
file isExecutable
as my comment says, there's no point offering to save a theme for a node
that won't be saved
# guifications i18n stats update utility.
# (C) 2004 The Guifications Team
# Author(s):
# Gary Kramlich
# Stu Tomlinson
# This script assumes one of two things. One being that your sourceforge name
# is the same username as your shell username, or that you have added a host
# block to your ~/.ssh/config containing your username for sourceforge. Please
# make sure you meet these requirements before saying it doesn't work.
# This is the dir we're copying index.html, *.po and *.pot to, make sure that
# these files (or the directory they're in) are group writable.
# Set this to the desired file name for the output to be saved to
# Set this to your project timezone if you want to be consistent
export TZ
# Make sure we've got any updates first, otherwise things might be wrong
cvs -q update -dP
# Save the existing .po's to reduce conflicts
rm -rf .posave
mkdir -p .posave
cp -a *.po .posave/
# Lets do this now...
./ --pot
for pofile in *.po ; do
./ ${pofile%.po}
./ > $OUT_FILE
tar zcf - $OUT_FILE *.po *.pot | ssh "cd $SF_DIR ; tar zxvf - ; chmod 664 *.po *.pot $OUT_FILE"
# Restore saved .po's
mv -f .posave/* .
rm -rf .posave