 100 27 204-127 272-104 46-238 39-296-14-25-22-52-88-53-121-4-78 86-181 190-227z m7-51h-133c-13 0-23-9-23-21v-39c0-12 10-21 23-21h94c0 33 15 62 39 81z m629 178c-24 18-68 110-68 110-11 22-41 40-65 40h-111s-10 0-23 0h-18c-11 0-20-8-23-18v-293s2-17-24-17h-165c24-19 39-48 39-81h175c0 58 47 105 105 105s105-47 105-105h77c25 0 45 20 45 45v84c0 72-26 112-49 130z m-244 4v115h95c22 0 48-16 58-35l33-68c3-5 6-9 9-12l-195 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="danger-zone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe990;" d="M276 444c2-2 4-6 8-5 2 1 1 5 2 8 1 10 2 20 3 30 1 23 5 46-4 69-1 2-1 4-2 6 0 3 0 6 2 7 3 2 6-1 7-3 3-4 5-7 7-10 6-15 6-30 5-46 0-20-2-41-4-62-2-36-2-72-15-106-8-21 7-67 34-81 14-7 28-12 43-19 20-8 36-21 41-44 2-7 6-11 12-14 50-17 99-20 149-2 10 4 17 9 20 20 3 14 12 24 24 31 8 4 15 8 23 11 17 7 34 13 49 21 10 6 19 13 22 24 5 16 9 33 6 50-2 13-4 26-5 39-3 24-4 48-6 73-2 26-4 51-3 77 0 10 2 20 8 28 2 3 4 8 9 6 3-2 2-7 1-10-1-6-3-12-4-19-4-31 2-62 5-94 20 16 30 35 35 58 6 27 7 54 4 82-6 47-26 87-61 119-37 34-82 51-131 59-15 3-29 4-43 6h-38c-3-2-6-2-8-2-39-2-76-10-111-26-31-14-59-34-79-62-41-59-46-123-25-190 4-11 11-21 20-29z m269-14c4 0 7 0 11 0 25-2 50-4 75-9 23-5 39-22 38-43-2-25-15-44-38-54-23-10-44-4-61 12-18 17-35 35-47 56-13 24 3 36 22 38z m-42-102c19-24 37-45 43-74 2-10 0-19-9-26-9-8-17-7-22 5-4 11-7 22-8 34-2 18-3 36-4 54 0 2 0 3 0 7z m-16-3c0-31 0-61-10-90-2-6-5-12-14-12-8 0-17 9-18 17-2 8-1 16 2 24 9 23 24 42 40 61z m-159 67c6 17 20 25 36 29 25 6 51 7 76 10 6 0 12-1 19-3 14-3 22-16 16-29-16-30-36-57-66-73-28-15-58-3-74 25-7 13-12 26-7 41z m574-319c-17 7-35 8-52 6-29-3-55 1-80 14-30 16-61 30-91 46-6 2-8 2-9-5-2-13-5-25-11-37-2-6 0-8 5-11 25-11 49-25 74-36 29-12 50-32 65-58 11-19 26-35 46-43 5-2 13-3 22 1 11 5 14 13 12 25l-3 14c-2 15 2 24 16 31 5 2 10 5 15 7 8 5 11 11 11 20-2 13-8 21-20 26z m-575 59c-1 9-4 8-10 5-30-15-61-30-91-45-23-12-47-16-73-13-13 1-25 1-38-1-10-1-19-4-26-10-17-12-15-34 4-43 4-2 8-4 13-6 11-6 15-15 13-28l-3-15c-2-13 1-20 11-25 4-3 14-6 26-1 18 9 31 23 42 40l8 13c12 19 29 33 50 43 27 13 53 27 80 40 5 2 7 4 4 10-4 11-8 23-10 36z m-185 184c28 2 53-4 78-17 15-9 30-16 47-24-2 7-4 12-6 17-4 13-6 25-4 38 1 7-1 10-7 13-17 8-33 15-46 29-10 11-18 25-27 37-11 16-23 30-42 37-9 3-19 2-27-5-8-7-8-15-6-24 1-4 1-8 2-13 3-13-1-22-13-28-4-2-8-4-12-6-7-3-13-8-16-15v-10c5-18 18-25 34-28 15-3 30-2 45-1z m488-107c-1 2-2 4-6 4 0-18-1-37-5-54-6-32-20-59-48-77-16-10-33-15-51-17-26-2-51-2-76 5-45 14-65 44-71 89-2 17-4 35-4 52-8-8-12-18-13-29-2-33 3-64 14-95 13-32 37-53 70-62 36-10 72-11 108-2 35 8 62 28 77 62 13 29 16 60 16 91 0 12-5 23-11 33z m-110-122c1-3 2-5 5-5 5 0 11-2 14 5 3 4 1 23-2 24-1 1-2 1-4 1-11 0-14-1-13-16 0-3 0-6 0-9z m-31-7c10-3 14 1 14 14 0 16-1 17-11 16-6 0-10-3-9-8 2-7-6-18 6-22z m8 71c-4 0-11 3-13-3-2-7-1-14 0-21 1-3 3-4 6-5 10-2 13 2 13 15v8c0 4-2 7-6 6z m-39-69c8-1 8 4 8 9 0 1 0 3 0 6v2c0 11-2 13-12 13-10 1-7-7-7-12-1-3 0-6 0-8-1-9 5-10 11-10z m8 56v2c0 11-2 13-11 13-10 0-8-7-8-13 0-2 0-5 0-7 0-5 2-8 7-9 11-1 13 1 12 14z m61-14c6 0 13 0 12 9 0 5 0 10 0 15 0 3-2 4-6 5-10 2-13-2-13-15v-5c0-5 0-9 7-9z m48 30c-2 5-8 3-11 2-9-1-8-8-8-15 1-3-1-9 4-11 5-1 11 1 14 5 4 5 3 12 1 19z m-153-36c-3 1-7 4-11 0-3-3 0-8 1-11 0-3 2-6 4-9 2-4 5-9 10-8 6 1 2 8 3 11 0 3 0 5 0 8 0 5-2 8-7 9z m-4 38c-9 0-7-7-7-12-1-9 4-14 13-14 9 0 4 8 6 11 0 12-2 15-12 15z m141-66c4-2 6 1 8 3 5 6 8 12 9 20 1 5-1 7-6 6-11-1-13-3-12-17 0-2-1-4 0-5 0-3-1-6 1-7z m38 55c8 13 13 32 11 49-12-7-16-30-11-49z m-218 47c1-14 3-28 11-42 5 17 0 39-11 42z m10-61c0-7 2-11 6-16 1 6-1 11-6 16z m546 227c-3 5-8 9-14 11-5 2-9 4-13 7-11 5-16 15-13 27l3 18c2 9-1 16-8 21-10 7-21 6-31 2-16-8-28-21-37-36-9-12-17-25-28-37-13-14-32-22-49-31-8-4-14-8-12-19 1-4 0-10 0-14-1-12-5-23-8-36 22 11 42 21 62 31 20 11 41 15 63 14 14-1 28-1 42 0 18 1 34 5 42 23 7 12 1 19 1 19z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="energy-water" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe998;" d="M937 608c-1 4-6 2-9 2-64 0-128 0-192 0-6 0-10-2-14-6-66-67-132-134-197-201-3-2-7-4-6-8 2-4 7-2 10-2l106 0c6 0 13 2 16-4 2-7-5-9-9-13-58-54-116-109-174-163-3-3-6-6-8-8-4-4-3-6 2-7 5 0 9 0 14 0h83c4 0 8 1 10-3 2-4-1-7-3-10-2-2-3-3-4-5-52-60-103-120-154-181-9-10-18-20-26-31l3-3c130 104 260 209 390 314-6 4-11 3-15 3-22 0-44 0-66 0-4 0-10-2-12 3-3 6 3 9 7 12 58 54 116 108 175 161 4 4 9 7 13 15h-65c-4 0-11-1-13 4-2 6 4 9 8 12l124 111c3 2 8 4 6 8z m-874-45c0-6 2-9 8-8 12 1 25 2 37 4 52 8 100 27 139 63 5 4 7 4 12 0 44-40 97-60 155-65 80-7 152 12 213 64 5 4 7 5 12 1 9-8 19-14 28-22 5-4 9-4 14 1 12 13 24 24 36 36 5 5 6 7-1 11-6 4-12 8-18 13-25 21-47 45-64 74-90-142-284-158-381 0-12-33-34-56-62-73-36-23-74-38-117-40-8-1-12-3-11-12 1-16 0-32 0-47z m15-183c63 4 120 23 167 65 7 5 10 5 16 0 50-44 109-63 174-65 10 0 16 3 23 10 13 15 28 29 42 44 7 8 14 15 23 24-131-27-211 3-270 102-10-23-24-42-43-57-40-33-86-53-138-57-7-1-10-3-9-11 0-13 1-27 0-41-1-13 4-15 15-14z m319-164c15 16 31 31 46 46 2 2 6 3 5 7-85 3-154 34-195 115-7-18-15-33-28-45-43-41-94-62-152-68-7-1-11-2-10-11 0-15 0-30 0-45-1-8 2-10 10-10 65 2 123 22 172 65 7 6 10 4 15-1 35-30 75-48 120-58 7-2 12 0 17 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="engineer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe999;" d="M363 403c6-12 13-23 22-33 38-44 87-66 146-53 61 14 97 56 119 111 2 7 2 15 10 19 44 28 41 73 42 116 0 6-3 10-8 9-14-1-13 7-14 17-6 61-31 113-81 150-12 9-26 14-31 30-1 5-6 9-14 10-3-34-6-67-9-101-1-11-2-22-17-21-14 1-11 13-11 23 1 30 1 60 3 90 2 24-15 16-26 17-17 3-13-8-13-18 1-32 2-63 3-95 0-6 0-13-8-16-5-2-11-1-15 3-4 5-5 11-5 16-3 30-5 59-8 88 0 5 2 12-4 14-6 1-9-6-12-10-5-6-5-15-13-19-60-35-90-89-98-157-2-10 2-23-17-21-3 0-5-4-5-8-2-36-3-74 24-100 19-19 28-40 40-61z m188 158c7 50 13 99 20 154 47-37 72-80 73-137 0-7-4-9-10-11-24-8-48-11-73-14-7-1-11 0-10 8z m-194 26c5 48 24 88 62 119 5 4 11 11 13-3 5-45 11-90 17-134 2-14-2-19-16-16-20 4-41 6-61 12-12 3-18 9-15 22z m-13-77c3 11 17 6 25 3 76-33 154-25 233-12 8 1 16 4 23 9 2 2 5 4 8 4 9 1 21 6 26-6 5-9-6-23-19-24-16-2-18-15-21-26-7-22-16-43-31-62-24-29-52-42-96-45-30 3-59 20-82 48-13 18-23 38-28 60-4 14-9 23-25 25-13 2-17 16-13 26z m-20-375c1 0 4 2 4 3 2 12 2 25 0 37 0 9-8 5-13 6-7 1-6 7-6 11 0 15 0 31 0 47 0 17 0 33 0 50 0 6-1 9-9 6-34-16-70-30-78-74-2-9-7-18-10-27-34-87-66-176-97-264-5-14-1-17 12-16 23 1 46 1 70 0 11-1 16 3 21 14 26 61 53 122 81 183 5 11 6 27 25 24z m560-205c-30 89-63 177-96 264-4 9-9 18-11 27-7 44-43 59-78 74-7 3-9 0-9-6 0-17 0-33 0-50h0c0-15 0-31 0-47 0-4 2-10-5-11-5-1-13 3-14-6-1-12-2-25 1-37 0-1 2-3 4-3 18 3 20-13 25-24 27-61 54-122 80-183 5-11 11-15 22-14 23 1 46 1 69 0 14-1 17 2 12 16z m-237 28c3 17-4 21-20 21-74-1-149 0-224-1-16 0-36 7-46-2-10-10-2-31-3-47-1-11 2-15 14-15 44 1 88 1 132 1v0c17 0 34 0 51 0 17 0 34-1 51-1 14 1 33-6 42 4 9 8 1 27 3 40z m-260 122c-1 19-18 35-37 35-20-1-37-18-36-37 1-20 18-36 38-36 18 1 35 19 35 38z m264 35c-20 0-36-16-36-36 0-20 16-37 36-37 19 0 36 18 36 37 0 19-17 35-36 36z m-9 158c0 9 0 19-1 28 0 4 1 9-4 12-9 5-31-1-37-10-22-34-45-69-66-103-5-8-11-13-22-12-7 1-14 1-20 0-13-2-20 4-27 15-21 34-43 68-65 102-2 4-5 6-8 8-8 4-18 1-27 0-4 0-6-3-6-6l-5-148c0-3-1-7-1-10 0-1 0-2 0-2l0-2h0c1-8 5-11 15-11 44 1 88 1 132 1 44 0 89 0 133 0 10-1 14 2 14 14 0 2 0 4 0 6h0l-5 118z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fire-extinguisher-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe99a;" d="M832 608c-34 31-69 62-103 94-7 6-14 9-23 9-35 1-70 3-105 4-11 0-15 4-18 14-9 31-36 51-67 52-29 1-58-18-68-46-11-29-5-66 23-80 28-15 27-34 26-58 0-7-1-14 0-21 1-11-4-17-13-22-16-9-32-19-48-27-28-14-40-36-40-68 2-83 1-166 1-249 0-86 0-172 0-258 0-28 11-39 38-39 85 0 170 0 255 0 25 0 38 12 38 38 0 172 0 344 0 516 0 24-10 43-31 55-16 9-32 19-48 27-16 7-22 17-22 35 2 42 1 41 42 50 21 4 39 1 57-10 28-16 56-31 84-46 11-6 22-11 30 1 9 12 2 21-8 29z m-317 71c-16 0-31 15-31 31 0 15 14 29 29 29 18 1 31-12 31-29 1-17-12-31-29-31z m158-683c0-12-8-19-20-18-10 0-17 8-18 19 0 8 0 17 0 26h0c0 9-1 17 0 25 1 12 7 19 19 19 12 0 19-7 19-18 1-17 1-35 0-53z m-38 466c0 5 0 11 1 16 2 10 9 15 19 15 9 0 15-5 18-14 1-6 1-12 1-18 0-54 0-109 0-163v-164c0-6 0-12-1-18-2-10-9-15-19-15-10 0-17 6-18 16-1 5-1 10-1 16 0 109 0 219 0 329z m-226 246v16c0 24 0 24-24 24-13 0-23 0-29 14-3 8-11 8-18 9-56 5-111 11-167 16-11 2-15-2-15-13 0-42 0-84 0-126 0-10 3-15 15-14 55 6 111 12 166 17 9 1 18 3 22 12 3 8 9 10 17 10 33 1 33 1 33 35z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fire-extinguisher" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe99b;" d="M458 627c-74 0-134-61-134-136v-494h268v494c0 75-60 136-134 136z m285-375l-10 198c0 16-11 31-26 36-2 118-83 220-195 246v21h-14v26c0 5-4 9-9 9h-96c-5 0-12-3-15-7l-129-131c-4-5 7-23 26-44l100 102c17 18 43 10 43-20v-42h80v41h14v22c100-25 172-118 173-223-15-5-26-20-26-36l-10-198-9-171c0-1 1-2 1-3 1-1 2-1 3-1h104c1 0 3 0 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3l-9 171z m-419-267h268v-73h-268v73z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fix-tools" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe99c;" d="M245 149c0 39 0 79 0 119 1 44 19 78 57 100 7 4 10 8 10 17 0 29 0 59 0 88 0 9-1 14-11 13-8 0-13 6-18 11-24 23-47 47-71 70-7 7-11 14-11 24 1 34 1 68 1 102 0 10 3 17 10 24 22 20 43 40 65 60 7 7 15 13 26 8 11-4 12-14 12-24 0-36 0-71 0-106-1-13 3-17 16-17 18 1 37 1 55 0 12-1 16 5 15 16 0 35 0 71 0 106 0 10 0 20 11 25 11 5 19-1 26-8 22-20 43-40 65-60 8-7 12-16 11-28 0-31 0-64 1-95 0-12-4-20-12-28-24-23-46-46-70-69-3-3-7-8-10-8-25-1-20-19-20-33-1-23 0-45-1-67 0-10 4-16 13-22 41-24 57-62 56-109 0-9-4-12-13-12-24 1-48 0-72 0-13 0-25-2-25-18-1-15 11-18 24-18 24 0 48-1 72 0 16 1 13-10 14-19 1-10-2-16-14-16-23 1-47 1-70 1-13 0-26-2-26-19 0-16 12-18 25-18 23 0 47 0 70 1 15 0 15-8 15-19 0-11-1-17-14-16-24 1-47 0-71 0-12 0-25-2-25-18-1-17 12-18 25-18 24 0 47 0 71 0 6 0 12 0 14-9 12-61-23-123-79-142-70-23-145 29-147 103-1 43 0 85 0 128z m326 1c0 37 0 74 0 112 0 46 17 83 59 107 7 4 10 9 10 17-1 48-1 96 0 143 0 11-4 16-14 20-38 18-37 18-29 59 10 50 19 100 28 150 5 27 8 29 34 29 19 0 38 0 57 1 15 0 23-7 26-21 11-61 23-121 35-181 3-15-4-25-17-29-26-8-32-26-30-52 2-39 0-78 0-117 0-10 3-15 11-20 42-25 58-63 57-111-1-11-6-11-14-11-24 1-48 0-73 0-12 0-23-2-23-17-1-15 10-19 23-19 24 0 47-1 71 0 16 1 15-8 16-19 0-12-3-16-16-15-22 1-44 0-66 0-14 0-29-1-28-19 0-18 15-18 29-18 22 0 44-1 66 1 16 1 14-9 14-19 1-11-1-17-14-16-24 1-47 0-71 0-12 0-24-2-24-18-1-16 12-18 24-18 24 0 47 0 71 0 6 0 14 2 14-8 3-46-1-88-39-120-36-31-77-37-120-17-45 20-66 58-67 106-1 40 0 80 0 120z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fork-lift" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe99d;" d="M556 306s-38 361-181 361h-228v-333h-58c-59 0 0-206 0-206h36c2 51 45 92 97 92 52 0 94-41 96-92h119v1c0 57 46 103 103 103s103-46 103-103c0-6-1-13-2-19h37l-61 191c-56-31-61 5-61 5z m-184-12l-54 94h-117v225h165c48 0 74-67 88-124 9-36 37-166 39-195h-121z m168-73c-49 0-89-40-89-90 0-50 40-90 89-90s90 40 90 90c0 49-40 90-90 90z m0-142c-28 0-52 23-52 52s24 52 52 52 52-24 52-52-23-52-52-52z m-321 125c-47 0-85-38-85-85 0-47 38-85 85-85s85 38 85 85c0 47-38 85-85 85z m0-135c-27 0-49 23-49 50 0 27 22 49 49 49s49-22 49-49-22-50-49-50z m718 147c-4 10-15 16-25 12l-187-61-161 485c-4 10-14 16-25 12-10-3-15-14-12-24l168-504c3-8 10-13 18-13 2 0 4 1 6 1l205 68c10 3 16 14 13 24z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="recycle-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ae;" d="M266 554c20-12 40-24 60-36 5-3 6-1 9 3 14 25 28 49 42 74 13 23 25 47 43 67 21 23 45 39 76 41 35 1 61-16 84-40 21-23 33-52 49-78 3-4 0-5-3-7-11-8-23-14-33-23-16-14-14-31 4-42 2-1 5-3 8-4 39-15 77-30 116-45 28-11 52 5 52 35 1 41 1 83 0 124 0 25-19 36-41 24-9-5-17-10-25-16-5-4-7-4-11 2-14 26-28 50-47 73-28 34-62 62-106 76-2 1-5 1-8 2-35 8-72-1-72-1-24-6-46-17-66-33-26-19-47-43-65-70-24-38-46-78-69-117-2-5 0-7 3-9z m670-385c-3 29-11 56-23 82-20 43-46 83-69 124-2 4-4 4-7 2-20-12-40-25-61-36-5-3-4-6-1-10 18-31 36-63 54-95 11-19 20-39 24-61 10-49-12-93-59-112-26-11-55-13-83-13-19 0-19 0-20 18 0 3 0 6 0 9-5 24-21 33-44 25-9-3-17-9-25-14-24-15-49-30-73-45-13-9-23-20-21-37 1-16 12-25 24-33 20-12 40-25 60-37 13-8 25-18 40-22 17-4 30 3 36 19 3 6 4 12 4 18 0 17 0 17 17 17 43-1 86 5 126 23 47 22 82 55 96 107 3 9 5 19 7 29v39c-1 1-2 2-2 3z m-244 122c2 110-87 198-192 196-106 0-191-85-191-191 0-108 86-193 196-191 103 2 184 85 187 186z m-124 145c20-10 36-23 51-39 5-6 4-9-2-13-12-6-24-13-37-17-3-1-5-2-7 2-7 28-18 53-36 77 12-1 22-6 31-10z m-122-154c-2 14 0 28 1 42 0 4 2 4 5 4 32-6 64-6 96 0 3 1 5 0 5-4 0-10 2-19 2-29-1-8-2-16-2-24 0-6-2-7-7-6-26 5-53 5-79 2-1 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-12-5-16-1-3 3-1 10-2 16z m58 163c19-24 33-52 42-82 1-4 0-5-4-6-14-3-28-3-42-4-14 1-27 1-41 4-4 1-5 1-4 6 8 30 22 57 42 82 2 3 4 4 7 0z m-125-52c21 26 49 45 82 53 0 0 1 0 2 0-6-9-12-17-17-26-8-15-14-32-18-48-1-5-3-7-8-5-14 6-28 11-40 19-3 2-4 4-1 7z m-16-169c-23 46-24 91-4 137 2 6 4 8 10 3 13-12 28-20 44-25 6-2 8-4 7-11-3-20-3-42 0-62 1-7-1-10-7-12-19-7-35-17-50-30z m26-37c0 1-1 2-2 3-12 14-12 13 4 22 10 6 19 10 30 14 2 0 5 2 6-3 7-28 19-54 38-78-31 8-55 22-76 42z m115-39c-3-5-5-4-8 0-19 24-32 51-41 81-2 5 0 6 4 7 14 1 27 4 44 3 11 0 24-1 37-3 4-1 7-2 5-8-9-29-22-56-41-80z m118 52c-22-28-50-46-87-55 20 24 31 50 38 77 1 4 2 5 6 4 15-6 28-12 42-20 2-2 3-3 1-6z m-36 54c-5 2-6 5-6 9 3 22 3 44 0 67 0 5 2 7 7 9 16 6 32 14 45 25 5 4 6 4 9-1 9-21 14-43 15-64-1-26-6-48-16-69-2-4-3-6-7-2-14 12-30 20-47 26z m-168-211c0 6-1 7-7 7-24 0-48 0-72 0-15 0-31 0-47 0-24 0-49 1-73 8-56 17-83 63-71 120 6 30 21 55 36 81 3 4 5 2 7 0 8-4 15-10 23-13 22-11 40 0 40 24 0 42 0 84 0 126 0 25-18 40-42 36-5 0-9-2-14-4-18-7-36-14-54-22-21-8-41-16-61-24-25-12-27-32-5-49 6-4 12-8 18-12 7-4 17-8 19-14 2-7-6-14-11-22-24-45-43-92-41-145 1-53 23-96 65-127 43-31 91-43 142-45 47-1 94 0 140 0 7 0 8 2 8 8 0 22 0 45 0 67z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="recycling-man" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9af;" d="M639 381c2-4 2-10 10-9 54 1 107 1 161 2 5 0 7 2 7 7-1 24 1 48-5 71-15 55-31 110-45 165-3 13-8 16-20 15-64-3-127-5-191-8v0c-67-3-133-5-200-8-4 0-8-1-11-2-6-1-10-5-11-11-1-7 2-12 7-16 4-2 9-4 14-5 68-15 136-30 204-44 19-4 30-14 37-32 13-42 28-83 43-125z m183-441l-3 379c0 7-1 10-9 10-52 1-103 3-155 4-7 1-10-2-11-9-3-25-7-50-10-75-11-75-22-150-32-225-4-28-8-57-12-85-1-3-3-7 1-8 4-1 7 0 9 4l4 6c16 30 33 60 50 89 24 42 48 84 73 128 2-7 4-11 6-16 25-67 50-134 75-202 1-4 2-10 9-9 7 0 5 6 5 9z m-112 725c33 1 61 28 61 61 0 34-27 62-61 62-34 0-61-27-61-61 0-34 27-62 61-62z m-452-338c22-33 13-30 50-14 31 13 53 36 74 62 12 16 23 33 42 42 4 2 3 6 3 9-4 22-11 44-26 62-14 17-22 18-41 6-21-14-34-34-49-53-16-22-36-38-62-46-8-2-11-6-10-13 1-21 7-39 19-55z m6 54c29 11 49 31 67 55 11 16 23 31 39 43 7 5 12 5 17-3 4-6 9-12 12-19 10-22 9-23-7-41-13-15-26-32-40-47-16-19-36-35-60-44-3-1-7-4-10 0-12 14-21 30-25 51 0 2 3 4 7 5z m211-109c-47-1-94 0-141 0-48 0-96-1-144 0-9 0-14-1-11-12 3-11 4-23 6-35 17-100 34-201 50-301 1-10 5-12 13-11 56 0 111 0 166-1 12 0 16 4 18 15 18 111 36 222 54 333 2 12-2 12-11 12z m-240-226h-4c-2 9-4 19-5 29-1 0-1 1-1 2h10v-31z m0 57h-14c-2 9-3 18-5 27 0 2 0 3 0 4h19v-31z m0 57h-24c-1 1-1 3-1 5 0 3 0 6-1 9-1 8-2 13-1 16h27l0-30z m0 60c0-2 0-3-1-4h-32c0 0 0 0 0 0-1 12-6 23-4 35h37v-31z m44-283h-25v26h25v-26z m0 53c0 0 0-1 0-1h-25v31h25v-30z m0 56h-25v30l0 1h25v-31z m0 57h-25v31h25v-31z m0 57l0 0h-25v30h25v-30z m0 56h-25v35h25v-35z m44-279h-25v26h25l0-26z m0 52l0 0h-25v31h25v-31z m0 57h-25v31h25l0-31z m0 57h-25v31h25l0-31z m0 57h-25v30h25l0-30z m0 56l-25 0v33c0 0 0 1 1 2h24v-35z m45-279h-26v26h25l1-1v-25z m0 55c-1-1-1-2-1-3h-25v31h25c0 0 1-1 1-1v-27h0z m0 54l0 0h-26v31h26v-31z m0 57h-26v31h26v-31z m0 58l-1-1h-25v30h25c1-1 1-1 1-2v-27z m0 55h-26v35h26v-35z m44-279h-26v21c1 2 2 3 3 5h23v-26z m0 52h-26v31l0 0h26l0-31z m0 57h-26v27c1 2 1 3 1 4h25l0-31z m0 57h-26v31h26v-31z m0 57h-26v30h26v-30z m0 56h-26v35h26v-35z m28-142c-2-10-4-19-5-28h-5v31h10c0-1 0-2 0-3z m8 52c-1-7-2-13-3-20 0-1 0-2 0-3h-15v31h20c0-3-1-6-2-8z m10 62c-1-8-2-16-3-24-1-2-1-3-2-4h-23v25c1 1 1 3 2 5h26c0-1 0-2 0-2z m9 49c-1-3-1-7-2-10-1-5-1-9-2-12h-33v33c0 1 1 2 1 3h37c1-3 0-7-1-14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="safety-hat-light" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b0;" d="M910 301c-26 28-57 44-93 55-10 3-12 8-10 17 6 21 4 42-2 62-23 70-66 102-142 70-17-7-32-19-49-27 17 31 40 55 74 67 13 5 11 8 3 17-141 153-376 147-508 4-47-51-72-110-80-178-1-8-2-16 8-21 95-53 190-108 292-147 50-19 101-35 156-32 11 0 16 4 16 16 2 59 1 118-13 176-24 97-76 172-170 212-4 1-7 3-9 5-5 3-6 7-4 12 1 7 6 5 11 4 13 0 23-9 34-15 74-37 127-93 158-170 27-67 38-137 39-209 0-14 3-17 17-12 50 20 93 50 130 89 3 3 5 11 12 7 5-4 6-9 6-15-2-10-7-18-12-25-32-38-73-64-115-90-30-19-63-24-97-22-79 7-154 29-224 66-75 39-145 88-218 131-31 19-32 19-51-14 0-1-1-2-1-3-9-18-7-29 10-40 13-9 28-16 43-21 114-37 221-89 322-154 45-29 92-55 143-72 63-22 126-29 189 2 61 31 110 76 146 135 25 42 22 84-11 120z m-143 41c-15-19-38-20-55-2-27 29-27 96 0 125 16 18 41 17 56-2 14-18 19-38 18-60 1-23-4-44-19-61z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="safety-hat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b1;" d="M913 289c-27 33-62 51-101 64-9 4-13 7-15 17-32 132-105 232-234 282-113 43-224 29-325-39-80-54-126-131-135-228-1-10 1-15 10-20 93-52 185-105 284-144 48-19 97-33 148-35 28-2 31 1 32 29 1 32 0 64-3 96-6 56-18 111-47 160-32 55-76 98-136 122-7 3-16 5-12 14 4 10 12 4 19 3 2-1 3-2 5-2 85-37 146-97 181-183 26-65 36-132 38-201 1-25 1-25 24-15 46 19 86 47 120 83 4 4 7 13 15 9 8-5 7-14 5-22-5-12-13-23-22-32-29-28-63-50-97-72-38-25-79-29-122-24-78 9-150 34-219 71-74 40-143 87-215 131-16 9-24 8-33-7-24-34-21-47 17-66 6-3 12-6 18-8 76-28 152-54 223-94 56-32 111-66 167-98 56-32 115-56 190-56 27-1 60 6 91 24 55 30 100 71 135 125 26 41 26 78-6 116z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="saw" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b2;" d="M673 324c-1 3-1 4-1 4-151 152-303 303-454 455-9 9-12 4-18-2-32-33-64-65-97-97-10-10-15-20-16-34-2-39-2-39 36-49 12-3 18-7 18-22-2-35-1-36 32-43 17-4 23-10 21-28-4-29-3-30 26-36 22-4 31-15 26-37-3-15 1-24 19-28 35-8 36-9 33-45-1-11 3-17 14-19 6-1 11-3 17-4 19-2 28-11 23-31-5-21 4-30 26-35 30-5 31-7 27-37-2-17 3-25 19-26 4-1 8-3 11-3 21-1 25-12 24-31-3-28-1-28 27-35 9-1 12 0 15 7 32 83 91 140 172 176z m214-138c-29 29-59 59-88 88-22 22-50 33-87 34-9 1-22-4-35-10-65-30-114-77-145-142-21-44-15-90 18-125 34-36 69-71 105-106 21-20 41-16 55 10 6 11 10 24 16 35 33 64 82 110 147 138 50 22 53 39 14 78z m-64-19c-49-20-90-51-123-93-17-22-30-46-41-72-9-20-17-21-32-6-13 13-26 25-38 39-13 13-17 29-10 47 32 77 87 132 164 164 6 2 12 3 15 4 15 0 26-4 34-13 13-13 25-25 38-37 15-16 14-25-7-33z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="screw-driver" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b3;" d="M873 788c21-22 42-43 62-64 2-3 3-10 1-13-28-56-57-112-86-168-2-4-8-7-12-8-29-7-58-13-87-20-7-1-13-5-18-9-35-35-70-71-105-105-8-8-7-12-1-20 11-17 22-34 32-52 6-10 4-18-5-26-18-17-35-34-51-52-11-12-23-14-36-6-9 6-15 5-23-3-9-10-19-19-29-28 7-14 14-27 20-39 5-12 4-22-7-31-74-74-147-147-220-222-11-10-21-13-33-6-24 15-50 30-72 48-48 39-90 83-123 135-24 38-24 41 8 73 69 68 137 136 205 205 11 11 20 14 33 7 8-4 17-7 24-12 10-8 16-5 23 3 3 3 6 6 9 9 14 11 23 23 10 42-5 7-2 15 5 22 19 18 38 37 57 56 7 8 14 10 23 5 20-12 40-24 59-36 3-2 5-4 9-7 3 3 6 6 9 9 35 34 70 69 104 104 5 5 9 12 10 19 7 28 12 56 19 84 2 6 6 13 11 16 58 30 115 59 175 90z m-745-667c2-17 10-29 25-35 16-7 30-3 41 9 51 50 101 101 152 152 17 17 17 38 2 53-15 15-38 15-54-1-51-51-102-101-152-152-6-7-9-17-14-26z m101-100c2-16 11-30 24-36 16-6 30-2 42 10 51 50 102 101 152 151 16 16 16 39 2 53-15 15-38 16-54 0-51-51-102-102-152-153-7-7-10-16-14-25z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tools-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b4;" d="M311 415c-5 6-8 14-21 11-70-19-140-37-210-55-26-7-16-30-14-43 3-14 12-10 20-10 50-1 101-1 151-1 9 0 17 1 22-9 19-36 38-70 7-111-11-15-19-24-38-23-22 2-43 1-65 1-26 0-51 0-77-1-9 0-17 0-19-12-1-14-13-35 14-42 69-17 137-34 206-53 10-2 15-1 22 8 26 36 46 78 79 110 5 5 4 117-1 123-30 32-50 72-76 107z m228-121c1-32 1-64 0-96 0-11 4-15 15-15 112 0 224 0 335 0 25 1 41 19 42 44 1 10 0 21 0 31 0 35-16 51-51 51-53 0-105 0-158 0h-163c-10 0-20 2-20-15z m276-20c16-1 25-12 26-29-1-17-11-26-28-27-14-1-28 15-27 30 2 17 12 27 29 26z m7-107c-3 4-8 5-13 5h-133c11-15 20-27 30-42-60 0-115 0-171 0-13-1-13 8-13 17v212l31-32 0 0 1-1v0c3-3 8-6 14-6 43 0 85 0 133 0-98 124-193 244-287 364l-5-2v-19c0-207 0-414-1-621 0-21 7-26 27-26 159 1 318 0 477 0 8 0 16-2 26 5-39 49-78 97-116 146z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tools-bag" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b5;" d="M520-42c-62-2-123 2-185 8-65 6-129 16-192 32-7 2-10 6-13 12-37 66-59 137-65 212-8 89 3 175 36 258 9 21 20 41 30 61 4 6 8 8 14 10 40 10 80 18 120 23 10 1 15 4 13 14 0 3 0 7 0 10-2 11 2 17 13 18 10 1 13 8 15 16 0 4 1 8 2 11 14 48 18 53 67 62 9 2 14 5 18 14 6 15 15 24 34 23 50-2 100-1 151 0 17 1 27-7 32-21 4-12 12-16 22-18 5-1 10-3 16-4 21-1 31-14 36-33 3-9 6-16 8-25 3-13 6-26 24-27 6-1 6-6 6-12 1-26 1-26 26-30 36-5 71-13 106-21 8-2 12-5 16-12 52-93 72-192 67-297-5-82-26-159-67-231-4-7-8-11-17-13-64-16-130-26-196-33-46-4-91-6-137-7z m10 76c91 2 182 11 272 29 8 2 14 6 18 14 23 52 37 107 40 164 6 81-7 157-41 230-3 8-8 12-16 14-46 10-93 17-140 22-79 8-159 10-238 6-77-4-153-12-228-28-9-2-13-6-16-14-22-45-34-93-40-142-9-87 3-170 38-250 4-9 10-14 20-16 109-23 220-30 331-29z m74 554c5 2 16-7 15 6-1 15 5 22 19 24 4 1 8 2 6 8-2 7-3 14-7 21-5 10-27 11-34 2-5-7-10-10-19-10-55 0-110 0-165 0-8 0-14 2-17 9-5 10-13 8-22 7-15-2-19-12-23-24-3-8-2-13 7-14 12-2 19-7 16-20-1-8 2-11 10-10 14 1 28 2 42 2 57 2 114 2 172-1z m150-288c-14 0-27 0-41 0-7 0-9-2-9-9 0-17 0-34 0-51 0-9 3-13 12-12l79 0c8 0 10-1 6-10-18-36-45-59-87-61-28-1-55-2-80 16-13 9-25 20-32 35-3 6-7 9-15 9-58 0-117 0-175 0-7 0-11-3-14-8-20-35-50-52-91-52-35-1-67 5-91 33-8 9-13 19-19 30-2 6-1 8 6 8 27 0 54 0 81 0 9-1 12 2 12 11-1 17-1 34 0 50 0 9-4 11-11 11-27 0-54 0-80 0-9 0-10 2-6 10 15 37 53 62 93 61 15 0 30 1 44-3 27-7 48-23 61-48 4-7 9-10 17-10 58 1 115 1 173 1 7 0 11 1 14 7 22 40 56 54 100 53 39 0 69-13 91-45 5-7 13-16 9-24-2-5-14-2-22-2-8-1-17 0-25 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tow-truck" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b6;" d="M938 362c-1 4-2 8-4 12l-135 202c-5 7-12 11-20 11h-182c-13 0-24-11-24-24v-268h-37v78c0 24-3 35-17 45-14 10-347 239-347 239-7 5-16 3-21-3l-18-23c-5-6-4-16 2-21l51-56v-168c0-18-14-32-32-32-18 0-33 14-33 32 0 2-2 4-4 4-2 0-4-1-4-4 0-22 18-40 41-40 22 0 40 18 40 40v159l160-174v-76h-260c-17 0-31-14-31-32v-82c0-17 14-32 31-32h78c0-60 49-109 109-109s110 49 110 109h255c0-60 49-109 109-109 61 0 110 49 110 109h49c13 0 24 11 24 24v188l0 1z m-256 6v146h93l97-146h-190z m-401-273c-30 0-54 24-54 54 0 31 24 55 54 55 30 0 55-24 55-55 0-30-25-54-55-54z m474 0c-30 0-54 24-54 54 0 31 24 55 54 55 30 0 55-24 55-55 0-30-25-54-55-54z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="trolley" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b7;" d="M860 205c-45 34-110 31-153-8-5-4-9-6-16-6-15 1-31-2-46-5-3-1-6-3-10-1 17 14 34 24 52 33 50 23 104 33 158 36 6 0 12 0 18 1 3 0 7 1 7 4 1 4-2 6-5 7-4 3-8 5-12 7-41 22-83 43-124 64-117 59-235 119-353 179-25 13-39 5-41-24-1-17-2-34-3-52h-2c-3 13-7 25-10 37-10 45-30 84-61 118-34 38-73 68-116 94-13 8-25 16-39 23-13 5-30 0-38-13-7-12-4-21 10-32 37-26 74-51 109-81 46-41 79-89 91-151 7-36 14-72 21-108 9-47 19-95 39-139 28-64 75-92 144-88 25 1 50 6 75 12 34 7 68 16 103 20 9 1 11-1 10-11-7-60 31-115 88-131 57-15 115 12 142 65 25 52 10 114-38 150z m-24-143c-19-23-52-30-80-17-27 12-43 43-38 73 2 7 4 9 12 6 14-6 27-15 37-26 13-13 24-15 35-5 13 11 15 28 5 41-11 14-25 25-41 36 24 10 57-1 74-24 18-26 17-60-4-84z m78 264c-139 71-278 142-417 213-41 20-82 41-123 62-18 9-36 4-44-12-7-16-1-33 18-42l270-138 268-136c21-11 39-8 48 9 9 16 1 34-20 44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="trowel" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b8;" d="M938 621c-50-40-105-69-161-97-39-19-78-37-120-48-20-5-39-6-55 9-3 3-6 2-9 0-14-9-27-17-42-26-4-2-4-6-4-10-1-31-1-61-2-91l-3-70c0-6-2-9-8-11-36-14-71-28-108-40l42 38c3 3 7 6 10 8 17 10 21 26 21 44-1 46 4 91 2 137-1 15 5 25 18 33 16 9 31 19 47 28 5 3 6 6 4 11-6 21 1 36 19 46 67 40 130 85 197 124 15 9 31 19 48 26 6 3 12 3 18 0 18-7 35-16 49-28 19-16 31-36 35-61 0-2 1-4 1-6l1-16z m-565-417c34 9 68 19 102 28 24 7 48 14 72 21 9 3 16 2 23-3 38-24 76-48 113-72 12-7 19-16 19-31-1-5-4-9-6-14-8-14-20-21-36-26-168-46-335-92-502-139-15-4-28-3-40 5-27 15-46 37-54 67-3 10-1 18 5 27 73 103 146 207 219 311 7 9 13 18 22 24 15 12 30 16 49 7 22-10 40-26 59-41 16-13 33-27 49-41 6-4 6-7 2-12-29-34-59-67-88-100-3-3-6-6-9-10 1 0 1-1 1-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="under-construction-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9b9;" d="M937-60c-2 6-5 10-9 15-11 13-23 25-42 27-6 0-15-2-19 6-6 9-14 15-24 18-6 1-7 4-6 9 2 11-1 20-6 29-10 22-28 39-58 30-4-1-7 2-8 5-7 13-17 24-28 34-21 20-46 23-73 16-20-5-35-18-47-34-3-5-6-5-11-1-15 13-31 26-47 39-54 43-108 87-162 130-3 3-4 4-1 9 23 42 46 84 69 127 9 16 18 33 27 49 10 16 10 31 2 46-24 42-55 81-82 121-9 13-20 19-37 19-58-1-116-1-174 0-26 0-36-12-43-32-9-24-12-49-18-74-4-17-8-33-12-51-6 5-11 9-15 13-5 5-11 8-18 10-5 1-8-2-11-4-2-3-6-6-4-11 3-6 6-12 12-16 9-5 17-12 25-18 3-3 8-5 8-9 0-15 9-22 21-27-10-10-20-20-29-29-5-4-9-9-9-15 0-10-2-20-2-30 1-56 0-112 0-167 0-3 0-6 0-9-14-54-28-109-41-163-4-16-4-32 5-47 11-22 43-25 61-11 12 9 18 22 22 36 14 53 27 106 40 160 4 12 9 25 9 37-1 41 0 81 1 123l10-12c29-36 58-72 86-108 3-3 5-5 3-10-28-56-54-112-81-168-8-17-11-33-1-50 11-18 35-23 52-16 14 6 22 19 30 31 13 20 23 43 35 65 22 41 42 84 64 125 9 16 8 38-1 49-8 8-15 17-23 25-2 3-2 4-1 7 3 3 5 0 6-1 6-4 11-9 17-13 59-48 119-95 178-142 5-4 6-6-1-9-15-6-28-16-36-31-5-10-10-19-24-16 0 0-2-2-3-2-16-7-25-19-27-36-1-4-3-6-7-7-5 0-11-1-17-1-24-2-43-15-57-33-3-3-6-7-5-11 2-4 7-2 11-2 172 0 344 0 516 0 2 0 4 1 6 0 5 0 5 2 4 6z m-732 535c5 22 10 45 15 68 0 3 2 5 5 5 17-2 34 1 50-3l-70-70z m124-150c-2-4-5-4-8-1-13 10-25 20-38 30-5 4-3 6 1 7 24 10 47 20 70 30 5 2 9 6 16 5-14-24-27-47-41-71z m211 273c42 0 83 30 85 84-1 46-35 84-84 84-50 1-83-36-84-83-1-46 34-84 83-85z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="under-construction" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ba;" d="M731 83c-22 38-44 76-66 114-14 24-20 25-43 10-7-5-15-9-17-17-6-15-16-14-27-10-4 2-9 2-12 4-13 7-24 5-35-7 18-6 35-11 53-16 13-3 7-13 10-21 2-8-5-6-8-8-15-7-29-16-34-32-6-21-13-42-29-57-2-2-2-5-3-7-5-10-3-15 10-15 57 1 113 1 170 1 11 0 23 1 33 6 10 4 14 11 12 22-3 12-8 23-14 33z m-144-34c-11 1-17 7-17 18 0 10 7 16 16 16 11 0 18-7 18-17 0-10-7-17-17-17z m43 93c-10 0-16 6-16 16-1 10 5 18 16 18 10 0 16-6 18-16-1-12-7-18-18-18z m63-55c0-10-6-17-18-17-10 1-16 7-16 18 0 11 8 16 18 16 10-1 17-7 16-17z m-397 167c17 15 35 29 52 44 4 3 7 4 13 3 7-3 15-3 25-5-6-10-11-19-16-27-4-7-5-10 5-13 19-5 38-11 57-17 7-2 11-2 14 5 10 16 20 31 34 44 2 3 4 5 2 8-6 13-12 27-20 40-3 6-10 10-18 10-32 0-65 0-97 0-10 0-18-2-24-11-14-22-29-45-43-67-5-7-2-10 3-14 5-5 8-4 13 0z m167-83c-34 27-76 33-115 46-7 2-9-1-11-6-5-13 2-28 16-36 24-12 48-24 72-36 7-3 10-7 10-15 3-34 8-67 11-100 1-11 6-11 14-11 8 0 12 0 13 10 2 37 5 74 8 105 1 29 0 28-18 43z m36 163c29 0 53 25 53 53 0 28-24 53-52 53-29 0-52-23-53-52 0-30 22-53 52-54z m-110-193c-14 7-28 14-45 23 8-31-11-49-23-70-11-18-22-36-34-53-4-7-4-11 3-15 7-4 11-9 19-1 23 26 46 51 70 76 8 9 12 19 14 31 0 4 0 7-4 9z m-82 103c58-18 115-35 174-52-8 17-19 25-35 29-37 10-74 21-111 33-13 4-20-1-28-10z m221-48c-2 3-3 6-4 9-7 14-13 29-20 44-5 9-7 25-15 25-9 1-14-15-21-23-5-6-5-11 0-17 12-15 24-31 36-46 2-3 4-8 9-4 5 4 12 5 15 12z m399-147l-359 674c-14 26-37 40-67 40s-53-14-67-40l-361-674c-14-25-14-51 1-76 15-24 38-36 66-36h720c28 0 51 12 66 36 15 25 15 51 1 76z m-43-50c-6-9-13-13-24-13h-720c-11 0-18 4-24 13-5 10-5 17 0 26l0 1 361 673 0 1c6 10 13 14 24 14s18-4 23-15l360-673 0-1c5-9 5-16 0-26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-cement" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9bb;" d="M936 460c-8 34-16 68-24 102l-4 20c-5 20-10 40-14 60-3 12-10 22-25 19-13-3-16-13-13-25 3-14-6-12-14-10-87 15-173 30-260 45-13 3-23 1-34-8-19-15-101-91-142-130-11-8-14-16-9-29 18-58 35-116 53-174 1-5 1-10 7-13 4 6 2 13 2 19 1 34 0 69 1 104 0 32 27 51 58 43 22-6 32-21 33-47 0-42 0-85-1-127 0-10 3-16 12-18 2-1 3-1 4-1 24-3 48-6 72-11 14-3 24 0 35 9 70 55 140 109 210 164 7 5 13 11 17-3 3-12 10-20 23-16 15 3 16 16 13 27z m-772-271c-11 0-22 0-32 0l-18 0c-3 0-6 0-10 0h-3v0c-36-1-40-9-38-53 1-20 9-28 29-29h12c7 0 14 0 21 0l17 0c49 0 53 5 51 54-1 19-9 28-29 28z m658 62c-86 0-171 0-257 0-11 0-15-5-14-15 0-12 0-23 0-35-2-27-21-44-48-43-26 0-43 18-44 44 0 10 0 21 1 31 0 13-4 20-18 19-11-1-22-1-33-1-27 0-27 0-27 26 0 59 0 117 0 175 0 15-4 21-20 21-44-1-88-1-131 0-11 0-19-4-25-13-45-57-90-114-135-171-6-7-9-15-8-24 0-16 0-31 0-47-1-12 3-18 16-17l64 0c30 1 57 0 62-38 7 2 9 6 11 9 23 39 57 57 101 52 43-5 72-29 86-70 4-12 10-16 22-16 42 1 84 1 125 0 14 0 21 4 26 18 15 41 46 65 89 68 46 4 83-16 100-59 10-25 23-27 46-28 6 0 6 0 10 0 10 1 16 6 16 16 0 28-1 55 0 83 0 11-4 15-15 15z m-507 49c-23 0-46 0-69 0-24 0-48-1-71 0-14 0-18 7-10 17 26 33 52 65 78 98 3 3 7 4 12 4 21 1 41 0 62 0 9 0 12-4 12-13 0-31 0-62 0-93 1-10-4-14-14-13z m-10-89c-50 0-92-42-92-92-1-50 41-92 93-91 50 0 91 41 91 91 0 51-42 92-92 92z m0-123c-19 0-33 14-32 33 0 18 15 32 34 31 17 0 31-16 31-32 0-19-15-33-33-32z m368 122c-52 0-91-39-91-91 0-52 39-92 92-92 51 1 90 40 91 92 0 52-39 91-92 91z m1-124c-17 0-33 16-34 33-1 16 15 32 32 33 17 1 34-15 34-32 1-17-15-34-32-34z m-203 122c0-26 12-38 35-38 21 0 33 12 33 37 0 76 0 152 0 228 0 25-12 37-34 37-21 1-34-12-34-36 0-38 0-76 0-114 0-38 0-76 0-114z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-crane" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9bc;" d="M862 105h-379c-52 0-79-25-79-61v-74c0-38 26-58 79-58h384c39 0 61 26 61 75v52c0 36-29 66-66 66z m-99-123h-79c7 7 12 16 12 27s-5 20-12 26h79c-7-6-12-16-12-26 0-11 5-20 12-27z m-203 53h79c-7-6-12-16-12-26s5-20 12-27h-79c7 7 12 16 12 27s-5 20-12 26z m-81-53c-3 0-5 3-5 5v43c0 3 2 5 5 5h36c-7-6-12-16-12-26s5-20 12-27h-36z m379 5c0-2-2-5-5-5h-45c7 7 12 16 12 27s-5 20-12 26h45c3 0 5-2 5-5v-43z m-600 242c6 8 9 18 9 31 0 9-7 17-17 17s-18-8-18-17c0-3 0-5 0-7-1-3-6-4-8-2-4 2-8 2-12 0l-3-4c-2-1-5-1-7 0-4 3-6 8-6 16 0 15 16 19 18 20 9 1 15 8 15 17v45c0 2 2 5 5 5h10c3 0 5 1 5 4l23 112c0 3-2 6-5 6h-15c-3 0-5 2-5 5v101c0 6 7 7 9 3l200-385c0 0 0-1 0-2v-14c0-3 3-5 5-5h60c3 0 5-2 5-5v-25c0-3 2-5 5-5h253c2 0 5 2 5 5v25c0 3 2 5 5 5h94c3 0 5 2 5 5v322c0 3-2 5-5 5h-252c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-162l20-54c1-3-1-6-5-6h-27c-2 0-4 0-5 2l-361 503c-2 3-4 3-7 2l-72-44c-2-1-3-4-2-7l21-37c1-1 1-2 1-3v-219c0-3-2-5-5-5h-15c-3 0-5-3-5-6l16-112c0-3 3-4 5-4h4v-34c0-2-1-4-3-5-15-7-30-22-30-48 0-17 5-29 14-38 2-2 2-5-1-7l-80-69c-3-3-1-9 3-9h12c1 0 2 0 3 1l80 69c2 2 4 2 5 1 7-2 14-3 21-3 7 0 15 1 21 4 2 1 4 1 5 0l87-71c1-1 2-1 4-1h25l0 0-101 82c-2 2-2 4-1 7z m443 203c0 3 2 5 5 5h112c3 0 5-2 5-5v-95c0-3-2-5-5-5h-112c-3 0-5 2-5 5v95z m-170-85l34-46c2-2 1-6-1-7l-76-44c-4-2-9 2-7 7l42 89c1 4 6 4 8 1z m-42 25l-34-82c-2-4-7-4-9 0l-23 41c-2 2-1 5 1 6l58 41c4 3 9-1 7-6z m-38 84l29-40 0 0-58-38c-4-3-9 1-7 6l27 71c2 4 7 4 9 1z m-36 19l-26-70c-2-5-8-5-10-1l-20 39c-1 2 0 5 2 6l46 32c4 3 10-1 8-6z m-68 25l14 68c1 5 6 6 9 2l28-41c1-2 1-5-2-7l-42-27c-4-2-8 1-7 5z m-8 97l-14-65c-1-5-8-6-10-1l-22 41c-1 3-1 5 2 7l36 24c4 2 9-1 8-6z m-72 25l15 68c1 5 7 6 10 2l24-43c2-3 1-6-1-7l-40-26c-4-2-9 1-8 6z m-49 88l33 22c4 2 9-1 8-5l-12-63c-1-4-7-5-9-1l-22 41c-1 2 0 5 2 6z m-6-65c0 5 7 7 9 2l7-14c1-1 1-1 1-2v-154c0-3-2-5-5-5h-7c-3 0-5 2-5 5v168z m134-523h-269c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-25c0-2 2-5 5-5h25c2 0 5-2 5-5v-42c0-3-3-5-5-5h-25c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-25c0-3 2-5 5-5h269c3 0 5 2 5 5v25c0 3-2 5-5 5h-24c-3 0-5 2-5 5v42c0 3 2 5 5 5h24c3 0 5 3 5 5v25c0 3-2 5-5 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-delivery-van" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9bd;" d="M406 371c0 74 0 148 1 222 0 13 1 27 5 40 7 22 20 32 43 32h417c13 0 23-8 23-19 1-12-8-21-22-21-17 0-33 0-50 0-14 0-22-8-22-22 0-14 8-21 23-21 28 0 55 0 83 0 5 0 10-1 15-2 9-2 16-12 16-20-1-10-9-18-20-19-3 0-6 0-10 0h-180c-16 0-24-6-25-19-1-15 7-25 23-25 42 0 85 0 127 0 11 0 22 0 33 0 14 0 24-8 24-21-1-11-10-19-24-19-15 0-31 0-46 0-16 0-25-9-25-22 0-15 9-23 25-23 24 0 49 0 73 0 15 0 25-8 25-20 0-12-11-20-26-20l-144 0c-14 0-22-8-22-21-1-15 6-22 22-22 28 0 57-1 85 0 8 0 10-3 10-10 0-34 0-68 0-102 0-45-38-83-83-84-10 0-21-2-28 2-8 4-3 16-4 25-10 71-75 120-147 113-59-5-109-51-119-109-1-8-1-15-1-23 0-6-2-8-8-8-19 0-38 1-56 0-9 0-10 3-10 11 0 50 0 101 0 151-1 26-1 51-1 76z m-32-143c-11 12-24 22-37 30-44 26-110 20-149-13-33-27-49-62-50-104 0-6-3-8-9-8-10 1-20 0-30 0-19 1-34 13-36 31-2 16 9 32 27 36 7 2 7 5 7 11 0 41 0 82 0 123 0 14 2 27 6 40 15 43 29 86 44 130 13 40 42 63 84 63 45 1 91 0 136 0 5 0 8 0 8-7 0-109 0-218 0-328 0 0 0-1-1-4z m-130 165c27 0 54 0 82 0 7 0 10 1 10 10 0 38 0 76 0 114 0 7-2 10-10 9-33 0-66 0-99 0-20 0-34-9-41-29-10-31-21-63-31-94-3-8-1-10 7-10 27 0 55 0 82 0z m132-253c0-57-47-104-104-104-56-1-104 47-104 103 0 57 48 105 104 105 57 0 103-47 104-104z m-147-1c0-24 19-42 43-43 24 0 43 19 43 44 0 24-19 42-43 42-25 0-43-17-43-43z m385-103c-55 0-104 45-104 103 0 61 48 105 105 104 55 0 103-41 103-104 1-59-48-103-104-103z m-43 104c0-25 19-43 43-44 24 0 43 19 43 44 0 24-18 43-43 42-24 0-43-18-43-42z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-dozer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9be;" d="M919 111c-26 9-39 29-39 57 0 25 0 50 0 75h0c0 26 0 52 0 78-1 31-20 53-50 58-14 2-29 1-44 2-12 0-17-6-17-18 0-66 0-132 0-198 1-38 27-69 64-76 27-6 55-2 82-3 7 0 21 1 23 9 1 8-12 13-19 16z m-565 227c-70 83-209 82-278 2-23-26-15-29 15-45 0 0 58 68 130 68 3-1 6-1 9-1l1 0c38-3 78-25 117-85 4-10 7-18 9-23 6-16 15-8 23-9 10-2 9 6 8 12-2 31-15 58-34 81z m-13-163l-26 14c-1 1-2 2-2 4 0 5 0 9 0 13 0 1 1 3 2 3 3 2 6 4 9 6 5 2 9 5 14 8 3 2 5 6 4 9-2 5-4 10-5 15-1 3-3 3-5 3-10-1-20-2-29-3-2 0-3 0-4 2-3 4-5 7-8 11-1 1-1 2-1 3 2 3 3 6 4 9 3 5 5 10 7 15 2 3 0 8-3 10l-14 10c-2 1-2 0-4-1-7-6-15-13-22-19-2-2-3-2-5-1-4 2-8 3-12 4-2 0-3 1-3 3-2 8-4 17-6 25-1 3-4 6-8 6h-13c-4 0-7-3-8-6-2-9-4-17-6-25 0-2-1-2-3-3-4-1-8-2-12-4-2-1-3 0-5 1-7 7-15 13-22 19-1 1-3 1-3 1-5-3-10-7-15-10-3-2-4-6-3-10 4-8 7-15 11-23 1-2 0-3-1-5-2-2-5-5-6-8-2-3-4-4-7-3-10 1-19 2-29 2-1 1-2 0-2-1-2-5-4-11-6-16-2-4-2-7-1-7 1-1 1-1 1-1l26-15c2-1 2-2 2-4 0-4 0-8 0-13 0-1 0-2-2-3-9-5-17-10-25-15-1 0-1 0-2-1-1 0-1-4 1-7 1-5 3-10 5-15 1-3 2-3 4-3 10 1 20 2 29 3 2 0 4 0 5-2 2-3 4-6 7-9 1-2 2-4 1-6-4-7-7-15-11-23-1-3 0-7 3-9 5-4 10-7 15-10 0-1 2 0 3 0 7 7 15 13 23 20 1 1 2 1 4 0 4-1 8-2 12-3 2-1 3-2 3-4 2-8 4-16 6-24 1-4 4-7 8-7h13c4 0 7 3 8 7 2 8 4 16 6 24 0 2 1 3 3 4 4 1 8 2 13 4 1 0 2 0 4-1 7-7 15-13 23-20 0 0 2-1 2 0 5 3 10 6 15 10 3 2 5 6 3 9-4 8-7 16-11 24 0 2 0 3 1 4 2 3 5 6 7 9 2 3 4 4 7 3 9-1 19-2 28-2 1-1 3 0 3 1 2 5 4 11 6 16 1 4 1 7 0 8 0-1-1 0-1 0z m-125-16c-23 0-41 19-40 41 0 24 20 41 44 40 22 0 40-19 40-42-1-23-20-40-44-39z m472 4c-8 4-15 8-22 12-2 1-2 2-2 3 0 4 0 8 0 12 0 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 6 3 8 4 4 3 8 5 11 7 4 2 6 6 4 10-1 4-3 8-4 12-1 2-2 3-4 2-9-1-17-1-25-2-2 0-3 0-4 2-2 3-4 6-7 9-1 1-1 2 0 3 1 3 2 5 3 8 2 4 4 8 5 12 2 3 1 8-3 10l-11 8c-1 1-2 1-3 0l-20-18c-1-1-2-1-4 0-3 1-7 2-11 3-1 1-2 1-2 3-2 7-3 13-5 20-1 4-5 7-9 7h-9c-4 0-7-3-8-7-2-7-3-13-5-20 0-2-1-2-2-3-4-1-8-2-11-3-2-1-3-1-4 0-7 6-13 12-20 18-1 0-2 0-3 0-4-3-8-5-12-8-3-2-4-7-3-11 3-6 6-12 9-19 1-1 1-3 0-4-3-2-5-5-6-7-2-3-4-4-6-3-9 1-17 2-25 2-1 0-2 0-3-1-1-4-3-9-4-13-2-4-2-7-1-8l1 0c8-5 15-9 22-13 2-1 2-2 2-3 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-1 0-2-2-3-7-4-14-8-22-13 0 0-1 0-1-1-1 0 0-3 1-7 1-4 3-8 4-12 1-2 2-3 4-2l25 2c2 0 3 0 4-2 2-3 4-5 6-8 2-2 2-3 1-5-3-6-6-12-8-19-2-3-1-8 3-10 3-3 7-6 11-8 1-1 2 0 3 0 7 6 13 12 20 17 1 1 2 2 4 1 3-1 7-2 10-3 2-1 3-2 3-4 2-6 3-13 5-20 1-3 5-7 9-7h9c4 0 7 4 8 7 2 7 3 14 5 21 0 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 7 2 11 3 1 1 2 0 3-1 7-6 14-11 20-17 1 0 2-1 3 0 4 2 8 5 12 8 3 2 4 7 3 10-3 7-6 13-9 20-1 1 0 2 1 3 2 3 4 5 6 8 1 3 3 3 6 3 8-1 16-2 25-3 0 0 2 1 2 2 1 4 3 8 4 13 2 3 2 7 1 7 0 1-1 1-1 2z m-110-15c-19 1-36 18-35 37 1 20 17 36 39 35 19 0 35-17 35-37-1-20-18-35-39-35z m122 236c-7 11-16 16-29 16-29-1-58 0-87 0-4 0-10-1-11 4 0 3 1 4 3 5h69c3 0 6 3 6 6v14c0 3-3 6-6 6h-16c-3 0-6 3-6 7v72c0 3-3 6-7 6h-32c-3 0-6-3-6-6v-53c0-4-3-7-7-7h-35c-1 2-2 3-2 5l-41 157c-1 6-7 10-12 10h-246c-5 0-11-4-12-10l-63-188-1-3c0-1 2-4 5-3 2 0 4 0 6 1 30 6 60 8 89 0 85-23 143-73 155-163v-23h29v-48h14v2c-2 7-3 15-3 23 0 63 54 114 121 114 5 0 11 0 16-1 3 0 6-1 8-1 8-1 15-3 22-7 1 0 2 0 3-1 7-3 14-6 20-11 4 7 1 16 2 24 0 6-5 6-9 6l-56 0c-3 0-8-1-8 4-1 7 5 5 9 6 19 0 39-2 59 0 14 1 21-6 30-17 24-33 33-68 31-108-4-41-1-40 39-40 10 0 14 2 14 13-1 30-1 60 0 90 0 8-3 15-7 21-16 26-32 52-48 78z m-348 140l-1-53c0-11-5-17-17-17-35-1-70-2-105-2-18 0-21 5-15 21 12 35 26 70 38 105 4 13 12 18 25 17l54 0c16 0 21-5 21-20-1-17 0-34 0-51z m124-70c-14 0-28 0-42 0h-42c-10 0-17 3-17 15 2 37-2 74 0 111 1 11 5 16 17 15 17 0 35 0 52 0 12 1 19-5 21-16 9-36 17-72 25-107 3-12 0-19-14-18z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-excavator" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9bf;" d="M937 432c0 18 0 19-18 18-20-3-28 5-37 23-51 103-104 205-156 308-3 6-5 7-11 3-14-10-28-20-43-30-6-4-6-7-4-13 5-13 9-27 14-40 3-7 2-11-6-15-92-49-185-98-276-149-20-10-35-14-53 1-4 3-8 4-13 1-14-8-29-16-43-24-5-2-6-5-4-10l12-35c1-5 1-10-1-15-25-59-49-117-73-175-3-7-7-10-14-10-31 1-61 1-91 1-27-1-44-17-44-44 0-35 0-69 0-103 1-25 12-37 37-37 34 0 68 0 102 0 4 0 8 1 11-2-16-16-19-36-14-57 5-19 16-29 36-29l138 0c35 0 54 26 47 59-3 11-10 19-17 28 4 2 9 1 13 1l136 0c24 0 33 9 32 33 0 47 0 93 1 140 0 7-2 12-5 17-20 30-39 60-58 90-4 5-7 7-14 7-41 0-81 0-122 0-10 0-13-2-13-12 1-29 0-58 1-86 0-11-4-14-14-13-26 0-51 0-77 0-3 0-7-1-10 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 34 64 68 129 102 194 2 5 5 6 10 7 106 31 212 62 318 92 6 2 10 1 14-5 26-37 52-73 78-110 11-16 26-30 31-48 6-18 2-39 2-58 0-3 0-5 0-7 2-10-1-17-8-24-8-9-14-18-21-27-1 0-1-1-1-1l6-14c12 17 31 42 31 42v-5l-30-40 6-15 40 47 3-2-42-48 12-27c32 32 63 65 95 98 4 3 5 7 5 13-1 34-1 68-1 102z m-519-100c0 7 2 9 9 9 26 0 52 0 78 0 5 0 9-2 12-7 16-26 32-53 48-79 6-9 3-19 3-29 0-4-6-2-9-2-22-1-44-1-65-1-23 0-45 1-67 0-7 0-9 2-9 8 1 34 1 68 0 101z m203-309c-60 1-120 0-180 1-4 0-7-1-9-6-9-17-24-23-43-23-48 0-96 0-145-1-17 0-29 8-35 23-3 5-5 7-10 7-29-1-58 0-88-1-34-1-51-24-48-50 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-29 19-48 47-48h254v0h255c26 0 45 16 48 42 1 10 1 19-1 28-5 26-20 40-45 40z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-trucktor" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c0;" d="M907 422c-10 2-20 3-31 3-17 0-34 0-51 0-6 0-14-1-14 8-1 13-5 29 1 38 17 25 7 52 10 78 1 17-8 23-24 22-5 0-10 0-14 0-20 2-27-8-26-26 3-25 0-49 10-75 10-27 3-60 1-91 0-8-7-13-16-13-9 0-16 5-18 14-1 9-1 18-1 26 2 15-3 20-18 19-22-1-45 0-68 0-10-1-14 2-14 13 0 84 0 168 0 252 0 7 1 12 10 14 20 3 16 19 15 32-1 14-11 16-22 16-137 0-275 0-412 0-12 0-22-2-23-17 0-14-3-29 17-31 10-1 10-6 9-14-9-79-18-158-27-237-2-14-1-22 16-22 49 0 98-1 148 1 48 2 95 2 125-45 3-4 8-7 12-11 6-7 18-11 5-24-13-13-17-1-22 5-29 35-62 60-111 48 0 0-1 0-2 0-67 0-134 0-201 0-7 0-12-3-16-7-22-27-50-49-74-74-2-3-7-5-6-10 3-10 34-28 47-26 18 4 7 18 8 27 3 37 26 52 61 37 4-2 9-3 12-6 11-9 15-6 21 6 19 41 53 47 77 11 14-21 24-18 42-10 34 14 55 0 58-37 1-4 1-7 0-11-1-13 1-20 17-16 4 1 8 0 12-1 37-5 53-30 34-62-12-20-9-28 10-38 17-9 29-24 22-46-3-9 1-11 9-11 25 0 51-2 71 20 6 6 8 8 4 16-19 36-7 57 33 62 9 1 13 2 15 13 5 44 22 53 64 35 7-3 10-3 14 4 26 37 47 37 73 1 5-7 8-9 16-5 40 19 58 8 64-36 0-4-2-9 3-11 6-1 8 3 9 7 13 28 26 55 40 86-20 0-38 0-55 0-13 0-23 3-24 17 0 16 10 20 23 20 21 0 42 1 62 0 11-1 15 4 18 13 8 24-3 44-28 49z m-506 39c-47 0-94-1-141-2-13 0-18 4-17 18 6 56 10 113 16 169 2 28 11 35 39 35 26 1 53 1 79 0 30 0 39-9 39-40 0-26 0-52 0-78 0-29 0-57 1-85 0-11-2-17-16-17z m200 1c0-25-7-32-33-33-18 0-37 0-55 1-40 0-57 16-57 56l1 140c0 27 6 33 32 33 28 0 55 0 83 0 21-1 29-9 29-30 1-28 0-57 0-85 0-27 1-54 0-82z m-154-288c-18 5-23 19-22 34 1 9 9 17 14 25 11 21 7 28-17 29-3 0-6 0-8 0-30-1-40 8-39 38-1 9 5 21-6 28-11 6-20-4-30-8-1 0-2-1-4-2-22-13-38-8-49 16-4 10-7 22-19 22-13 1-17-12-22-21-15-28-27-32-53-15-8 5-16 13-26 8-11-5-8-16-8-26-1-35-7-41-43-40-9 0-21 2-26-8s3-18 7-26c1-2 3-5 5-7 12-18 6-36-13-46-10-5-25-8-25-22-1-15 15-17 25-23 1-1 2-1 3-2 16-8 21-28 11-43-4-7-9-13-13-21-6-12 0-18 12-20 6-1 12-1 18-1 30 1 38-8 38-38 0-11-4-24 8-30 10-5 19 4 28 9 25 16 39 12 52-14 5-9 9-21 20-21 14-1 17 13 22 22 13 25 28 29 52 13 3-2 7-4 10-6 17-8 24-4 26 14 0 4 0 8 0 12-1 32 7 40 39 39 10 0 22-3 28 7 8 11-3 21-8 30-15 24-12 38 14 51 9 5 22 9 22 22 0 12-13 18-23 21z m-181-106c-45 0-83 38-84 84 0 45 37 84 83 85 46 0 85-38 85-84 0-45-39-85-84-85z m626 63c-22 12-24 21-11 44 1 2 2 5 4 7 8 14 2 20-12 22-4 0-9 0-13-1-20 0-28 8-28 28 0 9 4 21-6 27-10 5-18-4-25-8-18-11-30-8-40 11-2 4-4 7-6 11-8 12-16 12-23 0-3-4-5-8-7-13-9-16-23-20-39-9-8 5-16 13-26 7-9-5-5-16-5-24 0-23-7-31-30-30-9 1-21 4-26-7-4-8 3-16 8-23 12-17 8-31-10-40-8-5-20-7-19-19 0-11 11-13 20-18 17-9 20-23 9-40-4-7-13-15-8-24 5-10 17-6 26-6 22 0 30-8 29-31 0-17 1-22 6-24 10-5 17 2 24 7 19 12 31 8 42-12 4-8 7-18 18-17 10 0 12 10 16 17 12 21 22 24 42 12 8-5 15-13 24-7 10 5 6 16 6 24 0 23 7 31 32 31 8 0 17-3 22 5 6 9-1 17-6 24-12 20-9 31 12 42 7 4 18 7 18 18-1 9-11 12-18 16z m-148-84c-38 0-68 29-68 67-1 38 29 68 67 69 36 0 68-31 69-68 0-37-31-68-68-68z m25 546c2 1 3-1 4-2 8-7 17-9 26-5 9 4 14 14 12 24 0 3 0 4 3 5 10 3 15 10 14 21 0 2 0 3 1 4 4 4 6 8 7 13 0 1-1 3 1 3 1 0 2 0 3 0 8 0 14 6 14 14s-6 14-14 14c-7 0-13-6-14-13-1 0-2 0-3 1-11 3-19-1-23-13-1-2-2-3-5-2-10 4-21-1-24-12-1-2-1-5-1-8-11 1-19-1-25-10-5-8-5-16 0-24 5-9 14-12 24-10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="vehicle-wrecking" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c1;" d="M196 293c2 19 3 37 4 56h19c8 41 16 81 24 122h-25v125c2-4 3-5 4-7 64-123 128-247 192-370 7-14 15-26 13-42 0-1 0-1 1-3h68v-34h262v35h104v330h-260c-1-3-1-6-1-8 0-50 0-99 0-148 0-7 2-14 4-20 6-16 12-33 18-50-11 0-20 0-29 0-6-1-10 1-13 6-17 24-34 48-51 72-103 143-206 287-309 430h-2c-3-1-5-3-7-5-24-14-48-28-72-43 7-12 14-24 21-36 2-4 3-9 3-13 1-69 1-138 1-207v-12h-26c6-41 12-81 17-122 3 0 6-1 9-1v-54c-41-9-67-44-62-85 4-34 34-63 68-66 37-2 70 20 80 55 5 17 4 34-3 51-10 23-28 37-52 44z m475 142h122v-103h-122v103z m-133-139c-30-18-60-35-90-52l-2 1c16 36 33 71 50 108 14-19 28-38 42-57z m-73 89c-15-34-29-69-44-105-11 19-20 36-31 54 25 17 49 35 73 52l2-1z m-15 30c-23-15-46-30-68-45-1 1-1 1-2 1 12 30 23 60 36 91 12-16 23-31 34-47z m-60 72c-12-31-23-61-35-94-10 19-18 35-27 53 20 14 40 28 60 42 1-1 1-1 2-1z m-57 92c13-19 25-37 38-55-19-12-37-24-57-36 7 31 13 59 19 91z m-41-61c-11 20-21 38-31 57 16 11 33 21 51 33-7-31-13-60-20-90z m-36 183c11-20 22-39 33-58-17-11-35-22-54-35 7 32 14 62 21 93z m-24 36c-6-30-11-58-17-88-11 20-21 39-30 57 15 10 30 20 47 31z m-49-78c8-14 18-26 17-44-1-43 0-86 0-129v-14h-17v187z m713-603c-2 26-19 42-44 47-6 1-13 1-19 1-119 0-237 0-356 0-16 0-33 0-49-2-36-6-53-27-54-63 0-23 0-46 0-70 0-27 13-44 39-51 7-2 14-4 21-6h414c30 7 46 28 48 58 2 28 2 57 0 86z m-69-73h-383v51h383v-51z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="worker" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c2;" d="M918-8c-29 74-57 148-85 223-3 7-8 12-14 16-41 22-83 39-127 51-29 8-39 2-56-23-17-28-37-54-52-82-15-28-33-43-66-37-13 2-20 4-27 15-24 39-49 76-73 114-6 10-13 15-25 15-39 0-71-19-106-31-19-8-39-16-58-32 21-7 34-20 36-41 2-16 14-26 19-40 2-6 7-6 12-5 22 7 41 1 60-10 90-54 180-108 271-161 11-7 21-16 26-29 3-7 7-8 14-7 82 9 163 22 242 46 10 3 13 7 9 18z m-573 514c17 1 36 5 50-1 40-20 82-21 125-22 42-1 84-2 124 13 18 6 35 11 54 11 42-1 45 4 39 46l0 2c-1 6-4 11-11 11-11-1-11 5-12 13-4 58-28 108-71 147-16 14-39 21-46 44-1 3-6 8-11 5-4-2-2-6-3-10-2-30-5-61-7-91-1-11-3-22-16-22-15 0-14 13-14 24 1 31 2 62 4 94 1 19-11 14-22 15-11 1-18 0-18-15 2-34 2-68 3-102 0-8-2-15-12-16-9-1-15 5-15 15l-4 43c-2 22-4 44-6 68-15-9-15-9-20-20-2-5-5-9-10-12-63-38-94-96-99-167-1-8-2-14-11-13-9 0-12-6-12-14 0-8 0-16 0-24-2-16 4-23 21-22z m237 47c7 52 13 103 20 158 50-36 71-82 76-137 0-9-4-12-12-14-24-8-49-12-75-14-6-1-9 0-9 7z m-123 155c6-51 13-102 19-152 1-9-1-11-10-10-24 3-48 6-71 13-6 2-12 3-13 11-3 43 30 118 75 138z m153-778c-2 2-5 3-8 5-84 51-167 104-253 152-40 23-46 21-65-21-6-13-6-19 10-23 36-10 71-22 106-33 6-2 16-4 14-12-3-11-12-6-19-4-38 12-75 24-113 34-17 5-25 16-27 32-2 9-1 18-1 28 1 18-1 35-12 50-8 11-17 20-15 36 2 8-7 10-14 13l-83 29c-34 12-41 8-50-27-2-8-2-15-3-23-1-12 5-18 17-20 31-6 63-13 95-19 11-2 22-8 30 6 5 7 9-1 11-5 10-12 11-27 10-43-3-23 0-45 17-63 5-6 4-10 1-16-9-19-17-38-26-57-6-13-3-21 9-28 14-7 28-10 43-10h155v-1h120c15 0 30 0 45 0 5 0 11 0 13 6 2 6-2 11-7 14z m-525 254c6 30 12 36 31 31-17-3-22-16-31-31z m276 298c-11-1-30 10-31-14-1-27 7-51 28-67 11-8 17-17 21-29 27-69 85-112 150-111 15 0 29 1 43 6 54 19 87 59 107 111 3 7 4 14 13 19 22 13 31 33 34 58 3 24-1 27-25 28-11 0-17 0-15-16 3-16 3-34-22-37-9-1-13-10-15-19-4-17-11-32-19-47-33-58-95-81-150-53-40 20-61 55-71 97-3 9-5 21-16 22-24 2-24 19-24 36 1 7 8 19-8 16z m-158-405c0 8-3 12-11 12-6 0-13 5-17-5-11-32-23-64-35-95-2-6-3-10 4-12 15-5 30-9 41-13 16-1 37 40 31 53-9 19-14 39-13 60z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="workers-group" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c3;" d="M641 168c-2 8-5 13-12 18-34 23-73 37-112 49-8 3-13 1-19-6-43-52-97-77-166-66-46 8-82 33-111 69-3 4-5 9-11 7-43-13-86-28-124-53-6-5-10-10-11-18-3-16-7-32-11-47-3-11-1-14 10-16 101-20 202-28 321-27 29 1 74 3 119 8 44 4 88 11 131 19 8 2 10 5 8 13-5 16-9 33-12 50z m-419 240c13 1 28 4 38-1 31-15 63-16 95-17 33 0 65-1 96 10 13 5 26 9 41 9 32-1 35 3 30 35l0 2c-1 4-3 8-8 8-9-1-9 4-9 10-4 45-22 83-55 113-12 11-29 16-35 34-1 2-5 5-8 4-4-2-2-5-3-8-2-23-4-47-5-70-1-9-3-17-12-17-12 0-11 10-11 18 1 24 1 48 3 72 1 15-9 11-17 12-8 1-14 0-13-12 1-26 1-52 2-78 0-6-2-11-9-12-8 0-12 4-12 11-2 11-2 22-3 33-2 17-3 34-5 52-11-6-11-6-15-15-2-4-4-7-8-9-48-29-72-73-76-128-1-6-1-10-8-10-7 0-10-4-9-10 0-6 0-13-1-19-1-12 4-17 17-17z m197 157c37-28 54-62 57-105 1-7-3-9-8-11-19-5-38-9-58-10-5-1-7 0-6 5 4 40 9 79 15 121z m-110-2c5-40 10-78 15-117 1-6-1-8-8-7-19 2-37 4-55 10-4 1-9 2-10 8-2 33 24 91 58 106z m-73-173c-9-1-23 7-24-11-1-20 5-39 21-51 9-6 13-13 17-22 20-53 64-86 114-86 11 1 22 1 33 5 42 15 67 45 82 85 3 5 4 11 10 15 17 9 24 25 26 44 2 19 0 21-18 22-9 0-14-1-12-12 2-13 2-27-17-29-7-1-10-8-12-15-3-13-8-24-14-36-26-44-73-61-115-40-30 15-46 42-55 74-2 7-3 16-11 17-19 2-19 14-19 28 0 5 6 14-6 12z m693-172c-1 6-4 9-8 12-23 16-49 25-76 34-6 2-9 0-13-4-29-36-66-53-112-45-32 5-56 22-76 47-2 2-3 5-8 4-18-5-36-11-53-19 30-11 60-23 86-41 7-4 11-9 12-17 2-10 4-20 7-30 24-1 48-2 74-2 20 1 50 2 81 5 30 3 59 8 89 13 5 1 6 4 5 9-3 11-6 23-8 34z m-284 163c8 1 18 3 26-1 20-10 42-11 64-11 22-1 44-1 65 7 9 3 18 6 28 5 22 0 23 2 20 25 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3-2 5-5 5-6 0-6 3-6 7-3 30-15 56-37 77-9 7-20 10-24 22-1 2-3 4-6 3-2-1-1-3-1-5-2-16-3-32-4-48-1-5-2-11-8-11-8 0-8 7-8 13 1 16 1 32 2 48 1 11-5 8-11 8-6 1-10 0-9-8 1-17 1-35 1-52 0-5-1-9-6-9-5 0-8 3-8 8l-2 22c-1 12-2 23-3 35-8-4-8-4-10-10-2-3-3-4-6-6-32-20-49-50-51-87-1-4-1-7-6-7-5 1-6-2-6-7 0-4 0-8 0-12-1-9 2-12 11-12z m133 107c26-19 37-43 39-72 1-4-2-6-5-7-13-4-26-6-39-7-4-1-5 0-5 4 3 26 7 53 10 82z m-74-2c3-27 6-53 10-79 0-4-1-6-5-5-13 1-26 3-38 7-3 1-6 1-6 6-2 22 16 61 39 71z m-50-117c-6-1-16 5-16-8-1-14 3-26 15-34 5-5 8-9 11-15 14-36 44-59 77-59 8 1 15 1 23 4 28 10 45 30 56 57 1 4 2 8 6 10 11 7 16 18 18 30 1 13 0 15-13 15-6 0-9 0-8-8 2-9 2-18-11-20-5 0-7-5-8-10-2-8-6-16-10-24-17-30-49-42-78-27-21 10-31 28-37 50-1 5-3 11-8 11-13 2-12 10-12 19-1 4 3 10-5 9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="wrench" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c4;" d="M812 731c21-9 39-21 54-36 64-62 87-138 61-223-25-86-86-137-173-154-30-6-61-3-92-8-46-8-91-22-132-46-11-6-20-13-29-23-76-81-151-162-228-243-55-59-143-52-190 13-35 50-24 124 24 160 129 98 258 196 388 293 9 7 12 12 9 24-5 19-7 39-5 59 0 9 4 13 14 13 40 0 79 0 119 0 40 0 80 0 120-1 6 0 12 2 16 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 13 13 31 24 39 40s2 37 2 56c1 22 0 44 1 67z m-614-579c-33 0-60-26-60-58 0-32 26-60 58-60 35 0 60 26 60 61 0 32-26 57-58 57z m400 225c7-2 11 3 15 10 14 27 29 54 44 82 7 13 4 23-9 31-14 8-28 5-35-8-14-25-28-50-41-75-11-20 2-41 26-40z m78-1c7-1 11 3 15 10 15 29 31 57 46 86 2 4 4 7 3 11-4 12-14 19-25 21-11 2-20-2-25-13-13-25-27-49-40-74-11-20 1-41 26-41z m78 1c6-1 11 2 15 9 15 29 31 58 47 87 1 3 4 5 3 9-4 12-13 20-25 22-10 2-19-1-25-12-13-25-27-50-41-75-11-20 2-41 26-40z m-172 228c-21 0-42 0-63 0-6 0-9 1-6 8 26 62 70 105 133 128 8 3 9 0 9-7 0-39 0-79 0-119 0-9-4-10-11-10-21 0-41 0-62 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="afghani-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c5;" d="M411 378c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-37-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-18 3-36 10-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-122l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 32 32-32 31 21 21 32-31 32 31 21-21-32-31 32-32z m398 231c-28 84-60 126-95 126-40 0-85-29-135-89-48-56-71-100-71-133 0-18 12-35 38-50 23-13 44-20 64-20 38 0 72 12 102 34l44 55c15-30 23-52 27-68 9-24 12-54 11-89h-276c-2-38-22-72-51-93h326c21 0 38 51 52 155 1 45-11 102-36 172z m-157-70c-13 0-22 2-28 4-31 17-46 31-46 41 3 12 14 26 32 43 17 17 32 26 43 26 14 1 30-10 51-33 19-22 31-43 38-63-22-12-52-18-90-18z m-12-301v-176l-72-28v180l72 24z m-5 617l-17-93-99 55 17 93 99-55z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="afghani-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c6;" d="M411 378c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-37-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-18 3-36 10-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-32-107h-118v33h118v-33z m392 216c-28 84-60 126-95 126-40 0-85-29-135-89-48-56-71-100-71-133 0-18 12-35 38-50 23-13 44-20 64-20 38 0 72 12 102 34l44 55c15-30 23-52 27-68 9-24 12-54 11-89h-276c-2-38-22-72-51-93h326c21 0 38 51 52 155 1 45-11 102-36 172z m-157-70c-13 0-22 2-28 4-31 17-46 31-46 41 3 12 14 26 32 43 17 17 32 26 43 26 14 1 30-10 51-33 19-22 31-43 38-63-22-12-52-18-90-18z m-12-301v-176l-72-28v180l72 24z m-5 617l-17-93-99 55 17 93 99-55z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="afghani-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c7;" d="M411 378c-22 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-37-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 91-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-30-109h-42v-42h-37v42h-42v37h42v42h37v-42h42v-37z m390 218c-28 84-60 126-95 126-39 0-84-29-135-89-47-56-71-100-71-133 0-18 13-35 38-50 23-13 45-20 64-20 38 0 72 12 102 34l45 55c14-30 22-52 27-68 8-24 12-54 11-89h-276c-3-38-23-72-52-93h326c21 0 38 51 53 155 0 45-12 102-37 172z m-157-70c-13 0-22 2-28 4-30 17-46 31-46 41 3 12 14 26 32 43 18 17 32 26 44 26 13 1 30-10 50-33 19-22 31-43 38-63-22-12-51-18-90-18z m-12-301v-176l-71-28v180l71 24z m-5 617l-17-93-99 55 17 93 99-55z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="afghani-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c8;" d="M411 378c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-37-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-18 3-36 10-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-24-61l-79-78c-1-2-5-2-7 0l-47 48c-3 2-3 5 0 7l11 12c2 2 5 2 7 0l33-33 63 63c2 2 5 2 7 0l12-11c2-2 2-6 0-8z m384 170c-28 84-60 126-95 126-40 0-85-29-135-89-48-56-71-100-71-133 0-18 12-35 38-50 23-13 44-20 64-20 38 0 72 12 102 34l44 55c15-30 23-52 27-68 9-24 12-54 11-89h-276c-2-38-22-72-51-93h326c21 0 38 51 52 155 1 45-11 102-36 172z m-157-70c-13 0-22 2-28 4-31 17-46 31-46 41 3 12 14 26 32 43 17 17 32 26 43 26 14 1 30-10 51-33 19-22 31-43 38-63-22-12-52-18-90-18z m-12-301v-176l-72-28v180l72 24z m-5 617l-17-93-99 55 17 93 99-55z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="afghani" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9c9;" d="M705 487c-28 84-60 126-95 126-40 0-85-30-135-89-48-56-71-100-71-133 0-18 13-35 38-50 23-13 44-20 64-20 38 0 72 11 102 34l44 55c14-30 23-52 27-68 8-24 12-54 11-89h-414l-17-93h430c21 0 38 52 52 155 0 45-12 102-36 172z m-157-70c-13 0-22 1-28 4-31 17-46 31-46 41 3 12 14 26 31 43 18 17 33 26 44 26 13 2 30-10 51-34 18-21 31-42 38-62-22-12-52-18-90-18z m-12-301v-176l-72-28v180l72 24z m-5 617l-17-93-99 55 16 93 100-55z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="baht-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ca;" d="M789 129c-22 22-52 36-85 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-89-37-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-17 4-35 11-50 6-15 15-28 26-40 23-22 55-36 90-36 70 0 127 56 127 126 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-121l-20-21-32 32-31-32-21 21 31 31-31 32 21 21 31-32 31 32 21-21-31-32 31-31z m-129 272c-11 21-23 38-38 51-15 14-31 24-48 31-18 7-34 11-48 13 13 2 25 7 38 15 12 9 24 19 34 32s18 28 24 45c6 17 8 36 8 56 0 34-6 62-19 84-13 23-31 40-54 54-23 13-49 23-80 28l-11 2v97h-98v-90c-34 0-63-1-86-3-26-2-49-4-69-8v-673c35-4 67-7 95-9 20-1 40-1 60-2v-91h98v95c12 1 23 2 34 4 25 4 47 11 67 20-1 9-2 18-2 28 0 68 47 126 110 142v2c-1 30-5 55-15 77z m-312 314c12 2 27 3 44 3 13 0 25-1 38-4 13-2 24-6 35-13 10-6 18-15 25-27 6-11 10-26 10-44 0-19-3-34-9-47-5-12-13-21-23-28-10-8-22-13-35-16-14-2-28-4-44-4h-41v180z m174-433c-8-13-18-22-31-29-12-8-26-13-40-15-14-3-28-4-41-4-10 0-20 1-32 1-11 1-21 2-30 3v195h56c19 0 37-2 53-5 16-3 30-9 41-17 12-7 21-18 27-30 6-13 9-29 9-49 0-20-4-37-12-50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="baht-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9cb;" d="M789 129c-22 22-52 36-85 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-89-37-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-17 4-35 11-50 6-15 15-28 26-40 23-22 55-36 90-36 70 0 127 56 127 126 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-32-106h-116v33h116v-33z m-135 257c-11 21-23 38-38 51-15 14-31 24-48 31-18 7-34 11-48 13 13 2 25 7 38 15 12 9 24 19 34 32s18 28 24 45c6 17 8 36 8 56 0 34-6 62-19 84-13 23-31 40-54 54-23 13-49 23-80 28l-11 2v97h-98v-90c-34 0-63-1-86-3-26-2-49-4-69-8v-673c35-4 67-7 95-9 20-1 40-1 60-2v-91h98v95c12 1 23 2 34 4 25 4 47 11 67 20-1 9-2 18-2 28 0 68 47 126 110 142v2c-1 30-5 55-15 77z m-312 314c12 2 27 2 44 2 13 0 25-1 38-3 13-2 24-6 35-13 10-6 18-15 25-27 6-11 10-26 10-44 0-19-3-34-9-47-5-12-13-21-23-29-10-7-22-12-35-15-14-2-28-4-44-4h-41v180z m174-433c-8-13-18-22-31-29-12-8-26-13-40-15-14-3-28-4-41-4-10 0-20 1-32 1-11 1-21 2-30 3v195h56c19 0 37-2 53-5 16-3 30-9 41-17 12-7 21-18 27-30 6-13 9-29 9-49 0-20-4-37-12-50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="baht-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9cc;" d="M789 129c-22 22-52 36-85 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-37-22-23-37-55-37-90 0-17 4-35 11-50 6-15 15-28 26-40 23-22 55-36 90-36 70 0 127 56 127 126 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-30-108h-41v-42h-37v42h-42v37h42v41h37v-41h41v-37z m-137 259c-10 21-23 38-38 51-15 14-31 24-48 31-18 7-34 11-48 13 13 2 25 7 38 15 13 9 24 19 34 32 10 13 18 28 24 45 6 17 9 36 9 56 0 34-7 62-20 84-13 23-31 40-54 54-22 13-49 23-80 28l-11 2v97h-98v-90c-34 0-63-1-86-3-26-2-49-4-69-8v-673c35-4 67-7 95-9 20-1 40-1 61-2v-91h97v95c12 1 23 2 35 4 24 4 46 11 66 20-1 9-2 18-2 28 0 68 47 126 110 142v2c-1 30-5 55-15 77z m-312 314c12 2 27 2 44 2 13 0 25-1 38-3 13-2 24-6 35-13 10-6 18-15 25-27 6-11 10-26 10-44 0-19-3-34-9-47-5-12-13-21-23-29-10-7-22-12-35-15-14-2-28-4-44-4h-41v180z m174-433c-8-13-18-22-31-29-12-8-26-13-40-15-14-3-28-4-41-4-10 0-20 1-32 1-11 1-21 2-30 3v195h56c19 0 37-2 53-5 16-3 30-9 41-17 12-7 21-18 27-30 6-13 9-29 9-49 0-20-4-37-12-50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="baht-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9cd;" d="M789 129c-22 22-52 36-85 37h-5c-35 0-67-14-89-37-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-17 4-35 11-50 6-15 15-28 26-40 23-22 55-36 90-36 70 0 127 56 127 126 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-24-60l-78-78c-1-2-5-2-7 0l-47 48c-2 2-2 5 0 7l11 11c2 3 5 3 7 0l33-32 62 62c2 3 6 3 8 0l11-11c2-2 2-5 0-7z m-143 211c-11 21-23 38-38 51-15 14-31 24-48 31-18 7-34 11-48 13 13 2 25 7 38 15 12 9 24 19 34 32 10 13 18 28 24 45 6 17 8 36 8 56 0 34-6 62-19 84-13 23-31 40-54 54-23 13-49 23-80 28l-11 2v97h-98v-90c-34 0-63-1-86-3-26-2-49-4-69-8v-673c35-4 67-7 95-9 20-1 40-1 60-2v-91h98v95c12 1 23 2 34 4 25 4 47 11 67 20-1 9-2 18-2 28 0 68 47 126 110 142v2c-1 30-5 55-15 77z m-312 314c12 2 27 2 44 2 13 0 25-1 38-3 13-2 24-6 35-13 10-6 18-15 25-27 6-11 10-26 10-44 0-19-3-34-9-47-5-12-13-21-23-29-10-7-22-12-35-15-14-2-28-4-44-4h-41v180z m174-433c-8-13-18-22-31-29-12-8-26-13-40-15-14-3-28-4-41-4-10 0-20 1-32 1-11 1-21 2-30 3v195h56c19 0 37-2 53-5 16-3 30-9 41-17 12-7 21-18 27-30 6-13 9-29 9-49 0-20-4-37-12-50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="baht" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ce;" d="M716 280c-10 21-22 38-37 52-15 13-31 23-49 30-17 7-33 11-48 13 13 2 26 7 39 16s23 19 33 31c10 13 18 28 24 45 6 18 9 36 9 56 0 34-6 62-19 84-14 23-31 41-54 54-23 13-50 23-80 28-4 1-8 1-12 2v97h-97v-90c-34 0-63-1-87-3-26-2-49-4-69-7v-674c35-4 67-7 95-9 20-1 41-1 61-2v-91h97v95c12 1 24 2 35 4 34 6 64 16 90 31 26 15 46 35 61 61 16 26 23 59 23 100 0 30-5 55-15 77z m-311 314c12 2 26 3 44 3 12 0 25-1 38-4 12-2 24-6 34-13 10-6 19-15 25-27s10-26 10-44c0-19-3-34-8-46s-14-22-24-30c-10-7-21-12-35-15-13-2-27-4-43-4h-41l0 180z m174-433c-8-12-19-22-31-30-13-7-26-12-40-14-15-2-28-4-41-4-10 0-20 1-32 1-11 1-21 2-30 3v194h56c19 0 37-1 53-4 16-3 30-9 41-17 12-7 21-18 27-30 6-13 9-29 9-49 0-20-4-37-12-50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bitcoin-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9cf;" d="M814 132c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-68-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 56-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 36-15 68-38 91z m-38-123l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 31 32-31 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z m-121 208c-1 15-5 30-10 43-7 20-17 38-30 53-13 15-29 28-48 38-18 9-38 16-59 18v3c35 11 64 30 86 56 22 26 33 60 33 101 0 32-6 60-18 83-12 23-28 41-48 56-20 14-43 25-68 31-10 3-20 5-30 6v82h-83v-78h-37v78h-83v-78h-112v-718h111v-79h84v79h36v-79h84v84c10 1 19 3 28 5 20 4 38 10 54 18-4 15-7 31-7 48 0 72 50 133 117 150z m-385 383h101c47 0 81-8 102-23 21-15 32-39 32-70 0-27-10-49-31-65-20-17-51-25-92-25h-112l0 183z m250-450c-10-14-22-25-37-32-15-8-32-12-50-14-18-2-34-3-50-3h-113v206h118c50 0 87-7 110-22 24-15 36-41 36-79 0-24-5-42-14-56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bitcoin-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d0;" d="M814 132c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-68-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 56-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 36-15 68-38 91z m-32-108h-118v34h118v-34z m-127 193c-1 15-5 30-10 43-7 20-17 38-30 53-13 15-29 28-48 38-18 9-38 16-59 18v3c35 11 64 30 86 56 22 26 33 60 33 101 0 32-6 60-18 83-12 23-28 41-48 56-20 14-43 25-68 31-10 3-20 5-30 6v83h-83v-79h-37v79h-83v-79h-112v-718h111v-79h84v79h36v-79h84v84c10 1 19 3 28 5 20 4 38 10 54 18-4 15-7 31-7 48 0 72 50 133 117 150z m-385 383h101c47 0 81-8 102-23 21-15 32-39 32-70 0-27-10-49-31-65-20-17-51-25-92-25h-112l0 183z m250-450c-10-14-22-25-37-32-15-8-32-12-50-14-18-2-34-3-50-3h-113v206h118c50 0 87-7 110-22 24-15 36-41 36-79 0-24-5-42-14-56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bitcoin-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d1;" d="M814 132c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 24-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 36-14 68-38 91z m-30-110h-42v-42h-37v42h-42v38h42v42h37v-42h42v-38z m-129 195c-1 15-5 30-10 43-7 20-18 38-31 53-13 15-28 28-47 38-18 10-38 16-60 18v3c36 11 65 30 87 56 22 26 33 60 33 101 0 32-6 60-19 83-12 23-28 41-48 56-19 14-42 25-67 31-10 3-20 5-31 6v83h-83v-79h-37v79h-83v-79h-112v-718h112v-79h83v79h37v-79h83v84c10 1 20 3 29 5 19 4 37 10 54 18-5 15-7 31-7 48 0 72 49 133 117 150z m-385 383h101c47 0 81-8 102-23 21-15 32-39 32-70 0-27-11-49-31-65-21-17-51-25-92-25h-112v183z m249-450c-10-14-22-25-37-32-15-8-31-12-49-14-18-2-35-3-50-3h-113v206h118c49 0 86-7 110-22 24-15 35-41 35-79 0-24-4-42-14-56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bitcoin-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d2;" d="M814 132c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-68-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 56-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 36-15 68-38 91z m-24-61l-79-79c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 49c-2 2-2 5 0 7l11 12c2 2 6 2 8 0l33-33 63 63c2 3 5 3 8 0l11-11c2-2 2-6 0-8z m-135 146c-1 15-5 30-10 43-7 20-17 38-30 53-13 15-29 28-48 38-18 9-38 16-59 18v3c35 11 64 30 86 56 22 26 33 60 33 101 0 32-6 60-18 83-12 23-28 41-48 56-20 14-43 25-68 31-10 3-20 5-30 6v83h-83v-79h-37v79h-83v-79h-112v-718h111v-79h84v79h36v-79h84v84c10 1 19 3 28 5 20 4 38 10 54 18-4 15-7 31-7 48 0 72 50 133 117 150z m-385 383h101c47 0 81-8 102-23 21-15 32-39 32-70 0-27-10-49-31-65-20-17-51-25-92-25h-112l0 183z m250-450c-10-14-22-25-37-32-15-8-32-12-50-14-18-2-34-3-50-3h-113v206h118c50 0 87-7 110-22 24-15 36-41 36-79 0-24-5-42-14-56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bitcoin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d3;" d="M744 260c-8 20-18 38-31 53s-29 28-47 38-39 16-60 18v2c36 12 64 31 86 57 23 27 34 60 34 101 0 32-7 60-19 83-12 23-28 41-48 56-20 15-43 25-68 31-10 3-20 5-30 6v83h-83v-79h-37v79h-83v-79h-112v-718h112v-79h83v79h37v-79h83v84c10 1 19 3 29 5 31 7 59 18 83 34 25 16 44 37 59 63 15 26 23 59 23 98 0 23-4 44-11 64z m-173 317c21-15 32-39 32-70 0-27-10-48-31-65-20-17-51-25-92-25h-112v183h102c46 0 80-8 101-23z m47-427c-10-14-23-25-37-32-15-8-32-12-50-14-18-2-34-3-50-3h-113v206h118c50 0 87-7 111-22 23-15 35-41 35-79 0-24-5-42-14-56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dollar-flase" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d4;" d="M522 115c0 45 19 87 48 116 17 17 38 30 61 38-2 8-4 16-6 22-8 22-18 40-32 55-14 14-30 27-50 37-20 10-41 20-65 29l-57 22c-10 4-19 8-29 12s-18 9-26 15c-7 6-13 14-18 22-4 9-6 20-6 32 0 16 3 29 8 39 6 10 13 17 22 22 9 5 19 9 30 10 11 2 22 3 33 3 18 0 33 0 47-2 14-2 27-4 38-6 11-3 21-6 31-10s20-7 29-11c17 35 27 71 31 108-31 11-61 19-89 25-16 3-32 5-49 7v88h-129v-97c-3-1-6-2-9-3-28-8-53-21-73-38s-36-37-47-62c-11-25-17-53-17-85 0-27 4-50 10-69 7-19 16-35 28-49 12-13 27-25 44-35s37-19 58-27l58-22c11-4 22-9 33-13 11-5 21-11 29-18 9-7 16-16 21-26 5-10 8-22 8-38 0-30-11-53-34-68-23-14-54-22-94-22-27 0-52 3-75 8-24 6-49 14-75 24-7-20-13-40-18-60-5-20-9-39-11-57 16-7 31-12 46-17 15-4 29-8 44-10 15-3 31-5 47-7 9 0 18-1 27-1v-84h129v96c4 1 8 2 13 4 21 7 40 15 57 26-3 4-5 8-7 12-9 20-14 42-14 65z m262 90c-23 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-122l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 32 32-32 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dollar-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d5;" d="M522 115c0 45 19 87 48 116 17 17 38 30 61 38-2 8-4 16-6 22-8 22-18 40-32 55-14 14-30 27-50 37s-41 20-65 29l-57 22c-10 4-19 8-29 12s-18 9-26 15c-7 6-13 14-18 22-4 9-6 20-6 32 0 16 3 29 8 39 6 10 13 17 22 22 9 5 19 9 30 10 11 2 22 3 33 3 18 0 33 0 47-2 14-2 27-4 38-6 11-3 21-6 31-10s20-7 29-11c17 35 27 71 31 108-31 11-61 19-89 25-16 3-32 5-49 7v88h-129v-97c-3-1-6-2-9-3-28-8-53-21-73-38s-36-37-47-62c-11-25-17-53-17-85 0-27 4-50 10-69 7-19 16-35 28-49 12-13 27-25 44-35 17-10 36-19 58-27l58-22c11-4 22-9 33-13 11-5 20-11 29-18 9-7 16-16 21-26 5-10 8-22 8-38 0-30-11-53-34-68-23-14-54-22-94-22-27 0-52 3-75 8-24 6-49 14-75 24-7-20-13-40-18-60-5-20-9-39-11-57 16-7 31-12 46-17 14-4 29-8 44-10 15-3 31-5 47-7 9 0 18-1 27-1v-84h128v96c5 1 9 2 14 4 21 7 40 15 56 26-2 4-4 8-6 12-9 20-14 42-14 65z m261 90c-22 22-52 36-85 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 15-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-15 67-38 90z m-31-107h-118v34h118v-34z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dollar-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d6;" d="M522 115c0 45 18 87 48 116 17 17 37 30 60 38-1 8-3 16-6 22-7 22-18 40-31 55-14 14-31 27-50 37-20 10-42 20-66 29l-57 22c-9 4-19 8-28 12-10 4-18 9-26 15-8 6-14 14-18 22-4 9-7 20-7 32 0 16 3 29 9 39 6 10 13 17 22 22 9 5 19 9 30 10 11 2 22 3 33 3 17 0 33 0 47-2 14-2 26-4 38-6 11-3 21-6 31-10s19-7 29-11c16 35 26 71 30 108-31 11-60 19-89 25-15 3-32 5-49 7v88h-128v-97c-3-1-6-2-9-3-29-8-53-21-73-38s-36-37-47-62c-12-25-17-53-17-85 0-27 3-50 10-69 7-19 16-35 28-49 12-13 27-25 44-35s36-19 58-27l57-22c12-4 23-9 34-13 10-5 20-11 29-18s15-16 21-26c5-10 8-22 8-38 0-30-12-53-35-68-22-14-54-22-94-22-26 0-51 3-75 8-23 6-48 14-75 24-7-20-13-40-18-60-5-20-8-39-10-57 16-7 31-12 46-17 14-4 29-8 44-10 15-3 30-5 47-7 8 0 17-1 27-1v-84h128v96c5 1 9 2 13 4 21 7 40 15 57 26-2 4-5 8-6 12-9 20-14 42-14 65z m261 90c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-4c-36 0-68-15-91-38-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-18 3-35 10-51 7-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 91-37 70 0 128 57 128 128-1 35-15 67-38 90z m-30-109h-42v-42h-37v42h-42v38h42v41h37v-41h42v-38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dollar-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d7;" d="M522 115c0 45 18 87 48 116 16 17 37 30 60 38-2 8-4 16-6 22-8 22-18 40-32 55-14 14-30 27-50 37s-41 20-65 29l-57 22c-10 4-19 8-29 12-9 4-18 9-25 15-8 6-14 14-18 22-5 9-7 20-7 32 0 16 3 29 9 39 5 10 13 17 21 22 9 5 19 9 30 10 11 2 22 3 33 3 18 0 34 0 48-2 13-2 26-4 37-6 11-3 22-6 31-10s20-7 29-11c17 35 27 71 31 108-31 11-61 19-89 25-16 3-32 5-49 7v88h-129v-97c-3-1-6-2-9-3-28-8-53-21-73-38-20-17-36-37-47-62-11-25-17-53-17-85 0-27 4-50 10-69 7-19 16-35 28-49 12-13 27-25 44-35 17-10 37-19 58-27l58-22c11-4 22-9 33-13 11-5 21-11 29-18 9-7 16-16 21-26 5-10 8-22 8-38 0-30-11-53-34-68-23-14-54-22-94-22-27 0-52 3-75 8-24 6-49 14-75 24-7-20-13-40-18-60-5-20-9-39-11-57 16-7 31-12 46-17 15-4 29-8 44-10 15-3 31-5 47-7 9 0 18-1 27-1v-84h129v96c4 1 8 2 13 4 21 7 40 15 57 26-3 4-5 8-7 12-9 20-13 42-13 65z m262 90c-22 22-52 36-85 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 15-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-15 67-38 90z m-24-60l-78-79c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-2 2-2 6 0 8l12 11c2 2 5 2 7 0l33-32 62 62c3 3 6 3 8 0l11-11c2-2 2-5 0-7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dollar" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d8;" d="M717 291c-8 22-19 40-32 55-14 14-31 27-50 37s-42 20-66 29l-57 22c-9 4-19 8-28 12-10 4-18 9-26 15-7 6-13 14-18 22-4 9-6 20-6 32 0 16 3 29 8 39 6 10 13 17 22 22 9 5 19 9 30 10 11 2 22 3 33 3 17 0 33 0 47-2 14-2 27-4 38-6 11-3 21-6 31-10s20-7 29-11c17 35 27 71 30 108-31 11-60 19-88 25-16 3-33 5-50 7v88h-128v-97c-3-1-6-2-9-3-29-8-53-21-73-38-20-17-36-37-47-62-11-25-17-53-17-85 0-27 4-50 10-69 7-19 16-35 28-49 12-13 27-25 44-35s36-19 58-27l58-22c11-4 22-9 33-13 11-5 20-11 29-18 9-7 16-16 21-26 5-10 8-22 8-38 0-30-11-53-34-68-23-14-54-22-94-22-27 0-52 3-75 8-24 6-49 14-75 24-7-20-13-40-18-60-5-20-9-39-11-57 16-7 31-12 46-17 14-4 29-8 44-10 15-3 31-5 47-7 8 0 17-1 27-1v-84h128v96c5 1 9 2 14 4 32 10 60 25 82 44 22 19 39 42 51 69 11 26 17 56 17 88 0 31-4 57-11 78z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dong-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9d9;" d="M791 134c-22 23-53 37-87 39h-5c-36 0-68-15-92-39-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-19 4-36 11-52 6-15 16-29 27-40 24-24 56-38 92-38 72 0 130 58 130 130 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-38-124l-22-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 32 33-32 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 22-21-32-32 32-33z m-95 697h-64v76c-10 2-21 3-31 4-11 0-21 1-31 1-10 0-20-1-30-1-11-1-21-2-32-4v-76h-145c-2-12-2-23-2-35 0-12 0-23 2-35h145v-131c-11 3-21 5-33 6-11 1-22 1-33 1-35 0-67-7-96-19s-53-31-74-53c-20-23-36-49-47-79-10-30-16-63-16-97 0-43 7-80 19-110 13-30 30-55 52-73 21-19 47-33 75-42 29-9 59-13 90-13 36 0 68 2 95 6-1 3-1 7-1 10 0 64 38 120 93 145v449h64c1 11 2 23 2 35 0 12 0 23-2 35z m-188-567c-10-3-19-5-27-6-9-1-17-2-28-2-16 0-31 3-45 7-15 4-27 12-37 22-10 10-18 24-24 41-6 17-9 38-9 63 0 20 2 39 6 57 5 18 12 34 21 48 10 13 22 24 36 32 14 8 31 12 51 12 11 0 20 0 27-1 8-1 17-3 29-6v-267z m99-228h-329c-1 12-2 23-2 35 0 12 1 24 2 35h273c12-28 31-52 56-70z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dong-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9da;" d="M791 134c-22 23-53 37-87 39h-5c-36 0-68-15-92-39-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-19 4-36 11-52 6-15 16-29 27-40 24-24 56-38 92-38 72 0 130 58 130 130 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-32-108h-120v34h120v-34z m-101 681h-64v76c-10 2-21 3-31 4-11 0-21 1-31 1-10 0-20-1-30-1-11-1-21-2-32-4v-76h-145c-2-12-2-23-2-35 0-12 0-23 2-35h145v-131c-11 3-21 5-33 6-11 1-22 1-33 1-35 0-67-7-96-19s-53-31-74-53c-20-23-36-49-47-79-10-30-16-63-16-97 0-43 7-80 19-110 13-30 30-55 52-73 21-19 47-33 75-42 29-9 59-13 90-13 36 0 68 2 95 6-1 3-1 7-1 10 0 64 38 120 93 145v449h64c1 11 2 23 2 35 0 12 0 23-2 35z m-188-567c-10-3-19-5-27-6-9-1-17-2-28-2-16 0-31 3-45 7-15 4-27 12-37 22-10 10-18 24-24 41-6 17-9 38-9 63 0 20 2 39 6 57 5 18 12 34 21 48 10 13 22 24 36 32 14 8 31 12 51 12 11 0 20 0 27-1 8-1 17-3 29-6v-267z m99-228h-329c-1 12-2 23-2 35 0 12 1 24 2 35h273c12-28 31-52 56-70z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dong-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9db;" d="M791 134c-22 23-53 37-87 39h-5c-36 0-68-15-92-39-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-19 4-36 11-52 7-15 16-29 27-40 24-24 56-38 92-38 72 0 130 58 130 130 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-30-110h-43v-43h-38v43h-42v38h42v42h38v-42h43v-38z m-103 683h-64v76c-10 2-21 3-31 4-11 0-21 1-31 1-10 0-20-1-30-1-11-1-21-2-32-4v-76h-145c-2-12-2-23-2-35 0-12 0-23 2-35h145v-131c-10 3-21 5-33 6-11 1-22 1-33 1-35 0-67-7-96-20-29-12-53-30-74-52-20-23-36-49-46-79-11-30-17-63-17-97 0-43 7-80 19-110 13-30 30-55 52-73 22-19 47-33 75-42 29-9 59-13 90-13 36 0 68 2 95 6-1 3-1 7-1 10 0 64 38 120 93 144v450h64c1 11 2 23 2 35 0 12 0 23-2 35z m-188-567c-10-3-19-5-27-6-8-1-17-2-28-2-16 0-31 3-45 7-15 4-27 12-37 22-10 10-18 24-24 41-6 17-9 38-9 63 0 20 2 39 7 57 4 18 11 34 20 48 10 13 22 24 36 32 15 8 31 12 51 12 11 0 20 0 28-1 7-1 17-3 29-6v-267h-1z m99-228h-329c-1 12-2 23-2 35 0 12 1 24 2 35h273c12-28 31-52 56-70z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dong-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9dc;" d="M791 134c-22 23-53 37-87 39h-5c-36 0-68-15-92-39-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-19 4-36 11-52 6-15 16-29 27-40 24-24 56-38 92-38 72 0 130 58 130 130 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-24-61l-80-80c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-49 49c-2 2-2 5 0 7l12 12c2 2 6 2 8 0l33-33 64 64c2 2 5 2 7 0l12-12c2-2 2-5 0-7z m-109 634h-64v76c-10 2-21 3-31 4-11 0-21 1-31 1-10 0-20-1-30-1-11-1-21-2-32-4v-76h-145c-2-12-2-23-2-35 0-12 0-23 2-35h145v-131c-11 3-21 5-33 6-11 1-22 1-33 1-35 0-67-7-96-20-29-12-54-30-74-52-20-23-36-49-47-79-10-30-16-63-16-97 0-43 7-80 19-110 13-30 30-55 52-73 21-19 47-33 75-42 29-9 58-13 89-13 37 0 69 2 95 6 0 3 0 7 0 10 0 64 38 120 93 144v450h64c1 11 2 23 2 35 0 12 0 23-2 35z m-188-567c-10-3-19-5-27-6-8-1-17-2-28-2-16 0-31 3-45 7-15 4-27 12-37 22-10 10-18 24-24 41-6 17-9 38-9 63 0 20 2 39 7 57 4 18 11 34 20 48 10 13 22 24 36 32 15 8 31 12 51 12 11 0 20 0 27-1 8-1 18-3 29-6v-267h0z m99-228h-329c-1 12-2 23-2 35 0 12 1 24 2 35h273c12-28 31-52 56-70z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dong" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9dd;" d="M742 707h-64v76c-10 2-21 3-31 4-11 0-21 1-31 1s-20-1-31-1c-10-1-20-2-31-4v-76h-145c-2-12-3-23-3-36 0-11 1-23 3-34h145v-131c-11 3-21 5-33 6-11 0-22 1-33 1-35 0-67-7-96-19-29-13-54-31-74-53-20-22-36-49-47-79-11-31-16-63-16-97 0-43 6-80 19-110 13-30 30-55 51-74 22-19 47-32 76-41 28-9 58-13 89-13 41 0 76 2 104 7 29 4 57 11 84 19v584h64c1 11 2 23 2 35 0 12 0 23-2 35z m-188-567c-10-3-19-5-27-6-9-1-18-2-28-2-16 0-31 3-45 7-15 5-27 12-37 22-10 10-19 24-24 41-6 17-9 38-9 63 0 20 2 39 6 57 5 18 12 34 21 48 10 13 21 24 36 32 14 8 31 13 51 13 11 0 20-1 27-2 8-1 17-3 29-6v-267h0z m43-158h-273c-1-11-2-23-2-35 0-12 1-23 2-35h334c1 12 2 23 2 35 0 12-1 24-2 35h-61z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="euro-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9de;" d="M902 175c-22 21-51 34-83 36h-4c-34 0-65-14-87-36-22-22-36-53-36-87 0-18 4-34 10-49 6-14 15-27 26-38 22-22 53-36 87-36 68 0 123 55 123 123 0 34-14 65-36 87z m-37-118l-20-20-30 31-31-31-20 20 30 31-30 30 20 21 31-31 30 31 20-21-30-30 30-31z m-452 501c-20-25-35-56-45-94h306l-43-84h-276c0-11-1-21-1-32l1-14h276l-40-85h-227c25-117 100-177 225-177 21 0 40 1 57 4 3-37 20-70 45-95 11-12 25-22 40-29-24-8-45-12-65-15-31-5-65-7-101-7-64 0-120 10-168 31-49 21-89 50-122 87s-58 82-74 133c-7 22-12 44-16 68h-122l38 85h76c0 5-1 9-1 14 0 11 1 21 1 32h-113l42 84h83c3 18 8 35 13 52 18 52 42 96 75 134 33 37 73 67 121 88 48 21 102 32 163 32 37 0 70-3 100-7 31-5 64-14 99-28-1-23-6-45-13-66-8-22-16-44-25-65-26 9-50 15-70 19-21 4-45 5-73 5-72 0-127-23-166-70z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="euro-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9df;" d="M902 175c-22 21-51 34-83 36h-4c-34 0-65-14-87-36-22-22-36-53-36-87 0-18 4-34 10-49 6-14 15-27 26-38 22-22 53-36 87-36 68 0 123 55 123 123 0 34-14 65-36 87z m-31-103h-113v32h113v-32h0z m-458 486c-20-25-35-56-45-94h306l-43-84h-276c0-11-1-21-1-32l1-14h276l-40-85h-227c25-117 100-177 225-177 21 0 40 1 57 4 3-37 20-70 45-95 11-12 25-22 40-29-24-8-45-12-65-15-31-5-65-7-101-7-64 0-120 10-168 31-49 21-89 50-122 87s-58 82-74 133c-7 22-12 44-16 68h-122l38 85h76c0 5-1 9-1 14 0 11 1 21 1 32h-113l42 84h83c3 18 8 35 13 52 18 52 42 96 75 134 33 37 73 67 121 88 48 21 102 32 163 32 37 0 70-3 100-7 31-5 64-14 99-28-1-23-6-45-13-66-8-22-16-44-25-65-26 9-50 15-70 19-21 4-45 5-73 5-72 0-127-23-166-70z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="euro-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e0;" d="M902 176c-22 21-51 34-83 36h-4c-34 0-64-14-87-36-22-22-36-53-36-87 0-17 4-34 11-48 6-15 14-28 25-39 23-22 53-35 87-35 68 0 122 55 122 122 1 34-13 65-35 87z m-29-105h-40v-40h-36v40h-40v36h40v40h36v-40h40v-36z m-462 486c-20-24-35-55-44-93h305l-43-84h-275c0-10-1-21-1-32l1-14h275l-40-84h-226c25-117 99-176 224-176 21 0 40 1 57 3 3-37 19-70 44-95 12-11 25-21 40-28-23-8-44-12-64-15-32-5-65-7-101-7-64 0-120 10-168 31-48 21-88 50-121 87s-57 81-74 132c-7 22-12 44-16 68h-121l38 84h75c0 5 0 10 0 14 0 11 0 21 1 32h-113l42 84h82c4 18 8 35 14 52 17 51 42 95 74 133 33 37 73 67 121 88 48 21 102 31 163 31 36 0 69-2 99-6 31-5 63-14 99-29-2-22-6-44-14-65-7-22-16-43-25-65-26 9-49 15-70 19-20 4-44 6-71 6-72 0-128-24-167-71z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="euro-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e1;" d="M902 176c-21 21-50 34-82 36h-4c-34 0-65-14-87-36-22-22-36-53-36-86 0-18 4-34 11-49 5-14 14-27 25-38 22-22 53-36 86-36 68 0 123 55 123 123 0 33-14 64-36 86z m-23-58l-75-75c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-45 46c-2 2-2 5 0 7l11 11c1 2 5 2 7 0l31-31 60 60c2 2 5 2 7 0l11-11c2-2 2-5 0-7z m-468 438c-21-24-35-55-45-93h304l-43-84h-273c-1-10-1-20-1-31l0-14h274l-40-84h-225c25-117 99-176 223-176 21 0 40 1 57 3 3-36 20-69 44-94 12-11 25-21 40-29-23-7-44-11-64-15-31-4-65-6-100-6-64 0-120 10-168 31-47 20-88 49-120 86-33 37-57 81-74 132-7 22-12 44-16 68h-121l38 84h75c0 5-1 10-1 14 0 11 1 21 2 31h-113l42 84h82c3 18 8 35 13 52 18 51 42 96 75 133 33 37 72 67 120 87 48 21 102 32 162 32 36 0 69-2 99-7 31-4 64-14 99-28-2-22-6-44-14-65-7-22-15-43-24-65-26 9-50 15-70 19-20 4-44 6-72 6-71 0-127-24-165-71z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="euro" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e2;" d="M855 19c-7 23-15 46-25 68-28-10-53-16-75-20s-47-6-76-6c-130 0-208 61-234 184h236l42 88h-288c0 5 0 10 0 15 0 12 0 22 1 33h287l45 88h-319c10 39 25 72 47 98 40 49 98 74 173 74 29 0 54-2 76-6 21-4 45-11 73-20 9 22 18 45 25 67s13 46 15 69c-37 15-72 25-103 30-32 4-67 7-105 7-63 0-120-11-170-33s-92-53-126-92-60-86-78-140c-6-17-10-35-14-54h-86l-44-88h118c0-11-1-22-1-33 0-5 0-10 0-15h-78l-41-88h128c4-24 9-48 17-71 17-53 43-100 77-138 34-39 76-70 127-91 50-22 108-32 175-32 38 0 73 2 105 7 33 4 70 14 111 29-4 23-8 47-15 70z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="frank-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e3;" d="M789 167c-23 23-53 37-87 38h-4c-36 0-68-14-91-38-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-122l-22-21-31 32-32-32-21 21 31 32-31 32 21 21 32-32 31 32 22-21-32-32 32-32z m-315 605v-188h231c4-24 6-47 6-69 0-24-2-47-6-70h-231v-130h113c-25-28-40-64-40-105 0-11 1-22 4-32h-77v-137c-29-4-55-7-80-7-28 0-55 3-83 7v137h-99v137h99v595h454c4-23 6-45 6-68 0-25-2-48-6-70h-291z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="frank-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e4;" d="M786 167c-22 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-35 0-68-14-91-38-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-19 3-36 10-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 56-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-32-107h-118v34h118l0-34z m-316 590v-188h231c5-24 7-47 7-69 0-24-2-47-7-70h-231v-130h114c-25-28-40-64-40-105 0-11 1-22 3-32h-77v-137c-28-4-55-7-80-7-27 0-55 3-82 7v137h-99v137h99v595h453c5-23 7-45 7-68 0-25-2-48-7-70h-291z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="frank-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e5;" d="M788 164c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-4c-36 0-68-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 15-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 91-37 71 0 128 58 128 128 0 36-14 68-38 91z m-29-110h-43v-41h-37v41h-42v38h42v42h37v-42h43v-38z m-323 596v-188h231c4-24 6-47 6-69 0-24-2-47-6-70h-231v-130h113c-25-28-40-64-40-105 0-11 1-22 4-32h-77v-137c-29-4-55-7-80-7-28 0-55 3-83 7v137h-98v137h98v595h454c4-23 6-45 6-68 0-25-2-48-6-70h-291z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="frank-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e6;" d="M785 178c-23 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 56-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-24-60l-79-79c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-2 2-2 6 0 7l11 12c2 2 6 2 8 0l32-33 64 63c2 3 5 3 7 0l12-11c2-2 2-6 0-7z m-321 532v-188h231c4-24 6-47 6-69 0-24-2-47-6-70h-231v-130h113c-25-28-40-64-40-105 0-11 1-22 4-32h-77v-137c-29-4-55-7-80-7-28 0-55 3-83 7v137h-99v137h99v595h454c4-23 6-45 6-68 0-25-2-48-6-70h-291z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="frank" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e7;" d="M648 650h125c4 22 6 45 6 70 0 23-2 45-6 68h-454v-595h-99v-137h99v-137c28-4 55-7 82-7 25 0 52 3 80 7v137h153c4 22 7 45 7 70 0 22-3 45-7 67h-153v130h231c5 23 7 46 7 70 0 22-2 45-7 69h-231v188l167 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hryvnia-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e8;" d="M852 157c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-15-91-38-24-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-38-123l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 32 32-32 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z m-202 313c-13-7-25-14-38-20h181l-16-66h-345c-18-9-33-19-46-30-20-16-29-39-29-70 0-19 4-36 13-50 8-15 20-27 34-36 14-9 30-16 47-21 17-5 34-7 52-7 32 0 64 8 93 23 10 4 19 10 27 17-3-11-4-22-4-34 0-44 20-83 51-109-5-2-10-4-14-6-48-17-98-25-150-25-41 0-79 5-116 16-37 11-69 28-98 49-27 22-49 50-66 83-16 34-25 73-25 118 0 31 5 58 13 82h-66l15 66h91c15 17 31 31 50 42l7 4h-143l13 67h304l9 3c29 11 54 24 73 39 20 15 29 36 29 65 0 18-3 35-11 48-8 14-18 25-31 34-13 9-28 15-44 19-16 4-33 6-50 6-29 0-56-6-83-16-26-11-47-27-63-50l-108 114c33 30 70 52 111 66 41 13 84 20 128 20 38 0 76-6 113-16 37-10 69-25 98-46 28-21 52-47 69-78 18-32 26-69 26-112 0-38-5-70-17-96h78l-16-67h-113c-10-10-21-19-33-26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hryvnia-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9e9;" d="M852 157c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-15-91-38-24-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-32-108h-118v34h118v-34z m-208 298c-13-7-25-14-38-20h181l-16-66h-345c-18-9-33-19-46-30-20-16-29-39-29-70 0-19 4-36 13-50 8-15 20-27 34-36 14-9 30-16 47-21 17-5 34-7 52-7 32 0 64 8 93 23 10 4 19 10 27 17-3-11-4-22-4-34 0-44 20-83 51-109-5-2-10-4-14-6-48-17-98-25-150-25-41 0-79 5-116 16-37 11-69 28-98 49-27 22-49 50-66 83-16 34-25 73-25 118 0 31 5 58 13 82h-66l15 66h91c15 17 31 31 50 42l7 4h-143l13 67h304l9 3c29 11 54 24 73 39 20 15 29 36 29 65 0 18-3 35-11 48-8 14-18 25-31 34-13 9-28 15-44 19-16 4-33 6-50 6-29 0-56-6-83-16-26-11-47-27-63-50l-108 114c33 30 70 52 111 66 41 13 84 20 128 20 38 0 76-6 113-16 37-10 69-25 98-46 28-21 52-47 69-78 18-32 26-69 26-112 0-38-5-70-17-96h78l-16-67h-113c-10-10-21-19-33-26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hryvnia-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ea;" d="M850 160c-22 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-24-24-38-56-38-91 0-19 4-36 11-52 6-15 15-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 91-37 71 0 129 57 129 129 0 35-14 67-38 91z m-30-110h-42v-43h-38v43h-42v37h42v42h38v-42h42v-37z m-207 297c-12-7-25-14-38-20h182l-16-66h-346c-17-9-33-19-46-30-19-16-29-39-29-70 0-19 4-36 13-50 8-15 20-27 34-36 14-9 30-16 47-21 17-5 34-7 52-7 33 0 64 8 93 23 10 4 19 10 27 17-3-11-4-22-4-34 0-44 20-83 51-109-4-2-9-4-14-6-48-17-98-25-150-25-40 0-79 5-116 16-37 11-69 28-97 49-28 22-50 50-67 83-16 34-24 73-24 118 0 31 4 58 12 82h-66l16 66h91c14 17 30 31 49 42l7 4h-143l13 67h304l10 3c29 11 53 24 72 39 20 15 30 36 30 65 0 18-4 35-12 48-8 14-18 25-31 34-13 9-28 15-44 19-16 4-32 6-50 6-29 0-56-6-83-16-26-11-47-27-63-50l-108 114c33 30 70 52 111 66 41 13 84 20 128 20 38 0 76-6 113-16s69-25 98-46c29-21 52-47 69-78 18-32 27-69 27-112 0-38-6-70-18-96h79l-16-67h-113c-11-10-22-19-34-26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hryvnia-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9eb;" d="M852 157c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-15-91-38-24-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-24-61l-79-79c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-3 2-3 6 0 8l11 11c2 3 6 3 8 0l33-32 63 63c2 2 5 2 8 0l11-11c2-3 2-6 0-8z m-216 251c-13-7-25-14-38-20h181l-16-66h-345c-18-9-33-19-46-30-20-16-29-39-29-70 0-19 4-36 13-50 8-15 20-27 34-36 14-9 30-16 47-21 17-5 34-7 52-7 32 0 64 8 93 23 10 4 19 10 27 17-3-11-4-22-4-34 0-44 20-83 51-109-5-2-10-4-14-6-48-17-98-25-150-25-41 0-79 5-116 16-37 11-69 28-98 49-27 22-49 50-66 83-16 34-25 73-25 118 0 31 5 58 13 82h-66l15 66h91c15 17 31 31 50 42l7 4h-143l13 67h304l9 3c29 11 54 24 73 39 20 15 29 36 29 65 0 18-3 35-11 48-8 14-18 25-31 34-13 9-28 15-44 19-16 4-33 6-50 6-29 0-56-6-83-16-26-11-47-27-63-50l-108 114c33 30 70 52 111 66 41 13 84 20 128 20 38 0 76-6 113-16 37-10 69-25 98-46 28-21 52-47 69-78 18-32 26-69 26-112 0-38-5-70-17-96h78l-16-67h-113c-10-10-21-19-33-26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hryvnia" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ec;" d="M703 373h113l16 67h-78c11 26 17 58 17 96 0 43-8 80-26 112-18 31-41 57-69 78-29 21-62 36-98 46-37 10-75 16-113 16-44 0-87-7-128-20s-78-36-111-66l108-114c16 22 37 39 63 50 26 10 54 15 83 15 17 0 34-1 50-5 16-4 31-11 44-19 13-9 23-20 31-34s11-30 11-49c0-28-9-49-29-64-20-15-44-28-73-39l-10-3h-303l-14-67h143c-2-1-4-3-7-4-18-12-34-26-49-42h-91l-15-66h65c-8-24-12-51-12-83 0-44 8-83 25-117s38-61 66-83c28-22 60-38 97-49 37-11 76-17 117-17 51 0 101 9 149 26 48 17 89 46 124 87l-112 109c-18-28-42-49-71-64-30-16-61-23-94-23-17 0-34 2-52 7-17 5-32 12-47 21-14 9-25 21-34 36-8 14-13 31-13 50 0 30 10 54 30 70 13 11 28 21 45 30h346l16 66h-181c13 6 25 13 37 20 12 8 24 16 34 26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lira-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ed;" d="M864 157c-22 22-52 36-85 37h-5c-35 0-66-14-89-37-23-23-37-54-37-89 0-18 3-35 10-51 6-15 16-28 27-39 23-23 54-37 89-37 71 0 127 57 127 127 0 35-14 66-37 89z m-37-121l-21-21-32 32-31-32-21 21 31 32-31 31 21 21 31-32 32 32 21-21-32-31 32-32z m-434 518c-5-17-7-32-7-48 0-4 0-7 0-10h175c2-13 3-25 4-35 1-11 2-21 2-32 0-11-1-21-2-31-1-9-2-20-4-31h-160l11-64h149c2-13 3-24 4-35 1-10 2-21 2-32 0-10-1-20-2-30-1-9-2-20-4-32h-142c-1-10-2-20-3-30-5-24-14-50-27-78h207c0-4 0-7 0-10 0-65 39-120 95-144h-554l-5 17 16 14c18 14 32 33 44 53 12 22 22 43 29 66 7 23 13 45 17 67 3 17 4 32 5 45h-138c-3 12-4 23-5 32-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 11 0 22 1 32 1 11 2 22 5 35h126l-10 64h-116c-3 11-4 22-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 31 0 10 0 21 1 32 1 10 2 22 5 35h101c0 8-1 16-1 24 0 33 6 66 18 98s30 60 54 85c25 25 56 46 94 61 37 16 81 24 133 24 45 0 83-4 114-10 32-7 61-16 89-27-2-19-5-40-11-65s-15-50-28-76c-23 9-45 16-67 23-21 6-48 10-81 10-25 0-47-5-64-13-17-9-31-19-41-33-10-12-18-27-22-43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lira-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ee;" d="M864 157c-22 22-52 36-85 37h-5c-35 0-66-14-89-37-23-23-37-54-37-89 0-18 3-35 10-51 6-15 16-28 27-39 23-23 54-37 89-37 71 0 127 57 127 127 0 35-14 66-37 89z m-31-106h-117v33h117v-33z m-440 503c-5-17-7-32-7-48 0-4 0-7 0-10h175c2-13 3-25 4-35 1-11 2-21 2-32 0-11-1-21-2-31-1-9-2-20-4-31h-160l11-64h149c2-13 3-24 4-35 1-10 2-21 2-32 0-10-1-20-2-30-1-9-2-20-4-32h-142c-1-10-2-20-3-30-5-24-14-50-27-78h207c0-4 0-7 0-10 0-65 39-120 95-144h-554l-5 17 16 14c18 14 32 33 44 53 12 22 22 43 29 66 7 23 13 45 17 67 3 17 4 32 5 45h-138c-3 12-4 23-5 32-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 11 0 22 1 32 1 11 2 22 5 35h126l-10 64h-116c-3 11-4 22-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 31 0 10 0 21 1 32 1 10 2 22 5 35h101c0 8-1 16-1 24 0 33 6 66 18 98s30 60 54 85c25 25 56 46 94 61 37 16 81 24 133 24 45 0 83-4 114-10 32-7 61-16 89-27-2-19-5-40-11-65s-15-50-28-76c-23 9-45 16-67 23-21 6-48 10-81 10-25 0-47-5-64-13-17-9-31-19-41-33-10-12-18-27-22-43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lira-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ef;" d="M858 157c-21 22-52 36-85 37h-4c-35 0-67-14-90-37-23-23-37-54-37-89 0-18 4-35 10-51 7-15 16-28 27-39 23-23 55-37 90-37 70 0 127 57 127 127 0 35-14 66-38 89z m-29-108h-42v-42h-37v42h-41v37h41v42h37v-42h42v-37z m-431 505c-4-17-6-32-6-48 0-4 0-7 0-10h174c3-13 4-25 5-35 1-11 1-21 1-32 0-11 0-21-1-31-1-9-2-20-5-31h-159l10-64h149c3-13 4-24 5-35 1-10 1-21 1-32 0-10 0-20-1-30-1-9-2-20-5-32h-141c-1-10-2-20-4-30-4-24-13-50-27-78h208c0-4 0-7 0-10 0-65 39-120 95-144h-554l-5 17 16 14c17 14 32 32 44 53 12 22 21 43 29 66 7 23 13 45 16 67 3 17 5 32 6 45h-138c-3 12-4 23-5 32-1 10-2 20-2 30 0 11 1 22 2 32 1 11 2 22 5 35h125l-10 64h-115c-3 11-4 22-5 31-1 10-2 20-2 31 0 10 1 21 2 32 1 10 2 22 5 35h101c-1 8-2 16-2 24 0 33 7 66 18 98 12 32 31 60 55 85 25 25 56 46 93 61 37 16 82 24 134 24 45 0 83-4 114-10 31-7 61-16 89-27-2-19-6-40-11-65-6-25-15-50-29-76-23 9-45 16-66 23-22 6-49 10-81 10-26 0-47-5-64-13-17-9-31-19-42-33-10-12-17-27-22-43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lira-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f0;" d="M864 157c-22 22-52 36-85 37h-5c-35 0-66-14-89-37-23-23-37-54-37-89 0-18 3-35 10-51 6-15 16-28 27-39 23-23 54-37 89-37 71 0 127 57 127 127 0 35-14 66-37 89z m-24-60l-77-78c-2-2-6-2-8 0l-47 48c-2 2-2 5 0 7l11 11c2 3 6 3 8 0l32-32 63 63c2 2 5 2 7 0l11-12c2-1 2-5 0-7z m-447 457c-5-17-7-32-7-48 0-4 0-7 0-10h175c2-13 3-25 4-35 1-11 2-21 2-32 0-11-1-21-2-31-1-9-2-20-4-31h-160l11-64h149c2-13 3-24 4-35 1-10 2-21 2-32 0-10-1-20-2-30-1-9-2-20-4-32h-142c-1-10-2-20-3-30-5-24-14-50-27-78h207c0-4 0-7 0-10 0-65 39-120 95-144h-554l-5 17 16 14c18 14 32 33 44 53 12 22 22 43 29 66 7 23 13 45 17 67 3 17 4 32 5 45h-138c-3 12-4 23-5 32-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 11 0 22 1 32 1 11 2 22 5 35h126l-10 64h-116c-3 11-4 22-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 31 0 10 0 21 1 32 1 10 2 22 5 35h101c0 8-1 16-1 24 0 33 6 66 18 98s30 60 54 85c25 25 56 46 94 61 37 16 81 24 133 24 45 0 83-4 114-10 32-7 61-16 89-27-2-19-5-40-11-65s-15-50-28-76c-23 9-45 16-67 23-21 6-48 10-81 10-25 0-47-5-64-13-17-9-31-19-41-33-10-12-18-27-22-43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lira" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f1;" d="M805 26c-1 13-2 26-5 40h-317c14 28 23 54 27 78 2 10 3 20 4 30h141c2 12 4 23 5 32 1 10 1 20 1 30 0 11 0 22-1 33-1 10-2 22-5 34h-149l-10 64h159c2 11 4 22 5 32 1 9 1 19 1 30 0 11 0 22-1 32-1 10-3 22-5 35h-174c-1 3-1 7-1 10 0 16 3 32 7 48 4 16 12 31 22 44 10 13 24 23 41 32 17 8 39 13 64 13 33 0 60-3 82-10 21-6 43-14 66-23 13 26 23 51 28 76 6 25 10 46 11 65-28 11-57 20-88 27-31 6-70 9-115 9-51 0-96-7-133-23-38-15-69-35-93-61-25-25-43-53-55-85-12-32-18-65-18-98 0-8 1-16 1-25h-100c-3-12-4-24-5-34-1-11-2-21-2-32 0-11 1-21 2-31 1-9 2-20 5-32h115l10-63h-125c-3-13-4-25-5-35-1-10-2-21-2-32 0-11 1-21 2-30 1-9 2-20 5-32h137c0-13-2-28-5-46-4-21-9-43-17-66-7-23-17-45-29-66-12-21-26-39-43-53l-16-14 5-17h568c3 14 4 27 5 40 1 12 1 25 1 38 0 12 0 24-1 36z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peseta-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f2;" d="M775 181c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-23-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 68-37 91z m-38-123l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 31 32-31 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z m153 475h-93c-4 42-13 78-29 107-20 39-47 70-80 91s-70 37-111 45c-40 8-81 12-120 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-244h-123c-2-16-4-33-4-50 0-16 2-33 4-49h123v-516c16-2 31-4 47-5 15 0 28-1 41-1 14 0 28 1 42 1 14 1 29 3 44 5v275c8-1 16-1 25-2 10 0 19 0 30 0 24 0 48 1 73 5 5 7 11 14 18 21 32 32 76 52 125 52 12 0 23-1 34-3 22 20 41 44 57 73 14 26 23 58 27 96h95c2 15 3 32 3 49 0 17-1 33-4 49z m-282-118c-9-19-20-35-35-47-15-12-32-20-51-26-19-5-38-7-58-7h-30c-9 0-18 1-27 2v97h207c-2-6-4-13-6-19z m-201 118v107c14 2 25 3 32 3 8 1 16 1 25 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 14-12 26-29 35-49 4-8 6-18 8-28l-209 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peseta-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f3;" d="M775 181c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-23-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 68-37 91z m-32-108h-118v34h118l0-34z m147 460h-93c-4 42-13 78-29 107-20 39-47 70-80 91s-70 37-111 45c-40 8-81 12-120 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-244h-123c-2-16-4-33-4-50 0-16 2-33 4-49h123v-516c16-2 31-4 47-5 15 0 28-1 41-1 14 0 28 1 42 1 14 1 29 3 44 5v275c8-1 16-1 25-2 10 0 19 0 30 0 24 0 48 1 73 5 5 7 11 14 18 21 32 32 76 52 125 52 12 0 23-1 34-3 22 20 41 44 57 73 14 26 23 58 27 96h95c2 15 3 32 3 49 0 17-1 33-4 49z m-282-118c-9-19-20-35-35-47-15-12-32-20-51-26-19-5-38-7-58-7h-30c-9 0-18 1-27 2v97h207c-2-6-4-13-6-19z m-201 118v107c14 2 25 3 32 3 8 1 16 1 25 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 14-12 26-29 35-49 4-8 6-18 8-28l-209 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peseta-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f4;" d="M775 181c-22 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-23-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 24-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129-1 35-15 68-38 91z m-30-110h-42v-42h-38v42h-42v38h42v42h38v-42h42v-38z m145 462h-93c-4 42-13 78-29 107-20 39-47 70-80 91s-70 37-111 45c-40 8-81 12-120 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-244h-123c-2-16-4-33-4-50 0-16 2-33 4-49h123v-516c16-2 31-4 47-5 15 0 28-1 41-1 14 0 28 1 42 1 14 1 29 3 44 5v275c8-1 16-1 25-2 10 0 19 0 30 0 24 0 48 1 73 5 5 7 11 14 18 21 32 32 76 52 125 52 12 0 23-1 34-3 22 20 41 44 57 73 14 26 23 58 27 96h95c2 15 3 32 3 49 0 17-1 33-4 49z m-282-118c-9-19-20-35-35-47-15-12-32-20-51-26-19-5-38-7-58-7h-30c-9 0-18 1-27 2v97h207c-2-6-4-13-6-19z m-201 118v107c14 2 25 3 32 3 8 1 16 1 25 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 14-12 26-29 35-49 4-8 6-18 8-28l-209 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peseta-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f5;" d="M775 181c-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-23-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 68-37 91z m-24-61l-79-79c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-2 2-2 6 0 8l11 11c2 2 6 2 8 0l32-33 64 64c2 2 5 2 7 0l12-12c2-2 2-5 0-7z m139 413h-93c-4 42-13 78-29 107-20 39-47 70-80 91s-70 37-111 45c-40 8-81 12-120 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-244h-123c-2-16-4-33-4-50 0-16 2-33 4-49h123v-516c16-2 31-4 47-5 15 0 28-1 41-1 14 0 28 1 42 1 14 1 29 3 44 5v275c8-1 16-1 25-2 10 0 19 0 30 0 24 0 48 1 73 5 5 7 11 14 18 21 32 32 76 52 125 52 12 0 23-1 34-3 22 20 41 44 57 73 14 26 23 58 27 96h95c2 15 3 32 3 49 0 17-1 33-4 49z m-282-118c-9-19-20-35-35-47-15-12-32-20-51-26-19-5-38-7-58-7h-30c-9 0-18 1-27 2v97h207c-2-6-4-13-6-19z m-201 118v107c14 2 25 3 32 3 8 1 16 1 25 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 14-12 26-29 35-49 4-8 6-18 8-28l-209 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peseta" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f6;" d="M891 533h-93c-4 42-14 78-29 107-21 39-48 69-80 91-33 22-70 37-111 45-41 8-81 12-121 12-38 0-75-1-113-3s-74-5-110-8v-244h-124c-2-16-3-33-3-50 0-16 1-33 3-49h124v-516c16-2 31-4 46-4 15-1 29-2 42-2 13 0 27 1 41 2 15 0 29 2 44 4v275c8-1 17-1 26-2 9 0 19 0 29 0 39 0 78 4 118 12 40 8 77 23 109 45 33 22 59 52 80 91 14 26 23 58 27 95h95c2 16 3 33 3 50 0 17-1 33-3 49z m-283-118c-9-20-20-35-35-47-15-12-31-21-50-26-19-5-39-7-59-7h-30c-8 0-17 0-27 2v97h208c-2-7-4-13-7-19z m-30 118h-171v107c15 2 25 3 33 3 7 0 16 1 24 1 20 0 40-3 59-8 19-5 35-14 50-26 15-12 26-29 35-49 4-8 7-18 9-28l-39 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peso-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f7;" d="M845 229c-23 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-38-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-41 23-23 55-37 91-37 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-122l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 31 32-31 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z m27 481h-86c-5 19-11 37-19 52-21 39-48 69-81 91s-70 37-110 45c-41 8-81 12-121 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-37-2-74-5-111-8v-189h-75v-54h75v-77h-75v-54h75v-485c16-2 31-4 47-4 15-1 28-2 41-2 14 0 27 1 42 2 14 0 29 2 44 4v275c8 0 16-1 25-2 9 0 19 0 30 0 38 0 78 4 118 12 11 2 22 5 33 8 22 56 75 96 138 99 6 9 12 19 17 29 10 18 18 40 23 64h83v55h-76c1 10 1 20 1 31 0 16 0 31-2 45h77v54z m-467 52c14 2 25 3 33 3 7 1 15 1 24 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 7-6 14-14 20-22h-186v52z m166-272c-15-12-32-21-51-25-19-6-38-8-58-8h-30c-9 0-17 0-27 2v66h194c-8-14-17-26-28-35z m45 89h-211v77h209c3-15 5-30 5-47 0-11-1-20-3-30z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peso-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f8;" d="M845 229c-23 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-38-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-41 23-23 55-37 91-37 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-32-107h-119v34h119v-34z m21 466h-86c-5 19-11 37-19 53-21 38-48 69-81 90s-70 37-110 45c-41 8-81 12-121 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-189h-75v-54h75v-77h-75v-54h75v-485c16-2 31-4 47-4 15-1 28-1 41-1 14 0 27 0 42 1 14 0 29 2 44 4v275c8 0 16-1 25-2 9 0 19 0 30 0 38 0 78 4 118 12 11 2 22 5 33 8 22 56 75 96 138 99 6 9 12 19 17 29 10 19 18 40 23 64h83v55h-76c1 10 1 20 1 31 0 16 0 31-2 45h77v54h0z m-467 52c14 2 25 3 33 3 7 1 15 1 24 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 7-6 14-14 20-22h-186v52z m166-272c-15-12-32-21-51-25-19-6-38-8-58-8h-30c-9 0-17 0-27 2v66h194c-8-14-17-26-28-35z m45 90h-211v76h209c3-15 5-30 5-47 0-11-1-20-3-29z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peso-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9f9;" d="M845 229c-22 23-53 37-87 38h-4c-36 0-68-14-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 6-15 15-29 27-41 23-23 55-37 91-37 71 0 129 58 129 129-1 35-15 67-38 90z m-30-109h-43v-42h-37v42h-42v38h42v42h37v-42h43v-38z m19 468h-86c-5 19-11 37-19 53-21 38-48 69-81 90-33 22-70 37-110 45-41 8-81 12-121 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-37-2-74-5-111-8v-189h-75v-54h75v-77h-75v-54h75v-485c16-2 32-4 47-4 15-1 29-1 42-1 13 0 27 0 41 1 14 0 29 2 44 4v275c8 0 16-1 26-2 9 0 18 0 29 0 39 0 78 4 118 12 11 2 22 5 33 8 22 56 75 96 138 99 6 9 12 19 17 29 11 19 18 40 23 64h83v55h-76c1 10 2 20 2 31 0 16-1 31-2 45h76v54h0z m-467 52c14 2 25 3 33 3 7 1 15 1 24 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 7-6 14-14 20-22h-186v52z m166-272c-15-12-32-21-51-25-19-6-38-8-58-8h-30c-9 0-17 0-27 2v66h194c-8-14-17-26-28-35z m45 90h-211v76h209c3-15 5-30 5-47 0-11-1-20-3-29z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peso-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9fa;" d="M845 229c-23 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-38-24-23-38-55-38-90 0-19 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-41 23-23 55-37 91-37 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-24-60l-79-79c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-3 2-3 6 0 8l11 11c2 2 6 2 8 0l32-32 64 63c2 2 5 2 7 0l12-12c2-2 2-5 0-7z m13 419h-86c-5 19-11 37-19 52-21 39-48 69-81 91-33 22-70 37-110 45-41 8-81 12-121 12-38 0-76-1-113-3-37-2-74-5-111-8v-189h-75v-54h75v-77h-75v-54h75v-485c16-2 31-4 47-4 15-1 28-1 41-1 14 0 27 0 42 1 14 0 29 2 44 4v275c8 0 16-1 25-2 9 0 19 0 30 0 38 0 78 4 118 12 11 2 22 5 33 8 22 56 75 96 138 99 6 9 12 19 17 29 10 18 18 40 23 64h83v55h-76c1 10 1 20 1 31 0 16 0 31-2 45h77v54h0z m-467 52c14 2 25 3 33 3 7 1 15 1 24 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 7-6 14-14 20-22h-186v52z m166-272c-15-12-32-21-51-25-19-6-38-8-58-8h-30c-9 0-17 0-27 2v66h194c-8-14-17-26-28-35z m45 89h-211v77h209c3-15 5-30 5-47 0-11-1-20-3-30z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peso" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9fb;" d="M858 588h-86c-5 19-11 37-20 52-20 39-47 69-80 91s-70 37-110 45c-41 8-82 12-121 12-38 0-76-2-113-3-38-2-74-5-111-8v-189h-75v-55h75v-76h-75v-54h75v-485c16-2 32-4 47-5 15 0 29-1 41-1 14 0 28 1 42 1 14 1 29 3 44 5v275c8-1 17-1 26-2 9 0 18 0 29 0 39 0 78 4 118 12 40 8 76 23 109 45 32 22 59 52 79 91 10 18 18 40 23 64h84v55h-77c1 10 1 20 1 31 0 16 0 30-2 45h77l0 54z m-467 52c14 2 25 3 33 3 7 1 15 1 24 1 20 0 39-3 58-8 19-5 36-14 51-26 7-6 14-14 20-22h-186v52z m166-272c-15-12-32-20-51-26-19-5-38-7-58-7h-30c-9 0-18 0-27 2v66h194c-8-14-17-26-28-35z m48 119c0-11-1-20-3-30h-211v76h209c3-14 5-29 5-46z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pound-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9fc;" d="M840 157c-23 22-53 36-87 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-24-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 15-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 90-38 72 0 129 58 129 129 0 35-14 68-37 91z m-39-123l-21-21-32 32-32-32-21 21 32 32-32 32 21 21 32-32 32 32 21-21-31-32 31-32z m-408 520c-5-16-7-32-7-47 0-24 2-44 3-61 2-17 5-34 8-51h190c2-13 4-25 5-36 1-10 1-21 1-32 0-11 0-21-1-31-1-10-3-21-5-33h-169c1-6 2-13 2-20 1-8 2-15 2-21 0-28-2-53-7-77-3-24-13-51-26-79h185c-1-5-1-9-1-14 0-63 39-117 95-140h-527l-5 18 15 13c18 15 32 32 44 53 11 22 21 44 28 66 8 23 13 45 17 67 3 21 5 39 5 54 0 13 0 26-2 39-1 14-2 27-4 41h-109c-3 13-5 25-5 35-1 11-2 22-2 33 0 11 1 21 2 31 0 9 2 20 5 33h89c-4 21-6 42-9 62-1 21-3 42-3 63 0 33 6 66 18 98 12 32 30 61 54 86 25 25 55 45 92 61 37 15 81 23 132 23 45 0 82-4 113-10 31-7 60-16 88-27-2-19-5-40-11-65-6-25-15-50-28-76-23 9-45 17-66 23-21 7-48 10-80 10-25 0-46-5-64-13-17-9-30-19-40-32-10-13-17-28-22-44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pound-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9fd;" d="M840 157c-23 22-53 36-87 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-24-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 6-15 15-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 90-38 72 0 129 58 129 129 0 35-14 68-37 91z m-32-108h-119v34h119v-34z m-415 505c-5-16-7-32-7-47 0-24 2-44 3-61 2-17 5-34 8-51h190c2-13 4-25 5-36 1-10 1-21 1-32 0-11 0-21-1-31-1-10-3-21-5-33h-169c1-6 2-13 2-20 1-8 2-15 2-21 0-28-2-53-7-77-3-24-13-51-26-79h185c-1-5-1-9-1-14 0-63 39-117 95-140h-527l-5 18 15 13c18 15 32 32 44 53 11 22 21 44 28 66 8 23 13 45 17 67 3 21 5 39 5 54 0 13 0 26-2 39-1 14-2 27-4 41h-109c-3 13-5 25-5 35-1 11-2 22-2 33 0 11 1 21 2 31 0 9 2 20 5 33h89c-4 21-6 42-9 62-1 21-3 42-3 63 0 33 6 66 18 98 12 32 30 61 54 86 25 25 55 45 92 61 37 15 81 23 132 23 45 0 82-4 113-10 31-7 60-16 88-27-2-19-5-40-11-65-6-25-15-50-28-76-23 9-45 17-66 23-21 7-48 10-80 10-25 0-46-5-64-13-17-9-30-19-40-32-10-13-17-28-22-44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pound-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9fe;" d="M839 157c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-91-38-23-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-35 11-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 24-23 56-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129 0 35-14 68-38 91z m-30-110h-42v-42h-37v42h-42v38h42v42h37v-42h42v-38z m-416 507c-5-16-7-32-7-47 0-24 2-44 3-61 2-17 5-34 8-51h190c2-13 4-25 5-36 1-10 1-21 1-32 0-11 0-21-1-31-1-10-3-21-5-33h-169c1-6 2-13 2-20 1-8 2-15 2-21 0-28-2-53-7-77-3-24-13-51-26-79h185c-1-5-1-9-1-14 0-63 39-117 95-140h-527l-5 18 15 13c18 15 32 32 44 53 11 22 21 44 28 66 8 23 13 45 17 67 3 21 5 39 5 54 0 13 0 26-2 39-1 14-2 27-4 41h-109c-3 13-5 25-5 35-1 11-2 22-2 33 0 11 1 21 2 31 0 9 2 20 5 33h89c-4 21-6 42-9 62-1 21-3 42-3 63 0 33 6 66 18 98 12 32 30 61 54 86 25 25 55 45 92 61 37 15 81 23 132 23 45 0 82-4 113-10 31-7 60-16 88-27-2-19-5-40-11-65-6-25-15-50-28-76-23 9-45 17-66 23-21 7-48 10-80 10-25 0-46-5-64-13-17-9-30-19-40-32-10-13-17-28-22-44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pound-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xe9ff;" d="M837 164c-23 22-53 36-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-15-91-38-24-23-38-56-38-91 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129 0 35-14 68-37 91z m-24-61l-79-79c-2-2-6-2-8 0l-47 48c-3 2-3 6 0 8l11 11c2 2 6 2 8 0l32-32 64 63c2 2 5 2 7 0l12-12c2-2 2-5 0-7z m-417 451c-5-16-7-32-7-47 0-24 1-44 3-61 2-17 5-34 8-51h190c2-13 4-25 5-36 0-10 1-21 1-32 0-11-1-21-1-31-1-10-3-21-5-33h-169c0-6 1-13 2-20 1-8 1-15 1-21 0-28-2-53-6-77-4-24-13-51-27-79h185c0-5 0-9 0-14 0-63 39-117 94-140h-527l-5 18 16 13c17 15 32 32 43 53 12 22 21 44 29 66 7 23 13 45 16 67 4 21 6 39 6 54 0 13-1 26-2 39-1 14-3 27-4 41h-110c-2 13-4 25-5 35-1 11-1 22-1 33 0 11 0 21 1 31 1 9 3 20 5 33h89c-3 21-6 42-8 62-2 21-3 42-3 63 0 33 6 66 18 98 11 32 30 61 54 86 24 25 55 45 92 61 37 15 81 23 132 23 44 0 82-4 113-10 31-7 60-16 88-27-2-19-6-40-12-65-5-25-15-50-28-76-22 9-44 17-65 23-21 7-48 10-81 10-25 0-46-5-63-13-17-9-31-19-41-32-10-13-17-28-21-44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pound" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea00;" d="M791 26c0 13-2 26-4 40h-314c13 28 22 54 26 78 4 24 7 50 7 78 0 6-1 13-2 20 0 8-1 15-2 21h169c2 12 4 23 5 33 1 10 1 20 1 30 0 12 0 23-1 33-1 11-2 22-5 35h-190c-3 18-6 34-8 52-2 17-3 37-3 60 0 16 2 32 7 48s11 31 22 44c10 12 23 23 40 32 17 8 38 13 64 13 32 0 59-4 80-10 21-7 43-14 66-23 13 26 22 51 28 76s9 46 11 65c-28 11-57 20-88 27-31 6-68 9-113 9-51 0-95-7-132-23s-67-35-92-60-42-54-54-86c-12-32-18-65-18-98 0-21 1-42 3-63 2-21 5-41 8-62h-88c-3-13-4-24-5-33-1-10-2-20-2-31 0-11 1-22 2-33s2-22 5-35h109c2-14 3-27 4-41 2-13 2-26 2-39 0-15-2-33-5-54-4-22-9-44-17-67-7-22-17-44-28-66-12-21-27-38-44-53l-15-13 5-18h562c2 14 4 27 5 40 0 13 1 25 1 38 0 12-1 24-2 36z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="renminbi-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea01;" d="M902 216c-21 21-49 34-81 36h-5c-33 0-64-14-85-36-23-22-36-52-36-86 0-17 4-33 10-48 6-14 15-27 26-38 21-21 52-35 85-35 67 0 122 54 122 121 0 34-14 64-36 86z m-36-116l-20-20-30 30-30-30-20 20 30 30-30 31 20 20 30-31 30 31 20-20-30-31 30-30z m-324 148l0-105c0-43 22-68 59-69 20-1 37 4 49 16 7-41 31-77 66-98-24-24-55-41-90-46-86-14-179 54-190 148-9 80-6 163-7 244-1 19 0 39 0 60h-50c-19-86-32-170-58-251-26-83-87-145-152-204-24 25-47 49-73 77 111 98 147 230 156 379h-189v136h665v-134h-186v-153z m132 423c1 28 0 56 0 86h-555v-113h553c1 10 2 18 2 27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="renminbi-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea02;" d="M902 216c-21 21-49 34-81 36h-5c-33 0-64-14-85-36-23-22-36-52-36-86 0-17 4-33 10-48 6-14 15-27 26-38 21-21 52-35 85-35 67 0 122 54 122 121 0 34-14 64-36 86z m-30-102h-112v32h112v-32z m-330 134l0-105c0-43 22-68 59-69 20-1 37 5 49 17 7-42 31-78 66-99-24-24-55-41-90-46-86-14-179 54-190 148-9 81-6 163-8 244 0 19 0 39 0 60h-49c-19-86-32-170-58-251-27-83-87-145-152-204-24 25-47 49-73 77 111 98 147 230 156 379h-189v136h665v-134h-186v-153z m132 423c1 28 0 56 0 86h-555v-113h553c1 10 2 18 2 27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="renminbi-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea03;" d="M902 216c-21 21-50 35-81 36h-5c-33 0-63-14-86-36-21-22-35-52-35-85 0-18 4-34 10-49 6-14 15-27 25-37 23-22 53-36 86-36 67 0 122 55 122 122 0 33-14 63-36 85z m-28-103h-40v-40h-35v40h-40v35h40v40h35v-40h40v-35z m-332 135l0-105c0-43 22-67 59-69 20-1 37 5 49 17 6-42 31-78 66-99-24-24-55-40-90-46-86-13-179 54-190 148-9 81-6 163-8 244 0 20 0 39 0 60h-49c-19-85-32-170-58-251-27-83-87-145-152-204-24 25-47 50-73 78 111 97 147 229 156 379h-189v135h665v-134h-186v-153z m132 423c1 28 0 56 0 86h-555v-113h552c2 10 3 18 3 27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="renminbi-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea04;" d="M902 216c-21 21-49 34-81 36h-5c-33 0-64-14-85-36-22-22-36-52-36-86 0-17 4-33 10-48 6-14 15-27 26-38 22-21 52-35 85-35 68 0 122 54 122 121 0 34-14 64-36 86z m-22-57l-75-75c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-45 46c-2 2-2 5 0 7l11 11c2 2 5 2 7 0l31-31 59 59c3 3 6 3 8 0l11-10c1-2 1-6 0-7z m-338 89l0-105c0-43 22-68 59-69 20-1 37 4 49 16 7-41 31-77 66-98-24-24-55-41-90-46-86-14-179 54-190 148-9 80-6 163-8 244 0 19 0 39 0 60h-49c-19-86-32-170-58-251-27-83-87-145-152-204-24 25-47 49-73 77 111 98 147 230 156 379h-189v136h665v-134h-186v-153z m132 423c1 28 0 56 0 86h-555v-113h553c1 10 2 18 2 27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="renminbi" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea05;" d="M878 135h-103c-1-6-1-9-1-13-6-46-33-71-75-69-40 2-63 29-63 75 0 37 0 75 0 112v165h200v144h-716v-146h204c-9-161-48-302-168-407 29-30 54-57 79-84 70 64 135 131 164 220 27 87 41 178 62 270h53c0-23 0-44 0-64 2-88-2-176 8-263 12-101 112-174 204-159 99 16 166 111 152 219z m-100 560c0 30 0 60 0 93h-597v-122h594c1 11 3 20 3 29z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="riyal-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea06;" d="M319 190c0 35-14 67-37 90-23 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-38-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-19 3-36 10-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 129z m-75-32l-21-21-32 31-32-31-21 21 31 32-31 31 21 22 32-32 32 32 21-22-32-31 32-32z m618-111l-43-61c26-18 52-37 76-59 16 18 31 36 42 60-23 23-48 43-75 60z m-49 37c43 0 75 20 96 56 19 32 28 64 28 96 0 31-14 77-38 129h-4c-17-22-31-44-44-65 21-41 37-79 41-111-13-11-32-18-58-18-23 0-44 6-59 17-30 23-46 56-46 142l-2 116c30 17 61 29 93 29 38 0 69-16 74-59l9-3c10 29 16 59 16 84 0 46-34 68-77 68-35 0-74-16-113-43h-3c0 99-4 188-15 259l-6 1c-15-19-28-38-41-60 8-98 14-173 17-232-26-21-51-45-77-71h-3l-8 158 45 43c-34 44-55 85-55 117 0 9 0 16 2 25l-8 4c-24-26-52-73-52-97 0-18 10-45 16-72 6-56 12-135 17-220-53-59-99-98-140-98-14 0-35 5-49 28-7 12-12 31-12 56 0 42 22 94 63 157l-17 12c-55-75-84-149-84-222 0-8 0-15 1-23 5-33 19-60 39-77 15-12 32-19 51-19 47 0 81 29 133 88 9 10 14 17 20 24l2-2c4-48 6-97 6-149-4-18-20-38-50-62-36-28-76-48-130-48-35 0-64 14-84 37-12-19-38-37-62-36 22-62 73-95 146-95 75 0 149 43 194 111 16 52 25 108 25 166 0 43-1 83-3 121 23 25 48 50 75 73l3-2c2-55 5-107 5-156 0-120 52-177 123-177z m-71-48l-45-61c26-16 53-35 79-57 17 18 33 38 45 60-24 23-50 43-79 58z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="riyal-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea07;" d="M319 188c0 35-14 68-37 91-23 22-53 36-86 37h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-37-23-24-37-56-37-91 0-18 3-36 10-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-38 91-38 71 1 128 58 128 129z m-69-17h-118v34h118v-34z m563-87c43 0 75 20 96 56 19 32 28 64 28 96 0 31-14 77-38 129h-4c-17-22-31-44-44-65 21-41 37-79 41-111-13-11-32-18-58-18-23 0-44 6-59 17-30 23-46 56-46 142l-2 116c30 17 61 29 93 29 38 0 69-16 74-59l9-3c10 29 16 59 16 84 0 46-34 68-77 68-35 0-74-16-113-43h-3c0 99-4 188-15 259l-6 1c-15-19-28-38-41-60 8-98 14-173 17-232-26-21-51-45-77-71h-3l-8 158 45 43c-34 44-55 85-55 117 0 9 0 16 2 25l-8 4c-24-26-52-73-52-97 0-18 10-45 16-72 6-56 12-135 17-220-53-59-99-98-140-98-14 0-35 5-49 28-7 12-12 31-12 56 0 42 22 94 63 157l-17 12c-55-75-84-149-84-222 0-8 0-15 1-23 5-33 19-60 39-77 15-12 32-19 51-19 47 0 81 29 133 88 9 10 14 17 20 24l2-2c4-48 6-97 6-149-4-18-20-38-50-62-36-28-76-48-130-48-35 0-64 14-84 37-12-19-38-37-62-36 22-62 73-95 146-95 75 0 149 43 194 111 16 52 25 108 25 166 0 43-1 83-3 121 23 25 48 50 75 73l3-2c2-55 5-107 5-156 0-120 52-177 123-177z m49-37l-43-61c26-18 52-37 76-59 16 18 31 36 42 60-23 23-48 43-75 60z m-120-11l-45-61c26-16 53-35 79-57 17 18 33 38 45 60-24 23-50 43-79 58z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="riyal-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea08;" d="M320 188c0 35-15 67-38 90-22 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-67-14-91-38-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-19 3-36 10-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 24-23 55-38 91-38 71 0 129 58 129 129z m-68-19h-42v-42h-38v42h-42v38h42v41h38v-41h42v-38z m561-85c43 0 75 20 96 56 19 32 28 64 28 95 0 31-14 78-38 130h-4c-17-22-31-44-44-66 21-41 37-79 41-110-13-12-32-18-58-18-23 0-44 6-59 16-30 23-47 57-47 143l-1 115c30 18 61 30 92 30 39 0 70-16 75-60l9-2c10 29 16 58 16 83 0 46-34 69-78 69-34 0-73-16-113-44h-2c0 100-4 189-15 259l-6 2c-15-19-29-38-42-60 9-98 15-173 18-233-26-20-51-44-77-70h-3l-8 158 45 43c-34 44-55 85-55 117 0 9 0 16 2 25l-8 4c-24-26-52-73-52-97 0-18 10-45 16-72 6-57 12-135 17-220-53-59-99-98-140-98-14 0-35 4-49 27-7 12-12 31-12 57 0 42 22 94 63 157l-18 12c-54-75-84-149-84-222 0-8 1-16 2-23 5-33 19-60 39-77 15-13 32-19 51-19 47 0 81 29 133 88 9 10 14 17 20 24l2-2c4-48 6-98 6-149-4-18-20-38-50-62-36-28-76-48-130-48-35 0-64 14-84 36-12-18-38-37-62-36 22-62 73-95 146-95 75 0 149 44 194 111 16 53 25 109 25 167 0 43-1 83-3 121 23 25 48 50 75 73l3-2c2-55 5-107 5-156 0-120 52-177 123-177z m49-38l-43-60c26-18 52-38 76-60 16 18 31 36 43 60-24 23-49 43-76 60z m-120-10l-45-61c26-17 53-35 78-58 18 18 34 39 46 61-24 23-50 42-79 58z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="riyal-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea09;" d="M319 189c0 36-14 68-37 91-23 23-53 37-86 38h-5c-36 0-68-14-91-38-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-19 3-36 10-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-24 55-38 91-38 71 0 128 58 128 128z m-61 30l-79-78c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-2 2-2 5 0 7l11 12c2 2 6 2 8 0l33-33 63 63c2 2 5 2 7 0l12-11c2-2 2-6 0-8z m604-172l-43-61c26-18 52-37 76-59 16 18 31 36 43 60-24 23-49 43-76 60z m-165-72c26-16 53-35 79-57 17 18 33 38 45 60-24 23-50 43-79 58l-45-61z m116 109c43 0 75 20 96 56 19 32 28 64 28 96 0 31-14 77-38 129h-4c-17-22-31-44-44-65 21-41 37-79 41-111-13-11-32-18-58-18-23 0-44 6-59 17-30 23-47 56-47 142l-1 116c30 17 61 29 92 29 39 0 70-16 75-59l9-3c10 29 16 59 16 84 0 46-34 68-77 68-35 0-74-16-114-43h-2c0 99-4 188-15 259l-6 1c-15-19-28-38-41-60 8-98 14-173 17-232-26-21-51-45-77-71h-3l-8 158 45 43c-34 44-54 85-54 117 0 9 0 16 1 25l-8 4c-24-26-52-73-52-97 0-18 10-45 16-72 6-56 12-135 18-220-54-59-100-98-141-98-14 0-35 5-48 28-8 12-13 31-13 56 0 42 22 94 63 157l-17 12c-55-75-84-149-84-222 0-8 0-15 1-23 5-33 19-60 39-77 15-12 33-19 51-19 47 0 81 29 133 88 9 10 14 17 20 24l2-2c4-48 6-97 6-149-4-18-20-38-50-62-36-28-76-48-130-48-35 0-64 14-84 37-12-19-37-37-62-36 23-62 73-95 146-95 75 0 149 43 194 111 16 52 25 108 25 166 0 43-1 83-3 121 23 25 48 50 76 73l2-2c2-55 5-107 5-156 0-120 52-177 123-177z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="riyal" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea0a;" d="M804 416c-5 45-35 61-73 61-30 0-61-13-91-30l2-117c0-87 16-121 46-144 14-11 35-17 58-17 25 0 44 7 57 18-4 32-20 71-41 112 13 22 27 44 44 66h4c23-52 37-99 37-131 0-32-9-64-27-96-21-37-53-57-95-57-70 0-121 57-121 179 0 50-3 103-5 158l-2 2c-27-23-52-48-74-73 1-39 2-80 2-123 0-59-8-115-24-168-44-69-117-113-191-113-99 0-157 77-157 185 0 51 15 109 50 172l18-10c-21-46-29-85-29-118 0-72 47-133 118-133 53 0 92 20 128 49 29 24 45 44 49 62 0 52-2 102-6 151l-2 1c-6-6-11-13-20-24-51-59-84-89-130-89-49 0-90 50-90 121 0 74 29 149 82 224l18-12c-41-63-63-116-63-159 0-26 5-45 13-57 13-23 34-28 48-28 39 0 85 40 138 99-6 87-11 166-17 223-7 28-16 55-16 73 0 24 27 72 51 99l8-5c-2-9-2-17-2-25 0-33 20-74 54-119l-44-43 8-160h2c26 26 51 50 76 71-3 60-9 137-17 236 13 21 26 41 40 60l6-1c12-71 15-162 15-262h2c40 27 77 43 112 43 42 0 76-22 76-69 0-25-6-55-16-85l-9 3z m-148-384c27-16 53-35 77-59-12-22-27-42-45-61-25 23-51 42-77 59l45 61z m117 11c27-17 52-37 74-61-11-24-26-43-41-61-24 23-49 42-75 61l42 61z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rouble-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea0b;" d="M780 148c-22 23-52 36-85 38h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-38-23-22-38-54-38-89 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 89z m-38-121l-21-21-31 32-32-32-21 21 31 32-31 31 21 21 32-31 31 31 21-21-31-31 31-32z m-5 634c-17 33-40 59-68 78-28 19-59 32-94 39-34 6-69 10-102 10-33 0-65-1-96-3-32-2-64-4-95-6v-384h-94c-4-20-6-41-6-62 0-21 2-41 6-61h94v-87h-94c-4-20-6-40-6-62 0-20 2-40 6-60h94v-146c14-2 27-3 40-4 12 0 24-1 35-1 12 0 23 1 35 1 13 1 25 2 38 4v146h84c0 2 0 3 0 5 0 43 17 82 45 110 3 3 5 5 8 8h-137v86h1c33 0 106 2 146 12 34 8 65 20 93 39 28 19 50 45 68 78 17 33 26 77 26 130 0 53-9 96-27 130z m-136-194c-7-17-17-31-30-41-12-10-27-19-43-24-16-4-36-9-98-7v266c12 1 21 2 28 2 6 1 13 1 21 1 16 0 33-3 49-7 16-4 30-12 43-23 13-10 23-24 30-41 7-18 11-39 11-65 0-24-4-45-11-61z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rouble-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea0c;" d="M780 148c-22 23-52 36-85 38h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-38-23-22-38-54-38-89 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 89z m-32-106h-117v33h117v-33z m-11 619c-17 33-40 59-68 78-28 19-59 32-94 39-34 6-69 10-102 10-33 0-65-1-96-3-32-2-64-4-95-6v-384h-94c-4-20-6-41-6-62 0-21 2-41 6-61h94v-87h-94c-4-20-6-40-6-62 0-20 2-40 6-60h94v-146c14-2 27-3 40-4 12 0 24-1 35-1 12 0 23 1 35 1 13 1 25 2 38 4v146h84c0 2 0 3 0 5 0 43 17 82 45 110 3 3 5 5 8 8h-137v86h1c33 0 106 2 146 12 34 8 65 20 93 39 28 19 50 45 68 78 17 33 26 77 26 130 0 53-9 96-27 130z m-136-194c-7-17-17-31-30-41-12-10-27-19-43-24-16-4-36-9-98-7v266c12 1 21 2 28 2 6 1 13 1 21 1 16 0 33-3 49-7 16-4 30-12 43-23 13-10 23-24 30-41 7-18 11-39 11-65 0-24-4-45-11-61z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rouble-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea0d;" d="M780 148c-22 23-52 36-86 38h-4c-35 0-67-14-90-38-23-22-38-54-38-89 0-18 4-36 11-51 7-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 89z m-30-108h-42v-42h-37v42h-41v37h41v42h37v-42h42v-37z m-13 621c-17 33-40 59-68 78-28 19-59 32-94 39-34 6-69 10-102 10-33 0-65-1-96-3-32-2-64-4-95-6v-384h-94c-4-20-6-41-6-62 0-21 2-41 6-61h94v-87h-94c-4-20-6-40-6-62 0-20 2-40 6-60h94v-146c14-2 27-3 40-4 12 0 24-1 35-1 12 0 23 1 35 1 13 1 25 2 38 4v146h84c0 2 0 3 0 5 0 43 17 82 45 110 3 3 5 5 8 8h-137v86h1c33 0 106 2 146 12 34 8 65 20 93 39 28 19 50 45 68 78 17 33 26 77 26 130 0 53-9 96-27 130z m-136-194c-7-17-17-31-30-41-12-10-27-19-43-24-16-4-36-9-98-7v266c12 1 21 2 28 2s13 1 21 1c16 0 33-3 49-7 16-4 30-12 43-23 13-10 23-24 30-41 7-18 11-39 11-65 0-24-4-45-11-61z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rouble-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea0e;" d="M780 148c-22 23-52 36-85 38h-5c-35 0-67-14-90-38-23-22-38-54-38-89 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 89z m-24-60l-78-78c-2-2-5-2-7 0l-48 48c-2 2-2 5 0 7l12 12c2 2 5 2 7 0l33-33 62 63c2 2 6 2 8 0l11-11c2-2 2-6 0-8z m-19 573c-17 33-40 59-68 78-28 19-59 32-94 39-34 6-69 10-102 10-33 0-65-1-96-3-32-2-64-4-95-6v-384h-94c-4-20-6-41-6-62 0-21 2-41 6-61h94v-87h-94c-4-20-6-40-6-62 0-20 2-40 6-60h94v-146c14-2 27-3 40-4 12 0 24-1 35-1 12 0 23 1 35 1 13 1 25 2 38 4v146h84c0 2 0 3 0 5 0 43 17 82 45 110 3 3 5 5 8 8h-137v86h1c33 0 106 2 146 12 34 8 65 20 93 39 28 19 50 45 68 78 17 33 26 77 26 130 0 53-9 96-27 130z m-136-194c-7-17-17-31-30-41-12-10-27-19-43-24-16-4-36-9-98-7v266c12 1 21 2 28 2 6 1 13 1 21 1 16 0 33-3 49-7 16-4 30-12 43-23 13-10 23-24 30-41 7-18 11-39 11-65 0-24-4-45-11-61z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rouble" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea0f;" d="M612 186h-155v86h1c33 0 106 2 146 12 34 8 65 20 93 39 28 19 50 45 68 78 17 33 26 76 26 130 0 53-9 96-26 130s-41 59-69 78c-27 19-59 32-94 39-34 6-69 10-102 10-33 0-65-1-96-3-32-2-64-4-95-7v-383h-82v-1h-12c-4-19-6-40-6-61 0-21 2-41 6-61h95v-87h-95c-4-20-6-40-6-61 0-21 2-41 6-61h95v-146c13-2 26-3 39-4 13 0 25-1 35-1 12 0 23 1 36 1 12 1 24 2 37 4v146h314c4 20 6 40 6 62 0 20-2 41-6 61h-159z m-155 475c12 1 22 2 28 2s14 1 21 1c16 0 33-3 49-7 17-4 31-12 43-23 13-10 23-24 30-41 8-18 11-39 11-65 0-24-3-45-11-62-7-16-17-30-30-40-12-10-26-19-42-24-16-4-37-9-99-8v267z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rupee-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea10;" d="M797 147c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-38-122l-21-21-32 32-31-32-22 21 32 32-32 32 22 21 31-32 32 32 21-21-32-32 32-32z m-30 570c3-17 5-34 5-51 0-18-2-35-5-52h-121c-10-60-37-108-82-146-44-37-102-60-174-68 48-50 108-117 180-202-1-7-1-13-1-20 0-62 33-115 83-144h-111c-7 0-12 3-16 8-129 152-233 270-314 355-4 4-6 8-6 14v79c0 5 2 10 6 13 4 4 9 6 15 6h70c56 0 100 9 134 27 34 18 56 44 65 78h-287c-3 17-5 34-5 52 0 17 2 34 5 51h79v0h199c-24 47-80 70-169 70h-109c-3 20-5 41-5 62 0 15 1 29 3 44v1l2 16h559c3-17 5-34 5-52 0-17-2-35-5-52h-163c19-25 33-54 40-89l123 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rupee-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea11;" d="M797 147c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-32-107h-118v34h118v-34z m-36 555c3-17 5-34 5-51 0-18-2-35-5-52h-121c-10-60-37-108-82-146-44-37-102-60-174-68 48-50 108-117 180-202-1-7-1-13-1-20 0-62 33-115 83-144h-111c-7 0-12 3-16 8-129 152-233 270-314 355-4 4-6 8-6 14v79c0 5 2 10 6 13 4 4 9 6 15 6h70c56 0 100 9 134 27 34 18 56 44 65 78h-287c-3 17-5 34-5 52 0 17 2 34 5 51h79v0h199c-24 47-80 70-169 70h-109c-3 20-5 41-5 62 0 15 1 29 3 44v1l2 16h559c3-17 5-34 5-52 0-17-2-35-5-52h-163c20-25 33-54 40-89l123 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rupee-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea12;" d="M797 147c-22 22-53 36-86 38h-4c-36 0-68-15-91-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-36 11-51 7-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 91-37 70 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-15 67-38 90z m-30-109h-42v-42h-37v42h-42v37h42v42h37v-42h42v-37z m-38 557c3-17 5-34 5-51 0-18-2-35-5-52h-121c-10-60-37-108-82-146-44-37-102-60-174-68 48-50 108-117 180-202-1-7-1-13-1-20 0-62 33-115 83-144h-111c-7 0-12 3-16 8-129 152-233 270-314 355-4 4-6 8-6 14v79c0 5 2 10 6 13 4 4 9 6 15 6h70c56 0 100 9 134 27 34 18 56 44 65 78h-287c-3 17-5 34-5 52 0 17 2 34 5 51h79v0h199c-24 47-80 70-169 70h-109c-3 20-5 41-5 62 0 15 1 29 3 44v1l2 16h559c3-17 5-34 5-52 0-17-2-35-5-52h-163c20-25 33-54 40-89l123 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rupee-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea13;" d="M797 147c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-23-23-38-55-38-90 0-18 4-36 11-51 6-15 16-29 27-40 23-23 55-37 90-37 71 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-24-60l-78-79c-2-2-6-2-8 0l-47 48c-3 2-3 6 0 7l11 12c2 2 6 2 7 0l33-33 63 63c2 3 6 3 8 0l11-11c2-2 2-6 0-7z m-44 508c3-17 5-34 5-51 0-18-2-35-5-52h-121c-10-60-37-108-82-146-44-37-102-60-174-68 48-50 108-117 180-202-1-7-1-13-1-20 0-62 33-115 83-144h-111c-7 0-12 3-16 8-129 152-233 270-314 355-4 4-6 8-6 14v79c0 5 2 10 6 13 4 4 9 6 15 6h70c56 0 100 9 134 27 34 18 56 44 65 78h-287c-3 17-5 34-5 52 0 17 2 34 5 51h79v0h199c-24 47-80 70-169 70h-109c-3 20-5 41-5 62 0 15 1 29 3 44v1l2 16h559c3-17 5-34 5-52 0-17-2-35-5-52h-163c20-25 33-54 40-89l123 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rupee" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea14;" d="M657 595c-7 34-21 64-40 89h163c3 17 5 34 5 52 0 18-2 35-5 52h-559c-1-6-2-11-2-16l-1-1c-1-15-2-29-2-44 0-21 1-42 5-62h109c89 0 145-23 169-70h-278c-3-17-5-34-5-51 0-18 1-36 5-52h214v0h73c-9-34-31-60-65-78-34-18-78-27-134-27h-71c-5 0-10-2-14-6s-6-8-6-14v-79c0-5 2-10 6-13 81-85 185-203 314-355 4-5 9-8 16-8h123c9 0 15 4 18 12 5 7 4 14-2 21-123 148-220 259-290 333 72 8 130 31 174 68 45 38 72 86 82 146h121c4 16 5 34 5 52 0 17-1 34-5 51h-123z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="taka-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea15;" d="M902 135c-22 21-51 35-83 36h-5c-34 0-65-14-88-36-22-23-36-54-36-88 0-17 4-34 10-49 6-15 15-28 26-39 23-22 54-36 88-36 68 0 124 56 124 124 0 34-14 65-36 88z m-37-119l-21-20-30 31-31-31-20 20 30 31-30 31 20 20 31-30 30 30 21-20-31-31 31-31z m-113 197c-69-11-122-71-122-144 0-18 3-35 9-51-38-36-84-64-139-82-96-31-176-6-241 71-19 22-30 47-29 77 1 79 0 158 0 237v19c-25 0-48 0-72 1-7 0-16 3-22 9-24 24-47 49-74 76h168v163c0 24-8 41-22 53-5 4-12 7-12 7-1 0-7 1-10 2l-10 1-62 2c-4 20-6 40-6 61 0 21 2 42 6 62h87c6 0 13-1 19-1 23-4 42-16 57-34 22-27 34-56 40-88 1-10 2-19 2-29 2-59 1-119 1-178v-19c5-1 7-1 9-1 31 6 53-8 72-32 16-18 34-34 53-55h-134v-232c0-53 28-82 80-85 25-1 49 2 71 15 68 39 121 92 143 171 3 8 3 17 5 28h-28c-64 1-103 36-107 101-1 16-1 32 2 48 11 47 46 75 94 77 79 5 140-39 166-122 13-43 15-86 6-128z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="taka-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea17;" d="M901 133c-21 22-51 35-84 36h-4c-35 0-66-13-88-36-23-23-37-54-37-88 0-18 4-35 10-50 7-14 16-27 27-39 22-22 53-36 88-36 69 0 125 56 125 125 0 34-14 65-37 88z m-29-106h-41v-41h-36v41h-41v36h41v41h36v-41h41v-36z m-115 185c-70-11-123-72-123-145 0-18 3-36 9-51-38-37-85-65-140-83-96-31-178-5-243 72-19 22-30 47-29 78 2 79 1 158 1 237v20c-26 0-49 0-73 1-8 0-16 3-22 9-24 24-48 49-74 77h169v163c0 24-9 42-23 54-5 4-12 6-12 7-1 0-7 1-10 1l-10 2-62 2c-4 20-6 40-6 61 0 21 2 42 6 63h87c6 0 13-1 20-2 23-3 42-15 57-34 22-26 35-56 40-88 1-10 2-19 3-29 1-60 0-120 0-179v-20c5 0 7-1 9-1 32 7 54-8 73-31 15-19 34-35 54-56h-136v-234c0-53 28-82 80-85 26-2 50 2 71 14 69 40 123 93 145 172 2 9 3 18 5 29h-28c-65 1-104 37-108 101-1 16-1 33 2 49 11 47 46 75 94 78 81 4 142-40 168-123 13-43 15-87 6-129z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="taka-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea18;" d="M902 135c-22 21-51 35-83 36h-5c-34 0-65-14-88-36-22-23-36-54-36-88 0-17 4-34 10-49 6-15 16-28 26-39 23-22 54-36 88-36 68 0 124 56 124 124 0 34-14 65-36 88z m-24-59l-76-76c-1-2-5-2-7 0l-46 46c-2 2-2 6 0 8l11 11c2 2 5 2 7 0l32-32 61 61c2 2 5 2 7 0l11-11c2-2 2-5 0-7z m-126 137c-69-11-122-71-122-144 0-18 3-35 9-51-38-36-84-64-139-82-96-31-176-6-241 71-19 22-30 47-29 77 1 79 0 158 0 237v19c-25 0-48 0-72 1-7 0-16 3-22 9-24 24-47 49-74 76h168v163c0 24-8 41-22 53-5 4-12 7-12 7-1 0-7 1-10 2l-10 1-62 2c-4 20-6 40-6 61 0 21 2 42 6 62h87c6 0 12-1 19-1 23-4 42-16 57-34 22-27 34-56 39-88 2-10 3-19 3-29 2-59 1-119 1-178v-19c5-1 7-1 9-1 31 6 53-8 72-32 15-18 34-34 53-55h-134v-232c0-53 28-82 80-85 25-1 49 2 71 15 68 39 121 92 143 171 3 8 3 17 5 28h-28c-64 1-103 36-107 101-1 16-1 32 2 48 11 47 46 75 94 77 79 5 140-39 166-122 13-43 15-86 6-128z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="taka" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea19;" d="M844 341c-26 84-88 130-170 125-49-3-85-32-95-80-4-15-5-32-3-49 4-66 43-102 109-103 10 0 19 0 29 0-2-11-2-20-5-29-23-80-77-135-147-175-22-13-47-16-72-15-54 4-82 33-82 87 0 73 0 147 0 220v18h138c-20 21-39 38-55 57-19 24-42 39-74 32-2 0-4 0-9 1v20c0 60 1 121-1 182 0 10-1 20-3 29-5 33-17 64-40 91-15 18-35 31-59 34-6 1-13 2-19 2h-89c-4-21-6-42-6-64 0-21 2-42 6-63l63-2 11-1c2-1 8-2 9-2 1 0 8-2 13-7 14-12 23-30 23-54 0-38 0-76 0-114v-53h-172c27-28 51-54 76-78 5-6 14-9 22-9 24-1 48-1 74-1v-20c0-81 1-162-1-242 0-32 11-56 30-79 66-79 149-105 247-73 121 39 198 125 245 239 23 57 25 117 7 176z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="turkish-lira-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea1c;" d="M874 353c-23 22-53 36-87 38h-4c-36 0-68-15-92-38-23-23-38-56-38-91 0-19 4-36 11-52 7-15 16-28 27-40 24-23 56-37 92-37 71 0 129 57 129 129 0 35-15 68-38 91z m-30-110h-43v-42h-37v42h-43v38h43v42h37v-42h42l1-38z m-82-148c-6-8-12-16-18-24-68-85-157-137-263-153-45-7-91-4-137-5-7-1-15 0-22 0-17 0-24 6-25 24 0 35 0 70 0 104v259l-208-64 26 138 180 56c2 3 2 8 2 17l0 32c0 1-1 2-1 3l-178-55 26 138 152 47v171c12 2 24 3 36 4 11 0 22 1 33 1 11 0 23-1 34-1 11-1 23-2 36-4v-128l261 80-22-136-236-73c-3-3-5-8-4-15 1-12 0-25 0-39l233 72-22-136-211-66c0 0 0-1 0-2 0-93 0-187 0-281 0-2 0-3 1-8 18 3 36 4 53 10 65 20 116 53 153 100 27-38 71-64 121-66z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="turkish-lira" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea1e;" d="M743 342c0-8-5-32-6-39-22-125-94-205-214-242-16-5-34-7-53-10 0 5 0 7 0 9 0 93 0 187-1 281 0 1 1 1 1 2l211 65 22 136-233-72c0 14 0 27-1 39 0 7 1 12 5 15l236 73 21 136-261-80v128c-12 2-24 3-36 4-11 0-22 1-33 1-11 0-22-1-34-1-11-1-23-2-35-4v-171l-152-47-27-138 179 55c0-2 1-2 1-3 0-11 0-21 0-32 0-9 0-14-2-17l-180-56-26-138 208 65v-260c0-34 0-69 0-104 0-18 7-24 25-24 7 0 14-1 22-1 45 2 92 0 137 6 106 16 194 68 263 153 60 74 92 159 96 254l-133 17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="won-false" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea1f;" d="M909 245c-18 17-41 28-67 29h-3c-28 0-52-11-70-29-18-18-29-43-29-70 0-14 3-27 8-39 5-12 12-22 21-31 18-18 42-29 70-29 55 0 99 44 99 99 0 27-11 52-29 70z m-30-95l-16-16-24 25-25-25-16 16 24 25-24 24 16 17 25-25 24 25 16-17-24-24 24-25z m-16 238h-69l69 294c-11 2-22 3-33 4-12 2-23 2-35 2-20 0-39-2-58-6l-53-294h-89l-66 294c-21 4-41 6-59 6-11 0-21 0-31-1-10-1-21-3-33-5l-66-294h-84l-54 294c-11 3-22 4-33 5-11 1-22 1-33 1-27 0-52-2-74-6l69-294h-67c-1-10-1-19-1-30 0-9 0-19 1-29h80l9-38h-89c-1-9-1-19-1-29 0-10 0-20 1-29h102l50-216c22-4 42-5 60-5 14 0 26 0 37 2 11 1 23 2 38 3l54 216h110l51-216c27-3 52-5 74-5 24 0 46 2 68 5l20 88c-15 20-25 46-25 74 0 49 28 92 69 112h-1l9 38h83c1 10 1 20 1 30 0 10-1 19-1 29z m-569-206l-9 51h21l-12-51z m25 109h-45l-7 38h60l-8-38z m143 169l17-72h-35l18 72z m-42-169l9 38h64l9-38h-82z m225-122l-15 64h26l-11-64z m22 122h-50l-9 38h66l-7-38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="won-minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea20;" d="M909 245c-18 17-41 28-67 