
Remove the i18n support scripts
2021-05-17, Gary Kramlich
Parents 388e9f347275
Children 2b38bf87e69a
Remove the i18n support scripts
--- a/po/ Mon May 17 22:21:17 2021 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# - check po file translations for likely errors
-# Written by David W. Pfitzner
-# This script is hereby placed in the Public Domain.
-# Various checks on po file translations:
-# - printf-style format strings;
-# - differences in trailing newlines;
-# - empty (non-fuzzy) msgid;
-# - likely whitespace errors on joining multi-line entries
-# Ignores all fuzzy entries.
-# Options:
-# -x Don't do standard checks above (eg, just check one of below).
-# -n Check newlines within strings; ie, that have equal numbers
-# of newlines in msgstr and msgid. (Optional because this may
-# happen legitimately.)
-# -w Check leading whitespace. Sometimes whitespace is simply
-# spacing (eg, for widget labels etc), or punctuation differences,
-# so this may be ok.
-# -W Check trailing whitespace. See -w above.
-# -p Check trailing punctuation.
-# -c Check capitalization of first non-whitespace character
-# (only if [a-zA-Z]).
-# -e Check on empty (c.q. new) msgstr
-# Reads stdin (or filename args, via <>), writes any problems to stdout.
-# Modified by Davide Pagnin to support plural forms
-# Version: 0.41 (2002-06-06)
-use strict;
-use vars qw($opt_c $opt_n $opt_p $opt_w $opt_W $opt_x $opt_e);
-use Getopt::Std;
-# Globals, for current po entry:
-# Note that msgid and msgstr have newlines represented by the
-# two characters '\' and 'n' (and similarly for other escapes).
-my @amsgid; # lines exactly as in input
-my @amsgstr;
-my $entryline; # lineno where entry starts
-my $msgid; # lines joined by ""
-my $msgstr;
-my $is_fuzzy;
-my $is_cformat;
-my $state; # From constant values below.
-my $did_print; # Whether we have printed this entry, to
- # print only once for multiple problems.
-use constant S_LOOKING_START => 0; # looking for start of entry
-use constant S_DOING_MSGID => 1; # doing msgid part
-use constant S_DOING_MSGSTR => 2; # doing msgstr part
-# Initialize or reinitalize globals to prepare for new entry:
-sub new_entry {
- @amsgid = ();
- @amsgstr = ();
- $msgid = undef;
- $msgstr = undef;
- $entryline = 0;
- $is_fuzzy = 0;
- $is_cformat = 0;
- $did_print = 0;
- $state = S_LOOKING_START;
-# Nicely print either a "msgid" or "msgstr" (name is one of these)
-# with given array of data.
-sub print_one {
- my $name = shift;
- print " $name \"", join("\"\n \"", @_), "\"\n";
-# Print a problem (args like print()), preceeded by entry unless
-# we have already printed that: label, and msgid and msgstr.
-sub print_problem {
- unless ($did_print) {
- print "ENTRY:", ($ARGV eq "-" ? "" : " ($ARGV, line $entryline)"), "\n";
- print_one("msgid", @amsgid);
- print_one("msgstr", @amsgstr);
- $did_print = 1;
- }
- print "*** ", @_;
-# Check final newline: probably, translations should end in a newline
-# if and only if the original string does.
-# (See also check_trailing_whitespace and check_num_newlines below.)
-sub check_trailing_newlines {
- if ($opt_x) { return; }
- my ($ichar, $schar);
- $ichar = (length($msgid)>=2) ? substr($msgid, -2, 2) : "";
- $schar = (length($msgstr)>=2) ? substr($msgstr, -2, 2) : "";
- if ($ichar eq "\\n" && $schar ne "\\n") {
- print_problem "Missing trailing newline\n";
- }
- if ($ichar ne "\\n" && $schar eq "\\n") {
- print_problem "Extra trailing newline\n";
- }
-# Check leading whitespace. In general, any leading whitespace should
-# be the same in msgstr and msgid -- but not always.
