
Add the signatures target here and remove the hook that breaks distcheck
org.guifications.gf2 gf_2_15
2007-12-16, John Bailey
Add the signatures target here and remove the hook that breaks distcheck
Netizen Trancelis (cs)
David Kiliani (de)
Stefan Georg (de)
Peter Lawler (en_AU)
Stu Tomlinson (en_GB)
David Rubio (es)
gnacio Casal Quinteiro (gl)
Julien Enche (fr)
Ficoos Bangaly (he)
John Rapchuck (hu)
Nyitrai Istvan (hu)
Giacomo Succi (it)
Yoshinari Takaoka (ja)
Arangel Angov (mk)
Lennert Van Alboom (nl, fr)
Lars-Erik A. Labori (no)
Duarte Henriques (pt)
Gustavo Vasconcelos (pt_BR)
Dmitry Beloglazov (ru)
Jozef Riha (sk)
Filip Miletic (sr, sr@Latn)
Sergej Kotliar (sv)
Peter Hjalmarsson (sv_SE)
Mykola Lynnyk (uk)
Zhengang LI (zh_CN)
Ambrose Li (zh_TW)