29h-3c-28 0-52-11-70-29-18-18-29-43-29-70 0-14 3-27 8-39 5-12 12-22 21-31 18-18 42-29 70-29 55 0 99 44 99 99 0 27-11 52-29 70z m-25-83h-91v26h91v-26z m-21 226h-69l69 294c-11 2-22 3-33 4-12 2-23 2-35 2-20 0-39-2-58-6l-53-294h-89l-66 294c-21 4-41 6-59 6-11 0-21 0-31-1-10-1-21-3-33-5l-66-294h-84l-54 294c-11 3-22 4-33 5-11 1-22 1-33 1-27 0-52-2-74-6l69-294h-67c-1-10-1-19-1-30 0-9 0-19 1-29h80l9-38h-89c-1-9-1-19-1-29 0-10 0-20 1-29h102l50-216c22-4 42-5 60-5 14 0 26 0 37 2 11 1 23 2 38 3l54 216h110l51-216c27-3 52-5 74-5 24 0 46 2 68 5l20 88c-15 20-25 46-25 74 0 49 28 92 69 112h-1l9 38h83c1 10 1 20 1 30 0 10-1 19-1 29z m-569-206l-9 51h21l-12-51z m25 109h-45l-7 38h60l-8-38z m143 169l17-72h-35l18 72z m-42-169l9 38h64l9-38h-82z m225-122l-15 64h26l-11-64z m22 122h-50l-9 38h66l-7-38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="won-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea21;" d="M908 245c-17 17-40 28-66 29h-3c-28 0-52-11-70-29-18-18-29-43-29-70 0-14 3-27 8-39 5-12 12-22 20-31 18-18 43-29 71-29 54 0 98 44 98 99 1 27-10 52-29 70z m-23-85h-32v-32h-29v32h-32v29h32v33h29v-33h32v-29z m-22 228h-69l69 294c-11 2-22 3-33 4-12 1-23 2-35 2-20 0-39-2-58-6l-53-294h-89l-66 294c-21 4-41 6-59 6-10 0-21 0-31-1-10-1-21-3-33-5l-66-294h-84l-54 294c-11 3-22 4-33 5-11 1-22 1-33 1-28 0-52-2-74-6l69-294h-67c-1-10-1-19-1-30 0-9 0-19 1-29h80l9-38h-89c-1-9-1-19-1-29 0-10 0-20 1-29h102l50-216c22-3 42-5 60-5 14 0 26 0 37 2 11 1 23 2 38 3l54 216h110l51-215c26-4 51-6 74-6 23 0 46 2 67 6l21 87c-16 21-25 46-25 74 0 49 28 92 69 112h-1l9 39h82c1 9 1 19 1 29 1 10 0 19 0 29z m-569-206l-9 51h20l-11-51z m25 109h-45l-7 38h60l-8-38z m143 169l17-72h-35l18 72z m-42-169l9 38h64l9-38h-82z m225-122l-15 64h26l-11-64z m22 122h-50l-9 38h65l-6-38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="won-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea22;" d="M909 245c-17 17-41 28-67 29h-3c-28 0-52-11-70-29-18-18-29-43-29-70 0-14 3-27 8-39 5-12 12-22 21-31 18-18 42-29 70-29 54 0 98 44 98 99 1 27-10 52-28 70z m-19-47l-60-61c-2-1-5-1-6 0l-37 37c-2 2-2 5 0 6l9 9c1 2 4 2 6 0l25-25 49 49c1 1 4 1 6 0l8-9c2-2 2-5 0-6z m-27 190h-69l69 294c-11 2-22 3-33 4-12 1-23 2-35 2-20 0-39-2-58-6l-53-294h-89l-66 294c-21 4-41 6-59 6-10 0-21 0-31-1-10-1-21-3-33-5l-66-294h-83l-55 294c-11 3-22 4-33 5-11 1-22 1-33 1-27 0-52-2-73-6l68-294h-67c-1-10-1-19-1-30 0-10 0-19 1-29h80l9-38h-89c-1-10-1-19-1-29 0-10 0-20 1-30h102l50-215c22-4 42-6 60-6 14 0 26 1 37 2 11 1 23 3 38 4l54 216h110l51-216c26-4 51-5 74-5 23 0 46 1 67 5l21 87c-16 21-25 47-25 75 0 49 28 91 69 112h-1l9 38h82c1 10 1 20 1 30 1 10 0 19 0 29z m-569-206l-9 51h21l-12-51z m25 109h-45l-7 38h60l-8-38z m143 169l17-72h-35l18 72z m-42-169l9 38h64l9-38h-82z m225-122l-15 64h26l-11-64z m22 122h-50l-9 38h66l-7-38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="won" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea23;" d="M901 286h-64l10 42h89c1 10 2 21 2 32 0 10-1 21-2 31h-75l76 322c-12 1-24 3-37 4-12 1-25 2-38 2-21 0-42-2-63-6l-58-322h-97l-72 322c-23 4-44 6-64 6-12 0-23 0-34-1-11-1-23-3-37-5l-71-322h-92l-59 322c-12 3-24 5-36 5-12 1-24 1-36 1-30 0-57-2-80-6l74-322h-73c-1-10-1-21-1-32 0-10 0-21 1-31h88l9-42h-97c-1-10-1-21-1-32 0-11 0-21 1-32h112l54-235c24-4 46-6 66-6 14 0 28 0 40 2 12 1 26 2 41 4l59 235h121l55-235c29-4 56-6 81-6 26 0 50 2 74 6l55 235h114c1 11 1 21 1 32 0 11 0 22-1 32l-35 0z m-231 42h60l-8-42h-54l-9 42h11z m-152 63h-39l20 80 19-80z m-223-63h56l-9-42h-48l-8 42h9z m10-106h23l-12-55-11 55z m222 64h-75l11 42h69l10-42h-15z m155-64h29l-13-70-16 70z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="yen-plus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea26;" d="M844 166c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-4c-36 0-67-15-91-38-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-18 4-35 10-51 7-15 16-28 27-40 24-23 55-37 91-37 70 0 128 57 128 128 0 35-15 67-38 90z m-30-109h-42v-42h-37v42h-42v38h42v41h37v-41h42v-38z m-191 345l208 378c-34 5-66 8-95 8-33 0-64-3-95-8l-161-339-164 339c-31 5-62 8-94 8-35 0-69-3-104-8l208-378h-147c-2-7-3-15-4-24-1-9-1-19-1-28 0-11 0-21 1-30 1-9 2-16 4-21h206v-86h-206c-2-6-3-14-4-23-1-10-1-19-1-29 0-11 0-20 1-29 1-9 2-17 4-22h206v-191c15-3 31-5 46-5 14-1 29-1 43-1 15 0 29 0 44 1 14 0 30 2 46 5v191h26c5 44 30 81 66 103h-92v85h227c2 7 3 15 3 25 1 9 1 19 1 30 0 21-1 37-4 49l-168 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="yen-true" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea27;" d="M845 166c-22 22-52 36-86 38h-5c-35 0-67-15-90-38-23-23-37-55-37-90 0-18 4-35 10-51 7-15 16-28 27-40 23-23 55-37 91-37 70 0 127 57 127 128 0 35-14 67-37 90z m-24-60l-78-79c-2-2-6-2-8 0l-47 48c-2 2-2 6 0 8l11 11c2 2 6 2 8 0l32-33 63 63c2 2 5 2 8 0l11-11c2-2 2-5 0-7z m-199 296l209 378c-34 5-66 8-96 8-32 0-64-3-94-8l-161-339-164 339c-31 5-63 8-94 8-35 0-69-3-104-8l208-378h-148c-1-7-2-15-3-24-1-9-1-19-1-28 0-11 0-21 1-30 0-9 2-16 3-21h206v-86h-206c-1-6-2-14-3-23-1-10-1-19-1-29 0-11 0-20 1-29 0-9 2-17 3-22h206v-191c16-3 31-5 46-5 15-1 29-1 43-1 15 0 30 0 44 1 15 0 30 2 47 5v191h25c5 44 30 81 66 103h-91v85h227c1 7 2 15 3 25 0 9 1 19 1 30 0 21-2 37-4 49l-169 0z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="android-nexus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea29;" d="M745-13l0 736c1 55-5 93-67 107-30 7-61 11-93 14v2c-90 8-179 4-260-14-62-14-70-53-70-108l0-735c-2-55 4-104 70-119 30-6 63-11 95-14v-2c85-8 178-3 259 15 66 14 68 63 66 118z m-33-16h-424l-1 774h426l-1-774z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="apple-watch" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea2b;" d="M770 472c-2 0-3 2-3 5v4c0 45-20 85-52 112-13 11-27 31-29 47l-9 70c-2 16-3 43-8 59-13 47-56 81-108 81h-150c-52 0-95-34-108-81-5-16-6-43-8-59l-9-67c-2-17-16-36-29-46-35-27-57-69-57-116v-262c0-47 22-88 57-115 13-11 27-30 29-46l8-68c2-16 4-43 8-59 13-47 57-81 109-81h150c52 0 96 34 109 81 4 16 6 43 8 59l9 70c2 17 16 36 28 47 32 27 52 67 52 112v2s1 3 3 2c0 0 1 0 2 0 15 0 14 13 14 28v37c0 15 2 27-14 27-1 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-3 12-3 26s1 25 3 25c0 0 1 0 2 0 15 0 28 13 28 28v51c0 15-13 27-28 27-1 0-2 0-2 0z m-22-246c0-75-62-136-138-136h-248c-76 0-139 61-139 136v243c0 76 63 137 139 137h248c76 0 138-61 138-137v-243z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="game-console" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea2f;" d="M905 90c-13 23-25 45-38 68-8 14-16 29-27 42-20 26-46 42-81 40-18-1-35 0-52 0h-47c6-37-11-62-37-82-7-6-16-11-24-15-27-14-56-20-87-22-49-2-95 7-136 37-16 12-30 27-34 48-3 10-3 22-4 33-1 0-4 1-7 1-32 0-64-1-96 0-19 0-36-6-51-17-16-11-29-25-38-42-17-30-35-60-51-92-8-15-14-32-16-48-3-25-2-49-2-74 0-32 23-54 55-54 245-1 491-1 736 0 32 0 54 22 54 54 0 18 0 37 0 56 1 24-5 46-17 67z m-516-107c0-6-4-11-10-11h-245c-6 0-10 5-10 11v14c0 6 4 10 10 10h245c6 0 10-4 10-10v-14z m341-12c-10 0-19 9-18 19 0 10 8 19 18 18 10 0 18-8 18-18 0-10-8-19-18-19z m89-20c-21 0-38 18-38 39 0 21 18 39 39 39 21 0 39-18 38-39 0-22-17-39-39-39z m-319 837c-75 0-136-41-136-90 0-18 8-34 22-48-1-11 0-22 1-32l17-207c5-60 10-121 15-181 3-37 27-58 64-58h39c32 1 56 23 59 54 7 74 12 147 19 221 5 63 10 126 15 189 0 5 0 9 0 14 13 14 21 30 21 48 0 49-61 90-136 90z m0-109c-52 0-94 19-94 43 0 24 42 44 94 44s94-20 94-44c0-24-42-43-94-43z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="game" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea32;" d="M996 187c-23 133-141 233-277 234-73 1-146 1-218 1v0c-66 0-131 1-196-1-28 0-58-1-86-7-211-51-290-309-145-470 56-61 127-93 211-94 128 0 256 0 384 0 41 0 82-1 122 10 142 41 230 180 205 327z m-604-86h-105v-107h-72v106h-107v71h106v107h72v-106h106v-71z m233-135c-44 0-80 37-80 81 0 43 37 80 79 80 45 0 82-36 82-80 0-44-37-81-81-81z m179 143c-45 1-81 37-81 81 1 44 37 80 81 80 44 0 80-37 80-82 0-42-37-79-80-79z m-467 563c122 0 245 0 368 0 3 0 6-1 9-1v-71h-46c-56 0-112 0-167 0-23 0-33-9-36-31-1-9 0-18 0-27-1-28 0-56 0-84h107v35h16c56 0 112 0 169 0 32 0 64 30 64 60 1 57 1 114 1 171 0 17-8 29-20 39-16 13-34 16-54 16-100 0-201 0-301 0h-54v71h-107c0-45-1-90 1-134 1-28 22-44 50-44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="headphone-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea33;" d="M651 155c-7 0-12 2-15 8-3 6-6 12-8 18-2 5-5 9-8 13-10 10-23 9-31-3-5-8-7-18-10-28-2-9-3-18-7-26-1-1-1-3-3-3-3 0-3 2-3 4-4 13-5 27-7 41-3 23-4 45-12 67-2 4-4 9-7 13-8 10-17 8-22 6l0 0c-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 0-2-1-3-2l0 0 0 0-1-1 0 0c-1-1-2-2-3-3l0 0c-2-3-4-6-5-9-3-6-4-12-6-18-6-31-7-62-10-92-1-14-3-27-6-39 0-2 0-4-2-4-2 0-2 2-3 3-2 7-4 14-6 21-4 19-6 38-11 57-2 8-5 17-10 24-8 10-20 10-28 1-3-3-5-7-7-10-6-15-8-30-11-46-1-9-3-17-6-26 0-1-1-3-3-3-1 0-2 2-2 3-2 3-3 6-4 9-3 10-6 21-13 30-6 9-15 14-26 14-13 0-25 0-38 0-2 0-4 0-5-1v-18c1-1 3-1 5-1 12 0 24 0 36 0 6 0 11-3 14-8 3-7 5-14 8-22 2-6 5-13 9-19 9-13 25-13 34 1 6 11 8 24 11 36 2 12 4 25 7 36 1 2 1 3 2 5 0 1 1 3 2 2 2 0 2-1 3-2 2-7 4-15 5-22 5-20 7-40 13-59 1-4 2-8 4-12 3-9 9-16 19-19h4c8 2 13 8 16 16 5 15 7 30 9 45 3 29 3 57 8 86 1 7 3 15 5 22 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 0 3-2 3-4 4-10 6-22 8-33 3-22 4-45 9-67 1-6 3-12 6-17 8-15 23-12 31-5 6 7 10 15 12 24 3 11 6 22 9 33 0 1 0 4 3 4 2 0 3-2 3-4 4-7 6-15 11-21 7-11 16-17 30-17 14 1 28 0 42 0v20c-14 0-28 0-41 0z m-651-77c18-8 35-16 54-25v165c-19-9-36-17-54-25v-115z m784 553c-104 91-226 117-359 98-191-28-339-191-345-381-3-107 0-214 0-321 0-36 26-61 62-62 28 0 57 0 85 0 44 1 68 24 68 68 0 68 0 136 0 204 0 45-25 70-70 70-24 0-49 0-75 0-3 134 47 240 161 307 130 77 265 74 392-9 105-68 151-170 147-298-27 0-52 1-77 0-42 0-67-25-68-67 0-69 0-138 0-207 1-42 24-66 66-67 26-1 53-1 79-1 47 1 70 25 70 72 0 100 1 200 0 300-1 118-48 216-136 294z m216-452c0 5-1 12-4 14-16 10-32 18-50 27v-167c14 7 27 15 40 20 10 5 14 11 14 23-1 28 0 55 0 83z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="headphone-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea34;" d="M787 347c-1 78 2 157-21 233-43 142-145 211-294 198-127-11-206-74-239-206-29-120-33-243 6-362 28-88 83-158 170-197 18-8 30-11 43 9 26 39 77 52 120 37 48-18 72-56 70-112-2-44-34-82-79-94-45-11-94 7-116 47-12 22-27 32-49 40-117 43-186 133-227 246-7 19-14 29-34 35-40 11-75 33-101 66-63 80-42 194 52 241 49 24 70 54 84 105 36 134 144 212 287 216 58 2 115 2 172-15 122-35 184-123 210-241 5-24 12-38 38-47 81-30 123-92 120-172-1-34-14-64-36-89-39-46-89-69-148-76-20-2-31 2-29 26 2 37 0 75 1 112z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="headphone-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea35;" d="M0 78c18-8 35-16 54-25v165c-19-9-36-17-54-25v-115z m784 553c-104 91-226 117-359 97-191-27-339-190-345-380-3-107 0-214 0-321 0-36 26-61 62-61 28-1 57-1 85-1 44 1 68 24 68 68 0 68 0 136 0 204 0 45-25 70-70 70-24 0-49 0-75 0-3 134 47 240 161 307 130 77 265 74 393-9 104-68 150-170 146-298-27 0-52 0-77 0-42 0-67-25-67-67-1-69-1-138 0-207 0-42 23-66 65-67 26-1 53-1 79-1 47 1 70 25 70 72 0 100 1 200 0 300-1 118-48 216-136 294z m216-452c-1 5-1 12-5 14-15 10-31 18-49 27v-167c14 7 27 15 40 20 10 5 14 11 14 23-1 28 0 55 0 83z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="headphone-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea36;" d="M78 53h42c-8-161 160-193 291-187 5-10 15-16 27-16h133c17 0 31 14 31 31v28c0 17-14 31-31 31h-133c-15 0-28-11-31-25-106-6-242 10-237 138h57c15 0 27 12 27 26v311c0 14-12 26-27 26h-80c11 191 169 349 355 349 186 0 345-158 355-349h-84c-15 0-26-12-26-26v-311c0-14 11-26 26-26h150c14 0 26 12 26 26v311c0 6-2 12-6 17-6 241-205 443-441 443-234 0-432-200-440-440-6-4-10-12-10-20v-311c0-14 11-26 26-26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="headphone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea37;" d="M873 349c-4 215-169 388-373 388s-370-173-373-388c-37-12-64-49-64-93v-195c0-54 40-98 89-98h71v1c17 1 30 16 30 34v314c0 18-13 32-29 34 2 160 125 289 276 289s274-129 276-289c-16-2-29-16-29-34v-315c0-18 13-32 30-33v-1h71c50 0 90 44 90 98v195c0 44-28 82-65 93z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="htc-one" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea38;" d="M693 850h-376c-28 0-56-18-56-47v-895c0-29 28-58 56-58h376c28 0 46 29 46 58v895c0 29-18 47-46 47z m36-942c0-23-15-47-37-47h-376c-22 0-45 24-45 47v21h458l0-21z m-437 79v768h416v-768h-416z m437 789h-458v27c0 23 23 36 45 36h376c23 0 37-13 37-36l0-27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="imac" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea39;" d="M656-14s-18 15-27 25c-10 9-12 19-12 19l-8 80h-210l-7-80s-3-11-13-21c-9-9-26-24-26-24s-16-12 7-15c14-2 74-5 122-5h45c49 0 108 3 121 5 23 4 8 16 8 16z m323 749h-950c-14 0-29-10-29-23v-558c0-14 15-30 29-30h950c14 0 21 16 21 30v558c0 13-7 23-21 23z m-20-566h-921v522h921v-522z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ipad" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea3a;" d="M836 850h-672c-22 0-39-18-39-40v-920c0-22 17-40 39-40h672c22 0 39 18 39 40v920c0 22-17 40-39 40z m-337-978c-12 0-22 10-22 22s10 23 22 23 22-10 22-23-10-22-22-22z m299 63h-601v830h601v-830z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="magic-mouse" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea44;" d="M740 689c-8 99-99 159-244 161-143-2-229-61-238-161-8-104-12-367-10-452 0-14 0-27 1-40 1-62 2-110 9-171 4-40 35-171 238-173v-1h5v-2c190 4 229 95 238 175 9 73 11 129 13 212 1 85-4 351-12 452z m2-452c-2-83-4-138-12-211-6-49-19-164-234-166-194 2-224 127-228 166-7 60-8 109-9 171-1 13-1 26-1 40-2 83 2 349 10 451 8 95 91 150 228 152 139-2 226-59 234-152 8-101 14-366 12-451z m-219-126c-6 0-13-4-17-9-4-4-7-11-6-18 6 0 13 4 17 9 4 4 7 11 6 18z m9-62c0 15 12 22 12 22-7 10-17 12-21 12-9 1-18-5-22-5-5 0-12 5-20 5-9 0-19-6-24-15-10-18-2-44 8-59 5-7 10-15 18-15 8 1 10 5 19 5 9 0 12-5 19-4 8 0 13 7 18 14 6 8 8 16 8 17 0 0-15 5-15 23z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="microphone-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea46;" d="M871 459c-73 20-141 58-197 114-56 56-94 124-114 197-48-77-31-188 46-265 77-77 188-94 265-46z m-305-342c-96 0-164-60-225-113-67-58-124-109-210-83-17 13-17 23-17 26-1 24 27 55 40 66 2 1 3 3 4 5 23-8 49-3 67 15l436 359c-36 15-70 37-100 67s-53 65-68 101l-359-437c-16-16-21-38-16-58-2-1-3-1-5-2-6-6-66-57-63-119 1-21 10-52 49-78l8-4c25-8 48-12 70-12 85 0 149 56 206 106 57 50 111 97 183 97 165 0 293-177 295-179 10-15 30-18 44-8 15 10 18 30 8 45-6 8-148 206-347 206z m312 660c-77 77-188 94-265 46 13-76 49-148 106-205 58-57 129-93 205-106 48 77 31 188-46 265z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="microphone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea47;" d="M828 49c-37 54-81 101-141 130-77 37-165 33-228-38-27-30-50-63-75-94-19-23-38-46-59-67-21-20-45-21-71-6-12 8-24 16-34 26-27 26-33 53-18 81 7 13 19 20 23 19 2-1 5-2 7-3 15-3 30-7 43 4 64 53 128 106 191 160 47 38 93 76 139 115 5 5 11 9 16 14 9 8 5 18-9 24-54 23-93 59-114 114-6 14-9 25-11 24-1-1-1-2-2-2-59-70-117-139-176-209-38-45-76-91-114-136-12-15-17-31-13-49 2-10 0-16-6-23-42-49-46-104-9-150 15-19 34-36 54-49 50-33 102-28 146 13 13 13 25 26 37 41 27 35 53 71 81 106 21 26 46 47 81 53 45 9 86-4 124-30 51-34 88-82 119-135 9-17 23-22 37-14 14 7 17 22 8 39-8 14-17 29-26 42z m14 492c9 25 12 54 9 84-9 93-92 173-190 161-20-2-38-8-56-17-13-7-16-25-7-38 55-82 125-148 209-200 12-8 30-4 35 10z m-50-71c5 4-2 13-15 21-84 55-156 123-212 206-9 13-17 20-19 17-1-2-3-4-4-6-44-73-28-172 36-231 59-55 144-60 207-14 2 2 5 5 7 7z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="mouse" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea49;" d="M527 629c0 1-1 2-2 2-9 8-9 6 1 15 7 6 16 11 24 17 21 15 35 35 44 58 21 53-41 90-72 122-22 22-57-12-35-35 17-18 40-32 55-51 16-22-9-46-27-59-27-18-50-43-45-70-122-11-235-77-235-193v-325c0-143 119-260 265-260s265 117 265 260v325c0 127-119 188-238 194z m-242-194c0 86 95 136 193 144v-299c-89 4-162 24-193 34v121z m430-325c0-116-96-211-215-211s-215 95-215 211v152c45-13 128-33 228-33 63 0 133 8 202 32v-151z m0 203c-63-24-127-33-187-34v301c97-6 187-51 187-145v-122z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="mp3-player" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea4a;" d="M585 324c0-91 0-182 0-273 0-6-1-9-8-9-12 1-23-1-34-5-6-2-9-1-13 4-32 36-81 48-126 31-43-16-73-57-74-105 0-17 0-17-18-17-46 0-91 0-137 0-42 0-67 26-67 70v272c0 99 0 199 0 298 0 41 26 66 66 66l26 0h316c45 0 69-25 69-69 0-88 0-175 0-263l0 0z m-238 32v0c49 0 97 0 145 0 7 0 9 2 9 9 0 61 0 121 0 182 1 9-2 11-10 11-96 0-192 0-287 0-9 0-12-3-12-12 0-60 0-120 0-180 0-8 2-11 10-10 48 0 97 0 145 0z m-69-174c0-25-1-49 0-73 0-18 4-20 20-11l126 73c13 7 13 13 0 20-43 25-86 50-129 75-12 7-17 4-17-10-1-25 0-50 0-74z m471 293c0-73-1-146 0-219 0-49 20-90 55-125 21-21 43-40 61-64 34-42 36-91 6-130-20-26-46-40-80-40-44-1-88 0-133 0-6 0-10-2-13-8-19-32-55-46-90-35-34 10-57 42-55 78 3 37 28 65 65 72 32 6 65-10 80-40 4-8 9-10 18-10 41 0 82 0 123 0 19 0 35 6 44 24 9 18 5 34-6 49-16 21-35 39-54 56-52 50-79 111-79 183 1 138 0 275 0 412 0 15 0 31-5 46-15 44-58 73-102 68-49-4-85-39-92-89-1-8-3-11-11-10-12 0-24 0-37 0-8-1-10 2-9 10 5 56 30 99 79 126 106 60 234-16 234-137 1-72 0-145 0-217 1 0 1 0 1 0z m-306-587c-35 0-65 23-74 56-9 34 5 69 35 87 29 18 67 14 93-9 6-5 5-8 0-14-28-29-39-64-31-104 3-15 3-15-12-16-4-1-7 0-11 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="nintendo" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea4b;" d="M1000 2c-2 19-11 44-16 63-12 45-23 90-34 136-8 29-15 59-22 89-1 3-2 6-4 8 3 6 4 13 4 20v366c0 27-21 81-48 81h-759c-27 0-49-54-49-81v-366c0-7 1-13 4-19-2-3-3-6-4-9-7-30-14-60-22-90-11-45-22-90-34-135-5-19-14-44-15-63-3-23 7-43 22-59 16-16 21-3 42-3h870c21 0 28-13 44 3 15 16 23 36 21 59z m-797 91h-37l-5-31h-40l5 31h-37l6 30h110l-2-30z m-32 59c-25 0-46 14-46 31 0 17 21 30 46 30s46-13 46-30c0-17-20-31-46-31z m118-90l24 214h376l22-214h-422z m456 306h-490v275h490v-275z m33-208c-12 0-22 6-22 14 0 8 10 14 22 14s23-6 23-14c0-8-10-14-23-14z m23 43c0 8 11 14 23 14 13 0 23-6 23-14s-10-13-23-13c-12 0-23 6-23 13z m30-78c-13 0-23 6-23 14 0 8 10 14 23 14s22-6 22-14c0-8-10-14-22-14z m45 35c-13 0-23 6-23 14 0 8 10 14 23 14s22-6 22-14c0-8-10-14-22-14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="playstation-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea4c;" d="M401 35c7 32 13 59 21 85 3 12 9 28 19 43l4 7c4 7 8 13 12 19 2 3 5 6 8 8 2 3 4 6 7 8 3 3 7 5 11 7 27 11 56 12 83 1 5-2 10-5 14-10h26c2 2 4 3 5 4v239l-380 80-56 5v-672l219 0c-7 15-9 29-9 42 0 15 1 30 2 47 4 31 9 61 14 87z m-170-113c-1 0-1 1-2 1-6 1-11 3-17 5-1 0-1 0-1-1v-4l-3 1c0 0 0 0 0 0v4c0 1 0 1-1 1 0 0-1 0-2 0v5l3 0c0 0 0 0 0 0v25c0 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 3 0l1-2 14-24c2-3 4-6 5-9 1-1 1-2 1-2 0-1 0-2-1-2z m1 22c-1 1-1 1-2 1 0 0 0 0-1 1v13c0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 2-3 3 0 0-1 0-1 0l-13 4c-2 1-4 2-5 4-1 2-2 3-2 4v16c0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-1v-13c0-3 2-4 5-5l12-4c2 0 3-1 5-2 1-2 2-4 2-5 0-6 0-11 0-16l0-1z m0 37c0-3-2-4-6-4-2 1-3 1-5 2-2 2-3 4-3 6l0 2v19c0 2-2 3-4 4l-2 1-6 1c-1 1-1 1-1 1v4c0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 5-1 8-2 4-1 6-4 6-8v-20c0-2 1-3 4-4 1 0 2-1 2-1 2 0 3 1 3 3v25c0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0l0-29z m660 119c0-11 8-19 18-19s18 8 18 19-8 19-18 19c-10 0-18-9-18-19z m30 0c0-7-5-12-12-12s-12 5-12 12c0 7 5 12 12 12 7 0 12-5 12-12z m49-149c-3 29-8 57-13 85-6 27-12 55-20 82-4 12-8 24-15 34-5 9-10 17-16 25-1 2-3 3-4 4-2 1-3 1-3 3 0 1 0 2-1 2-1 1-3 2-4 2-19 9-39 9-59 1-1 0-2-1-2-3 0-3-1-5-4-5 0 0 0 0 0 0-5-3-10-3-15-3h-43v-64c0-9-7-16-16-16h-120c-8 0-16 7-16 16l1 64h-44c-5 0-10 1-15 3 0 0 0 0-1 0-2 0-3 2-3 5 0 2-1 3-3 3-19 8-39 8-58-1-2 0-3-1-4-2-1 0-2-1-2-2 0-2-1-2-2-3-2-1-3-2-4-4-6-8-11-16-17-25-6-10-11-22-14-34-8-27-14-55-20-82-5-28-10-56-13-85-2-14-3-28-3-42 1-19 5-32 22-46 31-25 72-9 81 4 9 14 16 34 22 52 5 15 10 30 15 44 1 5 5 7 9 9 0 0 1-1 2-1 21-16 48-15 68 1 1 1 3 2 4 2h109c1 0 3-1 4-2 21-16 48-17 69-1 0 0 1 1 2 1 4-2 7-4 9-9 5-14 9-29 14-44 6-18 14-38 22-52 9-13 51-29 81-4 18 14 22 27 22 46 0 14 0 28-2 42z m-380 207c0 7 5 12 11 12s11-5 11-12v-24c0-6-5-11-11-11s-11 5-11 11v24z m-68-124c-34 0-63 29-63 65 0 35 29 64 63 64s63-29 63-64c0-36-28-65-63-65z m81-64c-18 0-33 15-33 33 0 19 15 34 33 34s32-15 32-34c0-18-14-33-32-33z m72 33c-2 0-3-2-3-4 0 0 0-1 0-1v-6c0 0 0 0 0 0h-4c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 3 0 5 0 7 1 3 3 6 6 6 6 0 13 0 19 0 2 0 3 1 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2-1 2-3 2h-24c0 0-1 0-1 1v2h28c2 0 5-3 5-6 0-1 0-2-1-4-1-1-2-2-4-2-1-1-1-1-2-1-6 1-12 1-18 1z m55 10c0 0 0 0-1-1h-12c0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-2-1-2-2 0-1 0-1 0-1v-11c0-2-1-4-3-5-1-1-2-1-3-1h-15c-1 0-1 0-1 0v2c0 0 0 1 1 0h12c3 0 4 2 4 4v11c0 1 0 3 1 4 1 1 3 2 4 2h16c0-1 0-2 0-2z m48 145c0 7 5 12 11 12 6 0 11-5 11-12v-24c0-6-5-11-11-11-6 0-11 5-11 11v24z m9-188c-18 0-33 15-33 33 0 19 15 34 33 34s33-15 33-34c0-18-15-33-33-33z m81 64c-35 0-63 29-63 65 0 35 28 64 63 64 34 0 62-29 62-64 0-36-28-65-62-65z m-777-115l-65-60 128 0v672h-63v-612z m120 36c0 0-1 0-1 0h0v-22c0 0 0 0 0 0l15-4c1-1 1-1 1 0-5 9-10 17-15 26z m399 510v258l-371 127h-66v-296l59-5 378-84z m25-362h120c6 0 10 5 10 11v64c0 6-4 11-10 11h-120c-6 0-10-5-10-11v-64c0-6 4-11 10-11z m-544 451l63 0v296h-63v-296z m433-462c-1 1-3 1-4 0l-11-13c-2-2-4-5-4-8v-23c0-5 4-8 8-8h17c5 0 8 3 8 8v23c0 3-1 5-2 7l-12 14z m335 42h18l-9 15-9-15z m9-56c-10 0-18-8-18-19s8-19 18-19 18 9 18 19-8 19-18 19z m11-28l-2-2-8 9-9-9-2 2 9 9-9 9 2 2 9-9 8 9 2-2-8-9 8-9z m-58 58h15v-16h-15v16z m-301-5c1-1 3-1 4 0l12 14c1 2 2 4 2 7v23c0 5-3 9-7 9h-18c-4 0-8-4-8-9v-23c0-3 2-6 4-8l11-13z m348 56c-10 0-18-8-18-19s8-18 18-18 18 8 18 18-8 19-18 19z m-13-28l13 23 13-23h-26z m-339-30l-13 12c-2 2-5 3-7 3h-23c-5 0-8-4-8-8v-18c0-5 3-8 8-8h23c3 0 6 1 8 3l12 12c1 1 1 3 0 4z m313 18c-11 0-19-9-19-19s8-19 19-19 18 8 18 19-8 19-18 19z m10-29h-20v20h20v-20z m-269 26h-23c-3 0-5-1-7-3l-13-12c-1-1-1-3 0-4l12-12c2-2 5-3 8-3h23c4 0 8 3 8 8v18c0 4-4 8-8 8z m329-16c0-5 5-10 10-10s10 5 10 10-5 10-10 10-10-4-10-10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="psvita" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea4d;" d="M823 576h-646c-98 0-177-80-177-177v-98c0-98 79-177 177-177h646c98 0 177 79 177 177v98c0 97-79 177-177 177z m43-117c12 0 21-9 21-21 0-12-9-21-21-21-11 0-21 9-21 21 0 12 10 21 21 21z m17-123c22 0 39-18 39-39 0-22-17-40-39-40-22 0-39 18-39 40 0 21 17 39 39 39z m-838 83v37h37v41h37v-41h38v-37h-38v-37h-37v37h-37z m113-122c0-22-18-40-39-40-22 0-40 18-40 40 0 21 18 39 40 39 21 0 39-18 39-39z m25-154c-22 0-43 3-63 11-19 8-35 20-50 34 5 1 11 3 16 3h27c31 0 59-22 70-48h0z m627 56h-620v347h620v-347z m71-45c-20-8-41-11-63-11h0c11 26 39 48 70 48h27c5 0 11-2 16-3-15-14-31-26-50-34z m30 221c-11 0-21 9-21 21 0 11 10 21 21 21 12 0 21-10 21-21 0-12-9-21-21-21z m0 82c-11 0-21 10-21 21 0 12 10 21 21 21 12 0 21-9 21-21 0-11-9-21-21-21z m44-40c-11 0-21 9-21 21 0 12 10 21 21 21 12 0 22-9 22-21 0-12-10-21-22-21z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="radio-mic" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea4e;" d="M721 304c0-97-95-194-189-194h-63c-95 0-189 97-189 194v195h-63v-195c0-130 126-259 252-259v-130h-189v-65h441v65h-189v130c126 0 252 129 252 259v195h-63l0-195z m-190 546h-62c-64 0-117-49-125-113h313c-8 64-61 113-126 113z m-188-546c0-72 56-130 126-130h63c70 0 126 59 126 130v383h-315v-383z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="radio" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea4f;" d="M864 497h-553c-19 0-33 1-31 2 2 1 3 2 4 3 121 57 241 114 362 171 10-6 21-10 34-10 35 0 63 28 63 62s-28 63-63 63-62-28-62-63c0-2 0-4 0-6-154-73-308-146-462-219-4-2-10-3-16-3-6 0-13 0-19 0-11 0-19-16-19-35v-515c0-19 15-35 35-35h727c19 0 35 16 35 35v515c0 19-16 35-35 35z m-668-144v29c0 19 15 35 35 35h539c19 0 35-16 35-35v-29c0-19-16-35-35-35h-539c-20 0-35 16-35 35z m45-314c0-2-1-4-3-4h-28c-2 0-3 2-3 4v182c0 2 1 3 3 3h28c2 0 3-1 3-3v-182z m78 0c0-2-2-4-4-4h-28c-2 0-3 2-3 4v182c0 2 1 3 3 3h28c2 0 4-1 4-3v-182z m70 0c0-2-2-4-4-4h-28c-2 0-3 2-3 4v182c0 2 1 3 3 3h28c2 0 4-1 4-3v-182z m77 0c0-2-2-4-4-4h-27c-2 0-4 2-4 4v182c0 2 2 3 4 3h27c2 0 4-1 4-3v-182z m244-6c-53 1-96 44-96 97 0 52 44 96 96 96 53 0 96-43 96-97 0-53-44-96-96-96z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="refrigerator" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea50;" d="M764-122h-528c-4 0-8 0-12 1 6-17 21-29 40-29h472c19 0 34 12 40 29-4-1-8-1-12-1z m42 847v83c0 23-19 42-42 42h-528c-23 0-41-19-41-42v-861c0-23 18-42 41-42h528c23 0 42 19 42 42v778h0z m-522-653h-12c-12 0-22 10-22 22v623c0 12 10 22 22 22h12c12 0 22-10 22-22v-623c0-12-10-22-22-22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="samsung-galaxy" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea51;" d="M681 850h-361c-47 0-84-38-84-84v-832c0-46 37-84 84-84h361c47 0 84 38 84 84v832c0 46-37 84-84 84z m-225-23h95c3 0 6-3 6-7s-3-6-6-6h-95c-3 0-6 3-6 6s3 7 6 7z m85-945h-76c-11 0-20 7-20 18s9 19 20 19h76c11 0 20-8 20-19s-9-18-20-18z m197 55h-470v826h470v-826z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="surface-tablet" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea52;" d="M978 670h-955c-13 0-23-10-23-23v-594c0-13 10-23 23-23h955c12 0 22 10 22 23v594c0 13-10 23-22 23z m-482-620l-9 3v8h9v-11z m0 14h-9v8l9 3v-11z m17-19l-14 4v12h14v-16z m0 19h-14v12l14 4v-16z m427 29h-878v506h878v-506z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-head-phone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea53;" d="M200 342c5-67 5-136 16-203 11-64 47-116 109-145 8-3 20 1 30 3 16 2 32 9 48 8 26-2 52-7 78-12 36-6 50-31 47-76-2-32-22-52-55-53-28-1-57-4-84 1-17 3-33 17-48 27-8 5-15 15-23 17-77 15-129 62-166 129-4 6-8 12-10 19-18 46-37 89-82 120-44 31-52 87-56 138-3 44-6 89-2 133 4 44 32 76 73 93 17 7 24 18 29 34 36 118 111 202 230 237 136 40 271 37 399-29 84-43 133-117 161-206 6-18 14-29 32-37 49-22 75-64 74-116 0-53-7-106-14-159-7-49-36-85-75-114-24-18-50-22-78-9-28 14-39 38-39 69 0 82-1 163 1 245 3 120-72 202-172 229-99 26-197 27-291-17-85-39-127-109-128-203 0-41 0-82 0-122l-4-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-keyboard" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea54;" d="M499 64c-140 0-281 0-421 0-49 0-78 30-78 79 0 138 0 276 0 414 0 49 29 79 78 79 283 0 565 0 847 0 44 0 75-31 75-75 0-141 0-282 0-423 0-43-31-74-75-74-142 0-284 0-426 0z m1 107c59 0 117 0 175 0 25 0 39 15 40 40 0 11 0 21-1 32 0 20-15 35-35 36-119 0-239 0-358-1-20 0-35-15-35-35-1-10 0-21 0-31 0-27 13-41 40-41 58 0 116 0 174 0z m429 268c0 30 0 59 0 89 0 21-15 36-36 36-24 1-47 1-71 0-21 0-36-15-36-37 0-10 0-21 0-32-1-14 5-25 17-33 13-8 19-20 19-35-1-26-1-52-1-77 1-20 16-35 36-36 11 0 23 0 34 0 23 0 38 15 38 38 0 29 0 58 0 87z m-768-268v0c17 0 35 0 53 0 20 0 36 15 36 35 0 12 0 25 0 37 0 21-16 35-36 36-36 0-71 0-106 0-21-1-36-16-37-37 0-11 0-22 0-34 0-22 15-37 37-37 18 0 35 0 53 0z m678 0h53c0 0 0 0 1 0 20 1 35 15 36 36 0 12 0 24 0 36-1 20-15 35-35 35-36 1-72 1-108 1-20-1-36-16-36-36 0-12 0-24 0-35 0-22 15-37 37-37 17 0 35 0 52 0z m-696 250c-12 0-24 1-36 0-20 0-35-15-36-35 0-12 0-24 0-36 1-21 16-36 36-36 24 0 48 0 72 0 20 0 35 16 35 36 1 12 1 24 0 35 0 21-15 36-36 36-12 1-23 0-35 0z m268 143c-6 0-11 0-16 0-23 0-38-14-38-37 0-6 0-11 0-17-3-41 14-54 53-54 39 0 55 11 55 55 0 40-12 57-54 53z m142-107c6 0 12 0 18 0 21 0 36 15 36 36 0 6 0 12 0 18 4 41-13 54-53 54-41 0-55-13-55-54 0-40 13-58 54-54z m144 107c-6 0-12 0-17 0-22 0-37-15-37-37 0-11 0-23 0-34 0-20 15-35 35-36 6 0 13 0 19 0 39-3 54 12 54 53 0 41-13 58-54 54z m-429-107c6 0 11 0 17 0 21 0 36 15 37 36 0 6-1 12 0 18 3 41-14 54-54 54-41 0-55-13-55-54 0-40 12-58 55-54z m36-143c6 0 12 0 18 0 20 1 35 16 35 36 0 13 1 25 0 37 0 19-15 34-34 34-7 1-13 0-20 1-39 3-54-13-54-54 0-41 14-57 55-54z m196 54c0 5 0 11 0 17 0 21-15 36-36 36-12 1-24 1-37 0-18 0-33-15-34-33-1-14-1-27 0-41 1-17 15-32 33-33 7 0 14 1 21 0 40-3 57 13 53 54z m90-54c6 0 12 0 17 0 20 0 36 15 36 35 0 7 0 13 0 19 3 40-12 54-53 54-40 0-55-12-55-54 0-41 13-57 55-54z m142 0c6 0 12 0 18 0 21 1 36 16 36 36 0 13 0 25 0 37-1 19-16 34-34 34-7 1-14 0-20 1-40 3-54-13-54-54 0-41 14-57 54-54z m-607 250c-4 0-8 0-12 0-28 0-42-13-42-40 0-5 1-9 0-14-3-40 14-54 54-54 41 0 54 14 54 55 0 41-13 57-54 53z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="washing-machine" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea55;" d="M807 850h-615c-64 0-115-52-115-115v-770c0-63 51-115 115-115h615c64 0 116 52 116 115v770c0 63-52 115-116 115z m-211-72c34 0 62-28 62-63s-28-62-62-62c-35 0-62 28-62 62s27 63 62 63z m-96-738c-150 0-272 122-272 272 0 150 122 271 272 271s271-121 271-271c0-150-122-272-271-272z m288 613c-34 0-62 28-62 62s28 63 62 63 62-28 62-63-28-62-62-62z m-288-118c-124 0-224-100-224-223 0-124 100-224 224-224 123 0 223 100 223 224 0 123-100 223-223 223z m0-38c96 0 175-75 183-169-69 37-102-15-183-15-83 0-107 56-184 15 9 94 87 169 184 169z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="wifi-router" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea56;" d="M868 159h-99c-8 0-14 6-14 14v260c0 31-25 55-56 55s-55-24-55-55v-260c0-8-6-14-14-14h-616c-8 0-14-6-14-14v-271c0-8 6-14 14-14h854c8 0 15 6 15 14v271c0 8-7 14-15 14z m-709-197c-26 0-47 21-47 47 0 26 21 47 47 47 26 0 48-21 48-47 0-26-22-47-48-47z m607 13c0-7-6-14-14-14h-433c-8 0-14 7-14 14v67c0 8 6 14 14 14h433c8 0 14-6 14-14v-67z m-159 542c26 22 58 33 92 33 33 0 65-11 91-31 6-5 15-5 20 0l63 62c5 5 5 14 0 20-48 42-109 65-174 65-36 0-70-7-103-21-27-12-52-27-73-47-6-6-6-15 0-20l63-61c6-5 15-5 21 0z m389 208c-38 35-81 62-128 82-54 22-110 33-169 33-59 0-116-11-170-34-47-20-90-47-128-82-6-6-6-15 0-20l62-62c6-5 15-5 21 0 59 53 135 82 215 82 80 0 155-28 214-81 6-5 15-5 21 0l62 62c5 6 5 15 0 20z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="wii-u" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea57;" d="M866 607h-732c-74 0-134-60-134-134v-247c0-73 60-133 134-133h732c74 0 134 60 134 133v247c0 74-60 134-134 134z m-485-29h249c11 0 19-8 19-19 0-10-8-19-19-19h-249c-10 0-19 9-19 19 0 11 9 19 19 19z m-323-99c0 19 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34s-15-35-34-35c-19 0-34 16-34 35z m123-129h-29v-29h-38v29h-28v38h28v29h38v-29h29v-38z m324-246c-12 0-21 10-21 22 0 11 9 21 21 21s22-10 22-21c0-12-10-22-22-22z m276 74h-562v334h562v-334z m55 168c-11 0-20 9-20 20 0 11 9 19 20 19s19-8 19-19c0-11-9-20-19-20z m44-40c-11 0-20 9-20 20 0 10 9 19 20 19s19-9 19-19c0-11-9-20-19-20z m0 79c-11 0-20 8-20 19 0 11 9 20 20 20s19-9 19-20c0-11-9-19-19-19z m43-39c-11 0-19 9-19 20 0 11 8 19 19 19s19-8 19-19c0-11-8-20-19-20z m-4 98c-19 0-34 16-34 35s15 34 34 34c19 0 35-15 35-34s-16-35-35-35z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="windows-lumia" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea58;" d="M220 850v-1000h561v1000h-561z m236-30h88v-5h-88v5z m37-926l-26 3v22h26v-25z m0 29h-26v22l26 3v-25z m40-35l-35 5v26h35v-31z m-35 35v26l35 5v-31h-35z m242 67h-480v800h480v-800z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="bubble-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea63;" d="M511 175c-6-6-16-6-22 0l-130 130c-6 6-16 6-23 0l-37-38c-7-6-7-16 0-22l190-190c6-6 16-6 22 0l190 190c6 6 6 16 0 22l-38 38c-6 6-16 6-22 0l-130-130z m72 154c0-46-37-83-83-83s-83 37-83 83 37 83 83 83 83-37 83-83z m-23 159c0-33-27-60-60-60s-60 27-60 60c0 33 27 60 60 60 33 0 60-27 60-60z m-17 119c0-24-19-44-43-44s-44 20-44 44 20 43 44 43 43-19 43-43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bubble-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea64;" d="M325 339c-6 6-6 16 0 22l130 130c6 6 6 16 0 23l-38 37c-6 7-16 7-22 0l-190-190c-6-6-6-16 0-22l190-190c6-6 16-6 22 0l38 38c6 6 6 16 0 22l-130 130z m237 11c0-46-37-83-83-83s-83 37-83 83 37 83 83 83 83-37 83-83z m136 0c0-33-27-60-60-60s-60 27-60 60c0 33 27 60 60 60s60-27 60-60z m102 0c0-24-19-43-43-43s-44 19-44 43 20 43 44 43 43-19 43-43z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="caret-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea67;" d="M534 213l255 254c19 19 13 35-14 35h-550c-27 0-33-16-14-35l255-254c19-19 49-19 68 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="caret-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea68;" d="M362 384l255 255c19 19 34 13 34-14v-550c0-27-15-33-34-14l-255 255c-19 19-19 49 0 68z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="caret-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea69;" d="M637 384l-255 255c-18 19-34 13-34-14v-550c0-27 16-33 34-14l255 255c19 19 19 49 0 68z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="caret-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea6a;" d="M534 487l255-255c19-18 13-34-14-34h-550c-27 0-33 15-14 34l255 255c19 19 49 19 68 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="circled-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea6b;" d="M63 350c0-241 196-438 437-438s438 197 438 438-196 438-438 438-437-196-437-438z m460-40l202 202c9 9 25 9 35 0l59-59c9-10 9-26 0-35l-296-296c-10-10-26-10-35 0l-296 296c-10 9-10 25 0 35l59 59c9 9 25 9 35 0l202-202c9-10 25-10 35 0z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="cursor-drag" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea70;" d="M532 364c9 4 17 9 23 16 14 13 22 30 23 49h248l-125-122 10-10 142 138-142 138-10-11 125-122h-248c-1 19-9 37-22 50s-31 21-50 22v249l122-126 10 11-138 142-138-142 11-11 121 126v-249c-37-4-67-34-70-71h-250l125 121-10 11-142-138 142-138 10 10-125 122h250c3-35 28-64 62-70l-13-336 92 81 92-191 62 29-87 186 123-5-223 241z m-95 71c0 16 6 32 17 44 11 11 26 19 42 20h10c34-3 60-30 60-64 0-28-18-52-43-61l-35 37-1-39c-29 6-50 32-50 63z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="curved-double-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea71;" d="M494 554c5 10 5 27 0 37l-27 52c-6 10-14 10-20 0l-144-275c-6-10-6-26 0-36l144-274c6-10 14-10 19 0l28 51c5 10 5 27 0 37l-98 186c-6 10-6 26 0 36l98 186z m105-222c-5 10-5 26 0 36l99 186c5 10 5 27 0 37l-28 52c-5 10-14 10-19 0l-145-275c-5-10-5-26 0-36l145-274c5-10 14-10 19 0l28 51c5 10 5 27 0 37l-99 186z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="curved-double-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea72;" d="M506 554c-5 10-5 27 0 37l28 52c5 10 14 10 19 0l145-275c5-10 5-26 0-36l-145-274c-5-10-14-10-19 0l-28 51c-5 10-5 27 0 37l99 186c5 10 5 26 0 36l-99 186z m-105-222c5 10 5 26 0 36l-98 186c-6 10-6 27 0 37l27 52c5 10 14 10 19 0l145-275c5-10 5-26 0-36l-145-274c-5-10-14-10-19 0l-27 51c-6 10-6 27 0 37l98 186z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="curved-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea73;" d="M793 418l-52 28c-10 5-27 5-37 0l-186-99c-10-5-26-5-36 0l-186 99c-10 5-27 5-37 0l-51-28c-10-5-10-14 0-19l274-145c10-5 26-5 36 0l275 145c10 5 10 14 0 19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="curved-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea74;" d="M549 642l-145-274c-5-10-5-26 0-36l145-274c5-10 14-10 19 0l28 51c5 11 5 27 0 37l-99 186c-5 10-5 26 0 36l99 186c5 10 5 27 0 37l-28 52c-5 10-14 10-19-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="curved-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea75;" d="M432 642l-28-51c-5-10-5-27 0-37l99-186c5-10 5-26 0-36l-99-186c-5-10-5-27 0-37l28-51c5-11 14-11 19 0l145 274c5 10 5 26 0 36l-145 274c-5 11-14 11-19 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="curved-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea76;" d="M784 301l-274 145c-10 5-27 5-37 0l-274-145c-10-5-10-14 0-19l52-28c10-5 26-5 36 0l186 99c10 5 26 5 37 0l186-99c10-5 26-5 36 0l52 28c10 5 10 14 0 19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dotted-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea77;" d="M678 360c-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34 0-19-15-34-34-34z m-178 0c-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34 0-19-15-34-34-34z m-88 0c-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 15 34 34 34 18 0 33-15 33-34 0-19-15-34-33-34z m-90 0c-18 0-33 15-33 34 0 19 15 34 33 34 19 0 34-15 34-34 0-19-15-34-34-34z m90-88c-19 0-34 15-34 33 0 19 15 34 34 34 18 0 33-15 33-34 0-18-15-33-33-33z m177 0c-18 0-34 15-34 33 0 19 16 34 34 34 18 0 33-15 33-34 0-18-15-33-33-33z m-355 177c-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 18 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-16 34-34 0-19-15-34-34-34z m266-266c-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 18 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-16 34-34 0-19-15-34-34-34z m0 89c-19 0-34 15-34 33 0 19 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34 0-18-15-33-34-33z m89 88c-18 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 16 34 34 34 18 0 33-15 33-34 0-19-15-34-33-34z m177 89c-18 0-34 15-34 34 0 18 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-16 34-34 0-19-15-34-34-34z m-444 0c-18 0-33 15-33 34 0 18 15 34 33 34 19 0 34-16 34-34 0-19-15-34-34-34z m356 0c-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 18 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-16 34-34 0-19-15-34-34-34z m-178 0c-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 18 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-16 34-34 0-19-15-34-34-34z m89 0c-18 0-34 15-34 34 0 18 16 34 34 34 18 0 33-16 33-34 0-19-15-34-33-34z m-177 0c-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 18 15 34 34 34 18 0 33-16 33-34 0-19-15-34-33-34z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dotted-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea78;" d="M510 528c0-19 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 15 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34-19 0-34-15-34-34z m0-178c0-19 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 15 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34-19 0-34-15-34-34z m0-88c0-19 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 15 34 34 0 18-15 33-34 33-19 0-34-15-34-33z m0-90c0-18 15-33 34-33 19 0 34 15 34 33 0 19-15 34-34 34-19 0-34-15-34-34z m-88 90c0-19 15-34 33-34 19 0 34 15 34 34 0 18-15 33-34 33-18 0-33-15-33-33z m0 177c0-18 15-34 33-34 19 0 34 16 34 34 0 18-15 33-34 33-18 0-33-15-33-33z m177-355c0-19 15-34 34-34 18 0 34 15 34 34 0 19-16 34-34 34-19 0-34-15-34-34z m-266 266c0-19 15-34 34-34 18 0 34 15 34 34 0 19-16 34-34 34-19 0-34-15-34-34z m89 0c0-19 15-34 33-34 19 0 34 15 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34-18 0-33-15-33-34z m88 89c0-18 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 16 34 34 0 18-15 33-34 33-19 0-34-15-34-33z m89 177c0-18 15-34 34-34 18 0 34 15 34 34s-16 34-34 34c-19 0-34-15-34-34z m0-444c0-18 15-33 34-33 18 0 34 15 34 33 0 19-16 34-34 34-19 0-34-15-34-34z m0 356c0-19 15-34 34-34 18 0 34 15 34 34 0 19-16 34-34 34-19 0-34-15-34-34z m0-178c0-19 15-34 34-34 18 0 34 15 34 34 0 19-16 34-34 34-19 0-34-15-34-34z m0 89c0-18 15-34 34-34 18 0 34 16 34 34 0 18-16 33-34 33-19 0-34-15-34-33z m0-177c0-19 15-34 34-34 18 0 34 15 34 34 0 18-16 33-34 33-19 0-34-15-34-33z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dotted-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea79;" d="M490 528c0-19-15-34-34-34-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34z m0-178c0-19-15-34-34-34-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34z m0-88c0-19-15-34-34-34-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 18 15 33 34 33 19 0 34-15 34-33z m0-90c0-18-15-33-34-33-19 0-34 15-34 33 0 19 15 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34z m88 90c0-19-15-34-33-34-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 18 15 33 34 33 18 0 33-15 33-33z m0 177c0-18-15-34-33-34-19 0-34 16-34 34 0 18 15 33 34 33 18 0 33-15 33-33z m-177-355c0-19-15-34-34-34-18 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 16 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34z m266 266c0-19-15-34-34-34-18 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 16 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34z m-89 0c0-19-15-34-33-34-19 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 15 34 34 34 18 0 33-15 33-34z m-88 89c0-18-15-34-34-34-19 0-34 16-34 34 0 18 15 33 34 33 19 0 34-15 34-33z m-89 177c0-18-15-34-34-34-18 0-34 15-34 34s16 34 34 34c19 0 34-15 34-34z m0-444c0-18-15-33-34-33-18 0-34 15-34 33 0 19 16 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34z m0 356c0-19-15-34-34-34-18 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 16 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34z m0-178c0-19-15-34-34-34-18 0-34 15-34 34 0 19 16 34 34 34 19 0 34-15 34-34z m0 89c0-18-15-34-34-34-18 0-34 16-34 34 0 18 16 33 34 33 19 0 34-15 34-33z m0-177c0-19-15-34-34-34-18 0-34 15-34 34 0 18 16 33 34 33 19 0 34-15 34-33z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dotted-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea7a;" d="M678 340c-19 0-34-15-34-34 0-19 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 15 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34z m-178 0c-19 0-34-15-34-34 0-19 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 15 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34z m-88 0c-19 0-34-15-34-34 0-19 15-34 34-34 18 0 33 15 33 34 0 19-15 34-33 34z m-90 0c-18 0-33-15-33-34 0-19 15-34 33-34 19 0 34 15 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34z m90 88c-19 0-34-15-34-33 0-19 15-34 34-34 18 0 33 15 33 34 0 18-15 33-33 33z m177 0c-18 0-34-15-34-33 0-19 16-34 34-34 18 0 33 15 33 34 0 18-15 33-33 33z m-355-177c-19 0-34-15-34-34 0-18 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 16 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34z m266 266c-19 0-34-15-34-34 0-18 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 16 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34z m0-89c-19 0-34-15-34-33 0-19 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 15 34 34 0 18-15 33-34 33z m89-88c-18 0-34-15-34-34 0-19 16-34 34-34 18 0 33 15 33 34 0 19-15 34-33 34z m177-89c-18 0-34-15-34-34 0-18 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 16 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34z m-444 0c-18 0-33-15-33-34 0-18 15-34 33-34 19 0 34 16 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34z m356 0c-19 0-34-15-34-34 0-18 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 16 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34z m-178 0c-19 0-34-15-34-34 0-18 15-34 34-34 19 0 34 16 34 34 0 19-15 34-34 34z m89 0c-18 0-34-15-34-34 0-18 16-34 34-34 18 0 33 16 33 34 0 19-15 34-33 34z m-177 0c-19 0-34-15-34-34 0-18 15-34 34-34 18 0 33 16 33 34 0 19-15 34-33 34z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="hand-drawn-alt-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea84;" d="M503 50h-280c-8 0-16 5-19 12-3 8-1 16 5 22l266 266-265 265c-4 3-7 9-7 15 0 11 8 20 19 20h281c5 0 10-2 14-6l281-281v-26l-1-1-280-280c-4-4-9-6-14-6z m-282 594c-7 0-13-6-13-14 0-4 3-8 6-11l269-269-2-2-268-268c-4-4-5-10-3-16 2-5 7-8 13-8h280c3 0 7 1 9 4l280 279v22l-280 279c-2 3-6 4-9 4h-282z m276-560h-17l12 5 5 3 17 9-17-17z m-48 0h-31l11 5c9 5 20 10 34 18l42 22 3-5c-20-14-41-28-59-40l0 0z m-7 5h5c5 4 11 8 16 11-8-4-15-7-21-11z m-56-5h-41l161 82 3-6-77-48c-21-13-34-21-42-26-1-1-2-2-3-2l-1 0z m-16 5h15c1 1 1 1 2 2 8 5 20 13 42 26l20 13-79-41z m-56-5h-30l10 5c8 4 17 8 28 15 24 12 58 29 97 50l3-5c-65-38-91-54-104-63l-4-2z m-6 5h5l2 2c4 3 9 6 16 11-2-2-4-3-6-4-6-3-12-6-17-9z m-49-3l74 74 1-4c1 0 1-1 1-1 1-2 2-3 4-4 2 0 5 1 8 2 11 5 35 17 90 45l3-5-181-107z m72 64l-36-35 65 38c-4-2-8-4-10-5-6-2-8-3-10-3-1 0-2 0-2 0-3 1-6 3-7 5z m26 26l-4 5 72 71 1-5c0 0 0-1 0-1 1-2 2-3 4-4 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 1 6 2l1 0c9 4 29 13 61 29l3-5c-79-49-123-76-145-92z m65 65l-45-44c18 11 42 26 74 46-5-2-8-4-11-5l-5-4 0 3c-4-1-6-1-7-1-2 1-5 3-6 5z m179-47l-3 5c5 3 11 7 16 10l22 14-23-23-12-6z m19 45l-3 6c26 14 51 29 76 43l19 11-26-26-66-34z m-34 17l-3 5 153 90 5-3-9 15c-1 0-2 0-5-2l-3-1 0 1-2-2c-16-7-52-26-140-71l-34-17c-6-3-12-6-18-9l-3 5c110 68 155 96 172 110 1 0 2 1 2 1l0 1 2 1c6 5 5 6 4 9-1 2-2 3-4 4-2 0-3 0-6-1-47-25-104-55-153-80l-3 5 133 94c3 2 3 7 2 10-2 3-7 4-10 2-20-10-44-23-67-35l-23-11 19 16c29 25 43 37 49 44l1 0c5 7 5 8 4 10-2 4-7 5-10 3l-75-38 18 16c10 9 18 16 24 21 7 6 11 10 14 13 6 6 6 7 4 10-1 2-2 3-4 3-1 1-1 1-1 1-3 0-19-8-67-33l-18-9 61 57c2 3 3 6 1 9-1 1-2 3-4 3-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 0-11-4-33-15l-3 5c9 7 14 11 18 15l1 0c6 6 5 7 4 10-2 3-6 5-10 3l-66-33 53 42c3 2 4 6 2 9-2 3-6 4-9 3l-1 0c-19-10-42-22-64-33l-18-10 63 60c1 1 2 4 2 6-1 3-3 5-5 6-1 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-15-6-55-27l-22-11 19 16c20 17 29 26 35 32l1 1c5 6 5 7 4 10-1 1-3 3-5 3-1 1-4 0-5 0-21-11-47-25-70-37l-17-8 13 13c40 40 40 42 38 46-1 0-1 1-2 1l-3 4-8-4c-26-13-60-31-82-42l-6-3 13 38c0 3 0 5-2 7l-4 4-8-4c-15-8-33-18-40-21l3-8-3-7c3 1 10 4 28 13l7 4-13-38c0-1 0-3 1-5s2-3 4-3c1-1 1-1 2-1 3 0 14 5 54 26l17 9-13-13c-13-13-25-26-36-36-2-2-3-5-2-7 1-3 2-5 5-5 0 0 1-1 1-1 4 0 17 7 56 27l22 11-18-16c-14-12-28-24-39-33-2-2-3-5-3-7 1-3 3-5 5-6 1 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 16 6 67 33l18 10-61-59c-2-2-3-4-2-7 0-1 1-3 5-4h0c1 0 3 1 7 3 6 3 16 8 33 15l1 1h6l-3-5c-8-12-14-15-19-18-2-1-3-1-4-2l0-1-1-1c-6-6-6-7-4-10 1-3 6-5 9-3l33 17 3-5c-10-8-17-14-21-18l-1 0c-6-6-6-7-4-10 1-2 3-3 4-4 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 9 3 30 14 10 5 24 13 38 20l18 10-62-60c-3-2-3-6-1-9 2-3 5-4 9-2l74 38-17-16c-20-17-31-27-37-33l-1-1c-6-6-6-7-4-10 1-3 6-5 9-3l76 39-19-16c-13-12-27-24-40-35l-14-12c0 0-1-1-1-1l-1-3 0-3 0 0c1-2 2-4 5-5 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 8 2 19 7l3-5-97-68-4 4 64 64c1 1 2 3 3 5l1 2 0 3c0 2 0 3-1 5l0 1c-1 1-2 3-3 4l-256 257h241l1-1 265-266-9-9 0-1-5-4-1 0c-14-5-48-22-162-80z m-69 81c0 0 0-1 0-1l-40-39 50 35c-1 0-2 0-3 1-3 0-5 2-7 4z m192 40l0-1-3-2c-1-1-3-1-4-2-13-11-45-31-112-73 80 41 114 59 129 66l8 4 0-1c4 1 6 1 7 1l1-1 1-1 14-22 5 5-260 261h-31c2-6 0-11-27-38 19 9 38 19 54 28 3 1 7 2 10 1 3-2 6-4 8-7 2-4 2-7-4-15l0-1-3-2c-3-3-8-8-16-16 27 15 32 17 36 17 1 0 2 0 3-1 5-1 8-5 9-9 1-5 0-9-4-13l-32-31c16 8 32 17 46 24l1 0c5 3 12 1 16-5 3-5 2-13-3-17l-8-6 14 7c7 4 15 1 18-5 3-5 3-9-4-16l0 0 0 0c7 3 10 4 12 4 2 0 3-1 4-1 3-1 6-4 7-7 3-5 2-11-2-15l-31-29c42 22 47 24 51 24 1 0 2-1 3-1 3-1 6-3 7-6 3-6 3-9-5-18-3-3-7-6-14-12-2-2-4-4-7-6l33 17c7 3 15 0 18-6 3-5 2-8-5-17l-1 0c-5-6-13-14-30-28 16 8 32 17 45 24 2 1 4 1 6 1 5 0 9-2 11-6 4-6 2-14-3-17l-99-70c40 20 81 42 117 60 4 2 7 2 10 1 3-1 6-3 7-6 3-5 3-9-3-15z m27-33l-68-40c43 22 64 32 75 36l-7 4z m-215 12l0 0 12 10c7 6 14 13 22 19l-32-16c-3-2-7-2-11-1l4-4c2-2 4-4 5-6l0 0 0-2z m-33 37l17-17c-2 4-1 7 4 14l0 0 3 2c4 4 10 10 19 18l-33-17c-3-1-7-1-10 0z m-28 28l20-21c-2 5 0 11 4 15l32 30c-7-4-14-7-19-10-25-13-29-15-33-15-1 0-2 0-3 1-1 0-1 0-1 0z m-20 19l13-12c-3 5-3 8 4 15l0 1 2 1 1 0-9-4c-3-2-7-2-11-1z m-22 22l15-15c-2 5-1 8 5 15l-1 0 2 2 1 1c2 1 3 2 5 3 3 2 6 3 10 7-11-5-18-8-22-10-8-4-9-5-12-4-1 1-2 1-3 1z m-27 27l22-21c-1 1-1 1-1 2-1 4 0 9 4 12l31 30c-40-21-47-24-51-24-2 0-3 0-4 1 0 0 0 0-1 0z m-24 25l17-18c0 1 0 2 0 3-1 4 0 9 4 12 6 5 13 11 20 18-26-14-33-16-37-16-1 0-2 0-3 0 0 0-1 0-1 1z m-27 26l20-19c0 0 0 1-1 2-1 4 1 8 4 12 7 7 15 15 23 23-32-17-37-19-41-19-2 0-3 1-4 1 0 0 0 0-1 0z m-29 30l22-23c-1 3-1 6 0 9l7 24c-17-9-21-11-25-11-1 0-2 0-4 1l0 0z m-41 41l39-39 3 10-3 11 2 1c3 1 16 8 32 17l-73 0z m105 0c1-3 1-6 0-9l-8-24c18 9 43 22 64 33h-56z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="hand-drawn-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea89;" d="M231 60l269 269 271-271c5-5 12-7 19-4 6 3 10 9 10 16v283c0 4-2 9-5 12l-283 283h-24l-283-283c-3-4-5-8-5-12v-283c0 0 0 0 0-1 0-9 8-16 17-16 6 0 11 2 14 7z m419 167l-46 45c1 0 2 0 3 0 2 2 4 4 5 6 0 2 1 3-2 9l0 0c-3 9-11 26-30 64 51-82 78-125 93-148l-23 24z m76-76l-29 29c0 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 4 3 5 6 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 4-3 9-4 10-16 34-45 90l96-162-26 26z m40 11v-18c-4 7-8 16-14 28-13 24-31 58-51 98 36-63 54-92 63-105l2-3z m0 184v-3c-1 2-2 4-3 6l3-3z m0-49v-18c-6 13-14 28-25 49-5 9-10 19-15 29 14-21 28-42 40-60z m-31-14c15-23 24-37 30-46 1-1 1-2 1-2v-29l-77 152 46-75z m-158 17l-65 65c-2 1-3 2-5 3h0c4 1 7 4 8 7 1 3 1 4-8 23l70-98z m72 163c2-4 4-8 6-13l-10 17 4-4z m-74 74l34-67c-15 26-30 52-44 77l10-10z m-65 64l0 0c6-14 24-51 82-165l-89 152 7 14 0-1z m-276-255l266 266 10-10-26-16c0-2-1-2 2-8l-1 0 3-6c8-17 31-60 89-175 3-6 6-12 9-18-69 111-97 156-111 174 0 1-1 3-2 5l-1-1c-7 8-9 7-13 5-2-1-4-3-5-6-1-3 0-5 1-8 24-47 55-105 81-155l-95 134c-3 4-9 6-14 3-5-3-7-9-4-14 11-19 24-44 36-68-24 28-37 43-45 50l0 0c-8 8-10 7-14 5-5-3-7-9-4-14l28-54c-9 10-16 18-22 24-5 6-10 11-13 14-8 8-10 7-14 5-2-1-4-3-5-6-1-3-1-4 33-71l-44 47c-3 3-8 4-12 2-2-1-4-4-5-6-1-4-2-5 15-37-7 8-12 14-15 18l-1 1 0 0c-7 7-9 6-13 4-5-2-7-8-5-13l21-41c-9 11-17 22-24 31-4 4-10 5-14 2s-6-8-3-13c9-19 22-43 33-65l-46 48c-2 2-6 4-9 3-4-1-7-4-8-7-1-5-1-5 27-60-16 19-26 30-32 36l-1 1 0 0c-8 7-10 6-13 4-3-1-4-3-5-6-1-2-1-5 0-8 11-20 25-47 37-70-42 42-44 41-50 38-1-1-2-1-2-2l0 38z m0-128v75c13-26 31-60 42-82l-32 10c-3 1-7 0-10-3z m0-14c10-20 21-41 22-44l10 4 9-3c2 4 2 5-13 33l31-10c2-1 5-1 7 1 3 1 5 3 5 6 2 4 2 5-26 59 13-13 26-26 37-36 2-3 6-4 9-3s6 3 8 7c1 4 1 5-27 60 12-14 24-28 34-39 2-3 6-4 9-4 4 1 7 4 8 7 2 5 2 5-33 72l45-47c2-3 6-4 9-3 4 1 6 3 7 7 1 3-2 4-19 43 17-11 16-18 20-23l1-1 1 0c8-7 10-6 13-5 5 3 7 9 5 14l-17 33c8-10 14-17 18-22l0 0h0c8-8 10-7 14-5 2 1 4 3 5 6 1 4 1 4-14 34-6 10-13 24-20 38l45-48c4-4 9-4 13-1 3 2 5 5 5 8 0 2-1 3-1 5-9 16-19 36-28 54 17-20 28-31 34-38l0-1 1 1c8-8 9-7 13-5 5 3 7 9 5 14l-28 54c16-19 33-39 47-55 0-1 2-1 3-2-3 0-5 0-7-1h0c-2-1-4-2-6-4l-254-254v94z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="hand-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea8b;" d="M702 75c9 7 23 9 35 12 22 6 43 11 65 16 12 3 18 8 18 22-1 86-1 173 0 260 0 12-4 18-17 21-39 10-78 21-116 33-10 3-21 9-28 17-51 58-101 117-151 175-15 17-32 27-55 21-23-5-37-18-44-40-6-19 0-36 13-51 22-27 45-53 67-80 2-2 4-5 5-8 2-5-1-11-6-13-3-1-6-1-10-1-104-1-208-1-312-1h-41c-38 0-62-19-62-51-1-31 24-53 61-53 14 0 28 0 42 0h194c4 0 8-1 12-1 6-1 11-3 12-5 0-2-4-5-9-6-3-1-6-1-9-1-37-1-73 0-110-1-29 0-49-17-51-43-1-25 16-45 44-47 41-2 81-1 122-2 4 0 8 0 12-1 2 0 4 0 6-1 4-1 5-5 3-7-2-1-3-2-5-2-3-1-6-2-9-2-31 0-62 0-93 0-28 0-44-15-45-40-1-24 19-46 45-46 43-1 86 0 129-1 3 0 7 0 10-1 5-1 9-4 9-6 0-2-4-4-9-5-3 0-7-1-10-1-30 0-61 0-91 0-24 0-39-13-43-36-3-20 9-42 29-48 9-3 20-4 30-4 91-1 183-1 275-1 32 1 62 7 88 29z m143 305v-256c0-15 12-27 28-27h37c15 0 28 12 28 27v256c0 15-13 27-28 27h-37c-16 0-28-12-28-27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hand-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea8c;" d="M298 75c-9 7-23 9-35 12-22 6-43 11-65 16-12 3-18 8-18 22 1 86 1 173 0 260 0 12 4 18 17 21 39 10 78 21 116 33 11 3 21 9 28 17 51 58 101 117 151 175 15 17 32 27 56 21 22-5 36-18 43-40 6-19 0-36-13-51-22-27-45-53-67-80-2-2-4-5-5-8-2-5 1-11 6-13 3-1 7-1 10-1 104-1 208-1 312-1h41c38 0 62-19 62-51 1-31-24-53-61-53-14 0-28 0-42 0h-194c-4 0-8-1-11-1-7-1-12-3-12-5-1-2 3-5 8-6 3-1 6-1 9-1 37-1 74 0 110-1 29 0 49-17 51-43 1-25-16-45-44-47-41-2-81-1-122-2-4 0-8 0-12-1-2 0-4 0-6-1-4-1-5-5-3-7 2-1 3-2 5-2 3-1 6-2 9-2 31 0 62 0 93 0 28 0 45-15 45-40 1-24-19-46-45-46-43-1-86 0-129-1-3 0-7 0-10-1-5-1-9-4-9-6 0-2 4-4 9-5 4 0 7-1 10-1 30 0 61 0 91 0 24 0 39-13 43-36 4-20-9-42-29-48-9-3-20-4-30-4-91-1-183-1-275-1-32 1-62 7-88 29z m-143 305v-256c0-15-12-27-28-27h-37c-15 0-27 12-27 27v256c0 15 12 27 27 27h37c16 0 28-12 28-27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hand-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea8d;" d="M775 148c-7-9-9-23-12-35-6-22-11-43-16-65-3-12-8-18-22-18-86 1-173 1-260 0-12 0-18 4-21 17-10 39-21 78-33 116-3 10-9 21-17 28-58 51-117 101-175 151-17 15-26 32-21 56 5 22 18 36 40 43 19 6 36 0 51-12 27-23 53-46 80-68 2-2 5-4 8-5 5-1 11 1 13 6 1 3 1 7 1 10 1 104 1 208 1 312v41c0 38 19 62 51 63 30 0 53-25 53-62 0-14 0-28 0-42v-194c0-4 1-7 1-11 1-7 3-12 5-12 2-1 5 3 6 8 1 3 1 6 1 9 1 37 0 74 1 111 0 28 17 49 43 50 25 1 45-16 47-44 2-40 1-81 2-122 0-3 0-7 1-11 0-3 0-5 1-7 1-4 6-5 7-2 1 1 2 3 2 5 1 3 2 6 2 9 0 31 0 62 0 93 0 27 15 44 40 45 24 1 46-19 46-45 1-43 0-86 1-129 0-4 0-7 1-10 1-5 4-10 6-10 2 1 4 5 5 10 0 3 1 6 1 9 0 31 0 61 0 92 0 24 13 39 36 43 20 3 42-9 48-29 3-10 4-20 4-30 1-92 1-184 0-275 0-33-6-63-28-89z m-305-143h256c15 0 27-12 27-28v-37c0-15-12-28-27-28h-256c-15 0-27 13-27 28v37c0 16 12 28 27 28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="line-block-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea8e;" d="M500 243l283 292 40-38-323-332-322 332 39 38z m438-331v876h-875v-876h875z m-32 32h-812v812h812v-812z m-689 591z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="line-block-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea8f;" d="M393 350l292 283-38 40-332-323 332-322 38 39z m-331-438h876v876h-876v-876z m844 844v-812h-812v812h812z m-221-689z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="line-block-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea90;" d="M315 67l38-40 332 323-332 322-38-39 292-283z m-253 721v-876h876v876h-876z m844-844h-812v812h812v-812z m-591 689z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="line-block-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea91;" d="M500 457l283-292 40 38-323 332-322-332 39-38z m-437 331v-876h875v876h-875z m843-844h-812v812h812v-812z m-689 221z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="long-arrow-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea92;" d="M537 624v-412h110c14 0 18-8 8-18l-137-136c-10-10-26-10-36 0l-136 136c-11 10-7 18 7 18h110v412c0 14 11 26 26 26h23c14 0 25-12 25-26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="long-arrow-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea93;" d="M774 313c14 0 26 11 26 26v22c0 15-12 26-26 26h-412v110c0 14-8 18-18 8l-136-137c-10-10-10-26 0-36l136-136c10-11 18-7 18 7v110h412z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="long-arrow-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea94;" d="M226 313h412v-110c0-14 8-18 18-7l136 136c11 10 11 26 0 36l-136 137c-10 10-18 6-18-8v-110h-412c-14 0-26-11-26-25v-23c0-15 12-26 26-26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="long-arrow-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea95;" d="M537 76v412h110c14 0 18 8 8 18l-137 136c-10 11-26 11-36 0l-136-136c-11-10-7-18 7-18h110v-412c0-14 11-26 26-26h23c14 0 25 12 25 26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-collapse" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea96;" d="M478 418c6-6 14-9 22-9s16 3 23 9l163 164c12 12 12 32 0 45l-14 14c-13 12-33 12-45 0l-104-104c-7-7-15-10-23-10s-16 3-22 10l-105 104c-12 12-32 12-45 0l-14-14c-12-13-12-33 0-45l164-164z m45-136c-7 6-15 9-23 9s-16-3-22-9l-164-164c-12-12-12-32 0-45l14-14c13-12 33-12 45 0l105 105c6 6 14 9 22 9s16-3 23-9l104-105c12-12 32-12 45 0l14 14c12 13 12 33 0 45l-163 164z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-double-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea97;" d="M212 378l203 203c15 16 40 16 56 0l17-17c16-16 16-41 0-56l-129-130c-8-8-12-18-12-28s4-20 12-28l129-130c16-15 16-40 0-56l-17-17c-16-16-41-16-56 0l-203 203c-8 8-12 18-12 28 0 10 4 20 12 28z m300 0l203 203c15 16 40 16 56 0l17-17c16-16 16-41 0-56l-129-130c-8-8-12-18-12-28s4-20 12-28l129-130c16-15 16-40 0-56l-17-17c-16-16-41-16-56 0l-203 203c-8 8-12 18-12 28 0 10 4 20 12 28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-double-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea98;" d="M788 378l-203 203c-15 16-40 16-56 0l-17-17c-16-16-16-41 0-56l129-130c8-8 12-18 12-28s-4-20-12-28l-129-130c-16-15-16-40 0-56l17-17c16-16 41-16 56 0l203 203c8 8 12 18 12 28 0 10-4 20-12 28z m-300 0l-203 203c-15 16-40 16-56 0l-17-17c-16-16-16-41 0-56l129-130c8-8 12-18 12-28s-4-20-12-28l-129-130c-16-15-16-40 0-56l17-17c16-16 41-16 56 0l203 203c8 8 12 18 12 28 0 10-4 20-12 28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea99;" d="M786 430l-251-251c-10-9-22-14-35-14s-25 5-34 14l-251 251c-20 19-20 50 0 69l21 22c19 19 50 19 69 0l161-160c9-10 22-14 34-14s25 4 35 14l160 160c19 19 50 19 69 0l22-22c19-19 19-50 0-69z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-expand" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea9a;" d="M328 418c13-12 33-12 45 0l105 105c6 6 14 9 22 9s16-3 23-9l104-105c12-12 32-12 45 0l14 14c12 13 12 33 0 45l-163 164c-7 6-15 9-23 9s-16-3-22-9l-164-164c-12-12-12-32 0-45l14-14z m344-136c-13 12-33 12-45 0l-104-104c-7-7-15-10-23-10s-16 3-22 10l-105 104c-12 12-32 12-45 0l-14-14c-12-13-12-33 0-45l164-164c6-6 14-9 22-9s16 3 23 9l163 164c12 12 12 32 0 45l-14 14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-left-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea9b;" d="M288 138c-9 9-14 21-14 35v355c0 27 22 49 49 49h30c27 0 49-22 49-49v-227c0-13 6-26 14-35s22-14 35-14h227c27 0 49-22 49-49v-30c0-28-22-49-49-49h-355c-14 0-26 5-35 14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-left-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea9c;" d="M288 562c9 9 21 14 35 14h355c27 0 49-21 49-49v-30c0-27-22-49-49-49h-227c-13 0-26-5-35-14s-14-21-14-35v-226c0-28-22-49-49-49h-30c-28 0-49 21-49 49v355c0 13 5 25 14 34z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea9d;" d="M649 64l22 22c19 19 19 50 0 69l-160 160c-10 10-15 22-15 35s5 25 15 35l160 160c19 19 19 50 0 69l-22 22c-19 19-50 19-69 0l-251-251c-9-10-14-22-14-35s4-25 14-35l251-251c19-19 50-19 69 0z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-right-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xea9f;" d="M712 562c-9 9-21 14-34 14h-355c-28 0-49-21-49-49v-30c0-27 21-49 49-49h226c14 0 26-5 35-14s14-21 14-35v-226c0-28 22-49 49-49h31c27 0 49 21 49 49v355c0 13-6 25-15 34z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeaa0;" d="M420 64l251 251c10 10 14 23 14 35s-4 25-14 35l-251 251c-19 19-50 19-69 0l-22-22c-19-19-19-50 0-69l160-160c10-10 15-22 15-35s-5-25-15-35l-160-160c-19-19-19-50 0-69l22-22c19-19 50-19 69 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rounded-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeaa1;" d="M786 270l-251 251c-10 10-22 14-35 14s-25-5-34-14l-251-251c-20-19-20-50 0-69l21-22c19-19 50-19 69 0l161 160c9 10 22 15 34 15s25-5 35-15l160-160c19-19 50-19 69 0l22 22c19 19 19 50 0 69z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="scroll-bubble-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeaa2;" d="M500 850c-151 0-273-122-273-273v-454c0-151 122-273 273-273s273 122 273 273v454c0 151-122 273-273 273z m236-727c0-130-106-236-236-236s-236 106-236 236v454c0 131 106 237 236 237s236-106 236-237l0-454z m-165-93c0-39-32-71-71-71s-71 32-71 71c0 39 32 71 71 71s71-32 71-71z m-19 136c0-28-24-51-52-51-28 0-51 23-51 51s23 52 51 52c29 0 52-23 52-52z m-15 102c0-20-16-37-37-37-21 0-37 17-37 37 0 21 17 37 37 37 21 0 37-17 37-37z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="scroll-long-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeaac;" d="M271 621v-381c0-108 75-199 175-223v32c-83 23-144 100-144 190v382c0 109 89 199 198 199s199-90 199-199v-381c0-91-62-168-145-191v-32c100 24 175 115 175 223v381c0 126-102 229-229 229s-229-103-229-229z m206-671v255c0 9 7 16 16 16h14c9 0 16-7 16-16v-255h68c9 0 11-5 5-11l-85-84c-6-7-16-7-22 0l-85 84c-6 6-4 11 5 11h68v0z m30 673h-14c-9 0-16 7-16 16v94c0 9 7 16 16 16h14c9 0 16-7 16-16v-94c0-9-7-16-16-16z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="stylish-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeabe;" d="M267 614l-48-30c-11-7-11-17 0-24l262-165c11-7 27-7 38 0l178 112c10 7 19 2 19-10v-4c0-12-9-27-19-33-41-26-138-87-178-112-11-7-27-7-38 0l-177 112c-10 6-27 6-37 0-15-9-34-22-48-30-11-7-19-22-19-34v-111c0-12 7-26 16-32l265-167c11-6 27-6 38 0l262 166c11 6 11 17 0 23l-48 30c-10 7-27 7-37 0l-177-112c-11-6-27-6-38 0l-177 112c-10 7-19 22-19 34v3c0 13 8 17 18 11l178-113c11-6 27-6 38 0l178 113c10 6 27 17 37 23l47 30c11 6 19 21 19 34v110c0 12-8 27-19 34-14 9-33 21-47 30-11 7-27 7-38 0l-177-112c-11-6-27-6-38 0l-177 112c-10 7-27 7-37 0z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="swoosh-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeac2;" d="M509 650l-17-2c-3-1-5-3-5-6v-124l-16-2v98c0 2-1 4-3 5-1 0-3 1-5 1l-20-3c-3-1-5-3-5-5v-351l-109 110c-9 8-23 9-32 2l-58-42c-9-6-10-18-2-26l248-249c8-8 22-8 30 0l248 249c8 8 7 20-2 26l-59 41c-9 7-24 5-32-3l-108-108v331c0 2-1 3-3 4-1 1-3 2-5 1l-16-2c-3 0-5-3-5-5v-94l-16-2v151c0 1-1 3-3 4-1 1-3 1-5 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="swoosh-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeac3;" d="M800 341l-2 17c-1 3-3 5-6 5h-124l-2 16h98c2 0 4 1 5 3 0 1 1 3 1 5l-3 20c-1 3-3 5-5 5h-351l109 109c9 9 10 23 3 32l-42 58c-6 9-18 10-26 2l-249-248c-8-8-8-22 0-30l249-248c8-8 20-7 26 2l41 59c7 9 5 24-3 32l-108 108h331c2 0 3 1 4 3 1 1 2 3 1 5l-2 16c0 3-3 5-5 5h-94l-2 16h151c1 0 3 1 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="swoosh-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeac4;" d="M200 341l3 17c0 3 2 5 5 5h124l2 16h-98c-2 0-3 1-5 3 0 1-1 3-1 5l3 20c1 3 3 5 5 5h351l-109 109c-9 9-10 23-3 32l42 58c6 9 18 10 26 2l249-248c8-8 8-22 0-30l-248-248c-9-8-20-7-27 2l-41 59c-7 9-5 24 3 32l108 108h-331c-2 0-3 1-4 3-1 1-2 3-1 5l2 16c0 3 3 5 5 5h94l2 16h-151c-1 0-3 1-4 3-1 1-1 3-1 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="swoosh-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeac5;" d="M509 50l-17 3c-3 0-5 2-5 5v124l-17 2v-98c0-2 0-3-2-4-1-1-3-2-5-1l-20 2c-3 1-5 3-5 5v351l-110-109c-8-9-22-10-31-3l-58 42c-10 6-10 18-2 27l248 248c8 8 21 8 30 0l248-249c8-8 7-20-2-26l-59-41c-10-6-24-5-32 3l-108 108v-331c0-2-1-3-3-4-1-1-3-2-5-1l-16 2c-3 0-5 3-5 5v94l-17 2v-151c0-1 0-3-2-4-1-1-3-1-5-1z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="thin-double-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeac7;" d="M467 634l16 16 308-300-308-300-16 16 292 284-292 284z m-259 0l16 16 309-300-309-300-16 16 292 284-292 284z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="bell-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeacf;" d="M689 776c21 0 54-6 86-18 6-3 7-1 7 5 2 27 12 50 34 66 29 23 61 27 94 12 35-17 53-46 51-85-1-48-36-82-87-86-7-1-8-2-5-8 27-73 23-145 1-218-23-72-61-136-114-189-51-51-75-113-90-181-7-31-13-61-24-91-13-34-39-50-74-53-42-4-82 6-120 21-62 25-116 63-166 106-66 57-125 119-173 191-29 45-54 92-65 144-6 25-8 49-4 74 5 38 27 60 63 70 35 11 71 16 107 24 29 6 57 13 84 24 27 12 49 29 70 49 37 37 79 68 126 93 58 31 120 50 199 50z m52-91c-20 7-39 9-58 10-52 1-96-19-136-51-41-33-77-71-116-106-42-39-87-73-139-97-41-19-84-33-130-32-9 0-11-2-10-11 6-33 25-57 51-77 9-6 19-9 30-7 12 3 24 5 36 9 61 20 109 58 149 107 49 60 99 119 157 170 48 41 98 79 166 85z m131 119c-25 0-45-19-45-44-1-25 20-46 45-46 24 0 44 21 45 45 0 25-20 45-45 45z m-636-864c0 27 11 50 31 69 5 4 8 3 12 0 40-32 82-61 129-83 5-2 5-5 4-10-13-53-78-82-126-56-32 16-49 43-50 80z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="electron" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xead8;" d="M964 600c-28 48-87 74-171 74-24 0-51-3-79-7-43 112-108 183-183 183-22 0-43-7-64-19-12 8-25 12-40 12-42 0-77-34-77-76 0-20 8-37 20-51-8-15-16-31-22-49-28 4-55 7-79 7-84 0-143-26-171-74-38-65-9-157 67-250-23-28-41-56-55-83-4 1-9 2-14 2-42 0-77-34-77-77 0-40 32-73 72-76 2-5 4-11 7-16 28-49 87-74 171-74 24 0 51 2 79 7 43-112 108-183 183-183 75 0 141 71 183 183 28-4 55-7 80-7 5 0 9 0 14 1 14-21 38-35 65-35 42 0 76 34 76 76 0 4 0 7-1 11 6 6 12 13 16 21 38 65 9 157-66 250 75 93 104 185 66 250z m-250-87c-21 14-42 28-65 41-23 13-46 25-69 36 37 14 73 25 108 32 11-33 19-70 26-109z m-39 146c-46-10-95-26-144-47-49 21-97 37-144 47 5 13 10 24 16 35 7-2 15-4 24-4 42 0 76 34 76 77 0 12-3 24-9 35 12 5 25 9 37 9 56 0 108-59 144-152z m-301-37c35-8 71-18 108-32-23-11-46-23-69-36-22-13-44-27-65-41 7 39 16 75 26 109z m-242-42c20 35 69 55 137 55 20 0 43-2 66-6-14-44-24-94-31-148-43-32-81-66-113-100-62 77-87 151-59 199z m167-307c-31 25-58 51-82 77 24 26 51 52 82 77-2-25-3-51-3-77 0-26 1-52 3-77z m-30-208c-68 0-117 20-137 55-1 1-1 3-2 4 25 13 43 38 43 68 0 24-11 44-27 58 11 23 26 46 45 70 32-35 70-69 113-101 7-54 17-104 31-148-23-4-46-6-66-6z m79 122c21-14 43-28 65-41 23-13 46-25 69-36-37-14-73-24-108-32-10 33-19 70-26 109z m183-298c-56 0-107 59-144 152 46 10 95 26 144 47 49-21 98-37 144-47-36-93-88-152-144-152z m157 189c-35 8-71 18-108 32 23 11 46 23 69 36 23 13 44 27 65 41-7-39-15-76-26-109z m33 162c-29-21-59-41-92-60-32-19-65-35-98-50-33 15-65 31-98 50-33 19-63 39-92 60-4 36-6 72-6 110s2 74 6 110c29 21 59 41 92 60 33 19 65 35 98 50 33-15 66-31 98-50 33-19 63-39 92-60 4-36 6-72 6-110 0-38-2-74-6-110z m73 395c67 0 116-19 136-55 28-48 3-122-59-199-32 34-70 68-113 100-6 54-17 104-31 148 23 3 46 6 67 6z m-31-208c31-25 58-51 82-77-24-26-51-52-82-77 2 25 3 51 3 77s-1 52-3 77z m167-307l0-1c-14 16-35 26-57 26-43 0-77-34-77-77 0-1 0-2 0-3l-2 0c-21 0-43 2-66 6 13 44 24 94 30 148 43 32 81 66 113 100 62-77 87-151 59-199z m-399 323c-51 0-93-41-93-93s42-93 93-93c51 0 93 41 93 93 0 51-42 93-93 93z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fountain-pen" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xead9;" d="M542 201c-5 4-7 6-10 8-54 54-108 109-162 162-9 9-6 13 2 20 167 143 335 287 502 431 9 7 14 8 23-1 27-28 55-56 84-84 10-9 8-15 0-24-123-143-246-287-369-430-20-23-40-47-60-70-4-4-7-8-10-12z m-25-22c-75-52-149-103-222-154-9-6-14-5-22 2-28 30-57 59-87 87-7 8-6 13-1 20 49 71 97 141 146 212 6 8 10 10 18 2 55-56 111-111 168-169z m-517-329c39 41 55 87 62 137 2 15 8 25 20 34 30 21 58 43 87 65 8 6 14 7 21-1 17-18 34-35 53-52 9-8 10-14 2-25-27-33-53-68-80-102-4-6-8-12-17-11-51 2-96-17-138-42-2-1-4-1-10-3z m143 103c-1 13-8 22-21 23-12 0-21-7-22-20-1-13 5-22 20-23 14-1 20 8 23 20z m773 897c46 1 85-37 84-85-27 28-57 58-84 85z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="globe-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeada;" d="M948 437v-49c-2-11-3-23-5-34-36-221-238-367-458-326-152 28-256 119-303 266-47 149-14 285 97 396 203 204 545 126 645-144 13-35 18-72 24-109z m-668 179c20 0 20 0 20-19 1-18-1-37 8-54 9-18 18-37 26-55 5-12 13-19 27-17 12 1 22-4 26-16 18-41 50-68 87-91 14-10 28-18 46-16 13 1 19-5 18-19-1-18 0-37 0-55 0-13 4-19 17-18 12 0 18-4 18-17 1-13-4-20-17-19-14 1-19-6-18-19 0-25 0-50 0-75 0-54-7-47 48-47 8 0 17-2 19 8 1 12-9 10-16 11-4 0-8-1-9 4-1 4 3 6 5 8 9 9 18 17 27 25 44 38 85 78 104 136 8 25 6 35-17 48-6 2-12 5-17 8-48 31-98 46-156 41-35-2-58 26-75 51-20 29 0 55 35 52 10-1 14-5 14-15l0-31c0-9 4-15 14-15 8 0 11 6 11 14 0 14 2 28 0 42-3 25 7 42 28 54 10 6 19 10 31 10 14 0 28 0 43 0 6 0 15-1 15 7 0 10-9 9-16 10-2 0-4 0-6 0-12-1-17 5-17 16 0 6 0 12 0 18 0 24 0 24-24 28-9 1-11 4-5 11 7 7 13 13 20 20 5 6 12 13 9 21-3 10-13 6-21 7-37 3-57 24-57 62 0 4 0 8 0 12 2 10-3 12-13 11-31-5-61-12-90-25-57-25-104-61-142-112z m338 102c0-7 0-15 0-22-1-10 4-15 14-16 24-4 24-4 24-29 0-6 0-11 0-16 0-10 7-14 16-14 8 1 15 3 21 8 20 16 39 32 59 47 10 8 7 12-1 18-32 21-65 37-101 48-32 9-32 9-32-24z m-566-274c7 46 13 92 28 137 38 108 104 194 197 259 22 15 43 13 55-4 13-18 7-38-15-53-110-77-175-183-192-316-27-219 117-428 331-482 119-30 231-13 336 48 5 3 10 7 15 9 17 7 37 0 45-16 8-17 3-36-15-47-35-23-74-40-114-53-5-2-12-1-16-8 33-17 69-30 85-68h-493c10 30 36 44 61 57 14 7 28 12 43 18-4 7-10 7-15 9-142 55-242 154-300 295-21 51-30 105-36 159 0 19 0 37 0 56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="graduate-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeadb;" d="M234 651c0-10 0-20 0-29 0-5-1-8-5-12-14-11-16-30-4-41 7-6 7-12 5-19 0-3-1-7-1-11-4-25-7-50-11-75-1-5 1-7 6-7 16 1 32 1 48 0 5 0 6 1 5 6-5 30-9 60-13 90-1 6-1 10 4 14 12 10 13 29 2 39-9 8-9 15-9 25 0 3 0 7 0 11 0 5 1 5 6 4 17-8 34-15 51-21 5-2 6-5 6-9 0-20 0-39 0-59 0-5 1-7 6-5 12 5 24 8 36 10 35 5 70 3 102-16 12-7 22-17 32-28 1 1 2 2 3 3 20 24 45 37 75 41 32 5 62 0 91-10 5-2 7-1 7 5l0 59c-1 5 1 7 6 9 34 13 68 26 103 39 9 4 19 8 29 12-4 2-7 4-10 6-98 55-197 110-296 166-6 3-10 3-16 0-82-47-165-93-247-139l-60-33c15-6 29-11 42-16 5-1 7-4 7-9z m107 19c53 14 105 25 152 24 66 0 122-11 177-28 4-1 5-3 5-7 0-4 0-9 0-13 1-5-1-6-6-4-26 8-53 14-80 20-59 11-118 11-178 0-27-5-54-12-80-20-5-2-6-1-6 5 0 18-1 18 16 23z m332-166c-1 23-2 23-24 29-2 0-3 1-4 1-6 2-6 0-5-5 1-11 3-22 2-33 0-11-1-23-3-34-6-41-23-77-53-106-48-46-116-48-166-6-36 32-55 73-61 121-2 20-2 39 1 59 1 4 1 6-4 4-8-2-16-4-24-7-2-1-3-3-4-6-5-60 8-116 45-165 28-36 64-60 110-65 47-6 88 10 122 42 49 46 69 105 68 171z m-70-6c-1 15-12 26-28 26-15 0-26-12-26-27 0-15 12-27 27-26 15 0 27 11 27 27z m-152-1c0 15-11 27-26 27-16 0-27-11-27-26 0-16 11-27 26-27 15 0 27 11 27 26z m10-103c-4 0-6-1-3-5 9-17 23-26 42-26 19 0 33 10 42 26 3 4 1 5-3 5-13 0-26 0-39 0-13 0-26 0-39 0z m374-427c-5 40-8 80-16 119-6 27-13 54-22 80-11 29-29 51-59 65-44 19-92 30-132 60-1-4-2-6-2-7 4-28 7-55 11-82 2-11 5-23 1-33-14-37-29-74-44-112-10-25-21-51-30-77-11-31-24-62-41-93-14 39-29 78-43 117-15 39-31 78-46 118-9 26-20 52-17 81 3 24 1 49 1 73 0 5 2 11-3 15-37-26-78-42-121-56-21-6-41-18-53-37-19-33-31-70-38-108-3-16-4-33-8-48-7-29-6-59-8-89-1-14-1-32 14-39 27-13 56-23 86-31 26-6 52-10 78-15 52-11 105-18 157-18 66 0 130 12 194 25 42 8 82 20 121 36 7 3 14 8 16 15 3 14 6 27 4 41z m-325 199c-4 2-7 4-12 1-8-6-16-11-24-16-7-5-10-11-7-19 1-5 3-9 4-14 5-51 17-100 24-151 1-13 4-27 9-41 3 10 7 19 8 29 4 38 13 74 18 111 2 15 2 31 7 45 9 31 8 34-19 50-3 1-5 4-8 5z m37 75c-4 4-10 2-15 0-17-7-35-5-53-2-6 1-12 5-21 1 14-20 28-39 40-59 6-12 9-6 13-1 11 16 20 33 31 49 3 4 8 8 5 12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="graduate" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeadc;" d="M938 609v53h-875v-53h193l-40-175 287-42 287 43-40 174h130v-188h-15v-196l58 25v171h-14v188h29z m-435-260l-290 42c-3-17-5-35-5-53 0-166 132-300 293-300 162 0 294 134 294 300 0 18-2 36-5 53l-287-42z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="group-students" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeadd;" d="M998-47c0 2 0 4 0 6-2 57-6 114-12 171-5 44-11 87-19 130-5 28-20 46-45 56-15 6-31 12-46 18-9 3-13 1-16-7-13-28-30-52-54-72-20-16-42-31-64-44-12-6-16-14-16-27 1-76 1-152 1-228 0-1 0-1 0-2h-27c0 1 0 1 0 2 0 78 0 156 0 234 0 8-2 13-9 17-14 8-28 17-41 26-21 14-41 30-57 50-12 15-20 31-29 47-2 4-4 8-10 6-23-9-47-16-68-30-12-7-20-17-23-30-16-66-23-132-29-199-3-41-6-82-6-123h0c-1-5-1-10-1-16-1-17 7-25 24-25l262 0 263 0c17 0 25 8 24 25 0 5-1 10-2 15z m-423 545c9-6 13-13 17-22 13-33 28-65 54-90 38-37 88-38 127-3 30 28 49 63 65 100 2 6 5 11 11 15 23 15 27 38 10 60-3 4 0 6 1 9 4 14 8 28 8 42 1 38-15 69-39 96-7 7-7 12-4 19 5 9 10 17 15 26-15-1-26-6-37-12-7-4-9-2-12 4-7 14-9 29-13 45-8-7-12-15-15-23-4-9-7-8-13-3-8 7-15 16-26 22 0-3-1-4-1-5-3-7 6-17-2-21-6-4-15-2-22-2l-1-1c-62-7-106-40-133-94-14-29-11-59-3-90 2-4 5-8 1-13-18-23-7-48 12-59z m31 65c31-2 62 1 92 8 32 8 60 23 85 47 8-27 21-48 41-65 3-3 4-6 3-10-14-48-32-95-67-132-10-10-21-19-35-23-27-7-47 6-64 24-24 27-37 60-48 94-5 16-9 32-14 48-2 8 0 9 7 9z m190-209c-3 0-6 1-8-3-13-34-43-51-70-70-3-2-5-4-9-1-27 19-57 36-71 69-1 3-2 7-6 5-14-3-27-5-40-8-6-1-5-4-3-7 11-17 20-34 34-49 24-27 56-44 86-64 4-3 7-1 10 1 16 11 32 22 49 33 30 19 51 48 68 79 3 4 3 7-4 8-12 2-24 4-36 7z m-402-416c0 5 0 11 0 16h1c0 41 3 82 6 123 1 11 2 22 3 33-22-6-44-11-67-15-25-5-51-11-77-10-25 2-50 7-75 12-46 10-92 22-138 36-7 2-9 0-10-7-7-58-14-116-16-175 0-6 0-10-1-13h0c0-2 0-4 0-7-1-12 6-18 21-18l227 1h147c-15 0-22 8-21 24z m-328 435c7 1 9 2 9 9-2 33 0 65 7 96 5 18 11 34 27 48 4-26 15-48 34-65 5-4 8-10 12-16 14-25 31-48 54-66 34-27 75-28 110-2 25 18 42 43 57 69 3 4 5 8 8 11 17 17 27 37 33 59 1 3 0 8 3 9 5 1 7-4 10-7 13-18 19-38 22-60 4-25 5-50 4-75 0-5-1-9 6-10 40-4 70 23 69 62-1 54-46 109-99 120-8 2-10 6-9 13 1 20 0 41-7 60-22 63-67 100-133 108-67 7-120-21-156-79-16-27-22-56-20-87 1-9-1-13-11-15-30-7-53-25-71-50-15-20-24-43-25-68-1-39 21-66 66-64z m91 163c17 5 25 20 33 34 3 6 6 13 10 22 5-16 4-30 1-44-2-7 0-9 6-10 9 0 16 2 23 8 13 15 20 33 26 51 1 3 1 6 4 9 5-17 3-35 2-52 0-6 2-8 7-9 33-4 65-6 98 1 13 3 13 3 11-9-8-46-27-87-58-122-34-39-77-38-111 1-2 2-3 4-5 6-25 31-41 66-50 105 0 4-3 8 3 9z m8-266c2 22 5 44 7 67-26-8-50-18-73-31-17-10-28-25-33-44-8-27-14-55-20-83-2-9 1-11 9-13 57-18 114-32 173-42 16-3 33-8 50-5 44 7 87 16 130 27 5 43 11 87 22 129 2 10 7 18 14 24-3 2-5 4-8 6-21 13-43 22-66 30-9 3-9-2-8-8 5-23 7-46 8-69 2-19 1-38 1-58-32 19-64 38-96 58-5 3-9 4-15 0-31-19-61-37-91-56-6-3-8-2-7 4 1 22 1 43 3 64z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hat-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeade;" d="M861 30c-10 0-20-1-30 0-13 1-19 10-15 23 7 19 13 39 21 59 2 5 1 8-4 11-32 24-30 69 3 90 5 3 6 6 6 11 0 79 0 158 0 237 0 9-2 10-10 8-103-27-207-53-310-79-16-4-31-4-46-1-154 40-308 80-460 127-9 3-16 7-16 18 0 10 8 13 16 16 96 29 192 51 289 76 51 14 103 26 155 39 29 8 59 7 88-1 145-37 290-75 432-122 2 0 3-1 5-1 9-3 16-8 15-18 0-10-7-13-16-15-34-9-68-18-102-26-6-2-8-4-8-10 0-82 0-165 0-247 0-5 2-7 6-9 39-18 43-67 9-93-5-3-5-6-3-12 7-19 13-37 20-56 5-16-1-25-18-25-9 0-18 0-27 0z m-683 350c0 16 1 33 0 50 0 8 2 9 10 7 63-18 127-36 192-51 35-9 71-17 106-26 20-4 38 1 56 6 89 24 178 45 266 68 14 3 14 3 14-11 0-29 0-58 0-87 0-20-7-36-21-49-21-21-47-33-74-42-53-18-109-27-165-30-61-5-122-3-183 6-46 6-92 16-135 36-18 8-35 18-48 32-12 13-18 28-18 46 0 15 0 30 0 45h0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeadf;" d="M978 537c-145 45-290 91-434 136-8 3-16 5-24 8h-4c-4-2-8-3-11-4-76-23-151-45-226-68-74-23-148-46-222-70-6-1-11-4-16-7-12-7-13-19-2-28 6-5 14-10 23-12 45-15 90-28 136-42 3-1 8 1 12 3 10 8 19 17 29 24 62 46 132 72 208 78 30 3 61 1 91 1 16-1 26-12 25-28 0-14-12-24-27-24-6 1-12 1-17 1-71 4-138-7-201-40-19-9-36-21-55-33 3-2 4-3 5-3 73-23 147-46 221-68 21-6 42-7 63 0 142 45 284 90 426 136 8 3 15 10 22 16v9c-7 5-14 12-22 15z m-531-25c29 3 59 1 88 1 10 0 18 6 19 15 1 9-5 16-15 18-2 1-5 1-7 1-39 2-77 2-116-5-100-17-182-65-245-144-5-7-10-11-19-12-16-4-27-14-31-31s-1-30 12-41c6-6 7-13 7-21-3-33-15-63-35-89-27-36-56-71-84-106-2-3-5-5-7-8 44 30 76 70 100 116 9-1 9-6 6-11-13-19-24-40-38-59-23-32-50-60-82-82v-2c11-7 23-13 34-20 2 2 3 3 4 3 28 34 55 69 74 109 2 5 5 9 11 3-13-45-32-88-65-125 9-1 17-2 24-2 27-1 50 7 63 33 3 8 8 15 11 23 30 73 44 147 34 226-1 4 1 9 3 12 14 16 17 36 5 54-3 5-3 8 1 12 65 79 148 122 248 133z m-185-211c24-12 49-25 74-34 87-31 177-36 267-19 59 11 115 31 167 61 5 3 8 6 5 13-3 11-6 23-9 35-3 14-7 28-11 42-2-1-2-1-3-1-66-17-131-35-197-52-15-5-31-8-48-4-31 7-62 13-93 21-45 11-90 24-135 36-1-1-2-2-2-3-7-29-14-57-20-85-1-3 2-9 5-10z m-7-17c-6-19-6-19 9-32 28-25 60-45 94-62 62-28 126-41 193-32 85 11 158 49 221 106 12 11 13 14 5 29-172-93-346-101-522-9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="instrument" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae0;" d="M759-150c-3 8-10 12-15 17-81 81-162 163-244 244-83 83-166 166-249 249-82 83-165 165-248 248-4 4-4 6 0 11 76 76 153 152 229 228 4 4 6 4 10 0 77-77 154-155 231-232 7-6 15-13 21-20 5-5 7-5 12 0 29 29 59 59 88 89 5 5 10 7 17 5 30-8 60-15 89-23 5-1 8-3 11-6 31-31 62-63 93-94 4-3 6-7 7-11 8-30 15-60 23-90 1-6 0-10-4-14-30-29-60-59-90-89-5-5-6-8 0-13 84-84 167-167 251-251 3-3 5-7 9-7v-2c-2-1-4-3-5-4-77-77-153-153-230-230-1-1-2-3-4-5h-2z m-515 737c-2-2-4-4-6-6-20-21-41-42-62-62-4-4-5-7 0-11 9-9 18-18 27-27 4-5 6-4 10 0 7 7 13 13 20 20 12 12 12 12 24-1 5-5 4-7 0-11-9-9-17-18-26-26-4-3-5-6 0-10 9-9 19-19 28-28 3-4 5-4 9 0 6 7 13 14 20 20 12 12 12 12 24 1 4-5 5-8 0-12-9-9-17-18-26-26-4-4-4-6 0-10 9-8 17-17 26-26 5-6 8-5 14 0 19 20 40 40 60 61 5 5 9 5 13-1 1-1 2-2 3-3 7-5 7-9 1-15-21-20-41-40-61-60-2-3-7-6-2-10 10-10 20-20 30-30 3-3 5-3 8 0 7 7 14 14 21 21 12 12 12 12 24 0 4-4 5-7 0-12-9-8-18-17-27-26-4-4-4-6 0-10 10-9 20-18 29-28 3-4 5-3 8 0 7 7 14 14 21 21 12 11 12 11 24 0 5-5 4-8-1-13-8-8-16-16-25-25-4-3-5-6 0-10 9-9 18-17 26-27 5-4 8-5 12 1 19 19 38 37 56 56 12 11 12 11 24 0 5-5 5-8 0-13-21-20-41-41-62-62-5-4-5-7 0-11 9-9 18-18 27-27 3-4 6-4 9 0 7 7 14 13 20 20 13 12 12 12 25 0 5-5 4-8-1-12-9-8-17-17-26-25-3-3-4-6 0-10 10-9 19-19 29-29 3-4 6-3 9 1 6 6 12 12 19 19 13 13 13 13 26 0 4-4 3-6 0-10-9-9-18-18-27-27-4-3-5-6-1-10 10-8 19-17 27-27 5-4 7-5 12 0 19 20 39 39 59 59 9 10 9 10 19 0 0-1 1-1 1-2 7-4 5-8 0-13-21-21-41-41-62-62-4-4-4-6 0-11 10-8 19-18 28-27 3-4 6-4 9 0 7 7 13 13 20 20 13 13 13 13 25-1 4-4 4-6 0-9-9-9-17-18-26-27-5-4-6-6-1-11 9-8 18-17 26-26 6-6 9-4 14 1 50 51 101 102 152 152 6 6 6 9 0 15-39 39-78 78-117 117-64 63-127 127-191 191-60 60-121 121-181 181-63 63-125 125-188 188-5 4-7 5-12 0-16-17-33-33-49-50-35-34-69-69-104-103-7-7-6-10 0-16 5-4 10-8 14-13 4-5 7-5 11-1 6 7 13 13 19 20 13 13 13 13 26-1 3-4 3-6-1-9-9-9-17-18-27-27-3-4-4-6 0-10 10-9 19-18 28-28 4-5 7-4 10 0 21 21 41 41 61 61 3 3 5 8 9 6 5-5 10-11 16-16z m372 23c-1 1-3-2-5-4-20-20-39-39-59-59-4-4-4-6 0-10 9-9 18-18 27-28 4-4 7-3 10 1 8 8 16 16 24 23 17 18 35 35 52 53 2 2 7 5 1 7-16 6-32 11-50 17z m146-145c0 1-1 2-1 4-5 14-10 27-14 41-2 7-4 8-9 3-25-26-51-51-76-76-3-4-4-6 0-10 9-9 19-18 28-28 3-4 6-4 9 0 20 20 39 39 59 59 2 1 4 3 4 7z m-599-300c18-6 35-11 51-17 5-2 8 1 10 4 20 20 39 39 58 58 5 5 8 6 13 1 21-22 43-43 65-65 4-4 5-7 0-12-20-19-39-39-59-58-4-4-5-8-3-14 5-13 9-26 13-38 3-10 3-10 10-3 25 25 50 50 75 75 6 6 9 6 14 0 9-10 18-19 27-27 4-4 4-7 0-10-48-48-96-96-143-144-3-3-7-5-11-5-73-17-146-33-220-49-5-2-9 0-14 3-17 13-20 29-17 50 7 54 11 110 17 165 2 20 4 40 6 59 0 5 3 9 6 12 47 47 94 94 141 141 5 5 8 6 12 1 11-11 21-22 32-32 5-4 4-7 0-11-26-26-52-51-78-77-1-2-3-4-5-7z m-84-175c-1-3 3-5 5-8 18-18 37-37 55-56 3-3 6-4 10-3 31 7 62 14 93 20 6 1 7 5 8 9 4 18 8 36 12 54 1 6 0 10-5 14-29 29-58 58-87 88-3 3-6 4-11 3-19-4-38-7-58-10-5-1-7-4-8-9-1-13-3-25-5-38-3-21-6-42-9-64z m574 755c12 10 22 19 31 28 14 14 28 28 42 43 4 3 7 5 13 4 30-9 61-16 92-24 4-1 7-3 10-5 31-32 62-63 94-95 3-3 5-6 6-10 7-30 15-60 23-90 1-5 1-9-3-14-23-22-46-45-69-68-1-1-2-1-4-3-5 23-11 45-17 67 0 1 0 2 0 4-3 23-15 40-33 56-25 24-49 49-74 74-4 4-9 7-15 8-27 7-54 13-81 20-4 1-7 3-15 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lamp-light" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae1;" d="M983 290c22 22 23 42 1 64-85 86-171 173-257 259-18 18-18 17 0 36l2 1c24 25 25 54 1 79-22 23-44 44-66 66-28 29-56 29-84 1-43-42-85-84-127-127-6-6-10-7-17 0-21 22-42 44-64 65-18 19-41 19-60 1-19-19-39-39-58-58-18-19-18-41 1-60 23-23 46-47 69-70 6-5 6-8 1-15-27-41-22-94 14-130 33-34 88-39 129-12 6 4 9 3 14-2 21-22 43-44 65-65 18-18 40-18 58 0 20 20 40 39 59 59 18 18 18 40 1 58-19 19-38 38-57 57-17 17-17 17 0 33 1 2 3 3 4 4 6 10 11 7 17 0 68-68 136-137 204-205 6-6 4-9-1-14-103-102-206-204-309-307-4-4-9-6-16-6-23 0-46 1-68 0-24 0-39-15-41-38-1-11 0-23 0-34 0-31 15-46 45-46 36 0 72 0 108 0 62-1 124-1 186-1 26 0 42 17 42 43 0 10-1 21 0 31 3 23-15 46-43 45-13-1-27 0-42 0 4 4 7 7 10 10 93 93 186 186 279 278z m-712-2c-20 14-37 32-51 51-4 6-6 6-11 1-32-32-64-64-97-97-8-8-13-18-13-28 0-19 11-37 28-44 17-7 33-4 47 9 33 32 65 65 98 97 5 5 4 7-1 11z m-81 109c-6 18-11 38-12 57-2 22-2 22-23 17-41-11-83-22-125-34-21-6-33-26-29-46 3-24 20-40 43-40 3 0 7 0 10 1 44 12 88 23 132 35 6 1 6 4 4 10z m138-141c-6 3-7-1-9-6-11-43-23-86-35-129-6-23 6-46 29-53 26-8 49 4 56 29 3 10 6 21 9 32 10 37 20 74 30 112-28 1-54 5-80 15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="medal" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae2;" d="M928 626l-133 147c-7 7-18 12-28 11h-534c-10 1-21-4-28-11l-133-147c-11-12-12-29-4-43l218-352c-11-27-16-55-16-85 0-127 103-230 230-230h0c127 0 230 103 230 230 0 30-5 58-16 85l218 352c9 14 7 31-4 43z m-294-31l-134-219h0l-134 219h268z m-492 3l84 92 199-326c-38-13-72-36-98-66l-185 300z m509-435l-61-59 14-84c1-7-2-14-7-18-3-3-7-4-11-4-3 0-6 1-9 2l-75 40-76-40c-6-3-13-3-19 1-6 5-9 12-7 18l14 85-61 59c-5 5-7 12-5 19 2 7 8 12 15 13l85 12 37 76c3 7 10 11 17 11s13-4 16-11l38-76 85-12c7-1 12-6 15-13 2-7 0-14-5-19z m22 135c-26 30-60 53-98 66l199 326 84-92-185-300z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="microscope-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae3;" d="M359-150h-228c-21 0-32 11-32 32 0 16 0 32 0 48 1 20 11 31 32 31 32 0 64 0 96 0 8 0 11 2 10 10 0 2 0 3 0 5 2 10-1 14-12 13-16-1-31-1-47 0-15 0-23 8-23 23-1 11 0 23 0 34 0 18 7 25 25 25 53 1 107 1 161 1 76 0 152 0 228-1 22 0 28-6 28-28 0-15 0-30 0-45 0-6 1-7 7-6 93 16 162 101 158 195-4 95-69 169-162 186-6 1-11 0-16-4-33-22-68-24-103-4-46 27-92 53-138 80-15 9-17 17-8 32 41 71 82 143 124 214 8 15 16 17 31 9 43-24 86-49 129-74 14-8 16-17 8-31-12-20-23-40-35-60-2-3-8-8-4-12 4-5 8-11 17-12 69-7 130-34 182-80 62-54 100-122 110-204 15-115-21-213-106-291-52-48-113-76-184-83-48-5-96-2-144-3-35 0-69 0-104 0l0 0z m198 597c0 16-12 28-27 28-15 0-27-12-27-28 0-15 12-27 27-27 15 0 27 12 27 27z m-87-119c0-3-2-6-4-10-11-20-23-40-34-61-8-13-17-15-30-8-44 25-87 51-131 76-12 7-14 16-7 28 11 20 22 41 34 61 7 13 17 15 30 8 43-25 86-50 130-75 7-4 12-9 12-19z m246 423c-5-11-11-24-21-33-4-4-10-3-15 0-9 5-18 10-26 15-6 5-10 4-13-3-11-19-22-38-33-57-3-5-5-7-11-3-19 11-39 23-58 34-6 3-6 6-3 11 11 18 20 37 32 54 5 9 3 13-5 17-8 4-15 8-23 13-10 6-12 12-6 23 4 7 8 14 12 21 5 7 12 9 21 5 46-27 92-54 139-81 5-3 10-7 10-16z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="microscope" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae4;" d="M713 484c-9 11-39 44-55 60-7 35-37 63-73 63-41 1-76-34-76-77 0-43 33-77 74-77 17 0 33 6 45 15 59-57 91-151 73-233-19-82-69-137-144-168l-13 15c-31 33-79 32-109-1-45-49-89-99-132-149-4-3-5-9-7-14 5-2 10-5 16-5 59-1 118-1 177-1 60 0 120 0 179 1 5 0 10 3 15 4-2 5-2 11-5 14-23 26-46 52-69 78 3 0 7 1 11 4 103 58 156 149 161 268 4 76-22 144-68 203z m-129-14c-31 1-57 28-57 60 0 32 26 58 57 58s57-26 57-58c0-32-27-60-57-60z m-94-475c-21 0-38 17-38 39-1 21 16 39 37 39 22 0 39-16 39-38 1-22-17-40-38-40z m-109 390c0-3 2-9 4-10 10-4 9-10 7-18-5-16-9-33-13-49-2-6-1-10 6-11 10-3 20-6 30-9 5-1 8 1 10 7 4 18 10 35 14 53 1 6 3 9 9 8 7 0 12 2 13 10 1 1 1 2 1 3 11-3 22-6 34-9 8 32 16 62 24 92 0 3-2 8-4 10-48 58-28 136 40 161 5 2 10 7 11 12 6 20 11 40 17 62-42 11-84 23-127 35-29-113-58-225-87-337l12-4c-1-2-1-4-1-6z m4-259c50 0 101 0 151 0 17 0 19 2 19 19 0 17-2 19-19 19-101 0-202-1-303 0-16 0-15-9-15-21 0-11 1-18 15-18 51 1 101 1 152 1z m-18-92c16 18 31 36 48 55-13 6-25 15-38 16-36 2-73 0-113 0 28-32 58-56 92-73 3-1 9 0 11 2z m97 717c41-11 81-23 121-34 16-4 15 9 18 19 4 10 1 15-9 18-33 9-66 18-99 27-8 2-16 4-24 7-14-1-12-13-14-21-3-7-2-14 7-16z m120-183c-20 0-38-18-37-38 0-21 17-39 37-39 20 1 37 18 37 39 0 21-17 38-37 38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="paper" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae5;" d="M662 771c99-3 198-6 297-9 31-1 44-15 41-47-5-43-9-86-14-129-9-79-20-157-35-235-18-92-39-183-74-270-13-34-29-66-50-96-31-44-71-66-126-64-117 3-234 3-350 5-49 0-97 2-146 3-59 2-105 30-141 75-31 39-51 83-63 132-6 24 10 44 35 43 85-1 169-4 254-6 88-2 176-3 264-5 4 0 7-1 10-1 21 2 34-9 43-28 14-31 31-61 51-89 12-17 25-33 41-46 22-17 39-17 59 2 23 23 36 51 48 80 31 74 50 151 67 229 16 78 29 158 40 238 5 44 9 88 14 132 1 8-1 10-9 10-65 2-130 3-194 5-108 3-216 7-324 10-9 0-11-2-12-11-13-133-32-265-71-393-8-24-17-47-25-70-2-5-4-7-9-7-20 1-40 1-60 1-8 0-8 3-5 9 42 93 62 193 80 293 12 71 19 143 26 214 2 22 15 34 37 34l235-7c22-1 44 0 66 0 0-1 0-1 0-2z m-47-780c-26 34-45 68-63 103-2 4-5 6-10 5-10 0-20 1-30 1-85 2-169 4-254 6-52 1-105 2-158 3-19 1-19 1-11-16 29-56 67-97 137-97 118 0 235-3 353-5 11 0 22 0 36 0z m24 548c-49 1-97 3-145 4-5 1-9 1-14 2-11 1-18 9-17 20 0 11 7 18 18 20 4 0 9 0 13 0 99-4 198-8 297-11 14-1 22-9 22-21-1-12-9-20-23-19-50 1-101 3-151 4v1z m73-144c-83 3-166 6-248 9-14 0-23 6-24 17-2 10 3 17 12 22 4 2 9 1 14 1l125-4c52-2 103-4 154-5 7-1 14-1 19-7 6-6 7-13 5-21-4-9-11-13-21-14-12 0-36 1-36 2z m-139-139c-52 3-104 6-155 9-9 0-14 6-15 17-1 10 2 17 8 22 2 2 5 1 8 1l78-4c33-2 65-4 97-5 4-1 8-1 11-7 4-6 5-14 3-21-2-9-7-13-12-14-8 0-23 1-23 2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pen-alt-4" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae6;" d="M749 416c-61 60-123 122-184 183-5 6-8 6-14 0-162-162-324-325-487-487-11-11-18-24-21-40-4-28-9-56-15-84-1-7 0-11 5-15 30-30 59-60 89-90 3-2 6-6 11-5 26 5 52 11 78 14 23 3 41 13 57 30 50 51 101 101 151 152l328 328c5 4 9 7 2 14z m12 220c-28 27-55 55-82 82-22 21-39 21-61-1-5-4-9-9-14-14-21-21-21-38 0-59 76-75 151-151 227-226 7-7 7-10 0-17-75-75-150-150-225-225-16-16-16-35-1-50 15-15 34-15 50 1 91 90 182 181 273 272 9 10 14 21 15 35 0 15-7 27-17 37-56 55-110 110-165 165z m221 73c-42 42-83 84-125 125-22 21-49 21-70 0-22-21-43-42-65-63-5-6-4-9 1-14 61-61 123-123 184-184 4-4 6-6 11-1 22 23 45 45 67 67 9 9 14 20 13 34 1 15-6 26-16 36z m-968-778l-6-41-6-40 81 12-35 34-34 35z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pen-nib" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae7;" d="M759 329c-20 26-41 51-60 77-37 53-78 103-94 168-2 8-7 7-12 7-63 0-125 0-187 0-8 0-11-2-13-11-5-24-16-46-29-68-35-60-77-115-122-169-9-10-9-16 2-25 23-20 42-44 59-69 66-94 110-199 152-305 10-26 20-53 31-84 1 7 2 9 2 11 0 138 0 277 0 415 0 9-3 14-11 19-21 11-30 32-24 52 6 21 23 35 44 36 20 1 40-13 46-32 7-21 0-43-20-55-11-6-12-13-12-24 0-79 0-158 0-237v-180l4 0c1 4 3 9 5 14 28 78 58 156 95 230 38 78 79 155 145 214 9 8 3 11-1 16z m-402 289c7-14 20-16 34-16h126c31 0 62 0 93 0 13 0 26 3 32 16 6 13 2 23-8 31-5 3-4 6 0 9 10 8 14 19 7 32-6 13-18 13-31 13h-111v0c-39 0-78 0-118 0-11 0-21-4-25-16-5-10-2-19 6-27 3-3 10-5 3-10-10-9-15-19-8-32z m257 130l12 102h-254l11-102h231z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pencil-alt-5" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae8;" d="M976 615l-211 211c-15 15-35 23-57 23s-42-8-57-23l-593-593c-14-15-28-35-39-62-12-27-18-53-18-77v-243h244c25 0 50 6 76 17s47 25 62 40l593 593c15 15 23 34 23 57s-8 42-23 57z m-376 7l66-67-448-449-68 66 450 450z m-355-663h-82l-54 55v80c0 8 3 19 9 34l23-24c16-14 35-34 59-57 23-24 41-42 52-52 11-11 20-20 27-27-13-6-24-9-34-9z m77 41l-66 68 449 448 67-66-450-450z m487 488l-171 173 70 69 171-172-70-70z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="quill-pen" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeae9;" d="M677 691c-5-1-11-3-17-3-4 0-10-3-12 1-2 4 3 7 6 10 10 10 21 19 31 29 6 4 8 10 8 17 0 11 0 22 0 34-1 18 2 38-4 56-5 17-12 19-26 9-8-6-14-13-20-21-74-88-129-189-174-294-6-14-9-29-6-44 2-15 6-29 11-43 2-8 1-14-1-20-3-7-5-6-9-2-8 8-16 17-22 27-1 2-2 6-5 5-3 0-3-4-4-6-4-10-8-20-12-30-18-45-34-91-50-136-8-26-4-49 12-70 9-12 18-24 29-34 6-6 7-11 5-18-5-16-8-32-13-47-2-9 0-11 9-11 8 1 16 1 24 1 5-1 8 1 10 7 3 14 8 29 10 43 2 14 10 21 22 25 17 7 35 14 51 23 20 10 35 26 43 47 6 15 2 22-13 25-13 2-27 4-41 6-3 0-7 1-8 5 0 3 4 5 6 6 14 7 29 12 44 16 21 5 32 16 38 38 24 77 52 153 71 232 9 35 16 71 19 108 1 10-1 11-12 9z m-208-708c-20 0-41 0-61 1-11 0-17 5-17 15-1 11 5 17 17 18 8 0 17 0 26 0 23 0 23 0 26 24 1 6 1 10-8 10-30-1-59 0-89 0-8 0-8-4-7-10 2-11 4-22 6-34 1-4 0-8-3-11-37-38-51-85-53-136 0-8 3-10 10-10 32 0 64 0 96 0 32 0 65 0 97 0 4 0 9-2 9 6 1 44-9 85-36 122-4 4-8 5-13 5z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="test-tube-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeaf2;" d="M893-20l-236 408c-3 5-6 10-6 16 0 32 0 65 0 97 0 6 1 9 9 10 30 1 53 22 60 51 4 16 1 32 1 48 1 38-27 67-66 67-108 0-217 0-325 0-32 0-57-21-64-52-3-16-1-32-1-49 0-36 26-63 61-65 8-1 9-4 9-10 0-31 0-62 0-93 0-7-2-14-5-20-73-136-146-271-219-407-6-11-11-23-15-35-11-39 2-72 34-87 14-7 29-9 45-9h318c84 0 167 0 251 0 31 0 61-2 91 2 39 6 67 31 72 66 4 23-3 43-14 62z m-55-90c-9-4-19-5-30-5-105 0-210 0-315 0h-310c-9 0-17 0-25 2-25 5-35 19-30 44 3 12 8 23 14 34 74 138 148 276 222 414 4 7 6 14 6 22 0 44 0 89 0 133 0 8-2 12-11 11-9-1-19 0-28 0-19 1-31 13-32 31 0 11 0 22 0 32 0 22 13 34 35 34 92 0 183 0 275 0 15 0 30 1 46 0 19 0 32-13 32-32 0-11 0-22 0-33-1-19-13-32-32-32-10 0-21 0-31 0-6 0-8-2-8-7 1-48 1-96 0-144 0-6 3-10 6-15 74-139 149-277 224-417 7-14 13-28 13-44-1-15-7-24-21-28z m-395 825c22 0 41 19 41 41 0 23-19 42-41 41s-40-18-40-41c0-22 17-40 40-41z m97 65c20 1 35 16 35 35 0 19-16 35-35 35-19 0-35-17-35-35 0-19 16-35 35-35z m69-459c-4 7-8 7-14 4-27-15-51-34-71-56-13-14-26-28-39-41-21-21-46-29-75-26-26 3-52 7-76 16-9 3-13 0-17-8-32-59-65-118-97-177-17-32-35-64-52-96-8-15-7-16 10-16h622c27 0 28 0 14 24-68 125-137 251-205 376z m-73-323c-23-7-46 7-52 29-7 23 6 46 29 52 22 7 45-6 52-29 6-22-7-46-29-52z m96 93c-26-8-54 8-61 35-8 26 8 54 35 61 26 6 52-9 60-35 7-27-8-53-34-61z m-133 364c40 0 73 32 73 72 0 41-32 73-73 73-40 0-73-32-73-72 0-41 32-73 73-73z m-29-144c30 0 52 24 52 54 0 28-23 51-52 51-30 0-53-24-53-53 0-29 25-53 53-52z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="heart-eyes" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeafb;" d="M500 850c-276 0-500-224-500-500s224-500 500-500 500 224 500 500-224 500-500 500z m0-933c-238 0-433 195-433 433s195 433 433 433 433-194 433-433-194-433-433-433z m196 300c-4 0-8 0-12-1-13-4-25-10-38-13-41-9-83-11-125-12-41-2-83-1-124 4-24 3-48 8-70 16-6 3-12 4-18 4-7 1-11-3-12-10-2-10 1-20 7-28 26-36 59-66 97-89 30-18 62-29 97-29 23 0 46 4 67 13 42 16 76 42 105 76 12 14 23 29 30 46 2 5 3 10 4 15 0 5-3 8-8 8z m115 256c-14 33-54 51-88 40-10-3-18-7-26-14 0 1 0 1 0 1-6 33-25 53-57 61-25 6-48-1-66-19-15-14-20-32-21-52-1-24 5-46 13-68 15-37 36-69 61-99 0-1 2-2 3-2 8 2 15 3 23 4 34 7 67 17 98 34 19 10 36 23 50 41 17 22 21 47 10 73z m-441-152c1 0 3 1 4 2 24 30 46 62 60 99 8 22 14 44 13 68-1 20-6 38-21 52-18 18-41 25-66 19-32-8-51-28-57-61 0 0 0 0 0-1-8 7-16 11-25 14-35 11-74-7-89-40-11-26-7-51 10-73 14-18 31-31 50-41 31-17 64-27 98-34 8-1 15-2 23-4z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="nerd-smile" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeafd;" d="M500 850c-276 0-500-224-500-500s224-500 500-500 500 224 500 500-224 500-500 500z m0-933c-238 0-433 195-433 433s195 433 433 433 433-194 433-433-194-433-433-433z m142 272c-79-69-204-69-284 0-14 12-36 11-48-3-12-14-10-36 4-48 53-46 119-69 186-69s133 23 186 69c14 12 16 34 4 48-12 14-34 15-48 3z m-322 251c-27 0-49-22-49-49s22-49 49-49c27 0 49 22 49 49s-22 49-49 49z m395-6c-23 13-53 5-67-19s-4-53 19-66c24-14 53-5 67 18 13 24 5 54-19 67z m-30 122c-60 0-113-34-139-84-14 6-28 10-43 10-20 1-36-6-48-12-26 51-79 86-140 86-87 0-158-70-158-157 0-87 71-158 158-158s157 71 157 158c0 1 0 1 0 2 5 1 9 4 12 8 1 0 8 6 18 6 9 0 19-6 26-12 0-1 0-3 0-4 0-87 71-158 157-158s158 71 158 158c0 87-71 157-158 157z m-370-247c-50 0-90 40-90 90 0 49 40 90 90 90s90-41 90-90c0-50-41-90-90-90z m370 0c-49 0-90 40-90 90 0 49 41 90 90 90s90-41 90-90c0-50-40-90-90-90z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="rage" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeaff;" d="M500 850c-276 0-500-224-500-500s224-500 500-500 500 224 500 500-224 500-500 500z m0-933c-238 0-433 195-433 433s195 433 433 433 433-194 433-433-194-433-433-433z m251 595l-167-75 27-61c-15-7-28-19-37-34-22-40-8-90 32-113 12-7 26-10 40-10 29 0 57 15 72 42 22 40 8 90-31 112-21 12-44 14-65 7l157 71-28 61z m-318-379l30-60c1 0 87 42 141 3l40 54c-87 64-206 5-211 3z m-44 243l28 61-168 75-27-61 156-71c-8 3-16 4-24 4-46 0-83-37-83-83s37-82 83-82c46 0 83 37 83 82 0 33-20 62-48 75z m-38-60c1 0 2 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 0-1-1-3-1-4-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rolling-eyes" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb00;" d="M399 204c-46 0-83-37-83-82s37-83 83-83 83 37 83 83-38 82-83 82z m0-98c-8 0-15 7-15 16s7 15 15 15c8 0 15-7 15-15s-7-16-15-16z m286 439c-59 0-112-33-138-83-14 8-29 12-44 12h-1c-20 0-36-7-48-14-26 51-79 85-139 85-87 0-158-71-158-157 0-87 71-158 158-158s157 71 157 158c0 8-1 16-2 23l14-14c7 6 22 13 44-5 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-87 71-158 157-158s158 71 158 158c0 86-71 157-158 157z m-460-157c0 49 40 90 90 90 24 0 47-10 63-27 0 0-1 0-2 0-45 0-82-37-82-82 0-29 15-55 38-70-6-1-11-1-17-1-50 0-90 40-90 90z m460-90c-5 0-11 0-17 1 11 7 21 17 28 29 22 40 8 90-32 113-13 7-28 11-42 10 16 17 39 27 63 27 50 0 90-41 90-90s-40-90-90-90z m-185 552c-276 0-500-224-500-500s224-500 500-500 500 224 500 500-224 500-500 500z m0-933c-238 0-433 195-433 433s195 433 433 433 433-194 433-433-194-433-433-433z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sad" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb01;" d="M500 850c-276 0-500-224-500-500s224-500 500-500 500 224 500 500-224 500-500 500z m0-933c-238 0-433 195-433 433s195 433 433 433 433-194 433-433-194-433-433-433z m-186 268l44-51c80 69 205 69 284 0l44 51c-106 92-266 92-372 0z m85 169c45 0 83 37 83 82s-38 83-83 83c-46 0-83-37-83-83s37-82 83-82z m162 10c12-7 26-10 40-10 29 0 57 15 72 42 23 39 8 90-31 112-40 23-90 8-113-31-22-40-8-90 32-113z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="simple-smile" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb02;" d="M500 850c-276 0-500-224-500-500s224-500 500-500 500 224 500 500-224 500-500 500z m0-933c-238 0-433 195-433 433s195 433 433 433 433-194 433-433-194-433-433-433z m251 467c-19 0-34-15-34-34 0-120-97-217-217-217s-217 97-217 217c0 19-15 34-34 34s-34-15-34-34c0-157 128-285 285-285s285 128 285 285c0 19-15 34-34 34z m-303 120c0-27-22-49-49-49s-49 22-49 49c0 27 22 49 49 49s49-22 49-49z m177 42c24-13 32-43 19-66s-43-32-67-19c-23 13-32 43-18 67s43 32 66 18z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="file-html5" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb15;" d="M278 590c2-18 4-35 6-52 5-57 10-114 15-171 4-48 8-96 12-143 2-23 5-46 6-69 1-6 5-7 9-9 53-14 105-29 158-43 4-2 8-3 12-5h8c24 8 49 15 74 22 31 9 62 17 94 26 7 2 10 5 10 12 5 57 11 114 16 171 4 55 9 110 14 164 3 31 5 62 8 92 0 2 1 3 2 5v12h-444l0-12z m403-26c-2-19-3-37-5-55l-11-122c-4-49-9-97-13-145-2-18-4-37-5-55 0-6-2-10-8-12-45-12-89-24-134-36-3-1-7-1-11 0-44 12-88 24-132 36-7 2-9 6-9 12-4 39-7 79-11 118-4 49-8 98-13 147-3 37-6 74-10 112h362z m-113-223c-2-23-4-45-6-66-1-3-3-6-6-7-17-5-35-10-53-14-3-1-6-1-9 0-17 4-33 9-49 13-6 2-8 4-8 10-1 9-1 19-2 29-1 3-3 7-5 7-17 0-34 0-52 0 2-28 5-55 8-82 0-3 3-6 6-7 34-10 68-19 102-28 4-1 8-1 11 0 34 9 67 19 101 27 6 2 8 5 8 11 4 41 8 82 11 123 1 13 3 26 4 40h-202c-2 18-4 36-5 56h198c3 0 6-1 8 0 3 1 6 3 6 6 2 16 3 32 5 49h-279c5-56 10-111 15-168 65 1 128 1 193 1z m274 509h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-image" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb16;" d="M549 337c18 0 32 14 33 32 0 18-14 33-32 34-19 0-34-15-34-34 0-18 15-32 33-32z m163 186c-12 1-25 0-39 0v37c0 14-2 16-16 16h-22c-9 0-13-4-13-13v-40h-277c-17 0-19-1-19-18v-277h-36c-14 0-16-3-17-17v-21c1-10 3-13 14-13 13-1 25 0 39 0v-39c0-11 3-14 14-14h24c9 0 14 4 14 13-1 13-1 26-1 40h278c17 0 18 1 18 18v277h37c13 0 16 3 16 17 1 7 1 13 0 21 0 11-3 13-14 13z m-91-286c-15 19-29 36-44 56-4 5-10 5-14-1-3-3-5-6-7-9-4-6-11-6-15-1-10 11-19 22-28 33-6 5-13 5-17 0-5-6-10-12-14-18-5-5-11-6-15-3-4 3-9 3-12 0-2-3-7-2-10 3-1 3-3 6-5 9-1 2-3 3-3 3-1-1-1-1-1-1-10-18-19-35-28-53-2-3-3-3-5-3-8 2-16 2-25 2v218h243l0-235z m221 613h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-iso" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb17;" d="M500 569c-121 0-219-98-219-219s98-219 219-219c120 0 219 98 219 219s-99 219-219 219z m-1-309c-50 0-89 40-89 91 0 50 40 89 90 89 51 0 90-40 90-91-1-50-41-89-91-89z m1 152c-35 0-62-27-62-61 0-35 27-63 61-63 35 0 63 27 63 61 0 35-27 63-62 63z m342 438h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-java" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb18;" d="M485 317l17-13-10 19c-1 0-32 61-31 105 0 15 22 32 45 50 20 17 44 36 58 58 30 48-4 96-4 97l-13 18 5-22c0 0 6-32-12-65-7-13-24-25-43-38-28-19-59-40-75-76-29-62 59-130 63-133z m-37-64c9 0 18 0 28 0 103 4 141 35 142 37l16 13-20-5c-24-7-63-10-100-12l14 9c2 2 46 32 38 69-3 14-10 25-16 34-10 14-17 24-6 43 12 22 68 63 68 64l27 20-31-12c-5-2-114-43-114-94 0-34 15-53 26-66 4-5 8-10 9-14 3-11-5-31-8-38l-8-15c-18-1-35-1-50-1-53 0-80 3-86 6 3 5 24 13 50 18l-1 9c-15 0-91-1-99-24-1-6-1-11 3-16 12-17 54-25 118-25z m224 73c-21 0-41-10-42-11l-17-9h19c1 0 46 0 50-25 4-22-42-58-61-69l-21-14 25 5c4 1 105 23 94 81-6 35-29 42-47 42z m-62-109l-35 24-2 0c0 0-25-7-62-11-14-2-31-2-47-2-37 0-61 4-64 7-1 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 4 3 6 4l-3 9c-24-5-36-13-35-23 2-18 44-28 79-30 6 0 11 0 17 0 59 0 135 18 136 18l10 2z m-174-28l-17 0c-3 0-32-2-34-19 0-6 1-10 5-15 10-12 37-19 84-22 6 0 11 0 17 0 59 0 99 18 100 19l8 4-39 24-2-1c0 0-20-4-49-8-5 0-12-1-20-1-30 0-62 5-68 8 0 1 0 1 1 2l14 9z m249-72c5 5 6 10 5 13-1 8-8 13-9 14l-28 18 22-25c0-1 2-3-1-6-6-5-62-20-157-25-13-1-26-1-40-1-87 0-149 12-154 17 1 5 24 12 48 16l-1 10c-1 0-3 0-5-1-39-2-83-7-85-26-1-6 1-12 5-16 10-12 40-27 178-27 136 0 208 24 222 39z m-60-39c-24-5-68-7-131-7-64 0-124 2-125 2l-1-9c1 0 64-15 150-15 42 0 82 3 120 10 72 12 76 47 77 49l1 14-9-11c-1 0-21-21-82-33z m217 772h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-javascript" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb19;" d="M277 588c2-18 5-35 6-52 6-58 11-115 16-172 4-47 8-95 12-143 2-23 4-45 6-68 0-7 4-8 9-10 53-14 105-29 158-43 4-1 8-3 12-4h8c24 7 49 14 74 21 31 9 63 18 94 26 7 2 10 5 11 13 4 57 10 114 15 171 5 55 9 110 14 164 3 31 6 62 8 92 1 2 2 3 2 5v12h-445c0-4 0-8 0-12z m404-26c-2-19-3-37-5-55l-11-123c-4-48-8-96-13-145-1-18-3-36-4-55-1-6-2-10-9-11-44-12-89-25-133-37-4-1-8-1-12 0-44 12-88 25-132 36-7 2-9 6-9 12-4 40-7 79-11 119-4 49-9 97-13 146-3 38-6 75-10 113l362 0z m-132-311c-16-4-32-9-48-13-4-1-8-1-12 0-15 4-29 8-44 12-8 1-10 6-10 12 0 2 0 4 0 6-1 9-2 18-3 27h-52c0-6 0-12 1-18 1-19 4-38 5-56 0-8 3-10 9-12 32-8 64-17 95-26 4-1 9-1 13 0 15 4 30 8 45 12 19 6 38 11 58 17l14 164h-182c0 2-1 4-1 6 3 25 5 50 8 75 0 1 3 4 5 4 37 0 74-1 112-2 2-19 3-38 5-56h53c-3 38-6 76-10 114h-8c-66 0-131 0-197 0-7 0-8-3-9-9-1-18-3-35-4-53-2-19-4-39-6-58-1-14-2-28-4-41-1-11-1-22-2-33h182c-2-22-4-43-6-65 0-5-3-6-7-7z m293 599h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="file-midi" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb1b;" d="M275 124h449v452h-449v-452z m342 144h27v290h62v-416h-89v126z m-108 0h27v290h36v-289h26v-127h-89v126z m-108 0h27v290h35v-289h27v-127h-89v126z m-108 290h63v-289h26v-127h-89v416z m549 292h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-mov" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb1c;" d="M369 264c51-19 104-21 157-9 46 10 87 30 117 67 31 37 39 79 18 124-14 30-37 51-65 67-41 24-86 34-140 34-19 1-43-3-68-9-42-12-79-32-108-66-34-42-36-95-6-139 23-34 56-56 95-69z m144 28c-13-14-31-19-50-20-19 1-36 5-50 19-15 15-15 36 1 51 24 24 75 23 99-1 14-15 14-34 0-49z m-66 106c0 6 7 11 16 11 8-1 15-5 15-11 0-7-7-12-16-12-8 1-15 6-15 12z m177 27c17-15 18-37 2-53-13-13-31-18-49-18-17 0-32 4-45 14-22 16-22 42 0 59 25 20 68 19 92-2z m-204 85c23 17 63 17 86-1 24-17 23-46-2-62-12-8-26-12-42-12-14 0-28 4-40 11-26 17-27 46-2 64z m-117-84c25 21 71 20 94-2 18-17 17-41-3-56-13-10-28-14-45-14-16 0-31 4-44 13-22 17-23 42-2 59z m432-150c-22 3-44 2-66-2-37-6-73-13-110-21-27-6-53-13-81-15-45-1-88 5-129 23-31 14-59 33-79 61-6 8-11 17-17 26 0-3 0-4 0-6 0-12 0-23 0-35-1-15 2-30 7-44 13-33 37-57 67-75 65-37 134-43 207-26 12 3 25 9 38 12 22 5 45 10 68 13 26 4 53 6 80 4 9 0 17-1 27-2v74c0 12 0 12-12 13z m-143-7c2-1 3-1 4 0 23 4 46 8 69 12 5 0 6 2 6 7 1 12 1 25 1 37 1 8 0 15 0 23-17-36-46-60-80-79z m250 581h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-mp3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb1d;" d="M713 248c1 15 1 30 2 45l3 59 2 48 2 59 2 35c0 16 1 32 2 48 0 4 0 9 1 13v2c0 1-1 0-1 1-2-1-5-1-7-1-18-2-37-3-56-5l-55-4-47-3-47-4-47-3-30-3c-2 0-2 0-2-2l-2-46c-1-15-1-29-2-43l-2-55-2-43-2-55c0-10 0-20-1-30 0-1 0-1-2-1-11 6-24 8-36 8-24-1-45-8-62-25-8-8-14-17-16-28 0-1 0-2-1-3v-10c1-3 2-7 3-10 3-12 11-21 21-28 12-8 26-13 41-13 0 0 1 0 1-1h7c1 1 1 1 2 1 4 0 9 0 13 1 19 4 35 13 47 27 7 8 12 18 13 29 1 8 1 16 2 24 0 13 1 26 1 40l2 52c1 13 2 27 2 40 1 19 2 39 3 58l1 34c0 2 1 2 2 2 7 1 14 2 22 3l26 2c11 1 21 2 32 3l27 3c10 1 21 2 32 3l26 3c11 1 21 2 32 3 9 1 18 2 27 3 2 0 3 0 3-2-1-10-2-20-2-30l-2-35c-1-12-1-23-2-34-1-12-1-24-2-36l-2-44c-1-5-1-10-1-15l-2 1c-11 6-23 9-35 9-7 0-15-1-22-2-20-4-36-13-48-29-13-16-16-35-6-54 6-12 16-19 28-25 14-7 29-9 44-7 18 2 34 8 48 19 9 8 16 16 19 27 3 8 3 16 3 24z m-414 63c6 1 10 6 8 12-1 6-6 9-12 8-7-1-14-3-21-6-15-7-26-19-30-34 0-3-1-6 0-8 5-11 17-9 20-1 6 17 17 27 35 29z m449-108c-8 1-11-3-13-10-3-15-12-24-26-28-13-4-18-16-5-22 2-1 6-1 8 0 4 2 7 3 10 5 18 8 30 21 33 41 2 7 0 13-7 14z m-378 92c-2 8-8 10-16 8-5-1-11-2-16-3-35-10-58-33-68-68-3-9 1-15 7-15 8 0 11 4 12 9 3 11 8 20 15 29 14 17 32 26 53 28 8 1 14 4 13 12z m472 555h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="file-powerpoint" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb21;" d="M842 850h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z m-256 229c-23 11-48 16-77 16h-151v-378h91v128h58c46 0 83 11 109 33 26 23 40 52 40 89 0 25-7 47-19 67-12 19-29 34-51 45z m-37-150c-9-9-22-13-40-13h-60v109h61c16-1 29-6 39-16s14-25 14-43c0-16-5-28-14-37z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-presentation" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb22;" d="M735 604h-470c-4 0-6-2-6-6v-49c0-3 2-6 6-6h26c4 0 7-2 7-6v-291c0-3 2-6 6-6h158c4 0 6-2 6-5v-95c0-4-2-6-6-6h-40c-3 0-6-3-6-7v-26c0-2 3-5 6-5h156c3 0 6 3 6 5v26c0 4-3 7-6 7h-40c-4 0-6 2-6 6v95c0 3 2 6 6 6h158c4 0 7 2 7 6v291c0 3 2 6 5 6h27c4 0 6 3 6 6v48c0 4-3 6-6 6z m-370-121c0 2 3 5 6 5h83c4 0 6-3 6-5v-86c0-4-2-6-6-6h-83c-3 0-6 2-6 6v86z m269-150c0-3-3-6-6-6h-257c-3 0-6 3-6 6v22c0 3 3 6 6 6h257c3 0 6-3 6-6v-22z m0 64c0-4-3-6-6-6h-127c-3 0-6 2-6 6v21c0 3 3 6 6 6h127c3 0 6-3 6-6v-21z m0 63c0-3-3-6-6-6h-127c-3 0-6 3-6 6v22c0 3 3 6 6 6h127c3 0 6-3 6-6v-22z m208 390h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-psb" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb23;" d="M500 551l-262-94 261-95 1-1 262 96-261 94h-1z m0-261l-102 37-74-27 175-63 1-1 176 64-74 27-102-37z m0-87l-102 36-74-26 175-64h1l176 64-74 26-102-36z m342 647h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-psd" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb24;" d="M499 571l-258-94 258-93 260 93-258 94h-2z m0-235l-150 55-108-39 259-94 259 94-108 39-152-55z m0-128l-150 54-108-39 259-94 259 94-108 39-152-54z m343 642h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-python" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb25;" d="M440 359h119c32 0 59 27 59 60v113c0 32-27 56-59 61-21 4-42 5-62 5-20 0-40-2-57-5-50-9-59-27-59-61v-45h118v-15h-162c-35 0-65-21-74-60-11-45-12-74 0-121 8-35 28-60 63-60h40v54c0 39 34 74 74 74z m-7 158c-12 0-22 10-22 22 0 13 10 23 22 23s22-11 22-23c0-12-10-22-22-22z m244-45h-45v-53c0-41-34-75-73-75h-119c-32 0-59-28-59-60v-113c0-32 28-51 59-60 38-11 74-13 119 0 29 9 59 26 59 60v45h-118v15h177c34 0 47 24 59 60 12 37 12 73 0 121-8 34-25 60-59 60z m-111-286c12 0 22-10 22-22s-10-23-22-23-22 10-22 23c0 12 10 22 22 22z m276 664h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-ruby" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb26;" d="M594 393c-1 4-5 4-8 1l-131-136c-3-3-2-6 1-8 84-36 167-72 252-109 4-1 5 0 4 4-40 84-79 166-118 248z m-152-157c-3 1-8 0-11-3-35-36-69-72-105-109-3-3-2-5 2-5 125 0 249 1 372 1 4 0 7 0 7 1 0 0-3 2-6 3l-259 112z m278 290c0 4-1 6-3 4-1-1-2-2-3-3-35-36-69-72-104-107-4-5-4-8-2-13 35-73 69-145 103-218 6-12 12-24 18-37 2-3 3-6 3-6 1 0 1 4 1 7-5 124-9 248-13 373z m-312-85c-4 0-6-2-6-6 12-53 24-106 36-159 0-4 3-4 6-2 42 44 83 87 126 131 2 3 1 5-2 6-54 10-107 20-160 30z m3-192c-47 20-92 40-139 60-4 2-6 0-5-4 12-56 25-112 37-168 1-3 4-4 6-1l102 106c3 2 2 6-1 7z m182 190c2-4 5-4 8-2 34 36 68 71 102 106 3 3 2 6-2 7-56 10-112 20-169 31-3 0-5-2-4-5 23-47 44-92 65-137z m-22-9c4-1 5 1 4 4-22 46-43 91-65 136-1 4-5 4-7 1-34-35-67-69-101-104-3-3-2-6 2-7 56-10 111-20 167-30z m-157-162c4-1 6 1 5 4-12 56-24 111-36 167-1 3-4 4-7 1-34-35-67-69-101-104-2-3-2-7 2-8 45-20 91-40 137-60z m428 582h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-spreadsheet" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb27;" d="M255 126h490v448h-490v-448z m337 416h120v-71h-120v71z m0-104h120v-71h-120v71z m-152 104h120v-71h-120v71z m0-104h120v-71h-120v71z m0-104h272v-176h-18v122h-66v-122h-19v87h-66v-87h-19v53h-66v-53h-18l0 176z m-153 208h120v-71h-120v71z m0-104h120v-71h-120v71z m0-104h120v-72h-120v72z m0-104h120v-72h-120v72z m555 620h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="file-svg" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb29;" d="M730 356l-42 96c11 8 16 22 11 34-7 15-25 22-41 14-7-3-12-8-16-13l-110 22c0 4-1 8-2 12-7 15-25 21-41 14-9-5-16-12-18-22-24-1-58-7-91-22-18-8-33-18-46-29l31 69c3 0 7 0 11 2 10 4 15 15 11 25-4 10-16 13-27 8-10-4-15-15-11-25 1-3 4-5 7-7l-36-81c-7 1-14 0-20-3-16-7-24-24-18-39 3-6 7-10 13-13l-36-79c-3 0-8 0-12-2-11-4-15-16-11-25 4-10 15-13 26-9 11 5 15 16 11 26-1 2-3 4-5 6l32 72c21-81 190-188 252-224-1-5 0-11 2-15 6-14 24-21 41-14 16 8 24 26 17 40-1 3-2 5-5 7l112 120c7-4 17-4 26 0 16 7 24 25 18 39-5 13-19 19-33 16z m-26-42l3-4-112-121c-8 3-16 2-24-1-5-3-9-7-13-11-83 50-231 152-243 218 3 1 6 1 8 2 16 8 24 25 18 40-1 2-3 5-5 7 14 13 30 24 50 33 30 14 62 20 84 21l1-3c7-15 25-21 41-13 7 2 12 7 15 13l111-23c0-4 1-8 2-11 5-13 19-19 33-16l42-96c-11-8-16-23-11-35z m138 536h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="file-wmv" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb2e;" d="M313 277c-14 36-18 74-10 113 15 83 84 148 168 160 3 0 5 1 5 5-1 11-1 23-1 34 0 11 0 11-10 9-59-8-109-34-149-78-28-30-47-65-58-104-4-17-17-78 6-147 2-5 4-11 6-16 2-4 3-5 7-3 11 7 22 14 34 20 3 2 4 3 2 7z m363 250c-12 12-59 54-129 69-6 1-12 2-18 3-4 1-5 0-5-5 0-13 0-26 0-39 0-3 0-5 4-6 39-5 73-21 103-47 64-55 86-148 54-226-2-3-1-5 2-7 10-5 20-11 30-17 9-5 9-5 13 4 22 55 25 112 8 168-12 40-33 74-62 103z m-12-300c-3 2-5 2-8-1-24-31-55-53-92-66-80-27-171 0-223 67-2 3-3 4-7 2-9-6-20-11-30-17-9-5-9-5-2-13 36-48 83-78 141-92 41-9 81-8 120 2 17 5 76 24 124 77 4 4 8 9 12 14 3 3 3 5-1 7-12 6-23 13-34 20z m-322 124c0-91 76-156 158-155 80-1 157 63 157 155 0 91-75 154-155 156-83 1-160-64-160-156z m113 81c45-28 90-55 135-83-45-27-89-55-135-83v166z m387 418h-666c-44 0-79-36-79-80v-840c0-44 35-80 79-80h647c44 0 80 36 80 80v859c0 34-27 61-61 61z m-7-556v-364c0-7-5-12-12-12h-647c-6 0-11 5-11 12v840c0 7 5 12 11 12h489c14 0 36-10 45-21l16-18c10-12 20-24 30-35 14-16 28-32 41-48l18-21c10-11 20-37 20-52v-293z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="cycling-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb31;" d="M587 850c8-6 17-13 26-19 35-29 51-65 33-110-17-43-50-65-96-61-47 3-76 33-85 77-10 47 13 80 53 103 6 4 14 7 21 10l48 0z m-259-436c7-5 11-9 15-10 109-23 159-100 186-200 7-29 22-56 33-85 10-26 17-56-15-70-34-15-50 13-62 37-26 50-49 101-72 152-11 27-29 43-58 51-50 14-101 31-149 50-60 25-77 74-42 128 49 73 107 139 168 203 24 25 52 28 83 14 108-48 216-95 324-143 21-10 36-25 27-49-10-25-30-30-55-22-77 26-155 50-232 77-21 7-36 6-51-11-33-41-66-81-100-122z m-135-181c104 0 192-89 191-193s-90-192-195-190c-102 2-188 89-188 191-1 105 87 193 192 192z m115-192c1 63-51 116-114 117-64 1-117-50-118-113-1-66 51-120 117-120 63 1 115 52 115 116z m692 157c1-104-86-193-191-194-104-1-193 87-193 192 0 102 86 189 188 191 105 2 194-85 196-189z m-76-2c1 62-52 115-115 116-63 0-116-51-117-114-1-66 52-119 117-118 64 0 115 52 115 116z m-885 368c4 29 17 54 38 75 47 50 102 81 173 75 22-1 35-9 16-32-49-60-98-121-148-181-8-10-16-20-31-10-27 18-47 39-48 73z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cycling" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb32;" d="M797 296c-1 0-3 0-4-1l-14 115c-1 6-4 11-7 16 0 1-2 2-2 2-4 5-10 8-16 8l-213 107 24 34-101 73-216-300 30-22h-46v-35c-9 2-19 3-29 3-112 0-203-91-203-204 0-112 91-203 203-203 113 0 204 91 204 203 0 12-2 24-3 35l77 32v-152h92v191l72 29c-32-36-52-83-52-135 0-112 91-203 204-203 112 0 203 91 203 203 0 113-91 204-203 204z m-301 184l234-118h-319l85 118z m222-168l-158-66-84 66h242z m-412-25l-8-15c-12 6-24 11-37 15h45z m64-195c0-91-75-166-167-166-91 0-166 75-166 166 0 92 75 167 166 167 27 0 53-7 75-19l-90-153c0-1 0-1 0-2-1-1-1-3-2-4 0-2-1-4-1-5 0-2 0-3 1-5 0-1 0-3 1-5 0 0 0-1 0-2 0-1 1-1 2-2 0-1 1-3 3-4 1-1 2-2 3-3 1-1 2-2 2-2 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 3-1 5-2 2 0 3 0 5 0 1-1 3 0 4 0 2 0 4 0 5 1 1 0 2 0 2 0l148 61c1-6 2-13 2-20z m-16 69l-84-35 50 85c14-14 26-31 34-50z m-15 83l16 28 93-72-59-25c-12 27-29 50-50 69z m458-318c-92 0-167 75-167 166 0 74 49 136 116 158l20-157c2-17 15-29 30-27 14 1 24 16 22 33l-20 160c91-1 165-75 165-167 0-91-75-166-166-166z m-232 690c54 0 98 43 98 98 0 54-44 98-98 98-54 0-98-44-98-98 0-55 44-98 98-98z m22-616h-92c-15 0-28-13-28-28 0-15 13-28 28-28h92c15 0 28 13 28 28 0 15-13 28-28 28z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="dumbbells" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb34;" d="M252 348h40c9 0 16 7 16 17v208c0 9-7 16-16 16h-40c-9 0-17-7-17-16v-208c0-10 8-17 17-17z m642 251h-40c-9 0-16-7-16-16v-67c0-9-8-17-17-17h-407c-9 0-17 8-17 17v57c0 9-7 16-16 16h-40c-9 0-16-7-16-16v-208c0-10 7-17 16-17h40c9 0 16 7 16 17v76c0 9 8 17 17 17h407c9 0 17-8 17-17v-67c0-9 7-16 16-16h40c9 0 17 7 17 16v209c0 9-8 16-17 16z m90 0h-40c-9 0-17-7-17-16v-209c0-9 8-16 17-16h40c9 0 16 7 16 16v209c0 9-7 16-16 16z m-928-257l-40 0c-9 0-16-7-16-17l2-208c0-9 7-16 17-16l39 0c10 0 17 7 17 17l-2 208c0 9-8 16-17 16z m603 15l-40 0c-9 0-17-7-17-17l1-67c0-9-7-16-16-16l-408-4c-9 0-16 7-16 16l-1 58c0 9-7 16-16 16l-40 0c-9 0-17-8-16-17l1-208c0-9 8-17 17-17l40 1c9 0 16 7 16 16l-1 77c0 9 8 16 17 17l407 3c9 0 17-7 17-16l0-67c0-9 8-16 17-16l40 0c9 0 16 7 16 17l-2 208c0 9-7 16-16 16z m89 1l-40 0c-9 0-16-8-16-17l2-208c0-9 7-17 16-17l40 1c9 0 17 7 17 16l-2 209c0 9-8 16-17 16z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="gym-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb35;" d="M508 673c48 0 88 40 88 89s-40 88-88 88c-49 0-89-39-89-88 0-49 40-89 89-89z m142-355l64-71 21 20-64 70-21-19z m174 162l26-29-36-33-154 212c-6 8-14 13-22 14 0 1-271 1-271 1-7-4-13-8-18-15l-156-215-40 35 23 27-21 19-63-71 21-19 29 32 43-38c-4-14 1-30 13-38 11-8 24-9 35-4l39-35-26-29 22-19 62 71-21 19-26-29-37 32 2 1 135 187 7-45 0-611c0-28 23-50 50-50 28 0 51 22 51 50v409h22v-409c1-28 23-50 51-50 27 0 50 22 50 50v611l9 50 138-191-40-35-23 26-22-19 64-71 22 19-29 32 40 37c12-6 26-6 38 3 13 9 18 27 11 42l39 35 27-29 21 19-64 71-21-20z m-210 51v3c0 0 0-3 0-3z m257-8l-21-19 64-70 21 19-64 70z m-743-4l-62-71 21-19 63 71-22 19z m145-249l21-19 63 72-21 19-63-72z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="gym-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb36;" d="M500 601c41 0 75 34 75 75 0 41-34 75-75 75-41 0-75-34-75-75 0-41 34-75 75-75z m-500-263h73v-241h-73v241z m843-75h-7c-39 62-198 314-198 314h-285s-141-216-188-287l-3 72h-73v-288h73v132h123v-214c0-24 19-43 43-43 23 0 43 19 43 43l0 214h249v-214c0-24 19-43 42-43 24 0 43 19 43 43v214h133v-123h73v288h-73l5-108z m-291 0h-109l57 24 52-24z m-316 0c43 66 164 250 164 250l0-174-115-29v-47h-49z m354 76l0 174c0 0 132-186 177-250h-62v47l-115 29z m338 8h72v-240h-72v240z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="gym-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb37;" d="M518 665c47 0 86 38 86 86 0 47-39 86-86 86-48 0-86-39-86-86 0-48 38-86 86-86z m-518-472l3-315 95 1-3 315z m786 20l1-130-166-2 0 425 210 216c15 15 15 38 1 52-14 14-37 14-52 0 0 0-136-137-136-137h-263l-136 137c-14 14-37 14-51 0-14-14-14-37 0-51 0-1 210-216 210-216l-1-428-190-2-1 118-95-1 2-315 95 1-1 143 190 2 0-113c0-27 22-49 49-49 27 0 49 22 49 49l0 114 22 0v-114c1-27 23-49 49-49 27 0 49 22 49 49v115l166 1 1-130 95 1-3 315-94-1z m-165 316c1 0 0-3 0-3v3z m-120-449l0 230h22v-230l-22 0z m496 135l-95-1 3-315 95 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="gym" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb38;" d="M493 628c46 0 84 38 84 84 0 46-38 83-84 83-46 0-83-37-83-83 0-46 37-84 83-84z m-417 16l64-63 19 20-64 63-19-20z m261 143l-64 63-19-19 64-63 19 19z m318-9l63 65 20-19-63-65-20 19z m226-90l-26-27-47 46c1 10-2 20-10 28-7 7-18 10-28 9l-32 32 24 24-20 19-63-64 20-19 28 29 27-26c-2-1-4-3-5-4-1-1-132-134-132-134h-257l-129 131 37 38 27-26 19 19-65 63-19-19 27-26-39-40c-13 6-29 4-39-7-11-10-13-27-7-40l-30-30-24 23-19-19 64-63 19 19-29 29 28 29 202-207-1-577c0-27 22-48 48-48 26 0 47 21 47 48v386h22v-387c0-26 21-47 47-47 27 0 48 21 48 47l0 577 204 210c2 3 4 5 5 7l41-41-26-26 19-19 63 64-19 19z m-287-194v3c0 0 0-3 0-3z m248 106l63 64 19-19-63-64-19 19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="muscle-weight" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb39;" d="M927 223c-3 10-8 18-15 26-11 45-33 97-66 149-52 83-189 216-241 237-3 1-5 2-7 2-2 13-9 25-27 33-27 13-53 25-78 34-30 85-111 146-206 146-121 0-219-98-219-219s98-218 219-218c99 0 183 66 210 157 19 3 37 2 46-12 27-40 57-173 106-258-13 2-26 3-39 3-56 0-107-17-143-44-31 49-85 80-146 80-81 0-149-55-168-131l-8 0 5-358 88 1 32 57c56 22 122 77 168 136 62-9 141-14 172-14 34 0 164 15 201 28 86 32 138 106 116 165z m-640 344c-36 0-64 29-64 64 0 36 28 64 64 64 35 0 64-28 64-64s-29-64-64-64z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="muscle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb3a;" d="M949 282c-4 11-10 20-17 29-13 52-39 113-77 172-60 96-219 251-279 275-3 1-6 1-8 2-2 15-11 29-30 38-71 33-139 66-187 46-48-20-74-50-23-166 49-36 146 36 177-10 31-46 65-199 122-298-14 2-29 3-44 3-66 0-125-19-166-49-36 55-98 92-169 92-94 0-173-65-194-152l-9 0 5-414 102 2 38 65c64 25 140 89 193 157 72-10 163-16 200-16 39 0 189 17 231 33 100 36 160 122 135 191z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="apple" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb3b;" d="M520 534c15 26 39 63 70 98 26 30 77 68 77 68 8 6 7 14-2 18l-61 29c-9 4-21 1-27-7 0 0-45-65-99-205-166 75-323-30-323-212 0-191 146-481 345-394 209-90 346 203 346 394 0 184-142 292-326 211z m-38 62c10 1 19 9 19 19 0 0 6 74-45 126-53 53-127 46-127 46-10-1-18-9-19-19 0 0-6-74 46-126 52-52 126-46 126-46z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="arabian-coffee" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb3c;" d="M302 83c-1-75 63-110 72-114 0-1 0-1 0-1l10-34 0 0c-5 0-8-2-8-5v-12c0-3 4-5 9-5h288c5 0 9 3 9 5v12c0 3-3 5-7 5v0l8 29h0s74 56 69 121c-34 15-69 69-92 127 2 23 7 57 23 77 24 31 97 116 87 166s-68 100-137 89c0 0 0-1 0-2-4 9-10 18-21 25-28 20-60 28-66 59 8 5 14 13 14 23 1 13-9 24-22 28 7 3 13 10 13 17 0 10-6 18-16 20l9 9-13 66-16-68 9-7c-9-2-16-9-16-18-1-9 5-16 13-19-13-3-22-14-23-26 0-9 4-17 11-23 1-8-1-21-11-28-16-11-73-22-76-70l-2-20s-134 42-190-47c145 3 199-145 185-200-14-56-42-121-113-179z m333 222c-1 12-2 22-1 31 5 72 4 173 4 173s1 6 0 15c17 3 77 8 100-48 25-60-35-115-103-171z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="artichoke" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb3d;" d="M442 280c17-7 31-20 47-32 4-3 9-2 11 2 37 57 93 90 158 111 5 1 7 6 6 11-2 7-4 13-6 18-15 46-27 93-55 133-15 21-32 25-55 12-8-5-15-10-21-17-56-56-90-125-119-195-2-4-2-12 0-16 7-15 19-21 34-27z m-1-311c32-3 64-4 98-6 5 0 10 4 10 9 6 35 4 67-3 99-13 61-40 115-80 162-29 34-61 32-80-9-13-28-23-59-26-90-6-57 12-109 54-150 8-7 17-14 27-15z m129 116c2-5 5-6 8-2 42 58 87 108 154 130 4 2 8 7 9 12 1 11 3 20 3 30 2 19 5 39 3 58-2 26-11 33-38 32-41-3-77-20-112-41-30-18-57-41-76-72-6-11-7-19 0-31 14-28 27-57 39-86 4-9 7-19 10-30z m226 128c-40 0-77-11-109-35-44-32-78-74-106-121-2-3-3-8-3-12 0-22 0-44 0-67 0-5 3-9 8-8 5 1 10 1 14 2 6 2 11 3 17 5 73 25 129 72 180 127 19 19 27 44 32 70 5 27-5 39-33 39z m-459 172c16-12 30-26 45-41 4-3 7-2 7 3 1 3 1 6 1 9-2 12-4 24-6 36-10 56-25 110-56 158-23 35-47 37-72 3-45-61-77-128-87-204-4-30-1-60 19-88 2-4 6-3 7 2 1 5 2 10 2 15 6 37 20 70 45 98 32 35 58 38 95 9z m-101-201c28-23 56-44 85-66 1-1 3-2 5-4 3-2 5 1 5 5 0 61 16 113 60 155 3 3 4 9 2 13-21 32-45 59-74 81-21 15-37 13-53-6-40-46-54-100-43-159 1-7 7-15 13-19z m552 318c-20 45-44 87-80 121-14 13-28 14-43 4-25-17-40-42-50-70-1-4 1-9 3-13 8-17 19-33 26-50 15-39 30-78 45-117 2-5 7-8 12-9 7 0 13 0 19-1 5 0 10 1 11 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 18 39 37 79 55 118 2 4 2 10 1 14z m-437 84c-5-12-8-20 3-32 10-11 17-26 23-41 12-35 22-70 32-103 1-4 5-5 8-1 22 31 42 67 71 94 30 28 33 52 17 84-14 28-27 56-42 83-8 13-21 14-35 5-36-21-60-52-77-89z m514-102c-3 8-9 18-15 20-7 1-17-6-22-12-36-38-54-85-72-132-1-3-1-9 1-11 17-27 16-57 13-87-1-9-2-18-3-27 0-4 3-8 8-8 17 2 34 3 50 4 5 1 11 4 13 9 33 62 47 180 27 244z m-487-499c-5 8-10 14-14 21-10 18-17 38-28 55-31 44-71 80-117 105-28 15-58 25-88 35-6 2-17 0-21-4-3-4-1-15 2-21 56-107 147-165 262-196 5-1 7 2 4 5z m105 712c-3-4-3-10 0-14 29-37 44-79 57-122 2-5 7-8 11-7 9 1 18 2 26 5 5 1 11 6 14 11 13 19 25 39 39 58 5 8 8 13 2 21-13 20-26 42-42 61-30 35-58 35-91 3-6-5-11-11-16-16z m-205-103c2-5 7-8 12-8h24c4 0 10 3 12 8 2 5 4 10 8 15 18 24 35 52 58 71 18 15 23 29 21 49 0 3 1 6 0 9-2 9-3 24-8 26-8 2-21-1-28-7-38-34-75-69-112-104-3-2-4-9-3-14 5-15 11-30 16-45z m-148-374c19-4 39-8 61-13 5-1 7 2 6 6-3 8-4 15-9 18-41 31-51 73-46 120 3 32-14 54-31 77-7 9-17 8-20-4-5-17-10-33-10-50-1-53 18-101 42-147 1-3 4-6 7-7z m526-240c-5-2-8-3-12-5-39-13-76-30-119-26-40 3-80 2-120 4-15 1-29 4-43 6-5 1-10 1-11 0-1-1-1-6 1-10 3-7 6-13 10-16 17-8 36-18 54-19 48-3 97-1 146-1 46-1 77 21 98 63 2 4 0 6-4 4z m1 681c3-4 11-9 16-8 18 3 34-2 47-14 15-14 28-30 40-47 9-10 16-22 23-34 3-4 6-7 7-7 0 0 0 4-1 9 0 2-1 5-2 7-16 59-52 105-95 147-14 14-28 28-44 40-6 4-18 6-24 3-10-4-10-31-3-41 12-18 23-37 36-55z m-491-211c24 50 50 96 94 125 4 3 6 8 4 13-8 19-16 37-24 56-1 4-6 6-10 3-49-40-83-136-70-196 1-5 4-5 6-1z m745-80c-13 0-16-8-19-20-9-40-20-80-30-120-3-12-6-24-10-36-1-4-1-9 1-10s6 1 10 3c32 19 55 44 55 85 0 9 1 17 1 26 0 21 0 42 0 62 0 5-3 10-8 10z m-462 332c7 1 13 1 17 5 22 21 44 42 74 51 5 1 5 5 2 8-28 22-49 26-71 17-36-15-34-42-31-74 0-4 4-7 9-7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="asparagus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb3e;" d="M603 333c23 3 46-1 69-3 7 0 13-2 20-2 3 0 6 2 9 3-2 3-4 7-6 8-18 9-35 17-53 26-5 2-11 3-17 6 25 17 55 21 74 47l0 4c-17-2-34-2-50-6-37-11-75-10-114-12-48-3-97-4-145-10-90-11-179-24-268-36-20-3-39-7-60-10l10-81 10 1c98 11 197 21 295 33 76 9 151 23 226 32z m158-60c-12 2-23 4-37 7 25 17 53 22 72 47-5 0-11 1-15-1-47-19-95-20-145-16-27 2-55-3-82-6-33-3-65-8-98-13-95-12-190-24-285-37-2 0-3 0-6-1 2-22 5-44 7-65 1-8 6-7 10-6 28 2 56 4 84 7 84 9 168 18 251 28 58 8 115 18 172 28 26 4 52 2 79-3 10-1 21 0 32 0 2 0 4 2 6 3-1 2-2 5-3 7-12 12-27 18-42 21z m-568 117c48 6 97 13 145 18 62 7 124 11 185 16 25 2 49 1 74 3 12 1 25 4 38 8 41 11 82 10 124 0 3-1 6-2 9-3 1 0 1 1 4 1-8 7-15 14-22 17-14 7-28 11-42 17-3 1-5 2-7 4 2 2 3 4 5 5 17 6 34 12 51 19 9 3 17 10 25 15 1 1 2 4 3 6-2 1-4 3-5 3-19-1-38-3-56-4-26-3-51-7-77-9l-101-7c-62-5-124-9-187-17-63-8-126-19-189-29-9-1-17-3-27-4 3-22 5-43 8-64 14 2 28 3 42 5z m453-17c6-4 11-8 17-12 8-4 16-8 23-14 25-22 50-12 77-3-29 40-73 58-117 29z m113-87c16-8 35-14 49-26 15-12 28-15 46-8 8 3 18 5 29 8-28 19-54 34-86 40-16 3-27-7-38-14z m47 147c14 2 28 5 43 8-34 39-82 51-114 30 19-12 37-24 55-35 5-2 11-4 16-3z m-28-82c8-1 18 7 28 12 7 4 15 8 23 12 6 3 6 8-1 11-12 5-25 10-38 15-2 1-6 1-7-1-10-8-19-17-29-25 1-2 1-2 1-3 8-7 14-19 23-21z m100 101c2 1 5 1 7 3 11 5 22 11 35 17-15 8-28 15-42 22-2 1-7-1-9-3-9-6-17-14-26-21 6-16 19-22 35-18z m17-141c-2 0-4-1-6-2-7-7-15-14-22-21 1-1 1-1 1-1 28-24 33-24 70 4-13 12-28 16-43 20z m-35 191c-18 5-35 10-52 14-2 1-5 0-7-2-5-5-10-11-15-17 27-24 51-23 74 5z m-93-99c1 2-2 6-4 7-17 3-33 7-49 8-6 0-13-8-21-15 16-6 29-12 42-17 7-2 31 10 32 17z m111-85c-19 3-36 6-53 9-11 2-16-5-20-15 14-5 28-11 43-14 15-3 21 10 30 20z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="avocado" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb3f;" d="M927 424c-20 92-84 142-168 170-40 13-82 23-124 28-88 10-173 27-251 70-60 32-124 29-188 15-44-10-58-5-77 38-5 0-11-1-16-2-21-30 12-38 24-60-33-18-57-46-64-85l5-45c14-23 31-46 42-71 15-36 29-72 37-110 9-40 7-84 18-124 34-127 108-222 235-269 135-49 263-22 381 55 90 58 140 142 151 249 2 16 4 31 6 47-4 31-7 63-11 94z m-421-445h0l0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0z m182 204l0 0-1 0 2 1-1-1z m194 160l-40-47c-84-79-188-108-300-115-83-6-165 3-240 42-38 21-73 51-104 81-28 27-33 65-30 102 1 55-21 100-59 137-42 41-41 84 7 118 79 56 169 66 254 23 90-45 183-70 282-82 65-7 126-28 179-66 74-53 91-126 51-193z m-165 161c-14 10-30 18-48 24-37 14-83 20-133 16-61-4-120-22-159-54l6 3c-40-29-63-66-59-103 3-31 24-57 57-76l-3 1c84-65 286-47 361 37 46 51 37 111-22 152z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="baby-food" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb40;" d="M215 79c-10-19-3-43 15-53l202-109c19-10 42-3 52 16l89 165-81 44c-13 7-17 22-11 35l2 3c7 13 23 17 35 11l82-45 30 56-82 44c-12 7-17 22-10 35l2 4c6 12 22 17 34 10l82-44 50 92-269 145-222-409z m546 515c-2 6-4 13-6 20-8 31 0 63 20 88 3 3 5 7 7 11 15 27 10 59-12 70s-51-1-66-28c-2-4-3-8-5-11-10-31-32-55-62-66-7-2-14-4-21-6-36-7-68-26-91-53l241-131c10 34 9 72-5 106z m8-136l-271 146c-9 5-19 6-28 3-9-3-17-9-22-18l-15-28c-9-17-3-40 15-49l1-1 270-146c9-5 19-6 28-3 9 3 17 9 22 18l15 28c10 17 3 40-15 50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="banana" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb41;" d="M917 478c-16 27-38 44-49 52-1 1-3 2-4 3 4 11 29 75 46 119 8 20-8 42-30 40l-68-5c-18-1-32-16-32-34-1-39-4-108-20-162-15-50-43-94-79-131-59-60-143-104-250-129-59-14-118-22-178-25-30-2-60-2-90-1-3 0-38 3-61 6-13 2-25-5-31-17l-6-13c-5-12-2-27 8-35 26-22 83-64 170-103 48-21 102-30 156-34 90-6 223 3 347 84 56 37 101 83 135 138 33 54 47 103 53 135 8 41 2 78-17 112z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bbq" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb42;" d="M695 145c84 58 106 146 102 193h-461c0-4 0-6 0-9 4-77 38-137 100-182 6-4 7-7 5-14-20-59-39-118-58-177-3-11-7-22-11-33 12-4 22-7 33-10 8 25 17 50 24 74 2 8 6 10 14 10 84 0 169 0 253 0 8 0 12-2 14-10 7-24 16-49 24-75l33 11c-12 38-24 74-36 111-12 37-24 74-36 111z m-254-123c11 35 22 68 34 103 63-25 125-25 189 2 12-35 23-69 34-105h-257z m143 730c-43 25-88 39-137 35-63-5-116-30-159-77-5 3-10 7-15 10 1 3 2 4 3 6 4 9 2 14-6 19-8 5-14 4-19-3-16-25-32-50-47-75-4-7-3-13 5-18 10-6 13-5 25 8 5-3 9-6 15-10-21-53-25-106-8-160 17-54 50-96 99-127 81 131 163 262 244 392z m-328-90c-5 4-10 6-14 9 7 12 14 23 22 35 4-3 9-6 13-9-7-11-14-23-21-35z m321-155c-20-20-26-47-22-75 3-22 19-46 36-53l-2 6c-1 2-2 4-2 6-13 40-11 76 20 108 14 15 22 33 25 53 5 31-11 66-37 79 0 0 0-1 0-1l1-4c18-43 15-83-19-119z m81-129c-1 3-2 6-3 8-11 32-9 62 16 87 5 6 10 13 13 21 14 31 5 64-22 81 0-1-1-1-1-1 2-3 3-6 4-9 9-30 8-58-15-83-5-5-9-11-13-17-17-32-8-70 21-87z m-125 111c17 31 7 70-20 86 0-1-1-1-1-1 1-2 1-3 2-5 12-33 10-63-16-90-8-9-13-21-16-33-8-26 4-54 25-67 1 1 1 2 1 2-1 3-2 6-3 8-9 30-8 58 15 82 5 5 9 11 13 18z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="beans" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb43;" d="M498 46c89-96 310-100 404-8 20 19 34 41 35 74h-477c15-26 23-49 38-66z m5 305c-28 29-60 58-96 77-81 42-167 55-256 25-37-13-68-34-80-77 152-37 302-74 453-111 8 33 1 64-21 86z m213-41c35-11 69-13 102 11-93 125-185 250-278 376-29-23-39-52-40-84-5-120 100-268 216-303z m-197-68c-152 37-303 74-454 112-8-39 5-69 27-95 49-60 116-89 190-103 59-11 117-10 173 16 30 13 54 33 64 70z m356 158c9 64-11 122-44 175-45 73-104 132-193 151-27 6-54 3-78-17 92-125 184-249 276-374 25 17 35 40 39 65z m-328-166c-6-3-11-11-13-18-6-27-24-45-47-58-7-4-13-9-20-14l3-7h468c-6 54-42 84-85 104-103 48-205 40-306-7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="beer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb44;" d="M772 427h-51v101c19 18 31 44 29 73-3 45-40 82-86 85-2 0-4 1-6 1-9 0-17-2-26-4-1-1-3-1-5-1-6 0-12 4-15 9-18 33-53 54-92 54-21 0-41-6-58-17-3-2-6-3-9-3-6 0-11 3-15 7-22 34-61 55-104 55-70 0-127-56-127-125v-1c3-7-4-11-10-11-2 0-3 0-4 0-7 2-13 3-21 3-2 0-3 0-5 0-31-2-57-23-66-53-12-44 15-85 54-94v-454c0-77 63-140 140-140h287c70 0 128 52 138 119 101 5 182 89 182 192v74c0 72-58 130-130 130z m-458-329c0-6-6-11-15-11s-16 5-16 11v206c0 6 7 11 16 11s15-5 15-11v-206z m93 0c0-6-7-11-15-11s-16 5-16 11v206c0 6 7 11 16 11s15-5 15-11v-206z m93 0c0-6-7-11-15-11s-16 5-16 11v206c0 6 7 11 16 11s15-5 15-11v-206z m93 0c0-6-7-11-16-11s-15 5-15 11v206c0 6 7 11 15 11s16-5 16-11v-206z m112 453c-12-13-29-20-47-20h-21l-242 1c-7 0-14-3-20-8-5-6-8-13-8-20v-55c0-10-9-19-19-19h-9c-11 0-19 9-19 19v55c0 15-13 28-28 28l-126 0c-13 2-25 10-32 21-8 11-10 26-6 40 5 18 21 31 41 32 1 1 2 1 4 1 4 0 8-1 12-2 4-1 8-2 12-2 14 0 27 7 33 18 5 7 7 16 5 25 2 53 45 95 99 95 33 0 63-16 81-43 9-12 23-20 38-20 8 0 17 3 25 8 12 8 27 13 42 13 28 0 54-15 67-40 9-15 24-24 41-24 4 0 8 1 12 2 6 2 12 3 18 3 2 0 3 0 5 0 31-3 57-29 59-60 1-18-5-35-17-48z m169-328c0-86-67-158-153-164v340h51c56 0 102-45 102-102l0-74z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bell-pepper-capsicum" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb45;" d="M719 425c-27 12-55 17-84 12-25-5-47-16-67-32-6 5-11 10-17 15-29 21-60 36-97 39-50 4-91-16-126-49-13-13-25-31-32-48-18-42-18-87-15-132 3-46 5-92-1-138-5-44-1-86 27-123 22-31 50-54 90-56 59-4 104 22 133 72 3 4 5 8 8 12 7 10 10 9 16-1 11-19 26-36 44-49 45-33 128-35 162 32 30 59 47 120 49 185 1 32 4 63 4 95 0 26 0 52-6 76-11 46-46 72-88 90z m-149-320c7 38 18 82 21 126 2 45-4 89-6 133 27-19 15-208-15-259z m-289 252c14 48 43 81 92 98 5 2 9 4 14 6-2 2-2 4-3 5-20 18-59 38-97 23-16-6-34-9-51-10-44-1-77-23-93-63-16-39-16-79-11-120 8-64 28-126 51-187 17-43 46-78 82-110 1 2 2 4 2 5-11 31-3 62 3 93 8 42 11 84 4 127-6 45-6 88 7 133z m80 310c20 10 35 7 51-5 4-3 9-6 13-10 30-27 50-60 46-100-3-33-2-32-32-26-1 0-2 0-3-1-7-16-19-28-37-32v-28c64 11 121 1 167-44 20 8 39 17 58 25-2 15-4 30-7 46-2 1-7 2-10 3-14 5-27 11-34 23-3 4-6 7-10 12-2 11-3 26-6 40-15 95-69 161-161 199-35 14-71 22-109 17-9-1-14-6-16-14-11-31-3-59 15-85 24-35 36-39 75-20z m-34 9c-1 39-23 70-48 99 21-2 52-69 48-99z m510-148c-29 36-68 48-113 32-33-12-59-34-85-56-12-10-15-22-12-36 1-7 4-13 7-20 53 3 104-1 147-33 44-33 57-80 63-131 1 2 2 4 3 7 12 38 21 77 24 117 2 43-6 84-34 120z m-255-9c9-12 22-17 39-19 2 1 7 4 10 7 14 12 28 26 43 38 22 18 45 34 75 36 4 0 9 3 13 4-1 4-2 10-5 13-19 20-44 31-72 34-28 3-48-8-65-29-17-21-35-42-41-69-1-5 0-12 3-15z m-346-28c7 2 15 5 22 7 46 11 88 10 125-24 2-2 5-3 9-5v29c5 1 9 1 13 2 7 2 9 6 5 12-27 38-61 62-112 56-40-5-68-32-71-69-1-7 1-11 9-8z m207 42c12-5 17-1 19 11 6 36-8 66-32 92-2 2-6 4-8 3-30-11-56-28-77-51-5-6-3-8 3-12 12-6 25-14 35-23 13-11 23-25 37-40 3 5 6 9 8 13 2 9 6 10 15 7z m156 66c3 7 9 13 13 20 4 5 3 10-3 14-21 12-44 16-65 17 9-36 19-72 27-103 8 15 17 34 28 52z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="burger" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb49;" d="M879 122h-758c-5 0-9-4-9-10v-57c0-33 27-60 60-60h656c33 0 60 27 60 60v57c0 6-4 10-9 10z m1 158h-760c-31 0-57-29-57-64s26-64 57-64h760c32 0 57 28 57 64s-25 64-57 64z m-759 93h758c5 0 10 5 10 10v1c0 101-40 185-115 241-69 52-164 80-274 80-110 0-205-28-274-80-75-56-115-140-115-242 0-5 5-10 10-10z m684 117c15 0 27-12 27-27s-12-28-27-28-28 12-28 28c0 15 13 27 28 27z m-106 81c15 0 27-12 27-28s-12-27-27-27c-16 0-28 12-28 27s12 28 28 28z m-87-81c15 0 27-12 27-27s-12-28-27-28-28 12-28 28c0 15 12 27 28 27z m-107 81c16 0 28-12 28-28s-12-27-28-27c-15 0-27 12-27 27s12 28 27 28z m-106-81c15 0 28-12 28-27s-13-28-28-28-28 12-28 28 13 27 28 27z m-87 81c15 0 28-12 28-28s-13-27-28-27-28 12-28 27 13 28 28 28z m-106-81c15 0 27-12 27-27s-12-28-27-28-28 12-28 28 13 27 28 27z m-123-191h834c11 0 21 9 21 20 0 12-10 21-21 21h-834c-11 0-20-9-20-21 0-11 9-20 20-20z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cabbage" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb4a;" d="M556 288c-27 23-55 46-80 72-33 36-48 82-45 135 1 21-1 43-3 65-2 14-10 24-25 24-5 0-9 1-13 2-7 1-12 13-11 27 0 8 1 16 0 24-1 17-5 22-20 25-5 1-10 2-14 3-8 1-14 17-13 35 1 18-33 14-73-13-26-17-50-36-72-58-80-78-126-173-124-295 0-73 22-137 60-195 48-72 115-110 191-131 7-1 13-3 20-4 11-2 19-3 18-2-1 1-2 2-2 2-59 34-104 83-141 145-2 3-6 6-9 7-36 15-62 43-78 82-4 8-6 15-8 23-4 13-6 24-5 24 1 1 11-20 30-40 19-20 27 6 23 54-4 36-3 72 2 107 7 48 15 46 16-2 0-6 0-12 0-18 3-48 40-67 65-39 25 28 44 50 43 49l0-2c-17-51-44-96-77-135-3-3-7-10-6-12 12-30 25-59 38-88 3-5 6-9 10-13 5-7 37 12 64 47 26 35 43 45 35 21-5-14-10-28-16-41-6-14-13-27-20-40-11-22-7-50 10-62 11-7 21-15 32-22 15-10 17-10 27 6 14 22 28 45 41 67 2 5 5 9 7 13 3 7 5-17-8-51-13-35 6-82 49-91 26-5 52-6 78 0 30 6 56 19 77 45 35 44 36 124 2 175-21 31-48 52-75 75z m380 102c-6 60-28 113-62 160-28 40-62 72-98 102-14 12-27 25-41 37-23 20-50 20-48 0s-7-37-22-42c-8-2-16-7-23-15-7-9-10-18-11-28-1-17-30-26-41-50-12-24-21-43-35-44-8-1-15-4-22-12-7-7-11-16-12-25-3-16-12-24-26-22-9 1-17 0-25-3-14-6-16-10-10-25 2-4 3-7 5-11 20-39 51-67 82-93 31-26 62-50 87-83 26-34 39-72 36-117-1-8-2-16-2-24-2-13 22-9 47 16s15 83-6 126l-3 5c-21 44-10 54 15 21s55-47 59-37c3 5 5 11 8 17 16 30 16 58-7 84-3 3-5 7-7 10-15 20-30 40-43 61-4 6-8 13-10 21-3 12 15-1 38-28s53-28 55-9c1 12 1 24 0 36 0 12-1 24-2 