-sub check_leading_whitespace {
- unless ($opt_w) { return; }
- my ($id, $str);
- if ($msgid =~ m/^(\s+)/) {
- $id = $1;
- } else {
- $id = "";
- }
- if ($msgstr =~ m/^(\s+)/) {
- $str = $1;
- } else {
- $str = "";
- }
- if ($id ne $str) {
- print_problem "Different leading whitespace\n";
- }
-# Check trailing whitespace. In general, any trailing whitespace should
-# be the same in msgstr and msgid -- but not always.
-sub check_trailing_whitespace {
- unless ($opt_W) { return; }
- my ($id, $str);
- if ($msgid =~ m/((?:\s|\\n)+)$/) {
- $id = $1;
- } else {
- $id = "";
- }
- if ($msgstr =~ m/((?:\s|\\n)+)$/) {
- $str = $1;
- } else {
- $str = "";
- }
- if ($id ne $str) {
- print_problem "Different trailing whitespace\n";
- }
-# Check equal numbers of newlines. In general ... etc.
-sub check_num_newlines {
- unless ($opt_n) { return; }
- my $num_i = ($msgid =~ m(\\n)g);
- my $num_s = ($msgstr =~ m(\\n)g);
- if ($num_i != $num_s) {
- print_problem "Mismatch in newline count\n";
- }
-# Check capitalization of first non-whitespace character (for [a-zA-Z]
-# only). In general ... etc.
-sub check_leading_capitalization {
- unless ($opt_c) { return; }
- my ($id, $str);
- if ($msgid =~ m/^\s*([a-zA-Z])/) {
- $id = $1;
- }
- if ($msgstr =~ m/^\s*([a-zA-Z])/) {
- $str = $1;
- }
- if (defined($id) && defined($str)) {
- if (($id =~ /^[a-z]$/ && $str =~ /^[A-Z]$/) ||
- ($id =~ /^[A-Z]$/ && $str =~ /^[a-z]$/)) {
- print_problem "Different leading capitalization\n";
- }
- }
-# Check trailing 'punctuation' characters (ignoring trailing whitespace).
-# In general .. etc.
-sub check_trailing_punctuation {
- unless ($opt_p) { return; }
- my ($id, $str);
- # Might want more characters:
- if ($msgid =~ m/([\\\.\/\,\!\?\"\'\:\;])+(?:\s|\\n)*$/) {
- $id = $1;
- } else {
- $id = "";
- }
- if ($msgstr =~ m/([\\\.\/\,\!\?\"\'\:\;])+(?:\s|\\n)*$/) {
- $str = $1;
- } else {
- $str = "";
- }
- ##print "$id $str\n";
- if ($id ne $str) {
- print_problem "Different trailing punctuation\n";
- }
-# Check that multiline strings have whitespace separation, since
-# otherwise, eg:
-# msgstr "this is a multiline"
-# "string"
-# expands to:
-# "this is a multilinestring"
-sub check_whitespace_joins {
- if ($opt_x) { return; }
- my $ok = 1;
- my $i = 0;
- foreach my $aref (\@amsgid, \@amsgstr) {
- my $prev = undef;
- foreach my $line (@$aref) {
- if (defined($prev)
- && length($prev)
- && $prev !~ /\s$/
- && $prev !~ /\\n$/
- && $line !~ /^\s/
- && $line !~ /^\\n/)
- {
- $ok = 0;
- last LINE;
- }
- $prev = $line;
- }
- if (!$ok) {
- print_problem("Possible non-whitespace line-join problem in ",
- ($i==0 ? "msgid" : "msgstr"), " \n");
- }
- $i++;
- }
-# Check printf-style format entries.
-# Non-trivial, because translation strings may use format specifiers
-# out of order, or skip some specifiers etc. Also gettext marks
-# anything with '%' as cformat, though not all are.
