
This was compatibility code for Pidgin 1.x.y; because it was written as a check
for "not 2.0.0" this code would be compiled in for 3.0.0. It looks like the
supporting code elsewhere was removed, causing this to leave an unresolved
symbol in, thus causing Pidgin to refuse to load. Now we load
in Pidgin 3.0.0. Whether it works or not, I have no clue.
# Makefile.mingw
# Description: Makefile for guifications themes
DEFAULT_THEME = ./default
MINI_THEME = ./mini
.PHONY: install
$(MAKE) -C $(DEFAULT_THEME) -f Makefile.mingw install
$(MAKE) -C $(MINI_THEME) -f Makefile.mingw install
$(MAKE) -C $(PENGUINS_THEME) -f Makefile.mingw install