35-2 20 12-1 19-49 5-34 5-68 2-102-5-48 6-76 25-55 18 22 29 24 22 2-4-13-11-25-21-36-11-12-23-24-36-34-29-22-54-48-76-80-12-16-23-33-36-48-22-24-46-37-45-37 0 0 1 0 1 0 77 17 144 52 197 119 57 73 81 160 72 257z m-540 261c1-7 2-15 3-22 1-13 19-22 32-35 7-7 12-17 15-30 3-17 4-34 4-52 1-8 1-16 1-24 0-14 11-22 25-17 14 5 27 24 45 44 17 20 44 21 45 25 0 3 1 5 2 7 5 20 16 35 34 40 8 2 11 7 12 16 1 15 4 28 11 39 12 19 0 46-47 56-40 8-87 11-129 6-48-6-73-25-63-34 5-4 8-11 10-19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="carrot" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb4b;" d="M635 485c-17 13-37 16-58 9 11-26 21-52 31-77 3-7 5-15 7-22 0-5-1-10-2-15-4 3-9 4-12 8-9 13-18 26-26 40-9 16-17 33-26 51l-118-83c13-35 31-67 36-104-1-1-2-2-3-2-3 2-8 5-10 8-12 19-24 38-35 58-5 7-9 15-13 23-18-12-36-25-54-37-43-30-87-61-131-91-5-4-7-7-4-13 5-13 9-25 13-38 1-4 1-8 0-12-16 12-23 30-34 46-19-14-38-27-56-40-21-14-42-29-62-43-14-10-19-24-13-38 5-15 19-23 35-20 16 3 32 8 48 12-4 13-7 25-10 37l4 2c5-6 10-13 15-19 10-15 10-15 26-10 62 17 123 35 185 52 2 1 4 1 6 2-7 23-19 43-18 68 21-16 30-40 43-61 58 16 116 33 176 50-2 5-4 9-5 13-9 24-18 47-27 71-1 6-1 12-2 18l4 1c4-3 8-6 11-10 14-25 29-49 42-73 5-9 9-11 19-8 15 5 30 9 45 14 35 10 56 33 55 70-1 67-27 123-82 163z m288 7c-53-42-112-72-177-90 78 45 142 103 176 190-15 5-30 10-45 16-30-73-84-123-151-160 35 30 60 67 68 114-2 1-2 1-3 1-6 1-13 2-20 3-10-48-37-84-75-110 12-28 24-55 37-83 74 19 142 52 205 100-6 7-10 12-15 19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cauli-flower" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb4c;" d="M98 334c3 2 6 6 7 5 10-6 19 6 29 3-5 17-5 18-19 19-7 0-15-2-22-2-2 0-5 2-7 3 2 2 4 5 6 6 10 1 20 1 32 2 8-10 14-21 16-36 3-15 19-24 31-33 0 8 0 15 0 22 0 6 1 12 2 17 2 9-6 9-9 12-3 3-5 6-7 8-6 7-13 14-19 21-4 4-9 7-13 10 24-5 33-26 49-40 2 4 4 7 6 11-3 4-6 10-10 10-10 1-13 8-15 17-1 4-2 8-3 10-10 0-20-1-30 0-6 1-12 4-19 5-9 2-19 3-29 3-6 0-8-3-7-9 3-26 18-45 31-64z m-12 64c15-7 28-16 38-28-15 10-28 19-42 28 2 1 3 1 4 0z m130-323c1-2 9-3 12-1 14 7 26 15 41 23-7 10-14 21-22 31-6 7-13 0-19-2-5-2-6-6-4-12 4-9 2-18-7-24-6-5-2-11-1-15z m95 28c-7 10-14 20-21 29-1 1-2 1-4 2-4 2-9 4-12 7-12 11-24 22-35 34-4 5-7 6-12 5-5-2-10-2-15-2l-1 4c5 2 11 5 17 8-5 4-8 11-13 13-9 4-18 5-27 7 3-24 15-41 36-53 23-13 44-31 52-59 12 2 24 3 35 5z m612 76c1 16-1 32-13 46-8-25-26-39-45-52 6-6 12-11 16-18 3-5 6-7 11-8 6 0 12-1 15-9-2 0-4 0-5 0-11 7-16 0-21-8-3-4-6-7-10-12-5 12 5 16 9 26-23 2-30-19-44-30 0 16 14 20 19 32-4-1-7-2-10-2-3 0-6 2-8 3l0 0c-1-1-3-1-4-2-14-19-29-37-43-56 5-4 13-4 21-2 19 7 38 14 58 21 5 2 11 3 17 4 17 3 34 6 52 9-13 19-16 38-15 58z m-23-29c-9 9-6 22 8 37-1-14-16-22-8-37z m-59 159h-15s4-25-4-26c0 0 25-22 28-40l9 13-18 53z m65 34c-4-5-4-12-5-18 6 0 12 0 18 0l1-4c-5-1-9-4-14-5-5-1-7-3-9-9-4-16-10-31-15-46-2-5-6-8-9-12 0-2-2-3-2-4-2-11 0-37-2-49 11 3 18 21 30 25-6 29 5 54 20 77 13 20 16 40 9 63-8-6-16-11-22-18z m-45-34c-1-6-9-13-6-20 3-7 9-12 12-19 2-5 3-9 4-13 6 14 12 29 17 44 2 6 0 14-1 21-2 7-5 13-7 20l4 1 8-15h3c1 20 2 40 3 60l4 0c1-12 1-24 3-37 8 5 11 18 22 10-4 17-7 34-12 50-3 9-7 9-14 2-1-1-2-2-2-4-5-13-12-23-25-29-1-1-2-6-1-9 4-15 4-16-9-25-2-1-4-4-4-6 0-11 2-21 1-31z m-65-158c-2-1-5-3-6-5-7-10-13-20-20-29-4-6-8-10-14-17 9 2 16 5 20 3 5-2 7-1 9 2 6 4 11 8 15 13 12 14 22 29 33 44 1 1 1 3 2 5 2 6 3 12 6 17 3 7 7 14 10 22 6 13 6 26-7 36-6 5-8 14-17 16-2 1-4 6-5 9-2 3-3 7-5 12-4-7-6-14-11-18-7-5-7-12-8-19-1-6-1-12-3-17-2-10-5-18-13-23-7-5-14-11-20-17-3-3-8-7-9-11-2-9-5-16-17-14 0-7-1-13-1-19-1-14-5-25-17-33-6-4-9-10-13-16-1-1-1-3-1-5 4-12 8-24 12-36 2 4 6 8 8 14 5 11 7 25 22 29 1 1 1 2 2 3 8 11 16 23 25 34 16 20 16 29 4 51-1 2 0 5-1 8 3-1 7-1 8-3 4-5 6-11 10-18 13 26 12 54 26 78l3-1c-3-13-7-26-10-40 8 3 13 5 19 8l2-4c-5-3-9-7-14-10-3-3-9-5-10-8-5-11-8-22-12-33 11 6 21 11 32 17l3-5c-3-1-6-3-9-4-9-5-18-10-28-16z m-516 28c0 7-6 9-9 14-6 9-9 19-14 28-1 2-4 4-6 4-16 2-17 3-19 18 0 3-3 8-5 8-14-1-26 5-35 15-1 1-3 1-4 2-9 3-13 1-11-8 2-17 7-33 10-50l0 0c0 0 0 0 1 0l0 0v0c6 12 15 2 24 2-4 11-9 22-13 34l2 1c10-17 20-34 30-52l2 2 2 17 4 0c1-7 1-14 2-20 2-7 4-15 9-20 11-11 23-21 34-31 0 3-1 8-2 12 0 8-1 16-2 24z m-16 18c0-10 1-19 2-30-12 6-12 24-2 30z m560 222c-4-1-9-1-15-2 6-10 12-20 17-29 2-3 3-7 3-11-1-7-2-14-3-21 0-2-1-6 1-6 6-4 4-10 4-15v-10c5 2 9 3 12 5 3 3 7 7 8 10 1 7 0 15 0 22 0 4-1 8 5 11 3 1 6 6 1 11-2 2-4 7-2 9 6 7 3 12-2 15 0 7 0 11 0 16 1 5 2 10 1 15 0 2-2 3-4 5-2 1-4 3-6 4 6 12 6 12 1 16-1-3-1-6-2-9-4-10-9-21-14-32-1-2-3-3-5-4z m-37-342c-7 10-15 15-26 14-12-1-22-5-26-17 4-3 8-5 11-8 5-4 9-4 14-1 4 2 9 2 14 3l1-4c-6-2-12-4-19-6 9-9 18-17 26-25-6-5-11-4-19 4-5 5-10 11-16 18-4-11-7-21-11-30l-3 1c2 7 4 14 7 20 4 12 4 12-6 21-5-7-9-13-14-19-6-7-12-14-17-20 10-9 18-12 30-10 3 1 7-1 10-3 15-10 29-7 44 0 8 5 14 15 12 24-2 13-4 26-12 38z m-68 102c1 1 3 3 4 3 12 0 13 9 15 18 1 3 3 5 5 7 2-3 5-6 4-8-2-6-5-13-9-19-2-4-4-8-7-13h12c8 19 12 24 27 37 3 3 9 5 11 9 10 12 8 28 10 43 1 3 3 9 5 9 7 0 9 6 11 11 2 7 4 15 7 22 3 7 8 14 11 21 1 2 0 4 0 6 0 3-1 7 0 10 2 7 2 11-8 9 2 5 4 8 6 13-6 0-8 2-6 7 2 4 4 8 4 13 0 2-3 7-3 7-9-1-7 4-8 8 0 5 0 12-3 15-8 6-8 13-5 21h12c4 4 7 6 10 9 2 2 5 5 5 6-5 6 0 8 4 12 1 1 1 3 2 4-3 2-5 4-8 6 3 2 5 4 7 6 1 2 3 4 4 6-1 1-3 3-5 4-5 1-6 3-4 8 4 12 3 14-9 19 0 4-1 9-1 13h-9c-1 5-2 9-2 13-9-1-12 7-18 10-6 3-13 6-20 9l1 4c4-2 8-3 12-4 8 6 10 13 6 23-1 2 1 5 1 8l3 0c2-5 4-9 6-14 7 5 14 10 22 15 1 1 4-1 6-1-1-2-1-5-3-5-7-3-8-9-9-16 0 0 0-1-1-1-2 1-3 3-4 4-3-1-5-3-7-5 8-3 14-6 21-9l-1-3c-6 1-11 2-16 4-11 3-11 3-14-1 5-12 24-8 24-23 4-2 8-4 11-6 11 11 12 24 9 38-3 10-4 19-5 27-18 2-36 4-55 5-1-3-1-6-2-10-5 7-10 13-15 19 0 1 2 2 2 3 1 7 2 14 3 21l-2 8c0 9-3 12-13 12-1-1-3 0-4 1 1 14 0 15-13 9-1 0-5 2-6 4-3 4-3 8-5 13-11-7-11-6-15 5-1 2-6 5-7 4-7-3-9 0-11 6-2 7-6 8-11 2-4-3-7-3-9 2-3 9-9 8-16 4-2-2-7-3-8-2-9 9-15 3-23-1-6-4-13-5-19-7 0 1 0 1-1 2 2 3 3 6 6 11-5 0-8 1-11 0-5-3-7-1-10 4-1 2-5 4-6 4-10-5-18 2-26 4l7 2c1 1 1 2 1 3-3 1-7 4-10 4-5-2-9 0-12 4-3 5-8 7-14 3-4-3-7-1-10 4-1 3-7 4-11 5-3 0-7-1-11-2-2 9-8 8-15 6-4-1-8-1-11-1-7 1-12-2-14-8-2-6 0-11 8-12-12-6-12-6-16 7-6 3-11 4-15 7-8 4-15 4-23-1-8-4-15-9-24-11-8-2-10-8-15-14-4-5-16-5-18-10-4-11-14-16-22-23-3-2-5-4-8-5-1 3 0 6 1 8 1 3 3 6 5 10-7 0-13 1-19 0-11 0-18-9-22-20-4-12-9-25-26-27-7-1-14-7-21-11-1-1-4-4-3-6 2-7-3-8-8-9-8-2-12-8-14-16-1-4-3-8-6-12-2-6-6-11-8-17-4-11-7-23-10-34 0-1 0-1-1-2-14-8-12-20-10-33 2-7 6-12 14-9-1 9-2 17 7 23 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 9 6 14 13 18 4 2 8 6 10 10 10 15 39 24 56 15-5-1-8-2-11-2-13-1-24-4-34-12-2-2-5-5-4-7 2-6-2-6-6-7-12-3-15-8-17-21 0-2-1-4-2-5-10-2-7-8-6-15 1-4 0-7-6-6-16 2-28-11-27-28 1-2 0-5-1-7-6-7-9-15-5-20-2-9-5-15-6-21 0-6 4-12 5-19 1-6 2-11 11-10 2 0 6-1 7-3 5-10 15-14 25-9 8 4 14 7 21 3 5 4 8 7 12 10 1-1 1-1 2-2-2-5-4-9-6-13-2-2-7-4-8-3-7 5-13 4-20 0-3-2-6-3-9-3-13-3-21-14-16-25 2-7 1-11-2-17-2-6-2-11 6-12 5-2 7-4 4-9-2-5 1-8 5-10 6-3 11-6 15-13 3-6 10-12 17-14 12-2 15-10 17-20 0-3 4-6 7-6 10 1 14-3 16-12 1-2 2-4 4-9 0 8-1 14-1 19-14 5-20 14-18 28 1 2 0 4 0 7 0 6 0 13 0 19 0 4 2 7 1 10-2 10 4 18 13 20-11-10-11-11-5-25 1-2 0-6-1-9-3-4-4-8 1-11 5-3 3-6 1-9-5-8-1-18 7-20 3-1 7-1 12-1-8-14-2-26 7-38-1 0-1-1-2-2-3 1-5 2-11 3 5-6 11-9 13-14 3-10 6-21 5-31-1-16 9-25 21-33 5-3 12-6 17-5 7 1 9-1 10-6 0-6 3-7 8-7 6 0 12 1 17-1 8-4 13-3 18 4 12-10 12-10 23 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 1 1 24-10 24-12 4-11 9-15 20-13 5 1 7 0 10-4 2-3 7-5 10-8 2 4 6 6 7 10 5 14 14 22 29 24 19 2 38 3 57 5 17 1 34 0 49-10 12-7 26-8 39-1 3 1 6 2 9 2 9-1 17-2 15 11 8 7 12 16 17 25 3 7 5 13 5 20l1 2c-3 0-6 0-9 1l-2 2c4 2 10 6 11 4 8-6 13-4 17 4z m26 66c-5 2-7 4-10 5 2 3 3 5 6 8 3 3 6 6 11 9 6-19-3-34-9-49-3-6-9-9-16-8-1 0-3 2-4 3 0 1 1 4 2 4 15 4 11 20 20 28z m-104 364c10-3 20-7 29-13 8-4 13-37 8-45 0 0-1-1-3-2-2 12-3 22-6 33-1 6-3 12-12 10-1 0-4 2-5 3-10 11-10 11-24 7 1 7 5 10 13 7z m-73-64h-17l0-1c2-1 3-2 4-5 1-4-2-10-7-10 0-1-1-1-1-1-1 0-1 0-1 0l0 0c-1 0-2-1-2-1 0-1-1-1-1-2l-1-1c-1-1-1-2-2-3l-2-4c-3-4-8-6-12-3-5 2-6 8-4 12 4 5 7 12 12 16-8 0-17 2-26 2-5 1-9 4-9 9 0 5 4 10 9 9 12-1 24-3 36-3 4 0 6-2 7-4h17c6 0 6-10 0-10z m-28-189c-2 2 0 8 0 12h3c-3-11 16-21 1-33 2 8 3 15-4 21z m-31 53c-11-12-27-18-43-21-6-1-8 9-2 10 3 0 6 1 9 1-1 1-1 1-1 2v7c0 3 3 5 5 5 3 0 5-3 5-5v-6c7 3 13 7 18 12 10 10 12 23 8 37-1 6 8 8 10 2 4-15 1-31-9-44z m7-153c-11-7-25-6-32 3 10-1 20-2 32-3z m-98 267c5 7 10 6 15 2 5-4 9-7 13-11 2-2 4-4 4-6 1-9 6-14 16-15l-19-9c1 20-8 33-29 39z m51-239c-11-3-19 4-19 18 7-7 13-13 19-18z m-124 326c7 7 17 7 26 7 3 0 6-1 7 1 8 8 19 11 28 16 10 5 20 4 32 0-15 13-14 25 0 37 3 3 3 7 6 10 1 2 3 2 5 4 1-2 2-5 1-6-2-7-2-14-11-17-6-2-5-11 0-19 6 1 11 3 15 2 11-3 19 1 28 5 14 5 28 11 42 15 6 2 14-1 21-2 2 0 3-2 5-2 9 0 12-6 14-13 2-10 3-21 4-31 1-2-1-4-3-7-2 2-4 2-4 4-1 9-3 18-4 27-1 6 0 13-10 12 0 0-2 0-2 1-11 10-19 5-26-2-20 1-36-6-50-18-6 7-15 5-23 4-3-1-4-8-7-15-2 1-7 2-11 3-4 0-10 3-12 1-10-10-27-5-35-19 0-1-5-1-7-1-14 1-24-1-29-17-4-9-11-3-17-2 6 8 11 15 17 22z m9-94c0-3 0-6 0-9-1-6-10-6-10 0 1 18 2 43 24 49 6 1 8-8 2-9-9-3-13-11-15-21 8-5 15-10 19-19 1-2-2-5-4-5-2-1-5 0-6 3-1 4-5 8-10 11z m4-23c-7-7-10-16-10-26 0-6-10-6-10 0 0 12 5 23 14 32 4 5 11-2 6-6z m-39-120c-1 3-3 6-5 10 4 4 6 6 11-1 4-7 5-13 2-20 0-5 0-10 1-16 2-2 6-6 9-9l-1-1c-5 1-11 3-16 3-5 0-10-4-17-4 5 4 10 8 13 11 4 6 7 11 10 16-2 4-4 7-7 11z m-22 106c-3-7-5-14-7-21-1-2-2-6-4-6-9 0-7-7-7-13 0-3-1-6-2-9-2-8 1-14 8-19-11-4-19 3-17 17 0 8 2 15 4 23 0 1 0 1 1 2 5 11 11 21 17 31 3 6 4 12 7 17l3 0c3-8 1-15-3-22z m3 138c4-10 7-17 10-25-8 0-12 9-10 25z m22-412c-15-9-15-9-20-6 6 4 13 8 20 12 4-3 10-8 16-11 6-3 13-4 17 5 12-6 21-1 29 8 3 2 7 4 10 4 10-1 17 3 21 12 2 3 5 4 7 6 1-3 2-7 1-9-5-11-13-18-26-18-3 0-6-1-9-3-8-6-16-11-28-8-3 0-6-3-10-3-11-2-21 2-28 11z m232-34c-5 8-10 16-15 24 9 2 17-10 17-23l-2-1z m28-36c-6-2-13-1-15 9 4-1 7-2 10-2 3 1 6 3 9 4 5 1 10 3 15 4 1-1 1-2 1-3-7-4-13-9-20-12z m101 252c-2 1-5 1-5 2-5 10-10 4-15 2-5-2-10-5-14-7-2-2-6-6-5-7 2-7-3-8-7-11-6-3-13-7-6-16 0-1 0-5-1-6-7-5-3-8 2-11 3-2 7-4 10-6 0-1-1-2-1-3-4 0-9-1-12 1-11 4-22 2-30-6-1-2-2-4-2-6 0-12 1-24 1-36-1-5-3-11-6-13-7-5-6-9-4-15 1-5 2-10 3-15l-2-1c-2 2-4 4-7 7-11-9-23-14-37-15-3 0-6-4-7-6-2-5-2-9-3-14-4-10-9-14-20-13-10 1-23-7-26-17-1-2-1-4-1-5 0-5 0-10 0-16 3-3 10-7 1-13 3-4 5-8 9-10 3-3 8-5 12-8-17-4-28 6-27 22 0 6 1 12-1 18-3 11 3 19 9 27-4 2-8 4-11 6-3-10-6-20-10-29 0-1-2-3-3-3-15-6-27-17-45-14-10 1-21-4-31-6-4-1-9-3-13-2-9 2-18 5-26 8-8 2-11 7-12 17 3-3 6-5 8-6 5-2 10-4 15-6 4-1 9-2 13-2 4-1 9-2 10 0 6 6 12 8 20 3 1 0 4 1 7 1-3 10-19 18-5 32-2-10 1-16 8-19 3-2 6-4 7-6 3-11 12-10 21-9-2 16 15 7 19 16-6 4-7 6 2 10 3 1 5 6 6 10 1 3-3 7-5 8-7 5-15 8-23 12-10 6-16 12-15 26 1 6-3 15-8 19-10 10-6 20-1 30-11 5-18 12-16 24 0 2 6 4 11 8-7-18 8-19 14-25-3-9-6-17-9-27 13 1 13-5 12-13 0-2 1-6 3-8 3-5 8-8 6-16-2-8 14-13 24-8 2-16 12-17 24-13 3-9 15-13 20-7 6 7 10 5 17-1 2 8 5 14 5 20 1 10 5 13 15 13 7 0 14 0 19 3 6 3 11 9 15 14 2 3-1 9-2 16 5 3 18 0 15 14-1 3-4 5-7 10 1 6 20 17-5 23 2 3 4 5 6 6 11 1 12 8 12 17-1 8-4 14-13 14 0 4 1 9-1 12-2 4-5 9-9 11-7 4-7 5 0 11 12-17 28-32 30-55 4 1 9 3 13 4 1 12-1 24 7 34 5 5 12 7 13 16 1 6 31 20 37 18 3-2 6-6 9-10 1 0-1-2-1-4z m-31 37c-2 4-3 6-8 4-5-2-7 0-8 5-1 4-4 7-6 10 0 0 1 1 2 1 8-6 17-12 25-18 2-1 4-3 6-4 2-3 4-6 4-9 0-2-2-5-4-8l-2 2c0 1 0 3 0 3-3 6-7 9-9 14z m49-6c-9 5-13-1-16-7-1-1-3-3-6-6 0 5-1 9 1 10 7 6 7 16 15 21 3 2 3 8 6 12 3 5 2 8-1 13-1 1 0 5 0 8 1 3 4 6 3 8-6 13-5 27-6 40 0 2-3 5-5 6-3 1-8 1-11 3-9 7-19 4-27 0-9-3-16-11-24-17-2-2-4-4-6-6l-3 2c4 6 6 12 11 16 11 10 25 16 40 15 3 0 7 0 9-2 4-8 9-5 13 0 4 4 6 11 15 7 2 0 6 5 9 7-1-7 0-17-12-15-2 0-4-3-5-3 8-31 13-61 7-93 6 2 10 4 15 5 3 1 6 0 8 0 0-2 0-5-1-7-3-8-7-11-15-6-1 0-6-4-8-6-2-2-6-5-6-5z m-90-407c5 17 23 18 34 29-3 2-4 3-6 3-2 1-4 2-6 2l-55-1c-4 0-9 0-14 0l0 4c17 8 36 3 52 5-6 9-13 19-19 29-7-5-15-12-23-18-7-5-14-8-15-18 0-2-3-5-5-7-5-4-10-8-14-12 8-4 16-7 22-12 21-16 44-20 71-17 26 4 43 20 60 38 2 3 3 8 4 11-15-3-32-5-46-10-14-6-26-17-40-26z m-139 58c-6 5-10 10-15 13-2 2-4 2-6 2-12-1-21 4-24 17-6 1-14 4-16 2-15-14-32-5-48-6-4-6-8-13-12-20-11-17-5-47 12-53 16-6 33-7 50-10-7 18-14 33-20 49l-20-21-2 2c2 4 4 9 7 12 8 10 19 17 20 31 0 2 2 4 4 6 0-5-1-10-1-16-1-20 8-37 17-54 2-4 3-8 5-15 16-7 34-11 51-5 1 12 2 23 2 33 0 1 0 3-1 4-7 9-6 20-3 29z m-69-2c22-7 37-15 40-22-18 0-32 7-40 22z m9-26c13-4 24-6 36-10-13-6-27-3-36 10z m245 55c-17-4-34-2-49 6-7 4-15 6-23 8-13 2-25 1-32-13l15-9-2-3c-3 1-7 1-10 3-10 4-11 4-15-5 4-4 7-8 11-12l-2-2c-5 3-9 5-15 9l-22-39c-6 10 2 19 4 28-6-1-12-1-18-2l-1 4c6 1 13 2 19 5 5 3 9 8 14 12l-1 2-28-6-2 3c2 2 4 5 6 5 8 2 17 3 25 5 3 0 6 1 8 2 3 3 6 6 11 10-10 0-17 0-25-1-8-1-16-2-24-6-6-3-13-7-9-17 1-1 0-5-1-5-10-5-10-13-10-21 0-8 1-15 2-22 0-8 0-17 1-25 2-10 3-10 12-4 4 3 9 5 14 5 9 0 14 4 13 12 0 6 2 8 7 9 3 2 6 4 9 6 8 6 16 11 17 22 0 1 2 1 3 2 11 11 23 22 35 33 1 2 5 3 6 2 2-1 2-4 2-6 0-3-1-6-1-8 8-16 19-28 37-31v24l2 0c4-10 9-20 14-32 15 4 29 8 45 12-1 8 1 18-3 24-10 18-19 20-39 16z m-491 160l2 3c-2 2-4 4-5 5-5 4-11 6-15 10-17 15-33 31-49 46-13 13-15 13-28-1-2-3-4-5-5-8-5-7-5-15 3-19 23-11 46-22 69-31 9-4 19-3 28-5z m3-17c-1 2-4 7-6 7-14 0-29 0-43-1-4-1-11-6-13-10-9-19 1-41 20-48 14-6 27-12 41-16 8-3 17-4 26-7-4 10-8 16-10 23-6 17-10 35-15 52z m-13-39c-14 10-27 20-47 15 12 16 48 5 60-18-5 1-10 0-13 3z m25 88c-6 6-11 11-20 8-5-1-10-3-14 4 4 1 8 1 12 2-5 6-9 11-12 15-7-2-13-4-19-4-1-1-4 3-6 5 3 1 5 3 7 3 4 1 9 1 13 1-3 5-5 10-7 14-11-3-22-5-34-7 20-16 38-32 57-48 4-3 11-5 15-4 10 3 19 0 29-3-4 2-7 4-10 6-4 3-8 5-11 8z m244-293c-8 8-17 15-29 13-4 0-7 0-11 0-18 1-34 9-42 26-9 18-7 35 4 51 3 5 6 9 10 14-12 3-16 3-17-3-4-12-8-24-11-37-3-16-1-31 14-42 8-7 16-15 24-23 2-1 3-4 5-5 9-9 18-19 28-27 2-2 6-3 9-3 24 1 39 21 60 30-12 2-24 2-36 3-3 0-6 1-8 3z m-104 101c-13-2-28 1-39-4-27-12-52-28-78-42l3-4c1-1 2-2 4-3 31-20 64-25 99-13 13 4 16 24 7 34-3 3-4 8-6 12l3 2c3-3 6-6 9-10 3 10 6 20 9 30-4-1-8-2-11-2z m-20-49l-3 0c-1 3-3 6-4 9-12-1-7-15-13-20l0 3c-5 1-10 3-15 3-11-1-22-3-33-4-3-1-7 0-12 0 8 12 20 7 30 10-3 3-5 4-8 6l1 2c14-1 29-13 42 3-1 1-3 2-7 4 9 2 17 3 24 5-1-6-1-13-2-21z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="chef" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb4e;" d="M933 452c-7 29-20 55-38 77-16 41-43 71-83 89-7 3-9 7-10 15-5 79-66 143-145 153-8 1-16 1-24 1l-36-4-14-6c-30-10-55-28-74-53-43 0-86-14-122-44-30-24-52-54-69-90-47 15-92 16-137-3-45-18-78-50-99-94-36-73-19-165 41-220 30-28 65-45 106-50 58-7 109 10 152 48 4-3 7-5 10-7 71-53 155-57 229-10 7 5 12 6 20 0 42-28 89-38 140-30 104 18 176 125 153 228z m-311-238c-79-40-156-37-232 8-6 4-10 4-15 0-27-18-57-29-88-33-10-1-12-4-12-13 1-41 1-82 0-122v-78h471v210c-40 1-77 10-111 29-3 2-9 1-13-1z m-347-251h471v-51h-471v51z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="chicken-fry" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb50;" d="M915 501c-61 122-226 162-368 91-72-36-124-93-150-157-2-1-3-3-4-5-17-30-51-79-97-102-14-7-22-22-17-36l33-94c5-14 21-23 36-25 26-3 76-13 173-40 2 0 4-1 6-1 72-26 160-22 241 19 142 71 208 228 147 350z m-185 28c-101 17-175-49-237-121-27-30-62-11-35 19 78 90 168 158 292 136 40-7 20-41-20-34z m-484-245l-34-10c-8 13-18 24-32 31-39 22-88 7-109-32-18-33-5-71 23-95-9-35 0-77 33-95 39-21 88-7 110 32 8 15 11 31 9 47l33 10-33 112z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chicken" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb51;" d="M923 656c-13 14-33 17-50 11 6 18 3 37-11 51-19 19-50 19-69 0-10-10-14-24-13-37 3-44-22-79-41-98-51-51-207-64-207-64v0c-32-4-62-18-88-40-11-4-21 15 1 33 11 9 38 19 28 24-203-5-366-152-366-333 0-184 84-166 378-166 317 0 378-18 378 166 0 83-35 158-91 217-8-34-14-70-16-97l0-1 0 0c-7-45-26-85-57-116-39-38-90-59-144-59-48 0-91 14-128 45-19 18 4 42 26 21 7-5 14-10 22-14 2-1 3-2 5-3 6-3 13-5 19-8 4-1 8-2 12-3 5-2 10-3 15-4 9-2 19-3 28-3 20 0 39 4 58 10 23 9 46 22 64 41 28 27 43 61 48 97l1 0s13 156 64 207c19 19 55 44 100 41h1v0c12 0 24 5 33 14 19 19 19 49 0 68z m-56-660h-775c-16 0-29-4-29-8v-12c0-5 13-8 29-8h775c16 0 29 3 29 8v12c1 4-13 8-29 8z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cocktail" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb52;" d="M210 554l81 61-101-18c0-4 1-12 6-23 4-10 10-18 14-20z m178-38c-22 25-43 49-64 69-2 3-4 6-6 9l-7-53-6-44c3-2 9-3 16-3 21 0 51 10 67 22z m-99-17c1 0 2 0 4 0l14 113-89-69c5-15 47-44 71-44z m352-184c5 25 33 76 71 129 38 53 85 108 127 150 5 6 7 13 4 20-3 6-9 11-16 11h-481c-8 0-14-5-17-11-3-7-1-14 4-20 42-41 89-97 127-150 37-53 66-104 71-129 10-45 13-123 13-188v-111c0-97-217-64-177-103h438c40 39-177 6-177 103v107c0 64 3 141 13 192z m-45-187v-145c0-5 2-9 6-13 1-1 11-10 30-22h-92c19 12 30 21 30 22 4 4 6 8 6 13v145c0 66 1 143-10 194-8 37-39 88-77 143-31 42-67 86-102 124l-19 20h435l-18-20c-35-38-71-82-102-124-39-55-69-106-77-143-11-56-10-130-10-194z m-414 503c0-11 2-18 5-21l107 19-99 44c-8-8-13-24-13-42z m491-159c20 28 43 57 66 85h-306c23-27 46-57 66-85 30-42 51-77 65-106 7-3 15-4 22-4 8 0 15 1 22 3 13 29 34 64 65 107z m-87-92c-2 0-4 0-5 1-4 7-10 17-17 27-5 8-11 15-17 22h79c-6-7-12-14-18-21-7-12-13-20-16-28-2-1-4-1-6-1z m-325 364c-10-2-39-23-54-44-4-6-7-12-7-16l104-45-43 105z m178-79l-73-27h80c0 11-3 21-7 27z m-43-159c-20-15-52-25-75-25-10 0-18 2-24 6-2-1-5-1-8-1-28 0-78 31-84 55-12 7-22 27-25 40-3 8-3 15-2 20-6 6-9 17-9 30 0 19 6 41 19 52-1 6 2 15 8 24 15 22 50 50 66 50 1 0 1 0 1 0 10 12 31 16 48 16 13 0 29-3 39-10 3 2 6 3 10 3 11 0 27-9 36-24 15-1 30-19 34-24 10-12 19-29 18-43 6-9 10-22 11-37h18c-2 31-13 61-32 86-27 34-64 56-107 62-43 6-85-5-119-31-71-54-84-155-31-226 26-34 64-56 107-62 7-1 14-1 22-1 32 0 63 9 89 27-3 4-7 9-10 13z m24 204c-10 12-19 18-25 19l-62-90 102 38c0 9-6 21-15 33z m-60 43c-2 0-3 0-4-1l-12-47-12-45 52 76c-6 10-17 17-24 17z m-17 0c-6 4-19 7-32 7-17 0-32-4-38-11l35-86 7-16 15 56 13 50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="coconut-water" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb53;" d="M521 418c15 0 30 1 45 0 7 0 11 3 14 9l94 189c3 6 6 10 12 13 55 37 110 74 165 111-2 1-31 47-31 47-60-40-120-80-179-119-5-3-8-7-11-12-19-39-38-77-57-116-19-37-38-75-57-113-4-9-4-9 5-9z m186 123c-5 3-8 3-10-3-6-13-13-26-20-39-2-4-2-7 3-9 8-5 16-12 23-20 12-14 12-31 0-46-11-14-27-23-44-31-33-14-68-21-104-26-6-1-13-1-20-1-5-1-8-3-11-7l0-1-46-78v80c0 2-1 3-5 4-6 1-7-3-8-7-17-52-33-104-50-156-1-3-1-5-4-8v162c0 14 0 13-14 16-29 4-58 12-86 24-13 7-25 14-35 24-17 18-17 38 0 56 16 16 36 25 57 33 53 18 108 24 164 22 7 0 10 2 13 9 7 14 14 27 21 41 2 3 3 6-3 6-69 4-138 1-205-21-59-19-108-53-139-108-10-18-17-36-22-55-1-4-42-130 25-274v0c31-73 81-133 155-177 37-21 77-34 120-37 2 0 4 0 5-2h39c16 4 32 4 48 8 82 21 146 68 194 136 43 61 67 128 74 202 6 54 4 108-14 161-18 53-52 94-101 122z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="coconut" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb54;" d="M897 642c-7 16-18 28-34 31-28 6-56 14-84 12-60-3-121-8-180-20-139-26-273-70-398-137-41-22-80-47-113-81-21-22-32-47-21-77 17-43 30-88 53-128 84-145 211-221 386-227 20 3 45 4 70 9 272 46 444 338 321 618z m-441-525c-24 0-43 20-43 44 0 24 19 43 43 43 24 0 44-19 44-43 0-24-19-44-44-44z m172 53c-19 0-35 15-35 34 0 20 16 35 35 35 19 0 34-15 34-35 0-19-15-34-34-34z m246 436c-17-20-36-39-57-54-84-60-181-98-279-130-111-37-225-63-343-69-29 5-58 8-86 15-24 6-31 30-15 49 19 21 41 42 64 58 97 65 206 105 317 138 83 24 168 43 255 48 37 2 74-3 111-5 7-1 14-4 20-7 18-9 25-29 13-43z m-88 36c-14 3-29 3-51 5-33-5-73-9-113-17-134-27-265-68-388-129-27-13-52-31-75-51-21-18-14-40 13-44 26-4 53-5 80-2 100 11 198 36 293 71 69 25 136 55 203 85 19 9 36 23 51 38 18 18 12 37-13 44z m-18-47c-58-40-121-65-186-89-100-36-202-65-307-80-27-4-55-5-83-6-9 0-17 4-25 5l-3 6c12 10 22 22 35 28 58 28 115 58 175 81 99 38 202 66 307 82 28 4 56 4 85 5 8 0 16-4 31-7-13-11-20-19-29-25z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="coffee-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb55;" d="M500 219c-51 0-95 25-118 60h-86l39-327h321l38 327h-76c-23-35-67-60-118-60z m-160-307h311l3 24h-316l2-24z m404 804h-17c-8 0-34 5-45 41h0c-3 17-18 31-36 31h-298c-18 0-33-14-36-31-12-36-37-41-46-41h-10c-21 0-37-17-37-38v-15c0-21 16-38 37-38l28-237h98c23 36 67 61 118 61 51 0 95-25 118-61h89l28 237h9c20 0 37 17 37 38v15c0 21-17 38-37 38z m-207-3h-75c-8 0-15 7-15 16 0 10 7 17 15 17h75c9 0 16-8 16-17 0-9-7-16-16-16z m-37-469c58 0 106 40 106 90 0 49-48 90-106 90-59 0-106-41-106-90s47-90 106-90z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="coffee-cup" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb56;" d="M919 542c-27 71-85 99-162 77-20-6-39-14-59-21-1 26-2 52-4 78-2 26-8 34-34 36-64 5-128 10-192 11-85 2-170 2-255 0-38-1-76-7-114-12-7-1-15-2-21-7-6-4-13-12-13-19-1-96-3-192-2-288 1-100 29-194 80-280 14-25 25-53 35-80 9-22 21-38 45-43 91-20 183-25 275-8 31 5 56 19 68 50 2 8 13 15 22 18 78 27 150 65 214 118 68 57 117 126 131 216 9 52 5 104-14 154z m-51-139c-24-121-120-202-236-229 1 4 1 7 3 10 37 96 56 196 65 298 2 16 7 31 20 40 17 11 35 23 54 28 48 13 76-5 89-53 9-31 11-62 5-94z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="coffee-mug" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb57;" d="M321 677c24 2 47 6 67 10 6 2 13 3 19 4 10 2 20 4 30 6l1 1c3 0 6 1 9 1 3 1 7 2 10 2-6-2-14-5-20-7-13-5-26-11-36-15l-2-1c-18-8-46-21-51-44-2-8 0-18 5-25 7-7 16-12 25-11 4 0 7 0 11 1 6 1 13 3 18 5 30 12 31 4 32 3 1-5-8-16-11-21-1-1-2-1-2-2-1-1-2-3-3-4-7-10-17-23-14-34 1-2 2-3 4-2h0c1 0 2 1 2 3-1 5 3 10 7 14 3 4 7 8 11 12 2 2 3 4 5 5l0 0c6 8 18 20 18 32-1 4-3 8-6 12-11 10-27 8-40 5l-1 0-7-2-8-1c-4-1-8-2-11-2-7 0-9 3-8 5 3 9 23 20 63 33 2 1 3 1 4 2 3 1 5 1 8 2 13 5 28 10 41 17 23 12 26 26 23 36v0l0 0c0 0 0 0 0 1-3 9-11 16-23 18-17 3-36 0-52-4l-5 0c-14-3-28-6-42-9-12-3-24-6-36-8s-24-4-34-6c-7-1-17-2-26-2-7 0-16 0-22 3-6 4-3 14 0 19 8 15 24 23 40 30 14 6 30 11 50 15 13 3 26 5 38 7h0c1 0 2 2 2 3 0 2-1 2-3 2-24 3-49 1-72-3-7-2-14-4-21-6-26-7-59-24-64-57-2-12 1-21 7-28 15-16 46-17 70-15z m531-266c-30 34-77 53-138 56-8 34-35 60-67 60h-464c-37 0-68-35-68-78v-405c0-41 28-75 63-79v-37c0-9 7-16 15-16h445c8 0 15 7 15 16v37c35 4 63 37 63 79v56c48 13 89 40 120 81 32 42 42 83 43 87l1 1c12 59 3 107-28 142z m-65-124c0-3-8-29-28-55-12-16-27-29-43-38v185c22-1 49-7 63-23 12-14 15-37 8-69z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="coffee-pot" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb58;" d="M773 551l-7 3h-112l12 86-551 60 71-181c-76-66-123-164-123-274 0-95 36-181 95-246h527c59 65 95 151 95 246 0 86-29 166-79 228h51c31-17 171-111 85-376-7-21 2-44 21-52 5-2 9-2 13-2 15 0 29 10 34 26 96 294-44 444-132 482z m-55-186c-2 1-3 2-5 3-5 3-10 5-17 6-90 17-192 11-268-16-91-32-199-36-304-11-1 0-2 1-3 1 16 66 52 123 102 165h397c14-12 28-25 40-40 26-31 45-68 58-108z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cola" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb59;" d="M387 289c-29-9-42 6-42 30 0 22 9 43 21 58 10 11 24 20 38 24 13 4 23 5 28 3l7 23c-4 2-16 2-32-3-21-6-39-17-55-33-21-23-34-52-34-83 0-38 24-54 62-43 18 5 31 12 39 18l-3 20c-8-6-18-11-29-14z m189 70c0-21 12-32 31-27 14 4 28 15 38 38l1 0c-1-9-2-18-2-24l23 7c0 12 2 32 5 49l11 59c-9 0-21-2-32-5-50-15-75-61-75-97z m73 48c-5-29-20-48-32-51-11-3-15 4-15 16 0 24 18 55 42 62 4 2 8 2 10 2l-5-29z m-162 0c-36-10-61-49-61-85 0-25 17-38 43-31 36 11 62 50 62 86 0 23-15 39-44 30z m-14-95c-13-4-21 4-21 19 0 19 12 50 32 56 16 4 20-8 20-19 0-20-12-50-31-56z m264-303v625c0 19-31 73-46 99v13c6 4 9 11 9 18 0 11-8 20-20 21-4 0-45 3-182 3-134 0-168-3-173-3-11-1-20-10-20-21 0-5 1-9 4-12v-19c-15-26-46-80-46-99v-630l1-2 0-1s0-1 0-2c1 0 1 0 1-1 0 0 0-1 0-1s1-1 1-1l1-1 1-1 1-1s1 0 1-1c1 0 1 0 1 0 2-1 11-5 28-11-2-2-2-4-2-7v-22c0-6 4-12 10-13 6-2 99-27 206-27 63 0 131 9 188 36 5 2 8 7 8 12v17c0 3-1 5-2 7 8 2 15 5 22 8 7 2 10 10 8 17z m-28 249c-12 3-25 6-39 8-22 2-48 3-73-1-7-1-14-2-20-3-7-2-13-4-19-6-13-3-26-9-39-15-6-3-12-6-18-9-6-4-11-7-17-11-5-4-11-9-17-13l-8-7-6-6c-8-7-16-15-25-23l-11-11-12-10-11-9c-4-3-8-6-12-9-5-3-9-6-13-9l-12-8-13-8c-4-2-8-4-12-6-5-3-9-5-13-7-5-2-9-4-13-6l-13-5c-1 0-2-1-3-1v370l15 2c6 1 11 2 16 3 6 1 11 2 17 4l16 5c6 2 11 4 17 6 5 2 11 4 16 7 6 2 12 4 17 7 5 3 11 6 16 10 6 3 11 6 16 9l15 11 15 11c5 4 10 8 15 12l25 25 6 5 5 5c3 3 7 5 11 8 4 3 8 6 11 8s8 6 12 8c4 2 8 5 13 7 3 2 8 4 12 5 4 2 9 4 13 6l6 2 7 2c35 10 73 12 106 10 0 0 1 0 1 0v-373z m-149 217l-29-163 25 7 30 164-26-8z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="corn" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb5a;" d="M532 35h-25c-364 61-43 684-205 740 59-14 96-58 120-118 2 5 3 10 5 14h11c-3-12-5-25-7-37 3-10 6-19 8-29 1 4 2 8 3 13h59v-51h-53c1-5 2-9 2-14h51v-44h-44c0-5 1-9 1-13h43v-38h-39l1-14h38v-46h-35c1-4 1-9 1-13h34v-38h-32l0-14h32v-44h-30c1-5 1-9 1-13h29v-52h-26c0-4 0-9 1-13h25v-40h-22c0-5 1-9 2-14h20v-42h-13c1-4 2-9 3-13h10v-31c5-11 11-20 17-26 5 5 9 11 12 18-5-4-10-7-16-8v47h28c1 4 1 9 2 13h-30v43h35c0 4 0 8 1 13h-36v40h38l0 13h-38v52h41l1 13h-42v44h46c1 5 1 9 2 14h-48v38h54c1 4 2 9 3 13h-57v46h70c2 5 4 9 6 13h-76v38h73c1-13 2-25 3-37 3 7 7 15 11 22 0 5-1 10-1 15h13c3 5 8 10 12 14h-26c-2 14-3 29-6 44h25c3-14 5-29 8-44 16 16 37 27 62 32-128-38 124-457-156-506z m-12-123h-9c-9 0-18 8-20 18l-11 73c-2 10 5 17 14 17h51c9 0 15-7 13-16l-17-74c-2-10-11-18-21-18z m199 379c-35-89 42-257-123-266 133 58 69 197 123 266z m-438 56c65-84-11-252 146-322-195 11-104 214-146 322z m151 338c5 15 11 29 17 42h2c-4-14-7-28-10-42h-9z m142-14h15c4-12 8-26 12-40h-19c-3 14-5 27-8 40z m-30 70h-30v47c11-3 21-11 31-24l-7-2c2-7 4-14 6-21z m-71 21l-3 1c10 14 20 22 31 25v-47h-33c2 7 3 14 5 21z m83-15c1-2 3-4 4-6h-2c-1 2-1 4-2 6z m5-20h6c6-13 11-27 17-42h-13c-3 14-6 28-10 42z m23-109h20c4-17 8-34 12-51h-24c-2 17-5 34-8 51z m-6-51h-64v51h56c3-17 6-34 8-51z m-64 118v42h34c3-14 6-28 9-42h-43z m66-132c2-15 4-30 6-44h-72v44h66z m-116 174h37v-42h-46c3 14 6 28 9 42z m-12-56h49v-40h-57c2 14 5 27 8 40z m62-40v40h46c3-13 6-26 8-40h-54z m-13-122h13v-13h-13v13z m0-162h13v-13h-13v13z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="croissant" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb5b;" d="M778 493c-54 43-75 43-129 0-16-13-33-26-46-42-34-43-68-88-100-133-13-19-29-26-50-21-21 6-36 18-37 41-1 32-6 64-1 95 8 52 23 103 36 155-7 0-17 0-28 0-48 1-80-19-97-65-29-76-38-152-23-231 5-26 20-46 49-53 86-20 172-40 258-59 12-3 32-2 40 6 69 67 126 143 151 236 7 27 1 53-23 71z m-350-156c3-11 18-25 31-29 8-3 26 6 33 15 59 87 116 174 223 221-11 10-18 18-26 23-61 35-126 41-193 27-13-2-27-14-33-25-37-74-49-151-35-232z m388 100c-23-103-86-183-156-262 25-10 48-18 70-29 25-12 48-8 66 11 26 28 54 57 74 90 45 71 23 144-54 190z m-484 127c-31-9-59-11-82-23-19-10-41-27-48-46-23-62-27-127-13-192 5-23 19-43 47-46 21-1 43 0 66 0-32 105-18 204 30 307z m-154-88c-28-21-52-45-73-71-27-32-44-68-42-109 1-31 17-44 49-38 24 5 48 10 76 15-27 67-18 133-10 203z m731-192c-36-49-72-99-110-150 19-9 41-21 63-31 26-10 47-1 61 22 26 41 15 128-14 159z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="crop-plant" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb5c;" d="M913 657c18 16 32 46 20 54-10 7-39-30-45-49-2-6-5-14-1-16 5-1 21 7 26 11z m-52-51c12 24 20 64 8 69-16 6-35-29-37-59 0-7 4-29 8-32 0-1 0 0 1-1-10-12-20-25-30-36l0 1c11 21 16 78 1 80-17 3-30-34-26-64 1-7 7-26 12-30-11-12-23-23-35-33l3 6c10 23 12 79-3 81-16 2-28-36-23-65 1-7 9-26 14-30-11-9-22-17-33-26 1 4 3 8 4 11 8 23 5 80-10 80-17 1-25-38-17-67 2-7 11-25 16-28-12-9-24-17-36-25l-3-2c1 3 2 6 4 9 9 23 10 79-5 81-17 2-27-37-22-66 2-7 9-25 15-29-7-4-13-7-20-11-7-5-15-9-23-13 1 2 3 4 4 7 12 21 18 77 3 80-16 4-31-33-28-63 1-7 6-25 11-30-1-1-3-1-4-2-12-6-25-13-37-19 1 2 2 4 3 5 13 21 23 76 9 81-17 4-33-32-33-62 1-6 5-24 9-30-10-5-21-10-32-16-3-2-7-4-11-6 2 2 3 4 5 6 14 19 28 74 14 79-16 6-35-29-37-59 0-7 3-27 8-31-14-8-28-15-42-23 0 1 1 2 2 4 15 19 29 74 15 79-16 6-35-29-37-59 0-7 3-25 7-31-2-1-4-2-6-3-11-7-24-14-35-20 15 19 32 70 18 76-15 7-36-26-40-56-1-6 1-24 4-31-9-5-18-11-27-16-26-17-53-32-76-50-23-18-47-34-67-53-10-9-20-17-29-26-5-4-10-8-14-12-4-5-9-9-13-13-4-5-8-9-12-13l2 3c2 5 4 10 6 14 2 5 4 10 6 14 1 5 3 10 4 15 3 9 4 18 6 27 1 8 3 17 3 24 1 8 2 15 2 21 0 6 1 12 1 16 0 9 0 14 0 14s-1-5-2-13c-2-9-3-22-6-37-1-7-3-15-5-24-2-8-5-17-8-26-1-4-3-9-4-13-2-5-4-9-6-14-2-5-4-9-6-13l-4-7 0-1c0-1-1-1-1-2l-2-3-8-13c-3-4-6-8-9-12-4-5-8-10-12-15h1c-17-19-34-39-50-60-1-1-2-2-1-3s0-2 1-3c2-2 5-1 6 1 48 57 136 109 149 116 13 7 28 13 43 20 5 2 9 4 15 6 10 4 20 8 31 11 8 3 16 5 24 8l32 7c1 0 3 1 3 1l3 0 13 2c8 1 16 3 25 3 8 1 17 1 25 2 8 0 16 0 24 0 17 0 32-1 47-2 15-2 29-3 42-6 25-3 47-7 62-10 15-3 23-5 23-5s-8 3-22 8c-8 2-17 5-27 8-10 3-22 6-35 9-13 3-27 5-42 8-15 2-30 5-47 5-8 1-17 1-25 1l-26-1c-9 0-18-2-26-3l-14-2-3 0c-2 0-2-1-4-1l-6-1-25-7c-9-2-17-5-26-8-6-2-13-4-19-7l-5-2c-8-4-16-7-23-10-15-8-30-15-42-23-14-8-26-15-37-23-11-7-20-14-29-21-4-2-7-5-10-7 12 11 25 23 39 37 5 3 9 8 14 12 4 4 9 8 14 12 9 7 19 16 30 24 20 17 43 34 67 51 22 18 48 33 74 51 4 3 8 6 13 8 4-6 16-17 21-20 25-14 65-16 68 1 3 15-49 31-73 30 13 8 26 16 40 24 2-6 16-20 22-23 26-14 65-16 68 1 4 14-49 31-73 29-2 0-4 0-6-1 15 9 30 18 46 27 2-7 14-21 20-24 23-17 63-23 68-7 4 15-47 37-71 37-2 0-4 0-6 0 8 4 15 8 22 12 5 3 10 6 15 8 1-6 16-20 23-24 25-14 64-16 68 0 3 15-50 33-73 31l-7-1c14 8 28 15 42 23 2-6 16-20 23-24 25-15 64-17 68 0 3 15-50 32-74 30-2 0-4 0-5 0 12 7 25 14 37 22 4 2 8 4 11 7l1 0c14 9 28 18 42 27 0-6 14-22 20-26 24-17 63-23 68-6 4 14-47 36-71 37-3 0-8 0-11-1 10 8 21 15 31 23 3-6 17-18 22-21 26-14 65-15 69 2 3 15-51 31-75 28-2 0-4-1-6-1 8 7 17 14 25 22l0-1c3-5 22-14 29-16 29-6 67 4 65 22-1 15-57 15-79 5l-7-3c11 10 21 21 32 32-1-1-1-3 0-4 3-4 24-9 31-9 29 1 64 19 59 35-5 15-59 3-79-11-2-2-5-4-7-6 9 10 18 21 26 32 8-2 25 1 31 3 27 9 55 38 45 52-8 11-44-9-63-28z m-182-186c-7 0-18 1-18-4 0-6 15-22 21-26 24-17 63-23 68-7 4 15-47 37-71 37z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cucumber" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb5d;" d="M838 635c-43 40-91 71-140 100-90 52-183 64-282 32-64-20-124-48-182-81-72-41-117-102-141-180-20-63-28-127-30-193-4-97 26-180 99-247 51-45 107-84 169-115 72-37 148-46 227-24 75 21 146 53 213 94 65 40 111 97 134 171 23 71 33 144 33 219-1 89-34 164-100 224z m36-426c-22-69-66-121-128-158-62-37-128-67-197-87-71-22-140-15-206 16-62 29-119 66-169 112-57 52-84 118-84 196 1 65 11 130 30 193 21 72 64 127 129 166 64 38 133 69 205 90 63 17 126 13 186-12 67-29 127-69 181-117 61-55 87-124 85-205-1-66-12-131-32-194z m-361 245c4 0 8 1 12 4 27 16 44 41 61 65-1 1-1 2-2 3-16-7-32-12-47-19-13-7-26-16-39-24-5-4-10-9-6-17 4-8 11-14 21-12z m11-120c11 11 11 27 2 36-13 13-34 11-48-3-11-12-12-27-2-37 13-11 36-10 48 4z m-134-22c-23 17-50 26-78 34-1-1-2-2-2-3 16-19 33-38 50-55 7-6 15-10 23-15 7-3 11-1 15 5 8 12 6 24-8 34z m244 172c-10-25-20-50-29-76-2-6-3-12-3-18 0-11 4-15 15-15 12-1 20 6 23 21 7 29 2 58-2 87l-4 1z m-126-266c-7 9-15 17-24 25-10 9-19 6-24-6-5-10-2-19 8-30 21-20 46-32 74-45-4 7-6 12-9 17-8 13-15 26-25 39z m-103 227c-31-2-57-17-84-30 0-2 0-3 1-4 25-2 50-3 75-4 8 0 15 1 23 4 11 3 13 9 10 20-4 10-11 15-25 14z m212-140c-11 1-21-4-23-15-2-6-2-13-2-20 2-26 11-51 23-75 2 8 5 15 6 23 3 24 6 47 7 71 1 7-1 15-11 16z m174 292c-40 35-83 63-129 87-65 35-133 47-205 27-68-19-132-48-192-85-56-34-96-83-116-146-21-64-32-130-30-198 2-72 31-131 85-179 42-37 89-67 139-92 68-35 138-42 211-19 61 19 120 45 175 78 54 33 94 77 115 137 25 71 37 144 33 219-3 69-34 125-86 171z m-310-106c11 10 23 19 36 26 32 18 68 29 105 38 1 1 2 1 7 1-15-23-29-44-43-64-13-19-29-37-49-49-22-14-45-10-58 9-10 14-10 28 2 39z m-16-111c21 21 54 23 74 4 17-17 16-45-1-63-21-22-56-23-76-3-16 16-15 43 3 62z m-53-114c-8-12-19-17-32-11s-26 14-36 23c-30 27-53 60-75 94 0 1 0 2 1 3 21-5 42-10 63-16 24-7 47-16 68-32 22-16 27-40 11-61z m-25 122c-39-1-76 7-113 15-1 1-2 1-4 3 41 25 81 51 129 57 28 4 48-11 51-37 1-14-4-25-17-29-15-5-31-9-46-9z m190-259c-45 16-89 32-123 67-7 7-12 18-15 28-3 15 8 33 21 40 15 7 27 0 38-8 24-20 40-47 55-73 9-18 17-35 26-52l-2-2z m51 43c-3-9-7-18-11-30-21 42-40 83-43 129-1 10 1 20 4 30 10 24 46 32 61 12 5-8 8-19 8-29 3-39-8-76-19-112z m29 217c-5-25-24-36-48-32-14 2-22 11-24 24-1 8-1 16 0 23 9 47 34 88 59 131 9-31 16-61 17-91 1-18 0-37-4-55z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="culinary" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb5e;" d="M510 652c-165 0-300-136-301-302 0-166 136-302 301-302 168 0 303 135 303 302 0 167-135 302-303 302z m-4-545c-131 2-239 110-238 244 0 135 109 243 247 242 124-1 239-99 240-243 0-144-118-246-249-243z m3 469c-124-1-223-101-224-227 1-127 104-227 230-226 123 2 224 105 223 228-2 126-104 227-229 225z m429-499s0 169-1 186c1 16 0 385 0 385h-8s-69-39-69-326c53-15 30-73 26-80 0-15 2-165 2-165h0l0-1c0-13 11-25 25-25 13 0 24 12 24 25 0 0 0 1 0 1l1 0z m-776 566l4-157h-18v157h-13v-158h-15v158h-14v-158h-18l5 158h-14l-16-133s0-5 0-7c0-21 9-39 24-51 49-56 16-112 16-126 0-14 0-243 0-243l0-1c0-14 11-25 25-25 14 0 25 11 25 25 0 0 0 0 0 1h0v243c0 16-28 81 19 129 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 11 19 26 20 43 0 1 0 4 0 4l-16 141-15 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cup-cake" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb5f;" d="M724 252c-36-34-73-24-111 0-32-29-67-25-103-6-5 2-14 4-19 2-37-21-73-26-107 5-39-27-76-33-107-5-23-9-42-21-60-21-18 0-37 12-54 18 0 0 0-2 0-3l4-11c33-94 66-189 101-283 5-12 21-20 33-29 4-4 11-5 17-7h362c36 8 51 32 62 66 20 65 45 128 68 192 6 19 13 38 20 58 2 8 5 16 8 24-49-35-63-34-114 0z m-350-268c0-2-2-3-4-3h-18c-3 0-5 1-5 3v139c0 2 2 3 5 3h18c2 0 4-1 4-3v-139z m96 0c0-2-2-3-4-3h-18c-3 0-5 1-5 3v139c0 2 2 3 5 3h18c2 0 4-1 4-3v-139z m91 0c0-2-2-3-4-3h-18c-2 0-4 1-4 3v139c0 2 2 3 4 3h18c2 0 4-1 4-3v-139z m92 0c0-2-2-3-5-3h-18c-2 0-4 1-4 3v139c0 2 2 3 4 3h18c3 0 5-1 5-3v-139z m75 562c-7 0-14 0-20-1-5-1-10 2-11 7-18 66-68 119-133 141-13-22-36-37-64-37s-51 15-64 37c-65-22-115-75-133-141-1-5-6-8-11-7-6 1-13 1-20 1-90 0-162-73-162-163 0-46 19-88 50-117 4-4 11-7 15-7 11-2 30-3 42-3 16 0 32 9 52 17 4 2 11 1 14-2 28-20 60-16 94 5 4 3 10 2 14-1 32-24 66-18 100 1 5 2 14 1 19-2 34-17 66-22 97 1 3 3 10 4 14 1 32-19 65-26 97-2 4 3 10 4 14 1 37-22 72-19 89-18 5 0 11 2 15 5 33 30 54 73 54 121 0 90-72 163-162 163z m-228 128c21 0 39 11 49 28 5 8 8 18 8 29 0 31-26 57-57 57s-56-26-56-57c0-11 3-21 8-29 9-17 27-28 48-28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dining-table" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb60;" d="M815 363v49c0 8-6 14-14 14h-602c-8 0-14-6-14-14v-49c0-8 6-14 14-14h171v-30h61v-229c0-1 0-1 0-2h-61v-30h261v30h-62c0 1 0 2 0 2v229h62v30h170c8 0 14 6 14 14z m-709-121l-16 245h-27v-429h27l8 92h137l11-92h16v184l-156 0z m127-77h-133l3 31h126l4-31z m673 322l-15-245h-168v-184h27l11 92h137l8-92h31v429h-31z m-143-322l4 31h127l2-31h-133z m-94 313h-29c-5 82-54 119-128 131 7 10 9 20 0 28-7 7-16 7-23 1-8-6-9-15-1-30-36-3-66-15-91-40-25-24-37-54-36-90h-30v-22h338l0 22z m-261 13h-26c-2 55 46 102 108 106-70-33-84-51-82-106z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="donut" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb61;" d="M500 788c-242 0-437-196-437-438s195-438 437-438c241 0 438 196 438 438s-197 438-438 438z m20-164c6 1 13-7 14-19 2-12-1-23-7-24-7-1-13 8-16 20-1 12 2 23 9 23z m-70-72c8 11 19 16 24 12 5-5 1-17-7-27l-7-9c-9-10-20-16-25-11-5 4-2 16 7 27l8 8z m-45 96c6 3 17-3 23-15l1-1c7-12 8-24 3-27-5-4-16 3-23 15l-1 2c-7 11-8 23-3 26z m-204-84l-6-10c-7-11-18-17-23-14-6 4-4 16 4 27l6 10c7 11 18 18 23 14 6-4 4-16-4-27z m38-151c-14 1-24 6-24 13 1 6 11 11 24 10 13 0 24-5 23-12 0-6-10-11-23-11z m33 64c-5-3-15 4-23 15l0 2c-7 12-9 24-3 27 5 3 15-3 22-15l2-1c6-12 8-24 2-28z m71 88c-4-4-16-1-26 8l-23 20c-10 9-15 20-10 25 4 5 15 1 25-8l23-19c10-9 15-20 11-26z m15-39c5 5 16-1 25-12l5-7c9-11 12-22 7-26-5-4-16 1-25 12l-6 7c-8 10-11 22-6 26z m80-408c0-15-12-28-26-28-15 0-27 13-27 28v86c0 2 1 4 1 5 15-15 33-27 52-35v-56z m69 33c0-15-12-28-26-28-14 0-26 13-26 28v17c14-4 29-7 45-7 2 0 5 1 7 1v-11z m62-71c0-15-12-28-26-28-15 0-26 13-26 28v82c18 2 34 7 50 15 2-4 2-7 2-11v-86z m63 71c0-15-11-28-26-28-14 0-26 13-26 28v32c20 12 38 29 52 48v-80z m-132 61c-76 0-138 61-138 138 0 76 62 139 138 139s139-63 139-139c0-77-63-138-139-138z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="egg-plant" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb62;" d="M937 415c-1 3-3 4-5 3-1-2-2-3-3-3-9-1-21 9-20 18 0 12 2 24 1 35-2 20-4 39-8 58-1 6-4 11-7 16-6 8-16 4-20-7-9-22-17-44-25-65-6-14-8-20-5-25 6-10 12-14 9-14-3 0-5 0-7 0-25-1-32 8-27 33 6 30 8 61 3 92-3 19-8 21-24 11-27-17-50-39-69-63-12-15-25-16-38-2-3 2-5 5-7 8-3 4-5 7-3 6 2 0 3-1 4-1 16-8 18-7 27 9l31 59c3 5 5 9 8 14 4 8-2 17-13 16-11-2-21-7-31-13-18-13-36-28-53-44-8-7-16-5-24-4-3 0-7 4-9 7-1 3-1 5-3 4-3-2-1-7 5-12 6-4 11-8 10-8 0 0 0-1-1-1-68-43-91-84-223-73-15 2-31-1-45-3-61-10-113-39-161-75-43-33-80-71-103-120-21-45-57-100-26-141 17-23 43-63 64-82 105-93 250-81 379-27 67 28 124 72 177 121 84 78 153 168 213 266 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 9 2 16 1 8-2 13 0 11 3z m-298 141c3 1 6 3 9 6 18 15 36 33 57 46 13 8 30 12 45 14 20 2 22-4 14-21-15-28-31-56-46-86-6-10-7-16-3-13 2 1 4 3 6 5 13 13 24 27 37 39 13 12 28 22 43 31 16 9 26 5 30-14 3-13 4-27 3-41-1-22-4-43-6-65-1-3-2-6-1-9 1-4 6-1 7 4 1 3 2 6 3 9 6 18 13 36 20 54 6 14 12 28 18 42 4 9 9 9 16 3 3-3 5-5 7-8 14-17 19-37 20-58 1-20 0-40 0-61 0-4 0-7 0-8 2-5 8 3 9 10 0 5 1 9 1 14 3 17 7 33 7 50 1 43-11 81-46 110-3 2-5 6-5 10 1 25 4 50 15 72 6 10 5 24-5 28-19 7-40-1-50-20-3-8-7-15-11-21-10-18-20-30-46-26-42 7-78-11-108-41-13-12-24-25-36-39-7-8-9-19-4-16z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="egg-poached" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb63;" d="M933 325c-6 42-26 77-60 104-24 19-52 32-79 45-29 15-58 30-80 54-13 14-24 29-35 45-41 58-89 105-154 135-96 43-191 42-282-9-94-52-151-134-172-239-16-77-8-153 12-230 4-11 8-23 12-35 15-40 36-78 67-109 37-36 79-61 133-56 36 3 70 12 106 19 26 4 52 7 79 1 23-5 42-17 62-29 30-18 61-37 95-49 42-15 84-15 125 5 28 13 52 32 73 55 76 83 116 179 98 293z m-34-96c-16-81-55-149-120-201-34-27-72-39-115-28-26 7-50 19-73 32-19 11-38 23-57 34-36 21-76 26-118 20-32-5-63-12-95-18-51-12-95 3-132 40-26 27-45 59-59 94-29 74-39 151-28 230 15 112 73 197 176 246 82 39 164 32 245-8 53-26 93-68 126-116 20-27 39-55 67-74 25-15 50-29 75-43 18-10 35-19 52-29 27-17 44-42 50-65 12-43 13-78 6-114z m-449 274c-94-25-148-118-123-212 24-91 120-145 212-120 91 25 145 120 120 211-25 91-119 146-209 121z m16-75c-48-14-70-64-66-103 0-5 1-10 2-15 1-10-4-19-13-20-10-2-18 4-21 14-12 55 13 132 86 156 11 3 21-1 24-10 4-9-1-19-12-22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="farmer-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb64;" d="M469 388c9-84 75-150 155-150 80 0 146 66 155 150 88 13 146 78 148 82 15 17 14 44-3 60-17 15-43 14-58-4 0 0-40-45-98-53-4 10-9 19-14 28 0 1-20 188-20 188 0 7-8 12-17 12h-199c-9 0-16-6-16-12 0 0-15-193-12-195-4-7-7-14-10-21-57 8-97 52-98 53-15 18-41 19-58 4-17-16-18-43-3-60 3-4 60-69 148-82z m42 102h226c4-6 7-12 10-19h-246c3 7 6 13 10 19z m248-103c-9-73-66-129-135-129-69 0-125 56-135 129h270z m-505-4c0-33-17-62-43-78v165h-18v-173c-13-4-36-4-50 0v173h-18v-165c-26 15-44 45-44 78v87h-18v-87c0-57 42-103 96-108v-276h19v276c53 5 94 52 94 108v87h-18v-87z m408-161l-3 0c-11 2-22 3-34 3h-1l-1 0c-11 0-22-1-33-3l-4 0c-123-16-225-104-269-223h614c-43 120-146 208-269 223z" />
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2-1 3-3 3-5 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-2 1-3s-1-2-2-4c-2-2-3-4-4-6-3-3-6-2-7 2-1 6 1 11 5 16z m-15 44c3 4 7 3 8-1 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-3 0-7-1-10-1-1-2-3-3-4-2-4-6-3-7 1-3 5-2 15 2 19z m-10-95c-1-2-3-3-4-2-2 0-3 2-3 3-1 1-1 2-1 3 0 2 1 5 2 7 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 6 1 7-2 1-5 0-9-3-12z m-6 142c3 3 6 3 7-2 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-3 0-7-1-10-1-1-2-3-3-4-2-3-5-3-7 1-2 5-1 14 3 19z m-12-85c3 3 6 3 8-1 0-1 0-3 0-4 1-3 0-7-1-9 0-2-1-3-2-4-2-3-5-3-7 1-2 4-1 13 2 17z m-5-71c2-1 4-4 3-8 0-2-1-4-2-5 0-1-2-2-3-2-1 0-2 1-2 3-1 0-1 1-1 2 0 2 0 5 1 7 1 2 3 3 4 3z m-14 111c1 2 2 3 3 5 2 3 5 2 7-1 3-6 2-16-2-20-3-3-6-3-8 0 0 2-1 4-1 6 0 3 0 7 1 10z m1-79c1-1 1-2 2-4 0-2 0-6-1-9-1-2-3-3-4-3-3 1-5 4-5 8 0 3 1 6 2 9 2 2 5 2 6-1z m-16 123c1 2 3 5 4 6 3 4 7 3 7-2 2-6 0-12-5-16-1-1-3-2-4-2-2 1-3 3-3 4 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 1-1 3-1 3 0 0 1 2 2 4z m-8-79c2 4 5 4 7 0 1-2 2-4 2-7 1-2 0-6-1-9-1-1-2-3-4-3-2-1-5 2-5 7 0 4 0 8 1 12z m-6-54c-1-1-1-1-3 0-3 3-5 8-5 12 0 3 2 3 3 2 3-2 4-4 5-7 1-2 1-6 0-7z m-6 97c2 2 4 2 5-1 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-2 0-6-1-8-1-1-1-2-2-4-2-2-4-1-6 1-2 4-1 13 3 16z m-11 42c1 1 4 2 5 2 1-1 1-2 2-3 0-2 0-5-2-7-1-2-3-4-5-5-2-3-5-1-5 2 0 5 2 8 5 11z m-11-80c0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 2-1 3-2 3-4 4-8 4-13 0-1-1-3-2-3-1 0-2 1-3 2-2 2-3 5-4 8 0 3 0 6 1 7z m-5 40c0 1 1 2 2 2 0-1 1-2 1-2 1-1 1-2 1-4 0-1-1-4-2-6 0-1 0-2-1-3 0-1-1-2-2-2 0 0-1 1-1 2-1 5 0 9 2 13z m50 100c3-3 7-6 11-10 2-2 1-3-1-3-2 0-3 0-5-1-1 0-2 0-3-1-1-1-2-3 0-4 0-1 1-2 2-2 8-3 17-6 25-8 8-2 16-3 23-4 11-1 22-2 33-2 6-1 12 1 19 2 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 0 4-1 0-1 1-2 1-1 1-3 1-4 2-2 1-2 2 0 3 3 2 5 3 7 4 5 3 11 7 15 11 4 3 3 6-2 7-1 0-2 0-3 0-6-1-12-1-17-3-6-1-11-3-17-5-2 0-4 0-3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 5 5 10 7 16 0 2 0 5-2 6-1 1-4 0-6-1-4-3-7-6-11-9-1-1-2-2-3-3-1-2-2-1-1 2 3 16 9 31 20 44 2 2 2 6-1 7-2 2-5 3-9 3-6 0-9-5-11-10-4-8-7-18-10-27-1-5-2-9-3-15 0-2-1-3-2 0-1 1-2 2-2 4-3 4-6 8-9 12-3 3-6 1-7-3 0-2-1-5 0-7 0-3 0-6 1-9 0-3-1-4-4-2-4 3-9 6-13 9-5 2-11 4-16 6-2 1-5 0-6-1-1-1 0-4 1-6 2-3 4-7 7-10z m-71-481c1-2 2-4 3-7 0-3 1-6 2-9h17c-1 6-3 11-4 16-1 2-1 5-1 7-1 2-1 5-2 7-2 14-3 28-2 42-11-10-25-17-40-20 10-8 18-17 24-29 1-2 2-5 3-7z m-12-9c-1 3-2 5-3 8-7 16-21 28-38 34-2 1-5 2-7 2l0-2c-1-5-3-11-5-16-6-13-15-24-27-33h82c-1 3-1 5-2 7z m37 118c0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 4 0 6 0 2 1 4 1 6-2 19-11 35-25 46-12-11-28-18-45-20-3 0-5 0-8 0-9 0-18 1-26 4 0-14-3-27-10-39 13-11 23-27 27-45 1-3 2-7 2-11 0-2 0-4 0-6h1c2 0 4-1 7-1 5-1 10-1 16-1 23 2 42 16 53 35 1 5 2 10 4 15l1 2c0 3 1 5 2 8z m-180-124c0 0 1-1 2-1h26c27 6 48 27 53 53 0 1 0 3 1 4 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 5v2c0 2 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 1-2 18-11 33-23 44-3-3-5-6-8-8-2-2-4-4-6-5s-4-3-6-4c-10-7-22-11-35-12-3-1-5-1-8-1-2 0-4 1-6 1 0-2 1-4 1-5 2-25-7-48-23-65 9-8 20-14 32-17z m71 200c1-2 2-5 3-7 0-3 1-5 2-7 0-1 0-2 0-3 10-5 22-7 33-6 13 1 25 6 35 14 2 1 4 3 5 5 2 2 4 3 6 5 11 13 17 31 15 49-3 35-32 61-67 61-2 0-4 0-6 0-36-4-64-36-60-73 15-8 27-22 34-38z m-155-193c12 1 23 6 32 12 2 2 4 3 6 5 2 1 3 3 5 5 12 13 19 32 17 51 0 3-1 6-1 9-1 3-2 6-3 8-1 4-2 7-4 10-1 1-1 2-2 3-1 2-2 4-4 6-1 2-3 4-5 5-5 6-12 10-19 14-3 1-6 2-9 3-3 1-6 2-9 2-3 1-7 1-10 1-2 0-4 0-6 0-18-2-34-10-46-24-11-14-17-31-15-49 3-37 35-64 73-61z m-112 303c52-16 103-41 132-88 1-2 2-4 4-6 1-3 2-5 4-7-11-13-16-30-14-47 0-4 1-6 1-9 14-4 27-12 37-22 2-2 4-4 5-6 2-1 3-3 4-5 4-6 7-12 9-18 6-1 11-2 16-1 12 1 23 5 33 12 2 2 4 3 6 5 2 2 4 4 6 6l0 0c0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 2 2 3 4 4 6 6 11 9 24 8 37v1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-1 6-2 9l0 0c0 3-1 5-2 8-1 1-1 3-2 5-4 8-8 14-14 20-4 3-7 6-11 9-3 1-5 2-8 4-9 3-18 6-28 6-2 0-4 0-6-1-7 0-13-2-19-5l-4 6c-1 2-3 5-4 7-35 53-91 82-153 101-20 7-26-26-6-33z m97-61c-69 70-106-87-106-87 45-25 175 17 106 87z m749 166c-58-5-114-17-159-51-3-2-6-5-10-7-3-3-6-6-9-9-7 2-15 3-22 3-41 0-79-28-93-72-1-2-2-4-2-6-4-11-14-32-41-46-38-19-58-37-58-37l0 0c-22-17-41-40-53-66-1-2-2-4-2-7-1-2-2-4-3-6l-1-4c-8-24-9-50-5-75 0-2 0-5 1-7 0-2 1-5 1-7 2-6 4-12 6-18h370c7 30 6 61-4 90l0 0s-4 27-24 64c-15 30-10 55-7 64 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 7 2 10-19 13-34 29-40 48-3 11-5 30 10 49-1 1-2 2-3 3 3 2 6 4 9 6 3 3 6 5 9 7l5 2c2 1 3 3 4 3 11 7 21 12 31 13 27 10 56 15 85 17 22 2 24 37 1 35z m-77-65c-9 0-20-4-32-12-2-1-5-3-7-5-3-2-5-4-8-7-3-2-5-5-7-8-18-25-3-51 22-70 4-3 7-5 11-7 3-2 6-4 10-6 17-8 36-13 53-13 6 0 11 0 16 2 0 0-2 126-58 126z m-708-365c0-206 167-255 374-255 206 0 373 49 373 255h-747z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="noodles" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb7b;" d="M715 208h-644c-5 0-9-4-8-9 0-5 1-10 2-15 1-5 6-9 11-9h634c5 0 10 4 11 9 1 5 2 10 3 15 0 5-4 9-9 9z m-10-54h-624c-5 0-8-4-7-9 14-47 38-89 69-124 4-4 11-7 16-7h468c5 0 13 3 16 7 31 35 55 77 69 124 2 5-1 9-7 9z m-99-161h-426c-5 0-6-3-2-6 9-8 19-15 29-22 5-3 12-5 18-5h337c5 0 13 2 18 5 10 7 19 14 28 22 4 3 3 6-2 6z m-261 498c3-25 4-50 1-75-3-28-5-56 1-84 6-31 4-62-3-92h-33c1 7 1 14 1 21 1 25 2 50 2 75 0 29 0 58 1 87 0 18 4 38 0 55-10 48 2 94 2 142h33c0-15 0-29-2-43-5-29-6-57-3-86z m151-252c-10 0-18 1-26 0-7 0-11 3-11 10 0 29-3 58 0 87 2 29 3 57-1 86-3 20-4 41-1 61 5 31 6 62 0 93-2 12-2 24-1 36 0 3 4 8 6 9 8 1 16 0 24 0 1-13 1-25 3-35 4-33 8-66 3-99-4-23-5-46-2-69 4-29 5-58 1-88-3-21-1-42 0-63 0-9 3-17 5-28z m-104 155c-1-13-1-25 0-37 1-26 4-52 5-78 0-13-3-26-5-40h-34c0 7 0 13 1 18 7 28 5 55 3 84-3 26 0 53 0 80 1 21 1 42 1 62-1 22-4 44-4 66 0 22 3 43 6 64 0 2 4 7 6 7 8 1 16 0 25 0 3-52-10-102-1-153 5-23-2-49-3-73z m-129-131c1 24 1 48 1 71 0 20-5 40-1 58 6 34 4 66-2 99-2 9-2 19-1 28 6 33 12 66 1 101h31c1-15 2-28 2-41 1-32 1-64 1-96 1-21 0-42 0-63 0-31 0-63 0-94 1-22 2-45 2-67 0-6 0-13 0-19h-37c1 9 3 16 3 23z m271 151c0-24 4-49 1-73-4-30-6-59 2-89 1-4 1-7 1-12h-26c-8 36-9 71-3 107 3 14 3 30 2 44-3 33-10 66-3 99 6 30 4 58-1 87-3 14-2 28-2 43h24c2-19 2-37 6-54 4-26 3-51 0-77-2-25-1-50-1-75z m-89-174h-27c-7 32-10 63-4 95 6 28 4 55 0 83-2 24-2 48 1 71 4 30 3 60-2 90-2 13-1 27-1 41h24c1-14 1-26 3-38 4-31 7-61 3-93-4-24-5-49-2-73 4-29 6-57 0-86-5-23-4-47 2-71 1-6 2-12 3-19z m-372 373v-17c0-5 3-9 8-9l137-2v37h-137c-5 0-8-4-8-9z m856 9h-361v-43l361-6c5 0 8 4 8 9v31c0 5-3 9-8 9z m-847 29l848 40c4 0 8 4 8 9l-2 31c0 5-4 9-9 9l-847-53c-4-1-8-5-8-10l1-17c1-5 4-9 9-9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="onion" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb7c;" d="M677 456c-92 19-126 70-135 143-5 41-7 94-10 140 0 16-15 30-33 31-17 1-33-11-34-27-1-21-2-44-4-59-5-45-7-90-16-135-9-45-40-74-94-85-79-16-151-47-208-99-140-127-90-322 93-389 18-6 23 1 12 15-102 137-77 321 57 403 15 10 25 10 20 3-4-5-7-9-10-13-54-69-81-146-77-230 0-2 1-5 2-8 3-23 7-46 15-68 8-20 19-40 33-58 14-17 31-33 49-46 16-10 122-67 138-34 5 11 23 99 25 118 7 50 11 111 11 161 0 8-1 20-3 30 0 3-1 7 4 6 2-1 3-4 4-6 13-45 22-92 24-138 2-19 2-39 3-59 1-25 3-51 4-77l2-22c0-12 15-20 33-15 128 34 204 154 176 286-2 11-5 21-7 32l-3 13c-2 7 5 1 13-14 46-84 44-168 3-254-8-15 0-24 18-18 127 47 192 190 134 305-47 92-133 146-239 168z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="orange" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb7d;" d="M333 573c46-31 102-34 149-14 0 51-26 101-72 131-46 31-102 34-149 14 1-51 26-101 72-131z m279-6c30 19 46 51 47 84-31 13-67 11-97-8-29-20-46-52-46-85 30-13 66-11 96 9z m-92-32v1c0 6-9 11-20 11-11 0-21-5-21-11v-1c-162-10-290-146-290-311 0-172 139-312 311-312s312 140 312 312c0 165-129 301-292 311z m46-522c-5 0-9 4-9 10 0 5 4 10 9 10 6 0 10-5 10-10 0-6-4-10-10-10z m54 22c-12 0-21 10-21 21s9 21 21 21 21-9 21-21c0-11-10-21-21-21z m30-46c-7 0-14 7-14 14 0 8 7 14 14 14 8 0 14-6 14-14 0-7-6-14-14-14z m-147 573c1 0 2 6 1 12l-20 201c-1 7-7 13-14 13h-49v-8l75-206c2-7 5-12 7-12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pear" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb7e;" d="M477 639c18 67 65 108 119 104v-43c-4-1-9-2-13-3-32-5-59-35-60-65 0-6 1-9 8-11 62-12 104-64 106-127 1-42 13-81 28-119 18-48 38-96 55-145 13-36 20-74 16-114-6-55-30-102-71-139-89-81-221-87-316-12-59 47-89 109-86 185 2 37 13 73 26 108 20 52 41 104 60 157 10 27 14 56 15 85 2 55 40 103 95 119 4 1 7 2 13 3-46 4-88 13-120 46-31 34-39 76-41 119 99 2 157-46 166-148z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="peas" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb7f;" d="M213 602c-19-11-34-30-42-51 27-38 61-78 100-118-1 51 33 96 81 110-49 25-96 45-139 59z m262-141c-1 4-2 9-4 13-33 21-67 41-99 59h0l-1 0-6-1c-2-1-5-1-7-2-46-11-78-56-72-105v0c0-2 0-4 1-7 0 0 0 0 0-1 1-1 3-3 4-4 25-25 51-49 79-72 7-1 14-1 22-1l-1 1c-6 56 31 107 84 120z m-70-118c1-3 1-5 1-7 1-2 1-5 2-7 3-11 8-21 14-31 16-12 32-24 49-36 13-4 27-6 41-4 0 51 36 96 85 107 0 7-2 14-4 20-29 23-58 45-88 66-4 0-9 0-14-1l-1 0c-2 0-4-1-5-1-3 0-5-1-7-1-47-12-78-56-73-105 0 0 0 0 0 0z m121-96v0c1-10 4-19 7-27 33-20 66-40 100-57 0 51 36 95 85 107l0 1c-28 29-57 57-88 84-6 0-12 0-18-1h-1c-2 0-4 0-6-1-3 0-5-1-7-1-42-11-71-49-72-91 0-3 0-5 0-7 0-3 0-5 0-7z m121-92c2-1 5-2 7-3 51-25 103-46 155-61 11 10 20 24 25 38-29 44-64 87-101 127-1 1-2 1-2 2l-5-1-7-1c-41-11-71-48-72-91 0-3 0-5 0-7l0-3z m-530 483c29-3 60-10 95-21 3-1 6-2 9-3 4-1 7-2 10-4 38-13 77-30 119-50 3-2 6-4 9-5l9-5c2-1 5-2 7-3 4-3 8-5 12-7 6-3 12-6 18-10 16-9 32-18 48-29 6-3 11-6 17-10 4-2 8-5 12-8 9-6 19-12 28-19 5-3 9-6 13-9 7-4 13-9 20-14 10-7 20-15 30-22 6-5 13-10 19-15l12-9c11-9 22-18 32-28 4-2 7-5 10-8 5-4 9-8 13-12 17-15 34-31 50-47 5-4 9-8 13-12 3-3 6-7 9-10 2-2 4-4 6-6 2-2 4-4 6-6 2-3 4-5 6-7 33-36 63-74 90-112l6-8c1-3 3-5 5-8 12-19 24-39 35-58 3-1 6-2 10-2 18-3 31-7 40-12-11 202-269 691-818 627-2 0-4-1-7-1-14-2-25-5-32-9 13-1 27-14 39-38z m819-595c-5 5-20 10-43 14 0 0 0 0-1 0-2 1-5 1-8 2-2 0-5 1-8 2-21 4-42 9-64 15l-8 2-8 3c-49 15-98 35-146 59-3 1-5 2-8 3-3 2-5 3-8 4 0 1-1 1-1 1-5 2-9 4-13 7-5 2-10 5-16 8-18 10-36 21-54 31l-16 10c-3 2-7 5-11 7-20 13-39 26-57 39-19 13-36 26-54 40-16 12-32 25-47 38-3 3-7 6-11 9l-15 13c-13 12-27 24-40 36-4 5-9 9-14 14-3 3-6 6-9 9-1 1-1 1-1 1l-6 6c-2 2-4 4-6 6-37 38-69 75-96 111l-6 8-5 7c-19 27-35 53-47 77 0 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 4-3 6-1 2-3 5-4 7-10 16-19 23-26 23-4-1-7-3-9-8-1-2-1-5-2-8-1-2-1-5-1-8-1-7 0-16 1-26 75-522 571-627 792-601 15 1 28 4 40 6l2 1c3 1 5 1 7 2 3 0 5 1 7 2 12 3 20 7 23 11 3 3 3 6 1 9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pepper" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb80;" d="M936 150c-3 8-11 8-19 8-65 0-128 7-192 18-94 17-185 43-269 91-78 43-141 100-178 183-19 39-54 56-94 44-14-4-26-11-40-17-18 34-30 69-32 108-3 39 8 74 42 103-17 5-31 8-45 12-6 2-9 1-13-4-20-25-30-54-32-86-3-55 11-105 32-155 3-6 2-9-2-14-29-41-38-86-26-135 9-40 32-74 57-107 61-79 140-134 234-166 85-30 172-40 262-32 76 5 149 23 217 57 35 17 67 39 93 69 5 7 9 14 5 23z m-210-96c-10-3-23-5-36-7-26-4-53-6-79-7-32-2-62-2-90 0-4 0-8 0-11 0-6 1-3 4 8 9 11 4 26 8 34 9 9 1 33 1 53-1 17-1 34-1 52-1 22-1 44-1 66 0 3 0 6 0 7 0 0-1-1-2-4-2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pie-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb81;" d="M454 660v-319c0-20 16-37 36-37l320 0c20 0 36-16 34-36-18-199-186-356-390-356-216 0-391 176-391 392 0 216 174 391 389 392h1c0 0 1-16 1-36z m483-258c2-20-14-37-34-37l-350 0c-20 0-36 16-36 36 0 102-1 386 0 386 221 0 402-170 420-385z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pie" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb82;" d="M922 323c-29 10-42 35-56 65-32 74-89 127-165 165-7 4-14 0-13-9 1-12 2-22-2-31-2-7-7-13-12-19-9-9-23-10-33-1-7 6-13 13-14 20-5 18-3 36-2 56 0 9-7 17-15 19-21 4-42 7-64 11-8 2-15-4-15-13 1-17 2-32-1-46-2-6-7-12-13-17-8-8-23-8-32 0-7 5-12 11-14 18-5 13-3 28-2 46 0 9-7 14-15 13-23-5-44-9-65-13-8-2-15-10-15-19 1-23 2-43-2-63-2-11-19-24-30-26-8-1-23 15-27 26-4 11-4 24-4 38 0 9-7 13-14 9-74-38-131-90-163-164-14-30-27-55-56-65-9-3-16-11-16-20v-8c0-8 6-20 14-23 26-12 53-5 77 10 29 18 55 18 84 1 40-25 82-24 122 0 28 17 52 17 80 0 40-24 82-24 122 0 28 16 52 18 80 1 41-25 84-25 126 0 26 16 50 16 76 0 26-15 53-25 81-12 8 4 13 15 13 23v8c1 9-6 17-15 20z m-158-72c-41-23-88-20-130 4-22 12-39 15-62 2-47-28-95-24-145-2-16 8-41 7-57 0-45-21-92-28-135-3-31 18-55 15-79-1-7-5-10-16-7-24 14-37 27-75 41-112 3-8 12-15 21-15h578c9 0 18 7 21 15 14 37 27 75 41 112 3 8 0 20-7 25-25 16-49 17-80-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pineapple" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb83;" d="M393 37c-15-16-31-33-47-51 8-4 18-6 25-13 7-8 9-19 13-28 17 18 33 35 48 51-13 14-27 29-39 41z m174-41c15-17 31-33 48-52 5 23 21 36 40 43-17 18-33 35-48 51-13-14-27-28-40-42z m-222 354c17-18 33-35 47-50 13 14 27 29 41 44-15 16-30 32-48 51-6-24-21-38-40-45z m270 43c-17-18-32-35-48-51 14-14 27-29 41-43 15 16 31 33 47 51-19 8-36 19-40 43z m-156-51c14-15 28-29 41-43l41 44c-13 14-27 29-40 42-14-14-28-29-42-43z m189-232c-14 15-27 30-41 44-13-14-27-28-40-43 14-14 28-29 41-43 13 14 27 29 40 42z m-148-72c-13-14-27-29-39-42 13-15 27-30 40-44 13 14 27 29 40 43-14 14-28 29-41 43z m41 72c-14 15-28 30-42 45-13-15-26-29-39-43 14-15 28-30 41-44 13 14 27 29 40 42z m-149-42c13 14 27 29 40 42-13 15-27 30-41 44-13-14-27-28-40-42 14-15 28-30 41-44z m-41 158c13-14 27-29 40-42 14 15 28 29 41 44-13 14-26 28-40 42l-41-44z m109 2c14-15 28-30 41-44 13 14 27 28 40 42-14 15-28 30-40 44-14-15-28-29-41-42z m149 41c-14-14-28-29-42-43 14-14 28-29 41-43 13 14 27 29 40 43-13 15-27 30-39 43z m-124-217c-13 14-27 29-40 44-13-14-26-28-39-41 15-15 28-30 41-43 12 13 26 28 38 40z m109 1c-13 14-27 29-39 42-14-14-27-29-40-43 13-13 26-28 39-42 13 14 27 29 40 43z m-40 73c13 15 27 29 39 42-13 14-27 29-39 43-13-14-27-29-40-43 13-13 27-28 40-42z m-148 43c14-14 27-29 41-43 12 14 26 28 39 42-13 14-27 29-40 44-13-14-27-29-40-43z m149 158c-14-14-27-29-40-43 13-14 26-28 39-42 13 15 27 29 40 43-13 14-27 29-39 42z m-149-43l39-42c14 14 28 29 40 42-13 14-27 29-39 42-13-13-27-28-40-42z m-7-353c29-27 68-24 87 5-14 15-28 30-41 44-15-16-30-33-46-49z m115 4c23-28 57-30 86-5-16 17-32 34-45 48-13-13-27-28-41-43z m-177 162c-27-24-30-64-5-94 16 17 31 33 46 50-13 14-27 28-41 44z m325 0c-14-15-27-29-41-43 16-17 32-34 47-51 25 35 22 76-6 94z m-324 144c14 14 27 29 39 42-15 17-31 33-46 50-24-30-21-72 7-92z m330 92c-16-16-31-33-46-49 13-14 27-28 41-44 27 26 29 72 5 93z m-331-208c14 16 28 30 40 43-13 14-27 29-41 44-30-20-27-70 1-87z m327 87c-14-15-28-30-41-44 13-13 26-28 40-43 28 16 31 67 1 87z m-263 195c16-17 32-33 46-49 12 14 26 29 40 43-22 27-61 30-86 6z m113-6c14-15 27-29 40-43 15 15 30 32 46 48-29 25-70 22-86-5z m172 182c-43-12-85-23-127-35-2-1-5-1-5 0s1 2 3 4l130 110c2 2 3 3 3 4 0 0-3 0-5-1-43-12-87-24-132-37-3 0-4 1-3 3 30 52 59 102 88 153 1 2 1 3 1 4 0 0-2-1-4-3-44-38-88-76-132-114-2-1-5-1-7 0-44 39-88 76-132 114-2 2-4 3-4 2 0 0 0-2 1-4 29-50 58-100 88-152 1-2 0-3-3-3-45 13-88 25-131 37-2 1-4 1-5 1s1-3 3-4l132-112c2-2 3-3 3-4 0 0-3 0-5 1-43 12-85 24-127 36-3 0-3 0-1-2 61-52 122-104 182-155 2-1 5-1 7 0 60 51 121 103 183 155 2 2 1 3-1 2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pizza-slice" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb84;" d="M803 638c-57-266-242-475-479-573l48-128c281 114 500 362 566 678l-135 23z m-38 6l-702 119 246-663c225 93 401 291 456 544z m-107-46c8 44 43-3 39-31-8-44-43 3-39 31z m-402-26c-24 0-44 20-44 44 0 24 20 44 44 44 24 0 44-20 44-44 0-24-20-44-44-44z m87-127c-8-44-44 2-40 31 8 44 44-2 40-31z m115-105c-5-29-32-48-60-43-28 5-47 32-42 60 5 28 32 47 60 42 28-5 47-31 42-59z m47 222c-10-26-20-52-40-73-12-12-28-4-35 9-8 14-8 35 4 47 12 13 18 31 24 47 5 14 19 25 33 15 14-9 20-30 14-45z m24-79c4 28 31 47 59 42 28-4 47-31 42-59-4-28-31-47-59-43-28 5-47 32-42 60z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pizza" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb85;" d="M542 692c-58 9-115 4-167-13l109-294 203 245c-42 31-91 52-145 62z m-88-81c-6-4-9 6-10 10-3 9-4 19-5 28 0 4 0 15 6 16 7 1 9-10 9-15 1-6 1-13 3-20 2-5 2-15-3-19z m48-143c-13 2-21 14-19 27 2 13 14 21 27 19 12-2 21-14 19-27-2-13-14-21-27-19z m43 117c-3-19-21-32-40-29-19 4-32 22-29 41 4 19 22 32 41 28 19-3 32-21 28-40z m11 66c-4-20-14 5-12 14 3 20 13-5 12-14z m53-65c-13 2-21 14-19 27 2 13 14 21 27 19 12-2 21-14 19-27-2-12-14-21-27-19z m232-277l61-11c19 144-37 282-140 372l-39-47c86-77 134-193 118-314z m36-69c-26-120-109-214-216-258l22-58c126 52 225 164 254 306l-60 10z m-750 158l-61 11c-18-142 36-278 135-368l40 48c-83 76-129 190-114 309z m297-400c-60 11-115 36-160 71l-39-48c53-42 117-71 189-83 69-12 137-6 199 14l-21 58c-53-17-110-21-168-12z m120 711c58-10 111-34 155-67l39 48c-52 40-114 68-183 79-72 12-142 6-206-16l21-58c55 18 114 24 174 14z m-203-25l-21 58c-124-53-220-163-249-303l61-10c25 117 106 210 209 255z m370-74l-203-245 316-53c15 115-31 226-113 298z m-27-102c3 19 21 32 40 28s32-21 29-40c-3-19-21-32-40-29-19 3-32 22-29 41z m-61-119c-13 2-22 14-19 26 2 13 14 22 26 19 13-2 22-14 19-26-2-13-14-22-26-19z m95 7c-4-10-11-18-21-23-13-8-19 22-8 29 6 3 10 8 13 14 3 6 10 6 14 1 5-6 6-14 2-21z m43-42c-13 2-21 14-19 27s14 21 27 19c12-2 21-14 19-27-3-12-14-21-27-19z m-176-328l-111 298-200-241c43-34 95-58 153-67 55-10 108-5 158 10z m-63 33c3 20 12-6 11-14-4-20-13 6-11 14z m-63 169c13-2 21-14 19-26-2-13-14-22-27-20-12 3-21 15-19 27 2 13 14 21 27 19z m9-90c-3-14-10 15-9 21 3 15 10-15 9-21z m-122-51c-13 2-22 14-19 27 2 12 14 21 27 19 12-2 21-15 19-27-3-13-15-21-27-19z m64 63c-3-20-18 3-16 14 4 20 18-2 16-14z m5-63c4 19 22 31 41 28 19-3 32-21 29-40-4-19-22-32-41-29-19 3-32 22-29 41z m-266 339l306-52-109 293c-97-43-173-130-197-241z m46 30c-3-20-15 4-13 14 3 20 15-4 13-14z m127 68c4 20 19-2 17-14-4-20-19 2-17 14z m60-82c-2-13-14-21-27-19-12 2-21 14-19 27 3 12 15 21 27 19 13-2 21-14 19-27z m-52 180c13-3 21-15 19-27-2-13-14-21-27-19-12 2-21 14-19 26 2 13 14 22 27 20z m-53-80c20-4 32-22 29-41-3-19-21-32-40-28-19 3-32 21-29 40 3 19 21 32 40 29z m-26-439l199 241-306 52c-14-113 29-221 107-293z m-23 156c-2-14-9 15-8 21 2 14 9-15 8-21z m49 47c3 19 21 32 40 29 19-3 32-21 28-40-3-19-21-32-40-29-19 3-32 21-28 40z m-21-98c13-2 22-14 19-27-2-12-14-21-26-19-13 2-22 14-19 27 2 13 14 21 26 19z m-45 149c12-2 21-14 19-27-2-13-15-21-27-19-13 2-21 14-19 27 2 13 14 21 27 19z m649-114l-317 54 111-299c102 42 181 131 206 245z m-48-21c3 20 19-1 17-14-3-20-19 2-17 14z m-160-55c3 20 20-1 18-14-4-20-20 1-18 14z m-11 23c-19 3-32 21-29 40s22 32 41 28c19-3 32-21 28-40-3-19-21-32-40-28z m46-140c-2-14-9 15-8 21 2 15 9-15 8-21z m8 37c-13 2-22 14-19 27 2 12 14 21 26 19 13-2 22-15 19-27-2-13-14-21-26-19z m48 119c-5-12-9-24-18-33-6-5-13-1-16 4-4 7-3 16 2 22 5 5 8 13 11 21 2 6 8 11 15 6 6-4 8-13 6-20z m10-35c2 12 15 21 27 19s21-15 19-27c-2-13-14-22-27-19-12 2-21 14-19 27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="plant" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb86;" d="M513 172c-1 43-2 86-3 128 0 13 0 15-10 14-9 1-9-1-10-14 0-42-1-85-3-128-26 77-70 134-144 160 84-125 141-261 141-420h32c1 159 57 295 142 420-74-26-119-83-145-160z m-119 203c10-21 23-38 41-51 11-7 22-12 34-8 30 9 41 42 23 71-10 17-24 30-41 40-25 15-53 24-83 31 5-19 9-35 14-50 3-11 8-22 12-33z m103 53c-14-26-1-50 19-61 16-10 30-3 44 7 18 13 30 30 40 51 11 25 19 51 24 79-28-3-74-22-95-39-13-10-24-22-32-37z m-22 199c18 0 29 10 34 29 4 18 4 35 0 52-7 29-20 54-35 80-16-27-29-54-36-85-3-16-3-32 2-48 5-19 16-28 35-28z m23-97c-5-8-8-18-6-28 6-24 28-36 48-25 9 4 17 11 24 19 23 26 31 61 40 97-25-6-48-14-69-26-15-8-28-20-37-37z m-41-102c13-8 25-2 35 10 10 11 13 24 6 38-3 8-8 16-14 22-25 29-59 37-95 48 8-37 17-70 39-97 8-9 18-16 29-21z m1 95c12-7 25-4 35 8 10 11 12 24 4 37-5 9-12 19-20 26-22 18-47 25-74 32 6-29 13-57 29-79 7-9 17-17 26-24z m37 91c-6-13-5-24 4-34 10-12 20-16 33-10 17 7 29 20 37 38 9 20 15 41 23 62l-3 3c-29-8-57-15-79-38-6-6-11-14-15-21z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="popcorn" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb87;" d="M513 250c-10 0-20-5-28-12-15-12-25-35-25-61 0-26 11-49 27-62 7-6 16-10 26-10 10 0 19 4 27 10 16 13 26 36 26 63 0 24-9 45-22 59-9 8-19 13-31 13z m226 240c-6 11-18 17-31 16 2 19-12 37-33 42 18 16 17 44-4 59 25 23 20 61-11 77s-70 2-79-29c-5 1-10 2-15 2 12 10 14 26 5 38 23 10 32 36 18 57-13 20-42 25-62 11-18 28-60 33-85 10-25-23-20-61 11-77-8-10-10-22-7-33-7 0-14-2-20-6-11 22-39 30-61 18-22-12-28-39-13-58-20-11-31-33-25-54-29 8-59-7-68-34-8-26 9-54 38-61-1-3-1-5-2-8l-6 0 75-547h298l75 547h0c7 9 8 21 2 30z m-161 158l8-2 2 7c8 27 42 40 68 26s32-48 10-68l-6-5c3-2 5-3 7-5 19-14 18-40-3-53-7 0-14-2-21-5-10 0-20 4-26 11l-6 6-5-6c-8-8-21-10-31-5-10 6-15 17-11 27l3 8-8 1c-21 4-34 23-29 42 7 19 29 29 48 21z m-119 43l5 6-7 4c-27 14-31 48-10 68s58 15 74-9l4-7 6 5c17 11 41 7 52-10 11-17 4-38-15-47-3-1-5-2-8-3l5-6c7-10 5-22-4-30-8-7-21-7-30-1l-7 4c-1-2-3-5-4-7-8-16-28-23-45-17-3 10-11 17-21 20-4 10-2 22 5 30z m-103-80l7 4-5 6c-13 16-8 38 11 48 18 10 42 3 51-14 1-3 2-5 3-7l7 4c10 6 23 5 31-2 9-8 10-20 3-29l-5-6 8-4c19-8 26-30 16-46-11-17-36-22-53-10l-6 4-4-6c-1-1-2-2-2-3-17 21-51 21-69 1-4 4-8 7-14 9-7 19 2 41 21 51z m54-152l-107 1c0 2 1 3 1 5l3 7-8 2c-29 7-43 38-28 63s52 29 74 9c1-2 3-4 5-6l5 6c13 15 38 17 53 3 16-13 15-36-1-48-3-2-5-4-7-5l7-6c10-7 11-21 3-31z m1 37c15 11 20 31 11 48 2 1 3 3 4 5 21-14 50-8 63 12 13 20 4 46-19 56 4 5 6 11 6 17 20-6 42 3 51 21 4-3 8-4 14-5-15-9-22-25-18-41 4-15 18-27 35-30-5-13 0-28 14-35s30-4 40 6c6-6 14-11 23-13-9-8-14-21-12-33-23 0-42-12-51-31-4 5-9 9-15 12 15 19 10 46-12 58s-51 4-61-17c-13 8-30 6-41-4-11-10-12-25-3-37-8-3-13-7-18-13 1 9-3 18-11 24z m32-17l7 4-4 6c-7 9-6 21 2 29 9 7 22 8 32 2l7-4c1 2 2 4 3 7 9 17 33 24 51 14 18-10 23-32 10-48l-4-6 7-4c6-3 12-8 16-14-1-2-1-4-1-6h1l-7-1h-93l-46 1c3 9 10 16 19 20z m109-391l-4-135h-71l-2 135c-23 18-38 51-38 89 0 37 14 70 35 88l-2 188h93l-6-191c20-18 33-49 33-85-1-38-16-71-38-89z m175 372l-151-1c2 22 22 39 47 39h8c-1 2-1 5-1 7-3 19 14 37 35 37 21 0 38-17 36-36l0-8c2 1 5 1 8 1 11 1 21-5 25-14 4-9 1-19-7-25z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="potato" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb88;" d="M920 360c-30 38-59 77-87 117-14 18-27 36-47 43-25 10-51 18-78 27 2-14 4-25 5-36 1-11 3-22 3-33 1-11 0-22 0-33-1 0-2 0-3 0-1 7-2 13-2 20-2 26-8 50-17 73-5 11-12 17-22 20-105 33-211 45-318 22-20-4-40-10-60-16 10-35 17-69 16-104-2 6-3 11-5 17-7 23-13 46-20 69-4 11-11 18-21 15-59-13-100-55-131-114 17-23 21-50 16-79-1 8-2 16-4 23-5 12-10 24-16 35-4 7-10 7-15 0-12-17-27-34-37-53-24-45-18-91 20-120 32-25 68-45 103-65 12-7 26-9 40-10 49-4 99-6 149-10 29-3 58-10 85-27 48-32 101-39 154-29 40 8 80 20 120 30 19 5 38 11 57 15 63 13 102 58 127 125 10 29 7 55-12 78z m-453 9c-24-10-50-4-57 14-8 19 5 42 29 52 23 11 49 4 57-14 8-18-5-41-29-52z m117-116c-10-19-24-33-43-37-15-3-23 8-21 25 3 24 33 52 52 49 12-1 17-8 16-24 0-2-1-8-4-13z m136 1c-5-12-13-23-25-26-5-1-13 0-16 4-3 4-3 14-1 19 6 14 17 22 28 25 11-1 18-11 14-22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pumpkin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb89;" d="M937 405c-1 93-76 157-203 173-22 3-43 5-65 4-10 0-20 2-33-3 96-35 115-99 124-166 11-88 15-175-10-262-13-47-36-90-75-129-7-7-13-15-30-20 21 32 38 63 48 95 26 88 31 177 25 266-2 41-1 82-20 121-25 51-66 89-143 103-10 2-21 4-31 4 115-446-38-595-38-595-81 185-5 572 0 595-67-6-129-37-156-83-32-53-45-110-50-168-8-109-1-216 60-318 1-2 0-4-1-9-42 38-66 80-79 125-33 108-28 217-2 326 12 48 44 89 112 112-102 16-275-27-302-133-1-4-4-8-5-11v-123c7-36 13-72 23-108 16-60 42-118 91-169 59-61 139-95 244-95 14 1 28-1 39-8h57c16 9 34 10 53 9 108-3 190 30 250 93 57 59 83 126 99 196 15 59 20 118 18 178z m-558 191c14 0 27-5 41 1 50 21 103 24 154 8 36-12 69-1 104 0-38 26-79 43-124 45-16 0-24 5-27 25-6 32-3 64 2 95h-63c-3-32-17-61-23-92-4-19-13-27-33-30-40-7-79-18-116-52 32 0 59 0 85 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="raddish" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb8a;" d="M739-65c-50 6-96 21-132 56-39 38-63 85-74 139-6 29 2 52 28 72 85 63 118 174 74 271-41 91-124 132-228 104-12-4-24-8-37-11-17 77-27 156-76 222-3-3-6-4-8-6-1-1-3-3-5-5 30-51 44-106 56-165-18 42-36 81-54 120-7 16-11 16-26 4 18-41 36-83 54-124l-5-3c-31 54-63 107-94 161-6-6-16-9-9-22 19-35 38-70 56-105 10-19 20-38 31-59-5 5-9 8-12 13-22 33-45 66-66 101-7 11-13 11-24 4 30-63 67-120 116-167-22-19-44-35-62-54-75-77-82-182-14-259 51-59 119-82 200-74 44 4 61-6 77-46 10-23 19-48 32-70 37-64 93-106 172-113 32-3 64-4 95-6 48-3-42 19-65 22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="restaurant-menu" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb8b;" d="M508 661v-623h372v623h-372z m309-475h-247v18h247v-18z m0 64h-247v18h247v-18z m0 64h-247v17h247v-17z m0 59h-247v17h247v-17z m0 63h-247v18h247v-18z m0 60h-247v18h247v-18z m-309 218v-22h405v-677h-405v-29h430v728h-430z m-388-676h373v623h-373v-623z m212 442c1 15 13 27 28 27 9 0 17-7 17-16v-221c0-8-7-14-14-14h-11c-4 0-7 2-10 4-2 3-3 6-3 10l2 84h0c-5 0-9 2-13 6-3 3-4 8-4 13l8 107z m-96 22c0 3 2 5 5 5h1c3 0 5-2 5-5v-47c0-4 4-8 8-8h1c4 0 8 4 8 8v47c0 3 2 5 4 5h2c2 0 4-2 4-5v-47c0-4 4-8 8-8h1c5 0 8 4 8 8v47c0 3 2 5 5 5h1c3 0 5-2 5-5v-71c0-9-7-16-16-16h-3l4-145c0-4-1-7-3-10-3-2-6-4-10-4h-11c-3 0-7 2-9 4-3 3-4 6-4 10l5 145h-2c-9 0-17 7-17 16l0 71z m-173-516h430v29h-406v677h406v22h-430v-728z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="restaurant" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb8c;" d="M921-9c2 15 2 30 2 45 0 221-174 402-396 416 1 2 1 3 1 5 0 16-13 28-28 28-15 0-28-12-28-28 0-2 0-3 1-5-221-14-396-195-396-416 0-15 1-30 2-45h842z m-758 150c13 76 51 135 89 148l6-32c-37-18-70-74-83-145-3-17-5-33-5-49l-12 4c-1 23 0 48 5 74z m766-172h-858c-5 0-8-4-8-9v-26c0-5 4-9 8-9h858c5 0 9 4 9 9v26c0 5-4 9-9 9z m-441 675c-22-22-21-59 2-77 6-5 13-7 19-1 6 7 5 13-1 19-14 16-14 28 2 43 25 25 24 55-2 81-5 5-9 14-9 21 0 7 6 13 9 21 2 4 4 10 3 14-1 4-6 6-10 10-5-3-9-5-12-8-23-20-23-53 0-76 18-19 18-29-1-47z m-83-47c-2-6-7-11-11-15-20-21-22-51-3-72 4-4 9-7 15-11 4 3 10 6 11 9 0 5-1 12-4 16-12 14-12 29 1 41 27 26 27 55 0 82-8 7-12 16-9 26 1 6 5 11 9 16 6 7 6 14 0 18-4 3-11 1-17 1-2-1-5-4-6-6-19-22-18-52 5-73 9-10 15-20 9-32z m178-14c-10-10-16-23-16-38 0-15 5-28 16-39 7-6 14-8 20-1 6 6 5 13-1 19-13 15-13 28 1 42 26 26 26 54 0 81-14 13-14 27-2 40 6 7 8 14 2 21-5 5-13 4-21-3-21-20-21-54 1-76 18-17 18-29 0-46z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="sandwich" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb8e;" d="M906 450c-13 8-19 16-17 31 2 22-8 35-30 42-92 33-185 67-277 100-13 4-31 4-44 0-77-27-154-55-231-83-25-10-50-16-77-15-18 0-38-3-56-7-47-11-85-32-80-98 1-9-5-20-11-27-26-27-28-66-1-91 16-15 21-30 21-51 0-41 13-64 53-77 31-9 64-10 96-16 7-2 16-5 18-10 10-25 29-42 54-49 37-10 76-17 113-25 38 7 74 12 109 21 25 7 46 22 60 45 5 9 14 18 23 21 72 27 144 53 216 79 52 18 52 18 51 74 0 12 3 21 14 30 38 30 37 79-4 106z m-757 23c31 18 66 19 101 20 14 0 28 1 40 5 86 30 170 62 256 92 7 3 17 4 24 1 92-32 185-66 277-99 1-1 2-2 6-5-56-21-110-40-164-60-34-12-68-24-102-36-9-3-15-6-16-18-2-20-18-32-35-36-29-8-59-17-89-18-33-1-66 6-99 10-10 1-20 7-29 12-29 15-33 33-18 58-30 0-61-2-92 1-20 2-41 8-60 17-28 14-27 40 0 56z m734-106c-28-11-59-16-88-21-12-2-23-2-31-13-4-5-10-9-16-11-17-5-29-14-36-32-9-20-23-17-40 6-31-17-62-34-94-51-2-1-6-2-8-5-15-33-47-36-77-41-11-2-19-5-25-15-17-25-39-24-57 1-5 8-15 14-23 17-29 10-59 19-88 28-5 2-11 4-14 8-16 21-40 19-62 25-21 5-42 12-55 32-2 5-11 6-17 8-13 6-28 11-41 18-12 7-18 18-13 36 38-48 90-53 143-53 12 0 17-5 24-15 11-15 25-32 41-40 83-36 167-36 250 0 18 7 29 28 44 42 6 5 12 12 20 14 75 28 151 55 227 83 16 6 31 17 47 26 15-16 14-36-11-47z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sausage" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb8f;" d="M779 409c-28 0-57-7-85-24-15-9-32-17-50-24 2-9 4-18 7-27 4-14 9-29 13-43 2-7 0-13-4-17-5-6-13-9-21-9-9 0-17 3-20 12-7 23-15 46-20 69-30-8-62-14-94-16-12-25-18-52-20-79 0-12-13-19-25-19-9 0-17 3-21 10-1 2-2 5-2 9 1 17 4 34 8 50 2 10 5 20 9 29-30 2-60 7-88 15-15-20-24-43-33-65-4-10-14-14-23-14-7 0-14 2-19 6-5 4-8 10-5 17 4 10 8 20 12 30 2 3 3 6 4 9 2 4 4 7 6 11 4 8 9 15 14 23-12 5-23 11-33 18-24 15-52 22-80 22-48 0-96-19-122-50-21-24-28-51-23-77 2-15 8-29 17-42 11-16 26-31 45-43l3-2c101-63 222-91 344-91 147 0 295 41 410 109l1 0c16 10 28 20 37 31 8 11 13 23 15 34 13 66-66 138-157 138z m-370 36c18 16 24 35 19 58-6 26-27 48 1 68 17 12 0 41-17 28-21-15-36-34-31-61 5-24 27-49 4-70-16-14 8-38 24-23z m84 0c18 16 24 35 19 58-5 26-27 48 1 68 18 12 1 41-17 28-21-15-36-34-31-61 5-24 27-49 5-70-17-14 7-38 23-23z m85 0c18 16 24 35 19 58-6 26-27 48 1 68 17 12 0 41-17 28-21-15-36-34-31-61 5-24 27-49 4-70-16-14 8-38 24-23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="soft-drinks" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb90;" d="M693 585c-107-1-215-2-323-4l-23 207-34-4 23-203c-11 0-22 0-32 0-54-1-67-14-60-67 13-103 25-205 37-308 9-80 16-161 26-241 4-39 18-52 58-52 44-1 88 0 133 0v0c42 0 84 0 126 0 50-1 66 15 72 65 20 179 40 358 60 537 6 53-8 71-63 70z m-401-233c-7 60-13 117-20 175-2 22 7 28 27 28h40l22-203h-69z m208-418c-79 0-144 5-144 12 0 6 65 11 144 11 79 0 144-5 144-11s-65-12-144-12z m226 591c-8-56-13-113-19-173h-312l-22 203c109-1 217-1 326 0 21 0 31-5 27-30z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="soup-bowl" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb91;" d="M926 327h-852c-7 0-12-6-11-13 0-7 1-13 2-20 1-7 8-12 15-12h840c6 0 13 5 14 12 1 7 2 13 3 20 1 7-4 13-11 13z m-432 52c96 126-40 198 0 323-74-143 58-165 0-323z m68 45c69 91-29 143 0 233-54-103 42-119 0-233z m-132 0c69 91-29 143 0 233-54-103 42-119 0-233z m483-170h-826c-7 0-11-5-9-12 18-61 50-117 91-163 5-6 14-10 21-10h620c7 0 16 4 21 10 41 46 73 102 91 163 2 7-2 12-9 12z m-695-212c-7 0-8-4-3-8 12-11 25-20 39-29 6-4 16-7 23-7h447c7 0 17 3 23 7 13 9 26 18 38 29 5 4 4 8-3 8l-564 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="spoon-and-fork" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb92;" d="M500 719c-204 0-369-165-369-369 0-147 86-273 210-332l12 223s-22 7-27 9c-46 20-79 80-79 158 0 84 65 157 129 158h0c64-1 129-74 129-158 0-78-33-138-79-158-1 0-27-10-27-10l13-248c28-7 58-11 88-11 41 0 81 7 117 20l12 221c-30 6-56 26-72 50-20 29 15 294 15 294h23v-248h23v248h25v-248h23v248h25v-248h23v248h18s35-265 15-295c-16-23-41-42-71-49 0 0-1-1-1-1l10-190c110 64 184 183 184 319 0 204-165 369-369 369z m-199-274c1 6 3 11 3 11 0 2-1 4-3 5-2 1-4 1-6-1 0 0-2-4-6-10-3-5-7-13-10-24-3-8-6-20-7-34-1-7-1-13-1-19 1-8 2-14 4-21 7-21 13-41 33-60 6-7 13-11 18-15l1-1c1 0 2-1 3-2 4-2 7-3 7-3 2 0 4 1 5 2 1 2 0 4-1 6 0 0-3 2-6 5-2 3-4 6-6 10-2 2-4 5-6 8-10 15-16 36-23 57-2 5-3 11-4 16 0 6-1 12-1 17 0 12 1 23 2 31 1 10 2 17 4 22z m199 343c-241 0-437-197-437-438 0-241 196-438 437-438 241 0 438 197 438 438 0 241-197 438-438 438z m0-843c-223 0-405 182-405 405s182 405 405 405 405-182 405-405-182-405-405-405z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="steak" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb93;" d="M921 152c-42-55-107-87-187-87-77 0-164 28-259 83-76 44-155 58-225 71-63 11-127 23-171 59-10 8-16 6-15-7 21-169 230-92 431-208 246-143 401-74 435 85 3 13-1 14-9 4z m-638 170c66-11 141-23 217-63 79-41 149-62 210-62 55 0 99 17 130 50 29 32 44 77 44 131 0 164-174 297-388 297-242 0-380-85-380-231 0-95 66-106 167-122z m54 265c61 0 110-38 110-85 0-47-49-84-110-84-60 0-109 37-109 84 0 47 49 85 109 85z m158-405c280-162 443-51 443 157 0 207-199 375-443 375s-432-87-432-295 220-114 432-237z m0 511c225 0 408-141 408-315 0-59-17-109-50-144-34-37-83-56-143-56-64 0-138 22-219 64-73 39-146 50-211 61-102 17-183 30-183 141 0 158 145 249 398 249z m-103-191c0-23-25-42-55-42s-54 19-54 42 24 42 54 42 55-19 55-42z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="strawberry" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb94;" d="M799 328c-3 32-9 64-25 93-25 44-66 65-113 77-52 14-105 16-158 16h-13c-56 0-111-3-165-20-61-18-102-56-117-119-16-69-10-137 19-202 31-67 74-125 126-176 30-29 63-55 101-73 28-13 56-16 85-3 14 7 28 13 40 22 75 49 131 115 174 192 34 60 54 123 46 193z m-535-40c-1-3-2-6-3-9 0-2-2-4-4-4-1 0-4 2-4 4-5 12-5 24 0 36 1 2 3 5 4 4 2-1 5-3 5-5 1-2 2-5 2-8 1-5 1-13 0-18z m8 109c-2 12 2 23 10 31 3 4 10 7 13 6 2-1 4-3 5-7 2-4 1-13-2-19-3-6-6-11-10-16-7-8-14-4-16 5z m33-231c-3-1-7 1-9 3-7 6-11 13-14 22-2 7-2 14-1 16 1 2 2 3 3 4 2 1 6-1 8-3 10-9 15-21 16-34 0-3-2-8-3-8z m40 120c-1-4-3-8-5-11-4-7-10-6-15 0-8 11-8 33 0 44 6 6 13 7 17-1 1-3 2-7 3-11 2-6 2-15 0-21z m261 155c5 9 11 10 18 3 6-6 9-13 11-21 1-7 1-17 0-22-1-3-2-6-3-8-4-9-11-9-18-3-11 11-15 38-8 51z m-239-17c2 6 5 12 8 18 7 10 17 8 21-4 5-16 2-31-8-45-2-4-8-7-12-6-4 0-7 6-9 10-1 2-2 4-2 7 0 3-1 7-2 7 0 0 2 6 4 13z m12-364c-1-2-4-2-7 0-11 7-17 18-19 31-1 6 3 9 8 5 7-4 12-10 15-16 4-7 6-17 3-20z m24 108c-2-4-4-8-10-10-6-3-14 5-17 17-2 11-3 23 0 34 2 10 12 12 18 2 3-5 6-11 8-17 2-7 4-19 1-26z m21 117c-2 7-2 18 0 25 2 5 3 10 5 14 5 10 14 10 21 1 10-14 10-42 0-55-6-9-15-10-20-1-2 5-4 10-6 16z m27-305c-2-1-3-1-4-1-6 5-11 11-15 17-1 0 3 6 6 6 4 1 8-3 12-8 4-6 3-13 1-14z m12 85c-3-6-6-9-10-10-7 0-15 9-16 20 0 7 1 16 3 23 3 8 11 9 16 2 2-3 4-7 6-11 2-6 4-17 1-24z m48-83c-1-3-5-6-8-6-2-1-6 3-8 6-1 2-2 5-2 7-1 4-2 13 1 19 2 5 5 8 9 9 6 0 11-9 11-21 0-4-1-9-3-14z m3 193c-1-4-2-8-4-12-5-9-14-9-20-1-8 12-8 37 0 49 6 10 15 10 20 0 2-4 3-8 4-12 2-7 2-18 0-24z m0 228c-1-4-2-8-4-12-5-9-14-9-20 0-9 13-9 38-1 51 7 10 16 10 22-1 2-4 3-8 4-12 2-7 2-19-1-26z m25-338c-1 2-2 5-2 7-1 5 0 13 2 18 1 3 3 6 5 9 5 8 14 6 18-3 4-11 4-23-3-34-3-3-8-7-11-6-4 0-7 5-9 9z m14-86c-2 0-6 3-6 6-1 3 3 9 8 13 6 4 13 4 15 2 0-1 1-3 1-4-1-7-11-17-18-17z m25 305c-2-5-3-9-6-14-5-10-14-10-21 0-9 14-9 40 1 54 6 9 15 10 20 0 3-4 4-9 6-14 2-7 2-19 0-26z m22-118c-5 15-3 30 6 43 3 4 9 8 13 7 3-1 7-6 9-11 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-3 1-6 2-6 0-1-1-7-4-13-2-6-5-13-9-18-5-8-14-6-18 4z m28-106c-3-2-6-2-7-1-3 4 0 13 3 20 4 6 8 12 15 17 2 1 5 1 7 0 2-1 2-4 2-6-3-13-9-23-20-30z m53 227c-1-4-2-7-3-10-4-8-12-9-17-2-8 10-8 34 0 44 4 6 11 7 15 0 2-4 3-7 4-11 2-6 3-15 1-21z m38-97c-2-9-7-16-13-22-3-2-7-4-9-3-2 2-4 6-4 9 2 13 6 25 17 34 2 2 6 3 8 2 1 0 2-1 3-3 1-2 1-10-2-17z m6 205c-1-3-3-5-5-6-3-1-9 2-12 5-9 9-12 19-11 30 0 4 3 9 6 11 3 1 8-1 11-4 5-5 9-10 11-17 2-7 1-16 0-19z m22-118c-1-1-4-1-5 0-1 1-2 2-2 3-1 3-2 6-2 8-1 5-1 13 0 18 0 3 1 6 2 9 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 5 1 1-1 2-2 2-3 0-12 1-24 0-35 0-1-1-2-2-3z m-397 326c10-9 21-16 32-24 6-4 6-8-1-9-4-1-7-2-11-3-3-1-6-3-8-5-4-2-5-8-1-11 3-2 5-4 8-5 23-5 46-10 70-12 21-3 43-2 64-1 30 1 59 1 88 5 17 1 34 8 51 13 2 1 3 2 5 4 2 3 2 8-1 10-2 1-4 3-6 3-4 2-8 3-12 3-6 2-6 6 0 10 6 4 11 7 16 11 13 12 27 23 38 36 8 9 4 17-9 18-2 0-5 0-8 0-15-5-31-8-45-14-15-6-29-13-43-20-7-3-11-3-10-1 1 2 1 4 2 5 3 15 8 29 10 44 1 5-2 15-6 16-4 2-12-1-17-5-9-8-17-18-25-28-2-3-4-6-6-9-3-5-6-3-5 4 2 45 12 88 37 127 4 6 3 15-4 18-8 4-16 5-25 4-17-2-24-16-27-29-7-25-12-51-16-77-2-13-2-27-3-41 0-8-3-9-7-3-2 3-4 7-7 10-8 10-17 20-28 28-9 7-16 3-17-8 0-7 0-14 1-20 2-8 4-16 7-23 2-7-2-11-8-8-14 7-27 13-41 18-14 6-29 9-44 12-5 1-13-2-15-5-2-4 0-12 4-15 7-9 15-17 23-23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sub-sandwich" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb95;" d="M607 530h0 0z m-249-18h0l1 0c0 0-1 0-1 0z m579-157l0 0c-7 19-23 30-47 32-18 2-33-1-34-1-3-1-6-2-10-4 0 0 0 1 0 1l-57-11c-3 5-7 8-11 11 29 1 50 2 58 2 1-1 1-1 2-1 1 0 2 0 2 0l3 1 2 0-1 1 17 6 0 3c6 107-6 127-7 129 0 0-1 0-1 1l0 0-3 2c-39 15-95 20-166 14-32-3-59-7-77-10 3 0 12 1 14 2 31-7 66-18 110-38 3-1 3-7 2-10 0-1-1-1-1-1 1 3-1 6-4 7-41 19-83 32-121 40-2-1-5-1-7-2-66 11-123 8-165 1-31-4-56-11-76-17 3 0 10 2 12 3 6-1 11-1 16-2 2 0 7-1 9-1 34-4 61-15 85-28 3-1 3-4 2-6 0 0-1 0-1-1 1 2 0 4-2 5-24 13-53 21-87 26-2 0-4 0-6 0-8 1-20 3-29 3-5-2-10-3-15-5-7 0-15 0-22-1-54-3-96-13-96-13l0 0c-46-13-79-38-98-58-21-20-31-38-31-39-1-1-1-2 0-3 0-1 0-3 2-4 5-3 15-5 30-7-11-3-24-8-29-16-3-5-4-10-1-16-7-3-24-12-28-26-2-5-1-11 2-16-1 0-2-1-4-2l0 0 0-1c-1 0-8-13-4-23 1-3 4-5 8-7 0-3 0-7 1-11 1-10 4-23 13-37 16-22 44-37 84-43l50-1h0c1 0 1 0 2 0 1-1 3-2 5-4 8-5 17-7 26-7 9 0 19 2 27 5l1 0 0 1c0 0 0 1 0 1l562-21 1-1 1 1h0c1 0 2 0 3 1l0 0c5 3 11 13 12 68 1 19 0 37 0 49 18-7 25-14 25-15l1-1 1 1c8 1 14 5 18 11 8 15 0 36 0 37 10 1 16 3 17 3 20 3 15 41 15 43z m-87 156c2-13 6-44 2-113l-9-3c-6 50 2 96 7 116z m-17-136c-15-9-31-21-40-28 2 7 2 15-1 21l41 7z m-66 94c6 6 14 6 18 2 5-5 4-13-1-19-6-5-14-6-18-1-5 4-4 13 1 18z m-27-88c10 1 19 1 27 1 6-2 13-6 18-12 0 0-1-1-1-1 1-1 2-2 3-2 3-6 4-14 1-23l0 0v0s0-1-1-2c0-1 0-1-1-1 0-1 0-2 0-3-2-4-5-10-11-18l-4-2c0 0 0 0 0-1-4-1-7-4-8-4l0-1 0 0c0-2-1-3-1-3-1 0-1 0-2 0l-2-1c-1 0-3 0-4 1-7 4-14 5-20 3l-1 0c-18-3-37 3-37 3l-40 11c3 1 7 2 11 3 10-3 41-12 62-14 1 0 5-1 11-1 10 0 22 2 34 11l0 0c1 1 10 13 12 26v0c-1 1-2 21-18 27l0 0c-1 1-31 8-62-16-28-21-54-41-104-32 0 0 0 0 0 0l-17 2 4 2c6-1 58-5 77 8 0 0 42 29 74 39z m-102-81c-8 2-14 1-17-3 0-1-1-2-1-2l-22 2-1 0c-16-8-44 9-44 9l-1 0-1 0c-13-1-18 11-18 12l0 0 0 1-1 0 4 15 97-13c0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0l0 0 38-5h1l0 0 21-6c0 0 12-4 27-4 2 0 3 0 5 0-1-1-1-1-2-2-6 0-10-1-12-5 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0-28-6 0 0-28 2c-5 3-13 4-19 5z m13-8c-3 1-6 1-9 0-7-1-12-5-17-10 0 3 0 7 0 10v1c0 0-1 1 0 1 1 1 3 3 12 2 6-1 11-2 14-4v0z m-32-17c-1-3-2-4-3-5 0 0 0 0 0-1-3-3-7-4-8-5-7 3-17 18-21 26 4 0 8 0 12 2l21-2c1-6 1-11-1-15z m-119 44c-1 1-2 1-2 2 3 1 7 1 10 2 0-1 0-2 0-2 11-19-6-33-8-34-3 1-5 3-6 5 0 3 3 7 4 8l0 0 0 0c4 9 4 15 2 19z m-28 0c0 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-2 1 19 5 30 12 37 19 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 56 18 61 34 0 1 0 2 0 3l8 1c0-1 0-3-1-4-3-10-21-30-102-54z m60 16l-4-12c-4 3-9 4-15 4 7 3 13 6 19 8z m-19-12c6 0 12-2 16-7 2-6 9-15 22-14 1-1 5-3 9-5l-53-10c6 6 15 20 6 36z m205-26c1 2 5 3 9 2l1 0 1 2c0 0 2 4 6 6l3 1c0 0 1 0 1 0 3 1 8-1 12-3l-33-15c-1 3-1 5 0 7z m34 67c-1 0-3 0-3-1-3-5-34-15-70-25 10 6 20 13 30 21 28 20 55 15 58 15 12-5 14-21 14-23-1-10-9-21-10-23-18-14-41-9-41-9l-1 1c-7 0-15 2-24 4l42 2c2 0 3 1 3 2 0 1-2 2-3 2l-56-2c-1 0-1 0-1 0-5 1-10 3-14 4 4 1 9 3 14 4 58 17 61 22 63 24 0 1 0 3-1 4z m-76 73c5 4 11 3 14-1 3-5 1-11-4-14-5-4-11-3-14 1-3 5-1 11 4 14z m-39-59c20 1 39 1 57 2l-58-8c0 2 1 4 1 6z m-3-11h0l86 11c-28-12-55-31-57-32-14-10-48-9-65-8 2 1 4 2 5 2 15 7 25 16 31 27l0 0z m-2 11c-6-34-62-43-62-43l-1 0-17 2c6 1 14 2 22 4 27 7 44 20 51 37 2 0 5 0 7 0z m-52-1c13 0 26 0 39 1-12-28-57-36-76-37 24 12 33 22 36 30 1 2 1 4 1 6z m-19 104c7 2 14-2 15-8 2-6-3-12-11-14-7-1-14 2-15 8-2 7 3 13 11 14z m1-105c0 0 0-1 0-2-1-3-6-10-30-20-9-4-17-7-22-9 4 6 4 11 4 12 1 10-2 14-5 16 0 1-1 2-1 2 18 0 36 1 54 1z m-59-1c0 0 0-1 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 2-2 4-4 3-13 0 0 0-6-5-12-6-7-16-15-38-21-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 2-3 4-4 6 19-3 34 11 34 12l1 0 0 0c5 10 6 18 3 25-2 3-4 6-6 8 3 0 6 0 10 0z m-41-1c7 0 14 0 21 1 3-1 9-4 11-10 3-5 2-12-2-20-2-2-16-14-33-10 0 0 0 0 0 0-7 5-13 8-20 7-5 0-9-3-11-4l-1 0-24-1c11 5 22 12 32 20l0 1c0 0 8 6 17 12 3 1 6 3 10 4z m-43-48h-41c5 1 10 3 14 6l30 1c-2-3-3-5-3-7z m12-19c-3-4-4-7-5-9-48-9-70-4-76-3 0 4-2 6-4 9l0 0v11c3 1 8 2 13 4 1 0 1 0 1 0h60c3-6 8-10 11-12z m1 54c-35-28-80-40-90-42 0 3-1 6-2 8l0 2c8 1 37 7 66 25 1 0 22 12 32 20 4 0 8 0 12 0-10-5-17-12-18-13z m-98 12h8c2-6 6-27-7-38v0c-3 1-5 2-5 2l0 1h-1l-1-1c3 5 6 9 7 15 1 1 2 5 2 9 0 3-1 8-3 12z m7-59v-6c0 1-1 1-2 2 1 1 1 2 2 4l0 0z m87 130c7 2 14-2 16-9s-4-13-12-14c-7-2-15 2-16 9-1 6 4 12 12 14z m2-70c-11-7-26-16-26-16-27-16-54-22-64-24 3 2 5 5 6 9 5 1 51 14 68 31 5 0 11 0 16 0z m-23 0c-17-13-49-23-60-26 1 4 2 8 2 12-1 5-1 10-2 13 19 0 39 0 60 1z m-73 96c7 0 14-5 14-12 0-6-7-11-14-11-7 0-14 5-14 11 0 7 7 12 14 12z m-111-25c12 0 20-8 20-17 0-9-9-17-20-17-11 0-19 8-19 17-1 9 8 17 19 17z m-116-51c0 0-1 1-1 1 5 7 22 33 52 56-30-24-46-49-51-57z m-33-71c4 14 28 23 28 23l2 1-1 3c-3 5-3 9-1 13 4 6 13 11 28 14 6 1 12 2 17 2 15-1 33-2 54-3-8-10-13-18-13-18-21-25-51-32-52-32-1-1-2-2-1-3 0-1 1-2 2-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 33 8 55 34 0 1 6 9 15 21 33-2 74-3 121-3 7-9 3-18 3-19l-1 0 0 0c-5-22-29-30-32-31-25 3-33 10-33 10l-1 1 0 0c-8 2-19 3-29 2 1 2 1 4 1 6-1 4-6 8-9 10 11 7 35 20 61 15 1-1 2 0 3 1 0 2-1 3-2 3-37 9-71-19-72-21l0 0c-7-7-15-13-24-17h0c0 0-1-1-1-1-6-3-12-5-17-6 2 1 5 2 7 4 19 12 32 27 36 42 1 1 0 3-1 3-2 0-3 0-3-2-10-32-54-49-60-52-18-2-32-3-33-4l-2 0-1 0c-5 2-10-5-12-8-4-2-8-5-12-9-2 3-6 8-12 9-2 1-4 1-6 0-3 5-3 9-2 14z m202-13c0 1-2 1-3 1-1 0-2-2-1-3 0 0 4-14 1-29 0 0 0 0 0-1-5-12-26-7-26-7-2 1-3 0-3-1s0-3 2-3c0 0 5-1 11-1h1c-9-17-22-20-27-20-2 22-8 36-16 41l31 9 1 1c9 11 10 20 10 24 7 0 28-3 35-24l0 0c0-3 0-6 1-7-4-12-13-21-20-28 11 22 3 47 3 48z m-40-12l-31-9-12 14 43-5z m-47 11c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0h-1c-2 0-3-2-5-3 0 0 0 1-1 2l-1 1v1c-2-1-6-7-10-16-16 1-28-1-35-4h0l-11-2v25c4 0 15 2 29 3h0l1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0c7 1 16 2 24 3 50 4 67 2 73 0-1-6-5-14-8-18 0 0-1 0-1 1l-54 7z m20-25v0c1 0 2 0 3-1 4-2 10-9 14-32-9 0-15 1-18 6-7 9 1 27 1 27z m45 42l-2-1 0-1c-12 3-40 2-67 0 3 1 7 3 10 4 7 1 48 7 67 2 2-2 12-9 36-11h0l0 0c1 0 9 2 18 8-2-3-3-6-3-8-9-2-15-6-18-12 0 0-1-1-1-2-11 22-39 21-40 21z m-48 8c5 4 10 8 14 13 0 0 1 0 2 1 3-1 9-4 9-7 1-2-1-4-3-5-8 0-16-1-22-2z m-138-50c-2 6 1 15 3 18 4 2 7 3 10 2 5-1 8-5 10-7-8-7-15-15-17-18-3 1-5 3-6 5z m59-5h-47l0 0c6 7 18 20 29 25l1 1 0 0c3 4 6 8 7 8 0 0 1-1 2-7v-20l0-1c0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 1-2 2-2h1l6 1c-1-2-1-3-1-4z m5 0s0 1 1 3c1 0 3 0 4-1 1 0 2-1 2-2h-7c0 0 0 0 0 0z m6-5h1c1 0 2 0 2 1 2-3 5-6 10-9-5 1-9 4-13 8z m24 1c-1-4-2-6-4-8-5 2-11 7-14 12-1 3-2 5-4 6-1 1-1 1-1 1 5 2 14 4 29 4-2-5-4-10-6-15z m48-85c-2 3-3 6-3 6l-1 0v1c0 2-5 6-9 9-11 3-23 15-24 16l0 0 0 0c-9 21 0 31 3 34-1 17 1 28 2 35 3 7 7 12 9 13v-1l1-1c1-1 1-3 0-6-1-1-6-11-5-43-4-3-12-13-4-32l0 0 1-1c0 0 12-12 23-15 5-2 10-6 10-8v-1l0 0c0 0 1-3 3-7l-6 1z m66-9c-44-15-57 13-59 17 0 5-10 11-12 12l0 0 0 0c-9 2-20 12-21 14-9 19 2 26 2 26l2 1v1c-2 33 4 42 4 42l0 1c1 0 1 1 1 1l11-13h0c-2-5-6-20 1-29 3-5 10-8 19-8 1 0 2 0 3 0l0-2 0-2 2 0c0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 12 2 6 2 15 8 21 22 3 1 5 2 7 3-2-6-6-12-12-17-21-14-30-25-29-34 2-8 11-10 11-10l1 0 0 0c3 1 4 0 4 0 0 0 0-1 0-2-2-4-3-8-2-11 2-4 9-5 9-5 16-1 21-5 23-7 0-1 0-2 0-2z m43 61h0l-1 1c0 0-8 3-11 12-1 6 0 12 4 19 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 4 3 7 9l1 0s0 1 0 1h1c1 1 1 2 1 3l0 1c1 1 1 3 2 6 1 0 1-1 2-1 1-1 3-2 4-3 0 0-1 0-1-1-3-13-12-18-12-19 0 0-1 0-1-1 0 0-1 0-1-1-4-6-5-13-4-18 2-5 5-8 8-10h-1z m14-30l-1 0 0 1c-1 1-10 11-10 20 0 3 1 5 4 7 0 0 0 0-1 0 4 0 5-1 5-1 0 0 0-1 0-1-2-2-3-4-3-7 0-8 9-18 10-19l0 0 1 0c5-3 10-5 14-5-5 0-12 1-19 5z m112 86l0-2c0 0-1 0-1-1l1 0c-1 0-1-1-1-1l0-1 0 0c-1-1-4-4-5-9-1-3-2-8 1-12 0-1 1-2 0-5-1-2-2-4-3-6-2-2-4-3-8-6l-5 20c0 1-2 2-3 1-1 0-2-1-2-3l6-21c0-1 1-1 1-1-1-2-2-3-5-5-2 0-6-2-9-6l-10 25c-1 1-2 2-3 2-1-1-2-2-1-4l12-30c0 0 0-1 1-1v-1c0 0-1-3-3-6-3-3-9-6-23-5-2 0-10 0-15-1l13 30c0 1 0 2-2 3-1 0-2 0-3-1l-14-34c0 0 0 0 0-1l0 0c0-1-1-3-3-4-3-1-9-2-21 4-3 3-8 10-8 15 0 2 1 3 2 4l1 0 0 1c0 0 1 3-1 5-1 3-5 4-9 4-2 1-6 3-8 8-1 4 0 9 3 15l0 0 1 0c0 0 10 7 14 22 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 1c-1 1-3 2-4 3-4 3-6 6-6 9-1 7 5 14 7 16l1 1c1 1 1 3 0 4-1 0-3 0-3-1l-1-1c-3-2-10-10-9-20 0-1 1-3 1-4 0 0-1 0-1-1-3 2-4 2-4 2 0-1 0-3 1-5-1-2-1-4 0-7 0 0 0 0 0 0h-1c0 0 0-1 0-1-19-15-26-28-30-35-3-8-2-13-2-13l0-1 0 0-7-53c-5 3-12 6-23 7-1 0-5 0-6 2 0 2 0 4 2 7l1 1 0 0c0 0 0 4-2 7-2 1-4 2-8 1-1 0-6 2-6 6-1 4 2 12 27 29 1 1 27 16 36 41l0 1 0 0c0 0-3 8 1 15 3 5 8 8 16 10l2 0 0 2c1 4 5 15 12 16 1-1 5-3 7-7 2-5 1-10-2-16l-1-2 2-1c0 0 10-6 11-14l0-2 1 0c1 0 23-9 81 2l1 0 1 2c2 5 8 16 13 16 0 0 1-1 2-2 1-2 1-5 0-11z m52-73c-4 4-4 10-4 12-10 9-16 17-16 24 0 5 2 9 4 10-1 6-3 11-6 15 3-3 9-10 9-18-1-2-3-5-3-10 0-7 5-15 15-23 0-2 0-8 4-11 2-1 3-1 5-2-3 1-6 1-8 3z m38-5l-1 0-1 1c-2 4-3 7-5 9 1 0 1 1 2 1 1-2 4-6 6-11l1-1-2 1z m39 8c3 5 7 12 7 21v0c0 0 1 4 3 7 1 1 3 1 5 1 1-1 3-3 6-5-6-12-14-20-21-24z m70 56l-1 0c-1 0-2-1-3-1-1 0-2-1-3-1-11-5-15-15-15-16l0 0v0c0-4-5-9-7-10-15-8-23 4-23 5l-1 1-1 0c-4 0-7-1-9-3-4-3-4-9-4-10-2-13-11-24-11-24 0 0 0-1 0-1-12-4-23-2-26-1-4 7-7 11-7 11l-1 1-1 0c-6 2-14-6-16-8-4-1-9-2-12 0-3 3-2 9-2 9l0 2-1 0c-12 9-14 16-15 20 0 4 3 7 3 7l1 0v2c0 13-11 24-13 25-3 4-10 6-17 6-3 0-6 0-9 0 1 6 1 10-1 13-2 4-5 5-5 5l0 0h-1c-3 0-7-3-9-6-4 3-11 8-11 14 0 3 2 5 6 8l0 0 0 0s4 5 11 5c5 1 10-1 16-6 0-3 4-13 12-16 1-1 2-1 4-2l0 0h0c3 0 6 0 9 2l1 0c0 0 3 2 9 4 0-1 0-1 0-1 0 0 3 0 5-2 1-3 1-7-2-13-1-1-5-6-4-11 0-5 4-8 10-11l1 0 68 12 0 0c4-1 8-2 13-3 0 0 0 0 0-1 1-2 14-26 25-30l1 0h0c0 0 7 1 13 7 1 2 2 4 3 6 3 5 10 14 19 15 6 1 11 0 17-4-6 2-11 2-16 1z m17-22l0-1-4-1 2 5c3 5 3 9 2 12 2-2 4-7 0-15z m20 27c-4-4-7-6-10-6-5 1-7 6-8 7l18-1z m16-43c-9 0-15 15-17 20l-1 3-12-4c3 9-2 15-3 16 2-1 4-2 6-2 5-1 11 2 17 10l25 5c0-8 7-18 9-21-2-23-22-26-24-27z m28 32l0-2c-2 2-3 5-5 7 1 0 1 1 2 1 1-2 2-3 2-5l1 0 0-1z m49 14c-1 0-2-1-2-2-3 1-8 3-14 3 0 0-1 0-1 0-5 1-12 1-20-1l-1 0 23 11c2 0 3 0 4 1 2 1 4 3 4 6 2 1 5 3 8 3 1 0 2-1 4-3 0-2 1-10-5-18z m67-127c0 1 0 2-1 4 1-1 1-3 1-4z m6 6c-4 20-14 71-10 111 2 0 5-1 7-2-2-34 2-75 5-99 0-4-1-7-2-10z m-68 121c7 10 4 19 4 20l0 0 0 0c-2 2-3 4-5 5l0 0 1 0 90-7 0 0 1 0 1-19h-16l-76 1z m121-17c-3-5-7-8-13-9-3 2-11 9-28 15l0 5h17l-1 23c6 0 11-1 16-1 3 0 6 0 9 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0 0 7-20 0-32z m21 42l0-1c0 0-21-5-46-2v1l-93 7c6 8 8 13 10 17 9 7 46 38 65 42 1 0 60 13 75-27 1-10 2-36-11-37z m-23 60l0 0c-7 2-13 2-20 2-26 0-40-11-41-12l-53-45 123-4 1 0c23 10 20 28 19 31-1 18-28 28-29 28z m8-54l-109 4 18 16 1-1c0 0 0 0 0 1 24 6 63 13 70 2 0-1 2-2 3-1 1 1 1 2 1 3-9 15-48 7-67 2l17 14c0 1 14 12 38 12 6 0 12-1 19-2 1-1 25-10 25-25l0 0c1-1 5-17-16-25z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="baby-backpack" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb9d;" d="M272-94c-56-25-112-9-151 45-42 57-64 121-66 191 0 17 4 33 11 48 2 5 3 9 0 14-37 58-54 123-60 190-9 87-2 172 27 255 17 49 41 95 81 129 65 56 147 49 204-14 14-15 26-32 36-51 4-7 7-12 17-9 10 2 8 9 8 15 0 61 38 113 92 127 77 20 150-32 156-111 1-8 2-15 2-22-1-7 0-11 8-13 8-2 12 0 16 7 13 24 29 45 50 62 63 55 145 50 202-11 41-45 64-100 77-158 28-124 21-246-30-364-1-2-2-5-3-7-8-13-18-26-23-40-4-14 9-26 10-41 2-32-2-63-12-94-13-46-35-89-68-126-37-40-81-51-133-34-10 4-12 6-5 16 29 42 42 89 38 140-4 61-43 106-107 125-45 13-91 16-136 17-57 1-115 2-171-12-61-16-102-57-110-112-8-55 4-105 34-152 1-3 3-6 6-10z m523 582c4-16 8-33 11-50 13-63 18-125 11-189-2-15 1-18 16-16 4 1 7 4 9 7 6 9 12 18 17 28 29 59 39 121 41 185 1 66-8 130-36 191-9 20-21 39-38 53-18 16-35 16-54 3-16-12-26-27-36-44-4-6-4-10 1-15 7-9 13-20 17-31 23-61 0-125-58-163-42-27-89-39-138-45-7-1-8 2-8 7-1 15-5 27-17 37-15 12-31 16-50 9-19-7-30-22-32-42 0-6 1-11-8-9-47 7-93 19-133 45-75 48-91 129-40 201 3 5 3 8 1 12-7 12-14 24-23 34-29 31-53 30-80-1-17-18-29-39-37-62-40-107-42-216-8-326 7-20 16-39 28-57 6-9 15-7 22-6 7 2 4 9 3 14-4 50-1 99 8 148 6 32 13 63 24 96 10-55 43-88 88-111 45-23 93-34 143-39 6-1 11-1 11-10 2-28 22-47 48-47 26-1 46 16 50 44 2 8 4 11 12 11 29 2 58 6 87 15 67 19 126 48 148 123z m-291 229c14 0 28-1 42-1 4 0 8-1 8 6 2 22-14 47-37 52-33 9-63-15-64-50 0-6 4-7 9-7 14 0 28 0 42 0z m-15-867c-79 4-143 35-185 104-18 31-25 65-21 101 4 37 27 58 61 70 25 9 52 12 79 13 67 3 135 4 202-11 15-3 29-9 41-17 31-19 45-54 37-96-15-84-69-132-147-156-22-6-44-9-67-8z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="baby-milk-bottle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeb9f;" d="M672-41c-83 113-167 226-250 339-24 32-34 67-12 103 30 47 92 45 129-4 72-97 143-194 215-291 8-10 12-24 26-28-16 39-46 70-69 104-54 77-112 152-164 231-35 52-27 80 18 112-1 1-2 3-3 3-50 32-114 42-150 97-8 12-17 1-23-4-49-36-97-72-146-107-13-10-13-16-4-28 24-30 30-67 34-103 3-24 2-49 14-71 40 38 72 39 110-9 99-123 194-248 283-379 15-22 25-47 13-74h15c41 12 82 26 112 59-82-25-96-20-148 50z m199 158c-83 115-166 229-250 344-6 8-14 16-22 23-13 11-27 23-45 10-14-10-11-27-6-43 7-20 18-38 30-55 76-104 151-209 227-313 14-19 31-36 48-52 7-8 18-17 31-9 11 6 15 17 14 28 0 27-13 48-27 67z m-263-120c-74 98-149 197-224 294-15 19-37 43-63 25-28-19-6-46 7-65 88-123 177-245 271-363 12-15 27-29 48-32 29-3 39 12 26 43-15 36-41 66-65 98z m-186 679c-14 18-24 41-45 53-18 12-34 2-50-9-47-36-95-70-142-106-52-37-52-50-13-100 11-14 18-19 34-7 67 51 135 100 202 151 6 4 14 7 14 18z m-249-48c48 35 89 66 135 100-59 24-111 46-134 108-8 20-37 17-55 1-19-17-25-39-3-58 21-18 41-37 46-66 4-26 7-52 11-85z m354-245c-32 43-75 47-101 9-21-30-8-58 10-83 88-120 176-239 264-358 10-14 22-26 38-34 37-16 79 9 80 53-1 14-9 30-20 45-20 28-40 55-60 83-71 95-140 190-211 285z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="holding-hands" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeba3;" d="M332 678c-19 1-37 0-54 2-23 3-44 10-64 21-12 8-23 16-32 27-6 7-10 16-13 26 0 2 0 4 1 5 4 5 4 9 3 14-1 3 0 4 3 4 24 6 49 6 73 4 18-1 35 1 52 4 14 3 28 6 42 7 32 2 64 9 95 14 37 7 71 19 106 31 34 11 68 15 103 12 34-2 67-11 99-21 25-8 49-16 70-32 23-18 39-40 51-66 11-21 18-44 28-65 9-18 24-31 39-44 12-10 24-19 35-30 24-25 32-54 27-87-5-37-20-69-37-102-9-19-20-38-31-57-10-15-20-31-31-46-17-21-29-45-42-69-17-29-31-60-52-87-24-30-43-64-64-96-11-16-23-32-36-47-20-23-35-50-51-77-7-12-15-23-24-34-8-10-17-20-29-27-10-7-21-13-35-12-6 0-11 5-13 10-8 16-9 32-4 49 10 26 24 50 39 73 10 16 19 32 29 48 15 23 26 49 38 74 10 22 22 43 31 66 3 8 5 15 6 23 1 2 1 6-2 7-3 2-5-1-7-3-3-3-5-7-8-10-13-23-29-44-42-67-13-24-30-44-49-63-28-25-50-55-71-86-19-29-41-55-63-80-10-12-22-22-38-26-7-2-15-4-23-4-10 0-17 5-22 14-14 25-10 49 7 71 17 21 34 42 50 63 21 28 44 54 62 84 12 19 22 40 35 59 7 10 15 21 23 31 8 11 15 22 22 34 2 4 4 7 1 11-4 4-8 3-12 1-10-6-18-14-25-22-16-19-30-38-44-58-18-24-35-50-56-72-15-14-29-29-43-44-33-35-61-74-90-114-9-13-18-27-32-37-13-8-28-14-44-9-12 3-20 12-25 23-8 18-6 34 3 50 18 35 41 67 65 99 19 24 37 49 54 75 5 9 13 14 21 20 12 10 23 21 33 33 13 15 29 26 45 38 16 11 32 23 48 36 15 13 33 20 51 26 10 4 20 6 30 10 13 4 26 4 40 3 34-4 68-8 101 5 16 7 33 7 50 9 15 3 30 1 45 5 13 4 26-1 39 0 5 1 9 1 13 5 2 4 3 7 1 11-2 6-6 11-10 14-13 11-27 16-43 17-22 1-44 2-66 6-1 0-3 1-4 1-18 7-18 11-11 24 9 19 22 35 39 48 17 13 32 26 49 38 33 24 64 51 97 74 11 8 17 20 17 34 0 6-4 10-11 11-13 4-24-1-34-9-21-16-43-31-66-44-16-9-31-21-47-30-4-3-9-6-14-7-5-2-8 1-10 4-3 4-3 8 0 11 14 13 27 27 41 40 13 12 26 24 37 38 16 19 36 35 50 55 6 7 9 15 5 25-5 15-16 17-29 9-10-6-18-16-25-24-12-15-27-26-41-39-9-7-18-13-26-21-12-12-23-24-34-36-3-2-5-4-8-6-2-2-5-3-8-1-2 1-2 4-1 6 1 11 6 20 11 29 3 5 7 9 9 14 14 30 35 57 54 84 3 4 6 8 8 12 4 9 2 18-3 25-4 6-14 7-21 3-7-4-12-9-16-15-11-13-20-26-29-41-7-11-15-21-24-31-11-11-20-25-27-40-4-8-10-16-17-23-1-1-2-2-4-3-2-1-4-2-6-1-2 1-3 4-2 7 1 4 2 8 4 12 5 12 9 25 13 37 3 8 7 15 10 22 6 13 10 26 17 39 5 8 4 16 1 25-4 9-11 11-18 4-10-8-19-16-24-28-9-22-22-42-34-63-5-7-8-16-12-23-11-21-24-41-37-60-17-24-33-48-47-74-7-14-14-29-21-43-11-21-29-35-47-49-26-20-54-36-83-51-6-3-12-6-18-11-5-5-12-8-18-11-7-5-14-9-22-14-9-6-19-12-30-16-35-12-66-30-98-48-19-10-38-21-56-32-15-8-31-14-48-10-10 2-20 5-29 10-10 5-14 15-12 27 4 29 19 50 43 66 27 18 55 32 84 48 14 7 28 15 41 25 34 25 71 45 108 64 17 10 34 19 50 30 28 20 58 39 84 61 19 17 33 37 48 57 13 20 23 41 29 64 1 5 0 8-3 12-12 14-29 20-47 22-37 6-74 7-109 7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="infant-nipple" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeba4;" d="M556 195c-32 25-62 16-71-22-6-26 18-33 30-46 26-28 46-57 33-96-11-35-38-51-73-55-80-10-228 71-262 143-14 30-15 61 4 89 20 30 51 35 84 30 15-2 30-7 45-11 21-5 31 7 38 25 6 15 14 30-6 44-66 49-199 27-241-44-48-80-54-164 0-245 68-101 167-150 271-157 110 0 196 62 226 148 22 63-10 143-78 197z m128 175c28-1 32 6 28 33-13 89 14 162 90 215 52 37 67 84 49 138-20 58-72 95-133 94-66-1-115-39-119-104-8-102-54-171-152-203-17-6-19-12-9-27 58-89 136-142 246-146z m189-36c-37 6-74 12-111 11-158-1-284 55-366 197-21 37-52 68-79 101-7 8-16 22-27 15-15-9-3-24 3-33 32-52 64-104 104-151 20-24 36-50 21-81-10-21 7-22 16-27 41-24 82-46 123-69 24-13 45-30 67 5 9 14 30 11 48 11 46-1 93-13 130-10h70c11 0 28 1 29 12 2 16-17 18-28 19z m-257-121c11 20-1 33-17 42-71 39-142 78-213 118-18 10-36 14-47-8-11-21 5-31 20-40 32-19 63-38 95-56-10-2-20-1-29-4-28-11-42-30-33-60 10-30 34-39 61-29 29 9 36 33 27 62-3 7-7 15-10 23 34-18 68-36 102-54 16-9 33-14 44 6z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="kids-scooter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeba5;" d="M368 343c12 0 11-15 16-23 1 0 1-1 1-2 7-8 3-33 26-17 4 2 6-4 8-6 10-13 17-26 16-44-1-37 0-74 0-111h0c0-41-1-82 0-123 0-22 15-40 35-42 17-2 37 11 41 29 3 8 2 18 2 27 1 76 0 153 1 230 0 19-3 36-14 51-8 11-11 22 1 32 9 10 5 18-1 28-13 23-42 43-38 67 4 24 28 44 43 66 3 3 6 7 8 11 9 15 17 17 29 2 24-31 51-60 75-91 13-15 27-19 42-8 14 11 12 27 1 41-52 69-105 138-158 206-26 32-50 37-88 21-73-30-146-61-218-91-21-9-28-22-21-38 6-15 22-19 42-10 26 11 53 23 79 34 12 5 26 18 38 10 13-9 1-25-1-38-6-47-10-95-50-130-13-11-22-26-34-40-4-4-8-10-1-15 12-10 11-19 1-30-10-13-21-9-32-3-35 18-71 36-106 53-20 10-38 5-47-12-8-16-3-35 15-45 54-29 107-56 161-85 15-8 27-5 38 9 10 14 22 27 32 42 5 6 10 12 18 9 14-5 19 2 23 13 4 9 6 22 17 23z m513-314c-18 6-23 17-27 33-23 90-47 180-69 271-7 28-24 46-53 52-32 6-63 10-94 16-13 3-24 1-26-13-3-15 6-20 19-22 30-5 58-12 88-16 19-2 27-12 32-29 23-90 47-180 72-270 4-12 1-16-10-21-39-15-58-45-60-74 0-58 33-99 77-104 49-7 93 21 106 66 12 45-10 94-55 111z m-35-121c-19-1-34 15-34 34-1 20 14 36 33 36 20 0 35-15 35-35 1-18-15-35-34-35z m-603 129c-51 1-95-43-95-94 0-51 41-92 93-93 51-1 93 40 94 91 0 52-41 95-92 96z m0-129c-18 0-36 15-36 34-1 19 15 35 36 35 18 0 32-14 33-33 0-19-15-36-33-36z m273 788c41 0 76 35 77 75 0 43-35 79-78 79-43 0-76-34-77-77 0-43 35-78 78-77z m209-743c-8 5-17 4-26 4-52 0-104 0-155 0v0h-162c-15 0-31-3-32-21 0-19 17-23 32-24 3-1 5-1 7-1 104 0 208 0 312 0 9 0 17 2 24 6 16 8 15 26 0 36z m112 322c23-8 26-6 27 18v31c0 12-1 23 0 34 2 19-9 20-22 17-22-5-38-25-39-47-2-26 10-44 34-53z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="teddy-bear" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeba7;" d="M771 234c-29 0-58 1-87 0-74-3-133-35-177-94-5-7-7-7-12 0-48 63-112 95-192 95-54 0-109-1-164 0-49 0-86 29-97 75-14 56 29 114 86 116 40 1 79 0 118 0 12 0 12 0 7 11-8 20-14 40-17 61-1 8-5 10-12 13-71 21-113 69-125 141-12 68 22 137 81 173 68 41 155 30 211-26 6-6 11-7 18-4 61 22 122 22 182 0 8-3 13-2 19 4 49 47 107 63 172 42 65-20 106-66 119-133 17-89-37-174-125-198-7-2-10-5-11-12-3-22-10-43-19-63-3-7-1-9 6-9 37 1 74 1 111 0 57 0 98-41 98-95 0-54-42-96-98-96-30-1-61 0-92 0v-1z m-269 373c-44-1-83-14-116-42-58-51-62-136-7-191 60-61 163-67 230-13 65 53 70 141 11 198-33 33-74 47-118 48z m-329 67c2-36 20-65 53-83 7-4 10-3 11 5 13 60 42 110 88 150 6 5 4 7-1 10-32 21-66 23-100 5-33-17-50-47-51-87z m557 99c-17 1-34-5-50-15-11-6-11-6-1-15 44-39 72-88 84-146 2-9 5-10 12-6 40 21 60 65 50 108-10 43-48 73-95 74z m-421-616c84 0 153-69 153-152 0-86-69-155-154-155-84 0-153 70-153 154 0 85 68 153 154 153z m384 0c87-1 155-70 154-156-2-83-73-152-154-151-88 1-155 71-154 159 1 81 72 149 154 148z m-193 283c-31 1-59 10-80 35-21 26-21 58 0 84 36 43 118 46 156 4 29-31 27-73-7-100-20-16-43-23-69-23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="toy-ball" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeba8;" d="M500 850c280-1 500-227 500-500 0-279-226-501-502-500-277 1-500 227-498 503 2 276 225 496 500 497z m145-452c0 8 0 16 1 25 0 5-2 7-8 8-39 5-72 22-98 52-4 5-7 4-12 1-31-18-60-37-89-57-84-58-164-121-235-195-24-26-47-53-63-85-5-8-4-15 1-23 38-58 87-106 147-141 55-32 114-49 177-56 28-3 48 4 65 28 26 37 45 78 60 121 34 105 49 212 54 322z m-478 211c8 4 16 8 24 11 58 25 118 26 179 20 48-5 93-17 138-33 6-2 9 0 12 5 8 17 21 31 38 41 15 10 32 16 50 18 4 0 10-1 7 6-9 29-21 57-40 80-7 9-15 13-27 14-7 0-13 1-20 2-93 4-179-17-257-67-40-26-75-58-104-97z m734-394c1 4 3 8 4 13 16 53 22 108 16 164-7 75-33 143-77 204-5 8-12 11-21 11-19 0-38-4-57-9-8-2-11-5-7-14 16-37 15-73-9-107-3-5-2-7 2-10 20-18 40-37 57-57 48-57 86-118 92-195z m-180 328c0 2-1 6-1 11-10 49-65 84-114 71-35-8-53-39-43-74 13-47 71-78 117-63 25 8 41 28 41 55z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="toy-cat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeba9;" d="M388 572c-94-43-129-136-81-230 66-127 183-174 317-188 40 5 79 10 114 27 87 41 121 126 86 215-58 151-288 244-436 176z m191-277c-33 1-67 13-77 49-7 23 19 26 34 33 33-9 69-15 79-52 7-26-19-31-36-30z m69-174c6 27-15 19-26 19-59-2-113 14-166 38-17 8-30 12-35-13-11-56-46-100-73-148-16-29-33-57-38-82-4-47 23-63 52-75 34-12 48 11 59 38 14 36 26 76 78 71 51-4 53-41 60-79 7-39 35-48 69-34 32 13 30 43 26 69-8 65-20 130-6 196z m-351 104c-19 31-40 61-59 93-19 34-34 70-44 108-48 172 42 307 216 322 9 1 17 0 25 3 17 7 32 17 35 39 3 24-8 40-28 50-23 10-48 11-73 9-106-9-221-129-233-247-16-155 55-275 161-377z m97-11c-12 9-21 15-38 6-83-39-112-164-51-240 37 62 74 117 98 178 7 19 11 40-9 56z m452 340c-22 16-50 8-76 0-27-8-36-18-11-39 32-27 55-61 77-96 21 18 18 38 23 55 9 28 15 60-13 80z m-441 44c24 7 38 7 46 15 27 25 52 57 80 1 3-4 21-4 29 0 13 5 6 16 3 26-19 70-61 81-113 29-18-18-35-37-45-71z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="toy-duck" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebaa;" d="M855 313c-14 10-30 20-44 30-68 49-78 89-45 165-52 15-100 40-138 80-15 15-25 34-14 58 10 20 27 27 49 23 17-3 31 2 44 15 59 64 51 104-26 142-36 18-75 27-115 23-93-10-160-58-191-146-30-85-15-165 50-232 33-34 41-85 21-121-16-27-187-50-209-27-16 17-30 35-44 53-47 58-82 56-121-8-49-81-45-169-33-257 23-173 110-249 283-259 157-9 311 7 466 29 96 13 157 61 172 154 23 139 0 203-105 278z m-311-338c-46-23-96-31-153-31-34-3-73 3-111 16-82 27-123 80-130 167-2 19-11 38-14 57-6 40 14 63 49 49 95-36 192-35 291-37 55 0 103-17 124-76 22-62 3-115-56-145z m128 675c-16 0-34 9-41-13-6-16 3-28 13-40 12-15 24-10 41-7 68 12 124 61 194 61 41 0 47 20 46 45-2 52-15 62-57 44-25-12-51-19-75-7-30 14-40 0-51-24-14-30-30-60-70-59z m186-18c-8 0-16-4-23-7-48-20-95-43-155-52 52-46 98-54 149-18 15 10 32 17 48 25 18 10 50 15 43 38-8 25-40 14-62 14z m-397-453c-92 0-183-1-271 35-27 10-39-2-35-32 7-49 33-75 88-83 22-4 46-3 65-18-49-9-94 3-146 25 32-80 106-77 164-100l-5-12c-29 5-58 11-91 16 76-63 262-63 330-2 33 28 36 64 24 103-15 48-52 69-123 68z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="toy-elephant" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebab;" d="M989 432c-63 182-275 248-431 230 114-86 139-214 66-312-48-65-166-103-224-51 129-9 209 38 230 137 18 87-28 174-110 205-57 21-111 13-160-23-48-34-66-87-80-147-17 32 9 57-1 86-8-7-13-11-18-16-67-73-88-157-58-253 15-47 10-90-30-121-38-29-66-5-94 23-21 22-48 7-68-7-22-16-6-36 4-53 12-22 33-37 55-48 82-40 170-12 229 73 35 50 77 69 116 53 37-16 59-65 52-120-2-13-11-28 3-37 31-20 65-19 100-7 29 11 19 34 16 55-8 75 46 131 119 122 70-9 104-48 105-120 1-50 15-61 63-48 24 6 40 23 54 41 25 34 38 73 48 114 18 74 38 154 14 224z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="toy-hand" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebac;" d="M144 375c21 16 38 34 52 56 16 26 22 55 24 85 2 36 17 65 47 86 18 12 38 14 58 16 65 5 113 35 147 90 0 1 1 1 2 2 11-20 18-42 22-65 10-60 0-117-30-170-3-5-3-8 1-12 59-59 118-118 176-177 6-5 10-6 18-2 138 75 312-11 336-166 20-131-70-250-200-266-121-15-235 70-255 190-8 52 0 101 24 147 4 6 3 10-2 14-60 60-119 120-179 179-5 5-8 4-12 1-41-23-85-34-131-32-32 1-62 8-90 20-3 1-5 2-8 4z m625-179c-66-1-116-52-115-118 1-62 54-114 115-113 66 1 117 54 116 120-1 61-55 112-116 111z m-769 406c2 126 92 229 218 246 72 9 136-10 192-56 5-4 6-8 5-15-8-46-44-78-96-82-57-4-105-25-140-71-23-29-33-62-36-98-2-31-11-59-35-81-28-24-37-23-58 5-33 45-49 95-50 152z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="toy-horse" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebad;" d="M293 501c0-33 20-54 53-55 39 0 77 0 115 0 33 0 53 21 53 53 1 19 1 38 1 58 0 17 0 35 0 54-13-6-25-12-37-16-29-9-59-9-89-8-29 1-58 4-87 4-7 0-9-2-9-9 0-27 0-54 0-81z m456 80c10 1 15 4 18 14 5 14 13 27 26 36 6 4 10 3 13-4 3-10 4-21 6-31 4-24 5-48 13-71 9-21 23-24 39-9 4 3 7 8 10 12 9 14 8 30 13 46 3 14 17 26 26 37 8 10 9 24 10 36 1 14 16 17 28 21 7 2 8 7 4 14-17 25-34 48-60 65-37 24-80 27-120 29-20-1-37-2-55-4-61-8-110-36-145-87-4-6-4-10-1-16 35-61 105-96 175-88z m247-440c-15 14-29 29-43 43-15 14-15 14-30 0-2-1-4-3-6-5-5-7-8-6-13 1-51 81-102 162-153 242-4 5-5 10-5 16 0 41 3 81 11 120 2 8 0 9-8 8-41-5-79 4-115 25-31 17-54 41-73 72-8-11-14-22-23-30-7-7-9-14-9-23 0-36 0-71 0-107 0-45-26-72-71-72-37 0-74 1-111 0-40 0-68 28-69 69 0 27 0 54 1 81 0 6-1 8-8 6-18-4-34-10-48-22-7-6-11-5-18 1-33 28-73 32-109 11-59-35-81-125-43-182 26-39 64-65 106-85 7-3 8-5 4-11-23-36-46-72-69-108-12-20-12-20-29-4-2 2-4 4-6 6-4 5-7 5-12 0-17-18-25-26-42-43-6-5-6-25 0-30 36-36 67-59 110-86 161-99 334-131 520-95 139 26 259 91 361 190 5 5 4 8 0 12z m-855 294c-6 13-7 27-8 38 1 16 3 29 10 41 9 15 26 22 43 17 3-1 6-2 5-7-12-40-5-80 0-120 1-10-1-12-10-9-22 5-33 21-40 40z m690-323c-74-45-153-75-238-89-32-5-64-7-98-8-109 1-214 28-311 83-6 4-13 8-19 12-11 7-12 7-5 18 26 40 52 81 78 122 14 22 28 45 43 67 7 12 18 18 33 16 75-11 150-18 225-17 37 1 73 3 108 16 12 4 23 9 34 16 5 3 8 3 12-2 46-75 93-149 141-223 3-5 2-7-3-11z m-270 551z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="toy-lattu" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebae;" d="M832 436c-3 19-10 25-29 25-101-1-202-1-303-1v0c-102 0-204-1-305 0-17 0-25-4-28-21-9-55-9-108 7-162 31-107 100-180 199-227 49-22 84-58 109-105 6-11 9-20-5-30-18-14-18-39-4-54 14-14 39-15 53-1 16 15 15 41-4 56-12 9-10 16-5 26 16 32 37 60 65 81 35 26 76 42 111 66 109 75 166 218 139 347z m-623 59c97 1 194 1 290 1 98 0 196 0 293 0 17-1 24 1 14 21-58 123-199 212-353 188-118-18-204-81-258-188-10-19-5-22 14-22z m230 259c0-15 6-16 18-15 18 1 37 3 55 3 50-3 50-3 49 45 0 20 9 44-3 57-13 13-38-1-54 4-18 0-34-1-49 0-13 1-16-4-16-17 1-25 1-51 0-77z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="toy-train" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebaf;" d="M246 465c55 0 111 0 166 0 9 0 12 2 12 11-1 95-1 191 0 286 0 9-3 11-11 11-84 0-167 0-251 0-7 0-9-2-9-9 1-70 0-140 1-210 0-9-2-13-12-12-19 1-38 1-56 0-7 0-9 2-9 8 0 56 0 111 0 167 0 17 1 34 0 51-2 41 30 82 83 82 74-1 148 0 223 0 16 0 33 1 49-1 39-5 68-37 68-77 0-98 0-196 0-295 0-10 2-12 12-12 31 1 63 1 94 0 8 0 10 2 10 10 0 19 0 38 0 56-1 8 1 11 10 11 62 0 124 0 186 0 7 0 9-2 9-9l-1-59c0-7 1-10 10-11 89-8 162-85 169-174 4-46-8-88-34-125-4-6-5-9 3-13 24-12 36-37 31-63-5-24-25-42-51-45l-5-1c-8-1-17 3-22-2-5-4-5-14-7-21-26-95-107-161-204-168-85-6-153 27-204 95-6 7-7 5-12-1-39-53-92-85-157-93-76-9-142 14-195 69-31 32-51 70-60 114-1 6-4 7-9 7-11 0-22-1-33 3-23 9-37 26-39 51-2 23 8 41 28 53 9 4 10 10 10 18 0 85 0 170 0 255 0 28 15 43 43 43 55 0 109 0 164 0z m175-366c10 0 20 1 30 0 8 0 10 2 8 10-16 85-96 139-181 123-82-16-137-97-122-178 13-68 65-117 133-126 65-9 129 26 158 88 3 5 6 7 11 7 26 0 51-1 77 0 10 0 17-1 20-12 2-6 6-10 9-15 41-63 120-86 190-57 67 28 105 102 89 174-16 73-80 123-154 121-73-1-135-54-148-126-1-7 0-9 7-9 19 1 38 1 57 0 9 0 14 2 17 11 15 38 57 56 96 43 37-12 58-52 49-90-8-34-36-56-71-59-32-2-63 19-75 50-2 4-3 8-9 8-74-1-148-1-222 0-6 0-8-3-10-8-15-37-51-57-89-48-37 8-61 41-59 80 1 32 26 61 56 69 34 8 71-5 84-35 9-19 20-23 38-21 4 1 8 0 11 0z m297 481c-31 0-61 1-92 0-8 0-10 3-10 10 0 29 0 29 28 29 55 0 110-1 166 0 8 0 12-2 10-11-1-9 4-20-1-25-5-6-17-2-25-2-25-1-51 0-76 0v-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="burglar" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebb0;" d="M799 453c-3-57-5-114-8-171-3-43-15-81-40-115-5-8-17-19-6-28 10-9 18 5 25 11 26 22 26 23 54 4 29-19 58-39 86-58 32-22 42-55 43-91 0-6-2-11-8-12-87-23-167-64-251-96-67-26-135-45-206-47-53-1-105 5-157 16-88 19-172 49-258 72-25 7-25 7-25 33 0 35 13 64 39 88 43 40 92 70 143 99 6 3 10 3 15-3 10-13 20-25 31-38 3-4 7-9 13-7 6 3 5 9 5 15-1 11-6 21-12 30-35 57-50 119-51 186-1 54-6 107-1 161 7 68 10 136 36 201 16 40 42 71 80 93 47 26 94 49 149 53 44 4 85-7 127-21 110-40 153-129 171-235 8-47 7-93 6-140z m-156-62c52 0 86 32 91 84 4 44-18 86-64 98-33 9-63-2-91-16-44-22-84-18-126 5-17 9-35 19-55 20-40 4-72-15-86-48-17-39-10-86 18-112 31-30 81-33 116-6 12 10 23 22 35 32 27 24 56 22 80-4 8-8 15-16 22-24 17-19 38-31 60-29z m-141-95c-15 0-30-1-45-3-38-7-60-34-64-85-2-23 21-51 50-61 3-1 5-1 8-2 40-9 80-8 120 0 32 7 51 27 59 58 8 36-2 74-46 83-27 6-54 9-82 10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cannon-firing" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebb1;" d="M833 463c-3 45-5 90-7 134-1 13-5 16-17 15-114-3-229-5-344-7-64 0-129-3-194-4-51-1-103-2-155-3-8-1-12-2-12-13 4-61 8-123 11-185 0-10 3-13 13-12 19 2 39 4 59 6 6 0 9 3 9 10-1 13 0 26 0 39-1 8 2 11 10 10 23 0 46 0 69 0 7 0 12 2 18 6 84 64 190 64 273 1 6-5 11-7 18-7 28 1 56 0 84 0 7 0 17 4 17-10-1-5 4-3 7-2 44 4 87 8 131 12 8 0 11 2 10 10z m-403 30c-113 0-207-94-207-207 0-114 94-206 210-205 112 0 203 93 203 208-1 111-94 204-206 204z m128-104c19-23 29-50 34-78 2-9 0-15-12-13-19 2-38 2-54 3-17 0-27 9-30 24 0 4 1 5 3 7 16 19 33 38 49 57 5 5 7 4 10 0z m-109 61c30-4 57-15 81-34 6-4 8-7 1-13-18-15-35-30-53-45-8-8-31 0-32 11-2 25-3 50-5 75 0 7 4 6 8 6z m-121-35c24 19 52 30 83 35 7 1 10-1 7-10-1-21-2-44-4-67 0-5 1-11-7-12-9-1-15-13-26-3-17 16-35 31-53 46-5 4-6 7 0 11z m-62-111c4 32 16 60 36 86 4 4 6 3 9-1 16-18 33-37 49-56 5-6-5-30-13-31-25-2-50-3-73-5-7-1-9 2-8 7z m34-118c-19 24-30 51-33 81-2 16 12 3 16 8 22-2 43-3 64-5 11-1 19-24 12-32-15-18-30-34-45-52-6-6-9-7-14 0z m108-62c-32 4-61 17-87 39 22 19 42 37 63 55 6 5 30-6 30-14 2-25 3-49 5-74 1-10-7-7-11-6z m21 100c-34 0-60 28-61 63-1 33 32 65 62 61 31 3 62-27 62-62 0-34-29-63-63-62z m25-100c-9-2-14-1-13 11 2 21 3 43 4 64 1 7 0 13 10 14 8 1 15 12 25 1 18-18 38-34 58-51-25-22-53-34-84-39z m104 60c-4-6-6-5-10 0-16 18-32 36-47 54-7 8 1 31 12 32 21 2 42 3 60 5 22 0 22 0 18-20-5-26-16-50-33-71z m-520 18c-12-5-28-7-34-16-8-10-1-27-3-40-1-10 3-13 13-12 81 0 162 0 243 0 3 0 7-1 11 2-35 39-54 84-59 136-58-24-114-47-171-70z m631 97c0 43 0 86 0 129 0 5 2 11-6 11-24 0-48 0-72 0 79-102 80-203 0-305 21 0 42 1 61-1 13 0 17 3 17 16-1 50 0 100 0 150z m175 177c2-33 2-33 35-31 25 2 25 2 24 28 0 1 0 3 0 4-1 21-2 40-3 60-2 27-4 55-5 82-1 4 0 8-7 8-14-2-29-2-44-3-7 0-9-3-8-10 3-46 5-92 8-138z m109-306c-27 0-49-20-50-47 0-26 22-49 49-49 27-1 48 20 48 48 0 27-20 48-47 48z m-113 0c-28 0-49-21-49-48 0-27 22-48 48-48 27-1 49 22 49 49-1 27-21 47-48 47z m104 49c0 28-21 49-49 49-26 0-47-21-48-48 0-27 22-49 49-48 27 0 48 20 48 47z m-897 264c11-4 10-12 12-20 5-18 12-34 23-48 6-8 12-15 22-20-4 65-7 129-11 195-24-23-34-50-37-80-1-6 0-11-8-14-6-3-6-12-1-13z m224-44c-20 0-36 0-51 1-9 0-11-4-11-12 1-35 0-71 0-107 10 43 29 83 62 118z m160-127c-13 0-26-13-27-26 0-13 12-25 27-25 13 1 24 12 24 26 0 13-12 25-24 25z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cc-camera" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebb2;" d="M993 31c-24-47-62-68-110-68-256 0-511 0-767 0-9 0-19 1-28 3-25 6-33 19-23 43 6 15 15 29 23 43 4 8 9 14 4 24-9 18-17 36-27 59-18-31-34-58-49-86-39-73-5-136 78-146 9-1 18-1 28-1 252 0 504 0 756 0 13 0 26 1 38 3 68 9 99 58 77 126z m-649 465c39 69 79 138 119 207 26 43 49 44 75 1 31-54 62-108 93-163 7-11 15-19 28-24 47-20 74-60 72-108-1-36 12-61 27-88 20-34 40-68 59-102 24-40 24-40 48-1 7 10 15 16 6 31-95 164-189 329-286 493-43 74-124 74-168 1-62-104-121-209-186-321 25 11 42 20 60 26 25 8 41 25 53 48z m341-88c-2 34-23 58-60 68 2-6 4-9 5-12 13-31 13-31-18-44-121-54-242-107-364-160-18-8-35-11-54-3-17 7-35 12-53 18-12 4-22 0-31-7-10-9-2-18 1-26 9-21 19-42 27-63 6-16 13-15 27-9 39 16 77 36 117 51 17 7 25 11 32-9 4-13 14-6 21-3 30 13 59 27 89 39 21 9 43 29 60 22 18-7 20-38 28-58 8-23 14-43 43-22 7 5 17 1 24 8-11 27-21 55-33 81-7 16-3 22 12 28 28 11 55 23 83 36 31 14 47 37 44 65z m-386-105c98 47 198 88 298 131 19 8 19 16 11 31-18 35-51 47-89 30-95-41-190-83-284-124-45-19-89-39-138-60 20-7 36-11 50-18 53-27 101-15 152 10z m360-161c0-13 4-25 1-35-6-22 5-22 22-22 62 1 125-1 187 1 28 1 40-6 35-34-2-14 2-23 19-24 17 0 19 10 19 23 0 40 0 79 0 119 0 13 2 28-19 28-22 0-21-15-19-28 4-25-8-29-30-28-72 1-143 0-215 0z m-121-27c-1-23 17-43 40-44 23-1 43 18 43 41 0 24-18 43-41 43-22 0-41-18-42-40z m-414 19c10 3 8 13 5 22-15 32-28 64-43 96-4 9-9 20-26 18 18-42 35-82 53-122 2-6 3-17 11-14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cop-badge" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebb3;" d="M492 850h16c4-4 8-7 12-11 77-75 170-110 277-115 32-1 64 0 97 1 15 0 22-8 23-23 0-1 0-3 0-4 0-139-1-278 0-416 1-78-20-149-66-211-86-115-202-184-339-219-6-2-12-3-19-1-133 32-246 98-333 206-51 64-78 138-77 221 1 113 0 227 0 340 0 27 0 54 0 81 0 19 8 26 27 26 2 0 5 0 7 0 45-3 89-2 133 4 47 6 92 18 134 40 41 21 75 50 108 81z m-160-417v0c-28 0-55 0-83 0-13 0-20-5-23-15-3-9 1-18 12-25 43-29 87-59 131-87 8-5 9-10 6-18-17-49-34-98-51-147-4-12 0-22 10-27 9-5 16-2 24 4l135 97c5 4 8 4 13 0 14-10 28-21 42-31 32-24 63-47 95-70 12-9 25-8 32 4 5 7 3 15 1 22-17 51-34 101-51 152-2 6-1 9 4 13 31 20 61 40 91 60 15 10 31 20 46 31 8 5 11 13 9 22-3 10-10 15-20 15-4 1-9 1-13 1h-152c-15 0-15 0-20 14-16 51-33 102-49 153-3 8-7 14-17 15-13 2-21-2-25-16-17-53-34-106-51-158-2-6-5-9-11-9-28 0-57 0-85 0z m52-246c6 17 10 32 15 47l23 64c4 13 2 21-10 28-29 20-58 39-87 58-3 2-5 4-8 6 4 3 8 2 11 2h106c18 0 22 3 28 21 12 38 25 76 37 115 4-2 4-6 5-9l35-107c5-17 9-20 27-20 35 0 70 0 105 0 4 0 8 0 12-2-3-2-5-4-8-6l-85-56c-13-9-15-16-11-30l35-104c1-2 1-5 2-9-15 11-28 20-41 30-20 15-40 30-59 44-12 9-19 9-31 0-30-21-60-43-90-65-3-1-6-3-11-7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cop" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebb4;" d="M241 73c0 42 14 79 27 116 9 23 18 45 23 69 3 20-1 37-15 52-9 10-18 19-27 29-7 8-7 13 1 20 34 29 68 57 101 86 7 6 8 1 11-3 23-49 59-83 113-95 44-10 82 4 116 32 21 17 37 38 47 64 3 7 5 7 11 2 33-28 66-57 100-85 10-8 10-13 1-22-9-10-18-19-27-29-13-15-17-32-14-51 6-33 21-63 32-94 11-33 20-66 18-102-5-63-37-109-92-139-23-13-48-21-74-27-31-7-59-19-83-41-5-5-12-8-18-1-28 27-64 37-101 46-44 11-84 31-113 67-26 31-37 68-37 106z m182-11c0-8 7-12 15-7 19 11 37 23 55 34 5 3 9 3 14 0 17-11 34-21 51-32 5-2 10-7 16-3 5 5 2 11 1 16-5 19-9 39-14 58-2 6-1 9 4 13 15 13 31 26 46 40 4 3 10 6 8 12-3 7-9 6-15 7-20 1-40 3-60 4-5 1-8 3-11 8-7 19-16 39-24 58-2 5-3 9-9 10-6 0-7-5-9-10-8-19-17-38-24-57-3-6-6-8-13-9-20-1-40-3-60-4-5-1-11 0-13-7-2-5 3-8 7-11 14-13 28-26 43-37 8-6 10-12 7-21-5-21-10-42-15-62z m-99 520c1 15 1 30 14 40 3 2 2 7 2 10 0 20 0 20 19 14 43-16 88-24 135-26 53-1 105 9 154 28 12 5 12 5 12-8 0-9-1-18 8-25 5-3 6-10 7-17 6-43-9-79-37-111-5-5-9-12-11-19-7-23-20-44-36-61-54-59-133-57-186 3-14 18-26 37-32 59-3 7-6 12-11 18-24 27-38 58-38 95z m178 268c65-4 122-28 168-77 13-14 22-31 24-51 1-2 1-4 1-7 0-20-3-22-21-14-62 28-127 42-195 39-55-4-108-18-159-42-11-5-11-4-14 8-3 16 1 30 8 43 6 13 15 24 25 33 45 43 100 65 163 68z m-2-91c24 0 42 19 42 42 0 23-19 42-42 42-22 1-42-19-42-41 0-23 19-43 42-43z m181-76c-121-58-240-58-362 0 59 28 118 43 181 44 63 0 122-17 181-44z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="law-scales" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebc6;" d="M37 335c1 8 2 16 5 23 1 1 1 2 2 4 6-6 11-12 15-19 10-14 19-29 21-47 2-12 1-23-5-35-5 15-11 29-16 43l-1 0c3-12 6-24 10-36 1-4 0-8-2-13-6 9-12 18-17 27-6 12-11 23-12 36 0 1 0 1-1 1l1 16z m801 347c19-4 37-8 55-12 9-2 18-3 27-5 2-1 5-6 4-8-1-2-3-1-4-1-5 0-5 0-4-5 12-41 23-82 35-123 1-5 3-6 7-5 6 0 6-1 4-6-3-9-9-15-16-20-15-10-31-13-49-12-14 0-28 4-40 12-7 5-13 12-15 21-1 4-1 5 4 5 4-1 5 1 6 4 14 42 28 83 41 124 2 5 2 5-3 5h-118c-5 0-5 0-3-5 12-42 24-84 36-126 1-4 2-6 6-5 3 1 3-1 3-4-3-10-10-17-19-23-14-9-31-12-48-11-13 1-26 4-38 12-7 5-13 11-16 20-1 6-1 6 4 6 5 0 6 1 8 5 10 33 21 66 32 99 0 1 0 2 0 2-2 1-2 0-3-1-14-13-30-24-47-32-7-4-12-4-19-2-28 6-56 15-84 23-3 1-7 2-10 3 5-13 0-25-3-37-5-17-5-34-3-52 0-5-2-9-3-14-1-6-1-12-3-18-2-5-4-9-10-10-2 0-2-1-2-3 2-5 3-10 7-15 10-15 15-32 18-50 7-35 7-70 6-106-2-38-7-77-12-115-6-39-12-79-18-118-2-12-4-24-5-36-1-5 2-10 3-16 2-15 6-30 5-45 0-4 0-7-1-11-1-1-1-2 0-3 1-1 2-2 3-3 2-5 2-8-2-12-3-3-7-5-12-5-11 0-22 2-32 6-1 0-3 1-4 1-20 2-40 1-58-10-7-4-16-7-25-8-5 0-8 1-10 7-1 1-2 1-3 2-2 1-4 2-5 4-5 3-6 6-2 11 4 6 4 12 5 19 0 9 1 17 1 26 0 3 0 6-2 8l-143 265c-8 16-17 31-25 46-1 3-2 3-5 2-12-6-24-12-37-17-1-1-3-3-5-1-1 2-2 3 0 5 12 12 23 24 34 35 3 3 3 5 1 7-1 1-1 2-1 3-1 3-3 4-6 1-1-1-2-1-4-1-9 1-19 9-22 18 0 2 0 3 0 4 4 6 2 12 1 17 0 3 0 5 2 6 3 2 3 5 1 8-3 5-5 10-8 15-1 4-4 6-8 7-8 1-7 0-6 8 4 18 16 22 32 18 2-1 2-2 2-3-2-12 5-21 10-31 1-1 2-1 3 0l18 9c3 2 4 5 6 8 1 1 2 3 3 5 14 36 39 66 60 98 5 7 7 16 11 24 16 34 34 68 54 100 8 12 20 17 33 18 13 1 23 5 31 15 5 5 6 11 8 18 0 1 0 2-2 2-4 1-9 2-13 3-3 2-5 3-7 6 0 0-1 1-1 1-11 3-11 13-12 22-1 6 1 12 1 19 1 10 2 20-1 30-1 2 0 4 1 6 4 6 7 12 11 17 8 7 16 16 26 21 7 3 13 1 20-2 2-1 3-1 6 0 15 7 28 4 40-8 4-5 9-11 13-16 6-8 8-17 5-27-1 0-1-1-1-1-4-7-4-14 2-20 2-1 2-3 1-5-1-9-1-19-6-28 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-5-2-9-6-11-6-3-11-4-17-4-7 0-8-1-6-8 1-4 4-7 7-10 8-10 19-13 31-15 13-3 26-7 39-10 5-1 9-3 13-7 5-4 11-8 16-12 7-7 17-8 25-12 13-5 27-10 40-15 2-1 4-1 7 0 23 13 46 26 68 41 3 3 6 6 9 10 4 5 8 10 13 15 6 6 13 11 22 12 3 1 7 2 10 3 3 2 5 1 7-1 2-1 4-2 5-3 8-8 17-15 26-21 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4 4-6-4-8z m-539-297c3-6 1-10-3-14-9-7-17-15-25-23-2-1-2-2-1-5 11-20 21-41 32-61 17-35 35-69 53-104l50-97c0-1 0-2 2-2-1 7-3 14-4 21-6 33-12 67-17 101-4 33-7 66-9 98-2 34-2 67 1 100 1 7 1 14 5 21 10 20 20 39 30 59 1 3 2 4-2 5-12 2-15 8-13 19 1 7 3 13 1 20-3 11-6 22-8 33-2 7-4 14-6 21-2-2-4-4-5-6-17-21-31-43-46-66-1 0-2-1-2-3-2-12-9-23-17-33-12-16-26-30-39-44-8-10-15-20-16-33-1-5-3-11-4-16-1-3-2-5-4-5-1 0-3 0-2-1 0-2 1-4 3-5 1-2 2 0 3 0 6 3 12 5 18 8 9 4 17 8 25 12z m455 135h38c6 0 6 0 4 5-9 32-18 64-27 96-3 9-5 17-7 26-1 0-1 3-3 1-3-3-8-6-10-11-12-38-25-76-38-113-1-3 0-4 3-4 13 0 26 0 40 0z m148 3c13 0 25 0 38 0 4 0 4 1 3 4l-36 126c0 1 0 3-2 3-3 0-3-2-3-3-14-42-28-84-41-127-2-3-1-3 2-3 13 0 26 0 39 0z m-457-518l45 5c3 0 3 2 4 4 12 29 21 60 28 91 7 31 12 62 15 93 3 22 5 44 7 66 1 20 2 40 4 60 2 30 1 59 0 88-1-2-1-4-1-6-1-24-2-49-3-73-1-27-3-54-5-81-3-28-6-56-11-84-5-30-12-59-23-87-13-31-29-59-60-76z m35 798c0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-4 0-19 1-37-2-55-9-2-1-4-1-4-3-1-4-1-8-2-12 0-2 1-3 3-2 9 2 18 3 27 4 26 1 51 1 76-2 1 0 2-1 3 0 0 3 1 5 1 8 0 2-2 2-4 2-12 5-25 7-38 9 13 0 26-1 38-6 5-2 5-2 6 4 2 4 0 4-3 5-5 2-10 3-15 5-30 10-60 8-89-5-2 0-4-1-3-3 1-2 3 0 4 0 18 6 36 8 55 7 2-1 3 0 5-2z m-63-276v-2c0-8 3-16 3-24 0-1 1-1 2-1 11-2 21-6 31-8 5-1 10-2 15 0 28 14 50 35 66 62 13 24 22 50 29 77 1 7 3 15 5 22-1-1-2-3-2-4-10-32-21-63-41-91-17-24-38-44-67-54-3-2-6-1-9 0-12 6-22 13-32 23z m-6-507c0 9-4 17-8 24-36 76-72 151-108 226-10 22-21 44-31 66-1 1-1 2-2 2-3 1-6-4-5-7 17-34 33-67 50-101 29-59 59-118 88-177 5-11 11-22 16-33z m142 646l-6-4c-29-18-60-27-95-22-22 3-42 12-57 28-2 2-3 6-5 6-2 1-5-2-7-4-6-3-6-3-1-9 18-22 43-31 71-31 27-1 52 5 75 18 9 5 18 10 25 18z m-76-586c-3 1-5 1-8 0-8-1-16-3-24-5-3 0-5 0-7 3-4 8-8 16-11 25-10 25-15 52-20 79l-7 34c-1-2-1-3-1-4 3-24 6-48 11-72 6-30 15-59 28-87 1-2 2-3 4-2 14 7 26 17 35 29z m-72 370c7-12 13-25 21-36 6-9 14-17 23-24 3-1 4-1 6 1 8 7 16 13 24 20 9 7 16 17 23 26-1-1-2-1-3-2-9-8-18-15-26-23-4-4-6-4-10-1-17 12-35 22-52 35l-6 4z m138-463c0 2-1 4-2 6-2 4-4 8-6 12-5 6-5 13-4 21 5 27 12 54 16 81 1 8 2 15 2 22-2-7-4-14-5-21-7-35-17-69-33-101-1-4 0-5 3-5 11-2 21-5 28-15 0 0 1 0 1 0z m8 571c-5-33-28-49-55-61 6-1 12-1 18-2 5 0 8 2 12 5 14 13 21 29 24 47 0 3 2 7 1 11z m236 115l11 3c-4 0-8 1-11-3z m-181-725c-7-8-15-16-22-25-4-4-9-8-15-6 2 8 6 16 10 24 7 15 16 29 30 39 10 7 22 10 34 12 2 0 4 1 3-3-4-19-10-38-22-54-9-12-21-21-36-25 6-1 12-3 18-5 15-5 29-13 41-22 3-2 2-3 0-4-16-13-35-20-56-18-15 1-28 6-42 12-5 2-10 5-15 7-1-1 0-2 0-4v-11c0-8-6-12-13-8-3 1-3 5-3 8v39c0 5 0 9 0 13 0 8 6 11 13 8 3-1 3-5 3-8 0-10 0-20 0-30v-6c6 9 15 6 22 6 9-1 19-2 28-2 1 0 3 0 4 0-17 3-34 7-51 10 10 9 21 14 34 15 7 0 11 2 14 8 7 10 15 20 22 30l-1 0z m-232-63c11 0 21 1 31 2 5 0 10 0 15 1 2 0 3-2 6-3v17c0 4 0 8 0 12 0 9 3 11 12 10 3-1 4-4 4-6 1-4 0-7 0-11v-44c0-6-1-8-6-8-8 0-10 1-10 8 0 5 0 10 0 16-4-2-8-3-11-5-13-5-25-10-39-12-19-3-36 1-53 12-2 1-5 4-8 6-2 1-2 2 0 3 17 13 35 23 57 26 1 1 2 0 3 2-26 6-39 26-49 48-5 9-7 19-10 29-1 4 1 5 4 4 20-3 37-11 49-27 11-15 18-31 25-48-6-1-10 0-14 5-8 10-16 18-24 27-1-1 0-2 1-3 8-11 16-22 23-33 2-2 3-2 6-3 12 0 24-3 34-11 2-1 3-2 5-4-17-3-34-6-51-10v0z m493 320c11 24 29 41 50 55 1 1 2 2 4 2 1-1 0-3 1-5 4-35-11-62-35-86-5-5-10-11-16-16-2 6-1 11 2 17 6 11 12 23 18 34l-13-18c-5-7-9-14-14-20-3-3-6-8-9-12-3 15-5 29-8 43l-1 0c1-7 1-15 2-22 0-5 0-10 1-15 1-5-2-8-4-11-1-1-2-1-2 0-11 24-21 49-13 76 3 9 7 17 12 25 2 3 3 2 4 0 10-14 17-28 20-44 0-1 0-1 1-3z m-749-56c-3 4-4 8-4 14 1 12 1 24 2 36l-8-43c-1 0-2 1-2 1-11 14-20 29-30 44-1 1-2 2-4 3l4-7c5-10 10-20 16-30 2-4 0-7 0-12-2 1-4 3-5 5-12 11-23 22-32 35-13 20-17 42-14 65 0 3 2 2 3 1 21-14 39-31 50-54 1 0 1-1 2-2 3 19 11 34 22 49 22-21 22-69 0-105z m749 197c3-8 6-16 9-24 2-6 2-7-1-13-27 27-35 52-24 87 8-5 15-12 22-21-8 30-1 57 9 84 10-11 17-23 21-37 4-16 3-33 1-50-2-8-3-15-5-24-3 4-7 7-7 12-1 13-2 26-4 39v-47c-2 0-2 2-4 2 4-12 4-25-1-38l-15 31-1-1z m-780-38c-2 6-2 10 0 15 3 8 5 16 7 24-5-10-10-20-15-30-3 7-4 14-4 21 0 3 1 6 1 9 0 2 2 4-1 6-1 1 0 5 0 7v39c-3-5-2-9-2-13-1-8-2-16-2-24 0-5-3-9-7-13-2 8-4 16-5 24-2 14-3 28-1 42 3 17 10 31 22 44 11-27 17-54 10-82 2 0 2 1 3 2 4 5 8 9 13 13 5 4 5 4 7-2 7-24 3-46-13-66-4-5-8-10-13-16z m664-341c-18-4-36-8-55-12 6 11 15 20 25 26 14 9 29 13 45 15 15 1 31 0 47-3 3 0 3-1 1-3-15-27-38-43-69-48-14-2-29-3-44-3-3 0-4 1-2 3 2 5 5 8 11 10 14 5 27 10 41 15z m-486-12c-18 4-35 9-53 12l32-12c3-1 6-2 9-3 5-1 8-5 10-10 2-2 1-3-1-3-8 0-15 0-23 1-17 1-34 3-50 11-18 8-31 22-41 39-1 2-1 3 1 3 31 6 61 6 89-10 11-6 20-14 26-25 1-1 1-2 1-3z m-38-33c15 8 30 13 46 16 15 3 30 3 44-3 9-4 17-10 23-18-18-1-35-1-52-2v0c14-2 27-3 41-4 7-1 10-4 14-9-13-4-25-7-38-9-15-2-30-2-44 4-14 5-24 14-34 25z m393-20c3 5 7 8 13 9 14 0 27 2 41 4-17 1-34 1-52 2 7 9 16 15 26 18 19 7 38 5 58-1 9-2 18-6 26-11 3-1 3-2 1-4-12-13-26-23-44-26-15-3-30-1-45 2-8 2-16 4-24 7z m-425 120c-16 7-31 13-46 19l-1-1c3-1 5-3 7-4 9-4 17-9 25-13 6-3 10-7 11-14-4-1-8 1-12 1-20 4-41 8-58 21-16 10-26 26-34 44 34 0 65-4 91-27 8-7 13-16 17-26z m576-13c1 6 4 11 10 14 11 5 22 11 32 18-15-6-29-12-45-19 3 9 7 17 13 23 14 14 31 22 49 26 15 3 29 5 45 4-4-10-9-19-15-27-14-18-34-28-56-34-10-2-20-4-30-5-1-1-2 0-3 0z m-117-64c9 14 18 28 27 42l0 0c-4-4-9-9-12-14-4-5-9-9-12-14-4-6-9-8-16-8 5 13 10 26 16 39 6 11 13 21 22 30 12 11 27 16 43 19 1 0 2 0 2-2-5-27-13-52-31-72-9-11-21-17-34-20l-2 0c-1 0-1 0-3 0z m-333 6c-6 0-11 1-15 6-8 11-17 22-26 32 9-15 18-29 28-44-9 1-17 3-24 7-15 9-24 23-32 38-7 15-11 30-14 46 0 2 0 3 3 3 26-4 46-18 59-41 9-15 15-31 21-47z m-87 50c-5 3-9 6-10 12-5 14-10 27-14 41 3-18 7-35 11-54-6 3-11 6-15 10-11 11-17 25-20 40-4 22-2 43 2 65 7-4 14-9 19-14 16-15 23-33 26-54 2-14 2-29 1-43 1-1 1-2 0-3z m508 0c3 17 7 34 11 51l-1 1-4-14-10-27c-2-6-3-7-10-10-1 11-1 22 0 33 1 13 3 25 7 37 7 18 20 31 36 42 1 0 3 2 3-1 5-25 6-50-1-74-5-16-14-29-29-37 0-1-1-2-2-1z m-610 85c-13 12-24 23-36 33l-1 0 16-18c3-4 7-8 11-12 4-4 4-9 4-14-25 14-49 28-63 54-6 11-9 23-10 36 0 2 1 3 3 2 25-9 48-22 64-44 7-11 12-22 12-37z m698 0c0 17 7 30 16 42 13 16 42 34 63 39-1-13-4-25-9-37-9-17-23-30-39-40-8-6-16-11-25-16 0 6 1 11 5 16 8 8 15 16 22 24 1 2 2 3 3 5l-36-33z m-26-9c3 13 6 27 9 40l-1 0c-2-7-5-13-7-20-1-4-3-7-4-11-1-4-4-6-6-8-2 0-3-1-3 1 0 23-1 46 10 67 7 11 16 20 27 27 2 2 3 2 4-1 4-25 5-49-6-73-4-8-10-15-18-20-1-1-3-2-5-2z m-646-1c-12 7-19 16-24 28-7 17-8 35-6 53 0 5 1 10 2 15 0 3 1 3 3 1 21-12 32-31 36-54 2-13 1-26 1-38 0-4-1-4-3-2-3 2-5 4-6 7-4 12-8 23-12 34 3-14 6-28 9-44z m760 286c4-9 6-17 7-26 3-23-6-43-17-63-4-6-8-12-12-18-2 5-3 9-1 14 3 12 6 24 8 36-5-14-10-29-16-44-3 6-4 12-5 17-2 19 3 35 12 51 6 12 14 23 24 33z m-817-85l-16-33c-5 15-5 29 1 43 6 15 16 26 29 35 2 2 3 1 4-1 8-28 3-52-16-73-3-4-5-7-8-11-1 0-1 0-1 0-3 4-3 9-1 14 3 8 6 17 9 26l-1 0z m776-32c-6 11-11 21-16 32l0-1c3-9 6-18 9-27 1-4 1-7-1-11 0-1-1-1-2 0-23 26-34 48-23 83 0 2 1 3 3 1 17-12 29-27 33-47 2-9 0-22-3-30z m-389-360c0-8 0-17 0-26-1-7-8-11-14-8-2 1-3 4-3 6 0 19 0 37 0 56 0 5 2 7 7 7 7 0 9-1 9-7 1-9 0-18 0-28h1z m-38 0v26c0 8 4 11 12 9 2-1 3-2 4-4 0-2 0-4 0-6v-50c0-2 0-3 0-5-1-3-2-5-6-4-1 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-7 1-7 6l0 28z m60 3v-23c0-1 0-3 0-4-1-7-7-10-13-7-3 1-3 4-3 7v52c0 9 3 11 12 10 2-1 3-2 3-4 1-2 1-4 1-6 0-8 0-17 0-25z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="police-badge" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebcd;" d="M794 450c22-2 43-3 65-4 8-1 12 0 14 9 10 29 39 48 68 44 33-4 57-29 59-59 2-34-17-62-49-69-24-6-46 0-63 18-6 6-8 5-13 1-60-49-120-98-180-146-5-5-7-8-5-14 20-75 40-150 60-225 2-7 6-7 11-7 30 4 56-12 68-40 11-26 2-58-20-76-23-18-55-18-79-1-24 16-33 46-23 74 3 9 1 12-6 16-64 42-127 83-191 125-8 5-13 4-20-1-63-41-127-82-190-123-7-5-10-8-6-17 12-35-7-72-41-83-35-12-73 7-83 42-11 35 8 72 44 82 8 3 17 4 26 2 6-1 9 1 11 7 19 75 39 150 59 225 2 6 1 9-4 13-60 49-121 98-182 148-4 4-7 3-11-1-21-23-51-27-77-14-26 13-40 41-35 69 5 28 28 50 58 54 29 4 59-15 68-45 3-7 6-9 13-9 46 3 92 5 138 8 6 0 10 3 14 8 31 40 71 70 119 87 7 3 10 7 13 13 17 45 34 89 51 134 3 7 2 10-5 14-27 14-40 43-33 73 6 28 32 49 62 50 29 1 55-18 64-47 9-30-4-61-33-76-7-4-7-7-5-14 18-44 35-89 52-134 2-6 6-11 13-13 48-17 87-46 118-87 4-6 9-8 16-8 23-1 46-2 70-3z m-294-303c89 1 158 71 157 159-1 86-73 155-161 154-84-1-154-74-153-159 1-85 73-156 157-154z m2 270c62-1 113-52 112-115s-52-113-114-113c-63 0-114 52-114 115 1 62 52 113 116 113z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="police-cap" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebce;" d="M103 228s137-293 395-279c258-14 395 279 395 279-65-9-395-49-395-49s-330 40-395 49z m843 304c-81 28-156 68-228 113-64 38-127 78-196 106h-44c-69-28-132-68-196-106-72-45-147-85-228-113-62-22-70-57-26-109 27-32 67-56 71-105 1-12 15-12 26-15 125-29 250-43 375-42 125-1 250 13 375 42 11 3 25 3 26 15 4 49 44 73 72 105 43 52 35 87-27 109z m-442-181c-1 0-3 0-4 0-1 0-3 0-4 0-41 0-98 79-96 133 1 31 51 63 97 63h6c46 0 96-32 97-63 2-54-55-133-96-133z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="police-car-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebcf;" d="M994 234c-5 34-24 60-57 73-28 11-57 21-87 30-27 9-56 14-83 24-52 21-103 45-155 67-35 14-71 28-109 30-9 0-18 0-26 1v0c0 3-3 6-7 6h-80c-4 0-7-3-7-6v-1c-30-2-61-4-92-7-15-2-31-4-44-10-73-35-145-70-217-106-8-3-12-7-13-16 0-10-3-20-5-29-5-35-15-68-11-103 1-14 2-28 3-41h55c1 12 2 23 3 35 6 42 43 76 83 79 55 4 91-35 98-70 3-14 4-29 6-44h487c0 15-2 29 0 43 9 49 50 78 102 73 46-5 81-43 83-89 0-9 1-17 2-28 23 1 46 2 68 3 6 1 10 4 9 11-2 25-3 50-6 75z m-735 105c12 24 25 45 42 64 11 11 26 14 40 16 31 3 61 5 92 7 2-34 3-66 4-99-59 4-118 8-178 12z m465-23c-75 2-151 5-226 9-9 0-18 1-29 1-1 33-3 65-5 98 32 2 61-3 90-10 61-16 118-41 172-73 1-1 3-2 5-4 5-5 10-11 15-17-8-2-15-5-22-4z m103-72c-42 0-76-34-76-76 0-43 34-77 76-77 42-1 78 35 78 77-1 42-35 76-78 76z m1-108c-18-1-32 13-33 31 0 18 14 32 32 33 18 0 33-15 33-33 0-17-15-31-32-31z m-673 108c-43 0-78-34-78-77 0-41 34-76 76-76 42-1 77 34 77 76 1 42-33 77-75 77z m-1-109c-18 1-32 15-32 32-1 18 14 33 32 32 18 0 32-13 32-32-1-18-14-32-32-32z m239 334h75c0 11 0 23 0 34-1 9-4 17-11 23-11 12-25 15-40 10-15-6-23-17-24-33-1-8 0-15 0-22 0-4 0-8 0-12z m69 36c1-10 1-21 1-32h-12c0 8 0 16 0 24 0 17-7 29-23 35 0 1-1 1-1 1 17 3 34-11 35-28z m24 7c0-4 3-5 6-5 5 0 10 0 15 0 5 0 10 0 15 0 4 0 6 1 6 5 0 4-3 5-6 5-10 0-20 0-30 0-4 0-6-1-6-5z m-8 40c3 3 7 7 10 10 4 4 7 8 11 12 2 2 3 5 0 7-3 3-5 2-7 0-7-8-14-15-21-23-3-2-4-5-1-7 3-3 6-2 8 1z m-140-45c5 0 10 0 16 0 5 0 9 0 14 0 4 0 6 1 6 5 1 4-2 5-5 5-11 0-21 0-31 0-3 0-6-1-6-5 0-4 3-5 6-5z m34 55c4-3 7-7 10-10 3-2 5-4 8-1 3 2 2 5 0 7-7 8-14 15-21 23-3 2-5 3-8 0-2-2-2-5 1-7 3-4 7-8 10-12z m58 5c4 0 5 3 5 6 0 10 0 21 0 31 0 3-1 5-5 6-3 0-5-3-5-6 0-5 0-11 0-16 0-5 0-10 0-14 0-4 1-6 5-7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="police-car-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebd0;" d="M352 740c10 0 10 10 10 17 0 39 22 62 57 73 8 2 17 2 15 12-2 9-10 9-19 7-40-7-76-49-75-92 1-6 1-17 12-17z m230 90c34-12 55-34 56-71 1-8-2-20 11-19 11 1 10 12 10 21 0 40-33 80-73 88-9 1-18 4-20-8-2-10 9-9 16-11z m-192-74c0-6-1-14 7-16 10-2 11 5 12 12 2 18 11 30 29 35 5 1 11 5 9 12-3 8-10 8-17 7-20-3-40-27-40-50z m174 30c17-5 25-16 27-33 1-7 2-14 11-13 9 1 7 10 8 16-1 25-15 41-37 49-7 3-16 4-19-5-4-9 4-13 10-14z m416-455c0 33-24 61-56 68-10 2-19 3-29 4-8 34-17 69-25 104-7 31-16 61-21 92-7 51-50 90-97 91-6 0-172 1-172 1h-10c1 3 1 5 1 8v26c0 23-19 42-42 42h-56c-23 0-42-19-42-42v-26c0-3 0-5 1-8-52 0-103 0-155 0-47 0-84-18-105-62-6-13-7-29-10-43-15-61-30-122-46-185h-24c-38 0-72-32-72-71-1-88-1-176 0-264 0-35 28-65 64-70 8-1 16-1 26-2v-12c0-20 0-40 0-60 1-32 22-59 52-69 31-9 65 1 84 26 12 16 16 34 16 54 0 20 0 41 0 62h476c0-5 0-10 0-14 0-22-1-44 2-66 3-37 33-63 71-65 36-2 69 22 76 57 3 9 3 19 3 29 0 19 0 39 0 59 6 0 12 0 17 0 40 1 73 32 73 72 1 88 0 176 0 264z m-765 160c8 34 15 68 23 102 3 11 13 21 24 22 6 1 11 1 17 1 151 0 302 0 453 0 32 0 37-4 44-35 14-58 29-116 43-173 0-2 0-3 0-6h-626c7 30 15 60 22 89z m-40-349c-57 0-103 45-104 101 0 58 45 104 102 105 58 0 106-47 105-104 0-56-47-102-103-102z m650 0c-57 0-103 45-103 101-1 58 45 104 102 105 58 0 105-47 105-104-1-56-47-102-104-102z m-1 175c-40 0-72-33-72-73 1-40 33-72 73-72 40 0 73 33 73 72 0 40-33 73-74 73z m-650 3c-40-1-72-35-72-76 1-42 33-75 73-74 39 0 72 33 72 74 0 42-33 76-73 76z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="police-car" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebd1;" d="M562 705c0 35-27 63-62 63-36 0-63-26-63-63 0-16 0-33 0-49 0-11 4-14 14-14h48v0h48c11 0 15 4 15 15 0 16 0 32 0 48z m-44 29c-19-1-32-14-32-33-1-12 0-24 0-36h-27c1 18-1 35 2 51 5 26 37 38 59 24 1-1 2-2 5-5-4 0-6 0-7-1z m-89 23c8 8 16 15 24 22-11 10-21 21-32 32-6 5-16 4-21-2-6-5-7-15-1-21 10-11 20-21 30-31z m156-66c15 0 29-1 43 0 9 0 15 7 15 16 0 8-6 16-14 16-15 1-30 0-45 0 0-11 1-21 1-32z m17 95c5 6 4 16-2 22-6 5-15 6-21 0-11-10-21-20-29-29 7-8 14-15 21-23 10 9 21 19 31 30z m-86 5c0 14 1 29 0 43 0 8-7 15-15 15-8 0-16-6-17-13 0-15 0-30 0-45l32 0z m-147-99c15-1 29-1 45-1v32c-11 0-23 0-34 0-4 0-8 0-12-1-7-2-11-8-11-15 0-8 5-15 12-15z m520-790c0-14-4-26-14-36-10-10-22-15-36-15s-26 5-36 15c-10 10-15 22-15 36v84h101v-84z m-677 0c0-14-5-26-15-36-9-10-21-15-36-15s-26 5-36 15c-9 10-14 22-14 36v84h101v-84z m608 353c-19 0-35-6-48-19-13-14-20-30-20-49 0-18 7-34 20-47 13-14 29-20 48-20 19 0 35 6 48 20 13 13 19 29 19 47 0 19-6 36-19 49-13 13-29 19-48 19z m-63 273c-4 12-8 21-13 26-5 5-12 8-21 8h-206v-34h17c5 0 9-1 12-5 3-3 5-7 5-12 0-5-2-9-5-12-3-3-7-5-12-5h-68c-5 0-9 2-12 5-3 3-5 7-5 12 0 5 2 9 5 12 3 4 7 5 12 5h17v34h-206c-9 0-16-2-21-6-4-4-9-13-13-28-2-7-7-21-14-44-7-22-14-45-22-68-7-24-14-45-20-63-6-19-9-28-9-28h389c0 23 8 44 25 62 16 19 36 28 59 28 23 0 43-9 59-28 17-18 25-39 25-62h87s-3 10-9 29c-6 19-13 40-20 64-8 24-15 47-22 69-7 22-12 36-14 41z m-644-338c0-19 6-35 19-48 13-13 29-20 48-20 19 0 35 7 48 20 13 13 20 29 20 48s-7 34-20 47c-13 14-29 20-48 20-19 0-35-6-48-20-13-13-19-29-19-47z m167 33h440v34h-440v-34z m0-67h440v34h-440v-34z m440 169c0 18-7 35-20 50-13 15-29 22-48 22s-34-7-47-22c-14-15-20-32-20-50 0-1 22-1 67-1s68 0 68 1z m-440-237h440v34h-440v-34z m609-68h-778c-19 0-35 7-48 20-13 14-20 30-20 48v169c0 19 7 35 20 48 13 13 29 20 48 20h34s2 8 7 24c6 17 12 36 19 58 8 22 15 45 22 68 7 23 12 40 16 53 8 26 16 43 26 53 9 10 23 15 42 15h446c19 0 32-4 41-12 8-8 17-27 27-56 9-29 22-70 39-123 17-54 26-80 26-80h34c18 0 34-7 47-20 14-14 20-30 20-48v-169c0-18-6-34-20-48-13-13-29-20-48-20z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="police-hat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebd2;" d="M967 406c-37 14-73 29-110 44-39 15-78 30-117 47-39 15-78 26-119 27-80 0-160 0-240 0-24 0-47-5-71-10-27-6-52-19-78-29-66-26-131-53-197-78-26-10-44-42-31-70 16-35 30-70 45-105 17-39 47-56 88-56 121 0 242 0 363 0l0 0c26 0 53 0 79 0 98 0 196-1 294 0 32 0 58 17 72 45 19 39 36 79 52 120 10 26-4 54-30 65z m-329 45c-16-18-25-37-17-62 4-11 8-23 9-35 3-30-9-56-28-80-21-27-50-43-78-61-18-11-32-10-48 0-29 18-57 34-78 61-17 20-27 43-28 63-2 23 4 38 9 53 8 24-1 43-16 60-4 4-3 6 0 9 11 10 22 21 32 32 3 3 5 4 8-1 18-23 34-27 60-14 11 6 22 12 31 19 5 4 7 4 11 1 11-9 22-15 34-21 24-11 42-7 57 14 4 6 6 5 10 1 10-11 21-21 31-32 3-2 4-4 1-7z m-54-74c-16 2-34 5-51 7-5 1-7 3-9 8-8 15-16 31-24 48-5-11-11-20-15-31-6-18-16-29-37-27 0 0-1 0-2-1-10-1-21-3-30-4 11-12 20-24 32-34 8-7 8-14 6-23-3-14-5-29-8-46 10 5 18 9 26 14 9 4 18 13 28 13 9 0 19-8 28-13 8-4 16-9 26-14-4 20-6 37-10 54-1 4 1 7 4 11 12 12 24 25 36 38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="police-van" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebd3;" d="M826 618c17-47 35-92 52-138 13-35 27-70 40-105 2-6 5-9 12-8 12 0 24 0 36 0 30-1 36-23 34-45-1-6-6-4-9-4-22 0-44 0-66 0-288 0-575 0-863 0-16 0-14-2-14 14 0 96 0 192 0 287 0 20 5 26 25 26 253 0 506 0 759 0 3 0 6 0 9-1 7-1 11-6 11-13 0-8-5-12-12-13-4 0-9 0-14 0z m-87-251c33 0 66 0 98 0 19 0 25 7 18 25-23 64-46 128-70 192-4 12-8 15-22 15-42 1-84 1-126 1-13 0-18-5-18-17 