-sub check_cformat {
- unless ($is_cformat) { return; }
- if ($opt_x) { return; }
- my (@iform, @sform);
- @iform = ($msgid =~ m/\%[0-9\.\$]*[a-z]/g);
- @sform = ($msgstr =~ m/\%[0-9\.\$]*[a-z]/g);
- ##print join("::", @iform), "\n";
- ##print join("::", @sform), "\n";
- my $js; # index in sform
- my $j; # index into iform
- for ($js=0; $js < @sform; $js++) {
- my $sf = $sform[$js];
- my $sf_orig = $sf;
- if ($sf =~ s/^\%([0-9]+)\$(.*[a-z])$/\%$2/) {
- $j = $1-1;
- } else {
- $j = $js;
- }
- if ($j > $#iform) {
- print_problem("Format number mismatch for $sf_orig [msgstr:",
- ($js+1), "]\n");
- next SFORM;
- }
- my $if = $iform[$j];
- if ($sf ne $if) {
- print_problem("Format mismatch: $sf_orig [msgstr:", ($js+1), "]",
- " vs $if [msgid:", ($j+1), "]\n");
- }
- }
-# Run all individual checks on current entry, reporting any problems.
-sub check_entry {
- if ($is_fuzzy) {
- return;
- }
- $msgid = join("", @amsgid);
- $msgstr = join("", @amsgstr);
- unless ($opt_x) {
- if (length($msgid)==0) {
- print_problem "Zero length msgid\n";
- }
- }
- if (length($msgstr)==0) {
- unless ($opt_e) { return; }
- print_problem "Untranslated msgid\n";
- }
- check_cformat;
- check_whitespace_joins;
- check_num_newlines;
- check_leading_whitespace;
- check_trailing_newlines;
- check_trailing_whitespace;
- check_leading_capitalization;
- check_trailing_punctuation;
-while(<>) {
- if ( m(^\s*$) ) {
- if ($state==S_DOING_MSGSTR) {
- check_entry;
- new_entry;
- }
- next LINE;
- }
- if ( m(^\#, fuzzy) ) {
- $is_fuzzy = 1;
- }
- if ( m(^\#, .*c-format) ) {
- # .* is because can have fuzzy, c-format
- $is_cformat = 1;
- }
- if ( m(^\#) ) {
- next LINE;
- }
- if ( m(^msgid \"(.*)\"$) ) {
- $entryline = $.;
- @amsgid = ($1);
- $state = S_DOING_MSGID;
- next LINE;
- }
- if ( m(^msgid_plural \"(.*)\"$) ) {
- $entryline = $.;
- @amsgid = ($1);
- $state = S_DOING_MSGID;
- next LINE;
- }
- if ( m(^msgstr \"(.*)\"$) ) {
- @amsgstr = ($1);
- $state = S_DOING_MSGSTR;
- next LINE;
- }
- if ( m(^msgstr\[[0-2]\] \"(.*)\"$) ) {
- @amsgstr = ($1);
- $state = S_DOING_MSGSTR;
- next LINE;
- }
- if ( m(^\"(.*)\"$) ) {
- if ($state==S_DOING_MSGID) {
- push @amsgid, $1;
- } elsif($state==S_DOING_MSGSTR) {
- push @amsgstr, $1;
- } else {
- die "Looking at string $_ in bad state $state,";
- }
- next LINE;
- }
- die "Unexpected at $.: ", $_;
--- a/po/ Mon May 17 22:21:17 2021 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# guifications i18n stats update utility.
-# (C) 2004 The Guifications Team
-# Author(s):
-# Gary Kramlich
-# Stu Tomlinson
-# This script assumes one of two things. One being that your sourceforge name
-# is the same username as your shell username, or that you have added a host
-# block to your ~/.ssh/config containing your username for sourceforge. Please
-# make sure you meet these requirements before saying it doesn't work.
-# This is the dir we're copying index.html, *.po and *.pot to, make sure that
-# these files (or the directory they're in) are group writable.
-# Set this to the desired file name for the output to be saved to
-# Set this to your project timezone if you want to be consistent
-export TZ
-# Make sure we've got any updates first, otherwise things might be wrong
-cvs -q update -dP
-# Save the existing .po's to reduce conflicts
-rm -rf .posave
-mkdir -p .posave
-cp -a *.po .posave/
-# Lets do this now...
