
kill this branch since it still uses the old mtn rfqdn branch names and it's very out of date
Guifications 3 Versioning
Everyone has thoughts on versioning. And well, most of them suck, and none can
apply to everything.
So for the library aspects of Guifications 3 we will be using the former kernel
versioning scheme. That is, the libraries will be in the form of
major.minor.micro. Major changes imply abi breakage and will increase the SO
version. Even minor's will be releases, where as all developement will take
place on odd number minor releases, which will be released in a normal time
frame. Micro versions are nothing more than bug fixes.
The applications, guifications-gtk and guifications-daemon, will follow the
normal major.minor.micro and will be reflecting the version number of gflib
if and when it is updated to work with the newer versions.
That's all for now...