0-66 0-131 0-197 0-15 5-19 20-19 34 0 67 0 100 0z m-465 10c21 11 39 21 58 31 6 4 12 4 19 0 16-9 32-18 48-26 3-1 5-4 9-2-3 14-4 29-8 43-6 21-2 36 15 49 12 9 22 22 33 34-19 2-37 5-55 7-13 2-21 5-26 18-7 18-17 34-26 53-8-17-17-31-23-46-6-17-16-26-34-25-5 0-9-1-14-2-12-3-24-2-35-6 10-11 19-23 30-31 18-14 24-30 17-52-5-13-5-28-8-45z m250-86c155 0 309 0 464 0 10 0 12-3 12-12-1-28 0-55 0-83 0-12-5-22-15-29-6-4-9-5-12 4-13 43-42 70-86 80-57 12-115-24-130-81-2-6-4-9-11-9-107 1-214 1-320 0-7 0-10 2-12 9-13 52-57 87-110 87-55-1-98-35-112-88-1-5-3-8-10-8-56 1-113 1-170 0-8 0-12 3-12 11 0 13 0 25 0 38 0 8 4 11 12 11 8 0 17 1 25 0 9-1 11 3 11 11-1 16 0 32-1 48 0 8 2 11 10 11 122 0 244 0 366 0 34 0 67 0 101 0z m342-72c44-1 81-37 81-82 0-45-37-81-82-81-44 0-81 37-81 81 0 45 37 82 82 82z m0-112c16 1 30 15 29 31 0 16-14 30-30 29-16 0-30-14-30-30 1-16 15-30 31-30z m-644 33c2 45 39 81 84 79 45-3 81-40 79-84-2-45-40-81-84-79-45 2-81 39-79 84z m111-3c0 17-14 31-30 30-16 0-29-13-30-29 0-16 14-31 30-31 16 0 30 14 30 30z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="police" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebd4;" d="M415 300c-5-3-7-8-5-14 5-13 15-21 27-27 20-10 42-13 64-13 24 0 47 3 68 16 9 5 17 13 21 23 3 6 2 11-4 15-5 4-10 2-14-3-14-17-34-24-55-26-33-3-64 1-88 27-4 5-9 6-14 2z m182 64c16 0 29 13 29 29 0 16-13 29-29 29-15 0-29-13-29-29 0-16 13-29 29-29z m-108-220z m-282 487c12-11 26-21 40-30 5-3 10-5 16-5 31-2 62-4 93-5 58-3 116-6 174-4 65 2 130 5 194 9 4 0 8 0 11 2 16 10 32 20 46 33 7 7 9 14 5 24-8 22-18 42-29 62-14 25-33 43-61 55-51 20-102 45-153 67-34 15-66 14-100 0-57-23-112-49-168-74-10-5-18-11-25-20-20-28-36-58-49-89-4-11-2-18 6-25z m208 92c0 0 0 1 0 2 0 18 0 19 18 17 20-1 34 5 42 23 4 8 7 18 18 18 10-1 14-10 18-18 12-21 21-26 49-21 8 1 10-1 11-8 3-20 1-38-8-55-12-24-30-41-53-54-11-6-23-6-35-1-40 20-59 52-60 97z m-22-359c16 0 29 13 28 29 0 16-13 29-29 29-15 0-29-14-28-29 0-16 13-29 29-29z m260-233z m-57-42c12-4 25-7 40-12-8 12-14 21-20 31-4 6-7 15-14 19-7 4-15-4-22-7-55-17-110-15-164 4-3 2-7 5-11 1-13-15-25-30-40-47 16 3 28 6 39 10 11 3 20 0 27-8 21-21 43-41 63-62 5-5 8-6 13 0 19 21 38 41 57 62 9 10 19 13 32 9z m297-114c-16 35-30 70-49 103-4 8-10 13-19 15-56 15-113 26-172 38 17-26 33-51 49-75 7-12 8-21 2-29-7-9-16-11-29-7-25 7-51 15-76 22-6 2-10 1-14-4-20-21-40-43-60-65-3-3-5-7-5-12 1-34 1-68 0-102 0-8 3-9 10-9 86 3 170 21 250 54 38 16 74 35 107 60 4 2 8 4 6 11z m-176-67c-7-2-13 0-18 3-22 12-33 30-33 55 0 8 1 15 10 11 12-1 20 3 25 13 8 14 14 14 21 0 6-11 14-15 25-12 8 1 10-3 11-10 2-24-18-53-41-60z m-363 224z m116-153c-19 19-39 38-57 57-5 5-10 6-16 4-29-7-58-14-86-21-10-3-18 0-24 8-5 8-5 18 1 26 3 4 5 7 8 10 19 22 37 45 58 69-13-2-22-4-32-5-47-9-94-18-141-30-14-4-24-11-31-25-15-32-29-66-42-99-2-5-1-8 3-11 19-14 38-27 59-38 94-48 193-70 298-74 7 0 8 3 8 9 0 35 0 71 0 107 0 5-2 9-6 13z m-220 385c5-1 7-4 8-9 5-21 12-41 20-60 43-96 114-149 211-151 90 1 154 31 199 99 23 34 36 72 44 111 1 7 4 9 9 12 28 11 46 31 54 60 4 14 4 28 3 43-3 31-13 59-39 79-10 8-22 13-36 12-17-2-35-2-52-3-63-3-126-8-190-7-68 1-137 4-205 10-35 2-56-13-74-40-4-7-7-15-9-23-4-16-5-31-4-47 3-41 22-71 61-86z m-23 128c2 8 6 15 12 21 4 4 8 10 12 8 5-1 3-8 3-13 3-22 5-44 12-65 2-6 5-13 9-18 3-4 7-7 13-6 6 1 8 5 9 10 2 11 4 23 6 35 4 26 4 26 28 16 51-21 103-36 158-38 57-3 111 12 163 36 5 2 11 4 15 7 6 4 8 2 10-4 4-15 8-31 12-46 2-6 3-16 12-16 9 0 11 9 13 16 9 27 10 55 12 82 1 3 1 6 1 10 14-5 23-14 28-27 10-21 13-44 6-67-7-24-23-37-47-40-8-1-11-4-12-13-4-32-13-62-27-92-32-66-84-104-158-109-66-5-124 14-169 65-29 34-46 73-57 116-2 9-1 20-6 28-5 9-17 5-26 8-17 8-28 19-34 37-5 20-5 40 2 59z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="thief-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebd5;" d="M892 735c-64 33-129 45-197 15-3-1-6-3-8-3-42 62-114 103-195 103-92 0-171-52-210-128-3-6-6-9-6-13-2-9 8-13 30-25 18-9 32-12 52-4 35 13 71 9 104-7 20-10 40-10 59-1 35 18 72 21 107 7 19-7 32-5 47 4 6 3 12 5 18 8 7 6 14 8 20 8 9-1 17-7 26-17 31-39 65-77 98-115 4-4 8-13 14-10 8 4 6 13 4 19-1 12-4 24-8 36-11 36-29 69-55 99 34 10 69 7 100 20l0 4z m-540-334c84-61 200-59 285 4 79 58 118 167 88 255-16-24-32-45-46-67-8-13-17-24-30-30-41-21-84-24-126-2-22 11-41 11-62-1-46-26-139-16-162 42-8 21-25 37-40 58-30-90 11-200 93-259z m111 182c20 15 21 49 2 65-32 28-99 27-130-1-20-18-21-42 0-60 18-17 40-22 67-22 21-1 42 4 61 18z m-108 16c-17 10-17 24 0 35 14 9 30 12 47 12 14 1 27-2 40-9 17-10 18-31 0-40-29-15-59-14-87 2z m230-34c22-1 43 4 61 18 25 19 26 46 1 66-31 26-95 26-127 0-23-19-23-46 0-65 19-15 41-20 65-19z m-50 67c14 11 31 14 47 14 18 0 35-3 49-13 13-10 14-20 1-32-22-19-75-18-97 1-12 10-12 20 0 30z m-330-361c87-41 178-62 273-65 108-4 212 16 314 54 13 5 11 10 5 19-35 46-80 78-135 97-11 4-18 0-27-7-92-69-194-69-287 1-9 7-16 8-27 5-48-16-87-43-121-81-10-12-9-16 5-23z m627-280c-62-17-126-29-191-37-54-6-108-9-162-7-54-2-108 1-162 7-65 8-129 20-192 37-14 4-17 2-16-12 1-11 0-22 0-32 0-31 0-41 14-50l0 0c86-29 208-47 343-47h26c135 0 257 18 343 47l0 0c14 9 14 19 14 50 0 10-1 21 0 32 1 14-3 16-17 12z m-8 192c-29-10-59-21-89-30-84-23-170-35-256-32-87-3-172 9-256 32-31 9-60 20-89 30-11 4-16 4-19-9-6-27-6-54-6-81 0-9 5-11 12-13 117-35 236-52 358-48 121-4 240 13 357 48 8 2 13 4 13 13 0 27 0 54-7 81-3 13-7 13-18 9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="thief" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebd6;" d="M896 534c2 22-6 29-26 26h-16c-17-2-22 4-24 21-4 47-20 89-47 128-61 86-167 136-276 140v1c-2 0-5 0-7 0l-7 0v-1c-109-4-215-54-276-140-27-39-43-81-47-128-1-17-7-23-24-21h-16c-20 3-28-4-26-26 2-28 1-57 0-85-1-16 3-23 21-23 35 1 35-1 32-36-13-136 13-263 87-379 49-77 114-135 206-155 15-3 29-4 43-5v-1c3 0 5 0 7 0l7 0v1c14 1 28 2 43 5 92 20 158 78 206 155 74 116 100 243 87 379-3 35-2 37 32 36 18 0 22 7 21 23-1 28-1 57 0 85z m-396-642c-82 1-145 44-200 110 78-6 147 6 200 64l0 1 0-1c53-58 122-70 200-64-55-66-118-109-200-110z m220 137c-10-15-17-17-34-11-53 21-102 48-151 76-10 6-19 9-28 10v3c-2 0-5-1-7-1-2 0-4 1-7 1v-3c-9-1-18-4-28-10-49-28-98-55-151-76-16-6-24-3-34 11-36 57-61 118-73 189 123-67 251-43 293 27 43-70 171-94 294-27-13-71-37-132-74-189z m80 354c-54 27-109 30-165 18-56-13-105-38-135-91-30 53-79 78-135 91-56 12-111 9-165-18-1 44-1 44 38 44h524c40 0 40 0 38-44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="abacus-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebd7;" d="M572 639c-10 26-36 44-65 44s-55-18-66-44h-49c-10 26-36 44-65 44s-55-18-66-44h-53c-10 26-36 44-65 44s-55-18-66-44h-77v-54h77c11-26 36-44 66-44s55 18 65 44h53c11-26 36-44 66-44s55 18 65 44h49c11-26 36-44 66-44s55 18 65 44h428v54h-428z m285-480c-29 0-55-18-65-44h-53c-11 26-36 44-66 44s-55-18-65-44h-49c-11 26-36 44-66 44s-55-18-65-44h-428v-54h428c10-26 36-44 65-44s55 18 66 44h49c10-26 36-44 65-44s55 18 66 44h53c10-26 36-44 65-44s56 18 66 44h77v54h-77c-10 26-36 44-66 44z m-86 260c-30 0-55-18-66-44h-48c-11 26-36 44-66 44s-55-18-66-44h-253c-10 26-36 44-65 44s-55-18-66-44h-141v-54h141c11-26 36-44 66-44s55 18 65 44h253c11-26 36-44 66-44s55 18 66 44h48c11-26 36-44 66-44s55 18 66 44h163v54h-163c-11 26-36 44-66 44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="abacus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebd8;" d="M962 83h-10v681c0 20-17 37-37 37-21 0-38-17-38-37v-91h-110c-1 18-18 32-37 32-20 0-36-14-38-32h-176c-2 18-18 32-37 32-20 0-36-14-38-32h-50c-2 18-18 32-38 32-19 0-36-14-37-32h-193v91c0 20-17 37-38 37-20 0-37-17-37-37v-681h-10c-21 0-38-16-38-36v-112c0-20 17-36 38-36h924c21 0 38 16 38 36v112c0 20-17 36-38 36z m-647 517v-4c0-20 17-36 38-36 21 0 38 16 38 36v4h50v-4c0-20 17-36 38-36 21 0 37 16 37 36v4h176v-4c0-20 17-36 38-36 21 0 38 16 38 36v4h109v-180h-235c-2 18-18 32-38 32-19 0-35-14-37-32h-176c-2 18-18 32-38 32-19 0-36-14-37-32h-51c-2 18-18 32-38 32-19 0-35-14-37-32h-67v180h192z m-192-253h67v-4c0-20 17-36 37-36 21 0 38 16 38 36v4h50v-4c0-20 17-36 38-36 21 0 38 16 38 36v4h176v-4c0-20 17-36 37-36 21 0 38 16 38 36v4h235v-264h-754v264z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="angle-180" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebd9;" d="M873 157c-31 178-186 314-373 314-187 0-342-136-373-314h-127v-107h1000v107h-127z m-679 0c30 142 156 248 306 248 151 0 276-106 307-248h-613z m173 444l21 8v-57h-24c0-2-1-4-1-5 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-1 1-3 1-5h69c1 2 1 4 1 5 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 1 0 3-1 5h-23v87h-4l-47-21c1-3 2-6 3-9 2-3 3-5 5-8z m96-63c4-3 9-5 14-6s10-2 15-2c5 0 10 1 15 2 5 1 9 3 13 6 4 3 7 6 9 10 3 4 4 9 4 15 0 4-1 8-2 12-1 3-3 6-4 8-2 3-4 5-7 7-2 2-5 3-7 4 4 3 8 6 11 11 2 4 4 9 4 14 0 5-1 9-3 13-2 3-4 7-8 9-3 3-7 5-11 6-4 2-9 2-14 2s-10 0-14-2c-5-1-9-3-12-6-3-2-6-6-7-9-2-4-3-8-3-13 0-5 1-10 4-14 3-5 6-8 10-11-2-1-4-2-7-4s-4-4-6-7c-2-2-4-5-5-9s-1-7-1-11c0-6 1-11 3-15 2-4 5-7 9-10z m18 90c2 2 6 3 11 3s8-1 11-3c2-3 3-6 3-9 0-5-1-9-4-11-2-3-6-5-10-6-4 1-8 3-11 6-2 2-4 6-4 11 0 3 2 6 4 9z m-2-50c3 3 7 6 13 7 5-1 9-4 12-7 4-3 6-8 6-13 0-5-2-9-5-12-3-3-7-4-13-4-6 0-10 1-13 4s-5 7-5 12c0 5 2 9 5 13z m79-32c3-5 7-9 13-12 5-2 11-4 19-4s13 2 19 4c5 3 10 7 13 12s6 10 8 17c2 7 3 14 3 22 0 8-1 15-3 22-2 7-4 13-8 17-3 5-7 9-13 12s-11 4-19 4c-7 0-13-1-19-4-5-3-10-7-13-12s-6-10-8-17c-2-7-2-14-2-22 0-8 0-15 2-22 2-7 4-12 8-17z m19 66c3 5 7 8 13 8 6 0 10-3 13-8 3-6 5-15 5-27 0-12-2-21-5-27-3-5-7-8-13-8-6 0-10 3-13 8-3 6-5 15-5 27 0 12 2 21 5 27z m75-3c2-2 4-4 7-5 3-2 7-2 10-2s7 0 10 2c3 1 5 3 8 5s4 5 5 7c1 3 2 7 2 10s-1 7-2 10c-1 3-3 5-5 7-3 3-5 4-8 6-3 1-7 2-10 2s-7-1-10-2c-3-2-5-3-7-6-2-2-4-4-5-7-2-3-2-7-2-10s0-7 2-10c1-2 3-5 5-7z m10 25c2 2 4 3 7 3s5-1 7-3c2-2 3-5 3-8s-1-6-3-8c-2-2-4-3-7-3s-5 1-7 3c-2 2-3 5-3 8s1 6 3 8z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="angle-45" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebda;" d="M764 269c2 0 5 0 7 0 3 0 5 0 7 0s5 1 7 1v29h15c0 2 1 4 1 6 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 5 0 9-1 13h-15v33c-2 0-5 0-7 1-3 0-5 0-8 0-2 0-4 0-7 0-2-1-4-1-7-1v-33h-29l43 86c-4 3-8 5-13 7-4 1-9 2-13 3l-59-118 2-3h69v-29c3 0 5-1 8-1z m65 69l3-3c4 2 7 4 11 4 4 1 8 2 12 2 10 0 17-2 22-6 4-4 7-9 7-17 0-3-1-6-2-9-1-3-3-5-5-8s-6-4-11-5c-4-1-9-2-15-2-5 0-9 0-14 1-4 1-9 3-13 4-2-4-4-8-5-12-1-4-2-8-3-13 4-1 7-2 10-2 4-1 7-2 10-2 3-1 6-1 9-1 2-1 5-1 7-1 9 0 18 1 26 4 7 2 14 5 19 10 6 4 10 9 13 16 3 6 5 14 5 22 0 7-2 14-4 19-2 5-5 10-9 13-4 4-9 7-14 9-6 2-12 3-19 3-2 0-4-1-6-1-1 0-4 0-6-1l1 30h48c0 4 1 8 1 12 0 5-1 9-1 13h-74l-3-79z m118 41c2-3 6-5 10-6 3-2 7-3 12-3s8 1 12 3c4 1 7 3 10 6 3 3 5 6 7 10 1 4 2 8 2 12 0 4-1 8-2 12-2 4-4 7-7 10s-6 5-10 7c-4 1-8 2-12 2s-9-1-12-2c-4-2-8-4-10-7-3-3-5-6-7-10-2-4-2-8-2-12 0-4 0-8 2-12 2-4 4-7 7-10z m13 32c2 2 5 4 9 4 3 0 6-2 9-4 3-3 4-6 4-10 0-4-1-7-4-10-3-2-6-4-9-4-4 0-7 2-9 4-3 3-4 6-4 10 0 4 1 7 4 10z m-418-66l341 380-159 27-724-804 1000 0v137h-302c-26 102-81 192-156 260z m-235-260l168 186c55-50 96-114 120-186h-288z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="angle-90" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebdb;" d="M581 558c5-5 11-8 17-11 7-2 14-4 21-4 6 0 10 1 14 2 4 1 7 3 10 5s6 3 8 5c2 3 4 5 6 7-2-7-4-14-7-21-4-6-8-12-13-17-5-5-12-9-19-12-8-3-16-5-25-5-2-5-3-10-3-14 0-3 1-6 1-8 1-3 2-6 2-9 18 1 33 5 46 11 12 6 23 14 31 24s15 22 19 36c4 14 6 28 6 44 0 25-5 44-17 56-11 13-27 19-49 19-8 0-16-1-24-4s-15-7-21-12c-6-5-11-12-14-20s-6-17-6-27c0-10 2-19 5-26s7-14 12-19z m29 70c5 5 12 8 20 8 8 0 15-3 20-9 5-5 7-14 7-24 0-10-3-18-8-23-5-5-12-8-20-8-8 0-14 3-19 8s-8 13-8 24c0 11 3 19 8 24z m123-111c6-8 13-14 21-18 8-4 18-6 30-6s21 2 30 6c9 4 16 10 21 18s10 17 12 27 4 22 4 35-1 24-3 35c-3 10-7 19-13 27-5 8-12 14-20 18-9 5-19 7-30 7-12 0-22-2-30-7s-16-10-21-18c-6-8-10-17-13-27s-4-23-4-35c0-13 2-24 4-35 3-10 7-19 12-27z m30 104c6 9 12 13 21 13 9 0 16-4 21-13s7-23 7-42-2-33-7-42c-5-9-12-14-21-14-8 0-15 5-20 14-6 9-8 23-8 42 0 19 2 33 7 42z m119-5c3-3 7-6 12-8 5-2 10-3 15-3 5 0 10 1 15 3s9 5 13 8 6 8 8 13 3 9 3 14c0 6-1 11-3 16-2 4-5 9-8 12s-8 6-13 8c-5 2-10 3-15 3-5 0-10-1-15-3-5-2-9-5-12-8s-6-8-8-12c-2-5-3-10-3-16 0-5 1-10 3-14s4-9 8-13z m16 40c3 3 7 5 11 5s8-2 12-5 5-8 5-13c0-5-2-9-5-12-4-3-7-4-12-4s-8 1-11 4c-3 3-5 7-5 12 0 5 2 10 5 13z m-220-629c-23 250-215 452-461 490v333h-175v-1000h916v177h-280z m-461 0v375c183-36 325-187 347-375h-347z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="angle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebdc;" d="M281-11l533 861h-160l-620-1000h932v139h-685z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="calculator-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebdd;" d="M0 678v-294h289v294h-289z m222-158h-66v-68h-23v68h-66v22h66v68h23v-68h66v-22z m134 158v-294h288v294h-288z m207-195l-16-16-47 48-47-48-16 16 47 48-47 48 16 16 47-48 47 48 16-16-47-48 47-48z m148 195v-656h289v656h-289z m222-362h-155v23h155v-23z m0 68h-155v23h155v-23z m-933-68v-294h289v294h-289z m222-158h-155v22h155v-22z m134 158v-294h288v294h-288z m133-90h22v-23h-22v23z m22-114h-22v23h22v-23z m67 46h-156v22h156v-22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="calculator-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebde;" d="M855 850h-709c-23 0-42-20-42-45v-910c0-25 19-45 42-45h709c23 0 42 20 42 45v910c0 25-19 45-42 45z m-494-878c0-12-9-21-19-21h-114c-11 0-20 9-20 21v79c0 12 9 22 20 22h114c10 0 19-10 19-22v-79z m0 172c0-11-9-21-19-21h-114c-11 0-20 10-20 21v80c0 12 9 21 20 21h114c10 0 19-9 19-21v-80z m0 165c0-11-9-21-19-21h-114c-11 0-20 10-20 21v80c0 11 9 21 20 21h114c10 0 19-10 19-21v-80z m216-337c0-12-9-21-20-21h-114c-10 0-19 9-19 21v79c0 12 9 22 19 22h114c11 0 20-10 20-22v-79z m0 172c0-11-9-21-20-21h-114c-10 0-19 10-19 21v80c0 12 9 21 19 21h114c11 0 20-9 20-21v-80z m0 165c0-11-9-21-20-21h-114c-10 0-19 10-19 21v80c0 11 9 21 19 21h114c11 0 20-10 20-21v-80z m215-337c0-12-9-21-19-21h-114c-11 0-20 9-20 21v79c0 12 9 22 20 22h114c10 0 19-10 19-22v-79z m0 172c0-11-9-21-19-21h-114c-11 0-20 10-20 21v80c0 12 9 21 20 21h114c10 0 19-9 19-21v-80z m0 165c0-11-9-21-19-21h-114c-11 0-20 10-20 21v80c0 11 9 21 20 21h114c10 0 19-10 19-21v-80z m0 231c0-17-12-31-28-31h-528c-15 0-28 14-28 31v156c0 16 13 30 28 30h528c16 0 28-14 28-30v-156z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="calculator" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebdf;" d="M782 788h-564c-8 0-15-7-15-16v-844c0-8 7-16 15-16h564c8 0 15 8 15 16v844c0 9-7 16-15 16z m-510-86c0 9 7 16 16 16h423c9 0 16-7 16-16v-178c0-8-7-16-16-16h-423c-9 0-16 8-16 16v178z m280-281v-72c0-9-7-16-16-16h-72c-9 0-16 7-16 16v72c0 9 7 16 16 16h72c9 0 16-7 16-16z m-175-423c0-8-7-15-16-15h-72c-9 0-16 7-16 15v73c0 9 7 16 16 16h72c9 0 16-7 16-16v-73z m0 176c0-9-7-16-16-16h-72c-9 0-16 7-16 16v72c0 9 7 16 16 16h72c9 0 16-7 16-16v-72z m0 175c0-9-7-16-16-16h-72c-9 0-16 7-16 16v72c0 9 7 16 16 16h72c9 0 16-7 16-16v-72z m175-350c0-9-7-16-16-16h-72c-9 0-16 7-16 16v72c0 9 7 16 16 16h72c9 0 16-7 16-16v-72z m0 175c0-9-7-16-16-16h-72c-9 0-16 7-16 16v72c0 9 7 16 16 16h72c9 0 16-7 16-16v-72z m175-175c0-9-7-16-16-16h-72c-9 0-16 7-16 16v247c0 9 7 16 16 16h72c9 0 16-7 16-16v-247z m1 350c0-9-8-16-16-16h-73c-9 0-16 7-16 16v72c0 9 7 16 16 16h73c8 0 16-7 16-16v-72z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="circle-ruler-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebe0;" d="M253 515c101 60 212 79 330 60 42-7 82-20 120-37 3-1 8-1 10 1 5 5 10 12 14 18-136 71-341 80-508-30-88-57-151-134-188-229-21-54-31-109-31-165h27c4 30 6 60 12 88 28 127 99 225 214 294z m616-60l-18-23c78-86 118-186 120-299h29c-2 123-45 229-131 322z m8 139c-99-126-198-252-296-378l-13 8c15 19 29 37 43 55 85 108 169 216 253 323l13-8z m14-491c0 14-1 28-4 42-14 92-59 169-132 230-4 3-7 5-11 8-3-3-5-6-7-8-16-22-32-45-48-66-7-8-7-14 0-22 22-24 35-53 38-85 1-15 0-15-15-15h-119c-63 0-126 0-190 0-36 0-73 0-110 0-29 0-25-3-21 24 6 42 29 77 63 103 81 61 170 69 265 36 9-3 18-8 27-12 20 27 40 54 61 82-129 61-256 64-381-3-131-70-196-182-202-326h774c13 0 13 0 12 12z m-663 23c0-7-6-13-13-13s-14 6-14 13v23c0 8 6 13 14 13s13-5 13-13v-23z m57 0c0-7-6-13-13-13s-14 6-14 13v23c0 8 6 13 14 13s13-5 13-13v-23z m57 0c0-7-6-13-13-13s-14 6-14 13v23c0 8 6 13 14 13s13-5 13-13v-23z m58 0c0-7-7-13-14-13s-14 6-14 13v23c0 8 6 13 14 13s14-5 14-13v-23z m57 0c0-7-7-13-14-13s-14 6-14 13v23c0 8 6 13 14 13s14-5 14-13v-23z m57 0c0-7-6-13-14-13s-14 6-14 13v23c0 8 7 13 14 13s14-5 14-13v-23z m57 0c0-7-6-13-14-13s-14 6-14 13v23c0 8 7 13 14 13s14-5 14-13v-23z m57 0c0-7-6-13-14-13s-13 6-13 13v23c0 8 6 13 13 13s14-5 14-13v-23z m57 0c0-7-6-13-14-13s-13 6-13 13v23c0 8 6 13 13 13s14-5 14-13v-23z m57 0c0-7-6-13-14-13s-13 6-13 13v23c0 8 6 13 13 13s14-5 14-13v-23z m57 0c0-7-6-13-13-13s-14 6-14 13v23c0 8 6 13 14 13s13-5 13-13v-23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="circle-ruler" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebe1;" d="M535 703c16-3 32-5 47-9 19-4 38-10 58-15-8-19-14-36-22-53 12-5 23-10 34-15 8 18 15 34 22 52 37-18 70-41 101-70-14-13-27-26-40-38 10-10 19-18 27-27 12 12 25 26 38 40 31-35 54-72 72-114-17-7-33-14-51-21 5-12 9-23 13-35 18 7 34 13 52 20 14-43 21-87 21-133h-166c-3 85-38 153-105 202-45 33-96 47-151 44-120-7-227-112-226-247h-166c0 47 7 91 22 135l54-21c4 12 9 23 13 35-18 8-35 15-52 22 6 26 47 90 71 112 13-13 26-27 38-41 10 10 18 19 27 29-12 12-26 25-40 39 32 29 65 53 103 70 7-18 14-35 22-53l34 14c-7 18-14 36-22 55 22 6 43 11 65 16 12 3 24 4 37 7h17v-56h36v56h17z m-535-458c89 0 178 1 266 1 101 0 202 0 303 0 94 0 188 0 283 0 49 0 99 0 148-1v-247h-1000v247z m944-57h-888v-132h55v37h38v-37h37v75h37v-75h37v37h36v-37h38v76c6 0 10 0 15 0 22-1 22-1 22-23-1-17 0-35 0-53h36c0 4 1 6 1 9 0 30 0 29 28 29 7 0 9-2 9-9-1-10 0-19 0-29h37v75h37v-75h36c0 4 0 7 0 10 1 29 1 29 29 28 6 0 9-2 9-9-1-9 0-19 0-29h37v75h37v-75h37v37h37c0-11-1-20 0-30 0-3 3-7 4-7 11-1 21 0 33 0v75h37v-75h37v37h37v-37h55v132z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="compass-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebe2;" d="M240 83l-4-111 44-17 40 99c-6-2-13-3-20-3-25 0-47 13-60 32z m460-32c-8 0-15 2-22 4l40-100 44 17-4 108c-13-17-34-29-58-29z m-467-201l24 70-22 10-2-80z m532 81l-22-11 24-70-2 81z m-429 190c0-20-17-36-36-36s-36 16-36 36c0 19 16 35 36 35s36-16 36-35z m400 0c0-20-16-36-36-36-20 0-36 16-36 36 0 19 16 35 36 35s36-16 36-35z m-232 567c11 0 21-1 31-3v28h35v137h-122v-137h35v-26c7 1 14 1 21 1z m-135-167c0-25 7-48 19-67 15-27 40-48 70-59 15-5 30-8 46-8 13 0 25 2 37 5 30 9 56 27 73 52 16 21 25 48 25 77 0 73-60 133-135 133-74 0-135-60-135-133z m135 60c34 0 61-27 61-60s-27-60-61-60c-33 0-61 26-61 60s28 60 61 60z m-317-281v-51h52v17h72l-31-79c6 2 13 4 20 4 26 0 49-15 61-36l45 111h77v-53c0-9 7-16 15-16h4c8 0 15 7 15 16v53h75l46-113c12 22 35 38 62 38 6 0 12-2 18-3l-31 78h74v-17h52v51h-52v-17h-81l-51 124c-20-21-46-38-75-47l31-77h-68v36c0 8-7 15-15 15h-4c-8 0-15-7-15-15v-36h-70l33 81c-29 10-55 28-74 52l-54-133h-79v17h-52z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="compass-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebe3;" d="M318 483c-78-221-219-633-219-633s217 250 374 432c-89 103-136 158-139 164-7 12-12 24-16 37z m583-633s-259 753-268 769c-21 35-53 59-89 70v117c0 24-20 44-44 44-25 0-45-20-45-44v-118c-10-3-20-7-30-13-73-42-98-135-56-208 9-17 532-617 532-617z m-401 754c39 0 71-32 71-71s-32-71-71-71-71 31-71 71 31 71 71 71z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="compass-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebe4;" d="M145 43c2 3 4 6 5 10 21 45 42 91 62 136 1 3 3 6 4 8 38-10 75-21 113-32-47-104-89-211-144-315-7 30-13 58-19 86l-20 96c0 1-1 2-1 3v8z m340 807c3-4 7-8 7-12 1-28 1-56 1-85-31 7-62 6-93-2v44c0 10 0 19 0 29 0 18 1 19 17 26h68z m-45-432c-21-49-42-96-63-144 17-7 101-9 150 2-20 47-40 94-61 141 40 5 74 20 102 50 24-53 48-106 72-159 68 28 127 69 177 122 13-14 25-27 38-41-76-79-168-135-277-161-114-27-226-21-337 16 33 73 65 144 97 218 28-29 63-41 102-44z m-110 175c0 64 52 116 115 117 64 0 118-52 118-115 0-67-52-119-118-119-63 0-114 52-115 117z m163 0c0 25-21 46-45 46-27 1-48-20-48-47 0-25 21-46 46-46 26 0 47 21 47 47z m222-743l-141 318c38 12 75 23 112 35 7-15 15-31 22-47 15-34 30-69 46-103 5-10 6-19 3-29-13-56-25-112-37-168 0-1-1-3-1-4l-4-2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="compass-alt-4" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebe5;" d="M885-127l-48 88c13 14 17 36 7 54l-113 209h71c17 0 32 14 32 31 0 17-15 31-32 31h-105l-54 99c47 40 77 99 77 165 0 109-82 199-188 214v55c0 17-14 31-32 31-18 0-32-14-32-31v-54c-106-16-188-106-188-215 0-66 30-125 77-164l-54-100h-74c-18 0-32-14-32-31 0-17 14-31 32-31h40l-113-209c-10-18-6-40 7-54l-48-88c-4-8-1-17 7-21 2-1 5-2 7-2 6 0 12 3 14 8l48 88c2 0 5-1 7-1 17 0 34 9 42 25l137 254h246l137-254c8-16 25-25 42-25 2 0 5 1 7 1l47-88c3-5 9-8 14-8 3 0 6 1 8 2 8 4 11 13 7 21z m-474 413l30 55c19-5 39-8 59-8s40 3 59 8l30-55h-178z m61 113l28 51 28-51c-9-2-18-3-28-3-10 0-19 1-28 3z m140 44l-48 89c-10 19-30 30-52 30h-24c-22 0-42-11-52-30l-48-89c-28 28-45 65-45 107 0 85 70 154 157 154 86 0 157-69 157-154 0-42-17-80-45-107z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="marker-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebe7;" d="M7-44c-6-6-8-15-6-23 1-7 7-14 14-17l84-36c10-4 21-1 29 6l18 19-99 92-40-41z m930 584l2 2c13 13 12 33-1 45l24 26-230 209-24-26-5 5c-16 14-40 13-54-2l-315-328c-6-7-10-15-10-25 1-9 5-17 12-24l-233-238s-4-39 14-86l-60-62 129-120 62 64c48-15 88-11 88-11l234 240 1 0c14-13 36-12 50 2l170 177 33-30-243-253 24-23c8-6 17-10 27-9 10 0 20 4 26 11l328 341c9 10 14 23 14 37 0 14-7 27-17 37l-46 41z m-235 138l-210-217c-7-7-17-11-27-11-9 0-18 3-26 10-15 14-15 37-1 51l209 217c14 15 38 16 53 2 15-14 16-37 2-52z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="mathematical" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebee;" d="M848 358v47l-7 3c-2 1-58 22-133 22-41 0-79-6-114-19l-12 52c29 4 50 9 50 9v53s-27-6-62-10l-17 71h13v119h-44v93h-46v-93h-43v-119h12l-16-71c-35 4-63 10-63 10v-53s22-5 51-9l-11-49c-33 11-68 16-106 16-75 0-131-21-133-22l-7-3v-44c-22-4-36-12-36-24v-453h333c12-10 29-17 48-17 19 0 36 7 47 17h326v453c0 10-12 17-30 21z m-267 48c-9-4-19-9-27-13l-16 65c10 1 20 2 30 3l13-55z m-25 107c-10-1-20-2-30-2l-18 75h31l17-73z m-44-3c-4 0-8 0-12 0-4 0-9 0-13 0l12 53 13-53z m-66 181h106v-91h-106v91z m13-105h32l-18-75c-10 0-20 1-30 2l16 73z m-28-125c9-1 19-2 30-3l-15-61c-9 4-18 8-28 12l13 52z m69-541c-27 11-123 48-218 48-38 0-72-6-100-18v440c16 6 62 19 118 19 73 0 136-22 188-66v-262l12 14v-175z m4 438c-14 13-29 23-45 32l15 68c9-1 18-1 26-1 8 0 16 0 24 0l17-72c-13-8-25-17-37-27z m322-408c-31 13-66 19-105 19-95 0-186-37-213-49v175l12-14v262c52 44 115 66 188 66 56 0 101-13 118-19v-440z m-826 778l11-440 35 42 10 12 379 462-435-76z m358 14l-9-12-7-8-7-9-7-8-10-12-7-8-7-9-7-8-9-12-14-17-7-8-10-12-6-9-8-8-6-9-9-11-1 1-5-7-5-9-8-8-7-9-9-12-7-8-8-9-6-8-10-12-7-8-7-9-7-8-10-13-7-8-7-9-7-8-9-11-7-8-7-9-7-8-10-13-6-8-8-9-6-8-22-25-9 374 367 63-21-25-7-9z m-276-259l180 218-185-32 5-186z m133 191l-116-140-2 120 118 20z m455 159l-87-83 330-345 87 84-330 344z m226-380l-10 11-22 23-48 50-15 16-32 33-16 17-10 10-12 12-10 11-14 15-22 23-11 11-15 16-11 11-11 12-10 10-14 15 56 54 301-314-56-54-18 18z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="pen-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebf0;" d="M819 613l29 38c40 53 32 129-18 171l-2 1c-49 42-121 34-161-19l-29-38 181-153z m-176-321c1-9 6-18 13-24 15-13 37-10 49 5l198 263c12 16 9 39-6 51-15 12-37 9-48-6l-20-26-33 28 0 0-180 153-463-611 181-153 419 554 33-28-135-179c-6-8-9-18-8-27z m-339-348l-170 144c-3-10-5-19-5-19l-39-198c-2-14 11-26 24-19l174 83c0 0 7 4 16 9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pen-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebf1;" d="M269 850l-76-500c230-167 269-500 269-500h24v523c-25 8-44 31-44 60 0 35 26 63 58 63 32 0 58-28 58-63 0-28-19-52-43-60v-523h24s38 333 269 500l-77 500h-462z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pen-holder-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebf2;" d="M768 490l-76-638v-2h-383l-76 639h79l-29 206 76 10 30-216h50l-12 138 76 6 13-144h59l2 249h77s20-2 40-16c17-11 27-30 29-53 2-43 2-97 2-100-1-8-8-15-17-17h-3c-11 1-19 9-19 19 0 1 1 55-2 96-1 12-6 22-14 28-5 4-13 6-19 6l-1-211h118z m-488 225l75 9-2 17-76-9 3-17z m-6 35l76 9-3 17-75-9 2-17z m-5 35l76 9-3 18s-3 43-43 38c-40-5-32-47-32-47l2-18z m156-138l76 5-2 18-76-6 2-17z m-4 35l76 6-1 17-76-5 1-18z m-3 35l76 6-2 18s-2 43-42 41c-41-4-34-46-34-46l2-19z m233 57h-17v54h-38v-54h-21v-18h76v18z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pen-holder" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebf3;" d="M690 427l145 257-179 100-154-274 148-83h40z m-95 114c-3-1-7 0-10 1l-9 6c-6 3-9 11-5 17l82 146c2 3 4 5 8 6 3 1 6 1 9-1l10-6c6-3 8-11 5-17l-82-146c-2-3-5-5-8-6z m-4-114h-136l33 58 103-58z m326 222l-125-222h-72l162 288 20-12c19-11 26-35 15-54z m-93 73l-150 84c23 42 76 56 117 33 41-23 56-76 33-117z m-653-295h42l-13 49c-1 3 0 5 1 8 2 2 4 4 7 5l10 3c6 1 13-2 14-8l15-57h111l-56 212-174-45 43-167z m16 142l10 3c6 1 12-2 14-8l5-21c1-2 1-6-1-8-1-3-4-5-7-5l-10-3c-3-1-6 0-9 1-2 2-4 4-5 7l-5 20c-2 6 2 12 8 14z m-77 90l175 46 12-48-174-45c0-1-13 47-13 47z m-4 18l174 45-17 65c-6 21-27 34-48 28l-99-26c-10-2-18-9-23-18-6-9-7-19-4-29l17-65z m122 105l8-34-105-28-9 34 106 28z m-131-403h-19l116-490v-1c0-21 113-38 252-38 131 0 239 15 251 35h1l115 494h-716z m173-450c-3-1-6-1-8-1-16 0-31 11-35 27l-77 305c-5 19 7 38 26 43 19 4 38-7 43-26l77-305c5-19-7-38-26-43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pen" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebf4;" d="M531 742c-26-76-50-153-74-230-1 0-1-1-1-1 0-1 8-4 16-7 34-11 67-21 101-32 9-3 17-3 18 0 0 1 1 3 2 5 23 71 46 142 68 213 11 34 2 65-23 84-38 27-92 12-107-32z m-162-600l70-23c9-3 18 2 21 11 33 103 66 206 100 310 3 9-2 18-11 21-23 7-47 15-70 22-9 3-18-2-21-10-33-104-67-207-100-310-3-9 2-18 11-21z m123 592c-8 3-17-2-20-11-32-99-64-199-96-298-3-9 2-18 10-21s17 2 20 11c32 100 64 199 96 299 3 8-1 18-10 20z m-137-758c8-3 19 1 24 9 20 33 39 66 59 100 5 8 2 16-7 19-22 7-43 14-64 21-9 3-17-2-17-12-3-38-6-77-9-116-1-9 5-18 14-21z m-21-64c0 0 5 6 9 14 3 6 7 11 10 16 4 8 3 16-3 18-7 2-13-4-14-13 0-6-1-12-1-18-1-9-1-16-1-17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pencil-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebf5;" d="M306 247l171 380c-26 6-56 10-89 12l-155-358c32-6 57-21 73-34z m450 478l-249 122c-14 7-29 1-35-12l-64-149c149-18 245-75 305-130l57 133c5 14-1 30-14 36z m-65-223c-10 15-26 34-51 54l-168-374c29-5 53-18 70-32l149 352z m-349-272c43-5 73-21 92-34l172 383c-24 14-53 28-89 39l-175-388z m6-282c-22 17-58 36-108 44l7-142 101 98z m173 168c-18 14-45 29-79 27l-9 0-7 7c-1 2-39 43-114 43h-9l-6 7c-2 2-27 33-69 41l10-208c66-8 111-35 139-57l144 140z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pencil-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebf6;" d="M667 744l106 106 227-227-107-106-226 227z m-24-25l226-226-515-515-226 227z m-352-805l-291-64 64 291 24 24 227-226z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pencil-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xebf7;" d="M488-137c-57 55-113 111-170 166-8 7-11 14-11 24 0 145 0 290 0 435v20h385c0-3 1-5 1-7 0-151 0-301 0-452 0-5-4-12-8-16-13-15-28-28-42-42-47-46-94-92-144-141-5 5-7 10-11 13z m108 271v280h-95v-280h95z m-128-184c3-3 8-4 12-4 45-2 45-2 78 30 21 20 42 40 65 62h-246c31-30 61-59 91-88z m-160 831c0 38 37 69 76 69h229c45 0 80-34 80-78 0-56 0-112 0-168v-35h-386c0 72 0 142 1 212z m287-118v92h-94v-92h94z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="ruler-pencil" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec00;" d="M95 620c5-4 5-9 0-13-4-5-9-9-13-13 10-11 18-19 28-29 5 6 9 11 14 16 4 5 8 4 12 0 4-4 5-8 1-13-5-5-10-9-15-14 10-10 19-19 29-28 4 5 9 11 13 16 5 5 9 4 14-1 4-4 4-8-1-12-4-5-9-10-14-15 10-10 19-18 29-27l13 15c4 4 8 5 13 1 5-5 5-9 0-14-5-4-9-9-13-13 10-10 18-18 29-29 3 4 5 8 8 12 5 5 9 12 17 5 8-8 1-13-4-18-3-3-7-6-11-9 11-11 20-19 31-29 3 5 7 10 11 15 5 5 9 6 14 1 5-5 4-9 0-13-5-5-10-9-14-13 8-8 15-15 20-20 52 56 103 112 155 168 0-1 0 0-1 1-72 68-143 136-214 205-30 28-59 57-89 86l-2-1c-6-6-12-13-19-20-43-47-86-93-129-140-2-2-5-4-7-6l0-2c9-8 18-17 28-26 4 5 8 10 12 14 4 5 8 8 14 2 6-5 4-10-1-14-4-5-9-9-13-12 11-11 19-19 29-29 4 5 9 10 13 15 4 5 8 5 13 1z m591-290c-2-1-3-3-4-4-43-46-86-92-128-138-8-8-14-18-21-27 9-8 18-17 27-27 5 6 9 11 13 16 4 4 9 5 14 0 4-4 4-9 0-13-5-5-10-9-14-13 11-11 20-20 30-30 4 5 8 10 13 15 4 5 8 5 13 1 4-5 5-9 0-13-5-5-9-10-14-15 10-10 19-18 29-28 5 6 9 11 13 16 4 5 9 4 13 0 5-4 5-8 1-13-5-5-10-9-14-14 9-10 18-18 29-28 4 5 8 10 12 15 4 6 8 5 13 1 5-4 5-9 0-13-4-5-9-9-14-13 10-11 19-19 30-30 4 6 8 11 12 17 5 5 9 4 14-1 4-4 4-8 0-12-5-5-10-10-15-15 11-9 20-18 31-29 4 6 8 11 13 16 4 5 8 5 12 1 5-5 5-9 1-14-5-4-10-9-14-13 10-10 19-18 29-28 4 4 8 8 11 13 4 5 9 8 15 2 5-5 4-10-1-15-5-4-9-8-14-12 9-9 17-16 23-23 52 56 104 112 156 168-104 99-209 199-314 300z m220 383l2 1-76 80c-2-2-3-3-4-4-193-208-385-415-578-622-3-4-5-10-5-14 1-18 2-37 2-55 1-4 1-9 2-14 22 0 44 1 65 2 8-1 13 2 18 8 192 206 383 412 574 618z m21-65c1 13 0 25-1 40-3-3-5-5-6-6-193-208-386-416-579-624-2-2-5-4-5-6-5-19-8-37-12-56 4 2 6 4 8 6 37 40 73 79 110 118 159 172 319 344 479 517 3 3 6 7 6 11z m-768-487c16 3 29 5 42 9 7 2 14 6 19 11 191 205 381 410 572 616 2 2 5 4 7 6l-1 3c-11 0-23 0-34-1-4-1-10-3-13-6-196-210-391-420-586-630-2-2-3-4-6-8z m-32-167c18 50 35 99 54 150-11-2-19-5-28-6-6-1-8-3-10-9-23-73-47-146-70-219-1-4-2-11 1-12 3-2 9-2 13-1 69 27 139 54 208 81 3 1 6 3 6 5 2 11 4 21 6 33-48-21-94-40-141-60-6 19-20 31-39 38z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="rulers-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec02;" d="M0 57c2 4 4 8 6 12 5 7 12 11 21 11 17 0 33 0 50 0 6-1 9 1 10 8 8 91 47 167 113 230 52 49 113 79 183 91 84 14 164 0 238-43 83-48 137-120 165-211 6-21 9-43 12-65 1-8 3-11 11-11 15 1 30 0 44 1 23 2 29-13 29-29 0-40 0-80 0-120 0-16 0-33 0-49 1-15-2-28-19-32h-841c-9 4-17 8-22 18v189z m629-160h52c0 11-1 22 0 32 0 13 12 21 21 14 5-3 7-10 8-16 1-10 0-20 0-30h126v137c-3 1-5 1-7 1-18 0-36 0-54 1-13 1-18 7-19 20-1 9-1 18-2 27-1 12-3 25-5 37-12 1-26-9-31 6-6 19 12 19 23 24-4 12-8 22-12 33-6 15-7 15-21 8-7-4-15-1-19 6-4 7-2 14 4 18 4 3 8 6 14 9-11 14-21 28-32 42-8-7-14-14-20-20-10-9-16-10-23-3-7 6-6 15 3 23 6 6 14 11 20 17l-2 4c-13 11-26 21-40 31-8-9-12-26-27-17-16 9-3 21 0 33-11 4-22 9-33 14-14 5-14 5-19-9-3-8-10-12-18-9-7 2-11 9-9 18 1 4 2 7 4 13-16 3-32 5-47 6-1 0-4-4-4-6 0-8 0-15 0-23 0-10-5-16-14-16-8-1-15 5-15 16-1 7-1 15 0 23 0 5-2 7-7 7-11-2-22-2-32-4-14-2-14-2-12-16 2-13-4-20-16-19-9 1-11 9-13 16-1 4-2 9-8 7-14-5-29-12-44-18 4-6 6-11 8-15 2-8 1-14-6-18-7-4-13-3-18 3-2 3-4 6-5 9-3 5-6 6-10 2-10-8-20-15-30-23-6-4-5-7-1-12 6-5 13-11 18-18 8-8 5-21-7-23-4-1-11 3-15 6-8 6-14 14-23 22-11-15-21-29-32-42 11-8 27-12 19-28-10-18-21-1-34 1-6-16-13-31-20-48 8-2 13-4 19-6 8-3 9-11 6-18-2-7-8-10-15-8-5 1-11 2-18 3-2-22-4-42-6-63-2-16-7-22-24-22-15-1-29-1-44 0-8 0-11-2-11-11 0-40 0-80 0-120 0-3 0-6 1-8h126c0 11-1 22 0 33 0 11 9 18 20 14 7-3 9-9 9-16 0-10 0-21 0-31h52c2 11-3 28 15 28 20 1 13-18 16-28h55c2 11-3 27 14 28 21 1 14-17 17-28h56c0 10 0 20 0 30 0 12 5 18 14 18 10 0 15-6 15-18 0-10 0-20 0-30h52c2 11-4 27 14 28 20 1 15-16 17-28h55c2 11-4 29 16 28 18-1 13-16 15-28z m371 56c-4-10-11-12-21-12-16 1-32 1-48 1 0 8-1 16 0 23 0 2 5 5 8 5 9 1 19 0 30 0v89c-9 0-18 0-26 0-7 0-10 2-11 9 0 6-3 12-4 19h41c0 19 1 36 0 54 0 1-4 4-7 4-6 1-13 0-20 0-8 0-13 5-13 13-1 8 4 15 13 15 8 1 17 0 28 0 0 19 0 36-1 54 0 1-4 4-7 4-6 1-13 0-19 0-10 0-14 5-14 14-1 9 4 14 14 14 7 1 13 1 20 0 5 0 7 2 7 7 0 15-1 29 0 44 0 7-4 7-9 7-13 0-26 0-39 0-10 1-16 6-16 14-1 7 7 14 16 14 13 0 26 1 39 0 6 0 9 1 9 8-1 14-1 28 0 42 0 6-2 8-8 8-7 0-14 0-21 1-8 0-12 4-12 12 0 9 3 14 12 15 7 1 15 0 22 1 3 0 6 3 6 6 1 15 1 30 0 45 0 2-3 5-6 6-7 1-14 0-20 0-10 1-14 5-14 14 0 9 5 14 14 14 7 0 13 0 20 0 5 0 7 2 7 7-1 15-1 29 0 44 0 6-3 7-8 7-13 0-27 0-40 0-10 1-16 6-17 13 0 8 7 15 17 15 13 1 26 1 39 0 7 0 9 3 9 9-1 14-1 28 0 41 0 6-2 9-8 8-7 0-13 0-20 0-9 1-13 6-13 14 0 10 4 14 13 14 7 0 13 0 20 0 5 0 8 2 8 7 0 32 0 63-1 94 0 1 0 2-1 5-84-91-166-181-249-271l-1 1c5 18 9 35 15 52 0 3 2 6 5 8 77 84 154 168 232 252 13 15 18 15 30-1v-883z m-375 897c9-5 13-13 15-22 14-65 28-129 43-193 4-15 0-28-4-42-15-56-30-111-45-167-1-3-2-6-3-10-8 3-16 6-22 10-2 2-2 7-1 11 8 33 17 67 26 100 7 25 15 51 20 76 2 11-1 24-3 35-6 28-13 56-19 84-2 8-5 13-14 14-13 3-25 7-38 10-4 1-10-1-13-4-26-26-51-53-75-81-4-4-6-10-8-15-17-62-33-125-50-187-2-8-7-9-13-9-20 0-19 0-14 18 18 65 35 130 53 195 1 4 3 9 6 12 48 53 97 105 145 157 3 3 7 5 10 8h4z m201-417c-29-32-59-65-88-97-7 7-13 13-20 20 1 1 3 4 5 6 36 39 72 78 108 117 4 4 12 8 17 7 8-1 11-10 11-18 0-54 0-108 0-162 0-57 0-113 0-169 0-5 1-11-7-11-8-1-10 3-11 9 0 4-1 7-2 10-14 30-10 62-10 93 0 62 0 123 0 184 0 3 0 7 0 10l-3 1z m-323 24c-8 1-17 2-26 3 0 3 0 6 1 8 14 52 28 104 42 156 3 11 9 15 18 12 8-2 12-10 10-19-14-52-29-105-43-158 0 0-1-1-2-2z m61-14c-8 2-17 5-26 7 5 19 10 37 15 56 9 33 17 66 26 99 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 10 10 15 18 13 8-2 13-11 10-20-14-51-28-103-42-154 0-1-1-2-2-4z m-194-408c-30 0-59 0-89 0-16 0-25 10-25 25 1 81 58 162 154 179 96 17 189-42 213-138 3-14 4-30 5-44 1-12-7-20-19-21-20-1-40-1-60-1-24 0-48 0-72 0-17 0-33 0-50 0-19 0-38 0-57 0l0 0z m211 45c-5 59-65 123-150 118-70-4-122-61-127-118h277z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rulers" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec03;" d="M50 706l735-856 144 123-736 856-143-123z m738-810l-24 29 33 29-15 18-34-29-23 27 49 42-15 18-49-42-17 19 33 29-15 18-34-29-21 25 49 42-15 18-49-42-1 1-16 18 34 29-16 18-34-28-23 26 50 42-16 18-49-42-17 20 34 28-16 19-33-29-7 8-1 0-15 18 44 38-15 18-44-38-17 19 29 25-16 18-29-24-23 26 45 39-16 17-44-38-17 20 29 25-15 18-29-25-23 26 49 42-15 18-49-42-17 19 34 29-16 18-33-29-23 27 49 42-16 18-49-42-17 20 34 28-15 19-34-29-21 24 49 43-15 18-50-43-16 20 33 29-15 18-34-29-23 27 49 42-15 18-49-43-17 20 34 29-16 18-33-29-21 24 94 80 692-805-94-81z m-571 954l61-70h-1l18-20 656-762 0 743-734 109z m702-762l-36 42 22 19-12 13-22-19-17 20 37 32-12 14-36-32-13 14 25 22-12 14-25-22-17 20 37 32-12 13-37-32-13 15 26 22-12 13-25-22-16 19 36 32-11 13-37-32-13 15 25 22-11 13-25-22-18 21 37 31-12 14-36-32-13 15 25 21-12 14-25-22-15 18 0 1-9 9 28 25-12 13-29-25-13 14 18 16-12 13-17-15-18 20 29 25-11 14-29-26-13 15 17 15-11 14-17-15-18 19 33 28-12 14-32-28-13 15 21 18-12 13-20-18-18 20 32 28-11 14-32-28-13 14 20 18-11 14-21-18-16 18 32 28-11 14-33-28-12 15 20 17-11 14-21-18-17 20 32 28-12 13-32-27-12 14 20 18-12 13-20-17-37 42 624-92-1-626z m-88 542l-311 46 311-361 0 315z m-32-230l-200 232 201-30-1-202z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="ui-calculator" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec05;" d="M895 107c-2-3-2-5 0-8 0-52 0-104-1-156 0-47-28-83-72-91-6-1-12-2-18-2-44 0-87 0-130 0l-35 0-8 0-261 0c-58 0-116 0-174 0-3 0-6 0-9 0-3 2-7 1-11 2h0l-4 2-5-1c-4 4-9 4-13 7l-11 7c-4 4-8 7-12 10l-14 19c-2 5-4 9-6 14l-1 3c0 0 0 0 0 1l0 1-3 11-1 18c0 1 0 1 0 2 2 2 1 5 1 7v169c0 3 0 5-1 7v3c1 1 1 2 0 3 0 3 0 6 0 9 2 2 1 5 1 8v233c0 3 0 5-1 8v3c1 1 1 2 0 3l0 3c1 4 2 7 0 11l0 9c2 7 1 14 0 21v8c0 3 1 5 1 8v226c0 3 1 6-1 8l0 4c2 16 2 32 0 48l0 4c2 3 2 6 0 9v3c1 4 2 7 1 10 6 46 42 79 89 79 203 0 405 0 608 0 52 0 90-38 90-90 1-34 0-68 0-102-1-1-1-2 1-4 0-6-1-12-1-19v-522c0-2 1-4 1-6z m-226 319c-5 2-9 0-14-1l-3 0-3-1-8-2c-7-2-13-4-19-8-43-20-67-77-51-123 18-52 70-82 121-71 60 14 96 73 79 132-8 26-23 46-47 59-3 3-6 6-11 6-4 4-10 5-15 5-4 3-9 3-13 4-6 0-11 1-16 0z m-279-277c0 3-3 4-5 5-21 13-45 18-70 14-39-7-66-29-81-66-14-38-8-73 18-105 37-44 106-49 148-11 46 41 48 109 6 152-5 4-9 10-16 11z m113 616v0c-75 0-150 0-226 0-48 0-87-42-86-90 0-25 0-50 0-74 0-54 38-92 92-92h194c84 0 168 0 252 0 13 0 26 3 38 10 30 19 45 44 44 81 0 28 1 55 1 82-1 44-39 83-83 83-75 0-151 0-226 0z m-276-442c0-58 46-105 104-105 56-1 105 46 105 103 0 58-46 105-102 105-59 1-106-45-107-103z m549-259c0 57-46 104-102 105-59 1-106-45-106-103-1-58 45-105 103-106 55 0 105 45 105 104z m-500 19c15 0 31 1 47 1l4-1c19 0 38 0 57 0 13 0 21-6 21-18 0-12-8-19-22-19-35 0-70 0-105 0-11 0-18 6-19 15-2 11 2 18 14 22l3 0z m94 184c-3-1-7 2-11 5-7 7-15 13-22 20-3 4-5 3-8-1-6-7-12-14-19-20-8-10-19-11-27-4-9 7-9 19-1 29 6 7 12 14 19 20 4 4 3 6-1 9-7 6-14 12-20 19-10 9-11 19-3 27 8 9 18 9 28 0 7-6 14-12 20-18 4-4 6-4 10 0 5 7 11 14 17 20 9 10 20 11 29 4 8-8 8-19-1-29-6-6-11-13-17-19-4-4-5-6 0-10 8-7 15-13 22-20 6-6 8-14 4-21-3-7-9-11-19-11z m363-160c11-7 14-13 12-22-3-10-10-15-22-15-34 0-69 0-103 0-11 0-20 6-22 16-1 9 4 16 15 21 5 0 10-1 15 1l5 0c33-1 66-1 100-1z m-61-48h51c13 0 22-7 22-18 0-11-8-19-21-19h-105c-12 0-21 7-21 18 0 11 9 19 22 19 17 0 34 0 52 0z m9 335c6-6 8-13 8-22 0-10-2-21 2-31 11 0 23 0 35 0 11 0 18-8 18-18 0-11-7-19-18-19-10 0-21 0-31 0-4 0-6-1-6-6 1-10 1-19 0-29 0-12-8-20-18-20-11 0-19 8-19 20 0 9 0 18 0 26 1 7-1 10-8 9-9-1-18 0-27 0-12 0-19 8-19 19 0 11 7 18 19 18 10 0 19 0 28 0 6 0 7 2 7 7 0 11 0 21 0 32 2 8 7 13 14 17 5-1 10-1 15-3z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="aids" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec06;" d="M678 688c-10 34-23 67-45 98 0-3-1-4-1-6 6-56-4-111-20-165-40-130-111-245-191-356-57-80-120-156-187-230-4-4-7-12-6-17 17-64 59-113 107-160 4 5 7 10 9 14 37 58 74 116 109 175 72 120 142 241 199 368 40 91 54 184 26 279z m88-657c-30 33-60 67-89 101-29 35-56 70-85 106-25-47-49-93-73-139-2-4-1-9 1-12 47-78 95-156 144-237 12 12 22 22 31 32 34 39 64 79 77 128 2 9 0 14-6 21z m-359 250c2 0 4 0 7 1 22 35 44 70 67 104 6 8 5 14 1 22-27 54-55 108-78 163-28 68-43 139-37 216-3-5-4-6-5-7-55-94-72-194-39-297 22-69 56-135 84-202z m203 435c6 31 3 61-3 90-1 6-5 12-10 16-53 34-109 35-168 14-23-8-42-20-39-48 0-1-1-3-1-5 0-22 0-44 0-68 75 53 147 52 221 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ambulance-crescent" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec07;" d="M358 581c-1 0-4 3-5 5 0 3 0 6 0 10h20c1 5 2 9 2 13 2 16 11 26 26 32 2 1 4 2 6 3h12c20-6 33-19 34-40l1-8h22v-14c-1-1-2-1-2-1-39 0-77-1-116 0z m311-419c-13-40 9-85 50-101 6-2 13-3 19-5h19c4 1 7 2 11 3 34 8 60 41 61 76 1 36-24 70-58 79-43 13-88-10-102-52z m38-26c0 22 18 40 40 40 21 0 40-18 40-39 0-21-18-39-39-39-22 0-41 17-41 38z m-518 1c0-38 24-69 61-79 2 0 4-1 6-2h31c15 5 30 11 42 22 26 26 31 66 13 98-19 32-56 48-92 38-35-9-61-41-61-77z m42-1c0 21 18 39 40 39 22 0 40-18 40-39 0-22-18-38-41-38-21 0-39 18-39 38z m706 222c-1 56-1 112-1 168 0 18-15 33-34 33-37 0-74 0-111 0l-546-1c-21 0-35-10-44-27-5-11-10-23-15-34-17-39-33-79-50-119-2-4-5-9-9-10-22-8-34-24-38-45-7-29-12-59-18-88-3-18-5-36-8-54v-20c6-13 15-22 30-23 20-1 40-1 60-2 7 0 11 3 11 11 4 51 51 94 103 95 58 1 104-38 112-95 1-11 1-11 13-11 79 0 158 1 237 1 8 0 11 2 12 10 4 50 48 91 96 95 62 5 105-39 115-82 2-8 3-16 5-25 19 1 37 1 56 3 9 1 15 6 19 13 2 3 4 5 6 8v189c-1 3-1 7-1 10z m-587 24c0-7-3-9-10-9-47 0-94 0-141 0-7 1-15 0-23 0 1 5 1 6 1 8 19 46 38 91 56 137 2 5 6 6 11 6 32 0 64 0 96 0 7 0 10-2 10-9-1-44-1-88 0-133z m222-47c26-32 74-45 117-23-6-9-33-24-51-28-19-4-38-4-58 1-47 13-80 54-83 100-4 53 29 97 74 114 44 16 90 3 118-24-23 12-47 14-72 7-20-6-36-18-49-35-25-34-23-80 4-112z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ambulance-cross" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec08;" d="M358 581c-2 0-4 3-5 5 0 3 0 7 0 11h20c1 5 2 9 2 13 2 15 11 26 25 31 3 1 5 2 7 3h12c20-6 33-18 34-39l1-8h22v-15c-1 0-2-1-2-1-39 0-77 0-116 0z m311-418c-13-41 9-86 50-101 6-3 13-4 20-6h18c4 1 8 2 11 3 34 9 60 41 61 76 1 36-24 70-58 80-43 12-88-11-102-52z m38-27c0 22 18 40 40 40 22 0 40-18 40-39 0-21-18-39-39-39-22 0-41 18-41 38z m-518 1c0-37 24-69 61-79 2 0 4-1 6-2h31c15 6 30 11 42 23 26 25 32 65 13 98-18 32-55 47-92 38-35-9-61-42-61-78z m42-1c0 22 18 39 40 39 22 0 40-17 40-39 0-21-18-38-41-38-21 0-39 18-39 38z m706 222c-1 57-1 113-1 168 0 19-15 33-34 33-37 0-74 0-111 0l-546-1c-21 0-35-9-44-27-6-11-11-22-15-33-17-40-34-80-51-119-1-5-5-10-8-11-23-8-34-24-39-45-6-29-12-58-17-88-3-18-6-36-9-54v-20c6-12 15-22 30-23 21-1 41-1 61-2 7 0 10 3 11 11 4 52 51 94 103 95 57 2 104-38 111-95 2-11 2-11 14-11 79 0 158 1 237 1 8 0 11 3 11 11 5 49 49 90 97 94 62 5 105-38 115-82 2-7 3-15 5-25 19 1 37 2 56 3 9 1 15 6 19 14 2 2 4 5 5 7v190c0 3 0 6 0 9z m-587 25c0-8-3-10-10-10-47 1-94 1-141 1-7 0-15 0-24 0 2 4 2 6 2 7l56 137c2 5 6 7 11 7 32 0 64-1 96 0 7 0 10-2 9-10 0-44 0-88 1-132z m370-18h-77v-86c-10-2-20-3-30-3s-20 1-29 3v86h-78c-2 9-3 19-3 29 0 9 1 19 3 29h78v85c9 2 19 3 29 3 10 0 20-1 30-3v-85h77c2-10 3-20 3-29 0-10-1-20-3-29z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="blood-test" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec0e;" d="M863 636c22 34 12 80-22 102l-159 101c-34 21-80 11-102-23l-27-43c0 0 0 0 0 0-34 16-74 5-95-27l-39-63c-21-32-13-74 15-97 0 0 0 0 0-1l-295-465c-19-29-14-66 8-90l-4-8c-34-52-18-122 34-155s121-17 155 35l4 7c32-10 67 2 86 31l295 466c1 0 1 0 1 0 33-16 74-5 94 27l40 63c20 32 13 74-16 97 0 0 0 0 0 0l27 43z m-50 32l-27-43c-23-37-13-62 2-72l9-5c7-5 9-14 5-21l-40-62c-4-7-13-9-20-5l-9 6c-16 10-42 8-66-29l-295-465c-4-7-14-9-20-5l-5 3c-14 9-37 9-56-21l-9-16c-16-24-48-31-73-16-25 16-32 49-16 73l9 15c19 30 10 51-4 60l-5 3c-7 4-9 13-4 20l295 466c23 37 13 61-2 71l-9 6c-7 4-9 14-4 20l39 63c5 7 14 9 21 4l9-5c15-10 42-9 65 28l27 43c5 7 14 9 21 5l158-101c7-4 9-14 4-20z m-198-171l-55 35c-13 8-32 4-41-9l-275-435c-9-13-5-32 9-41l2-1-45-71c-9-14-5-33 9-41 14-9 32-5 41 9l45 71 3-1c14-9 32-5 41 9l275 434c9 14 5 32-9 41z m-68-24l-259-400c-2-3-5-4-8-4-2 0-4 0-6 1-4 3-6 9-3 13l260 400c3 5 9 6 13 3 5-3 6-9 3-13z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="blood" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec0f;" d="M801 778h-320c-4 19-11 37-23 51-13 14-29 21-48 21-24 0-45-9-59-27-10-12-16-28-20-45h-90c-14 0-26-11-26-26s12-26 26-26h87c0-8 1-16 1-22-86-1-156-72-156-158v-446c0-87 71-158 158-158h23v-48c0-6 4-13 10-15l32-14c5-2 14-2 20 0l36 13c6 2 10 9 10 15v49h23c88 0 158 71 158 158v446c0 86-69 157-156 158 0 6 0 14 0 22h288v-850c0-14 12-26 26-26 15 0 26 12 26 26v876c0 15-12 26-26 26z m-409 12c3 4 7 8 18 8 4 0 6-1 9-4 3-4 6-9 8-16h-41c1 5 3 9 6 12z m43-64c0-8 0-15-1-22h-52c-1 6-1 14-2 22h55z m-214-244c-10 0-18 8-18 18 0 96 79 175 176 175 9 0 17-8 17-17 0-10-8-18-17-18-78 0-141-63-141-140 0-10-8-18-17-18z m358-137v-216c0-68-51-124-115-124h-112c-63 0-115 56-115 124v216h342z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brain-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec10;" d="M911 421c-2 4-3 8-3 13-8 84-49 149-120 195-6 5-10 10-13 16-24 40-53 75-90 103-62 46-117 48-174 3-11-8-18-7-29-1-68 39-132 32-190-22-29-26-54-55-73-89-3-4-6-8-11-10-53-29-89-74-114-129-11-25-20-52-13-81 1-5 0-10-2-15-13-34-17-70-16-106 0-11-1-21 0-32 3-35 10-70 31-99 8-11 11-22 14-35 15-62 46-113 101-146 14-8 27-17 39-27 43-34 90-47 144-30 5 2 10 2 16 0 27-7 54-5 79 9 9 6 16 5 25-1 28-18 57-27 90-15 5 2 10 1 15 0 61-11 116 13 147 66 5 8 11 13 18 17 44 25 81 58 101 104 14 31 29 61 38 92 23 74 24 148-10 220z m-428 208c-3-23-2-48-1-72 1-11-2-16-14-19-42-11-78-33-105-67-13-15-13-27-2-36 11-9 23-7 35 7 18 22 40 38 67 48 19 7 19 7 19-13 0-36 0-73 0-110h0c0-37-1-75 0-113 1-14-4-14-15-9-38 14-61 37-53 81 1 10 0 19 1 29 0 15-8 24-20 25-13 0-23-8-24-22-2-26-4-52 1-77 2-9-1-13-7-17-18-12-35-25-50-40-13-13-15-25-5-35 10-11 23-9 37 4 13 13 28 24 43 35 6 4 10 4 16 0 20-14 42-24 64-33 8-3 12-7 12-16 0-49 0-97 0-145 0-19-34-43-52-37-6 2-7 5-7 10-1 25-3 49-11 73-1 5 1 9 4 12 6 7 12 14 17 21 7 11 6 22-4 30-10 8-20 7-30-2 0 0-1 0-1-1-11-20-27-22-47-15-13 4-24-4-27-16-3-14 3-23 18-27 28-8 31-13 34-42 0-6 1-12 1-18 3-22-1-26-23-28-24-2-43 8-61 21-17 12-34 24-52 35-37 21-55 58-64 99-2 8 3 10 9 12 16 6 31 12 46 22 19 12 25 29 21 51-7 32-21 61-37 89-7 12-20 16-31 9-11-7-14-18-7-31 11-22 22-44 30-68 3-9 0-14-8-18l-17-7c-26-11-32-9-40 18-15 51-15 102 2 152 4 15 13 20 28 22 30 5 51-5 69-28 13-16 25-32 34-50 7-13 20-18 31-13 12 6 16 20 9 34-14 27-33 51-54 74-25 25-55 33-88 27-25-3-27-2-18 21 14 34 35 62 63 86 8 7 13 9 17-4 5-13 12-24 21-35 14-16 31-19 50-10 15 7 27 18 38 29 22 22 44 43 65 65 12 12 13 23 3 33-9 10-22 10-33-1-25-23-48-47-72-70-19-18-19-17-31 6-7 14-5 27 3 40 19 31 43 58 72 82 23 20 49 22 77 11 7-3 14-7 20-10 23-12 37-28 34-58z m371-408c-7-22-10-22-30-14-32 13-33 14-20 46 7 15 15 30 22 46 7 14 4 28-7 34-12 6-24 1-32-12-15-29-30-58-35-91-3-18 2-32 16-44 15-11 32-18 48-24 7-3 11-6 7-13-14-38-42-63-76-82-6-3-9 0-13 4-9 13-19 25-32 34-8 6-9 12-7 20 2 10 4 20 6 30 1 13-6 21-18 23-13 2-22-4-26-16-3-10 0-25-8-31-8-5-21-1-31-2-5 0-10-2-15-3-14-4-21-13-18-26 2-13 12-21 27-17 40 9 67-11 89-41 6-8 5-14 0-22-20-29-51-39-83-23-13 7-22 9-33-3-6-8-15-7-25-3-26 11-33 23-33 51 0 61 0 121 0 181 0 20 2 22 22 19 19-3 36-10 50-22 13-11 26-12 35-2 10 11 8 23-6 35-24 22-52 33-83 33-15 0-17 5-19 18-3 36 1 63 42 76 17 6 28 9 40-4 6-6 12-11 18-16 12-11 24-11 33-1 9 9 9 22-2 33-11 12-23 21-36 30-6 4-9 9-8 17 1 17 1 33 0 50-1 16-10 24-24 23s-20-9-20-25c0-9-1-18 0-27 3-23-7-37-28-45-11-5-14-4-14 8 0 35 0 69 0 104v15h0c0 38 0 75 0 113 0 10 3 18 10 25 38 40 64 42 107 9 30-23 53-52 72-84 5-8 4-12-3-18-22-16-29-17-53-4-16 10-30 22-38 40-7 15-19 20-32 13-12-6-15-18-9-32 19-40 53-63 94-75 11-3 23-1 34 4 8 5 17 10 26 15 26 19 26 19 49-5 23-24 40-52 49-84 3-10 1-15-11-13-35 3-63-11-86-37-17-20-33-40-45-64-8-15-6-29 6-35 13-6 25-1 33 14 13 25 30 47 50 66 27 23 66 13 76-21 14-49 13-99-2-148z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brain" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec11;" d="M782 234c15-6 39-7 51 3 17 13 28 30 34 51 25 82-32 200-62 255-8 14-27 29-42 34-72 24-86 40-84 56 1 9 7 15 16 19 14 6 27 20 26 36-2 25-10 46-24 61-28 32-77 39-114 39-13 0-26-1-38-3-16-1-29-17-29-33v-759c0-16 0-29 0-30-1-1 4-14 14-26 14-16 32-24 54-24 34 0 72 18 99 35 14 8 13 22-1 30-25 16-54 37-70 60-8 14-4 28 4 29 7 0 16-12 27-24 15-17 40-34 64-47 14-8 37-7 51 2 69 45 105 88 103 125-2 45-58 71-59 71l-14 6s-14 7-13 7c0 0-11 6-26 12-33 13-72 22-97 12-6-2-11-6-15-11-7-8-14-16-22-14-7 2-10 17 0 30 6 9 15 16 26 20 42 17 104-4 141-22z m-166 327c7-1 11-15 17-30 10-31 40-62 63-82 13-11 20-23 16-30-5-6-19-3-31 7-27 22-68 63-78 108-3 16 5 28 13 27z m-132-568v759c0 16-13 32-29 33-12 2-25 3-38 3-36 0-86-7-114-39-14-15-22-36-24-61-1-16 12-30 26-36 8-4 15-10 16-19 2-16-12-32-83-56-16-5-35-20-43-35-30-54-87-172-63-254 7-21 18-38 35-51 12-10 36-9 51-3 37 17 99 39 140 22 11-4 20-11 27-20 10-13 7-28-1-30-7-2-14 5-21 13-4 5-9 9-15 12-25 10-64 0-97-12-15-6-26-12-26-12 1-1-5-4-13-7l-14-7c-1 0-57-26-59-70-2-38 34-81 105-127 14-9 37-10 51-2 24 14 50 32 66 48 11 12 20 25 27 24 8 0 13-14 4-28-16-24-47-46-72-61-14-8-15-22-1-31 27-16 64-34 97-34 22 0 40 8 53 24 11 13 16 26 15 27 0 0 0 14 0 30z m-196 426c-4 7 3 19 16 30 23 20 53 51 63 82 5 15 10 29 17 30 8 1 16-11 13-27-10-45-51-86-78-108-12-10-27-13-31-7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="capsule" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec12;" d="M955 707c-23 30-51 56-79 83-83 79-218 82-303-4-169-171-340-341-511-511-71-72-83-184-26-268 26-40 61-71 95-102 40-37 89-55 136-55 68 0 117 23 159 64 170 171 340 340 510 510 7 8 15 16 21 24 58 77 58 184-2 260z m-268-504c-1-1-1-1-2-2-1 0-5 2-9 6l-321 321c-4 4-5 9-2 11 2 1 4 3 5 4 77 77 155 153 230 231 68 69 174 75 251 21 44-33 84-71 113-118 47-75 37-170-25-233-79-81-160-161-240-241z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="crutch" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec13;" d="M544 431v-18c0-107 0-214 1-322 0-10-3-12-13-12-32 0-64 0-95 0-4 0-10 2-10-5 0-8 5-6 10-6l97 0c3 0 9 1 9-2 1-6-5-5-8-6l-98-27c-2 0-5 0-7-1-4-2-3-6-3-9 1-5 5-3 7-2 18 9 34 2 50-5 17-7 35-14 53-21 6-2 8-5 7-11-1-7-6-4-10-4-32 0-65 0-97 0-4 0-10 2-10-6 0-8 5-6 9-6 13 0 26 0 40-2-14-8-28-16-42-24-7-4-9-8-5-16 16 9 34 17 49 28 18 13 37 16 58 14 6 0 8-1 9-7 1-28 1-28-25-33-27-5-54-10-81-15-7-1-12-1-13-11-4-31-31-54-61-52-33 2-57 27-57 61 0 64 0 129 0 194 0 16 0 33 0 49 1 5-1 7-6 8-37 9-53 30-53 67 0 89 0 178 0 268 0 9 0 19 3 28 7 25 29 43 56 43 34 0 68 0 102 0 9 0 11-3 11-11-1-106-1-213 0-319 0-4 0-7 0-10 0-4 2-6 5-6 4 0 6 2 6 5 0 4 0 7 0 11 0 106 0 212 0 318 0 10 3 12 13 12 32-1 65 0 97 0 16 0 29-5 41-15 36-29 71-58 107-87 17-14 25-31 24-52 0-3 0-5 0-8 0-8-2-17 1-24 4-7 15-1 23-2 7-1 11-5 11-12 0-41 2-83-1-124-1-20-12-37-24-54-14-21-30-42-45-63-8-11-12-23-12-38 1-72 0-145 0-218 0-3 1-7 0-10-1-7-6-11-13-11-6 1-10 5-10 12-1 7-1 13-1 20 0 69 0 138 1 207 0 14-4 26-12 37-15 21-30 42-45 63-12 17-22 35-25 56-1 5-1 9-1 14 0 34 0 69 0 103 0 14 3 18 17 18 2 0 5-1 7 0 4 1 9-3 11 3 1 5-1 9-5 12-15 11-29 23-47 36z m112-296c17 25 37 48 52 73 9 15 17 29 18 46 1 32 0 63 0 95 0 5-1 7-6 7-5 0-5-3-5-7v-18c0-20 0-40-1-60 0-31-26-56-58-57-29 0-57 23-58 53-2 26-1 53-1 79 0 5 1 10-7 10-7-1-4-6-4-10-1-30 0-60 0-89 0-10 2-19 6-28 16-35 42-62 64-94z m-229 715c65 0 118-54 117-119 0-64-54-117-118-117-66 0-118 54-118 121 1 63 55 115 119 115z m46-998c14 21 28 41 43 61 6 8 17 6 26 7 3 0 2-3 2-5 5-39-33-72-71-63z m29 61c-14-20-26-37-38-54-3-4-5-3-9-1-13 8-21 20-27 34-2 6 1 8 6 9 22 4 43 8 68 12z m-28 119c23 6 44 12 64 17 5 2 6 0 6-4 0-12 0-23 0-35 0-4-1-5-5-4-21 8-42 17-65 26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="disabled" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec14;" d="M872 766h-744c-36 0-65-29-65-66v-700c0-36 29-66 65-66h744c36 0 66 30 66 66v700c0 37-30 66-66 66z m-262-627c-30-49-72-81-128-94-115-29-230 49-248 166-13 82 24 163 95 206 2 1 4 2 7 4 2-19 3-37 4-56 0-2-2-5-4-7-45-40-63-91-50-149 13-57 50-95 107-113 79-24 166 25 188 105 1 2 1 4 2 8 10-22 20-43 29-63 0-2-1-5-2-7z m59-39c-3 9-7 17-11 24-24 54-48 107-72 160-2 6-5 8-11 8-62 0-124 0-185 0h-9c-1 12-2 24-3 36l-10 192c0 3 0 6 0 10-1 12-2 22-14 31-26 19-27 56-6 80 23 25 60 27 86 5 23-21 25-58 3-82-4-4-9-8-14-11-4-2-5-4-5-9 2-36 4-72 6-110h139v-51h-136c1-13 1-25 3-36 0-2 4-3 7-3 25-1 50-1 75-1 31 0 63 0 94 1 8 0 11-3 15-10 23-53 47-105 70-158 2-2 3-4 4-8 18 8 35 16 53 24 7-16 14-31 21-47-33-15-66-29-100-45z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dna-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec15;" d="M619 506c-71-6-143-13-217-20 15-15 29-27 44-38 6-5 7-8-1-13-25-16-50-33-75-49-4-3-7-5-11-1-54 48-105 99-130 169-17 45-18 91-10 137 5 25 28 41 55 40 23-1 45-21 46-45 1-10 4-10 12-8 87 24 173 48 260 71 6 2 8 3 3 9-19 28-15 60 8 79 23 19 57 17 79-6 40-40 76-83 95-137 25-71 14-138-23-203-26-47-65-83-108-115-64-47-133-89-198-134-25-17-49-35-70-57-1-1-2-2-5-6 77 7 152 14 226 20 2 5-2 6-4 8-14 12-27 25-41 36-5 5-6 7 0 11 26 17 52 34 77 51 4 3 7 4 11 1 52-48 102-98 129-166 18-47 18-94 4-141-8-24-27-38-52-38-22 0-42 16-48 39-2 9-6 9-13 7-59-17-119-33-179-49-25-7-50-14-74-21-6-1-9-2-6-10 9-28 0-54-23-69-24-14-52-10-72 11-38 41-72 84-88 138-21 73-6 141 33 204 32 51 78 87 126 120 54 38 109 74 164 111 24 16 48 33 70 53 3 3 6 5 9 7-1 2-2 3-3 4z m-283-483c5-13 12-23 18-33 4-7 9-8 17-6 97 23 195 46 292 69 19 4 20 6 17 24-2 14-2 14-16 11l-197-39c-44-8-87-17-131-26z m299 681c0 0-2 0-4-1l-292-69c-22-5-22-5-18-27 1-8 4-11 13-9 64 13 127 25 191 38 43 8 87 17 130 26 7 1 13 2 7 11-6 9-12 18-17 27-2 3-4 6-10 4z m23-573c-2 4-3 7-5 9-14 24-14 24-42 20-83-13-166-25-248-37-32-4-32-4-37-35 0-1 0-2 0-2-2-7 1-9 8-8 12 2 24 4 36 6 96 16 191 31 288 47z m-315 424c6-8 11-15 15-22 5-6 10-8 18-7 87 12 173 23 260 35 33 5 32 5 38 37 2 8 1 12-9 10-27-5-55-9-83-14-57-9-114-18-171-27-22-4-44-8-68-12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dna-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec16;" d="M198 119c24-24 48-48 72-72 9 32 7 65 5 97-3 61-9 121 2 182 22 123 132 232 255 249 75 10 55 13 63-53 1-15 7-33-2-44-8-11-27-5-41-8-7-1-13-3-25-7 28-27 54-52 79-76 11-11 12 0 13 7 8 40 5 80 2 120-4 66-8 131 12 194 15 48 41 90 77 125 20 21 50 22 72 4 21-17 26-47 7-71-10-13-8-20 3-31 33-31 65-63 97-96 8-9 14-10 24-2 27 20 58 16 75-6 19-25 15-53-10-77-57-54-125-81-202-86-15-1-21 2-21 18 0 22-1 44-4 66-2 18 5 24 22 23 7 0 14-1 17 1-21 22-42 43-62 63-10-49-1-103 2-156 7-119-27-220-122-296-53-42-114-63-181-67-13 0-19 2-19 17 0 24-2 49-4 73-1 12 3 16 15 17 16 1 31 4 47 6 11 2 13 6 5 15-27 27-53 54-82 84-9-25-12-46-12-67-2-65 8-130 4-195-4-79-35-146-89-202-21-22-51-23-74-5-20 16-25 44-8 69 7 11 5 16-4 24-34 33-67 66-99 100-9 9-15 10-25 3-25-16-53-11-69 10-18 22-17 51 4 72 58 58 130 87 212 91 10 1 15-2 16-13 0-25 2-50 4-75 1-14-3-20-17-19-11 0-23 0-34-6z m352 160c-36 36-73 73-110 108-5 5-10 18-18 5-6-9-25-17-8-33 28-27 55-55 82-82 25-25 25-25 54 2z m47 54c1 6-2 9-4 11-33 33-65 67-98 99-14 13-23-5-32-11-11-8 1-13 6-17 30-31 61-62 93-93 5-5 10-16 17-12 8 5 13 16 18 23z m-451-228c-5-3-13-5-17-11-4-7 5-10 9-14 31-31 62-61 92-93 15-16 18-5 23 6 4 6 1 11-4 16-30 30-61 61-91 91-3 3-5 6-12 5z m608 615c-5-13-19-21-9-32 30-32 61-62 93-93 9-9 17 1 24 4 6 3 4 7 0 11-36 36-71 72-108 110z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dna" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec17;" d="M721 604c0 30 1 60 4 90 5 40 21 76 45 109 1 2 2 7 1 9-12 12-24 24-37 38-11-15-21-29-29-44-41-74-45-153-39-234 3-44 7-88 7-132 2-60-15-114-54-161-3-4-6-7-8-10-64 64-127 127-190 190 21 18 44 34 71 44 2 1 7 0 9-2 34-34 68-67 102-101 12-12 24-24 38-38 3 14 5 25 8 37 1 7-1 11-5 16-32 31-64 63-95 95-2 2-5 4-7 6l1 4h105c-2 20-3 38-5 58-16 0-32 0-48 0-44 0-87-6-127-23-99-43-192-143-192-295 0-57 4-113 6-170 2-49-2-98-23-144-8-20-20-39-30-57 13-13 26-26 39-39 2 3 5 6 7 9 44 59 63 126 63 199 0 49-3 99-5 149-2 51-1 101 17 150 9 26 24 50 40 70 64-63 126-126 189-188-21-18-46-32-73-41-3-1-9 0-11 3-34 34-68 68-102 102-9 9-18 18-29 28-3-14-4-26-7-38-1-7 1-12 6-17 28-28 56-56 84-84 2-2 4-4 6-7l0-2c-32-1-64-2-96-4 1-18 2-36 3-55 15 0 29 0 43 0 55 0 108 8 156 34 115 64 174 160 171 292-1 52-7 103-9 154z m-468-605c0 4-1 10-4 13-22 22-44 44-66 66-14 14-29 28-44 43 40 10 79 10 119 9-1 19-2 37-3 56-93 4-179-11-255-71 12-12 24-23 35-34 4-5 7-4 13-1 13 9 28 16 42 25 5 3 9 1 13-3 41-41 82-82 122-123 6-5 11-10 18-17 4 14 7 25 10 37z m708 622c-17-10-34-19-51-29-6-3-10-2-14 3-28 28-57 56-85 85-17 17-34 35-53 54-4-14-7-25-10-36-2-7 0-12 5-17 27-26 54-53 80-80 8-8 17-15 25-23 0-1-1-2-2-3-36-7-73-8-111-5 2-20 4-38 5-57 92-5 177 10 250 69-13 13-26 26-39 39z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="doctor-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec18;" d="M719 211c19-53 1-97-30-137-6-7-17-14-8-25 31-40 35-90 47-136 4-15 15-28 0-42-10-9-21-10-32-2-16 12-9 26-4 42 28 83-49 170-134 153-22-4-45-7-60-28-7-11-19-12-30-5-9 6-14 14-13 26 1 11 8 21 18 21 55-4 109 29 164 3 17-9 25 1 35 13 51 65 38 121-47 164 53 42 85 91 102 151 2 8 4 15 13 21 44 25 47 67 32 108-9 24-7 45-4 69 9 68-2 144-61 176-53 29-111 66-178 67-61 1-120-11-176-33-89-33-134-101-129-196 2-33 6-65-5-99-11-33-4-68 30-91 6-4 11-10 13-16 17-65 52-117 107-161-16-6-28-10-38-16-41-22-50-60-48-102 0-32-3-64 42-76 35-8 45-47 29-77-17-33-56-44-88-26-31 18-39 54-20 85 7 11 24 18 19 36-13 41-8 83 1 131-117-75-187-171-200-306-5-51-5-53 48-53 187 0 374 0 561 0 74 0 148 0 223 1 19 0 36-2 37 27 9 121-96 285-216 333z m-55 288c-1-36-30-63-67-62-35 1-64 30-64 66 0 36 33 67 70 65 35-2 62-33 61-69z m-56 137c4-16 7-28 10-43-39-1-71-14-95-47-17-25-45-14-71 26 51 21 107 28 156 64z m-202-70c29-1 54-32 54-66-1-37-29-64-66-63-37 0-67 32-66 68 1 36 35 62 78 61z m23-351c9 40-23 50-47 66-40 27-66 66-84 111-10 26-6 57-43 74-21 10-18 48-3 71 13 19 39 11 59 15 13 2 6-16 3-24-9-33-4-63 20-88 22-23 51-33 82-24 34 11 54 35 63 70 3 12-5 32 19 30 23-1 16-20 18-32 11-48 57-80 102-69 45 10 75 61 64 106-4 14-9 26-16 44 30-3 42-29 72-28 17 1 13-33 10-53-1-13-5-31-25-26-17 5-16-5-17-15-13-74-48-134-114-173-9-6-14-12-16-23-10-52-91-81-134-48-6 4-13 12-13 16z m-152-239c24-14 48-8 59 20 10 26-1 42-29 47 14-12 28-24 16-44-6-12-18-19-32-14-25 8-21 29-21 49-19-21-20-43 7-58z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="first-aid-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec1c;" d="M912 607h-149c-9 0-17 8-17 18v146c0 10-8 18-18 18h-456c-10 0-18-8-18-18v-146c0-10-7-18-17-18h-149c-49 0-88-39-88-87v-498c0-48 39-87 88-87h42v-5c0-10 16-18 35-18h142c19 0 35 8 35 18v5h330v-5c0-10 16-18 35-18h142c19 0 35 8 35 18v5h28c49 0 88 39 88 87v498c0 48-39 87-88 87z m-508 79c0 10 7 18 17 18h158c10 0 18-8 18-18v-61c0-10-8-18-18-18h-37v1c0 9-8 17-17 17h-50c-10 0-18-8-18-17v-1h-36c-10 0-17 8-17 18v61z m230-456c0-4-4-8-9-8h-71c-5 0-9-4-9-9v-71c0-5-3-8-8-8h-60c-4 0-8 3-8 8v71c0 5-4 9-9 9h-71c-5 0-8 4-8 8v60c0 5 3 9 8 9h71c5 0 9 3 9 8v71c0 5 4 9 8 9h60c5 0 8-4 8-9v-71c0-5 4-8 9-8h71c5 0 9-4 9-9v-60z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="first-aid" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec1d;" d="M872 569h-744c-36 0-65-29-65-65v-494c0-36 29-66 65-66h744c36 0 66 30 66 66v493c0 37-30 66-66 66z m-193-362h-129v-146c-16-3-33-5-50-5-16 0-33 2-50 5v146h-129c-3 16-5 33-5 49 0 17 2 34 5 51h129v145c17 3 33 5 50 5 17 0 34-2 50-5v-145h129c3-17 5-33 5-50 0-17-2-34-5-50z m-319 458c0 10 8 18 17 18h246c10 0 18-8 18-18v-44h77v79c0 31-24 56-55 56h-326c-30 0-55-25-55-56v-79h78v44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="heart-beat-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec1e;" d="M560 17l-106 320h-104l-67 251-61-251h-70c133-198 384-414 384-414s250 216 382 414h-265l-93-320z m227 760c-86 9-228-44-252-181-25 137-167 190-252 181-105-12-243-58-208-272 7-43 29-92 61-142h66l80 328 88-328h102l87-259 74 259h293v-13c35 55 61 108 68 155 36 214-103 260-207 272z m139-440v13c-3-4-6-8-8-13h8z m-926 26v-26h152c-5 9-11 17-16 26h-136z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="heart-beat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec1f;" d="M740 348c-40-33-80-66-125-103-33 48-63 91-98 142-40-71-75-133-114-202-41 63-76 118-112 174-35-15-66-34-103-41-21-4-44-4-68-3 22-38 49-72 79-105 85-92 187-164 296-226 3-2 9-1 12 1 21 12 43 24 64 38 95 60 182 128 255 215 20 25 39 50 55 78-69-5-104 4-141 32z m131 302c-81 83-221 90-311 17-24-20-44-44-60-72-1 2-2 2-2 3-55 91-136 130-240 116-83-12-143-59-177-135-26-59-22-119-1-179 4-13 9-25 15-37 94-10 150 31 208 75 34-45 65-85 100-131 38 72 74 138 114 213 40-66 74-124 113-189 40 32 76 60 119 95 28-55 86-67 157-63 8 17 15 35 20 54 25 88 9 167-55 233z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="heartbeat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec20;" d="M918 758h-836c-45 0-82-37-82-82v-653c0-45 37-81 82-81h836c45 0 82 36 82 81v653c0 45-37 82-82 82z m17-735c0-9-8-16-17-16h-836c-9 0-17 7-17 16v653c0 9 8 17 17 17h836c9 0 17-8 17-17v-653z m-113 609h-643c-28 0-49-22-49-49v-237l110 0 46 44c5 4 12 7 18 6 7 0 13-3 18-8l20-23 23 121c2 10 11 18 22 20 10 1 21-5 25-15l29-71 28 59c4 9 14 15 24 14 10-1 19-8 22-18l44-150 16 88c2 10 10 18 20 20 10 2 20-4 25-13l43-78 27 55c4 8 13 13 22 13h159v173c0 28-22 49-49 49z m-136-354c-4-8-12-14-21-14-9 0-18 5-22 13l-32 59-22-122c-2-12-12-20-23-20 0 0-1 0-1 0-11 0-21 7-24 17l-55 189-24-51c-5-9-14-14-23-14-10 0-18 6-22 15l-19 46-18-90c-1-9-8-17-17-19-9-3-19 0-25 8l-36 41-35-32c-5-5-11-7-17-7h-120v-181c0-27 22-49 49-49h643c27 0 49 22 49 49v245h-144l-41-83z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="herbal" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec21;" d="M878 480c26 0 47 0 68 0 11 0 24 1 24-13 0-7-9-15-16-21-6-84-28-163-74-234-36-57-82-104-139-141-9-6-22-11-33-11-150 0-300 0-449 0-10 0-20 4-28 9-128 86-199 206-212 359-1 10 0 20-13 25-4 1-7 10-6 16 1 4 7 9 11 11 6 1 13 0 20 0 115 0 231 0 347 0 141 0 282 1 422 0 14 0 24 4 33 15 39 43 78 86 118 128 1 1 2 2 2 3 15 15 33 19 41 8 12-15 4-28-6-39-35-37-71-74-110-115z m-797-58c-21-4-16-16-14-26 11-64 34-125 73-177 29-40 66-75 100-111 7-8 17-16 25-1 1 3-4 14-9 18-42 35-78 76-107 123-30 48-49 100-60 156-1 6-5 12-8 18z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="injection-syringe" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec24;" d="M996-88l-226 203c10 13 17 28 20 42l0 2c7 87 1 93-6 99l-475 429c-14 13-35 12-48-2l-17-20-45 40 9 10c29 32 35 69 14 87-21 19-57 10-86-23l-109-121c-30-32-35-69-15-88 21-19 57-9 86 23l9 10 44-40-18-20c-12-13-11-35 3-48l475-429c21-18 101 5 102 5 13 5 27 13 39 24l225-204c6-5 15-4 20 1 5 6 4 14-1 20z m-243 251c-5-21-33-46-53-53-22-7-54-11-65-10l-467 421 18 20c12 13 11 35-3 48l-79 71-36-39c-11-13-22-18-27-19 1 5 5 16 16 29l109 121c12 12 22 17 28 19-1-6-5-17-16-29l-36-40 79-72c14-12 36-11 48 3l18 19 68-61c-1 0-2 0-2-1l-74-82c-5-5-5-14 1-19 5-5 14-4 19 1l74 82c0 0 1 1 1 2l19-17c0-1-1-1-2-2l-55-61c-5-6-5-15 1-20 5-5 14-4 19 1l56 62c0 1 0 1 1 2l19-17c-1-1-1-1-2-2l-74-82c-5-5-4-14 1-19 6-5 14-4 19 1l74 82c1 1 1 1 1 2l20-17c-1-1-2-1-2-2l-23-25c-2-1-3-2-4-3l-60-66c-7-8-8-19-2-24l227-210c0 0 1 0 1 0l42-37s34 3 59 27c29 28 25 66 25 66l-41 38c0 1 0 1 0 1l-10 8-207 192 13 15c0 1 1 1 1 2l262-237c9-25 9-37 1-69z m-95-2c4-3 4-9 1-13-2-2-5-3-7-3-2 0-4 1-6 3l-211 195c-3 4-4 10 0 13 3 4 9 4 13 1l210-196z" />
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8-37-5-14-14-23-27-30-3-2-6-3-9-4-1 0-1 0-1-2 0-10-1-20-1-30 0-1 0-1 1-2 5 4 7 9 7 15s-2 12-7 16c9 3 16 6 22 12 3-5 5-10 6-16 0-9-2-18-7-26-5-8-12-15-21-22-1-1-2-2-2-4 0-5 0-10 0-15 3 1 4 3 4 5 1 4 0 7-1 9-1 2-1 2 0 3 4 2 6 5 9 8 0 0 1 0 2 0 3-4 5-8 6-13 0-7-2-14-6-20-2-4-4-7-7-10-7-8-10-17-11-27-1-11-3-23-3-35 0-2 0-4-1-5 0 2-1 5-1 7 0 14-2 28-4 42-1 10-1 20-2 30-1 6-1 13-1 19 0 1 0 1 0 2-3 0-4-2-4-4-1-3-1-5 1-7 1-2 2-4 2-6 1-10 1-20 2-30 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 1-2 2-3 5-7 11-10 16-4 7-7 15-8 23-1 6 0 12 3 17 3 4 7 7 13 8 2 1 2 1 2 3 0 11 0 21 0 31 0 1 0 2-1 2-1 0-1 0-2-1-5-6-6-12-4-20 2-4 4-8 6-11-2-2-3-2-5-2-2-1-4-2-6-3-1-1-2-1-3 0-6 6-11 13-14 22-3 13 1 25 10 35 4 5 9 9 15 12 2 1 2 2 2 4 0 8 0 16-1 25 0 0 0 0 0 1-3-2-8-7-9-11-1-3 0-5 1-7 1-3 3-5 5-6 1-1 2-2 3-2-1-1-2-1-2-2-5-3-9-6-13-9-2-2-2-2-6-1-8 5-13 13-15 22-2 14 2 25 11 35 6 6 13 10 21 14 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 2 2 3-1 10-1 20-2 30 0 2 0 3-2 2-3 0-5-1-8-3-3-2-4-5-4-9 1-6 4-11 8-14 2-2 4-3 5-4 0-1-1-1-2-2-8-3-16-8-22-14-2-1-3-1-4 0-8 6-14 13-17 23-7 18-3 34 9 49 8 11 20 17 32 22 4 1 4 1 4 5-1 16-1 33-2 49 0 3 0 3-3 3-4 0-9 0-13-2-12-3-17-13-15-25 2-13 10-22 22-26 1-1 2-1 2-1 0-1-1-1-2-2-10-5-19-11-27-20-3-2-3-3-6-1-13 7-23 17-30 31-5 10-8 20-7 32 1 5 2 10 5 15 10 18 24 31 42 39 9 4 18 7 28 7 2 0 3 1 2 4 0 14-1 29-1 44-1 12-1 25-1 37-1 5-1 5-6 5-11 0-22-1-32-4-6-2-11-5-16-9-7-7-10-16-9-26 1-13 7-23 16-30 9-8 20-13 31-16l5-1c1-1 1-1 1-1-2 0-3-1-5-1-18-5-34-15-47-29-3-3-3-3-7-1-25 15-44 35-53 63-5 15-5 31 1 46 5 14 15 25 28 34 12 7 25 12 38 15 12 3 24 4 36 3 5 0 10 1 15 1 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 14-1 29-1 43 0 8-1 16-1 25 0 2-1 4-3 5-8 6-18 11-28 14-16 5-32 7-48 5-3 0-5 0-8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 5 9 9 19 12 28 3 7 5 14 8 20 2 4 5 8 8 11 5 5 11 8 18 9 11 1 21-1 32-5 3-1 6-3 9-4 0 3-1 6-2 9-1 5-3 9-6 13l-5 9c-5 9-6 18-3 27 0 2 1 4 2 6 1 4 1 4-2 7-7 6-13 13-17 22-17 37 6 81 47 89 34 6 67-16 73-51 5-24-3-45-22-61 0 0-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2 2-3 3-6 4-9 2-10 1-18-3-27-3-3-5-7-7-11-4-6-6-12-7-18 0-1 0-1 0-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 4 1 9 4 18 7 28 8 6 0 12 0 17-2 4-2 8-4 11-8 3-3 6-7 8-12 3-8 6-16 9-24 3-8 6-15 10-22 0 0 0-1 0-1-3 0-6 0-9 0-24 2-47-2-68-14-3-2-5-4-7-5-2-2-3-3-3-5 0-12-1-23-1-35 0-10-1-21-1-32 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 7 0 13-1 20-1 12 0 25 0 38 1s26 3 38 7c3 1 6 3 9 4 1 1 3 2 4 3 7 5 10 11 9 18-2 9-8 15-17 17-6 1-13 0-19-1-11-1-21-3-32-4-10-1-20-1-30 3-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 4 1 6 1 4 0 7 0 11 0 3 0 5 0 8 0 1 0 3 0 3 1 0 2-2 2-3 3-3 0-6 1-10 1-3 0-6 0-10 1-1 0-3 1-5 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 7 4 14 7 21 8 13 3 26 4 39 2 13-1 26-3 38-9 7-2 13-6 19-10 19-14 20-36 13-52-4-8-10-15-17-21-7-6-14-10-22-14-5-2-10-3-15-4-29-6-57-9-86-8-5 0-9 0-13 1-3 0-3 0-3-3-1-12-1-25-1-38-1-15-1-30-2-45 0-3 0-3 3-3 13 3 26 7 38 14 6 3 12 8 16 14 7 9 9 18 8 29-1 11-7 19-16 24l-4 2c0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 23 0 45 4 67 10 2 1 3 1 3-1 6-9 9-18 10-28 2-18-3-35-12-50-11-20-26-36-47-46-15-7-31-12-47-15-7-1-13-2-20-2-3 0-3 0-3-3 0-16-1-33-1-49 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-1 3 0 5 0 8 1 14 5 22 14 24 29 1 8-2 15-9 20-1 1-2 1-2 2z m-538 435c1 0 2 0 3-1 21-11 45-19 69-22 20-3 40-3 61-2 34 4 66 13 97 28 20 9 41 19 63 27 14 5 28 9 43 11 15 3 30 3 45 1 11-3 21-7 30-14 9-7 13-15 15-26 2-11 1-21 1-32 0-6 0-13 0-19 1-5 1-11 3-16 3-8 8-15 17-18 0 0 1 0 1-1-9-3-20 2-26 9-2 4-4 8-6 12-2 7-4 14-6 20-3 10-7 20-14 28-6 9-14 16-25 19-9 2-18 2-27 0-10-3-20-7-30-12-12-6-23-13-35-20-24-15-48-29-74-41-21-10-42-18-64-23-14-4-29-6-43-6-18 1-35 4-50 14-14 9-24 21-31 35-9 15-14 32-17 49 0 0 0 0 0 0z m609-21c0 0 0 0 0 0 9 13 20 20 36 19 9-1 18-4 26-7 11-5 22-11 32-17 22-14 44-27 66-39 23-12 47-22 72-30 14-4 27-8 41-9 15-2 31-2 46 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0-3-1-5-3-8-5-14-15-25-28-33-13-8-27-13-43-16-8-2-16-3-24-3-12 1-23 4-34 8-15 6-29 15-42 25-11 9-22 20-32 30-14 13-27 27-41 39-11 11-23 21-37 28-11 6-23 9-36 10-1 0-1 0-1 1z m-539-81c4 0 8-1 12-2 10-2 21-2 32-1 28 3 55 12 81 23 27 12 53 26 78 41 12 7 23 14 34 21 11 6 22 12 35 15 6 2 13 3 20 3 9-1 16-4 23-11 2-2 5-5 7-9-2 0-4 0-6 0-13-2-26-6-38-13-12-8-24-18-35-28-12-11-24-23-36-35-11-11-22-22-35-32-10-8-21-16-34-21-16-8-32-12-50-10-22 2-42 8-60 21-13 8-22 20-27 34 0 1-1 3-1 4z m523 43c3 10 6 19 9 27 1 2 2 3 5 3 12 0 24-4 35-10 12-6 22-13 32-22 10-9 20-18 29-28 15-15 30-30 46-43 14-12 30-22 47-29 13-5 27-8 42-8 3 0 7 1 10 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-1 0-1-7-10-16-19-26-26-9-5-18-9-28-8-8 0-15 2-21 5-12 6-21 13-31 21-14 12-27 26-40 40-13 15-27 29-42 43-10 8-20 16-32 23-9 5-19 10-30 11-1 1-2 1-3 1-1 0-2 0-4 0z m-443-109c2 0 4 0 5 0 18-2 35 1 52 8 15 6 29 16 43 26 15 13 29 27 43 41 13 13 25 26 39 37 10 8 21 15 32 21 10 4 20 6 30 6 2 0 3-1 4-3 3-8 6-16 8-25 1-2 1-2-2-2-7-1-14-3-21-6-13-5-24-12-34-21-15-11-28-25-41-39-14-14-27-28-40-41-10-9-20-19-32-26-7-4-15-8-23-10-12-2-23-1-33 5-9 5-16 12-23 19-2 3-5 6-7 10z m269 85c-4 0-7 0-10-1-12-3-21-9-29-17-8-7-14-16-20-24-7-11-14-23-21-34-5-9-11-18-17-26-4-5-9-9-13-13-13-10-26-13-41-8-7 2-17 7-22 11-1 1 0 1 0 1 15 11 28 23 40 36 16 16 30 33 47 48 10 11 21 20 34 29 10 6 21 11 32 14 3 0 6 1 9 1 1 0 2 0 2-2 2-5 5-10 9-15z m336-111c-1-1-1-1-1-1-8-6-17-11-27-13-12-2-22 0-31 7-6 4-12 9-16 15-7 8-13 18-19 27-7 12-14 24-22 35-6 9-13 18-21 26-9 7-18 12-30 14-2 1-4 1-7 2 3 3 5 6 7 9 0 1 1 3 2 5 0 2 2 2 3 2 6-1 12-2 17-4 12-4 23-11 33-18 13-10 24-21 35-32 13-13 25-27 38-40 12-12 24-24 38-34 0 0 1 0 1 0z m-300 3c-3-2-6-2-9-2-4-1-8-1-13-2-1 0-3 0-5-1 0 0-1-1-1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 9 0 13 0 3 1 5 1 8 0 1-1 3-1 4-2 1-1 1-2-1-3-4-1-7-2-11-3-9-1-18-1-27 1-10 1-20 3-30 4-6 0-11 1-17-1-9-3-16-14-13-23 1-4 3-7 6-10 4-3 9-5 14-7 9-3 18-5 28-6 4-1 9-1 14-2 0 0 1 0 2 0-2-1-5-2-7-2-12-3-23-8-33-14-7-5-13-10-17-16-1-1-2-1-3-1-13 6-24 13-32 24-6 7-10 15-11 24-2 13 1 25 11 35 7 7 16 11 25 15 12 5 24 7 37 8 13 2 26 1 39-2 8-1 15-4 22-9 0 0 1-1 1-1 0 0 1 0 1-1z m-45 99c-9-10-13-23-17-36-3-7-6-14-9-21-2-4-5-8-8-11-6-6-13-8-21-7-3 0-7 1-10 2-1 1 0 1 0 1 8 13 15 26 24 38 5 8 11 16 19 22 6 6 13 10 21 12 0 0 1 0 1 0z m180 0c6-1 11-3 15-6 9-6 16-14 22-22 7-9 13-19 20-29 3-5 6-10 9-16-1-1-2-1-2-1-5-1-10-2-15-1-7 0-13 4-17 10-4 4-6 9-8 14-4 8-7 16-10 25-2 6-5 13-9 19-1 2-3 5-5 7z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="paralysis-disability" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec2c;" d="M458 767c0-46-37-84-83-84s-84 38-84 84 38 83 84 83 83-37 83-83z m254-683c-16 8-35 1-43-15-45-94-141-154-244-154-150 0-271 121-271 271 0 84 38 163 106 215 14 11 16 31 6 45-11 14-32 17-46 6-83-64-131-161-131-266 0-185 151-336 336-336 128 0 247 75 302 191 8 16 1 35-15 43z m194-25l-173 279c-9 13-25 16-43 16h-218c-9 0-17 1-17 2l1 2v35c0 9 1 16 3 16 1 0 2 0 3 0h191c22 0 39 17 39 39 0 21-17 39-39 39h-191c-1 0-2 0-3 0-2-1-3 6-3 15v91c0 35-29 63-63 63h-18c-34 0-62-28-62-63v-315c0-35 28-63 62-63h301c9 0 20-6 25-13 30-46 127-192 127-192 11-19 39-23 60-9 22 13 30 39 18 58z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="patient-file" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec2e;" d="M350 655c3 0 6 0 9 0h220c23 0 47-1 70 1 17 0 26 9 26 23 0 15-10 26-26 28-18 2-37 4-56 5-23 1-38 6-37 35 0 4-1 8-2 12-3 16-12 25-28 27-15 1-30 2-45 1-27-2-38-13-39-41-1-25-9-32-33-34-20-1-40-3-60-5-15-2-27-14-26-28 0-13 11-23 27-24z m150 111c10 0 18-9 18-19 0-11-7-19-18-19-11 0-20 8-19 20 0 10 9 19 19 18z m192-96c-5-21-20-29-40-29-102-1-204-1-306 0-21 0-31 8-38 28l-1 4c-1 2-9 3-18 3h-68c-9 0-17-7-17-16v-731c0-9 8-17 17-17h558c9 0 17 8 17 17v731c0 10-8 17-17 17-27 0-53 0-80 0-2 0-7-4-7-7z m-290-179h42c9 0 17 7 17 17v42c0 9 7 17 16 17h45c9 0 17-8 17-17v-42c0-9 7-16 16-16h44c9 0 16-8 16-17v-45c0-9-7-16-16-16h-43c-9 0-16-8-16-17v-44c0-9-8-16-17-16h-45c-9 0-16 7-16 16v44c0 9-8 16-17 16h-43c-10 0-17 8-17 17v44c0 10 7 17 17 17z m283-479h-369c-10 0-17 8-17 17v12c0 9 7 16 17 16h369c9 0 16-7 16-16v-12c0-9-7-17-16-17z m0 98h-369c-10 0-17 8-17 17v12c0 9 7 16 17 16h369c9 0 16-7 16-16v-12c0-9-7-17-16-17z m0 98h-369c-10 0-17 8-17 17v12c0 9 7 16 17 16h369c9 0 16-7 16-16v-12c0-9-7-17-16-17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pills" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec2f;" d="M977 219c-22 38-46 75-68 113-69 113-137 226-206 339-35 58-88 87-155 89-44 2-81-15-116-38-82-54-107-159-58-244 38-64 77-127 115-190 53-87 105-174 158-261 40-64 99-92 175-86 38 3 70 20 100 41 77 53 101 156 55 237z m-170 203c-86-52-171-104-258-156-5-4-13-2-16 4-19 30-37 60-55 90-26 42-51 85-77 127-46 77-24 168 53 215 29 18 59 32 94 31 52-2 96-22 125-67 42-67 83-135 124-203 5-8 9-16 14-24 4-6 2-14-4-17z m-427-118c-62 73-186 101-283 35-100-67-116-191-79-266 3-6 11-8 16-4l343 219c6 3 8 11 3 16z m23-56c-114-74-229-147-344-220-5-4-7-11-2-16 61-72 180-101 278-39 100 63 123 185 84 270-3 6-10 8-16 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="prescription" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec30;" d="M734 780h-133v23c0 26-21 47-47 47h-108c-26 0-48-21-48-47v-23h-133c-60 0-109-49-109-109v-712c0-60 49-109 109-109h469c61 0 110 49 110 109v712c0 60-49 109-110 109z m-234 49c13 0 24-11 24-24 0-13-11-24-24-24-13 0-24 11-24 24 0 13 11 24 24 24z m-128-116h256v-100h-256v100z m362-800h-469c-25 0-46 21-46 46v712c0 25 21 47 46 47h45v-112c0-30 25-55 55-55h270c30 0 55 25 55 55v112h44c26 0 47-22 47-47v-712c0-25-21-46-47-46z m-342 533l-11-13c-4 10-13 16-24 16h-72c-14 0-26-11-26-25v-80c0-14 12-26 26-26h72c14 0 26 12 26 26v43l33 39c5 7 5 17-2 22s-16 5-22-2z m-26-102c0-5-4-9-8-9h-73c-5 0-9 4-9 9v80c0 5 4 8 9 8h73c4 0 8-3 8-8v-9l-21-25c-6-7-15-7-22-1l-13 12c-6 6-16 5-22-1-6-6-5-16 1-22l37-34c3-3 6-4 10-4h1c5 0 8 2 11 5l18 22 0-23z m26-68l-12-14c-4 8-13 13-22 13h-73c-14 0-25-11-25-25v-80c0-14 11-25 25-25h73c13 0 25 11 25 25v47l33 39c5 7 5 17-2 22-7 6-16 5-22-2z m-26-106c0-5-4-8-8-8h-73c-5 0-9 3-9 8v80c0 5 4 9 9 9h73c4 0 8-4 8-9v-5l-21-25c-6-7-15-7-22-1l-13 12c-6 6-16 5-22-1-6-6-5-16 1-22l37-34c3-3 6-4 10-4h1c5 0 8 2 11 5l18 21 0-26z m26-65l-13-15c-4 8-12 13-21 13h-73c-14 0-25-11-25-25v-80c0-14 11-26 25-26h73c13 0 25 12 25 26v48l33 39c5 7 5 17-2 22-7 6-16 5-22-2z m-26-107c0-5-4-9-8-9h-73c-5 0-9 4-9 9v80c0 5 4 8 9 8h73c4 0 8-3 8-8v-4l-21-25c-6-6-15-7-22-1l-13 12c-6 6-16 5-22-1-6-6-5-16 1-22l37-34c3-3 6-4 10-4 1 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 8 2 11 6l18 21 0-28z m364 397h-253c-9 0-16-7-16-16 0-9 7-16 16-16h253c8 0 15 7 15 16s-7 16-15 16z m0-154h-253c-9 0-16-7-16-15 0-9 7-16 16-16h253c8 0 15 7 15 16 0 8-7 15-15 15z m0-153h-253c-9 0-16-7-16-15s7-16 16-16h253c8 0 15 7 15 16 0 8-7 15-15 15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pulse" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec31;" d="M510 38c-4-9-12-14-21-15h0c-10 0-18 6-21 15l-169 418-60-124c-4-8-12-13-21-13h-145c2-2 3-5 5-8l39-57c10-12 20-25 32-37 131-142 221-247 277-314 40-48 104-49 144-1 54 65 139 165 261 298l-259 0-62-162z m228 796c-67 0-129-26-176-69-46-43-83-43-130 0-47 42-108 68-176 68-105 0-195-62-237-151-26-57-22-162-5-223 8-29 20-62 36-97 3 1 7 2 10 2h144l77 158c4 8 13 13 21 12 9 0 16-6 20-14l166-413 47 123c4 9 12 14 21 14h291c6 0 12-2 16-6 7 10 15 21 23 32 21 30 65 98 86 157 28 84 28 146 28 146 0 145-117 261-262 261z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="stethoscope-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec32;" d="M978 425c-35 28-102 4-153-53-48 13-91 10-127-10-70-40-96-130-106-199-2-10-3-21-5-32-15-119-30-231-171-231-2 0-5 0-7 0-40 1-69 13-88 38-35 45-29 119-25 150 14 6 24 20 25 37l2 60 74 23c10 2 17 8 22 16 14-3 30-3 42 5 21 13 51 37 89 84 41 52 51 93 52 120 0 19-13 38-23 44-10 5-12-5-10-24 3-29-1-72-38-119-1-1-2-2-2-3l0 2c9 14 16 28 22 44 60 159-69 344-75 352-1 1-3 3-4 4 3 8 2 16-4 20-10 6-25 25-34 42l-15 30c-9 17-27 20-41 7l-39-38c-14-13-11-31 6-40l27-14c17-9 36-25 42-36 4-8 15-9 25-3 11-16 118-179 69-308-2-6-5-10-8-16l0 0c-3 1-6 2-9 2-8 0-15-2-21-6l9-9c-5-6-9-15-9-24 0-2 1-4 1-7-17-18-39-35-65-49-9 5-21 7-32 3l-91-27-98 31c-11 4-22 2-32-3-46 27-78 62-94 105-51 136 69 307 70 309 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3-3 7-6 3-3 11 3 17 14 6 11 24 27 41 36l27 14c17 9 20 26 6 40l-39 37c-13 14-32 11-41-6l-15-30c-9-17-24-36-34-42-10-7-14-15-10-19l8-8c-2-1-3-2-5-4-5-8-135-193-75-352 20-54 59-97 116-130 1-16 12-30 28-35l80-25-2-60c-1-12 4-23 13-31-6-37-13-127 34-187 27-35 69-54 123-55 3-1 6-1 8-1 182 0 201 151 217 272 2 10 3 21 5 32 11 82 41 141 82 164 21 12 46 15 75 10-36-59-40-121-8-147 38-30 112 0 164 66 53 67 65 145 27 175z m-456-102c-3-3-6-7-9-11 3 4 6 8 9 12l0-1z m362-18c-20-25-48-36-62-24-10 8-10 26-2 44 7-2 15-5 23-8 12-5 25 1 30 12 5 12-1 26-12 31-4 1-7 2-11 3 16 12 33 16 43 8 15-12 10-41-9-66z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="stethoscope" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec33;" d="M225 794c0-35-1-67 1-100 2-46 4-91 9-136 7-58 20-114 57-161 25-31 57-52 95-65 5-2 13 0 18 3 18 9 34 8 51-3 4-3 12-4 18-2 74 20 118 71 142 141 21 59 22 120 26 181 3 41 2 82 4 122 0 6 0 12 0 20-35 0-68 0-101 0-4 0-9-6-14-8-15-7-29-4-40 8-11 12-11 30-2 42 9 13 26 17 42 11 9-3 19-6 29-6 33-1 67 0 100-1 24-1 32-9 32-32 1-99-2-198-18-295-13-84-49-154-123-200-21-13-44-20-67-29-13-5-33-28-33-42 2-70 2-141 4-212 2-61 38-110 89-128 65-22 132 12 159 81 5 11 8 24 11 36 5 21 9 40-19 54-30 15-38 55-26 87 13 34 42 53 79 52 33-2 62-25 70-57 9-34-4-70-34-87-12-8-19-14-21-31-3-41-15-81-40-115-42-56-97-80-165-70-66 10-113 48-134 111-11 36-16 75-18 113-3 55-1 110-1 165 0 14-21 42-34 47-98 35-149 110-170 208-23 104-23 210-23 316 0 17 9 27 25 27 36 1 71 1 106 2 11 1 21 3 31 7 15 5 33 1 42-12 8-11 7-31-2-42-10-11-28-14-43-7-9 4-19 7-28 7-27 1-54 0-84 0z m517-618c-24 0-42-19-43-43 0-22 21-42 43-42 23-1 43 19 43 42 0 24-19 43-43 43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="stretcher" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec34;" d="M987 454c-11 6-23 4-35 4-98 1-195 0-293 1-10 0-28-6-29 10 0 17 18 11 28 12 60 0 119 0 179 0 19 0 37 3 38 26 1 27-17 30-39 30-41-1-82 0-134 0 40 36 70 64 102 92 15 14 24 29 10 46-16 20-34 10-49-4-37-33-74-66-112-100-8-7-15-14-30-14-98 2-197 1-296 2-25 0-51 2-65-26-14-26-3-47 19-72-13-1-18-2-24-2-24-2-43-5-24 32 13 25 3 54-27 68-23 12-46 9-65-9-20-19-24-43-11-65 14-25 5-28-18-27-22 1-45 1-67 0-21 0-45 2-45-27 0-30 25-30 47-29 28 0 57-1 85 0 19 1 25-5 25-24-1-83 0-166 0-249 0-11-2-20-10-29-24-26-25-52-6-72 19-18 50-19 68 0 20 20 19 47-5 72-13 13-14 27-10 42 5 18 22 9 34 9 179 1 359 1 538 0 13 0 32 8 39-8 7-16 3-32-13-47-23-20-21-51-1-69 21-19 44-17 65 0 21 17 22 47 1 69-11 11-15 22-15 37 1 81 1 162 1 243 0 20 6 27 27 26 33-2 66-1 100 0 13 0 25 6 29 21 3 13-1 24-12 31z m-794-392c-1-12-7-18-18-18-12 0-17 8-17 18 0 11 7 18 18 18 11-1 16-9 17-18z m566 146c-87 0-173 0-260 0v0c-90 0-181 1-271-1-29 0-36 8-35 36 3 45 2 90 1 135-1 20 6 24 24 24 188-1 375-1 563 0 19 0 27-3 26-26-2-39 2-78 2-117 0-52 0-51-50-51z m83-145c-1-11-6-18-17-19-11-1-18 5-19 16 0 11 6 19 17 20 10 1 17-6 19-17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="surgeon-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec35;" d="M276 613c57 43 152 60 222 60 69 0 164-16 221-57 23-17 35-14 35 15v83c0 75-70 136-156 136h-200c-86 0-156-62-156-138v-85c0-29 12-31 34-14z m474-313h-515c-26 0-26-21-26-47v-368c0-19 15-35 34-35h514c19 0 34 15 34 35v368c0 26-15 47-41 47z m-29-236c0-3-2-5-5-5h-29c-1 0-2-1-2-2v-29c0-2-2-5-5-5h-24c-3 0-6 2-6 5v29c0 1 0 2-1 2h-29c-3 0-5 2-5 5v25c0 2 2 5 5 5h29c1 0 1 1 1 2v29c0 2 3 5 6 5h24c3 0 5-3 5-5v-29c0-1 1-2 2-2h29c3 0 5-3 5-5v-25z m-7 465c0 0 1 6 2 13 0 7-4 18-9 25-21 22-79 71-209 71-136 0-191-48-210-71-5-6-8-18-8-25 1-7 2-13 2-13 0 0 5-4 11-10 19-16 57-47 89-68 6-4 12-7 12-6v2c0 11 9 20 20 20h168c11 0 20-9 20-20v-2c0-1 6 2 12 6 44 28 99 77 100 78 0 0 0 0 0 0z m-333-101c-27 16-59 41-82 61-6 5-10 3-7-5 16-47 48-87 90-113 6-5 12-8 12-7 0 0 0 0 0 1v42c0 8-6 17-13 21z m316 61c-23-19-55-45-82-60-7-5-13-14-13-22v-42c0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 5 2 12 7 42 26 74 66 90 113 3 8-1 10-7 5z m-243-148c14-2 29-4 44-4 15 0 30 2 44 4 8 2 8 4 0 4h-88c-8 0-8-2 0-4z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="surgeon" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec36;" d="M504 181c22 31 44 61 64 93 7 10 14 15 27 14 22-2 45 2 68-4l3-1c15-4 15-4 14-20-4-52-8-104-11-156-4-48-8-97-13-146-5-40 3-78 29-111h-370c13 17 21 34 26 52 7 24 5 48 2 72-8 53-10 107-14 160-3 45-6 91-9 136 0 6 1 9 7 11 12 4 23 6 35 6 17 0 34 0 51 1 6 0 9-2 13-7 23-31 47-62 71-93 2-2 3-5 7-7z m-9 440h-183c-4 0-8-1-10 6-6 38-8 76 4 113 14 49 48 80 96 94 64 20 128 21 193 3 60-17 94-60 100-123 3-28-1-55-5-83-1-7-4-9-11-9-61 0-123 0-184 0v-1z m0-20c61 0 121 0 182 0 25 1 41-11 51-32 10-22 7-43-8-61-9-10-19-18-32-19-8-1-10-5-12-12-10-37-25-72-50-102-28-33-61-57-105-63-50-7-91 11-126 45-34 34-55 76-67 122-1 7-4 8-11 9-41 0-66 39-51 76 4 8 8 15 13 22 8 10 18 15 32 15 62 0 123 0 184 0z m1-27h-183c-15 0-17-2-21-16-8-25 10-41 28-39 5 1 10 0 15 0 11 2 16-2 16-12 1-14 8-20 23-21 30-3 60-10 91-12 59-4 118 3 177 13 5 1 7 2 8 7 2 8 2 18 7 23 5 6 16 1 25 2 13 2 23 15 23 29-1 16-10 26-25 26h-184z m-60-212c42-32 102-27 131 0h-131z m166 36c17 18 28 38 36 62-11-2-21-3-31-4-4-1-5-3-5-7 0-17 0-34 0-51z m-238 63c9-24 19-44 35-62 1 18 1 35 1 53 0 3-2 4-5 4-10 2-19 3-31 5z m513-211c-1-25-2-50-3-75 0-2-2-7 3-7 3 0 3 4 3 7l3 49c1 13 6 20 17 20 10 1 16-6 17-18 2-19 3-38 5-56 1-11-2-19-10-27-10-9-19-19-30-28-20-15-28-36-30-60-1-11-4-22-5-33-1-7-3-8-9-8-36 2-72 4-108 6-8 0-16 1-24 1-5 0-7 2-7 7 3 40 4 80 7 119 4 49 9 98 13 147 0 2 0 4 0 6 2 9 8 15 16 14 8-1 13-7 13-17-1-18-2-36-3-54 0-8 0-17-1-25 0-2-1-6 2-6 4-1 3 3 3 5 2 17 4 34 5 51 3 21 5 43 7 64 1 10 7 16 15 15 8 0 13-7 13-17-2-35-3-71-5-106 0-2 0-4 0-5 0-2-1-5 2-5 3-1 2 2 3 4 2 21 4 41 6 62 2 25 4 50 7 75 1 12 8 18 19 17 9-1 15-9 15-20-2-45-5-89-7-134l0-3c0-3-1-6 3-6 4 0 2 3 3 5 1 11 2 22 3 33l9 80c1 11 7 17 17 17 10 0 16-7 16-19-1-25-2-50-3-75h0z m-754 1l-3 72c0 12 5 20 15 21 11 1 18-5 19-18 4-36 7-71 11-107l0-6c1-2 1-4 4-4 2 1 2 2 2 4 0 4 0 8 0 12-2 41-4 83-5 124-1 15 4 22 15 23 11 0 17-7 18-22 4-43 8-87 12-131 0-2 0-6 4-6 3 1 2 5 2 7-2 34-4 69-5 103-1 16 3 24 14 24 9 0 14-7 15-23 3-35 6-71 10-106 0-2-1-7 2-6 5 0 3 4 3 7-1 25-2 50-3 76 0 11 4 18 13 18 9 1 14-5 15-17 9-88 16-176 18-265 1-8-1-11-10-11-42-1-85-4-127-6-7 0-10 2-10 9-3 18-6 37-9 55-1 9-4 16-11 23l-44 43c-8 7-12 15-10 26 2 19 4 39 5 58 1 11 9 18 18 17 9 0 16-7 16-18 1-16 2-32 3-49 0-3-1-10 3-10 6 0 3 6 3 10 0 24 0 49 0 73-1 0-2 0-3 0z m117-250c11 0 32 1 52 3 7 0 10-2 11-9 5-28 9-57 3-85-7-34-24-52-53-57-33-6-64 8-80 36-18 32-20 66-18 102 0 6 4 6 9 6 22 1 44 2 76 4z m528 0c23-2 46-3 69-4 5 0 7-2 7-8 0-29-3-58-14-85-16-40-49-58-88-50-23 5-37 21-44 43-9 28-8 56-4 85 3 23 4 23 27 21 8 0 16-1 24-1 8 0 15-1 23-1v0z m-344 550c15 0 27-11 27-26 0-15-12-27-27-27-14 0-26 12-26 27 0 14 12 26 26 26z m129-26c0 14 11 26 26 26 15 1 27-12 27-26 0-15-13-27-27-27-14 0-26 12-26 27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tablets" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec37;" d="M166 180c81-31 164-40 249-33 57 6 112 18 164 43 16 7 31 16 46 25 7 3 12 7 12 8-1 1-2 2-4 3-1 1-2 1-3 2-76 35-151 71-227 106-109 52-218 103-327 155-6 3-10 2-15-2-7-9-16-16-23-25-21-26-35-55-37-89-3-47 17-86 49-119 33-34 73-57 116-74z m93 259c133-63 267-126 400-189 5-2 8-2 11 2 6 6 12 12 17 19 45 56 46 128 3 185-32 41-74 68-121 89-54 23-111 35-170 38-84 6-165-5-243-38-15-6-30-14-45-22-7-4-12-7-12-8s6-3 13-7c49-23 98-46 147-69z m456-166c-6-11-12-22-19-33-24-35-59-57-97-76-61-29-127-42-195-46-58-4-117-1-174 12-55 12-107 31-153 64-30 22-56 48-70 82-1 3-2 5-3 7-1 4-3 7-3 7s-1-6-1-12c1-4 1-8 1-12 0-43 18-79 47-109 33-37 75-61 121-78 102-38 206-43 312-22 65 14 126 39 177 83 31 27 55 60 62 102 1 10 2 20 2 30 0 8 0 14 0 14 0 0-4-6-7-13z m159 33c13 7 27 14 40 22 6 4 10 7 10 7 0 1-2 3-3 3-1 1-2 1-3 2-58 27-117 55-175 82 17-33 26-70 26-107 0-15-1-28-3-42 37 7 73 17 108 33z m-160 163c77-37 153-73 230-109 5-3 7-3 10 1 5 6 10 11 15 17 40 49 41 113 2 164-28 36-65 60-106 78-49 21-99 31-151 34-74 5-146-5-215-34-8-3-17-7-25-12 102-21 188-72 240-139z m286-78c-1 0-4-5-7-11-5-10-10-20-16-29-22-31-52-51-86-67-42-20-87-32-132-38-7-23-18-45-31-66 19 2 39 5 58 9 59 12 112 34 157 73 28 24 48 53 55 90 1 9 1 18 2 27 0 7 0 12 0 12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="test-bottle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec38;" d="M882 522l-73 109c-5 8-9 21-9 29 0 8 3 15 7 15 3 0 6 7 6 17v141c0 9-7 17-17 17h-591c-9 0-17-8-17-17v-141c0-10 3-17 6-17 4 0 6-7 6-15s-4-21-9-29l-73-109c-5-8-9-22-9-32v-623c0-9 8-17 17-17h748c10 0 17 8 17 17v623c0 10-4 24-9 32z m-149 290c0 5 4 8 9 8s8-3 8-8v-110c0-5-4-9-8-9-5 0-9 4-9 9v110z m-97 0c0 5 3 8 8 8 5 0 9-3 9-8v-110c0-5-4-9-9-9s-8 4-8 9v110z m-98 0c0 5 4 8 9 8s8-3 8-8v-110c0-5-4-9-8-9-5 0-9 4-9 9v110z m-98 0c0 5 4 8 9 8 5 0 8-3 8-8v-110c0-5-3-9-8-9s-9 4-9 9v110z m-97 0c0 5 4 8 8 8 5 0 9-3 9-8v-110c0-5-4-9-9-9s-8 4-8 9v110z m-98 0c0 5 4 8 9 8s8-3 8-8v-110c0-5-3-9-8-9-5 0-9 4-9 9v110z m578-877c0-10-7-17-17-17h-612c-9 0-17 8-17 17v185h646v-185z m-289 357h53c3 0 6-2 6-6v-44c0-3-3-6-6-6h-53c-3 0-6-3-6-6v-52c0-4-2-6-6-6h-44c-3 0-6 2-6 6v52c0 3-3 6-6 6h-52c-4 0-7 3-7 6v44c0 4 3 6 7 6h52c3 0 6 3 6 7v52c0 3 3 6 6 6h44c4 0 6-3 6-6v-52c0-4 3-7 6-7z m289 106h-646v72c0 9 4 23 9 31l73 110c5 8 9 22 9 31v16c0 9 8 17 17 17h430c10 0 17-8 17-17v-16c0-9 4-23 9-31l73-110c5-8 9-22 9-31v-72z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="thermometer-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec3a;" d="M38-49c-24-26-25-64-2-86 23-22 61-19 86 6l30 32-84 79-30-31z m561 517l-434-455c-3-4-2-9 1-12 3-3 8-3 11 1l433 455c3 3 3 9 0 12-3 3-8 2-11-1z m333 330l-9 8c-64 61-165 58-225-5l-412-433c-48-51-56-124-25-183l-177-186 83-80 177 186c60-27 134-15 182 35l411 433c61 64 58 164-5 225z m-9-170c-4-5-12-5-17 0l-53 50-78-82 53-51c5-4 5-12 0-17-4-5-12-5-17 0l-53 50-78-82 53-51c4-4 5-12 0-17-5-5-12-5-17 0l-53 50-79-82 53-51c5-5 5-12 1-17-5-5-12-5-17 0l-53 50-79-83 53-50c5-5 5-12 1-17-5-5-12-5-17 0l-53 50-279-293c-12-13-32-13-45-1-13 12-13 32-1 45l279 293-43 41c-5 5-5 12 0 17 4 5 12 5 16 1l44-41 78 82-43 41c-5 5-5 12 0 17s12 5 17 1l43-41 78 82-43 41c-4 5-5 12 0 17 5 5 12 5 17 1l43-41 79 82-43 41c-5 5-5 12-1 17 5 5 12 5 17 1l43-41 79 82-43 41c-5 5-5 12-1 17 5 5 12 5 17 1l43-41 10 10c12 13 33 13 45 1s14-32 2-45l-10-10 53-51c4-4 4-12-1-17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="thermometer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec3b;" d="M608 268c-8 5-11 11-11 21 1 67 1 134 1 202v194c0 9 0 18-3 27-12 47-57 80-103 75-54-6-90-46-90-98 0-134 0-268 0-401 0-9-3-15-10-20-49-33-77-79-85-138-17-128 102-241 229-214 83 18 135 70 154 153 17 75-16 154-82 199z m49-187c-11-66-60-116-127-130-99-21-194 61-189 162 3 59 31 103 81 133 10 6 14 12 14 25l-1 215c0 13 4 17 17 16 9-1 19 0 29 0 6 0 15-1 15 8 0 10-9 9-16 9-11 0-22 1-33 0-11-1-11 5-11 13-1 9 1 13 11 13 12-1 24-1 35-1 7 0 14 1 14 8 0 9-7 10-14 10-12 0-24 1-35 0-11-1-11 5-11 13-1 9 2 13 11 12 11-1 23 0 34 0 6 0 15-1 15 8 0 10-9 10-16 10-11 0-21 0-32-1-10 0-13 4-12 13 0 9 2 13 12 13 11-1 22 0 33-1 7 0 15 0 15 9 0 9-7 9-15 9-11 0-22 1-33 0-10-1-13 4-12 13 0 9 2 13 12 12 11 0 22 0 33 0 7 0 14 0 15 9 0 9-7 9-14 9-12 0-23 1-34 0-12-1-13 4-10 14 9 32 37 51 72 47 29-3 53-30 54-62 0-70 0-140 0-211h0c0-68 0-136 0-205 0-13 4-21 16-28 58-35 88-100 77-164z m-112 117c-8 4-10 9-10 17 0 33 0 66 0 98 0 34 0 67 0 100 0 23-16 39-37 38-19-1-33-17-33-40 0-65 0-129 1-194 0-10-3-15-13-20-44-20-69-69-62-115 9-53 52-92 104-94 52-3 99 32 112 82 13 52-12 105-62 128z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tooth" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec3c;" d="M882 686c-2 39-24 90-43 113-20 23-57 45-83 49-26 4-78 3-117-3l-139-19-139 19c-40 6-92 7-118 3-26-4-62-26-82-49-20-23-42-74-44-113-4-70 1-181 51-282 0 0 36-72 36-186 0-84 32-265 73-345 18-35 73-28 84 10 38 133 66 468 139 467 73 1 100-334 139-467 11-38 65-45 83-10 42 80 74 261 74 345 0 114 35 186 35 186 50 101 55 212 51 282z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="xray" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec3d;" d="M598 756c0-52-42-94-94-94s-94 42-94 94 42 94 94 94 94-42 94-94z m111-112h-419c-15 0-27-13-27-28v-292c0-16 12-28 27-28h103l0-76v-319c0-28 22-51 45-51 23 0 41 23 41 51v282h52v-282c0-28 18-51 41-51s43 23 43 51l0 322v73h94c15 0 28 13 28 28v292c0 15-12 28-28 28z m-198-95h86c3 0 5-1 7-3 2-2 2-5 2-8l-2-16-82-8c-4 0-7 0-11 0l0 35z m0-90c5 0 9 0 13 1l74 7-3-27-73-8c-3 0-7 0-11 0l0 27z m11 14c-3 0-7 0-11 0v27c4 0 9 0 12 1l80 8-4-27-77-9z m-25-117h-61c-7 0-13 6-14 13l-2 17 70-8c2-1 4-1 7-1v-21z m0 35c-2 0-4 0-6 1l-73 8-3 26 70-7c4-1 8-1 12-1v-27z m0 41c-4 0-7 0-10 0l-73 8-4 27 75-7c4-1 8-1 12-1v-27h0z m0 41c-4 0-7 0-10 0l-78 9-4 26 80-7c3-1 8-1 12-1v-27z m0 41c-4 0-8 0-11 0l-82 9-2 15c-1 3 0 6 2 8 2 2 4 3 7 3h86v-35z m0 49h-86c-7 0-13-3-17-8-5-5-7-11-6-18l20-170c2-14 14-25 28-25h61v-27h-147c-3 2-5 5-5 9v245c0 6 5 12 11 12h141v-18z m0 32h-141c-14 0-25-12-25-26v-245c0-4 0-7 2-9h-43c-5 0-9 4-9 9v292c0 5 4 9 9 9h207v-30z m14-177c4 0 9 0 13 1l69 7-4-27-63-7c-4-1-10-1-15-1l0 27z m0-41c6 0 12 0 17 1l60 7-2-16c-1-7-7-13-14-13h-61l0 21z m147-62h-147v27h61c14 0 26 11 28 25l20 170c1 7-1 13-6 18-4 5-10 8-17 8h-86v18h140c6 0 12-6 12-12v-245c0-4-2-7-5-9z m61 9c0-5-5-9-10-9h-34c1 2 2 5 2 9v245c0 14-12 25-26 25h-140v31h198c5 0 10-4 10-9l0-292z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-add" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec3e;" d="M943 493h-300v300c0 31-26 57-57 57h-172c-31 0-57-26-57-57v-300h-300c-31 0-57-26-57-57v-172c0-31 26-57 57-57h300v-300c0-31 26-57 57-57h172c31 0 57 26 57 57v300h300c31 0 57 26 57 57v172c0 31-26 57-57 57z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-alarm" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec3f;" d="M516 850c7-6 15-10 21-17 17-20 11-50-11-65-6-3-7-7-7-13 0-19 0-39 0-58 194-22 329-121 377-313 45-177-19-321-161-434 13-13 26-26 40-39 9-10 13-21 11-34-6-26-37-36-58-17-16 15-32 31-48 48-6 6-10 7-19 4-107-46-215-45-323 0-7 4-11 2-16-3-15-16-31-32-47-48-15-14-37-15-50-1-14 14-14 35 1 50 7 7 14 14 21 20 6 7 13 13 19 20-157 127-214 286-148 480 47 138 183 256 364 266 0 22 1 43 0 65 0 2-2 4-4 5-31 16-32 65 4 82 1 0 2 1 2 2h32z m299-563c0 172-142 315-314 314-173 0-314-140-315-313-1-172 141-314 314-315 173 0 314 141 315 314z m-812 335c3 17 6 34 11 51 28 82 84 134 169 151 87 18 160-11 217-79 1-1 2-2 3-3 1-1 1-2 1-3-160-39-272-133-340-288-1 3-2 7-4 9-31 35-49 76-55 122 0 3-2 7-2 10l0 30z m592 116c56 69 126 101 212 88 92-14 154-68 181-158 24-80 3-152-53-216-30 74-74 136-134 187-59 50-127 83-206 99z m-62-428h14c29 0 59 1 88 0 18 0 31-13 31-31 0-18-13-32-32-32-44 0-89 0-133 0-19 0-32 13-32 33 0 68 0 136 0 204 0 20 14 34 32 33 18 0 32-14 32-33 0-53 0-106 0-159 0-5 0-9 0-15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-battery" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec40;" d="M427 600c127 0 254 0 381 0 30 0 46-16 46-45 0-137 0-274 0-410 0-28-17-45-44-45-84 0-168 0-252 0-69 1-138 0-207 0-87 0-175 0-262 0-16 0-32 0-47 0-25 0-42 17-42 42 0 67 0 134 0 200 0 71 0 141 0 211 0 31 16 47 47 47 126 0 253 0 380 0z m-346-419h692v338h-692v-338z m833 271c19 0 37 2 55-1 18-3 30-14 30-35 2-44 1-87 0-131 0-20-16-36-36-37-16-1-32 0-49 0v204z m-785 17h117v-238h-117v238z m609-238h-129v238h129v-238z m-105 24h81v190h-81v-190z m-62-24h-125v238h125v-238z m-101 24h77v190h-77v-190z m-182 214h117v-238h-117v238z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-block" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec41;" d="M854 704c-196 195-512 195-708 0-195-196-195-512 0-708 196-195 512-195 708 0 195 196 195 512 0 708z m-591-117c111 111 280 128 408 51l-459-459c-76 128-60 297 51 408z m474-474c-111-111-280-128-408-51l459 459c77-128 60-297-51-408z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-bluetooth" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec42;" d="M594 348c54-55 108-108 162-162 32-32 32-57-1-90-76-76-151-152-227-227-30-30-73-24-87 12-4 10-4 21-4 32 0 83 0 166 0 249v28c-8-8-14-12-18-16l-102-102c-30-30-60-34-83-10-23 24-20 52 10 82l178 177c22 22 22 33 0 55-61 62-123 123-184 185-30 30-22 74 16 87 22 7 40 0 55-15 36-36 71-71 106-107 6-5 12-10 20-18 1 9 2 14 2 20 0 81 0 161 0 242 0 7-1 14-2 21-3 24 7 42 27 53 21 10 41 8 58-9 10-9 19-18 29-28 70-70 140-140 211-211 27-27 27-54 0-81-49-50-99-99-148-148-6-6-12-12-18-19z m-55 100c37 37 75 74 107 106-35 35-72 72-107 108v-214z m0-418c38 39 76 76 109 109l-109 110v-219z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-brightness" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec43;" d="M198 351c0 167 136 304 303 303 167 0 303-137 303-304 0-166-136-302-302-302-170 0-305 134-304 303z m305 184v-370c106 1 186 87 183 196-3 94-92 180-183 174z m346-188c0 49 31 81 77 81 45-1 75-35 74-86 0-45-32-78-76-78-45 0-76 34-75 83z m-55-380c-43 0-78 34-78 76 1 43 41 84 84 84 42 0 77-35 77-77-1-42-41-82-83-83z m-289 883c47 0 80-31 81-76 0-43-34-74-78-76-55-2-85 39-85 76-1 44 34 76 82 76z m-221-193c0-43-42-84-84-84-42 0-77 36-76 78 0 42 43 83 84 82 42-1 76-35 76-76z m521-89c-43 1-83 41-82 84 0 42 35 76 78 75 43-1 82-42 82-85-1-42-35-75-78-74z m-603-594c-44 0-84 39-84 83 0 42 33 76 74 77 44 1 85-40 85-84 0-42-33-75-75-76z m212-47c1 43 35 76 80 76 47 0 83-33 83-77 0-43-35-76-81-76-48 0-82 32-82 77z m-261 428c-1-48-34-82-78-81-44 1-76 36-75 82 1 46 34 81 77 81 44-1 77-36 76-82z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="ui-check" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec4b;" d="M986 675l-154 124c-16 13-40 10-53-6l-419-519-164 149c-15 14-39 13-53-2l-133-146c-14-16-13-40 2-54l351-319c16-14 39-12 52 4l124 154c0 1 0 1 0 1l453 561c13 16 10 40-6 53z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="ui-clip" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec4d;" d="M742 804c15-3 30-5 45-9 118-34 190-112 209-234 15-91-14-172-79-238-113-114-227-227-340-340-15-14-33-15-46-2-13 13-12 32 2 46 111 112 223 223 334 335 118 117 70 314-86 364-85 27-160 7-224-56-145-142-289-286-434-429-23-22-43-46-53-77-22-68 5-142 65-180 60-38 138-32 190 18 46 44 90 89 135 133 108 106 215 213 323 319 52 52 32 136-37 158-34 11-66 3-92-22-54-53-107-106-160-159-60-61-121-122-182-183-10-10-21-14-34-9-12 4-19 12-21 25-2 12 4 21 12 30 53 52 105 105 158 157 60 60 119 121 180 180 44 44 97 58 156 41 59-18 96-58 108-118 12-54-3-102-41-141-153-152-306-304-461-455-63-61-140-76-222-48-81 28-129 88-144 172-1 5 0 9-3 13v43c1 1 2 3 2 4 6 54 30 98 69 135 47 47 95 94 142 141 103 102 207 204 310 306 34 33 74 56 119 69 17 5 36 7 53 11h47z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-clock" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec4e;" d="M500 850c-276 0-500-224-500-500 0-276 224-500 500-500 276 0 500 224 500 500 0 276-224 500-500 500z m-3-830c-182 0-330 148-330 330s148 330 330 330c183 0 331-148 331-330s-148-330-331-330z m75 376v174c0 32-26 59-58 59h-28c-32 0-58-27-58-59v-210c0-22 12-41 30-51 1-2 2-5 5-7l149-149c22-23 59-23 82 0l19 19c23 23 23 60 0 82l-141 142z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="ui-image" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec5f;" d="M1 351c0 133 2 267-1 401-1 68 26 98 94 98 271-1 542-1 813 0 70 0 94-32 93-99-1-268-1-535 0-803 1-68-25-98-94-98-271 1-542 2-813 0-71 0-94 33-93 99 2 134 1 268 1 402z m858 349h-717c0-175-2-344 2-513 1-18 33-50 51-50 202-4 404-4 606 0 19 1 55 35 55 54 5 166 3 332 3 509z m-462-210c27-69 47-120 72-186l183 332c42-153 76-282 114-421h-546c58 91 112 173 177 275z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="ui-love-add" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec62;" d="M661 340h-101c-32 0-58 26-58 58v112c0 32 26 58 58 58h101v93c-90 29-198-1-258-116-115 219-406 129-403-89 4-237 296-278 403-435v0l0 0c57 84 168 135 259 201-1 3-1 6-1 10v108z m310 179h-133v131c0 16-14 29-30 29h-71c-16 0-30-13-30-29l0-131h-130c-16 0-29-13-29-29v-72c0-16 13-29 29-29h130l0-133c0-16 14-29 30-29h71c17 0 30 13 30 29v133h133c16 0 29 13 29 29v72c0 16-13 29-29 29z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-love-broken" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec63;" d="M596 708l96-91-189-131 162-92-195-173 108 146-195 114 136 87-128 149c-165 100-394-14-391-230 4-295 367-346 500-541v0l0 0 0 0v0c133 195 496 246 500 541 3 221-238 336-404 221z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="ui-search" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec82;" d="M982 61l-235 216c27 54 43 114 43 178 0 218-177 395-395 395-218 0-395-177-395-395 0-218 177-395 395-395 64 0 124 16 178 43l215-235c22-23 57-24 79-2l117 117c22 22 21 57-2 78z m-587 153c-133 0-241 108-241 241 0 133 108 241 241 241 133 0 241-108 241-241 0-133-108-241-241-241z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-settings" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec83;" d="M770 158c-13 5-27 10-39 16-27 13-41 34-41 63-1 30 13 52 39 65 9 5 18 9 28 12 15 5 22 15 20 31-2 34-14 65-37 91-10 12-23 16-38 9-8-4-17-7-25-10-29-10-55-4-76 17-21 20-26 51-14 78 2 5 4 11 6 15 8 15 4 27-7 37-25 22-54 36-88 39-16 1-27-4-33-20-2-8-5-15-9-23-14-26-35-40-64-39-30 0-51 15-63 41-5 10-8 19-12 28-4 15-15 22-29 21-37-3-70-16-97-41-10-10-13-22-7-36 4-8 7-17 10-25 10-27 5-51-13-72-19-21-44-27-72-20-8 3-17 6-25 10-16 8-28 4-39-9-21-25-35-54-38-87-3-22 3-29 23-38 6-2 12-5 18-8 25-14 39-36 38-65-1-30-15-51-42-64-7-3-13-6-20-8-15-5-21-16-20-32 2-30 12-57 29-82 15-23 24-26 50-15 27 11 53 11 78-6 31-22 41-59 24-99-6-15-7-28 5-39 27-23 57-38 92-40 16-1 28 4 33 21 2 7 5 15 9 22 12 27 39 44 67 43 28-1 54-20 64-47 3-6 5-12 7-18 9-20 17-26 39-23 29 4 57 15 80 34 18 14 20 24 12 45-3 6-5 12-7 18-11 29-6 55 16 76 22 22 48 27 77 16 11-4 23-9 34-14 12-6 23-5 31 4 28 29 44 63 44 104 1 12-6 20-18 24z m-377-100c-99 1-178 82-178 181 1 98 82 177 181 176 98 0 177-80 176-179 0-99-80-178-179-178z m2 265c-47 1-87-37-88-84-1-48 37-87 85-89 47-1 87 38 88 85 1 47-38 87-85 88z m-1-127c-23 0-41 18-41 41 0 22 18 40 40 40 22 0 40-18 41-40 0-22-18-40-40-41z m438 264c-1 4-1 8-1 12-1 15 8 29 21 35 13 6 29 3 40-7l8-6c8-8 14-8 23-2 12 9 22 20 29 34 5 11 3 16-5 24-3 2-5 4-8 6-11 11-15 24-10 39 5 15 16 23 32 25 6 1 12 1 19 1 6 0 11 3 13 9 6 20 6 39-4 58-2 6-7 8-14 7-7-1-14-2-21-2-15 0-27 7-34 20-7 13-6 26 3 39 3 4 7 8 10 11 6 6 7 13 3 19-9 15-22 27-39 34-7 3-14 2-19-5-3-4-6-7-9-10-11-12-24-15-39-10-14 5-24 17-25 33 0 2 0 5 0 8 0 9-4 13-12 15-16 5-33 4-49-2-8-3-12-8-11-17 1-4 1-8 1-12 0-15-7-27-20-33-14-7-27-5-39 4-4 3-8 7-11 11-6 5-12 6-18 2-17-10-29-23-35-41-3-7-2-13 5-18 4-3 7-6 10-9 11-10 14-22 11-36-4-14-14-23-29-26-4-1-9-1-13-1-9 0-14-5-16-13-4-17-4-33 2-49 4-11 8-13 20-12 3 0 7 0 10 0 15 0 26-7 32-21 7-14 5-27-4-39-3-3-5-6-8-8-5-6-6-12-2-19 8-14 19-24 33-32 12-7 17-6 26 5 10 11 22 17 37 15 20-2 33-17 34-40 1-8 4-14 12-16 17-5 34-4 51 3 7 3 11 8 10 17z m-130 144c-22 46-3 100 42 123 45 22 100 4 123-42 22-45 4-100-42-122-45-23-100-4-123 41z m63 81c-22-11-31-38-21-60 10-22 37-31 59-21 22 11 32 38 21 60-10 21-37 31-59 21z m29-59c-10-5-23-1-28 9-5 10-1 23 9 28 10 5 22 1 28-9 5-10 1-23-9-28z m198-242c-2 1-5 2-8 3-6 2-10 6-10 13-1 6 1 11 7 14 2 1 3 2 5 3 4 2 5 4 4 7-1 8-4 14-9 19-3 2-6 3-9 1-1-1-3-1-5-2-6-3-11-2-16 2-5 4-7 10-5 16 0 1 1 3 1 4 2 3 1 5-2 7-6 5-12 7-20 7-3 0-5-1-6-5-1-2-1-3-2-5-2-6-7-9-13-10s-11 3-14 8c-1 2-2 4-3 6-1 3-4 4-7 4-8-2-14-5-20-11-2-2-2-5 0-8 1-2 1-3 2-5 3-6 2-11-1-16-4-5-9-6-15-5-2 0-4 1-6 1-3 2-6 0-8-2-4-6-6-13-6-20-1-4 1-6 5-7 2-1 3-1 4-2 6-2 9-7 10-13 0-6-3-11-8-14-1-1-3-2-4-3-3-1-4-3-4-7 1-6 4-12 8-17 4-4 6-5 11-2 6 3 11 3 17 0 7-4 10-11 7-20-1-4-1-6 2-8 6-5 13-7 20-7 4 0 6 1 7 5 0 2 1 3 1 5 3 6 8 10 14 10 6 1 12-3 15-8 0-2 1-3 2-4 2-4 4-5 8-4 6 1 12 4 17 9 3 3 3 5 1 9 0 2-1 3-2 4-2 6-2 12 2 17 5 5 10 6 16 5 3-1 6-2 8-3 3-1 5 0 7 2 5 6 8 14 7 23 0 2-2 4-5 4z m-78-28c-21-2-40 13-42 35-2 21 14 39 35 41 21 2 40-14 42-35 2-21-14-40-35-41z m-5 56c-10 0-18-9-17-20 0-10 9-18 20-17 10 1 18 10 17 20-1 10-10 18-20 17z m2-27c-5-1-9 3-9 8-1 5 3 9 8 9 4 1 9-3 9-7s-3-9-8-10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-social-link" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec84;" d="M411 483c-23-30-50-53-83-69-81-41-184-27-250 32-71 64-97 163-64 249 34 90 116 148 210 149 152 1 260-138 222-287-2-8-3-13 6-17 70-36 140-72 210-109 29 34 63 57 106 68 80 19 165-17 206-89 42-72 32-165-24-224-70-74-178-81-258-18-8 7-14 8-23 1-41-30-83-60-124-89-7-5-9-8-6-17 26-86-14-168-98-198-57-21-108-6-154 33-70 59-62 159-17 213 51 62 143 76 210 29 13-9 20-8 31 1 39 29 79 57 118 85 8 5 10 10 7 20-15 36-18 74-9 112 1 5-2 11-5 15-4 4-10 6-15 9-65 33-130 67-196 101z m-184 291c-86 0-156-69-156-155 0-88 68-159 156-159 86 0 157 71 158 156 0 88-70 158-158 158z m470-440c-16-44 17-107 64-127 62-27 130-2 158 55 28 59 5 126-52 158-45 25-114 13-137-22 4-3 8-5 12-8 29-14 58-29 86-44 17-10 23-30 15-46-8-18-26-24-45-17-10 3-19 9-28 14-25 12-49 24-73 37z m-264-249c-32 23-79 15-106-15-30-34-30-83 0-117 29-32 78-37 115-12 28 19 45 68 30 86-17-13-35-27-53-39-10-6-23-10-35-10-15 0-24 12-27 27-3 16 4 28 17 38 19 14 39 27 59 42z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-tag" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec85;" d="M974 278l-431 431c-34 34-100 75-146 90l-131 45c-46 16-111 0-146-34l-80-81c-34-34-50-99-34-145l47-135c16-46 57-112 92-146l427-427c34-35 90-35 124 0l278 277c34 35 34 91 0 125z m-809 275c-36 36-36 95 0 132 36 36 95 36 132 0s36-96 0-132c-37-36-96-36-132 0z m673-355l-186-186c-17-17-45-17-62 0l-277 277c-17 17-17 45 0 62l185 186c18 17 46 17 63 0l277-277c17-17 17-45 0-62z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-text-chat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec86;" d="M892 827h-784c-59 0-108-49-108-108v-467c0-59 49-108 108-108h223v-271l271 271h290c59 0 108 49 108 108v467c0 59-49 108-108 108z m-37-498c0-12-9-22-21-22h-684c-12 0-22 10-22 22v28c0 12 10 22 22 22h684c12 0 21-10 21-22v-28z m0 155c0-12-9-21-21-21h-684c-12 0-22 9-22 21v29c0 12 10 21 22 21h684c12 0 21-9 21-21v-29z m0 156c0-12-9-22-21-22h-684c-12 0-22 10-22 22v28c0 12 10 22 22 22h684c12 0 21-10 21-22v-28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-text-loading" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec87;" d="M892 827h-783c-60 0-109-49-109-108v-467c0-59 49-108 109-108h222v-271l271 271h290c59 0 108 49 108 108v467c0 59-49 108-108 108z m-660-440c-51 0-92 41-92 92 0 51 41 93 92 93 51 0 93-42 93-93 0-51-42-92-93-92z m268 0c-51 0-92 41-92 92 0 51 41 93 92 93 51 0 93-42 93-93 0-51-42-92-93-92z m268 0c-51 0-93 41-93 92 0 51 42 93 93 93 51 0 92-42 92-93 0-51-41-92-92-92z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-theme" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec88;" d="M0 4c4 65 49 120 108 165 17 14 38 24 58 34 72 37 93 68 75 147-13 60 2 100 48 136 23 19 45 41 64 64 18 22 30 18 49-1 85-87 170-173 257-257 23-22 22-35-1-53-11-8-21-18-29-28-51-65-108-105-199-79-50 15-88-17-109-65-28-63-68-116-129-152-26-15-54-25-84-27-68-3-109 36-108 116z m603 258c-15 16-22 26-30 34-51 51-102 101-153 152-43 43-43 43-86-1-3-4-6-8-10-10-21-16-16-29 2-46 58-56 114-114 171-171 10-9 19-32 39-17 23 18 44 39 67 59z m-436-257c30 1 47 18 48 48 0 31-19 51-50 51-29-1-48-18-49-48 0-33 18-49 51-51z m548 293c-8 7-15 13-21 19-89 89-177 178-267 266-18 18-14 27 2 43 56 54 111 109 165 165 26 28 48 28 75 1 76-78 154-156 232-232 28-27 31-49 0-78-55-52-108-107-162-161-7-7-15-14-24-23z m-88 449c-20-23-40-45-60-67-15-18 5-24 13-32 9-10 12-19 5-31-16-31-14-62 11-88 25-26 56-29 87-14 26 13 39-5 46-20 9-23-19-30-30-44-13-17-25-34-7-51 17-17 36-7 51 8 28 29 56 59 86 86 22 19 23 33 1 53-60 57-117 117-175 175-7 6-13 11-28 25z m373-643c-4-56-30-97-81-120-48-22-102-11-140 28-40 40-51 89-28 140 27 56 60 110 91 164 12 21 36 25 49 6 40-64 85-127 108-200 1-6 1-12 1-18z m-130 142c-24-42-47-77-64-115-14-33-7-65 25-87 29-18 58-15 84 6 27 23 34 53 17 85-19 36-39 70-62 111z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-timer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec89;" d="M943 223h-81c-23-67-64-127-117-171h255l-57 171z m-804 0h-82l-57-171h255c-53 44-94 104-116 171z m361 437c-171 0-309-139-309-310 0-171 138-309 309-309 171 0 309 138 309 309 0 171-138 310-309 310z m-2-514c-112 0-204 91-204 204s92 205 204 205c113 0 205-92 205-205s-92-204-205-204z m47 232v109c0 19-17 36-36 36h-17c-20 0-36-17-36-36v-131c0-13 7-25 18-31 1-2 1-3 3-5l92-92c14-14 37-14 51 0l12 12c14 14 14 37 0 51l-87 87z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-touch-phone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8a;" d="M716 850h-431c-48 0-87-39-87-87v-826c0-48 39-87 87-87h431c48 0 87 39 87 87v826c0 48-39 87-87 87z m-287-36h142c8 0 13-4 13-9 0-4-5-8-13-8h-142c-7 0-13 4-13 8 0 5 6 9 13 9z m71-920c-37 0-67 30-67 67 0 37 30 68 67 68s68-31 68-68c0-37-31-67-68-67z m253 206c0-24-20-44-43-44h-419c-24 0-44 20-44 44v620c0 24 20 43 44 43h419c23 0 43-19 43-43v-620z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-travel" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8b;" d="M277 172h446c34 0 62 28 62 62v266c0 34-28 62-62 62h-40v83c0 34-28 62-62 62h-242c-34 0-62-28-62-62v-83h-40c-34 0-62-28-62-62v-266c0-34 28-62 62-62z m101 421v28c0 17 14 31 31 31h182c17 0 31-14 31-31v-59h-244v31z m-322-489c-31 0-56-25-56-56 0-30 25-55 56-55s55 25 55 55c0 31-25 56-55 56z m177 0c-30 0-55-25-55-56 0-30 25-55 55-55s56 25 56 55c0 31-25 56-56 56z m178 0c-31 0-56-25-56-56 0-30 25-55 56-55 31 0 56 25 56 55 0 31-25 56-56 56z m178 0c-31 0-56-25-56-56 0-30 25-55 56-55s56 25 56 55c0 31-25 56-56 56z m178 0c-31 0-56-25-56-56 0-30 25-55 56-55 30 0 55 25 55 55 0 31-25 56-55 56z m177 0c-30 0-55-25-55-56 0-30 25-55 55-55 31 0 56 25 56 55 0 31-25 56-56 56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-unlock" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8c;" d="M761 462c1 14 2 29 2 44 0 190-117 344-263 344-119 0-220-104-252-247h113c23 74 77 126 139 126 84 0 152-94 152-210 0-17-2-34-5-51h-358c-109 0-198-89-198-198v-222c0-109 89-198 198-198h422c110 0 199 89 199 198v222c0 92-64 169-149 192z m-213-341v-64c0-55-21-99-48-99-26 0-48 45-48 99v64c-39 18-66 57-66 102 0 63 51 114 114 114 63 0 114-51 114-114 0-45-27-84-66-102z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-user-group" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8d;" d="M692 185c-125 76-255 78-380 6-45-26-73-59-87-95h544c-12 34-38 66-77 89z m-195 419c89 0 160-70 160-159 1-88-71-160-159-161-89-1-160 71-160 161 0 89 70 159 159 159z m467-434c-37 32-80 45-127 47-41 1-81-5-118-27 39-30 63-60 74-94h207c0 26-12 53-36 74z m-683 20c-4 3-6 5-9 6-78 33-154 31-224-17-32-22-48-53-48-83h208c13 35 38 66 73 94z m447 154c0 54 44 99 98 99 54 1 100-44 100-98 1-53-45-100-97-100-56-1-101 44-101 99z m-553-98c-56-1-100 42-100 98-1 54 44 99 99 100 53 0 99-45 99-98 1-56-43-100-98-100z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-user" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8e;" d="M859 47c-230 139-469 144-700 11-82-47-134-109-159-176h1000c-22 64-69 122-141 165z m-359 771c163 0 294-130 295-292 1-162-131-295-293-297-164-1-295 131-296 296 0 163 130 293 294 293z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-v-card" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec8f;" d="M892 721h-783c-60 0-109-49-109-109v-523c0-60 49-109 109-109h783c59 0 108 49 108 109v523c0 60-49 109-108 109z m-779-171c0 30 25 54 55 54h181c30 0 55-24 55-54v-209c0-30-25-54-55-54h-181c-30 0-55 24-55 54v209z m736-426h-706c-18 0-33 14-33 32 0 17 15 32 33 32h706c17 0 32-15 32-32 0-18-15-32-32-32z m0 168h-320c-18 0-33 14-33 31 0 18 15 32 33 32h320c17 0 32-14 32-32 0-17-15-31-32-31z m0 130h-320c-18 0-33 15-33 32 0 18 15 32 33 32h320c17 0 32-14 32-32 0-17-15-32-32-32z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-video-chat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec90;" d="M892 827h-783c-60 0-109-49-109-108v-467c0-59 49-108 109-108h222v-271l271 271h290c59 0 108 49 108 108v467c0 59-49 108-108 108z m-224-370l-253-135c-26-14-48-1-48 29v263c0 30 22 43 48 29l253-135c26-14 26-37 0-51z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-video-message" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec91;" d="M892 827h-783c-60 0-109-49-109-108v-467c0-59 49-108 109-108h222v-271l271 271h290c59 0 108 49 108 108v467c0 59-49 108-108 108z m-243-476c0-30-22-43-48-29l-253 135c-26 14-26 37 0 51l253 135c26 14 48 1 48-29v-263z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-video-play" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec92;" d="M0-65v831h1000v-831h-1000z m372 567v-298c94 50 184 98 278 149-94 51-184 99-278 149z m-251 198v-78h199v78h-199z m760-80v79h-199v-79h199z m-761-619h200v78h-200v-78z m762 79h-199v-79h199v79z m-481 540h197v79h-197v-79z m0-619h198v79h-198v-79z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-video" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec93;" d="M955 166c-1 0-2 0-2 0l-104 176 109 185 37 61c-3 1-7 2-12 2h-50l-1 1-1-1h-240v126c0 17-14 32-32 32h-626c-18 0-33-15-33-32v-731c0-18 15-33 33-33h626c18 0 32 15 32 33v103h292c7 0 12 3 17 6l-45 72z m-796-131c0-18-15-33-33-33h-24c-18 0-33 15-33 33v31c0 18 15 33 33 33h24c18 0 33-15 33-33v-31z m8 587c0-19-16-35-36-35h-26c-20 0-36 16-36 35v35c0 19 16 35 36 35h26c20 0 36-16 36-35v-35z m148-587c0-18-15-33-32-33h-25c-18 0-32 15-32 33v31c0 18 14 33 32 33h25c17 0 32-15 32-33v-31z m4 587c0-19-16-35-36-35h-26c-20 0-36 16-36 35v35c0 19 16 35 36 35h26c20 0 36-16 36-35v-35z m54 35c0 19 16 35 36 35h26c20 0 36-16 36-35v-35c0-19-16-35-36-35h-26c-20 0-36 16-36 35v35z m99-622c0-18-15-33-33-33h-24c-18 0-33 15-33 33v31c0 18 15 33 33 33h24c18 0 33-15 33-33v-31z m53 587v35c0 19 16 35 36 35h26c19 0 36-16 36-35v-35c0-19-17-35-36-35h-26c-20 0-36 16-36 35z m103-587c0-18-15-33-32-33h-25c-18 0-32 15-32 33v31c0 18 14 33 32 33h25c17 0 32-15 32-33v-31z m63 479h195l-100-171-2 0 1-1-1-1 2-1 104-177h-199v351z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-volume" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec94;" d="M480 387l2-1c-1-1-2 0-2 1z m320-446c-8 3-15 5-22 9-22 13-30 46-14 68 13 17 28 33 41 50 68 91 100 194 94 307-6 113-48 210-125 294-12 13-20 27-18 46 3 22 19 39 42 42 1 1 2 2 3 2h9c20-3 34-17 46-31 24-28 46-57 64-88 40-67 65-140 75-218 2-14 3-29 5-43v-58c-1-3-1-7-2-10-3-24-4-48-9-72-19-95-60-180-123-255-15-18-28-37-53-43h-13z m-119 112c-22 0-38 10-46 30-9 21-3 39 10 56 17 20 34 40 47 62 33 55 45 115 39 178-7 69-35 129-83 180-16 17-22 35-13 58 11 29 51 40 76 20 21-18 38-41 54-64 33-49 54-103 63-162 10-68 4-135-20-200-20-54-51-102-91-143-10-10-22-16-36-15z m-16 290c-1-61-25-118-75-165-16-15-34-19-55-10-19 8-29 23-30 43-1 17 7 31 19 42 23 23 37 51 40 83 4 42-9 79-39 109-12 12-21 26-19 45 1 19 11 33 28 41 17 8 35 7 50-5 28-21 47-49 61-80 14-31 20-62 20-103z m-262 6c0-85 1-170 0-255 0-12-5-29-14-34-8-5-26 0-35 7-67 48-134 97-198 150-13 10-16 36-17 55 0 63 2 125 5 188 1 10 9 23 17 30 63 49 126 97 190 144 10 7 29 12 38 8 9-5 15-23 15-36 2-86-1-172-1-257 0 0-2 1 0 0z m-322 1c0-31 0-63 1-95 0-15-5-22-21-24-56-6-61-3-61 54 0 51 1 103 0 154 0 22 7 31 31 31 50 1 50 2 50-48 0-24 0-48 0-72z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-weather" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec95;" d="M775 18c-22-44-56-72-101-86-67-21-126-2-174 48-9 10-15 12-28 8-68-22-128-7-177 45-10 10-19 13-33 10-65-16-135 33-145 100-10 72 41 138 110 142 11 1 22 0 34 0 17 43 45 75 90 91 44 15 86 9 125-14 74 152 279 121 319-24 81 12 145-13 186-86 31-55 23-131-18-182-43-55-111-74-188-52z m-667 410c1 138 101 226 202 237 119 13 224-66 249-179 2-11-1-16-10-23-25-19-48-41-73-61-5-5-15-9-20-7-77 27-159-3-201-75-6-11-12-13-22-14-18-2-36-6-52-13-12-4-18-2-25 7-31 42-46 88-48 128z m395 196c-15 11-27 20-41 31 24 19 46 37 69 55l4-2c-10-27-20-54-32-84z m-379-53c-21 26-38 50-56 73l2 3c27-12 55-24 85-36-11-14-21-26-31-40z m486 63c-19-23-37-46-58-70-9 13-18 25-29 41 29 11 57 22 85 33l2-4z m-435-4c-11 32-21 59-33 93 27-23 50-43 75-64-15-10-27-19-42-29z m264 37c-19 6-33 10-50 16 17 27 33 52 50 79v-95z m-292-390c-31-11-59-21-86-31l-3 3c19 22 38 45 59 70 10-14 19-26 30-42z m-136 67c28 17 53 32 79 48 5-16 10-30 16-48h-95z m280 341c-16-5-31-9-48-14v93c16-27 32-52 48-79z m-181-139c-6-16-11-31-16-48l-74 51 0 4c29-2 58-4 90-7z m201 144l23 86 4 0c7-28 15-56 23-86h-50z m-225-219v-50c-30 8-58 16-86 25l0 4c28 6 56 13 86 21z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-wifi" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec96;" d="M454 100l2 2c1-2 0-3-2-2z m546 390c-4-9-6-18-11-27-17-27-57-36-83-17-21 16-41 35-62 51-111 83-236 121-375 114-137-8-257-59-358-152-17-15-34-25-57-22-27 4-47 23-52 50 0 2-1 3-2 5v10c4 25 20 41 38 57 34 29 69 56 107 78 83 49 171 80 266 91 18 3 36 4 54 7h70c4-1 8-2 12-3 30-3 60-5 89-11 116-23 220-73 311-150 22-18 45-35 53-65v-16z m-137-146c-1-26-13-45-37-56-25-11-47-3-68 13-24 20-49 41-76 57-67 40-140 55-218 48-84-9-157-43-219-102-21-19-44-26-71-16-36 14-50 63-25 93 22 26 50 47 78 66 60 40 126 67 198 77 84 13 165 5 245-25 66-24 124-61 174-110 13-12 19-27 19-45z m-355-18c74-2 145-32 202-92 18-20 23-43 12-67-9-23-28-36-53-37-20-1-37 8-51 23-28 28-61 45-101 49-52 5-96-11-133-47-15-16-32-26-55-24-23 1-40 13-50 34-10 21-9 43 6 61 26 34 60 57 98 75 37 16 76 24 125 25z m-8-212c40 0 74-34 74-74 0-40-33-74-74-74-40 0-74 33-74 74 0 40 34 74 74 74z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-zoom-in" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec97;" d="M982 61l-235 216c27 54 43 114 43 178 0 218-177 395-395 395-218 0-395-177-395-395 0-218 177-395 395-395 64 0 124 16 178 43l216-235c21-23 56-24 78-2l117 117c22 22 21 57-2 78z m-587 153c-133 0-241 108-241 241s108 241 241 241c133 0 241-108 241-241s-108-241-241-241z m125 283h-89v89c0 12-10 23-23 23h-29c-13 0-23-11-23-23v-89h-89c-13 0-23-11-23-23v-29c0-13 10-23 23-23h89v-89c0-13 10-23 23-23h29c13 0 23 10 23 23v89h89c13 0 23 10 23 23v29c0 12-10 23-23 23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ui-zoom-out" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec98;" d="M982 61l-235 216c27 54 43 114 43 178 0 218-177 395-395 395-218 0-395-177-395-395 0-218 177-395 395-395 64 0 124 16 178 43l216-235c21-23 56-24 78-2l117 117c22 22 21 57-2 78z m-587 153c-133 0-241 108-241 241s108 241 241 241c133 0 241-108 241-241s-108-241-241-241z m125 283h-253c-13 0-23-10-23-23v-29c0-13 10-23 23-23h253c13 0 23 10 23 23v29c0 12-10 23-23 23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cassette-player" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec99;" d="M962 563h-94c0 47 0 94 0 141 0 3 0 7 0 11 0 24-12 35-36 35h-112c-183 0-367 0-550 0-8 0-16 0-23-4-11-7-15-17-15-30 0-51 0-102 0-153h-94c-21 0-38-17-38-38v-536c0-22 17-39 38-39h924c21 0 38 17 38 39v536c0 21-17 38-38 38z m-92-349c-1-43-36-77-79-77-43 0-77 36-76 80 0 41 36 76 78 75 43-1 77-35 77-78z m-303 13c0-7-2-9-9-9-39 1-78 1-117 0-7 0-8 3-8 10 0 21 0 43 0 65 0 21 0 42 0 63 0 6 1 9 8 9 39-1 78-1 117 0 6 0 9-1 9-9 0-43 0-86 0-129z m-281-13c-1-42-36-77-78-77-43 0-78 35-78 78 0 43 35 77 78 77 43 0 78-35 78-78z m-91 463c0 8 3 10 10 10 99 0 197 0 296 0 98 0 195 0 293 0 8 0 11-2 11-11 0-37 0-75 0-113h-119c0 9 0 18 0 28 0 17-14 32-31 32-17 0-31-14-32-31 0-10 0-19 0-29h-91c0 9 0 18-1 27 0 19-13 32-30 33-18 0-32-14-32-33-1-9-1-18 0-27h-92c0 9 0 18 0 27 0 18-14 33-31 33-18 0-32-15-32-33 0-9 0-18 0-27h-119c0 38 0 76 0 114z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cassette" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec9a;" d="M1000 596v-490c0-7-2-13-4-19-15-45-56-71-108-71-167 0-334 0-500 0-94 0-188 0-282 0-52 1-93 34-104 84 0 1-1 4-1 4l-1 490c0 3 0 6 1 8 9 43 46 82 90 82 29 0 44 0 71 0 11 1 16-4 22-13 36-61 72-121 108-182 6-10 13-14 24-14 122 0 244 0 366 0 12 0 20 4 26 15 37 62 75 124 112 186 3 6 6 8 13 8 21-1 41 0 62 0 48-1 92-32 104-78 1-3 1-5 1-10z m-500-205v0c-34 0-68 0-102 0-14 0-23-8-23-21 0-41 0-82 0-123 0-14 9-22 22-22 69 0 137 0 205 0 14 0 23 9 23 23 0 40 0 80 0 120 0 16-8 23-24 23-33 0-67 0-101 0z m-395-82c-1-58 45-104 103-105 57 0 104 47 105 104 0 57-47 104-104 104-57 1-104-46-104-103z m685-105c57-1 104 45 105 104 2 55-45 103-101 104-57 2-105-44-106-101-2-57 44-105 102-107z m-14 479c-23-37-44-74-66-110-10-17-20-33-30-50-3-5-6-7-12-7-112 0-224 0-335 0-5 0-9 0-12 5-31 53-63 106-95 158 0 1 0 2-1 4h551z m-276-417c-25 0-49 1-74 0-8 0-10 3-10 10 1 22 0 44 0 66 0 6 2 8 8 8 51 0 101 0 152 0 6 0 8-2 8-8-1-22-1-45 0-68 0-7-3-8-9-8-25 0-50 0-75 0z m-354 42c0 35 28 63 62 63 34 0 63-28 63-62 0-35-28-63-62-63-35 0-63 27-63 62z m708 0c0-34-28-62-62-62-35 0-63 28-63 62 0 34 28 63 63 63 34 0 62-28 62-63z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="forward" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec9b;" d="M498 850c-274-2-498-228-496-501 1-276 228-501 502-499 275 2 497 227 495 501-2 278-226 501-501 499z m220-533c-59-35-119-69-180-102-35-20-57-6-58 35 0 9 0 18 0 26-36-20-71-41-108-61-35-20-57-6-58 35 0 33 0 66 0 100h0c0 35 0 70 1 105 1 35 24 49 54 32 38-21 74-43 111-64 0 11 0 21 1 32 1 35 24 49 55 32 62-34 123-70 184-107 31-18 29-44-2-63z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="guiter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec9c;" d="M606 397c35-58 31-106-9-148-35-36-68-75-102-112-6-7-8-14-7-24 16-118-54-224-169-255-134-37-273 60-285 199-12 128 76 236 203 251 2 1 5 1 8 1 30-7 50 8 68 31 26 33 55 63 83 93 39 43 78 51 132 29 10-4 12-7 4-15-67-74-134-148-200-223-3-2-5-5-8-8-10-13-20-20-38-21-40-1-73-42-69-81 4-45 42-78 84-75 43 4 76 40 73 82-1 13 2 21 11 30 70 78 140 156 210 234 3 4 7 7 11 12z m-377-278c1 38 32 68 69 66 10-1 15 1 22 8 105 118 211 236 317 354 40 44 80 88 119 132 4 5 9 9 6 17-7 18-2 35 10 49 8 9 4 13-5 14-11 1-17 6-16 17 0 8 5 14 13 15 11 1 17-4 19-15 1-4 3-9 8-8 5 2 10 7 11 14 1 5-4 6-9 6-11 1-16 7-16 18 1 8 6 13 14 14 10 1 16-3 18-14 1-5 3-10 9-8 4 2 9 8 11 13 1 5-5 6-10 6-9 2-16 7-16 17 0 9 6 15 15 16 9 1 16-4 18-14 2-11 7-11 17-7 26 12 49 3 69-15 19-17 30-40 21-66-4-12-1-16 10-17 9-1 15-6 15-16-1-8-5-14-13-15-10-2-17 3-19 12-2 5-2 12-9 10-5-2-10-7-11-13-1-6 5-6 10-7 9-2 16-6 15-17-1-9-6-14-14-15-10-1-16 4-18 13-1 5-3 11-8 10-6-2-11-8-12-14-1-5 6-6 11-7 9-1 15-6 15-16-1-8-6-14-14-16-10-1-16 4-18 13-3 12-7 14-15 5-12-13-28-17-45-15-8 1-13-1-19-7-145-162-291-325-437-486-7-8-7-16-5-25 4-38-25-73-64-74-38-2-70 30-69 68z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="movie" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec9d;" d="M501 850c-274 2-500-223-501-500-1-275 222-498 498-500 277-1 500 220 502 498 2 275-221 499-499 502z m-1-940c-243 0-438 195-440 438-1 244 196 441 440 441 244 0 439-194 440-438 1-244-196-441-440-441z m-122 517c74 0 136 62 137 135 0 74-62 136-136 136-74 1-136-61-137-135 0-73 63-136 136-136z m299-36c73-1 136 62 137 136 1 72-62 136-135 137-73 0-137-62-137-136-1-73 61-136 135-137z m36-27c-74 0-136-62-136-136 0-74 62-136 136-135 74 0 137 62 136 135 0 74-62 136-136 136z m-261-136c-75 0-135-61-134-135 0-75 61-135 136-135 75 1 135 62 135 137-1 75-61 134-137 133z m-73 76c0 74-62 135-136 135-74-1-134-62-134-137 0-74 62-136 136-135 74 0 134 62 134 137z m86 45c0-19 16-35 36-35 19 1 35 17 35 36-1 20-17 35-36 35-20 0-35-16-35-36z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="music-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xec9f;" d="M857 602c-41 87-130 146-262 178h-1c-9 2-19 4-28 6-67 10-96-21-101-50l-75-505c-25 12-53 19-82 19-50 2-98-15-134-46-36-31-56-73-57-118-2-84 66-158 157-171 9-2 18-2 27-2 96-3 176 63 190 155l74 495c7 0 14-1 21-2 84-13 156-59 208-135 21-31 35-61 43-80 2-5 7-8 12-8 5 0 10 3 11 8 19 55 43 160-3 256z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="music-disk" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeca0;" d="M387 387c13 0 21 8 22 22-1 13-8 22-22 21-14 0-22-8-21-22 0-13 8-20 21-21z m-15-184c77 65 201 87 291 33 2 0 4-1 6-1 3 6 1 13 1 19 0 138 1 275 0 413 0 1 0 2 0 4-70 76-171 125-283 125-214 0-387-174-387-387 0-191 128-348 310-378-32 54 0 119 62 172z m-235 329c-3-5-7-10-11-15-3-4-6-8-12-6-5 2-5 8-5 13-1 7 2 14 6 20 32 60 78 104 137 136 1 0 1 0 2 0 10 3 22 14 29 1 8-15-9-18-17-23-56-29-99-71-129-126z m84-30c-3-3-7-6-11-4-5 2-5 7-5 12 0 2 0 5 1 8 17 34 44 60 79 76 5 2 11 2 15-4 3-6 1-12-4-16-31-18-53-45-75-72z m167 16c61 0 109-48 109-110-1-61-49-109-111-108-61 0-108 48-108 110 0 61 49 109 110 108z m602-96c-25 59-74 96-130 128-27 15-54 29-82 43-12 6-19 14-16 29 3 20-3 36-22 46h-14c-20-8-25-23-25-44 0-138 0-275 0-413 0-6 2-12-2-19-2 1-3 1-5 2-91 53-222 33-299-32-92-77-76-194 34-240 91-38 215-14 285 56 32 32 49 69 48 115-1 117 0 234-1 351 0 13 1 19 16 17 54-10 103-29 144-66 28-25 50-54 67-88 21 51 10 95 2 115z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="music-note" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeca1;" d="M911 104c5 15 5 30 5 46 2 30 3 59 5 89 1 38 3 76 4 114 2 32 3 63 5 94 1 39 3 78 5 116 1 23 1 46 2 70 2 31 3 62 5 93 0 8-1 17 1 26 0 1 0 2 0 4 0 1-1 0-2 0-4-1-9-1-13-1-36-3-72-6-109-8-36-3-72-6-107-9-31-2-62-4-92-7-31-2-61-4-92-7l-92-7c-20-1-40-3-60-4-2 0-3-1-3-4-1-30-3-61-4-91-1-28-2-57-3-85-2-35-3-71-4-107-1-28-3-56-4-84-1-35-2-71-4-107-1-19-1-39-2-58 0-3-1-4-4-2-22 11-46 16-71 15-46-2-88-15-121-49-16-16-27-33-31-55 0-2 0-4-1-6v-20c1-6 2-13 4-19 7-23 22-40 41-54 24-17 51-26 81-27 0 0 1 0 2-1h14c1 1 2 1 3 1 9 0 18 2 27 4 36 7 67 24 91 52 14 16 23 35 26 56 2 16 2 32 2 48 2 26 3 51 4 77 1 34 2 69 4 103 1 26 2 51 3 77l5 114c1 23 2 45 3 67 0 3 1 4 4 5 14 1 28 2 42 4 17 2 34 3 51 5 21 2 42 4 63 6l52 6c20 2 41 4 62 6l52 5c20 2 41 4 61 6 18 2 36 4 54 6 4 0 5-1 5-4-2-20-3-39-4-59-1-23-2-46-3-68-2-23-3-45-4-68-1-22-3-45-4-68-1-29-3-58-5-87 0-10-1-19-1-29-2 0-3 1-4 2-22 10-44 16-68 17-15 0-29-1-44-4-38-8-70-25-93-56-26-33-31-69-12-106 11-24 31-38 54-49 28-13 57-17 87-14 35 3 66 15 93 38 17 14 31 31 39 52z m-802 170c11 1 17 11 15 23-2 13-11 17-24 16-14-2-27-6-40-12-30-14-52-37-59-67-1-6-2-11 0-16 9-21 33-18 39-1 11 34 33 53 69 57z m875-211c-15 2-21-7-24-21-6-28-24-46-51-55-27-8-36-31-10-42 5-2 11-2 15 0 8 3 14 6 21 9 34 16 57 42 64 81 3 13 0 25-15 28z m-738 180c-3 16-16 18-30 15-11-1-21-3-32-6-69-20-113-65-133-133-5-17 3-28 15-28 15 0 21 7 23 17 6 21 16 40 29 56 27 33 62 50 104 55 14 2 27 7 24 24z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="play" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecaa;" d="M147-88c-8 6-13 13-13 23 1 277 1 553 1 829 0 9 1 16 9 21 8 5 15 2 23-3 228-138 457-275 686-413 18-11 18-26-1-38-228-137-456-275-684-413l-10-6h-11z m25 52c214 129 426 257 640 386-214 129-427 257-640 386v-772z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="sound-wave-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecaf;" d="M439 82c-1 5-1 10-1 15 0 167 0 335 0 503 0 18 0 18 18 18 34 0 34 0 34-34 0-161 0-323 0-484 0-6 0-12-1-18h-50z m561 242c-14 0-27 0-41 0-8-1-11 3-11 11 2 50-8 39 39 41 4 0 9-1 13-1v-51z m-635 26c0 52 1 104 0 156 0 11 3 16 15 15 9-1 18 0 27 0 7 0 11-4 10-11 0-2 0-4 0-6v-309c0-17 0-17-16-17-8 0-15 1-22 0-11-1-14 4-14 14 1 53 0 105 0 158z m198-1c0-52 0-104 0-156 0-11-3-16-14-15-10 1-19 1-28 0-7 0-11 4-10 11 0 2 0 4 0 6v309c0 16 0 17 16 17 36 0 36 0 36-36 0-46 0-91 0-136z m-293-1c0-36 0-71 0-107 0-11-3-15-13-14-9 0-17 0-26 0-10-1-13 4-13 13 0 20 0 41 0 61 0 52 0 104 0 156 0 12 4 16 16 16 36-1 36 0 36-37 0-29 0-58 0-88z m365 0c0-28 0-56 1-84 0-10-3-14-13-13-9 0-18 0-27 0-10-1-13 4-13 13 0 45 0 90 0 135 0 12 0 25 0 38 0 8 3 11 11 11 10 0 19 0 29 0 10 1 13-3 13-13-1-29-1-58-1-87z m168 2c0 28 0 55 0 82 0 16 0 16 17 16 8 0 16 0 24 0 8 1 11-3 11-11 0-58 0-116 0-174 0-8-3-12-11-12-10 0-19 0-29 0-9-1-12 3-12 12 0 29 0 58 0 87z m-605 0c0-21-1-41 0-62 0-9-3-13-13-13-9 1-19 0-29 0-6 0-10 3-10 10 0 43 0 86 0 129 0 7 3 10 10 10 10 0 21 0 31 0 8 0 11-4 11-12-1-21 0-41 0-62z m147-1c0-21-1-41 0-62 0-8-3-12-12-12-10 1-19 1-28 0-10 0-13 4-12 13 0 41 0 82 0 123-1 9 2 14 12 13 9 0 18-1 27 0 10 1 13-4 13-14-1-20 0-41 0-61z m363 1c0-21 0-42 0-63 0-9-3-12-12-12-10 1-20 0-30 0-7 0-10 3-10 10 0 43 0 87 0 130 0 6 3 9 9 9 11 0 22 0 33 0 8 0 10-4 10-11 0-21 0-42 0-63z m168 0c0 16 0 33 0 50 0 9 3 12 11 12 10 0 20 0 30 0 7 0 11-2 11-10 0-35 0-70 0-105 0-7-4-10-11-10-10 0-20 1-30 0-8 0-11 4-11 12 0 17 0 34 0 51z m-751-1c0-13 0-26 0-39 0-8-3-11-10-11-11 1-21 1-32 0-7 0-10 3-10 10 0 27 0 54 0 81 0 7 3 10 9 10 11 0 22 0 33 0 7 0 10-4 10-11 0-13 0-26 0-40z m657 1c0-13 0-25 1-38 0-9-3-13-12-13-10 1-20 1-30 0-8 0-10 4-10 11 0 26 0 53 0 79 0 8 3 11 11 11 10 0 20 0 30 0 7 0 11-4 11-11-1-13-1-26-1-39z m-730-1c0-28 4-25-26-25-29 0-26-3-26 25 0 30-3 26 27 26 29 1 25 3 25-26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sound-wave" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecb0;" d="M892 315c-17 0-29 6-37 21-9 15-15 31-22 47-6 12-12 24-21 34-25 26-60 23-79-7-15-23-20-49-26-74-5-23-10-46-19-67-2-4-4-9-9-9-6 0-6 6-7 10-10 35-14 72-18 108-8 58-11 117-32 173-4 12-10 24-19 34-20 28-42 23-56 15l0 0c-1 0-2-1-3-1-2-2-4-3-6-4 0-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2l0 0c-3-3-6-6-8-9l0 0c-5-7-10-15-13-24-6-15-11-30-14-46-17-79-18-160-27-240-3-34-7-68-15-101-1-4-1-9-7-9-4 0-5 5-6 8-7 17-12 35-15 53-11 49-17 100-30 148-6 23-12 45-27 64-20 25-52 25-73 1-7-7-12-16-16-25-16-38-21-79-29-118-4-23-8-46-16-68-1-4-2-7-7-7-5-1-6 3-7 6-3 8-6 15-9 23-9 27-17 55-33 79-17 24-40 36-70 36-32 0-65 0-98 0-5 0-9 1-14-2v-48c5-2 9-2 14-2 31 0 62 0 93 1 17 0 28-8 36-22 10-18 15-37 22-56 6-18 12-35 23-50 24-35 67-33 88 3 18 29 23 61 29 94 6 31 10 62 19 93 1 4 3 8 4 11 2 4 3 8 7 7 4 0 5-4 6-7 7-18 11-37 15-57 10-51 17-103 32-153 3-10 6-20 10-30 10-23 24-43 50-50h10c22 6 33 22 41 42 15 37 19 77 24 117 8 74 10 149 22 223 3 19 7 38 13 56 1 4 2 10 7 10 7 1 7-6 9-10 11-28 15-57 20-87 8-57 10-116 24-173 3-16 8-31 16-45 20-39 59-31 79-12 17 17 26 38 32 61 9 28 15 57 23 85 1 5 1 12 8 12 6 1 7-7 9-11 8-19 16-38 27-55 18-29 43-45 78-44 37 2 73 1 110 1v50c-36 1-72 2-108 1z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="video-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecb2;" d="M0 826v-952c0-13 11-24 25-24l951 1c13 0 24 11 24 24v951c0 13-11 24-24 24h-951c-14 0-25-11-25-24z m673-19h52c14 0 25-11 25-25v-90c0-13-11-24-25-24h-52c-14 0-25 11-25 24v90c0 14 11 25 25 25z m-199 0h54c13 0 24-11 24-24v-92c0-13-11-24-24-24h-54c-13 0-24 11-24 24v92c0 13 11 24 24 24z m-197 0h54c14 0 25-11 25-25v-90c0-14-11-25-25-25h-54c-14 0-25 11-25 25v90c0 14 11 25 25 25z m-209 0h65c14 0 25-11 25-24v-90c0-14-11-25-25-25h-65c-13 0-24 11-24 25v90c0 13 11 24 24 24z m-1-183h865c13 0 24-11 24-24v-499c0-13-11-24-24-24h-865c-13 0-24 11-24 24v499c0 13 11 24 24 24z m66-731h-65c-13 0-24 11-24 25v90c0 14 11 25 24 25h65c14 0 25-11 25-25v-90c0-14-11-25-25-25z m198 0h-54c-14 0-25 11-25 25v90c0 14 11 25 25 25h54c14 0 25-11 25-25v-90c0-14-11-25-25-25z m197 0h-54c-14 0-24 11-24 24v91c0 14 11 25 24 25h54c13 0 24-11 24-25v-91c0-13-11-24-24-24z m197 0h-52c-13 0-24 11-24 25v90c0 14 11 25 24 25h52c14 0 25-11 25-25v-90c0-14-11-25-25-25z m207-1h-61c-14 0-25 11-25 25v91c0 14 11 25 25 25h61c13 0 24-11 24-25v-91c0-14-11-25-24-25z m0 776h-61c-13 0-24 11-24 24v91c0 14 11 25 24 25h61c14 0 25-11 25-25v-91c0-13-11-24-25-24z m-274-313c-75 40-147 78-219 116-12 6-26-2-26-15v-234c0-13 14-21 26-15 73 39 145 77 219 117 13 6 13 24 0 31z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="video-cam" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecb3;" d="M261 399c138 0 277 0 415 0 13 0 13 1 11 13-7 31-32 50-66 50-63 0-127 0-190 0-121 0-242 0-363 0-24 0-43-8-57-27-5-7-11-14-11-22v-458l0-11c0 0 0-1 0-1 10-29 34-44 65-44 187 0 374 0 561 0 34 0 62 27 62 61 0 122-1 245 0 367 0 8-3 10-11 10-109 0-219 0-328 0-30 0-60 0-90 0-7 0-9 2-9 9 0 14 1 28 0 42-1 9 2 11 11 11z m215-157c67 0 123-55 125-119 3-72-55-128-120-131-72-2-127 56-129 120-3 69 52 130 124 130z m-289-217c-34 0-61 28-61 62 0 34 28 62 62 62s62-29 62-63c-1-34-29-62-63-61z m764 463c-1-1-1-1-2-2-50-37-100-73-149-112-32-25-49-59-50-100 0-61 0-122 0-183 0-44 19-81 54-108 47-36 95-72 143-107 5-4 11-8 18-11 15-5 27-2 33 13 1 1 2 4 2 7v590c0 23-26 29-49 13z m-445 36c82 2 154 73 151 163-3 81-73 150-157 150-91 0-160-77-156-163 3-81 72-153 162-150z m-377 0c66 2 123 58 121 130-2 64-59 119-125 119-73 0-128-61-125-130 3-64 58-122 129-119z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="video-clapper" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecb4;" d="M866 518h-485c-7 0-13 0-13 0s6 3 12 5c163 44 325 88 487 132 7 1 11 9 10 16-10 35-20 70-29 105-2 7-6 12-9 12-2-1-3-1-5-2-92-25-184-50-276-75-143-38-286-77-430-116-6-1-8-4-8-10 0-43 0-85 0-128v-60c0-158 0-314 0-471 0-8 6-13 13-13h734c7 0 13 5 13 13v457c0 8 0 13 0 13s-1 6-1 13v95c0 8-5 14-13 14z m-136-28h82c7 0 13-5 13-13v-55c0-7-6-13-13-13h-109c-7 0-11 6-9 13 7 19 13 37 19 56 2 7 10 12 17 12z m-201-1c6 5 19 1 28 1h65c7 0 13-1 12-3 0-1 0-2 0-3-8-23-16-46-23-69-2-4-3-6-8-6-33 0-66 0-99 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 1 0 6 2 13 5 14 9 27 14 41 3 9 5 21 11 26z m-87-11l-19-56c-2-7-10-13-17-13h-82c-8 0-12 6-9 13 3 9 6 18 9 27 4 12 7 24 12 36 1 2 4 5 6 5 30 1 60 1 91 1 7 0 11-6 9-13z m360 258l15-53c2-7-2-14-9-16-14-4-27-8-40-11-16-4-31-9-46-12-3-1-7 0-8 2-13 18-25 37-38 56-4 6-2 13 5 14l106 29c7 2 14-2 15-9z m-219-46c3 0 8-1 9-3 13-18 25-37 38-56 4-6 2-12-5-14-27-7-53-14-80-22-7-1-15 2-19 8-11 16-22 33-33 49-4 6-2 13 5 15 13 3 26 7 39 10 15 4 31 9 46 13z m-174-52c12-18 25-37 38-57 4-5 1-12-6-14-16-4-31-8-47-13-13-3-26-7-39-10-2-1-7 0-8 2-14 22-29 43-43 65 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 1 5 3 12 5 29 8 57 16 86 23 2 1 6 0 7-2z m-193-93c22 0 41-19 40-42 0-21-19-40-41-40-22 1-40 20-40 41 0 23 18 41 41 41z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="volume-bar" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecb6;" d="M489 424c0 64 0 129 0 193 0 26-15 35-37 22-81-44-160-89-241-133-7-4-9-8-9-17 0-46 0-92 0-138h0c0-48 0-95 0-143 0-4 0-8 5-10 82-44 164-89 247-132 20-11 35-1 35 22 0 63 0 126 0 188 0 7 2 12 6 17 28 32 28 79 1 112-5 6-7 12-7 19z m473 113c-30 73-75 134-135 185-4 4-7 5-11 1-18-19-36-37-55-55-4-4-3-6 1-9 11-9 22-19 32-29 93-97 130-213 110-345-15-98-63-179-140-243-5-4-5-6 0-11 18-17 36-35 53-53 5-5 8-4 12 0 21 18 40 37 58 59 74 90 112 194 113 313 0 64-12 127-38 187z m-122-126c-16 82-56 150-120 204-5 4-8 4-13-1-16-17-33-34-50-51-6-5-7-8 0-14 80-66 111-150 92-252-11-60-42-109-91-147-6-5-6-7 0-13 16-16 32-31 48-48 7-8 12-8 20-1 78 70 117 157 119 261 0 21-2 41-5 62z m-688 82c-36 0-72 0-109 0-26 0-43-17-43-44 0-67 0-133 0-199 0-25 18-43 42-43 37 0 74 0 110 0 7 0 9 2 9 9 0 45 0 89 0 133 0 45 0 90 0 135 0 7-2 9-9 9z m457 11c-4 2-6 6-12 0-18-19-37-37-56-56-4-4-3-6 2-9 71-42 68-139 2-179-6-3-5-5-1-9 18-18 36-35 53-54 6-5 9-5 15 0 47 39 72 89 74 153-1 62-27 114-77 154z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="youtube-play" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecbb;" d="M1000 421h-2c0 10 0 19 0 29 0 10-1 19-2 29 0 12-2 24-3 36s-1 24-3 35c-4 18-9 35-14 52-4 15-11 30-22 42-23 27-53 41-88 45-19 2-38 3-56 4-17 1-34 2-52 3-25 1-51 2-77 2-25 1-51 2-76 2-49 0-99 1-149 0-50 0-100-1-150-2-22-1-43-1-64-2-7 0-13-1-20-1-22-1-44-2-66-4-15-1-30-3-44-6-32-8-57-25-74-53-13-20-20-42-24-66-4-19-6-38-8-57-2-19-3-39-4-58-1-16-2-32-2-48 0-45 0-90 1-135 0-12 1-23 2-34 1-16 2-32 4-48 1-12 1-24 3-36 3-20 9-40 16-59 13-36 39-59 74-71 23-8 47-10 70-12 19-2 38-2 57-3 16-1 32-2 48-2 24-1 49-1 74-2 23 0 46-1 68-1 41 0 81-1 121-1 50 1 101 2 151 3 21 1 42 1 62 2 7 0 14 0 21 1 22 1 45 2 68 4 14 1 28 2 42 5 44 10 76 35 92 78 11 29 17 59 19 90 2 17 3 35 4 52 1 23 2 45 3 68 0 39 0 79 0 119z m-603-201v281c90-47 179-94 270-141-90-47-180-93-270-140z" />