-./ --pot
-for pofile in *.po ; do
- ./ ${pofile%.po}
-./ > $OUT_FILE
-tar zcf - $OUT_FILE *.po *.pot | ssh "cd $SF_DIR ; tar zxvf - ; chmod 664 *.po *.pot $OUT_FILE"
-# Restore saved .po's
-mv -f .posave/* .
-rm -rf .posave
--- a/po/ Mon May 17 22:21:17 2021 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2003 Nathan Walp <>
-# Parts Copyright 2004 Gary Kramlich <>
-# Parts Copyright 2004 Stu Tomlinson <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
-use Locale::Language;
-$PACKAGE = "guifications";
-$lang{en_CA} = "English (Canadian)";
-$lang{en_GB} = "English (British)";
-$lang{en_AU} = "English (Australian)";
-$lang{pt_BR} = "Portuguese (Brazilian)";
-$lang{'sr@Latn'} = "Serbian (Latin)";
-$lang{sv_SE} = "Swedish (Sweden)";
-$lang{zh_CN} = "Chinese (Simplified)";
-$lang{zh_TW} = "Chinese (Traditional)";
-opendir(DIR, ".") || die "can't open directory: $!";
-@pos = grep { /\.po$/ && -f } readdir(DIR);
-foreach (@pos) { s/\.po$//; };
-closedir DIR;
-@pos = sort @pos;
-$now = `date`;
-system("../intltool-update --pot > /dev/null");
-$_ = `msgfmt --statistics $PACKAGE.pot -o /dev/null 2>&1`;
-die "unable to get total: $!" unless (/(\d+) untranslated messages/);
-$total = $1;
-print "<html>\n";
-print "<head><title>Guifications i18n statistics</title></head>\n";
-print "<body>\n";
-print "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' bgcolor='#888888' width='100%' class='i18n'><tr><td><table cellspacing='1' cellpadding='2' border='0' width='100%'>\n";
-print "<tr bgcolor='#e0e0e0'><th>language</th><th style='background: #339933;'>trans</th><th style='background: #339933;'>%</th><th style='background: #333399;'>fuzzy</th><th style='background: #333399;'>%</th><th style='background: #dd3333;'>untrans</th><th style='background: #dd3333;'>%</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>\n";
-foreach $index (0 .. $#pos) {
- $trans = $fuzz = $untrans = 0;
- $po = $pos[$index];
- print STDERR "$po..." if($ARGV[0] eq '-v');
- system("msgmerge $po.po $PACKAGE.pot -o $ 2>/dev/null");
- $_ = `msgfmt --statistics $ -o /dev/null 2>&1`;
- chomp;
- if(/(\d+) translated message/) { $trans = $1; }
- if(/(\d+) fuzzy translation/) { $fuzz = $1; }
- if(/(\d+) untranslated message/) { $untrans = $1; }
- $transp = 100 * $trans / $total;
- $fuzzp = 100 * $fuzz / $total;
- $untransp = 100 * $untrans / $total;
- if($index % 2) {
- $class = " class='even'";
- $color = " bgcolor='#e0e0e0'";
- } else {
- $class = " class='odd'";
- $color = " bgcolor='#d0e0ff'";
- }
- $name = "";
- $name = $lang{$po};
- $name = code2language($po) unless $name ne "";
- $name = "???" unless $name ne "";
- printf "<tr$color><td$class>%s (<a href=\"%s.po\">%s.po</a>)</td><td$class>%d</td><td$class>%0.2f</td><td$class>%d</td><td$class>%0.2f</td><td$class>%d</td><td$class>%0.2f</td><td$class>",
- $name, $po, $po, $trans, $transp, $fuzz, $fuzzp, $untrans, $untransp;
- printf "<img src='bar_g.gif' height='15' width='%0.0f' alt='green'/>", $transp*2
- unless $transp*2 < 0.5;
