
this should be it for the changeset page
2020-03-24, Gary Kramlich
this should be it for the changeset page
# HGKeeper Theme
This repository contains the default theme for
[HGKeeper]( It has been designed to
feel like a modern hosting provider.
# Prerequisites
This theme depends the
[hgkeeper-ext]( extension for some
additional features.
# Installation
Installation is pretty straight forward. Just clone or extract this repository
to somewhere on your machine and update your `hgrc` file with the following
templates = <path-where-you-extracted-this-repo-to>/templates
style = hgkeeper
This could be any `hgrc` file, the user specific one at `~/.hgrc`, a
repo specific one in `.hg/hgrc`, or an `hgrc` for an hgweb setup.
Once your `hgrc` is setup, you should be good to go!