
file isExecutable
This was compatibility code for Pidgin 1.x.y; because it was written as a check
for "not 2.0.0" this code would be compiled in for 3.0.0. It looks like the
supporting code elsewhere was removed, causing this to leave an unresolved
symbol in, thus causing Pidgin to refuse to load. Now we load
in Pidgin 3.0.0. Whether it works or not, I have no clue.
# - Generates translation stats in xml
# Copyright 2005 Gary Kramlich <>
# Based on from Guifications cvs
# Copyright 2003 Nathan Walp <>
# Parts Copyright 2004 Gary Kramlich <>
# Parts Copyright 2004 Stu Tomlinson <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA
use Locale::Language;
$PACKAGE = "guifications";
$start = time;
$lang{en_CA} = "English (Canadian)";
$lang{en_GB} = "English (British)";
$lang{en_AU} = "English (Australian)";
$lang{pt_BR} = "Portuguese (Brazilian)";
$lang{'sr@Latn'} = "Serbian (Latin)";
$lang{sv_SE} = "Swedish (Sweden)";
$lang{zh_CN} = "Chinese (Simplified)";
$lang{zh_TW} = "Chinese (Traditional)";
opendir(DIR, ".") || die "can't open directory: $!";
@pos = grep { /\.po$/ && -f } readdir(DIR);
foreach (@pos) { s/\.po$//; };
closedir DIR;
@pos = sort @pos;
$now = `date`;
system("../intltool-update --pot > /dev/null");
$_ = `msgfmt --statistics $PACKAGE.pot -o /dev/null 2>&1`;
die "unable to get total: $!" unless (/(\d+) untranslated messages/);
$total = $1;
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
print "<l10n:package name='$PACKAGE' pot='$PACKAGE.pot' strings='$total'>\n";
foreach $index (0 .. $#pos) {
$trans = $fuzz = $untrans = 0;
$po = $pos[$index];
print STDERR "$po..." if($ARGV[0] eq '-v');
system("msgmerge $po.po $PACKAGE.pot -o $ 2>/dev/null");
$_ = `msgfmt --statistics $ -o /dev/null 2>&1`;
if(/(\d+) translated message/) { $trans = $1; }
if(/(\d+) fuzzy translation/) { $fuzz = $1; }
if(/(\d+) untranslated message/) { $untrans = $1; }
$name = "";
$name = $lang{$po};
$name = code2language($po) unless $name ne "";
$name = "???" unless $name ne "";
print "\t<l10n:lang name='$name' code='$po'";
if($trans > 0) {
printf " translated='%d'", $trans;
if($fuzz > 0) {
printf " fuzzy='%d'", $fuzz;
if($untrans > 0) {
printf " untranslated='%d'", $untrans;
print "/>\n";
print STDERR "done ($untrans untranslated strings).\n" if($ARGV[0] eq '-v');
# Get the GMT offset.
# We multiple by negative one to represent the offset correctly.
# For example: GMT-5;
# at 5pm in GMT-5 it's 10pm in GMT
# so 10 - 5 becomes positive 5 which could be interpreted as GMT+5
($ls, $lm, $lh) = localtime();
($gs, $gm, $gh) = gmtime();
$gmtoff = ($gh - $lh) * -1;
$now = time;
$elapsed = $now - $start;
print "\t<l10n:generated at='$now' in='$elapsed' gmt='$gmtoff'/>\n";
print "</l10n:package>\n";