
include gflib/gf_intl.h since it's no longer included via gf_lib.h
<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
<node name="/org/guifications/feeds">
<interface name="org.guifications.Feed">
<!-- Basic Info -->
<method name="GetName">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="Gets the name of the feed"/>
<arg type="s" direction="out">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="The name of the feed"/>
<method name="GetI18n">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="Gets the internationalized name of the feed"/>
<arg type="s" direction="out">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="Then internationalized name of the feed"/>
<method name="GetDescription">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="Gets the description of the feed"/>
<arg type="s" direction="out">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="The description of the feed"/>
<method name="GetImage">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="Gets the image of the feed"/>
<arg type="ay" direction="out">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="The pixel data of the image for the feed"/>
<!-- Event Stuff -->
<method name="AddEvent">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="Adds an event to the feed"/>
<arg type="s" name="name" direction="in">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="The name of the event"/>
<arg type="s" name="i18n" direction="in">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="The internationalized name of the event"/>
<arg type="s" name="description" direction="in">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="The description of the event"/>
<arg type="b" direction="out">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="TRUE if the add was successfull, FALSE otherwise"/>
<method name="RemoveEvent">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="Removes an event from the feed"/>
<arg type="s" name="name" direction="in">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="The name of the event"/>
<arg type="b" direction="out">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="TRUE if the remove was successful, FALSE otherwise"/>
<method name="ListEvents">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="Lists all the events from the feed"/>
<arg type="as" direction="out" name="events">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="An array of event names"/>
<arg type="u" direction="out" name="nevents">
<annotation name="org.gtk.EggDBus.DocString" value="The number of events"/>