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0l-1-1h0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l-1-1 0 0 0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0-1 0 0-1 0 0 0h0l-1-1h0c-1 0-1 0-1 0s0 0-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0-1c0 0-1 0-1 0l-1 0-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0h0s0-1 0-1c0 0 0 0 0 0h-1s-1 0-1 0c0 0 0 0-1 0h0l0 0 0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0s-1 0-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0v-1 1h0c-1-1-2-1-3-1h-1l-1 1 0 0h0l-1 0h-1c0 0 0 0 0 0h-1s0 0 0 0l-1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0-1 1 0 0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0h0c-1 0-1 0-1 0h0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 1l-1 0h0s0 0 0 0l0 0c0 0 0 0-1 0 0 1-1 1-2 2l0 0c0 0 0 0-1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0l0 0s-1 0-1 0l0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 1c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1l0 0 0 0c-1 1-1 1-1 1l0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1v0l-1 1c-1 2-2 5-2 8v1c0 0 0 1 1 1l0 1c0 0 0 1 0 1l0 0c0 0 0 1 0 1s0 0 0 1v0l1 1s0 0 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1l1 0v0s0 0 0 0l0 0s0 1 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0v0c0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1h0c1 0 1 0 1 0l1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0 1 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 1l1 0 1 0h0l1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0l0 0s0 0 0 0c1 0 1 0 1 0h0l1 0c0 0 0 1 1 1h0s0 0 1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0h0l1 0h0c1 0 3 0 5 0 1 0 2 0 3 0l1 0c0 0 1 0 1 0h0l1 0s1 0 1 0h1l1 0s0 0 0 0h0v0c0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 1-1v0c0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 2-1 2-1v3c0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1l0 1 0 0 0 1c-1 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0 0 0h0l0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1s0 0 0 0h-1l0 0 0 0 0 0h0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 1-1 1s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0s0 0 0 0l-1 0 0 1 0 0-1 0h0s0 0 0 0l-1 1 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0s-1 0-1 0h0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0h-1l-1 1 0 0s0 0 0 0l-1 0h0l0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0 0 0h-2l-1 0s0 0 0 0l0 0h-1s0 0-1 0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0 0c0 0-1-1-1-1h0l-1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0h0v0h-1c0 0 0 0 0 0h0c0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l-1-1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1-1 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-2-1-3-2 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0l0-1c-1 0-1 0-1-1h-1l-4 5h1l-4 4h0l0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 4 3 6 5 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1v0c0 0 0 0 0 0h0c0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 4 2 1 0 1 0 2 0l2 1h1c0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 4 0 5 0h0c1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 3-1 4-2 0 0 0 0 0 0h1v0h0v0c0 0 0 0 0 0h0c1 0 1 0 1 0l0 0h1l1-1h0c0 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-1 1-1s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l2-2c0 0 1-1 2-2l0-1c1-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-6 2-10v-26h9v-11z m71 0h-57v11h23v35h-18v11h30v-46h22v-11z m84 0h-29v11h9v24c0 10-6 12-11 12-9 0-18-6-18-17v-19h9v-11h-30v11h9v35h-8v11h19v-7c4 5 11 9 20 9 13 0 22-8 22-21v-27h8v-11z m59 3c-1 0-1 0-2-1 0 0 0 0-1 0-1-1-2-1-3-2 0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 0l-1-1-2 0-1 0c0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1h-3c-14 0-25 8-25 24v24h-15v11h15v21h11v-21h28v-11h-28v-24c0-9 7-13 14-13h2c0 0 0 0 0 1h0c1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0l0 0 1 0h0l1 0 0 1 0 0v0l0 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0s1 0 1 1l0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0l1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1s1 1 1 1l1 1 0 0 3-3 1-1 4-4c-2-2-4-4-7-6z m71 38c-1 4-5 7-9 7-10 0-20-8-20-22v-15h20v-11h-45v11h13v35h-10v11h22v-10c3 7 11 12 21 12 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0s1 0 1-1c1 0 1 0 1 0l1 0h0l2 0c0-1 0-1 1-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 0 0 0 0 1 0l0 0c4-3 7-7 8-12l-11-3z m80-17h-49c2-9 10-15 20-15 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0h1c0 0 1 0 1 0h0s0 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 1l1 0h0s0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0c1 0 1 0 1 0l2 1s1 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1l2 0c0 1 0 1 1 1l0 0 1 1 1 0c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0l1 1 0 1 8-8c-6-7-16-11-28-11h-2s-1 0-1 0h-1l-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0-1 1-1 1-2 1s0 0-1 0c0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0-1 0l0 0c-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 0-1 0-2 0l0 0-1 1c0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 0 0 0-1 1-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 1-1 1-1 1s0 0 0 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 1c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0-1 0 0 1h0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0 0 0c0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0-1 0-1 0v0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 1c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 1v0l-1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0h0c0 0 0 1 0 1v0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0 1-1 0 0 1c0 0 0 0 0 1l-1 0s0 0 0 0v1h0s0 0 0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0c0 1 0 1 0 2l-1 1 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 1 0 0 0 0c-1 1 0 1 0 2l0 0-1 1s0 1 0 2c0 0 0 0 0 0l0 1 0 1 0 1c0 3 0 5 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0l1 2c0 3 2 6 4 8l0 0c1 2 2 3 3 4l0 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2v1h0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0v0h1c1 1 2 1 4 2 0 0 1 0 1 0l0 0s1 1 1 1l0 0 1 0h0c0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 4 1 7 1h0v0l0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0l0 0c1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-1s1 0 1 0h1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0h0s0 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0l0 0 1-1h1l1 0h0c1 0 1 0 1 0l1-1s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 1-1l1 0 0 0 1-1c0 0 0 0 0 0h0l1 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0l0 0 0 0 0 0c0 0 0-1 0-1s0 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l0 0s0 0 1-1l0 0v1c0 0 0-1 0-1l1 0 0-1 1-1 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l1-1 0 0 0 0 0 0c1-1 1-1 1-1l0 0 1-1s0 0 0 0l0-1s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 1 0l0-1v0c0 0 0 0 0 0l0-1v0l0 0s0-1 1-1l0 0 0 0s0-1 0-1c0 0 0 0 1-1l0 0 0-1s0-1 0-1c0 0 0 0 0 0l1-1s0-1 0-2l0-1 1-1c0-2 0-3 0-5v-4z m73 0h-49c2-9 10-15 20-15 1 0 2 0 3 0l2 0c1 1 1 1 2 1s0 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0s1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1l0 0c1 1 3 1 4 2 0 0 1 1 1 1l0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 8-8c-6-7-16-11-28-11h-3c0 0 0 0-1 0h0l-1 0s-1 0-1 1c-1 0-2 0-3 0l-1 0 0 0c-1 1-2 1-3 1l-1 1-3 1 0 0c0 0-1 0-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0h-1l0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0h0c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 1-1 1-1 1v0h0c0 1-1 1-1 1l-1 1 0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 1v0l0 0-1 0 0 0c0 0 0 1 0 1l-1 1-1 1s-1 2-2 3c-1 1-1 3-2 5 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-1 0v1l0 1v0c0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 3l0 5v1c0 0 0 0 0 1l1 0v1l0 0c0 1 0 2 1 3 1 4 3 8 6 11l1 1c2 1 3 3 5 4 1 0 2 0 3 1s2 1 3 1l2 1c1 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 4 1 7 1h4l1 0h0c0 0 0 0 0 0v-1l1 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0h0s1 0 1 0l1 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0-1l1 0s0 0 0 0l0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l1 0h0l1-1 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0l0-1s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0c1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0l0-1c0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0l0 0 0-1 1 0c1-1 1-1 1-1s1-1 1-1l1 0c5-6 9-15 9-24v-3z m-600 32c0 7-5 10-16 10h-13v-21h14c10 0 15 4 15 11z m-14-22h-15v-23h15c12 0 18 4 18 12 0 7-6 11-18 11z m126-18c0-5 5-7 11-7 9 0 18 5 18 13v1c-3 1-9 3-14 3-8 0-15-3-15-10z m385 32c-10 0-16-6-18-14h35c-2 9-9 14-17 14z m73 0c-9 0-16-6-18-14h35c-2 9-9 14-17 14z" />
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0-1 0-2 1 0 1 0 2 0 2-2 7-9 9-14 7-5-2-6-7-3-10 1-2 3-4 5-5 3-1 6-2 9-4 7-3 9-8 8-14 0-5-5-9-11-11-6-2-12-1-18 2-1 0-1 1-1 2l-1 7c0 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1-1 0-2 1-4 2-5 3-5 8-7 13-6 6 1 8 7 4 12z m-58-12c1 0 2 0 3 0 3 1 3 1 3 4v21c0 2 0 4 0 7 1 2-1 4-3 5 0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 2l11 5c1 0 2 0 2-2v-9c2 3 3 6 5 8 3 2 6 4 10 3 3-1 5-4 4-8-2-3-5-4-7-2-3 2-5 2-8 1-3-2-4-4-4-8 0-8 0-16 0-24 0-2 0-3 3-3 2-1 4-1 6-1 1 0 2 0 2-1 0-1-1-1-2-1-8 0-16 0-24 0-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1z m-36 38c7 9 21 9 28 2 3-3 4-8 4-12 0-2-1-2-2-2h-26c-2 0-2 0-2-1 0-5 0-9 2-13 5-10 14-13 23-6 1 1 3 2 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 1-1 0-2-4-5-8-9-14-11-10-2-18 2-22 11-4 11-3 22 4 31z m-56-38h1c3 1 4 1 4 5 0 8 0 17 0 25 0 4-1 6-5 8 0 0-1 0-1 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 4 1 8 2 12 4 1 0 1 0 1-1v-6c4 2 6 4 10 5 2 1 5 2 8 2 7 0 11-4 12-10 0-2 0-4 0-6v-25c0-3 1-3 4-4 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2-1 0-1-1-1-2-1h-19c-1 0-2 0-2 1s1 1 2 1h1c3 1 4 1 4 4v26c0 7-5 11-12 9-3-1-6-2-9-4-1 0-1-1-1-2v-29c0-2 1-3 3-3 1-1 2-1 3-1 1 0 1 0 1-1 0-1 0-1-1-1h-19c-1 0-2-1-2 1s1 1 2 1z m-16 71c3 0 5-2 5-5 0-3-2-5-5-5s-5 3-5 5c0 3 3 5 5 5z m-10-71c5 0 6 1 6 6 0 8 0 17 0 25 0 4-1 6-4 7-1 1-2 1-2 2s1 1 2 1c3 1 7 2 10 4 2 1 2 0 2-2v-38c0-4 1-5 5-5 1 0 2 1 2 0 1-1 0-2-1-2-7 0-13 0-20 0-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1z m-75 70c6 0 12 0 16 0 9 0 16 1 24-1 11-2 20-8 26-18 11-20 1-44-20-51-6-2-12-2-18-2-9 0-19 0-28 0-1 0-2-1-2 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 7 0 8 2 8 9v48c0 1 0 3 0 5-1 2-3 4-6 4 0 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-1 2-1 1 0 1 1 1z m-61-143c-15-12-32-19-50-22-5-1-10-1-15-1-16 0-31-1-47 0-34 0-61 14-81 41-15 19-20 41-18 65 1 16 5 31 14 45 12 19 29 33 51 40 11 4 22 6 34 6h25c8 0 18 0 28 0 21-2 40-8 57-21 14-10 25-24 32-40 6-13 8-28 7-43-2-29-15-52-37-70z m75 8c-5 1-10 1-14 0-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 0 3 0 3 3v28c0 3-1 4-4 4-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 5 0 11 0 16 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 0-1 0-1-1-1-3 0-4-1-4-4v-28c0-3 1-3 3-4 1 0 2 1 2-1 0-1-1-1-2-1z m48 38c-3 0-4-1-4-5 0-10 0-21 0-32 0 0 1-1 0-1-1-1-2-1-3 0-2 3-5 5-7 8-7 8-14 15-21 23v-13c0-4 0-7 0-11 0-3 1-4 4-4 1 0 2 0 2-2s-1-1-2-1c-4 1-8 1-12 0-1 0-1 0-1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 4 1 4 3 0 1 1 3 1 4v23c0 3-2 5-5 5-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 0 6 0 10 0 1 1 1 0 2-1l22-25c0 0 1-1 2-1v19c0 5-2 6-6 6-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 5-1 9-1 14 0 0 0 1-1 1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2z m42-5c0-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1 0-1 1 0 3-1 4-5 4-2 0-4 0-6 0-1 0-2 0-2-2 0-4 0-9 0-14 0-4 0-9 0-13 0-4 1-6 5-5 1 0 1-1 1-2s0-1-1-1c-2 0-5 1-7 1-3 0-7-1-10-1-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 4 0 5 0 5 4v28c0 2-1 2-2 2-3 0-5 0-8 0-3 0-3 0-4-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1-1-1-2-1-1 0-1 1-1 1 1 3 1 5 1 8 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-2 2-2 3-2h30c1 0 2 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-3 0-5 0-8z m34-25l-1-6c-1-1-1-2-2-2-5 0-10 0-14 0h-14c-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 2 0 2 1 2 3 0 4 0 4 3v28c0 3-1 4-4 4-1 0-1 0-1 1s0 1 1 1c9 0 17 0 26 0 1 0 2 0 2-1-1-2 0-5 0-7 0-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 0 0-1 1 0 4-2 5-6 5-2 0-4 0-7 0 0 0-1 0-1-1 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-1 1-1 2-1 1 0 3 0 5 0 2 0 3 1 4 3 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 0 1-2 1-2 0-4 0-7 0-10 0-1 0-2-1-2-2 0-1 1-1 1-1 4-1 4-5 4h-5c-1 0-1 0-1-1v-11c0-2 1-3 3-4 3 0 6 0 10 1 3 0 4 2 5 5 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1-1 1-2z m40-8c-3 1-6 1-9 0-1 0-1 1-2 2-3 5-7 10-10 15 0 1 0 2-2 2-2 0-2 0-2-2v-10s1-4 4-4c1 0 2 0 2-2 0-1-1-1-2-1h-6c-3 1-6 1-9 0-1 0-2 1-2 2 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 0 3 1 3 4v26c0 4 0 5-4 5-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 0 4 0 6 0l12 0c2 0 4 0 6 0 3-1 6-3 7-7 1-4 0-7-3-10-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-2-1-2-2 0-1 1-2 1-3l8-11c1-2 2-3 4-3 2 0 1-1 1-2 1-1 0-1-1-1z m43 33c0 0 0-1 0-2 0-10-1-20 0-30 0-1 0-1 0-2-1 0-2 0-3 1l-3 4-23 25c-1 1-1 1-2 2 0-8 0-16 0-24 0-3 1-4 5-4 1 0 1-1 1-2 0-1 0-1-1-1-4 1-9 1-13 0-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 4 0 5 1 5 4 0 3 0 5 0 8v17c0 4-1 6-5 6 0 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 7 0 11 0 1 0 1-1 2-1l22-25c0 0 0-1 1-1 0 0 0 1 0 1v18c0 5-1 6-5 6-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 5 0 9 0 14 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 0 0 0-1-1-1-3 0-5-2-5-5z m44-33l-6 1c-3 0-6 0-9-1 0 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 3 0 3 0 3 3-1 2-2 5-3 7 0 1-1 1-1 1-4 0-7 0-10 0-2 0-2 0-2-1-1-2-1-5-2-7-1-2 0-3 2-3 1 0 1-1 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-2 0-1 0-1-1-1-4 1-7 1-11 0-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 2 0 3 1 4 3 4 11 7 21 11 32 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 2 1 1 2 1 2-1l9-24 3-11c1-1 2-3 4-3 1 0 1 0 1-1 0 0 0-1-1-1z m35 33c0-1-1-1-2-1-1-1 0 0 0 1-1 3-2 4-5 4h-7c-1 0-1 0-1-2 0-4 0-9 0-14v-14c0-3 1-4 4-4 1 0 2-1 2-2 0-1-1-1-2-1-5 1-11 1-16 0-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 4 0 5 0 5 4 0 10 0 19 0 29 0 1 0 1-1 1-3 0-6 0-8 0-3 0-4-1-5-3 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1-1 0-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 5 1 8 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0-2 1-2 3-2h29c1 0 2 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-1-1-3-1-5-1-8z m-9 60c0 2-1 5-1 7 0 15 10 28 24 34 11 4 21 3 32 0l7-2c1-1 1-1 1-2l1-12c0-1 0-2-1-2 0 0-1 0-2 1-2 13-13 17-23 16-13-1-23-9-26-22-3-12-2-24 6-34 5-7 12-11 21-12 11-1 20 5 23 16 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 1-1 0-5-1-9-2-13 0-1 0-2-1-2-14-6-29-7-43 0-11 6-16 15-18 27z m28-90c0 0 1 0 1-2 0-1-1-1-1-1-5 1-10 1-15 0-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 3 0 4 0 4 3v28c0 3-1 4-3 4-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 5 0 9 0 13 0 1 0 2 0 2-1 0-1-1-1-1-1-3 0-4-1-4-4v-28c0-3 1-3 4-3z m28-3c-1 0-3-1-4 0-11 0-19 6-21 15-3 13 6 26 19 26 8 0 16-2 20-9 8-12 0-30-14-32z m58 34c0-2 0-4 0-6 0-9 0-18 0-28 0 0 1-1 0-1-1 0-2 0-3 1-2 3-4 5-6 7l-21 23c0 1 0 1-1 1v-23c0-4 1-6 6-5 1 0 1-1 1-2s-1-1-1-1c-5 1-9 1-14 0-1 0-1 1-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 4 0 5 1 5 5 0 8 0 17 0 26 0 2-2 4-4 4-1 0-2 0-2 1 0 2 1 1 2 1 3 0 6 0 9 0 1 0 2 0 2-1 8-8 15-17 22-25 1 0 1-1 2-2 0 8 0 14 0 21 0 3-2 5-5 5-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 4 0 9 0 13 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 0-1 0-1-1-1-3 0-4-1-5-4z m44-34c-5 1-10 1-14 0-1 0-2 1-2 1 0 1 0 2 1 2h2c1 0 2 0 1 2-1 3-2 5-2 8-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 0-3 0-5 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-1 0-1 0-2-1 0-2-1-5-2-7 0-2 0-3 3-3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 1-2 0-1-1-1-2-1-3 1-7 1-11 0 0 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 0 4 1 4 3 4 11 8 21 11 32 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 2 0 3 1 1 1 2 1 3-1 2-7 4-13 7-20 1-5 3-10 5-14 0-2 1-3 3-3 1 0 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-2-1-2z m35 9l-2-8c0-1-1-1-1-1h-28c-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 2 0 2 1 2 3 0 4 1 4 3v29c0 2-1 3-4 3-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 4 0 6 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 1 0 2 0 2-1s-1-1-2-1c-3 0-4 0-4-4v-27c0-3 1-3 4-4 2 0 5 0 7 0 3 1 5 2 6 5l1 2c0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1-1z m-657 149c-50 0-90-41-90-90 0-50 40-90 89-91 51 0 91 41 91 91 0 49-40 90-90 90z m-21-91v-51c0-2 0-2-1-1-6 2-10 5-15 9-10 9-16 19-19 32-5 22 5 46 23 58 3 3 7 5 11 6 1 1 1 1 1-1 0-17 0-34 0-52z m71-27c-6-12-16-20-28-25-1-1-2-1-2 1 0 17 0 34 0 52v51c0 2 0 2 2 1 31-13 44-50 28-80z m141 35c0-6 3-8 9-9 1 0 2 0 3 0 12 0 21 5 26 16 3 7 3 15 2 22-1 7-3 13-8 18-6 7-15 10-25 10-1 0-3-1-6-1-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-18 0-35 0-53z m428-1c1-4 4-9 9-10 5-1 10 1 13 5 7 8 6 22-1 30-7 7-13 7-20 1 0 0-1-1-1-2v-12c0-4 0-8 0-12z m-285 21h17c1 0 2 0 2 2 1 5-4 11-10 10-5-1-10-6-10-11-1-1 0-1 1-1z m-7-57c-1 0-1-1-1-2v-7c0-2 0-4 0-6 0-2 1-2 2-2 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 1 4 1 5 3 1 3 2 7 0 10-2 3-5 4-9 4z m177-8c-1-3-1-6-1-8 0-6 1-10 3-14 3-4 7-6 12-5 5 0 8 3 10 9 0 2 0 4 1 6 0 6-1 11-5 15-6 8-16 6-20-3z m92-12h10c-2 5-3 10-5 15-2-5-3-10-5-15z m-184 0h9c-1 5-3 10-4 15-2-5-4-10-5-15z" />
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1-40-4-5-10-7-16-6-7 1-12 7-12 13 0 6 0 11 0 16v16c0 1 1 2 2 3z m-184-46c19-10 38-7 58 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 2 12 3 18 0 1-1 1-2 2-2 1-2-1-2-2-4-15-16-23-30-22-11 2-20 7-27 16-11 14-13 30-9 46 4 17 17 28 35 29 13 1 28-4 31-21 0-2 2-1 3-1 1 0 1 1 1 1-1 6-1 12-1 17 0 1-1 2-2 2l-9 3c-15 4-29 5-43 0-19-8-31-25-31-45 0-3 0-6 1-9 2-16 9-28 23-36z m-274-4h25c1 0 2 0 2 2 0 2-1 2-2 2-1 0-3 0-4 0-2 0-3 1-3 4v39c0 1 0 2 1 2 3 3 7 5 12 6 9 2 15-3 15-12v-34c0-4-1-5-5-5-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-2 0-2-2 0-2 1-2 2-2h25c2 0 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 2-2 2-1 0-1 0-2 0-4 0-5 1-5 5v32c0 3 0 5 0 8-1 9-7 14-16 14-4 0-8-1-11-3-5-2-8-4-12-7v8c0 1-1 2-3 1-5-2-10-4-15-5-2-1-2-2-1-3 0-1 1-1 1-1 5-2 7-5 7-10-1-11-1-22-1-34 0-4 0-5-5-5h-1c-1 0-3 0-3-2 0-3 1-2 3-2z m372 57c5-1 6-3 6-8 0-3 0-5 0-8 0-10 0-20 1-30 0-8 6-13 14-13 5 0 9 1 13 3s8 5 12 8v-9c0-2 0-2 1-2 6 2 12 3 18 4 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 2-1 2-2 0-3 0-4 0-4 0-4 0-4 4v49c0 2-1 3-3 2-6 0-12-1-18-1-1-1-2 0-2-2 0-1 0-1 2-2 2 0 5-1 7-2 2-1 3-2 3-4 0-11 0-23 0-34 0-1 0-2-1-2-4-3-8-6-13-7-6-2-12 1-14 7-1 3-1 5-1 8v36c0 3 0 4-3 3-5 0-9 0-14 0-1-1-2 0-2-2 0-1 1-1 2-1z m-275-59c9 2 14 8 20 14 0 1 0 2-1 2-1 1-1 1-2 0-1-1-3-2-4-3-12-9-25-5-31 8-2 5-2 11-2 17 0 1 0 2 2 2 5 0 11 0 17 0h18c1 0 3 0 3 2 0 6-2 11-6 16-10 10-27 9-37-2-10-13-11-27-5-41 5-12 16-17 28-15z m-20 45c1 8 7 14 14 15 8 1 15-6 14-13-1-2-2-3-4-3h-22c-1 0-2 0-2 1z m25-122c-3 0-4 2-6 4-3 5-6 10-10 15 0 1-2 2-2 3 0 1 3 2 4 2l1 2c5 4 6 8 5 14-2 5-5 7-10 8-2 1-5 1-8 1-5 0-10 0-15 0-3 0-5 0-8 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 5 0 6-1 6-6v-35c0-4-1-5-5-6-2 0-2 0-2-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 4 0 8 1 13 0h7c1 0 2 0 2 2 0 1 0 1-2 1-4 0-5 1-5 6 0 4 0 8 0 13 0 3 0 3 3 3 2-1 2-2 2-3 4-7 9-14 14-20 0-1 1-2 2-2 4 1 8 1 12 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 2-2 3z m-21 28c-1-2-3-3-5-4-2 0-3 0-5 0-2 0-2 0-2 2 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 3 0 6 0 9 0 1 0 2 2 2 4 0 8 0 11-5 2-4 2-9-1-13z m262 51c8 0 17 0 25 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 2-1 1-2 1-7 1-7 1-7 8v88c0 2 0 3 0 4 0 1-1 2-2 1-5-3-10-5-15-6-1-1-1-1-1-2 0-1 1-1 1-1 4-1 6-4 6-8 0-1 0-3 0-4v-73c0-6-1-6-6-7h-1c-1 1-2 0-2-2 0-1 1-1 2-1z m-177-31c0 1 0 1-1 1-6 0-12 0-18 0-1 0-2 0-2-1 0-1 1-2 2-2 5 0 7-2 7-8v-23c0-1 0-2-1-2 0 0-1 1-1 2-10 11-20 21-29 32-1 1-2 2-3 2-5 0-9 0-14 0-1 0-1 0-1-1s0-2 1-2c5 0 7-3 7-7v-24c0-3 0-7 0-10-1-4-2-5-7-6-1 0-1-1-1-2 0-1 1-1 1-1 6 1 12 1 18 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 2-1 2-2 2-5 0-6 2-6 5-1 11 0 22 0 33 1-1 1-2 2-2l30-34 5-5c1-1 2-1 3-1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 13 0 27 0 40 0 1 0 2 0 3 1 4 3 6 7 6 1 0 1 1 1 2z m-217 1c-6 0-12 0-18 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 6 0 7-2 7-7v-26c-1 0-1 1-2 2l-29 33c-1 0-2 2-3 1-4 0-9 0-13 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 4 0 6-2 6-7v-30c0-2 0-3 0-5-1-3-2-4-6-5-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 5 1 11 1 16 0 1 0 2 0 2 2 0 2-1 1-2 1-4 0-6 2-6 6 0 5 0 10 0 15v17c10-10 19-21 28-31 3-3 6-6 9-10 1-1 2-1 4-1 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 14 0 28 0 42 0 4 2 6 6 6 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1-1 1z m461-1c0 1-1 2-2 1-6 0-11 0-17 0-1 0-2 0-2-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 4 0 6-2 6-6 0-9 0-18 0-28-1 2-1 2-2 3-10 11-19 22-29 32-1 1-2 3-3 2-4 0-8 0-13 0 0 0-2 1-2-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 4 0 6-2 6-5 0-12 0-23 0-35 0-4-2-6-6-6-2-1-2-1-2-2 0-1 1-2 2-1 6 0 12 0 17 0 2-1 2 0 2 1s0 2-2 2c-5-1-6 2-6 7v30c0 0 1 0 1-1 9-10 18-20 27-30 3-3 6-6 9-10 1-1 2 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 1-1 12 0 24-1 36 0 3 0 5 1 8 0 4 2 5 6 5 1 0 2 1 2 2z m-92 2c-18 0-30-16-27-34 3-12 14-21 29-21 1 0 3 1 5 1 19 3 29 26 19 42-7 10-16 13-26 12z m18-30c0-3 0-6-1-9-2-7-6-11-12-11-7-1-13 1-16 7-4 5-5 11-5 18 0 3 0 7 2 11 5 12 19 14 27 4 4-6 6-13 5-20z m-165 72c0-3 0-6 0-9 0-1 1-2 2-2 8-4 16-5 24-3 8 2 14 8 15 15 1 8-2 14-11 18-4 2-8 4-12 6-3 1-5 3-7 5-4 5-2 12 4 14 7 3 16 1 19-9 0-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 2-1 3-1 1-1 1 0 1 1 0 4-1 7-1 11 0 1 0 2-1 2-7 3-13 4-20 3-8-1-14-7-16-14-1-8 2-15 10-19 3-2 7-4 10-5 3-2 6-3 8-5 5-6 2-15-6-17-6-1-13 2-17 8-1 2-2 5-3 7 0 1 0 2-1 2-1-1-2-1-2-2 0-1 0-3 1-4z m-50-13c11 0 22 0 33 0 1 0 1 0 1 2s0 2-1 2c-3-1-6-1-9 0-3 0-4 1-4 4 0 11 0 22 0 33 0 4 2 7 6 9 4 3 7 1 10-1 3-2 7 0 9 3 2 5-1 9-5 10-5 1-9-1-12-4-3-2-5-6-8-10v13c0 2-1 2-3 1l-14-7c-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 1 0 1 0 2 0 3-2 4-4 4-7 0-3 0-6 0-10v-27c0-3-1-4-4-4-2-1-3-1-5-1s-1 0-1-1c0-2 0-2 1-2z m-73-70c-1 1-2 0-2-1-1-3-3-6-7-7-4-1-8-1-12 0-3 0-4 2-4 4 0 5 0 10 0 16 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 4 0 6 0 5 0 6-1 7-5 0-1-1-2 1-2 2 0 2 1 2 2 0 4 0 9 0 13 0 1 1 3-1 3-2 0-2-1-2-2-1-3-2-4-6-4h-6c-2 0-2 0-2 1 0 5 0 11 0 16 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 0 7 1 10 0 5 0 7-1 7-6 1-1 0-2 2-2 1 0 2 1 2 2-1 3-1 6-1 9 0 1 0 2-2 2-11-1-22-1-34 0-1 0-2 0-2-2 0-1 1-1 2-1 4-1 5-2 5-5v-38c0-3-2-4-5-4-1 0-2 0-2-2s1-1 2-1h18s12 0 18 0c2 0 3 0 3 2 1 3 1 5 2 8 0 1 1 2-1 2z m412-9c-3 0-4 1-5 4-2 6-4 12-6 18-3 9-7 18-10 27 0 2-1 3-3 1-1 0-3-1-4-2-1 0-2-1-2-2-5-14-10-28-15-42-1-2-2-4-5-4-2-1-2-1-2-2 0-2 1-2 2-2 5 1 10 1 15 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 2-1 1 0 0-1 0-1 0-4 1-5 2-4 5 1 3 2 6 3 9 1 1 1 2 3 2 2 0 4 0 6 0 2 0 4 0 7 0 1 0 1 0 2-2l3-10c1-2 0-3-2-4-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 7 1 13 1 20 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 2-1 2z m-34 20c2 6 4 13 6 20 2-7 4-14 6-20h-12z m-210-20c-2 0-3 1-4 3-2 5-4 10-5 15-4 10-8 21-11 31-1 2-2 3-4 2-1-1-3-2-4-3-1 0-1-1-2-1l-14-43c-1-2-3-4-6-4-1 0-1-1-1-2 0-1 0-1 1-1 5 0 10 0 15 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 2-2 2h-1c-3 0-4 1-3 4l3 9c0 2 1 2 2 2 4 0 9 0 13 0 1 0 2 0 2-1 1-4 2-7 3-10 1-3 1-4-3-4-1 0-2-1-2-2 0-2 1-1 2-1 4 0 8 0 12 0 2 0 5 0 7 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 2-2 2z m-34 20c2 6 4 13 6 20 3-7 5-14 7-20h-13z m81 31c0 0-1 1-2 0 0-2-2-2-3-2h-39c-2 0-3 0-4 2 0 1-1 1-2 0s-1 0-1-1c0-3 0-7-1-10 0-1 0-2 1-2 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 2 5 6 5l11 0c1 0 2 0 2-2v-37c0-6-1-6-7-6-1 0-1-1-1-2 0-1 0-2 2-2 7 1 14 1 22 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1-1 2-5 0-6 1-6 6v37c0 2 0 2 2 2 3 0 6 0 9 0 4 0 5-1 6-5 0-1-1-2 1-2 0 0 2 0 2 2 0 3 0 7 1 10 0 0 0 1-1 1z m-259 0c-1 0-2 1-2 0-1-2-2-2-4-2h-39c-1 0-3 0-3 2-1 1-2 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-4-1-7-1-10 0-1-1-2 1-2 1 0 2-1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 2 5 6 5 3 0 7 0 10 0 2 0 2-1 2-3l0-36c0-6-1-6-6-6-1 0-1-1-1-2s0-2 1-2c5 1 9 1 13 1 4 0 7 0 10-1 1 0 1 1 1 2s0 2-1 1c-6 0-7 3-7 7 0 6 0 12 0 18v19c0 1 1 2 2 2 3 0 6 0 9 0 5 0 6-1 6-6 1 0 0-1 1-1 1 0 3 0 3 2-1 3 0 7 0 10 0 1 1 1 0 1z m-38 28c9 0 17 0 26 0 1 0 2 1 1 3 0 1-2 0-3 0-5 1-6 1-6 7v50c0 3 0 3-3 2-4-2-8-3-13-5 0 0-2 0-2-1 0-1 1-2 2-2 4-2 5-5 5-10 0-11 0-22 0-34 0-6 0-7-7-7-1 0-2 0-2-2 0-1 1-1 2-1z m539-69c0 0-2 0-2-1 0-1 0-1-1-2-1-4-4-6-8-6-3-1-6-1-9-1-4 1-5 2-5 6v35c0 5 0 5 5 5 1 0 2 0 2 2s-1 1-2 1c-4 0-8 0-12 0-3 0-5 0-8 0-2 1-2 0-2-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 4 0 5-1 5-4v-38c0-3-1-4-5-4-1 0-2 0-2-2s1-1 2-1h37c1 0 2 0 2 1l2 10c0 1 1 2-1 2z m-620-10c-3 0-4 1-4 4v37c0 4 1 5 5 5 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1-1 1-7 0-14 0-21 0-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 5 0 5-1 5-5v-37c0-3-1-4-4-4-2 0-2-1-2-2 0-2 1-2 2-1 6 0 13 0 19 0 1-1 2-1 2 1 1 2 0 1-2 2z m402 46c1 0 2 0 2 2 0 2-1 1-2 1-6 0-12-1-17 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-2 1-2-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 3 0 4-1 4-4v-38c0-4-1-4-5-5-1 0-1 0-1-1 0-2 1-2 2-2 6 1 13 1 19 0 1 0 2 0 2 2 0 2-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 2-4 5v38c0 3 1 4 4 4z m-308 117c3-1 6 2 6 6 1 4-2 7-6 7-3 0-7-3-7-6 0-4 3-7 7-7z m-311-8c-3 1-3 1-3-2v-136c0-2 0-2 2-1 17 7 29 18 37 33 22 40 5 88-36 106z m-60 0c-4-2-9-5-14-8-24-16-37-48-30-77 3-17 12-31 25-42 6-5 12-9 19-12 3-1 3-1 3 1v68c0 23 0 46 0 68 0 3-1 3-3 2z" />
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2c-2 1-3 2-4 3l-1 1c-2 2-3 3-5 4l-1 1c-1 1-3 3-5 4l-1 1c-2 1-3 2-5 3l-1 1-5 2-2 1-4 4c0 0-1 1-1 2-3 3-4 7-5 11v8c1 1 1 3 1 4 2 6 6 10 11 14l1 1v-1c0 0 1 1 1 1l3 1c0 0 0 0 0 1l8 0 3 0 6-1 1-1c2-1 4-2 6-3 0 0 1 0 1-1l5-3 2-1c1-1 3-2 4-3 1 0 1-1 2-1l4-3 2-1c1-1 3-2 4-3 1-1 1-1 1-1 2-2 3-3 5-4l1-1c1-1 3-2 4-3 1-1 1-1 2-2 1-1 2-2 3-3l2-2c1-1 2-2 3-4 1 0 1-1 2-2l5-5c1-4 1-8 2-12 1-22-3-43-13-63-2-5-5-10-7-15l-1 0z m75 49c0-2 0-4 0-6-1-1-1-2-1-3 0-3-1-6-2-9l0-4c-1-3-2-6-3-10-1-1-1-2-1-3 0 0-1-1-1-1l-4-11c-1-2-1-4-2-5l-8-15h1l-1-1c-1-2-3-4-4-6l-4-4-6-4c-3-1-6-2-9-2h-3l-6 1-2 1-5 2c0 1-1 1-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4l-1 2-4 5c0 0 0 1 0 1-1 2-1 4-2 6 0 1 0 2 0 3l1 8c2 6 6 10 8 16 10 20 14 41 12 63 0 4 0 7-1 11-1 3-1 6-2 9l-1 2c0 2-1 4-1 6 0 1-1 2-1 2 0 2-1 4-2 6l-1 2c-1 2-1 3-2 5 0 0-1 1-1 1-1 2-2 4-3 6 0 0 0 1-1 1-1 2-2 4-3 5l0 3-2 5v3c1 3 2 6 2 9l3 5 0 1c1 0 1 0 1 1l0 0c0 0 0 0 1 0l4 4 1 1 0 0 4 3c1 0 1 0 1 0v0c3 1 6 1 9 2h3l6-2c1 0 1 0 2 0l5-3c0-1 1-1 2-1 1-1 2-3 4-4l0-1c9-14 16-30 21-47 4-18 6-36 5-55l-1-9z m14-35l-1 6-1 2c0 2-1 4-1 6 0 1 0 1-1 2 0 2-1 4-2 6l-1 2c0 2-1 4-2 5l0 2c-1 1-1 3-2 4 0 3 1 6 1 9 1 19-1 37-6 55-5 17-12 33-21 47 1 0 1 0 1 0 2-1 3-2 5-3 0 0 0-1 1-1 1-1 3-2 5-4 0 0 1 0 1-1 1-1 3-2 4-3 1 0 1-1 1-1l4-4 2-1c1-1 3-3 4-4l1-1c1-1 3-3 4-4l1-1c1-2 3-3 4-4l1-2c1-1 3-3 4-4 0 0 1-1 1-1 1-2 2-3 4-4l1-2 3-4 5-7c6-40 1-78-15-115 0-1-1-2-1-3l-1 7c0 1 0 2 0 2 0 3-1 5-1 8l0 2c-1 2-1 4-1 6 0 1-1 2-1 3z m77 2l-1-3-2-9-1-5-4-11-1-4c-1-4-3-7-4-11-1-2-2-3-2-5-1 0-1 0-1-1-2-5-4-10-7-14 0 0 0 0 0-1l-1 0-6-6c0 0 0 0 0 0v0c-5-3-10-5-15-5-8-1-15 2-22 6l-1 1c-1 2-2 3-3 4l-1 2-3 5 0 2-1 7 0 3c1 3 2 7 4 10 0 2 1 3 1 4l0 1 2 3c16 37 21 75 15 115-1 3-1 6-2 9 0 3-1 5-2 7l0 2-2 6 0 2c-1 2-1 4-2 6 0 1-1 1-1 2 0 1-1 3-2 5l0 2c-1 2-2 4-3 6l0 2c-1 2-2 4-3 5 0 1 0 1-1 2l-2 5-1 2-1 6 0 3c0 3 0 6 1 8l1 4c5 7 11 13 20 15 1 0 2 0 2 0h9c3-1 7-2 11-4l1-1c2-1 3-2 4-3l2-2c1-1 2-3 3-4 0-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-3 2-5 1 0 1-1 1-2l3-5 0-1c1-2 2-4 3-6 0-1 0-1 0-2l2-5 1-2 2-6c0-1 0-1 1-2 0-2 1-4 1-6l1-2c0-2 1-4 2-6 0 0 0-1 0-2 1-2 1-4 2-6 0-1 0-1 0-2l1-7 1-2c0 0 0-1 0-2 2-9 3-19 3-28 2-24 0-48-5-72z m172 59c-8-32-15-64-22-97-2-6-6-5-10-5-7-1-10 1-11 9-5 24-11 49-16 73-1 3-2 5-4 8-3-14-6-28-9-41-4-15-7-29-10-43-1-9-7-6-12-6-5-1-7 1-8 6l-21 94c-1 2-4 7 2 7 3 0 9 3 11-4 3-19 7-37 11-55l7-31 2 0c6 28 12 55 17 83 2 7 6 7 11 7 7 1 9-2 11-8 5-27 12-55 18-83 3 3 3 7 3 11 6 24 11 49 16 73 1 6 8 10 13 7 2-1 1-3 1-5z m-13 42c-10 0-18 8-18 18 0 10 9 18 20 18 10 0 18-8 18-18 0-10-9-18-20-18z m23-4c4 4 9 4 14 5 0 0 1 0 2 0-2 2-3 5-2 7 0 1 0 1-1 1-2 0-3 0-5 0-4 2-7 5-8 10-1 5 1 9 5 13 3 2 7 3 10 3 6 0 12 0 18 0-2-2-5-3-8-3 0-1 1-1 1-1 5-6 4-13-1-18-1-1-2-2-3-3-2-1-1-3 0-5 2-1 4-3 5-4 7-6 7-14 0-19-7-5-19-6-26-2-6 4-7 11-1 16z m79-140c-6-1-12-1-11 10-11-11-23-14-36-12-19 4-28 18-27 39 1 17 13 29 31 30 9 1 18 1 27-2 4-1 5 0 5 4l0 7c-1 9-2 17-11 20-11 3-21 4-31-4-3-2-5-6-6-9 0-4-2-4-5-4-9 1-9 1-6 9 4 11 13 18 24 21 8 2 16 1 24-1 15-3 23-14 23-31 1-19 0-37 1-56 0-3 0-7 0-11-1-3 5-8-2-10z m31 0c-5 0-6 1-6 6 0 47 0 94 0 141 0 4 2 6 6 6s7-2 7-7c-1-23 0-46 0-70 0-23-1-47 0-70 0-5-2-6-7-6z m39 0c-5 0-7 0-7 6 0 47 0 94 0 141 0 5 2 6 7 6 5 0 6-2 6-6 0-24 0-48 0-71 0-24 0-47 0-70 0-5-1-6-6-6z m42 27c4-12 13-18 26-17 10 0 18 7 21 19 1 8 4 8 10 7 4-1 4-2 4-5-3-18-15-31-31-33-20-3-35 5-42 23-8 22-8 45 1 67 6 15 17 22 33 22 15 0 26-7 33-21 5-10 6-22 6-33 0-4-1-5-5-5-9 0-18 0-27 0-10 0-19 0-28 0-4 0-5-1-5-4 1-7 2-14 4-20z m118 69c-6 0-11 0-17 0-4 0-5-1-5-5 0-7 0-13 0-19 0-16 0-33 0-49 0-10 3-13 14-12 3 0 5 3 8 0v-10c-7-3-13-2-20-2-9 1-14 8-14 20-1 22-1 44-1 66 0 10 0 10-9 11-5 0-5 2-5 5 0 4 0 7 5 6 9-1 10 3 10 10-1 5-1 10-1 15 0 11 0 11 13 14 0-11 0-22 0-33 0-5 1-6 6-6 5 0 10 0 16 0v-11z m-286 66c0 4-1 8-4 11-1 2-3 3-5 3-5 1-8-2-8-8 0-4 2-8 4-10s5-3 8-2c3 1 5 3 5 6z m4-28c-1 4-7 9-11 9-4 0-7-1-9-2-5-3-6-10-1-13s11-4 16-2c4 2 5 5 5 8z m-53 43c-4-1-7-4-7-8-1-5 0-11 2-15 3-6 8-9 13-8 4 2 7 6 7 13 0 5-1 10-5 15-2 3-6 4-10 3z m-26-24c1 2 1 4 1 6 0 5-1 10-4 14-2 3-5 5-10 4-4 0-7-3-8-7-1-8 0-15 5-21 5-5 14-3 16 4z m123 16c2 1 3 2 1 4-1 4-5 5-9 4-4-2-6-5-6-10v-1c0-3 0-3 3-2 3 2 7 3 11 5z m-12-115c-8 2-16 3-25 1-10-2-16-9-17-20 0-12 5-21 14-24 19-7 37 7 37 27 0 2 0 3 0 5 1 7-2 10-9 11z m133 9l21 0h16c11 0 11 0 9 10-4 18-14 26-28 24-13-1-26-20-23-32 1-3 3-2 5-2z" />
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0-1 0l-4-2v0c0 0-1 0-1 0l0 0c0 0-1-1-1-1-7-5-12-11-15-19-1-2-1-4-2-6v-10c2-6 4-11 7-16l2-2c2-2 4-3 6-5 0 0 1-1 2-1 2-2 4-3 6-4l3-2c2-1 4-2 6-4l2-1c2-1 4-3 6-5 1 0 2-1 2-1 2-2 4-3 6-5l1-2c3-1 4-3 6-5 1-1 1-1 2-2 2-1 4-3 5-5l2-2c2-2 3-4 4-6l2-2c1-2 3-4 4-6 0 0 1-1 1-2 2-2 4-4 5-7 0-1 1-1 1-2 2-2 3-4 4-6l1-3c1-2 3-5 3-7l2-3 2-6 1-4c1-2 2-5 3-7 0-1 0-3 0-4 1-2 2-5 3-8l0-3c1-3 2-6 2-9 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 1-1 2 7 7 14 10 21 14 27 19 55 17 86z m96-100l0-3c1-3 1-6 1-10 1 0 1-1 0-2l1-11c1 2 2 3 2 4 22 51 29 104 21 158l-7 10-4 5c-1 1-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 4-5 6 0 0-1 1-1 2-2 1-4 3-5 5-1 1-1 2-2 3-2 1-4 3-5 5l-2 2-5 5-2 2-5 5-2 2-6 5-2 1c-2 2-4 3-6 5l-1 1c-2 2-5 3-6 5-1 0-2 1-2 2-3 1-4 2-6 4-1 0-1 0-2 0 13-20 22-42 29-65 6-24 9-49 7-75 0-4 0-8-1-12l3-6 1-2c1-3 2-5 2-8l2-3c0-2 2-5 2-7 0-1 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-6 2-9 0-1 1-2 1-3l1-8c1-1 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-6 2-9z m-31 13z m-25 200l-1 1c-2 1-3 3-5 5-1 0-2 1-2 2l-7 3-3 1-9 2h-3c-4 0-8-1-12-2v0c0-1-1-1-2-1l-5-3-1 0-1-1-6-6c0 0 0 0 0-1l0 0c0 0-1-1-1-1 0 0-1 0-1-1l-3-7c-2-4-3-8-3-12v-4l1-8 1-3 4-7c1 0 1-1 1-2 2-2 3-4 4-7 1-1 1-1 1-2 2-2 3-5 3-7l2-3c1-2 2-5 2-8 1 0 1-1 1-2l3-8 0-3c2-4 2-9 3-13 1-5 2-10 2-15 3-30-3-59-16-87-4-7-8-13-11-21-1-3-1-7-2-11 1-1 1-2 1-3l2-9c0 0 0-1 0-1 2-3 3-5 5-8 0 0 1-1 2-2 1-1 3-3 5-5 1 0 1 0 2-1l6-3 3-1 9-2h4c4 1 8 2 12 3l8 4 6 6c2 3 3 6 5 8l1 2h0c3 6 7 13 10 20 1 2 2 5 3 7 2 5 4 10 6 15 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 3 2 4 1 5 2 9 3 14 1 2 1 3 1 5l3 13c0 1 0 2 1 4 0 3 0 5 1 8 0 4 0 8 1 12 1 26-2 51-8 75-6 23-16 45-28 65z m807-125c7-1 15-1 23-1v16c-7 0-15 0-22 0-6-1-8 2-8 8 0 15 0 30 0 45-17-4-17-4-17-19 0-7 0-13 0-20 1-10-1-16-13-14-7 1-7-3-7-8 0-5 1-7 7-8 13 0 13-1 13-14 0-31 0-61 0-91 0-16 7-25 20-27 9-1 18-1 27 2v15c-4 3-7 0-10 0-15-2-20 2-20 16 0 22 0 44 0 66 0 9 0 18 0 26 0 6 1 8 7 8z m-363 41c10 7 10 18 1 26l-7 5c-2 3-2 5 0 8 1 1 3 2 4 4 7 6 8 16 1 23 0 1-1 1-1 3 4-1 8 0 11 4-8 0-16 0-24-1-5 0-10-1-14-4-6-5-9-11-8-18 2-7 6-11 12-13 2 0 4-1 6 0 2 0 2-1 2-2-1-3 0-6 2-9-1 0-2 0-3 0-6-1-13-2-19-7-8-6-7-17 2-22 10-5 27-4 35 3z m-22 43c-3 4-5 9-6 15 0 7 4 11 11 11 3 0 5-2 7-5 3-4 5-9 5-15-1-4-3-7-7-9-3-1-7 0-10 3z m-5-23c3 2 7 3 12 3 6 0 14-7 15-12 1-5-1-9-6-11-7-3-15-3-22 2-7 5-6 14 1 18z m-153 3c8 1 15 2 23 4 3 1 3 2 3 4 1 6-2 12 4 18-6 0-12-1-18 0-4 0-6-3-10-4 4-1 8 0 11 0 3 0 3-1 3-3 0-3 0-7 0-10 0-2-1-3-3-3-5-2-9-2-14-1-19 3-30 18-29 37 1 11 5 19 15 23s20 4 28-3c4-3 4-3 2-7 5 0 6 4 9 6 3 2 2 3 0 4-12 6-24 8-36 5-19-4-31-22-28-40 3-20 19-32 40-30z m114 51c-15 0-27-11-27-25 1-14 11-25 26-25 15 0 26 11 26 26 0 13-11 24-25 24z m4-46c-6-2-13 2-16 10-4 6-5 13-4 21 1 6 4 9 10 11 6 2 10 0 14-5 5-6 6-13 7-19 0-11-4-16-11-18z m10-54c-6 4-16-1-18-9-7-34-13-67-20-101-1-4-1-10-6-14-8 38-17 76-24 113-2 9-5 12-14 11-8 0-13 0-15-10-8-38-17-75-25-113-1 0-2 0-2 0l-10 43c-5 24-10 49-15 74-2 11-10 6-15 6-8 0-4-6-3-9 10-43 20-86 29-130 2-6 5-9 11-8 7 1 15-3 17 9 3 19 8 38 13 58 4 19 9 37 13 56 3-3 4-6 5-10 7-33 15-67 22-100 2-11 6-14 15-13 6 1 11-1 13 8 10 44 20 88 30 133 1 2 2 4-1 6z m-70 50c15 0 26 11 26 25 0 14-10 25-24 25-15 0-27-11-27-25 0-14 10-25 25-25z m-14 36c1 6 5 9 11 10 6 1 10-1 13-6 4-6 6-13 6-20 0-2 0-4-1-7-3-10-15-13-22-5-7 8-9 18-7 28z m185-35c8-2 19-1 26 7-1 0-1 0-1 0-15-7-27 1-31 16-1 2 0 2 2 2 2 1 4 0 6 1 7 3 14 6 22 9 1 0 1 1 1 3-2 5-7 9-12 10-16 4-30-9-29-26 0-10 7-19 16-22z m1 44c5 2 10 0 13-4 1-3 1-5-2-6l-16-7c-3-1-3-1-3 2v1c0 8 3 12 8 14z m-37 26c2 0 3-1 3-3-1-18-1-36-1-54 0-4 1-9-3-12 7 1 15-2 21 1l0 1c-1 0-3 1-4 1-3 0-4 1-4 4 0 19-1 38 0 57 1 3 1 6 5 8-11 2-18 1-21-3 1 0 3 0 4 0z m61-254c1 5 0 11 0 16 0 25 0 50 0 76-1 23-11 38-33 43-10 2-22 3-33 0-15-4-26-13-32-28-5-11-4-11 7-13 5 0 7 1 8 5 1 6 4 10 9 14 12 10 26 10 41 5 12-5 15-16 15-27 0-4 0-7 0-11 1-5-1-6-6-5-12 4-25 5-37 4-24-3-42-19-43-41-2-30 12-49 37-54 18-3 34 2 49 16-1-14 7-16 15-14 10 3 2 10 3 14z m-17 45c-1-2-1-4-1-6 0-28-24-47-50-38-13 5-20 17-19 34 1 14 10 25 24 27 11 3 22 1 34-1 9-2 13-6 12-16z m169 11c13 0 26 0 38 0 13 0 25 1 38 0 5 0 7 2 7 7-1 16-2 31-9 45-9 20-25 29-45 29-21-1-37-10-45-30-12-30-12-61-1-91 9-25 30-36 57-32 22 2 38 20 42 45 0 4 0 6-5 7-8 2-13 1-15-9-3-17-14-26-28-27-17-1-29 7-36 23-3 9-4 18-5 27 0 5 2 7 7 6z m24 64c20 2 34-9 39-33 2-15 2-15-12-15h-22c-10 0-19 0-29 0-2 0-5-1-6 3-4 16 13 43 30 45z m-75-30c0 32 0 65 0 97 1 6-1 9-8 9-6 0-9-1-9-9 0-64 0-128 0-192 0-8 3-9 9-9 7 0 8 2 8 9 0 31 0 63 0 95z m-52 1c0 32 0 64 0 96 0 6-2 9-8 9-7 0-9-2-9-9 1-64 0-128 0-192 0-7 2-9 9-9 6 0 8 2 8 9 0 32 0 64 0 96z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="maestro" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecd9;" d="M995 405c-23 134-141 238-277 245-82 4-155-20-217-74 6-8 15-14 21-22-6 8-15 14-21 22-2 1-3 2-5 3-56 47-120 71-194 71-73 1-138-22-194-69-63-53-99-121-106-203-6-56 3-110 29-159 51-100 133-157 245-168 56-6 109 5 159 30 24 12 45 27 66 44 46-41 100-65 161-73 65-8 126 3 183 35 114 64 173 188 150 318z m-506 148c10 0 21 0 31 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 5-5 10-11 15-17 1 0 1 0 2-1 4-6 9-11 12-18-3 7-8 12-12 18-2 2-4 1-6 1h-67c5 12 13 17 24 17z m-28-36h88c4-5 8-11 11-16 1 0 2-1 2-2 3-6 7-11 9-18-2 7-6 12-9 18-1 3-4 2-7 2-36 0-72 0-109 0h-5c3 12 8 16 20 16z m-37-47c3 9 9 11 18 11 43 0 86 0 129 0 3-6 6-13 9-19 1-2 2-4 4-9 0-1 1-2 1-3 0 0-1 2-1 3-4 11-4 12-17 12-46 0-93 0-139-1-5 0-6 1-4 6z m-20-77c0 0 0 1-1 1 1 0 1 0 1-1z m2 0c0 0 0 0-1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0z m-3 2c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-1 0-1z m-184-139c-10 0-19 0-29 0-5 0-6 1-5 6 6 32 12 65 18 98 2 11 4 23 5 34l-1 0-29-71c-8-21-17-41-25-62-2-4-4-6-9-5-10 0-20 0-31 0-5-1-7 1-7 7-2 43-5 87-8 132-3-8-3-15-4-22-7-37-14-74-20-111-1-5-2-6-7-6-9 0-18 0-28 0-4 0-5 0-4 5 10 58 20 117 30 176 1 4 3 6 7 6 19-1 37-1 56 0 5 0 6-2 6-7 2-33 4-67 6-100 3 0 3 2 4 4 13 32 26 64 40 97 1 4 3 6 8 6 19-1 39-1 58 0 5 0 6-2 5-7-10-58-20-117-31-176 0-3-2-4-5-4z m140 0c-7 0-15 0-22 0-6-1-8 1-7 7 0 2 0 3 0 5 1 0 1 1 1 1-1 0-1 0-1 0-13-9-26-14-41-15-40-3-55 30-44 60 10 25 30 35 55 37 12 1 24 2 36 2 5-1 6 2 6 7 1 9-7 16-19 17-19 0-38-2-58-8 3 12 6 22 10 32 0 3 3 3 5 4 9 4 19 4 29 5 16 0 31 2 47-4 14-5 26-13 30-30 2-6 0-13-1-20-6-31-12-63-18-94-1-5-3-7-8-6z m68-28c-1 3-3 4-3 7 2 2 5 1 7 1 46 0 92 0 138 0 4 0 8 0 10 2-3-7-5-13-8-19l0 0h-20c-36 0-73 0-109 0-8 0-13 1-15 9z m90 94c0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1z m0 1l1 1c-1 0-1-1-1-1z m-70-133c-1 2-3 5-5 8h15c32 0 63 0 95 0 4 0 7 1 10 3-5-8-9-15-14-23 0 1 0 2 0 2-3 4-9 1-14 1-24 1-48 1-72 0-7 0-12 2-15 9z m55-63c6 6 12 10 17 17-3 3-6 1-9 1-5 1-11 1-16 1-16 0-18 0-27 15 3 2 6 1 9 1 17 0 34 0 51 0 6 0 11 1 14 7 1 1 2 3 3 4-12-16-26-32-42-46z m128 249c-8 2-15 2-22 2l-4 0-4 0v-1c1-7 1-14 1-21v0c0 7-1 15-1 22-1 0-2 0-3 0-1 0-2 0-4 0-1-1-2-1-3-1s-2-1-3-2c-2 0-3-1-4-2 0 0-1 0-1-1-1-1-2-2-3-4-2-4-1-9 4-13 0 0 1 0 1-1 4-2 7-4 11-5 0 0 1 0 2-1l4-1c0 2 0 5 0 7v-7c1 0 1 0 2 0 16-5 29-13 30-32 2-22-4-40-24-51-7-4-16-6-24-7-2 0-3-1-5-1l-2 0c-1 0-2 0-4 0 0 0-1 0-1 0l-4 0h-7l0 0s-9 0-19 1h0v0l-6 0c-4 1-9 1-12 2 0 1-1 1-2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 0-1 0-1 1 0 0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0 0c0 0 0 0-1 0l0 0c0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 2-1 5 0 10l3 15c0 1 0 3 0 4l1 1 0 0c1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 0 7 0 13-4 28-6 42-5 5 0 8 1 11 3 4 3 5 7 6 12 1 4 0 6-2 8-1 2-4 3-6 4-4 2-8 3-12 5l-12 5c-6 3-11 6-15 11-1 2-3 3-4 5-1 4-2 7-3 11 0 2 0 4-1 6 0 12 3 24 10 35 8 10 20 14 32 17l-96 0c1 0 3-1 4-1 3-1 6-2 9-3 2-1 4-2 6-3 0 0 1-1 2-1 2-1 3-3 5-4 2-1 4-3 5-5 2-2 3-4 4-6 1-2 2-4 3-6 1-3 2-6 3-10 2-9 2-20 1-30l-3-16c0-1 0-1 0-1l-1-1c0 0 0 0 0-1-1 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1-1-2-1-2-1-1 0-1 0-1 1-1 0-2 0-2 0h-1c-12 0-24 0-36 0h-37c-5 0-8-1-10-2-2-1-2-3-2-6 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-1 1-2 2-4 1-1 1-2 2-3l1-1c1-2 2-4 4-5 2-3 5-4 8-6 1 0 2-1 3-1 2-1 4-2 6-2 4 0 8-1 11-1l4 0c1 0 3 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 10 0 15 1l3 1c3 1 5 2 7 3 4 1 7 3 10 5 1 0 2 0 3 0 0-2 0-4 0-5 0-1-1-2-1-3l0-3-3-14c0-2 0-4-1-6 0-1-1-2-1-3-2-1-3-3-6-4-1 0-2-1-4-1l0 0c0 0-1 0-1 0-2-1-5-2-7-2-15-4-31-3-43-1h-1l-3 1h0c-4 1-9 2-13 4l-2 0c0 0 0 0 0 0l-2 1 0 0c-1 0-1 1-2 1l0 0-2 0 0 1-1 0c-1 0-1 0-1 1s-1 0-1 0l-1 1-1 0c-1 0-1 1-2 1h0c-25 16-32 40-29 67 0 5 1 9 1 13 1 2 1 5 2 7 0 2 1 3 1 5 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 2 5 3 7 4 9 10 17 17 24 0 0-1 0-2 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 3 2 4 3s3 2 4 3c2 0 3 1 5 2 1 1 3 2 4 2s3 2 5 2c4 2 9 3 14 4l4 1c3 0 6 0 8 0 7 0 14 0 20-1l97 0 20 2c-3 17-3 17-20 17-53 0-106 1-159 0-5 0-6 1-5 6 4 11 3 11 15 11 51 0 102 0 152 0 6 0 7 1 7 4 0 0 0 0 0-1 3-9 6-18 8-27 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-3 2-6 2-9 7 0 14 0 21 0 7-1 13-1 20-2 5-1 6-2 5-6-2-8-4-15-5-23-1-4-2-6-6-5z m-223 17l1 1c0 0-1-1-1-1z m308-17l-16 0c-3 0-5-1-5-5-4-24-8-49-13-73 0-6 2-9 7-10 6-2 12-2 18 0 5 2 5 0 5-4-1-4-2-7-2-11-1-12-2-13-14-15-13-3-27-3-39 0-13 4-18 10-16 23 5 34 11 68 16 101 3 18 7 37 10 55 0 4 2 6 6 6 5-1 10-1 14-1s10 0 15 1c6 0 6-2 5-7-2-8-3-16-4-24-1-4 0-4 3-4l16 0c3 0 4-1 4-5-2-8-3-15-5-23 0-3-1-5-5-4z m59-32c-5-23-9-47-13-70-3-18-2-18-20-18-6 0-12 0-18 0-4 0-6 0-5 5 7 41 14 81 21 121 2 7 3 14 4 21 0 4 2 5 6 5 10 0 21 0 31 0 4 0 5-1 4-5l-3-17c12 17 28 26 50 23-8-12-12-24-15-37 0-2-1-2-3-2-4-1-8-1-12-1-15-3-24-10-27-25z m172-66c-22-23-49-28-78-23-38 6-60 34-58 73 1 26 8 49 30 66 26 20 72 22 99 3 20-15 27-36 27-61 0-21-5-41-20-58z m-330 133c-7 0-14 1-21 1 7 0 14-1 21-1z m-289-83c-5-1-10-2-15-3-8-2-16-5-21-11-5-6-6-15-3-21 3-6 10-6 16-6 20 2 28 10 31 31 2 9 2 9-8 10z m138 50c-16 3-31-7-33-24-1-3 0-4 3-4 7 0 14 0 21 0h22c2 0 3 0 4 3 2 11-6 23-17 25z m-42-29c-4-1-3-5-4-8-1-4-2-8-3-13-1-3 0-4 4-4 4 0 6 0 7 5 0 4 1 8 2 12 0 2 2 5 0 7-1 2-4 1-6 1z m466 26c-8-1-15-6-19-13-10-13-11-28-10-44 1-19 14-28 32-23 8 2 13 8 17 14 6 12 9 24 9 35 1 24-10 35-29 31z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="paypal-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecde;" d="M847 696h-694c-84 0-153-69-153-154v-384c0-85 69-154 153-154h694c84 0 153 69 153 154v384c0 85-69 154-153 154z m-578-335c-10-5-22-8-34-10-7 0-14 0-22 0-6 0-9-4-11-10-2-9-4-19-7-29-1-4-5-7-9-7-7-1-14-1-21 0-4 0-7 3-6 7l17 72 12 53c1 5 5 8 10 8h29c7 0 16 1 25 0 9-1 19-2 27-6 11-6 17-15 18-26 1-10 0-18-4-27-5-11-13-19-24-25z m130-3c-4-15-7-30-11-45-1-5-5-9-10-9-6 0-11 0-16 0-6 0-9 3-7 9 0 1 0 1 0 3-3-2-5-4-8-5-11-8-24-11-38-9-14 2-24 14-23 28 1 10 4 19 12 26 5 5 12 8 18 10 8 3 17 4 25 5 8 1 16 2 24 3 3 0 4 1 4 3 0 6-3 10-8 12-8 2-16 2-24 1s-16-3-23-5c-4-2-6 0-5 4 0 4 1 9 3 13 1 4 4 7 9 8 14 3 28 4 42 3 9 0 18-1 27-5 9-4 15-13 14-23-1-9-3-18-5-27z m122 26c-7-12-14-24-21-36l-30-50c-6-11-13-22-19-34-2-3-5-6-8-7-2-2-5-2-7-2-3 0-7 0-10 0h-11c-3 0-5 2-4 5 1 4 4 7 6 11 4 7 8 15 13 22 1 3 1 7 1 10-2 15-5 31-8 47-3 18-6 36-9 54-1 5 1 8 6 8h16c9 0 12-3 14-11l8-51c0-1 0-2 2-2s1 0 2 1l27 47 4 7c4 6 9 9 16 9s14 0 21 0c5 0 5-2 4-5-1-3-3-6-5-9-3-5-5-9-8-14z m120-23c-13-7-27-10-42-11-5 0-10 0-15 0-4 0-8-3-10-8-2-10-4-19-6-29-2-6-6-9-11-9h-19c-6 0-8 3-7 8l8 37c6 26 12 52 18 78 1 3 2 7 3 10 1 5 5 8 10 8h30c7 0 18 0 28-1 9-1 19-2 27-8 9-6 14-15 14-25 2-23-8-39-28-50z m130-2c-4-16-7-31-11-46-1-6-5-9-11-9h-15c-6 0-9 3-7 9 0 1 0 1 0 2-3-2-6-3-8-5-12-8-25-11-38-8-15 2-24 15-23 30 2 17 12 27 27 33 9 3 19 5 29 6 8 1 16 2 24 3 2 0 3 1 3 3 0 6-2 10-9 11-8 3-16 3-25 2-7-1-14-3-21-6-4-1-6 1-5 5 0 4 2 9 3 13 2 5 6 7 11 8 15 3 30 4 45 3 6 0 13-1 19-4 13-4 18-13 17-27-1-8-3-15-5-23z m64 49l-16-71-5-25c-1-4-5-8-10-8-3 0-6 0-9 0h-8c-6 0-9 3-7 9l5 23c5 23 10 46 15 69 2 10 5 21 7 31 1 5 5 8 10 8h18c5 0 7-3 6-8-2-9-4-19-6-28z m-217 10c-6 1-12 1-19 1-4 0-8-4-9-8-2-9-4-18-6-27-1-3 1-6 4-7 2-1 5 0 7 0 5 0 11 0 16 2 10 3 18 9 19 20 2 10-3 17-12 19z m-370 0c-5 1-10 2-15 1h-4c-5 0-9-3-11-7-2-9-4-18-6-27-1-4 2-8 6-8 7 0 14 0 21 2 11 3 19 10 20 22 0 8-3 14-11 17z m486-64c-5-1-9-1-14-1-5-1-10-2-15-4-8-3-11-8-11-16 0-4 2-6 5-8 3-1 7-1 10-1 6 0 12 2 18 5 2 1 4 3 4 5 2 6 3 12 5 18 0 2-1 2-2 2z m-372 0c-4 0-8-1-11-1-6-1-12-2-17-4-8-2-12-8-12-15 0-5 2-8 6-9 3-1 6-1 9-1 7 0 13 3 19 6 2 1 3 3 3 4 2 6 3 12 5 18 0 2-1 2-2 2z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="sage-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xece0;" d="M847 696h-694c-84 0-153-69-153-154v-384c0-85 69-154 153-154h694c84 0 153 69 153 154v384c0 85-69 154-153 154z m9-346c0-1 0-2 0-3h-151c0-4 0-7 0-11 4-19 16-31 37-35 28-5 53 1 76 18 0 0 1 1 2 1l32-23c-35-40-116-54-166-12v-6c0-14 0-27-4-41-8-26-26-45-52-54-48-18-93-11-133 23-1 0-2 1-3 3 13 8 25 17 38 26 11-9 22-16 35-18 16-3 33-2 48 7 13 7 20 18 21 33 1 9 0 17 0 26-40-31-81-32-124-4v-20h-48v21c-1 0-2 0-2-1-9-12-22-17-36-18-20-3-41-3-61 3-12 3-20 8-33 18-4-2-9-5-13-8-16-8-33-12-51-14-26-2-51 0-75 9-18 6-34 15-48 26-1 1-1 1-2 2 11 10 22 19 34 29 9-8 20-15 32-20 23-8 46-10 70-4 6 1 11 4 16 8 6 4 9 11 8 19-1 9-7 13-14 15-8 2-17 3-25 4-16 1-32 2-48 4-18 3-34 10-46 24-21 26-14 65 15 83 12 8 26 13 40 14 30 5 60 2 89-9 7-2 13-6 20-10 2-1 3-1 5 1 14 12 30 17 48 19 20 2 41 2 61-2 26-4 36-10 55-29 16 21 38 31 64 32s49-7 69-25v23h49v-23c2 1 3 2 4 3 16 13 35 20 56 22 22 2 42-2 62-12 27-15 43-38 49-69 2-15 1-30 0-45z m-395 0c-21 0-41 0-61 0-10 0-19-2-28-7-13-8-15-25-3-35 4-3 10-6 15-8 19-5 38-4 57 0 10 1 17 7 20 16 4 11 2 22 3 33-2 1-2 1-3 1z m-15 82c-7 2-15 3-23 4-14 1-28 1-41-5-9-3-17-8-25-13-6 6-13 13-21 20-6-7-13-14-21-21 0 1-1 1-2 2-24 14-50 20-77 16-7 0-14-2-20-7-10-7-14-26 3-33 4-1 7-3 10-3 15-1 30-3 44-4 23-1 44-4 62-19 5 2 9 6 13 8 16 8 32 10 49 10l62 0c4 0 5 1 5 4-1 6 0 12 0 18-1 13-6 20-18 23z m164-2c-22 9-43 6-63-8-8-7-13-16-13-27 0-17 0-34 0-51 0-11 3-22 13-30 19-15 49-17 69-5 11 7 19 17 19 30 1 10 0 20 0 29h1c0 8 0 15 0 22 0 19-9 32-26 40z m118 0c-16-10-23-26-23-46h114c2 14-5 31-16 40-19 18-52 20-75 6z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sage" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xece1;" d="M998 447c-7 44-30 77-69 97-27 15-56 19-86 16-29-2-55-12-78-30-1-2-3-2-6-4v32h-68v-32c-28 26-60 37-96 35s-68-15-91-44c-26 26-41 34-77 40-28 5-56 5-85 2-25-3-48-10-67-26-3-2-4-2-7-1-10 5-19 10-29 14-40 15-81 18-123 13-20-3-39-9-56-20-41-26-51-81-21-117 16-20 39-29 64-33 22-3 44-4 66-6 12-1 24-3 35-5 11-3 18-10 20-21 2-12-2-21-11-28-7-5-14-9-22-11-33-8-66-5-99 7-16 6-31 15-45 27-15-13-31-27-47-40 1-1 2-2 3-3 20-16 43-28 67-37 34-12 70-15 106-12 25 2 49 8 71 20 6 3 12 7 18 11 18-14 30-21 47-26 28-8 56-8 85-4 19 2 37 9 50 26 0 1 1 0 2 1v-30h69v29c59-40 116-38 173 5 0-12 0-24 0-35-1-22-12-38-30-48-21-11-44-14-67-9-19 3-34 12-49 25-18-13-36-25-53-37 1-1 3-3 4-4 56-47 118-57 186-32 36 14 61 39 72 77 6 18 6 38 6 57v8c71-59 183-39 232 16l-45 33c-1 0-2-1-2-2-32-23-67-32-106-25-29 5-47 22-52 50-1 4 0 9-1 15h212c0 1 1 3 1 4 0 20 3 41-1 62z m-552-109c-4-14-14-21-28-24-27-4-54-5-80 1-8 2-16 6-22 11-16 14-13 38 5 49 12 7 25 9 39 10 28 0 57 0 85 0 1 0 2-1 4-1 0-15 2-31-3-46z m-3 98c-29 1-58 0-88 1-23 0-46-3-67-14-7-4-12-8-19-12-24 22-55 26-86 28-21 1-41 3-62 5-5 0-9 2-14 4-24 10-19 37-4 47 8 6 17 8 27 10 39 5 75-4 108-24 1-1 3-1 4-2 10 10 19 20 29 29 10-10 20-19 29-27 12 6 23 13 35 18 18 7 38 8 57 6 11-1 22-2 32-5 18-5 25-15 25-33 0-8 0-16 0-24 0-5-1-7-6-7z m248-25h-1c0-14 0-27 0-41-1-19-12-32-27-42-29-17-71-14-97 7-13 11-18 26-18 42-1 24-1 48 0 72 0 15 6 27 18 36 28 20 57 24 88 11 24-10 37-28 37-55 0-10 0-20 0-30z m255 22h-159c0 27 9 49 32 64 32 20 78 16 105-8 15-13 25-38 22-56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="skrill-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xece2;" d="M847 696h-694c-84 0-153-69-153-154v-384c0-85 69-154 153-154h694c84 0 153 69 153 154v384c0 85-69 154-153 154z m-485-389c-2-20-13-33-30-42-12-5-24-8-36-8-22-1-43 1-64 6-1 0-1 0-2 1v40c4-1 8-3 12-4 13-4 27-6 41-6 7 1 14 2 21 6 5 3 7 9 5 15-1 5-6 8-11 9-6 0-11 1-16 1-13 2-25 6-36 13-13 10-20 23-19 40 0 22 12 40 33 49 14 5 29 7 44 6 15 0 29-2 44-7 2 0 5-1 7-2 0 0 1-1 1-2 0-12 0-25 0-38-7 3-13 5-20 7-13 3-26 6-39 5-5 0-10-1-14-3-5-3-7-7-7-12 1-5 3-9 8-11 4-2 9-2 14-2 17-2 33-5 46-16 15-11 21-27 18-45z m138 77c-7-21-17-40-30-57-2-2-2-3-1-5 10-17 19-35 26-53 1-3 2-6 3-9 0 0 0-1 0-1h-3c-17 0-34 0-51 0-2 0-2 0-3 2-4 16-9 30-17 44 0 1-1 2-1 3 0 0-1 1-1 1v-50h-47v165c15 3 31 6 46 9v-90c1-1 1-1 1-1 0 1 0 1 1 2 10 12 18 26 24 41 0 1 1 1 2 1h50c0 0 1 0 2 0 0-1-1-2-1-2z m83-34c-3 0-7 0-10-1-12-2-18-8-19-21 0-8-1-16-1-24 0-14 0-28 0-42v-3h-45c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 26 0 51 0 76 0 13 4 25 13 34 8 8 17 13 28 15 10 3 21 3 31 3 1 0 2-1 3-1v-37z m59-91c-1 0-1 0-2 0h-41c-2 0-2 0-2 2 0 41 0 82 0 123 0 1 0 1 0 2h45v-127z m-23 142c-11 0-21 8-22 20 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 4 1 6 0 0 0 1 0 2l1 1c0 2 1 3 2 5 4 5 11 9 18 9 13 0 23-10 23-23 0-12-10-22-23-22z m88-142c-1 0-2 0-2 0-14 0-27 0-41 0-2 0-2 0-2 2v162c0 2 1 2 2 2l42 8h1v-174z m66 0h-45v163c0 2 1 3 3 3 14 3 28 5 41 8h1v-174z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="skrill" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xece3;" d="M237 413c-12 4-24 8-36 12-24 6-48 10-73 9-8-1-17-2-24-6-9-5-13-12-13-22 1-9 6-15 14-19 8-3 18-3 27-4 30-3 59-10 83-29 27-21 38-50 33-83-4-36-24-60-56-76-20-10-43-15-66-15-39-1-78 2-116 11-1 0-3 1-4 1v74c7-2 14-5 21-7 25-7 51-11 77-11 13 1 26 2 37 10 9 6 13 16 10 27s-11 15-21 17c-10 1-20 2-29 3-23 3-45 9-65 23-24 18-36 43-36 73 0 40 23 74 61 89 26 11 53 13 80 12 28-1 55-4 81-13 4-1 9-2 13-4 1 0 2-2 2-3 0-23 0-46 0-69z m34 72c28 6 56 11 85 17v-166l1 0c1 1 1 2 2 2 18 23 33 48 44 75 1 3 2 4 4 4 30-1 61-1 91-1 1 0 2 0 4 0-1-2-1-3-2-5-13-37-31-72-55-104-3-3-3-5-1-9 17-31 34-63 47-97 1-5 3-10 5-15 0-1 0-2 0-3h-4c-31 0-62 0-93 0-4 0-6 1-6 5-7 28-17 55-31 80-1 2-2 4-3 5-1 1-1 2-2 3v-93h-86c0 101 0 201 0 302z m729 17v-319h-83v5c0 98 0 196 0 294 0 4 1 5 5 6 26 4 51 9 76 14 1 0 1 0 2 0z m-122-319c-1 0-2 0-4 0-24 0-49 0-74 0-3 0-4 1-4 4 0 99 0 197 0 296 0 4 1 4 5 5 25 4 50 9 76 14 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-106 0-212 0-319z m-226 235v-67c-7-1-12-1-18-2-23-4-34-16-35-39-1-15-1-29-1-43 0-27 0-53 0-79v-5h-83c0 1-1 2-1 3 0 46 0 92 1 138 0 24 7 45 23 63 14 15 32 23 51 27 19 5 38 6 57 5 2 0 4 0 6-1z m25-2h83v-233c-2 0-3 0-4 0-25 0-50 0-74 0-4 0-5 1-5 4 0 75 0 150 0 225 0 1 0 2 0 4z m41 23c-22 0-40 18-40 41 0 22 18 41 41 41 22-1 40-18 40-41 0-23-18-41-41-41z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="stripe" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xece5;" d="M877 364c2 33 11 48 28 48 16 0 25-15 26-48h-54z m123-19c0 36-8 65-24 85-15 21-39 32-70 32-62 0-101-46-101-120 0-41 10-72 31-92 18-18 44-27 78-27 32 0 61 8 79 20l-8 50c-18-10-39-15-63-15-14 0-24 3-31 9-7 7-12 17-13 32h121c0 4 1 20 1 26z m-293-50c-6-11-15-17-25-17-8 0-14 1-20 4v110c12 13 23 14 27 14 19 0 28-20 28-59 0-23-3-40-10-52z m61 142c-13 16-31 25-54 25-21 0-40-9-57-28l-4 23h-64v-314l73 12v73c11-3 22-5 33-5 18 0 45 5 65 27 20 22 30 55 30 99 0 39-7 69-22 88z m-282 20h74v-229h-74v229z m37 23c21 0 39 17 39 39 0 21-18 38-39 38-21 0-39-17-39-38 0-22 18-39 39-39z m-68-19c-21 0-38-11-44-31l-4 27h-65v-229h74v149c9 11 22 15 40 15 3 0 8 0 13-1v68c-5 1-10 2-14 2z m-141-58l9 54h-47v66l-63-10-9-56-22-3-8-51h30v-107c0-27 7-46 22-58 12-10 29-15 54-15 19 0 30 3 38 6v57c-4-1-14-3-21-3-15 0-21 7-21 24v96h38z m-209-32c-22 8-34 14-34 24 0 8 7 13 19 13 22 0 45-9 61-16l8 54c-12 6-37 16-72 16-25 0-46-7-61-19-15-13-23-31-23-53 0-40 25-57 64-72 26-9 35-15 35-25 0-10-9-16-24-16-18 0-49 9-69 21l-9-55c17-10 49-20 82-20 26 0 48 6 63 18 17 13 25 32 25 57 0 41-25 58-65 73z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="girl" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecf3;" d="M997-129c0 46-1 91-8 137-10 62-38 109-99 133-2 1-4 2-7 3-43 20-90 32-136 46-26 8-53 16-80 24-1-2-1-3-1-4l1-7c3-30 4-60-8-89-32-76-79-141-148-190-8-6-14-6-22 0-69 49-116 114-148 191-6 14-9 30-9 46-1 18 0 35 2 53-2 0-3 0-4-1-53-16-106-31-159-48-39-12-77-28-110-53-13-11-24-23-30-39-10-25-18-51-22-77-2-18-4-35-6-53 0-27 0-55 0-83-1-8 1-10 9-10 328 0 657 0 985 0 0 7 0 14 0 21z m-634 476c16-9 33-18 53-23-102 94-92 253-60 316 3-2 4-5 6-8 53-78 128-120 222-129 34-3 68 1 100 10 8 2 10-1 9-8-1-8-2-16-3-24-9-60-32-113-78-156 4-1 5 0 8 1 38 15 73 37 102 66 97 95 105 246 20 351-54 66-125 101-210 106-86 6-162-20-223-80-80-80-103-175-65-282 21-61 64-107 119-140z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="hotel-boy-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecf5;" d="M305 682c14 6 28 11 43 16 79 25 159 34 241 19 42-7 82-18 121-34 8-3 9-2 9 7-1 13 0 27 0 40 0 13 0 26 0 40-1 23-13 40-35 48-15 6-32 11-48 15-102 28-203 20-302-14-22-8-36-25-36-47 0-28 0-56 0-84 0-6 1-8 7-6z m16-281c5-2 7-5 9-10 16-46 46-82 88-106 45-26 91-33 140-15 57 21 97 61 119 119 1 4 2 8 6 10 27 16 42 40 47 70 4 23 2 45-20 60-3 3-3 6-2 9 2 9 3 17 5 26l0 1c1 9 2 17 3 26 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 24 4 56 1 72-38 11-74 25-113 32-87 15-172 6-255-21-15-5-37-10-52-16l0-1c-6-39-4-79 3-118 1-6 0-10-6-14-8-5-13-14-15-23-11-34 10-86 42-103z m1 113c5 1 6 3 5 8-1 37 3 72 28 101 2 2 4 4 6 6 16 14 19 14 37 2 28-19 56-38 88-50 35-13 70-17 107-15 28 1 56 5 83 14 5 1 5-2 6-5 1-18 0-36-2-53 0-3-1-6 4-7 24-4 26-21 24-39-3-21-13-38-29-52-2-2-5-4-8-4-11-1-12-9-15-17-23-65-68-105-136-118-5-1-11-1-19-2-52 3-93 29-125 70-14 17-23 37-29 58 0 2 0 6-5 6-12 2-20 11-27 21-10 14-18 29-17 47 1 17 7 25 24 29z m606-477c-1 26-12 48-32 64-10 9-21 15-33 20-30 14-63 22-95 31-36 9-73 18-106 36-6 3-8 6-8 13 1 16 0 32 0 48-3 0-5-2-6-3-23-20-48-36-76-45-15-5-21-12-20-28 1-25-20-46-45-49-25-3-49 12-56 37-3 9-2 18-2 26 0 4-1 7-5 8-36 11-67 29-97 56 0-13-2-23 0-32 5-24-7-33-27-40-36-15-74-24-112-34-31-8-61-17-88-33-32-18-48-46-47-83 0-19 0-38 0-57-1-10 3-18 11-25 12-10 26-18 40-24 90-41 186-59 283-69 69-6 138-5 207 2 81 9 160 25 236 55 23 9 46 19 65 35 7 6 13 12 13 22 0 23 1 46 0 69z m-424-120c-20 0-36 16-36 36s16 36 36 36c20 0 36-16 36-36s-16-36-36-36z m0 97c-20 0-36 17-36 36s16 36 36 36c20 0 36-16 36-36s-16-36-36-36z m81 453c19-1 35 14 35 33 0 19-14 34-33 34-19 1-35-14-35-33 0-19 15-34 33-34z m-170 0c18 0 33 15 34 33 0 19-15 34-34 34-18 1-33-14-34-32-1-19 15-35 34-35z m28-99c-1-2 0-5 1-7 15-17 33-30 57-31 22 1 38 13 53 28 2 3 6 6 4 10-3 5-8 2-11 1-19-5-38-7-58-5-13 1-26 3-38 6-3 1-6 1-8-2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hotel-boy" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xecf6;" d="M319 408c4-2 7-5 8-9 17-48 47-83 90-109 45-26 92-32 141-14 58 21 98 62 121 120 1 4 2 8 6 10 27 16 43 41 48 71 4 24 1 46-20 61-4 3-3 6-3 9 4 18 6 36 8 54 0 4 2 7 5 9 19 11 33 28 45 45 4 6 4 9-1 13-13 11-27 21-42 31 16 6 30 8 47 8-31 36-71 53-115 65 7 7 14 11 22 14 7 4 16 4 25 6-62 32-126 39-193 20 6 16 17 27 29 38-2 0-2 0-3 0-52-9-101-24-139-63-4-4-6-4-7 2-2 10-1 20 4 29-20-4-44-19-59-39-26-32-37-70-42-110-6-40-4-79 3-119 1-6 0-10-6-14-8-6-13-14-16-24-11-34 11-86 44-104z m0 115c5 1 6 3 6 8-2 37 3 73 28 102 2 2 4 4 6 6 17 14 19 15 37 2 29-19 57-38 90-51 35-13 71-17 108-15 28 2 57 5 84 14 5 2 5-1 6-5 1-18 0-36-1-53-1-4-2-7 3-8 24-4 27-20 24-39-2-21-13-38-29-52-2-2-5-5-8-5-11-1-12-9-15-17-23-66-69-106-137-120-6-1-12-1-20-1-53 3-94 29-127 71-14 17-23 37-29 58 0 3 0 6-5 7-12 2-21 10-28 20-10 14-17 30-17 48 1 17 7 25 24 30z m614-483c-1 26-11 48-32 65-10 8-21 14-33 20-31 14-64 22-97 30-37 10-73 19-107 37-6 3-8 7-8 14 0 16 0 32 0 48-4 0-5-2-7-3-22-21-48-36-76-46-16-5-21-11-21-28 1-26-20-46-46-50-25-3-49 13-56 38-3 9-2 18-2 27 0 4-1 6-5 7-36 12-68 30-99 57 0-13-1-23 1-33 5-23-8-33-27-40-38-15-76-24-114-34-31-9-62-17-89-34-32-18-49-46-48-84 0-19 0-38 0-57-1-11 4-19 12-26 12-10 26-18 40-24 91-42 188-60 287-70 70-6 139-5 209 2 82 9 162 25 239 56 24 9 46 19 66 35 7 5 14 12 14 22-1 24 0 47-1 71z m-433-121c-20 0-36 16-36 36s16 37 36 37c20 0 36-17 36-37s-16-36-36-36z m0 98c-20 0-36 16-36 36 0 20 16 36 36 36 20 0 36-16 36-36 0-20-16-36-36-36z m86 458c19-1 35 15 35 33 1 20-14 35-33 35-19 1-35-14-35-33-1-19 14-35 33-35z m-173 0c19 0 34 15 35 33 0 19-15 35-34 35-19 1-34-14-35-33 0-19 15-35 34-35z m29-100c-1-2 0-5 1-7 16-17 33-31 57-32 23 1 39 13 54 29 3 3 6 6 4 10-3 5-7 2-11 1-19-5-39-7-59-6-13 1-26 4-38 7-3 1-6 1-8-2z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="users-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed07;" d="M523-96c-88-1-160 17-226 55-78 44-104 99-88 194 18 103 70 185 154 247 13 10 20 8 30-3 30-33 62-65 92-98 10-11 16-13 26 0 26 34 54 65 81 98 8 11 15 14 28 6 102-65 159-157 178-276 19-120-57-165-142-198-46-18-95-26-133-25z m-27 505c-87-1-161 74-161 163 0 86 73 159 160 160 88 2 164-72 164-159 1-91-72-164-163-164z m202 89c19-20 38-39 55-58 8-9 13-9 20 0 21 26 42 50 63 75 7 10 13 13 24 5 92-60 138-145 140-254 1-34-18-59-44-79-28-22-60-36-94-45-12-4-16 0-18 11-20 115-78 206-172 275-5 4-11 8-4 16 12 16 20 35 30 54z m-404 6c10-21 18-41 31-57 8-10-2-13-7-17-73-59-123-132-148-223-5-17-9-35-11-53-1-9-3-14-14-11-45 15-87 34-119 70-32 36-28 78-20 119 14 76 53 138 115 185 12 9 20 9 30-3 22-25 47-49 69-74 9-10 14-9 21 1 16 21 34 40 53 63z m471 292c52-1 92-25 114-74 22-49 14-95-21-135-35-39-79-52-130-38-13 4-19 8-19 23 1 53-18 99-52 138-8 9-8 15-2 24 25 40 61 61 110 62z m-660-125c0 55 37 104 90 120 53 16 110-5 141-50 8-13 11-21-1-35-34-38-50-83-50-134 0-13-4-18-16-22-81-26-165 36-164 121z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="users-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed08;" d="M499 47c-100 0-199 1-299 0-11 0-12 4-13 13-4 63 33 97 82 124 32 17 67 27 100 41 13 6 26 11 37 20 14 11 17 25 8 40-7 12-16 23-24 35-41 61-56 128-39 200 18 72 79 121 154 118 62-1 109-32 133-90 34-78 19-153-25-224-7-11-16-22-24-33-14-21-11-37 11-50 25-16 53-25 80-35 39-14 75-31 104-61 26-26 31-58 28-92 0-8-5-5-9-5-36-1-71-1-107-1-66 0-131 0-197 0v0z m421 88c-23 0-45 0-68 0-4 0-8 0-10 5-29 52-76 80-129 101-23 9-47 18-70 27-9 3-12 6-5 15 44 60 66 126 61 200-3 49-19 94-51 132-6 7-4 10 2 14 65 44 165 26 199-61 27-71 12-138-30-199-5-8-12-16-17-24-9-15-7-28 7-38 18-13 39-20 59-28 33-11 66-24 94-47 29-23 41-53 38-90-1-7-5-7-10-7-23 0-46 0-70 0z m-552 139c-17-10-36-15-53-22-26-10-52-21-76-33-34-18-60-44-79-77-3-5-6-7-11-7-47 0-94 0-141 0-7 0-7 3-7 8-5 47 18 78 55 102 22 14 46 24 70 32 20 7 41 15 59 26 21 13 24 26 10 46-14 21-30 40-39 64-22 57-27 114 2 170 37 70 128 91 192 46 6-4 8-6 3-13-45-53-58-115-51-182 5-58 26-110 63-155 1-2 2-3 3-5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="users-alt-4" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed09;" d="M556 231c-45 18-88 38-132 59-8 3-11 8-12 17 0 11-1 23-3 34-1 7 0 13 6 18 22 22 39 47 44 79 1 4 3 6 8 6 10 0 16 6 18 16 3 16 5 33 8 50 2 10-2 17-12 20-7 2-6 5-5 10 3 22 6 45 0 67-16 56-53 92-107 110-20 7-40 5-59-5-10-6-21-4-33-5-45-1-85-42-98-90-7-26-9-52-4-79 1-4 0-6-4-8-9-4-13-12-11-22 3-16 5-32 8-48 2-9 8-15 17-16 5 0 7-2 9-7 8-32 24-59 47-82 2-3 4-6 3-10-2-14-3-28-4-42-1-6-3-10-9-13-40-18-79-37-119-53-28-10-54-23-77-42-23-20-36-45-35-75 1-30 0-59 0-89 0-21 10-35 28-45 11-6 22-7 34-7 88 0 176 0 264 0 65 0 129 0 193 0 30 0 59-2 88 2 27 3 45 24 46 50 0 30 0 61 0 91 0 29-12 53-34 72-19 16-41 28-63 37z m444-112c-1 22-11 38-29 49-14 8-30 13-45 17-37 9-75 18-112 29-12 4-18 12-18 24 0 4 0 8-1 12-2 7 1 8 7 9 39 2 75 12 110 29 15 7 16 7 5 20-26 31-42 65-45 106-1 23 0 47-1 71 0 21-4 41-14 60-12 25-32 39-59 41-9 0-16 0-20 10-3 7-11 11-19 13-15 5-30 4-46 2-48-4-84-26-104-72-11-24-15-51-17-77-2-24-1-49-5-72-4-25-8-50-25-70-8-10-18-17-28-25 6-5 11-8 17-11 35-18 72-25 110-26 16-1 16-1 14-16 0-2 0-5 0-8-1-9-5-15-14-17-8-3-9-5-3-12 21-23 31-49 31-80-1-26-1-51 0-77 0-23-1-46-16-67 5-1 8-1 11-1 68 0 136 0 204 0 25 0 49-1 74 1 22 1 38 18 38 40 0 33 0 65 0 98z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="users-alt-6" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed0b;" d="M384 297c-99 74-81 185-27 239 63 63 164 63 226-2 54-57 65-164-27-236 47-19 84-50 113-89 54-74 72-157 67-247-1-12-9-11-17-11-96 0-193 0-289 0-69 0-138 0-207 0-10 0-15 2-16 12-7 120 28 224 123 302 16 13 34 23 54 32z m287 185c-37 28-61 62-66 108-6 71 38 135 107 154 68 19 141-15 170-80 27-61 12-127-39-170-3-3-19-7-3-15 90-44 135-121 154-216 6-30 8-60 5-90-1-10-4-14-15-14-84 1-167 1-251 0-10 0-14 4-18 12-26 52-62 95-112 125-10 6-10 9-2 17 33 38 48 82 42 132-2 18 2 27 18 33 3 1 5 2 10 4z m-494-121c-58 46-84 103-64 174 18 61 62 99 125 109 61 9 111-11 149-60-119-69-117-210-40-283-24-15-47-32-66-54-56-61-87-133-92-216-1-12-4-17-17-17-51 1-102 1-153 0-14 0-17 6-18 17-9 123 45 268 172 327 1 1 2 2 4 3z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="waiter-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed0e;" d="M500 654c-81 0-145-65-146-145-2-75 59-148 146-149 80 0 147 66 147 147-1 82-66 147-147 147z m17-364c-9-4-24-6-31-2-21 15-46 18-71 26-2-7-3-13-4-19-3-22 3-43 9-64 2-7 6-9 12-6 13 6 26 10 39 17 6 3 11 10 16 15 1 1 2 4 4 4 6 0 12 1 18 0 3-1 4-6 7-8 3-4 6-8 10-10 14-6 29-12 44-19 5-2 8 0 9 6 3 12 7 24 9 36 3 15 4 31-4 46-24-3-46-10-67-22z m-17 498c-242 0-437-196-437-438 0-103 35-197 94-272 35-44 79-81 128-109 10-6 20-11 30-16 56-26 119-41 185-41 67 0 130 15 186 42 10 5 20 10 30 15 49 28 92 65 127 110 59 74 94 168 94 271 1 242-195 438-437 438z m-215-796v119h30v-135c-10 5-20 10-30 16z m402-15v135h29v-119c-10-6-20-11-29-16z m155 181c-3 88-72 174-174 182-7 0-11-2-14-8-42-84-85-167-128-250-8-16-16-31-24-48-3 5-5 8-6 11-47 91-93 181-140 272-12 25-12 25-40 22l-5-1c-91-19-154-94-154-187 0-13 0-26 0-38-47 67-74 149-74 237 0 230 187 417 417 417 230 0 417-187 417-417 0-88-27-170-74-237v20c0 8 0 17-1 25z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="waiter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed0f;" d="M293 466c2-15 10-30 16-44 4-10 11-17 22-19 3-1 3-4 4-7 3-20 9-39 20-56 14-24 34-43 56-59 17-11 33-23 52-31 8-3 16-4 24-6h28c7 2 15 3 22 5 20 7 36 19 53 30 25 17 46 37 60 63 8 14 14 29 15 45 0 2 0 4 0 6 1 6 3 9 9 12 12 5 18 17 22 29 4 11 9 22 12 34v16c-2 5-3 11-5 16-3 8-8 16-16 20-3 2-3 4-3 7-1 15 2 29 4 44 4 40-2 79-18 116-5 9-10 18-11 29-1 3-3 4-5 4-8 1-12 5-14 12-1 2-2 4 0 6 3 3 1 4-1 4-6 2-12 2-19 1-3-1-4 0-5 4-1 5-2 11-5 16-1 3-2 4-5 3-11-2-22-2-32 2-6 3-10 8-12 14-4 11-10 19-23 20-3 0-3 2-3 5 0 6 0 13 0 20-6-3-10-7-16-9-7-2-9-1-10 7 0 9 3 17 6 25-16-2-27-10-32-25-4 9 1 15 4 23-15-5-27-14-36-25-6-7-11-15-17-22-1-2-1-4-4-4-2 1-2 3-3 5-1 2-1 4-2 7-5-2-7-6-9-10-5-8-8-16-12-24-5-10-9-11-17-4-1 0-2 1-2 1-7 7-7 7-13 0-11-13-19-27-26-42-5-8-10-16-17-22-6-5-11-11-17-17 3-2 6-1 8-1 6-1 7-3 5-9-5-11-11-21-16-31-1-2-2-4-3-6 3 0 5 2 7 2 1 0 3 1 4 0 2-2 0-3 0-5-5-14-10-28-16-42 1-1 2 0 3 0 8 3 9 3 8-5-1-24-2-47 0-70 0-2 0-3-2-5-17-14-19-33-17-53z m21 33l2 0 4-25c1-5 11-10 16-8 2 1 1 3 1 5-1 13-1 27-2 40-1 20 4 39 8 59 6 26 10 53 19 79 2 7 5 13 8 20 7 15 19 22 35 22 16 1 32-1 47-5 20-5 39-3 59 2 16 5 32 7 49 7 18 1 32-8 42-22 12-15 19-33 25-52 6-14 11-28 18-41 1-2 2-4 4-6 11-11 12-26 12-40 1-19 1-37 1-56 0-3-1-6 3-6 4 1 10-2 10 5 1 8 2 15 3 23 0 1 0 4 2 4 2 1 3-1 4-2 7-10 8-21 7-31-2-16-10-29-16-43-3-7-9-12-18-9-3 0-3-2-4-4-2-8-3-16-4-24-1-22-10-40-23-57-24-30-55-53-90-68-29-11-59-9-87 9-18 12-36 24-52 38-26 24-41 54-47 89-1 3-1 5-2 8-1 5-2 10-10 8-4-1-9 2-11 7-9 17-19 34-19 54 1 7 2 14 6 20z m165-368c1-1 2-2 2 1 0 6 0 12-6 16-16 12-31 25-48 36-8 6-14 4-20-4-2-3-4-7-5-11-8-25-12-51-6-77 2-11 5-21 11-31 5-9 11-10 20-5 14 9 27 19 41 28 6 4 9 9 10 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7 2 7-6 6-6-1-12-2-18-2 6 2 12 4 18 5 6 2 9 4 9 11 0 5 1 5-4 7-11 4-23 6-34 10 4 0 7 0 11-1 8-1 16-3 25-5z m56-27c-3 0-3-1-3-3 0-4 0-8-1-12 0-2 0-3 2-4l12-8c10-6 20-12 29-19 7-4 13-2 18 4 1 1 2 3 3 4 7 15 11 31 12 48 1 15-2 29-6 43-2 8-3 16-7 22-6 9-13 11-21 5-17-12-32-24-48-36-1-1-2-2-1-4 1-4 3-7 4-11 0-3 1-3 4-2 5 2 10 4 15 6 4 1 8 2 12 3-9-5-18-9-26-14-3-1-3-2-3-5 1-3 1-6 2-9 0-2 1-3 3-4 8-3 16-5 24-8l0-1c-8 2-16 3-24 5z m-50-14c6-2 13-3 20-2 3 0 6-1 9 0 10 1 10 1 11 11 2 14-1 27-6 41-2 4-5 6-10 6-7 1-14-2-21-2-3 1-4-2-3-6 0-1 0-2 1-3 0-13-1-26-4-38-2-4 0-5 3-7z m473-91c-18 77-27 89-92 123-2 1-4 2-6 3-37 17-75 28-114 39-30 9-60 18-90 27 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-3 0-5 1-7 2-29 3-57-8-84-30-72-75-133-139-178-4-3-7-4-10-4-3 0-6 1-10 4-64 45-108 106-139 178-11 27-10 55-7 84l0 7c0 1 0 2 0 3-30-9-60-18-90-27-38-11-77-22-113-39-3-1-5-1-7-3-65-34-74-46-91-123-11-47-9-95-8-143 0-5 2-6 6-6 3 0 6 0 8 0h902c3 0 5 0 8 0 5 0 7 1 7 6 0 48 2 96-8 143z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="woman-in-glasses" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed10;" d="M31-62c2 16 4 33 6 49 4 26 11 50 21 73 6 15 16 27 28 36 31 24 67 39 104 51 50 16 100 30 150 46 1 0 2 0 3 0-2-17-2-33-2-50 1-15 3-30 9-44 30-72 75-133 139-179 8-6 14-6 21 0 65 46 110 107 140 179 11 27 10 56 7 84l0 7c-1 1 0 2 0 3 25-8 51-15 76-23 43-12 87-24 128-43l7-3c57-22 83-67 93-125 6-43 8-86 7-129 0-7 0-13 0-20-309 0-619 0-928 0-8 0-9 2-9 9 1 26 0 53 0 79z m494 912c15-3 29-5 43-8 31-7 60-20 85-39 49-36 70-86 73-145 2-34-1-67-6-101-1-5-1-8 6-8 10-1 16-9 20-18 5-15 5-29 2-44-4-24-13-45-30-63-2-2-4-5-4-8 1-35 6-70 21-102 15-28 37-49 66-62 3-1 5-2 7-3 1-1 1-1 3-2-56-20-112-33-170-8-13 6-25 14-36 24-5 6-9 6-15 1-17-13-36-23-56-31-24-10-48-9-72 1-19 8-37 18-53 31-5 3-8 5-13 0-33-33-75-43-121-39-29 2-57 10-85 21 1 1 1 2 2 2 50 20 76 58 87 109 4 18 5 36 6 53 1 6-2 10-5 15-24 28-34 61-28 97 2 14 9 25 25 26 6 0 3 4 3 7-4 30-7 60-7 90 1 107 62 168 151 194 17 5 34 6 51 10h50z m-122-406c-24 0-43 4-59 14-21 13-35 31-30 59 1 8-5 13-12 16-5 4-10 0-14-4-4-4-6-9-7-14-1-27 6-51 24-70 6-7 11-13 14-21 30-64 74-115 135-152 31-19 60-19 92 0 60 37 104 88 134 151 3 6 5 13 10 17 18 15 25 36 28 58 2 11 2 22-6 31-4 4-9 8-15 4-6-4-12-8-11-16 5-28-9-47-32-60-28-16-58-17-88-7-23 8-41 21-48 46-1 5 2 12-4 15-5 2-11 1-16 1-3 0-6 0-8 0-5 0-7-2-8-8 0-19-11-32-26-43-17-12-37-17-53-17z m97 279c-7-9-14-19-21-27-44-48-97-81-160-95-5-1-7-2-7-7 2-20 4-39 8-59 2 1 2 1 3 1 30 40 105 44 142 8 4-3 7-3 12-2 15 3 31 3 46 0 5-1 9 0 13 4 7 7 16 12 26 15 44 15 83 9 117-26 4 20 7 39 8 58 1 6-2 6-6 7-68 16-124 51-168 104-5 6-9 13-13 19z m101-257c20 0 38 5 50 15 19 15 19 35 0 51-25 20-73 20-98 0-19-16-19-36 0-51 15-12 32-15 48-15z m-202 0c14 0 30 3 44 12 24 17 24 40 0 56-25 18-68 17-92 0-22-16-22-39 0-55 14-10 30-13 48-13z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="search-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed11;" d="M800 146c-7 8-8 20-2 29 44 68 69 148 69 235 0 239-194 434-433 434-239 0-434-195-434-434 0-239 195-434 434-434 93 0 179 30 250 80 8 6 21 6 28-2l155-155c1-1 2-2 3-3 2-1 9-8 17-15l18-19c7-7 19-7 26 0l64 64c7 7 7 19 0 26l-195 194z m-104 62c-14-19-30-36-48-51-58-49-133-79-214-79-183 0-332 149-332 332s149 332 332 332c183 0 331-149 331-332 0-76-26-146-69-202z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="search-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed12;" d="M973 10l-230 230c-34-54-79-99-132-133l229-230c37-36 96-36 133 0 36 37 36 96 0 133z m-223 465c0 207-168 375-375 375-207 0-375-168-375-375 0-207 168-375 375-375 207 0 375 168 375 375z m-375-281c-155 0-281 126-281 281 0 155 126 281 281 281 155 0 281-126 281-281 0-155-126-281-281-281z m-219 281h63c0 86 70 156 156 156v63c-121 0-219-98-219-219z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="feedburner" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed38;" d="M781 213c2 13 4 26 4 39 1 164-89 228-183 283 27-144-62-233-172-202 161 264-73 264-2 455-110-79-220-298-220-457 0-43 5-82 12-118-79-31-129-76-129-126 0-96 184-174 409-174 225 0 408 78 408 174 0 49-49 94-127 126z m-438 209c-30-138 52-240 130-241 89-1 142 82 167 191 47-36 71-86 74-138l0 1c3-58-20-118-69-159-1 0-1 0-1-1-11-8-22-16-35-23l-4-2c-5-3-10-5-16-8-2 0-3-1-5-2-13-5-28-9-43-13l-7-1c-6-1-12-2-18-3l-7-1c-9 0-17-1-26-1-6 0-12 0-18 0l-5 1c-5 0-10 1-15 2l-3 0c-6 1-12 3-18 4-1 0-1 0-2 1-6 1-11 3-17 5l-1 1c-73 28-126 99-123 198-1 0-1 0-1 0 2 55 21 119 63 189z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="google-hangouts" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed41;" d="M870 479c-14 72-45 136-96 190-21 22-44 42-71 59-48 31-101 50-159 57-7 1-14 1-21 3h-49c-1-2-2-1-3-1-13-1-26-3-38-5-92-18-168-63-227-136-48-60-74-129-80-206-3-37 0-74 8-111 6-27 15-53 27-78l3-6c20-40 46-75 78-105 17-16 36-31 55-43 60-38 126-58 198-59 4 0 5-1 5-6 0-38 0-76 0-115 0-1 0-3 0-5 1 1 2 1 3 2 72 33 138 76 196 129 12 11 23 22 34 34l14 15c7 7 13 16 20 24 8 9 14 19 21 29 16 22 29 45 41 69 5 12 11 24 16 37 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 34 22 70 26 106 2 13 3 26 4 39 1 27 0 55-5 82z m-402-123c-1-33-13-60-37-82-1-2-3-3-4-4-12-9-26-17-41-21-6-2-13-3-19-4-5 0-9 2-11 7 0 14 0 28 0 42 1 5-1 9 2 13 2 2 4 3 6 3 8 2 15 4 22 8 12 7 20 18 23 32l2 6c-30 1-60 1-89 1-3 0-5 0-8 0-8 2-13 9-13 17 0 45 0 90 0 135-1 8 0 14 6 19 3 3 7 5 11 5h131c12 0 22-12 18-23 1-2 1-5 1-7 0-49 0-98 0-147z m231 154c1-3 1-5 1-7v-148c0-43-28-85-69-101-1-1-2-1-3-2 1-1 2-1 3-1-1 0-2 0-3 1 0 0-1 0-1 0-1-1-1-1-1-1-9-2-17-4-26-6-7-1-12 3-12 10 0 5 0 9 0 14 0 8 0 17 0 25l0 6c0 6 3 9 11 11 10 2 20 6 27 13 10 9 15 20 17 32l-83 1h-9c-11 0-18 7-18 19l0 133c0 1 0 1 0 1-1 9 1 16 8 20 3 2 6 3 10 3h130c12 0 22-12 18-23z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="kakaotalk" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed47;" d="M869 788h-738c-38 0-68-31-68-69v-738c0-38 30-69 68-69h738c38 0 69 31 69 69v738c0 38-31 69-69 69z m-369-684c-21 0-43 2-63 4-21-14-139-97-150-99 0 0-5-2-9 1l-3 8c1 8 31 110 36 129-100 49-166 137-166 237 0 155 159 281 355 281s356-126 356-281-160-280-356-280z m-124 344c0 11-9 20-20 20h-105c-11 0-20-9-20-20s9-20 20-20h32v-122c0-11 9-20 21-20s20 9 20 20v122h32c11 0 20 9 20 20z m76 0c-3 10-14 20-27 20-14 0-24-10-28-20l-49-129c-6-19 0-27 5-29 4-2 9-3 13-3 9 0 15 3 17 9l11 27h62l10-27c2-6 9-9 17-9 5 0 9 1 13 3 6 2 11 9 5 29l-49 129z m-7-89h-41l21 58 20-58z m155-32h-44v120c0 12-9 21-20 21s-21-9-21-21v-139c0-10 8-19 19-19h66c11 0 20 9 20 19s-9 19-20 19z m106 60l47 47c3 3 5 7 4 12 0 5-2 9-6 13-4 4-9 6-14 6-4 0-8-1-11-4l-57-58v44c0 12-10 21-21 21s-20-9-20-21v-140c0-11 9-20 20-20s21 9 21 20v45l7 7 48-64c4-5 10-8 16-8 5 0 9 1 12 4 5 3 8 8 8 14s0 10-3 15l-51 67z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="kiwibox" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed4a;" d="M452 762l-389-229 146-487 420-108 309 221v504l-486 99z m428-136l-301-228-56 16-16 102c8-15 23-32 38-30 25 3 30 55 30 55 7 60-34 57-43 56-5-1-25-4-34-21l-21 129 403-79z m-335-358l-19 124 46-13 13-120-40 9z m-13-54c-3 0-15 1-10 19 0 0 4 15 12 15 8-1 12-17 12-17 3-18-12-18-14-17z m23 350c0-2-1-13-7-15-9-3-13 4-13 4-12 20 9 24 6 23 2 1 14 3 14-12z m-97 136l43-280-355 97 312 183z m-327-200l374-102 19-129 0 1c-12 0-22-12-29-24l-243-149-121 403z m140-415l211 129c-12-54 28-57 37-57 7 0 54 0 41 59 1 0-3 16-10 30l37-8 26-241-342 88z m363-83l-26 232 16-3c1-7 2-11 2-11 17-58 55-38 63-33 3 2 17 11 21 26l170-35-246-176z m32 260c5 4 16-6 16-6 11-11 1-18-1-19-2-1-11-6-16 9 0 0-5 13 1 16z m228-64l-185 36c-2 7-8 16-17 25 1 0-37 38-59 26-10-6-12-20-12-33l-15 3-14 127 302 231 0-415z m-497 135c-1 0 52 13 52 38s-53 39-52 39c-59 14-61-28-61-37 0-7 2-55 61-40z m8 65c0 0 16-4 16-11s-16-12-16-12c-18-4-18 10-18 12 0 3 0 16 18 11z m0-95c-55-26-30-60-24-67 4-5 35-41 72 7 0-1 30 45 14 64-15 20-63-4-62-4z m41-25c-12-15-22-4-23-2-2 3-11 14 8 22-1 0 15 8 20 2 5-7-5-22-5-22z m281 80c0 0-54 0-60-24-6-24 42-51 42-51 53-27 65 13 67 22 2 7 11 53-49 53z m33-30c-1-2-4-14-20-6 0 0-14 8-12 15 1 7 17 7 17 7 18 0 15-14 15-16z m-30 51c59 10 44 50 41 58-3 7-23 49-72 13 1 0-43-32-33-55 10-23 64-16 64-16z m-2 64c14 10 19-1 20-3 1-3 5-14-11-16 0 0-15-2-18 4-3 6 9 15 9 15z m-126 28c22-12 59 20 62 24 42 45 6 67-3 71-5 4-48 25-64-33 0 0-16-50 5-62z m33 77c5 16 17 8 19 7 2-1 11-7 0-18-1-1-11-8-16-5-8 5-3 15-3 16z m-174-28c-41 44-66 10-71 2-4-6-28-46 29-66-1 0 48-21 62 0 13 21-12 55-20 64z m-7-21c-4-6-18 0-18 0-17 6-9 18-8 19 1 3 9 13 21 0 2-3 9-13 5-19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="line-messenger" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed4b;" d="M795 850h-590c-113 0-205-92-205-205v-590c0-113 92-205 205-205h590c113 0 205 92 205 205v590c0 113-92 205-205 205z m16-614c-1-2-4-5-7-8l0-1c-12-14-25-27-40-39-101-94-268-206-290-189-19 15 31 89-27 101-4 0-8 1-12 1h0c-86 13-162 49-216 100-54 51-87 117-87 190 0 162 165 293 367 293 203 0 367-131 367-293 0-57-20-110-55-155z m-395 241h-2c-11 0-19-9-19-19v-142c0-10 8-19 19-19h2c10 0 19 9 19 19v142c0 10-9 19-19 19z m-56-140h-53v121c0 10-9 19-19 19h-2c-10 0-19-9-19-19v-142c0-10 9-19 19-19h74c11 0 19 9 19 19v2c0 10-8 19-19 19z m229 140h-2c-10 0-19-9-19-19v-83l-69 92c-3 6-10 10-17 10h-1c-11 0-19-8-19-19v-142c0-10 8-19 19-19h1c11 0 19 9 19 19v85l70-95c1-1 1-1 2-2 1-3 4-4 7-6 2 0 5-1 7-1h2c3 0 6 1 9 2 2 1 3 2 4 4 4 3 6 8 6 13v142c0 10-9 19-19 19z m137 0h-74c-11 0-20-9-20-19v-142c0-11 9-19 20-19h74c10 0 19 8 19 19v1c0 11-9 19-19 19h-54v31h54c10 0 19 8 19 19v1c0 11-9 20-19 20h-54v30h54c10 0 19 8 19 19v2c0 10-9 19-19 19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="line" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed4c;" d="M502 766c136-4 258-44 353-150 104-115 111-270 13-391-97-122-225-208-361-282-11-6-25-14-37-6-15 10-6 27-4 41 12 66 7 73-56 86-86 18-165 49-232 107-151 132-154 337-6 473 92 85 204 119 330 122z m79-365c-2-2-5-3-7-4-26 33-51 66-76 100-8 10-17 18-30 14-14-4-17-16-17-28-1-52-1-103-1-155 1-16 6-31 24-30 18 0 23 14 23 31 0 27 0 54 0 81 33-31 58-64 83-97 8-10 16-19 30-15 14 5 16 16 16 29v155c0 16-4 31-23 30-20-1-21-17-22-32 0-27 0-53 0-79z m76 6h0c0-26 0-53 0-79 0-16 6-30 24-31 29-2 58-2 87 0 13 1 22 10 21 24-1 12-10 19-21 20-14 2-29 2-44 2-14 0-21 5-21 21 1 14 8 17 20 17 14 0 27 0 40 1 15 1 26 7 26 24 0 15-12 20-24 22-10 1-21 0-32 1-14 0-30-4-30 20 1 24 19 16 32 18 9 1 19 0 28 0 14 2 26 7 26 24 0 15-11 19-24 22-86 19-108 2-108-86 0-6 0-13 0-20z m-439-2c0-25 0-50 0-76 0-17 7-32 27-33 27-1 55-1 83 1 12 1 23 9 23 23 0 14-11 20-24 22-8 1-16 2-24 1-33-6-40 11-38 40 2 31 0 61 0 92 0 18-1 37-24 37-22-1-23-19-23-35 0-24 0-48 0-72z m153 5c0-28 0-56 1-84 0-16 7-30 25-28 15 1 22 13 22 28 0 53 0 106-1 159 0 16-7 27-23 27-17 0-23-12-23-27-1-25 0-50-1-75z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="linkedin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed4d;" d="M871 788h-741c-36 0-65-28-65-63v-750c0-35 29-63 65-63h741c35 0 64 28 64 63v750c0 35-29 63-64 63z m-542-733h-131v395h131v-395z m-66 449h-1c-44 0-72 30-72 68 0 39 29 69 74 69 45 0 73-30 73-69 0-38-28-68-74-68z m539-449h-131v212c0 53-19 89-66 89-37 0-58-25-68-48-3-9-4-20-4-32v-221h-131s1 358 0 395h131v-56c17 27 49 65 118 65 87 0 151-56 151-177v-227z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="live-messenger" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed4f;" d="M0 261c17 155 145 209 164 216-32 26-52 64-52 107 0 76 62 138 140 138s140-62 140-138c0-42-20-81-51-106 26-9 52-23 75-41-61-31-195-119-216-309v-4c-118 7-130 39-130 39-7 8-13 16-17 28-17 4-28 14-28 14s-26 10-25 56z m492 171c-27-11-217-92-242-320-2-69 37-84 37-84s16-15 42-21c5-16 13-30 25-41 0 0 18-50 207-59 2 0 5-1 8-1h119c4 1 9 1 14 2 193 13 213 73 213 73v0c6 8 10 16 13 26 88 18 81 122 55 203-37 111-130 188-228 223 47 37 76 94 76 158 0 112-93 204-208 204s-208-92-208-204c0-64 30-122 77-159z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="magento" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed51;" d="M131 138v424l369 226 369-224v-426l-95-55v422l-272 169-272-172v-420l-99 56z m318 386v-495l53-29 52 32v492l120-78v-429l-173-105-171 107v428l119 77z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="meetme" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed52;" d="M316 492c22-13 49-14 73-4 36 15 59 56 51 94-6 40-45 72-86 70-22 1-42-10-58-24-17-18-28-44-25-70 2-27 20-54 45-66z m333-54c24-16 57-17 84-5 28 16 49 46 47 78 1 45-40 86-85 84-21 2-39-9-56-18-12-14-24-30-27-48-9-34 7-72 37-91z m278-199c-13 18-37 25-57 19-16-6-28-17-42-25-79-46-168-78-259-79-71-3-143 13-207 45-75 36-141 90-191 156-10 11-17 25-30 33-17 9-38 8-54-1-24-16-33-52-15-75 79-111 193-199 324-239 78-25 163-31 244-18 96 14 188 51 268 105 15 8 25 22 29 38 1 14 0 30-10 41z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="newsvine" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed55;" d="M531 223l104 75c10-6 21-9 33-9 35 0 62 28 62 62 0 34-27 62-62 62s-62-28-62-62c0-3 1-5 1-8l-76-55v172l105 77c10-6 21-9 32-9 35 0 62 28 62 62s-27 62-62 62-62-28-62-62c0-3 1-6 1-9l-76-55v262h-61v-139l-77 56c1 4 1 8 1 12 0 34-27 61-62 61s-62-27-62-61 28-62 62-62c11 0 21 2 30 7l108-78v-172l-77 55c1 4 1 7 1 11 0 34-27 62-62 62s-61-28-61-62c0-35 27-62 61-62 12 0 22 3 31 8l107-78v-184l-77 56c1 3 1 7 1 10 0 34-28 62-62 62s-62-28-62-62 28-62 62-62c12 0 22 3 31 8l107-77v-185h60v61l105 76c10-6 21-10 33-10 34 0 62 28 62 62s-27 62-62 62-62-28-62-62c0-2 0-5 1-7l-77-55 1 184z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="nimbuss" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed56;" d="M62 329v41c2 13 3 25 5 37 12 92 49 172 113 240 70 75 156 120 257 135 14 2 29 4 43 6h41c3-1 6-2 9-2 17-2 35-4 52-7 236-45 391-271 348-507-45-253-299-412-547-343-167 46-290 186-315 359-2 14-4 28-6 41z m347 117l3 1c4-9 8-18 12-27l145-281c4-7 9-9 17-9 27 0 54 0 82 0 8 0 10 3 10 11 0 139 0 277 1 416 0 8-3 11-11 11-24 0-47 0-70 0-11 0-12-1-13-13 0-27 1-54 0-81-1-71 5-141 12-214-3 6-5 10-7 15-41 99-97 190-147 285-3 6-7 8-13 8-32 0-64 0-95 0-10 0-12-1-12-12 0-138 1-277 0-416 0-8 3-10 11-10 24 0 48 0 72 0 12 0 13 0 13 12 0 48 0 96-1 144-1 29-3 58-5 88-1 24-2 48-4 72z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="odnoklassniki" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed57;" d="M500 336c125 0 226 101 226 226 0 124-101 226-226 226s-226-102-226-226c0-125 102-226 226-226z m0 319c52 0 94-42 94-93 0-52-42-94-94-94s-93 42-93 94c0 51 42 93 93 93z m91-503c46 10 91 28 132 54 30 20 40 60 20 91-19 31-60 41-91 21-92-58-212-58-304 0-31 20-72 10-91-21-20-31-10-71 21-91 40-25 85-44 131-54l-127-126c-25-26-25-68 0-94 13-13 30-20 47-20 17 0 34 7 47 20l124 124 124-124c26-26 68-26 94 0 26 26 26 68 0 93l-127 127z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="opencart" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed58;" d="M294 160c-35 0-63-27-63-62 0-34 28-62 63-62 34 0 62 28 62 62 0 35-28 62-62 62z m284 0c-35 0-63-27-63-62 0-34 28-62 63-62 34 0 62 28 62 62 0 35-28 62-62 62z m359 317c0 25-48 36-48 36-41 12-117 14-117 14-32 2-153 2-153 2-23-1-164 4-164 4-80 2-152 13-152 13-91 14-129 35-129 35-43 19-81 54-81 54-2 1-31 29-31 29 11-17 28-46 28-46 13-21 34-43 34-43 46-48 121-72 121-72 64-23 170-31 170-31 39-6 191-4 191-4 5 0 56-1 56-1 58-1 105-11 105-11 57-11 58-37 58-37 3-33-45-78-45-78-10-11-60-63-60-63-4-4-22-25-22-25-19-23-30-43-30-43 6 6 84 73 84 73 4 3 66 56 66 56 21 18 70 64 70 64 55 46 49 74 49 74z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="oscommerce" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed59;" d="M717 208c0-163-132-296-295-296s-296 133-296 296 132 296 296 296 295-133 295-296z m-293 316s75 185 286 130c0 0 173-51 164-245 0 0-7-129-134-192 0 0 7 127-93 224 0 0-87 88-223 83z m-104-17c-59 80-7 182-15 161 0 0 42 120 170 120 0 0 108 5 167-102 0 0-88 6-162-56 0 0-43-33-78-104-1 0-47-4-82-19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pandora" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed5a;" d="M760 718c-54 46-130 70-225 70h-375v-31c120 0 135-20 135-169v-474c0-149-16-171-135-171v-30h384v30c-120 0-135 22-135 171v182h126c95 0 171 23 225 69 54 46 81 105 81 176 0 72-27 130-81 177z m-226-369h-125v385h125c118 0 180-81 180-193 0-112-62-192-180-192z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="photobucket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed5b;" d="M673 615c-50 33-106 48-168 48-61 0-117-16-167-48-1 1-3 0-4 0h-116v53h-102v-53h-53v-525h258c53-36 115-58 184-58 70 0 132 22 185 58h248v525h-265z m-525 21h37v-21h-37v21z m-36-497v427h167c-58-61-88-134-88-218 0-81 26-152 78-209h-157z m555-3c-47-36-100-53-162-53-61 0-114 17-161 53-10 9-18 16-25 24l-1 1c-53 52-78 113-78 188 0 74 25 136 78 188 12 13 26 24 41 35 43 28 92 43 146 43 55 0 104-15 146-43l1 0c15-10 28-22 41-34 53-53 78-115 78-189 0-74-25-136-78-188-9-9-17-18-26-25z m222 3h-147c52 57 78 128 78 209 0 84-29 157-88 218h157v-427z m-240 368c-45 45-100 68-164 68-14 0-25-11-25-25s11-24 25-24c51 0 93-18 129-53s54-79 54-130c0-13 10-24 24-24s24 11 24 24c0 64-22 119-67 164z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="readernaut" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed61;" d="M94 435c21 69 76 82 85 84 55 127 182 217 331 217 150 0 278-90 332-218 1 0 3-1 5-1v171c-19 8-33 26-33 48 0 28 24 52 53 52s52-24 52-52c0-25-17-45-40-50v-185c17-13 35-33 44-66 0 0 18-85-11-107 0 0-14-19-55-35-3-12-7-23-11-35-15-2-31-5-49-9 25 44 40 94 40 147 0 170-148 308-330 308-182 0-329-138-329-308 0-55 15-106 41-150-15 3-29 6-43 9-5 12-9 24-12 37l-1 0c-43 16-58 36-58 36-28 22-11 107-11 107z m406-380c-126 152-437 166-437 166v-116c281-2 437-193 437-193s156 191 438 193v116s-312-14-438-166z m298 287c0-36-7-71-20-103-96-22-212-63-278-143-63 76-173 118-266 140-13 33-21 69-21 106 0 159 131 288 293 288 161 0 292-129 292-288z m-430 46c0 17-15 32-33 32-18 0-33-15-33-32s15-33 33-33c18 0 33 15 33 33z m77 81c0 28-22 50-50 50s-51-22-51-50c0-27 23-49 51-49 28 0 50 22 50 49z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="rss" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed64;" d="M64 323c109 0 212-43 288-120 77-78 120-181 120-290h168c0 318-258 577-576 577l0-167z m1 297c388 0 703-317 703-707h168c0 482-391 875-871 875l0-168z m232-590c0-65-52-117-117-117-64 0-116 52-116 117s52 116 116 116c65 0 117-52 117-116z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="shopify" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed65;" d="M634 682l-27-8c-11 35-27 59-47 73-15 11-31 15-49 14-4 5-8 9-12 13-20 15-45 18-75 7-89-33-127-149-141-207l-78-24s-19-6-23-11c-5-5-6-21-6-21l-66-512 498-93 39 770c-6 1-11 0-13-1z m-127-39l-86-26c12 44 34 90 76 108 8-23 11-54 10-82z m-72 110c18 6 32 6 43-1-57-26-81-91-92-146l-69-22c15 56 50 144 118 169z m48-378c-4 2-8 4-14 6-5 2-11 4-17 6-6 1-13 2-20 3-7 1-15 1-22 1-7-1-14-2-19-4-6-2-11-5-15-8-4-4-7-8-9-12-2-5-4-10-4-16 0-4 1-8 2-12 2-4 4-8 7-12 3-4 8-8 13-12 5-4 10-8 17-12 10-6 20-13 29-21 9-8 18-17 26-27 7-11 14-23 18-36 5-13 7-27 6-43-1-27-7-49-16-68-10-19-23-33-38-44-15-10-33-16-52-19-19-2-39-1-60 3l0 0-1 0 0 1-1 0c-9 2-19 5-27 9s-17 7-25 11c-7 5-13 9-19 14-6 4-11 9-14 14l22 76c4-3 9-7 14-11 6-4 12-8 18-11s14-7 21-10c8-3 15-5 22-6 7-1 13-1 18 0 5 1 10 3 13 6 4 3 7 7 9 11 2 5 3 10 3 15 1 5 0 10-1 15-2 4-4 9-7 14s-7 9-12 14c-5 4-11 9-18 14-9 7-17 14-24 22-7 7-14 15-19 24-5 9-9 18-12 29-3 10-4 21-3 33 1 21 5 39 11 56 7 17 17 32 29 45 13 14 28 25 45 34 18 9 39 15 61 18 11 1 21 2 30 2 10 0 19 0 28-2 8-1 16-2 23-4 7-2 13-4 18-7l-34-99z m54 278c0 3 0 6 0 10-1 27-4 49-11 68 7-1 13-3 19-7 16-11 27-34 35-58l-43-13z m258-37s-1 4-3 6-5 1-5 1l-70 6-52 51c-2 2-4 2-7 3l-38-771 270 59-95 645z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="silverstripe" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed66;" d="M334 327c-35-23-81-15-105 20s-15 81 20 104l0 0 186 128c68 47 86 140 39 209l-310-213 0 0c-103-70-129-210-59-313 70-103 211-129 313-59v0c69 47 86 140 40 209l-124-85z m561 111c-70 103-210 129-313 59l0 0-1-1 1 1c-69-47-86-140-39-209l124 85c34 23 81 15 104-20 24-34 15-81-19-104l-186-128c-69-46-86-140-40-209l311 213c102 70 129 211 58 313z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="skype" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed67;" d="M901 287c3 20 5 42 5 63 0 224-182 406-406 406-21 0-43-2-63-5-38 23-82 37-129 37-136 0-245-110-245-246 0-47 13-91 36-128-3-21-5-42-5-64 0-224 182-406 406-406 21 0 43 2 63 5 38-23 82-36 129-36 136 0 245 110 245 245 1 47-13 91-36 129z m-208-122c-17-24-43-44-76-57-33-14-72-21-117-21-54 0-99 9-134 28-25 14-45 32-61 55-16 23-24 45-24 67 0 13 5 24 15 34 10 9 22 13 37 13 12 0 22-3 31-10 8-8 15-18 21-32 7-16 14-29 22-40 8-10 19-19 33-26 15-7 34-10 57-10 33 0 59 7 79 21 20 14 30 31 30 51 0 16-5 29-16 40-11 10-25 18-42 23-18 6-41 11-70 18-39 8-72 18-99 30-26 11-48 27-63 47-16 20-24 45-24 74 0 28 8 53 25 75 16 22 40 39 72 51 31 12 68 18 110 18 33 0 63-4 87-12 25-8 45-18 62-31 16-13 28-27 35-41 8-14 12-28 12-42 0-12-5-24-15-34-9-10-22-15-36-15-13 0-23 3-30 9-7 6-14 16-22 29-9 19-21 34-35 44-13 11-35 16-66 16-28 0-51-6-68-17-17-12-25-25-25-40 0-10 3-18 8-26 6-7 14-13 24-18 11-5 21-9 32-12 10-3 28-8 52-13 31-7 59-14 84-23 25-8 46-17 64-29 18-12 32-26 42-44 10-18 15-40 15-66 0-31-9-59-26-84z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="slashdot" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed69;" d="M145-81l386 869h168l-387-869h-167z m709 132c0 76-62 138-138 138s-139-62-139-138c0-77 62-138 139-138s138 61 138 138z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="slidshare" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed6a;" d="M552 351c21-20 45-30 74-30 28 0 53 10 72 30 20 19 30 44 30 72s-10 53-30 74-44 30-72 30-53-10-74-30-30-45-30-74c0-28 10-53 30-72z m366 24c-10 0-20-3-29-10v423h-781v-423c-16 10-28 12-38 5-4-4-1-16 9-34 50-50 110-91 180-121-15-46-20-93-16-140 6-45 22-83 50-115 27-32 62-48 104-48 22 0 41 7 60 22 18 14 27 31 27 52v184c1 0 6-1 14-4 8-3 13-4 17-4v-173c0-12 3-23 8-32 20-28 46-41 79-41 43 1 78 17 105 47 27 31 43 69 49 113 4 47-1 94-16 142 4 1 15 6 34 15 19 10 32 16 40 21 8 5 20 12 37 21 16 10 29 19 37 27 9 8 17 18 26 29 8 11 14 22 18 32 1 8-4 12-14 12z m-75-37c-5-4-17-9-34-17l-612-7c-6 2-13 6-23 11-10 5-17 9-21 11v405h690v-403h0z m-535 13c21-20 45-30 74-30 28 0 52 10 72 30 20 19 30 44 30 72s-10 53-30 74-44 30-72 30-53-10-74-30-31-45-31-74c0-28 11-53 31-72z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="stack-exchange" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed6f;" d="M147 405h706v-145h-706z m0-185v-38c0-32 11-60 33-82 22-23 48-34 79-34h301v-154l149 154h32c31 0 57 11 79 34 22 22 33 50 33 82v38h-706z m0 372h706v-145h-706z m706 80c0 32-11 59-33 82s-48 34-79 34h-482c-31 0-57-12-79-34-22-23-33-50-33-82v-38h706v38z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="technorati" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed74;" d="M205 760c41 5 83 2 124 3-42-52-78-112-84-180-12-105 42-209 123-273 21-12 13-38 12-59-5-49-12-99-16-149 64 36 120 84 185 118 131-25 274-10 388 63 0-57 0-115 0-173 2-66-39-131-99-158-28-14-60-16-91-15-173 0-347 0-521 0-87 1-163 79-163 166-1 160 0 320 0 480-5 83 61 162 142 177z m229-112c-29-31-50-71-50-114-4-58 29-113 74-147 96-73 235-79 339-21 58 32 105 92 106 160 2 60-33 117-81 151-54 39-122 57-189 54-73-1-148-29-199-83z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="twitch" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed79;" d="M139 787l-57-152v-608h209v-115h114l114 115h171l228 228v532h-779z m703-494l-133-133h-209l-114-114v114h-171v551h627v-418z m-418 266h76v-228h-76z m209 0h76v-228h-76z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="twitter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed7a;" d="M938 622c-33-15-67-24-104-29 38 22 66 58 79 100-34-21-73-36-114-44-32 35-79 57-131 57-99 0-179-81-179-180 0-14 1-28 4-41-149 8-281 79-370 188-15-27-24-58-24-90 0-63 32-118 80-150-30 1-57 9-81 23v-3c0-87 61-159 144-176-15-4-31-6-48-6-11 0-23 1-33 3 22-71 89-123 167-124-61-49-139-77-223-77-14 0-28 1-43 2 80-51 174-80 276-80 330 0 510 273 510 510 0 8 0 16 0 24 35 25 66 57 90 93z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="typo3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed7b;" d="M779 316c90 103 182 318 135 401-47 83-199 70-286 70-169 0 57-421 151-471z m-332 460c-164-42-374-63-374-174 0-205 181-690 336-690h34c111 0 240 195 282 274-101-62-414 522-278 590z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ubercart" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed7c;" d="M711 736c-372 84-556-67-556-67-149-104-73-278-73-278 79-235 225-367 225-367 190-174 356-28 356-28 212 178 263 434 263 434 73 230-215 306-215 306z m-180-85h50v-74h-50v74z m-109 0h50v-74h-50v74z m-19-520h-36s-22-1-24 17v48s-2 19 22 18h44s17 3 19-14l1-53c0 0 0-18-26-16z m233 0h-37s-21-1-24 17v48s-2 19 23 18h44s17 3 19-14l1-53s0-18-26-16z m9 107h-290s-21 4-24 28v268h65v-261h210l1 261h64v-268s1-24-26-28z m145 239h-92v42h92v-42z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="viber" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed7d;" d="M935 664c-2 14-7 28-14 42-22 44-67 75-117 81-11 1-599 1-610-1-17-1-36-8-53-16-39-21-68-61-76-106-2-9-2-22-2-316v-306l2-10c14-61 57-104 118-117l9-3h616l9 3c61 13 104 56 118 117l2 10v306c0 294 0 307-2 316z m-455-35c4 4 7 4 22 4 8 0 20-1 26-2 32-4 58-12 87-26 28-14 46-27 70-50 22-23 34-39 47-66 19-36 29-80 31-128 1-16 0-20-4-25-7-9-22-7-28 3-2 3-2 6-3 19 0 20-2 33-5 49-11 61-40 109-86 144-39 30-79 44-132 47-18 1-21 2-25 5-7 6-8 19 0 26z m111-121c-19 12-47 20-72 22-9 1-14 3-18 7-5 6-5 14-1 21 5 7 12 8 35 5 57-8 100-35 129-77 17-25 27-53 30-83 1-11 1-32 0-35-1-3-5-8-9-9-3-2-11-2-15 0-7 4-10 10-10 25 0 25-6 50-17 70-12 23-30 41-52 54z m32-124c-6-5-16-6-22-1-5 4-6 7-7 17-1 13-4 22-7 30-9 18-23 27-48 30-11 1-15 2-18 7-7 8-5 21 5 26 3 2 5 2 13 1 5 0 12-1 16-2 18-3 32-10 44-22 16-15 24-32 28-58 3-16 2-23-4-28z m139-246c-6-18-33-51-52-66-17-13-29-18-45-18-13-1-19 0-36 7-131 54-236 135-319 246-43 58-77 118-99 181-13 36-14 52-3 70 5 8 24 28 39 39 24 18 35 24 44 26 6 1 17 0 24-2 3-1 8-4 11-6 18-12 67-75 83-106 9-19 12-32 10-42-3-10-8-16-31-34-8-7-17-14-18-16-3-5-6-15-6-22 0-15 10-44 23-65 11-17 29-39 47-56 22-19 41-33 62-43 27-14 44-17 56-12 3 2 7 4 8 4 1 1 8 10 16 20 15 19 18 22 29 26 13 4 26 3 40-4 10-5 33-19 47-29 19-14 60-47 66-54 9-12 11-27 4-44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="viddler" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed7e;" d="M726 296c117 0 212 93 212 209 0 116-95 210-212 210-106 0-194-78-209-179h-6c-16 101-103 179-209 179-117 0-212-94-212-210 0-114 93-208 208-209v0h7v-72l-242 65v-278l242 72v-98h356l-104 311h169z m-424 150c-33 0-60 26-60 59s27 59 60 59c33 0 59-26 59-59 0-33-26-59-59-59z m369 59c0 33 27 59 60 59 33 0 59-26 59-59 0-33-26-59-59-59-33 0-60 26-60 59z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="vimeo" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed7f;" d="M63 524l35-46s73 57 98 29c24-29 117-378 149-442 27-57 102-132 184-78 82 53 355 286 404 562 49 275-329 217-369-22 100 60 154-25 103-120-51-96-98-158-122-158-25 0-44 64-72 175-28 116-28 324-148 300-114-22-262-200-262-200z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="vine" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed80;" d="M883 248c-14-3-28-6-43-7-18-2-36-3-54-4-6-1-8-2-11-7-53-108-125-201-214-282-13-12-27-22-43-29-22-9-43-9-64 2-26 13-47 32-68 52-51 50-90 109-123 172-46 88-78 180-103 275-19 75-33 151-43 228 0 2 0 5-1 8h149c2-12 3-24 5-36 18-134 49-266 109-389 30-61 67-118 111-171 1-2 3-4 5-6 61 63 110 134 150 212-1 1-2 2-2 2-71 38-116 98-140 174-20 62-25 125-9 189 13 54 41 99 89 128 39 24 81 31 126 28 29-2 57-9 83-23 44-24 69-63 81-110 5-17 6-35 9-53 0-2 1-5 1-8v-35c-1-12-2-24-4-36-4-32-12-62-24-92-2-4-3-6-8-6-16-1-33-3-49-1-27 3-50 15-68 37-4 4-4 7-3 12 10 34 16 69 14 105-1 19-4 37-13 53-18 31-58 35-82 8-9-11-14-23-17-36-9-36-7-72 2-108 12-52 38-94 85-122 53-31 109-33 168-19l-1-105z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="virtuemart" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed82;" d="M817 651l-2-1s-19-19-34-55c0 0-17-51-24-167 0 0-1-120-36-192 0 0 27-11 20-53 0 0-4-48-40-43 0 0-19 4-22 40l-89-59s20-50-19-83c0 0-32-26-52 17 0 0-18 46 21 77l-19-4s-17-17-20-39c0 0-1-12-4-17 0 0-6-6-62-6 0 0-76 2-104 10 0 0-11-33-34-31 0 0-33 1-28 59 0 0-15 14 4 38 0 0 23 27 92 57 0 0 42 18 51 24 0 0 18 7 25 34 0 0-62-7-90 3 0 0-29 6-52 23 0 0-16 5-38 91 0 0-23 81-13 110 0 0 23 80 221 124 0 0 11 68 82 86 0 0 25 1 28-2 0 0 2-2 2-7l203-3c-76 66-175 106-284 106-242 0-437-196-437-438s195-438 437-438 438 196 438 438c0 117-46 223-121 301z m-259 31s-57-22-56-86c0 0 170 0 185-16 0 0-170 5-189 0 0 0-14-61-17-72 0 0 1-20-3 62 0 0 2 12-22 7 0 0-103-19-158-78 0 0-31-33 14-42 0 0 42-8 87-7l38-143-19 141 15 1 29-133-13 134 16 3 25-130-10 133 14 2 22-125-3 128 14 4 18-126 1 129 17 4 12-127 7 130 17 5 5-136 10 140 18 7 1-138 16 143 19 8-5-142 22 148 18 12-7-153 35 177s24 108 77 114c0 0-46-30-56-106 0 0-14-88-18-165 0 0-7-93-25-129 0 0-31-15-41-68l-86-57s1 8-18 10c0 0 64 38 95 66 0 0 20 23 23 59 0 0 4 33 9 40 0 0-85-31-208-35 0 0 6-46-30-64 0 0-111-55-122-66 0 0-15-12-14-17 0 0 1-20 72-26 0 0 67-5 104 8 0 0-5-3-8-22 0 0-75-7-140 4 0 0-51 6-59 24 0 0-6 16 41 43 0 0 14 12 88 47 0 0 27 12 37 36 0 0 6 30 10 36 0 0-107-21-147 22 0 0-20 22-41 132 0 0-11 47 8 65 0 0 41 63 207 95 0 0 8 84 69 90z m5-10s226-3 234-3c0 0-24-6-46-25 0 0-184 9-200 7 0 0-15 1-7 9 0 0 10 9 19 12z m-30-30s-4-4 34-4l179-8s-21-37-31-80h-10s-57-34-111-47c0 0-104-36-224-34 0 0-88-1-55 23 0 0 50 53 146 70l13-83 8 3 29 83s94 6 194-2c0 0 8 32-34 39 0 0-48 12-148 9 0 0 2 21 10 31z m-31-383s95-3 163 24c0 0 3-40-36-71 0 0-29-31-108-71 0 0-26-17-65-22 0 0-76-7-111 11 0 0-11 5 95 53 0 0 6-26 24-23 0 0 27 6 20 54 0 0 16 10 18 45z m73-146c-12 16-29 4-29 4-18-13-18-39-18-39 3-20 13-27 13-27 18-12 32 9 32 9 19 33 2 53 2 53z m-16-50s-12-2-13 9c0 0 11-1 12 14 0 0 1 11-10 13 0 0 24 20 27-9 1 0 2-26-16-27z m164 154c-16 17-29-10-29-10-10-32 3-47 3-47 13-16 26 4 26 4 19 32 0 53 0 53z m-4-49s-11-6-15 5c0 0 4 1 5 11 0 0 2 11-7 13 0 0 11 22 22 5 0 0 11-21-5-34z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="wechat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed84;" d="M158 135c8 25 16 51 25 76 4 10 2 14-7 21-57 42-98 95-110 166-15 93 17 170 86 230 133 116 346 111 473-12 34-33 58-72 70-119 2-11 1-14-11-14-86 4-163-20-225-80-64-61-88-134-65-221 4-12 0-14-11-14-34 1-67 3-99 14-14 4-25 3-38-4-25-15-51-28-77-42-3-1-5-4-11-1z m157 400c1 23-19 44-43 44-24 1-44-19-45-43 0-23 20-44 43-45 25-1 45 18 45 44z m220-1c1 24-19 45-43 45-24 1-44-18-45-42-1-24 18-45 41-46 25-1 46 18 47 43z m149-66c75-2 152-31 209-101 67-84 57-203-23-277-5-4-9-9-14-13-21-17-21-17-13-43 3-11 7-21 11-32 1-4 2-9-2-13-4-3-7 2-10 3-18 10-37 19-55 30-11 7-22 6-35 3-96-24-186-11-266 50-113 86-113 244-1 331 53 41 114 62 199 62z m-97-119c-18 0-34-17-34-35 0-19 17-36 36-36 19 1 34 17 34 36 0 19-16 35-36 35z m212-35c0 19-16 35-36 35-19-1-34-17-34-36 0-19 17-35 35-35 19 0 35 17 35 36z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="xing" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed87;" d="M601-88l-196 344 304 532h204l-303-532 196-344h-205z m-321 265l152 250-114 201h-193l114-201-152-250h193z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="yahoo" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed88;" d="M893 744s-6 1-11 1c-25 0-50-15-50-54-16-191-31-383-57-565 15 2 28-2 40-6 29 185 99 463 116 542 3 11 7 24 7 33 0 28-18 44-45 49z m-301 9c-30-56-141-238-212-354-71 119-156 256-211 354-44-9-63-10-106 0 86-131 226-380 273-462l-6-341s30 5 50 5c23 0 51-5 51-5l-6 341c88 155 234 408 274 462-38-9-73-9-107 0z m180-704c-34 0-50-26-50-53 0-32 25-49 57-49 23 0 48 14 48 52 1 31-23 50-55 50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="yelp" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed89;" d="M583 229c-15-15-3-42-3-42l111-185s19-25 34-25c16 0 32 13 32 13l88 126s9 16 9 29c0 20-29 26-29 26l-208 66s-21 6-34-8z m-11 94c11-18 40-13 40-13l208 61s28 11 32 26c4 16-5 34-5 34l-99 117s-8 15-26 16c-20 2-32-22-32-22l-117-184s-11-19-1-35z m-98 72c24 6 28 41 28 41l-1 296s-4 36-20 46c-26 16-34 8-41 7l-173-64s-16-6-25-20c-13-20 13-49 13-49l179-245c0 0 18-18 40-12z m-42-120c0 23-28 37-28 37l-185 93s-28 11-41 4c-10-6-19-17-20-27l-12-149s-2-25 5-37c9-17 40-5 40-5l217 48c8 5 23 6 24 36z m53-80c-18 9-41-10-41-10l-144-160s-18-24-14-39c4-14 12-21 22-26l145-46s18-4 31 0c19 6 16 35 16 35l3 216c0 0-1 21-18 30z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="youtube" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed8b;" d="M333 594v-135h49v134l29 94c16 52 30 95 31 97 1 3-4 4-25 4h-25l-4-13c-2-7-9-35-17-62s-13-50-14-50-8 27-17 60c-8 33-16 61-17 62-1 2-12 2-26 2l-24-1 30-96 30-96z m271-121c3-5 7-11 11-13 8-4 25-4 35 0 4 2 13 8 19 14l12 10v-25h46v246h-46v-189l-9-9c-10-10-18-14-24-9-3 3-3 18-3 105v102h-47l1-111c0-104 1-113 5-121z m-152 3c8-9 15-14 25-17 16-6 24-6 41-1 17 5 35 21 41 38 3 11 4 22 4 85 0 79-1 87-16 105-22 27-74 27-96 1-16-18-17-26-17-105 0-82 1-88 18-106z m30 179c6 13 27 13 33 0 2-4 3-29 3-75 0-71-1-79-11-83-2-1-6-1-9-1-18 0-19 5-19 85 0 45 1 70 3 74z m99-441c-6 2-9 2-18-3l-11-6v-149l9-5c12-7 16-7 25 0l6 6 1 68c1 76 0 85-12 89z m282-26c-1 44-3 91-4 104-8 71-30 105-77 117-24 6-89 9-229 10-129 2-261-1-312-6-52-6-80-31-93-83-13-58-16-225-5-305 4-22 14-52 22-66 22-33 54-41 173-45 80-3 320-1 378 2 54 3 67 6 86 15 51 25 64 81 61 257z m-540 101h-26v-280h-49v280h-51v46h153v-46h-27z m149-159v-121h-46v25l-11-10c-6-5-14-12-18-14-11-5-32-5-40 2-13 9-14 19-14 135v105h46v-99c0-88 1-101 4-104 6-6 11-4 22 7l11 11v185h46v-122z m167-11c0-78 0-80-6-92-3-6-9-13-14-16-9-6-28-6-39-1-4 2-12 7-18 12l-10 9v-22h-44v326h44v-105l12 10c11 10 25 17 35 17 11 0 24-8 30-18 10-17 11-33 10-120z m163-46c-2-33-12-51-36-62-16-7-43-7-60 2-15 7-25 19-31 35-4 9-5 22-6 75-1 82 2 98 23 117 13 11 25 15 43 15 21 1 36-5 49-20 15-17 19-31 19-76v-36h-88v-28c0-23 1-31 4-38 6-11 17-14 27-8 8 5 11 13 11 30v15h47l-2-21z m-45 87v18c0 23-5 34-14 36-20 5-28-6-28-36v-18h42z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="zencart" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed8c;" d="M153 3h694v694h-694v-694z m260 326s-22-25-25-79c0 0-2-37 11-121 0 0 9-52 12-60 0 0 11-39-20-31 0 0-30 5-55 40 0 0-56 70-40 178 0 0 3 88 64 139 0 0 50 53 127 44 0 0 44-3 25-34 0 0-18-15-28-22 0 0-55-33-71-54z m327-167s-28-51-101-66c0 0-59-13-125 37 0 0-54 39-62 93 0 0-7 59 29 104 0 0 43 54 51 5 0 0 3-58 9-75 0 0 19-53 87-57 0 0 43-4 82 12 0 0 33 11 45 1 0 0 18-6-15-54z m-176 285s19 23 56 16c16-3 39-18 46-43 0 0 23-64-36-85 0 0-46-15-77 21 0 0-31 38 11 91z m-57 216s24 15 66 3c0 0 88-24 158-122 0 0 83-126 24-218 0 0-13-24-36-32 0 0-20-9-15 31 0 0 4 70-17 108 0 0-22 63-85 98 0 0-55 40-72 50 0 0-31 23-41 37 0 0-24 27 18 45z m-324-306s22 77 101 133c0 0 70 47 159 51 0 0 48 4 86-16 0 0 43-17 13-37 0 0-51-18-79-23 0 0-60-14-115-53 0 0-44-35-64-65 0 0-32-50-45-57 0 0-23-29-52-6 0 0-24 23-4 73z m16 431l-7-50 404 1-397 49z m689-131l1-403 49 396-50 7z m-81-745l7 50-398 0 391-50z m-744 136l49-6v402l-49-396z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="badminton-birdie" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed8d;" d="M320-58l661 397-80 139-114 30-64 125-115 31-77 138-136 48-303-708 2-3c-11-4-23-12-35-26-58-66-51-166 15-224 66-57 166-51 223 15 13 14 19 27 23 38z m3 33l-9 8c-12 22-36 44-63 68l215 174c61-44 114-67 145-78l-288-172z m60 322c13-12 26-24 38-35 8-7 16-14 24-20l-209-170 147 225z m501 158l61-107-304-182c-15 3-76 22-153 77l294 239 102-27z m-179 156l57-111-296-240c-22 17-44 37-67 60l208 317 98-26z m-193 169l73-128-205-312c-38 41-75 90-110 151l139 326 103-37z m-255-319c35-58 71-105 108-144l-153-233c-28 25-53 47-78 55l-11 10 134 312z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="bowling-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed96;" d="M211 408c-45-1-90-1-135 0-19 1-26-7-32-24-53-142-59-286-14-431 18-58 19-58 80-58h32c15 0 29 2 43 0 44-10 60 14 71 51 46 148 41 294-12 439-6 17-14 24-33 23z m-67 171c63 0 62 2 80 62 12 37 17 73 0 110-16 33-38 56-78 57-44-1-66-24-81-57-18-37-12-73-1-110 18-60 18-62 80-62z m67-53h-137c-5 0-9-4-9-10l-4-28c-1-7 4-14 9-14h146c6 0 10 8 9 15l-5 28c-1 5-5 9-9 9z m359-118c-45-1-90-1-135 0-20 1-27-7-33-24-52-142-58-286-13-431 18-58 19-58 80-58h32c14 0 29 2 43 0 44-10 60 14 71 51 45 148 41 294-12 439-6 17-14 24-33 23z m-67 171c62 0 62 2 80 62 12 37 17 73 0 110-16 33-38 56-78 57-44-1-66-24-82-57-17-37-11-73 0-110 18-60 18-62 80-62z m67-53h-138c-4 0-8-4-8-10l-4-28c-1-7 3-14 9-14h146c6 0 10 8 9 15l-5 28c-1 5-5 9-9 9z m387-141c-6 17-14 24-33 23-45-1-90-1-135 0-19 1-27-7-33-24-52-142-58-286-13-431 18-58 19-58 80-58h32c14 0 29 2 43 0 44-10 60 14 71 51 45 148 41 294-12 439z m-100 194c62 0 62 2 80 62 12 37 17 73 0 110-16 33-38 56-78 57-44-1-66-24-82-57-17-37-11-73 0-110 18-60 18-62 80-62z m67-53h-137c-5 0-9-4-9-10l-4-28c-1-7 3-14 9-14h146c6 0 10 8 9 15l-5 28c-1 5-5 9-9 9z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="cheer-leader" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed99;" d="M578 207l-71 46c-2-28-4-53-5-78-3-99-6-199-10-298 0-10 6-25-16-27-22-1-27 8-30 27-19 129-39 258-58 388-2 14-6 20-20 19-13-2-12 5-8 14 15 36 31 71 46 107 3 6 7 14 6 20-5 37-12 74-18 111-1 6-6 9-11 12-34 22-68 43-102 66-11 8-17 6-20-6-4-18-14-24-31-18-19 7-30-9-42-17-8-5-13-6-18 1-9 16-23 18-40 14-15-4-26 0-28 18-2 17-17 19-29 24-13 5-21 11-14 26 9 17-3 28-12 39-9 10-12 19 1 28 15 11 12 26 9 42-2 9-3 19 10 20 20 3 29 16 34 33 3 11 8 20 22 12 18-9 30 2 41 13 10 8 19 11 28-1 11-15 26-14 41-10 13 4 22 2 23-14 2-18 16-24 30-28 14-5 20-12 14-27-8-16 3-27 12-37 9-11 11-18-1-30-19-18-18-24 7-36 15-8 30-16 45-24 10-6 13-5 16 7 9 35 17 70 25 106 8 43 28 59 71 61 48 3 73-11 87-53 14-41 18-84 28-126 1-3 1-5 3-10 33 18 66 35 99 53 10 5 5 10 0 15-15 15-14 27 3 40 11 9 5 21 3 32-3 14 0 25 17 26 19 2 21 19 27 32 4 11 9 18 23 11 17-9 29 3 41 13 10 9 19 10 27-2 10-14 25-13 39-9 15 4 24 1 26-16 1-18 16-22 29-26 14-5 21-11 13-27-7-15 3-27 12-37 10-11 14-20 0-30-12-8-14-19-10-33 5-17 2-30-18-32-19-2-19-19-25-30-4-8-7-18-18-13-23 12-36-4-52-15-4-3-8-10-13-2-13 18-30 22-50 17-14-3-21 1-23 16-4 26-20 26-38 14-33-23-67-45-101-67-10-7-15-15-17-27-4-24-8-47-12-71-3-18-4-34 6-51 9-16 16-33 22-50 15-49 41-90 81-121 12-10 10-17 1-28-46-56-92-113-138-169-4-6-8-18-16-13-8 5-17 16-13 26 15 45 21 91 40 134 4 10 11 17 20 26z m-318 508c-23 8-11 32-23 38-16 7-23 34-48 23-1-1-2 1-3 2-20 14-32-15-50-9-2-18-32-24-22-48 2-7-15-13-6-20 13-12 3-41 30-43 1 0 2-4 3-6 4-5 43-18 47-14 13 13 41 5 44 31 28 6 2 37 28 46z m564-82c11 13 25 15 39 17 1 0 2 3 3 5 6 16 30 24 20 47 0 0 2 2 3 3 3 5-6 47-10 48-18 4-24 33-49 23-1-1-3 2-5 3-5 2-47-7-48-12-5-17-33-23-23-48 2-5-13-11-6-18 14-12 4-41 31-43 5-29 37-2 45-25z m-280-37c-7 3-9 4-11 6-21 12-24 26-10 45 11 15 17 32 17 51 0 8-2 13-12 13-28 0-56 0-85 0-8 0-12-3-12-10 1-17 1-33 10-48 18-31 18-32-14-54 44-7 51-44 63-77 21 23 16 61 54 74z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="climbing" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed9a;" d="M354 725c0 46 37 83 83 83 46 0 84-37 84-83s-38-83-84-83c-46 0-83 37-83 83z m292-250v-42c10 0 250 5 250 417h-42c0-371-200-375-208-375z m100-87c-13 6-28 5-40-3l-68-46c-48-24-117-52-201-60-14-1-28-7-35-20l-84-138c-1-1-2-4-3-6l-83-208c-8-22 2-46 23-54 5-2 11-3 16-3 16 0 32 10 39 26l82 205 2 5c39 19 114 57 156 93l13 6v-335h41v357c37 19 70 41 95 59l31-213c2-21 20-36 41-36 2 0 4 0 6 0 23 3 38 25 35 47l-42 292c-2 14-11 26-24 32z m-504 47l113 37 49-155c121 0 196 54 196 54l-20 177 117 75c8 5 14 13 17 21l54 150c8 22-3 46-25 54-22 7-45-4-53-25l-49-137c-1-1-387-159-387-159l-4-1-67 134c-10 21-35 29-56 19-20-10-29-35-18-56l83-167c7-14 22-23 37-23 4 0 9 1 13 2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="corner" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed9b;" d="M803 539c54 0 98 44 98 99 0 54-44 98-98 98-54 0-99-44-99-98 0-55 45-99 99-99z m60 142c0 3 0 5 0 6 2 1 9 0 15-1 2-1 4-1 5-1 7-11 11-24 12-38-1-1-2-2-4-4-4-4-9-9-11-10-1 2-3 4-4 6-4 5-9 11-13 15-1 2-2 3-2 3 0 4 1 16 2 24z m-2-86c3 1 6 2 7 2 0-2 1-9 3-15 0-2 0-4 1-5-9-10-20-18-33-24-1 1-3 2-5 3-5 3-12 6-13 7 2 2 3 4 5 7 4 7 11 18 12 19 0 0 14 4 23 6z m-81 130c1 2 2 4 3 5 6 1 13 2 19 2 7 0 14-1 20-2 1-1 2-3 3-5 3-5 6-12 7-13-3-1-5-2-8-3-6-3-15-6-19-7-1-1-2-1-2-1 0 0-1 0-2 1-4 1-13 5-20 7-2 1-5 2-6 3 0 1 3 8 5 13z m21-57c1 1 2 1 2 2 0-1 1-1 2-2 7-5 26-18 27-19-1-5-11-33-12-35h-35c-1 2-10 30-11 34 1 2 20 15 27 20z m-31-82c3-4 7-12 10-17 2-2 3-4 4-5-1-2-7-5-13-8-1-1-3-2-5-3-12 5-23 13-32 22 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 6 2 12 3 15 1 1 3 0 6-1 7-2 21-5 23-6 1 0 2-2 3-3z m-45 47c-2 2-7 7-11 11-2 2-3 3-4 4 1 13 5 26 11 37l6 1c6 1 14 2 16 2 0 0 0-3 0-6 1-8 1-21 2-24 0-1-1-2-3-4-3-4-9-11-13-16-2-3-3-5-4-5z m247 212h-945c-36 0-36-57 0-57h481c3-74 27-150 62-214 77-141 218-210 374-222v-469c0-36 56-36 56 0v933c0 16-13 29-28 29z m-28-436c-144 11-268 77-333 209-26 52-44 112-47 170h380v-379z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="field-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed9c;" d="M0 657v-614h1000v614h-1000z m966-580h-932v546h932v-546z m-555 273c0-44 33-81 75-88v176c-42-7-75-44-75-88z m387 101h95v-202h-95v202z m-287-13v-176c44 6 78 43 78 88 0 45-34 82-78 88z m-401 13h95v-202h-95v202z m376-223c-61 8-109 59-109 122 0 63 48 114 109 121v115h25v-114c63-6 112-58 112-122 0-64-49-116-112-122v-114h413v101h-160v270h160v101h-848v-101h163v-270h-163v-101h410v114z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="football-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed9e;" d="M500 850c-276 0-500-224-500-500 0-276 224-500 500-500 276 0 500 224 500 500 0 276-224 500-500 500z m-114-58c5 10 10 19 13 26 32 7 65 11 98 11 34 0 67-4 99-11 4-7 9-16 14-26 15-27 33-59 37-66-2 0-4-1-7-3-8-3-19-7-32-12-33-13-77-30-97-38-7-2-11-4-11-4-1 0-5 2-12 4-20 8-65 26-98 39-14 5-26 9-32 12-3 1-5 2-6 2 4 7 20 40 34 66z m-260-442c-10-13-18-22-20-25-9 9-36 35-58 56-8 8-16 15-21 20 6 67 27 131 59 187 7 1 18 3 29 5 31 5 70 12 78 13 1-4 2-17 3-33 3-42 7-106 8-121 0-2 0-3 0-3 0-1-5-7-12-16-17-21-46-58-66-83z m214-416c-10-6-19-10-26-14-62 26-117 65-162 113 1 7 3 17 5 29 4 28 10 62 12 76 0 2 1 4 1 5 3-1 14-4 29-8 40-11 107-29 121-33 1 0 2-1 2-1 1-1 5-7 11-16 13-21 36-57 53-84 7-12 14-22 17-28 2-3 3-4 4-6-7-3-39-20-67-33z m247 295h-179c-3 9-49 152-57 174 0 1 0 2 0 2 7 5 104 74 137 98 6 4 10 7 12 8 1-1 5-4 11-8 34-24 131-93 138-98-1 0-1-1-1-1-7-23-54-166-57-175h-4z m98-308c-8 4-17 9-27 14-28 14-59 29-66 32 1 2 3 4 5 7 4 7 10 17 18 29 24 39 60 95 62 98 4 1 74 20 118 32 16 5 29 8 34 9 2-7 9-44 14-75 2-10 4-20 5-28-45-50-101-90-163-118z m208 404c0 1-1 2-2 3-5 6-13 15-22 27-19 25-46 58-62 78-7 9-11 15-12 16 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 15 5 74 8 115 1 15 2 27 2 34 1 2 1 4 1 5 8-1 43-7 74-12 11-2 21-4 29-5 32-58 53-123 59-192-5-5-13-12-21-20-22-21-48-47-54-52z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="football-american" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xed9f;" d="M314 64c2-6 6-9 13-9 41 1 81-1 122 3 72 6 141 26 204 63 71 41 130 95 181 160 5 6 6 11 2 18-25 56-50 112-75 168-25 56-50 112-75 168-3 7-7 11-14 10-36 0-73 2-109-1-77-6-150-26-217-64-71-42-130-97-181-161-4-6-5-10-2-17 50-112 101-225 151-338z m49 279c5-10 9-20 14-31 14 6 27 12 42 19l-14 31c9 4 17 7 26 11 5-10 9-20 14-31 14 7 27 13 42 19-5 10-9 20-14 31 9 4 17 8 27 12 4-10 9-21 14-31 14 6 27 12 41 18-5 10-9 20-14 31 9 4 17 8 27 12 4-10 9-20 14-31 14 7 27 13 42 19-5 10-10 20-14 31 9 4 17 8 26 12 13-30 26-60 40-90-8-4-16-7-25-12l-14 31c-15-6-28-12-42-19 4-10 9-20 13-31-9-4-17-7-26-11-5 10-9 20-14 31-14-7-27-13-42-19l14-31-26-12c-5 11-9 21-14 31-14-6-28-12-42-18 5-11 9-21 14-31l-26-12c-5 10-9 20-14 31-14-7-28-13-42-19 4-10 9-20 14-31-10-4-18-8-27-12-13 30-26 60-40 90 8 4 17 8 26 12z m572 140c9 45-6 80-46 102-25 14-52 25-79 35-14 6-29 8-46 13 41-93 81-183 122-275 23 41 41 81 49 125z m-848-349c16-13 33-24 51-34 30-16 63-25 98-32-41 92-82 182-123 275-8-17-16-31-23-46-15-34-27-69-27-107-1-22 6-42 24-56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="football" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeda0;" d="M187 336l138-1c4 0 8-2 10-5l70-119c1-2 1-7 0-10l-68-118c-2-3-6-5-10-5l-138 0c-3 0-7 2-9 5l-70 119c-2 3-2 8 0 10l68 118c2 3 6 6 9 6z m489 1l138 0c4 0 8-3 9-6l71-118c1-3 1-8 0-11l-69-118c-1-3-5-5-9-5l-138 0c-3 0-8 3-9 6l-70 118c-2 3-2 8-1 11l69 118c1 3 5 5 9 5z m-10 33l-71 117c-1 3-1 7 0 10l67 120c2 3 6 5 9 5l139 3c3 0 7-3 9-6l71-117c2-3 2-7 0-10l-67-120c-2-3-6-5-9-5l-138-3c-4 0-8 3-10 6z m-246 137l-71 117c-2 3-2 8-1 11l67 119c2 3 6 6 10 6l138 2c3 0 7-2 9-5l71-117c2-3 2-8 0-11l-67-119c-1-3-5-6-9-6l-138-2c-3 0-8 2-9 5z m-242-142l-71 117c-2 3-2 7-1 10l68 120c1 3 5 5 9 5l138 3c3 0 8-3 9-6l71-117c2-3 2-7 1-10l-68-120c-1-3-5-5-9-5l-138-2c-3-1-8 2-9 5z m-115-15c0-242 195-438 437-438s438 196 438 438c0 242-196 438-438 438s-437-196-437-438z m367-154l138 0c4 0 8-2 9-5l71-119c1-3 1-8 0-11l-69-118c-1-3-5-5-9-5l-138 1c-3 0-8 2-9 5l-70 119c-2 2-2 7 0 10l68 118c1 3 6 6 9 5z" />
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26-1 10 14 17 22 25 17 19 17 19 34 1z m17-54v-46c-30 28-30 20 0 46z m-45 77c-14-14-25-26-37-37-3-3-5 0-7 2-11 10-22 21-36 35h80z m-91-8c2-1 4-2 5-3 11-11 23-23 34-34 4-4 1-7-2-10-10-10-21-20-31-31-4-4-7-5-11 0-11 11-22 22-32 32-4 3-5 6-1 10 11 11 22 22 33 33 1 1 3 2 5 3z m-12 7c-13-13-24-24-35-36-3-2-6-1-8 1-11 11-23 22-37 35h80z m-88-7c1-1 2-3 4-5 6-5 12-11 18-17 18-19 18-19-1-38-23-24-23-24-46 0-19 19-19 19 0 38 5 6 11 12 16 17 2 2 4 5 9 5z m-89 7h70l2-3c-11-10-22-20-33-31-4-4-7-2-10 1-10 10-21 20-31 30l2 3z m-102 1h71c-10-14-22-24-33-35-2-3-5-3-7 0-12 10-23 20-34 31l3 4z m-12-10c11-11 23-23 35-35 0 0 1-1 2-3-2-2-4-4-5-6-11-10-21-21-31-31-4-4-7-5-11 0-10 10-20 20-31 30-4 5-5 8 0 12 11 11 21 22 32 32 3 3 5 5 9 1z m-90 9h74c-13-13-24-24-36-35-3-3-5-2-8 1-11 10-22 20-33 31l3 3z m-6-15c6-7 13-12 19-18 13-14 13-14 0-28-7-7-15-15-23-22-2-2-4-4-7-6-3 3-6 6-9 8-10 11-28 21-29 33-1 12 19 21 28 33 8 9 14 10 21 0z m-26 15l3-4c-11-10-22-20-34-30-3-3-5-3-8 0-11 10-23 20-34 34h73z m-79-16c2-1 3-1 4-2 34-31 34-33-4-63v65z m-1-307l4 4c9-10 18-20 27-30 4-5 2-7-2-11-9-8-17-18-29-30v67z m78-88c-25-1-51 0-80 0 16 16 29 30 42 44 5 4 7 1 10-2 11-10 21-21 32-32 6-6 3-10-4-10z m17 15c-2 1-3 2-4 4-2 1-3 2-5 4-10 11-31 22-29 33 3 14 21 24 33 37 4 4 7 5 12 0 10-11 20-21 30-31 3-3 7-6 2-10-11-12-23-23-35-35-1-1-3-1-4-2z m92-12c-1-2-4-3-7-3-11 0-22 0-32 0-11 0-22 0-33 0-3 0-7 0-8 4-2 3 1 5 3 7 10 10 21 20 31 31 4 4 6 5 11 0 10-11 21-21 32-32 2-2 5-3 3-7z m-25 47c-3 2-7 5-3 9 12 13 25 25 38 37 0 1 2 0 4 0 10-11 20-22 32-33 7-6 6-11-1-16 0 0 0 0-1-1-11-10-22-21-32-31-14 10-25 23-37 35z m126-47c-1-4-4-3-7-3-11 0-22 0-32 0-11 0-22 0-33 0-3 0-6 0-7 3-2 3 1 5 3 7l32 33c3 3 6 3 9-1 11-11 22-21 32-32 2-2 5-4 3-7z m103 0c-2-3-5-3-8-3-11 0-22 0-33 0-11 0-22 0-32 0-4 0-7 0-8 3-1 3 2 5 4 6 11 11 22 22 32 34 4 3 6 3 10-1 10-11 21-21 32-32 2-2 4-4 3-7z m5 17c-11 13-33 23-31 37 1 13 21 25 33 37 3 3 6 5 9 1 12-11 24-23 36-35 1-1 1-2 2-4-2-2-3-3-5-5-10-10-21-20-31-31-5-5-8-5-13 0z m98-16c-1-4-6-4-10-4-10 0-20 0-30 0-11 0-21 0-32 0-4 0-7 1-8 4-1 4 2 5 4 7 10 10 20 20 29 30 5 6 9 6 14 0 9-10 19-19 29-29 2-2 6-4 4-8z m6 15c-11 11-21 21-31 31-5 5-5 9 0 13 10 10 20 19 29 29 5 5 9 6 14 0 9-10 19-19 29-28 2-2 4-5 5-7 0-1 0-2-1-3-13-13-25-26-38-38-3-2-5 1-7 3z m96-15c-1-4-4-4-8-4-11 0-22 0-32 0-11 0-22 0-32 0-4 0-7 1-8 3-2 4 2 6 3 7 11 11 21 21 31 32 4 4 8 5 12 0 10-10 21-20 31-31 2-2 5-4 3-7z m45 7c-1-10-10-15-20-10-4 3-4 5 0 9 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 8 9 12 14l4-2c0-5 0-10 0-15z m-19 18c-16-17-12-18-29 0-9 9-26 17-24 29 1 10 16 18 25 27 13 14 14 14 27 0 8-8 20-14 20-30 1-13-11-18-19-26z m9 111c-6-6-11-13-7-22 6 1 8 8 15 11 3-14 1-28 1-43-8 3-11 9-16 14-11 10-22 10-32 0-9-8-18-16-26-25-7-8-12-10-19-1-7 9-16 17-25 25-11 12-22 12-34 0-9-9-18-17-26-27-6-6-10-6-16 0-8 10-18 19-27 28-10 9-22 10-31 1-9-9-18-18-27-27-7-8-13-8-19 1-3 3-7 7-11 10-4 4-8 0-11-2-4-4 1-6 3-8 18-21 18-21-1-40-22-22-22-22-45 1l-1 1c-17 17-17 17-3 37-7 2-13 3-18-3-5-7-9-6-13 0-11 13-27 19-41 26-7 9-13 10-21 1-11-11-21-31-34-30-11 1-22 19-33 30-13 13-24 13-38-1-8-8-16-16-24-25-5-5-9-6-14 0-10 11-20 21-30 30-5 5-5 8 0 12 8 8 16 16 24 24 5 4 4 8 0 12-5 4-7-1-9-4-6-6-13-13-21-23v67c9-2 11-12 19-16 0 17 0 17-11 27-6 6-9 11 0 17 12 8 16 22 18 38l-22-29-5 3v61l5 4c8-9 16-19 24-28 2-3 4-7 9-3 4 4 3 8-1 11-10 10-19 20-29 29-4 5-7 8-1 13 11 10 21 21 31 31 5 6 8 4 13-1 8-9 16-18 26-26 8-7 9-12-1-19-4-3-8-5-10-11 16 4 30 13 48 9-12 10-7 17 2 24 5 4 9 9 13 14 18 18 18 18 36 0 1-2 2-3 4-4 19-20 19-20 1-40-3-2-8-4-2-9 4-3 6-4 10 1 21 20 42 40 62 61 7 7 10 7 17 1 9-9 15-22 35-16-10 10-19 18-28 26-6 4-6 8 0 13 10 10 20 20 29 30 5 4 8 5 12 0 10-11 21-21 31-31 6-5 5-8 0-12-11-9-21-19-32-29 10-8 16-7 22 0 9 8 16 24 27 22 9-1 17-15 25-23 1 0 2-1 2-2 14-14 14-14 0-28-2-3-4-5-7-7-3-4-2-6 1-9 2-3 5-2 7 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 10 13 22 22 41 13-9 18-10 18 4 31 9 9 17 25 27 24 9 0 18-15 27-23 0-1 1-1 2-2 10-8 17-16 1-28 15 2 28 2 45-1-18 13-12 21-1 29 7 6 13 12 18 19 8 10 14 8 21 0 3-4 6-7 10-11 22-22 22-22-1-45-12-12-12-12-7-28 10 12 21 23 31 35 5 6 9 7 15 1 6-8 15-14 21-22 7-8 7-18 1-27 0-1-1-2-2-2-10-8-17-25-27-24-9 0-18 15-27 23-5 4-8 10-15 13-4-8-1-14 4-19 6-6 12-12 18-19 2-1 5-3 5-5 2-21 19-11 30-14-2-10 1-17 8-24 14-13 14-24 0-37z m9 49c-8 1-10 10-17 12-5 6-7 11 1 17 5 4 8 10 13 14 5-15 3-29 3-43z m-364 103c-50 1-91-39-92-88-1-49 39-91 89-92 49 0 91 40 91 89 1 49-40 91-88 91z m2-13c1 5 5 3 8 3 17-3 31-10 45-23-20-1-35 3-49 14-2 1-5 2-4 6z m11-48c6-11 14-22 17-34 3-11-17-24-34-24-15 0-32 15-32 27 0 11 20 34 31 34 6-1 14 3 18-3z m-25 51c2 1 6 1 7-3 1-4-2-5-5-6-14-7-27-14-46-12 13 13 28 18 44 21z m-31-26c12 2 23-10 19-22-4-10-12-20-18-30-2-4-8-2-14-3-5-2-7 3-10 8-12 24-4 42 23 47z m-35-81c-5 15-4 30-2 48 11-16 15-30 14-46-1-3-1-7-5-8-5-1-5 3-7 6z m10-18c-1 2-4 4-1 6 3 2 5 3 8 1 15-8 28-17 34-37-19 5-31 16-41 30z m35-5c0 8 6 14 14 16 5 0 10 0 17 0 5-1 13 2 19-3 5-4 13-9 11-15-4-10-11-19-22-23-16-6-39 8-39 25z m95 1c-11-14-25-23-46-29 11 18 24 28 39 37 3 2 6 3 9 0 3-3 0-5-2-8z m11 19c-2-2-2-6-6-6-4 1-4 4-5 8-1 16 4 31 14 49 3-20 3-36-3-51z m-13 29c-2-5-7-2-10-2-9-1-15 2-18 9-4 8-10 15-13 23-5 13 5 23 18 23 18 1 25-10 31-23 5-12-5-20-8-30z m-197 6c-5 0-10-1-15 0-10 1-11-5-11-13 1-12 11-5 16-7 4-1 10 3 11-4 1-6 1-11-6-15-22-13-47-4-52 22-3 10-2 21 1 31 3 12 11 18 23 20 11 3 23 1 30-10 7-12 17-7 23-2 7 4-1 12-4 17-21 27-78 20-92-13-11-23-10-48 5-70 15-21 37-22 59-20 29 4 37 13 37 39 0 25 0 25-25 25z m307 40c-3 8-5 16-16 13-5-2-13 3-16-6-13-34-27-67-40-101-1-4-2-8 3-8 9 0 21-4 23 10 2 13 10 16 22 16 17-1 33 3 38-21 2-9 16-6 22-4 7 2 0 9-1 13-11 30-23 59-35 88z m-5-55c-7-4-16-3-24-1-5 1-2 5-1 8 3 10 7 20 12 33 4-11 8-18 10-26 2-5 7-12 3-14z m136-28c-13 0-25 0-37 0-10-1-14 2-13 13 0 24-1 48 0 73 0 8-3 10-11 10-8 0-13 0-13-10 1-16 0-32 0-47 0-16 0-32 0-48 0-7 2-10 9-10 22 0 43 0 65 0 8 0 8 5 8 10 0 6-2 9-8 9z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="golf-cart" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeda6;" d="M773 258c37-1 74 0 111 0 9 1 18 5 27 7-3 10-3 21-9 29-29 46-70 79-120 102-9 4-20 15-21 24-8 58-14 117-20 176-1 5 1 10 1 18 16 0 30 1 44 0 22-2 25 9 21 27-7 34-31 49-60 61h-544c-51-22-67-44-60-88 26 0 53 1 80-1 7 0 19-11 19-17 1-81 1-163 0-245 0-2-1-3-3-6-3-1-7-3-10-2-83 9-123-41-152-107-5-10-10-21-15-31v-35c11-8 21-15 32-23 51 91 105 124 175 110 71-15 112-66 123-158 49 0 98-1 148 0 38 1 82-10 111 7 27 16 38 61 56 93 5 9 11 19 15 28 10 22 27 32 51 31z m-81 95c-34 33-62 59-91 86 9 10 19 17 22 26 3 9 4 25-1 30-6 6-25 8-30 3-29-28-57-57-82-87-5-6-4-24 1-28 7-5 22-7 30-4 10 4 16 17 25 27 32-30 62-57 91-86 4-3 5-14 3-19-17-37-34-73-53-108-3-6-12-12-19-12-40-2-80-1-124-1 0 37 0 71 0 106-1 44-13 56-56 56-34 1-68 0-105 0v270c8 0 16 2 25 2 109 0 218 0 327 0 18 0 27-5 28-24 6-60 13-120 18-180 2-16-5-33-9-57z m131-128c-63-1-112-51-111-115 0-63 50-113 114-112 63 0 112 51 112 114-1 63-52 114-115 113z m0-150c-20 0-37 18-35 38 2 21 14 34 36 34 21 1 37-15 37-36 0-20-18-37-38-36z m-580 150c-62 1-114-51-115-113 0-62 50-114 113-114 63-1 113 49 114 113 0 63-50 113-112 114z m0-150c-20-1-39 16-38 36 1 20 11 35 34 36 24 2 37-12 40-34 3-19-16-37-36-38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="golf-field" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeda7;" d="M973 300c-29 39-67 66-109 88-85 45-177 65-272 78-26 4-53 6-79 2-48-6-87-30-116-68-26-32-49-67-73-100-43-58-99-96-172-109-14-2-18 0-18 15 1 118 1 237 0 356 0 13 5 18 17 21 74 24 148 49 223 73 4 2 9 1 13 8-53 17-106 34-158 52-30 10-61 17-90 31h-27c0-8-1-16-1-24 0-171 0-343 0-514 0-15-1-22-19-25-32-6-57-23-72-49 0 0-50-64 8-127 23-27 53-39 87-42 41-6 165-20 344-6h11c34 4 68 8 102 12 28 4 55 8 82 13l1 0c71 13 139 33 205 65 42 21 81 47 111 86 38 48 38 115 2 164z m-810-287c-13-6-27-7-39-9-28 2-52 9-70 29-18 19-23 47-12 70 13 25 35 38 61 43 9 2 7-5 7-10 1-15 1-30 1-45 0-8-1-15 11-15 13 0 13 7 13 16-1 12 0 25-1 37-1 14 2 19 18 15 31-10 54-35 57-67 2-24-18-51-46-64z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="golf" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeda8;" d="M96 243l33-39c0 0 12-108 12-108h5l12 108c0 0 33 39 33 39s-53-8-95 0z m48 292c-80 0-144-64-144-143 0-80 64-144 144-144 79 0 143 64 143 144 0 79-64 143-143 143z m106-149c9 0 16 7 17 16 0-1 1-2 1-3 0-10-8-17-18-17-9 0-17 7-17 16 2-7 9-12 17-12z m-5-17c0-1 0-2 0-3 0-9-8-17-17-17-9 0-17 7-17 17 2-8 9-13 16-13 9 0 17 7 18 16z m-42 17c9 0 16 7 18 16 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-10-8-17-18-17-9 0-17 7-17 16 2-7 9-12 17-12z m-10-57c9 0 16 7 17 15 1 0 1-1 1-2 0-10-8-18-18-18-9 0-17 8-17 17 2-7 9-12 17-12z m-17-51c-9 0-17 8-17 17 2-7 9-12 16-12 9 0 17 6 18 15 0-1 0-2 0-2 0-10-8-18-17-18z m39 20c-9 0-16 7-17 17 3-7 9-12 17-12 9 0 16 6 18 15 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-9-8-17-18-17z m35 31c-9 0-17 7-17 17 2-7 9-13 17-13 9 0 16 7 17 16 0-1 1-2 1-3 0-9-8-17-18-17z m466-71h-458c0-117 108-213 242-213 118 0 215 74 237 173l51 71h-50l-22-31z m-215-170c-136 6-183 105-185 109l17 8c2-4 45-93 169-99l-1-18z m445 567l-197-350h50l201 350z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="golfer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeda9;" d="M379 652c54-10 106 26 116 80 10 55-26 107-81 117-54 9-106-27-116-81-9-54 27-106 81-116z m389-751c-17 49-18 79-127 54l-150 331c5 0 10 1 15 3 19 8 28 31 19 50l-98 225c-4 9-11 15-19 19-11 9-24 15-38 18-46 8-89-22-97-68l-41-224c-5-28 5-55 23-74v-344c0-23 19-41 42-41 23 0 41 18 41 41v23c23 0 42 19 42 42v287c8 10 14 22 17 36l21 117 38-88c5-12 16-20 28-22 66-159 157-385 157-385s140-36 127 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="helmet" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedaa;" d="M994 466c-30 110-93 193-182 242-48 27-104 43-162 47-30 3-60 2-90-2-304-17-412-218-413-223-1-2-5-22-7-44-1-9-1-18 0-28-10-5-17-16-16-27 1-16 15-28 31-27 39 3 70-1 94-12l-3-13c-8-41-17-89-29-137-6 1-13 1-20 1-30 1-39 35-111 36-28-2-50-4-64-20-9-10-11-22-11-32 0-2 0-4 0-6-1-14-9-152-11-240 0-13 8-25 20-28 51-16 98-12 139 12 66 40 74 94 102 187 14 0 30 1 50 2 1-17 5-34 15-66 21-46 53-75 94-87 83-24 154-73 225-28 23 17 67 41 123 24 2-1 3-2 4-2 21-12 68-19 83-21 19-2 31 1 39 19 3 7 5 15 9 36 2 5 2 10 3 14l0 3c2 7 4 17 6 29 16 69 113 276 82 391z m-865-451c-21-13-44-17-71-12 1 23 2 46 3 68 3 6 6 12 12 18 16 15 20-2 98-13-20-42-11-43-42-61z m55 92c-68 10-87 37-120 15 3 38 5 96 5 96 4 2 9 3 18 3 70 0 78-66 108-68 2 0 4 0 6 0-5-16-11-31-17-46z m122 137c-11-1-21-1-30-2 8 34 15 68 22 100 12-32 9-70 8-98z m226-50c-34 0-61 28-61 61 0 34 27 61 61 61 34 0 61-27 61-61 0-33-27-61-61-61z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hockey-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedab;" d="M749 197c-2 18-3 19-21 21-36 4-69 14-92 45-7 9-15 19-21 29-26 46-52 90-78 136-25 43-51 86-74 131-21 39-45 76-68 114-2 3-4 6-8 6-12 0-24 0-39 0 20-36 40-69 58-103 17-30 35-60 53-90 36-60 71-122 106-183 14-24 29-48 41-73 21-46 53-79 103-93 14-4 29-7 43-10 7-2 7 1 6 6-3 22-6 43-9 64z m-275 173c17 29 16 28-1 57-5 8-7 6-10-1-6-9-11-19-17-28-24-41-47-82-71-122-21-32-50-52-89-56-9-1-17-3-26-4-4-1-7-2-7-7-4-26-8-52-12-78-2-8 3-6 8-5 21 5 43 9 64 18 29 13 52 31 67 60 6 12 12 24 19 36 25 43 50 87 75 130z m-313-160c-27-2-55 0-83 2-10 0-21-1-32-2-24-4-34-13-40-36-2-7-4-15-5-23-4-28 4-40 32-44 38-4 77-1 115 3 5 1 7 4 7 9 1 9 2 18 3 27 3 18 7 36 10 54 2 6 1 10-7 10z m834-39c-5 26-16 35-42 39-29 4-57-1-86-1-8 0-16 0-24 0-12 2-13-3-11-13 5-25 10-50 14-75 1-6 5-9 11-10 23-5 47-3 70-6 18-2 36 0 54 5 13 5 18 13 19 27 1 11-2 23-5 34z m-402-78c-16-1-33 1-49 0-27-1-53 1-79 0-9 0-17-2-25-1-13 2-25 1-37 0-9-2-14-6-14-15 0-13 0-27 0-40 1-12 5-16 17-16 31-1 62 2 88 0 37 0 69 0 100 0 14 0 19 5 19 18 0 12 0 24 0 36 0 13-6 19-20 18z m-175-18c-1-6 0-12 0-18 0-5-1-9 0-14 0-6 0-12-9-11-9 0-12 3-12 11 1 11 0 22 0 32 0 6 3 10 9 9 5-1 13 0 12-9z m115 396c40 70 79 138 119 208-14 0-26 0-38 0-5 0-7-2-9-6-30-52-60-105-91-157-2-4-3-7-1-12 6-10 12-20 20-33z m-307-258c-9 0-19-1-28-2-5-1-6-4-6-7-5-28-9-55-14-83-1-5 1-7 7-7 27 2 29 4 33 31 1 1 1 3 1 4 5 19 8 39 11 60 0 2 1 5-4 4z m585-22c-3 20-4 20-24 21-17 1-17 1-15-17 3-21 11-41 11-63-1-9 3-15 14-15 5 1 12-1 17-2 8-2 10 1 8 8-7 22-8 45-11 68z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="ice-skate" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedad;" d="M964 261h-637v36h647s79 77-38 99c0 0-132 12-274 59l-95-67-21 29 74 53c-9 4-19 8-28 12l-110-79-21 30 93 66c-10 4-20 9-29 14l-112-79-21 29 99 70c-112-9-131 144-158 173l-278 0c-5 1-11 1-18-1-16-4-36-19-37-69v-642h766c8 0 92 1 151 59 34 34 52 80 53 137 17 3 30 17 30 35 0 20-16 36-36 36z m-668-233h-233v122h233v-122z m63 0v160h245v-160h-245z m534 50c-49-50-125-50-127-50h-99v160h269c-2-46-16-83-43-110z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="jersey-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedae;" d="M988 522c-70 58-140 118-210 177-7 6-15 15-24 17-37 6-74 10-112 14 0-22 12-28 30-30 28-5 59 2 82-17 66-54 130-110 195-165 5-4 15-8 7-17-8-8-13 2-18 7-48 40-97 79-144 121-36 32-73 58-124 55-7-1-19 9-21-5-1-14 12-10 21-12 22-5 48 1 68-15 63-52 126-105 190-157 10-9 12-15 2-26-26-30-52-60-76-91-12-15-20-13-33-2-25 23-51 44-80 69 0-11-1-16-1-22 0-116 0-232 0-348-1-51-1-51-52-62-90-20-182-19-273-14-43 2-86 7-128 20-19 6-27 15-27 37 1 118 1 236 0 354 0 10 3 20-3 32-27-22-53-44-79-66-12-10-19-14-31 2-23 30-48 59-74 87-13 14-9 21 4 32 59 49 117 98 176 148 12 10 25 18 42 18 15 0 31 4 46 6 6 0 8 3 9 8 0 6-3 9-9 8-34-6-71-1-101-28-57-51-116-99-175-148-6-5-11-17-20-8-11 12 5 16 10 20 50 44 103 84 151 130 36 33 75 49 122 49 19 0 29 8 30 31-31-5-60-8-89-13-11-2-23 1-34-8-75-64-150-128-226-191-13-10-10-18-1-29 46-55 92-110 138-165 7-9 12-11 22-2 18 17 38 32 62 52 0-17 0-26 0-35 0-93 0-187 0-280 0-58 7-65 62-80 54-14 109-17 164-19 89-3 177 0 264 23 44 11 50 21 50 66 0 97 0 194 0 290 0 10 1 20 2 34 20-17 38-30 53-45 14-13 21-14 34 2 43 53 87 106 132 157 13 15 12 22-3 34z m-605 146c11 10 17 7 26-4 52-68 130-68 183 0 9 11 13 15 25 4 13-13 15-4 16 9 2 28-4 50-33 62-24-75-54-104-103-102-48 1-80 34-96 103-31-21-36-31-35-62 0-14 2-24 17-10z m205-138c1-18 20-45 33-45 12 0 32 26 32 44 3 16-2 28-23 23-15-4-44 17-42-22z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="match-review" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedb3;" d="M980 569c-26 86-81 147-162 190 46 17 46 17 34 62-1 5-3 10-4 15-2 15-11 16-23 13-62-16-124-31-186-46-15-4-20-11-16-26 18-61 35-123 51-184 3-9 4-19 16-16 21 5 45 7 62 18 14 11-5 30-5 46 0 2 1 4 1 6 2 0 4 1 6 1 122-48 151-210 51-296-16-13-16-22-5-37 16-20 30-41 43-64 10-17 18-17 33-5 96 72 139 205 104 323z m-464-530c-51 0-95-43-95-94 0-51 42-94 93-95 50 0 95 44 95 93 1 50-43 95-93 96z m-43 127c0 50-41 92-92 93-53 1-95-38-96-90-1-52 40-94 92-95 52 0 95 41 96 92z m185 93c-54 2-95-37-96-90-2-52 36-93 87-95 55-1 97 37 98 89 2 54-37 95-89 96z m-556 1c-52 0-94-42-93-94 0-51 41-91 92-92 53 0 94 40 95 92 0 53-41 94-94 94z m619 181c9 7 25 17 21 26-8 15-22 28-36 38-12 7-19-8-25-16-19-24-35-25-53 1-14 21-27 18-43 0-14-16-29-28-2-45 26-17 25-35 0-53-4-3-7-8-11-11-10-7-8-14 1-21 6-6 13-12 19-19 10-12 19-14 30 0 4 5 10 9 14 15 12 16 24 17 36-1 4-4 8-8 13-12 6-5 10-18 21-11 14 11 27 24 45 40-13 11-21 18-30 24-20 15-21 29 0 45z m-399 172c11 14 35 22 8 45-30 27-29 30-1 56 16 15 19 25 1 39-14 11-23 34-46 8-26-31-27-29-58 0-6 6-10 19-23 11-33-17-39-41-12-64 20-18 17-29-1-44-9-7-19-14-24-29 12-11 24-25 38-35 13-8 18 9 25 15 27 26 28 27 55-2 14-16 25-19 38 0z m-300-160c7-5 11-12 17-16 17-13 18-24 1-37-5-3-8-9-13-12-20-13-12-25 2-36 13-9 22-36 43-9 8 11 16 22 24 33l13 1c6-10 12-21 20-29 6-7 14-22 22-17 14 9 28 22 38 37 7 11-9 18-16 24-24 19-26 35 0 53 3 2 4 4 6 6 23 17 4 27-6 36-11 9-17 32-39 9-30-32-32-31-64 0-29 27-32-10-47-18-12-6-12-16-1-25z m307 52c-15-9-29-22-37-37-6-11 11-20 20-26 22-17 19-32-1-47-6-4-10-10-15-15-6-5-6-10-1-17 24-35 37-38 65-7 16 17 25 15 39-1 7-10 15-20 30-26 12 12 26 23 36 38 8 12-8 17-15 24-26 28-26 27 1 55 6 6 19 14 16 20-10 15-22 28-36 38-12 9-18-7-25-14-27-26-27-26-55 1-7 6-13 21-22 14z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="olympic" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedb7;" d="M331 254c10-8 21-11 33-11 17 0 32 4 47 11 37 18 65 46 87 80 4 7 7 14 11 21 29 49 39 101 26 156-8 37-27 70-51 99-4 5-9 11-14 16 0-2 0-3 0-5 9-32 9-64-2-96-12-35-36-61-67-80-25-15-48-33-68-54-14-14-26-29-34-47-8-20-8-39 2-58 8-13 18-23 30-32z m-36-49c4-8 7-16 11-24 23-43 56-75 101-95 3-1 6-2 10-2 54 0 108 0 162 0 2 0 4 0 5 1 52 20 90 54 112 105 2 6 4 11 6 17-136 0-271 0-407-2z m184 456c22-25 41-53 55-83 19-39 30-79 32-122 2-47-8-92-29-134-2-5-4-9-7-15 2 1 4 2 5 3 9 5 18 10 26 17 25 22 40 50 48 81 12 40 10 80 6 121-2 22-9 43-19 63-13 29-31 55-51 79-14 17-25 36-30 58-6 27-5 55-3 83 2 13 3 25 5 38-1 0-2-1-2-1-21-13-39-29-53-50-15-22-21-47-16-74 5-25 17-45 33-64z m225-180c-2-1-3-2-4-3-29-30-56-63-79-98-17-27-32-55-40-86-2-10-4-21-1-31 3-10 10-14 20-11 2 1 3 1 5 2 40 20 68 51 85 92 11 25 16 52 17 80 0 18-1 36-3 55z m-209-631c18 55 34 109 51 165h-100c17-56 33-110 49-165z m77 220c-18 0-35 0-52 0h-96c-8 0-15-3-19-11-7-13 3-28 18-28 25-1 50 0 74 0 25 0 49-1 73 0 4 0 9 1 13 3 7 5 10 14 8 22-3 9-10 14-19 14z m-184 399c13-4 25 0 30 11 2 6 3 12 2 18-4 17-14 30-26 42-10-13-19-26-22-42-3-14 3-24 16-29z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="runner" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedc7;" d="M456 279c-18 43-36 85-53 128-4 9-7 3-10 0l-122-95c-34-27-71-24-98 10-50 64-101 128-150 192-32 41-11 95 39 105 26 5 46-6 62-26 36-45 72-91 108-137 4-5 7-6 13-1 39 31 79 61 117 93 21 16 43 28 67 36 70 22 138 45 207 67 40 13 74-3 87-42 26-78 51-156 77-234 9-29 0-57-24-73-22-17-52-17-74-1-13 9-21 21-25 35-18 55-37 110-54 164-3 8-5 10-12 7-30-10-59-20-89-29-6-2-8-4-5-11 49-119 98-238 158-352 6-10 11-21 16-31 2-5 5-7 10-7 36 3 72 5 108 8 40 2 81 5 121 6 34 1 61-25 63-59 2-34-22-64-55-68-34-3-68-5-102-7l-173-11c-33-2-55 13-69 41-26 55-53 108-79 163-4 6-7 7-13 6-56-13-111-25-166-37-7-2-10-5-12-11-25-70-50-140-76-211-11-30-33-47-62-47-42 0-74 40-62 80 12 39 27 77 40 115 18 49 35 97 53 146 9 24 25 39 51 45 61 13 121 27 181 40 2 1 5 2 7 3z m1 443c-3-72-60-128-130-125-74 3-126 65-123 135 4 67 64 121 134 118 66-3 121-62 119-128z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="score-board" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedc8;" d="M95 831v-569c0-10 8-19 18-19h32c11 0 19-8 19-18v-340c0-10 8-18 19-18h60c10 0 18 8 18 18v340c0 10 9 18 19 18h433c11 0 19-8 19-18v-356c0-11 9-19 19-19h60c10 0 18 8 18 19v356c0 10 9 18 19 18h39c10 0 18 9 18 19v569c0 11-8 19-18 19h-774c-10 0-18-8-18-19z m734-530h-659c-10 0-18 8-18 18v455c0 10 8 19 18 19h659c11 0 19-9 19-19v-455c0-10-8-18-19-18z m-43 455h-268c-10 0-18-9-18-19v-377c0-11 8-19 18-19h268c10 0 19 8 19 19v377c0 10-8 19-19 19z m-66-216c-5-6-12-8-20-8h-67c-10 0-18-9-18-19v-32c0-10 8-19 18-19h82c3 0 7-1 9-4 3-2 5-6 5-10 0-4-2-7-5-10-2-2-6-4-9-4h-110c-10 0-18 9-18 19v79c0 7 2 14 8 20 5 5 12 8 20 8h67c10 0 18 8 18 19v31c0 10-8 19-18 19h-82c-4 0-8 1-10 4-3 2-4 6-4 10 0 4 1 7 4 10 2 2 6 4 10 4h100c8 0 15-3 20-8 6-6 9-13 9-20v-69c0-8-3-15-9-20z m-497-19h83c3 0 5 1 7 3s3 5 3 7v9c0 3-1 6-3 8-2 2-5 3-7 3h-83c-3 0-5-1-7-3s-3-5-3-8v-9c0-2 1-5 3-7 2-2 4-3 7-3z m114 100c10 0 19-8 19-18v-127c0-11-9-19-19-19h-24c-4 0-7-1-10-4-3-3-4-6-4-10 0-4 1-7 4-10 3-2 6-4 10-4h112c4 0 8 1 10 4 3 3 4 6 4 10v72c0 4-1 7-4 10-2 3-6 4-10 4-4 0-7-1-10-4-2-3-4-6-4-10v-39c0-10-6-19-14-19s-14 9-14 19v155c0 10-8 19-18 19h-52c-3 0-7-2-9-5-3-2-5-6-5-9 0-4 2-8 5-10 2-3 6-4 9-4l24-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="skiing-man" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedc9;" d="M792 767c0 46 37 83 83 83s83-37 83-83c0-46-37-84-83-84s-83 38-83 84z m-650-55s21-8 37-8c17 0 46 25 46 25l320-209 30-24 92 58v-79c0-13 6-25 16-33l167-125c8-6 16-9 25-9 13 0 25 6 33 17 14 18 10 44-8 58l-150 113v37c6 50 13 108 13 113 0 58-54 79-126 79-88 0-158-44-195-74l-192 116s4 21 0 41c-8 21-25 30-25 30l-33-46-54 21 41-46-37-55z m679-779l-300 171 175 175c9 9 13 21 12 34-1 11-7 21-16 28 0 1-317 230-317 230l-21-29c-29-42-21-105 25-134 46-29 160-87 214-115l-147-146-409 232-37-62 792-450c21-9 50-17 83-17 42 0 96 25 125 71 0 0-66-38-179 12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="skydiving-goggles" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedca;" d="M0 300c0-162 63-262 125-262 63 0 75 83 125 83 63 0 67-209 217-209 208 0 412 184 412 263v196c-658 0-879 125-879 125v-196z m83 75c125-38 346-83 709-88v-108c-17-46-167-183-329-183-34 0-50 25-80 87-25 50-58 121-133 121-62 0-96-41-117-66 0-5-4-5-8-9-17 21-42 79-42 175v71z m917 92c0-188-83-263-83-263v167c58 96 62 375-125 375-75 0-113-125-292-125-137 0-308 83-392-96l-91 33c150 246 350 105 483 105 192 0 163 125 292 125 116 0 208-117 208-321z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="snow-mobile" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedcb;" d="M232 232c-60 0-109-49-109-108 0-60 49-109 109-109h612c60 0 108 49 108 109 0 39-21 73-52 92 7 116-8 195-47 237-24 27-49 29-54 29h-547l-97 164h-42l26 1c0 0 1 14 15 28 16 16 50 35 124 35v51c-74 0-128-17-160-50-29-29-30-60-30-65h-13l128-414h29z m285-191h-169v165h169v-165z m212 0h-170v165h170v-165z m198 83c0-46-37-83-83-83h-73v165h73c46 0 83-37 83-82z m-130 307c19-3 60-45 53-199-2 0-4 0-6 0h-446l-117 199h516z m-491-225v-165h-74c-46 0-83 37-83 83 0 45 37 82 83 82h74z m681-239l-1 1c-8 15-28 27-43 27h-794s-24-1-70 36l-54 41c-14 11-25 5-25-12v-5c0-18 11-40 25-51l56-41s12-10 33-17c17-6 45-7 62-7h332c17 0 46 0 63 0 29 0 67 0 67 0h362s-5 12-13 28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="steering" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedcc;" d="M503 850c-275 2-501-222-503-498-2-277 220-501 498-502 279-1 500 218 502 496 1 279-219 502-497 504z m-358-328c76 144 196 216 356 224 159-9 276-80 353-219 19-35 10-48-23-62-54-21-109-37-165-48-26-5-45-2-65 21-55 64-143 64-199 1-23-25-45-28-74-21-56 13-112 28-165 50-28 12-32 27-18 54z m181-526c-105 50-172 135-207 246-10 33-4 47 35 49 166 9 257-75 258-243-6-99-5-91-86-52z m180 234c-67-1-123 53-123 121 0 62 54 116 117 116 64 1 120-56 119-120-1-60-55-115-113-117z m136-250c-34-15-53-12-51 31 1 13 0 26 0 39 0 171 99 259 267 240 27-3 33-10 26-37-36-131-117-220-242-273z m-145 470c-58-2-100-48-98-107 2-52 47-95 100-94 62 1 103 42 103 101-1 59-46 102-105 100z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="stopwatch" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedcd;" d="M544 776v21h29v53h-143v-53h25v-21c-109-10-207-59-281-132l-12 12 17 17-20 20-62-62 20-20 18 18 13-12c-70-82-112-187-112-303 0-256 207-464 464-464s464 208 464 464c0 242-184 440-420 462z m-25-849v69c0 11-8 20-19 20-11 0-20-9-20-20v-69c-199 10-357 169-367 368h66c11 0 19 8 19 19 0 11-8 20-19 20h-66c10 199 168 358 367 367 0 0 0-73 0-73 0-11 9-19 20-19 11 0 19 8 19 19v73c199-9 358-168 368-367h-67c-11 0-19-9-19-20 0-11 8-19 19-19h67c-10-199-169-358-368-368z m17 372c1 4 3 8 3 12 0 22-18 39-39 39-22 0-39-17-39-39 0-21 17-39 39-39 2 0 4 1 6 2 0-2 161-141 161-141l43-11-21 44-153 133z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="swimmer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedcf;" d="M385 321c59-7 114-26 165-50 25-11 51-26 72-38 21-13 