- printf "<img src='bar_b.gif' height='15' width='%0.0f' alt='blue'/>", $fuzzp*2
- unless $fuzzp*2 < 0.5;
- printf "<img src='bar_r.gif' height='15' width='%0.0f' alt='red'/>", $untransp*2
- unless $untransp*2 < 0.5;
- print "</tr>\n";
- unlink("$");
- print STDERR "done ($untrans untranslated strings).\n" if($ARGV[0] eq '-v');
-print "</table></td></tr></table>\n";
-print "Latest $PACKAGE.pot generated $now: <a href='$PACKAGE.pot'>$PACKAGE.pot</a><br />\n";
-print "</body>\n";
-print "</html>\n";
--- a/po/ Mon May 17 22:21:17 2021 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# - Generates translation stats in xml
-# Copyright 2005 Gary Kramlich <>
-# Based on from Guifications cvs
-# Copyright 2003 Nathan Walp <>
-# Parts Copyright 2004 Gary Kramlich <>
-# Parts Copyright 2004 Stu Tomlinson <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
-use Locale::Language;
-$PACKAGE = "guifications";
-$start = time;
-$lang{en_CA} = "English (Canadian)";
-$lang{en_GB} = "English (British)";
-$lang{en_AU} = "English (Australian)";
-$lang{pt_BR} = "Portuguese (Brazilian)";
-$lang{'sr@Latn'} = "Serbian (Latin)";
-$lang{sv_SE} = "Swedish (Sweden)";
-$lang{zh_CN} = "Chinese (Simplified)";
-$lang{zh_TW} = "Chinese (Traditional)";
-opendir(DIR, ".") || die "can't open directory: $!";
-@pos = grep { /\.po$/ && -f } readdir(DIR);
-foreach (@pos) { s/\.po$//; };
-closedir DIR;
-@pos = sort @pos;
-$now = `date`;
-system("../intltool-update --pot > /dev/null");
-$_ = `msgfmt --statistics $PACKAGE.pot -o /dev/null 2>&1`;
-die "unable to get total: $!" unless (/(\d+) untranslated messages/);
-$total = $1;
-print "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
-print "<l10n:package name='$PACKAGE' pot='$PACKAGE.pot' strings='$total'>\n";
-foreach $index (0 .. $#pos) {
- $trans = $fuzz = $untrans = 0;
- $po = $pos[$index];
- print STDERR "$po..." if($ARGV[0] eq '-v');
- system("msgmerge $po.po $PACKAGE.pot -o $ 2>/dev/null");
- $_ = `msgfmt --statistics $ -o /dev/null 2>&1`;
- chomp;
- if(/(\d+) translated message/) { $trans = $1; }
- if(/(\d+) fuzzy translation/) { $fuzz = $1; }
- if(/(\d+) untranslated message/) { $untrans = $1; }
- $name = "";
- $name = $lang{$po};
- $name = code2language($po) unless $name ne "";
- $name = "???" unless $name ne "";
- print "\t<l10n:lang name='$name' code='$po'";
- if($trans > 0) {
- printf " translated='%d'", $trans;
- }
- if($fuzz > 0) {
- printf " fuzzy='%d'", $fuzz;
- }
- if($untrans > 0) {
- printf " untranslated='%d'", $untrans;
- }
- print "/>\n";
- unlink("$");
- print STDERR "done ($untrans untranslated strings).\n" if($ARGV[0] eq '-v');
-# Get the GMT offset.
-# We multiple by negative one to represent the offset correctly.
-# For example: GMT-5;
-# at 5pm in GMT-5 it's 10pm in GMT
-# so 10 - 5 becomes positive 5 which could be interpreted as GMT+5
-($ls, $lm, $lh) = localtime();
-($gs, $gm, $gh) = gmtime();
-$gmtoff = ($gh - $lh) * -1;
-$now = time;
-$elapsed = $now - $start;
-print "\t<l10n:generated at='$now' in='$elapsed' gmt='$gmtoff'/>\n";
-print "</l10n:package>\n";