42-24 63-34l-129 255-28 48-96 169c-14 24-44 33-68 19-24-14-32-44-18-68l106-187-27-24-167-95c42 9 86 10 127 5z m405 10c51 30 69 95 40 147-30 51-95 69-147 40-51-30-69-95-40-147 30-51 95-69 147-40z m203-80c-15-50-39-97-74-122-33-24-71-25-113-17-41 9-85 27-127 48-22 11-43 22-64 34-20 12-47 27-71 39-51 23-106 42-165 49-59 8-122 3-179-20-57-22-105-61-139-107-32-46-55-98-61-151 64 84 145 145 230 159 84 16 172-10 257-50 23-10 41-20 66-33 24-13 49-25 75-35 52-20 108-36 170-37 30 0 63 5 93 17 31 13 59 35 77 61 35 54 38 113 25 165z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="volleyball" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedda;" d="M658 824c-51 17-104 26-158 26-215 0-405-138-473-342-43-126-33-262 26-381 60-119 162-208 289-251 51-17 104-26 158-26 215 0 406 138 474 342 87 261-54 544-316 632z m141-199l5-1 4-4c22-25 41-53 57-83l9-18-20-1c-210-10-320-100-367-153l-5-6-8 2c-39 12-73 39-101 81l-5 7 5 7c30 40 147 169 399 169 9 0 18 0 27 0z m-503 80c62 36 133 55 204 55 44 0 88-7 130-21 13-4 26-9 39-15l39-18-42-6c-165-24-267-97-324-155l-14-14-6 19c-18 54-28 107-32 143l-1 8 7 4z m-177-204c19 46 45 88 78 124l16 19 5-25c23-111 84-304 247-340l7-2 2-6c16-38 27-77 33-116l2-16-15 1c-42 4-105 18-174 69-82 60-149 155-201 282l-1 5 1 5z m391-457c-3-32-9-64-19-94l-3-10-10 1c-37 2-73 9-108 20-104 35-188 108-237 206-22 45-36 92-41 141l-5 54 28-46c133-214 297-254 383-258l13-1-1-13z m206-38l-1-5-5-3c-36-21-74-37-115-47l-20-5 5 20c18 77 27 197-30 336l-3 7 6 6c19 20 53 50 107 76l10 4 6-9c35-60 86-189 40-380z m173 214c-12-35-29-69-50-100l-25-36 2 43c5 128-29 223-59 280l-7 15 16 3c38 8 80 12 124 12h10l2-10c14-69 9-140-13-207z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="whistle-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeddc;" d="M392 417c-151 0-273-123-273-274s122-273 273-273c151 0 274 122 274 273 0 21-3 41-7 61 0 0 115 0 115 0 0 156 226 117 226 117v96h-608z m0-412c-76 0-138 62-138 138 0 77 62 138 138 138s138-61 138-138c0-76-61-138-138-138z m0 242c-57 0-103-46-103-104 0-57 46-103 103-103 58 0 104 46 104 103 0 58-46 104-104 104z m-254 141h-46c24 15 48 31 72 47 9 5 15 19 8 29-21 26-41 53-61 79l100 3c11 0 21 9 21 21v149c22-44 43-88 65-133 6-13 24-13 33-4l81 73v-124c0-12 10-22 22-22l78 3c-16-9-33-19-49-28-24-14-2-51 21-37 42 24 83 47 124 71 18 10 11 41-11 40-47-2-95-4-142-5v149c0 20-23 28-36 15-32-28-64-57-96-85-31 63-62 127-93 191-9 19-40 9-40-11v-221c-40-1-80-2-120-3-14 0-29-18-18-32 24-31 48-63 71-95-37-24-74-49-112-73-17-12-11-40 11-40h117c28 0 28 43 0 43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="whistle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeddd;" d="M695 702c57 2 104-22 146-61 21-19 6-29-6-39-12-11-16-39-45-17-74 59-110 59-190 11-153-92-306-184-459-276-70-42-83-81-49-158 8-18 16-36 24-54 21-42 44-47 78-14 71 69 140 139 210 208 69 69 160 79 242 28 39-25 78-52 117-76 44-27 80-18 107 26 13 21 25 44 37 66 35 67 15 140-49 180-18 10-23-2-31-10-8-8-14-5-21 1-7 7-10 13-2 21 29 34 59 68 89 102 7 8 13 7 20 0 9-8 13-16 2-24-29-23-7-37 10-52 83-76 97-162 43-261-13-22-24-45-37-66-43-71-126-93-198-51-42 25-83 53-124 79-56 36-106 30-153-16-66-65-131-130-197-196-88-86-167-72-217 40-22 50-50 97-40 156 9 52 33 93 78 120 170 104 341 206 512 309 32 18 65 26 103 24z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="win-trophy" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedde;" d="M444 266l16-17c7-7 18-7 25 0 7 7 7 18 0 25l-8 9c16-3 34-3 53-2 1-1 1-2 2-3 155-155 406 11 406 11l-113 112c3 3 7 6 10 9l-337 338c-3-3-6-7-9-11l-113 113s-166-251-11-405c1-1 2-2 3-3-1-18-1-36 2-53-7 7-18 7-25 0-7-7-7-18 0-25l17-17-46-30c-23 8-45 1-70-24-14-14-26-30-34-47l-87-59-11 11-51-51 180-180 51 51-11 11 56 83 13-5 176-257 271 0-382 377 27 39z m352 112l81-81c-67-33-200-82-297-10 78 14 159 51 216 91z m-411 411l81-81c-40-56-77-138-92-215-71 96-22 230 11 296z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="align-center" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeddf;" d="M905 314h-810c-1 0-2 0-4 0-17 0-31-16-31-35 0-24 0-48 0-73 0-8 3-16 8-22 7-10 17-13 28-13 269 0 539 0 808 0 2 0 4 0 5 0 8 0 14 3 19 8 6 6 9 13 12 21v85c0 0-1 0-1 1-6 20-16 28-34 28z m79 423c-5 3-11 5-17 6h-934c-1 0-1-1-2-1-19-3-31-17-31-37 0-23 0-46 0-68 0-3 0-6 1-8 2-15 17-29 36-29 309 0 617 0 925 0h3c8 0 15 3 21 8 8 5 11 13 14 21v84c-3 10-8 18-16 24z m-685-352h384c6 0 13 0 19 0 4 0 7 3 10 9 3 6 4 13 6 21v84c-1 0-1 0-1 1-3 20-8 28-17 28h-400c-1 0-2 0-3 0-8-1-14-17-14-36 0-23 0-47 0-71 0-2 0-5 0-7 2-17 8-29 16-29z m474-285h-548c-1 0-2 0-3 0-12-1-22-16-22-37 0-23 0-47 0-70 0-10 2-18 6-25 5-9 12-11 19-11 183 0 367 0 550 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 7 0 11 5 16 12 2 5 3 11 5 17v84c-6 24-11 30-27 30z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="align-left" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xede0;" d="M845 314h-810c-1 0-3 0-4 0-17 0-31-16-31-35 0-24 0-48 0-73 0-8 3-15 8-22 7-10 16-13 28-13 269 0 539 0 808 0 2 0 4 0 5 0 7 0 14 3 19 8 6 6 9 13 12 21v85c-1 0-1 0-1 1-6 20-16 28-34 28z m139 423c-5 3-11 5-17 6h-934c0 0-1-1-2-1-19-3-31-17-31-37 0-23 0-46 0-68 0-3 0-6 1-8 2-15 17-29 36-29 309 0 617 0 925 0h3c8 0 15 3 21 8 7 5 11 13 14 21v84c-3 10-8 18-16 24z m-968-352h384c7 0 13 0 19 0 4 0 8 3 10 9 3 6 5 13 6 21v84c0 0 0 0 0 1-3 20-8 28-17 28h-401c-1 0-1 0-2 0-9-1-15-16-15-35 0-24 0-48 0-72 0-2 0-5 0-7 2-17 8-29 16-29z m557-285h-548c-1 0-2 0-3 0-13-1-22-16-22-37 0-23 0-47 0-70 0-10 2-18 6-25 5-9 11-11 18-11 184 0 367 0 551 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 6 0 11 5 15 12 3 5 4 11 5 17v84c-5 24-11 30-26 30z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="align-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xede1;" d="M156 314h809c1 0 3 0 4 0 17 0 31-16 31-35 0-24 0-48 0-73 0-8-3-15-7-22-8-10-17-13-29-13-269 0-538 0-808 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-7 0-14 3-19 8-6 6-9 13-12 21v85c1 0 1 0 1 1 6 20 16 28 35 28z m-139 423c5 3 10 5 16 6h934c1 0 1-1 2-1 19-3 31-17 31-37 0-23 0-46 0-68 0-3 0-6-1-8-2-15-17-29-36-29-308 0-617 0-925 0h-3c-8 0-15 3-21 8-7 5-11 13-14 21v84c3 10 8 18 17 24z m967-352h-384c-6 0-13 0-19 0-4 0-7 3-10 9-3 6-5 13-6 21v84c0 0 0 0 0 1 3 20 8 28 17 28h401c1 0 2 0 3 0 8-1 14-16 14-35 0-24 0-48 0-72 0-2 0-5 0-7-2-17-8-29-16-29z m-557-285h548c1 0 2 0 4 0 12-1 21-16 21-37 0-23 0-47 0-70 0-10-2-18-6-25-5-9-11-11-18-11-184 0-367 0-551 0-1 0-3 0-4 0-6 0-11 5-15 12-3 5-4 11-5 17v84c5 24 11 30 26 30z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="all-caps" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xede2;" d="M6 493c0 36-2 80-6 133 47-2 128-3 241-3 112 0 192 1 239 3-4-53-5-97-5-133 0-22 0-42 2-59h-18c-8 43-19 78-31 103-13 25-27 43-45 54s-38 17-63 17h-18v-445c0-21 2-37 7-47 4-10 12-17 23-20s29-6 53-6v-15c-65 1-114 2-148 2-32 0-80-1-142-2v15c24 0 42 2 53 6 12 3 19 10 24 20 4 10 6 26 6 47v445h-17c-25 0-46-6-64-17s-32-29-44-54c-13-25-23-59-32-103h-18c2 17 3 37 3 59z m520 0c0 36-2 80-6 133 47-2 127-3 240-3 113 0 193 1 240 3-4-53-6-97-6-133 0-22 1-42 3-59h-18c-8 43-19 78-31 103-13 25-28 43-45 54s-38 17-63 17h-18v-445c0-21 2-37 7-47 4-10 12-17 23-20s29-6 53-6v-15c-65 1-115 2-148 2-32 0-80-1-142-2v15c24 0 42 2 53 6 11 3 19 10 24 20 4 10 6 26 6 47v445h-17c-25 0-46-6-64-17s-32-29-44-54c-13-25-23-59-32-103h-18c2 17 3 37 3 59z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bold" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xede3;" d="M779 329c53-25 92-55 115-90 24-36 36-74 36-115 0-58-16-108-47-149-31-42-76-73-135-94s-128-31-208-31c-20 0-55 1-104 2-49 1-98 2-148 2-97 0-169-1-217-4v28c31 2 54 5 68 11 15 6 24 17 30 33 5 16 8 42 8 78v700c0 36-3 61-8 78-6 16-15 27-30 33-14 6-37 9-68 11v28c48-3 119-4 215-4 37 0 79 0 125 1s78 2 96 2c76 0 140-10 192-28 52-19 92-45 118-78 26-33 39-72 39-116 0-35-10-70-30-103-20-34-52-63-94-89s-95-45-158-57v-2c84-7 152-22 205-47z m-188 115c24 42 37 98 37 167 0 71-11 124-33 159-23 34-58 52-106 52-25 0-44-3-56-10-12-7-21-19-25-35-4-17-6-43-6-77v-319h60c61 0 104 21 129 63z m-182-520c4-16 14-27 27-33 13-6 34-9 63-9 131 0 196 83 196 248 0 74-19 131-56 169-37 39-97 58-178 58h-60v-357c0-34 3-60 8-76z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="brush" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xede4;" d="M399 32c-10-8-20-16-30-25-15-12-30-24-45-36-14-12-24-11-37 2-28 25-24 30-7 58 9 17 19 33 26 51-18-13-36-26-54-38-4-3-8-6-13-7-21-5-28 14-40 24-8 7-8 18-4 27 7 15 14 29 21 43 2 3 4 6 4 12-14-7-27-13-41-20-26-13-30-13-50 8-8 8-17 16-24 24-10 10-10 22-2 33 14 18 28 35 41 54-17-8-34-17-50-26-33-17-33-17-59 9-9 9-19 18-28 28-12 13-8 32 9 37 43 15 81 41 119 66 54 38 106 79 156 122 21 17 28 17 47-2 89-88 177-177 266-265 9-10 18-19 27-28 13-13 14-24 2-38-31-37-63-74-94-112-36-44-67-91-92-143-2-6-5-12-7-18-7-23-25-27-43-10-12 12-24 24-36 36-13 13-15 21-7 37 15 30 29 59 43 89 2 2 2 4 3 7l-1 1z m601 672c0-37-11-67-31-93-6-9-13-15-22-21-76-47-151-94-226-142-17-11-31-25-40-44-4-9-4-18 5-26 14-12 27-25 39-40 22-28 23-68-7-94-6-5-11-11-16-16-12-11-24-12-36 0-35 35-70 70-105 105-58 58-117 117-175 175-1 1-2 2-3 3-20 20-20 29 0 49 12 12 23 26 41 30 27 7 50-2 70-20 12-10 23-22 34-34 12-11 17-12 31-4 18 9 31 23 42 40 44 71 89 141 132 212 24 40 60 59 104 64 87 9 163-60 163-144z m-112-3c1 20-16 37-36 37-20 0-37-18-37-37 0-20 17-36 36-36 22 0 37 14 37 36z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="clip-board" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xede5;" d="M891 275l0 487c0 18-5 34-14 49-13 21-31 36-54 39h-133c2-14 1-29 0-44 0-9 4-11 12-11 42 1 83 0 125 1 8 0 10-2 10-10-1-60-1-120-1-180 0-230 0-460 1-690 0-9-3-12-12-12-102 1-204 1-306 1-115 0-231 0-347 0-6 0-8 1-8 7 1 19 0 39 0 58 0 133 0 267 0 400 0 139 0 277 0 416 0 8 2 10 10 10l125-1c8 0 11 2 10 10 0 15 0 30 0 45h-137c-35-6-61-42-62-79-1-48-1-96-1-144 0-81 0-162 0-244v-263c0-66 0-132 0-198 0-13 3-26 10-38 15-25 39-34 67-34h623c3 0 7 0 10 0 42 2 72 33 72 72v353z m-537 429c97 0 194 0 291 0 8 0 10 3 10 10-1 46 0 91 0 136h-309l0-140c0-7 4-6 8-6z m-45-26c1 19 0 37 0 55 0 6 0 8-7 8-25 0-50 0-75 0-8 0-9-3-9-9 0-54 0-107 0-161l0-301s0-201 0-302c0-8 2-9 9-9 39 0 78 0 117 0 143 0 285 0 427 0 9 0 11 2 11 11 0 126 0 253 0 379v159c0 75 0 150 0 225 0 7-2 8-9 8-24 0-49 0-73 0-7 0-10-1-9-9l0-54c0-8-2-10-10-10-47 0-93 0-140 0-74 0-148 0-221 0-8 0-11 2-11 10z m390-573c-102 0-204 0-306 0-8 0-12 1-11 10 1 8-3 19 2 25 5 4 16 1 24 1 46 0 91 0 137 0v0c51 0 103 0 154 0 8 0 12-1 10-10 0-5 0-11 0-16 2-9-2-10-10-10z m10 135c1-7-2-8-8-8-52 0-104 0-156 0v0c-50 0-100 0-151 0-9 0-12 2-12 12 1 24 0 24 25 24 97 0 195 0 292 0 8 0 12-2 11-10-1-6-1-12-1-18z m-327 238c-1 7 2 9 9 9 52-1 105-1 157-1 50 0 100 0 150 1 8 0 12-2 11-11 0-26 1-26-26-26-46 0-92 0-138 0v0c-51 0-102 0-153 0-8 0-11 2-10 10 1 6 1 12 0 18z m27 117h286c14 0 14 0 14-14 0-22 0-22-22-22h-142c-51 0-103 0-155 0-6 0-8 2-8 8 0 28-1 28 27 28z m-25-219c5 4 17 1 25 1 97 0 193 0 290 1 8 0 12-2 10-11-1-8 4-19-2-24-5-5-15-1-23-1-46-1-92-1-138-1v0c-51 0-102 0-153 0-8 0-12 1-11 10 1 8-4 20 2 25z m-75-271c-18 0-18 0-18 18 0 18 0 18 19 18 17 0 17 0 17-18 0-18 0-18-18-18z m-18 145c0 18 0 18 18 18 18 0 18 0 18-18 0-18 0-18-18-18-18 1-18 1-18 18z m19 91c-19 0-19 0-19 19 0 17 0 17 18 17 18 0 18 0 18-19 0-17 0-17-17-17z m17 128c0-19 0-19-19-19-17 0-17 0-17 16v2c0 18 0 18 19 18 21 0 17 2 17-17z m-17 126c17 0 17 0 17-18 0-18 0-18-17-18-18 0-18 0-19 18 0 19 0 19 19 18z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="code-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xede6;" d="M108 343c-6 6-6 9 0 14 71 71 141 142 212 213 3 4 6 7 9 10 14 18 11 43-6 58-17 15-41 13-59-5-81-81-162-162-243-243-8-9-17-18-21-30v-20c4-12 13-20 22-29 80-81 161-163 242-244 19-19 44-20 62-2 17 17 16 43-3 61-71 73-143 145-215 217z m878 39c-40 40-79 80-119 120-44 44-89 89-133 133-24 24-63 13-71-20-4-16 2-30 14-42 72-72 143-144 215-215 7-7 6-10 0-15-71-71-142-142-212-213-3-3-5-5-7-7-15-18-14-43 3-59 16-16 41-15 58 1 8 7 15 15 23 23 76 76 151 153 227 229 10 9 16 19 16 33 0 13-5 23-14 32z m-389 236c-19-1-28-13-34-29-49-129-98-257-147-385-12-31-23-61-35-91-9-26 8-52 35-52 16 0 29 10 35 27 53 137 105 273 157 410 9 23 19 46 27 70 10 27-10 53-38 50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="color-bucket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xede7;" d="M996 283l-81 108-56 74c-74-42-217-54-301-58l-2-1c-18-17-47-15-64 4-18 19-18 48 0 65 17 16 45 15 63-3 108 4 217 21 265 45l-58 75c69-2 97-19 107-33 10-13 7-27 7-30-27-56-235-74-335-76 0 1-1 2-1 2-9 10-23 10-32 2-8-8-9-22 0-31 9-9 23-10 32-2 1 1 2 3 3 5 68 2 278 12 340 71 7 6 11 12 15 19l0 1c0 1 9 27-10 52-22 30-70 45-144 45l-70 92c-3 4-7 6-12 6-4 1-9 0-12-3l-367-343c-3-3-4-8-4-12 0-5 2-9 5-12l397-356c7-6 17-6 23 0l291 272c6 6 7 16 1 22z m-698 139c3 3 7 6 11 9 0 1-1 1-2 1-55 3-110 1-163-13-30-7-58-18-82-37-26-21-46-45-56-77-12-38-5-74 16-108 2-2 4-5 6-8h0s12-19 34-30c14-8 42-20 80-9 1 1 1 1 2 1l1 0v0c28 9 48 29 62 58 12 27 19 56 22 85 6 52 29 95 69 128z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="color-picker" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xede8;" d="M1000 708c-2-3-1-6-2-9-5-26-17-48-35-66l-45-45c-29-29-58-58-88-88 0-1-1-1-2-2-3-4-3-4-7-1-8 7-17 14-26 21-22 17-45 35-68 53-1 1-1 2-3 2 1-2 3-3 4-5 42-42 84-84 126-126 9-9 14-19 16-32 5-28-14-55-41-62-21-5-38 0-53 15-13 12-26 25-38 37-1 1-2 2-2 3-1 1-2 1-3 0-1-1-2-3-3-4-152-151-304-303-455-455-14-13-30-24-48-31-12-4-25-6-38-7-12-1-24-3-35-5-6 0-12-1-17-2-7-1-12-3-17-8-9-10-20-20-29-30-5-4-10-8-16-10-1 0-1 0-2-1h-10c-1 0-1 1-2 1-6 2-12 6-16 10-11 12-23 23-34 34-4 4-8 9-9 15-1 1-1 2-2 3v9c1 1 1 2 2 3 1 6 5 10 9 15 10 10 21 20 31 31 4 4 6 8 7 14 2 15 4 30 6 45 1 7 1 14 2 20 4 29 16 53 36 73 14 14 28 27 41 41l415 415c5 5 5 5 0 10-12 12-24 24-36 37-19 19-22 49-6 71 19 28 60 32 84 8 13-13 26-26 39-38l2-3c1-1 2-1 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 49 48 97 97 145 145 18 18 40 30 64 35 71 15 133-29 150-90 1-6 3-11 3-16 0-1 0-2 1-3 0-10 0-20 0-30z m-324-258c0 8-3 15-8 20-16 16-32 32-48 48-7 7-15 9-25 7-6-1-11-5-16-9-58-59-117-118-176-176-86-86-171-172-257-258l-3-3c-1-1-2-2-3-4-1-3-1-6 1-8 3-2 6-2 8 0 3 0 4 2 6 4l54 54c37 38 75 75 113 113 13 13 30 13 43 0 6-6 12-12 17-18 6-5 12-11 18-17 7-7 15-9 24-8 7 1 13 5 17 10 75 75 150 149 225 224 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 8 11 8 18z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="copy-invert" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xede9;" d="M749 553c-40 39-79 78-119 117-9 9-19 13-32 13-164 0-327 0-491 0-24 0-36-13-36-37v-758c0-27 10-38 37-38 44 0 88 0 133 0h484c28 0 37 10 37 37 0 211 0 422 0 633 1 13-3 23-13 33z m-509-127c46 0 91 0 136 0 9 0 15-3 15-11 0-10-6-13-15-13-23 1-46 0-69 0-22 0-45 1-67 0-8 0-15 2-15 12s7 12 15 12z m366-371c-1-7-6-9-12-9-19-1-37-1-55-1l-293 1c-3 0-6-1-9 0-8 0-12 4-12 12 0 7 5 11 12 11 21 0 41 0 62 0h118v0h171c5 0 9 1 13-2 5-3 6-8 5-12z m-13 109c-24-1-47 0-70 0h-109v0h-172c-9 0-17 1-17 11-1 8 5 13 17 13h347c7 0 15-1 17-9 2-9-3-15-13-15z m1 119c-31-1-61 0-91 0h-255c-3 0-6-1-9-1-8 1-14 3-14 12 0 10 6 12 14 12l121 0h57v0h174c5 0 11 0 14-6 5-8-1-17-11-17z m335 88c0 105 0 210 0 315 0 14-4 25-14 35-38 37-76 74-114 112-12 12-24 17-41 17-145 0-291 0-437 0-17 0-34 0-51 0-23-1-34-12-34-34-1-19 0-38 0-57 0-6 2-9 8-9 11 1 22 1 32 1 20 0 19 0 20 19 0 21-4 20 20 20 94 0 187 0 280 0 48 0 95 0 143 0 10 0 14-2 13-13-1-26 0-53 0-79 0-16 6-22 22-22 27 0 54 0 81 0 10 1 12-3 12-12 0-63 0-126 0-189 0-123 0-247 0-370 0-27 0-27-27-27-1 0-2 0-2 0-7 0-9-2-9-9 0-14 0-29 0-43 0-6 2-9 8-9 20 0 41 0 61 1 17 0 27 11 29 29 0 3 0 7 0 11 0 104 0 209 0 313z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="justify-center" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedf5;" d="M999 286c-6 20-18 28-39 28h-920c-2 0-3 0-5 0-19 0-35-16-35-35 0-24 0-48 0-73 0-8 3-16 9-22 8-10 19-13 32-13 306 0 612 0 918 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 9 0 16 3 22 8 7 6 10 13 13 21v85c0 0-1 0-1 1z m-998 343c2-15 17-29 36-29 309 0 617 0 925 0h3c8 0 15 3 21 8 7 5 11 13 14 21v84c-3 10-8 18-16 24-5 3-11 5-17 6h-934c-1 0-1-1-2-1-19-3-31-17-31-37 0-23 0-46 0-68 0-3 0-6 1-8z m959-101h-920c-2 0-4 0-7 0-18-1-33-17-33-36 0-23 0-47 0-71 0-2 0-5 1-7 4-17 18-29 36-29h883c15 0 29 0 44 0 9 0 17 3 23 9 7 6 11 13 13 21v84c0 0-1 0-1 1-6 20-18 28-39 28z m-187-428h-548c-1 0-2 0-3 0-12-1-22-16-22-37 0-23 0-47 0-70 0-10 2-18 6-25 5-9 12-11 19-11 183 0 367 0 550 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 7 0 11 5 15 12 3 5 4 11 6 17v84c-6 24-11 30-27 30z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="justify-right" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedf7;" d="M40 314h920c2 0 3 0 5 0 19 0 35-16 35-35 0-24 0-48 0-73 0-8-3-16-8-22-9-10-20-13-32-13-307 0-613 0-919 0-2 0-4 0-6 0-8 0-16 3-22 8-6 6-10 13-13 21v85c0 0 1 0 1 1 6 20 18 28 39 28z m-23 423c5 3 10 5 16 6h934c1 0 1-1 2-1 19-3 31-17 31-37 0-23 0-46 0-68 0-3 0-6-1-8-2-15-17-29-36-29-308 0-617 0-925 0h-3c-8 0-15 3-21 8-7 5-11 13-14 21v84c3 10 8 18 17 24z m23-209h920c2 0 5 0 7 0 19-1 33-17 33-36 0-23 0-47 0-71 0-2 0-5-1-7-3-17-18-29-36-29h-883c-15 0-29 0-44 0-9 0-16 3-23 9-7 6-10 13-13 21v84c0 0 1 1 1 1 6 20 18 28 39 28z m387-428h548c1 0 3 0 4 0 12-1 21-16 21-37 0-23 0-47 0-70 0-10-2-18-6-25-5-9-11-11-18-11-184 0-367 0-551 0-1 0-3 0-4 0-6 0-11 5-15 12-3 5-4 11-5 17v84c5 24 11 30 26 30z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="link-broken" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedf8;" d="M998 572c-5 49-29 89-63 122-74 73-186 88-277 38l-121-65c-28-16-56-30-83-47-19-12-27-31-23-53 4-23 18-38 41-44 17-5 31 0 45 8 62 33 123 68 185 100 52 26 111 14 150-30 15-17 27-38 24-62-6-49-26-89-72-114-40-21-80-43-119-64-23-13-46-25-68-38-19-12-28-35-23-55 9-39 47-56 83-37 65 35 130 71 195 106 60 33 99 83 117 149 5 17 7 35 11 53v29c0 1-1 3-2 4z m-417-380c-24 11-47 5-66-16-46-50-92-101-138-151-39-43-94-55-146-32-24 11-47 26-53 53-13 49-7 95 30 134 30 33 60 66 90 99 18 20 37 39 54 60 19 24 11 61-15 78-23 15-52 11-73-12-50-55-100-109-150-164-23-25-40-54-50-86-14-42-14-84-7-127 4-28 13-54 31-76 47-60 109-90 180-92 68 1 124 22 168 68 52 54 101 109 151 164 5 6 11 13 16 19 20 28 9 67-22 81z m-259 58c-21-24-25-53-12-77 22-43 75-49 109-13 83 88 164 176 246 265 13 13 20 29 20 46 0 37-30 68-66 67-22-1-39-10-53-26-63-67-125-135-188-202-19-20-38-40-56-60z m-59 224v0c5 0 10 0 15 0 18 0 28 17 22 33-4 7-10 12-17 15-75 37-150 74-225 111-18 9-20 8-29-10-1-2-2-4-3-7-11-24-17-50-22-76-3-13-5-26-4-39 1-8 4-11 12-12 22-1 45-2 67-4 61-4 123-7 184-11z m72 185c4-21 9-42 14-63 3-12 10-19 21-18 11 0 18 7 21 19 0 1 0 2 1 3 13 74 26 147 40 221 2 9-1 13-10 15-17 4-34 4-51 4-20 0-41-1-60-6-12-3-13-6-10-17 11-53 22-105 34-158z m-235 77c42-29 84-59 126-88 9-7 18-14 28-19 11-6 22 0 23 12-1 4-3 8-6 12-33 49-67 97-100 146-4 6-8 8-15 4-24-12-43-29-59-51-5-7-4-11 3-16z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="outdent" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedf9;" d="M975 171c-193 0-386 0-579 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-5 1-10 3-14 9-4 5-6 12-8 20v85c0 0 0 1 0 1 4 20 12 28 25 28h579c1 0 2 0 3 0 12 0 22-16 22-35 0-24 0-48 0-72 0-9-2-16-5-23-6-10-12-13-20-13z m24 458c-2-15-17-29-36-29-308 0-616 0-925 0h-2c-9 0-16 3-22 8-7 5-11 13-14 21v84c3 10 8 18 17 24 5 3 11 5 16 6h934c1 0 1-1 2-1 19-3 31-17 31-37 0-23 0-46 0-68 0-3 0-6-1-8z m1-215c-3-17-12-29-23-29h-556c-9 0-18 0-27 0-6 0-11 3-15 9-4 6-7 13-8 21v84c0 0 0 1 0 1 4 20 12 28 25 28h579c1 0 3 0 4 0 12-1 21-16 21-35 0-24 0-48 0-72 0-2 0-5 0-7z m-955-314h914c2 0 3 0 5 0 21 0 36-16 36-36 0-24 0-47 0-71 0-10-3-18-10-25-8-9-19-11-31-11-306 0-612 0-918 0-2 0-5 0-7 0-10 0-18 5-25 13-4 4-6 10-9 16v84c10 24 19 30 45 30z m215 426c12 7 26-2 26-17v-317c0-15-14-24-26-16l-251 158c-12 8-12 26 0 33l251 159z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="paper-clip" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedfa;" d="M724 850c16-3 32-3 48-6 110-19 205-113 223-223 17-102-13-189-86-261-70-70-139-141-209-210-49-48-108-62-173-42-66 21-106 68-118 136-10 56 7 107 47 148 53 55 108 109 162 164 17 17 34 17 51 0 13-13 26-26 39-39 15-16 15-34 0-49-32-32-64-65-96-97-22-22-43-43-64-65-20-20-21-49-2-67 19-19 47-18 67 2 73 73 147 146 219 220 41 43 52 95 36 151-17 57-56 94-115 107-55 13-104-2-144-42-145-145-290-289-435-435-44-44-58-97-40-156 18-59 59-96 120-108 56-10 103 8 143 47 15 16 31 31 47 47 16 15 34 15 49 0 14-14 29-28 42-42 12-13 14-31 2-43-31-30-59-62-95-87-44-31-94-47-149-50-138-6-264 91-288 236-3 14-3 28-5 42v6c3 3 1 6 2 9 3 70 28 131 77 182 38 40 78 78 116 117 110 109 220 220 330 329 39 39 87 62 141 73 16 3 32 3 48 6 3 0 6 0 10 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="paragraph" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedfb;" d="M533 269v-397c0-19-2-22-21-22-43 0-87 0-130 0-15 0-19 5-19 19 0 114 0 229 0 343 0 10-1 14-13 16-137 16-247 124-269 261-24 151 69 301 213 346 36 11 73 15 110 15l494 0c22 0 24-2 24-24 0-42 0-85 0-128 0-16-3-18-18-18-33-1-66-1-99 0-9 0-11-3-11-12 1-91 0-181 0-272 0-115 0-229 1-344 0-60 0-120 0-180 0-19-4-22-23-22-43 0-86 0-129 0-14 0-19 4-19 19 0 118 0 236 0 353v415c0 12 0 23 0 35 0 6-2 8-8 8-24-1-48-1-72 0-8 0-11-2-11-11 1-82 0-165 0-247 0-51 0-102 0-153z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedfc;" d="M557 844c-19 4-38 6-57 6-19 0-38-2-57-6-166-32-280-188-258-353 23-163 157-281 315-281 159 0 293 118 315 281 22 165-92 321-258 353z m-57-537c-122 0-220 97-221 221-2 122 96 223 218 224h3s2 0 3 0c122-1 220-102 218-224-1-123-99-221-221-221z m-143-89c48-127 94-243 142-368 49 126 95 243 144 368-96-38-186-40-286 0z m141 478c-91-1-163-73-165-165-1-91 73-167 165-168 92 0 167 75 167 167-1 92-75 167-167 166z m2-216c-31 2-50 19-50 49-1 29 16 49 48 50 31 0 49-19 50-48 1-30-17-48-48-51z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="printer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedfd;" d="M506 587h448c12 0 23 0 33-6 8-6 13-12 13-23 0-54 0-107 0-161 0-68 0-137 0-205 0-16 0-16-16-16-35 0-70 0-105-1-12 0-15 3-15 15 0 63 0 126 0 190 0 14-2 16-16 16-228 0-455 0-683 0 0 0-1 0-2 0-10 0-14-3-14-14 1-47 0-93 0-140 0-18 0-35 1-53 0-10-4-13-14-13-41 0-82 0-124 0-9-1-12 3-12 12 0 116 0 232 0 348 1 31 22 51 53 51 151 0 302 0 453 0v0z m59-96v0c103 0 206 0 309 1 37 0 31-6 32 31 0 15-2 16-17 16-211 0-423 0-635 0-30 0-30 1-31-29 0-19 0-19 18-19h324z m-425 54c-22 0-38-17-38-39 1-23 17-39 39-39 27 2 39 19 39 41 0 18-13 38-40 37z m366 265c89 0 178 0 267 0 16 0 17-1 17-16 0-44 0-89 0-133 0-11-3-15-14-15-180 0-359 0-539 0-11 0-14 3-14 14 1 45 0 90 0 135 0 11 2 16 14 16 90-1 180-1 269-1z m3-920c-78 0-156-1-234 0-39 0-59 21-60 58-1 125 0 250 0 376 0 11 4 14 14 14 15-1 30-2 45-1 11 1 13-3 13-13-1-117 0-235-1-353 0-11 3-14 15-14 136 0 272 0 408 0 15 0 15 0 15 16l1 349c0 15 0 15 15 15 16 0 31 0 47 0 7 0 10-2 10-10 0-126 0-252 0-378 0-11-3-21-6-30-7-19-21-29-45-29-79 0-158 0-237 0l0 0z m-2 203c56 0 112 0 168 0 9 0 13-2 12-12-1-13 0-26 0-40 0-7-3-10-10-10-5 0-10 0-15 0-106 0-211 0-317 0-19 0-19 0-19 19 0 10 1 20 0 29-1 13 4 14 14 14 56 0 111 0 167 0v0h0z m-4 141c55 0 109 0 163 0 20 0 16 1 17-17 0-11-1-21 0-31 1-12-4-15-15-15-29 1-59 0-88 0h-241c-16 0-17 1-17 16 0 12 1 24 0 35-1 10 3 12 12 12 57-1 113 0 169 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="redo" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedfe;" d="M597 465c-51 0-101 1-152 0-28 0-54-8-78-22-80-46-120-141-109-236 11-97 81-173 172-196 19-4 37-6 56-7 44-1 77-34 77-77 0-43-34-78-79-77-99 1-187 35-259 103-143 135-165 353-52 515 61 86 141 139 247 149 55 6 110 1 164 3 6 0 13-2 21 3-33 32-65 63-96 95-32 33-30 80 1 111 32 30 77 28 110-4 91-91 181-182 272-273 9-8 9-12 0-21-49-48-97-97-146-146-44-43-86-87-130-129-26-25-61-28-90-12-30 16-44 48-38 83 3 17 12 30 24 43 31 30 62 61 96 94-7 1-9 1-11 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rotation" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xedff;" d="M1000 321c-5-21-8-43-16-64-38-109-144-185-259-185-30-1-55 20-58 48-3 30 15 57 44 62 17 3 34 2 50 6 67 18 111 61 124 128 13 71-7 133-67 178-17 13-37 21-58 21-40 1-81 1-122 1 0-6 5-8 7-11 21-20 41-40 61-60 22-24 22-58 0-80-22-21-56-21-78 1-67 66-133 133-200 199-6 6-5 8 0 13 67 66 133 133 199 199 8 9 19 12 30 18h20c1-3 4-3 6-3 42-15 53-62 22-94-7-8-14-14-21-21-16-16-31-31-49-49h16c34 0 69 0 103 0 25-1 50-5 74-14 81-32 131-92 159-174 6-19 8-40 13-59 0-20 0-40 0-60z m-634-137c-24 24-46 46-69 68-9 9-15 19-18 31-4 25 7 48 28 60 21 12 47 9 65-8 32-31 63-63 94-94 35-35 70-71 106-106 6-6 6-9 0-15-66-65-131-131-197-197-24-23-57-24-79-3-23 22-24 57-1 81 22 23 45 45 69 68-6 4-10 3-15 3-39 0-79-3-118 1-77 7-135 46-179 108-82 117-66 275 38 372 52 49 115 74 187 75 32 0 57-25 57-56 0-31-24-55-56-56-14 0-27-2-40-5-66-16-116-72-125-141-8-69 22-138 79-171 18-10 37-16 57-16 36 0 73 0 109 0 2 0 3 0 8 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="save" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee00;" d="M2 348c0 137 0 273 0 410 0 67 21 89 91 89 31 0 62-2 93 0 25 2 30-8 29-30-1-75 1-149 0-223-1-25 6-33 32-33 169 1 338 2 507 0 26 0 32 10 31 34-1 68-1 136 0 204 0 16-9 40 8 45 22 6 51 13 72-6 42-39 82-81 124-122 11-11 9-24 9-37 0-251 0-501 0-752 0-50-27-76-77-77-279 0-558 0-836 0-59 0-84 27-84 85 0 138 0 276 0 413h1z m493-426v-1c109 0 217 1 325 0 24 0 37 1 37 32-2 144-1 288-1 431 1 26-6 37-34 36-215-1-429-1-644 0-28 1-35-10-35-36 1-143 1-287 0-431 0-25 7-32 33-32 106 2 213 1 319 1z m218 816c0-108 0-107-109-105-23 1-35 4-34 31 2 52 2 104 1 156-1 21 7 27 27 28 115 5 115 5 115-110z m-218-460c-81 0-162 0-244-1-24 0-39 2-37 33 1 25 3 40 35 40 169-2 338-2 507-1 29 0 29-13 29-35 0-23-1-38-32-37-86 2-172 1-258 1z m10-72c80 0 160 0 240 0 23 0 43 3 41-32 0-31-9-41-40-40-166 1-332 2-497 0-29 0-36 9-34 35 1 24 1 38 32 38 86-2 172-1 258-1z m0-142c80 0 159-1 239 0 29 1 41-4 42-37 1-39-19-35-44-35-161 1-322 1-484 0-25 0-44-3-44 35 0 34 14 38 42 37 83-1 166 0 249 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="small-cap" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee01;" d="M7 523c0 43-2 96-7 160 57-2 154-3 290-3 137 0 233 1 290 3-5-64-7-117-7-160 0-27 1-51 3-72h-21c-11 53-24 94-39 124-14 31-32 53-53 66-21 13-47 20-77 20h-21v-537c0-26 2-45 8-57 5-11 15-20 28-24 14-4 35-6 64-7v-18c-79 1-138 2-178 2-40 0-97-1-172-2v18c29 1 51 3 64 7 14 4 23 13 28 24 6 12 8 31 8 57v537h-20c-31 0-56-7-77-20s-39-35-54-65c-15-30-28-72-39-125h-21c2 21 3 45 3 72z m617-174c0 28-1 63-4 105 37-1 101-2 190-2 90 0 153 1 190 2-3-42-4-77-4-105 0-17 0-33 2-47h-14c-7 35-16 62-25 82s-22 34-36 43c-14 8-30 13-50 13h-14v-352c0-17 2-30 5-38 4-7 10-13 19-16 9-2 23-4 42-4v-13c-52 2-91 2-117 2-26 0-64 0-113-2v13c19 0 33 2 42 4 9 3 15 9 19 16s5 21 5 38v352h-14c-20 0-36-5-50-13-14-9-26-23-36-43-9-20-18-47-25-82h-14c1 14 2 30 2 47z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="strike-through" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee02;" d="M1000 319v63h-379v411h31c43 0 79-9 109-28 30-19 55-50 77-94 21-43 39-102 54-176h31c-3 29-5 63-5 102 0 61 3 136 10 227-81-3-218-4-413-4-194 0-332 1-413 4 6-91 9-166 9-227 0-39-1-73-4-102h31c15 75 33 134 54 177 22 43 47 75 77 93s67 28 110 28h29v-411h-408v-63h408v-291c0-37-4-64-11-81-7-17-21-28-40-34-20-6-50-10-92-10v-27c107 3 189 4 245 4 57 0 142-1 254-4v27c-41 0-71 4-91 10-19 6-33 17-40 34-8 17-12 44-12 81v291h379z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sub-listing" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee03;" d="M980 323h-451c0 0-1 0-2 0-9 0-17-16-17-35 0-24 0-48 0-72 0-9 1-16 4-23 4-10 9-13 16-13 150 0 300 0 450 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 1 8 4 11 9 3 5 5 12 6 20v85c0 0 0 0 0 1-4 20-9 28-20 28z m7 416c-4 3-9 5-14 6h-758c0 0-1-1-1-1-16-3-25-17-25-37v-68c0-3 0-5 0-8 2-14 14-29 30-29 250 0 500 0 750 0h2c7 0 13 3 18 8 6 6 9 13 11 22v83c-2 10-6 18-13 24z m-6-207h-452c-1 0-2 0-3 0-9-1-16-16-16-35 0-24 0-48 0-72 0-2 0-4 0-6 2-18 9-29 18-29h433c7 0 14 0 21 0 5 0 8 3 12 9 3 5 5 13 6 21v83c0 1 0 1 0 1-4 20-9 28-19 28z m-3-435h-448c-1 0-2 0-3 0-10 0-17-16-17-36 0-24 0-47 0-70 0-10 1-18 5-25 4-9 9-11 15-11 150 0 300 0 450 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 9 5 13 12 2 5 3 11 4 17v84c-5 23-9 29-22 29z m-905 636h-40c0-2-2-4-5-6s-6-5-10-7c-3-2-6-3-10-5-3-1-6-2-8-2v-36c3 0 6 0 9 1 3 1 7 2 10 4 3 1 6 2 9 4s4 3 5 5v-41h-29v-35h96v35h-27v83z m270-260c-5 1-10 1-15 1-6 0-13-1-18-2s-11-4-15-7c-4-3-7-7-9-11-3-5-4-10-4-15 0-5 1-9 3-13 2-4 4-8 8-11s7-6 12-7c4-2 9-3 14-3 8 0 15 2 22 5 7 3 13 8 18 14l1-6c0-3 2-6 5-9s6-3 12-3c1 0 3 0 6 0 2 0 4 1 7 1v24c-3 0-5 0-6 2s-2 3-2 6v34c0 14-4 25-12 33-9 8-21 11-37 11-16 0-31-4-45-13l9-18c6 4 11 7 17 9s11 3 17 3c8 0 14-2 18-6s6-9 6-16v-6c-4 1-8 2-12 3z m12-31c0-3-2-5-5-8-2-2-5-5-10-6s-8-3-13-3c-5 0-10 2-13 5-4 3-5 7-5 12 0 5 2 9 6 12s11 5 18 5c3 0 7-1 11-1 4-1 8-2 11-3v-13h0z m34-171c-5 5-10 9-15 12s-13 4-20 4c-8 0-15-1-22-5-6-4-11-9-15-15v61h-28v-151h25v19c3-6 9-12 15-15 6-4 14-6 22-6 7 0 14 2 20 4s12 7 16 12c5 5 8 11 11 18s4 14 4 22c0 8-1 15-4 22-2 7-5 13-9 18z m-18-53c-1-4-3-7-6-10s-6-5-9-7c-4-1-8-2-13-2-2 0-5 0-8 1s-5 2-7 4c-3 1-5 3-7 5-1 3-3 5-4 8v26c3 6 7 11 11 15 5 4 11 6 17 6 4 0 8-1 11-3s7-4 9-7c3-3 5-7 6-11 2-4 2-8 2-12s0-9-2-13z m-18-221c-4-2-8-4-13-4-4 0-8 1-11 3-4 1-7 4-9 7s-5 6-6 10c-2 4-3 8-3 13 0 5 1 9 3 13s3 8 6 11c2 2 5 5 9 6s7 3 11 3c4 0 9-2 13-4s7-5 9-9l27 8c-4 9-10 15-19 20s-18 8-30 8c-9 0-17-1-24-4-7-3-13-8-18-13s-9-11-11-17c-3-7-4-14-4-22 0-7 1-15 4-21s6-13 11-18c5-6 11-10 18-13s15-4 24-4c12 0 22 2 31 8s15 12 18 20l-27 8c-1-3-4-6-9-9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="subscript" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee04;" d="M296 538c37 60 74 120 110 179 4 8 9 10 17 10 49 0 98 0 146 0 9 0 11-2 11-11-1-29-1-59 0-89 0-8-3-10-11-10-21 0-42 0-63 0-5 0-9-1-12-6-37-54-74-109-112-163-3-4-2-7 1-11 41-60 83-121 124-181 3-5 7-7 13-6 18 0 36-1 54 0 7 0 9-2 9-9-1-31-1-61 0-91 0-7-1-10-9-10-49 1-97 1-146 0-5 0-8 2-11 6-41 67-84 131-124 200-5-10-9-20-15-29-35-57-70-113-105-170-3-5-7-7-13-7-50 1-99 1-149 0-9 0-11 3-11 11 1 29 1 59 0 88 0 8 2 11 11 11 21-1 43 0 65 0 6-1 9 1 13 6 39 59 79 118 119 177 4 6 3 9 0 14-38 54-75 109-111 163-4 6-8 7-14 7-24 0-48 0-71 0-8 0-10 2-10 10 1 30 1 60 0 91 0 7 2 9 9 9 55 0 110 0 164 0 6 0 9-2 12-6 36-61 74-121 109-183z m536-565c-52 0-105 1-157 0-9 0-12 3-13 11-8 58 2 111 42 156 21 23 48 41 74 59 18 13 38 25 57 37 15 11 29 22 40 37 27 39 8 84-39 91-37 6-65-10-89-36-2-2-5-5-7-8-3-4-5-4-9-1-20 18-40 35-60 53-3 2-3 5 0 8 34 44 77 73 133 79 42 6 83 1 121-20 80-46 80-145 43-199-23-35-57-58-91-79-26-16-54-31-77-51-13-12-25-24-31-42-3-8-3-12 8-12 43 0 86 0 129 0 9 0 12 2 11 11 0 10 1 21 0 32 0 7 2 10 10 9 21 0 42 0 63 0 8 1 10-2 10-9 0-39 0-77 0-116 0-8-2-10-10-10-53 1-105 0-158 0z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="underline" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee0a;" d="M148 556h28c14 67 30 119 49 158s42 67 69 83c26 17 59 26 98 26h26v-684c0-33-3-57-10-73-7-15-19-25-36-31-17-5-45-8-82-8v-24c96 2 169 3 219 3 51 0 127-1 227-3v24c-37 0-64 3-81 8-17 6-29 16-36 31-7 16-10 40-10 73v684h27c38 0 71-9 97-26 27-17 50-45 69-83 19-39 35-92 48-158h28c-3 26-4 56-4 91 0 54 3 122 9 203-73-2-195-3-369-3s-297 1-370 3c6-81 9-149 9-203 0-35-2-65-5-91z m-95-650h894v-56h-894v56z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="airplane-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee0d;" d="M810 767l-149-154c-10-10-30-15-43-10l-322 105c-14 5-34 0-44-10l-84-84c-10-10-8-24 6-30l294-135c13-6 15-19 5-30l-198-205c-3-2-6-5-8-8-4-4-18-3-31 3l-92 43c-14 6-33 2-43-8l-23-23c-11-11-9-25 3-33l117-72c12-8 31-22 41-33l4-3c10-11 25-29 33-41l78-116c8-13 23-14 33-4l19 19c11 11 14 30 8 43l-56 120c-6 13-9 25-6 27 2 2 3 3 5 4l209 203c10 10 20 18 21 17 1-1 7-13 13-26l155-306c6-13 20-16 30-5l75 75c11 10 15 30 11 43l-118 348c-5 14-9 25-9 25s8 9 19 19l146 143c28 27 28 72 0 99-27 27-72 27-99 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="airplane" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee0e;" d="M937 150c0 42 1 81 0 120 0 5-6 10-10 14-114 91-228 182-342 272-11 8-16 17-15 31 1 33 0 67 0 100 0 43-30 74-70 74h0c-40 0-69-31-70-74 0-33-1-67 0-100 1-14-4-23-15-31-114-90-228-181-342-272-4-4-10-9-10-14-1-39 0-78 0-120l367 186c0-70 0-137 0-203 0-6-6-12-10-16-37-30-75-60-112-90-4-3-10-7-10-11-1-25 0-49 0-77 50 20 98 39 147 58 0-31 25-57 55-57s55 26 56 57c48-19 96-38 147-58 0 28 0 52-1 77 0 4-6 8-9 11-38 30-75 60-112 90-5 4-10 10-10 16-1 66-1 133-1 203 123-62 244-123 367-186z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="articulated-truck" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee0f;" d="M255 228c-61 0-109-49-109-109 0-60 48-109 109-109s109 49 109 109c0 61-49 109-109 109z m0-145c-20 0-36 16-36 36 0 20 16 36 36 36 20 0 36-16 36-36 0-20-16-36-36-36z m661 139c3 0 6 2 6 5v153c0 3-1 8-3 10l-60 93c-2 2-6 4-9 4h-219c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-212c0-3 3-6 6-5 5 0 14 1 30 1 63 0 97-30 115-54 1-3 4-3 7-1 8 7 18 11 30 11h103z m-160 93c-3 0-6 3-6 6v114c0 3 3 5 6 5h82c3 0 7-2 9-4l25-41c2-2 3-7 3-10v-64c0-3-2-6-5-6h-114z m-167-58c2 1 5 4 5 7v249c0 3 2 6 5 6h264c3 0 7 2 9 4l39 54c2 2 1 4-2 4h-341c-3 0-6-2-8-5l-38-84c-1-2-5-5-8-5h-446c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-52c0-3 2-5 5-5h36c3 0 5-3 5-6l0-82c0-4 2-6 5-7 37-8 248-56 285-166 1-3 4-5 7-5h107c3 0 6 2 7 5 4 18 22 73 69 93z m333-67h-109c-8 0-14-5-15-12-1-1-1-2-1-3v-32c0-8 7-15 16-15h109c9 0 16 7 16 15v32c0 8-7 15-16 15z m-156-39c-14 45-56 77-105 77-60 0-109-49-109-109 0-60 49-109 109-109 61 0 110 49 110 109l-1 4c0 10-2 20-4 28z m-105-68c-20 0-36 16-36 36 0 20 16 36 36 36s36-16 36-36c0-20-16-36-36-36z m-174 436c3 0 6 2 8 5l29 59c1 3 1 8 0 11l-12 29c-1 3-5 5-8 5h-35c-4 0-7 2-9 5l-35 53c-2 2-6 5-9 5h-49c-3 0-7-2-9-5l-58-69c-2-3-6-5-9-5h-38c-3 0-7-1-9-4l-37-39c-2-2-6-4-9-4h-23c-3 0-7-1-10-3l-44-40c-2-2-1-3 2-3l364 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="auto-mobile" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee10;" d="M937 381l-10 31c-5 18-23 31-39 31h-36c-28 82-61 180-71 204-15 35-63 52-89 60 0 0-44 17-192 17l-192-17c-30-11-74-27-91-62-8-16-42-118-69-202h-36c-16 0-33-13-39-31l-10-31c-5-17 54-31 54-31-4-14-7-23-7-23-3-5-5-28-5-34v-285c0-18 14-33 31-33h114c17 0 31 15 31 33v61h439v-61c0-18 13-33 30-33h114c17 0 31 15 31 33v285c0 6-2 29-5 34 0 0-2 9-7 23 0 0 60 14 54 31z m-668 226c3 11 8 42 176 47 3-7 9-12 17-12h66c7 0 14 6 16 13 179-5 184-41 185-42 7-22 34-88 56-182 0 0-94-34-285-34-191 0-285 34-285 34 23 102 48 160 54 176z m11-400h-47c-42 0-84 6-84 35v34c0 33 18 34 38 34 19 0 57-17 82-29 27-13 57-23 57-45 0-20-11-29-46-29z m253 11h-76c-10 0-17 7-17 17 0 10 7 18 17 18h76c9 0 17-8 17-18 0-10-8-17-17-17z m318 24c0-15-10-24-26-29-16-5-37-6-58-6h-47c-35 0-46 9-46 29 0 22 31 32 58 45 25 12 63 29 81 29 20 0 38-1 38-34l0-34z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="auto-rickshaw" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee11;" d="M909 252c9-6 18-7 28-6-5 28-23 43-46 55-22 11-46 16-70 11 0 11 7 14 16 16 22 3 22 3 22 26 0 19 0 19-16 25-4 15-6 31-10 45-20 62-54 116-90 168l-23 31c-16 23-39 31-65 31-73-1-146 0-219-1-65 0-129 0-194-2-34-1-68-9-98-27-42-24-65-60-65-112 1-39 0-79 0-119v-11h254v194c0 18 6 23 23 23 42 0 85 0 128 0 18 0 24-7 24-25 0-116 0-232 0-347 0-7 0-13-1-19-3-13-8-17-21-17-26 0-51 0-77 0-16 0-27 12-28 28-1 15-2 30-4 44-3 21-7 43-23 58-12 12-22 24-22 42h-253v-39c-6-2-11-3-16-4v-42c17-5 17-5 17-24v-107h634c0 4 1 7 1 10 14 104 121 143 194 95z m-243 166c-16 0-33 0-49 0-17 0-34 0-50 0-13 0-21 8-23 20-1 7 0 14 0 21 0 39 0 78 0 117 0 17 5 23 22 23 28 0 56 0 84 0 13 0 24-6 25-23 4-44 9-88 14-132 1-17-7-26-23-26z m60 33c-8 42-16 84-23 126-2 10 7 21 17 20 2 0 5-2 6-4 32-44 59-90 81-140 0-1 0-2 0-4-21-4-41-8-62-12-9-2-17 4-19 14z m115-197c-60 4-103-46-104-97-5-57 37-107 96-110 51-4 99 35 104 95 5 59-37 109-96 112z m-4-137c-18-1-33 14-33 33 0 19 14 34 32 34 18 1 33-15 33-33 0-19-14-34-32-34z m-629-21c-18 0-32 14-32 32h-65c2-42 49-81 95-82 47-1 94 38 99 82h-66c0-18-14-32-31-32z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bicycle-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee12;" d="M751 441c-33 0-63-9-90-23l-50 72 28 119h-103v-37h58l-13-54h-247l20 78h64v37h-169v-37h68l-40-158c-9 2-18 3-28 3-103 0-186-84-186-187 0-103 83-186 186-186 103 0 187 83 187 186 0 81-52 150-124 176l15 58 200-252h38c10-94 89-168 186-168 103 0 187 83 187 186 0 103-84 187-187 187z m-351-187c0-83-68-150-151-150-83 0-150 67-150 150 0 83 67 151 150 151 7 0 13-1 19-1l-36-145 35-9 36 145c56-22 97-77 97-141z m252 113l65-95h-115c4 38 23 71 50 95z m-125-73l-150 188h195l-45-188z m32-22l41 171 31-46c-36-30-61-75-66-125h-6z m192-168c-77 0-140 58-149 132h183l-104 152c21 11 45 17 70 17 83 0 150-68 150-151 0-83-67-150-150-150z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bicycle-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee13;" d="M770 405c-15 0-29-2-43-6-1 9-3 18-4 27 5-2 10-3 16-3h57c26 0 37 21 37 47v57c0 26-21 47-47 47h-125c-25 25-61 47-111 58 0 0-12 1-12-11 0-12 5-13 15-16 38-9 87-42 108-68-20-33-117-180-270-223l-64 188 38 4c11 0 21 10 21 21 0 12-10 21-21 21l-104 13c-12 0-21-22-21-34 0-11 9-34 21-34l37 5-27-78h-100c-11 0-19-9-19-19 0-5 2-10 6-13-56-27-95-85-95-151 0-93 75-168 168-168 88 0 160 68 167 155l37 0c10-11 25-18 42-18 11 0 20 3 29 8l21-30-15-19 10-8 22 26 0 1 14 18-10 8-12-15-12 15-8 11c12 11 20 27 20 44 0 4 0 7-1 10 64 53 132 131 159 167 3-18 5-35 9-51-60-26-101-86-101-154 0-93 75-168 168-168 92 0 168 75 168 168 0 92-76 168-168 168z m-449 39l30-91c-14 15-32 28-52 37l22 54z m-78-66c5 0 9-1 13-2l-13-38v40z m0-124l46 112c46-21 78-65 83-116h-129v4z m-12-159c-79 0-143 63-143 142 0 69 51 127 117 139v-135h0v-17l167 0c-6-72-67-129-141-129z m189 155h-22c-1 13-4 25-7 37 13 4 26 8 38 13-7-10-11-22-11-35 0-5 1-10 2-15z m393 220c0-15-2-27-17-27h-57c-8 0-15 4-20 9-1 8-2 15-2 23 0 0-1 6-4 14h100v-19z m-289-169c-10 13-26 22-43 23 103 57 170 149 195 188 7-12 11-23 13-30-29-40-101-125-165-181z m155 253h107c15 0 27-12 27-27v-18h-107c-6 13-15 29-27 45z m91-459c-79 0-143 63-143 142 0 56 33 105 81 128 22-92 54-143 56-146l22 14c-1 1-32 51-53 141 11 3 24 5 37 5 78 0 142-64 142-142 0-79-64-142-142-142z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bicycle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee14;" d="M499 423c-28-2-42-14-42-40v-214c0-72 1-144 0-216 0-13 3-23 14-31 19-13 40-11 60-4 19 6 22 23 22 40 0 138-1 276 0 413 0 35-10 54-54 52z m-177-154h-111c-4 0-7-3-7-6v-37c0-4 3-7 7-7h111c4 0 7 3 7 7v37c0 3-3 6-7 6z m467-90h-112c-4 0-7-3-7-7v-36c0-4 4-7 7-7h112c4 0 7 3 7 7v36c0 4-3 7-7 7z m-63 451c4 0 7 3 7 7 0 22 0 92 0 114 0 4-3 7-7 7-29 0-148 0-177 0-4 0-7 2-7 4v19c0 4-3 7-7 7h-61c-4 0-7-3-7-7v-19s-3-4-6-4h-178c-4 0-7-1-7-1v-120c0-4 3-6 7-6h54c4 0 7 2 7 6v72c0 4 3 7 6 7h110c4 0 7-3 7-7v-37c0-4-3-6-7-6h-38c-4 0-7-3-7-7v-37c0-4 3-7 7-7h18c4 0 7-2 7-6 0-28 0-55 0-82-1-3-3-6-6-8-24-24-49-47-73-70-4-4-7-11-7-16 0-81 0-162 0-243 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-3 4-6 7-6h49c4 0 7 3 7 6v6c0 74 0 148 0 222 0 7 2 12 7 17 13 12 27 23 38 37 12 14 26 20 45 17 4-1 10-3 13-6 17-16 32-32 49-48 6-5 8-11 8-18-1-73 0-147 0-220v-6s3-7 6-7h49c4 0 7 2 8 5 0 1 0 3 0 4 0 82 0 165 0 247 0 5-3 10-7 14-23 23-47 45-70 68-3 3-6 6-6 10-1 27-1 54-1 82 0 4 3 7 7 7h17c4 0 7 3 7 6v38c0 3-3 6-7 6h-38c-4 0-7 3-7 7v36c0 4 3 7 7 7h109c4 0 7-3 7-7v-72c0-4 3-6 7-6l54-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bus-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee15;" d="M897 652h-40c-7 0-12-6-12-12v-197c0-7 6-12 12-12h14v-89c0-7-6-12-12-12h-37v334c0 68-55 124-123 124h-406c-68 0-123-56-123-124v-328h-30c-7 0-12 5-12 12v96h15c7 0 12 5 12 12v197c0 6-6 11-12 11h-41c-6 0-11-5-11-11v-197c0-7 5-12 11-12h16v-106c0-7 5-12 11-12h41v-242c0-46 26-86 63-107v-53c0-6 5-11 12-11h85c7 0 12 5 12 11v37h305v-37c0-6 5-11 11-11h86c6 0 12 5 12 11v51c39 21 66 62 66 110v234h47c6 0 12 6 12 12v100h16c7 0 12 5 12 12v197c0 6-5 12-12 12z m-542 98c0 7 5 12 12 12h263c7 0 12-5 12-12v-43c0-7-5-12-12-12h-263c-7 0-12 6-12 12l0 43z m31-649c0-6-6-11-12-11h-136c-6 0-11 5-11 11v49c0 6 5 11 11 11h136c6 0 11-5 11-11l1-49z m385 0c0-6-6-11-12-11h-136c-6 0-11 5-11 11v49c0 6 5 11 11 11h136c6 0 12-5 12-11v-49z m0 219s-31-97-278-97c-246 0-272 97-272 97v339h549v-339z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bus-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee16;" d="M257 267c-45 0-82-37-82-82s37-81 82-81 81 37 81 81-37 82-81 82z m0-117c-20 0-36 16-36 35s16 36 36 36 35-16 35-36c0-19-16-35-35-35z m477 117c-45 0-82-37-82-82s37-81 82-81 81 37 81 81-36 82-81 82z m0-117c-20 0-36 16-36 35s16 36 36 36c19 0 35-16 35-36s-16-35-35-35z m155 446h-729c-27 0-53-21-59-48l-29-106c-5-26-9-69-9-96v-112c0-27 21-49 48-49h50c0 53 43 96 96 96s95-43 95-96h286c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h59c27 0 49 22 49 49v313c-1 27-22 49-49 49z m-625-205h-113l18 42c3 8 0 16-8 20-7 3-16-1-19-8l-22-53c-15 4-24 18-21 35l26 104c4 20 23 36 43 36h96l0-176z m217 0h-187v176h187v-176z m216 0h-187v176h187v-176z m211 36c0-20-17-36-37-36h-145v176h145c20 0 37-17 37-37l0-103z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bus-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee17;" d="M765 788h-531c-54 0-98-48-98-108v-577c0-33 14-63 36-83v-79c0-16 13-29 28-29h105c16 0 28 13 28 29v54h87v1l246-1v-54c0-16 13-29 29-29h104c16 0 29 13 29 29v79c22 20 36 50 36 83v577c0 60-44 108-99 108z m-419-46h307v-30h-307v30z m62-571h-194v71h194v-71z m-184 233c-15 0-28 6-28 13v255c0 7 13 13 28 13h551c16 0 29-6 29-13v-255c0-8-13-13-29-13h-551z m378-233v71h194v-71h-194z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee18;" d="M882 469c-1 0-2 0-3 0-3 79-6 158-9 237-2 51-35 81-86 81-64 1-129 0-193 0-126 0-251 1-377 0-49 0-82-31-84-79-3-80-7-159-10-239 0 0-1 0-2 0-9 0-17-10-17-22v-74c0-12 6-21 15-23-3-65-4-129-7-194-2-40 6-75 30-107 2-4 3-9 3-14 0-28 0-57 0-85 0-20 11-35 31-36 28-2 57-2 85 0 20 1 31 15 31 36v41h422v-41c0-21 12-35 32-36 28-2 55-2 83 0 20 1 32 15 32 36 0 27-1 55 0 82 0 8 2 16 7 21 18 28 28 58 26 91-2 69-5 137-7 206 8 1 15 11 15 23v74c0 12-7 22-17 22z m-443 279c21 0 41 0 61 0 20 0 41 0 61 0 17 0 26-9 27-24 0-15-10-25-27-25-41 0-81 0-122 0-17 0-27 10-27 26 1 14 10 23 27 23z m-192-648c-38 0-67 30-67 69 0 38 30 67 68 67 38 0 68-30 68-68 0-38-30-68-69-68z m531 212c-55-8-110-14-166-18 0 47 39 86 86 86 41 0 75-29 84-67-2-1-3-1-4-1z m-26-212c-38 0-68 30-68 68 0 12 3 23 8 33 2 2 3 5 5 7 12 17 32 28 55 28 3 0 6 0 9 0 3-1 6-1 9-2 29-7 50-34 50-66 0-38-30-68-68-68z m71 263c0-24-13-41-34-48-9 41-47 73-91 73-52 0-93-42-93-94v0c-34-3-68-4-102-4-95-1-190 6-283 22-28 4-43 22-43 50 2 87 4 173 6 260 1 18 13 30 31 31 72 4 144 9 216 11 71 2 142 1 212-1 49-1 97-6 145-10 18-1 29-14 29-32 1-45 7-125 7-133 0-42 0-83 0-125z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cab" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee19;" d="M891 399c25 1 47 24 46 49 0 26-21 47-48 47-15 0-31 1-46 0-9 0-13 3-16 11-13 31-26 61-40 91-12 27-33 40-62 40-149 1-298 0-447 1-33 0-55-15-68-45-12-30-25-59-38-89-3-7-6-9-14-9-15 1-30 0-46 0-28 0-49-20-50-47 0-27 22-49 51-49 5 0 10 0 18 0-3-8-5-14-7-21-7-28-18-56-19-85-3-90-3-180-3-270 0-32 21-57 52-61 19-2 39-2 58 1 29 3 53 22 50 59-1 12 0 24 0 36h475v-39c0-30 15-50 45-55 15-3 31-2 47-2 44-1 68 23 68 68 0 73 1 147 0 221 0 39-4 79-19 116-3 10-6 20-10 32l23 0z m-678-198c-28-1-50 21-50 49 0 28 21 49 49 49 28 1 49-21 49-49 0-27-21-49-48-49z m7 199c4 16 9 30 13 44 12 40 24 79 35 119 3 8 6 12 16 12 144-1 288 0 433 0 6 0 11 0 14-9 16-54 32-108 48-162 1-1 0-2 0-4h-559z m568-199c-27 0-49 22-49 50 0 27 21 49 48 49 28 0 50-22 50-49 0-28-21-50-49-50z m-129 459h-21l-1 27h-29c0-9 0-18 0-27h-28v27h-29v-27h-27v27h-34v-27h-27v27h-29v-27h-28c0 9 0 18 0 27h-29c0-9 0-18-1-27h-20c-1-7-1-15-1-22h304c0 7 0 15 0 22z m-282 56h29v-29h28v29h30v-29h26v29h34v-29h27v29h29v-29h28v29h30v-29h21c0 4 0 8-1 12-3 24-21 39-46 39-69 1-139 1-209 0-21 0-41-15-44-35-1-5-1-11-2-16h20v29z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cable-car" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee1a;" d="M788 442h-20c0 1 0 2 0 4v19c0 9-7 16-16 16h-235v192l414 86-6 29-855-177 6-29 408 84v-185h-236c-9 0-16-7-16-16v-19c0-2 0-3 0-4h-19c-45 0-82-37-82-81v-371h738v371c0 44-36 81-81 81z m-324-292c0-4-4-8-9-8h-162c-5 0-8 4-8 8v227c0 5 3 8 8 8h162c5 0 9-3 9-8v-227z m252 0c0-4-4-8-8-8h-163c-4 0-8 4-8 8v227c0 5 4 8 8 8h163c4 0 8-3 8-8v-227z m-503-238h575c36 0 66 24 77 57h-729c10-33 41-57 77-57z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="car-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee1b;" d="M937 480c0 15-7 23-23 23-13 0-25-1-37 0-18 1-30-5-38-22-2-6-9-11-15-19-2 7-4 10-4 14-15 48-34 95-60 140-10 19-26 32-47 38-11 4-21 8-33 9-50 4-100 9-151 10-70 2-140 1-210-10-40-6-71-23-87-62-13-30-27-61-40-91-6-15-10-30-15-44l-3-2c-5 7-11 14-16 22-5 10-13 17-25 17-16 0-33 0-49 0-13-1-20-8-21-20-1-9-1-17 0-26 1-13 8-21 22-21 17 0 34 0 51 0h28c-3-3-5-5-6-6-25-23-43-50-51-82-18-64-9-127 15-189 7-17 20-29 38-36 6-2 8-6 8-13 0-17 0-34 0-52 0-20 11-30 32-30 3 0 6 0 8 0 61-2 66 1 64 61 0 4 0 9 0 13 77-2 152-6 227-6 76 0 152 4 229 6 0-15 0-30 0-45 1-18 12-29 30-29 14 0 29 0 43 0 20 0 31 11 31 30 0 18 0 36 1 53 0 4 2 9 5 10 28 12 43 35 49 63 7 30 12 60 15 91 5 61-16 113-61 156-1 1-2 3-4 5h13c21 0 42 0 63 0 17 1 24 8 25 24 0 6 0 13-1 20z m-689 21c12 30 27 60 41 89 2 5 8 9 13 10 38 12 78 18 117 18 63 1 126 1 188-2 31-1 61-10 92-16 4-1 9-5 11-8 27-42 45-88 55-136 0-1 0-2 0-4-177 23-353 23-532-1 5 18 8 35 15 50z m-28-272c-30 0-55 23-55 53-1 29 25 54 55 54 30 0 55-24 55-54 0-29-25-53-55-53z m436 84c-7-24-15-47-22-70-2-9-7-13-16-13-79 1-157 1-236 0-8 0-13 4-16 12l-23 73c-4 12 1 19 15 19 47 0 95 0 142 0h140c17 0 21-6 16-21z m124-84c-30 0-55 25-55 54 1 29 26 53 56 53 29 0 55-25 54-54 0-30-25-54-55-53z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="car-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee1c;" d="M930 303l-2 1c-1 1-1 5 0 11 3 10 6 20 8 30 4 15-3 29-17 35-5 2-10 3-15 4-61 6-122 13-183 19-6 1-11 3-16 7-24 26-49 52-72 78-12 15-27 21-45 21-85-1-169-1-253-2-26 0-48-9-65-31-14-21-33-38-48-58-10-13-23-17-39-19-31-3-61-9-92-13-13-2-19-9-20-22 0-13-3-25 7-37 4-4 2-8-3-11-8-4-14-10-12-19 1-9 8-14 16-17l10-2c3-1 5-2 7-4 6-4 13-11 20-12 19-3 39-5 58-5 19 0 25 6 29 25 7 32 34 54 66 55 43 0 69-33 70-63 1-19 8-25 28-25 50 0 101 0 152 0 59 0 118 0 178 0 32 0 41 6 50 37 8 28 32 48 61 51 28 2 55-14 68-40 5-8 10-16 15-24 4-5 10-8 14-2 5 8 12 8 20 8 6 0 10 3 12 9 1 7-1 12-7 15z m-462 110c0-5-4-9-10-9h-154c-5 0-7 3-4 8 14 21 27 41 41 61 5 5 14 10 21 11 34 1 68 1 103 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 2-5 2-10 0-21 0-41 0-62z m192-9h-157c-5 0-10 4-10 9v62c0 6 4 10 10 10h70c3 0 6-1 9-1 15 3 26-4 35-16 15-19 30-37 46-57 4-4 2-7-3-7z m-390-81c-36 0-65-29-65-65-1-36 28-66 64-66 37-1 67 29 67 66 0 36-30 65-66 65z m0-108c-23 0-43 19-42 42 0 24 16 43 42 43 25 0 43-21 42-43 0-23-18-41-42-42z m545 108c-37 0-66-29-66-66 0-36 30-65 66-65 36 0 65 29 65 65 0 36-29 66-65 66z m-1-107c-24 0-42 18-42 43 1 24 20 42 43 41 29-1 43-24 42-44-1-23-20-41-43-40z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="car-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee1d;" d="M925 282c-31 78-93 121-170 142-29 7-47 21-63 45-132 202-417 178-528 57-73-80-97-178-101-283-2-32 20-48 52-49 27 87 67 121 138 120 68-1 108-36 132-119h205c18 75 57 114 117 119 76 6 114-24 151-119 78-9 95 15 67 87z m-651 125c-25 1-49 0-74 1-32 1-46 17-30 48 39 72 102 111 182 124 10 1 26-16 36-27 4-5 2-17 2-25 0-133 11-121-116-121z m378 2c-32-2-64-1-95-1v0c-31 0-61-1-91 0-28 0-43 15-43 43 0 30-1 61 0 91 1 28 17 43 45 38 87-16 154-63 201-137 14-20 7-33-17-34z m-402-118c-63 0-107-43-107-105 1-57 48-104 105-104 59-1 107 47 106 107-1 61-43 102-104 102z m-1-157c-30 0-53 23-53 52 0 30 23 54 53 54 29 0 53-24 53-54 0-29-24-52-53-52z m471 157c-61 1-105-42-106-101-1-60 46-108 106-109 56 0 109 52 107 108 0 56-49 102-107 102z m1-157c-29 0-53 23-53 52 0 30 24 54 53 54 29 0 53-24 53-54 0-29-24-52-53-52z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="car-alt-4" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee1e;" d="M936 372c-1 40-24 72-63 86-12 4-18 11-22 21-20 55-42 109-63 164-20 53-50 73-107 73-121 0-242 0-363 0-56 0-86-20-106-72-22-56-44-112-66-168-2-6-7-13-13-15-49-20-70-52-70-105v-222c0-2 1-4 3-4 18 0 34-1 51 0 13 1 18-3 17-17 0-25-1-51 1-76 3-36 39-60 73-52 32 8 50 31 50 66 1 25 0 49 0 74 0 2 2 4 4 4h476c2 0 3-2 3-4 0-24 0-48 1-73 1-50 38-79 82-65 24 7 40 27 41 52 1 28 0 57 0 87 0 2 2 4 4 4h64c2 0 4 1 4 3 0 81 2 160-1 239z m-738-106c-37 0-67 31-66 68 1 36 31 66 66 66 36 0 65-30 64-68 0-37-28-66-64-66z m15 198c-2 0-3 2-3 4 0 2 1 4 1 6 18 49 36 97 55 146 11 29 21 35 51 35h156v-8c0-2 1-4 3-4h48c2 0 3 2 3 4v8c52 0 104 0 156 0 23 1 40-7 49-29 19-52 38-104 57-156 1-1 1-2 1-3 0-2-2-3-4-3h-36c-12 38-47 65-88 65s-77-27-89-65h-360z m449 56c36 0 67-23 78-56h-156c11 33 42 56 78 56z m141-254c-36 0-65 28-66 65 0 38 28 69 64 69 36 1 67-31 67-67 0-37-30-67-65-67z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="car" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee1f;" d="M879 434c10 1 20 0 31 0 19 0 27 9 27 32 1 23-7 33-27 34-10 0-21 0-31 0-29 0-46-18-48-49 14-12 30-18 48-17z m-48 17l0 1c-2 4-4 7-6 12-17 47-35 95-51 143-9 26-26 42-52 44-64 4-128 9-192 11-84 3-167-2-251-11-25-3-43-16-52-42-7-20-14-41-21-61-11-31-23-61-35-94-2 5-3 9-4 13-10 25-21 33-46 33h-23c-29 0-39-12-35-43 2-14 10-23 24-23 28 1 57-7 83 15-8-12-17-23-26-33-11-11-25-19-34-31-8-10-16-23-17-36-2-35-2-71-2-107 0-14 0-28 0-43h-2c-4-27 6-48 29-56 8-3 9-7 9-15 0-21 0-41 0-62 1-20 6-28 22-28 26-1 52 0 78 1 9 0 15 5 16 15 1 12 3 23 3 35 0 11 4 14 15 14 86 0 173 0 260 0 74 0 147 0 221 0 10 0 14-3 14-14 0-8 1-17 1-25 1-19 6-25 23-25 23-1 45-1 68-1 21 0 26 6 27 30 0 20 0 41 0 61 0 7 1 11 8 14 24 9 35 31 30 57h-3c1 3 2 6 2 9-1 35 0 71-3 107-3 45-22 82-60 107-8 5-12 19-19 29l1 0v-1z m-615 58c10 24 21 47 32 71 5 13 14 20 27 21 42 3 85 5 127 8 92 5 183 2 275-6 17-1 34-2 51-3 12-1 20-6 26-19 17-41 35-82 52-122 2-5 4-9 6-14h-624c10 22 18 43 28 64z m-81-199c0 15 8 24 22 24 38 1 77 1 115 0 13 0 22-9 23-23 1-13 1-25 0-37-1-15-10-24-23-24-19 0-38 0-58 0v0c-18 0-37 0-55 0-16 0-24 9-24 27 0 11-1 22 0 33z m731-1c0-11 0-22-1-32 0-15-8-25-22-25-38 0-77-1-116 0-15 0-22 10-22 26 0 10 0 21 0 32 0 17 9 27 25 27 18 0 37 0 56 0 18 0 35 0 53 0 17 0 26-10 27-28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="delivery-time" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee20;" d="M926 158h-27v153c0 18-5 36-15 51l-69 101c-17 25-45 40-75 40h-106c-12 0-22-10-22-23v-322h-174c16-14 28-34 31-56h183c7 44 45 79 92 79s85-35 91-79h91c7 0 12 5 12 11v34c-1 6-6 11-12 11z m-112 183h-140c-6 0-11 5-11 12v77c0 6 5 11 11 11h85c4 0 8-1 10-4l54-78c6-7 0-18-9-18z m-70-183c-39 0-70-31-70-70 0-38 31-70 70-70 38 0 70 32 70 70 0 39-32 70-70 70z m0-105c-20 0-35 16-35 35 0 20 15 35 35 35s35-15 35-35c0-19-16-35-35-35z m-584 105c-6 0-11-5-11-11v-34c0-6 5-11 11-11h126c3 22 15 42 31 56h-157z m217 0c-38 0-70-31-70-70 0-38 32-70 70-70 39 0 70 32 70 70 0 39-31 70-70 70z m0-105c-19 0-35 16-35 35 0 20 16 35 35 35s35-15 35-35c0-19-15-35-35-35z m169 519h-131c7-19 10-39 10-60 0-106-86-193-192-193-20 0-38 3-56 9v-125c0-6 5-11 11-11h380c7 0 12 5 12 11v336c0 18-16 33-34 33z m-313 110c-94 0-170-76-170-170 0-94 76-170 170-170 94 0 170 76 170 170 0 94-76 170-170 170z m0-301c-73 0-132 58-132 131s59 131 132 131 131-58 131-131c0-73-59-131-131-131z m50 103c-2 0-3 1-5 1l-54 15c-8 2-13 8-13 16v84c0 10 8 17 17 17 9 0 17-7 17-17v-71l42-11c9-3 14-12 12-21-2-8-9-13-16-13z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fast-delivery" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee21;" d="M387 251c-41 0-73-33-73-73s32-73 73-73 73 33 73 73c0 40-33 73-73 73z m0-110c-20 0-37 17-37 37 0 20 17 36 37 36s36-16 36-36c0-20-16-37-36-37z m551 164v-78c0-19-16-35-36-35h-37c-7 47-47 83-96 83-49 0-89-36-96-83h-191c-6 47-47 83-95 83-49 0-89-36-96-83h-47c-19 0-35 16-35 35v78h729z m-169-54c-40 0-73-33-73-73s33-73 73-73 73 33 73 73c0 40-33 73-73 73z m0-110c-20 0-36 17-36 37 0 20 16 36 36 36 20 0 37-16 37-36 0-20-17-37-37-37z m155 243l-139 137c-9 8-20 13-33 13h-70v26c0 20-15 36-35 36h-403c-19 0-35-16-35-36v-5l-143-17 253-33-256-25 255-36-255-23 146-27v-69h728v25c1 13-5 25-13 34z m-61-5h-134c-3 0-5 3-5 6v103c0 3 2 5 5 5h26c1 0 3 0 4-1l108-103c4-4 1-10-4-10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fire-truck-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee22;" d="M496 224c-15 0-31 1-46 0-8 0-11 2-10 10 0 26 0 52 0 78 0 7 2 10 9 10 31-1 62 0 93 0 7 0 9-2 9-9 0-27 0-54 0-80 0-7-3-9-9-9-16 1-31 1-46 0z m-433 111c5-6 3-17 14-20 1 0 1-3 2-5 6-12 12-25 17-38 3-7 4-15 6-23 0-2 1-4 3-6 20 8 40 17 60 25 180 77 360 153 541 230 6 2 14 4 20 4 51 0 102 0 154 0 8 0 11 2 11 11 0 35 0 71 0 106 0 9-3 11-11 11-52-1-104-1-155 0-8 0-12-2-11-10 1-6-2-9-7-11-126-53-252-107-378-160-87-37-173-73-259-110-2-1-4-2-7-4z m642 190c-20 10-40 21-62 34 17 7 32 13 47 20 8-17 15-33 22-48 0-2 0-6 0-6-2-1-5-1-7 0z m-100-46c5 23 11 45 16 67 2 7 7 7 13 4 12-7 24-13 36-20 8-4 15-8 24-13-31-13-59-25-89-38z m-14-6c-22 12-43 24-65 36 27 11 53 22 82 34-6-24-12-47-17-70z m-103-44c5 24 10 46 16 67 1 6 6 8 11 5 21-11 41-22 62-34-30-13-59-25-89-38z m-14-6c-22 12-43 24-65 36 27 12 53 23 82 35-6-25-12-47-17-71z m-104-44c6 24 11 46 17 68 2 5 6 7 12 4 6-3 13-7 19-11 13-7 27-15 42-23-30-13-59-25-90-38z m-14-5c-21 12-42 23-64 35 28 12 54 23 82 35-6-24-12-46-18-70z m-103-45c6 24 11 46 17 67 1 3 8 7 10 6 21-11 41-22 63-35-31-13-60-25-90-38z m-14-5c-21 12-42 23-64 36 28 11 54 22 81 34-5-24-11-47-17-70z m-103-44c6 23 11 45 17 67 1 6 6 7 12 4 20-10 39-21 61-33-31-13-60-25-90-38z m-42 45c15 7 29 13 46 20-8-26-11-50-19-73l-3 1c-8 17-16 34-24 52z m489 28c0-64 0-128 0-192 0-10 4-19 11-26 3-2 7-4 10-4 52-1 104 0 156 0 4 17 12 31 27 41 11 7 23 10 36 10 28-1 47-18 58-51 15 0 30 0 45 0 6 0 10 3 11 9 0 3 1 6 1 9 0 5 0 10 0 15 0 82 0 82-26 160-4 11-8 22-12 33-6 14-15 22-31 20-5-1-11 0-18 0 2 5 4 8 4 12 1 8 1 17 1 26 0 1-4 3-7 3-17 0-35 0-52 0-2 0-5-1-7-3-4-5-1-23 4-27 2-3 2-6 3-11h-189c-19 0-25-6-25-24z m185-121c1 2 3 4 5 5 4 0 9 0 13 0 5 0 9 0 14 0 2 0 4-3 5-4-1-2-3-5-4-6-10 0-19 0-28 0-2 1-5 4-5 5z m-14 113c41 0 80 0 119 0 8 0 12-5 15-12 6-18 13-36 19-54 2-5 2-12 3-19h-156v85z m-135-112c0 0 3 4 5 4 9 0 18 0 28 0 1 0 4-3 4-5 0-1-2-4-4-4-5-1-9-1-14-1-4 0-9 0-14 1-2 0-4 3-5 5z m-13 102c0 8 2 10 10 10 19 0 37 0 56 0s37 0 56 0c7 0 10-2 10-9-1-20-1-41 0-61 0-7-2-9-9-9-38 0-76 0-114 0-7 0-9 2-9 9 1 20 1 40 0 60z m-515-122c11 0 23 0 34 0h426c15 0 18-2 18-17v-49c0-15-3-18-18-18h-223c-14 38-32 53-64 53-28-1-48-18-58-53-39 0-77 0-115 0-8 0-13 4-13 13 1 19 1 39 0 58 0 9 4 13 13 13z m266 45v-35h-185c0 10-1 19 0 28 1 4 3 8 6 9 12 7 25 12 38 18 33 15 67 30 101 46 0-4 1-8 2-11 1-8-1-12-8-16l-40-20c-9-5-11-10-8-19 32 0 63 0 94 0z m-145-135c1-30 25-53 55-53 30 0 54 24 54 53 0 29-25 53-54 53-31 0-55-23-55-53z m24 0c0 16 14 29 30 30 17 0 30-13 30-30 0-16-13-29-30-29-16 0-30 13-30 29z m530 0c0-29 24-53 54-53 30 0 54 23 54 53 0 29-24 53-54 53-29 0-54-23-54-53z m24 0c0 17 13 30 30 30 17 0 31-14 30-30 0-16-13-29-30-29-17 0-30 13-30 29z m-378 227c9 0 12-3 12-12-1-30 0-60 0-90 0-24-1-24-27-20v11c0 31-1 63 0 95 0 17-4 15 15 16z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fire-truck" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee23;" d="M236 72h138c13 0 24 11 24 24v33c0 13 11 24 24 24 55 0 182 0 182 0v-56c0-14 11-25 24-25h139c13 0 24 11 24 25v466c0 13-11 24-24 24h-104l19 175c1 13-3 25-11 26-7 0-14-10-16-23l-1-9c-1 0-2 1-3 1h-287c-6 0-11-3-15-6l-2 14c-2 13-9 23-16 23-7-1-12-13-10-26l19-175h-104c-14 0-24-11-24-24v-467c0-13 10-24 24-24z m105 81c-30 0-54 24-54 54s24 53 54 53c29 0 53-24 53-53 0-30-24-54-53-54z m328-4c-30 0-54 24-54 53 0 30 24 54 54 54 29 0 53-24 53-54 0-29-24-53-53-53z m87 357v-98c0-13-11-24-24-24h-196c-13 0-24 11-24 24v98c0 13 11 24 24 24h196c13 0 24-11 24-24z m-392 207h285l-4-42c-2 0-5 1-7 1h-274c-2 0-4-1-7-1l-5 45c4-2 8-3 12-3z m1-114l-3 30c1 0 2-1 2-1h274c1 0 1 1 2 1l-3-30c-1-4-3-9-5-12h-262c-2 3-4 7-5 12z m-119-93c0 13 11 24 24 24h196c13 0 24-11 24-24v-98c0-13-11-24-24-24h-196c-13 0-24 11-24 24v98z m554-463h-172c-13 0-24-11-24-24v-3c0-13-11-24-24-24h-158c-13 0-24 11-24 24v3c0 13-11 24-24 24h-172c-13 0-24-11-24-24v-18c0-13 11-24 24-24h10c0-1 0-1 0-2v-38c0-14 10-25 24-25h45c13 0 24 11 24 25v38l0 2h393c0-1-1-1-1-2v-38c0-14 11-25 24-25h46c13 0 24 11 24 25v38l-1 2h10c13 0 24 11 24 24v18c0 13-11 24-24 24z m-378 29c-13 0-24-6-24-14s11-15 24-15h158c13 0 24 6 24 15 0 8-11 14-24 14h-158z m437 385h-29c-13 0-24-11-24-24v-96c0-13 11-24 24-24h29c14 0 24 11 24 24v96c0 13-10 24-24 24z m-665-120v96c0 13-11 24-24 24h-30c-13 0-24-11-24-24v-96c0-13 11-24 24-24h30c13 0 24 11 24 24z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="free-delivery" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee24;" d="M938 304v-79c0-20-17-36-36-36h-39c-7 47-48 84-97 84-50 0-91-37-98-84h-326c-7 47-48 84-98 84s-90-37-97-84h-48c-20 0-36 16-36 36v79h875z m-628 192h-21l-7-39h20c13 0 24 9 24 25 0 9-6 14-16 14z m530-322c0-41-33-74-74-74-42 0-75 33-75 74 0 42 33 75 75 75 41 0 74-33 74-75z m-37 0c0 21-17 38-37 38-21 0-37-17-37-38 0-20 16-37 37-37 20 0 37 17 37 37z m-484 0c0-41-34-74-75-74s-74 33-74 74c0 42 33 75 74 75s75-33 75-75z m-38 0c0 21-16 38-37 38s-37-17-37-38c0-20 17-37 37-37s37 17 37 37z m657 150h-875v240c0 20 16 36 35 36h543c20 0 36-16 36-36v-26h72c12 0 24-5 33-14l141-140c9-9 14-21 14-34l1-26z m-748 137l7 35h49l3 19h-71l-24-124h22l10 50h42l3 20h-41z m131-17v0c19 6 28 24 28 41 0 13-6 23-16 27-6 2-12 3-18 3h-44l-24-124h22l9 46h23l15-46h24l-16 46c-2 5-3 7-3 7z m138 71h-74l-25-124h77l4 20h-54l6 33h42l4 19h-42l6 33h52l4 19z m100 0h-74l-24-124h77l3 20h-54l6 33h42l4 19h-42l6 33h52l4 19z m307-126l-111 106c-1 1-2 1-4 1h-26c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-106c0-3 2-5 5-5h137c5-1 7 6 4 9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="helicopter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee25;" d="M900 302c-60 100-147 158-265 164-5 0-13 7-14 12l-12 52c-2 7-9 13-13 19-5-6-13-12-15-19-6-21-9-42-14-65-21 0-40 1-60 0-38-2-67-20-89-52-4-6-14-11-20-11-44-1-89-1-133-1h-122c0-22 8-31 31-34 71-10 142-24 213-35 13-2 19-7 24-19 26-73 78-111 155-112 82-1 165-1 247 1 28 0 56 5 84 11 21 5 28 21 22 42-4 17-10 33-19 47z m-56 21c-54 0-108-2-162 3-56 6-88 46-105 97-4 12 0 19 12 20 105 9 190-29 261-105 1-1 2-3 3-5 0-1 0-2 1-6-3-2-7-5-10-4z m46-144c-134 0-267 0-401 0-14 0-26-3-26-19-1-18 12-19 26-19 67 0 134 0 202 0v0c66 0 133 0 199 0 14-1 27 1 28 18 0 17-13 20-28 20z m-609 329c89 5 178 10 267 15 13 1 18 6 15 20-6 1-11 1-17 2-36 2-72 4-109 6-55 3-110 6-165 9-6 0-15-2-17-6-14-24 1-48 26-46z m638 52c-57-4-114-7-171-10-41-2-81-5-122-7-1-13 2-19 16-20 87-5 174-10 261-15 35-2 34-1 34 34 1 14-4 19-18 18z m-823-204c-18 26-12 60 12 79 23 19 61 17 78-6 10-12 20-14 33-11-11 34-44 56-82 52-39-3-70-34-74-73-4-39 20-74 58-86 36-10 72 3 87 35-12-1-24-2-33-7-28-15-62-8-79 17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="motor-bike-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee26;" d="M792 394c-25 0-49-7-69-18l-68 116c13-5 28-7 44-7 46 0 47 0 47 54s-1 55-47 55c-32 0-61-11-77-26-20 7-83 30-92 30-30 1-30-41-1-45 18-2 62-9 81-12 0 0-1-1-1-2-147 0-218-109-218-109s2 21-34 21c-106 0-156 41-158-23-101 0-129-61-110-81 4 0 8-1 12-1-24-26-38-60-38-98 0-81 65-146 145-146 72 0 132 52 144 120 17-6 38-11 62-11h109c34 0 80 12 93 72l33 169c0 5 1 15 1 26l63-108c-40-25-67-71-67-122 0-81 65-146 146-146 80 0 146 65 146 146 0 80-66 146-146 146z m-498-116c3-8 5-16 5-24h-78l43 53c16-11 25-21 30-29z m-86-121c-50 0-91 41-91 91 0 43 31 80 72 89 28-6 49-15 65-24l-50-61-1-1c0 0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1l0-1 0 0 0-2 0-1 1 0c0-1 0-1 0-1l1-1 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 2-1 2-1h91c-3-47-42-85-91-85z m584 0c-51 0-92 41-92 91 0 31 16 59 41 75l46-78c1-2 3-3 5-3 1 0 2 0 3 1 2 1 3 5 2 8l-46 78c12 6 26 10 41 10 50 0 91-41 91-91 0-50-41-91-91-91z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="motor-bike" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee27;" d="M797 345c-11 0-21-1-31-4l-18 52c55 28 100 27 100 27l16-9 56-4c-33 39-166 32-166 32l28 5s-1 30-18 68c-18 37-37 59-37 59-2-2-3-4-4-6 1 26 1 51 3 77l0 1c0 3 0 6-4 7-10 5-20 10-32 10-3 0-6-2-7-5-4-14-5-28-3-41-1 2-2 4-4 6-2 4-5 5-8 3-3 1-7 0-8-4-3-7-8-11-8-18-1-12 13-20 22-25 1 0 3-1 4 0 5-17 6-35 5-53-26-17-16-33-16-33l-5-8s-25 35-106-17-145-19-198 0c-54 19-251 24-251 24 97-15 140-94 140-94l-76 47c-34-4-25-39-25-39l140-86c28 10 59-20 59-20l29-52-40-11c-21 51-71 88-130 88-78 0-141-63-141-141s63-141 141-141c77 0 140 63 140 141 0 5 0 10 0 15l56 10s2 2 16-12c6-6 14-7 22-6 13-4 43-13 77-13 27 0 56 5 83 22 40 25 64 70 71 135 18 19 36 35 54 47l16-47c-49-22-83-71-83-128 0-78 63-141 141-141 77 0 141 63 141 141 0 78-64 141-141 141z m-594-262c-53 0-97 44-97 98s44 98 97 98c40 0 74-24 89-57l-106-31 4-22 111 19c0-2 0-5 0-7 0-54-44-98-98-98z m380 138c-43-26-99-16-126-8 3 39 17 129 86 150 67 20 90-10 97-26-6-56-25-95-57-116z m125 314c-4-2-7-3-10-4 0 19-2 38-8 56 3-1 5 0 7 1 4 4 8 7 12 11 0-21 0-43-1-64z m89-428c-54 0-98 43-98 97 0 38 22 71 53 87l31-91c2-6 8-10 14-10 1 0 3 0 4 0 8 3 12 11 9 19l-30 91c5 1 11 2 17 2 54 0 97-44 97-98 0-54-44-97-97-97z m-322 115c128-23 148 90 148 90h-127l-21-90z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="motor-biker" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee28;" d="M217 283c-71 6-134-41-150-110-2-7-3-13-4-19v-28c1-4 2-9 3-14 14-74 85-125 159-114 80 11 135 83 123 163-12 73-67 117-131 122z m-11-237c-51 0-93 41-94 94 0 51 41 93 94 94 51 1 93-41 94-92 0-54-41-95-94-96z m263 559c-18-2-36-5-55-7v-50c15 4 32 0 43 13 2 2 4 3 6 5 20 14 41 23 65 19 11-2 22-7 34-10 16 24 19 50 7 78-9 24-25 42-52 48-7 1-14 2-21 3h-9c-1 0-3-1-4-1-21-5-40-12-54-29-9-11-14-24-16-39 19 3 38 6 56 9v-39z m171-437c7 57 37 97 92 117 36 13 73 15 111 14 2 0 6 1 8 2 12 12 13 34 4 47-3 5-6 7-11 6-26 0-53 0-79 0h-54c-9 29-31 47-45 72-3-2-4-3-5-4-27-21-55-42-82-64-4-3-8-5-14-5-25 1-50 0-74 1-16 0-31 0-46 0-19 1-30-7-35-25-1-2-2-4-2-7-31 12-58 28-74 59 48 36 94 72 141 108 30-42 60-84 90-126 32 24 63 47 94 70-11 16-22 31-34 46-20 26-40 53-62 78-19 22-61 24-84 6-47-35-93-70-140-105-6-5-12-9-19-14-1 9-2 16-2 26-33-13-63-25-94-38-8-4-14-9-21-13-22-17-34-39-31-67 2-18 8-34 16-50 1-2 5-3 7-3 11-2 22-2 33-4 41-6 75-25 101-58 20-26 32-56 38-88 3-16 13-26 26-34 6-3 13-6 19-9 31-12 63-14 96-15 38-2 76-2 113-2 7 0 14 0 20 0 0 2 1 4 0 6-3 24-4 48-1 73z m155 115c-78 0-142-58-144-139-2-82 62-147 143-148 78 0 143 65 144 144 0 78-65 143-143 143z m-1-237c-52 0-94 42-94 94 0 52 42 94 94 94 52-1 94-42 94-94 0-52-42-94-94-94z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="oil-truck" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee29;" d="M657 259h-566c-16 0-28-13-28-29v-2c0-14 8-25 20-28 10 25 35 43 64 43 29 0 54-18 63-44h328c10 26 35 44 64 44 29 0 54-18 63-43 12 3 21 14 21 28v2c0 16-13 29-29 29z m-53-26c-27 0-50-23-50-51s23-50 50-50c28 0 51 23 51 50s-23 51-51 51z m0-86c-19 0-35 16-35 35s16 35 35 35 35-15 35-35-15-35-35-35z m-460 86c-27 0-50-23-50-51s23-50 50-50c28 0 51 23 51 50s-23 51-51 51z m0-86c-19 0-35 16-35 35s16 35 35 35 35-15 35-35-15-35-35-35z m722 295c-6 8-14 10-19 10h-127c-5 0-9-5-9-10v-229c0-5 4-9 9-9h34c11 23 34 39 62 39s51-16 62-39h50c5 0 10 4 10 9v114l-72 115z m17-99h-135c-5 0-9 4-9 9v72c0 5 4 10 9 10h79c15 0 19-4 22-10l44-72c0-5-5-9-10-9z m47-117c0-5-4-9-9-9s-9 4-9 9v17c0 5 4 9 9 9s9-4 9-9v-17z m-117 7c-27 0-50-23-50-51s23-50 50-50c28 0 51 23 51 50 0 28-23 51-51 51z m1-86c-20 0-35 16-35 35s15 35 35 35 35-15 35-35-16-35-35-35z m-192 402h-495v-273h495v273z m-205-172c-4-22-25-35-43-35-16 0-36 11-41 32l-2 6v10c2 9 6 18 11 26 4 8 8 15 13 23 8 14 15 29 19 45h1l0-2c4-14 10-27 17-40 7-12 14-25 21-37 5-9 5-18 4-28z m-306-101v273c-26 0-47-21-47-47v-178c0-26 21-48 47-48z m574 48v178c0 26-21 47-48 47v-273c27 0 48 22 48 48z m-435 231h75c4 0 8 3 8 6 0 4-4 7-8 7h-75c-5 0-8-3-8-7 0-3 3-6 8-6z m174 0h75c4 0 8 3 8 6 0 4-4 7-8 7h-75c-5 0-8-3-8-7 0-3 3-6 8-6z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rickshaw" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2a;" d="M791 272c-13-2-18 3-22 14-12 36-25 72-38 108-2 4-8 10-12 10-19 2-37 1-56 1-2 0-5-2-5-5v-27c0-3 3-6 5-5 11 0 22 2 30-2 7-3 11-14 17-25 1-2 0-4-3-4-69 0-133 0-196 0-4 0-7 3-10 5-3 2-4 5-4 6 1 2 4 3 7 3h32c3 0 5 2 5 5v26c0 2-2 5-5 5h-85c-3 0-5-3-5-5-1-15-3-28 10-40 5-5 8-20 4-27-24-49-50-97-76-145-2-4-7-9-11-10-14-1-28 0-41 0-3 0-6 2-7 5-21 86-90 113-148 106-66-8-115-63-114-128 0-67 48-120 117-128 56-7 125 23 145 105 0 3 3 5 6 5 2 1 4 1 6 1 73 0 145 0 217-1 14 0 24 4 34 13 46 44 92 86 139 130 3 2 6 2 7-1 5-8 3-13-5-19-45-32-62-76-53-129 12-73 87-119 161-102 73 17 116 91 96 162-14 47-63 100-142 93z m-509-152c-7-40-48-70-91-68-47 2-88 40-90 85-2 53 34 92 88 98 42 4 84-27 95-70 0-3-2-5-5-5h-84c-3 0-6-3-6-6v-24c0-2 3-5 6-5h83c3 0 5-2 4-5z m144 45c19 37 38 72 58 109 1 3 3 3 4 0 18-37 35-72 52-109 1-2 0-4-3-4h-108c-3 0-5 2-3 4z m150 17c-18 38-36 76-55 116-1 2 0 4 3 4h175c3 0 4-1 2-3-40-40-79-79-119-118-2-2-5-2-6 1z m146-80c-20 39-8 89 26 111 2 2 5 1 6-2 7-18 13-36 20-55 1-3 4-4 7-3 9 3 17 5 26 8 3 1 4 4 3 7-7 20-13 39-19 58-1 3 0 6 3 6 37 10 82-15 98-56 18-43-3-96-46-115-47-22-100-4-124 41z m-545 344c3-1 5 1 5 4-1 20-2 38-3 60 0 2 1 3 3 1 25-30 47-57 70-85 2-2 5-2 7 0 53 80 104 157 156 236 2 2 1 4-2 5-59 7-114 13-170 19-6 1-14-1-19-4-33-23-65-46-97-69-4-3-7-9-8-13 0-44 0-87 0-131 1-4 5-11 8-12 16-4 32-7 50-11z m97 148h56c3 0 4-2 3-4-20-33-40-65-61-101-2-2-3-2-3 1v99c0 3 2 5 5 5z m-34-2v-108c0-3-1-4-3-1-18 22-34 43-51 64-2 3-1 6 1 8 15 14 22 38 48 41 3 1 5-2 5-4z m29-227c-4 34-23 49-58 53-29 3-57 11-87 18-3 0-5-1-5-4 0-33 0-65 1-96 0-4 5-10 9-11 84-32 169-63 254-94 3-1 6 0 7 3 2 11-3 17-13 22-13 6-24 16-38 21-41 16-64 46-70 88z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rocket-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2b;" d="M527 765c22-22 45-45 65-69 30-35 51-76 68-121h-320c3 8 5 16 9 23 33 71 77 134 141 182 2 2 4 5 6 8h4c2 0 14-11 27-23z m-355-638l90 51c6 4 12 8 19 11 15-62 30-123 45-187-50-25-101-50-153-76-15-7-28 1-28 18v134c0 18 12 40 27 49z m654-201c-51 26-102 51-152 76 15 62 29 123 45 187 35-21 72-42 108-62 15-9 28-31 28-49v-134c0-17-13-25-29-18z m-324 622c49 0 99-1 149 0 16 1 22-6 26-20 26-90 31-182 20-274-10-80-29-158-55-234-5-12-10-17-23-17-79 1-158 1-238 0-11 0-18 3-22 15-38 112-65 226-60 345 3 56 16 111 25 167 2 16 11 18 25 18 51-1 102 0 153 0z m-95-226c1-41 10-80 39-112 32-34 75-34 107 0 52 55 53 166 3 223-34 38-78 38-112 0-28-32-36-70-37-111z m-38-345h261c-5-19-10-38-16-56-1-4-8-8-13-8-68-1-135-1-202 0-5 0-12 6-14 10-6 17-10 34-16 54z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rocket-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2c;" d="M418 110c-32-32-49-8-68 11-27 27-55 55-83 83-18 19-49 34-11 70l-10 2c-8-2-16-3-23-7-28-17-57-32-84-51-32-22-41 10-57 23-17 13-1 24 7 33 39 45 78 90 119 133 8 9 22 14 34 16 21 3 42 6 63 4 36-3 55 16 74 43 75 104 164 192 280 252 65 34 65 34 116-17 36-37 71-74 109-108 13-13 14-22 8-38-40-97-101-179-180-248-37-33-79-61-117-93-9-8-17-23-19-36-4-30-3-60-7-90-1-10-7-22-15-30-45-40-92-80-138-120-11-10-22-17-32-2-10 15-42 20-24 49 18 31 36 61 54 92 4 6 6 13 9 20-2 3-3 6-5 9z m253 478c-36 0-67-30-67-66 0-33 30-64 64-65 34-1 67 32 67 66 0 33-31 64-64 65z m-609-665c19 12 36 23 51 36 8 6 16 16 19 25 3 9 2 22-3 28-4 4-18 1-27 0-4-1-9-5-15-9-6 42 18 66 45 89 2 3 7 3 9 6 9 11 18 23 27 34-12 4-23 7-42 12 11 11 21 24 33 31 36 21 88 14 120-13 42-35 55-78 40-127-16-52-51-83-101-100 0 2-1 4-1 5l-2 43c-13-7-27-11-39-20-15-11-28-26-43-37-26-18-36-18-71-3z m848 683c-53 53-101 102-153 156 54 9 107 19 161 26 21 2 21-16 18-31-8-50-17-99-26-151z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rocket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2d;" d="M937 788s-131 3-262-62c-40-19-84-48-120-84-59-59-151-168-222-255h-161l-73-110 124-33c0-4 2-11 5-19l-19-42s-8-15 47-73c58-58 76-51 76-51l46 20c7-2 12-2 15-2l34-128 109 73v165c89 72 197 161 255 218 37 36 66 80 88 120 62 131 58 263 58 263z m-255-328c-40 0-73 32-73 73s33 72 73 72c40 0 73-32 73-72s-33-73-73-73z m-557-485s-7 106 47 175c-3 7-7 11-11 18l-25-22c-84-84-73-233-73-233s149-11 233 73l22 25c-7 4-11 8-18 11-69-54-175-47-175-47z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sail-boat-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2e;" d="M572 159c84 0 168 0 253 0-8 29-247 581-270 621v-322c0-91 0-183 0-274 0-12-4-25 17-25z m32-28c-11 0-23 1-27-13-5-23-18-43-19-68h215c-6 19-13 36-16 53-5 24-17 30-41 29-37-2-74-1-112-1z m-135-77c5 31 5 685 0 727-119-228-234-451-353-678 126 8 244 10 353-49z m94-33c-24 0-33 5-35 24v187c0 171 0 343 0 514 0 8-1 16 0 24 0 10-1 18-15 17-11 0-12-7-12-15l0-24c0-227 0-453-1-679l0-20s1-27-22-27h0c-63 2-126-2-188 4-57 6-112 21-172 35 26-52 53-97 91-134 10-10 21-15 36-15 188 1 376 1 563 1 12 0 22 0 28 13 14 31 30 61 48 96-112 0-217 1-321-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sail-boat-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee2f;" d="M261 115c-1-1-2-3-2-4-2-3-2-7 1-9 3-3 6-4 9-2 4 2 8 4 12 5 94 41 191 70 291 90 10 1 14 6 13 16 0 31 0 62 0 92 0 142 0 284 0 425 0 9 2 11 10 8 33-11 66-14 100-4 21 7 42 6 62 2 4-1 8-3 10 2 1 4-2 6-6 8-18 9-36 16-56 18-16 2-32-1-48 0-26 2-51 10-75 23-11 6-18 2-19-11 0-4 0-8 0-11v-71c-4 3-6 5-8 6-25 19-49 38-73 57-10 7-16 4-17-7-11-91-30-179-54-267-36-128-83-251-150-366z m-9 53c40 75 73 153 99 233 55 155 75 265 63 276-6 6-81 63-81 63-17 13-34 26-51 39-9 6-14 4-16-7-1-6-1-12-2-18-14-95-33-189-58-281-33-124-75-244-137-357-2-4-5-8-1-13 5-5 9-2 14 0 50 22 101 40 154 53 8 1 13 5 16 12z m669 72c-2 0-4-1-5-1-93-18-186-38-277-67-66-21-132-46-199-67-99-31-199-52-304-44-6 1-6-3-6-7-1-25 8-46 28-62 5-4 11-7 19-7l61 1c48 18 141 40 283 19 65-9 120-5 165 5 7 59 33 109 78 151 13 12 26 21 43 26l1 0c0 1 1 1 1 1l97 26c6 2 12 4 18 5 7 2 11 6 10 13-1 7-7 8-13 8z m-303 330c-6-4-3-9-1-14 26-75 38-151 29-230-2-11-4-21-5-32 0-6 4-9 11-8 72 15 142 7 211-17 5-1 9-2 12 3 4 5 0 8-3 12l-241 281c-3 4-7 9-13 5z m-97-574c-221 31-323-39-323-39s53 29 328 9l328 120s-111-122-333-90z m36-53c-177 26-258-31-258-31s42 23 262 8l262 95c0 0-89-97-266-72z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sail-boat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee30;" d="M826 158c-16 46-29 94-51 137-75 152-185 274-331 362-13 7-18 15-17 30 2 18 1 37 1 56-18-17-32-32-48-45-24-20-49-39-74-58l-27-21 2-4c45 9 89 19 137 29-2-32 3-64-7-90-66-171-151-331-267-475-5-7-10-14-18-24 237 27 469 54 703 81-1 8-1 15-3 22z m-396-48v528c38-176 59-352 0-528z m-367-91c7-17 14-31 19-45 5-13 13-16 25-16 202 0 404 1 606-1 48-1 87 14 124 41 11 9 22 16 32 25 28 25 54 53 69 93-294-32-583-65-875-97z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="scooter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee31;" d="M768 514h-263v-50h293l-30 50z m-610-233c-48 0-87-39-87-88 0-49 39-88 87-88s88 39 88 88c0 49-39 88-88 88z m0-126c-20 0-37 17-37 38 0 21 17 38 37 38 21 0 38-17 38-38s-17-38-38-38z m347 293s183-201 0-201h-33s-272 24-107 291l27 27h49v16s-74 31-80 0c-7-31-164-220-164-220-55 13-98-20-134-80 66 20 131 45 183-14 53-59 28-69 405-69 0 0-69 4-24 49h62c-12-15-20-33-20-54 0-49 40-88 88-88 49 0 88 39 88 88 0 21-7 39-19 54h46c100 0-67 201-67 201l-300 0z m252-293c-21 0-38 17-38 38 0 21 17 38 38 38 21 0 38-17 38-38s-17-38-38-38z m156 149h25v-47h-25v47z m-568 280l-36 11v-47h25l11 36z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sea-plane" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee32;" d="M936 258c-1 10-11 7-18 7l-184 0c-5 0-12-3-15 6-9 24-18 49-28 74 17 3 32 6 47 8 42 4 75 21 94 61 11 22 26 41 40 61l3-2v-106c0-8 0-15 9-15 10 0 10 8 10 15v10c0 31 0 62 0 93 0 8 0 13 10 14 9 0 16 6 16 17 0 10-5 16-15 17-10 1-11 7-11 15 1 33 1 66 0 98 0 7 0 15-10 15-10 0-9-8-9-15 0-33 0-67 0-100 0-8-1-13-11-11-63 7-128 9-183 47-18 13-38 14-59 10-78-16-157-28-230-63-51-24-102-31-157-29-20 1-32 7-40 25-14 30-29 60-42 90-6 14-15 19-29 19-16 0-32 1-47 3-13 1-17-2-13-15 14-53 27-107 41-160 11-42 29-57 72-63 83-12 167-25 250-38 9-1 10-4 7-12-8-18-15-37-21-55-3-11-8-15-20-15-63 1-126 1-189 0-18 0-23-6-19-22 2-10 10-11 18-13 38-11 76-20 114-31 8-2 15-1 22 2 38 16 77 16 115 0 30-12 58-12 87 0 39 17 78 16 116 0 29-12 58-12 87 0 34 15 69 15 104 4 6-2 11-5 17-3 21 8 43 16 63 28 12 7 10 18 8 29z m-304 300c12 0 22-1 33-7 15-8 30-16 46-24 11-6 12-12 7-23-10-19-22-34-46-26-21-7-30 3-34 22-3 16-9 30-15 45-4 10-1 12 9 13z m-205-71c-2 10 2 18 13 22 34 15 70 24 107 31 0 0 1 0 1 0 16 3 30 10 46 9 8-22 16-44 22-66 3-8-5-6-9-6-28 0-56 0-84 0-26 0-52 0-78 0-7 0-17-2-18 10z m48-223c-14 1-32-6-40 4-5 5 7 24 11 37 15 39 15 39 57 39 50 0 99 0 149 1 11 0 17-3 21-14 7-22 16-43 24-67-75 0-149 0-222 0z m414-134c-9 1-19 3-28 7-40 17-79 16-120-1-26-11-54-11-81 0-41 17-81 18-122 0-27-11-55-9-83 0-14 5-28 11-43 13-26 3-50-3-73-12-29-11-58-11-88 0-14 5-28 10-44 12-30 4-56-7-84-16-10-4-25 1-29-8-5-9-1-22-1-33h-1c0-10 1-19 0-29 0-8 3-10 10-9 17 3 32 7 47 13 30 11 59 12 88 0 39-16 78-16 117 0 28 12 56 12 84 0 40-16 80-16 120 1 27 11 54 11 81 0 41-17 82-17 123 0 26 11 52 9 78 1 16-5 32-11 49-14 12-2 14 2 14 13-1 15-1 31 0 47 1 11-4 14-14 15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ship-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee33;" d="M348 735c0 29 24 53 53 53 24 0 44-17 50-39l2 1c21 0 39-18 39-40 0-5-1-10-3-14 13 0 24-11 24-25s-11-24-24-24c-13 0-24 11-24 24l0 2c-4-1-8-2-12-2-13 0-25 7-32 17-6-3-13-5-20-5-29 0-53 24-53 52z m24-258h-71c-13 0-23-10-23-22v-152l222 106 222-106v152c0 12-10 22-23 22h-327z m256 23v14c0 12-10 22-23 22h-55l-10 91h-80l-10-91h-55c-13 0-23-10-23-22v-14h256z m-128-116l-330-158 98-285c45 21 103 41 163 41 96 0 173-46 275-69h17l107 313-330 158z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="tram" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee3a;" d="M583 653l50 111c81-15 94-43 94-44 1-2 3-4 6-4 1 0 1 0 2 1 3 1 5 4 4 8-1 2-25 63-239 63s-238-61-239-63c-1-4 0-7 4-8 3-2 6 0 8 3 0 1 13 29 94 44l50-111c-198-22-228-120-228-153v-424c0-44 36-80 79-80h43l-49-74c-2-3-1-7 1-9 2 0 3-1 4-1 2 0 4 1 5 3l54 81h348l54-81c1-2 3-3 5-3 1 0 3 1 4 1 2 2 3 6 1 9l-49 74h42c44 0 80 36 80 80v424c0 35-31 132-228 153z m-204 114c31 5 70 8 121 8s89-3 120-8l-50-113c-22 2-45 3-70 3s-49-1-70-3l-51 113z m198-205v-5c0-9-7-17-17-17h-121c-9 0-17 8-17 17v5c0 10 8 17 17 17h122c9 0 16-7 16-17z m-252-488c-32 0-58 26-58 59 0 32 26 58 58 58s58-26 58-58c0-33-26-59-58-59z m350 0c-33 0-59 26-59 59 0 32 26 58 59 58 32 0 58-26 58-58 0-33-26-59-58-59z m58 189c0-18-15-33-34-33h-399c-18 0-33 15-33 33v205c0 19 15 34 33 34h399c19 0 34-16 34-34v-205z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="truck-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee3b;" d="M97 221v-3c0-16 10-29 24-33 12 30 41 51 75 51 34 0 63-22 75-52h373v70h-513c-19 0-34-15-34-33z m96 3c-33 0-59-27-59-60 0-32 26-59 59-59 33 0 59 27 59 59s-26 60-59 60z m0-101c-23 0-41 19-41 41s18 41 41 41 41-18 41-41-18-41-41-41z m661 347c-7 9-17 11-23 11h-149c-6 0-11-5-11-11v-269c0-7 5-12 11-12h40c13 28 40 47 72 47s60-19 73-47h59c6 0 11 5 11 12v134l-83 135z m19-117h-158c-6 0-11 5-11 11v84c0 7 5 12 11 12h93c17 0 22-4 26-12l51-84c0-6-5-11-12-11z m56-138c0-6-5-10-11-10-6 0-10 4-10 10v20c0 6 4 11 10 11 6 0 11-5 11-11v-20z m-137 9c-33 0-59-27-59-60 0-32 26-59 59-59s59 27 59 59c0 33-26 60-59 60z m0-101c-23 0-41 19-41 41s18 41 41 41 41-18 41-41-18-41-41-41z m-714 152h550c9 0 16 7 16 15v290c0 9-7 16-16 16h-550c-8 0-15-7-15-16v-290c0-8 7-15 15-15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="truck-loaded" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee3c;" d="M322 235c-43 0-77-34-77-77 0-43 34-77 77-77 42 0 77 34 77 77 0 43-35 77-77 77z m0-115c-22 0-39 17-39 38 0 21 17 39 39 39 21 0 38-18 38-39 0-21-17-38-38-38z m-67 115h-172c-7 0-13-5-13-12v-38c0-7 6-12 13-12h138c4 25 16 46 34 62z m470 0c-43 0-77-34-77-77 0-43 34-77 77-77s77 34 77 77c-1 43-35 77-77 77z m0-115c-22 0-39 17-39 38 0 21 17 39 39 39s38-18 38-39c0-21-17-38-38-38z m200 115h-30v168c0 20-6 39-17 56l-75 111c-19 27-49 44-82 44h-117c-14 0-25-11-25-25v-354h-191c18-16 31-37 34-62h202c7 49 49 87 101 87s93-38 100-87h100c7 0 13 5 13 12v38c0 7-6 12-13 12z m-123 201h-154c-7 0-13 6-13 13v85c0 7 6 13 13 13h94c4 0 8-2 10-6l60-85c6-8 0-20-10-20z m-282-176h-433c-13 0-24 11-24 25v111c0 14 11 25 24 25h433c14 0 25-11 25-25v-111c0-14-11-25-25-25z m-259 198h-174c-13 0-24 11-24 24v112c0 14 11 25 24 25h173c14 0 25-11 25-25v-111c0-14-11-25-24-25z m259 0h-173c-14 0-25 11-25 24v112c0 14 12 25 25 25h173c14 0 25-12 25-25v-112c0-13-11-24-25-24z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="beach-bed" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee43;" d="M272 432c25 8 50 16 74 24 75 24 150 48 225 72 4 1 9 1 5 8-25 49-55 94-96 132-24 23-51 42-83 52-39 11-72 1-96-32-8-10-14-21-19-32-19-45-23-92-24-137 1-30 3-56 6-82 1-6 2-8 8-5z m-46-9c-3 19-5 39-6 58-2 46-1 93 9 138 5 18 10 36 18 54-88-45-184-214-175-305 1 0 3 0 4 0 49 16 97 32 146 47 4 2 5 4 4 8z m94 330c7 4 14 7 21 8 10 0 10 5 6 11l-1 5c-5 8-14 12-23 10-8-3-14-10-14-20 0-3 2-6 3-10 1-5 3-6 8-4z m291-200c4-8 7-10 16-7 49 16 98 32 147 47 8 3 8 5 3 11-44 50-96 87-158 111-54 21-110 30-168 26 20-12 38-26 55-42 45-42 78-92 105-146z m-4-568c-6 19-6 19-26 19-4 0-9 0-13 0-6 0-8-1-6-7 7-20 14-41 20-61 4-11 14-17 25-13 11 3 16 13 12 25l-12 37z m303 236c-17 9-37 3-48-15-4-8-9-16-15-23-43-54-101-78-169-80-47-1-93 0-139 0v-1c-31 0-62 1-93 0-45 0-90-2-134-11-78-17-136-61-183-124-9-12-8-29 1-40 9-13 25-18 40-13 8 3 14 10 19 17 28 36 61 65 104 81 38 14 79 19 120 19 83 1 166 1 249 1 46 0 91 7 134 26 55 24 98 61 128 114 10 19 4 40-14 49z m-478 172c26-81 53-163 80-244 6-19 6-19 26-19 4 0 8 1 12 0 8-1 9 2 6 9-28 84-55 169-83 253-2 7-7 15-5 20 2 6 13 6 20 9 101 32 202 65 304 98 13 4 19 14 15 26-3 11-14 15-27 11-11-4-22-7-33-11l-570-184c-27-9-53-17-80-26-12-4-17-14-13-25 3-10 13-15 24-12 2 0 4 1 6 2 102 33 204 66 306 99 7 2 10 1 12-6z m327-433c0 13-1 26 0 39 0 4-2 6-6 6-13 0-26 0-39 0-4 0-6-1-6-6 0-26 0-51 0-77 0-4 1-6 6-6 13 1 26 1 39 1 4 0 6 1 6 6 0 12 0 25 0 37z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="hail-thunder" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee60;" d="M886 550c-55 53-120 68-192 42-13-5-19-5-25 10-47 117-157 182-281 167-114-13-203-103-224-224-1-8 0-17-9-21-20-8-36-20-49-35l0 0s-96-90-3-194c3-3 6-6 8-9 1 0 1-1 2-1l0 0c22-22 51-35 87-38 36-3 73 0 110-1 14-1 16 7 19 18 17 63 35 126 52 189 3 12 8 18 23 18 49-1 98-1 147 0 16 0 19-4 14-19-10-35-19-70-30-108h159c-24-34-45-64-69-98 48 0 92-1 135 1 77 2 132 39 163 109 29 66 14 144-37 194z m-375-239c-15 0-21 1-16 19 10 30 17 62 26 92 4 12 1 15-11 15-28 0-56 0-84 0-9 0-15-2-17-12-17-61-34-122-51-184-3-9-1-14 10-14 22 1 44 0 66 1 16 0 23-1 18-21-18-68-32-136-48-204 1-1 2-2 3-3 73 102 146 205 222 311-43 0-81 1-118 0z m-245-182c0-30-25-55-55-55s-55 25-55 55c0 31 24 55 55 55s55-24 55-55z m395-8c0-26-21-47-47-47-25 0-46 21-46 47 0 25 20 46 46 46 26 0 47-21 47-46z m-308-157c0-20-15-36-35-36s-36 16-36 36 16 35 36 35c20 0 35-16 35-35z m215-5c0-15-12-27-27-27s-27 12-27 27 12 27 27 27 27-12 27-27z m-204 149c0-10-7-18-17-18-10 0-18 8-18 18 0 10 8 17 18 17 10 0 17-7 17-17z m424 41c0-20-16-35-35-35s-36 15-36 35 16 36 36 36 35-16 35-36z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hail" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee61;" d="M886 552c-55 53-120 68-192 42-13-5-19-6-25 10-47 117-157 182-281 167-114-13-203-103-224-225-1-7 0-16-9-20-20-8-36-21-49-35l0 0s-96-90-3-194c3-3 6-6 8-9 1 0 1-1 2-1l0 0c22-22 51-35 87-38 36-4 73 0 110-1l315 0c48 0 92-1 135 0 76 3 132 40 163 110 29 66 14 144-37 194z m-522-425c0-31-25-56-56-56s-56 25-56 56 25 56 56 56 56-25 56-56z m254-9c0-26-21-47-47-47s-47 21-47 47 21 48 47 48 47-22 47-48z m-129-123c0-20-16-36-36-36s-36 16-36 36c0 20 16 36 36 36s36-16 36-36z m112-41c0-15-12-27-27-27s-28 12-28 27 13 28 28 28 27-13 27-28z m-137 151c0-10-8-18-18-18-10 0-18 8-18 18s8 18 18 18c10 0 18-8 18-18z m284 42c0-20-16-36-36-36s-36 16-36 36c0 20 16 36 36 36s36-16 36-36z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="snow-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee6b;" d="M898 298c-5 20-26 32-46 26l-159-42-61 35v67l61 34 159-42c4-1 7-2 10-2 16 0 31 11 36 28 5 20-7 40-26 45l-88 24 81 46c18 10 24 33 14 51-11 18-33 24-51 14l-81-47 23 88c6 20-6 40-26 46-20 5-40-7-45-27l-43-159-61-35-58 34v70l117 117c15 14 15 38 0 52s-38 15-53 0l-64-64v93c0 21-17 38-37 38-21 0-37-17-37-38v-93l-64 64c-15 15-38 15-53 0-14-14-14-38 0-52l117-117v-71l-58-33-61 35-42 159c-6 20-26 32-46 27-20-6-32-26-26-46l23-88-81 47c-18 10-40 4-50-14-11-18-4-41 13-51l81-46-87-24c-20-5-32-25-27-45 5-17 20-28 36-28 3 0 7 1 10 2l160 42 60-34 0-67-61-35-159 42c-20 6-40-6-46-26-5-20 7-40 27-45l87-24-81-46c-17-11-24-33-13-51 7-12 19-19 32-19 6 0 13 2 19 5l80 47-23-88c-5-20 6-40 26-45 3-1 7-2 10-2 16 0 31 11 36 28l42 160 61 35 58-33v-72l-117-117c-14-14-14-38 0-52 8-8 17-11 27-11 9 0 19 3 26 11l64 64v-93c0-21 16-38 37-38s37 17 37 38v93l65-64c7-8 16-11 26-11s19 3 26 11c15 14 15 38 0 52l-117 117v71l58 34 61-35 43-160c4-17 19-28 36-28 3 0 6 1 9 2 20 5 32 25 26 45l-23 88 81-47c6-3 12-5 18-5 13 0 26 7 33 19 10 18 4 40-14 51l-80 46 87 24c19 5 31 25 26 45z m-340 19l-58-33-58 33 0 67 58 33 57-33v-67z" />
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8c0 1 0 2 0 2l4 8c0 2-1 5-4 4l-8-2c-1 0-2 0-3 0l-6 6c-2 2-4 1-4-2z m83 5c1 0 1-1 1-1l2-6c0-2 2-2 3-1l3 5c1 0 1 0 2 0l6 0c1 0 2 1 2 2l-3 6c-1 0-1 1-1 1l3 6c0 1-1 3-2 2l-6-1c-1-1-1 0-2 0l-4 4c-1 1-3 0-3-1l-1-6c0-1 0-1-1-2l-5-3c-1-1-1-2 0-3l6-2z m-104 60c0 0 1-1 1-1l2-8c0-1 2-2 4-1l4 6c1 1 2 1 2 1l8-1c1 0 3 2 2 4l-4 6c0 1-1 1 0 2l3 7c0 2-1 3-3 3l-7-2c-1 0-2 0-2 1l-6 5c-1 1-3 0-4-2l0-7c0-1 0-2-1-2l-6-4c-2-1-2-3 0-4l7-3z m-123-56c0 0 1 0 1-1l1-5c0-1 2-1 3 0l3 4c0 0 1 0 1 0l5 0c1 0 2 1 2 2l-3 5c0 0 0 1 0 1l2 5c0 1-1 2-2 2l-5-1c0-1-1 0-1 0l-4 3c-1 1-2 1-3-1l0-5c0 0 0-1-1-1l-4-3c-1 0-1-2 0-2l5-3z m59-608v-6l-6 6-4-4 10-10v-10c0 1 1 1 2 1s2 0 3-1v10l9 10-4 4-5-6v6h-5z m5-49c-1 0-2 0-3 0s-2 0-2 0v-10l-10-9 4-4 6 6v-6h5v6l5-6 4 4-9 9 0 10z m-15 10c0 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 3h-10l-10 9-3-4 5-5h-6v-6h6l-5-5 3-4 10 9h10z m-19 17l13 0 8-7c1 1 2 3 3 4l-7 7 0 13h-5v-8l-4 4-4-4 4-4h-8l0-5z m12-45h5l0 13 7 7c-1 1-2 3-3 4l-8-7-13 0v-5h8l-4-4 4-4 4 4 0-8z m55 39l-4 4-9-9h-10c0-1 0-2 0-3 0-1 0-2 0-3h10l9-9 4 4-5 5h6v6h-6l5 5z m-21 23l0-13-8-7c2-1 3-3 4-4l7 7 14 0v5h-8l4 4-4 4-4-4v8l-5 0z m17-45l-14 0-7 7c-1-1-2-3-4-4l8-7 0-13h5v8l4-4 4 3-4 5h8l0 5z m-32 24c-5 0-9-5-9-10 0-5 4-10 9-10s10 5 10 10c0 5-4 10-10 10z m-219 80v-14l-13 13-8-9 21-21v-23c2 1 4 1 6 1s4 0 6-1v23l21 21-9 9-12-13v14h-12z m12-110c-2 0-4 0-6 0s-4 0-6 0v-22l-21-21 8-9 13 13v-14h12v14l12-13 8 9-20 21 0 22z m-34 23c-1 2-1 4-1 6s0 4 1 6h-23l-21 21-8-9 12-12h-13v-12h13l-12-13 8-8 21 21 23 0z m-42 37l30 0 16-16c2 3 5 6 8 9l-16 15 0 30-12 0 0-18-9 10-9-9 9-9-17 0v-12z m46-47l-17-16-29 0 0-12 17 0-9-9 8-9 10 10 0-18 12 0 0 30 16 15c-3 3-6 6-8 9z m104 34l-8 9-21-21h-23c1-2 1-4 1-6 0-2 0-4-1-6h23l21-21 8 8-12 13h13v12h-13l12 12z m-48 51l0-29-16-16c3-3 6-6 8-9l16 16 30 0 0 12-17 0 9 9-9 9-9-9 0 17h-12z m38-101l-29 0-17 16c-2-3-5-6-8-8l16-16 0-30 12 0 0 18 10-10 8 9-9 9 17 1 0 11z m-70 53c-12 0-22-9-22-21 0-12 10-22 22-22 12 0 21 10 21 22s-9 21-21 21z m119-103v4h-5v-4l-4 4-3-3 7-7v-8c1 1 2 1 2 1s2 0 2-1v8l8 7-3 3-4-4z m0-33c-1 0-2 0-2 0s-2 0-2 0v-7l-8-8 3-2 5 4v-5h4v5l4-4 3 2-7 8 0 7z m-12 8c0 1 0 1 0 2s0 1 0 2h-8l-7 7-3-3 4-4h-4v-4h4l-4-4 3-3 7 7 8 0z m-14 13l10 0 5-6c1 1 2 2 3 3l-5 6 0 10h-4v-6l-4 3-2-3 3-3h-6v-4z m15-16l-5-6-10 0v-4h6l-4-3 3-3 3 3v-6h5l0 11 5 5c-1 1-2 2-3 3z m36 11l-3 3-7-7h-8c0-1 1-1 1-2s-1-1-1-2h8l7-7 3 3-4 4h4v4h-4l4 4z m-16 17l-1-10-5-5c1-1 2-2 3-3l5 5 10 0v4h-5l3 4-3 2-3-3v6h-4z m12-34l-10 0-5 6c-1-1-2-3-3-3l5-6 1-10h4v6l3-3 3 3-3 3h5v4z m-23 18c-5 0-8-3-8-7s3-8 8-8 7 4 7 8c0 4-3 7-7 7z m205 143v-5l-4 4-3-3 7-7v-8c1 0 1 1 2 1s1-1 2-1v8l7 7-3 3-4-4v5h-4v0z m4-38c-1 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-2 0v-8l-7-7 3-3 4 4v-5h4v5l4-4 3 3-7 7v8z m-12 8c0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2h-8l-7 7-3-3 4-4h-4v-4h4l-4-5 3-3 7 8h8z m-14 12l10 1 6-6c0 1 1 2 3 3l-6 6 0 10h-4v-6l-4 3-3-3 4-3h-6l0-5z m16-16l-6-5-10 0v-4h6l-4-4 3-3 4 4v-6h4l0 10 6 5c-2 1-3 2-3 3z m36 12l-3 3-7-7h-8c0-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-2 0-2h8l7-8 3 3-4 5h4v4h-4l4 4z m-17 18l0-10-5-6c1-1 2-2 3-3l5 6 10-1v5h-6l4 3-3 3-4-3v6l-4 0z m13-35l-10 0-5 5c-1-1-2-2-3-3l5-5 0-11h4v6l4-3 3 3-4 3h6l0 5z m-17 11c0-5-3-8-7-8s-8 3-8 8 4 7 8 7 7-3 7-7z m-119-135v-3l-3 3-2-2 5-6v-5c0 0 1 0 1 0s1 0 2 0v5l5 6-2 2-3-3v3h-3z m3-27c-1 0-1 0-2 0s-1 0-1 0v-5l-6-5 3-2 3 3v-4h2v4l3-3 3 2-6 5 1 5z m-9 6c0 0 0 1 0 1s0 1 0 2h-5l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-4v-3h4l-3-3 2-2 5 5 5 0z m-10 9h7l4-4c1 1 2 2 2 2l-3 4v7h-3v-4l-3 2-2-2 3-2h-5v-3z m11-11l-4-4h-7v-3h5l-3-2 2-3 3 3v-5h3v8l3 3c0 1-1 2-2 3z m26 8l-2 2-5-5h-6c0-1 0-1 0-2s0-1 0-1h6l5-5 2 2-3 3h3v3h-3l3 3z m-7 10l-2-2v4h-3v-7l-4-4c1 0 2-1 2-2l4 4h7v3h-4l2 2-2 2z m4-22h-7l-4 3c0 0-1-1-2-2l4-3v-8h3v5l2-3 2 2-2 3h4v3z m-12 7c0-3-2-5-5-5s-5 2-5 5c0 3 2 5 5 5 3 1 5-2 5-5z m-108 135v-2l-2 2-2-1 4-4v-4c0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0v4l4 4-2 1-2-2v2h-2z m0-26v-2h2v2l2-2 2 1-4 4v4c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0-1 0-1 0v-4l-4-4 2-1 2 2z m-13 11h2l-2-2 1-2 4 4h4c0 0 0 1 0 1s0 1 0 1h-4l-4 4-1-2 2-2h-2v-2z m2 7h5l3-3c0 0 1 1 1 1l-3 3v5h-2v-3l-1 2-2-2 2-1h-3l0-2z m6-18v5l3 3c0 0-1 1-1 1l-3-2h-5v-3h3l-2-1 1-2 2 2v-3l2 0z m19 17l-4-4h-4c0 0 0-1 0-1s0-1 0-1h4l4-4 1 2-2 2h2v2h-2l2 2-1 2z m-7 7v-5l-3-3c0 0 1-1 1-1l3 3h5v2h-3l2 1-1 2-2-2v3h-2z m6-17h-5l-3 2c0 0-1-1-1-1l2-3v-5h3v3l1-2 2 2-2 1h3l0 3z m-8 5c0-2-2-4-4-4s-4 2-4 4c0 2 2 4 4 4s4-2 4-4z" />
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0-1l-4-2c-1 0-1-1 0-2l4-1z m-155 3c0 0 1-1 1-1l1-3c0-1 1-2 1-1l3 3c0 0 0 0 0 0l4 0c1 0 1 1 1 2l-2 3c0 0 0 0 0 1l1 3c1 1 0 1-1 1l-3-1c-1 0-1 0-1 0l-3 3c0 0-1 0-1-1l-1-3c0-1 0-1 0-1l-3-2c-1 0-1-2 0-2l3-1z m369-316c-38 0-77 0-115 0l-1 0c-8-19-20-34-36-44 52 0 104 0 155 0 54-1 94-44 89-96-4-38-47-66-81-53-27 10-40 43-25 64 13 17 37 18 51 2 8-10 20-11 30-4 9 7 11 19 5 30-14 24-47 36-77 28-58-15-77-81-42-130 16-22 38-33 64-38h25c9 3 19 5 29 9 58 26 83 94 54 154-25 53-67 78-125 78z m-95 125c13-1 24 6 24 19 1 21 17 34 31 35 21 1 40-13 46-32 10-34-17-73-52-76-22-2-44-2-67-1 5-14 6-29 4-44 20 0 39 0 58 0 56 0 105 50 104 106-1 52-38 89-90 91-41 2-77-34-77-75 0-13 8-22 19-23z m324 14c-17 20-40 28-66 23-24-6-39-21-46-45-1-5-1-10-1-15 0-12 8-20 20-21 11-1 20 6 23 17 4 17 10 22 22 20 14-2 23-16 21-30-3-20-19-33-42-33-28-1-56 0-84 0-13-1-21-6-24-16-3-14 5-27 20-28 17-1 35 0 52 0 23 1 46-3 68 4 52 18 72 84 37 124z m-558-246v-4l-4 4-2-2 6-7v-7c1 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 1-1 2-1v7l6 7-3 2-4-4v4h-3z m4-33c-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-2 0v-7l-6-6 2-3 4 4v-4h4v4l4-4 2 3-6 6 0 7z m-11 7c0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2h-7l-6 6-2-3 3-4h-4v-3h4l-3-4 2-3 6 7 7 0z m-12 11h9l5-5c0 1 1 2 2 3l-5 5v9h-3v-5l-3 2-3-2 3-3h-5l0-4z m8-30h3v9l5 5c-1 0-2 1-3 2l-4-5h-9v-3h5l-3-3 3-3 2 3 1-5z m37 26l-2 3-7-6h-6c0-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-1 0-2h6l7-6 2 2-3 4h4v4h-4l3 3z m-14 16v-9l-5-5c1-1 2-2 2-3l5 5h9v4h-5l3 3-3 2-3-3v6l-3 0z m11-31h-9l-5 5c0-1-1-2-2-2l5-5v-9h3v5l3-3 3 3-3 3h5l0 3z m-15 10c0-4-3-7-6-7-4 0-7 3-7 7 0 3 3 6 7 6 4 0 6-3 6-6z m-156 61v-9l-8 8-6-6 14-14v-15c1 0 3 0 4 0s3 0 4 0v15l14 14-5 6-9-8v9h-8z m8-75c-1 0-2 0-4 0s-3 0-4 0v-15l-14-14 6-6 8 8v-9h8v9l9-8 6 6-15 14v15z m-23 16c0 1 0 2 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 4h-15l-15 14-5-6 8-8h-9v-8h9l-8-9 5-6 15 15 15 0z m-28 25l20 0 11-11c1 2 3 4 6 6l-11 11-1 20h-8l0-12-6 6-6-5 7-7-12 0v-8z m31-32l-11-11-20 0v-8h12l-7-6 6-6 6 6 0-11h8l1 20 11 11c-3 1-5 3-6 5z m71 23l-6 6-14-14h-15c0-1 0-3 0-4 0-2 0-3 0-4h15l14-15 6 6-8 9h9v8h-9l8 8z m-33 35l0-20-11-11c3-1 5-3 6-6l11 11 20 0v8l-12 0 7 7-6 6-7-7 1 12h-9z m26-69l-20 0-11 11c-1-2-3-4-6-6l11-10 0-21h9l0 12 6-6 6 6-7 6h12v8z m-48 37c-8 0-15-7-15-15s7-15 15-15 15 6 15 15c0 8-7 15-15 15z m81-71v3h-3v-3l-2 3-2-2 4-5v-5c1 0 1 0 2 0s1 0 1 0v5l5 5-2 2-3-3z m0-22c0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 0v-5l-4-5 2-2 3 3v-3h2v3l3-3 2 2-5 5 0 5z m-8 5c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2h-5l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-3v-3h3l-3-3 2-2 5 5 5 0z m-9 9h7l3-4c1 1 1 1 2 2l-3 4v6h-3v-4l-2 2-2-2 2-2h-4l0-2z m10-11l-3-4h-7v-3h4l-2-2 2-2 2 2v-4h3v7l3 4c-1 0-1 1-2 2z m25 8l-2 2-5-5h-6c1-1 1-1 1-2 0 0 0 0-1-1h6l5-5 2 2-3 3h3v3h-3l3 3z m-12 11v-6l-3-4c1-1 1-1 2-2l3 4h7v2h-4l2 3-2 2-2-3v5l-3-1z m9-23h-7l-3 4c-1-1-2-2-2-2l3-4v-7h3v4l2-2 2 2-2 2h4l0 3z m-11 7c0-2-2-5-5-5s-5 3-5 5 2 5 5 5 5-2 5-5z m135 102v-3l-3 3-2-2 5-5v-5c0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0v5l5 5-2 2-3-3v3h-3z m3-25c-1 0-1-1-2-1s-1 1-1 1v-6l-5-5 2-2 3 3v-3h3v3l3-3 2 2-5 5 0 6z m-8 5c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2h-6l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-3v-3h3l-3-3 2-2 5 5h6z m-10 9h7l4-4c0 1 1 1 2 2l-4 4v7h-3v-4l-2 2-2-2 2-2h-4l0-3z m11-11l-4-4h-7v-3h4l-2-2 2-2 2 2v-4h3v7l4 4c-1 0-2 1-2 2z m24 8l-2 2-4-5h-6c0-1 0-1 0-2 0 0 0-1 0-1h6l4-5 2 2-2 3h3v3h-3l2 3z m-11 12v-7l-4-4c1-1 2-1 2-2l4 4h7v3h-4l2 2-2 2-2-2v4l-3 0z m9-24h-7l-4 4c0-1-1-2-2-2l4-4v-7h3v4l2-2 2 2-2 2h4l0 3z m-12 7c0-3-2-5-5-5s-5 2-5 5c0 3 2 6 5 6s5-3 5-6z m-81-91v-3l-2 2-2-1 4-3v-4c0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0v4l3 3-1 1-2-2v3h-2z m2-19c-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0v-3l-4-4 2-1 2 2v-2h2v2l2-2 1 1-3 4 0 3z m-6 4c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1h-4l-3 4-2-2 2-2h-2v-2h2l-2-2 2-1 3 3h4z m-7 6h5l3-2c0 0 1 1 1 1l-2 3v5h-2v-3l-2 1-1-1 1-2h-3v-2z m8-7l-3-3h-5v-2h3l-1-2 1-1 2 2v-3h2v5l2 2c0 0-1 1-1 2z m17 5l-1 2-4-4h-4c1 0 1-1 1-1 0 0 0-1-1-1h4l4-3 1 1-2 2h2v2h-2l2 2z m-4 7l-2-1v3h-2v-5l-3-3c1 0 1-1 2-1l3 2h4v2h-2l1 2-1 1z m2-15h-4l-3 3c-1-1-1-1-2-2l3-2v-5h2v3l2-2 1 1-1 2h2v2z m-8 5c0-2-1-4-3-4s-4 2-4 4 2 4 4 4 3-2 3-4z m-74 92v-1l-1 1-1-1 2-2v-3c1 0 1 0 1 0s1 0 1 0v3l2 2-1 1-1-1v1h-2z m0-18v-1h2v1l1-1 1 1-2 2v3c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0-1 0v-3l-2-2 1-1 1 1z m-9 8h2l-2-2 1-1 3 3h3c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 1 0 1h-3l-2 3-1-1 1-2h-2v-1z m2 4h3l2-2c1 1 1 1 1 1l-2 2v4h-1v-2l-1 1-1-1 1-1h-2l0-2z m4-12v4l2 2c0 0-1 0-1 1l-2-2h-3v-2h2l-1-1 1-1 1 1v-2l1 0z m13 12l-3-3h-2c0 0 0 0 0-1s0 0 0 0h2l3-3 1 1-2 2h2v1h-2l2 2-1 1z m-5 5v-4l-2-2c1 0 1 0 1-1l2 2h4v2h-2l1 1-1 1-1-1v2l-2 0z m5-12h-4l-2 2c0-1-1-1-1-1l2-2v-4h1v2l1-1 1 1-1 1h2l1 2z m-6 3c0-1-1-2-3-2s-2 1-2 2c0 2 1 3 2 3s3-1 3-3z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="snowy-windy-sunny" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee7b;" d="M522 411c-30 30-66 38-107 23-7-3-10-3-14 6-26 65-87 101-157 93-63-7-113-57-125-125 0-4 0-9-5-11-11-5-20-12-27-20v0s-54-50-1-108c1-2 2-4 4-5l1-1 0 0c12-12 29-19 48-21 21-2 41 0 62-1l176 0c27 0 51 0 75 0 43 2 74 23 91 62 16 36 8 80-21 108z m-108 81c-3 2-7 2-10-1-6-5-5-13 2-17 8-4 16-8 24-12 7-3 9-3 15 2l2 3v1c0 5-2 9-6 11-9 4-18 9-27 13z m-146 63c-1-3-2-6-3-9 50 1 95-21 123-61 2 2 3 5 4 7 18 34 4 76-30 93-35 18-77 4-94-30z m142-25c-1-4 1-8 5-10 1-1 3-2 4-2 11 1 21 1 31 2 6 1 9 5 9 10 0 6-4 10-9 10-11 0-22-1-32-2-4 0-8-4-8-8z m-43 62c5-2 11 0 14 5 2 4 4 9 6 13l6 13 1 0c2 5 0 11-5 14-5 2-11 0-13-5-5-9-9-17-13-26-3-5-1-11 4-14z m-148-24c5-2 9-5 14-7 4-2 8-4 13-6 5-3 10-1 13 3 3 5 1 11-4 14-9 5-18 9-27 14-5 2-11 0-13-5-3-5-1-11 4-13z m181-7c4-1 7-2 10 0 9 6 17 12 26 17 4 3 5 9 2 14-3 4-9 6-13 3-9-6-18-11-26-17-6-4-5-14 1-17z m-79 43c6-4 14 1 14 9-1 10-1 20-2 30 0 5-5 9-10 9-6-1-10-5-10-11 1-10 1-19 2-29 0-4 2-7 6-8z m-49-12c1-1 3-2 4-3 4-2 9-1 12 2 3 3 4 8 1 12-5 8-11 17-16 25-3 5-9 6-14 3-5-4-6-9-3-14l16-25z m414-298c-39 0-79 0-118 0l0 0c-9-20-22-35-37-45 52 0 105 0 158-1 55 0 96-44 90-97-4-39-47-67-82-55-28 11-41 44-25 66 13 18 37 19 51 2 9-10 21-11 31-4 9 7 11 20 5 30-14 25-48 37-78 29-60-16-79-83-44-132 17-23 39-34 66-39h25c10 3 20 5 30 9 60 26 85 96 55 157-25 54-69 80-127 80z m-97 127c13-1 24 7 24 20 1 21 18 35 31 35 22 2 42-12 48-32 10-34-17-75-53-78-23-2-46-1-68-1 4-14 6-30 4-45 20 0 39 0 59 0 57 0 107 51 106 108-1 54-39 92-92 94-42 2-78-35-79-77 0-13 8-23 20-24z m331 15c-18 21-41 29-68 23-24-5-39-21-46-45-2-5-2-11-2-16 1-12 9-20 21-21 11-1 20 5 23 17 4 18 10 23 22 21 15-3 24-17 22-31-3-21-19-34-42-34-29 0-58 0-87 0-13 0-21-6-24-16-4-15 5-28 20-29 18 0 36 0 54 0 23 1 46-3 69 5 53 17 74 85 38 126z m-577-251v-4l-4 4-2-3 6-7v-7c1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 2-1v7l7 7-3 3-4-4v4h-4z m4-34c-1 0-1 0-2 0s-1 0-2 0v-7l-6-6 2-3 4 4v-4h4v4l4-4 2 3-6 6v7z m-11 7c0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 2h-7l-6 6-3-2 4-4h-4v-4h4l-4-4 3-2 6 6 7 0z m-13 11h10l5-5c0 2 1 2 2 3l-5 5v9h-3v-5l-3 3-3-3 3-3h-5l-1-4z m8-31h4v9l5 5c-1 1-2 2-2 3l-5-5h-10v-4h6l-3-3 2-2 3 3 0-6z m39 28l-3 2-6-6h-7c0-1 0-2 0-2 0-1 0-2 0-2h7l6-7 3 3-4 4h4v3h-4l4 5z m-15 15v-9l-5-5c1 0 2-1 3-2l5 5h9v3h-5l2 3-2 3-3-3v5l-4 0z m12-31h-9l-5 5c-1-1-2-2-3-3l5-4v-10h4v6l3-3 2 3-3 3h6l0 3z m-15 10c0-4-3-7-7-7s-7 3-7 7 3 7 7 7 7-3 7-7z m-160 62v-9l-9 9-5-6 14-15v-16c1 1 3 1 4 1s3 0 4-1v16l15 15-6 6-9-9v9h-8z m8-76c-1 0-2 0-4 0s-3 0-4 0v-16l-14-14 5-6 9 9v-10h8v10l9-9 6 6-15 14v16z m-23 16c-1 1-1 2-1 4 0 1 0 3 1 4h-16l-15 15-5-6 8-9h-9v-8h9l-8-9 5-6 15 15h16z m-29 26l20 0 11-11c2 2 4 4 6 6l-11 11 0 20h-8l0-12-7 7-6-6 7-7-12 0v-8z m31-33l-11-11-20 0v-8h12l-7-7 6-6 7 7 0-12h8l0 20 11 11c-2 2-4 4-6 6z m73 24l-5 6-15-15h-16c0-1 1-3 1-4 0-2-1-3-1-4h16l14-15 6 6-8 9h9v8h-9l8 9z m-33 35l0-20-11-11c2-2 4-4 6-6l11 11 20 0v8l-12 0 7 7-6 6-7-7 0 12h-8z m26-70l-20 0-12 11c-1-2-3-4-5-6l11-11 0-21h8l0 13 7-7 6 6-7 7h12v8z m-49 37c-8 0-15-7-15-15 0-9 7-15 15-15 9 0 15 6 15 15 0 8-6 15-15 15z m83-72v3h-3v-3l-3 3-2-2 5-5v-5c1 0 1 0 2 0s1 0 1 0v5l5 5-2 2-3-3z m0-23c0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 0v-5l-5-5 2-2 3 3v-3h3v3l3-3 2 2-5 5v5z m-8 6c0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1h-5l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-4v-2h4l-3-3 2-2 5 5h5z m-10 8h7l4-3c0 0 1 1 2 2l-4 3v7h-3v-4l-2 2-2-2 2-2h-4l0-3z m11-11l-4-3h-7v-3h4l-2-2 2-2 2 2v-4h3v7l4 3c-1 1-2 2-2 2z m25 8l-2 2-5-5h-6c1 0 1 0 1-1 0 0 0-1-1-1h6l5-5 2 2-3 3h3v2h-3l3 3z m-12 12v-7l-3-3c0-1 1-2 2-2l3 3h7v3h-4l2 2-2 2-2-2v4l-3 0z m9-23h-7l-3 3c-1 0-2-1-2-2l3-3v-7h3v4l2-3 2 2-2 3h4l0 3z m-11 7c0-3-2-5-5-5s-6 2-6 5c0 3 3 5 6 5s5-2 5-5z m138 104v-3l-3 3-2-2 5-5v-5c0 0 1 0 1 0s1 0 2 0v5l5 5-2 2-3-3v3h-3z m3-26c-1 0-1 0-2 0s-1 0-1 0v-6l-5-5 2-2 3 3v-3h3v3l3-3 2 2-5 5 0 6z m-9 5c0 1 0 1 0 2s0 1 0 1h-5l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-3v-3h3l-3-3 2-2 5 5 5 0z m-10 9h7l4-4c1 1 1 2 2 2l-4 4v7h-3v-4l-2 3-2-3 2-2h-4v-3z m11-11l-4-4h-7v-3h5l-3-2 2-2 3 2v-4h2v7l4 4c0 0-1 1-2 2z m26 8l-2 2-6-5h-5c0 0 0-1 0-1s0-1 0-2h6l5-5 2 2-3 3h3v3h-3l3 3z m-12 13v-8l-4-3c1-1 2-2 2-3l4 4h7v3h-4l2 3-2 2-2-3v5h-3z m9-25h-7l-4 4c0-1-1-1-2-2l4-4v-7h3v4l2-2 2 2-2 2h4v3z m-12 8c0-3-2-6-5-6s-5 3-5 6 2 5 5 5 5-2 5-5z m-83-94v-2l-2 2-2-2 4-3v-4c0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0v4l3 3-1 2-2-2v2h-2z m2-19c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0-1 0-1 0v-3l-3-4 1-1 2 2v-2h2v2l2-2 2 1-4 4v3z m-6 4c0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1h-4l-3 4-1-2 2-2h-3v-2h3l-2-2 1-1 3 3h4z m-7 7h5l3-3c0 0 1 1 1 1l-2 3v5h-2v-3l-2 2-1-2 1-1h-3v-2z m8-8l-3-3h-5v-2h3l-1-2 1-1 2 2v-3h2v5l2 2c0 1-1 1-1 2z m18 5l-2 2-3-4h-4c0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0-1h4l3-3 2 1-2 2h2v2h-2l2 2z m-5 8l-1-2v3h-2v-5l-3-3c0 0 1-1 1-1l3 3h5v2h-3l2 1-2 2z m3-16h-5l-3 3c0-1-1-1-1-2l3-3v-5h2v3l1-1 2 1-2 2h3v2z m-8 5c0-2-2-3-4-3s-4 1-4 3 2 4 4 4 4-2 4-4z m-76 94v-1l-1 1-1-1 2-2v-3c0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0v3l2 2-1 1-1-1v1h-2z m0-18v-2h2v2l1-2 1 1-3 3v3c0 0 0 0 0 0s-1 0-1 0v-3l-3-3 1-1 2 2z m-9 8h1l-1-2 1-1 3 3h2c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1h-2l-3 3-1-1 1-2h-1v-1z m1 4h4l2-2c0 1 0 1 1 1l-2 2v4h-2v-2l-1 1-1-1 1-1h-2l0-2z m5-12v3l2 2c-1 1-1 1-1 1l-2-2h-4v-1h2l-1-1 1-1 1 1v-2l2 0z m13 12l-3-3h-3c0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0h3l3-3 1 1-2 2h2v1h-2l2 2-1 1z m-5 5v-4l-2-2c0 0 1 0 1-1l2 2h3v2h-2l1 1-1 1-1-1v2l-1 0z m4-13h-3l-2 2c0 0-1 0-1-1l2-2v-3h1v2l2-1 1 1-2 1h3l-1 1z m-6 4c0-1-1-2-2-2s-3 1-3 2 1 3 3 3 2-1 2-3z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="snowy" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee7d;" d="M886 551c-55 53-120 68-192 41-13-5-19-5-25 11-47 117-157 181-281 167-114-13-203-103-224-225-1-7 0-16-9-20-20-9-36-21-49-35l0 0s-96-90-3-194c3-3 6-7 8-9 1-1 1-1 2-2l0 1c22-22 51-35 87-39 36-3 73 0 110-1l315 1c48 0 92-1 135 0 76 3 132 40 163 110 29 66 14 143-37 194z m-316-392v-8l-7 7-4-5 11-11v-13c1 0 2 1 3 1s3 0 4-1v13l11 11-4 5-7-7v8h-7z m7-61c-1 0-2 0-3 0-2 0-3 0-4 0v-12l-11-12 4-5 7 7v-7h7v7l7-7 5 5-12 11 0 13z m-19 12c0 2 0 3 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 3h-13l-11 12-5-5 7-7h-7v-7h7l-7-7 5-4 11 11 13 0z m-23 21l16 0 9-9c1 2 3 4 5 5l-9 9 0 16h-7v-9l-5 5-5-5 5-5h-9l0-7z m14-56h7l0 17 9 9c-2 1-4 2-5 4l-9-9-16 1v-7h9l-5-5 5-5 5 5 0-10z m69 49l-4 5-12-12h-13c1-1 1-2 1-3 0-1 0-3-1-4h13l12-11 4 5-7 6h8v7h-8l7 7z m-26 28l-1-16-8-9c1-1 3-3 4-5l9 9 17 0v7h-10l5 5-4 5-6-6v10l-6 0z m21-56l-17 0-9 9c-1-2-3-3-5-5l9-8 0-17h7v10l5-5 5 4-5 6h9l1 6z m-40 30c-6 0-12-6-12-12 0-7 6-12 12-12 7 0 13 5 13 12 0 6-6 12-13 12z m-274 100v-17l-15 15-11-10 26-26v-29c3 1 5 1 8 1 3 0 5 0 7-1v29l26 26-10 10-16-15v17h-15z m15-137c-2 0-4 0-7 0-3 0-5 0-8 0v-28l-26-26 11-10 15 15v-17h15v17l16-15 10 10-26 26v28z m-42 28c0 2-1 5-1 8 0 2 1 5 1 7h-28l-26 26-11-11 16-15h-17v-15h17l-16-15 11-11 26 26h28z m-52 47l37 0 20-20c3 4 6 8 10 11l-20 19 0 37-15 0 0-22-12 12-10-11 12-11-22 0 0-15z m57-59l-20-20-37 1 0-15 22 0-12-12 11-11 11 12 0-22 15 0 0 37 21 20c-5 2-8 6-11 10z m131 43l-11 10-26-26h-28c0-2 1-5 1-7 0-3-1-5-1-8h28l26-26 11 11-16 15h17v15h-17l16 16z m-60 63l-1-37-20-20c4-2 8-6 11-10l20 20 37-1 0 15-22 1 12 11-11 11-12-12 1 22-15 0z m47-125l-37-1-20 20c-3-4-6-8-11-10l20-20 1-37 15 0 0 22 11-12 11 11-12 12 22 0v15z m-88 66c-15 0-27-12-27-27s12-28 27-28 27 13 27 28c0 15-12 27-27 27z m148-129v5h-5v-5l-5 5-4-4 9-8v-10c1 0 2 0 3 0s2 0 2 0v10l9 8-3 4-6-5z m0-41c0 0-1 0-2 0s-2 0-3 0v-10l-9-8 4-4 5 5v-5h5v5l5-5 4 4-9 8 0 10z m-14 9c0 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 3h-10l-8 8-4-3 5-5h-5v-6h5l-5-5 4-3 8 8h10z m-18 16l13 0 7-6c0 1 2 2 3 3l-7 7 0 12h-5v-7l-4 4-3-4 4-4h-8l0-5z m20-20l-7-6-13 0v-5h8l-4-4 3-4 4 4v-7h5l0 12 7 7c-1 1-2 2-3 3z m44 15l-4 3-8-8h-10c0-1 0-2 0-3 0-1 0-2 0-3h10l8-8 4 3-5 5h5v6h-5l5 5z m-20 21l-1-12-6-7c1-1 2-2 3-3l7 6 13 0v5h-8l4 4-3 4-4-4v7l-5 0z m16-42l-13 0-7 6c-1-1-2-2-3-3l7-7 0-12h5v7l4-4 3 4-4 4h8l0 5z m-30 22c-5 0-9-4-9-9s4-9 9-9 9 4 9 9c0 5-4 9-9 9z m256 178v-6l-5 5-4-3 9-9v-10c1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 3 0v10l9 9-4 3-5-5v6h-5z m5-47c-1-1-2-1-2-1-1 0-2 0-3 1v-10l-9-9 4-4 5 6v-6h5v6l6-6 3 4-9 9 0 10z m-15 9c0 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 2h-9l-9 9-4-3 5-6h-5v-5h5l-5-5 4-4 9 9 9 0z m-18 16l13 0 7-6c1 1 2 2 4 3l-7 7 0 13h-5v-8l-5 4-3-3 4-4h-8l0-6z m20-20l-7-7-13 0v-5h8l-4-4 4-4 4 4v-7h5l0 13 7 7c-2 0-3 2-4 3z m46 15l-4 3-9-9h-10c0 0 0-1 0-2 0-1 0-2 0-3h10l9-9 4 4-6 5h6v5h-6l6 6z m-21 22l0-13-7-7c1-1 2-2 3-3l7 6 13 0v6h-8l5 4-4 3-4-4v8l-5 0z m16-44l-13 0-7 7c-1-1-2-3-3-4l7-6 0-13h5v7l4-4 4 4-4 4h7l0 5z m-30 23c-6 0-10-4-10-9 0-5 4-10 10-10 5 0 9 4 9 10s-4 9-9 9z m-140-177v-4l-4 4-3-3 7-6v-7c0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0v7l6 6-2 3-4-4v4h-3z m3-33c0 0-1-1-2-1 0 0-1 1-1 1v-7l-7-7 3-2 4 4v-4h3v4l4-4 3 2-7 7 0 7z m-10 6c0 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 2h-7l-6 6-3-2 4-4h-4v-4h4l-4-4 3-2 6 6 7 0z m-13 12h9l5-5c1 1 2 2 3 2l-5 5v9h-4v-5l-3 3-2-3 3-3h-6l0-3z m14-14l-5-5h-9v-4h5l-2-3 2-2 3 2v-5h4v9l5 5c-1 1-2 2-3 3z m32 10l-3 2-6-6h-7c0-1 0-1 0-2 0 0 0-1 0-2h7l6-6 3 3-4 4h4v3h-4l4 4z m-8 13l-3-3v5h-4v-9l-5-5c1 0 2-1 3-2l5 5h9v3h-5l2 3-2 3z m5-28h-9l-5 5c-1-1-2-2-3-3l5-5v-9h4v6l3-3 2 2-3 3h6l0 4z m-15 9c0-3-3-6-7-6s-6 3-6 6c0 4 3 7 6 7s7-3 7-7z m-135 169v-3l-3 2-2-1 5-5v-5c0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0v5l5 5-2 1-3-2v3h-2z m0-33v-3h2v3l3-3 2 2-5 5v5c0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0v-5l-5-5 2-2 3 3z m-17 14h3l-3-3 2-2 5 5h5c0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1h-5l-5 5-2-2 3-3h-3v-2z m2 8h7l4-4c0 1 1 2 1 2l-3 4v6h-3v-4l-2 2-2-2 2-2h-3l-1-2z m9-22v6l3 4c0 0-1 1-2 1l-3-3h-7v-3h4l-2-2 2-2 2 2v-4l3 1z m23 21l-5-5h-5c0 0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1h5l5-5 2 2-3 3h3v2h-3l3 3-2 2z m-9 9v-6l-3-4c0 0 1-1 1-2l4 4h7v2h-4l2 2-2 2-2-2v4h-3z m8-22h-6l-4 3c0 0-1-1-2-1l4-4v-6h2v3l3-2 1 2-2 2h4l0 3z m-10 7c0-3-3-5-5-5s-5 2-5 5 2 5 5 5 5-2 5-5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sun-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee7e;" d="M501 589c-131 0-236-105-236-234-1-130 104-236 234-236 130 0 236 105 236 235 0 129-104 234-234 235z m-234-369c-9 16-29 21-45 12-5-2-9-5-13-7-25-15-51-29-75-44-15-8-20-23-16-38 5-15 18-24 34-24 4-1 9 1 14 3 30 18 61 35 91 53 16 9 19 30 10 45z m463 275c4-14 18-24 32-24 5 0 11 1 15 3 31 18 61 35 91 53 16 9 20 29 11 44-8 16-27 23-43 14-32-17-63-35-94-54-12-7-16-23-12-36z m-223 123c19 0 34 15 34 35 0 16 0 33 0 49v50c-1 19-15 34-34 34-19 0-34-14-34-34 0-33 0-66 0-99 0-20 15-35 34-35z m0-536c-19 0-34-14-34-34 0-33 0-66 0-100 0-19 15-34 34-34 19 0 33 15 34 35 0 16 0 33 0 49v50c-1 19-15 34-34 34z m-310 238c19 0 33 14 34 32 1 19-13 35-32 35-35 1-70 1-104 0-19 0-33-17-32-34 0-19 15-33 34-33 17 0 34 0 50 0 17 0 33 0 50 0z m708 67c-34 1-69 1-104 0-18 0-32-17-32-34 1-19 16-33 35-33 17 0 33 0 50 0 17 0 33 0 49 0 19 0 34 14 35 32 0 19-13 35-33 35z m-250 188c12 0 22 4 28 15 18 30 36 60 53 91 8 15 2 35-13 43-16 9-36 6-45-9-18-31-36-61-53-92-12-22 5-48 30-48z m211-394c-28 17-57 34-86 50-18 10-38 5-47-12-10-16-4-36 14-46 28-16 56-33 84-49 6-3 12-6 18-5 16 0 29 10 33 24 4 15-1 30-16 38z m-547 417c7-11 17-16 30-16 26 0 42 27 29 50-17 29-34 58-51 87-10 17-30 22-46 12-16-9-21-29-12-46 17-29 33-58 50-87z m-185-73c29-17 58-34 86-50 6-3 11-5 16-5 17 0 30 10 34 24 4 15-1 30-15 38-29 18-58 34-88 51-17 10-37 4-46-12-10-17-4-36 13-46z m236-411c-17 10-37 5-48-13-16-28-32-56-48-84-3-6-6-12-5-18-1-16 9-29 23-33 16-4 31 1 39 15 17 29 33 57 50 86 10 18 5 38-11 47z m311-6c-10 18-30 24-47 14-16-10-21-30-11-48 8-14 17-28 25-42 8-15 16-30 25-44 8-14 24-19 39-14 14 4 23 17 23 33 1 5-2 11-5 17-16 28-32 56-49 84z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sun-rise" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee7f;" d="M501 515c-104 0-187-83-188-186 0-9 1-18 2-27h369c1 8 2 17 2 26 0 103-83 186-185 187z m181-75c4-11 14-19 26-19 4 0 8 1 11 3 25 14 49 27 73 42 12 7 15 23 8 35-6 12-21 18-34 11-25-14-50-28-74-43-10-6-13-18-10-29z m-176 98c14 0 26 12 26 28 0 13 0 26 0 39v39c0 15-12 27-26 27-15 0-27-11-27-27 0-26 0-52 0-79 0-15 12-27 27-27z m-325-236c13 0 26 0 39 0 13 0 27 0 40 0 15 0 26 11 27 25 0 15-11 27-26 28-27 0-55 0-82 0-15-1-26-13-26-27 1-15 12-26 28-26z m532 26c1-15 12-26 27-26 14 0 27 0 40 0 13 0 26 0 39 0 15 0 27 11 27 25 1 15-10 27-25 28-28 0-55 0-82 0-15 0-26-13-26-27z m-90 176c9 0 17 3 22 11 14 24 28 48 42 73 6 12 1 27-11 34-12 7-28 4-35-8-15-24-29-48-42-73-9-17 4-37 24-37z m-266 18c5-8 13-13 23-13 21 0 33 21 23 40-13 23-26 46-40 69-8 13-24 17-36 10-13-8-18-23-10-37 13-23 26-46 40-69z m-147-58c23-13 46-26 68-40 5-2 9-3 13-3 13 0 24 8 27 19 3 12-1 24-12 30-23 14-46 27-69 40-14 8-30 3-37-10-8-13-4-28 10-36z m684-347c-40 3-67 25-87 57-10 14-21 26-38 31h-14c-17-5-28-16-36-32-5-9-12-16-20-24-20-21-43-31-67-32v0c-18 0-36 6-52 18-4 3-7 6-11 9 18 4 28 21 18 34l-60 77c-12 16-42 16-55 0l-59-77c-11-13-1-30 18-34-3-3-7-6-11-9-16-12-34-18-52-18v0c-23 1-47 11-67 32-7 8-15 15-19 24-9 16-20 27-37 32h-13c-18-5-29-17-38-31-21-32-48-54-88-57-35-2-53-34-39-63 10-19 29-27 56-24 40 5 75 21 105 49 8 8 12 7 20 0 74-66 167-67 242-1 4 4 7 6 10 6 3 0 6-2 11-6 74-66 168-65 241 1 8 6 12 8 21 0 29-28 64-44 104-49 28-3 47 5 56 24 14 29-4 61-39 63z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sun-set" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee80;" d="M501 539c-104 0-187-83-188-185 0-10 1-19 2-28h369c1 9 2 18 2 27 0 103-83 186-185 186z m181-74c4-11 14-19 26-19 4 0 8 1 11 3 25 13 49 27 73 41 12 8 15 23 8 35-6 12-21 18-34 11-25-13-50-28-74-42-10-6-13-18-10-29z m-176 98c14 0 26 12 26 27 0 13 0 26 0 39v40c0 15-12 27-26 27-15 0-27-12-27-27 0-27 0-53 0-79 0-16 12-27 27-27z m-325-237c13 0 26 0 39 0 13 0 27 0 40 0 15 0 26 11 27 26 0 14-11 27-26 27-27 1-55 1-82 0-15 0-26-13-26-27 1-14 12-26 28-26z m532 26c1-14 12-26 27-26 14 0 27 0 40 0 13 0 26 0 39 0 15 0 27 11 27 26 1 14-10 27-25 27-28 1-55 1-82 0-15 0-26-13-26-27z m-90 176c9 0 17 4 22 12 14 24 28 48 42 72 6 12 1 28-11 35-12 7-28 4-35-8-15-24-29-48-42-73-9-17 4-38 24-38z m-266 19c5-9 13-13 23-13 21 0 33 21 23 39-13 24-26 47-40 70-8 13-24 17-36 9-13-7-18-23-10-36 13-23 26-46 40-69z m-147-59c23-13 46-26 68-39 5-3 9-4 13-4 13 0 24 8 27 19 3 12-1 24-12 31-23 13-46 26-69 40-14 7-30 3-37-10-8-13-4-29 10-37z m723-254c-10 19-29 27-56 24-40-5-75-21-104-49-9-8-13-7-21 0-73 66-167 67-242 1-4-4-7-6-10-6-3 0-6 2-10 6-75 66-168 65-242-1-8-7-12-8-20 0-30 28-65 44-105 49-27 3-46-5-56-24-14-29 4-61 39-63 40-3 67-25 87-57 10-14 21-26 38-31h14c17 5 28 16 36 31 5 10 13 17 20 25 20 20 43 31 67 32v0c18 0 36-6 52-18 9-7 18-15 26-24h-5c-25 0-40-20-28-36l60-76c12-16 42-16 55 0l59 76c12 16-3 36-27 36h-6c8 9 17 17 26 24 16 12 34 18 52 18v0c24-1 47-11 67-32 8-8 15-15 20-25 8-15 19-26 36-31h14c17 5 28 17 38 31 20 32 47 54 87 57 35 2 53 34 39 63z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sun" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee81;" d="M508 559c-112 5-214-87-217-203-4-111 88-214 201-215 109-7 213 84 217 201 5 114-87 213-201 217z m-236-22c2-2 5-5 8-7 12-8 27-6 37 4 10 10 12 27 2 37-41 42-82 83-123 123-9 9-20 8-30 3-11-5-16-14-16-25l-3-2c5-8 9-16 15-23 36-37 73-73 110-110z m455-1c38 37 75 75 113 113 5 6 8 14 13 21-3 14-9 23-20 28-11 5-23 3-32-6-39-39-78-78-117-117-8-8-11-17-8-28 6-23 32-29 51-11z m-421-363c-14 5-25 0-34-10-37-37-74-73-110-110-3-3-6-6-8-9-5-9-6-19-1-29 5-10 14-15 27-15 8-1 16 5 23 11 37 37 73 74 110 111 2 2 5 5 6 7 12 16 5 37-13 44z m424-12c-3 3-6 6-9 8-16 12-38 5-45-15-4-13 2-23 11-33l110-109c2-2 5-5 8-7 9-7 20-7 30-2 10 5 15 14 15 27 1 9-5 16-12 23-36 37-72 73-108 108z m-492 160c19 0 32 12 32 29-1 17-13 29-32 29-48 0-96 0-143 0-20 0-33-12-32-30 0-16 13-28 32-28 24 0 47 0 71 0 24 0 48 0 72 0z m669 58c-49 0-97 0-146 0-6 0-13-3-19-6-10-7-14-20-10-32 3-12 14-20 28-20 24 0 49 0 74 0 24 0 48 0 72 0 19 0 31 12 32 29 0 16-13 29-31 29z m-429 212c7-10 20-13 31-9 12 3 20 15 20 28 0 25 0 49 0 74s1 49 0 74c0 17-13 30-29 30-16 0-29-13-29-31 0-48 0-97 0-146 0-7 3-14 7-20z m44-482c-6 10-20 13-32 9-11-4-19-15-19-28 0-25 0-49 0-74 0-25 0-48 0-72 0-19 12-31 29-32 16 0 29 13 29 31 0 49 1 97 0 146 0 7-3 14-7 20z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sunny-day-temp" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee82;" d="M655 259v253c-41 44-100 71-165 71-127 0-230-102-230-229 0-126 102-229 228-230 31 0 60 6 86 17l0 1c7 30 20 58 40 81 12 14 26 26 41 36z m-393-36c-9 15-28 20-44 12-4-2-8-5-13-7-24-15-49-28-73-43-14-8-19-23-15-38 4-14 17-23 33-23 4 0 9 1 14 4 29 16 59 33 88 51 16 9 19 29 10 44z m235 389c18 0 32 15 32 34 0 16 0 32 0 48v49c0 18-14 33-32 33-19 0-33-15-33-34-1-32-1-64 0-97 0-19 14-33 33-33z m0-524c-19 0-33-14-33-33-1-32-1-65 0-97 0-19 14-34 33-34 18 0 32 15 32 34 0 16 0 32 0 48v49c0 19-14 33-32 33z m-303 233c18 0 32 13 33 31 1 18-13 34-31 34-34 1-68 1-102 0-18 0-32-16-31-33 0-19 15-32 33-32 17-1 33 0 49 0 16 0 32-1 49 0z m119 271c7-10 16-16 29-16 25 0 41 26 28 49-16 28-32 57-49 85-10 17-29 21-45 12-16-9-21-28-12-45 16-28 33-56 49-85z m-180-72c27-16 56-32 84-48 5-3 10-5 15-5 16 0 29 10 33 24 4 14-1 29-15 37-28 17-56 33-85 49-17 10-36 4-45-12-10-16-4-35 13-45z m230-400c-17 10-36 4-47-14-16-27-32-54-47-82-3-5-6-11-5-17-1-15 9-28 23-32 15-4 29 1 38 15 16 28 32 55 48 83 10 18 6 37-10 47z m432 439c0 12-2 20-4 26-6 14-16 14-22 14-5 0-15 0-21-14-3-6-4-14-4-26v-180h51v180z m60-316v347c0 41-29 76-67 85-6 1-13 2-19 2-33 0-61-18-76-45-7-12-11-26-11-42v-350c-14-9-27-21-38-34-18-21-30-46-36-74-2-10-4-21-4-33l0-2c2-91 76-165 167-165 11 0 23 1 34 4 76 15 133 83 133 163 0 61-34 115-83 144z m-84-247c-58 0-105 47-105 105 0 3 0 5 1 8 0 6 1 11 2 16 5 17 13 31 24 42 5 5 11 9 17 13 6 4 13 7 20 9v370c0 9 1 18 3 26 2 4 3 7 4 10 4 6 9 11 15 14 5 3 11 4 17 4 30 0 40-24 40-54v-368c41-11 63-46 66-82 0-3 0-5 0-8 0-58-46-105-104-105z m42 118c2-24-5-46-22-65-14-16 18-31 31-15 21 23 30 52 27 80-1 19-38 19-36 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sunny" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee83;" d="M886 287c-55 53-120 68-192 42-13-5-19-6-25 10-47 117-157 182-281 167-114-13-203-103-224-225-1-7 0-16-9-20-20-9-36-21-49-35l0 0s-96-90-3-194c3-3 6-6 8-9 1-1 1-1 2-1l0 0c22-22 51-35 87-38 36-4 73-1 110-2l315 1c48 0 92-1 135 0 76 3 132 40 163 110 29 66 14 144-37 194z m-455 257c-3-5-5-10-7-15 91 2 171-38 222-109 2 4 5 8 7 12 31 62 6 136-55 167-62 31-136 7-167-55z m253-44c-1-7 3-15 10-18 2-2 5-3 7-2 19 1 38 1 56 3 10 1 16 9 16 18-1 10-8 17-17 17-19-1-38-2-57-3-8-1-14-7-15-15z m-76 112c9-5 19-1 24 8 4 8 8 16 12 23l11 23 1 1c4 9 1 19-8 24-9 4-20 1-24-8-8-16-16-31-24-47-4-9-1-20 8-24z m-264-44c7-4 15-8 23-12l24-12c9-4 19-1 23 7 5 9 2 20-6 24-17 9-33 17-50 25-8 4-19 0-23-9-4-8 0-19 9-23z m348-135c-9 4-19 0-23-9-4-9-1-19 8-23 8-4 16-8 24-12l24-12c9-4 19-1 23 7 5 9 2 19-7 24-16 9-32 17-49 25z m-24 123c5-3 11-3 16 0 16 10 31 20 47 31 7 5 9 16 4 24-5 7-15 11-23 6-16-10-32-21-47-31-11-8-9-24 3-30z m-143 76c12-6 26 3 25 16-1 18-2 36-3 54-1 10-9 17-19 16-10 0-17-8-16-18 0-18 2-36 3-53 0-7 3-12 10-15z m-86-20c1-3 4-5 6-6 8-4 16-3 22 3 5 6 6 15 2 22-10 15-20 30-30 44-6 9-16 11-25 6-8-6-10-16-4-25 9-15 19-30 29-44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="thunder-light" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee84;" d="M418 504c-29-1-41 3-30 36 19 58 32 117 49 175 7 23 1 29-21 29-53-1-107-1-160 0-17 0-27-5-32-23-32-117-65-233-97-350-5-18-1-27 20-26 42 1 83-1 125 1 31 1 44-2 34-41-33-128-61-258-92-387l8-6c138 196 277 391 420 592-83 0-154 1-224 0z m324 140c-17 0-24 2-18 22 12 34 19 70 29 104 4 14 1 18-12 17-32 0-64 0-96 0-10 1-16-3-19-13-20-70-39-140-58-210-4-10-1-16 12-15 25 0 49-1 74 0 19 1 27-1 21-24-20-77-37-155-55-232l4-3c83 117 166 233 252 354-49 0-92 1-134 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tornado" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee85;" d="M922 571c-19 19-43 30-67 39-64 27-132 38-201 43-2 0-5 1-5-3 0-4-1-7 4-7 7-1 14-3 20-4 46-6 91-17 133-38 16-7 32-16 44-29 9-10 16-22 14-37-5-25-24-36-45-47 2 26-10 43-29 56-35 24-75 34-116 35-6 0-13 0-19-2 20-12 42-20 62-30 15-7 30-15 41-27 10-11 11-23 1-33-17-18-38-27-62-32 0 3 2 5 3 7 7 14 5 26-5 36-5 4-9 7-15 10-14 8-30 12-47 16-11 2-22 4-35 6 3-5 6-6 9-8 8-4 16-7 25-10 9-3 18-6 26-12 13-10 14-28 1-39-6-5-13-9-21-13-27-11-56-14-85-17-33-3-65-4-98 0-26 2-53 7-79 15-12 5-24 10-34 19-15 12-16 29-2 42 5 5 11 10 17 14 4 3 8 5 13 9-23 2-41-2-57-14-17-13-24-30-20-52-5 3-8 4-12 6-14 8-28 17-38 31-8 12-8 22 1 33 6 8 14 14 23 19 20 12 41 22 61 34 6 3 12 7 16 12-2 2-4 1-6 1-24-4-46-8-69-15-18-5-35-13-51-24-22-15-36-35-37-64-17 14-33 27-40 47-4 12-2 24 4 35 6 11 14 20 25 27 35 26 76 40 117 52 9 2 17 4 26 6 6 2 12 5 17 12-4 0-8 0-11-1-29-3-58-7-87-14-45-11-87-26-126-51-16-10-30-22-39-40-10-20-4-46 15-65 20-21 45-32 71-42 78-30 159-45 242-50 60-3 120-4 179-1 42 2 84 6 125 13 54 9 107 23 160 40 22 8 43 19 60 35 24 22 25 48 3 71z m-225-187c-71-20-143-33-217-36-33-2-66-2-99 1-46 4-90 12-134 25-20 6-39 15-60 22l0-1c0-4 2-8 4-12 12-23 33-36 57-44 42-15 86-17 130-22 31-3 62-3 93-1 29 1 58 4 87 8 34 5 67 12 100 20 53 13 105 28 155 50 26 13 51 28 67 53 3 6 8 12 8 20-13-4-25-11-37-18-48-30-100-49-154-65z m190 83v0h1l0 0-1 0z m-40-76c-16-4-32-10-47-18-47-26-97-43-149-57-53-14-107-24-162-28-37-3-75-3-112 2-39 5-77 15-112 32-2 2-5 3-8 4 0-2 0-4 0-5 5-24 20-39 42-47 23-10 48-12 74-13 50 0 101 0 152 3 48 3 96 9 143 20 49 12 95 28 136 57 19 14 37 30 50 50-2 1-5 0-7 0z m-366-6c39 3 78 8 117 13-21 9-44 8-66 6-33-2-66-7-99-5-56 3-113 7-168 17-66 12-129 34-185 71-2 2-5 3-8 5 3-17 10-29 20-41 20-23 47-34 75-43 63-18 128-25 193-27 41-1 81 1 121 4z m60-149c-41-7-82-4-123-1-17 1-34 2-53 2 12-10 23-17 36-22 32-13 65-17 100-16 50 2 99 13 144 35 18 9 35 20 50 36-26 1-49-5-73-12-27-8-53-18-81-22z m-112 215c26-5 52-8 79-9 21 0 42 1 62 7 13 4 25 10 32 22 4 4 4 7-3 10-32 10-66 12-92 13-25 0-42-2-60-3-14-2-27-4-39-10-11-6-12-14-2-22 6-5 15-7 23-8z m228-229c-3-1-6-3-9-4-48-23-99-31-152-32-27-1-54 0-84 0 11-12 23-19 35-24 31-13 64-15 96-12 26 3 51 9 73 22 17 10 33 20 44 36 4 5 7 11 6 19-3-2-6-3-9-5z m-23-56c-23-12-47-20-72-23-22-2-43-2-64-3-12 0-24-1-38-2 5-7 10-11 16-15 29-20 62-23 96-15 23 5 43 17 60 34 8 7 13 16 11 29-3-2-6-4-9-5z m-141-75c4-8 9-13 14-18 14-13 30-26 33-48 31 20 56 44 71 80-40-12-78-19-118-14z m395 376l0 1c0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1z m-701-70c-1 0-1-1 0-1l0 0 0 1z m668-5c0 0 0 0 0 0l-1 0c1 0 1 0 1 0z m-1 0l0-1 0 1 0 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="umbrella-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee86;" d="M885 445c-33 92-91 164-175 215-57 35-119 54-186 58-5 0-7 2-7 8 0 14 0 28 0 42 0 13-6 20-17 20-10 0-17-8-17-20 0-14-1-27 0-41 0-7-2-9-9-9-114-9-210-56-284-143-63-73-95-159-97-255 0-2-1-4 2-6 1 2 3 3 4 5 52 53 130 65 196 31 6-4 8-2 9 4 14 54 34 106 65 153 7 12 7 12 13 15-19-68-31-138-38-208 104 74 208 74 312 0-7 71-19 140-38 209 41-52 63-113 79-176 78 38 147 27 210-33 0 2 0 3 0 5-1 43-8 85-22 126z m-186-388c-8-1-16-8-16-17l-1-13c-2-43-35-78-76-81-42-3-80 25-88 68-4 20-1 42-1 63 0 81 0 162 0 243 0 9-8 16-17 17h0c-9 0-17-8-17-17v-110h0c0-17 0-34 0-52 0-45-1-90 1-135 3-73 70-123 141-108 55 13 96 63 91 126-1 9-9 16-17 16z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="umbrella" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee87;" d="M930 350c-21 13-50 21-81 21-51 0-94-20-110-48-3-5-5-9-6-9s-4 4-7 9c-16 28-59 48-110 48-31 0-60-8-81-20-5-3-9-11-9-17v-265c0-68-53-124-119-124s-119 56-119 124c0 16 12 28 27 28s26-12 26-28c0-38 30-69 67-69s66 31 66 69v265c0 6-4 13-9 16-21 13-49 21-81 21-50 0-93-20-109-48-3-5-6-9-7-9s-4 4-7 9c-16 28-59 48-109 48-32 0-60-7-81-20-5-3-9-1-8 5 22 187 190 335 401 351 5 0 10 5 10 11v10c0 15 12 27 26 27s27-12 27-27v-10s4-11 10-11c211-16 379-164 401-352 0-6-3-8-8-5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="volcano" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee88;" d="M891-40c-213 133-266 317-278 378-2 12-13 21-25 21h-32c-1-4-2-8-3-11-2-5 0-5 4-5 10 0 20 0 32 0-21-29-40-56-60-84l-1 1c4 18 8 37 13 55 2 5 0 6-5 5-6 0-11 0-17 0-3 0-4 1-3 4 3 12 6 23 10 35h-41c-4-14-7-27-11-41-3-8 0-8 7-8 16 0 33 0 52 0-33-48-66-94-99-140l-1 2c7 30 13 61 21 91 2 9-1 10-8 9-10 0-19 0-29 0-5 0-6 2-5 6 7 27 15 54 22 81h-22c-12 0-23-9-25-21-12-61-65-245-278-378-22-14-12-48 13-48h756c26 1 35 34 13 48z m-447 646c3-1 6-2 9-3 17-4 21-9 17-27-3-15-8-30-12-44-5-14 1-23 15-21 9 1 20 3 29 7 42 20 69 54 86 96 11 27 16 56 10 85-12 52-58 87-115 89-11-2-22-3-32-5-45-11-73-47-74-94-1-40 23-70 67-83z m102-130c-16-24-24-50-18-80 1-6 3-12 6-18 5-7 11-7 17 0 6 8 12 16 18 23 8 8 12 8 21 1 1-1 3-3 4-4 24-18 48-19 68-4 25 18 33 46 22 73-2 6-6 12-9 18-22 30-57 41-89 28-17-8-30-21-40-37z m-240-71c24-17 53-15 80 6 2 1 3 2 5 4 10 9 15 9 24-1 8-9 15-18 22-27 7-8 15-9 19 0 4 7 7 14 8 21 7 35-3 66-21 94-12 19-27 35-48 43-37 16-78 2-104-32-4-7-8-14-11-22-13-32-3-64 26-86z m0 189c9-7 18-8 27-1 9 7 14 5 19-4 4-7 9-6 12 1 11 22-11 57-35 57-16 1-30-10-34-25-3-10 2-22 11-28z m328-42c7 5 11 4 17-2 4-5 13-8 19-9 15 0 27 15 26 29-2 18-20 33-36 31-19-1-39-23-39-45 0-1 0-6 3-8 2-1 7 2 10 4z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="wave" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee89;" d="M109 451c31 4 58 16 80 38 7 6 10 5 16 0 57-51 128-51 186-1 7 6 10 6 17 0 28-25 60-38 92-38 33 0 65 13 93 38 7 6 10 6 17 0 57-50 129-50 186 1 6 5 9 6 15 0 23-22 50-34 80-38 21-2 36 4 43 19 11 22-3 46-29 48-31 2-52 19-68 43-7 12-15 21-29 24h-10c-13-3-22-12-28-24-4-7-10-13-15-18-26-27-59-32-88-15-13 9-24 20-32 33-7 12-15 21-29 24h-10c-13-3-22-12-28-24-7-12-17-21-28-29-12-9-26-14-40-14-14 0-27 5-39 14-11 8-21 17-28 29-7 12-15 21-28 24h-11c-13-3-22-12-29-24-8-13-18-24-32-33-29-17-61-12-87 15-6 5-11 11-15 18-6 12-15 20-28 24h-10c-14-3-22-12-30-24-15-24-36-41-67-43-26-2-40-26-30-48 7-15 22-21 43-19z m796-108c-32 3-52 20-68 44-7 11-16 21-29 24h-10c-13-4-22-12-29-24-3-7-9-13-14-19-27-26-59-32-88-14-13 8-24 19-32 33-7 11-15 20-29 24h-10c-13-4-22-12-28-24-7-12-17-22-28-30-12-9-26-14-40-13-14-1-27 4-40 13-11 8-20 18-27 30-7 12-16 20-29 24h-10c-13-4-22-13-29-24-8-14-19-25-32-33-29-18-61-12-87 14-6 6-11 12-15 19-6 12-15 20-28 24h-11c-13-3-21-13-29-24-16-24-36-41-67-44-27-1-40-26-30-48 8-15 22-21 43-18 31 3 58 16 80 37 7 6 10 5 16 0 57-51 128-51 186 0 7 6 10 6 17 0 28-26 60-38 92-38 33 0 65 12 93 38 7 6 10 6 17 0 57-51 129-51 186 0 6 5 9 6 15 0 23-21 50-34 80-37 21-3 36 3 43 18 11 22-3 47-29 48z m0-161c-32 2-52 20-68 44-7 11-16 20-29 24h-10c-13-4-22-12-29-24-3-7-9-13-14-19-27-27-59-32-88-14-13 8-24 19-32 32-7 12-15 21-29 25h-10c-13-4-22-13-28-24-7-12-17-22-28-30-12-9-26-14-40-13-14-1-27 4-40 13-11 8-20 18-27 30-7 11-16 20-29 24h-10c-13-4-22-13-29-25-8-13-19-24-32-32-29-18-61-13-87 14-6 6-11 12-15 19-6 11-15 20-28 24h-11c-13-4-21-13-29-24-16-24-36-42-67-44-27-1-40-26-30-48 8-15 22-21 43-18 31 3 58 16 80 37 7 6 10 5 16 0 57-51 128-51 186-1 7 6 10 6 17 0 28-25 60-37 92-37 33 0 65 12 93 37 7 6 10 6 17 0 57-50 129-50 186 1 6 5 9 6 15 0 23-21 50-34 80-37 21-3 36 3 43 18 11 22-3 47-29 48z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="wind-scale-0" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee8a;" d="M717 331c9-9 19-16 31-21 12-4 24-7 37-7s26 3 38 7 22 11 31 21c8 10 15 22 20 38 5 16 8 35 8 58 0 23-3 42-8 57-5 16-12 29-20 39-9 9-19 17-31 21-12 5-24 7-38 7s-25-2-37-7c-12-4-22-11-31-21-8-10-15-23-20-38-5-16-8-35-8-58 0-23 3-42 8-58 5-15 12-28 20-38z m32 156c9 13 21 19 37 19 15 0 28-6 37-19 9-13 13-33 13-60 0-13-1-25-3-35-3-10-6-18-10-25-5-6-10-11-16-14-6-3-13-5-21-5-16 0-28 7-37 20-9 13-13 32-13 59 0 27 4 47 13 60z m185-263c-4 6-9 8-16 8-22 1-40 10-53 29-7 11-20 11-28-1-16-22-37-31-63-27-18 2-34 8-42 25-8 16-18 18-31 6-12-11-25-20-41-23-26-6-43 6-47 33-1 7 0 14 0 21 2 12-8 19-19 15-4-1-8-4-11-7-8-6-15-13-23-19-27-22-58-31-92-24-64 14-114 77-115 144-1 41 21 85 54 109 41 31 99 21 128-21 19-26 15-60-9-81-19-18-59-15-76 4-7 8-8 19-2 27 5 8 13 11 24 7 2-1 3-1 5-2 8-2 15 1 18 8 3 7 0 15-7 19-13 6-26 8-40 3-19-6-30-20-33-39-3-22 5-40 23-51 47-31 109-25 134 40 17 46 2 86-30 120-40 42-89 49-142 37-60-14-106-49-143-97-30-41-50-87-66-134-7-22-15-44-29-63-21-29-41-59-83-59-10 0-17-9-17-16 1-8 8-14 18-16 2-1 4-1 6-1 23 0 43 8 61 22 5 5 8 4 14 1 44-31 83-30 127 3 4 3 6 3 10 0 40-32 87-34 129-6 5 4 7 2 11-1 39-26 90-25 127 3 6 4 9 4 15 0 43-30 84-29 125 3 6 4 8 3 12 0 41-33 89-33 130-1 4 4 6 2 10-1 18-15 39-22 63-23 7 0 12 3 15 9 4 6 3 12-1 17z m-155-79c-21 0-38 9-51 27-9 14-21 13-31-1-12-17-29-26-51-27-23 0-42 10-57 28-11 12-20 13-31 1l-2-2c-31-32-63-35-99-9-3 2-6 4-9 6-12 11-18 11-30 0-15-14-31-24-53-24-11 1-19-6-19-16 0-10 8-17 20-17 22 0 42 8 59 21 6 5 10 5 17 1 43-30 83-29 125 3 5 4 8 3 12 0 39-33 90-33 129-2 4 3 6 4 10 0 18-15 38-22 58-23 10-1 17 2 21 10 4 6 2 12-2 17-4 5-10 6-16 7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="wind-scale-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee8b;" d="M755 307h48v240h-72v-48h24v-192z m179-83c-4 6-9 8-16 8-22 1-40 10-53 29-7 11-20 11-28-1-16-22-37-31-63-27-18 2-34 8-42 25-8 16-18 18-31 6-12-11-25-20-41-23-26-6-43 6-47 33-1 7 0 14 0 21 2 12-8 19-19 15-4-1-8-4-11-7-8-6-15-13-23-19-27-22-58-31-92-24-64 14-114 77-115 144-1 41 21 85 54 109 41 31 99 21 128-21 19-26 15-60-9-81-19-18-59-15-76 4-7 8-8 19-2 27 5 8 13 11 24 7 2-1 3-1 5-2 8-2 15 1 18 8 3 7 0 15-7 19-13 6-26 8-40 3-19-6-30-20-33-39-3-22 5-40 23-51 47-31 109-25 134 40 17 46 2 86-30 120-40 42-89 49-142 37-60-14-106-49-143-97-30-41-50-87-66-134-7-22-15-44-29-63-21-29-41-59-83-59-10 0-17-9-17-16 1-8 8-14 18-16 2-1 4-1 6-1 23 0 43 8 61 22 5 5 8 4 14 1 44-31 83-30 127 3 4 3 6 3 10 0 40-32 87-34 129-6 5 4 7 2 11-1 39-26 90-25 127 3 6 4 9 4 15 0 43-30 84-29 125 3 6 4 8 3 12 0 41-33 89-33 130-1 4 4 6 2 10-1 18-15 39-22 63-23 7 0 12 3 15 9 4 6 3 12-1 17z m-155-79c-21 0-38 9-51 27-9 14-21 13-31-1-12-17-29-26-51-27-23 0-42 10-57 28-11 12-20 13-31 1l-2-2c-31-32-63-35-99-9-3 2-6 4-9 6-12 11-18 11-30 0-15-14-31-24-53-24-11 1-19-6-19-16 0-10 8-17 20-17 22 0 42 8 59 21 6 5 10 5 17 1 43-30 83-29 125 3 5 4 7 3 12 0 38-33 90-33 128-2 5 3 7 4 11 0 17-15 38-22 58-23 10-1 17 2 21 10 3 6 2 12-2 17-4 5-10 6-16 7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="wind-scale-10" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee8c;" d="M658 310h48v240h-72v-48h24v-192z m88 24c9-10 19-17 31-21 11-5 24-7 37-7s26 2 38 7 22 11 30 21c9 9 16 22 21 38 5 16 8 35 8 58 0 22-3 42-8 57-5 16-12 29-21 38-8 10-19 17-30 22-12 4-24 7-38 7s-26-3-37-7c-12-4-22-11-31-21-8-10-15-23-20-38-5-16-8-35-8-58 0-23 3-42 8-58 5-15 12-28 20-38z m32 156c8 13 21 19 36 19 16 0 29-6 38-19 8-13 13-33 13-60 0-14-1-25-4-35-2-10-5-18-9-25-5-6-10-11-16-14-7-3-14-5-22-5-15 0-28 6-36 19-9 13-14 33-14 60 0 27 5 47 14 60z m156-266c-4 6-9 8-16 8-22 1-40 10-53 29-7 11-20 11-28-1-16-22-37-31-63-27-18 2-34 8-42 25-8 16-18 18-31 6-12-11-25-20-41-23-26-6-43 6-47 33-1 7 0 14 0 21 2 12-8 19-19 15-4-1-8-4-11-7-8-6-15-13-23-19-27-22-58-31-92-24-64 14-114 77-115 144-1 41 21 85 54 109 41 31 99 21 128-21 19-26 15-60-9-81-19-18-59-15-76 4-7 8-8 19-2 27 5 8 13 11 24 7 2-1 3-1 5-2 8-2 15 1 18 8 3 7 0 15-7 19-13 6-26 8-40 3-19-6-30-20-33-39-3-22 5-40 23-51 47-31 109-25 134 40 17 46 2 86-30 120-40 42-89 49-142 37-60-14-106-49-143-97-30-41-50-87-66-134-7-22-15-44-29-63-21-29-41-59-83-59-10 0-17-9-17-16 1-8 8-14 18-16 2-1 4-1 6-1 23 0 43 8 61 22 5 5 8 4 14 1 44-31 83-30 127 3 4 3 6 3 10 0 40-32 87-34 129-6 5 4 7 2 11-1 39-26 90-25 127 3 6 4 9 4 15 0 43-30 84-29 125 3 6 4 8 3 12 0 41-33 89-33 130-1 4 4 6 2 10-1 18-15 39-22 63-23 7 0 12 3 15 9 4 6 3 12-1 17z m-155-79c-21 0-38 9-51 27-9 14-21 13-31-1-12-17-29-26-51-27-23 0-42 10-57 28-11 12-20 13-31 1l-2-2c-31-32-63-35-99-9-3 2-6 4-9 6-12 11-18 11-30 0-15-14-31-24-53-24-11 1-19-6-19-16 0-10 8-17 20-17 22 0 42 8 59 21 6 5 10 5 17 1 43-30 83-29 125 3 5 4 7 3 12 0 38-33 90-33 128-2 5 3 7 4 11 0 17-15 38-22 58-23 10-1 17 2 21 10 3 6 2 12-2 17-4 5-10 6-16 7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="wind-scale-11" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee8d;" d="M712 311h48v240h-72v-48h24v-192z m84 0h48v240h-72v-48h24v-192z m137-86c-4 6-9 8-16 8-22 1-40 10-53 29-7 11-20 11-28-1-16-22-37-31-63-27-18 2-34 8-42 25-8 16-18 18-31 6-12-11-25-20-41-23-26-6-43 6-47 33-1 7 0 14 0 21 2 12-8 19-19 15-4-1-8-4-11-7-8-6-15-13-23-19-27-22-58-31-92-24-64 14-114 77-115 144-1 41 21 85 54 109 41 31 99 21 128-21 19-26 15-60-9-81-19-18-59-15-76 4-7 8-8 19-2 27 5 8 13 11 24 7 2-1 3-1 5-2 8-2 15 1 18 8 3 7 0 15-7 19-13 6-26 8-40 3-19-6-30-20-33-39-3-22 5-40 23-51 47-31 109-25 134 40 17 46 2 86-30 120-40 42-89 49-142 37-60-14-106-49-143-97-30-41-50-87-66-134-7-22-15-44-29-63-21-29-41-59-83-59-10 0-17-9-17-16 1-8 8-14 18-16 2-1 4-1 6-1 23 0 43 8 61 22 5 5 8 4 14 1 44-31 83-30 127 3 4 3 6 3 10 0 40-32 87-34 129-6 5 4 7 2 11-1 39-26 90-25 127 3 6 4 9 4 15 0 43-30 84-29 125 3 6 4 8 3 12 0 41-33 89-33 130-1 4 4 6 2 10-1 18-15 39-22 63-23 7 0 12 3 15 9 4 6 3 12-1 17z m-155-79c-21 0-38 9-51 27-9 14-21 13-31-1-12-17-29-26-51-27-23 0-42 10-57 28-11 12-20 13-31 1l-2-2c-31-32-63-35-99-9-3 2-6 4-9 6-12 11-18 11-30 0-15-14-31-24-53-24-11 1-19-6-19-16 0-10 8-17 20-17 22 0 42 8 59 21 6 5 10 5 17 1 43-30 83-29 125 3 5 4 8 3 12 0 39-33 90-33 129-2 4 3 6 4 10 0 18-15 38-22 58-23 10-1 17 2 21 10 4 6 2 12-2 17-4 5-10 6-16 7z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="wind-scale-4" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee91;" d="M794 307h49v48h24v48h-24v120h-49v-120h-66l21 145h-48l-27-193h120v-48z m140-83c-4 6-9 8-16 8-22 1-40 10-53 29-7 11-20 11-28-1-16-22-37-31-63-27-18 2-34 8-42 25-8 16-18 18-31 6-12-11-25-20-41-23-26-6-43 6-47 33-1 7 0 14 0 21 2 12-8 19-19 15-4-1-8-4-11-7-8-6-15-13-23-19-27-22-58-31-92-24-64 14-114 77-115 144-1 41 21 85 54 109 41 31 99 21 128-21 19-26 15-60-9-81-19-18-59-15-76 4-7 8-8 19-2 27 5 8 13 11 24 7 2-1 3-1 5-2 8-2 15 1 18 8 3 7 0 15-7 19-13 6-26 8-40 3-19-6-30-20-33-39-3-22 5-40 23-51 47-31 109-25 134 40 17 46 2 86-30 120-40 42-89 49-142 37-60-14-106-49-143-97-30-41-50-87-66-134-7-22-15-44-29-63-21-29-41-59-83-59-10 0-17-9-17-16 1-8 8-14 18-16 2-1 4-1 6-1 23 0 43 8 61 22 5 5 8 4 14 1 44-31 83-30 127 3 4 3 6 3 10 0 40-32 87-34 129-6 5 4 7 2 11-1 39-26 90-25 127 3 6 4 9 4 15 0 43-30 84-29 125 3 6 4 8 3 12 0 41-33 89-33 130-1 4 4 6 2 10-1 18-15 39-22 63-23 7 0 12 3 15 9 4 6 3 12-1 17z m-155-79c-21 0-38 9-51 27-9 14-21 13-31-1-12-17-29-26-51-27-23 0-42 10-57 28-11 12-20 13-31 1l-2-2c-31-32-63-35-99-9-3 2-6 4-9 6-12 11-18 11-30 0-15-14-31-24-53-24-11 1-19-6-19-16 0-10 8-17 20-17 22 0 42 8 59 21 6 5 10 5 17 1 43-30 83-29 125 3 5 4 7 3 12 0 38-33 90-33 128-2 5 3 7 4 11 0 17-15 38-22 58-23 10-1 17 2 21 10 3 6 2 12-2 17-4 5-10 6-16 7z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="wind-scale-7" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee94;" d="M727 310h51l83 240h-169v-48h103l-68-192z m207-86c-4 6-9 8-16 8-22 1-40 10-53 29-7 11-20 11-28-1-16-22-37-31-63-27-18 2-34 8-42 25-8 16-18 18-31 6-12-11-25-20-41-23-26-6-43 6-47 33-1 7 0 14 0 21 2 12-8 19-19 15-4-1-8-4-11-7-8-6-15-13-23-19-27-22-58-31-92-24-64 14-114 77-115 144-1 41 21 85 54 109 41 31 99 21 128-21 19-26 15-60-9-81-19-18-59-15-76 4-7 8-8 19-2 27 5 8 13 11 24 7 2-1 3-1 5-2 8-2 15 1 18 8 3 7 0 15-7 19-13 6-26 8-40 3-19-6-30-20-33-39-3-22 5-40 23-51 47-31 109-25 134 40 17 46 2 86-30 120-40 42-89 49-142 37-60-14-106-49-143-97-30-41-50-87-66-134-7-22-15-44-29-63-21-29-41-59-83-59-10 0-17-9-17-16 1-8 8-14 18-16 2-1 4-1 6-1 23 0 43 8 61 22 5 5 8 4 14 1 44-31 83-30 127 3 4 3 6 3 10 0 40-32 87-34 129-6 5 4 7 2 11-1 39-26 90-25 127 3 6 4 9 4 15 0 43-30 84-29 125 3 6 4 8 3 12 0 41-33 89-33 130-1 4 4 6 2 10-1 18-15 39-22 63-23 7 0 12 3 15 9 4 6 3 12-1 17z m-155-79c-21 0-38 9-51 27-9 14-21 13-31-1-12-17-29-26-51-27-23 0-42 10-57 28-11 12-20 13-31 1l-2-2c-31-32-63-35-99-9-3 2-6 4-9 6-12 11-18 11-30 0-15-14-31-24-53-24-11 1-19-6-19-16 0-10 8-17 20-17 22 0 42 8 59 21 6 5 10 5 17 1 43-30 83-29 125 3 5 4 7 3 12 0 38-33 90-33 128-2 5 3 7 4 11 0 17-15 38-22 58-23 10-1 17 2 21 10 3 6 2 12-2 17-4 5-10 6-16 7z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="windy-hail" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee99;" d="M516 471c-30 30-65 38-105 23-8-2-11-3-14 6-26 65-86 100-155 92-63-7-112-57-124-124 0-4 0-9-5-11-11-5-20-11-27-19v0s-52-50-1-107c1-2 3-4 4-5l1-1 0 0c13-12 29-19 48-21 20-2 41 0 61-1l174 1c26 0 50-1 74 0 42 1 73 22 90 60 16 37 8 80-21 107z m-287-234c0-17-14-31-31-31s-31 14-31 31 14 31 31 31 31-14 31-31z m140-5c0-14-12-26-26-26s-26 12-26 26c0 15 12 26 26 26s26-11 26-26z m-71-68c0-10-9-19-20-19s-20 9-20 19 9 20 20 20c11 0 20-9 20-20z m61-22c0-8-6-15-15-15s-15 7-15 15 7 15 15 15c9 0 15-7 15-15z m-75 83c0-5-4-10-10-10s-10 5-10 10 5 10 10 10c5 0 10-4 10-10z m156 23c0-11-9-20-20-20s-19 9-19 20 9 20 19 20 20-9 20-20z m249 102c-39 0-78 0-117 0l0-1c-8-19-21-34-36-44 52 0 104 0 156 0 55-1 94-44 89-97-4-38-47-66-81-54-28 11-41 44-25 65 13 18 37 19 51 2 8-9 20-11 30-3 9 6 12 19 6 29-15 24-48 37-78 29-59-16-78-82-43-131 16-22 39-33 65-38h25c10 3 20 5 29 9 59 25 84 94 55 155-25 53-68 78-126 79z m-95 125c12-1 23 7 23 20 1 21 17 34 31 35 21 1 41-13 47-32 10-34-17-74-52-77-23-2-45-2-68-1 5-15 7-30 4-45 20 0 39 0 59 0 56 1 106 51 104 107-1 53-38 90-90 93-41 1-78-35-78-76-1-13 8-23 20-24z m326 15c-18 20-41 28-67 22-24-5-39-21-46-44-1-5-1-10-1-16 0-11 9-20 20-21 12-1 21 6 23 18 4 17 10 22 22 20 14-3 24-16 22-31-3-20-19-33-42-33-29-1-57 0-86 0-13 0-21-6-23-16-4-14 4-27 19-28 18-1 36 0 53 0 23 0 46-3 68 4 53 18 73 84 38 125z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="windy-night" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee9a;" d="M458 228c44 1 75 22 93 62 16 37 8 81-21 110-31 30-68 39-109 24-8-3-11-3-14 5-27 67-89 104-160 95-64-7-115-58-127-127-1-4 0-10-5-12-12-5-21-11-28-20v0s-54-51-1-110c1-2 3-3 4-5l1-1 0 0c13-12 29-19 50-21 20-2 41 0 62-1l179 0c27 0 52 0 76 1z m-125 298c28-12 52-32 69-60 3 0 6 0 9 0 47 0 77 40 78 73-12-14-26-22-43-24-17-1-32 4-46 15-11 10-17 22-20 36-3 22 4 41 20 57-15-1-28-7-40-16-17-14-27-33-29-56-1-8 0-17 2-25z m191 112c0 0 1-1 1-2l2-9c1-2 4-3 5-1l6 7c0 1 1 1 2 1l9-1c2 0 4 2 3 4l-5 8c-1 1-1 2 0 3l3 8c1 2-1 4-3 4l-9-3c-1 0-1 0-2 1l-7 6c-2 2-4 0-4-2l-1-9c0-1-1-2-1-2l-8-5c-2-1-2-4 0-5l9-3z m-40-87l9-3c0 0 1-1 1-2l2-9c1-2 4-3 5-1l6 7c0 1 1 1 2 1l9-1c2 0 4 2 3 4l-5 8c-1 1-1 2 0 3l3 8c1 2-1 4-3 4l-9-3c-1 0-1 0-2 1l-7 6c-2 2-4 0-4-2l-1-9c0-1-1-2-1-2l-8-5c-2-1-2-4 0-5z m-64 19c0 0 1 0 1-1l1-6c0-1 2-2 3-1l4 5c0 0 1 1 2 0l6 0c1 0 2 1 1 3l-3 5c0 0 0 1 0 1l2 6c1 1 0 3-2 2l-6-1c0 0-1 0-1 0l-5 4c-1 1-3 1-3-1l0-6c0 0-1-1-1-1l-5-3c-2-1-1-3 0-4l6-2z m57 19c1 0 1 0 1 0l1-4c0-1 1-2 2-1l3 3c0 0 0 1 1 1l4-1c1 0 1 1 1 2l-2 4c0 0 0 0 0 1l1 3c1 1 0 2-1 2l-4-1c-1 0-1 0-1 0l-3 3c-1 1-2 0-2-1l-1-4c0 0 0-1 0-1l-4-2c-1 0-1-2 0-2l4-2z m-155 3c0 0 1 0 1 0l1-4c0-1 1-1 1 0l3 3c0 0 0 0 0 0l4 0c1 0 1 1 1 1l-2 3c0 1 0 1 0 1l1 3c1 1 0 2-1 2l-3-1c-1 0-1 0-1 0l-3 2c0 1-1 1-1 0l-1-4c0 0 0 0 0-1l-3-1c-1-1-1-2 0-2l3-2z m369-315c-38 0-77 0-115 0l-1 0c-8-20-20-35-36-45 52 0 104 1 155 0 54 0 94-43 89-96-4-37-47-65-81-53-27 11-40 43-25 65 13 17 37 18 51 2 8-10 20-11 30-4 9 6 11 19 5 29-14 24-47 36-77 29-58-16-77-81-42-130 16-22 38-33 64-38h25c9 3 19 5 29 9 58 25 83 94 54 154-25 52-67 78-125 78z m-95 125c13-1 24 6 24 19 1 21 17 34 31 34 21 2 40-12 46-31 10-34-17-74-52-76-22-2-44-2-67-2 5-14 6-29 4-43 20 0 39-1 58 0 56 0 105 50 104 106-1 52-38 89-90 91-41 2-77-34-77-75 0-13 8-22 19-23z m-37-197c-11 3-23 2-35 2h-121v0c-46 0-93 0-140 0-16 0-26-8-27-21 0-12 6-20 17-22 13-3 26-2 39-2 84 0 167 0 251 0 8 0 15-1 16-9 1-10-5-12-13-14-13-3-21-12-20-24 2-12 11-19 24-19 27 0 51 22 54 49 3 29-17 55-45 60z m361 211c-17 20-40 28-66 22-24-5-39-21-46-44-1-5-1-10-1-15 0-12 8-20 20-21 11-1 20 5 23 17 4 17 10 22 22 20 14-2 23-16 21-30-3-21-19-34-42-34-28 0-56 0-84 0-13 0-21-6-24-16-3-14 5-26 20-27 17-1 35 0 52 0 23 0 46-3 68 4 52 18 72 84 37 124z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="windy-raining" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee9b;" d="M524 468c-31 29-67 38-107 23-8-3-11-3-15 6-26 65-87 102-157 93-64-7-114-57-126-126 0-4 0-9-5-11-11-5-20-12-27-20v0s-54-50-1-108c1-2 2-4 4-5l1-1 0 0c12-12 29-20 49-21 20-2 41 0 61-1l177 0c27 0 51 0 76 0 42 2 73 23 91 62 16 37 8 80-21 109z m-373-215c-6 3-11 0-16-5-18-18-36-36-55-54-7-7-11-15-3-23 8-7 16-4 23 3 18 18 35 36 53 53 3 3 7 7 7 12 0 7-3 11-9 14z m168-3c-5 3-9 1-13-3l-43-44c-6-5-9-11-3-17 7-7 13-4 18 2 14 14 28 28 42 42 3 3 6 5 6 9 0 6-2 9-7 11z m80-1c-20-19-39-39-58-58-4-4-5-9-2-14 3-5 7-8 14-8 3 0 6 1 8 4 19 19 38 37 57 56 5 6 5 13-1 19-6 6-13 6-18 1z m71-29c-1 0-3 0-4-1-13-8-24-19-33-33-3-5 0-10 4-14 5-4 10-5 15-2 11 9 22 19 30 31 6 8-2 19-12 19z m-262 1c-11-8-21-18-28-29-7-8 1-20 12-20 1 0 2 0 3 1 13 8 24 19 32 32 3 5 1 11-4 15-4 4-10 5-15 1z m482 130c-39 0-78 0-116 0l0 0c-9-20-21-35-37-45 52 0 104 0 156 0 54 0 94-44 89-96-4-38-47-66-81-53-28 10-40 43-25 64 13 18 36 19 51 2 8-9 20-11 30-3 9 6 11 19 5 29-14 24-47 36-77 29-59-16-78-82-43-131 16-22 39-33 64-38h25c10 3 20 5 30 9 59 26 83 94 54 155-24 52-67 78-125 78z m-95 125c12-1 23 7 24 20 0 21 16 34 30 34 21 2 41-12 47-32 10-33-17-73-52-76-23-2-45-2-68-1 5-14 7-29 5-44 19 0 38 0 58 0 56 0 105 50 104 106-1 53-38 90-90 92-41 2-78-34-78-75 0-13 8-23 20-24z m325 15c-18 20-40 28-66 22-24-5-39-21-46-44-2-5-2-11-2-16 1-12 9-20 20-21 12-1 21 6 24 18 4 16 9 22 21 20 14-3 24-16 22-31-3-20-19-33-42-33-28-1-57 0-85 0-13 0-21-6-24-16-3-14 5-27 20-28 18-1 35 0 53 0 22 0 45-3 68 4 52 18 72 84 37 125z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="windy-sunny" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee9c;" d="M452 241c43 2 74 22 91 62 16 37 8 80-21 108-30 30-66 38-107 23-7-2-10-3-14 6-26 65-87 101-157 93-63-7-113-57-125-125 0-4 0-9-5-11-11-5-20-12-27-20v0s-54-50-1-108c1-2 2-4 4-5l1-1 0 0c12-12 29-19 48-21 21-2 41 0 62-1l176 0c27 0 51-1 75 0z m-184 314c-1-3-2-6-3-9 50 1 95-21 123-61 2 2 3 5 4 7 18 34 4 76-30 93-35 18-77 4-94-30z m142-25c-1-4 1-8 5-10 1-1 3-2 4-2 11 1 21 1 31 2 6 1 9 5 9 10 0 6-4 10-9 10-11 0-22-1-32-2-4 0-8-4-8-8z m-43 62c5-2 11 0 14 5 2 4 4 9 6 13l6 13 1 0c2 5 0 11-5 14-5 2-11 0-13-5-5-9-9-17-13-26-3-5-1-11 4-14z m47-100c-5 3-11 0-13-4-2-5 0-11 5-14 4-2 9-4 13-6 5-2 9-5 13-7 5-2 11-1 13 4 3 5 2 11-3 14-9 4-19 9-28 13z m-190 84c4-2 9-4 13-7 4-2 9-4 13-6 5-3 11-1 13 4 3 4 1 10-4 13-9 5-18 10-27 14-5 2-11 0-13-5-2-5 0-11 5-13z m176-15c4-1 7-2 10 0 9 6 17 12 26 17 4 3 5 9 2 14-3 4-9 6-13 3-9-6-18-11-26-17-6-4-5-14 1-17z m-79 43c6-4 14 1 14 9-1 10-1 20-2 30 0 5-5 9-10 9-6-1-10-5-10-11 1-10 1-19 2-29 0-4 2-7 6-8z m-49-12c1-1 3-2 4-3 4-2 9-1 12 2 3 3 4 8 1 12-5 8-11 17-16 25-3 5-9 6-14 3-5-4-6-9-3-14l16-25z m414-298c-39 0-79 0-118 0l0 0c-9-20-22-35-37-45 52 0 105 0 158-1 55 0 96-44 90-97-4-39-47-67-82-55-28 11-41 44-25 66 13 18 37 19 51 2 9-10 21-11 31-4 9 7 11 20 5 30-14 25-48 37-78 29-60-16-79-83-44-132 17-23 39-34 66-39h25c10 3 20 5 30 9 60 26 85 96 55 157-25 54-69 80-127 80z m-97 127c13-1 24 7 24 20 1 21 18 35 31 35 22 2 42-12 48-32 10-34-17-75-53-78-23-2-46-1-68-1 4-14 6-30 4-45 20 0 39 0 59 0 57 0 107 51 106 108-1 54-39 92-92 94-42 2-78-35-79-77 0-13 8-23 20-24z m-38-200c-12 2-24 2-36 2h-123v0c-48 0-96 0-144 0-16 0-26-8-27-22 0-12 6-20 18-23 12-2 26-1 39-1 85 0 171 0 257 0 7 0 15-1 16-10 1-10-6-12-14-14-13-3-21-12-19-24 1-12 11-20 24-20 27 0 52 23 55 50 3 30-17 56-46 62z m369 215c-18 21-41 29-68 23-24-5-39-21-46-45-2-5-2-11-2-16 1-12 9-20 21-21 11-1 20 5 23 17 4 18 10 23 22 21 15-3 24-17 22-31-3-21-19-34-42-34-29 0-58 0-87 0-13 0-21-6-24-16-4-15 5-28 20-29 18 0 36 0 54 0 23 1 46-3 69 5 53 17 74 85 38 126z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="windy-thunder-raining" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee9d;" d="M523 469c-30 30-66 38-107 23-7-2-10-3-14 6-26 66-88 102-157 94-64-8-114-58-126-126 0-4 0-9-5-11-11-5-20-12-27-20v0s-54-51-2-109c2-2 3-3 5-5l1-1 0 1c12-13 29-20 48-22 21-2 41 0 62 0 8-1 9 4 11 10l29 105c1 8 4 11 13 11 27-1 55-1 82 0 9 0 10-3 8-11-6-19-11-39-17-61h89c-13-18-25-35-39-54 27 0 52-1 76 0 43 2 74 22 91 61 17 37 8 81-21 109z m-209-134c-9 0-12 1-9 11 6 17 9 34 14 51 2 7 1 9-6 9-16-1-31-1-47 0-5 0-8-2-10-7-9-34-19-69-28-103-2-5 0-8 6-8 12 1 24 0 36 0 10 1 13 0 11-11-10-38-19-77-27-115l2-1c41 57 81 115 124 174-25 0-46 0-66 0z m-163-81c-6 3-12 1-16-4-18-18-36-36-55-54-7-7-11-15-3-23 8-8 16-4 23 3l53 53c3 3 6 7 6 12 1 6-2 11-8 13z m247-4c-19-19-38-38-57-57-4-4-5-10-2-15 2-5 7-8 14-7 2-1 5 1 8 4 19 18 38 37 56 56 6 6 6 13 0 19-6 6-13 6-19 0z m71-28c-1 0-2-1-3-1-14-8-24-20-33-33-3-5 0-10 4-14 4-4 10-5 14-2 12 9 23 19 31 30 5 8-3 20-13 20z m-261 1c-11-9-21-18-29-29-6-9 2-21 13-20 0 0 2 0 3 1 13 8 23 19 32 31 3 5 1 12-4 16-4 4-10 5-15 1z m481 128c-39 0-78 0-117 0l0 0c-9-20-21-35-37-45 52 0 104 0 157 0 54 0 94-44 89-97-4-38-47-66-81-54-28 11-41 44-25 65 12 18 36 19 51 3 8-10 20-12 30-4 9 6 11 19 5 29-14 25-47 37-77 29-60-15-78-82-43-131 16-22 39-33 64-39h25c10 4 21 6 30 10 59 25 84 94 55 155-25 53-68 79-126 79z m-96 126c13-1 23 7 24 19 1 22 17 35 31 35 21 2 41-12 47-32 10-34-17-74-53-76-22-2-45-2-67-2 5-14 6-29 4-44 19 0 39 0 58 0 57 0 107 51 105 107-1 53-38 90-91 93-41 1-78-35-78-76 0-13 8-23 20-24z m327 15c-18 20-41 28-67 22-24-5-39-21-46-45-1-5-1-10-1-15 0-12 8-20 20-21 12-1 20 5 23 17 4 17 10 23 22 20 14-2 24-16 22-30-3-21-19-34-42-34-29 0-57 0-86 0-13 0-21-6-24-16-3-14 5-27 20-28 18-1 36 0 53 0 23 1 46-3 68 4 53 18 73 85 38 126z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="windy-thunder" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee9e;" d="M523 469c-30 30-66 38-107 23-7-2-10-3-14 6-26 66-88 102-157 94-64-8-114-58-126-126 0-4 0-9-5-11-11-5-20-12-27-20v0s-54-51-2-109c2-2 3-3 5-5l1-1 0 1c12-13 29-20 48-22 21-2 41 0 62 0 8-1 9 4 11 10l29 105c1 8 4 11 13 11 27-1 55-1 82 0 9 0 10-3 8-11-6-19-11-39-17-61h89c-13-18-25-35-39-54 27 0 52-1 76 0 43 2 74 22 91 61 17 37 8 81-21 109z m-209-134c-9 0-12 1-9 11 6 17 9 34 14 51 2 7 1 9-6 9-16-1-31-1-47 0-5 0-8-2-10-7-9-34-19-69-28-103-2-5 0-8 6-8 12 1 24 0 36 0 10 1 13 0 11-11-10-38-19-77-27-115l2-1c41 57 81 115 124 174-25 0-46 0-66 0z m375 16c-39 0-78 0-117 0l0 0c-9-20-21-35-37-45 52 0 104 0 157 0 54 0 94-44 89-97-4-38-47-66-81-54-28 11-41 44-25 65 12 18 36 19 51 3 8-10 20-12 30-4 9 6 11 19 5 29-14 25-47 37-77 29-60-15-78-82-43-131 16-22 39-33 64-39h25c10 4 21 6 30 10 59 25 84 94 55 155-25 53-68 79-126 79z m-96 126c13-1 23 7 24 19 1 22 17 35 31 35 21 2 41-12 47-32 10-34-17-74-53-76-22-2-45-2-67-2 5-14 6-29 4-44 19 0 39 0 58 0 57 0 107 51 105 107-1 53-38 90-91 93-41 1-78-35-78-76 0-13 8-23 20-24z m327 15c-18 20-41 28-67 22-24-5-39-21-46-45-1-5-1-10-1-15 0-12 8-20 20-21 12-1 20 5 23 17 4 17 10 23 22 20 14-2 24-16 22-30-3-21-19-34-42-34-29 0-57 0-86 0-13 0-21-6-24-16-3-14 5-27 20-28 18-1 36 0 53 0 23 1 46-3 68 4 53 18 73 85 38 126z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="windy" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xee9f;" d="M454 300c43 1 74 22 91 61 17 37 8 81-21 109-30 30-66 38-107 24-8-3-11-3-14 5-27 66-88 102-158 94-64-7-114-58-126-126 0-4 0-9-5-11-11-5-20-12-27-20l0 0s-54-51-1-109c1-2 2-3 4-5l1-1 0 0c13-12 29-19 49-21 20-2 41 0 61-1l177 1c27-1 52-1 76 0z m231 53c-40 0-80 0-119 0l0 0c-9-20-22-35-37-45 53 0 106 0 159-1 55 0 96-44 90-98-4-38-47-67-82-54-28 10-41 44-26 66 13 17 38 19 52 2 9-10 21-12 31-4 10 7 12 19 6 30-15 25-49 37-79 29-61-16-80-83-44-133 16-23 39-34 66-39h25c10 3 21 5 30 9 60 26 85 97 56 159-26 53-70 79-128 79z m-98 128c13-1 24 7 25 20 1 21 17 35 31 35 21 2 42-12 48-32 10-35-17-75-53-78-23-2-46-2-69-1 5-15 6-30 4-45 20 0 40-1 59 0 58 0 108 51 107 108-1 54-39 92-92 94-42 2-79-34-80-77 0-13 8-23 20-24z m-38-201c-12 2-24 1-36 1h-124v0c-48 0-96 1-144 0-17 0-26-8-27-21-1-12 6-21 17-23 13-3 26-1 39-1 87-1 173-1 259 0 8 0 15-1 16-10 1-10-6-13-14-14-13-3-21-13-19-25 1-12 11-20 24-20 28 1 52 23 55 51 3 30-17 56-46 62z m370 216c-17 21-41 29-67 23-25-5-40-21-47-45-2-6-2-11-2-16 1-12 9-21 21-22 12-1 21 6 24 18 4 17 10 23 22 21 14-3 24-17 22-31-3-21-19-34-43-35-29 0-58 1-87 0-13 0-21-6-24-16-4-14 5-27 20-28 18-1 36 0 54 0 23 0 47-3 69 4 54 18 75 86 38 127z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="addons" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeea0;" d="M882 614c-24 44-55 82-93 115-10 10-27 8-36-4-14-19-29-38-43-57-9-12-7-28 3-38 134-126 126-327 12-444-49-51-112-81-177-91v298c1 0 2 2 3 2 13 4 26 9 38 17 28 19 44 46 44 81 0 37 0 74 0 112v5h-37v6c0 32 0 64 0 96 0 5-2 10-4 13-5 9-18 12-28 9-11-4-16-11-16-22v-101h-95v4c0 32 0 65 1 98 0 9-5 16-13 20-16 7-36-3-35-22 1-32 0-64 0-95v-6h-39v-121c0-15 4-30 12-44 16-27 41-43 71-50 0 0 1-1 1-1v-300c-58 9-114 34-160 76-67 62-103 139-103 229-1 92 33 169 99 230 10 10 12 27 3 39-14 19-29 38-43 57-9 11-26 13-37 4-129-114-184-302-122-474 67-184 257-316 473-286 189 26 350 180 374 384 10 92-8 179-53 261z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="address-book" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeea1;" d="M744 785c-8 2-16 2-24 2-157 0-314 0-471 0h-14v-874h489c3 0 6 0 10 0 28 2 45 19 46 48 0 4 0 9 0 14v750c0 6 0 12 0 18-2 23-14 37-36 42z m-375-562v7c0 1 0 1 0 1 2 19 13 29 31 35 17 6 34 13 50 20 16 6 24 18 26 34 1 7-3 13-7 18-23 30-26 63-18 97 7 28 31 44 59 43 28-2 50-20 56-47 5-24 3-48-6-71-3-7-7-13-11-19-13-16-11-38 7-50 8-5 18-9 28-13 12-5 24-9 36-13 20-8 27-19 27-42h-278z m-186 565c-45 0-62-17-62-62v-2c0-249 0-498 0-747 0-8 1-17 2-25 4-20 15-33 35-36 16-3 32-3 50-4v875h-25v1z m696-160v-121c0-16-13-29-29-29h-41v180h41c16 0 29-14 29-30z m0-232v-121c0-16-13-29-29-29h-41v179h41c16 0 29-13 29-29z m0-232v-121c0-17-13-30-29-30h-41v180h41c16 0 29-13 29-29z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="adjust" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeea2;" d="M500 788c-242 0-437-196-437-438 0-242 195-438 437-438 242 0 438 196 438 438 0 242-196 438-438 438z m0-823c-213 0-385 172-385 385 0 213 172 385 385 385s385-172 385-385c0-213-172-385-385-385z m0 721v-672c185 0 336 151 336 336 0 185-151 336-336 336z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="alarm" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeea3;" d="M893 94c0 2-3 5-5 7-19 15-39 29-57 46-38 38-63 83-67 139-2 38-2 76-4 114-2 46-8 92-21 136-27 89-78 152-168 174-2 1-5 6-5 9-1 34-24 62-56 68-31 5-61-15-71-47-2-4-3-9-3-14-1-8-4-15-5-16-1 0-2 0-3-1-63-16-110-53-141-113-20-38-32-78-38-121-9-55-11-110-11-166 1-46-12-88-38-126-23-33-52-60-85-81-3-2-7-5-7-8-1-22-1-43-1-65h787c0 22 0 43-1 65z m-268-107h-249c-8 0-11-6-8-13l22-48c3-7 12-14 20-14h182c7 0 16 6 20 14l21 48c3 7-1 13-8 13z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="anchor" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeea4;" d="M888 98l-40 174c-4 20-29 28-45 14l-130-121c-16-14-10-40 10-46l34-11c-20-23-44-43-71-59-30-18-63-30-98-36v371h77c10-6 21-9 32-9 32 0 58 25 58 57s-26 58-58 58c-11 0-22-3-32-9h-77v40c52 19 89 70 89 129 0 76-62 137-137 137s-138-61-138-137c0-59 37-110 89-129v-40h-77c-9 6-20 9-32 9-32 0-58-26-58-58s26-57 58-57c12 0 23 3 32 9h77v-371c-34 6-68 18-98 36-27 16-51 36-71 59l34 11c20 6 26 32 11 46l-131 121c-15 14-40 6-45-14l-39-174c-5-20 14-38 34-32l38 12c31-45 72-84 120-112 59-35 127-53 196-53s136 18 195 53c48 28 89 67 121 112l37-12c20-6 39 12 35 32z m-351 534c-7-14-21-23-37-23-17 0-31 9-37 23-3 6-4 12-4 18 0 23 18 41 41 41 23 0 41-18 41-41 0-6-2-12-4-18z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="archive" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeea5;" d="M129 460c-4 0-7 0-10 1v-447c0-29 24-53 52-53h658c29 0 52 24 52 53v447c-3-1-6-1-9-1l-743 0z m519-198h-296c-15 0-26 12-26 26v70c0 14 11 26 26 26h296c15 0 26-12 26-26v-70h1c0-14-12-26-27-26z m290 417c0 33-27 60-60 60h-755c-34 0-60-27-60-60v-121h56v-45h762v45h57l0 121z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="at" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeea6;" d="M936 490c-5 55-20 103-42 142-23 39-52 70-87 94s-75 41-120 50-92 11-140 6c-92-9-169-31-233-68-64-36-115-80-154-131-38-52-65-108-80-168-16-61-21-120-15-177 6-61 20-113 44-155 24-43 54-77 90-103 36-27 77-45 123-54 46-10 93-13 143-8 21 2 41 5 62 8 21 4 40 8 59 13 18 4 35 10 51 16 15 7 29 13 40 20-6 15-12 29-18 44-7 15-14 29-21 42-22-11-47-20-75-27-28-7-59-12-92-15-36-4-71-2-103 5s-62 19-88 37c-26 19-47 44-64 76s-28 70-33 116c-5 51-1 101 13 150 13 49 34 93 65 133 30 40 69 72 116 99 47 26 102 42 165 48 82 8 147-5 196-40 49-35 77-90 84-164 3-26 2-53-2-81-4-28-11-54-21-78-11-23-24-43-42-59-17-16-38-25-61-28-15-1-26 0-33 5l30 333c-25 7-52 11-80 12-29 2-57 1-86-1-38-4-73-15-105-33-31-18-59-41-81-70-23-29-39-62-50-100-11-38-15-78-11-122 3-28 9-51 19-70 10-20 23-35 37-47 15-12 32-20 51-24 18-5 38-6 58-4 33 3 59 9 79 19 21 9 40 20 59 31 27-22 64-31 111-26 41 4 77 18 109 40 32 23 58 51 79 84 21 33 36 70 46 110 9 40 12 80 8 120z m-390-257c-11-5-21-8-30-11-9-3-20-5-33-6-21-2-38 3-52 14-14 12-22 32-25 61-2 23-1 45 3 66s11 41 22 58c10 17 22 31 38 42 15 11 34 18 55 20 7 1 14 1 20 1 6 0 13-1 20-2l-18-243z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="audio" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeea8;" d="M812 668c-6 6-16 6-22 0l-25-25c-6-6-6-16 0-22 69-76 105-166 106-270 0-106-37-196-106-272-6-7-6-16 0-22l25-25c6-6 16-6 22 0 169 176 166 464 0 636z m-349-19c-15-14-30-28-44-41-41-39-82-78-123-117-6-5-12-8-20-8-34 0-69 0-103 0-18 0-36 0-54 0h-1v-265c2-1 4-1 6-1h49c34 0 68 0 101 0 7 0 12-2 17-6 55-52 111-103 166-155 3-2 6-5 9-7 4-4 8-1 8 8v587c0 8-5 10-11 5z m254-75c-6 6-15 5-21 0l-25-25c-6-6-6-16 0-22 43-50 66-109 66-177 0-68-23-128-67-178-5-6-5-16 1-22l25-24c5-6 15-6 21 0 124 132 109 337 0 448z m-93-95c-6 6-16 6-21 0l-26-25c-6-6-6-16-1-22 18-23 28-51 28-82 0-32-10-59-28-82-5-7-5-16 1-22l25-26c6-6 16-6 21 0 65 73 63 189 1 259z m-561 4v-265c1-1 2-1 3-1h30v266c-11 0-22 0-33 0l0 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="automation" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeea9;" d="M323 365c1-1 2-2 2-5-3-12-4-24-3-36 0-3-1-5-4-6-12-5-23-10-35-15-7-3-14-6-21-9l-2-1c-1 0-1-4 0-8 6-18 11-35 17-53 2-4 6-7 11-6 5 2 11 3 16 4 13 3 26 5 38 8 4 1 6 0 9-3 7-9 15-18 23-27 2-2 2-3 1-6-7-19-15-38-22-57-1 0-1-1-1-2 0-1 3-3 6-5 17-9 33-17 49-26 4-2 9 0 12 3 1 3 3 6 5 9 9 13 18 27 26 41 2 2 3 2 5 2 13-1 25-2 37-3 3 0 5-1 6-4 5-11 10-23 14-34 3-6 6-12 8-18 2-4 7-7 11-5 17 5 34 11 52 17 4 1 7 6 6 10l-4 20c-3 12-5 25-8 37-1 2 0 3 2 5 10 8 19 16 28 25 2 1 4 2 6 1 20-8 39-15 59-23l1 0c1 0 3 3 5 7 3 5 6 10 8 15 6 12 12 25 19 38 1 2 1 4-2 5-17 11-35 22-52 33-2 1-3 2-2 5 3 12 4 25 3 38 0 2 0 3 2 4 14 6 27 12 41 18l12 6c5 2 7 7 5 11-5 17-11 34-17 52-1 4-6 7-10 6-3-1-6-2-9-2l-46-11c-3-1-5-1-7 2-6 11-15 20-24 28-2 2-2 3-1 5l22 60c1 2 1 3-1 4-20 10-39 20-58 30-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 1-2-1-4-2l-2-4-31-49c-2-3-3-3-6-3-12 3-24 4-37 3-2 0-4 1-5 3-6 14-12 28-18 41-2 4-4 8-6 12-1 4-6 6-11 5-17-6-34-11-51-17-5-1-7-6-6-10 0-3 1-6 2-9 3-15 7-31 11-46 1-4 0-6-3-8-10-6-19-14-27-23-2-2-4-3-7-1-19 7-38 15-58 22 0 1-1 1-2 1-1 0-2 0-2-1l-1-2c-10-19-19-38-29-56-1-3-1-4 2-5 18-12 36-23 54-35z m225-12c13-39-7-75-43-87-31-11-67 7-80 37-2 4-4 11-5 15-6 29 14 65 42 74 30 9 73-1 86-39z m346 252c14 4 27 9 40 13l3 1c1 0 1 4 0 9-2 11-5 22-7 34-1 4-5 8-9 7l-7-1c-11-1-22-2-33-4-3 0-4 2-5 3-5 8-10 15-15 22-1 2-1 4 0 6 6 13 13 26 19 38 2 3 2 5-1 6-12 8-24 16-37 23 0 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-3 1-3 0l-2-2c-9-11-17-23-26-34-2-2-3-2-5-2-9 2-18 4-26 5-3 1-4 1-5 4-4 14-8 28-12 43 0 0 0 0-1 1 0 0-4 0-8-1l-36-7c-4-1-7-6-7-10 1-6 2-11 2-17 1-7 2-14 2-22 0-1 0-3-2-4l-21-16c-2-1-3-1-5 0-13 6-26 13-39 20-3 1-4 1-5-2-8-12-16-25-24-37-1-2-1-4 1-5l33-27c2-2 3-3 2-6-1-8-3-16-3-24-1-3-2-5-5-6-14-4-28-8-43-12 0 0-1 0-1-1-1 0 0-4 0-8 3-12 5-24 8-36 1-4 5-7 8-7l7 1c12 1 23 2 34 4 2 0 4-1 5-3 4-7 9-14 14-20 2-3 2-4 1-6-7-13-13-26-20-39 0 0-1-1-1-2-1 0 1-3 3-4l5-3c11-7 21-13 32-20 2-2 3-1 5 1l28 34c2 2 3 2 5 2 8-2 17-3 25-5 2 0 3-1 4-3 5-14 9-28 14-42l0-2c1-1 5-1 9 0l34 8c5 1 8 5 7 10l-1 16c-1 8-2 15-3 22 0 2 0 3 2 5 8 5 15 10 23 15 2 1 3 1 5 0l36-19c1-1 2-1 3-2 1-1 4 2 7 5 6 11 13 21 20 31 2 4 3 8 3 8-1 1-1 1-2 2-12 9-23 18-35 27-2 2-2 3-2 5 2 9 4 17 6 25 0 2 1 3 3 4z m-109-42c-27-9-54 9-61 31-8 28 6 56 34 64 23 6 51-10 58-33 10-30-9-55-31-62z m-222-539c-32-10-65-15-98-15-137 0-257 87-300 217-39 122-3 254 94 338l15 12c4 3 4 9 2 12l-44 56c-2 4-7 4-11 1l-17-14c-125-107-172-276-121-432 54-166 208-277 382-277 43 0 85 6 125 20 38 12 74 30 106 52l18 14c4 2 5 7 2 11l-43 55c-3 4-8 5-12 2l-16-11c-25-17-53-31-82-41z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="bag-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeab;" d="M995 570c-5 67-53 117-120 118-39 0-78 0-117 0-37-1-37-1-37 35 0 75-49 124-125 125-32 0-65 0-97 0-35 0-70 0-105 0-54-1-99-36-114-88-5-19-4-37-3-55 0-15-5-18-19-18-43 1-85 0-128 0-78 0-121-49-127-128-4-55-4-105-1-163 3-48 15-81 51-107 3-2 6-4 8-7 105-82 227-118 358-131 16-1 21 3 21 19 3 37 27 64 57 65 30 1 53-22 60-60 1-3 2-6 2-9-1-14 4-16 18-16 51 5 102 14 152 28 94 27 180 68 249 140 9 10 16 19 18 34 8 74 3 147-1 218z m-650 113c0 62 69 113 154 113 84 0 153-51 153-113h-307z m155-472c-24 1-45-29-44-63 0-32 20-60 43-60 24 0 43 27 43 61 0 34-19 61-42 62z m496 86l-1 0-75-68c-61-41-163-90-325-114 0 0-22 2-37-7-15-10-16-39-57-43v0h-2v0c-42 4-42 33-58 43-15 9-36 7-36 7-163 24-265 73-325 114l-76 68 0 0v0l0 0 0-49v-249c-1-12 0-22 1-31 0-3 1-6 1-9 16-103 106-102 106-102s7 0 19-1c59-4 214-5 368-4l0 0 1 0v0l0 0 0 0v0l0 0 0 0c155-1 309 0 369 4 12 1 18 1 18 1s91-1 106 102c1 3 1 6 1 9 1 9 2 19 2 31v249l0 49 0 0v0z m-496-445l0 0 0 0 0 0z m0 0l0 0-1 0 1 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bag" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeac;" d="M882 586c0 30-24 55-54 55h-65c-1 4-4 8-6 13-15 27-36 51-62 71-53 40-122 63-195 63-73 0-143-23-195-63-26-21-47-45-62-72-3-4-5-8-7-12h-64c-30 0-54-25-54-56v-94h764l0 95z m-560 55c7 9 16 17 26 25 40 31 94 48 152 48 58 0 112-18 152-48 10-8 18-16 26-25h-356z m578-554h-800l18 383h764l18-383z m3-67h-807l3 51h802l2-51z m3-49c1-32-23-59-54-59h-704c-31 0-56 27-54 59l2 32h808l2-32z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ban" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeead;" d="M901 520c-23 54-54 101-92 140-39 39-86 70-140 93-54 23-110 35-169 35s-116-12-170-35c-54-23-100-54-139-93-38-39-69-86-92-140-24-54-35-110-35-170s11-116 35-170 54-101 92-140c39-39 85-70 139-93 54-23 111-35 170-35s115 12 169 35c54 23 101 54 140 93 38 39 69 86 92 140 24 54 35 111 35 170 0 60-12 116-35 170z m-659-339c-34 51-51 108-51 169 0 56 14 108 42 156s65 85 112 113c47 28 99 42 155 42 62 0 119-18 170-52l-428-428z m542 49c-16-39-38-72-65-99-28-28-61-50-99-67-38-16-78-24-120-24-61 0-117 17-169 50l429 428c32-51 49-107 49-168 0-42-8-82-25-120z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bar-code" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeae;" d="M63 635h98v-570h-98v570z m643 0h99v-570h-99v570z m-483 0h49v-570h-49v570z m307 0h50v-570h-50v570z m87 0h49v-570h-49v570z m209 0h50v-570h-50v570z m87 0h25v-570h-25v570z m-577 0h148v-570h-148v570z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bars" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeaf;" d="M104-57v-14c0-9 7-16 16-16h760c9 0 17 7 17 16v14c0 10-8 17-17 17h-35s-9 7-9 16v795c0 9-7 17-16 17h-176c-9 0-17-8-17-17v-795c0-9-6-16-14-16s-13 7-13 16v531c0 9-8 16-17 16h-175c-9 0-17-7-17-16v-531c0-9-6-16-14-16s-14 7-14 16v400c0 9-7 17-16 17h-176c-9 0-17-8-17-17v-400c0-9-1-16-3-16h-31c-9 0-16-7-16-17z m564 821h127c10 0 17-7 17-17v-89c0-9-7-17-17-17h-127c-9 0-17 8-17 17v90c0 9 8 16 17 16z m-237-265h128c10 0 17-7 17-16v-268c0-9-7-16-17-16h-128c-9 0-16 7-16 16v268c0 9 7 16 16 16z m-252-231v84c0 9 7 17 16 17h128c9 0 16-8 16-17v-84c0-9-7-17-16-17h-128c-9 0-16 8-16 17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="basket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeb0;" d="M796 540l62 75c5 6 4 15-2 20l-47 39c-6 5-15 4-20-2l-109-132c-5-5-15-10-23-10h-314c-8 0-18 4-23 10l-109 132c-5 6-14 7-20 2l-47-39c-6-5-7-14-2-20l62-75c5-5 3-10-5-10h-122c-8 0-14-7-14-14v-100c0-8 6-14 14-14h63c7 0 15-6 16-14l54-352c1-7 8-14 16-14h548c8 0 15 7 17 14l53 352c2 8 9 14 17 14h63c7 0 14 6 14 14v100c0 7-7 14-14 14h-123c-7 0-10 5-5 10z m-451-432h-32c-8 0-15 6-16 14l-28 234c-1 8 4 14 12 14h65c7 0 14-6 14-14v-234c-1-8-7-14-15-14z m194 0h-65c-8 0-14 6-14 14v234c0 8 7 14 14 14h65c8 0 14-6 14-14v-234c0-8-6-14-14-14z m164 0h-32c-8 0-14 6-14 14v234c0 8 6 14 14 14h64c8 0 14-6 13-14l-29-234c-1-8-8-14-16-14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="battery-empty" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeb1;" d="M926 423h-50c-6 0-11 5-11 11v124c0 6-5 11-11 11h-780c-6 0-11-5-11-11v-415c0-6 5-11 11-11h780c7 0 12 5 12 11v123c0 6 5 12 11 12h49c6 0 11 5 11 11v123c1 6-5 11-11 11z m-135-206c0-7-5-12-11-12h-634c-6 0-11 5-11 12v267c0 6 5 11 11 11h634c6 0 11-5 11-11v-267z" />
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6-16 6-32s-2-26-6-32z m91 55c-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-2-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-17-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-11 22-11 7 0 13 2 18 6 5 4 8 9 10 16 3 7 4 17 4 28 0 10-1 17-2 23z m-16-55c-4-5-8-8-14-8s-10 3-13 8c-4 6-6 16-6 32s2 27 6 33c4 4 8 7 13 7 6 0 11-3 14-8 4-6 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32z m-295-177v97h-7c-2-5-6-9-11-13-5-5-11-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 3 8 5 11 8v-75l11 0z m92 70c-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-8 3-14 3-7 0-13-1-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10 8 0 13 2 18 5 5 4 8 10 10 17 3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-2 23z m-16-55c-4-5-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 3-13 8-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33 4 4 8 7 13 7s11-3 14-8c4-5 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32z m74-15v97h-7c-2-5-6-9-11-13-4-5-10-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 3 8 5 11 8v-75l11 0z m65-1v97h-7c-2-4-6-8-11-13-4-4-10-8-17-11v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 2 8 5 11 8v-76h11z m63-1c7 0 13 2 17 5 5 4 8 10 11 17 2 7 3 16 3 27 0 10-1 17-2 23-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-8 4-13 4-8 0-13-2-18-6-5-4-8-9-10-16-3-7-4-16-4-28 0-18 3-31 10-39 5-7 12-10 22-10z m-14 82c4 4 8 7 13 7s11-3 14-8c4-5 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32-3-5-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 3-13 8-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33z m102-80v97h-8c-2-5-5-9-10-13-5-5-11-9-18-12v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 3 8 5 11 8v-75l12 0z m-356-92c-1 6-3 10-6 14-2 4-5 7-9 9-4 2-9 4-14 4-7 0-13-2-17-6-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10 7 0 13 2 18 6 5 3 8 9 10 16 3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-3 23z m-15-54c-4-6-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 2-13 8-4 5-6 15-6 31s2 27 6 33c3 4 8 7 13 7s10-3 14-8c4-5 5-16 5-32 1-16-1-26-5-31z m74-16v97h-7c-2-5-6-9-11-13-5-5-11-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 12 6 5 3 9 5 12 8v-76l11 1z m92 70c-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-8 4-14 4-7 0-13-2-17-6-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10 8 0 13 2 18 6 5 3 8 9 10 16 3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-2 23z m-16-54c-4-6-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 2-13 8-4 5-6 15-6 31s2 27 6 33c4 4 8 7 13 7s10-3 14-8c4-5 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-31z m89 4c3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-2 23-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-9 4-14 4-7 0-13-2-17-6-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10 7 0 13 2 18 6 4 3 8 9 10 16z m-28-12c-5 0-10 2-14 8-3 5-5 15-5 31s2 27 6 33c3 5 8 7 13 7 6 0 10-3 14-8 4-5 5-16 5-32s-1-26-5-31c-4-6-8-8-14-8z m75-10c7 0 13 2 18 6 5 3 8 9 10 16 3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-2 23-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-1-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10z m-13 82c3 4 8 7 13 7 6 0 10-3 14-8 4-6 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32-4-5-8-8-14-8s-10 3-13 8c-4 6-6 16-6 32s2 27 6 33z m102-80v97h-8c-2-5-6-9-11-13-5-5-10-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 12 6 5 3 9 5 12 8v-76l12 1z m65 0v97h-8c-2-5-6-9-11-13s-10-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 3 8 5 11 8v-76l12 1z m-435-138v96h-7c-2-4-6-8-11-13-5-4-11-8-17-11v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 2 8 5 11 8v-75h11z m90 20c3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-2 23-2 6-4 10-6 14-3 4-6 7-10 9-4 2-8 3-14 3-7 0-13-1-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 10-39 5-7 12-10 21-10 8 0 13 2 18 5 5 4 8 10 10 17z m-28-13c-5 0-10 3-13 8-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33 4 4 8 7 13 7s10-3 14-8c4-5 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32-4-5-8-8-14-8z m88-7v96h-7c-2-4-6-8-11-13-4-4-10-8-17-11v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 2 8 5 11 8v-75h11z m65-1v97h-7c-2-4-6-8-11-13-4-4-10-8-17-11v-11c4 1 8 3 13 6 4 2 8 5 11 8v-76h11z m-262-86c-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 5-7 13-10 22-10 7 0 13 1 18 5 4 4 8 10 10 17 2 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-3 23-1 5-3 10-6 14-2 4-5 7-9 9-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-2-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16z m28 12c6 0 10-3 14-8 4-5 5-16 5-32s-1-26-5-31c-4-6-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 2-14 8-3 5-5 15-5 31s2 27 6 33c3 4 8 7 13 7z m88-88v98h-7c-2-5-6-9-11-13-5-5-11-9-17-12v-11c4 1 8 3 12 6 5 3 9 5 12 8v-76h11z m34 76c-2-7-3-16-3-28 0-18 3-31 9-39 6-7 13-10 22-10 7 0 13 1 18 5 4 4 8 10 10 17 2 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-3 23-1 5-3 10-6 14-2 4-5 7-9 9-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-2-17-5-5-4-8-9-11-16z m28 12c6 0 10-3 14-8 4-5 6-16 6-32s-2-26-6-31c-4-6-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 2-13 8-4 5-6 15-6 31s2 27 6 33c3 4 8 7 13 7z m87-119h-294c-18 0-32 14-32 32v65c1 0 3 1 4 2 5 3 9 5 11 8v-75h12v96h-7c-2-4-6-8-11-12-3-3-6-4-9-7v92c5-6 12-9 21-9 6 0 12 2 17 5 5 4 8 10 10 17 3 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-3 23-1 6-3 11-6 14s-5 7-9 9c-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-1-17-5-2-1-3-3-4-4v116c2 0 4 1 5 2 5 3 8 6 11 8v-75h12v97h-7c-2-5-6-9-11-13-3-3-7-5-10-7v92c6-6 13-9 21-9 7 0 13 2 18 6 4 3 8 9 10 16 2 7 4 16 4 27 0 10-1 17-3 23-1 6-3 11-6 14-2 4-6 8-9 10-4 2-9 3-14 3-7 0-13-2-18-6l-3-4v139l5 3c5 3 8 5 11 8v-75h12v97h-7c-2-4-6-9-11-13-3-3-7-5-10-7v21c0 18 14 32 32 32h371c18 0 41-11 53-24l12-14c-2-3-4-5-8-8-5-5-11-9-17-12v-11c3 1 8 3 12 6 5 3 8 5 11 8v-75h12v80l13-14 45-52c11-13 20-39 20-56v-32c-2 2-3 4-6 6-4 2-8 3-14 3-6 0-12-2-17-6-5-4-8-9-10-16-3-7-4-16-4-27 0-19 3-32 10-40 5-7 13-10 21-10 8 0 14 2 18 6 1 1 2 2 3 2v-195c11-4 21-10 31-17v351c0 20-10 47-23 62l-50 58c-13 15-26 30-39 45-13 15-39 27-59 27h-412c-20 0-36-16-36-36v-804c0-20 16-35 36-35h374c-20 11-38 26-52 44z m-319 274c3 4 8 7 13 7s10-3 14-8c4-6 6-16 6-32s-2-26-6-32c-4-5-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 3-13 8-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33z m0 300c3 4 8 7 13 7s10-3 14-8c4-6 6-16 6-32s-2-26-6-32c-4-5-8-8-14-8-5 0-10 3-13 8-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33z m542-65c-3-5-8-8-14-8s-10 3-13 8c-4 6-6 16-6 32 0 16 2 27 6 33 4 4 8 7 14 7s10-3 13-8c4-6 6-16 6-32 0-16-2-26-6-32z m64-343l-2 0-6 16 0 1c20 44 18 45 15 49l-26 25c-1 1-2 2-4 2-2 0-6 0-44-18l-2 0-15 6-1 2c-18 44-20 44-24 44h-37c-4 0-6 0-23-44l0-2-16-6-2 0c-25 11-40 17-44 17-2 0-4-1-5-2l-26-26c-3-3-4-4 16-47l1-2-7-15-1-1c-46-17-46-19-46-23v-36c0-5 1-7 44-22 0-2 0-3 0-5 0-11 1-19 4-26-14-32-13-33-10-36l26-25c1-1 3-2 5-2 1 0 6 0 44 17l1 1 16-6 1-2c17-45 19-45 24-45h36c5 0 7 0 23 45l1 2 16 6 1-1c26-11 41-16 45-16 2 0 3 0 5 2l25 25c4 3 5 5-15 48l-1 1 6 15 2 1c45 18 45 19 45 24v36c0 5 0 7-45 23z m-127-99c-32 0-59 26-59 57s27 58 59 58c33 0 59-26 59-58s-26-57-59-57z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="binoculars" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeebd;" d="M886 388c-46 49-95 96-144 142-35 32-76 41-121 22-12-5-23-11-35-16-38-17-78-23-120-17-25 5-48 15-70 26-27 14-54 20-84 14-24-5-44-16-61-33-42-41-83-84-125-124-51-48-72-105-61-173 15-96 99-162 196-157 72 5 124 40 158 104 3 6 6 12 9 19 43-42 103-40 143 0 2-4 3-6 4-9 36-82 122-129 209-111 72 15 121 58 143 128 23 69 8 132-41 185z m-636-277c-81 0-147 67-148 149 0 81 66 147 149 148 80 0 148-66 148-147 1-83-65-149-149-150z m233 356c0 9 7 17 17 17 10 0 18-8 18-17v-64c0-10-8-18-18-18-9 0-17 8-17 18v64z m16-252c-24 1-45 22-44 46 1 24 21 44 45 44 24 0 45-21 44-46 0-24-20-44-45-44z m247-104c-82 2-148 70-146 152 1 82 69 147 152 146 80-2 146-70 145-149-2-84-68-150-151-149z m-146 462c23 11 46 19 72 16 8-1 15-2 23-3-13 32-51 50-86 41-35-9-60-42-56-75 16 7 32 14 47 21z m-246 15c25-2 47-14 69-24 8-4 16-7 24-10 1 35-25 67-60 74-34 7-72-13-81-40 16 0 32 1 48 0z m483-247c43-43 42-108 14-145 3 47-9 86-40 118-32 32-71 44-116 42 35 26 99 28 142-15z m-676-8c-40-48-29-112-7-135-3 45 9 84 41 116 31 31 70 44 116 42-38 28-108 28-150-23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bluetooth" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeebe;" d="M759 558l-211 210c-11 11-29 20-41 20-12 0-22-13-22-28v-277c0-15-9-19-19-8l-163 162c-11 11-28 11-39 0l-22-23c-11-10-11-28 0-38l206-207c11-10 11-28 0-38l-206-207c-11-10-11-28 0-38l22-23c11-11 28-11 39 0l163 163c10 10 19 7 19-8v-278c0-15 10-28 22-28 12 0 30 9 41 20l211 210c10 11 10 28 0 39l-150 150c-11 10-11 28 0 38l150 150c10 11 10 28 0 39z m-167 44l44-45c11-10 11-28 0-38l-44-44c-11-11-20-7-20 8v111c0 15 9 19 20 8z m44-459l-44-45c-11-11-20-7-20 8v112c0 15 9 18 20 8l44-45c11-10 11-28 0-38z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="book-mark" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec0;" d="M231 766v-842c0-12 7-15 15-7l240 247c8 8 21 8 29 0l240-247c8-8 15-5 15 7v842c0 12-10 22-21 22h-497c-12 0-21-10-21-22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="box" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec1;" d="M147 574l-83-178c-4-9 3-18 12-17l312 31c5 0 9 3 10 7l101 227-343-63c-4-1-7-4-9-7z m329-60l-52-126c-2-5-6-7-10-8l-265-23c-7-1-12-6-11-13l5-208c0-5 4-10 10-11l312-66c7-2 15-2 23-2v454c0 17-6 18-12 3z m460-118l-83 178c-1 3-5 6-9 7l-343 63 101-227c2-4 5-6 10-7l312-31c9-1 16 8 12 17z m-85-39l-265 23c-4 1-8 3-10 8l-52 126c-6 15-12 14-12-3v-454c8 0 16 0 24 2l311 66c6 1 10 6 10 11l6 208c0 7-5 12-12 13z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="briefcase" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec2;" d="M588 219h-176v80h-349v-240c0-22 18-40 40-40h794c22 0 41 18 41 40v240h-350v-80z m309 361h-272v88c0 15-10 13-10 13h-254s-11-1-11-14v-87h-247c-22 0-40-18-40-41v-181h875v181c0 23-19 41-41 41z m-314 0h-191v71h191v-71z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="broken" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec3;" d="M594 686l-27 5-14-79 26-5 15 79z m306-452l-185 184-66 8 9-65 185-184c19-19 19-50 0-70l-53-52c-20-20-51-20-70 0l-184 184-65 9 8-66 184-185c51-50 133-50 184 0l53 53c50 51 50 134 0 184z m-286 399l64 48 16-21-63-48-17 21z m-7-53l78 14 5-26-79-15-4 27z m-189-268l-25 60-225 131c-24 14-32 44-18 68l38 64c13 24 44 32 67 18l225-131 65 7-24 62-225 132c-62 36-142 15-178-47l-38-65c-36-62-15-141 47-177l225-132 66 10z m-29-193l23-11 31 69-23 11-31-69z m-71 48l12-22 66 37-12 22-66-37z m9 81l-1-25 75-4 2 25-76 4z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bucket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec4;" d="M85 603c30-208 61-415 90-623 3-16 8-21 23-20 47 0 94 0 141 0 151 0 302 0 453 0 15 0 26 0 28 20 3 38 12 75 17 113 6 36 11 72 17 108-37 2-71 1-104 6-108 19-188 78-247 169-9 13-16 24-34 29-28 7-41 37-36 70 4 28 26 46 55 47 43 1 67-33 59-80-2-8-1-19 3-26 70-108 164-166 296-153 15 2 20 7 22 20 12 83 26 166 38 249 5 29 9 58 13 86h-834c0-5-1-10 0-15z m852 100c-2 21-14 33-35 36-9 1-19 1-29 1-125 0-249 0-374 0-123 0-247 0-370 0-10 0-20 0-30-1-22-3-34-16-36-37-2-22 9-37 29-43 9-3 18-4 27-4 254 0 507 0 761 0 10 0 20 1 29 4 21 7 31 23 28 44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bucket1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec5;" d="M196 388c23-154 45-307 67-460 2-12 6-16 17-16 35 1 69 1 104 1 112 0 223 0 334 0 12 0 19 0 21 15 3 28 9 55 13 83 4 26 8 53 12 80-27 1-52 0-77 4-79 14-139 58-182 125-6 10-12 18-25 21-20 5-31 28-27 52 3 21 20 34 41 35 32 0 50-25 43-59-1-6 0-14 3-19 51-80 121-123 219-113 11 1 14 5 15 15 10 61 20 122 29 184 3 21 6 42 9 63h-616c0-4 0-8 0-11z m32 141c13 8 14 18 3 38-8 16-13 33-2 50 12 17 31 20 50 18 21-2 36-12 47-29 4-6 6-15 11-20 7-7 17-14 25-14 6 0 14 10 19 16 4 6 4 14 7 21 20 56 74 91 130 85 72-7 117-57 121-135 1-12 0-26 14-29 9-1 22 2 31 8 31 23 61 18 81-15 3-5 10-12 14-11 5 1 11 8 13 13 14 36-7 73-46 76-20 2-40-1-62-2-13 77-57 130-136 144-85 15-150-21-192-90-26 9-49 23-73 26-39 5-74-7-96-42-22-34-12-66 7-98 9-14 21-18 34-10z m598-67c-2 15-11 24-26 26-7 1-15 1-22 1l-276 0h-274c-7 0-14 0-22-1-16-2-25-12-26-28-2-15 6-26 21-31 7-2 14-3 20-3 188 0 375 0 563 0 7 0 14 1 21 3 15 5 22 17 21 33z m-94 168c40 0 72 32 72 72 0 41-33 74-72 74-39-1-72-34-73-73 0-40 33-73 73-73z m1 115c22 0 41-19 42-42 0-23-21-44-43-43-23 0-42 20-42 42 0 24 18 43 43 43z m-400-62c29 0 54 25 54 53s-24 52-53 52c-29-1-52-24-52-52 0-28 23-52 51-53z m1 75c13 0 21-8 22-22-1-13-7-21-21-22-13-1-24 9-23 22 1 13 9 22 22 22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bucket2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec6;" d="M720 707h3c12 0 21 11 21 23s-9 23-21 23h-3c0 0-632 0-632 0 0 0-4 0-4 0-12 0-21-10-21-23s9-23 21-23h4v-727c0-18 14-33 33-33h566c19 0 33 15 33 33v353c51-18 100-30 138-30 37 0 65 11 75 35 28 64-83 165-213 235l0 134z m-304-78c-7 6-19 16-34 21-25 7-51 0-45-15v-240c0-11-9-21-20-21-12 0-21 10-21 21v222c-8 16 16-79-55-37-41 24-36-8-40-22v-265c0-12-9-21-21-21-11 0-21 9-21 21v265c-14 3-27 9-38 14v138h296l-1-81z m489-276c-10-22-82-22-185 17v165c130-74 196-155 185-182z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bug" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec7;" d="M899 283c-62 30-123 60-185 91-5 3-9 7-13 12-9 13-19 26-29 40 23 15 46 31 69 46 19 13 38 25 56 38 11 7 17 17 14 30-2 12-10 21-23 22-7 0-16-3-23-7-42-28-84-56-127-85-3-1-5-3-9-6 5 14 11 27 13 40 8 43-6 80-32 114-4 6-5 10-2 17 10 29 23 55 46 77 13 12 29 19 48 19 18 0 30 12 30 28 0 15-14 29-31 28-45-1-80-20-106-56-15-21-27-44-41-67-17 7-35 11-54 11-19 0-37-4-54-11-14 23-26 46-41 67-26 36-61 55-106 56-17 1-31-13-31-28-1-16 12-28 30-28 19 0 34-7 48-19 22-21 36-48 46-77 3-7 2-11-2-17-26-33-40-71-32-113 2-14 8-26 13-41-4 3-7 5-10 7-42 28-84 56-126 84-7 4-16 7-23 7-13-1-21-10-23-22-3-13 3-23 13-30 19-12 38-25 57-37 23-16 46-32 69-47-10-14-20-27-30-40-3-5-7-9-12-12-62-31-123-61-185-91-31-15-24-11-25-41-1-7 3-12 8-15 9-6 19-6 28-1 6 3 11 6 17 9 43 22 86 43 128 64-4-30-10-59-12-89-1-15-5-26-14-38-31-42-62-84-93-126-11-14-9-32 4-41 13-10 31-7 41 7 9 11 18 23 27 35 15 19 30 39 46 60 4-12 7-23 11-33 24-64 62-117 121-153 21-12 21-12 38 5 29 30 43 65 43 107 0 110 0 221 0 331 0 19 11 29 28 29 1 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 18 0 28-10 28-29 0-110 0-221 0-331 0-42 14-77 43-107 17-17 17-17 38-5 59 36 97 89 121 153 4 10 7 21 11 33 16-21 31-41 46-60 9-12 18-24 27-35 11-14 28-17 41-7 13 9 15 27 5 41-31 42-62 85-94 126-9 12-13 23-14 38-2 30-7 59-11 89 41-21 84-42 127-64 6-3 11-6 17-9 10-5 19-5 28 1 6 3 9 8 9 15-1 30 6 26-25 41z m-371 225c0-13-11-24-24-24h-8c-13 0-24 11-24 24v52c0 13 11 24 24 24h8c13 0 24-11 24-24v-52z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="building" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec8;" d="M810 788h-620v-73h34v-803h552v803h34v73z m-288-364h114v-114h-114v114z m-158 158h115v-115h-115v115z m115-430h-115v115h115v-115z m0 158h-115v114h115v-114z m157-158h-114v115h114v-115z m0 315h-114v115h114v-115z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bulb-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeec9;" d="M500 698c10 0 18 8 18 18v54c0 10-8 18-18 18s-18-8-18-18v-54c0-10 8-18 18-18z m-188-38c4-5 10-9 16-9 3 0 6 1 9 3 8 5 11 16 6 24l-26 47c-5 8-16 11-25 6-8-4-11-15-6-24l26-47z m-101-103l-46 27c-9 5-20 2-25-7-4-8-1-19 7-24l46-27c3-2 6-2 9-2 6 0 12 3 15 9 5 8 2 19-6 24z m-56-172h-52c-10 0-18-8-18-18 0-10 8-18 18-18h52c10 0 18 8 18 18 0 10-8 18-18 18z m743 0h-53c-10 0-18-8-18-18 0-10 8-18 18-18h53c9 0 17 8 17 18s-8 18-17 18z m-38 192c-5 9-16 12-24 7l-46-27c-9-5-12-16-7-24 3-6 9-9 16-9 3 0 6 1 8 2l46 27c9 5 12 16 7 24z m-196 77c2-2 6-3 8-3 7 0 12 4 16 9l26 47c5 8 2 19-6 24-9 5-19 2-24-6l-27-47c-5-8-2-19 7-24z m-184-360c2-12 8-16 20-16 12 0 19 4 21 16l14 96c1 6 2 13 2 19v47c0 21-14 32-37 32s-36-11-36-32v-47c0-6 1-13 2-19l14-96z m20-42c-21 0-38-18-38-40s17-39 38-39 38 18 38 39-17 40-38 40z m-66 361c-114-32-184-109-202-225-19-113 21-207 113-277 15-12 32-26 37-43 15-45 44-61 89-56 10 2 20 1 30 1h42c43 0 53 8 72 46 8 17 18 36 33 46 88 64 129 149 125 257-8 169-176 295-339 251z m189-459c-19-15-36-34-50-54-29-46-112-48-143-4-17 23-37 46-60 63-77 61-108 165-75 259 32 93 118 152 217 149 113-3 207-106 207-234-1-70-33-132-96-179z m-64-176c-19 1-39 0-58 0-19 0-39 1-58 0-7-1-17-4-20-10-3-5 1-15 5-21 32-46 114-46 146 0 4 5 8 16 5 21-2 6-13 9-20 10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bullet" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeca;" d="M645 464c0 18-1 36-4 54-15 81-55 151-101 218-9 13-18 26-29 40-7 9-14 14-16 10-2-2-3-4-4-6-32-52-67-102-96-156-30-53-41-112-40-174 1-111 0-223 0-335v-11c0-6 10-11 21-11h246c12 0 22 3 22 8 1 3 1 5 1 8 0 119 0 237 0 355z m-22-404h-245c-12 0-22-10-22-22v-105c0-11 10-21 22-21h245c11 0 21 10 21 22v104c0 12-10 22-21 22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="bullhorn" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeecb;" d="M323 547c-17-6-33-15-51-17-35-5-71-6-106-9l-48-4c-11-1-14-4-13-15 0-2 0-5 1-7-12-1-21-2-31-3-10-1-13-4-12-14 3-50 7-99 11-149 0-10 4-13 14-12 10 0 20 1 31 2 0-4 0-6 0-9 1-10 3-11 13-10 16 1 32 2 48 3 14 1 14 1 21-12 9-19 18-38 27-57l105-215c7-13 10-15 24-13 19 1 38 2 57 4 10 1 13 4 8 14-5 11-11 23-17 35-34 69-68 139-103 208-4 10-5 19 2 28 7 8 16 10 26 7 110-27 219-54 328-81 14-3 28-7 42-10-12 158-23 316-35 474-3 0-5-1-8-2-111-45-223-91-334-136z m430 140c-3 3-7 8-10 8-18 0-37-2-56-3 12-162 24-322 36-483 17 1 33 2 49 3 13 1 16 4 15 18l-33 450c-1 2 0 5-1 7z m102-296c-12 7-26 3-33-9-5-10-3-22 7-29 19-15 39-29 59-43 2-1 4-2 5-2 12-4 23 1 28 12 5 8 2 22-6 28-20 15-40 29-60 43z m-38 138c9-6 20-5 29 3 17 16 34 32 50 49 3 3 5 7 6 8 3 13-1 23-9 28-10 6-21 5-29-2-17-17-34-33-50-50-3-2-5-5-6-9-4-10 0-21 9-27z m98-38c-25-1-51-3-76-6-11-1-18-11-18-22 0-11 6-20 18-23 0 0 2-1 3-1 26 2 52 4 77 6 12 2 19 13 19 24-1 12-11 22-23 22z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="camera" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeecf;" d="M819 567h-124v68c0 32-22 58-48 58h-294c-26 0-48-26-48-58v-68h-9c-39 0-79 0-118 0-65 0-115-50-115-115v-329c0-66 49-116 115-116h642c7 0 14 0 21 2 59 10 97 56 97 116v324c0 69-50 118-119 118z m-439 46c0 22 18 39 39 39h162c21 0 39-17 39-39v-8c0-21-18-39-39-39h-162c-21 0-39 18-39 39v8z m118-527c-110 0-200 92-199 203 1 110 91 200 202 199 111-1 201-91 200-201-1-112-91-202-203-201z m2 336c-74 0-136-60-136-133 0-76 61-137 135-138 74 0 137 62 136 136 0 75-60 135-135 135z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="charging" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeed4;" d="M926 423h-50c-6 0-11 5-11 11v124c0 6-5 11-11 11h-780c-6 0-11-5-11-11v-415c0-6 5-11 11-11h780c7 0 12 5 12 11v123c0 6 5 12 11 12h49c6 0 11 5 11 11v123c1 6-5 11-11 11z m-135-206c0-7-5-12-11-12h-634c-6 0-11 5-11 12v267c0 6 5 11 11 11h634c6 0 11-5 11-11v-267z m-341 126c-46 13-92 25-138 38l0-1c62-36 125-73 188-109-4 28-7 55-11 83 43-11 85-23 126-34l0 1c-57 36-114 72-172 109 2-29 5-58 7-87z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="chat" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeed5;" d="M937 633c0 11 0 23-3 34-14 62-64 101-129 101-204 0-408 0-612 0-75 0-130-56-130-131-1-133-1-265 0-398 0-11 1-22 3-32 14-59 63-99 124-100 25 0 50 0 78 0-4-19-7-36-12-52-10-35-23-68-46-97-10-13-5-24 11-25 11-1 24-1 34 3 40 18 79 37 117 58 45 25 74 67 108 104 6 6 11 9 20 9 103 0 206-1 308 0 75 1 129 57 130 131 0 132 0 263-1 395z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="check-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeed6;" d="M415 134c-8-8-17-11-27-11-9 0-18 3-26 11l-162 162 52 53 136-137 363 366 49-53-385-391z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="check-circled" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeed7;" d="M687 551c-3 3-9 3-13-1-83-88-166-176-249-264-4-4-10-4-13 0l-89 88c-3 4-9 4-13 0l-53-53c-4-4-4-10 0-14l158-158c3-3 9-3 13 1 105 111 210 223 316 335 3 4 3 9-1 13-18 18-37 35-56 53z m-187 237c-242 0-437-196-437-438s195-438 437-438 438 196 438 438-196 438-438 438z m0-807c-203 0-369 166-369 369s166 369 369 369c204 0 369-165 369-369s-165-369-369-369z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="check" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeed8;" d="M396 106l-193 192c-4 5-4 12 0 17l66 65c4 4 11 4 16 0l108-108c4-4 11-4 16 0 101 108 202 215 303 322 4 5 12 5 16 1l68-65c5-4 5-11 1-16-129-136-257-272-385-408-4-5-12-5-16 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="checked" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeed9;" d="M705 73h-510c-7 0-12 6-12 12v510c0 7 5 13 12 13h392c7 0 17 4 22 9l102 102c5 5 3 9-4 9h-632c-7 0-12-6-12-13v-750c0-7 5-12 12-12h750c7 0 12 5 12 12v472c0 6-4 8-8 3l-103-102c-5-5-9-15-9-21v-232c0-6-5-12-12-12z m-400 365l-67-68c-5-5-5-12 0-17l186-186c5-5 13-5 18 0l492 492c5 5 5 13 0 17l-67 68c-5 5-13 5-18 0l-407-408c-5-5-13-5-18 0l-101 102c-5 4-13 4-18 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="children-care" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeda;" d="M654 435c-5 5-9 10-15 15-14-78-86-118-148-114-53 3-115 37-131 109-65-61-131-123-197-185 55-54 154-61 219-12 24 18 45 40 67 61 7 6 12 12 18 18v-398c0-9 8-17 18-17h29c10 0 18 8 18 17v399c62-59 125-118 188-178 3 4 7 7 10 11 55 64 50 153-11 212-21 21-43 42-65 62z m-300 58c2-2 4-4 6-5 14 62 54 99 121 112-4 3-7 5-9 7-47 44-94 89-142 133-16 16-32 32-49 48h-1c-2-2-3-4-5-5-60-61-59-160 3-219 25-24 51-47 76-71z m284-3c66 62 132 123 199 186-1 1-2 1-3 2-66 58-167 58-233-2-26-23-52-48-77-72-2-1-3-3-4-4 66-14 105-51 118-110z m-259-23c0-63 57-113 122-112 65 1 120 53 119 113-1 63-55 115-121 114-68-2-120-49-120-115z m120 81c47 1 85-35 86-80 0-43-39-79-84-80-47-1-87 35-87 79 0 47 37 81 85 81z m1-134c31 0 58 25 57 54 0 30-26 55-58 55-33-1-57-24-57-55-1-30 27-55 58-54z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="clip" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeedb;" d="M886 445c-9 0-17-4-23-9l0 0-400-401c-35-35-81-54-131-54s-95 19-130 54c-72 72-72 189 0 260l386 387c25 24 57 38 92 38 35 0 67-14 92-38 24-25 37-54 35-84-1-30-15-60-40-85l-309-309c-14-14-33-22-53-22-38 0-58 24-58 48 0 20 8 38 22 52l267 266-1 0c5 6 8 14 8 22 0 19-15 34-34 34-8 0-15-3-21-8l-1 0-265-265c-30-30-43-59-43-101 0-33 12-62 34-83 23-21 54-33 92-33h0c39 0 75 15 102 43l308 308c78 78 80 189 5 265-37 37-87 58-140 58-53 0-103-21-140-58l-386-387c-99-98-99-258 0-357 47-47 111-74 178-74s131 27 179 74l400 402s9 8 9 23c0 19-16 34-34 34z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="clock-time" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeedc;" d="M500 788c-239 0-432-193-437-428-5-245 189-444 430-448 251-3 440 198 444 429 5 246-194 447-437 447z m3-788c-196-1-353 156-353 350 0 193 157 350 350 350 193 0 349-157 350-350 1-186-150-348-347-350z m27 612h-59c-4 0-7-3-7-7v-210c0-4-4-7-8-7h-134c-4 0-7-3-7-7v-60c0-4 3-7 7-7h208c4 0 7 3 7 7v284c0 4-3 7-7 7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="close-circled" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeedd;" d="M703 501c6 6 6 16 0 22l-33 34c-6 6-16 6-22 0-46-47-91-93-137-140-6-6-16-6-22 0-46 47-91 93-137 140-6 6-16 6-22 0-11-12-22-23-33-35-6-6-6-16 0-22 45-45 90-92 137-139 6-6 6-16 0-22-46-47-92-93-137-140-6-6-6-16 0-22l33-34c7-6 16-6 22 0l137 139c6 6 16 6 22 0 46-46 91-92 137-139 6-6 16-6 22 0 11 12 22 23 33 34 6 6 6 16 0 22-45 46-90 93-136 140-6 6-6 16 0 22 45 47 91 93 136 140z m-203 287c-242 0-437-196-437-438s195-438 437-438 438 196 438 438-196 438-438 438z m0-807c-203 0-369 166-369 369s166 369 369 369 369-165 369-369-165-369-369-369z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="close-line-circled" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeede;" d="M682 558l-182-182-182 182-26-26 182-182-182-182 26-26 182 182 182-182 26 26-182 182 182 182-26 26z m127 101c-85 86-188 129-309 129s-224-43-309-129-128-188-128-309 42-224 128-309 188-129 309-129 224 43 309 129 129 188 129 309-43 224-129 309z m-25-593c-77-77-172-116-284-116s-207 39-284 116-116 172-116 284 39 207 116 284 172 116 284 116 207-39 284-116 116-172 116-284-39-207-116-284z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="close-line-squared-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeedf;" d="M63 720v-740c0-37 30-67 67-67h740c37 0 67 30 67 67v740c0 37-30 68-67 68h-740c-37 0-67-31-67-68z m780-780h-686c-37 0-67 30-67 67v686c0 37 30 67 67 67h686c37 0 67-30 67-67v-686c0-37-30-67-67-67z m-573 148l230 229 230-229 33 32-230 230 230 230-33 33-230-230-230 230-32-33 229-230-229-230 32-32z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="close-line-squared" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee0;" d="M63 788v-876h875v876h-875z m847-848h-820v820h820v-820z m-640 148l230 229 230-229 33 32-230 230 230 230-33 33-230-230-230 230-32-33 229-230-229-230 32-32z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="close-line" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee1;" d="M763 650l37-37-262-263 262-262-37-38-263 263-262-263-38 38 263 262-263 263 38 37 262-262z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="close-squared-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee2;" d="M756 528c9 8 9 17 0 26l-51 52c-3 3-8 5-13 5-3 0-5-1-9-2-3-2-5-4-8-6l-152-151c-13-13-33-13-46 0l-155 154c-4 4-8 5-14 5-2 0-4 0-7-2-4-1-7-4-10-6l-47-49c-9-9-9-18 0-27l156-154c13-13 13-34 0-46l-156-155c-3-4-5-8-5-14 0-5 2-10 5-13l52-51c4-3 8-5 14-5 4 0 8 2 12 5l155 155c13 13 33 13 46 0l155-155c4-4 8-5 14-5 4 0 8 2 12 5l52 51c3 3 5 8 5 13 0 6-2 10-5 14l-157 156c-12 13-12 34 1 46l156 154z m150 228c-22 21-48 32-78 32h-656c-30 0-56-11-77-32s-32-48-32-78v-656c0-30 10-56 32-77s47-32 77-32h656c30 0 56 10 78 32 21 21 32 47 32 77v656c0 30-11 56-32 78z m-23-734c0-15-6-28-16-39-11-10-24-16-39-16h-656c-15 0-28 6-38 16-11 11-17 24-17 39v656c0 15 6 28 17 39 10 10 23 16 38 16h656c15 0 28-6 39-16 10-11 16-24 16-39v-656z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="close-squared" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee3;" d="M63 788v-876h875v876h-875z m49-826v776h776v-776h-776z m644 592l-50 52c-4 3-9 5-14 5-4 0-8-2-14-5l-178-177-178 177c-4 3-8 5-14 5-3 0-8-2-13-5l-51-52c-9-9-9-18 0-27l180-177-180-178c-3-4-5-8-5-14 0-5 2-10 5-13l52-51c4-3 8-5 14-5 4 0 8 2 12 5l178 179 178-179c4-3 8-5 14-5 4 0 8 2 12 5l52 51c3 3 5 8 5 13 0 6-2 10-5 14l-180 179 180 177c9 8 9 17 0 26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="close" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee4;" d="M710 643c-65-65-129-131-194-197-9-9-23-9-31 0-65 66-130 132-195 197-8 9-22 9-31 0-15-16-31-32-47-48-8-9-8-23 0-32 63-64 128-130 194-197 9-9 8-23 0-32-65-66-130-132-195-198-8-9-8-23 0-31l48-48c9-9 23-9 31 0l195 197c8 9 22 9 31 0 64-66 129-131 194-197 8-9 22-9 31 0 16 16 31 32 47 48 9 9 9 23 0 32-63 65-128 130-194 197-8 9-8 23 0 32 65 66 130 132 195 198 8 9 8 23 0 32l-48 48c-9 8-23 8-31-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cloud-download" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee5;" d="M861 405c-20 17-28 34-32 60-12 89-63 151-145 182-86 33-170 24-242-37-15-14-30-21-48-23-34 42-86 69-144 69-104 0-187-84-187-187 0-46 16-87 43-120-31-52-37-113-16-174 30-87 107-141 204-141 71 0 143 0 214 0 73 0 146 0 219 0 90 1 168 55 198 139 30 83 6 175-64 232z m-776 64c0 91 74 164 165 164 51 0 97-23 127-60 7-9 13-18 19-29 7-15 13-32 16-49 1-9 2-17 2-26 0-91-74-164-164-164-29 0-57 7-80 20-10 6-19 12-28 20-7 6-13 12-19 19-23 28-38 65-38 105z m814-279c-23-76-91-126-173-126-72 0-143 0-215 0-73 0-146 0-219 0-84 0-153 50-176 127-15 48-10 95 12 136 9-8 20-15 31-22-15-28-18-61-9-96 17-66 71-107 145-107 140 0 281 0 422 0 76 0 133 41 149 108 17 66-14 129-81 165-9 6-19 20-19 30 2 89-38 156-111 182-82 28-155 2-209-76-3-4-6-8-11-13l-1 0c-3 20-9 39-18 57 11 2 20 8 31 19 64 65 144 77 226 46 79-31 125-92 129-179 0-23 9-36 27-49 67-46 94-126 70-202z m-742 304c4 3 10 3 13 0l51-51v136c0 5 4 9 9 9h36c5 0 9-4 9-9v-140l54 55c4 3 9 3 13 0l21-22c4-3 4-9 0-12l-107-108c-4-3-9-3-13 0l-107 107c-4 4-4 10 0 13l21 22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cloud-refresh" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee6;" d="M861 405c-20 17-28 34-32 60-12 89-63 151-145 182-86 33-170 24-242-37-15-14-30-21-48-23-34 42-86 69-144 69-104 0-187-84-187-187 0-46 16-87 43-120-31-52-37-113-16-174 30-87 107-141 204-141 71 0 143 0 214 0 73 0 146 0 219 0 90 1 168 55 198 139 30 83 6 175-64 232z m-776 64c0 91 74 164 165 164 51 0 97-23 127-60 7-9 13-18 19-29 7-15 13-32 16-49 1-9 2-17 2-26 0-91-74-164-164-164-29 0-57 7-80 20-10 6-19 12-28 20-7 6-13 12-19 19-23 28-38 65-38 105z m814-279c-23-76-91-126-173-126-72 0-143 0-215 0-73 0-146 0-219 0-84 0-153 50-176 127-15 48-10 95 12 136 9-8 20-15 31-22-15-28-18-61-9-96 17-66 71-107 145-107 140 0 281 0 422 0 76 0 133 41 149 108 17 66-14 129-81 165-9 6-19 20-19 30 2 89-38 156-111 182-82 28-155 2-209-76-3-4-6-8-11-13l-1 0c-3 20-9 39-18 57 11 2 20 8 31 19 64 65 144 77 226 46 79-31 125-92 129-179 0-23 9-36 27-49 67-46 94-126 70-202z m-639 211c-23-2-43 7-59 26l25 25h-76v-77c8 9 16 16 24 25 16-18 34-30 57-35 22-5 44-4 66 5 35 16 56 43 64 82h-39c-8-30-34-50-62-51z m-9 136c26 2 48-12 59-28-7-7-15-15-24-23h75v75c-8-8-16-15-24-23-34 36-75 48-122 29-36-14-57-42-65-81h39c8 29 33 49 62 51z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cloud-upload" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee7;" d="M861 405c-20 17-28 34-32 60-12 89-63 151-145 182-86 33-170 24-242-37-15-14-30-21-48-23-34 42-86 69-144 69-104 0-187-84-187-187 0-46 16-87 43-120-31-52-37-113-16-174 30-87 107-141 204-141 71 0 143 0 214 0 73 0 146 0 219 0 90 1 168 55 198 139 30 83 6 175-64 232z m-776 64c0 91 74 164 165 164 51 0 97-23 127-60 7-9 13-18 19-29 7-15 13-32 16-49 1-9 2-17 2-26 0-91-74-164-164-164-29 0-57 7-80 20-10 6-19 12-28 20-7 6-13 12-19 19-23 28-38 65-38 105z m814-279c-23-76-91-126-173-126-72 0-143 0-215 0-73 0-146 0-219 0-84 0-153 50-176 127-15 48-10 95 12 136 9-8 20-15 31-22-15-28-18-61-9-96 17-66 71-107 145-107 140 0 281 0 422 0 76 0 133 41 149 108 17 66-14 129-81 165-9 6-19 20-19 30 2 89-38 156-111 182-82 28-155 2-209-76-3-4-6-8-11-13l-1 0c-3 20-9 39-18 57 11 2 20 8 31 19 64 65 144 77 226 46 79-31 125-92 129-179 0-23 9-36 27-49 67-46 94-126 70-202z m-742 254c4-3 10-3 13 0l51 51v-136c0-5 4-9 9-9h36c5 0 9 4 9 9v140l54-55c4-3 9-3 13 0l21 22c4 3 4 9 0 12l-107 108c-4 3-9 3-13 0l-107-107c-4-4-4-10 0-13l21-22z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cloud" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee8;" d="M860 406c-21 17-29 35-33 61-12 91-64 154-148 186-87 33-172 24-245-39-22-18-41-25-69-23-93 8-168-49-193-138-4-14-14-30-26-40-75-62-102-152-71-241 31-88 110-143 207-143 73 0 146 0 219 0 74 0 148 0 222 0 92 0 171 56 201 141 31 85 7 178-64 236z m39-219c-25-77-94-127-177-128-73 0-146 0-218 0-74 0-149 0-223 0-86 0-156 50-180 129-24 80 4 158 74 209 12 9 22 25 25 39 18 85 92 140 179 123 26-5 40 0 59 19 65 67 146 79 230 47 80-31 128-93 131-182 1-24 9-37 28-50 69-47 96-128 72-206z m-116 189c-10 5-21 20-20 30 2 91-39 159-113 185-84 29-158 2-213-77-3-4-6-8-11-13-103 51-177 11-191-100-2-10-12-22-22-27-65-38-95-99-77-167 17-67 73-109 147-109 144 0 287 0 430 0 78 1 135 42 152 110 17 68-15 131-82 168z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="code-not-allowed" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeee9;" d="M903 520c-22 52-53 99-94 139-40 41-87 72-139 94-54 23-111 35-170 35-59 0-116-12-170-35-52-22-99-53-139-94-41-40-72-87-94-139-23-54-34-111-34-170 0-59 11-116 34-170 22-52 53-99 94-139 40-41 87-72 139-94 54-23 111-35 170-35 59 0 116 12 170 35 52 22 99 53 139 94 41 40 72 87 94 139 23 54 35 111 35 170 0 59-12 116-35 170z m-403 178c93 0 180-36 246-102 57-57 92-131 100-210l-242 104c-3 1-5 0-5-3v-64c0-2 2-5 5-6l174-67c3-1 3-3 0-4l-151-59-92 92 28 116c3 14 5 24 5 29 0 7-2 13-7 17-4 4-11 6-20 6-10 0-16-3-20-9s-7-16-11-32l-20-83-202 203c61 46 134 72 212 72z m-276-136l102-101-172-75c7 65 31 125 70 176z m276-560c-93 0-180 36-246 102-56 56-90 128-99 205l242-104c2-1 4 0 4 2v65c0 3-2 5-5 6l-174 69c-2 1-2 2 0 3l155 60 88-89-28-115c-3-16-5-26-5-30 0-16 9-23 27-23 7 0 12 1 16 5 4 3 7 7 8 13 2 6 4 13 7 23l20 83 202-202c-60-47-134-73-212-73z m276 136l-99 98 168 73c-7-62-31-121-69-171z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="code" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeea;" d="M241 298l184-80c2-1 3 0 3 2v47c0 2-2 4-3 5l-127 49c-1 1-1 2 0 3l127 49c1 0 3 2 3 4v47c0 2-1 3-3 2l-184-79c-2-1-3-3-3-5v-39c0-2 1-4 3-5z m229-118c5 0 9 2 12 4 3 2 5 6 6 10 1 4 3 9 5 17l53 218c2 10 4 17 4 21 0 5-2 10-5 13-4 3-9 4-15 4-7 0-12-2-15-6-2-5-5-13-8-24l-52-218c-3-12-4-19-4-22 0-11 6-17 19-17z m105 38l185 80c1 1 3 3 3 5v38c0 2-2 4-3 5l-185 80c-1 0-3-1-3-2v-47c0-2 2-4 3-4l127-50c2 0 2-1 0-2l-127-50c-1 0-3-2-3-4v-47c0-2 2-3 3-2z m310 517h-770c-29 0-52-23-52-52v-665c0-30 23-53 52-53h770c29 0 53 23 53 53v665c0 29-24 52-53 52z m0-717h-770v577h770v-577z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="comment" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeeb;" d="M935 736c-4 25-16 37-41 39-11 0-22 1-33 1-242 0-484 0-726 0-13 0-26-1-39-4-18-3-27-16-31-33-1-10-3-19-3-29v-491c0-8 1-16 2-23 5-29 16-40 45-40 55-1 110-1 166-2h18v-203c0-9-1-20 10-25 11-5 18 2 26 9 77 71 154 141 232 212 5 4 13 7 20 7 96 1 191 0 287 1 13 0 26 1 39 3 16 3 25 14 28 30 1 10 2 20 2 30v493c1 8 0 17-2 25z m-734-237h298v-68h-298v68z m483-206h-483v68h483v-68z m115 277h-598v67h598v-67z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="compass-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeec;" d="M486 787c-227-6-421-189-423-434-3-242 196-440 436-440 240 0 439 196 439 435-1 242-195 446-452 439z m21-804c-208 0-373 161-374 366-1 202 162 366 365 368 203 1 368-163 369-367 1-197-165-366-360-367z m84 406c-29 6-43 21-49 50-11 57-26 112-39 168-17-55-31-110-42-165-7-31-22-47-54-53-56-11-110-25-166-38 1-1 1-2 1-4 59-14 119-29 178-42 22-5 32-17 37-37 7-32 14-63 21-94 7-29 14-57 20-85 18 62 33 123 48 184 4 17 14 27 30 31 34 8 68 15 102 23 28 7 55 14 88 22-62 14-118 29-175 40z m-90-66c-15 0-26 11-26 25-1 15 12 27 27 26 14 0 25-12 25-26 0-14-11-25-26-25z m-101-58c-7 6-10 4-14-2-14-23-28-45-45-73 22 14 39 24 57 35 29 18 29 19 2 40z m17 184c5 6 6 9-1 13-23 14-46 28-68 42l-2-2c10-17 21-34 31-51 17-28 18-28 40-2z m163-207c0 0 0-1-1-3 25-15 50-31 81-50-13 21-22 36-32 51-22 35-22 35-48 2z m37 195c12 21 25 42 38 62l-3 3c-17-10-34-20-50-31-26-16-29-10-4-36 9-8 13-8 19 2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="compass" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeed;" d="M494 788c-240-3-433-200-431-438 0-243 195-438 439-438 239 1 435 197 435 437 1 245-199 441-443 439z m6-778c-189 2-339 151-340 338 0 194 156 342 340 341 189 0 334-152 339-329 5-186-142-348-339-350z m88 409c-1 5-5 10-9 12-89 43-178 85-267 128-1 0-2 0-5 1 5-13 9-25 14-36 30-82 60-163 91-244 1-4 5-9 9-11 87-42 174-84 261-125 3-1 6-2 11-5-14 37-26 71-39 105-22 59-44 117-66 175z m-157-108c-24 64-47 127-71 192 63-30 123-59 184-88-38-35-75-69-113-104z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="computer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeee;" d="M890 724v1h-780v-1c-26-2-44-23-47-48v-526c0-10 2-19 6-27 10-17 25-26 45-26h282v-61h-88c-6 0-10-5-10-10v-41c0-5 4-10 10-10h385c5 0 9 5 9 10v41c0 5-4 10-9 10h-89v61h282c20 0 34 9 44 26 5 9 8 17 8 27v526c-3 25-24 46-48 48z m0-52v-522c0-3-1-5-4-5h-772c-3 0-4 2-4 5v526h780v-4z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="connection" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeeef;" d="M885 162c-33 17-66 15-96-6-5-2-8-3-13 0-43 24-83 54-118 89-2 1-3 3-3 5 4 10 6 21 6 33 0 40-24 74-58 89-1 1-1 3-1 5 0 50 6 98 19 146 1 4 2 5 5 6l1 0c30 7 53 26 65 51l1 1c1 2 2 4 2 6l2 3 1 4 1 6 1 2c0 2 1 4 1 7l0 2c1 2 1 4 1 6 0 2 0 3 0 4v5c0 2 0 4 0 6 0 1 0 2 0 2l-1 3c-2 14-7 27-14 38l0 1c-1 1-2 2-2 3l-2 2c0 0 0 1-1 1-5 7-11 13-17 18l-1 0c-1 1-2 2-3 2-1 1-2 1-3 2l-1 1c-14 9-31 14-48 14h-4c-1 0-2 0-3 0h-1c-16-1-31-5-46-14-6-4-11-8-16-13-1-1-2-2-3-3l0 0c-18-19-27-43-25-72l0-1v0c0-5-1-7-5-10-43-24-88-42-135-55-5-1-8 0-11 4-41 52-121 47-156-10-24-39-17-90 17-121 4-4 5-7 4-12-12-48-31-93-55-136-2-4-4-5-8-5-7 0-15 0-22-2-51-10-83-56-76-108 8-59 70-97 126-77 34 12 56 37 63 73 7 37-5 69-35 94-4 3-5 5-3 10 11 43 27 85 48 125 5 9 10 17 20 13 54-3 102 44 98 99 0 4 2 7 6 9 43 24 88 43 136 56 4 1 7 1 9-1 5-6 10-11 17-15 7-6 15-11 23-14 2-2 2-4 2-7 0-45-5-89-15-133-1-5-3-10-5-13-10-1-20-4-29-8-34-15-58-49-58-89 0-12 2-24 6-34 6-17 17-31 31-42 14-11 31-19 49-21l3 0 2 0c1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 4 0l3 0 1 0c1 0 2 0 3 0l4 0c12 2 23 5 33 10l0 0c2 1 4 2 6 4 3 2 7 4 10 6l0 1h0c3 1 5 0 8-1 43-24 82-54 117-88 3-3 4-6 2-10-13-44 1-87 38-112 49-33 118-13 141 43 20 47 1 100-45 123z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="contacts" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeef1;" d="M612 496c-77 0-140-66-140-147 0-79 63-145 140-145 77 0 139 66 139 146 0 80-62 146-139 146z m81-217c-18-21-41-34-68-37-37-4-68 9-93 38-2 2-1 4 0 6 10 22 25 38 47 48 2 0 3 1 5 2-29 20-33 52-25 75 9 24 32 39 56 38 24-1 46-19 53-43 6-24-1-53-27-69 4-3 9-5 13-7 18-10 31-25 39-44 2-3 2-4 0-7z m-508 443v-70c20 0 39 0 57 0 55-1 92-51 79-104-9-36-40-61-76-62-20 0-40 0-60 0v-68c20 0 39 0 58 0 42-1 75-30 80-71 5-41-18-79-56-90-12-4-24-4-36-4-15-1-31 0-46 0v-59c21 0 40 1 60 0 33-1 57-17 71-48 14-30 10-60-10-86-16-22-39-31-65-31-18 0-37 0-56 0v-59s30-58 67-58h601c36 0 66 29 66 66v744c0 36-30 66-66 66h-601c-37-1-67-30-67-66z m427-549c-94 0-170 79-170 178 1 97 77 176 170 176 93 0 169-78 169-176 1-99-75-178-169-178z m-497 128c20 0 41 0 62 0 21 0 42 0 64 0 18 1 29 12 31 31 2 21-14 37-37 38-40 0-80 0-120 0-20 0-34-13-34-33 0-21 13-35 34-36z m129-223c16 0 27 11 28 28 1 15-11 30-25 31-6 1-12-1-17-1-39 0-79 0-118 0-19 0-31-12-31-30 0-17 12-28 31-29 22 0 43 0 65 0 22 1 45 0 67 1z m-132 467c22 0 43 0 65 0 22 0 44 0 66 0 17 0 30 12 30 29 0 16-13 29-30 29-44 1-87 0-131 0-19 0-31-11-31-28 0-18 12-30 31-30z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="copyright" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeef3;" d="M500-88c-65 0-124 12-178 34-54 22-100 53-138 92-38 39-67 85-88 138-21 53-32 111-32 174 0 62 11 120 32 174s51 99 88 138c39 39 84 70 138 92 54 22 113 34 178 34s125-11 178-33c54-22 100-53 138-92 38-39 67-86 89-139 21-53 31-111 31-174 0-63-10-121-31-174-22-53-51-99-89-138-38-39-84-70-138-92-53-22-113-34-178-34z m0 88c53 0 101 9 144 27 42 18 78 42 107 74 30 31 52 68 68 111 16 43 23 89 23 138s-8 96-23 138c-16 43-38 80-68 111-29 32-65 56-107 75-43 18-90 27-144 27s-101-9-143-27c-43-19-79-43-108-75-29-31-52-68-67-111-16-42-24-88-24-138s8-95 24-138c15-43 38-80 67-111 30-32 65-56 108-74 42-18 90-27 143-27z m121 237c8-12 14-28 18-47 5-19 7-38 7-59-23-8-44-14-64-17-20-3-41-4-64-4-37 0-70 6-98 19-28 13-52 31-70 52s-33 47-43 77c-10 29-15 60-15 93 0 32 5 63 15 92 9 30 24 56 43 78 18 22 42 40 69 53 27 14 59 20 94 20 27 0 49-1 67-4 17-3 37-9 60-18 0-16-1-33-4-53s-9-37-17-53c-19 7-34 11-47 13-13 2-27 3-42 3-35 0-62-12-80-34-19-22-29-55-29-97 0-45 10-78 30-99 20-21 46-32 78-32 18 0 33 1 45 3 12 2 28 6 47 14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="credit-card" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeef4;" d="M938 573c0 40-33 72-73 72h-730c-40 0-72-32-72-72v-41h875v41z m-875-162v-284c0-40 32-73 72-73h730c40 0 73 33 73 73v284h-875z m268-253c0-3-2-6-5-6h-156c-3 0-5 3-5 6v50c0 3 2 6 5 6h156c3 0 5-3 5-6v-50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="crop" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeef5;" d="M915 191h-154c-12 0-22 10-22 23v351c0 13-11 23-23 23h-353c-12 0-23 10-23 23v154c0 12-10 22-22 22h-35c-12 0-22-10-22-22v-154c0-12-11-22-23-22h-152c-13 0-23-11-23-23v-34c0-13 10-23 23-23h152c13 0 23-10 23-23v-351c0-13 10-23 23-23h353c13 0 23-10 23-23v-153c0-13 10-23 23-23h33c12 0 22 10 22 23v153c0 13 11 23 23 23h154c12 0 22 10 22 23v33c1 13-10 23-22 23z m-279 0h-273c-12 0-23 11-23 23v272c0 13 11 23 23 23h273c13 0 23-10 23-23v-272c0-12-10-23-23-23z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="crown" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeef6;" d="M925 505c-13 11-32 13-47 5-16-10-22-26-17-50-78-33-156-66-235-100-37 91-74 180-110 269 26 19 31 44 14 63-15 17-42 18-58 2-18-19-14-42 13-65-37-89-73-179-110-269-80 34-158 67-235 100 5 31-8 52-35 55-21 3-41-16-42-37-1-25 18-41 51-40 0-2 1-4 2-6 33-108 66-215 99-323 3-8 6-11 15-11 180 0 360 0 540 0 9 0 13 2 15 11 31 100 61 199 92 299 3 10 7 20 10 30 25-2 40 6 48 23 6 15 2 33-10 44z m-147-434h-556c-4 0-7-5-7-11v-54c0-6 3-11 7-11h556c4 0 7 5 7 11v54c0 6-3 11-7 11z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="cube" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeef7;" d="M879 541c0 1 0 3 0 4-1 3-2 4-4 3-1 0-1-1-2-1-119-69-238-137-356-206-6-3-8-6-8-12 1-136 1-272 1-407 0-2 0-4 0-6 0-3 2-4 3-3 1 0 2 1 3 1 119 69 238 138 356 206 6 3 7 7 7 13 0 136 0 272 0 408z m-398-198c-108 62-215 124-323 187-6 3-12 6-18 10-10 6-18 9-18 7 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-137 0-274-1-411 0-7 4-10 9-13l344-199c3-1 5-3 8-4 5-3 9-2 9 1v7c0 134 0 268 0 401 0 9-2 14-10 18z m346 208c23 14 41 25 40 26-1 1-2 2-3 2-119 69-238 137-357 206-5 3-9 3-14 0-90-52-181-104-271-156-15-9-30-18-45-27-26-14-43-28-40-29 2-2 4-3 6-4 116-67 232-134 349-202 6-3 10-4 17 0 92 54 184 107 276 160 13 8 28 16 42 24z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="dashboard" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeefa;" d="M716 450c5-4 12-3 16 1 13 11 26 22 38 33 5 4 5 10 0 14-118 98-311 132-477 42-88-48-152-117-193-208-24-53-37-109-37-167-1-6 4-10 10-10h50c6 0 11 4 11 10 10 143 75 253 206 317 130 64 257 48 376-32z m128-25c-4 5-10 5-13 0-12-13-24-26-35-39-4-5-4-12-1-16 22-31 39-63 51-98 12-35 18-71 19-107 1-6 5-10 11-10h51c6 0 11 4 10 10-2 97-34 183-93 260z m-51 24c-1-2-3-3-5-4-90-80-179-159-269-238-6-5-11-8-19-7-34 0-56-34-43-64 9-21 31-32 54-27 20 4 34 23 35 45 0 5 0 11 3 15 63 71 125 142 188 213 19 22 39 43 58 65l-2 2z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="delete" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef00;" d="M938 625c0 21-10 31-32 31l-541 0c-11 0-19-3-27-11-39-40-77-80-116-120-50-52-101-104-151-156-11-12-11-27 0-39 46-47 91-93 137-141 43-44 86-89 130-134 7-7 15-11 26-11l544 0c20 0 30 10 30 30v276c0 92 0 183 0 275z m-54-528c-3 0-5-1-8-1-166 0-331 0-497 1-4 0-10 2-14 6-68 70-137 141-205 212-12 11-23 23-34 35 2 2 3 4 5 5 78 81 155 161 233 241 5 5 10 8 18 8 163-1 327 0 490 0h12l0-507z m-145 410c-34-35-69-70-104-106-4-5-12-5-16 0-35 35-70 70-104 106-5 4-12 4-17-1-8-8-16-17-25-26-4-4-4-12 0-16 34-35 69-70 104-106 4-4 4-12 0-16-35-36-70-71-104-106-5-5-5-12 0-17 8-8 17-17 25-26 5-4 12-4 17 0l104 106c4 4 12 4 16 0 35-35 69-70 104-106 4-4 12-4 16 0 9 9 17 18 26 26 4 5 4 12 0 17-34 35-69 70-104 105-4 5-4 13 0 17 35 36 70 71 104 106 5 5 4 12 0 17l-26 26c-4 4-11 4-16 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="diamond" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef01;" d="M349 412c49-131 98-260 147-392 2-5 6-5 8 0 49 132 98 262 147 392 2 5-1 9-6 9h-290c-5 0-8-4-6-9z m-279 2c132-137 263-272 395-408 4-4 7-7 8-6 0 0-1 5-3 10l-152 402c-2 5-8 9-14 9h-231c-6 0-7-3-3-7z m611-4c-43-114-86-228-129-343-7-19-14-38-22-58-2-5-3-10-3-10 1 0 4 3 8 7 132 136 263 271 396 408 4 4 4 8 0 8h-7c-75 0-151-1-226 0-10 0-14-4-17-12z m-38 50c-46 69-91 137-137 206-3 5-9 5-12 0-46-69-91-138-137-206-3-5-1-9 5-9h276c6 0 8 4 5 9z m-434 218c-49-74-97-146-145-219-3-4-1-8 5-8h224c6 0 9 4 7 9-27 73-54 144-82 216-2 6-6 6-9 2z m727-219c-49 74-96 145-145 219-3 4-7 4-9-2-28-72-55-144-82-216-2-5 1-9 7-9h224c6 0 8 4 5 8z m-186 241h-222c-6 0-8-3-5-8 48-73 95-144 143-216 4-5 8-5 10 1 27 72 54 143 80 214 2 5-1 9-6 9z m-278 0h-222c-5 0-8-4-6-9 26-71 53-142 80-214 2-6 6-6 10-1 48 72 95 143 143 216 3 4 1 8-5 8z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dice-multiple" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef02;" d="M476 432c0 96-2 193 0 289 1 31-9 53-35 67h-325c-20-15-34-32-34-60 1-99 0-198 1-297 0-37 18-55 53-55 95 0 191 0 286 0 36 0 54 18 54 56z m-95 297c22 1 39-17 39-40 1-23-15-40-37-40-21 0-38 17-39 39 0 21 17 40 37 41z m-167-258c0-21-18-38-39-38-20 1-37 19-37 41 0 21 20 40 41 40 19-1 36-21 35-43z m-37 178c-21 0-39 17-39 38-1 22 17 42 39 42 20 0 37-18 37-40 1-22-16-40-37-40z m102-108c-20 0-38 19-38 39-1 22 19 42 40 41 20 0 36-18 36-41 0-22-16-39-38-39z m141-71c0-21-18-37-39-37-20 1-37 20-37 42 1 20 20 39 40 39 20-1 37-21 36-44z m478-246c-68 71-135 141-203 212-22 23-50 24-73 0-69-72-138-145-207-218-9-10-14-21-13-39-2-12 6-24 16-35l112-117c30-31 60-63 91-95 26-27 51-26 77 1 67 70 133 139 200 208 26 27 26 56 0 83z m-384-81c-22 0-39 18-39 43 1 20 18 38 38 38 21 0 39-18 39-41 0-21-17-40-38-40z m145 0c-22 0-39 19-38 42 0 22 17 39 38 39 22 0 38-17 39-40 0-23-17-41-39-41z m-38 195c0 21 18 38 39 38 22 0 38-18 38-42-1-21-19-39-39-39-21 1-39 21-38 43z m77-308c-1-22-18-39-39-39-22 0-38 18-38 41 0 21 20 40 40 39 21-1 37-20 37-41z m108 113c-22 0-40 18-39 41 0 22 17 40 37 40 22 0 39-18 39-41 0-22-16-40-37-40z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="dice" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef03;" d="M868 626c-175 53-349 105-523 157-58 17-108-17-121-65-25-88-52-175-78-263s-53-174-79-262c-16-54 11-103 65-119 175-52 350-105 525-157 54-16 103 11 119 65 53 175 105 349 157 524 16 54-11 104-65 120z m-521-463c-14-48-66-76-115-61-49 15-76 66-61 116 14 47 66 75 115 61 48-14 76-66 61-116z m64 213c-15-48-66-76-115-62-49 15-76 67-61 116 14 49 65 76 115 61 49-15 76-66 61-115z m63 212c-14-48-65-75-114-61-49 15-77 66-62 116 15 48 66 76 115 61 49-15 76-66 61-116z m228-530c-15-49-65-77-115-62-49 15-76 65-62 114 15 50 67 78 116 63 48-15 76-66 61-115z m64 213c-15-49-66-77-115-63-49 15-77 66-62 116 15 49 66 76 114 61 50-15 77-65 63-114z m63 213c-14-50-65-77-114-63-49 15-77 66-63 115 15 49 66 77 115 62 49-14 77-65 62-114z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="disc" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef04;" d="M500 457c-59 0-107-48-107-107s48-107 107-107c59 0 107 48 107 107s-48 107-107 107z m0-162c-30 0-55 25-55 55 0 30 25 55 55 55 30 0 55-25 55-55 0-30-25-55-55-55z m315 358c-25 26-53 49-83 68-67 42-147 67-232 67-242 0-437-196-437-438s195-438 437-438 438 196 438 438c0 118-47 225-123 303z m-315-454c-83 0-151 68-151 151s68 151 151 151 151-68 151-151-68-151-151-151z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="diskette" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef05;" d="M930 629c-50 51-101 102-151 152-3 3-5 6-8 6-8 0-16 0-24 0-9 0-17-7-17-16v-268c0-9-7-16-16-16h-428c-9 0-17 7-17 16v268c0 9-2 16-5 16-2 0-4 0-6 0-45 0-90 1-135 0-36 0-58-22-58-58 0-253 0-505 0-758 0-36 22-58 58-59 251 0 503 0 754 0 36 0 58 23 58 58 1 215 1 430 0 645 0 5-2 11-5 14z m-104-634h-652v382h653v-382z m-166 723h-75c-9 0-16-8-16-17v-157c0-9 7-16 16-16h75c9 0 16 7 16 16v157c0 9-7 17-16 17z m96-396h-511c-9 0-17-8-17-17v-20c0-9 8-16 17-16h511c9 0 16 7 16 16v20c0 9-8 17-16 17z m0-108h-511c-9 0-17-7-17-16v-21c0-9 8-16 17-16h511c9 0 16 7 16 16v21c0 9-8 16-16 16z m-511-164h511c9 0 16 8 16 17v20c0 9-7 16-16 16h-511c-9 0-16-7-16-16v-20c0-10 7-17 16-17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="document-folder" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef06;" d="M740 320v33h159v61c0 27-21 49-47 49h-112v119c0 16-8 37-18 49-13 15-25 31-38 46-10 12-20 23-31 35-9 12-30 21-45 21h-321c-15 0-27-12-27-28v-174h-112c-27 0-48-22-48-49v-129h160v-33h-197l37-308c0-25 21-46 48-46h704c26 0 47 21 47 46l39 308h-198v0z m-451 33v314c0 13 11 24 25 24h281c13 0 31-8 40-18 8-11 17-21 26-32 12-13 23-26 34-40 9-10 16-29 16-43v-238h-422v33z m359 193h-301c-6 0-11-4-11-10v-11c0-5 5-10 11-10h301c6 0 11 5 11 10v11c0 6-5 10-11 10z m0-68h-301c-6 0-11-4-11-10v-11c0-5 5-10 11-10h301c6 0 11 5 11 10v11c0 6-5 10-11 10z m0-74h-301c-6 0-11-5-11-10v-11c0-6 5-10 11-10h301c6 0 11 4 11 10v11c0 5-5 10-11 10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="download-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef07;" d="M635 109c-9-9-25-9-35 0l-295 287c-9 9-9 24 0 34l59 57c10 9 25 9 35 0l150-146v375c0 14 11 24 24 24h99c14 0 25-10 25-24v-365l140 136c9 9 25 9 35 0l58-57c10-10 10-25 0-34l-295-287z m-572 51v-201h874v201h-188l-112-109c-10-11-28-11-38 0l-113 109h-423z m201-101c0 20 16 36 37 36s37-16 37-36-17-36-37-36-37 16-37 36z m-132 0c0 20 16 36 37 36 20 0 37-16 37-36s-17-36-37-36c-21 0-37 16-37 36z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="eraser" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef15;" d="M903 374c47 48 45 120-2 168-54 54-108 107-161 161-50 50-124 50-174 0-155-155-310-311-466-466-50-50-50-124 0-174 29-30 59-60 89-89 6-6 17-10 26-10 43-1 87-1 131-1 43 0 85 1 128 0 14 0 24 4 34 14 72 73 145 145 217 218 60 59 120 118 178 179z m-298-245l-58-58c-20-21-41-41-62-62-4-4-11-7-17-7-81-1-163 0-244 0-5 0-12 3-16 7-28 27-55 54-83 82-33 35-33 83 1 118 56 56 156 156 200 199 11 11 29 11 41 0l238-238c11-12 11-30 0-41z m-4-143h337v-26h-337v26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="error" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef16;" d="M800 170l-120-120-180 180-180-180-120 120 179 180-179 180 120 120 180-180 180 180 120-120-180-180 180-180z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="excavator" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef17;" d="M937 449c-12 0-22 1-33 0-8-1-12 2-15 9-44 87-88 173-132 259-11 23-23 46-36 70-16-11-32-23-48-34-7-4-8-7-5-14 6-16 11-32 17-48-3-2-6-4-8-5-93-50-186-99-278-150-19-11-34-14-52 0-3 3-9 4-12 2-17-8-33-18-50-27 5-15 10-29 14-43 1-4 1-10-1-14-24-58-49-116-73-175-3-7-7-9-15-9-30 0-59-1-89 0-29 0-46-23-45-45 2-34 0-68 1-103 0-23 12-35 35-36 20 0 40 0 60 0h56c-17-17-20-37-16-57 5-21 16-30 37-30 45 0 91 0 137 0 19 0 35 6 43 24 9 19 5 41-9 57-1 1-3 3-5 6h14c46 0 91 0 136 1 23 0 32 9 32 32 0 47 0 94 0 140 0 6-2 12-5 17-19 30-38 60-57 89-4 6-8 8-15 8-40 0-81 0-121 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-1-5-1-8-1-10 0-31 0-61 0-91 0-3-4-9-6-9-31-1-62-1-95-1 2 4 3 7 4 10 33 62 65 125 98 187 3 5 10 9 16 10 80 24 159 47 239 70 28 8 56 16 84 24 28-41 54-81 84-119 25-31 37-64 32-104-1-15-2-27-14-38-6-6-10-14-16-20-7-9-5-17 0-27 4-7 7-16 9-24 2-8 3-15 4-24 2 1 4 2 5 4 27 27 52 56 80 81 21 19 30 40 27 68-2 29 0 59 0 89z m-518-110c3 0 6 1 8 1 26 0 51 0 76 0 5-1 11-4 13-8 17-25 33-50 48-77 5-9 3-20 5-32h-150c0 39 0 77 0 116z m201-316c-60 0-119 0-179 0-3 0-7-2-9-5-9-18-25-24-44-24-48 0-97 0-146 0-15 0-27 7-33 21-3 6-6 8-12 8-28 0-56 0-84 0-32-1-53-21-50-51 0-4 0-9 0-13 0-28 19-46 47-46h253v0h256c25 0 44 15 47 40 1 10 1 21-1 31-4 25-20 39-45 39z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="exchange" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef18;" d="M549 317h-289l107 107c8 8 8 20 0 27l-45 45c-7 8-19 8-27 0l-227-227c-7-7-7-19 0-27l227-227c8-7 20-7 27 0l45 45c8 8 8 20 0 27l-115 116h297c11 0 19 8 19 19v76c0 10-8 19-19 19z m383 140l-227 227c-8 8-20 8-27 0l-45-45c-8-7-8-19 0-27l107-107h-289c-11 0-19-9-19-19v-76c0-11 8-19 19-19h297l-115-116c-8-7-8-19 0-27l45-45c7-7 19-7 27 0l227 227c7 8 7 20 0 27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="exclamation-circle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef19;" d="M500 788c-242 0-437-196-437-438s195-438 437-438 438 196 438 438-196 438-438 438z m0-162c19 0 39-1 59-4l-8-370c-18-3-34-4-51-4-17 0-34 1-51 4l-8 370c20 3 39 4 59 4z m56-548c-20-2-38-4-56-4-18 0-37 2-56 4-3 19-4 37-4 56 0 18 1 37 4 56 19 2 37 4 55 4 19 0 37-2 56-4 4-19 5-38 5-56 0-18-1-37-4-56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="exclamation-square" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef1a;" d="M873 787h-745c-36 0-65-28-65-64v-746c0-36 29-64 65-64h745c36 0 65 28 65 64v746c0 36-29 64-65 64z m-373-161c19 0 39-1 59-4l-8-370c-17-3-34-4-51-4-17 0-34 1-51 4l-8 370c20 3 39 4 59 4z m56-548c-19-3-38-4-55-4-19 0-38 1-56 4-3 19-5 38-5 56s2 36 5 55c18 3 36 5 55 5 18 0 37-2 56-5 3-19 4-37 4-55 0-18-1-37-4-56z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="exclamation-tringle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef1b;" d="M937 4c-2 12-6 23-11 33-11 20-22 40-33 59-113 204-226 407-339 610-6 12-14 23-23 33-18 17-41 18-60 1-8-8-16-18-21-28-125-225-250-450-375-675-4-6-7-13-9-19-11-33 4-59 37-67 8-3 18-4 27-4h739c7 0 14 1 21 2 31 3 51 26 47 55z m-438 552c18 0 35-1 53-4l-7-327c-15-3-30-4-45-4-15 0-30 1-45 4l-7 327c18 2 34 4 51 4z m50-485c-17-2-33-4-49-4-16 0-33 2-49 4-3 17-4 33-4 49 0 16 1 33 4 50 16 2 32 4 48 4 17 0 33-2 50-4 3-17 4-33 4-49 0-17-1-33-4-50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="exclamation" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef1c;" d="M500 239c18 0 36 2 56 5l8 401c-21 4-43 5-64 5-21 0-42-1-63-5l8-401c18-4 37-5 55-5z m61-63c-21 3-41 5-61 5-20 0-40-2-60-5-3-21-5-41-5-61 0-20 2-40 5-60 20-3 41-5 60-5 20 0 40 2 61 5 3 20 4 41 4 61 0 19-1 39-4 60z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="exit" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef1d;" d="M903 333c9 9 9 25 0 35l-286 294c-10 9-25 9-34 0l-57-59c-9-9-9-25 0-35l135-139h-364c-13 0-24-11-24-25v-98c0-14 11-25 24-25h374l-145-149c-9-10-9-26 0-35l57-59c9-9 24-9 34 0l286 295z m-485 333h-206v-632h206v-122h-267c-34 0-61 28-61 61v754c0 33 27 61 61 61h267v-122z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="expand" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef1e;" d="M934 0c-2 20-5 40-7 60-3 21-5 42-8 62l-8 69c-1 4-1 7-2 12 0 2-2 3-4 3h-78c-2 0-4-1-4-3 1-28 2-57 3-87 0-2-1-3-2-2-1 0-2 1-2 1l-133 102-5 4c-2 1-3 2-4 2s-1 0-3-1c-13-7-26-14-39-21-7-4-15-8-22-12-2-1-2-3-1-4 23-19 45-38 67-57 22-19 44-38 66-57 2-1 3-2 2-2 0-1-2-1-4-1-47 4-94 7-141 10-2 0-4-1-5-3 0-1 0-2-1-3l-18-67 0-1c-1 0-1 0-1-1 0 0 2 0 4 0l25-2 61-5 55-4c18-2 35-3 53-5l44-3c20-2 40-3 59-5 11-1 22-1 33-2 3 0 6 0 9-1h11c2 0 4 1 4 2 0 1-1 3-1 5-1 6-2 11-3 17z m-515 5l-18 67c-1 1-1 2-1 3-1 2-3 4-5 3-47-3-94-6-141-10-2 0-4 0-4 1 0 0 1 1 2 3l66 56c23 19 45 38 67 57 1 1 1 3-1 4-7 4-15 8-22 12-13 7-26 14-39 21-1 1-3 1-3 1 0 0-2-1-3-2l-6-4-133-101c0-1-1-1-2-2-1-1-2 0-2 2 1 30 2 59 3 87 0 2-2 4-4 4h-78c-2 0-4-2-4-4 0-4-1-8-1-12l-9-69c-2-20-5-41-7-62-3-20-6-40-8-60-1-6-2-11-3-16 0-2 0-5 0-6 0 0 1-1 3-1h12c3 0 5 0 8 1 11 0 22 1 33 2 20 1 39 3 59 4 14 1 29 2 44 4l53 4c19 2 37 3 55 4l61 5c9 1 17 1 26 2 1 0 3 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 0-1 0-1 0z m162 690l18-67c1-1 1-2 1-3 1-2 3-4 5-3 47 3 94 6 141 10 2 0 4 0 4-1s-1-1-2-3l-66-56c-22-19-44-38-67-57-1-1-1-3 1-4 7-4 15-8 22-12 13-7 26-14 39-21 2-1 3-1 3-1s2 1 4 2l5 4 133 101c0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 0 2-2-1-30-2-59-3-87 0-2 2-4 4-4h78c2 0 4 2 4 4 1 4 1 8 2 12l8 69c3 20 5 41 8 62 2 20 5 40 7 60 1 5 2 11 3 16 0 2 1 5 1 5 0 1-2 2-4 2h-12c-2 0-5-1-8-1-11 0-22-1-33-2-19-1-39-3-59-4-14-1-29-2-44-4l-53-4c-18-2-37-3-55-4l-61-5c-8-1-17-1-25-2-2 0-4-1-4-1 0 0 0 0 0-1 1 0 1 0 1 0z m-190 4l-61 5-55 4c-18 1-35 3-53 5l-44 3c-20 2-40 3-59 5-11 0-22 1-33 1-3 1-6 1-8 1h-12c-2 0-3 0-3-1 0-1 0-4 0-5 1-6 2-11 3-17 2-20 5-40 8-60 2-21 4-42 7-62l9-69c0-4 1-7 1-12 0-2 2-3 4-3h78c2 0 4 1 4 3-1 28-2 57-3 87 0 2 1 3 2 2 1 0 2-1 2-1l133-102 6-4c1-1 3-2 3-2 0 0 2 0 3 1l39 21c7 4 15 8 22 12 2 1 2 3 1 4-23 19-45 38-67 57-22 19-44 38-66 57-1 1-2 2-2 2 0 1 2 1 4 1 47-4 94-7 141-10 2 0 4 1 5 3 0 1 0 2 1 3l18 67 1 1c0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 0-4 0-8 1-17 2-25 2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="external-link" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef1f;" d="M808 351h-67c-11 0-21-9-21-21v-280c0-12-9-21-21-21h-503c-12 0-21 9-21 21v505c0 12 9 21 21 21h280c12 0 21 9 21 21v65c0 12-9 21-21 21h-392c-12 0-21-9-21-21v-726c0-11 9-21 21-21h724c12 0 21 10 21 21v394c0 12-9 21-21 21z m16 433h-249c-8 0-15-7-15-15v-83c0-9 7-15 15-15h127c8 0 10-5 5-11l-212-211c-6-6-6-16 0-21l86-86c6-6 15-6 21 0l212 212c6 6 10 4 10-5v-128c0-8 7-15 15-15h84c8 0 15 7 15 15v363c0 0-114 0-114 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="external" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef20;" d="M873 787h-746c-36 0-64-29-64-65v-744c0-36 28-65 64-65h746c36 0 65 29 65 65v744c0 36-29 65-65 65z m-66-495h-83c-8 0-15 7-15 15v127c0 8-4 10-10 4l-210-210c-6-6-15-6-21 0l-85 85c-6 6-6 15 0 21l209 210c6 5 4 10-4 10h-126c-8 0-15 7-15 15v82c0 9 7 15 15 15h343c9 0 17-7 17-16v-343c0-8-7-15-15-15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="eye-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef21;" d="M473 684h54c3-1 6-2 9-2 39-3 77-12 113-26 130-47 235-128 322-234 39-48 38-97-1-145-54-67-118-123-190-169-59-38-122-67-192-82-20-4-41-7-61-10h-54c-3 1-7 2-10 2-33 3-66 10-98 21-137 46-247 131-338 241-15 18-25 39-27 62-2 34 12 61 33 86 55 66 119 121 192 167 61 38 125 67 196 81 17 3 35 5 52 8z m-182-334c0-115 94-208 208-209 115 0 209 94 209 209 0 114-94 208-208 208-115 0-209-93-209-208z m248 118c-41-35-51-72-26-107 24-36 61-40 111-13 5-42-31-96-77-114-53-22-114-4-147 41-35 46-34 108 2 152 33 42 94 60 137 41z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="eye-blocked" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef22;" d="M937 319c-24 38-51 73-86 104-33 29-69 53-107 72l-63-76 1 0c52-24 96-56 131-98 3-4 5-7 1-12-58-69-135-110-229-129 54 32 85 76 85 134 0 26-6 49-18 70l-248-298c57-10 117-10 180 0 156 23 274 97 352 223 2 3 2 7 1 10z m-218 346l-105-127c-38 8-76 12-117 13-16-1-34-2-52-3-10-1-20-3-29-4-156-25-275-99-352-224-2-3-2-8 0-10 28-47 62-88 107-122 32-25 66-44 101-61l-42-50 51-43 489 589-51 42z m-279-252c21-1 39-16 41-35l-33-38c-2-1-5-1-7-1-24 0-41 16-41 36-1 21 18 38 40 38z m-229-131c-8 8-15 17-24 25-5 6-4 9 0 15 44 51 100 88 168 111 19 7 39 12 59 16-53-32-84-76-83-135 0-32 9-60 27-84l-23-27c-46 19-87 44-124 79z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="eye-dropper" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef23;" d="M529 613c-19 19-37 37-55 55 18 18 36 36 55 55 2 2 5 2 6 0 27-28 55-56 84-87 2-1 5-1 6 1 4 5 7 9 11 13 33 34 67 68 101 101 34 34 75 46 120 30 46-16 73-50 80-98 5-40-12-72-39-100-36-35-71-72-106-108-1-1-1-1-2-2-1-2 0-4 1-6 29-28 58-56 86-84 2-1 2-4 0-6-18-19-36-36-53-53-2-2-4-2-6 0-20 20-40 40-61 61-2 2-5 2-7 0-2-2-4-4-6-6-151-150-301-301-452-452-10-10-21-15-36-15-53 1-105 1-158 1-25 0-36 10-36 35 0 55 1 109 0 163 0 11 4 20 11 28 61 62 122 124 183 187l263 268c3 4 6 8 10 12 2 2 2 5 0 7z m39-49c-119-122-238-244-358-367-2-2-2-5 0-7 41-44 82-88 122-131 2-2 5-2 6 0l368 367c2 2 2 5 0 7l-131 131c-2 2-5 2-7 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="eye" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef24;" d="M497 586c138-2 256-42 354-128 35-30 62-65 86-103 1-3 1-8-1-10-78-126-196-201-352-224-154-23-293 12-413 103-45 33-80 75-107 121-2 3-2 8 0 10 77 126 196 199 351 225 10 1 20 3 30 3 18 2 36 2 52 3z m88-370c94 18 171 60 229 128 4 6 2 9-1 13-35 42-79 74-131 97-30 14-63 24-100 31 57-33 88-77 88-135-1-59-31-102-85-134z m-170 0c-54 32-84 75-85 134 0 58 31 102 84 135-20-5-40-10-59-16-68-23-124-60-168-112-4-5-5-9 0-14 9-8 16-18 24-26 56-53 125-86 204-101z m26 158c22 1 40 17 40 37 0 20-19 37-41 37-22 0-41-17-40-37 0-21 18-37 41-37z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="favourite" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef25;" d="M230-64c2 30 5 58 7 86 5 62 10 123 16 184 2 16-4 26-14 38-58 65-115 131-172 197-1 1-2 2-4 4-1 2-1 4 2 4 28 7 54 13 81 20 63 14 126 29 189 43 9 3 15 7 20 15 46 77 92 154 138 231 1 2 3 4 4 7 2 2 4 2 5 0 8-12 15-24 22-35 40-68 81-135 122-203 4-5 12-11 18-13 90-21 180-42 271-63 2 0 3-2 2-4-2-2-3-4-4-6-60-69-120-138-179-208-4-4-6-11-6-16 7-83 15-166 22-249 1-9 2-19 3-31 0-2-1-3-4-3-4 2-7 3-10 4-81 34-163 69-244 103-10 5-18 4-28 0-80-35-161-69-241-103-4-2-8-3-12-5-3-1-4 1-4 3z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fax" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef26;" d="M911 534h-79c-4 0-7 4-7 8v238c0 4-4 8-8 8h-362c-4 0-7-4-7-8v-238c0-4-4-8-8-8h-132c-4 0-8-3-8-7v-574c0-4 4-7 8-7h603c5 0 8 3 8 7v574c0 4-3 7-8 7z m-405 201c0 4 3 7 7 7h254c4 0 7-3 7-7v-11c0-4-3-7-7-7h-253c-5 0-8 3-8 7 0 0 0 11 0 11z m0-67c0 4 3 8 7 8h254c4 0 7-4 7-8v-10c0-4-3-7-7-7h-253c-5 0-8 3-8 7v10z m0-62c0 4 3 8 7 8h254c4 0 7-3 7-8v-10c0-4-3-7-7-7h-253c-5 0-8 3-8 7v10z m-106-545c0-4-4-7-8-7h-26c-4 0-7 3-7 7v324c0 4 3 7 7 7h26c5 0 8-3 8-7l0-324z m148-3c0-4-4-7-8-7h-66c-4 0-7 3-7 7v65c0 4 3 8 7 8h66c4 0 8-3 8-8v-65z m0 133c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-7 3-7 8v65c0 4 3 7 7 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m0 126c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-7 4-7 8v65c0 4 3 7 7 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m150-259c0-4-4-7-8-7h-66c-4 0-8 3-8 7v65c0 4 4 8 8 8h66c4 0 8-3 8-8v-65z m0 133c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-8 3-8 8v65c0 4 4 7 8 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m0 126c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-8 4-8 8v65c0 4 4 7 8 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m150-259c0-4-4-7-8-7h-66c-4 0-8 3-8 7v65c0 4 4 8 8 8h66c4 0 8-3 8-8v-65z m0 133c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-8 3-8 8v65c0 4 4 7 8 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m0 126c0-4-4-8-8-8h-66c-4 0-8 4-8 8v65c0 4 4 7 8 7h66c4 0 8-3 8-7v-65z m24 124c0-4-3-7-7-7h-458c-4 0-7 3-7 7v49c0 4 3 7 7 7h33c4 0 8-3 8-7v-17c0-4 3-7 7-7h362c4 0 7 3 7 7v17c0 4 4 7 8 7h33c4 0 7-3 7-7l0-49z m-620 159h-153c-10 0-18-8-18-19v-650c0-10 8-19 18-19h153c11 0 19 9 19 19v650c0 11-8 19-19 19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="file-fill" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef27;" d="M778 658c-16 19-32 38-48 58-13 15-25 30-38 45-13 15-38 27-57 27h-401c-19 0-34-16-34-36v-804c0-20 15-35 34-35h532c19 0 34 15 34 35v648c0 19-10 47-22 62z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="film" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef28;" d="M110 755v-810c0-18 15-33 33-33h714c18 0 33 15 33 33v810c0 18-15 33-33 33h-714c-18 0-33-15-33-33z m98-775c-18 0-33 15-33 33v1c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-15 32-33v-1c0-18-14-33-32-33z m0 135c-18 0-33 14-33 32v2c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-15 32-33v-2c0-18-14-32-32-32z m0 134c-18 0-33 15-33 33v2c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-15 32-33v-2c0-18-14-33-32-33z m0 135c-18 0-33 14-33 33v1c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-15 32-33v-1c0-19-14-33-32-33z m0 134c-18 0-33 15-33 33v2c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-15 32-33v-2c0-18-14-33-32-33z m0 135c-18 0-33 15-33 33v1c0 18 15 33 33 33s32-14 32-33v-1c0-18-14-33-32-33z m454-673h-324c-18 0-33 15-33 33v271c0 18 15 33 33 33h324c18 0 33-15 33-33v-271c0-18-15-33-33-33z m0 404h-324c-18 0-33 14-33 33v270c0 18 15 33 33 33h324c18 0 33-15 33-33v-271c0-18-15-32-33-32z m130-404c-18 0-32 15-32 33v1c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-15 33-33v-1c0-18-15-33-33-33z m0 135c-18 0-32 14-32 32v2c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-15 33-33v-2c0-18-15-32-33-32z m0 134c-18 0-32 15-32 33v2c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-15 33-33v-2c0-18-15-33-33-33z m0 135c-18 0-32 14-32 33v1c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-15 33-33v-1c0-19-15-33-33-33z m0 134c-18 0-32 15-32 33v2c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-15 33-33v-2c0-18-15-33-33-33z m0 135c-18 0-32 15-32 33v1c0 18 14 33 32 33s33-14 33-33v-1c0-18-15-33-33-33z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="filter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef29;" d="M395 374c9-10 14-23 14-36v-397c0-23 29-36 47-19l112 127c15 18 23 26 23 44v245c0 13 5 26 14 36l322 344c24 26 5 68-30 68h-793c-36 0-55-42-31-68l322-344z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fire-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef2a;" d="M578 506c-5-72 31-122 66-173 57-81 94-145 40-260-25-53-61-90-118-118 5 10 7 16 10 21 51 102 34 195-31 286-30 41-37 90-26 140 8 38 28 71 59 104z m-253-221c13-49 44-83 76-116 25-26 51-51 74-78 51-58 17-148-34-179-2 49-36 73-69 100-39 33-79 67-82 123-3 52 11 102 35 150z m150-13c-28 52-38 105-18 159 13 36 39 67 58 101 49 87 30 188-52 255 9-66-15-118-49-167-6-9-12-17-19-26 0 0-214-242 77-406 0 0 36-20 57-51l0 0-1 3-53 132z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fire-burn" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef2b;" d="M342 140c-69 7-93 120-93 120s-31-250 151-332c-20 38-19 87 1 121 41 66 11 106 11 106 86-31 39-108 39-108s77 17 21 114c-55 97 8 139 8 139s-43-60 68-156l36-158c34 4 46 58 46 58s9-81-36-132c57 17 98 52 124 96 47 80 46 187 2 259l-2 4c-19 31-30 59-35 84-20 83 17 132 17 132-87-31-109-85-109-132 0-50 26-92 26-92s-74 17-84 92c-4 34 5 81 41 145 115 200-14 287-14 287s87-123-143-322c-45-40-76-76-96-110-78-134 21-215 21-215z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="fire" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef2c;" d="M285-34h430v-54h-430v54z m75 107c21-22 43-41 72-51 6-2 11-3 17-3 1 0 13 0 13 0h74c8 0 33 19 55 44 16 18 32 36 40 45 24 26 39 59 52 92 36 97 42 195 15 294-18 64-49 123-94 156 1-5 2-29 4-33 9-24 16-48 15-73-2-27-11-50-29-69-13-13-28-10-37 6-2 3-4 8-5 12-2 16-5 33-6 49-3 48-12 95-32 139-23 49-58 84-108 101-19 6-37 8-57 0 2-1 3-2 5-3 30-25 51-56 56-97 5-32-1-62-12-91-17-44-36-87-55-130-21-44-40-89-50-138-8-39-11-78-3-118 10-52 34-96 70-132z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="flag-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef2e;" d="M757 754c-2 13-7 28-30 31-175 26-304-136-477-118l-10 53c0 3-2 4-5 4l-58-10c-2-1-4-3-4-6l141-792c1-2 3-4 6-3l58 10c2 0 4 3 4 5l-59 331c175-22 306 143 482 117 14-3 24 4 21 17l-69 361z m-330-334c37 13 72 30 107 47 7-34 13-67 20-101-36-17-71-34-108-47l-19 101c-38-12-74-18-114-16l-22 113c40-2 76 4 114 16-6 33-13 66-19 100 37 13 73 30 108 47 7-33 13-66 19-99 36 17 71 33 109 46-7 33-13 67-19 100 36 11 70 16 108 14l19-100c-38 2-72-3-108-14 7-38 14-75 21-113-37-13-72-29-108-47l-22 114c-35-18-71-35-108-48l22-113z m236-7l-19 101c36 11 70 16 108 14l19-101c-38 2-71-3-108-14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="flag" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef2f;" d="M829 376c-23 132-47 263-70 394-1 7-5 10-11 11-65 15-127 3-188-21-43-17-86-37-129-55-42-17-86-30-132-29-18 1-36 3-54 5l-8 41c0 3-3 4-5 4l-58-10c-3-1-4-3-4-6l141-794c1-2 3-4 6-3l58 10c2 0 4 3 4 5l-61 342c60-12 118-4 174 19 47 18 92 39 138 58 46 18 92 31 142 28 19-1 38-4 58-6 0 2-1 5-1 7z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="flame-torch" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef30;" d="M499 788c4-1 5-3 6-5 29-48 47-100 56-155 12-78-2-153-34-225-14-33-28-65-36-100-10-45-11-90 6-134l1-3c-3-2-5 0-8 1-50 30-99 63-139 106-29 30-51 64-61 105-11 49-2 95 22 139 18 32 41 61 63 90 27 34 52 68 70 107 0 1 1 1 3 3-1-19-4-36-8-52-10-37-28-71-44-105-12-25-23-51-28-79-3-18-2-36 4-54 2 12 4 24 8 35 11 34 30 64 50 94 18 29 36 57 51 87 23 45 31 92 19 141-1 1-1 2-1 4z m2-641c105 0 210 0 314 0 3 0 8 2 10-3 1-5-2-8-6-11-38-28-78-52-122-70-37-16-74-32-114-41-9-2-18-5-27-6-5-1-6-3-6-8 2-28 3-56 4-83 1-7 0-9-7-10-32-3-62-4-94 0-5 1-6 3-5 7 1 28 2 57 3 85 1 5 0 8-6 10-91 23-178 57-256 111-3 3-7 6-10 9-3 2-4 4-3 7 1 3 4 3 7 3h18c100 0 200 0 300 0z m-3 68c0 43 14 81 31 117 17 37 36 73 51 111 27 74 32 150 8 226-3 12-9 24-14 36-1 2-4 4-1 6 2 2 5 0 6-3 9-12 19-25 28-38 42-63 76-130 94-205 9-40 13-80 1-120-12-43-38-77-71-106-36-31-77-53-120-73-8-3-8 2-9 7-2 15-4 29-4 42z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="flash" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef32;" d="M484 392h256c-121-161-242-320-362-480l-2 1c44 120 87 239 132 361-83-4-164-7-248-11 123 176 245 350 367 525l2-1c-48-131-96-263-145-395z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="flask" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef33;" d="M831 73c-59 83-119 167-178 250-14 20-29 41-43 61-3 4-5 9-5 14v359h12c9 0 17 7 17 15s-8 16-17 16h-235c-9 0-16-7-16-16s7-15 16-15h12v-359c0-5-2-10-5-14-14-20-28-41-42-61-60-83-119-167-178-251-22-31-25-65-9-99 20-42 54-61 97-61 81 0 162 1 243 2 81-1 162-2 243-2 43 0 77 19 97 61 16 34 13 68-9 100z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="folder-open" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef35;" d="M713 469h180v71c0 30-24 55-55 55h-205l-18 33c-14 27-42 45-73 45h-380c-31 0-56-25-56-56v-148h607z m0-37h-650l43-352c0-29 25-53 56-53h676c30 0 55 24 55 53l45 352h-225z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="foot-print" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef37;" d="M396 243c6 3 9 6 8 13 0 54 1 107 0 160 0 42-6 83-22 121-17 42-42 73-82 82-25 5-52 5-78 3-44-4-77-29-94-77-9-23-11-47-12-72-1-50 7-98 22-145 16-47 32-94 48-141 12 3 22 5 33 8 59 16 119 26 177 48z m484 434c-7 55-38 94-85 106-27 6-54 5-82 3-26-3-48-16-66-36-30-34-43-77-48-123-4-40-3-80-5-121l1 0v-88c0-4 0-8 5-10 18-5 35-13 52-17 51-13 101-25 151-38 8-2 11 0 14 7 15 47 32 93 47 139 18 58 24 117 16 178z m-458-519c-3 7-5 12-11 11-39-7-79-16-118-29-26-9-52-16-80-25 12-43 23-84 40-123 20-45 51-71 94-78 38-6 64 3 89 47 19 34 18 71 14 108-4 32-17 60-28 89z m186 168c-9 1-19 6-25 3-6-4-8-16-12-25-17-38-25-79-23-122 1-31 13-58 32-80 8-9 19-18 30-21 47-13 91 3 122 49 30 43 40 97 55 149-7 2-13 4-19 6-53 16-105 35-160 41z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="garbage" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef38;" d="M809 728h-61c-8 0-15 7-15 16v27c0 44-36 79-79 79h-307c-44 0-79-35-79-79v-27c0-9-7-16-16-16h-61c-43 0-78-35-78-79v-59c0-8 7-15 15-15h744c9 0 16 7 16 15v59c0 44-35 79-79 79z m-139 16c0-9-7-16-16-16h-307c-9 0-16 7-16 16v27c0 9 7 16 16 16h307c9 0 16-7 16-16v-27z m187-218h-713c-17 0-30-14-28-31l62-614c2-17 17-31 35-31h574c18 0 33 14 35 31l63 614c2 17-11 31-28 31z m-364-469c0-9-7-16-16-16l-78 0c-9 0-20 6-26 12l-47 56c-5 7-7 19-4 27l6 15c3 8-1 17-9 21l-17 7c-8 3-8 7 1 9l63 11c9 2 20-2 25-9 10-15 27-38 38-53 5-7 2-10-6-7l-16 7c-8 3-15 3-17 1-1-3 3-10 9-17l4-5c5-6 17-12 25-12l49 0c9 0 16-7 16-15l0-32z m11 207l16 9c7 4 12 9 11 12-1 2-9 4-18 4h-6c-9 0-20-5-26-12l-31-38c-6-6-16-7-22-2l-24 21c-7 5-8 15-2 22l50 60c6 7 17 12 26 12h73c8 0 19-6 23-14l8-14c4-8 13-11 21-7 5 3 11 6 16 9 8 4 11 1 7-6l-32-56c-4-8-15-14-23-13-18 1-47 3-65 4-9 1-9 5-2 9z m180-152l-39-62c-5-7-15-13-24-12l-16 1c-9 0-16-6-17-15 0-6-1-12-1-18-1-9-5-10-9-2l-31 57c-4 7-3 19 2 26 10 15 27 38 38 52 5 7 9 6 8-3l-1-17c0-9 1-16 4-16 3-1 9 5 14 13l3 4c5 8 6 20 3 29l-15 46c-2 9 2 17 11 20l30 10c8 2 17-2 19-10l24-75c3-8 2-21-3-28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="gear-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef39;" d="M799 474c-5 11 4 30 24 51l48 48c7 7 10 15 8 17l-5 5-129 129-5 5s-10-1-17-8l-49-48c-22-22-37-26-44-26-5 0-9 2-12 6-5 4-13 17-13 49v0c0 1 0 9 0 19v49c0 10-8 18-18 18h-174c-10 0-18-8-18-18v-69c0-12-2-54-26-54-6 0-21 4-43 26l-51 51-5 5s-7 2-10 0l-133-134-5-5s-3-7 0-10l5-5 50-51c20-20 29-38 25-50-5-12-25-19-53-19h-69c-10 0-18-8-18-18v-174c0-10 8-18 18-18h69c28 0 48-7 52-19 5-11-4-30-24-50l-51-51-5-5s-2-7 0-10l134-134 5-5s7-2 10 0l5 5 51 51c22 22 37 26 43 26 24 0 26-42 26-54v-69c0-10 8-18 18-18h174c10 0 18 8 18 18v49c0 10 0 18 0 19v1c0 31 8 44 13 49 3 3 7 5 13 5 6 0 21-3 43-26l51-51 5-5s8-2 10 0l134 134 5 5s2 7 0 10l-56 56c-20 20-29 39-24 50s24 19 53 19h68c10 0 18 8 18 18v174c0 10-8 18-18 18h-68c-29 0-49 7-53 19z m-101-124c0-109-89-198-198-198s-198 89-198 198 89 198 198 198 198-89 198-198z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="gear" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef3a;" d="M937 442c-23-14-45-26-67-39-11-6-22-12-32-19-3-2-6-6-6-10-1-16 0-31-1-46 0-7 2-10 7-13 30-16 59-33 88-50 3-2 6-4 12-7-10-26-18-52-28-77-1-3-6-6-9-6-33 3-66 6-98 10-11 1-19 0-25-10-6-12-15-22-23-32-4-4-5-8-2-14 15-34 30-67 45-103-23-16-47-32-70-48-2-1-8 1-10 2-26 23-53 45-79 68-5 4-8 5-15 3-14-5-28-10-43-13-7-2-10-5-11-12-8-36-16-71-24-107h-92c-8 36-17 71-24 106-2 8-5 11-12 13-14 3-28 8-42 13-7 2-10 2-15-3-26-22-53-45-79-67-3-2-8-4-10-2-24 15-47 31-71 47 16 35 30 68 45 100 4 8 3 13-2 19-9 11-18 22-25 33-4 6-8 8-15 7-33-3-67-6-100-10-8 0-13 0-16 9-8 25-17 49-25 74 4 3 7 5 11 7 29 17 58 33 87 50 6 3 8 6 8 13-1 15-1 30 0 44 0 7-2 10-8 14-29 16-59 33-88 50-3 2-6 3-11 6 10 26 19 53 29 79 0 2 6 4 9 4 33-3 65-6 98-9 11-2 18 0 24 10 6 11 15 21 23 31 4 5 5 9 2 15-15 33-30 67-46 102 24 16 47 32 71 48 2 1 8 0 10-2 27-23 53-45 79-68 5-4 9-5 15-3 14 6 29 10 43 14 6 2 9 4 11 11 8 35 16 70 24 107h92c8-36 16-71 24-106 1-7 4-10 11-12 15-4 29-8 43-14 6-2 10-1 15 3l78 68c4 3 8 5 13 1 22-15 45-31 68-47-11-25-21-48-32-71-4-11-9-22-14-32-3-5-1-9 2-13 9-12 19-24 27-37 4-5 8-7 14-6 34 3 67 6 100 10 9 1 14 0 17-9 8-25 17-49 25-74z m-291-96c2 77-62 144-139 146-84 2-150-58-152-139-3-76 61-142 138-144 83-3 150 58 153 137z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="gears" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef3b;" d="M578 201c-4 2-5 5-5 9 0 10 0 20 0 31 0 2 2 5 4 7 7 4 14 8 21 12 15 9 29 17 45 26-6 17-11 33-17 50-2 6-5 6-11 6-22-3-44-5-66-7-4 0-7 1-9 4-6 9-12 17-19 25-2 3-3 5-1 8 4 7 7 14 10 22 7 15 14 31 21 47-15 11-31 21-45 32-4 2-6 1-9-1-17-15-35-30-52-46-3-2-6-3-9-1-10 3-19 6-29 9-5 1-7 3-8 8-5 23-10 47-16 71h-60c-6-25-11-48-17-72 0-4-3-6-7-7-9-3-19-6-28-9-5-2-7-1-10 2-18 15-35 30-53 45-1 1-5 2-7 1-15-10-31-21-46-32 10-23 20-46 30-68 2-4 2-7-1-10-6-7-11-13-15-20-4-7-9-8-16-8-22 3-44 5-66 7-2 0-5-1-6-3-6-17-12-35-18-53 3-2 5-3 7-4 19-11 39-22 58-33 4-2 5-5 5-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-4-1-7-5-9-19-11-39-22-58-33-2-1-4-3-7-5 6-16 11-33 17-49 2-6 5-6 10-6l67 7c4 0 7-1 10-5 5-7 10-15 16-22 4-4 4-8 2-13-10-21-20-43-30-66 16-11 31-22 47-32 1-1 5 0 7 1 17 15 35 30 52 45 3 3 6 4 10 2 9-3 18-6 28-9 4-1 7-3 8-8 5-24 10-47 16-71h60c6 24 11 48 17 71 1 5 2 7 7 8 10 3 19 6 29 9 4 2 6 1 10-2 17-15 34-30 52-45 1-1 5-2 6-1 16 10 32 21 47 32-10 23-20 46-30 68-2 4-1 7 1 10 6 7 12 13 16 21 4 7 9 7 16 7 22-3 43-5 65-7 2 0 6 2 6 4 7 17 13 34 19 52-4 2-6 3-8 4-20 11-39 22-58 33z m-230-71c-51 2-93 46-92 97 2 54 46 94 102 92 51-1 93-45 92-97-2-53-47-93-102-92z m349 304c3-15 7-30 10-46h40c3 16 7 31 10 47 1 3 2 4 5 5 6 1 13 3 19 6 3 1 4 0 6-2 12-10 23-19 34-29 1-1 4-1 5-1 10 7 20 14 30 21-7 15-13 30-20 44-1 3-1 5 1 7 4 4 8 8 10 13 3 5 6 5 11 5 14-2 28-3 42-4 2 0 4 1 4 2 4 11 8 23 12 34-2 1-3 2-5 3-12 7-25 14-38 22-2 1-3 2-3 5 1 7 0 14 1 20 0 2 1 4 2 5 5 3 9 5 14 8 10 5 19 11 29 17-3 11-7 21-11 32-1 4-3 4-7 4-14-2-29-3-43-4-3-1-5 0-6 2-4 6-8 11-12 16-2 2-2 4-1 6 2 4 4 9 6 14 5 10 9 20 14 31-10 7-20 14-29 20-3 2-4 1-6 0l-34-30c-2-2-4-2-6-1-6 2-12 4-19 6-3 1-4 2-5 5-3 16-7 31-10 47h-40c-3-16-7-32-10-47-1-3-2-4-5-5-6-1-12-3-19-6-2-1-4 0-6 2-11 9-23 19-34 29-1 1-4 1-5 1-10-7-20-14-30-21 7-15 13-30 20-44 1-3 1-5-1-7-4-4-8-8-10-13-3-5-6-6-11-5-14 2-28 3-42 4-1 0-4-1-4-2-4-11-8-22-12-34 2-1 3-2 4-3 13-7 26-14 39-21 2-2 3-3 3-6-1-7-1-13 0-20 0-2-1-4-3-5-13-7-26-15-38-22-2-1-3-2-5-3 4-11 8-22 11-32 1-4 3-4 7-4 14 2 29 3 43 4 3 1 5 0 7-3 3-5 6-10 10-14 3-3 3-5 1-9-6-14-12-28-19-43 10-7 20-14 30-21 1 0 4 0 5 1 11 10 23 20 34 29 2 2 4 3 6 2 6-3 13-5 19-6 3-1 4-2 5-6z m-33 143c1 35 30 61 66 60 34 0 61-29 60-63-1-34-30-61-66-60-33 1-61 30-60 63z m270-389c-9 5-17 10-26 15-2 1-3 2-2 4 0 5-1 10 0 14 0 1 1 3 1 3 4 3 7 4 10 6 7 4 13 8 20 12-2 8-5 15-7 22-1 3-3 3-5 3-10-1-20-2-30-3-2 0-3 0-5 2-2 4-5 8-8 11-1 1-1 3 0 4 1 3 3 7 4 10 3 7 6 14 10 22-7 4-14 9-21 14-2 1-3 0-4-1l-24-20c-1-2-2-2-4-1-4 2-9 3-13 4-2 1-3 2-3 4-3 10-5 21-8 32h-27c-3-11-5-22-7-33-1-2-2-2-4-3-4-1-8-2-13-4-2-1-3 0-4 1-8 7-16 14-24 20-1 1-2 1-3 1-7-5-14-10-21-14 5-11 9-21 14-31 0-2 0-4-1-5-3-3-5-6-7-9-2-4-4-4-7-4-10 2-20 2-30 3-1 0-2 0-3-1-3-8-5-16-8-24 1-1 2-1 3-2 9-5 18-10 27-15 1-1 2-2 2-4 0-5 0-9 0-13 0-2-1-4-2-4-9-5-18-10-27-16-1 0-2-1-3-2 2-7 5-15 8-22 0-3 2-3 4-3 10 1 21 2 31 3 2 1 3 0 4-2 2-3 5-7 7-10 2-2 2-3 1-6-4-9-9-19-13-30 7-5 14-10 21-14 1-1 2 0 3 0 8 7 16 14 24 21 1 1 2 1 4 1 4-2 9-3 13-5 2 0 3-1 4-3 2-11 4-22 7-33h28c2 11 5 22 7 33 0 2 1 3 3 3 5 2 9 3 13 4 2 1 3 1 5 0 8-7 16-14 23-21 1-1 3-1 3-1 8 5 15 10 22 15-5 11-10 21-14 31-1 2-1 3 0 5 3 3 6 6 8 9 1 3 4 3 7 3 10-1 20-2 29-3 1 0 3 1 3 2 3 8 6 16 9 23-2 1-3 2-4 2z m-130-17c-24 1-43 21-42 44 0 24 20 43 46 42 23-1 42-21 42-44-1-24-21-43-46-42z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="gift" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef3c;" d="M719 608c75 0 109 37 109 82 0 45-34 82-109 82-71 0-127-32-164-68-17 9-36 15-57 15-20 0-38-5-54-14-37 36-93 67-163 67-75 0-109-37-109-82 0-45 34-82 109-82h182v-681h74v681h182z m0 109c25 0 54-4 54-27 0-22-29-27-54-27h-125l-1 2c28 27 70 52 126 52z m-317-54h-121c-25 0-55 5-55 27 0 23 30 27 55 27 55 0 96-24 124-50l-3-4z m-339-134v-109h382v164h-328c-30 0-54-25-54-55z m54-547c0-30 25-55 55-55h273v438h-328v-383z m766 602h-326v-165h381v110c0 30-25 55-55 55z m-326-657h271c30 0 55 25 55 55v383h-326v-438z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="glass" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef3d;" d="M605-45l-18 4c-9 2-17 3-23 4-21 5-21 5-25 15-2 3-3 7-6 12-10 21-8 48-6 106 1 24 2 53 3 88v4c3 100 3 100 48 119 7 2 15 6 24 9 79 35 91 118 83 232-4 74-26 182-38 239h-294c-12-57-33-165-38-239-7-114 4-197 83-232 9-3 17-7 24-9 45-19 45-19 48-119v-4c1-35 2-64 3-88 3-58 4-85-6-106-2-5-4-9-6-12-4-10-4-10-25-15-6-1-13-2-23-4l-18-4c-44-9-55-11-59-31 0-3 1-6 3-8 2-2 4-4 8-4h307c3 0 5 2 7 4 2 2 3 5 3 8-3 20-15 22-59 31z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="globe" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef3e;" d="M809 655c-40 39-87 70-139 92-54 23-111 34-170 34s-116-11-170-34c-52-22-99-53-139-92-41-40-72-86-94-137-23-53-34-110-34-168s11-115 34-168c22-51 54-97 94-137 40-39 87-70 139-92 54-23 111-34 170-34s116 11 171 34c52 22 98 53 139 92 40 40 71 86 93 137 23 53 35 110 35 168s-12 115-35 168c-22 51-53 97-94 137z m42-270h-94c-7 0-13 6-14 13-3 45-10 88-20 127-2 8 2 15 9 17 17 6 33 12 49 19 6 3 15 1 20-5 32-46 54-100 62-158 1-7-5-13-12-13z m-303 297c4-2 7-5 11-8 21-16 41-40 57-70 2-3 3-5 4-8 2-4-2-9-9-10-20-3-41-5-62-6-7-1-13 5-13 12v83c0 8 5 11 12 7z m-107-8c4 3 7 6 11 8 7 4 12 1 12-7v-83c0-7-6-13-13-12-21 1-42 3-62 6-7 1-12 6-9 10 1 3 2 5 4 8 16 30 36 54 57 70z m-94-165c2 7 9 11 16 10 29-5 58-8 88-10 7 0 13-6 13-14v-97c0-7-6-13-13-13h-110c-7 0-13 6-12 13 2 32 6 64 13 93 2 6 3 12 5 18z m117-208v-96c0-8-6-14-13-14-30-2-59-5-87-10-7-1-15 3-17 10-2 7-3 13-5 19-6 29-11 60-13 92-1 7 5 13 12 13h110c7 0 13-6 13-14z m0-193v-82c0-7-5-11-12-7-3 2-7 5-11 8-21 16-41 41-57 71-2 2-3 4-4 7-2 3 2 8 10 9 20 3 40 5 61 6 7 1 13-5 13-12z m95-81c-4-3-7-5-11-8-7-4-12 0-12 7v82c0 7 6 13 13 12 21-1 41-3 61-6 8-1 12-5 10-9-1-2-2-5-4-7-16-31-36-55-57-71z m94 164c-2-7-10-11-17-10-28 5-57 8-87 10-7 0-13 6-13 14v97c0 7 6 13 13 13h110c7 0 13-6 12-13-2-32-7-62-13-92-2-6-3-12-5-19z m-117 207v97c0 8 6 14 13 14 30 2 59 5 88 10 7 1 15-3 16-10 2-6 3-12 5-18 7-29 11-61 14-93 0-7-6-13-13-13h-110c-7 0-13 6-13 13z m193 218c-7-3-14-5-21-7-7-3-15 1-18 8-4 7-7 13-11 20-5 10-11 20-18 30-4 6-2 8 5 5 23-12 45-26 65-42 6-5 5-11-2-14z m-390 50c-6-9-12-19-18-29-4-7-7-13-11-20-3-7-11-11-18-8-7 2-14 4-21 7-7 3-8 9-2 14 20 16 42 30 65 42 7 3 9 1 5-6z m-119-105c15-7 31-13 48-19 7-2 11-9 9-16-10-40-17-83-20-127 0-8-7-14-14-14h-94c-7 0-13 6-12 13 8 58 30 112 63 158 4 6 13 8 20 5z m-71-246h94c7 0 14-6 14-14 3-44 10-87 21-126 2-8-3-15-10-17-17-6-33-12-48-19-7-3-16-1-21 5-32 46-54 100-62 158-1 7 5 13 12 13z m122-231c7 3 14 5 22 8 7 2 15-2 18-9 3-6 6-12 10-19 6-11 13-21 19-31 5-6 3-9-4-5-24 11-46 26-67 42-6 5-5 11 2 14z m389-51c6 9 13 20 19 31 4 7 7 13 10 19 3 7 11 11 18 9 8-3 15-5 22-8 7-3 8-9 2-14-20-16-43-31-67-43-7-3-9-1-4 6z m120 106c-15 7-31 13-48 19-8 2-12 10-10 17 11 39 18 82 21 127 0 7 7 13 14 13h94c7 0 13-6 12-13-8-58-30-112-62-158-5-6-14-8-21-5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="graffiti" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef3f;" d="M578 669h-21v41c-1 0-1 0-2 0-9 0-15 11-15 24 0 13 6 24 15 24 1 0 1 0 2 0v20h-120v-109h-20v-27h161v27z m84-104c4 5 7 11 7 18 0 14-11 25-25 25h-306c-14 0-26-11-26-25 0-7 3-13 8-18-14-11-23-28-23-47v-503h388v503c0 19-9 36-23 47z m-365-591c0-34 27-62 61-62h266c33 0 61 28 61 62v4h-388v-4z m337 751h57c7 0 11 2 12 9 0 6-5 9-12 9-2 0-4 0-7 0h-52c-3 0-5 0-7 1 20 9 39 17 59 26 6 2 10 6 7 12-3 7-9 6-16 4-34-14-68-29-102-43-3-2-7-6-7-9 1-3 4-7 8-9 10-5 21-9 31-13l70-30c7-2 13-3 16 4 3 6-1 10-7 12-3 1-5 3-8 4l-53 22 1 1h10z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="grocery" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef40;" d="M796 601h-170v64c0 68-56 123-126 123-69 0-126-55-126-123v-64h-170l-31-689h654l-31 689z m-394 64c0 53 44 95 98 95s98-42 98-95v-64h-196v64z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hand" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef41;" d="M793 653c-27 0-50-23-50-50v-219c0-10-7-17-17-17-9 0-17 8-17 17v319c0 28-22 51-50 51-28 0-50-23-50-51v-286c0-9-8-16-17-16-10 0-17 7-17 16v320c0 28-23 51-51 51s-50-23-50-51v-320c0-9-8-16-17-16-9 0-17 7-17 16v253c0 28-22 50-50 50-28 0-50-22-50-50v-421l-69 93c-20 32-59 42-88 24-29-18-36-58-16-89 0 0 110-166 157-237 47-72 123-128 264-128 235 0 256 182 256 236v455c0 27-23 50-51 50z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hanger" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef42;" d="M499 117c-119 0-239 0-359 0-31 0-56 11-70 40-19 39 0 84 42 98 94 31 188 61 282 92 25 8 50 17 76 25 6 2 9 5 9 12 0 20 7 36 21 50 9 9 18 17 26 26 13 16 14 36 4 53-10 15-29 24-46 21-21-4-35-18-38-39 0-2-1-5-1-7-2-15-12-24-25-23-14 1-23 12-23 26 1 47 35 85 85 92 42 5 87-25 99-68 9-34 2-64-23-90l-21-22c-3-4-7-8-8-12-6-12-3-17 10-21l345-113c34-11 54-38 54-70-1-32-23-60-54-67-8-3-17-3-26-3-120 0-239 0-359 0z m0 49h359c4 0 8-1 11 0 11 1 17 7 19 17 3 13-3 22-20 28-118 38-236 77-355 116-9 3-17 3-26 0-78-26-157-51-235-77-41-13-82-27-122-40-14-5-21-15-18-27 2-11 11-17 27-17 120 0 240 0 360 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hard-disk" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef43;" d="M107 212c6 2 13 2 19 2h748c7 0 13 0 19-2 6-1 7 1 3 6l-49 54c-5 4-13 8-19 8h-656c-6 0-14-4-18-8l-50-54c-4-5-3-7 3-6z m-1 423c6 1 13 2 20 2h748c7 0 14-1 20-2 6-2 8 0 4 5l-120 130c-10 11-25 17-39 17h-477c-15 0-29-6-39-17l-120-130c-4-5-3-7 3-5z m768-51h-748c-19 0-35-16-35-35v-181c0-19 16-35 35-35h748c20 0 35 16 35 35v181c0 19-16 35-35 35z m-252-178c-29 0-53 23-53 52s24 53 53 53 53-23 53-53-24-52-53-52z m153 0c-29 0-53 23-53 52s24 53 53 53 53-23 53-53-23-52-53-52z m99-242h-748c-19 0-35-16-35-35v-181c0-20 16-36 35-36h748c20 0 35 16 35 36v181c0 19-16 35-35 35z m-252-179c-29 0-53 24-53 53s24 53 53 53 53-24 53-53-24-53-53-53z m153 0c-29 0-53 24-53 53s24 53 53 53 53-24 53-53-23-53-53-53z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="heart-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef44;" d="M495-109c-13 17-24 35-37 51-41 51-90 94-138 137-57 52-114 102-169 156-56 56-103 120-129 197-22 62-30 125-13 190 25 99 110 175 211 190 116 18 224-40 276-145 0-2 1-3 2-4 1-3 2-3 4-2 0 1 1 2 1 3 39 79 100 129 187 146 81 17 154-2 217-55 71-61 100-139 92-231-8-87-44-161-97-229-50-64-109-117-169-170-54-49-108-98-160-149-27-25-50-56-68-88-1-1-1-2-2-3-1-2-5 1-8 6z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="heart" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef45;" d="M500 595c16 28 36 52 60 72 90 73 230 66 311-17 64-66 80-145 55-232-19-68-56-126-100-180-73-87-160-155-255-215-21-13-43-26-64-38-3-2-9-3-12-1-109 62-211 134-296 227-52 55-94 117-119 189-21 60-25 120 1 179 34 76 94 123 177 135 104 14 185-25 240-116 0-1 1-1 2-3z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="history" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef46;" d="M931 416c-16 99-65 181-144 241-117 89-246 109-382 56-132-51-213-150-243-288-3-16-5-31-7-48-13 14-25 27-37 40-13 14-33 15-46 4-13-13-13-31 1-46 27-30 55-59 83-89 17-19 33-19 52-2 29 27 58 54 86 81 4 3 7 7 10 11 8 12 5 29-6 38-12 10-28 11-40 0-13-11-25-22-38-34l-2 1c2 13 3 25 6 37 37 173 201 285 375 257 160-27 276-162 277-324 0-96-35-178-106-243-88-81-192-105-307-78-57 14-106 43-148 83-15 15-33 15-46 2-13-13-12-31 4-46 91-86 199-123 323-108 100 12 182 58 247 133 79 93 108 202 88 322z m-369 139c0 5-1 10-1 15-3 17-20 27-37 23-15-3-24-15-24-33 0-76 0-152 0-229 0-25 11-37 36-37 47 0 94 0 141 0 2 0 5 0 7 0 19 2 30 15 29 32-1 17-14 29-32 29-36 0-71 0-107 0h-13v14c1 62 1 124 1 186z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="home" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef47;" d="M926 427l-96 68c1 3 1 6 1 9 0 24 0 47 0 70s0 47 0 71c0 13-4 17-17 17-31 0-62 0-92 0-13 0-17-4-17-17l0-62-190 134c-14 9-16 10-29 0l-244-171c-56-40-112-80-169-120-11-8-13-13-7-23 19-27 37-53 56-80 2-3 7-5 11-9 5 3 10 6 14 8l20 15c-1-3-1-6-1-9 0-110 0-221 0-331 0-17 4-21 21-21h208c18 0 21 3 21 21v294h168v-295c0-16 4-20 20-20h209c15 0 19 4 19 19 0 112 0 224 0 336 0 2 0 5-1 7l23-16c13-9 18-8 27 5l50 72c10 14 9 18-5 28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="horn" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef48;" d="M937 49l-77 670c0 4-1 8-2 12-2 6-5 9-12 8-21-4-26 2-23-28 3-35 2-70-8-103-9-33-25-62-47-87-17-20-36-37-58-49-19-11-37-22-56-31-19-9-39-17-59-24-20-7-40-13-61-17-34-8-68-17-103-22-71-11-143-21-215-30-24-3-49-3-74-2-13 1-27 6-39 10-5 1-9 7-13 11-4 4-8 9-13 10-10 3-15-2-14-13 6-57 12-113 19-170 1-4 6-10 8-10 6 0 12 3 16 7 5 6 6 15 11 20 11 11 23 17 38 21 15 3 31 8 46 11 2 1 5 1 7 1 5-9-1-15-5-21-24-43-29-88-10-135 11-27 29-48 50-66 28-23 59-38 94-47 16-4 32-7 48-10 41-7 82-4 122 5 27 6 56 13 81 29 19 12 40 22 58 36 43 36 75 80 78 141 1 24-5 47-15 68-2 5-4 10-6 15l2 3c10-3 21-5 30-8 17-7 33-14 48-23 43-23 75-58 95-105 11-27 17-55 21-84 2-17 5-19 20-17 18 2 20 4 18 24z m-294 81c-21-32-51-51-84-66-16-7-33-13-50-16-39-9-78-16-119-9-17 3-33 6-50 9-25 6-46 18-65 35-24 21-34 56-25 88 7 24 22 41 40 56 20 17 43 28 68 36 19 5 39 7 59 11l0-2c14 2 29 5 43 5 14 1 29 0 43 1 25 1 49-2 73-8 18-4 35-11 49-22 36-27 45-78 18-118z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="hour-glass" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef49;" d="M518 470l110 98c5 5 9 12 9 20v8c0 15-12 28-27 28h-219c-15 0-28-13-28-28v-8c0-8 4-15 10-20l109-98c10-9 26-9 36 0z m274-511c-5 6-12 8-19 8-15 0-27 12-27 27v209c0 17-6 31-19 41l-95 86c-12 11-12 30 0 40l95 86c13 10 19 24 19 41v209c0 15 12 27 27 27 7 0 14 2 19 8 6 5 9 11 9 19s-3 15-9 20c-5 5-12 8-19 8h-546c-7 0-13-3-19-8-6-5-9-12-9-20s3-14 9-19c6-6 12-8 19-8 15 0 27-12 27-27v-209c0-17 6-31 19-41l95-86c12-10 12-29 0-40l-95-86c-13-10-19-24-19-41v-209c0-15-12-27-27-27-7 0-13-2-19-8s-9-11-9-19 3-15 9-20 12-8 19-8h547c8 0 14 3 19 8 5 5 8 12 8 20s-3 14-9 19z m-101 35c0-15-12-27-27-27h-328c-15 0-27 12-27 27v197c0 8 3 15 9 20l132 119c12 11 12 30 0 40l-132 119c-6 5-9 12-9 20v197c0 15 12 27 27 27h328c15 0 27-12 27-27v-197c0-8-3-15-9-20l-132-119c-12-10-12-29 0-40l132-119c6-5 9-12 9-20v-197z m-63 139l-52 46c-5 5-11 7-18 7h-116c-7 0-13-2-18-7l-52-46c-5-6-9-13-9-21v-63c0-15 12-27 28-27h218c15 0 28 12 28 27v63c0 8-4 15-9 21z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="id" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef4a;" d="M905 591h-309v32c0 53-43 96-96 96-53 0-96-43-96-96v-32h-309c-18 0-32-14-32-32v-546c0-18 14-33 32-33h810c18 0 33 15 33 33v546c0 18-15 32-33 32z m-456 39c0 28 23 50 51 50s51-22 51-50v-37h-102v37z m446-578c0-18-15-33-33-33h-724c-18 0-33 15-33 33v468c0 18 15 33 33 33h724c18 0 33-15 33-33v-468z m-625 263c33 0 61 28 61 62s-28 61-61 61c-34 0-61-28-61-61 0-34 27-62 61-62z m0-16c-53 0-96-43-96-96v-69h192v69c0 53-43 96-96 96z m203 139h353v-39h-353v39z m0-133h353v-38h-353v38z m0-132h353v-39h-353v39z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="image" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef4b;" d="M681 293c-13 15-31 15-43-2-6-8-12-17-18-26-11-16-30-17-43-2-27 31-54 61-80 92-13 15-33 14-46-1l-40-47c-12-15-31-19-42-10-11 10-25 10-33 0-7-9-19-6-27 8-5 8-10 17-15 25-4 7-8 11-10 9-1-1-1-2-2-4-26-49-86-156-93-155l-8-82h619c19 0 25 13 13 28l-132 167z m-81 125c52 0 92 39 92 89 1 53-39 95-90 95-52 1-95-42-94-94 1-50 41-90 92-90z m298 297h-796c-22 0-39-18-39-40v-650c0-21 17-39 39-39h797c21 0 39 18 39 39v650c0 22-18 40-40 40z m-11-644c0-22-18-39-39-39h-696c-21 0-39 17-39 39v559c0 21 18 39 39 39h696c21 0 39-18 39-39v-559z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="inbox" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef4c;" d="M922 279c0 6-2 12-5 16-43 58-87 116-130 174-3 3-9 6-14 6-29 1-58 1-88 1l-48-47h110c7 0 12-1 16-7 32-43 64-86 97-128 1-2 1-3 3-6h-268c-3-31-14-57-39-75-18-14-39-20-62-19-37 3-83 29-88 93h-270c3 5 5 7 7 10 31 41 61 82 92 123 5 6 9 9 18 9 36 0 73 0 109 0l-47 47c-30 0-59 0-88-1-5 0-11-3-14-6-43-58-87-116-130-174-3-4-5-11-5-17-1-113-1-226-1-339 0-21 6-27 28-27h792c19 0 26 6 26 25 0 114 0 228-1 342z m-434 69c7-7 18-7 24 0l206 199c7 7 7 18 0 24l-41 40c-7 6-18 6-25 0l-97-95v255c0 9-7 17-17 17h-69c-9 0-17-8-17-17v-262l-105 102c-6 6-17 6-24 0l-41-40c-7-7-7-17 0-24l206-199z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="infinite" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef4d;" d="M469 461c-18-25-35-48-53-71-13 14-25 28-38 41-18 20-39 36-62 49-29 15-56 9-83-3-58-26-91-87-82-149 9-61 61-111 123-117 34-4 63 12 85 36 32 35 61 73 91 110 37 46 72 94 111 138 37 43 84 71 141 77 40 4 77-5 112-24 68-38 112-94 122-172 9-79-19-146-80-197-46-39-101-57-161-49-53 7-95 33-130 72-10 11-21 23-31 34-1 3-3 8-2 10 16 22 33 44 49 66 19-21 36-42 55-61 8-9 18-16 29-23 44-29 86-20 126 8 48 35 68 84 56 142-11 57-48 92-104 107-26 7-48 2-70-12-34-22-62-50-86-81-42-54-83-108-124-161-27-34-57-64-97-82-75-37-147-25-212 23-119 86-123 259-8 351 89 72 205 68 286-21 12-14 25-27 37-41z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="info-circle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef4e;" d="M500 788c-242 0-437-196-437-438s195-438 437-438 438 196 438 438-196 438-438 438z m-65-167c8 1 17 3 26 3 10 1 18 1 26 1 8 0 17 0 27-1 9 0 18-2 26-3 2-8 3-17 3-25 0-8 1-16 1-24 0-8-1-16-1-25 0-8-1-16-3-25-8-1-17-2-26-2-9-1-18-1-26-1-8 0-17 0-26 1-10 0-19 1-27 2-3 17-4 34-4 50 0 15 1 32 4 49z m163-546h-196c-3 13-4 26-4 39 0 6 0 13 1 20 0 7 2 14 3 20h48v226h-48c-1 6-3 13-3 20-1 7-1 13-1 20 0 13 1 26 4 39h148v-305h48c2-6 3-13 3-20 1-7 1-14 1-20 0-13-1-26-4-39z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="info-square" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef4f;" d="M873 787h-745c-36 0-65-28-65-64v-746c0-36 29-64 65-64h745c36 0 65 28 65 64v746c0 36-29 64-65 64z m-438-166c8 1 17 2 26 3 10 1 18 1 26 1 8 0 17 0 27-1 9-1 18-2 26-3 2-9 3-17 3-25 1-8 1-16 1-24 0-8 0-16-1-25 0-8-1-16-3-25-8-1-17-2-26-3-9 0-18 0-26 0-8 0-17 0-26 0-10 1-18 2-27 3-3 17-4 33-4 50 0 15 1 32 4 49z m163-546h-196c-3 12-4 25-4 39 0 6 0 13 1 20 0 7 2 14 3 20h48v225h-48c-1 7-3 13-3 20-1 8-1 14-1 21 0 13 1 26 4 38h148v-304h48c2-6 3-13 4-20 0-7 1-14 1-20 0-14-2-27-5-39z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="info" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef50;" d="M661 6c-1 12-2 22-5 33h-76v484h-236c-4-20-7-41-7-62 0-10 1-21 2-32 1-11 3-22 5-32h77v-358h-77c-2-11-4-21-5-33-1-11-2-22-2-32 0-21 3-41 7-62h312c5 21 7 41 7 62 0 10 0 21-2 32z m-222 614c15-1 29-1 41-1 13 0 27 0 42 1 15 0 29 2 42 4 2 13 3 27 4 40 1 13 1 26 1 38 0 14 0 27-1 39s-2 26-4 40c-13 2-27 4-43 5-15 1-29 1-42 1-12 0-26 0-41-1-15-1-28-3-41-5-5-28-7-54-7-79 0-25 2-51 7-78 13-2 27-4 42-4z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="institution" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef51;" d="M919 616c9 0 13 1 10 3-3 1-4 2-6 3-137 54-274 108-411 163-8 3-16 3-24 0-126-50-251-100-377-150-10-4-19-8-28-12-8-3-15-6-15-6 1-1 8-1 16-1h835z m-6-650h-826c-8 0-15-7-15-15v-23c0-9 7-15 15-15h826c9 0 16 6 16 15v23c0 8-7 15-16 15z m-791 75v-22c0-8 7-15 16-15h725c9 0 16 7 16 15v22c0 8-7 15-16 15h-725c-9 0-16-7-16-15z m321 65c8 0 15 6 15 15v342c0 8-7 15-15 15h-71c-8 0-15-7-15-15v-342c0-9 7-15 15-15h71z m370 0c9 0 16 6 16 15v342c0 8-7 15-16 15h-70c-9 0-16-7-16-15v-342c0-8 7-15 16-15l70 0z m-556 0c9 0 16 7 16 15v342c0 8-7 15-16 15h-71c-8 0-15-7-15-15v-342c0-8 7-15 15-15h71z m665 469h-843c-9 0-16-7-16-15v-12c0-9 7-15 16-15h843c9 0 16 6 16 15v12c0 8-7 15-16 15z m-294-469c8 0 15 7 15 16v341c0 8-7 15-15 15h-70c-9 0-16-7-16-15v-341c0-9 7-16 16-16l70 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="interface" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef52;" d="M937 669c0 8-1 16-4 22-9 21-27 28-48 28h-766c-39 0-56-17-56-55v-326c0-101 0-203 0-305 0-14 3-27 14-38 11-11 25-13 40-13h532c79 0 158-1 237 0 32 0 51 19 51 50 1 212 1 425 0 637z m-633-8c16 0 23-7 24-23 0-15-8-23-23-23-16 0-23 7-23 23 0 16 7 23 22 23z m-80 0c16 0 22-7 22-23 0-16-6-23-22-23-16 0-23 7-23 23 0 15 8 23 23 23z m-81 0c15 0 23-7 24-23 0-15-8-23-23-23-16 0-23 7-24 22 0 16 8 24 23 24z m772-625c0-23-8-31-31-31h-769c-21 0-29 8-29 30v522h829v-521z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="jacket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef54;" d="M102-70c0-10 7-18 17-18h0v14h9v-14h83c9 0 17 3 17 7 0 3 0 5 0 7 1 13 1 25 1 38h-125c0-11-1-23-2-34z m794 34h-125c1-13 1-25 2-38 0-2 0-4 0-7 0-3 7-6 17-6h83v13h9v-14h0c10 0 17 8 16 18 0 11-1 23-2 34z m-5 73c-4 62-9 123-13 184-5 71-11 141-17 212-4 61-8 122-13 183-1 4-4 10-8 12-42 19-85 39-128 56-19 8-38 13-58 18-9 3-17 12-17 20v15c0 29 0 29-28 36-79 20-157 20-235-4-7-3-10-5-9-13 0-10 0-21 0-32 0-9-1-17-3-18-1 0-1 0-2 0-70-16-137-43-200-77-6-3-9-7-9-14-2-30-4-59-6-88l-21-287c-7-89-13-179-19-269h124c1 31 2 61 4 91 5 79 13 159 27 237 4 19 3 19 23 18 0 0 1 0 1 0 1-1 2-3 2-6v-6c0-45 0-91 0-136 0-7 0-110 0-142 0-7 2-10 8-13 38-19 77-33 118-43 8-1 16-3 23-4 7-1 14-2 20-3 4 0 8-1 11-1 3 0 6 0 8 1 3 2 6 4 8 7 1 3 1 5 1 8v45h35v-44c0-3 0-6 0-8 0-3 0-6 1-8 0-1 1-2 1-2 1 0 2 0 2 0 10 0 20 1 29 2 15 2 29 4 42 8 41 9 79 24 117 45 2 1 4 6 4 9 0 18 0 36 0 54 0 15 1 82 0 90 0 45 0 91 0 136v6c0 3 2 6 4 6 2 0 3 0 4 0 10 1 15-1 17-13 4-34 12-68 15-102 6-77 11-154 16-231h126c-2 21-3 43-5 65z m-390 697c-47 0-85 9-85 22s38 21 85 21c48 0 86-9 86-21s-38-22-86-22z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="jewlery" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef56;" d="M596 599c0 0 1 0 1 0l66 118c2 4 0 9-4 11l-151 57c-3 1-5 2-7 2l0 1c-1 0-2 0-2 0 0 0-1-1-1-1-1 0-3-1-6-2l-151-57c-5-2-7-7-4-11l66-118 0-1c-146-42-253-176-253-335 0-194 157-350 350-350s350 156 350 350c-1 159-108 294-254 336z m-96-605c-148 0-268 120-268 268 0 148 120 269 268 269 148 0 268-121 268-269 0-148-120-268-268-268z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="karate" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef57;" d="M681 204l28-86c1-4-1-8-5-9l-19-6c-4-1-8 1-9 4l-31 97c-1 4-2 7-1 7 0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0-3-3-4-7l-29-91c-1-4-5-6-8-4l-20 6c-4 1-6 5-4 9l25 81c1 3-1 6-5 6h-307c-3 0-7-3-8-7l-76-284c-1-4 1-7 5-7l576 0c3 0 6 3 5 6l-76 285c-1 4-5 7-9 7h-22c-4 0-6-3-5-7z m-49 583h-264c-4 0-9-1-12-4l-206-160c-3-2-6-7-6-11l-54-354c0-4 2-7 6-7h131c4 0 7 3 7 7v258c0 4 0 8 1 9s2-2 3-6l45-251c1-4 4-7 8-7h418c4 0 7 3 8 7l45 250c1 4 2 7 3 6 0 0 1-4 1-8v-259c0-3 3-7 7-7h130c4 0 7 3 6 7l-53 355c-1 4-4 9-7 11l-204 160c-3 3-9 4-13 4z m-136-236l-119 175c-2 3-1 5 3 5h239c4 0 5-2 3-5l-118-175c-3-3-6-3-8 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="key-hole" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef58;" d="M63 621v-542c0-92 74-167 166-167h542c92 0 167 75 167 167v542c0 92-75 167-167 167h-542c-92 0-166-75-166-167z m315-511l73 262c-45 18-77 62-77 114 0 67 55 122 122 122s123-55 123-122c0-46-26-86-63-107l70-269h-248z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="key" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef59;" d="M67 108c17-1 31-2 46-3 14 0 29-1 43-2 1 31 1 60 2 90 32-2 61-3 91-5 1 32 1 61 2 91 32-2 61-3 92-4 0 16 0 32 1 47 0 20 1 40 2 60 1 6 4 13 8 17 19 20 40 39 61 58 6 5 7 10 6 19-18 103 14 189 96 255 84 67 211 70 301 9 126-84 158-250 69-372-63-88-168-124-274-98-9 3-14 2-21-5-121-114-242-227-363-341-7-6-13-8-22-8-37 2-74 3-111 4-27 2-34 9-33 37 1 49 3 99 4 151z m643 445c26-28 70-30 98-5 28 27 29 70 2 98-27 28-71 30-98 4-27-25-28-70-2-97z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="label" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef5a;" d="M918 343c-182 135-364 271-546 406-15 11-29 12-46 5-67-30-135-61-204-90-19-9-29-22-31-43-9-74-18-148-28-221-2-18 3-32 18-43 91-67 182-135 274-202 91-68 182-136 274-204 8-6 19-9 28-9 15-1 24 10 32 21 79 106 157 212 236 318 1 2 3 3 4 5 14 23 11 41-11 57z m-638 169c-20-27-57-31-83-11-27 20-32 58-12 84 20 27 58 31 85 11 26-20 31-58 10-84z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lamp" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef5b;" d="M558 118c0 50 0 141 0 141v39c0 18 15 32 33 32h162c18 0 29 15 25 32-35 139-70 277-104 415-2 11-8 10-16 10-106 0-211 0-316 1-11 0-14-4-17-14-31-126-63-253-95-379-3-11-5-23-8-34-4-18 7-32 25-32h162c18 0 32-15 32-33v-178c0-18 1-46 1-62 0-17-15-30-33-30h-47c-18 0-33-15-33-33v-48c0-18 15-33 33-33h276c18 0 33 15 33 33v49c0 18-15 33-33 33h-47c-18 0-33 13-33 29 0 16 0 44 0 62z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="layout" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef5d;" d="M63 702h260v-200h-260v200z m307 0h260v-200h-260v200z m307 0h261v-200h-261v200z m-614-252h875v-200h-875v200z m0-251h398v-201h-398v201z m476 0h399v-201h-399v201z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="leaf" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef5e;" d="M934 653s-101-32-188-21c-645 76-608-424-601-429 0 0 57 38 114 48 359 61 524 256 524 256s-193-237-510-286c-70-11-150-84-210-167 0 0 44-3 61-7 26 37 58 68 97 92 307-203 545 6 605 91 142 200 108 423 108 423z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="learn" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef60;" d="M882 263v203l-74-10c-4 30-18 45-35 53-1 15-2 29-3 43-10 181-103 237-250 234-19 0-38-3-58 0-77 12-151-48-196-102-54-65-34-168-34-173-19-7-35-22-39-54l-65 9v-197c-26-13-44-41-44-73 0-32 18-60 44-72v-162l377-50 377 50v167c20 14 34 39 34 67 0 28-14 53-34 67z m-394-320l-325 43v131c39 2 70 36 70 79 0 43-31 77-70 79v158l29-4 296-39v-447z m-203 502c-1 10-2 19-2 28 3 20 10 38 17 53 16 32 43 57 78 69 9 3 17 0 23-7 5-7 4-17-2-23l-2-2c-5-5-6-11-3-17 4-6 10-9 17-8 48 8 122 27 186 69 15 10 33 14 50 10 17-3 33-13 42-28 1-1 2-3 3-4 20-31 30-67 30-103 0-12 0-25-2-37l-215-29-220 29z m563-170l-6 1c-41 0-74-36-74-80 0-44 33-80 74-80 2 0 4 1 6 1v-131l-326-43v447l326 43v-158z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lego" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef61;" d="M769 286h-51c-3 0-6 2-6 5-1 10-1 19-2 27 0 3-3 6-6 6h-128c-3 0-6-3-6-6 0-9-1-18-1-28-1-3-3-5-6-5h-116c-3 0-5 2-5 5-1 10-1 19-1 28-1 3-3 5-6 5h-130c-3 0-5-2-5-5-1-10-1-19-2-30 0-3-3-5-6-5h-60c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-359c0-3 2-5 5-5h537c3 0 5 2 5 5v362c0 3-2 6-5 6z m-9 63l26 361c1 3-2 6-5 6l-50 4c-3 0-6 3-6 6v27c0 3-2 6-5 6l-128 9c-3 0-6-2-6-5-1-9-3-18-4-28 0-3-3-5-6-5l-115 9c-3 0-5 3-5 6 0 9 0 18 1 28 0 3-3 5-6 5l-129 10c-3 0-6-2-6-5-1-10-2-20-4-30 0-3-3-5-6-5l-60 4c-3 0-5-2-6-5l-26-358c0-3 2-6 5-6l535-39c3 0 6 2 6 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lens" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef62;" d="M129 298c3-36 20-122 101-211 7-7 13-5 15 4l70 329c2 9-3 13-11 8l-162-104c-7-5-14-17-13-26z m144-248c27-23 100-72 221-77 9 0 12 6 7 14l-184 281c-5 8-11 7-13-2l-40-188c-2-9 2-22 9-28z m274-70c36 4 122 20 211 102 7 6 5 13-4 15l-329 70c-9 2-13-3-8-11l104-162c5-8 17-14 26-14z m32 176l188-40c9-2 22 1 28 9 23 27 72 100 77 220 0 10-6 13-14 8l-281-184c-8-5-7-11 2-13z m292 247c-3 35-20 121-101 210-6 7-13 5-15-4l-70-329c-2-9 3-12 11-7l162 103c8 6 14 17 13 27z m-144 248c-27 22-100 71-221 76-9 1-12-6-7-14l184-281c5-8 11-7 13 3l40 188c2 9-2 22-9 28z m-274 69c-36-3-122-20-211-102-7-6-5-13 5-15l328-70c9-2 13 3 8 11l-104 162c-5 8-17 15-26 14z m-248-144c-23-28-72-100-77-221 0-9 6-13 14-8l281 184c8 6 7 11-2 13l-188 41c-9 2-22-2-28-9z m295 209c-241 0-437-194-437-435s196-435 437-435c242 0 438 195 438 435s-196 435-438 435z m0-835c-222 0-402 179-402 400 0 222 180 401 402 401 223 0 403-179 403-401 0-221-180-400-403-400z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="letter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef63;" d="M822 416c-10 5-13 12-13 22l0 66c0 66 0 191 0 250 0 19-14 33-33 33h-545c-19 0-33-14-33-33 0-59 0-183 0-250 0-22 0-43 0-65 0-9-3-13-11-18-28-16-56-32-84-48-21-13-33-32-33-59 1-120 1-240 1-361 0-5 0-10 0-15 2-17 9-24 26-25 4-1 8-1 13-1h780c4 0 7 0 10 0 20 1 28 9 30 29 0 4 0 9 0 13 0 119 0 238 0 357 0 30-12 50-37 64-23 14-47 28-71 41z m-510 258h287v-46h-287v46z m0-115h333v-47h-333v47z m0-116h261v-46h-261v46z m333-116v-46h-333v46h333z m242-354c0-15-3-18-21-18h-692c-13 0-27 0-40 0-18 0-20 3-20 20 0 51 0 101 0 152 0 62 0 123 0 185-1 11 3 19 12 24 23 14 46 28 71 43v-114c-16 9-31 18-49 28 0-14 0-26 0-38 1-3 4-6 6-8 108-59 215-118 323-178 18-10 33-7 50 2 88 49 176 96 264 145 19 10 37 20 55 31 3 2 6 7 7 11 1 11 0 21 0 34-15-8-28-15-43-23v106c25-15 48-29 70-44 4-2 7-10 7-15 0-114 0-229 0-343z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="letterbox" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef64;" d="M878 71l59 177c2 6-1 13-7 15-74 25-148 49-222 74v173h-41v-41h-158v219h-190c-13 0-23-10-23-23v-106c0-13 10-23 23-23h163v-67h-362c-32 0-57-26-57-57v-400h831v49h-173v32c0 8-3 15-8 21 50-17 100-34 150-50 6-2 13 1 15 7z m25 187c6-2 7-5 1-8-49-19-97-39-145-58-6-2-13 0-16 6-12 19-23 37-35 56v69c65-21 130-43 195-65z m-221-182c-8 0-15 7-15 16 0 8 7 15 15 15 9 0 16-7 16-15 0-9-7-16-16-16z m161 8c-45 15-90 30-135 45v86c5 1 8 2 8 1 1 0 1-1 1-1 8-13 16-27 24-40 2-3 3-3 6-2 14 6 28 12 43 18 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 4-4 7-9 16-31 33-61 49-92 3-5 1-8-5-6z m-32 103c-3 5-1 12 5 14 32 13 63 26 95 38 6 3 9 0 7-6-16-47-31-94-47-141-2-6-6-6-9-1-17 32-34 64-51 96z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="library" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef65;" d="M198 514h-113c-12 0-22-10-22-22v-526c0-13 10-23 22-23h113c13 0 23 10 23 23v526c0 12-10 22-23 22z m-3-528h-107v26h107v-26z m17 567h-141c-5 0-8 4-8 8v29c0 5 3 9 8 9h141c4 0 8-4 8-9v-29c0-4-4-8-8-8z m-11 84h-120c-10 0-18 9-18 19v74c0 10 8 19 18 19h120c11 0 19-9 19-19v-74c0-10-8-19-19-19z m447-123h-114c-12 0-22-10-22-22v-526c0-13 10-23 22-23h114c12 0 22 10 22 23v526c0 12-10 22-22 22z m-57-530c-19 0-35 16-35 36s16 35 35 35c20 0 35-16 35-35s-15-36-35-36z m70 569h-141c-4 0-8 4-8 8v29c0 5 4 9 8 9h142c4 0 8-4 8-9v-29c0-4-4-8-9-8z m-10 84h-120c-11 0-19 9-19 19v74c0 10 8 19 19 19h120c10 0 19-9 19-19v-74c0-10-9-19-19-19z m203-113l-113-13c-12-2-21-13-20-25l59-523c2-12 13-21 25-20l113 13c12 2 21 13 19 25l-59 523c-1 12-12 21-24 20z m9 40l-141-16c-4-1-8 2-9 7l-3 29c-1 4 3 9 7 9l140 16c5 0 9-3 10-7l3-29c0-5-3-9-7-9z m-20 82l-120-13c-10-2-19 6-20 16l-9 74c-1 10 7 19 17 20l119 14c11 1 20-6 21-17l8-73c1-10-6-20-16-21z m-408-263h-138c-15 0-27-10-27-22v-396c0-12 12-22 27-22h138c15 0 28 10 28 22v396c0 12-13 22-28 22z m-157 42h176c4 0 8 3 8 8v29c0 5-4 8-8 8h-176c-4 0-8-3-8-8v-29c0-5 4-8 8-8z m11 84h154c10 0 19 8 19 19v73c0 11-9 19-19 19h-154c-10 0-19-8-19-19v-73c0-11 9-19 19-19z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="license" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef66;" d="M736 514v5c0 5-4 9-9 9h-489c-5 0-9-4-9-9v-44c0-5 4-9 9-9h417c24 21 51 37 81 48z m-132-108h-366c-5 0-9-4-9-9v-44c0-5 4-8 9-8h339c6 21 15 42 27 61z m-366-127c-5 0-9-4-9-9v-42c0-5 4-9 9-9h333c-3 17-5 34-5 51 0 3 0 6 0 9l-328 0z m389-176h-504c-13 0-23 10-23 22v498c0 12 10 22 23 22h585c12 0 29-7 39-15 19-16 38-32 57-49 15-13 31-27 46-40 4-3 7-8 10-13 14-2 29-5 42-9v139c0 12-10 22-22 22h-795c-13 0-22-10-22-22v-569c0-12 9-22 22-22h579c-14 11-26 23-37 36z m303 229c-7 14-11 29-7 45 3 17-3 30-19 38-17 7-29 18-37 35-8 15-21 21-37 18-18-4-34-2-50 6-15 8-29 5-41-7-11-13-25-21-42-24-19-2-28-13-30-32-2-16-8-30-20-42-14-13-16-28-6-45 9-14 11-29 8-45-3-16 2-30 18-37 18-8 31-21 40-38 3-7 8-11 13-14v-160c0-12 5-13 12-3l43 71c6 10 16 10 23 0l43-71c6-10 11-9 11 3v174c0 0 0 1 0 1 7 4 15 7 23 8 21 5 27 12 30 32 2 16 8 30 19 42 16 16 17 24 6 45z m-145-103c-54 0-98 44-98 99 0 56 44 99 100 99 54 0 98-44 99-98 0-55-46-101-101-100z m78 99c0-43-34-77-77-77s-77 34-77 77 35 77 77 77 77-35 77-77z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="life-bouy" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef67;" d="M156 621c-8 8-16 14-23 22-15 15-15 31-1 46 13 12 25 25 37 37 15 13 30 13 45 0 6-6 12-12 18-18 5-6 8-6 14-2 54 39 113 64 178 75 118 19 226-4 324-72 10-7 16-7 23 2 5 6 10 11 16 16 12 11 27 12 39 1 15-14 29-28 43-42 12-13 11-29-2-42-7-8-15-15-23-22 122-178 124-355 6-537 6-4 13-9 19-16 10-11 11-26 1-37-15-16-30-31-45-45-12-11-28-9-39 2-6 5-10 12-15 17-165-131-395-119-543 0-6-7-12-14-19-21-15-14-31-14-45 0-13 12-26 25-38 38-13 13-13 30 0 43 7 8 15 14 23 21-58 82-88 170-86 268 1 99 32 187 93 266z m462-463c-5 13-5 25 5 36 13 13 26 26 39 39 8 8 17 11 27 9 6-2 9 0 12 6 34 72 32 143-5 214-4 7-8 11-17 12-6 0-12 5-17 9-13 12-25 24-37 37-4 5-6 11-10 17-3 4-5 10-9 12-70 36-140 36-211 2-6-4-10-8-12-16-1-6-5-12-10-17-11-12-22-24-34-34-7-5-16-7-24-11-3-2-7-3-9-6-41-74-43-148-5-223 1-3 6-5 9-7 7-3 15-5 21-9 13-12 26-25 38-39 5-6 9-14 9-22 1-7 4-10 9-13 30-17 62-27 97-29 48-4 92 7 134 33z m110-113l-81 80c-98-58-197-58-295 1l-81-81c126-101 324-105 457 0z m-5 453c2-4 4-7 6-11 24-39 36-82 38-128 1-50-10-97-35-140-3-6-3-10 2-15 24-23 47-46 70-69 2-2 4-4 6-5 102 140 89 331-6 449-27-27-54-54-81-81z m-528 81c-105-135-98-326-6-450 25 25 50 51 75 75 6 6 6 9 2 16-33 60-42 123-27 189 7 32 20 62 37 89-27 27-54 54-81 81z m525 83c-146 104-332 83-441-2 25-24 49-48 73-73 7-7 11-7 19-3 64 35 132 44 202 23 23-7 44-17 66-26 26 26 53 53 81 81z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="life-buoy" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef68;" d="M500 788c-242 0-437-196-437-438 0-242 195-438 437-438 242 0 438 196 438 438 0 242-196 438-438 438z m-1-79c0 19 15 34 34 32 81-6 157-38 219-90 14-12 14-33 1-46l-62-63c-13-13-35-13-50-2-40 30-89 46-140 47h-1s-1 15-1 33v45l0 44z m-390-326c7 81 38 157 90 219 12 14 33 14 47 1l62-62c14-13 13-35 2-50-24-31-39-68-44-107-3-19-18-34-36-34l-89-1c-18 0-34 15-32 34z m393-426h-2c-93 0-182 33-252 92-15 12-15 33-1 47l62 62c13 14 35 13 49 2 41-30 89-46 140-47h1s1-15 1-34v-44l5-44c1-18 2-34 1-34s-3 0-4 0z m-2 201c-106 0-192 86-192 192 0 106 86 192 192 192 106 0 192-86 192-192 0-106-86-192-192-192z m254-62l-63 63c-13 13-13 34-1 49 24 32 39 69 44 109 3 18 18 33 36 33l89 1c19 0 34-15 32-33-6-82-38-158-90-221-12-14-34-14-47-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="life-jacket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef69;" d="M327 821c-10 17-29 28-50 28l-96 0c-34 0-61-28-61-62 0-12 3-23 9-32l1-1c28-41 45-91 45-144 0-91-48-170-119-214l-1 0c-14-9-23-24-23-42v-29h433v226s1 25-16 55l-122 215z m70-465c-10 0-17 8-17 18 0 10 8 17 17 17 10 0 18-8 18-17 0-10-8-18-18-18z m138-31h434v29c0 18-9 33-23 42l-1 0c-72 44-120 124-120 214 0 53 17 103 45 144l1 1c6 9 9 20 9 32 0 34-27 62-61 62l-96 0c-21 0-40-11-50-28l-122-215c-16-30-16-55-16-55v-226z m68 67c10 0 18-8 18-18 0-10-8-18-18-18-10 0-18 8-18 18 0 10 8 18 18 18z m-68-112h434v-64h-434z m-504 0h434v-64h-434z m504-107h434v-63h-434z m-504 0h434v-63h-434z m938-261v152h-434v-152s-8-61 68-61h298c75 0 68 61 68 61z m-366 86c-10 0-18 8-18 18s8 17 18 17 18-8 18-17c0-10-8-18-18-18z m-138 66h-434v-152s-8-61 68-61h298c76 0 68 61 68 61v152z m-68-66c-10 0-17 8-17 18s8 17 17 17c10 0 18-8 18-17 0-10-8-18-18-18z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="life-ring" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef6a;" d="M351 709c-3-8-11-17-18-21-4-2-9-4-13-6-31-17-60-39-87-65-26-26-48-56-65-87-2-4-4-8-6-13-4-7-13-14-21-18-46-22-79-80-79-149s33-127 79-149c8-3 18-11 21-18 2-4 4-9 6-13 17-31 39-60 65-87s56-47 87-64c4-3 9-5 13-7 7-3 15-13 18-21 22-46 80-79 149-79 69 0 127 33 149 79 3 8 11 18 18 21 5 2 9 4 13 7 31 16 61 38 87 64 26 27 48 56 65 87 2 4 4 9 6 13 4 7 13 15 21 18 46 22 79 80 79 149s-33 127-79 149c-8 4-17 11-21 18-2 5-4 9-6 13-17 31-39 61-65 87-26 26-56 48-87 65-4 2-8 4-13 6-7 4-15 13-18 21-22 46-80 79-149 79-69 0-127-33-149-79z m177-226c7-1 7-7-2-11-7-3-16-5-26-5-10 0-19 2-26 5-8 4-9 10-2 11 4 1 8 2 12 2 11 2 21 2 32 0 4 0 8-1 12-2z m20-21c7 5 19 7 26 3 8-6 15-12 22-19 7-6 13-14 18-22 5-7 3-19-2-26-9-13-15-29-15-48s6-35 15-48c5-7 7-18 2-26-5-8-11-15-18-22-7-7-14-13-22-18-7-5-19-3-26 2-13 9-30 14-48 14-19 0-35-5-48-14-7-5-19-7-26-2-8 5-15 11-22 18-7 7-13 14-18 22-5 7-3 19 2 26 9 13 14 30 14 48s-5 35-14 48c-5 7-7 19-3 26 6 8 12 15 19 22 6 7 14 13 22 18 7 5 19 3 26-2 13-9 29-15 48-15 19 1 35 6 48 15z m85-84c1-4 2-8 2-12 2-11 2-21 0-32 0-4-1-8-2-12-1-7-8-6-11 2-3 8-5 17-5 26 0 10 2 19 5 27 3 8 10 8 11 1z m-161-161c-7 1-6 8 2 11 7 3 16 5 26 5 10 0 19-2 26-5 8-3 9-10 2-11-4-1-8-2-12-2-11-1-22-1-32 0-4 0-8 1-12 2z m-105 105c-1 4-2 8-2 12-1 10-1 21 0 32 0 4 1 8 2 12 1 7 8 6 11-2 3-8 5-16 5-26 0-10-2-19-5-26-3-8-10-9-11-2z m-42 34c0-4 0-8 0-12 0-9-4-21-10-27l-106-107c-6-6-15-5-18 3-38 87-38 187 0 274 3 8 12 9 18 3l106-106c6-7 10-19 10-28z m466-146l-106 107c-6 6-10 18-10 27 0 4 0 8 0 12 0 9 4 21 10 27l106 107c7 6 15 5 18-3 39-87 39-187 0-274-3-8-11-9-18-3z m-658 261c6 5 10 2 8-7-24-74-24-154 0-228 2-9-2-12-9-7-30 24-50 69-50 121s20 97 51 121z m246-489c-5 7-2 11 7 9 74-24 154-24 228 0 9 2 12-2 7-9-24-30-69-50-121-50s-97 20-121 50z m258 59c-87-39-187-39-274 0-8 3-9 11-3 18l107 106c6 6 18 10 27 10 4 0 8 0 12 0 9 0 21-4 27-10l107-106c6-7 5-15-3-18z m231 188c-7-5-11-2-9 7 24 74 24 154 0 228-2 9 2 12 9 7 30-24 50-69 50-121s-20-97-50-121z m-362 296c-4 0-8 0-12 0-9 0-21 4-27 10l-107 106c-6 7-5 15 3 18 87 39 187 39 274 0 8-3 9-11 3-18l-107-106c-6-6-18-10-27-10z m108 184c-74 24-154 24-228 0-9-2-12 2-7 9 24 30 69 50 121 50 52 0 97-20 121-50 5-7 2-11-7-9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="light-bulb" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef6b;" d="M577 74h-155c-12 0-22-10-22-22 0-12 10-22 22-22h155c12 0 22 10 22 22s-9 22-22 22z m-117-127c3-19 19-35 40-35s37 15 40 35c27 2 48 24 48 51h-176c0-28 21-49 48-51z m40 715c16 0 29 13 29 29v67c0 16-13 30-29 30-16 0-29-13-29-30v-67c0-16 13-29 29-29z m-191-42c6-8 15-12 24-12 6 0 12 1 17 5 13 10 16 28 7 41l-40 54c-10 13-28 16-41 7s-16-28-6-41l39-54z m-152-132l64-21c3-1 6-1 9-1 12 0 23 7 27 20 5 15-3 31-18 36l-64 21c-16 5-32-3-37-18-5-16 3-32 19-37z m686-162l-64 21c-15 5-32-4-37-19-5-15 4-32 19-37l64-20c3-1 6-2 9-2 12 0 24 8 28 20 5 16-3 32-19 37z m-622 21l-64-21c-16-5-24-21-19-37 4-12 15-20 28-20 3 0 6 1 9 2l64 20c15 5 23 22 18 37-5 15-21 24-36 19z m549 119c3 0 6 0 9 1l64 21c15 5 24 21 19 36-5 16-22 24-37 19l-64-21c-15-5-24-21-19-36 5-13 16-20 28-20z m-46 249c-13 9-31 6-41-7l-40-54c-9-13-6-31 7-41 5-4 11-5 17-5 9 0 18 4 23 12l40 54c10 13 7 31-6 41z m-129-608v68c20 33 46 72 70 101 28 36 45 81 45 130 0 116-94 209-210 209-116 0-210-93-210-209 0-49 17-94 45-130 25-31 48-65 68-99v-70h192z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lighter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef6c;" d="M616 609c14 7 29 7 43-1 51 32 36 149-22 180-43-43-65-89-48-141 4-14 10-28 27-38z m21 104c27-16 41-64 25-91-9 12-19 23-29 35-6-11-13-22-20-34-16 26-8 60 24 90z m-267-290c-39 0-61-20-61-57v-396c0-36 22-57 60-57 87-1 175-1 262 0 38 0 59 20 59 56v1h-121c-15 0-24 8-24 24v22h145v407h-16l-304 0z m-32 28h65c6 0 11 6 11 13v1c0 7-5 13-11 13h-65c-6 0-11-6-11-13v-1c0-7 5-13 11-13z m331 143c-64 0-129 0-193 0-24-1-47-18-48-40-2-34-1-68-1-103h263c0 42 0 83 0 123 0 15-7 20-21 20z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lightning-ray" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef6d;" d="M723 531h-14c-6 19-13 39-26 61-43 70-119 109-212 109-96 0-172-39-213-109-13-23-20-46-25-64-101-16-170-86-170-179 0-85 63-155 158-176 27-6 55 9 62 34 6 24-11 49-39 55-48 10-78 44-78 87 0 55 45 91 111 91 29 0 51 20 52 45 0 12 8 126 140 126 57 0 97-19 121-58 21-33 23-68 23-68 2-24 25-43 52-43h58c67 0 112-37 112-91 0-45-35-91-112-91-28 0-52-21-52-46s24-45 52-45c122 0 215 78 215 182 0 103-91 180-215 180z m-111-179c-3 5-9 9-15 9h-125c-6 0-13-5-16-12l-69-179c-2-6-1-12 2-16s8-7 14-7h36l-47-125c-4-8 0-16 6-21 3-1 6-2 10-2 4 0 9 2 12 6l189 214c4 4 6 12 2 18-3 6-7 9-12 9h-50l62 88c4 5 5 12 1 18z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="like" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef6e;" d="M929 390c-7 45-42 74-88 75-61 1-122 0-182 0h-87c3 9 5 16 7 24 12 46 26 92 20 141-5 35-13 69-33 100-26 39-63 60-111 57-34-2-58-20-64-53-4-25-5-51-4-77 1-35-4-67-23-96-30-49-61-96-93-143-8-12-12-24-12-38 0-138 0-276 0-413 0-14 5-24 14-33 17-16 38-20 60-20 121 0 241 0 361 0 20 0 40 3 60 8 30 7 57 22 75 50 16 25 14 52 2 79 23 12 40 28 46 54 6 25 2 48-13 70 51 31 57 84 27 124 34 22 44 54 38 91z m-745 15h-22v0h-33v0h-21c-23 0-38-16-38-40-1-69 0-137 0-206v-201c0-31 14-45 45-45h14v-1l17 1s11-1 16-1v1h14c32 0 46 14 46 45v201c0 69 0 137 0 206 0 24-16 40-38 40z m-38-106c-15 0-26 12-26 26 0 14 11 26 26 26 14 0 26-12 26-26s-12-26-26-26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="line-height" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef6f;" d="M352 413v-12c12 1 27 2 45 2 23 0 47-1 73-2v12c-17 1-30 4-39 10s-13 15-13 30c0 16 6 38 16 66l16 41h129l35-97c5-13 7-22 7-28 0-8-3-13-9-16-7-3-17-5-32-6v-12c19 2 49 2 89 2 37 0 66-1 90-2v12c-6 0-13 4-19 9-7 6-13 16-18 29l-143 369c-6 0-13 0-21 0-7 0-14 0-20 0l-135-345c-14-38-31-59-51-62z m164 318l58-160h-119l61 160z m125-462v-12c16 0 28-4 37-11s12-19 12-35c0-17-5-41-16-72l-73-196-104 265c-5 12-7 21-7 28 0 8 3 13 10 16 6 3 17 5 32 5v12c-20-1-50-1-90-1-36 0-66 0-90 1v-12c6 0 13-3 20-9 6-6 12-15 17-28l151-370c4 0 11 1 20 1 9 0 16-1 21-1l124 337c7 21 16 37 25 48 10 11 20 19 30 22v12c-12-1-27-1-45-1-23 0-48 0-74 1z m-381 212v238h39l-49 66-48-66h39v-238h-39l48-66 49 66h-39z m-83 369h55v-13h-55v13z m74 0h55v-13h-55v13z m74 0h55v-13h-55v13z m73 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m-591-493h55v-13h-55v13z m74 0h55v-13h-55v13z m74 0h55v-13h-55v13z m73 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z m74 0h56v-13h-56v13z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="link-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef70;" d="M531 255l-62-62c9-9 14-20 14-32 0-12-4-23-14-32l-156-158c-8-9-19-14-31-14-13 0-23 5-33 14l-125 125c-9 9-14 20-14 32 0 12 4 22 13 31l157 158c8 9 18 14 31 14s23-5 32-13l63 62-32 32c-18 18-39 27-63 26-25 0-46-9-64-26l-219-222c-17-17-26-38-26-63 1-25 10-46 27-64l190-188c17-17 38-25 63-25 24 0 46 9 64 26l219 222c17 18 26 39 25 64 0 24-9 45-27 62l-32 31z m440 382l-190 188c-17 17-38 25-63 25-24 0-46-9-64-26l-219-222c-17-18-25-39-25-63 0-25 9-46 27-63l32-31 62 62c-9 10-14 20-14 32 0 12 5 23 14 32l156 158c8 9 19 14 31 14 13 0 24-5 33-14l125-125c9-9 14-19 14-31 0-13-4-23-13-32l-157-158c-8-9-18-14-31-13-12 0-23 4-32 12l-63-62 32-32c18-18 39-27 63-26 25 0 46 9 64 26l220 222c17 18 25 39 25 63-1 25-9 46-27 64z m-640-414c0-12 4-23 12-32 9-8 19-12 32-12 12 0 23 4 32 13l251 254c8 8 11 19 11 31 0 13-4 23-12 32-9 8-19 12-32 12-12 0-23-4-32-13l-250-253c-8-9-12-19-12-32z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="link" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef71;" d="M894 654c-28 30-57 60-87 88-64 60-160 61-224 1-46-42-89-88-133-132 0 0-1-1-1-1 0-1 0-2 1-2 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 39 0 76-8 110-27 6-3 8-1 12 2 25 26 50 51 76 76 24 24 57 24 81 0 25-24 50-49 74-74 24-24 24-57 1-80-77-78-154-155-232-232-7-7-16-12-25-14-22-7-40 1-56 17-21 20-42 41-62 61-6 7-17 7-23 0l-54-54c-6-6-6-17 0-23 22-23 44-46 67-68 63-61 165-61 228 0 25 25 50 50 75 75 56 56 113 111 167 169 57 59 56 158-1 218z m-346-562c-1 0-1 0-2 0-40 0-78 8-113 27-5 4-8 1-11-2-25-26-50-51-75-76-25-24-58-24-83 1-23 23-46 46-70 69-29 29-29 60 0 89l223 222c2 3 4 5 7 7 17 16 42 20 62 8 7-3 14-9 19-15 20-20 40-40 60-59 6-7 17-7 23 0 18 18 37 36 55 55 7 6 7 16 0 23-25 25-51 52-78 76-61 52-155 49-213-5-42-39-81-80-121-120-42-42-85-83-126-127-57-61-56-158 1-220 28-30 57-59 87-87 63-60 160-61 223-2 46 43 90 89 134 133 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1-1 2-3 2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="list" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef72;" d="M828 788h-656c-30 0-55-25-55-55v-766c0-30 25-55 55-55h656c30 0 55 25 55 55v766c0 30-25 55-55 55z m-188-90h158v-55h-158v55z m-441 0h159v-55h-159v55z m621-725h-640v587h640v-587z m-552 434h468c16 0 28 13 28 29s-12 28-28 28h-468c-15 0-28-13-28-28s13-29 28-29z m0-116h468c16 0 28 12 28 28s-12 28-28 28h-468c-15 0-28-13-28-28s13-28 28-28z m0-117h468c16 0 28 13 28 28s-12 28-28 28h-468c-15 0-28-12-28-28s13-28 28-28z m0-117h468c16 0 28 13 28 28s-12 29-28 29h-468c-15 0-28-13-28-29s13-28 28-28z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="listening" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef73;" d="M386 199c-2-1-4-2-6-3-24-13-24-13-12-39 2-5 4-10 6-16 8-31-3-59-28-73-25-14-55-8-77 15-14 15-23 33-28 53-14 57-44 105-85 146-36 37-61 80-74 130-25 92 11 177 90 216 82 40 175-6 188-95 3-21 1-42-2-63-2-17-19-36-8-48 11-12 33-13 49-21 14-6 18 0 21 12 6 20 11 40 14 60 15 92-22 175-96 216-78 42-157 21-173 16-95-33-162-122-165-225-2-99 37-180 103-250 30-32 53-66 64-109 6-20 14-39 24-57 24-40 56-70 103-77 52-8 96 9 128 51 35 43 36 92 16 143-15 39-16 39-52 18z m558 128c-28 2-57-2-71-31-12 29-25 58-37 88-5 11-10 23-26 23-16 0-19-13-24-25l-26-66-42 159 0 0c-5 21-9 42-14 63-5 21-22 29-36 18-9-6-9-17-11-26-1-9-3-18-4-27v1l-40-224-4 10c-12 45-24 90-36 135-4 13-7 26-24 27-18 0-21-14-25-26-9-28-18-56-25-83-3-12-9-18-22-17-20 1-40 0-60 1-17 0-13-12-13-22 0-9-6-23 13-23 30 1 60 0 90 0 13 0 20 7 24 19 4 14 9 28 14 47 3-10 6-16 7-21 14-56 28-111 42-167 3-13 5-28 24-28 21 0 22 16 24 30 6 37 12 74 18 111 7 39 13 79 20 118l3 22 35-141c3-12 6-24 9-35 3-13 5-25 21-27 17-2 22 11 27 23 12 30 24 60 37 94 12-29 23-55 35-81 11-25 29-27 45-6 8 11 16 21 23 32 5 7 10 11 19 10 22 0 44 0 66-1v46c-19 0-37-2-56 0z m-707 109c-10-12-20-25-27-39-21-46-5-103 36-128 38-23 80-4 87 39 6 35-10 66-44 83-12 6-12 9-5 19 19 23 32 50 32 81 0 46-24 78-67 90-49 13-96-15-119-70-16-38-15-37 25-45 11-2 17 0 20 12 4 17 12 33 26 44 13 10 28 12 43 5 15-7 19-21 19-36-1-22-12-39-26-55z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="lunch" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef82;" d="M335 623c-152-1-273-123-272-276 0-148 124-271 273-270 153 0 274 126 273 276-2 149-124 270-274 270z m1-455c-102 0-182 81-182 183 0 100 81 181 182 180 101 0 182-81 181-181 0-101-81-182-181-182z m601 369c-1 36-27 62-61 63-34 1-61-24-63-59-2-25-1-50-1-75 1-22 10-40 28-52 7-4 8-8 8-15 0-60 0-120 0-180v-90c0-11 4-21 14-26 20-10 40 3 40 27 0 90 0 180-1 270 0 6 2 10 8 14 17 11 26 26 27 46 1 14 1 28 1 42h0c0 12 1 23 0 35z m-166 63c-7 0-10-5-10-12 0-25 0-50 0-74v-21h-17v92c0 7-1 14-9 15-10 0-9-8-9-15v-80c0-4-1-8-1-11h-17c0 31 0 62 0 92 0 7-1 14-9 14-8 0-9-7-9-13 0-28 0-55 0-82v-12h-18v93c0 6-1 14-9 14-8 0-9-7-9-14 0-39-1-78 0-117 0-23 9-43 29-55 6-4 7-8 7-14 0-58 0-116 0-174 0-33 0-66 0-99 0-15 10-26 24-27 13-2 26 7 29 21 1 5 1 10 1 15 0 88 0 175 0 262 0 8 1 13 8 17 17 11 26 28 27 48 0 42 0 83 0 125 0 6-2 11-8 12z m-436-80c-93 0-170-76-170-169 0-95 76-172 170-172 93 0 171 77 171 169 0 96-75 172-171 172z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="lungs" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef83;" d="M504 327c-21-19-42-38-62-57-6-5-11-12-17-16-10-8-11-18-11-29 0-59-2-118-11-176 0-2-1-3-1-4-2-31-23-43-50-49-44-10-88-10-133-7-32 3-63 9-94 19-35 11-52 36-59 71-6 38-3 76-1 113 3 42 6 84 7 126 1 40 11 76 27 112 42 93 99 175 172 247 7 7 16 14 25 20 13 9 24 10 36-2 11-11 21-24 27-38 19-38 28-80 33-122 8-56 13-112 18-169 0-1 1-2 1-5 11 11 19 22 30 31 15 13 19 28 19 48-1 87 0 174 0 261v12h80v-13c0-92-1-184 0-277 0-6 2-12 6-17 11-15 23-30 35-44 2-2 4-4 7-8 1 15 2 27 3 40 4 61 10 121 23 181 7 32 15 64 31 93 6 10 15 20 23 28 11 9 24 11 35 1 16-13 32-26 46-40 62-67 113-141 150-224 19-41 29-84 29-129 1-49 6-98 9-147 1-31 2-63-7-93-8-26-24-45-50-54-40-14-82-20-124-22-33-2-66-1-98 6-57 13-55 20-63 67-8 58-10 116-9 175 0 10-3 17-10 23-26 24-50 48-72 68z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="magic-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef84;" d="M115 308h492v-299h-492v299z m0-327h492v-8c0-34-25-61-57-61h-378c-32 0-57 27-57 61v8z m514 411h-536c-17 0-30-15-30-32 0-18 13-32 30-32h536c17 0 31 14 31 32-1 17-14 32-31 32z m307 366l-8 18c-4 10-16 14-25 10l-424-205 26-54 422 204c9 5 13 17 9 27z m-618-277l8-19c5-10 16-14 26-9l118 57-25 54-117-57c-10-4-14-16-10-26z m-252 69l65-30c1-1 2-2 3-3l25-64c2-6 9-6 11 0l25 64c1 1 2 2 3 3l65 30c5 2 5 10 0 12l-65 26c-2 1-3 2-4 3l-24 62c-2 5-9 5-11 0l-24-62c-1-1-2-2-4-3l-65-26c-5-2-5-10 0-12z m219 135l41-19c0 0 1-1 2-2l15-40c1-3 6-3 7 0l16 40c0 1 1 2 2 2l40 19c3 2 3 6 0 8l-41 16c-1 0-1 1-2 2l-15 39c-1 3-6 3-7 0l-15-39c-1-1-1-2-2-2l-41-16c-3-2-3-6 0-8z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="magic" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef85;" d="M375 662c4-4 5-12 4-17l-17-56c-2-5 1-8 6-6l55 21c5 2 13 1 17-2l48-34c4-3 7-1 7 5l-3 58c0 5 3 12 8 15l46 35c5 4 4 7-2 9l-55 15c-5 2-11 7-13 12l-19 55c-2 5-6 5-9 1l-31-49c-3-4-10-8-16-8l-58-1c-5 0-7-4-3-8l35-45z m384-107c-10 0-22 7-26 15l-54 87c-5 9-12 8-15-1l-37-95c-4-9-13-19-23-21l-99-24c-10-2-11-8-4-15l80-64c7-6 12-18 12-28l-8-102c-1-10 5-13 13-7l86 55c8 5 22 6 30 3l95-39c8-4 14 0 11 10l-26 98c-3 10 0 23 6 31l67 77c6 7 3 14-6 14l-102 6z m176 126l-32 9c-3 1-7 4-8 7l-11 32c-1 3-3 3-5 0l-18-28c-2-3-6-4-9-4l-34-1c-3 0-4-2-2-5l21-26c2-3 3-7 2-10l-10-32c-1-3 1-5 4-4l32 12c2 1 7 1 10-1l27-19c3-2 5-1 4 2l-1 33c0 4 2 8 4 10l27 20c2 2 2 4-1 5z m-585-384l-178-181-94-95c-18-18-21-46-5-62l25-25c16-16 44-14 62 5l318 317-74 96-54-55z m75 75l71-99 57 58-74 96-54-55z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="magnet" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef86;" d="M346 788h-257v-196h257v196z m566-239v12h-258v-12c0-77 0-154 0-231 0-12-1-24-4-36-15-68-77-117-150-118-72 1-135 50-150 118-2 12-3 24-3 36-1 77-1 154-1 231v12h-257v-12c0-80-1-161 0-241 1-96 35-181 98-254 61-70 138-115 230-133 28-5 56-8 83-9h1c27 1 55 4 83 9 92 18 169 63 230 133 63 73 97 158 98 254 1 80 0 161 0 241z m-1 239h-257v-196h257v196z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="mail-box" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef87;" d="M801 623v-601h-55v79l-137-74 0 601c-11 70-54 128-112 160h139c84-12 151-79 165-165z m-219 0v-711h-55v118h0l-273 39v-102h-55v656c15 95 96 165 191 165 96 0 177-70 192-165z m-82 0h-219v-109h219v109z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="mail" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef88;" d="M892 680h-784c-25 0-45-20-45-45v-570c0-25 20-45 45-45h784c25 0 46 20 46 45v570c0 25-21 45-46 45z m-14-572c0-15-13-27-28-27h-707s-20 12-20 27v484c0 15 9 27 20 27h707c15 0 27-12 27-27v-484z m-478 426h-192c-7 0-13-6-13-13v-33c0-7 6-13 13-13h192c7 0 13 6 13 13v33c0 7-6 13-13 13z m392-238h-366c-7 0-13-5-13-12v-33c0-7 6-13 13-13h366c7 0 13 6 13 13v33c0 7-6 12-13 12z m0-93h-366c-7 0-13-6-13-13v-33c0-7 6-12 13-12h366c7 0 13 5 13 12v33c0 7-6 13-13 13z m0 352h-126c-7 0-13-5-13-12v-145c0-7 6-13 13-13h126c7 0 13 6 13 13v145c0 7-6 12-13 12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="male" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef89;" d="M678 526c-1 59-42 98-100 98-54 0-107 0-160 0-56-1-97-42-97-98 0-28 0-56 0-84 0-39 0-77 0-116 0-22 15-38 35-39 23 0 39 15 39 39 0 58 0 117 0 175 0 5 3 10 5 15 2-5 5-10 5-15 0-179 0-358 0-536 0-5 0-9 0-13 1-17 12-32 28-37 31-10 58 10 59 42l0 273c0 6-3 16 8 16 10 0 7-10 7-16 0-90 0-179 1-269 0-10 2-21 7-29 9-17 30-23 50-17 18 5 30 20 30 41 0 91 0 181 0 272 0 91 0 181 0 272 0 5 3 10 4 15 2-5 5-10 5-15 0-57 0-114 0-171 0-13 3-25 15-34 12-8 25-10 38-3 16 7 21 21 21 37 1 66 1 132 0 197z m-179 108c44 0 77 33 77 77 0 42-34 76-76 76s-78-35-77-77c0-42 34-75 76-76z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="map-pins" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef8a;" d="M275 409c35 45 68 91 91 143 8 19 15 39 15 60-2 106-106 181-207 150-82-26-141-124-96-211 17-33 35-65 56-96 27-38 57-74 87-113 19 24 37 45 54 67z m-109 202c0 30 26 55 56 55 31 0 56-26 55-56 0-30-26-56-55-55-31 0-56 25-56 56z m770-327c-12 94-106 156-198 133-82-21-153-121-99-223 26-50 58-96 92-140 15-19 31-38 47-58 39 45 75 89 105 137 16 25 30 52 42 79 11 22 15 46 11 72z m-157-77c-31 0-56 26-56 56 0 30 26 56 56 56 30 0 56-26 55-56 0-30-25-56-55-56z m-229-229c-16 1-32 2-48 3-15 1-24-6-25-18-1-13 7-22 22-23 14-1 28-2 42-3v0h6c15 0 24 7 25 20 0 11-8 20-22 21z m-262 32c-15 4-30 9-45 13-3 1-6 2-8 2-11 0-19-7-21-16-2-10 3-21 14-24 16-6 33-11 50-15 14-4 24 2 27 14 4 12-3 22-17 26z m133-22c-19 3-37 5-55 7-12 0-21-7-22-18-1-11 5-21 17-23 18-2 36-5 54-7 12-1 21 7 23 17 1 12-5 22-17 24z m9 212c-19-5-37-10-55-15-10-3-15-13-13-24 2-9 10-16 21-18 20 6 41 12 61 19 9 3 12 15 9 24-3 10-12 16-23 14z m-128-32c-20-4-40-9-59-15-10-3-14-14-11-24 2-9 10-15 23-15 18 5 38 10 59 16 8 3 12 14 10 23-3 10-12 17-22 15z m204 66c-4 27-21 44-45 55-4 2-8 2-12 1-8-2-14-8-15-16-2-9 1-17 9-22 12-6 21-14 24-28 2-10 10-14 18-14 15 0 24 11 21 24z m-109 55c2 12-6 22-20 23-15 2-30 3-42 5h-6c-16 0-25-7-26-20 0-13 8-20 23-22 15-1 31-2 46-4 13-2 23 5 25 18z m291-316c-19 1-39 2-59 1-12 0-19-10-18-22 0-11 8-18 20-19 9 0 18 0 27 0v0c4 0 9 0 13 0s9-1 14-1c11 1 20 9 20 20 1 9-7 20-17 21z m-522 139c-13-13-19-29-20-52 1-4 3-11 6-18 4-11 14-15 24-12 11 3 17 13 14 24-4 12-1 22 7 31 8 9 6 21-2 28-8 7-21 7-29-1z m631-139c-11 1-22 1-33 0-11-1-19-11-18-21 0-11 8-20 19-20 5-1 10-1 15-1v1c5 0 10-1 15 0 12 1 20 10 20 20 0 10-8 20-18 21z m-568 305c6 0 12-1 18 0 10 1 17 10 17 20 0 10-8 20-18 20-11 1-22 1-33 0-10 0-18-10-19-20 0-10 8-19 19-20 5-1 11 0 16 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="map" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef8b;" d="M359 358c-30 0-55-25-55-56 0-30 25-55 55-55 31 0 56 25 56 55 0 31-25 56-56 56z m542-56c0 6 0 16 1 22l34 275c1 6-3 13-8 15l-250 95c-6 2-15 2-20-1l-304-145c-6-3-15-3-21-1l-262 111c-5 2-9-1-8-7l35-295c1-6 1-16 0-22l-34-290c0-6 4-11 10-13l278-52c6-1 16-1 22 0l284 54c6 1 16 1 22 0l248-57c6-2 10 2 10 8l-37 303z m-235 368c0 6 5 10 11 7l219-82c5-2 9-9 8-15l-13-108c-1-6-6-10-12-8l-217 55c-6 1-11 7-10 13l14 138z m-296-132l255 122c6 3 10 0 9-6l-11-114c0-6-5-12-12-12l-143-19c-6-1-11-2-11-3l-1-2c0-1-16-59-34-94-3-5-10-7-15-4-7 3-15 6-23 7-6 2-11 7-12 13l-11 96c-1 6 3 13 9 16z m250-32l-9-133c-1-7-6-12-12-13l-122-18c-6-1-12 3-15 8-7 14-16 27-27 37-5 4-6 11-4 17 14 25 26 62 32 83 2 6 8 11 14 12l133 17c6 1 11-4 10-10z m-379 63l79-33c6-2 11-9 12-15l10-95c1-7-3-12-9-13-35-9-64-33-78-66-2-5-9-9-15-8l-100 15c-6 1-12 7-12 13l-10 91c0 6 4 12 10 12 35 5 62 17 80 39 14 17 20 37 22 54 1 6 6 9 11 6z m-143 51c-1 6 3 9 9 6l103-43c5-3 10-10 9-16-1-15-7-35-20-51-16-19-40-31-72-34-6-1-12 3-13 10l-16 128z m79-563l-71 13c-6 1-10 7-10 13l28 233c1 6 6 10 12 9l99-15c6-1 11-3 11-5 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-22 6-43 18-61 3-5 2-12-2-16l-46-36c-5-4-9-12-10-18l-16-105c-1-6-7-10-13-9z m156-18c-1-6-6-10-12-9l-111 21c-6 1-10 6-9 13l15 101c1 6 6 14 11 18l42 34c5 3 12 3 17-1 14-12 32-21 52-25 6-1 10-7 9-13l-14-139z m-65 263c0 51 41 91 91 91 50 0 91-40 91-91 0-50-41-91-91-91-50 0-91 41-91 91z m175-265l-69-13c-6-1-12-2-12-2-1 0-1 5-1 11l16 147c0 6 6 11 12 13 48 13 84 57 84 109l0 5c0 2 4 5 10 6l119 18c6 1 11-3 12-10l9-97c1-6-4-11-10-12-56-4-98-23-125-56-30-35-35-79-34-106 0-6-5-12-11-13z m184 35l-151-28c-6-2-11 2-11 9 0 25 5 64 32 96 25 30 64 48 117 52 7 0 12-4 13-10l10-106c0-6-4-12-10-13z m12 305l10 122c1 6 6 10 12 9l216-55c6-2 10-8 10-14l-12-91c-1-6-6-10-12-9l-213 26c-6 0-11 6-11 12z m255-349l-119 28c-6 1-11 7-12 13l-16 160c-1 6 4 11 10 10l74-9c6 0 11 2 11 5 0 3-5 6-12 7l-86 10c-6 1-10-4-10-10l18-170c0-6-4-10-10-9l-65 14c-6 2-11 8-12 14l-23 235c0 6 0 11 1 11 0 0 6 0 12-1l205-26c6-1 12-7 12-13l31-260c1-6-3-10-9-9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="maximize" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef8c;" d="M895 788h-597c-5 0-10-1-14-1-17-3-28-15-28-32 0-24 0-48 0-72v-89h-13c-49 0-98 1-146 0-16 0-29-8-32-22-2-6-2-12-2-19 0-197 0-395 0-593 0-5-1-10 0-15 1-18 12-30 30-32 5 0 10 0 14 0h593c3 0 6 0 9 0 23 1 35 13 35 36 0 48 0 96 0 144v13h158c20 0 33 11 35 31 0 4 0 7 0 10v598c1 31-11 43-42 43z m-217-807h-547v546h125v-383c0-27 12-38 38-38h384v-125z m192 192h-547v547h547v-547z m-439 84c15-4 26 3 36 13 80 80 160 160 241 240 2 3 5 6 9 9 1-4 1-5 1-6 0-40 0-79 0-118 0-11 4-20 12-26 11-9 23-11 35-5 14 7 19 19 19 34 0 67 0 133 0 200 0 23-13 36-36 36-16 0-32 0-49 0-50 0-101 0-152 0-21 0-36-14-36-33 0-19 15-33 36-33 29 0 57 0 86 0h37c-5-5-7-8-10-11-80-79-159-159-238-238-3-3-7-6-9-10-15-18-5-46 18-52z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="measure" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef8d;" d="M703 706h147c17 0 111 82 63 82h-830c-38 0 42-82 66-82h167c10 0 18-8 18-17v-63c0-10-8-18-18-18h-155c-10 0-18-7-19-17l-29-661c0-10 8-18 17-18h725c10 0 17 8 17 18l-29 661c0 10-9 17-18 17h-122c-10 0-18 8-18 18v63c0 10 8 17 18 17z m41-451c0-129-105-234-234-234s-235 105-235 234 105 235 235 235 234-105 234-235z m-183 24c-1 4-2 7-3 10l-49 133-44-138c-1-3-1-6-2-9l0-1h0c0-3-1-5-1-8 0-32 23-58 50-58 28 0 50 26 50 58 0 4 0 8-1 12l0 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="medicine" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef8e;" d="M834 500l-63 96c-5 7-8 18-8 25 0 7 2 13 5 13s6 7 6 15v124c0 8-6 15-15 15h-517c-8 0-15-7-15-15v-124c0-8 3-15 6-15 2 0 5-6 5-13 0-7-4-18-8-25l-64-96c-4-7-8-19-8-27v-546c0-8 7-15 15-15h655c8 0 14 7 14 15v546c0 8-3 20-8 27z m-130 254c0 4 3 8 7 8 5 0 8-4 8-8v-96c0-4-3-8-8-8-4 0-7 4-7 8v96z m-85 0c0 4 3 8 7 8 4 0 7-4 7-8v-96c0-4-3-8-7-8-4 0-7 4-7 8v96z m-86 0c0 4 4 8 8 8 4 0 7-4 7-8v-96c0-4-3-8-7-8-4 0-8 4-8 8v96z m-85 0c0 4 3 8 7 8 4 0 8-4 8-8v-96c0-4-4-8-8-8-4 0-7 4-7 8v96z m-85 0c0 4 3 8 7 8 4 0 7-4 7-8v-96c0-4-3-8-7-8-4 0-7 4-7 8v96z m-86 0c0 4 3 8 8 8 4 0 7-4 7-8v-96c0-4-3-8-7-8-4 0-8 4-8 8v96z m491-782h-536c-8 0-15 6-15 15v120c0 23 19 41 42 41h483c22 0 41-18 41-41v-120c0-8-7-15-15-15z m-238 328h46c3 0 5-3 5-6v-38c0-3-2-5-5-5h-46c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-46c0-3-3-5-6-5h-38c-3 0-5 2-5 5v46c0 3-3 6-6 6h-45c-4 0-6 2-6 5v38c0 3 2 6 6 6h45c3 0 6 2 6 5v46c0 3 2 5 5 5h38c3 0 6-2 6-5v-46c0-3 2-5 5-5z m211 92h-482c-23 0-42 14-42 32v31c0 8 4 20 9 27l63 96c5 7 8 19 8 27v14c0 8 7 15 15 15h376c9 0 15-7 15-15v-14c0-8 4-20 9-27l63-96c4-7 8-19 8-27v-31c0 0-19-32-42-32z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="mega-phone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef8f;" d="M377 120l-22 57-29-3-11 28 59 7-31 265-206-24-6-28c-5-18-8-39-9-64-8 0-14-1-20-2-6-1-11-1-13-1-8-1-15-5-20-12-5-6-7-13-6-21l3-30c1-8 5-14 11-19 7-5 14-8 22-7 2 1 7 1 13 2 6 1 13 1 20 2 7-23 15-43 23-60 9-17 13-25 13-25l59 7 86-226 88 10-54 140 30 4z m309 496c-21-21-46-40-76-58-29-19-64-35-103-50-39-15-84-25-135-31 0 0 1-14 5-41 3-28 7-58 11-91 4-33 7-64 11-91 3-28 4-42 4-42 50 6 97 6 138 1 42-5 79-14 112-25s62-24 88-38c25-15 46-29 64-43l-66 565c-14-17-32-36-53-56z m251-210c-2 20-12 36-29 48-18 13-36 18-57 16l-28 239c0 8-3 14-8 19s-13 7-24 6c-3-1-6-3-11-9-5-5-11-12-17-21l72-623c8-7 16-13 22-17 6-4 10-6 13-6 10 1 17 5 21 11s5 14 5 22l-28 232c21 3 38 13 52 29 14 16 19 34 17 54z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="megaphone-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef90;" d="M580 330c-25 62-51 125-77 187-3 7-7 14-15 16-14 6-24 1-34-8-106-93-213-187-320-280-3-3-7-5-11-7-30-16-64-21-97-28-23-5-31-19-22-41 13-33 27-66 40-99 11-24 26-29 48-14 25 17 50 35 80 45 7 2 10 2 13-5 13-35 28-68 42-102 6-16 18-24 30-22 7 1 13 4 19 7 19 8 25 22 16 42-11 27-22 54-34 81-3 7-3 9 6 10 116 7 233 15 350 23 30 2 40 17 29 45-21 50-42 100-63 150z m-460-203c-13-10-26-21-41-32-10 25-19 49-29 72-2 5 0 6 4 7 14 1 29 3 43 5 4 1 6-1 8-5 5-13 10-26 16-39 1-3 3-5-1-8z m601 461c-14 13-29 24-46 34-11 4-21 1-30-6-10-9-10-18 2-25 65-44 113-100 138-175 19-58 19-117 7-176-2-14 4-21 18-19 16 3 24 11 28 32 23 134-14 246-117 335z m124 96c-18 16-37 30-57 42-15 6-27 2-38-8-13-11-12-21 2-31 82-54 143-125 173-220 24-72 25-146 10-220-4-19 4-27 22-24 20 3 30 13 35 40 29 168-17 309-147 421z m-221-173c-12 6-28 0-35-9-7-11 0-17 8-24 58-53 84-120 80-199-1-13 6-19 20-17 15 2 23 11 24 26 4 80-21 148-77 206-7 7-14 13-20 17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="megaphone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef91;" d="M789 772c-5 2-28 10-51 1-89-40-176-84-265-125-33-15-66-32-99-47-38-16-78-22-119-22-30-1-60-1-89 0-56 1-98-24-130-67-11-16-20-34-26-52-10-31-18-84 4-149 12-31 31-58 58-79 3-2 5-4 5-8 3-33 11-65 17-97 9-55 20-108 30-163 4-21 16-34 37-40 1 0 2-1 2-1h14c19 5 40 7 59 11 19 4 37 7 56 11 28 5 43 29 38 58-7 37-21 70-42 101-19 27-31 56-38 88-2 8 0 10 8 10 51-2 99-14 145-36 109-53 220-105 330-157 36-17 75-1 87 37 33 101 54 205 57 311 5 131-17 258-59 382-5 16-15 26-29 33z m-434-504c-13 3-27 6-41 8 28 88 13 181 1 229 14 2 27 5 41 8 33-131 14-209-1-245z m443 82c-4-86-20-170-44-252-3-9-5-10-13-6-109 52-219 104-328 156 40 109 14 230-1 284 24 10 47 22 70 33 86 41 173 82 259 123 5 3 10 6 12-3 33-110 51-221 45-335z m200 66c-8 43-30 76-65 100-5 3-10 8-18 9 12-90 12-180 0-269 3-1 5 1 6 2 32 18 55 44 69 78 5 11 6 23 10 34v41c-2 2-2 4-2 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="memorial" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef92;" d="M837-13l-129 801-40-270-66 240-14-270-74 140-12-217-71 95-10-195-81 53-6-166-75 38-15-166-75 22-21-105h-44v-75h792v75h-59z m-143 599l73-599h-19l-61 502 7 97z m-80-5l113-594h-3l-117 442 7 152z m-75-70l144-524h-1l-159 389 16 135z m-92-66l192-458h-3l-197 294 8 164z m-91-107l225-351h-6l-224 200 5 151z m-83-124l239-227h-19l-234 80 14 147z m-89-144l251-82h-257l6 82z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="memory-card" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef93;" d="M761 788h-361c-19 0-37-8-51-22l-162-162c-13-13-21-31-21-50v-570c0-39 32-72 72-72h523c40 0 72 33 72 72v732c0 39-32 72-72 72z m-287-218c0-10-8-18-18-18h-73c-9 0-17 8-17 18v130c0 10 8 18 17 18h73c10 0 18-8 18-18v-130z m146 0c0-10-8-18-18-18h-73c-10 0-18 8-18 18v130c0 10 8 18 18 18h73c10 0 18-8 18-18v-130z m146 0c0-10-8-18-18-18h-73c-10 0-18 8-18 18v130c0 10 8 18 18 18h73c10 0 18-8 18-18v-130z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="mic-mute" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef94;" d="M346 318c0-11 1-20 4-30 2-5 6-6 9-1l261 395c3 5 5 13 2 19-25 58-88 94-151 85-68-9-124-69-126-138-1-55 0-110 0-165 0-55-2-110 1-165z m185-131c64 20 105 78 105 151 0 44 0 87 0 130 0 6-2 7-5 2l-180-272c-3-5-2-11 4-12 24-6 50-6 76 1z m-246-11l43 65c3 4 4 12 1 17-9 22-14 45-14 70 0 48 0 95 0 143v6c0 4-5 7-11 7h-69c-5 0-10-5-10-10 0-54-2-107 1-160 2-52 18-98 48-138 3-5 8-5 11 0z m471 304c0 1 0 2 0 2-1 1-6 2-11 2h-69c-6 0-10-3-10-6v-7c0-46 0-91 0-137-1-11-1-23-3-34-11-80-85-146-165-148-21-1-41 2-60 8-5 2-12 0-15-5l-39-59c-3-5-2-11 4-13 15-6 31-12 49-16 3 0 8-4 8-6 1-16 1-32 1-49 0-6-5-10-11-10h-79c-6 0-11-5-11-10v-69c0-6 5-10 11-10h269c6 0 11 4 11 10v69c0 6-5 10-11 10h-80c-5 0-10 5-10 11 0 15 0 30 0 45 0 7 3 8 9 10 117 26 202 121 210 240 4 57 2 115 2 172z m15 278l-35 24c-5 3-11 2-14-3l-492-744c-3-4-2-11 3-14l35-23c5-4 11-2 15 3l491 742c3 5 2 11-3 15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="mic" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef95;" d="M356 318c3-92 97-157 185-131 65 20 105 78 105 151 1 98 1 195 0 292 0 19-3 38-8 55-20 67-88 111-157 101-68-9-124-69-126-138-1-55 0-110 0-165 0-55-2-110 1-165z m410 164c-1 2-6 2-11 2h-69c-6 0-10-3-10-6v-7c0-46 0-91 0-137 0-11-1-23-3-35-11-79-85-145-166-148-99-3-182 77-182 177 0 48 0 95 0 143v6c0 4-5 7-11 7h-69c-5 0-10-5-10-10 0-54-2-107 1-160 2-64 27-119 70-166 38-42 85-68 140-81 4 0 9-4 9-6 1-16 0-32 0-49 0-6-4-10-10-10h-80c-5 0-10-5-10-11v-68c0-6 5-10 10-10h270c6 0 10 4 10 10v69c0 6-4 10-10 10h-80c-5 0-10 5-10 11 0 15 0 30 0 45 0 7 3 8 9 10 117 25 201 120 210 240 4 57 2 115 2 172 0 1 0 2 0 2z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="military" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef96;" d="M729 589c25 17 50 33 75 50 4 2 7 4 11 7-2 1-2 2-3 2-2 0-5 0-7-1-39-7-71 2-95 35-22 33-51 58-86 77-69 37-140 35-212 9-48-18-93-43-125-85-57-74-61-154-23-236 16-35 40-66 62-97 11-17 18-32 9-52 0 0 1-1 2-3 15 5 31 10 47 16-1-19-7-36-18-55-20-35-48-62-76-91-45-46-80-97-97-160-9-31-9-62-8-93h512c-1 38-10 72-31 102-21 29-40 59-62 87-26 34-34 71-27 111 3 15 7 28 20 40 13-60 43-110 79-158 5 4 10 8 14 12 2 0 2 2 4 3-35 47-65 96-76 156 4 1 8 3 12 3 22-1 43-2 65-1 11 0 23 2 32 7 16 9 15 24 10 39-3 12-3 23 6 32 11 10 11 11 1 21 13 13 13 13 5 31 0 1-1 2-1 3-5 8-2 12 5 14 7 3 14 5 21 8 11 5 12 8 5 18-13 21-27 41-41 62-9 13-12 26-4 41 2 4 1 10 0 14-2 5-5 11-8 15-4 8-3 12 3 17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="mill" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef97;" d="M627 256l-127 157-127-157-76-314c-2-7 0-15 4-20 4-6 11-10 18-10h126v91c0 30 24 54 55 54 30 0 54-24 54-54v-91h127c7 0 14 4 18 10 4 5 6 13 4 20l-76 314z m-278 83l131 164c-16 6-28 18-34 33l-163-131c-18-18-18-48 0-66 9-9 21-13 33-13 11 0 23 4 33 13z m205 197c-6-15-18-27-34-33l131-164c10-9 21-13 33-13 12 0 24 4 33 13 18 18 18 48 0 66l-163 131z m-108 41c6 15 18 27 34 33l-131 164c-10 9-22 14-33 14-12 0-24-5-33-14-18-18-18-48 0-66l163-131z m108 0l163 131c19 18 19 48 0 66-9 9-21 14-32 14-12 0-24-5-33-14l-132-164c16-6 28-18 34-33z m-93-20c0-22 18-39 39-39 21 0 39 17 39 39 0 21-17 38-39 38-21 0-39-17-39-38z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="minus-circle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef98;" d="M500 788c-242 0-437-196-437-438 0-242 195-438 437-438 242 0 438 196 438 438 0 242-196 438-438 438z m302-467c-1-9-2-19-5-30h-594c-2 11-4 21-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 9 0 18 1 27 1 9 3 19 5 30h594c3-11 4-21 5-31 1-10 1-20 1-30 0-9 0-18-1-27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="minus-square" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef99;" d="M865 788h-730c-40 0-72-33-72-73v-730c0-40 32-73 72-73h730c40 0 73 33 73 73v730c0 40-33 73-73 73z m-63-467c-1-9-2-19-5-30h-594c-2 11-4 21-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 9 0 18 1 27 1 9 3 19 5 30h594c3-11 4-21 5-31 1-10 1-20 1-30 0-9 0-18-1-27z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="minus" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef9a;" d="M794 409c2-11 4-22 5-31 1-10 1-20 1-30 0-9 0-18-1-27-1-9-3-19-5-30h-588c-2 11-4 22-5 31-1 10-1 20-1 30 0 9 0 18 1 27 1 9 3 19 5 30h588z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="mobile-phone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef9b;" d="M664 685c-17 0-30 14-30 31v40c0 18-13 32-30 32h-20c-16 0-29-14-29-32v-40c0-17-14-31-30-31h-188c-16 0-29-14-29-32v-709c0-18 13-32 29-32h327c16 0 29 14 29 32v709c0 18-13 32-29 32z m-262-684c-16 0-30 15-30 32s14 31 30 31c16 0 30-14 30-31s-14-32-30-32z m0 105c-16 0-30 14-30 31s14 32 30 32c16 0 30-15 30-32s-14-31-30-31z m0 104c-16 0-30 14-30 31s14 32 30 32c16 0 30-14 30-32s-14-31-30-31z m97-209c-17 0-30 15-30 32s13 31 30 31c16 0 29-14 29-31s-13-32-29-32z m0 105c-17 0-30 14-30 31s13 32 30 32c16 0 29-15 29-32 0-17-13-31-29-31z m0 104c-17 0-30 14-30 31s13 32 30 32c16 0 29-14 29-32 0-17-13-31-29-31z m96-209c-16 0-30 15-30 32s14 31 30 31c16 0 30-14 30-31s-14-32-30-32z m0 105c-16 0-30 14-30 31s14 32 30 32c16 0 30-15 30-32s-14-31-30-31z m0 104c-16 0-30 14-30 31s14 32 30 32c16 0 30-14 30-32s-14-31-30-31z m48 196c0-17-13-32-29-32h-227c-16 0-29 15-29 32v173c0 18 13 32 29 32h227c16 0 29-14 29-32v-173z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="molecule" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef9c;" d="M702 270l-93 61c12 34 9 72-8 105l76 68c43-26 99-21 135 16 43 42 43 112 0 154s-111 43-154 0c-34-33-41-83-22-124l-76-69c-37 26-84 30-124 14l-89 122c32 41 29 101-9 139-42 42-109 42-151 0s-42-109 0-150c30-30 73-39 110-26l89-122c-44-51-41-128 7-177 1-1 2-1 3-2l-86-151c-36 9-75-1-102-29-43-43-43-112 0-155s111-42 154 0c42 43 43 111 1 154l86 151c43-13 92-3 126 30l94-61c-6-27 2-57 23-79 34-34 89-34 123 0 34 34 34 89 0 122-31 31-79 34-113 9z m-458-224c-2-2-4-4-5-6-3-3-6-6-10-7-5-2-10 0-14 4-11 10-7 30 9 46 16 15 35 20 46 9 4-4 5-9 4-14-2-4-5-8-7-10-2-2-4-4-7-6-2-2-5-5-8-7-3-3-5-6-8-9z m430 612c16 16 36 20 46 9 4-4 5-9 4-14-1-4-4-7-7-10-2-1-4-3-6-5-3-3-6-5-9-8-2-3-5-6-7-8-2-3-4-5-6-7-3-2-6-5-10-6-5-2-10-1-14 3-11 11-7 30 9 46z m-451 47c-2-3-4-5-6-7-2-2-5-5-9-6-5-1-10 0-14 4-10 10-6 29 9 44s35 20 45 9c3-3 5-8 3-13-1-4-4-8-6-10-2-2-4-4-6-6-3-2-6-4-8-7-3-3-6-6-8-8z m190-258c18 19 42 23 54 11 5-5 7-11 5-17-2-5-5-9-8-12-2-2-5-4-8-7-3-3-6-6-10-9-3-3-6-7-9-10-2-3-5-5-7-8-3-3-7-6-12-8-6-1-12 0-17 5-12 12-7 36 12 55z m304-233c-2-2-5-4-8-5-4-1-8 0-11 3-9 8-5 24 7 36 13 13 28 16 36 8 4-3 5-8 3-12-1-3-3-6-5-7-1-2-3-4-5-5-2-2-4-4-7-6s-4-5-6-7c-1-2-3-3-4-5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="money" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef9d;" d="M822 696l-115-107h-414l-115 107s57 80 151 90c93 10 125-46 171-48 46 2 78 58 170 48 95-10 152-90 152-90z m-306-514v-80c12 2 22 6 30 14 7 8 11 17 11 27 0 9-3 17-10 24-6 6-17 12-31 15z m-68 104c0-8 3-15 8-21 6-6 13-11 24-15v72c-9-3-17-8-23-14-6-7-9-14-9-22z m444-278s-26-96-140-96h-504c-115 0-140 96-140 96-75 332 154 512 154 512h476s229-180 154-512z m-275 142c0 23-7 41-21 55-14 14-41 26-80 35v81c16-6 25-17 29-33l62 7c-4 20-14 37-29 49-15 13-36 20-62 23v20h-36v-20c-28-3-50-12-67-27-17-15-26-34-26-57 0-22 8-41 23-57 15-16 38-27 70-35v-87c-8 4-17 10-24 18-7 8-12 17-14 28l-64-5c4-28 16-49 33-64 18-14 41-23 69-26v-38h36v39c32 4 57 14 74 31 18 18 27 39 27 63z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="moon" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef9e;" d="M334 593c0 62 14 120 40 173 8 17 1 26-17 19-172-64-294-227-294-421 0-249 202-451 451-451 194 0 358 122 421 294 7 18-2 25-19 16-53-25-111-39-173-39-226 0-409 183-409 409z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="mop" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xef9f;" d="M761 784l-7 3c-1 0-2 1-3 1-5 0-9-3-11-8l-184-506c-3 1-5 1-8 1-2 0-5 0-7 1-40 1-82-14-113-48l226-44c0 3 0 6-1 9-4 31-26 55-55 69-2 1-5 2-7 3-2 1-4 2-7 3l184 503c2 5-1 11-7 13z m-240-604l-112 22c-41-66-55-147-92-188-14-15-41-53-85-61l238-29 65 97-29-101 62-8s74 146 85 242l-132 26z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="muffin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefa0;" d="M832 439c-49 89-132 157-233 184 9 16 13 33 13 52 0 62-50 113-113 113-61 0-112-51-112-113 0-19 5-37 13-53-100-27-183-94-232-183-48-13-84-58-84-110 0-36 17-69 43-90 11-8 23-15 36-19h20l55-277c4-18 19-31 38-31h31v187h35v-187h140v187h36v-187h140v187h35v-187h50c18 0 34 13 37 31l55 277h2c13 4 26 11 36 19 26 21 43 54 43 90 1 52-35 97-84 110z m-333 272c21 0 37-16 37-36s-16-36-37-36c-20 0-36 16-36 36s17 36 36 36z m301-414c0-1 0-1 0-1h-599l0 1c-19 2-33 18-33 37 0 21 17 38 38 38 5 0 10-1 14-3 9 22 19 42 32 60 55 79 146 131 248 131s194-52 248-131c13-18 24-38 32-60 5 2 9 3 14 3 21 0 38-17 38-38 0-19-14-35-32-37z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="mustache" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefa1;" d="M938 370c-1 7-5 13-11 16-6 3-13 2-19-2-51-37-105-23-133 9-32 36-74 114-174 108-59-3-87-29-101-60-14 31-42 57-101 60-100 6-141-72-174-108-28-32-82-46-133-9-6 4-13 5-19 2-6-3-10-9-10-16-1-35 9-89 66-125 93-57 234-71 325 9 0 0 28 29 46 65 18-36 46-65 46-65 91-80 232-66 325-9 57 36 67 90 67 125z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="navigation-menu" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefa2;" d="M63 628v-24c0-38 30-69 68-69h738c38 0 68 31 68 69v24c0 38-30 69-68 69h-738c-38 0-68-31-68-69z m68-359h738c38 0 68 31 68 69v24c0 38-30 69-68 69h-738c-38 0-68-31-68-69v-24c0-38 30-69 68-69z m0-266h738c38 0 68 30 68 68v25c0 38-30 68-68 68h-738c-38 0-68-30-68-68v-25c0-38 30-68 68-68z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="navigation" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefa3;" d="M746 402c-7 9-17 14-28 14h-139v79h140c10 0 20 4 26 12l55 64c11 13 12 33 1 47l-55 75c-6 9-17 15-27 15h-140c-1 44-36 80-79 80-44 0-79-38-79-84v-73h-140c-10 0-21-6-27-14l-55-76c-11-14-10-34 1-47l55-64c6-8 16-12 26-12h140v-475c0-17 13-31 29-31h100c16 0 29 14 29 31v260h140c10 0 19 5 26 12l54 64c12 13 13 33 2 47l-55 76z m-167 257h134l47-63-45-53h-136v116z m-294-193l-45 53 47 64h134v-117h-136z m429-215h-135v117h134l47-64-46-53z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="network-tower" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefa4;" d="M764 788l-38-38c78-70 119-158 119-262 0-105-42-192-118-261l37-38c177 158 182 435 0 599z m-608-299c0 105 42 191 118 261l-37 37c-184-166-175-443-1-597 12 13 25 25 37 38-76 69-118 156-117 261z m583 0c0-76-32-138-88-187l38-37c142 122 134 335 0 446-12-12-24-24-37-36 55-50 87-111 87-186z m-427-224c12 12 24 24 37 37-55 49-87 111-87 187s32 137 87 186c-12 13-24 25-37 38-143-126-133-335 0-448z m76 74l36 38c-33 29-56 64-56 111 0 47 23 83 58 113-7 7-13 13-20 19-6 6-12 12-18 19-98-81-98-220 0-300z m245 150c0-48-23-83-56-112 13-13 24-25 36-38 100 82 95 222 1 298l-38-37c34-29 57-64 57-111z m118-572c-142 130-207 296-227 483 39 10 68 46 68 88 0 51-41 92-92 92s-91-41-91-92c0-42 28-77 67-88-5-36-9-71-17-106-31-147-97-275-210-378-1-1-2-2-3-4h510c-2 3-3 4-5 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="network" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefa5;" d="M804 428c0 6-5 11-11 11h-137c-6 0-11-5-11-11 0-6-6-11-12-11h-266c-7 0-12 5-12 11 0 6-5 11-11 11h-137c-6 0-11-5-11-11 0-6-6-11-12-11h-98c-7 0-12-5-12-11v-3c0-7 5-12 12-12h98c6 0 11-4 11-10s6-10 12-10h44c7 0 12-5 12-11v-87c0-6 5-12 11-12 7 0 12 6 12 12v87c0 6 5 11 11 11h46c7 0 12 5 12 10s5 10 11 10h267c7 0 12-4 12-10s5-10 11-10h46c7 0 12-5 12-11v-87c0-6 5-12 11-12s12 6 12 12v87c0 6 5 11 11 11h44c7 0 12 5 12 10s5 10 12 10h98c6 0 12 5 12 12v3c0 6-6 11-12 11h-98c-7 0-12 5-12 11z m-368 63h-31c-7 0-12-4-12-9s5-9 12-9h190c7 0 12 4 12 9s-6 9-12 9h-32c-7 0-12 6-12 12v28c0 6 5 11 12 11h111c7 0 12 6 12 12v222c0 6-6 11-12 11h-348c-7 0-12-5-12-11v-222c0-6 5-11 12-11h110c6 0 11-6 11-12v-28c0-6-5-12-11-12z m-84 101v146c0 7 5 12 12 12h272c7 0 12-6 12-12v-146c0-7-5-12-12-12h-272c-7 0-12 5-12 12z m197-610h110c7 0 12-6 12-12v-28c0-6-5-11-12-11h-31c-6 0-11-4-11-9s5-9 11-9h191c6 0 11 4 11 9s-5 9-11 9h-33c-6 0-11 5-11 11v28c0 6 5 12 11 12h112c6 0 11 5 11 11v222c0 7-5 12-11 12h-349c-6 0-11-5-11-12v-222c0-6 5-11 11-11z m38 207h273c6 0 11-5 11-12v-146c0-6-5-11-11-11h-273c-6 0-11 5-11 11v146c0 7 5 12 11 12z m-485-207h112c6 0 11-6 11-12v-28c0-6-5-11-11-11h-33c-6 0-12-4-12-9s6-9 12-9h191c6 0 11 4 11 9s-5 9-11 9h-31c-7 0-12 5-12 11v28c0 6 5 12 12 12h110c6 0 11 5 11 11v222c0 7-5 12-11 12h-349c-6 0-12-5-12-12v-222c0-6 6-11 12-11z m38 207h273c6 0 11-5 11-12v-146c0-6-5-11-11-11h-273c-7 0-12 5-12 11v146c0 7 5 12 12 12z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="paper-plane" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefb4;" d="M923 627c-281-59-559-117-839-176-14-3-23-7-21-8 1-2 2-3 4-4 62-48 124-96 187-145 5-4 7-8 7-15 0-66 0-132 0-197v-7c0-4 9-1 20 7 41 26 110 72 150 98 46-32 91-65 137-98 11-8 26-5 34 7 110 174 221 347 332 522 8 12 3 19-11 16z m-97-75c-7-4-13-8-20-13-140-89-280-178-419-268-7-4-12-9-16-16-23-38-45-76-67-114-1-2-2-3-3-4-2-3-3 6-3 20v76c0 20 0 40 0 60 0 7 2 10 8 13 77 37 153 74 230 112 100 48 200 97 300 145 1 1 3 1 5 2 2 0-4-6-15-13z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="papers" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefb6;" d="M810 688h-25v-628c0-42-34-76-76-76h-466v-23c0-27 22-49 49-49h518c27 0 48 22 48 49v679c0 27-21 49-48 48z m-101-676c26 0 48 21 48 48v679c0 27-22 49-48 49h-346v-16c1-2 1-4 1-6v-132c0-37-31-68-68-68h-133c-1 0-3 0-4 0h-17v-506c0-27 22-48 49-48h518z m-419 450h338c13 0 23-10 23-23s-10-23-23-23h-338c-12 0-22 11-22 23s10 23 22 23z m0-124h338c13 0 23-10 23-23 0-12-10-22-23-22h-338c-12 0-22 10-22 22s10 23 22 23z m-22-139c0 12 10 23 22 23h169c13 0 23-11 23-23s-10-23-23-23h-169c-12 0-22 10-22 23z m-105 394h133c22 1 40 18 40 41v132c0 13-10 21-20 21-5 0-10-2-15-6l-152-153c-13-13-4-35 14-35z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pay" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefb7;" d="M267 70c79 4 97 9 198 9h7v0h7l14 0 11 0c3 0 6-1 8-1 1 0 5 0 10 0 2 0 5 0 8 0 12 1 28 4 45 12 31 15 28 46 61 92 50 69 71 89 72 158 0 37 2 60 0 79l200-1c16 0 29 13 29 29l0 183c0 16-12 29-28 29l-315 1c-16 0-29-13-29-29l0-109c3-3 6-7 8-9 0 0 0 0 0-1 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 1 7 3 11 4v27l329-1 0-97c0-4-4-7-7-7l-234 0c-1-3-3-7-5-10-2-4-5-8-8-11-8-11-19-23-34-34l-4-26c0-8-2-18-5-28l-2-6c-2-2-27-26-52-43-3-2-6-3-9-5-3-2-6-3-8-5-5-1-10-1-14-1-16 0-31 6-32 29 0 0 8 27 93 79 22 14 38 27 49 40 3 3 6 7 8 11 3 3 5 7 7 10 14 25 10 43 10 43s2 35-31 35c-10 0-23-3-40-11 0 0-5-2-11-5-4-1-8-3-11-4-2 0-4-1-6-1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 0-3 1-5 2-6 7-15 25-35 25-4 0-9-1-14-3-37-12-13-47-13-47s-51 16-83 16c-14 0-24-3-26-11-5-27 1-38 1-38s-74-3-69-33c6-31 16-35 47-35 30 0-143-36-230-113 0 0-37-29-72-37-35-9 51-183 51-183s60 25 145 30z m320 534l0 27c0 4 3 7 7 7l315 0c4 0 7-4 7-7l0-27-329 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="penguin-linux" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefb8;" d="M812 112c-9 18-21 20-21-1 0-22 13-37 40-52 9-5 20-8 20-20 1-10-8-15-17-18-46-16-88-41-128-69-30-21-63-5-64 28-1 50 2 100-6 150-2 9-1 21 11 25 11 3 15-8 19-15 15-26 37-31 64-23 36 11 75 68 71 106-8 71-29 138-78 192-13 15-26 31-37 49-3 5-6 10-8 15-13 24-27 59-30 84-3 19-3 85-15 122-11 32-33 64-64 81-22 12-47 20-72 21-14 1-29-1-43-4-49-12-80-52-86-114-2-18-2-36 1-53 10-83 1-156-60-222-43-46-52-115-78-173-9-20-8-45 28-42 12 1 21-8 28-17 40-44 72-93 98-146 9-19 16-41 0-60-15-18-37-16-56-11-50 11-100 23-150 35-22 6-29 18-19 40 6 12 9 26 2 39-14 29-5 42 27 46 15 2 27 7 34 19 11 18-4 22-21 10-13-7-27-11-42-12-22-2-29-17-24-39 4-21 8-42-1-65-13-35-4-50 33-58 18-4 176-45 179-46 28-13 87 65 109 65h4c39 0 82-12 119-12 14 0 25-12 35-23 35-35 77-40 115-8 27 23 55 40 87 55 1 0 3 1 4 1 3 1 19 11 34 26 17 18 23 34 6 45-20 13-37 28-48 49z m-378-87c-5 3-35 11-24 23 17 20 11 39-7 56-12 11-43 39-64 63-14 15-29 47-33 67-7 40-1 86-1 86 0 5 2 7 4 8 4 2 3-19 5-40l0-6c3-21 12-20 18 0 9 31 21 61 37 90 14 24 10 58 26 85 9 15 14 21 27 4 18-25 40-24 64-7 17 12 35 22 53 34 7 5 19 9 13 19-6 10-16 3-24-1-14-6-27-14-43-19-20-7-22 2-2 10 22 9 42 16 62 24 7 3 17 8 12 16-5 11-13 1-20-2-28-13-57-23-89-23-20 1-36 11-41 29-5 17 15 21 25 30 4 4 7 7 11 9 6 5 12 8 11 10 0 1 0 3 0 3 2 12 2 21 0 28-3 15-33 21-42 10-9-10-9-25-9-25 1-6-1-9-3-11-4-3-11 18-5 38 7 22 20 25 33 25 50 0 46-69 44-70 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 0 5-2 10-6 6-3 12 0 13 11 0 6 0 12 1 18 0 40 23 50 40 47 51-7 45-69 43-70-6-5-9-6-12-6-8 0-5 14-5 18 1 2 1 4 1 7 0 4 0 8 0 13-1 7-5 16-10 19s-24 6-34-7c-9-12-9-34-8-42 1-6 2-12 6-15 8-5 17-10 27-13 19-6 27-16 22-37-4-17 0-33 9-48 29-52 63-146 77-213 5-20 12-32 16-25 4 7 9 31 11 52 1 24-1 57-13 85-8 19-6 22 6 5 14-20 26-51 22-99-2-21 1-44 10-52 8-8 1-7-16-9-18-3-29-19-30-24-1-4-3-7-5-9-43-25-37-63-34-102 1-11-23-27-27-31-46-47-99-56-158-30z m13 595c5-10 1-12-4-2-4 10-1 13 4 2z m101 5c-6 9-2 13 6 4 7-9 1-12-6-4z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pestle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefb9;" d="M798 499v1h-20s0 1 0 1h-127l0-1h-215l-24 45c6 4 8 10 6 15-2 4-9 5-15 1l-113 208c6 4 9 11 7 15-3 4-10 5-16 1l-87-54c-6-3-9-10-7-15 2-4 9-5 15-1l113-208c-3-2-5-4-6-7h-20v-1c-9-3-16-11-16-20 0-9 7-16 16-19v-175c0-185 71-245 168-260v-50c-74-7-127-29-127-62h427c0 33-53 55-127 62v50c97 15 168 75 168 260v175c9 3 16 11 16 19 0 9-7 17-16 20z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="phone-circle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefba;" d="M426 450c-82-47 43-281 132-230l83-143c-38-22-70-36-113-11-122 70-256 301-252 439 1 48 30 67 67 88 16-27 67-116 83-143z m34 4c-9-5-20-2-25 6l-79 136c-5 9-2 20 7 25l41 24c9 5 21 2 26-7l78-135c5-9 2-21-7-26l-41-23z m214-370c-9-6-21-3-26 6l-78 136c-5 9-2 20 7 25l41 24c9 5 20 2 25-7l79-135c5-9 2-21-7-26l-41-23z m-174 704v-1c121 0 230-48 309-128 79-79 128-188 128-309h1-1c0-121-48-230-128-309-79-79-188-128-309-128v-1 1c-121 0-230 48-309 128-79 79-128 188-128 309h0 0c0 121 49 230 128 309 79 79 188 128 309 128v1z m0-53v0 0c-106 0-203-43-272-113-70-69-113-166-113-272h0 0c0-106 43-203 113-272 69-70 166-113 272-113v0 0c106 0 203 43 272 113 70 69 113 166 113 272h0 0c0 106-43 203-113 272-69 70-166 113-272 113z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="picture" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefbc;" d="M156 640c8-7 22-13 32-13h632c11 0 24 6 31 13l54 61c7 7 4 13-6 13h-801c-10 0-12-5-5-12l63-62z m693-580c-7 7-21 13-31 13h-631c-10 0-24-6-31-13l-62-62c-7-7-4-13 6-13h801c10 0 12 6 5 14l-57 61z m76 620l-48-54c-7-8-12-22-12-32v-490c0-10 5-24 12-32l48-51c7-7 13-5 13 5v649c0 10-6 12-13 5z m-775-567v474c0 10-6 24-13 31l-61 60c-8 7-13 5-13-5v-647c0-10 5-13 12-5l62 61c7 7 13 21 13 31z m47 485c-10 0-18-8-18-18v-460c0-10 8-18 18-18h620c10 0 18 8 18 18v460c0 10-8 18-18 18h-620z m493-288c0-10-9-18-19-18h-22c-10 0-18 8-18 18v36c0 10 8 18 18 18h22c10 0 19-8 19-18v-36z m116-179h-29v215c0 10-6 24-13 32l-91 93c-7 7-18 7-25 0l-91-93c-7-8-13-22-13-32v-215h-175v184c4 3 8 6 11 10 11-12 26-20 44-20 29 0 54 22 57 51 4-3 10-5 15-5 15 0 27 12 27 27 0 10-5 18-13 23 3 6 5 13 5 21 0 26-22 47-48 47-10 0-19-3-27-9-11 39-47 69-89 69-16 0-31-5-45-12-8 7-17 10-28 10-27 0-48-21-48-47 0-15 7-28 18-37-7-4-12-12-12-21 0-7 2-12 6-17-16-7-26-23-26-42 0-26 21-47 47-47 11 0 21 4 29 10 10-13 26-21 44-21 1 0 2 0 4 0v-174h-132v438h598l0-438z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="pine" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefbd;" d="M880 214l-189 188c-2 2-3 5-2 7 1 2 4 4 7 4h45c10 0 20 6 24 15 3 10 1 20-7 27l-157 147c-2 2-3 5-2 7 1 3 4 4 6 4h23c10 0 19 6 23 16 4 9 2 19-5 26l-128 125c-5 5-12 8-18 8s-13-3-18-8l-128-125c-7-7-9-17-5-27 4-9 13-15 23-15h23c2 0 5-1 6-4 1-2 0-5-2-7l-158-147c-7-7-9-17-5-27 3-9 13-15 23-15h45c3 0 6-2 7-4 1-3 0-5-2-7l-189-188c-7-7-9-17-5-27 4-9 13-15 23-15h255c14 0 24-11 24-24v-212c0-13 12-24 26-24h114c14 0 25 11 25 24v212c0 13 11 24 25 24h255c10 0 19 6 23 15 4 10 2 20-5 27z" />
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5v29c0 3 2 5 5 5h29c3 0 5-2 5-5v-29c0-3-2-5-5-5z m9 340v31c0 3 2 5 5 5h28c3 0 5-2 5-5v-31c0-2-2-5-5-5h-28c-3 0-5 3-5 5z m373-83v112c0 3-2 6-5 6l-31 2c-3 0-5 3-5 5v73c0 3-3 5-6 5h-71c-3 0-5 2-6 5 0 10 0 20-1 29 0 3-3 5-5 5h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-28c0-3 2-5 5-6 10 0 19-1 28-1 3 0 5-3 5-6v-72c0-3-2-5-5-5h-71c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-32c0-3 2-5 5-5h197c3 0 5-2 5-5v-31c0-3-2-5-5-5h-153c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-32c0-3 3-5 6-5h28c3 0 5-2 5-5 1-11 2-21 2-31 1-3 3-5 6-5h29c3 0 5-3 5-6v-32c0-3 3-5 6-5h32c3 0 6-2 6-5v-29c0-3 2-5 5-5h70c3 0 5 2 5 5v29c0 3-2 5-5 5-10 1-19 1-28 2-3 0-5 2-5 5v71c0 3 2 6 5 6 10 1 20 1 29 2 3 0 5 2 5 5z m-89 121h-28c-3 0-5 2-5 5v28c0 3 2 5 5 5h28c3 0 6-2 6-5v-28c0-3-3-5-6-5z m0-169h-30c-2 0-5 2-5 5v29c0 3 3 6 5 6h30c3 0 5-3 5-6v-29c0-3-2-5-5-5z m-160 166c0 0 0 1 0 1s0 0 0 0c-1 0-1-1 0-1z m-621-415h279c3 0 5 2 5 5v279c0 3-2 5-5 5h-279c-2 0-5-2-5-5v-279c0-3 3-5 5-5z m42 248h196c3 0 5-3 5-6v-195c0-3-2-5-5-5h-196c-3 0-5 2-5 5v195c0 3 2 6 5 6z m237 626h-279c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-279c0-3 2-5 5-5h279c3 0 5 2 5 5v279c0 3-3 5-5 5z m-41-247h-196c-3 0-5 2-5 5v196c0 3 2 5 5 5h196c3 0 5-2 5-5v-196c0-3-2-5-5-5z m627 248h-279c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-278c0-3 2-6 5-6h279c3 0 5 3 5 6v278c0 3-2 6-5 6z m-42-250h-195c-3 0-5 3-5 6v196c0 3 2 5 5 5h195c3 0 5-2 5-5v-196c0-3-2-6-5-6z m-746-209c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0z m0 41c0 0 0 0 0 1s0 0 0 0 0-1 0-1z m293-35v29c0 3 3 6 6 6 10 1 19 1 28 2 3 0 5 3 5 5v31c0 3-2 5-5 5h-71c-2 0-5 2-5 5v29c0 3-2 5-5 5h-116c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3-3-6-6-6h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5-1-11-2-21-2-31 0-3-3-6-6-6h-29c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-30c0-3 3-5 6-5h71c3 0 6 2 6 5l1 29c1 3 3 5 6 5h32c3 0 5-2 5-5v-72c0-3 2-5 5-5l30 2c3 0 6 2 6 5v31c0 2 2 5 5 5h115c3 0 5 2 5 5z m-119 77h71c3 0 5-2 5-5v-29c0-3-2-6-5-6h-71c-3 0-5 3-5 6v29c0 3 2 5 5 5z m251 252h28c3 0 5 2 5 5v113c0 3-2 5-5 5h-72c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3-2-6-5-6h-31c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-115c0-3 2-5 5-5h72c3 0 5 2 5 5 1 12 1 21 2 32 0 3 3 5 6 5z m-14 43h-29c-3 0-5 2-5 5v29c0 3 2 6 5 6h29c3 0 5-3 5-6v-29c0-3-2-5-5-5z m-77-85c0 0 0 0 0 0s1 0 1 0 0 0-1 0z m376-628c0 0 0 0 1 0s0 0 0 0-1 0-1 0z m1-41c-1 0-1 0-1 0s0-1 1 0 0 0 0 0z m-84 0c0 0 0 0 0-1s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0z m-41 41c0 0-1 0-1 0s0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1-1z m0 84c0 0-1 0-1 0s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0z m41-89v-31c0-3 3-5 6-5l72 0c3 0 5 2 5 5v31c0 2-2 5-5 5h-32c-3 0-5 2-5 5v73c0 3-2 6-5 6h-72c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-72c0-3 2-5 5-5h31c3 0 5-3 5-6z m-334 549c0 0 0 0 0 0s-1 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0z m5 1l32 0c2 0 5 3 5 6l-1 71c0 3-2 5-5 5h-30c-3 0-6 3-6 5l-1 31c-1 3-3 5-6 5h-28c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-71c0-3 3-5 6-5 10-1 20-2 30-2 3 0 5-3 5-6v-29c0-3 2-5 5-5z m36 83c0 0 0-1 1-1s0 1 0 1c-1 0-1 0-1 0z m-41-628c0 1 0 1 0 1s-1 0-1-1c1 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0z m-6 0h-29c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-71c0-3 2-5 5-5h71c3 0 5 2 5 5v29c0 3-2 5-5 5h-32c-3 0-5 2-5 5v32c0 3-2 5-5 5z m48-41c0-1 0-1-1-1s0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0z m-335 376c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0c0 0 0 0 0 0z m-76-82h28c3 0 5 2 5 5 1 10 1 20 2 30 0 3 3 6 6 6h29c3 0 5 2 5 5l1 30c0 3-3 6-6 6h-70c-3 0-6-3-6-6v-71c0-3 3-5 6-5z m76 41c0 0-1-1-1-1s1 0 1 0c0 0 0 1 0 1z m544 41c0 0 0 0 0 0s-1 0-1 0 0 0 1 0z m-84 42c0 0 0 0 0 0s0-1 0-1-1 0-1 1 1 0 1 0z m0 34v-29c0-3 3-5 5-5h32c3 0 5-2 5-5v-31c0-3 2-6 5-6h31c3 0 5 3 5 6v71c0 2-2 5-5 5h-73c-2 0-5-3-5-6z m-542 42v-28c0-3 2-5 5-6 10 0 19-1 29-1 3-1 5-3 5-6l2-30c0-3 3-5 6-5h29c3 0 6 2 6 5v71c0 3-3 5-6 5h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5z m82-76c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0 0-1 0 0z m424 126h29c3 0 5 2 5 5v71c0 3-2 5-5 5h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3 2-6 5-6h31c3 0 5-2 5-5v-31c0-3 3-5 6-5z m-343-245v30c0 2-2 5-5 5h-71c-2 0-5-3-5-5v-30c0-3 3-5 5-5h71c3 0 5 2 5 5z m-81 35c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0z m168 1c0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-1 0-1s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0z m0-6v-31c0-3 3-5 6-5h71c3 0 6 2 6 5v31c0 3-3 6-6 6h-71c-3 0-6-3-6-6z m83-37c0 0 0 1 0 1s0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0z m460-251c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 1 0 1-1-1 0-1z m76 40h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3 2-5 5-5h71c3 0 5 2 5 5v29c1 3-2 5-5 5z m-369 462c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1c0 0 0-1 0-1z m-36-81h30c3 0 6 2 6 5v71c0 2-3 5-6 5h-30c-3 0-5-3-5-5v-71c0-3 2-5 5-5z m29-297h-71c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3 2-6 5-6h71c3 0 5 3 5 6v29c0 3-2 5-5 5z m-77-40c1 0 1 0 1 0s0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0z m377-125c-1-1-1-1 0-1s0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0z m40-35v29c0 3-3 5-6 5h-29c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3 2-6 5-6h29c3 0 6 3 6 6z m-424 367h-29c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-29c0-3 2-5 5-5h29c3 0 6 2 6 5v29c0 3-3 5-6 5z m-34-40c0 0 0 0 0 0s0 1 0 1-1-1 0-1z m83 293c1 0 1 0 1 0s-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0z m-40 1c0 0-1 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0s0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0c0 0 1 0 1 0z m41-43c0 0-1 0-1 0s0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1-1 1-1z m-1 6v30c0 3-2 6-5 6l-30 0c-3 1-5-2-5-5v-31c0-3 2-5 5-5h30c3 0 5 2 5 5z m-118-4h29c3 0 5 2 5 5v29c0 3-2 6-5 6h-29c-3 0-5-3-5-6v-29c0-3 2-5 5-5z m35 40c-1 0-1 0-1 0s0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0z m-286-542h112c3 0 5 3 5 6v111c0 3-2 5-5 5h-112c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-111c0-3 2-6 5-6z m111 708h-111c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-112c0-3 3-5 6-5h111c3 0 5 2 5 5v112c0 3-2 5-5 5z m586-1h-112c-3 0-5-2-5-5v-112c0-2 2-5 5-5h112c3 0 5 3 5 5v112c0 3-2 5-5 5z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="question" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefcc;" d="M406 400c19 3 38 8 58 14 20 6 39 14 55 25s31 23 42 39c11 16 16 35 16 59 0 34-12 60-37 79s-58 27-99 27c-17 0-32-1-45-2-14-1-26-3-37-6-11-3-23-6-35-10-11-3-24-8-36-12-12 21-21 42-28 65-7 22-12 46-13 70 21 7 40 13 58 19 17 5 35 9 51 12 18 3 34 6 51 7 17 1 35 2 55 2 96 0 169-22 218-66 49-44 74-104 74-181 0-37-8-70-22-97-14-28-32-51-53-70-20-19-41-34-63-46-22-11-39-20-53-26v-109c-28-5-55-8-81-8-26 0-52 3-76 8l0 207z m-12-480c-5 30-7 59-7 88s2 59 7 89c30 5 59 8 88 8 29 0 59-3 89-8 5-30 8-60 8-88 0-30-3-59-8-89-30-5-59-8-88-8-29 0-59 3-89 8z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="random" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefcf;" d="M464 326c15 35 28 63 38 83 8 15 15 28 22 38 7 10 15 20 25 30 10 10 21 17 34 22 12 5 26 7 42 7h125v-93c0-5 2-8 5-11 3-3 7-5 11-5 4 0 8 1 11 4l156 157c3 3 5 6 5 11 0 4-2 8-5 11l-156 156c-4 3-7 5-11 5-5 0-9-2-12-5-2-3-4-6-4-11v-94h-125c-22 0-43-2-62-8-20-5-37-12-52-20-16-8-30-20-44-34s-27-27-37-40c-9-13-20-29-31-49-11-19-20-36-26-51-7-15-15-33-24-54-15-36-28-64-39-84-7-15-15-27-21-38-7-10-16-20-25-30-10-9-21-17-34-22-13-5-27-7-43-7h-109c-4 0-8-1-11-4-3-3-4-7-4-12v-93c0-5 1-9 4-12 3-2 7-4 11-4h110c22 0 43 3 62 8 20 5 37 12 52 21 15 8 30 19 44 33s26 28 36 41c10 13 20 29 31 48 11 20 20 37 27 52 6 14 15 32 24 54z m-386 180h110c14 0 27-2 39-7 13-4 23-10 31-17 8-7 17-16 25-27 8-12 15-23 20-31 5-9 11-21 18-36 25 59 47 104 67 133-52 74-119 110-200 110h-110c-4 0-8-1-11-4-3-3-4-7-4-11v-94c0-5 1-8 4-11 3-3 7-5 11-5z m699-208c-4 4-7 5-11 5-5 0-9-1-12-4-2-3-4-7-4-11v-94h-125c-14 0-28 2-40 7-12 5-22 10-31 17-8 7-16 16-24 28-9 11-15 22-20 31s-11 20-18 35c-25-59-48-103-67-133 9-13 18-24 28-34 9-10 18-19 26-26s19-14 29-20c11-5 20-10 29-14 8-3 18-7 30-9 13-2 23-4 32-5 8-1 20-2 34-2 15-1 27-1 36-1 9 0 22 0 39 1 18 0 32 0 42 0v-94c0-4 2-8 5-11 3-3 6-5 11-5 4 0 8 2 11 5l156 156c3 3 4 7 4 11s-1 9-4 12l-156 155z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="recycle" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefd0;" d="M75 491l39-31c4-3 6-10 3-15l-47-90c-26-45 19-90 47-105 26-14 64-17 101-17 6 0 12 4 15 9l63 102c2 4 8 6 13 3l38-20c5-3 6-1 4 4l-86 159c-3 5-9 8-14 8l-174-1c-6 0-7-3-2-6z m5-245l108-200c3-5 7-12 11-16 25-24 66-30 108-29h114c6 0 10 5 10 10v187c0 5-4 9-10 9l-225 2c-34-2-79 4-114 39-4 4-5 3-2-2z m726 406l-46-20c-5-2-11 0-14 4l-56 85c-28 45-88 28-115 10-25-15-46-48-64-80-2-5-2-13 0-17l59-104c3-5 1-11-3-14l-36-23c-5-3-4-5 1-5l181-2c5-1 12 3 14 8l83 153c3 5 1 7-4 5z m-216 114l-228 2c-5 0-14-1-19-2-33-10-58-43-77-81l-56-100c-3-4-1-10 4-13l163-90c5-3 11-1 13 4l111 196c15 31 42 67 89 81 5 2 5 3 0 3z m21-829l6 50c0 5 5 9 10 10l102 8c52 2 66 63 64 95-1 29-20 63-39 95-3 5-10 8-15 8l-120-1c-5 0-10 4-10 10l-3 42c0 6-3 6-5 2l-90-158c-2-4-2-12 1-16l93-147c3-4 6-4 6 2z m205 133l112 199c3 4 7 12 8 17 7 34-10 72-33 107l-60 97c-3 5-9 6-14 3l-158-99c-4-2-6-8-3-13l118-192c20-28 38-69 28-117-2-6-1-6 2-2z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="repair" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefd2;" d="M493 289c17-16 34-32 48-45 18 17 36 33 54 50 2 2 2 6 2 9 2 13 3 26 6 38 12 38 51 64 91 61 3 0 7 2 9 5 63 65 127 130 190 195 15 16 30 31 45 47-1 1-2 2-2 2-32 33-63 66-95 99-12 12-23 25-35 37h-3c-1 0-2-1-3-2-76-79-153-159-230-238-3-3-5-9-5-13 3-48-34-93-82-97-17-1-29-6-38-19-2-3-4-4-6-7-10-10-20-20-31-31 16-17 32-33 48-50-78-81-157-162-235-243l-9 8c-26-20-51-41-67-71-16-31-36-61-55-91 7-7 14-14 20-21 2 1 3 2 4 3 31 20 62 40 92 60 9 5 19 10 25 17 13 15 25 30 37 46l-9 9c79 82 157 162 234 242z m-191 99c3 1 7-1 9-3 11-10 20-21 31-31 18-18 38-35 55-51 8 7 20 17 34 29-19 16-36 31-53 46 3 3 3 4 4 5 24 24 47 48 70 72 2 2 6 3 9 3 9 1 18 0 27 0-18 22-36 41-54 60-2 2-4 6-3 9 12 56 4 108-27 155-43 63-103 91-180 83-8-1-15-3-25-5 15-15 28-28 40-42 21-21 42-42 62-64 2-2 3-7 3-10-8-31-16-63-25-94 0-3-4-7-7-8-30-9-61-17-91-25-5-2-7-1-10 3-27 28-55 56-82 84-6 7-13 13-20 20-2-10-4-19-6-28v-46c0-1 1-3 1-4 14-111 122-192 238-158z m452-201c-32 33-65 67-97 100-12 13-25 24-38 36 0-2-2-5-1-7 5-21-6-35-21-48-19-17-38-36-56-52-14 13-31 28-46 42-10-9-21-19-32-29 23-24 44-46 66-69 58-60 117-120 175-181 16-16 30-32 47-46 35-30 86-25 117 8 33 34 34 91 3 124-39 41-78 81-117 122z m81-214c-1-2-3-3-5-4-11-3-23-6-34-9-3 0-7 1-9 2-9 10-19 20-28 30-2 2-3 6-2 9 2 11 5 23 9 34 0 3 3 6 6 7 11 3 23 6 34 9 2 1 6-1 8-2 10-10 19-20 29-29 1-2 2-4 3-6-4-14-7-28-11-41z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="resize" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefd5;" d="M597 777c32-32 62-63 93-94 6-5 6-15 0-21-67-67-133-133-200-200-14-14-14-23 0-37 28-29 56-57 85-85 15-15 23-15 38 0 65 65 130 130 195 195 3 2 5 5 8 7 4 4 13 3 19-3 30-30 61-61 92-92 6-5 11-3 11 5v320c0 8-7 15-15 15h-322c-8 0-10-5-4-10z m-176-448c-10 10-16 10-27 0l-146-147c-1-1-2-2-3-3-2-2-8 1-14 6l-62 61c-6 6-11 4-11-4v-224c0-8 7-15 15-15h223c8 0 10 5 4 11-20 21-40 41-59 62-6 6-6 15 0 21 48 48 96 96 143 144 9 9 9 16 0 25-21 21-42 42-63 63z m472-387h-407c-126 0-251 0-378 0-8 0-14 6-14 14v787c0 8 6 15 14 15h391c8 0 15 7 15 15s-7 14-15 14h-422c-8 0-14-7-14-15v-845c0-8 6-14 14-14h846c8 0 15 6 15 14v422c0 8-7 14-15 14h-1c-8 0-14-6-14-14v-392c0-9-7-15-15-15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="responsive" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefd6;" d="M926 218h-16v179c0 8-6 15-14 15h-37v226c0 11-6 19-17 19h-757c-11 0-22-8-22-19v-444c0-11 11-24 22-24h295l-6-66s-2-11-9-19-22-22-22-22-12-12 6-15c11-2 59-4 97-4h36c39 0 86 2 96 4 19 4 7 15 7 15s-14 14-22 23c-7 9-9 18-9 18l-6 66h86v-111c0-9 6-15 14-15h278c6 0 12 5 12 11v151c0 7-6 12-12 12z m-23-10v-3c0-1-1-2-2-2h-10c-1 0-2 1-2 2v3c0 1 1 2 2 2h10c1 0 2-1 2-2z m-810-2v416h733v-210h-178c-8 0-14-6-14-15v-191h-541z m567-36v211h222v-163h-16c-7 0-12-5-12-12v-131h-194v95z m112-118c-5 0-9 3-9 8 0 5 4 8 9 8 4 0 8-3 8-8 0-4-4-8-8-8z m117 7c0 4 3 8 8 8 4 0 7-4 7-8 0-4-3-7-7-7-5 0-8 3-8 7z m42 13h-70v125h70v-125z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="retweet" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefd7;" d="M277 221v205c0 8 6 13 14 13h63c7 0 9 5 4 10l-138 157c-4 6-12 6-17 0l-138-157c-5-5-3-10 5-10h63c7 0 13-5 13-13v-254c0-49 40-88 89-88h385c7 0 9 4 4 9l-96 105c-4 6-14 10-22 10h-215c-8 0-14 6-14 13z m577 52v254c0 49-40 89-89 89h-385c-7 0-9-4-4-10l96-104c5-6 14-10 22-10h216c7 0 13-6 13-13v-206c0-7-6-13-13-13h-64c-7 0-9-4-4-10l138-156c5-6 12-6 17 0l138 156c5 6 3 10-4 10h-64c-7 0-13 6-13 13z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="road" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefd8;" d="M530 788v-47h-60v47h-165v-876h165v27h60v-27h166v876h-166z m0-734h-60v114h60v-114z m0 229h-60v114h60v-114z m0 229h-60v114h60v-114z m-336 276h69v-876h-69v876z m543 0h70v-876h-70v876z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="robot" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefd9;" d="M806 458h-23v32c0 52-43 93-95 93h-154v78c20 11 34 33 34 59 0 37-30 68-68 68s-68-31-68-68c0-26 14-47 34-59v-77h-154c-52 0-94-42-94-94v-32h-24c-29 0-53-24-53-54v-114c0-29 24-53 53-53h24v-33c0-52 42-93 94-93h44v-50c0-29 24-53 53-53h182c29 0 53 24 53 53v50h44c52 0 95 41 95 93v33h23c29 0 53 24 53 53v114c0 29-24 54-53 54z m-512-36c0 34 28 62 62 62 34 0 62-28 62-62s-28-62-62-62c-34 0-62 27-62 62z m291-227h-170c-28 0-50 23-50 51 0 28 22 51 50 51h170c28 0 51-23 51-51s-23-51-51-51z m59 165c-34 0-62 27-62 62 0 34 28 62 62 62s62-28 62-62c0-35-27-62-62-62z m-30-379h-226c-18 0-32-15-32-33v-3c0-18 14-33 32-33h225c18 0 33 15 33 33v3c0 18-15 33-32 33z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="royal" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefda;" d="M938 478c0-41-33-73-73-73-5 0-10 0-15 1l-62-293h-576l-62 293c-4-1-10-1-14-1-41 0-73 32-73 73 0 40 32 73 73 73s72-33 72-73c0-18-6-34-17-47l163-136 119 297c-27 11-46 37-46 68 0 40 33 73 73 73s73-33 73-73c0-31-19-57-46-68l119-297 163 136c-11 13-17 29-17 47 0 40 33 73 73 73 40 0 73-33 73-73z m-730-511h584v110h-584v-110z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="rss-feed" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefdb;" d="M192 172c-71 0-129-58-129-130 0-71 58-129 129-129 72 0 130 58 130 129 0 72-58 130-130 130z m-116 330c-7 0-13-7-13-14v-165c0-7 6-13 13-13 211 0 384-172 384-384 0-7 6-13 13-13h165c8 0 14 6 14 13l-1 4c-2 316-259 572-575 572z m861-572c-2 473-388 857-861 857-7 0-13-6-13-13v-170c0-7 6-13 13-13 366 0 664-298 664-665 0-7 6-13 14-13h170c7 0 14 6 14 13l-1 4z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="safety" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefdc;" d="M811 682c-256 0-299 96-299 98-2 4-7 8-12 8h0c-5 0-10-4-12-8 0-1-44-98-299-98-8 0-13-6-13-13v-435c0-179 306-315 319-321 1-1 3-1 5-1 2 0 4 0 5 1 13 6 319 142 319 321v435c0 7-5 13-13 13z m-92-187c-115-106-205-251-232-321-1-2-3-4-5-4 0-1-1-1-1-1-2 0-4 1-5 2l-169 172c-1 2 50 47 52 45l93-73c36 43 125 139 249 214 2 0 20-26 20-26 1-3 0-6-2-8z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sale-discount" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefdd;" d="M926 373l-107 81 39 128c3 9 1 18-4 25-5 7-14 12-22 12l-135 2-44 127c-2 9-9 15-18 18-8 3-18 1-25-4l-110-77-110 77c-7 5-17 7-25 4-9-3-15-9-18-18l-44-127-134-2c-9 0-18-5-23-12-5-7-7-16-4-25l39-128-107-81c-7-6-11-14-11-23s4-18 11-23l107-81-39-128c-3-9-1-18 4-25 5-8 14-12 23-12l134-3 44-127c3-8 9-15 18-17 8-3 18-2 25 3l110 77 110-77c5-3 11-5 16-5 3 0 6 1 9 2 9 2 15 9 18 17l44 127 134 3c9 0 18 4 23 12 5 7 7 16 4 25l-39 128 107 81c7 5 12 14 12 23s-5 17-12 23z m-601-43c-11 6-21 13-28 23-7 9-13 19-16 31-4 12-6 24-6 37s2 25 6 37c3 12 9 23 16 32 7 10 17 17 28 23 12 5 25 8 41 8 15 0 28-3 40-8s21-13 28-23c8-9 13-19 17-32 3-12 5-24 5-37s-2-25-5-37c-4-12-9-22-17-31-7-10-17-17-28-23s-25-8-40-8c-16 0-29 3-41 8z m94-145c-11-2-21-3-31-3-11 0-22 1-34 3l227 331c10 2 21 3 33 3 9 0 20-1 32-3l-227-331z m300 56c-3-12-9-23-16-32-8-9-17-16-29-22-11-6-24-8-40-8-15 0-29 2-40 8-12 6-21 13-28 22-8 9-13 20-17 32-3 12-5 24-5 37s2 25 5 37c4 12 9 23 17 32 7 9 16 17 28 22 11 6 25 9 40 9 16 0 29-3 40-9 12-5 21-13 29-22 7-9 13-20 16-32 4-12 6-24 6-37 0-13-2-25-6-37z m-328 140c5 10 8 24 8 40 0 17-3 31-8 40s-14 15-25 15c-12 0-20-5-25-15-5-9-8-23-8-40 0-16 3-29 8-40 5-10 13-15 25-15s19 5 25 15z m243-48c-11 0-19-5-25-15-5-10-8-23-8-40 0-17 3-30 8-40s14-15 25-15c12 0 20 5 25 15 6 10 8 23 8 40 0 17-2 30-8 40-5 10-13 15-25 15z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="share-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefe3;" d="M256 207c-3-20-4-40-5-60-1-5 1-6 3-2 8 14 15 28 23 40 33 49 82 78 136 97 59 22 121 30 183 33 24 1 47 1 71 0 5 0 9-4 9-8v-129c0-5 3-6 6-3 84 83 167 165 249 246 4 3 4 9 0 12l-250 251c-4 3-6 2-6-3v-127c0-5-4-9-9-9-45-1-89-7-132-19-84-24-155-66-208-137-40-54-61-116-70-182z m620-83v-37c0-5-4-9-9-9h-732c-5 0-9 4-9 9v477c0 5 4 9 9 9h9c75 0 150 0 224 0 6 0 13 0 17 3 28 18 55 36 82 54 4 3 4 5-1 5h-395c-5 0-8-4-8-8v-604c0-5 3-9 8-9h858c5 0 9 4 9 9v248c0 5-3 6-7 3-17-17-33-33-48-49-4-5-7-13-7-19-1-27 0-55 0-82z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="shield" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefe6;" d="M851 638c-121 32-239 73-345 148-3 2-7 2-10 0-107-75-225-116-347-148-3-1-6-3-6-5 0-1 0-3 0-4 2-80 4-160 8-240 4-98 34-185 87-262 68-98 156-166 257-214 4-1 10-1 14 1 81 38 154 91 216 163 82 93 124 206 128 337 1 42 3 84 4 126 1 30 1 60 0 90 0 3-2 7-6 8z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="shopping-cart" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefe7;" d="M796 229c46 117 93 233 139 350 1 2 2 4 2 7 2 4-6 7-17 7h-670c-11 0-22 8-24 19-6 31-13 62-19 93-2 10-13 19-24 19h-101c-11 0-19-9-19-20v-10c0-11 8-19 19-19h61c10 0 21-9 23-20 37-181 74-362 111-543 2-11-4-24-12-32-10-11-16-26-16-42 0-34 28-62 63-62 34 0 63 28 63 62 0 8-1 15-4 22-4 10-1 17 10 17h311c11 0 14-7 10-17-3-7-4-14-4-21-1-33 28-63 62-64 35 0 63 28 64 62 0 20-9 37-23 49-9 7-17 17-17 25s-9 14-20 14h-418c-11 0-22 9-24 19-4 18-7 34-11 52-2 10 1 19 7 19h10c148 0 297 0 446 0 12 0 17 3 22 14z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sign-in" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefe8;" d="M770 370l-322 330c-10 11-27 11-38 0l-63-65c-11-11-11-29 0-40l151-156h-409c-14 0-26-12-26-28v-111c0-15 12-27 26-27h421l-163-168c-11-11-11-28 0-39l63-66c11-11 28-11 38 0l322 331c10 10 10 28 0 39z m130 252h-166v-76h128v-392h-128v-75h166c21 0 38 16 38 37v468c0 21-17 38-38 38z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="site-map" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefeb;" d="M836 258v35c0 8-7 15-15 15h-298c-8 0-15 7-15 16v24c0 9 7 16 15 16h118c8 0 15 7 15 15v282c0 8-7 15-15 15h-282c-8 0-15-6-15-15v-282c0-8 7-15 15-15h118c8 0 15-7 15-16v-25c0-8-7-15-15-15h-297c-9 0-16-7-16-16v-34c0-9-7-16-15-16h-71c-8 0-15-7-15-15v-188c0-8 6-15 15-15h188c8 0 15 6 15 15v188c0 8-7 15-15 15h-71c-8 0-15 7-15 16v19c0 9 6 16 15 16h282c8 0 15-7 15-16v-19c0-9-7-16-15-16h-71c-8 0-15-6-15-15v-188c0-8 6-15 15-15h188c9 0 16 6 16 15v188c0 8-7 15-16 15h-71c-8 0-15 7-15 16v19c0 9 7 16 15 16h282c8 0 15-7 15-16v-19c0-9-6-16-15-16h-71c-8 0-15-6-15-15v-188c0-8 7-15 15-15h188c9 0 16 6 16 15v188c0 8-7 15-16 15h-71c-8 0-15 7-15 16z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="smart-phone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefec;" d="M705 788h-410c-19 0-34-16-34-35v-806c0-19 15-35 34-35h410c19 0 35 16 35 35v806c0 19-16 35-35 35z m-238-802c0 19 15 34 33 34 19 0 34-15 34-34 0-18-15-33-34-33s-33 15-33 33z m-180 58v637h427v-637h-427z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="soccer" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefed;" d="M496 787c5 0 12 0 17 0 233-6 424-196 425-434 1-247-195-442-443-440-239 2-433 197-432 438 2 245 197 434 433 436z m-224-400c-16 0-30 0-44 0-6 0-10-2-14-7-25-34-42-72-54-113-2-6-2-13 0-19 14-59 45-107 87-150 4-4 10-7 15-9 43-14 88-11 132-5 2 0 5 2 6 5 23 42 47 85 70 128 3 6 2 10-1 15-33 44-62 89-80 142 0 2-4 5-7 5-37 3-75 5-110 8z m-83 122c4-38 15-74 29-109 1-2 6-4 9-4 47-3 94-4 140-7 16-2 28 0 34 16 2 4 5 7 8 10 25 34 54 64 85 92 3 2 5 7 5 10-4 45-14 89-30 132-2 5-5 8-11 10-41 13-82 14-124 9-6-1-13-2-18-5-19-14-39-27-57-43-27-24-46-55-64-85-2-3-3-6-5-9-1-4-2-12-1-17z m356-521c44-2 87 9 129 29 11 4 19 11 26 20 23 32 44 66 54 105 2 7 1 12-4 18-28 34-59 65-93 93-5 4-9 6-16 4-49-17-100-26-152-34-3 0-8-3-9-6-20-45-44-88-70-130-4-5-3-9 0-14 18-25 38-46 61-64 15-11 30-22 51-21 7 1 14 0 23 0z m245 548c-3 39-16 73-31 106-1 2-4 4-5 6-41 38-89 63-144 73-19 4-37 5-55-5-26-15-53-29-74-51-4-5-5-9-3-15 16-41 26-84 30-128 0-6 3-9 8-11 52-14 99-35 144-64 5-4 9-3 14 0 34 19 67 39 102 58 7 4 13 8 15 14 2 4 0 12-1 17z m107-184c-1 13-1 26-3 39-1 10 0 23-6 31-23 32-51 60-85 81-6 3-10 2-15-1-36-21-72-42-109-62-5-3-8-7-8-14 0-51-4-103-14-154-1-3 1-8 4-10 36-29 68-61 97-97 4-5 7-6 13-4 37 10 66 32 92 58 2 1 3 4 4 6 14 36 26 71 30 110 0 4 0 12 0 17z m-812-66c19-109 71-198 157-266 4-3 7-2 6 3-1 19-2 37-3 56 0 5-2 10-5 13-43 45-75 96-90 156-1 4-3 7-6 9-17 11-35 22-53 33-4 2-7 1-6-4z m25 207l4 3c18 15 37 27 59 34 7 2 11 6 15 12 31 52 69 97 122 128 3 2 5 7 6 10 5 16 9 32 14 48 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 2-3 1-7-1-102-49-174-126-213-232-2-4-2-7 0-5z m327-557c104-16 201 5 292 62 4 2 4 6-1 7-9 2-17 4-25 7-7 3-13 2-19-1-32-14-63-28-98-30-26-1-52 0-78-1-5 0-10-1-14-4-17-14-36-26-58-35-4-2-4-4 1-5z m353 718c-71 65-152 102-246 113-5 1-6-1-2-4 12-9 23-18 35-26 3-2 6-3 10-4 65-6 122-32 170-76 2-3 6-4 9-5 7-1 14-2 22-3 4-1 5 2 2 5z m115-214c-2-12-7-24-3-37 2-9 2-19 3-29 4-50-7-97-26-142-7-17-1-33 0-49 1-5 3-5 4-1 37 83 46 169 26 258-1 5-3 4-4 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sort-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefee;" d="M455 787h-102c-10 0-18-8-18-18v-652c0-10-8-19-19-19h-83c-10 0-18 0-19-1s6-6 15-12c76-56 152-113 230-170 8-6 15-2 15 8v846c0 10-9 18-19 18z m316-172c-76 56-152 112-230 170-8 6-15 2-15-8v-846c0-10 9-18 19-18h102c10 0 18 8 18 18v652c0 10 8 19 19 19h83c10 0 18 0 19 1 0 1-7 6-15 12z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="sort" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefef;" d="M161 413h678c33 0 41 19 18 43l-315 314c-23 23-61 23-84 0l-315-314c-23-24-15-43 18-43z m678-126h-678c-33 0-41-19-18-43l315-314c23-23 61-23 84 0l315 314c23 24 15 43-18 43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="space" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff0;" d="M257 453c-3-6-3-10 2-15 18-17 35-35 54-51 62-52 131-95 203-132 59-31 119-57 184-72 6-1 10 0 14 5 48 66 65 139 48 218-27 121-133 208-263 209-11-1-25-1-39-3-95-18-163-71-203-159z m657-272c-21 34-49 63-79 91-16 15-32 29-49 43-3 3-5 2-6-1-4-19-7-36-12-54-1-5 0-9 3-14 8-13 16-27 21-42 5-17-4-30-22-35-10-3-21-4-31-3-23 3-46 6-69 12-73 20-141 53-206 90-77 44-149 92-211 156-18 20-35 40-44 66-7 22 1 36 24 41 12 3 26 1 39 2 5 0 11 0 14 3 14 12 28 25 42 38 2 2 3 4 3 4-1 1-1 1-2 1-43 13-86 27-130 38-31 8-62 11-94 5-35-7-50-30-39-64 6-16 14-32 24-46 40-57 92-102 146-145 97-76 202-140 312-193 80-39 163-73 250-91 32-7 65-11 97-5 36 6 50 30 39 64-5 14-12 27-20 39z m-282-65c3 2 3 4 0 5-141 60-270 134-391 226-3 1-5 0-5-3 0-86 49-184 144-231 84-43 167-40 252 3z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="spanner" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff1;" d="M739 723c-5 6-13 9-21 9-8-1-15-6-18-14l-43-98-53-13-34 52 42 97c4 7 3 16-2 22s-13 10-21 9c-60-6-113-44-137-100-18-41-19-86-2-128 6-15 14-30 24-42l-29-67 0-1c-33-9-62-32-76-64l-133-307c-12-27-12-58-1-86 11-28 32-50 60-62l19-8c15-6 30-10 45-10 45 0 86 27 103 68l133 307c15 33 11 70-5 99l0 1 29 67c62 5 116 43 140 100 25 56 17 121-20 169z m-354-687c-7-15-24-22-39-15-16 6-23 24-16 39 7 15 24 22 39 16 16-7 23-25 16-40z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="speech-comments" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff2;" d="M775 214c63 75 86 161 63 257-21 86-75 149-148 195-89 55-186 74-289 61-100-12-187-52-255-128-66-76-92-163-68-262 10-40 23-78 26-119 3-51-4-99-29-145-4-7-8-13-12-20 1-1 2-1 3-1 66 9 128 28 184 64 5 4 9 6 16 2 87-40 178-52 272-35 94 17 175 58 237 131z m158-232c-5 7-11 14-15 21-26 50-23 101-6 151 18 54 16 106-8 157-7 14-16 27-25 43-2-6-3-9-3-12-9-43-25-83-50-118-70-103-171-158-291-178-22-4-43-5-65-7 0-1 1-2 2-3 5-4 10-7 16-10 93-50 187-54 284-14 4 1 10 2 14 0 31-19 65-32 100-39 14-2 28-4 42-4 11 0 12 4 5 13z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="speed-meter" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff3;" d="M63 305c4 75 25 144 64 207 86 135 210 204 352 212 7 0 14 0 21 0 7 0 14 0 21 0 142-8 266-77 352-212 40-63 60-132 64-207 6-120-31-226-110-318-13-16-23-16-37-1-15 14-29 29-44 43-16 16-17 24-2 41 31 37 54 79 65 127 31 131-4 243-104 333-53 48-117 73-189 76-6 1-11 1-16 1s-10 0-15-1c-72-3-137-28-190-76-100-90-135-202-104-333 11-48 34-90 66-127 14-17 13-25-3-41-14-14-29-29-43-43-15-15-25-15-38 1-79 92-116 198-110 318z m406 12c27 20 54 40 81 60 42 32 85 64 127 95 4 3 10 6 15 6 13-1 16-14 7-26-52-70-105-139-157-209-14-18-36-26-59-18-21 7-35 27-35 49 0 18 7 32 21 43z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="spinner-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff4;" d="M280 368c-7 44-43 81-86 89-45 9-92-11-115-49-8-14-13-29-16-44v-28c1-1 1-4 1-6 9-55 66-97 121-89 64 10 104 64 95 127z m441-41c10-46 51-83 98-86 50-4 94 24 111 70 4 8 5 17 8 25v28c-1 1-2 2-2 4-11 62-68 101-130 89-59-11-97-70-85-130z m-98-210c0-57 45-107 107-108 62-1 111 48 112 109 0 60-49 109-110 110-61 0-109-49-109-111z m-14-95c0 60-48 109-109 109-61 1-109-48-110-110 0-58 46-107 107-109 63-1 112 48 112 110z m-112 547c63-1 112 48 112 109 1 60-48 109-109 110-61 0-109-49-109-111-1-57 45-107 106-108z m-120 13c0 61-49 110-109 110-61 0-110-50-109-112 1-62 51-107 108-107 62 0 110 48 110 109z m246 0c1-62 49-110 112-109 59 1 107 50 107 109-1 63-51 111-114 110-61-2-106-53-105-110z m-245-464c-1 61-50 110-111 110-60-1-109-50-109-110 1-60 50-110 111-109 60 0 109 49 109 109z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="spinner-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff5;" d="M906 381c-52 0-104 0-157-1-19 0-31-12-31-31 1-19 13-31 32-31 52 0 104 0 157 0 12 0 20 6 26 15 2 2 1 5 4 7v17c-5 14-14 23-31 24z m-375-359c0 25 0 51 0 77 0 19-12 31-31 32-18 0-31-12-31-31 0-52 0-105 0-157 0-18 13-31 31-31 18 0 31 13 31 32v78z m87 513c14-4 27 1 35 14 27 45 54 90 80 135 9 15 5 33-10 42-16 10-34 6-43-9-27-45-54-90-80-135-3-5-5-11-5-16 0-15 10-28 23-31z m-117 253c-18 0-32-12-32-31 0-52 0-104 0-156 0-6 1-12 4-17 7-12 22-18 36-15 14 4 23 15 23 31 0 52 0 104 0 157 0 17-13 30-31 31z m182-318c5-14 16-23 31-23 6 0 12 3 17 6l87 52c15 10 31 19 47 29 15 10 18 27 9 42-9 15-26 20-40 12-47-28-93-56-139-84-12-7-16-21-12-34z m184-295c-19 12-39 23-59 34-26 15-52 30-78 44-15 9-32 3-41-13-8-15-4-32 11-41 45-26 91-52 137-78 21-12 46 2 47 29-1 10-6 19-17 25z m-217-26c-9 15-26 20-41 11-16-9-21-26-12-42 26-46 52-92 78-137 8-13 21-18 35-14 14 4 23 17 23 31 0 5-2 10-4 14-27 46-53 92-79 137z m-368 199c0 20-11 32-31 32-52 0-104 0-157 0-16 0-25-9-31-23v-18c3-1 3-4 4-6 6-10 15-16 27-16 52 0 104 0 157 0 19 1 31 13 31 31z m65 201c8-13 21-18 35-14 14 3 24 16 24 31 0 5-2 10-5 16-27 45-53 90-80 135-10 15-27 19-43 9-15-9-20-27-11-42 27-45 54-90 80-135z m-212-15c16-10 32-19 48-29 28-17 57-34 86-52 6-3 11-6 18-6 14 0 26 9 30 23 4 13 0 27-12 34-46 28-92 56-138 83-15 9-32 4-41-11-9-15-5-32 9-42z m176-294c-8 16-25 22-41 13-26-14-51-29-77-43-20-12-40-23-60-35-11-6-16-15-16-24 1-27 25-42 46-30 46 26 92 52 138 79 14 8 19 25 10 40z m81-80c-16 9-33 4-42-11-26-45-52-91-78-137-3-4-5-9-5-14 0-14 10-26 23-31 14-4 28 1 35 14 26 46 53 92 79 138 9 15 4 32-12 41z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="spinner-alt-3" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff6;" d="M509 766c-5 0-9-4-9-9 0-29 0-56 0-83 0-5 4-10 10-10 174-9 286-136 313-256 26-116-2-218-81-308-4-4-10-4-14 0-26 26-51 50-75 74-4 4-7 3-7-3 0-77 1-154 1-227 0-6 4-10 10-10 75 0 152 0 229 1 6 0 7 3 3 6-23 24-48 48-71 72-4 3-4 10-1 14 138 170 163 352 46 541-80 129-204 191-354 198z m-254-166c4 4 10 4 14 0l75-75c4-3 7-2 7 3 0 78 0 155 0 227 0 5-5 9-10 9-76 0-153 0-229 0-5 0-7-3-3-7 23-23 47-47 72-71 3-4 4-10 0-14-158-171-141-399-49-540 86-130 238-201 356-196 6 0 10 5 10 11 0 26 0 52 1 78 0 6-5 11-10 11-149 14-256 85-306 229-42 124-13 235 72 335z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="spinner-alt-4" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff7;" d="M183 616c-11 11-30 9-41-6-40-55-68-120-79-190-3-19 9-34 25-34s31 15 34 34c10 54 31 104 61 148 11 15 12 36 0 48z m99 51c44 30 94 51 148 61 19 3 34 18 34 34s-15 28-34 25c-70-11-135-39-190-79-15-11-17-30-5-41 11-12 32-11 47 0z m-219-387c11-70 39-135 79-190 11-15 30-17 41-5 12 11 11 32 1 47-31 44-52 94-62 148-3 19-17 34-34 34s-28-15-25-34z m507 448c54-10 104-31 148-61 15-11 36-11 48 0 11 11 9 31-6 41-55 40-120 68-190 79-19 3-34-9-34-25s15-31 34-34z m-330-736c55-40 120-68 190-79 19-3 34 9 34 25s-15 31-34 34c-54 10-104 31-148 61-15 11-36 11-48 0s-9-30 6-41z m697 428c-11 70-39 135-79 190-10 15-30 17-41 6-11-12-11-33 0-48 30-44 51-94 61-148 3-19 18-34 34-34s28 15 25 34z m-120-335c11-12 31-10 41 5 40 55 68 120 79 190 3 19-9 34-25 34s-31-15-34-33c-10-55-31-105-61-149-11-15-12-36 0-47z m-281-147c0-16 15-28 34-25 70 11 135 39 190 79 15 11 17 30 6 41s-33 11-48 1c-44-30-94-52-148-62-19-3-34-18-34-34z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="spinner-alt-5" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff8;" d="M882 83c30-1 54-25 55-56 2-29-21-55-51-57-23-1-46-1-69-1-48 1-95 0-143 2-28 0-50 25-50 53-1 69-1 137 0 205 0 31 26 55 57 55 30-1 55-25 55-56l0-72c0-2 0-5 1-9 34 42 57 87 67 138 7 33 35 52 67 46 30-6 49-36 43-67-8-40-22-78-41-113-13-23-28-45-42-68 17 0 34 0 51 0z m-32 309c-13 0-31 5-39 22-13 27-25 56-31 85-6 25 15 50 39 56 27 8 55-3 66-28 10-23 19-47 24-71 8-32-20-64-59-64z m-92 197c-22-11-44-7-64 7-12 10-25 19-38 28-27 17-35 51-20 77 16 26 50 35 77 19 19-12 38-26 56-40 12-10 18-25 19-43-1-20-10-38-30-48z m-236 79h-22v0c-9 0-18 0-27 0-28 1-52 24-55 53-2 26 17 54 45 57 21 3 43 2 65 0 29-2 51-29 49-56-2-31-25-54-55-54z m-319-183c-16-21-46-25-68-12-23 13-37 40-27 64 8 20 19 39 33 55 14 18 40 22 60 13 22-11 33-28 34-54-1-4 0-10-3-14-9-18-17-36-29-52z m94 125c-2-1-5 0-7 0-24 0-44 14-52 36-8 23-1 49 18 63 13 9 28 18 43 25 22 10 49 3 64-14 17-19 20-47 6-66-18-24-44-37-72-44z m-126-217c7-17 6-35 3-53-3-21-15-36-35-44-21-8-40-4-56 10-17 14-22 32-20 51 0 7 0 11 0 15 1 27 19 48 46 54 24 4 51-10 62-33z m133-308c31 0 60-27 60-58 1-32-24-58-55-58-32-1-61 27-61 58-1 30 25 57 56 58z m-136 136c31 0 58-28 58-60 0-31-25-56-55-56-32 0-60 29-60 62 1 31 25 55 57 54z m323-188c32 0 58-25 58-57-1-32-25-54-58-56-26-1-56 19-57 56-1 31 25 57 57 57z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="spinner-alt-6" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeff9;" d="M746 107c-26-25-27-62-3-87 25-25 61-25 87 0 26 24 27 63 3 87-24 25-62 25-87 0z m-650 444c-13-13-13-31-1-43 11-12 31-12 43 0 12 12 12 33 0 45-13 11-30 11-42-2z m199 201c-12-11-12-30-1-42 11-11 32-12 44 0 12 10 12 32 1 44-12 11-31 11-44-2z m-61-716c-12-12-11-31 1-42 12-12 32-12 43 0 12 12 12 30 0 42-13 13-31 14-44 0z m577 581c-12-12-12-31 1-43 11-12 31-12 42 0 12 11 12 32 0 44-12 11-31 11-43-1z m-739-348c-12-12-12-31 0-43 12-12 30-12 42-1 12 12 12 32 1 44-12 11-31 11-43 0z m856 75c-12 12-31 11-43-2-12-12-11-30 1-42 12-11 31-11 42 0 12 12 12 33 0 44z m-420-381c-11-12-11-30 1-42 12-12 32-11 43 1 12 11 11 31 0 42-13 12-31 12-44-1z m69 815c-11-12-11-30 1-42 11-12 32-12 43 0 12 12 11 32-2 43-12 12-30 11-42-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="spinner" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeffa;" d="M797 164c-48 33-115 20-149-27-29-41-26-99 6-133 40-42 93-51 140-22 5 4 10 7 16 11 2 3 5 6 8 9 1 5 6 8 8 12 34 48 20 116-29 150z m-571 491c-16 0-30-7-44-15-4-4-8-8-12-12-1-2-1-3-2-5-19-27-16-64 5-88 24-25 60-32 89-15 29 16 44 49 35 81-8 33-37 54-71 54z m683-258c-39 40-102 41-141 2-39-39-39-102 0-141 39-38 101-38 140 0 39 39 40 101 1 139z m-109 122c35 35 35 92 0 127-34 35-91 36-126 2-36-36-37-92-2-128 36-36 93-36 128-1z m-376 223c-31-32-31-83 1-115 32-32 83-31 115 1 31 32 31 82-1 114-32 32-83 32-115 0z m-254-369c-24 25-64 25-89 0-25-25-25-64 0-89 25-25 65-25 89 0 25 24 25 65 0 89z m18-258c-22-22-22-57 0-78 22-22 57-22 78 0 22 21 22 57 0 78-21 22-57 22-78 0z m246-105c-17-18-17-45 0-63 18-18 46-18 64-1 18 18 18 48 0 65-18 17-46 17-64-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="spreadsheet" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeffb;" d="M63 749v-798h875v798h-875z m312-32h250v-159h-250v159z m0-191h250v-160h-250v160z m-32-543h-249v159h249v-159z m0 191h-249v160h249v-160z m0 193h-249v159h249v-159z m0 191h-249v159h249v-159z m563-575h-62v224h-94v-224h-63v159h-94v-159h-62v96h-94v-96h-62v351h531l0-351z m0 384h-250v159h250v-159z m0 191h-250v159h250v-159z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="square" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeffc;" d="M865 788h-730c-40 0-72-33-72-73v-730c0-40 32-73 72-73h730c40 0 73 33 73 73v730c0 40-33 73-73 73z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ssl-security" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeffd;" d="M822 173v230h-57v119c0 147-119 266-265 266s-265-119-265-266v-120h-57v-257c14 15 29 30 44 45h59l-103-104v-60c55 54 110 109 164 164h60c-6-6-11-11-17-17-64-64-128-128-192-193h-15v-67h644v81l-14-14h-59c0 1 1 2 1 3 11 10 21 20 32 31l40 40v60l-74-74-59-60h-60l149 149c15 15 29 29 44 44z m-487 229v120c0 91 74 165 165 165 91 0 165-74 165-165v-120h-330z m-22-422h-59c49 50 99 100 149 149l61 61h59l-150-150-60-60z m60 0c1 1 1 2 2 2l31 32 176 176h60c-6-6-11-11-17-17-64-64-128-128-192-193l-60 0z m388 193c-64-64-128-128-192-193h-60c0 1 1 2 2 2 10 11 20 21 31 32l176 176h60c-6-6-12-11-17-17z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="star-alt-1" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xeffe;" d="M936 363c2 0 2 0 0 0-113 7-225 15-339 44-2 0-2 1-1 3 34 53 66 104 99 156 1 2 1 2 0 1-44-45-87-88-137-125-1-1-3-1-3 1-32 113-42 228-51 342 0 2 0 2 0 0-8-113-19-226-48-337-1-2-2-2-4-1-50 36-93 79-137 121-1 1-1 1 0 0 36-50 71-99 101-154 1-2 1-3-1-4-116-31-233-41-351-49-2 0-2 0 0 0 118-10 236-20 355-55 1 0 2-2 1-3-39-48-76-94-113-140-1-1 0-1 1 0 44 37 88 74 138 106 1 0 3 0 3-2 36-116 49-234 59-352 0-2 0-2 1 0 6 119 14 238 45 356 0 2 2 2 3 1 28-17 55-33 81-50 26-16 51-34 76-52 1-1 1-1 0 1-42 42-84 85-122 135-1 2-1 3 1 3 40 9 77 19 114 26 39 7 78 12 117 17 37 5 75 7 112 11z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="star-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xefff;" d="M926 375h-355c-6 0-8 3-3 8l251 251c4 4 4 11 0 16l-19 19c-5 4-12 4-16 0l-251-251c-5-5-8-3-8 3v355c0 7-5 12-11 12h-28c-6 0-11-5-11-12v-355c0-6-3-8-8-3l-251 251c-4 4-11 4-16 0l-19-19c-4-5-4-12 0-16l251-251c5-5 3-8-3-8h-355c-6 0-11-5-11-11v-28c0-6 4-11 11-11h355c6 0 8-3 3-8l-251-251c-4-4-4-11 0-16l19-19c5-4 12-4 16 0l251 251c5 5 8 3 8-3v-355c0-7 5-12 11-12h28c6 0 11 5 11 12v355c0 6 3 8 8 3l251-251c4-4 11-4 16 0l19 19c4 5 4 12 0 16l-251 251c-5 5-3 8 3 8h355c7 0 12 5 12 11v28c0 6-5 11-12 11z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="star" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf000;" d="M935 444c-16-17-33-34-50-51-45-44-91-89-137-133-7-7-14-14-21-22-3-3-4-8-4-12 17-99 34-197 51-296 0-1 0-1 0-2-1-1-5 1-10 4-18 9-35 18-52 27-69 36-138 73-207 109-6 3-10 2-15-1-86-45-172-91-259-136-1-1-3-2-4-2-3-1-4 2-3 8 4 23 7 46 11 69 13 74 26 148 38 222 1 3-1 8-4 11-45 44-90 87-134 132-25 24-48 49-70 74-4 4-3 8 3 9 12 2 26 4 40 6 60 9 121 17 181 26 20 3 41 7 61 9 8 1 11 4 15 11 42 86 84 172 127 258 1 2 2 3 3 5 1 3 4 4 6 1 1-1 2-3 2-4 43-87 86-174 129-261 3-6 7-9 14-10 89-13 177-26 266-39 7-1 13-2 20-3 6 0 7-4 3-9z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="street-view" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf001;" d="M760 130c-42 43-97 60-153 73-7 1-16-7-17-14 0-8 8-5 12-8 0 0 1 0 2 0 34-9 67-22 95-45 45-37 46-87 2-124-16-13-34-25-53-32-49-19-98-28-148-28-50 0-99 9-148 28-19 8-37 19-53 33-45 36-43 86 2 123 28 23 61 36 95 45 1 0 2 0 2 1 4 2 12-1 12 8-1 6-10 15-17 13-56-12-111-30-153-73-43-43-41-96 3-138 34-31 74-48 116-61 50-14 101-19 135-18 2 0 4 0 6 0l5 0c35-1 86 4 135 18 43 13 83 30 117 61 44 41 46 95 3 138z m-405 282c1-18 13-31 29-31 18-1 31 12 31 31 0 48 0 95 1 143 0 4 2 8 4 12 1-4 3-8 3-12 1-130 1-260 1-390-2 0-3 0-5 0-25-9-48-20-64-43-11-16-10-37 2-53 14-19 33-30 54-37 29-11 59-16 89-16h1c29 0 59 5 89 16 21 7 40 18 54 37 11 16 12 37 2 53-16 23-39 34-64 43-1 0-3 0-4 0v168c0 74 0 147 0 221 0 4 3 8 4 13 1-5 4-9 4-13 0-46 0-92 0-138 0-11 3-21 12-28 10-7 20-9 31-3 13 6 17 17 17 30 1 54 1 107 0 160-1 48-34 80-82 80-43 0-86 0-129 0-46-1-79-34-79-80 0-22 0-45 0-68-1-32-1-63-1-95z m92-334c24-8 47 8 47 34l0 222c0 5-2 14 6 14 9 0 7-9 7-14 0-73 0-146 0-218 0-8 2-17 6-24 7-14 24-19 41-14 15 4 24 17 24 33v31c4-2 9-4 13-6 13-8 25-17 25-34s-12-26-25-33c-26-15-55-19-82-19-3 0-6 0-9 0h0l-9 0c-27 0-56 4-82 19-13 7-25 16-25 33s12 26 25 34c5 2 10 5 15 7v-25c0-3 0-7 0-10 0-14 9-26 23-30z m53 585c35 0 62 27 62 62 1 35-27 63-61 63-35 0-64-29-63-63 0-34 28-62 62-62z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="support-faq" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf002;" d="M807 674c-82 67-191 103-307 103s-225-36-307-103c-84-68-130-159-130-256 0-93 42-180 119-247l158-235c6-9 15-13 25-13h0c11 0 20 5 25 14l75 123c11-1 23-1 35-1 116 0 225 36 307 103 84 68 131 159 131 256 0 97-47 188-131 256z m-317-374c0-2-1-3-3-3h-242c-2 0-3 1-3 3v35c0 2 1 3 3 3h242c2 0 3-1 3-3v-35z m0 80c0-2-1-3-3-3h-242c-2 0-3 1-3 3v36c0 1 1 3 3 3h242c2 0 3-2 3-3v-36z m0 81c0-2-1-3-3-3h-242c-2 0-3 1-3 3v35c0 2 1 3 3 3h242c2 0 3-1 3-3v-35z m196-215c-13-2-24-3-36-3-12 0-24 1-35 3-2 12-3 24-3 35 0 12 1 24 3 36 11 2 23 3 35 3 11 0 23-1 36-3 1-12 2-24 2-35 0-12-1-24-2-36z m64 210c-6-11-13-21-21-28-8-8-17-14-26-19-8-4-15-8-21-10v-44c-11-2-22-3-32-3-11 0-21 1-31 3v83c8 1 15 3 23 6 8 2 16 5 23 10 6 4 12 9 16 15 5 7 7 14 7 24 0 14-5 24-15 31s-23 11-40 11c-7 0-13 0-18 0-5-1-10-2-15-3-4-1-9-2-13-4-5-1-10-3-15-5-5 9-8 17-11 26-3 9-5 19-6 28 9 3 17 6 24 8 7 2 14 4 20 5 7 1 14 2 21 3 6 0 14 0 21 0 39 0 68-8 88-26 19-18 29-42 29-72 1-15-2-28-8-39z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tack-pin" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf003;" d="M813 356c-3 5-6 9-9 13-46 66-108 102-189 102-7 0-11 1-15 8-32 58-65 117-98 175-4 7-3 12 0 19 8 16 16 33 21 51 5 18 6 36 1 54-3 9-14 12-22 7-103-57-205-114-310-173-9-5-10-14-3-20 6-6 11-11 17-15 25-17 53-22 83-23 9 0 13-4 18-12 31-57 63-114 96-171 4-8 4-13-1-21-45-75-42-149-6-225 4-9 15-12 23-7 47 26 94 53 141 79 8 4 19 2 25-6 66-89 131-177 197-265 6-8 11-14 11-14 1 1-2 8-5 17-41 102-82 204-124 307-3 9 0 20 9 25 44 24 88 49 133 74 8 5 11 14 7 21z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tag" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf004;" d="M537-62c-150 150-300 300-450 451-2 2-5 4-7 6-6 12-15 24-17 36-2 15 1 30 5 45 15 70 31 140 47 210 5 25 19 44 45 49 74 17 148 33 222 50 31 7 57 0 79-23 26-28 54-54 81-82l370-370c33-32 34-73 2-105-90-90-181-181-271-271-14-14-30-21-46-21-26-1-44 9-60 25z m-216 663c0 40-33 72-73 72-40 0-72-32-73-72 0-40 33-73 74-73 40 1 73 34 72 73z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tags" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf005;" d="M815 315c-109 109-218 219-328 328-24 24-48 48-72 72-6 7-13 12-20 15-15 8-31 9-49 5-66-15-131-29-197-44-24-5-35-21-40-43-14-62-28-124-42-187-3-12-6-26-4-39 2-11 10-21 15-32 2-2 4-4 6-6 133-133 266-266 399-399 14-14 30-23 53-22 11 0 22 4 32 11 3 2 6 5 8 8 80 80 161 160 240 240 29 28 28 64-1 93z m-552 204c-10-7-22-11-35-11-35 0-64 27-65 61-1 1-1 2-1 3 1 11 3 21 8 30 11 21 32 34 57 34 13 0 26-4 36-10 17-12 29-31 29-54 0-22-12-41-29-53z m653-204c-110 109-219 219-328 328-24 24-49 48-72 72-20 20-43 26-70 20-7-1-15-3-22-5 7-3 13-8 20-15 23-24 48-48 72-72 109-109 219-219 328-328 29-29 29-65 1-93-80-80-160-160-240-240-3-3-6-6-9-8 11-7 24-12 40-11 15 0 29 7 41 19 80 80 160 160 240 240 28 28 27 64-1 93z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tasks-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf006;" d="M280 637h25c19 0 34 19 34 41v68c0 23-15 41-34 41h-25c-19 0-35-18-35-41v-68c0-22 16-41 35-41z m401 0h25c19 0 35 19 35 41v68c0 23-16 41-35 41h-25c-19 0-34-18-34-41v-68c0-22 15-41 34-41z m136 75h-35v-34c0-45-34-82-76-82h-25c-41 0-75 37-75 82v34h-226v-34c0-45-34-82-75-82h-25c-42 0-76 37-76 82v34h-21c-59 0-106-47-106-105v-589c0-58 47-106 106-106h634c59 0 106 48 106 106v589c0 58-48 105-106 105z m56-685c0-29-24-53-53-53h-640c-29 0-53 24-53 53v480h746l0-480z m-619 298h492c15 0 27 19 27 43 0 24-12 44-27 44h-492c-15 0-28-20-28-44 0-24 13-43 28-43z m0-137h492c15 0 27 19 27 43s-12 44-27 44h-492c-15 0-28-20-28-44s13-43 28-43z m0-137h297c15 0 28 20 28 44 0 24-13 43-28 43h-297c-15 0-28-19-28-43 0-24 13-44 28-44z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tasks" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf007;" d="M756 680h-96v12c0 14-11 25-25 25h-66v45c0 14-11 26-25 26h-88c-14 0-25-12-25-26v-45h-66c-14 0-25-11-25-25v-12h-96c-20 0-36-16-36-36v-696c0-19 16-36 36-36h512c19 0 35 17 35 36v696c0 20-16 36-35 36z m-289 80h66c1 0 2-1 2-3v-34h-71v34h0c0 2 1 3 3 3z m278-795c0-2-2-5-5-5h-481c-2 0-5 3-5 5v657c0 3 3 5 5 5h84v-38c0-14 11-25 24-25h265c14 0 25 11 25 25v38h83c3 0 6-2 6-5v-657z m-295 377c-47-29-80-65-94-81l-35 28c-1 0-20-17-20-17l64-65c0-1 1-1 2-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 1 10 27 44 82 88 122 1 1 1 2 0 3 1 0-6 10-7 10z m243-52h-190c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-22c0-3 3-6 6-6h190c3 0 6 3 6 6v22c0 3-3 5-6 5z m-243 206c-47-29-81-65-94-81l-35 27c-1 1-21-16-20-17l64-65c0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 10 27 44 82 88 122 1 0 1 1 0 3 0-1-6 10-7 10z m243-52h-190c-3 0-6-2-6-5v-22c0-4 3-6 6-6h190c3 0 6 2 6 6v22c0 3-3 5-6 5z m-243-256c-47-29-81-65-94-81l-35 28c-1 0-21-17-20-17l64-65c0-1 1-1 2-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 2 2 10 26 44 81 88 121 1 1 1 2 0 3 0 0-6 10-7 10z m243-51h-190c-3 0-6-3-6-6v-22c0-3 3-6 6-6h190c3 0 6 3 6 6v22c0 3-3 6-6 6z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="telephone" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf008;" d="M857 290c-112 33-203 93-203 207 0 18-11 32-28 32s-30-13-30-29-15-28-33-28h-127c-18 0-33 13-33 28s-13 29-30 29-26-14-26-32c3-57-16-170-199-209-18-4-33-7-35-7-1-1-2-16-2-34v-192c0-18 15-33 33-33h712c18 0 33 15 33 33v224s0 1 0 2c0 0-14 4-32 9z m-310 29l36 37c5 6 14 6 20 0s6-15 0-21l-36-38c-5-6-14-6-20 0-5 6-5 16 0 22z m-62 68c0 8 6 15 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 8 0 14-7 14-15v-54c0-8-6-15-14-15 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-8 0-14 7-14 15v54z m-132-140c0 8 6 15 14 15h51c7 0 14-7 14-15 0-9-7-16-14-16h-51c-8 0-14 7-14 16z m99-73l-36-37c-6-6-14-6-20 0s-6 15 0 21l35 38c6 6 15 6 21 0 5-6 5-16 0-22z m0 123c-6-6-15-6-21 0l-35 38c-6 6-6 15 0 21s14 6 20 0l36-37c5-6 5-16 0-22z m62-191c0-8-6-15-14-15 0 0 0 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-8 0-14 7-14 15v54c0 8 6 15 14 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 8 0 14-7 14-15v-54z m-14 105h-1c-19 0-34 16-34 36 0 19 15 35 34 35h1c19 0 33-16 33-35 1-20-14-36-33-36z m103-74c-6-6-15-6-20 0l-36 37c-5 6-5 16 0 22s15 6 20 0l36-38c5-6 5-15 0-21z m29 94h-51c-7 0-14 7-14 16 0 8 6 15 14 15h51c7 0 14-7 14-15 0-9-7-16-14-16z m-210 328c51 4 114 5 176 0 44-4 95-3 95-32h243c-5 33-73 147-425 151-371 3-449-118-448-151h242c0 27 40 26 117 32z m-141-133c15 0 24 13 24 25v50h-242s0-53 0-53c0-13 9-22 27-22h-3 194z m657 75h-243v-50c0-12 9-25 24-25h194-3c18 0 27 9 27 22 0 0 1 53 1 53z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="telescope" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf009;" d="M935 503c-34 81-68 162-103 243-6 13-21 20-34 14-82-35-162-69-244-103-13-6-19-21-13-34l14-34-20-18-6 15c-6 14-22 20-36 14-65-27-130-55-196-83-14-6-20-22-14-36 4-10 9-21 13-32h-28c-7 9-19 12-29 8-46-20-91-39-137-59-13-5-20-20-14-34 4-9 8-19 12-28-10-5-20-9-30-13-6-3-9-10-7-16 10-22 19-43 28-65 2-6 10-9 16-6l30 13c3-7 6-15 9-22 6-13 21-19 34-13 46 19 92 38 137 58 14 5 20 21 14 34l-3 7h26c4-9 8-18 12-28 3-8 10-13 18-15 0-1 0-1 0-2 5-11 10-22 14-33 2-5 7-7 12-5 10 4 20 8 31 13 5 2 7 0 5-5-39-98-77-194-115-292-2-4 0-8 5-8 8 0 15 0 22 0 7-1 10 2 13 9 43 103 87 206 130 310 3 9 8 15 16 18 4 2 9 1 11-2 1-2 1-3 2-5 15-33 30-67 46-100 33-73 66-146 99-219 2-3 6-8 9-8 8-1 17-1 26-1 5 0 7 4 5 8-49 114-98 227-146 340-2 4 0 9 4 11 17 7 34 15 51 22 5 2 7 7 5 11-5 11-10 22-14 34-1 1-2 1-3 2 3 7 4 15 1 22l-1 2 19 18 13-31c6-13 21-19 34-13 81 34 162 68 244 103 13 5 19 21 13 34z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="terminal" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00a;" d="M195 329c0-5 0-11 0-17 0-8 1-19 2-32l169 83c3 12 4 24 4 36 0 13-1 26-4 40l-169 84c-1-7-1-14-2-20 0-6 0-11 0-16 0-6 0-11 0-17 1-6 1-11 2-16l123-53-123-55c-1-5-2-11-2-17z m213-152h200c1 5 1 9 2 13 0 4 0 8 0 11 0 5 0 9 0 13-1 4-1 9-2 13h-200c-1-4-1-9-2-12 0-4 0-8 0-12 0-4 0-8 0-12 1-5 1-9 2-14z m-345 427v-508c0-43 34-78 77-78h720c43 0 78 35 78 78v508c0 43-35 78-78 78h-720c-43 0-77-35-77-78z m766-553h-654c-42 0-77 34-77 77v444c0 42 35 77 77 77h654c42 0 77-35 77-77v-444c0-43-35-77-77-77z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="thumbs-down" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00b;" d="M192 269c-32 0-64 0-96 0-24 0-33 9-33 33v420c0 22 10 32 31 33 33 0 66 0 98 0 22-1 33-11 33-33 0-140 0-280 0-421 0-23-10-32-33-32z m640-29h-269c0-2 1-4 1-5 10-50 19-101 19-152 0-33-2-65-16-96-9-19-21-35-43-40-22-6-39 3-42 22-3 14-5 28-7 42-3 32-12 62-34 86-13 14-24 29-37 43-32 33-57 70-74 112-3 8-8 16-12 24-8 13-20 19-35 20-16 1-24 6-28 22-2 7-3 15-3 22 0 115 0 229 0 343 0 6 0 12 1 18 3 18 14 27 32 27 7 0 14 0 21 0 27 2 54 5 80 12 28 6 55 15 84 15h223c1 0 3 0 5 0 51-3 92-44 93-96 27-19 45-51 45-87v-1c0-3 0-6 0-9 4-3 7-5 10-8 21-20 34-47 34-78v-2c0-10-2-20-5-30 37-16 62-53 62-96v-2c1-59-47-106-105-106z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="thumbs-up" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00c;" d="M192 431c-32 0-64 0-96 0-24 0-33-9-33-33v-421c0-21 10-32 31-32 33 0 66 0 98 0 22 0 33 10 33 33 0 140 0 280 0 420 0 24-10 33-33 33z m640 28h-269c0 3 1 4 1 6 10 50 19 100 19 152 0 33-2 65-16 95-9 19-21 35-43 41-22 6-39-3-42-23-3-14-5-28-7-42-3-32-12-61-34-85-13-14-24-30-37-43-32-33-57-70-74-112-3-8-8-16-12-24-8-13-20-19-35-20-16-1-24-7-28-22-2-7-3-15-3-23 0-114 0-228 0-343 0-5 0-11 1-18 3-17 14-26 32-26 7 0 14-1 21-1 27-1 54-5 80-11 28-7 55-16 84-16h223c1 0 3 0 5 1 51 2 92 44 93 95 27 20 45 51 45 87v2c0 3 0 6 0 9 4 2 7 5 10 8 21 19 34 47 34 77v2c0 11-2 21-5 30 37 17 62 54 62 97v1c1 59-47 106-105 106z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tick-boxed" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00d;" d="M937 713s-33 50-38 50c-228-140-392-317-459-395l-171 134c-5 4-98-80-96-82l312-318c2-2 5-4 9-4 0 0 1 0 2 1 4 1 8 4 9 8 51 128 216 397 428 592 4 3 6 9 4 14z m-110-670c0-33-27-61-60-61h-599c-33 0-60 28-60 61v598c0 33 27 60 60 60h526s21 20 51 46h-622c-33 0-60-27-60-60v-690c0-33 27-60 60-60h690c33 0 60 27 60 60v551c-16-14-32-27-46-37v-468z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tick-mark" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00e;" d="M933 657c-243-223-432-530-490-678-1-4-6-8-11-8-1-1-1-1-2-1-4 0-8 1-10 4l-357 363c-3 3 105 99 110 95l196-154c76 90 264 293 525 452 5 0 43-57 43-57 2-5 0-12-4-16z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="ticket" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf00f;" d="M937 270l-40 124c-1 6-7 9-13 9-40-1-64 13-74 43-5 14-6 29-1 44 6 18 18 30 34 39 5 3 7 9 6 15l-40 125c-2 5-8 8-13 6l-177-56 4-12c-5-2-10-4-15-6-6-2-11-3-16-4l-4 12-518-165c-6-2-9-8-7-13l40-125c2-5 8-9 13-9 40 1 64-14 74-45 11-32 1-57-34-81-4-3-7-10-5-15l40-125c1-5 7-8 13-6l518 165-4 12c4 2 9 4 15 6 5 2 10 3 16 4l3-12 178 57c6 2 9 7 7 13z m-338 304c5 3 10 5 15 6 5 2 10 3 16 4l16-51c-5-2-10-4-15-6-5-2-10-3-16-4l-16 51z m24-74c4 2 9 4 15 6 5 2 10 3 16 4l16-51c-5-3-10-5-15-7-5-1-11-3-16-3l-16 51z m24-75c4 3 9 5 14 6 6 2 11 3 16 4l17-51c-5-2-10-4-15-6-6-2-11-3-16-4l-16 51z m23-74c5 2 10 4 15 6 6 2 11 3 16 4l17-51c-5-3-10-5-15-7-6-1-11-3-16-3l-17 51z m56-122c-5-2-10-3-16-4l-16 51c5 3 10 5 15 7 5 1 11 3 16 3l16-51c-5-2-10-4-15-6z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tie" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf010;" d="M602 490c-7 38-14 77-21 115h-159c-1-3-2-6-2-10-19-103-39-206-58-309-3-21-7-42-11-63l281 104c-10 54-20 109-30 163z m34-182l-288-107c-2-9-3-18-4-27l296 110c-1 8-3 16-4 24z m19-109l-12 66-301-112c1-13 4-26 11-37 37-59 74-118 112-176 23-36 49-36 74-3 2 2 3 5 5 8l102 166c8 12 13 26 13 42 0 16-1 32-4 46z m-289 549c18-31 36-61 54-91 2-3 6-6 9-6 49 0 98 0 147 0 2 0 6 2 8 5 11 19 22 39 34 58 5 9 10 18 15 27 3 6 6 12 8 19 4 17-3 27-19 27-40 0-80 0-121 0h-14c-36 0-71 0-107 0-18 0-25-13-18-31 1-3 3-6 4-8z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="toggle-off" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf011;" d="M753 563h-506c-102 0-184-96-184-213s82-213 184-213h506c102 0 184 95 184 213s-82 213-184 213z m-22-389h-462c-92 0-167 78-167 176s75 176 167 176h462c92 0 167-79 167-176s-75-176-167-176z m-290 176c0-74-60-134-134-134s-134 60-134 134c0 74 60 134 134 134s134-60 134-134z m193 50c-4 7-9 11-15 15-6 4-13 5-21 5s-15-1-21-5c-6-3-11-8-15-15-4-6-6-14-8-22-2-9-3-18-3-28 0-10 1-20 3-28 2-9 4-16 8-23 4-6 9-11 15-14s13-6 21-6 15 2 21 6c6 3 11 8 15 14 4 7 7 14 9 23 2 8 2 18 2 28 0 10 0 19-2 28-2 8-5 16-9 22z m-36-97c-16 0-24 15-24 47s8 47 24 47c8 0 14-4 18-12 4-8 6-20 6-35 0-32-8-47-24-47z m66 115v-136c3-1 7-1 11-1 3 0 7 0 11 1v57h31c1 4 1 8 1 12 0 3 0 7-1 11h-31v32h40c0 4 0 8 0 12 0 4 0 8 0 12h-62v0z m77 0v-136c3-1 7-1 11-1 3 0 7 0 11 1v57h31c1 4 1 8 1 12 0 3 0 7-1 11h-31v32h39c1 4 1 8 1 12 0 4 0 8-1 12h-61v0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="toggle-on" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf012;" d="M753 563h-506c-102 0-184-96-184-213 0-118 82-213 184-213h506c102 0 184 95 184 213 1 117-82 213-184 213z m-22-389h-462c-92 0-167 78-167 176s75 176 167 176h462c92 0 167-79 167-176s-75-176-167-176z m-38 310c-74 0-134-60-134-134 0-74 60-134 134-134s134 60 134 134-60 134-134 134z m-387-78c-4 6-8 11-14 14-6 4-13 6-22 6s-15-2-21-6c-6-3-11-8-15-14-3-7-6-14-8-23-2-9-3-18-3-28s1-19 3-28c2-9 5-16 8-22 4-7 9-11 15-15s13-5 21-5 16 2 22 5c6 4 10 8 14 15 4 6 7 13 9 22 2 8 3 18 3 28s-1 19-3 28-5 16-9 23z m-36-98c-15 0-23 16-23 47s8 47 23 47c8 0 14-4 18-12 4-8 6-20 6-35 0-31-8-47-24-47z m126 115v-86l-42 86c-3 1-6 1-9 1-3 0-6 0-9-1v-136c3-1 6-1 10-1 3 0 6 0 10 1v87l42-87c3-1 6-1 9-1 3 0 6 0 9 1v136c-3 1-6 1-9 1-3 0-7 0-11-1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tools-alt-2" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf013;" d="M671 428c30 31 59 47 102 39 42-7 82 0 115 33 41 41 63 108 41 162-26-29-50-54-73-80-11-12-21-14-36-10-75 20-74 19-94 92-6 19-2 31 12 43 24 23 47 47 73 73-111 24-196-47-191-153 1-11 0-23 1-34 4-23-5-38-21-55-99-97-197-196-295-295-12-12-25-16-42-16-34 2-71 9-102-1-79-27-118-129-89-192 26 28 49 54 73 80 7 8 13 14 26 13 73-11 82-20 103-91 7-23 2-37-15-51-25-20-48-41-72-62 111-34 202 41 195 145-1 14-2 29-3 43-2 16 3 27 15 39 93 92 186 183 277 278z m17-126c-19 20-31 24-47 0-3-4-7-8-11-10-18-13-16-23-1-37 59-57 116-115 175-173 14-14 28-30 9-47-17-16-32-4-45 10-55 55-112 108-165 165-21 22-35 28-54 1-3-4-7-8-11-11-13-10-13-18-1-30 75-74 149-150 226-224 30-30 69-37 109-19 38 17 55 49 59 84 0 37-14 62-36 85-70 68-139 136-207 206z m-569 333c20-20 40-42 72-37 18 2 28-5 40-16 47-48 96-95 143-143 15-16 22-10 35 2 13 13 14 21 0 34-46 44-90 89-135 134-15 15-36 28-23 52 0 35-24 54-45 73-45 42-45 41-88-2-49-48-49-49 1-97z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="tools" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf014;" d="M594 318c-4 2-5 4-5 8 0 11 0 22 0 32 0 3 2 6 4 7 7 5 15 9 22 13 15 9 30 17 47 27-6 17-12 34-18 50-2 6-5 7-11 7-23-3-46-5-69-7-4-1-7 1-9 4-6 9-13 17-19 25-2 3-3 5-1 9 3 7 6 14 9 22 8 16 15 32 22 49-16 11-31 21-47 32-3 3-5 1-8-1-18-16-36-31-54-47-3-2-6-3-10-1-10 3-20 6-30 9-4 1-6 3-7 8-5 24-11 48-17 73h-62c-6-25-12-49-17-74-1-4-3-6-7-7-10-3-20-6-30-9-4-2-7-1-10 2-18 15-36 31-54 46-2 1-6 2-7 1-16-10-32-21-48-32 10-25 21-47 31-70 2-5 1-7-2-11-5-7-11-13-15-21-4-7-9-8-17-7-22 3-45 5-67 6-2 1-6-1-6-2-7-18-13-36-20-54 4-2 6-3 8-5 20-11 40-23 60-34 4-2 5-5 5-9 0-10 0-20 0-30 0-5-1-7-5-10-20-11-40-22-60-34-2-1-4-2-7-5 6-17 12-33 17-50 2-6 6-7 11-6 23 2 46 4 69 7 4 0 7-1 10-5 5-8 11-16 17-23 4-4 4-8 2-13-11-22-21-45-31-68 16-11 32-22 48-33 1-1 5 0 7 2 18 15 36 30 54 46 3 3 6 3 10 2 10-4 19-7 29-9 5-2 7-4 8-9 5-24 11-48 17-73h62c6 25 12 49 17 74 1 4 3 6 8 8 10 2 20 5 29 9 5 1 7 1 10-2 18-16 36-31 54-47 2-1 6-2 7-1 16 11 32 22 48 33-10 24-21 47-31 70-2 4-1 7 1 10 6 7 12 13 17 21 4 8 9 8 16 7 23-2 45-4 67-6 3 0 6 2 7 4 6 17 12 35 19 52-4 3-6 4-8 5-20 12-40 24-60 35z m-237-73c-52 2-96 47-95 99 2 55 48 96 105 95 53-1 96-47 95-100-2-54-48-95-105-94z m535 390c-8 6-17 12-27 19v-12c0-27 0-53 0-79 0-5-2-8-6-10-18-9-35-19-53-28-4-3-8-3-13 0-16 9-33 18-51 27-6 3-7 6-7 12 0 29 0 58 0 89-29-15-49-35-61-61-28-59-6-121 52-148 7-3 9-7 9-13v-90l-1-225c0-4 0-8 1-12 2-46 56-72 98-49 23 13 32 33 32 58 0 76 0 152 0 228 0 30 0 60 0 91 0 6 2 9 8 12 22 10 40 25 52 46 25 46 11 110-33 145z m-91-558c-15 0-27 12-27 26 1 14 14 25 28 25 15-1 28-13 27-27-1-14-13-24-28-24z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="touch" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf015;" d="M491-88c-4 2-9 1-13 1l-98 1c-29 0-44 12-53 39-8 29-14 59-21 88-7 33-22 62-45 87-5 6-11 12-16 18-11 12-16 26-9 42 8 16 21 25 38 25 33 2 60-13 84-34 20-19 35-41 42-68 1-2 2-4 4-6v395c0 8 0 15 0 23-1 34 29 49 55 45 24-4 37-18 39-42 2-41 4-81 6-121 3-53 5-106 8-160 3 6 5 11 9 15 14 18 33 21 54 18 18-3 33-12 40-30 5-13 4-27 5-40 1-3 1-5 1-8 4 13 11 24 23 30 12 6 25 8 37 5 32-7 39-19 43-76 1 0 2 2 2 3 6 22 28 30 43 28 24-2 40-15 43-37 3-17 1-34 2-52 0-48-3-96-9-144-2-22-15-37-36-43-1 0-2-1-3-1l-275-1z m29 876c5-3 11-5 15-8 13-10 17-23 14-38-6-25-13-51-21-76-7-24-34-33-55-20-13 8-19 25-15 42 6 23 12 46 18 69 4 16 14 25 29 30l15 1z m-295-168c10-1 23-6 35-9 15-3 29-8 44-12 21-6 33-25 28-45-5-20-25-32-46-27-25 6-50 13-74 20-19 6-30 23-27 41 4 19 19 32 40 32z m-16-217c0 14 6 25 18 32 22 13 44 26 66 38 20 11 41 4 51-14 10-18 4-39-14-50-22-13-44-26-66-38-26-14-55 3-55 32z m472 21c-7-1-13 1-19 3-21 6-43 11-64 17-21 6-32 25-26 46 5 20 25 31 46 25 24-6 48-12 72-19 19-6 31-23 28-41-3-18-19-32-37-31z m-349 340c14 0 25-6 32-18 13-22 26-44 38-67 13-23 1-49-25-54-14-3-27 1-36 14-15 24-30 49-43 75-11 23 9 49 34 50z m222-162c0 13 5 24 16 30 23 14 47 28 71 41 17 9 38 3 47-13 11-18 7-39-11-50-23-15-47-29-72-41-24-12-51 7-51 33z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="tree" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf018;" d="M868 505c-15 40-42 68-81 84-5 2-6 4-6 9 2 68-48 128-116 140-8 1-15 4-22 10-21 21-46 34-76 38-1 0-2 1-4 1h-31c-10-2-21-4-31-8-29-9-52-27-69-52-3-4-5-5-9-2-85 42-185-7-202-100-2-11-2-22-3-34-1 0-2-1-4-1-49-21-79-58-88-112 0-1-1-2-1-3v-32c2-11 4-22 8-32 28-77 119-118 196-77 5 3 8 3 13 0 30-15 60-20 91-13v-312h-89c-13 0-24-11-24-25v-48c0-13 11-24 24-24h312c13 0 24 11 24 24v48c0 14-11 25-24 25h-89v310c6 0 12 0 18-1 26-1 51 4 74 17 4 2 7 2 11 0 86-46 191 8 204 104 0 1 1 2 1 4v32c-2 10-4 21-7 30z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="unique-idea" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf019;" d="M507-149c-51 0-103 2-155-1-31-2-37 9-32 37 9 57 5 115-5 172-4 24-14 40-36 53-204 131-256 391-115 581 94 126 228 168 379 155 127-11 235-67 318-166 12-15 23-30 30-48 7-20 7-38-14-49-16-7-11-19-9-30 6-27 12-54 19-81 6-24 9-47-10-67-8-8-2-17 0-25 12-40 24-80 36-120 5-17 4-29-16-33-19-5-20-18-17-34 7-33 9-65 7-98-2-40-23-59-64-62-37-2-75-5-113-6-18 0-24-7-22-25 3-42 3-83 7-125 2-22-4-29-27-29-54 2-107 1-161 1z m-128 404c11 7 15-4 22-8 10-5 20-17 31-3 10 13 2 24-9 32-32 25-64 49-96 74-10 7-20 12-29 1-7-10-3-21 5-29 11-11 28-16 35-31-10-12-19 14-27 0-6-10-2-21 3-31 9-16 23-24 41-23 12 0 25 1 24 18z m113 404c-70 0-120-50-119-120 1-23 11-48 4-68-20-58 15-77 57-96 7-3 14-8 21-11 5-3 11-5 16 1 27 32 68 42 103 62 29 17 49 40 56 73 17 80-52 160-138 159z m-48-374c10 0 16 4 18 11 3 11-2 19-11 26-31 24-63 48-95 72-10 8-21 18-32 2-10-14 1-24 12-32 30-23 61-47 92-70 6-4 12-7 16-9z m189 445c0 10-8 11-14 15-6 5-12 4-16-4-7-13-15-26-23-39-5-8-1-13 6-16 6-2 12-11 18-4 11 16 19 32 29 48z m84-86c-9 8-8 27-26 16-11-7-22-13-34-19-9-6-11-12-5-22 6-9 11-13 20-6 15 11 34 14 45 31z m-331 107c-5-6-15-6-18-15-2-5 24-50 30-52 9-3 15 3 20 8 8 8 0 15-4 21-8 13-12 29-28 38z m130-8c-2 11 4 23-4 31-6 7-20 7-23 0-8-20-7-41-1-61 3-8 18-7 24-1 9 8 2 21 4 31z m192-197h-21c-11 0-11-8-11-16 0-20 16-15 25-13 14 2 35-13 41 12 2 8 1 17-10 17-8 0-16 0-24 0z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="unlock" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf01a;" d="M785 398v-470c0-9-7-16-15-16h-540c-8 0-15 7-15 16v470c0 8 7 15 15 15h43c5 0 10 1 13 4 0 0 1 2 1 3v7c0 36 0 71 0 108 0 21 0 43 3 65 19 129 148 214 274 180 90-24 158-103 163-195 2-38 1-77 1-116h-82c0 30 1 60 0 90 0 12-1 24-3 35-13 67-74 114-144 111-65-3-126-61-128-126-2-50-1-101-2-150v-8c0-2 1-3 3-4 0 0 8-4 14-4h384c8 0 15-7 15-15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="unlocked" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf01b;" d="M928 398v-470c0-9-7-15-15-15h-540c-9 0-16 6-16 15v470c0 8 7 15 16 15h42c9 0 16 3 16 8v7c-1 50 0 100-1 150-3 66-63 123-129 127-69 3-130-44-144-111-2-11-3-23-3-35 0-45 0-89 0-134v-4s-7-5-15-5h-52c-8 0-15 7-15 16 0 51-1 102 1 152 5 93 73 172 163 196 126 34 255-50 274-180 3-21 3-44 3-65 0-36 0-72 0-108v-7s7-7 15-7h385c8 0 15-7 15-15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="upload-alt" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf01c;" d="M483 753c9 9 25 9 35 0l294-286c9-9 9-24 0-34l-59-57c-9-9-25-9-35 0l-139 136v-364c0-14-11-24-25-24h-98c-14 0-25 10-25 24v374l-149-146c-10-9-25-9-35 0l-59 57c-9 10-9 25 0 34l295 286z m333-485v-206h-632v206h-121v-267c0-34 27-61 60-61h754c33 0 60 27 60 61v267h-121z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="upload" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf01d;" d="M363 356c10-10 25-10 35 0l150 145v-375c0-13 11-24 25-24h99c13 0 24 11 24 24v365l140-135c10-10 25-10 35 0l58 57c10 9 10 24 0 34l-295 286c-9 10-25 10-35 0l-295-286c-9-10-9-25 0-34l59-57z m360-196v-52c0-16-15-30-33-30h-132c-18 0-33 14-33 30v52h-462v-201h875v201h-215z m-554-137c-21 0-37 16-37 36 0 20 16 36 37 36s37-16 37-36c0-20-17-36-37-36z m132 0c-21 0-37 16-37 36 0 20 16 36 37 36 20 0 37-16 37-36 0-20-17-36-37-36z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="usb-drive" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf01e;" d="M494 787c-38 0-76 0-113 0-12 0-13-7-13-16v-204h126v220z m-36-118c0-7-5-12-12-12h-31c-6 0-12 5-12 12v16c0 7 6 12 12 12h31c7 0 12-5 12-12v-16z m174 104c0 11-6 15-17 15-28-1-57-1-86-1h-24v-220h127v206z m-36-104c0-7-5-12-12-12h-31c-7 0-12 5-12 12v16c0 7 5 12 12 12h31c7 0 12-5 12-12v-16z m74-110c-113 0-227 0-340 0-26 0-35-10-35-36v-577c0-24 9-34 33-34h343c25 0 34 9 34 34v578c0 25-10 35-35 35z m9-577c0-22-7-30-29-30h-301c-21 0-29 8-29 29v15c0-20 8-28 29-28h301c22 0 29 8 29 29v-15z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="usb" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf01f;" d="M710 540v105h-104v-105h34c0-8 0-23 0-23 0-11 0-21-1-31-1-11-9-23-17-31-21-22-43-43-66-64-12-11-24-23-37-35v326h42c-21 36-40 70-61 106-20-36-40-70-60-107h42v-457c-3 2-4 3-5 4-32 30-64 61-96 91-15 14-21 29-21 49 1 23 1 46 0 70 0 7 2 11 9 15 16 9 25 24 26 42 2 25-16 50-40 55-25 6-51-7-61-31-9-24-1-52 21-65 9-5 11-10 11-19-1-22 0-45-1-66-1-33 13-58 36-80 34-33 69-66 104-99 12-12 18-26 18-43-1-15-1-29 0-44 0-2 0-3-1-5-43-8-76-46-76-92 0-52 42-94 94-94s94 42 94 94c0 46-33 84-76 92 0 0-1 1-1 1 1 61 1 123 1 184 0 15 5 28 16 38 33 32 65 64 99 94 29 26 42 55 42 96 0 4 0 12 0 12 0 6 0 12 0 17h35z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="vector-path" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf020;" d="M832 415c-57 109-170 176-289 183-5 0-5 1-1 3l109 47c4 2 10 0 13-3 10-10 26-13 40-8 19 8 28 30 20 48-9 19-31 26-50 19-14-6-22-20-22-34 1-4-2-9-6-11l-137-57c-4-2-11-3-16-4-8 0-16-1-24-2-4-1-9 1-11 6l-16 34c-2 4-7 6-11 4l-121-51c-4-2-6-6-4-11l14-31c2-4 1-9-3-12-11-7-21-15-31-24-3-3-9-7-13-9l-135-56c-4-2-10 0-13 3-11 9-27 12-41 7-19-8-27-29-19-48 8-18 31-26 50-19 14 6 21 20 21 34 0 4 3 9 7 11l108 45c4 2 5 0 2-3-77-88-102-214-58-328 2-4 0-9-4-11l-29-12c-5-2-7-7-5-11l53-116c2-4 7-6 11-4l121 50c4 2 6 7 4 11l-52 116c-2 5-7 7-12 5l-38-16c-4-2-9 0-11 4-45 122-2 256 100 334 4 3 9 2 11-2l15-34c2-4 7-6 11-4l120 51c5 2 7 6 5 11l-13 31c-2 4 0 8 5 8 124 14 250-47 309-159 2-4 1-9-4-11l-40-17c-4-2-6-7-4-11l53-116c2-4 7-6 11-4l121 50c4 2 6 7 4 11l-53 116c-1 5-6 7-11 5l-30-13c-4-1-9 1-11 5z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="verification-check" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf021;" d="M793 687c-133-126-265-252-397-378-9-8-23-8-31 1l-140 147c-8 9-22 10-31 2-42-36-82-72-124-109-9-8-10-21-2-30 93-102 185-204 278-306 8-8 22-9 31-1 185 173 369 344 553 515 9 9 10 23 2 32-37 42-73 84-109 126-8 9-21 10-30 1z" />
+<glyph glyph-name="wall-clock" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf022;" d="M63 352c-1-243 196-440 439-440 239 1 436 198 436 439 0 240-197 437-438 437-240-1-437-197-437-436z m824-3c0-213-174-387-387-386-214 0-387 174-387 388 0 212 176 387 389 386 213 0 386-175 385-388z m-432 17c-1-4-2-8-2-12 0-26 20-46 46-46 15 0 29 8 37 19 2 3 4 6 4 6h1c94 0 189 0 283 0h8c3 0 6 3 6 6v20c0 4-3 7-6 7h-8c-93 0-186 0-280 0h0c0 0-1 3-3 6-7 16-23 28-42 28-4 0-8-1-12-2-3-1-8 0-11 3-34 33-67 66-101 99-11 11-21 22-32 34-2 2-6 3-9 0-6-6-11-11-16-16-3-3-3-7 0-9 45-45 90-89 134-133 3-2 3-7 3-10z m22-326c0-12 10-22 22-22 12 0 21 10 22 22 0 11-10 21-22 21-12 0-21-9-22-21z m155 579c0-12 9-22 21-22 12 0 22 10 22 22 0 11-10 21-22 22-11 0-21-10-21-22z m-151 40c0-12 10-22 22-21 12 0 21 9 21 21 0 12-10 22-22 22-12-1-21-10-21-22z m-228-156c-1 12-10 22-22 22-11-1-21-11-21-22-1-12 9-21 21-21 12 0 22 9 22 21z m115-422c0 12-9 21-20 21-12 0-22-10-22-22 0-12 9-21 22-21 12 0 21 9 20 22z m378 423c0-11 10-22 21-22 12 0 22 10 22 22 0 11-9 21-22 21-12 0-21-9-21-21z m2-308c0-12 10-21 21-21 12 0 22 9 22 21 0 12-9 22-21 22-11 0-22-11-22-22z m-535 156c-1 11-11 21-22 21-12 0-22-10-21-22 0-12 10-22 21-21 12 0 22 10 22 22z m41-157c1 11-9 21-21 21-12 0-22-9-22-21 0-12 10-22 22-22 11 0 21 11 21 22z m114 422c0 12-10 22-22 22-12 0-21-10-21-22 0-12 9-21 21-21 11-1 22 10 22 21z m266-536c0-12 9-21 21-21 11-1 22 10 22 21 0 12-10 22-22 22-12 0-21-10-21-22z" />
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+<glyph glyph-name="wallet" horiz-adv-x="1000" unicode="&#xf024;" d="M485 454v20c0 64 52 116 116 116h284v34c0 30-25 55-55 55h-713c-30 0-54-25-54-55v-548c0-30 24-55 54-55h713c30 0 55 25 55 55v262h-284c-64 0-116 52-116 116z m412 108h-279c-50 0-90-41-90-91v-15c0-50 40-90 90-90h279c22 0 41 18 41 41v114c0 22-19 41-41 41z m-264-146c-27 0-48 21-48 48s21 48 48 48 48-22 48-48c0-27-22-48-48-48z" />
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+ * Bootstrap v4.4.1 (
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+ * Licensed under MIT (
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/static/hgk/js/clipboard.min.js Mon Apr 13 22:54:13 2020 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ * clipboard.js v2.0.6
+ *
+ *
+ * Licensed MIT © Zeno Rocha
+ */
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e=[],1),n=((this.e||(this.e={}))[t]||[]).slice(),o=0,r=n.length;o<r;o++)n[o].fn.apply(n[o].ctx,e);return this},off:function(t,e){var n=this.e||(this.e={}),o=n[t],r=[];if(o&&e)for(var i=0,a=o.length;i<a;i++)o[i].fn!==e&&o[i].fn._!==e&&r.push(o[i]);return r.length?n[t]=r:delete n[t],this}},t.exports=n,t.exports.TinyEmitter=n},function(t,e,n){var d=n(3),h=n(4);t.exports=function(t,e,n){if(!t&&!e&&!n)throw new Error("Missing required arguments");if(!d.string(e))throw new TypeError("Second argument must be a String");if(!d.fn(n))throw new TypeError("Third argument must be a Function");if(d.node(t))return s=e,f=n,(u=t).addEventListener(s,f),{destroy:function(){u.removeEventListener(s,f)}};if(d.nodeList(t))return a=t,c=e,l=n,,function(t){t.addEventListener(c,l)}),{destroy:function(){,function(t){t.removeEventListener(c,l)})}};if(d.string(t))return o=t,r=e,i=n,h(document.body,o,r,i);throw new TypeError("First argument must be a String, HTMLElement, HTMLCollection, or NodeList");var o,r,i,a,c,l,u,s,f}},function(t,n){n.node=function(t){return void 0!==t&&t instanceof HTMLElement&&1===t.nodeType},n.nodeList=function(t){var;return void 0!==t&&("[object NodeList]"===e||"[object HTMLCollection]"===e)&&"length"in t&&(0===t.length||n.node(t[0]))},n.string=function(t){return"string"==typeof t||t instanceof String},n.fn=function(t){return"[object Function]"}},function(t,e,n){var a=n(5);function i(t,e,n,o,r){var i=function(e,n,t,o){return function(t){t.delegateTarget=a(,n),t.delegateTarget&&,t)}}.apply(this,arguments);return t.addEventListener(n,i,r),{destroy:function(){t.removeEventListener(n,i,r)}}}t.exports=function(t,e,n,o,r){return"function"==typeof t.addEventListener?i.apply(null,arguments):"function"==typeof n?i.bind(null,document).apply(null,arguments):("string"==typeof t&&(t=document.querySelectorAll(t)),,function(t){return i(t,e,n,o,r)}))}},function(t,e){if("undefined"!=typeof Element&&!Element.prototype.matches){var 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You can\'t cut text from elements with "readonly" or "disabled" attributes');this._target=t}},get:function(){return this._target}}]),c),u=n(1),s=n.n(u),f=n(2),d=n.n(f),h="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(t){return typeof t}:function(t){return t&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&t.constructor===Symbol&&t!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof t},p=function(t,e,n){return e&&y(t.prototype,e),n&&y(t,n),t};function y(t,e){for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++){var o=e[n];o.enumerable=o.enumerable||!1,o.configurable=!0,"value"in o&&(o.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(t,o.key,o)}}var m=(function(t,e){if("function"!=typeof e&&null!==e)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not "+typeof e);t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype,{constructor:{value:t,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),e&&(Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.setPrototypeOf(t,e):t.__proto__=e)}(v,s.a),p(v,[{key:"resolveOptions",value:function(t){var e=0<arguments.length&&void 0!==t?t:{};this.action="function"==typeof e.action?e.action:this.defaultAction,"function"==typeof,this.text="function"==typeof e.text?e.text:this.defaultText,this.container="object"===h(e.container)?e.container:document.body}},{key:"listenClick",value:function(t){var e=this;this.listener=d()(t,"click",function(t){return e.onClick(t)})}},{key:"onClick",value:function(t){var e=t.delegateTarget||t.currentTarget;this.clipboardAction&&(this.clipboardAction=null),this.clipboardAction=new l({action:this.action(e),,text:this.text(e),container:this.container,trigger:e,emitter:this})}},{key:"defaultAction",value:function(t){return b("action",t)}},{key:"defaultTarget",value:function(t){var e=b("target",t);if(e)return document.querySelector(e)}},{key:"defaultText",value:function(t){return b("text",t)}},{key:"destroy",value:function(){this.listener.destroy(),this.clipboardAction&&(this.clipboardAction.destroy(),this.clipboardAction=null)}}],[{key:"isSupported",value:function(t){var e=0<arguments.length&&void 0!==t?t:["copy","cut"],n="string"==typeof e?[e]:e,o=!!document.queryCommandSupported;return n.forEach(function(t){o=o&&!!document.queryCommandSupported(t)}),o}}]),v);function v(t,e){!function(t,e){if(!(t instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}(this,v);var n=function(t,e){if(!t)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return!e||"object"!=typeof e&&"function"!=typeof e?t:e}(this,(v.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(v)).call(this));return n.resolveOptions(e),n.listenClick(t),n}function b(t,e){var n="data-clipboard-"+t;if(e.hasAttribute(n))return e.getAttribute(n)}e.default=m}],r.c=o,r.d=function(t,e,n){r.o(t,e)||Object.defineProperty(t,e,{enumerable:!0,get:n})},r.r=function(t){"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(t,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0})},r.t=function(e,t){if(1&t&&(e=r(e)),8&t)return e;if(4&t&&"object"==typeof e&&e&&e.__esModule)return e;var n=Object.create(null);if(r.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:e}),2&t&&"string"!=typeof e)for(var o in e)r.d(n,o,function(t){return e[t]}.bind(null,o));return n},r.n=function(t){var e=t&&t.__esModule?function(){return t.default}:function(){return t};return r.d(e,"a",e),e},r.o=function(t,e){return,e)},r.p="",r(r.s=6).default;function r(t){if(o[t])return o[t].exports;var e=o[t]={i:t,l:!1,exports:{}};return n[t].call(e.exports,e,e.exports,r),e.l=!0,e.exports}var n,o});
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/static/hgk/js/graph.js Mon Apr 13 22:54:13 2020 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+function GraphV2() {
+ this.canvas = document.getElementById('graph');
+ this.trackWidth = 20;
+ this.padding = 10;
+ this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
+ /* you can override the colors by setting this to a list of colors of
+ * your choosing.
+ */
+ this.colors = [
+ "#ff0000",
+ "#ffff00",
+ "#00ff00",
+ "#00ffff",
+ "#0000ff",
+ "#ff00ff"
+ ];
+GraphV2.prototype = {
+ reset: function() {
+ // This is necessary because ajaxScrollInit from mercurial.js calls it.
+ },
+ setColor: function(color) {
+ let style = "#000000";
+ // If color is a string, expect an hexadecimal RGB
+ // value and apply it unchanged. If color is a number,
+ // pick a distinct colour based on an internal wheel;
+ if(typeof color === "string") {
+ style = "#" + color;
+ } else { //typeof color === "number"
+ /* select a color from the color wheel based on the color index
+ * that mercurial gave us.
+ */
+ style = this.colors[color % this.colors.length];
+ }
+ this.ctx.strokeStyle = style;
+ this.ctx.fillStyle = style;
+ },
+ renderEdge: function(x0, y0, x1, y1, color) {
+ this.setColor(color);
+ /* set the line width and caps to make sure everything is nice and
+ * solid.
+ */
+ this.ctx.lineWidth = 2;
+ this.ctx.lineCap = "square";
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
+ if(x0 === x1) {
+ /* this is linear history, no need for a bezier curve */
+ this.ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
+ } else {
+ let dy = y1 - y0;
+ /* don't ask, this is the result of trial and error not smrts */
+ let cpx0 = x0 * 1;
+ let cpy0 = y1 - (dy / 2);
+ let cpx1 = x1 * 1;
+ let cpy1 = y0 + (dy / 2);
+ this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(cpx0, cpy0, cpx1, cpy1, x1, y1);
+ }
+ this.ctx.stroke();
+ },
+ vertex: function(x, y, radius, color, parity, cur) {
+ this.setColor(color);
+ switch (cur.graphnode.substr(-1)) {
+ case '_':
+ /* draws a - */
+ this.ctx.fillRect(x - radius, y - 1.5, radius * 2, 3);
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ /* draws a * */
+ let x30 = radius * Math.cos(Math.PI / 6);
+ let y30 = radius * Math.sin(Math.PI / 6);
+ this.ctx.lineWidth = 2;
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.moveTo(x, y - radius);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(x, y + radius);
+ this.ctx.moveTo(x - x30, y - y30);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(x + x30, y + y30);
+ this.ctx.moveTo(x - x30, y + y30);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(x + x30, y - y30);
+ this.ctx.stroke();
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ /* draws an X */
+ var p45 = radius * Math.cos(Math.PI / 4);
+ this.ctx.lineWidth = 3;
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.moveTo(x - p45, y - p45);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(x + p45, y + p45);
+ this.ctx.moveTo(x - p45, y + p45);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(x + p45, y - p45);
+ this.ctx.stroke();
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.ctx.beginPath();
+ this.ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
+ this.ctx.fill();
+ }
+ this.ctx.restore();
+ },
+ renderEdges: function(top, width, height, current) {
+ let columns = 0;
+ for(let j = 0; j < current.edges.length; j++) {
+ let edge = current.edges[j];
+ let start = edge[0];
+ let end = edge[1];
+ let color = edge[2];
+ let branchcolor = edge[4];
+ /* we keep track of how many columns are on this row */
+ columns = Math.max(columns, start, end);
+ if(branchcolor) {
+ color = branchcolor;
+ }
+ let x0 = (width * start) + (width / 2) + this.padding;
+ let y0 = top - (height / 2);
+ let x1 = (width * end) + (width / 2) + this.padding;
+ let y1 = top + (height / 2);
+ this.renderEdge(x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
+ }
+ return columns;
+ },
+ findDataNode: function(node) {
+ return document.querySelector("[data-node=\""+node+"\"]");
+ },
+ resizeCanvas: function(data) {
+ let height = 0;
+ let columns = 0;
+ for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ let node = data[i];
+ /* we need to determine how many columns we actually have, and to
+ * do so, we need to iterate all of the edges of each node to
+ * figure out the maximum columns that are currently being
+ * displayed.
+ */
+ for(let j = 0; j < node.edges.length; j++) {
+ let edge = node.edges[j]
+ columns = Math.max(columns, edge[0], edge[1]);
+ }
+ /* increment height but the height of each row */
+ let item = this.findDataNode(node.node);
+ height += item.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ /* height was calculated above, as well as columns, but we need to add
+ * a column as we center on the x axis.
+ */
+ this.canvas.height = height;
+ this.canvas.width = this.trackWidth * (columns + 1) + (this.padding * 2);
+ },
+ render: function(data) {
+ /* resize the canvas, this has to be done first, because changing it
+ * later invalidates the canvas and it's cleared.
+ */
+ this.resizeCanvas(data);
+ let radius = 5;
+ for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ let parity = i % 2; /* used for striping */
+ let current = data[i];
+ let item = this.findDataNode(current.node);
+ let column = current.vertex[0];
+ let color = current.vertex[1];
+ let x = (column * this.trackWidth) + (this.trackWidth / 2) + this.padding;
+ let y = item.offsetTop + (item.offsetHeight / 2);
+ let columns = this.renderEdges(item.offsetTop + item.offsetHeight, this.trackWidth, item.offsetHeight, current);
+ this.vertex(x, y, radius, color, parity, current);
+ let paddingLeft = (columns + 1) * this.trackWidth + (this.padding * 2);
+ = paddingLeft + "px";
+ }
+ },
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/templates/static/hgk/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js Mon Apr 13 22:54:13 2020 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
--- a/templates/static/js/clipboard.min.js Mon Apr 13 21:20:36 2020 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- * clipboard.js v2.0.6
- *
- *
- * Licensed MIT © Zeno Rocha
- */
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\ No newline at end of file
--- a/templates/static/js/graph.js Mon Apr 13 21:20:36 2020 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-function GraphV2() {
- this.canvas = document.getElementById('graph');
- this.trackWidth = 20;
- this.padding = 10;
- this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
- /* you can override the colors by setting this to a list of colors of
- * your choosing.
- */
- this.colors = [
- "#ff0000",
- "#ffff00",
- "#00ff00",
- "#00ffff",
- "#0000ff",
- "#ff00ff"
- ];
-GraphV2.prototype = {
- reset: function() {
- // This is necessary because ajaxScrollInit from mercurial.js calls it.
- },
- setColor: function(color) {
- let style = "#000000";
- // If color is a string, expect an hexadecimal RGB
- // value and apply it unchanged. If color is a number,
- // pick a distinct colour based on an internal wheel;
- if(typeof color === "string") {
- style = "#" + color;
- } else { //typeof color === "number"
- /* select a color from the color wheel based on the color index
- * that mercurial gave us.
- */
- style = this.colors[color % this.colors.length];
- }
- this.ctx.strokeStyle = style;
- this.ctx.fillStyle = style;
- },
- renderEdge: function(x0, y0, x1, y1, color) {
- this.setColor(color);
- /* set the line width and caps to make sure everything is nice and
- * solid.
- */
- this.ctx.lineWidth = 2;
- this.ctx.lineCap = "square";
- this.ctx.beginPath();
- this.ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
- if(x0 === x1) {
- /* this is linear history, no need for a bezier curve */
- this.ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
- } else {
- let dy = y1 - y0;
- /* don't ask, this is the result of trial and error not smrts */
- let cpx0 = x0 * 1;
- let cpy0 = y1 - (dy / 2);
- let cpx1 = x1 * 1;
- let cpy1 = y0 + (dy / 2);
- this.ctx.bezierCurveTo(cpx0, cpy0, cpx1, cpy1, x1, y1);
- }
- this.ctx.stroke();
- },
- vertex: function(x, y, radius, color, parity, cur) {
- this.setColor(color);
- switch (cur.graphnode.substr(-1)) {
- case '_':
- /* draws a - */
- this.ctx.fillRect(x - radius, y - 1.5, radius * 2, 3);
- break;
- case '*':
- /* draws a * */
- let x30 = radius * Math.cos(Math.PI / 6);
- let y30 = radius * Math.sin(Math.PI / 6);
- this.ctx.lineWidth = 2;
- this.ctx.beginPath();
- this.ctx.moveTo(x, y - radius);
- this.ctx.lineTo(x, y + radius);
- this.ctx.moveTo(x - x30, y - y30);
- this.ctx.lineTo(x + x30, y + y30);
- this.ctx.moveTo(x - x30, y + y30);
- this.ctx.lineTo(x + x30, y - y30);
- this.ctx.stroke();
- break;
- case 'x':
- /* draws an X */
- var p45 = radius * Math.cos(Math.PI / 4);
- this.ctx.lineWidth = 3;
- this.ctx.beginPath();
- this.ctx.moveTo(x - p45, y - p45);
- this.ctx.lineTo(x + p45, y + p45);
- this.ctx.moveTo(x - p45, y + p45);
- this.ctx.lineTo(x + p45, y - p45);
- this.ctx.stroke();
- break;
- default:
- this.ctx.beginPath();
- this.ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
- this.ctx.fill();
- }
- this.ctx.restore();
- },
- renderEdges: function(top, width, height, current) {
- let columns = 0;
- for(let j = 0; j < current.edges.length; j++) {
- let edge = current.edges[j];
- let start = edge[0];
- let end = edge[1];
- let color = edge[2];
- let branchcolor = edge[4];
- /* we keep track of how many columns are on this row */
- columns = Math.max(columns, start, end);
- if(branchcolor) {
- color = branchcolor;
- }
- let x0 = (width * start) + (width / 2) + this.padding;
- let y0 = top - (height / 2);
- let x1 = (width * end) + (width / 2) + this.padding;
- let y1 = top + (height / 2);
- this.renderEdge(x0, y0, x1, y1, color);
- }
- return columns;
- },
- findDataNode: function(node) {
- return document.querySelector("[data-node=\""+node+"\"]");
- },
- resizeCanvas: function(data) {
- let height = 0;
- let columns = 0;
- for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- let node = data[i];
- /* we need to determine how many columns we actually have, and to
- * do so, we need to iterate all of the edges of each node to
- * figure out the maximum columns that are currently being
- * displayed.
- */
- for(let j = 0; j < node.edges.length; j++) {
- let edge = node.edges[j]
- columns = Math.max(columns, edge[0], edge[1]);
- }
- /* increment height but the height of each row */
- let item = this.findDataNode(node.node);
- height += item.offsetHeight;
- }
- /* height was calculated above, as well as columns, but we need to add
- * a column as we center on the x axis.
- */
- this.canvas.height = height;
- this.canvas.width = this.trackWidth * (columns + 1) + (this.padding * 2);
- },
- render: function(data) {
- /* resize the canvas, this has to be done first, because changing it
- * later invalidates the canvas and it's cleared.
- */
- this.resizeCanvas(data);
- let radius = 5;
- for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- let parity = i % 2; /* used for striping */
- let current = data[i];
- let item = this.findDataNode(current.node);
- let column = current.vertex[0];
- let color = current.vertex[1];
- let x = (column * this.trackWidth) + (this.trackWidth / 2) + this.padding;
- let y = item.offsetTop + (item.offsetHeight / 2);
- let columns = this.renderEdges(item.offsetTop + item.offsetHeight, this.trackWidth, item.offsetHeight, current);
- this.vertex(x, y, radius, color, parity, current);
- let paddingLeft = (columns + 1) * this.trackWidth + (this.padding * 2);
- = paddingLeft + "px";
- }
- },
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