
file isExecutable
This was compatibility code for Pidgin 1.x.y; because it was written as a check
for "not 2.0.0" this code would be compiled in for 3.0.0. It looks like the
supporting code elsewhere was removed, causing this to leave an unresolved
symbol in, thus causing Pidgin to refuse to load. Now we load
in Pidgin 3.0.0. Whether it works or not, I have no clue.
# guifications i18n stats update utility.
# (C) 2004 The Guifications Team
# Author(s):
# Gary Kramlich
# Stu Tomlinson
# This script assumes one of two things. One being that your sourceforge name
# is the same username as your shell username, or that you have added a host
# block to your ~/.ssh/config containing your username for sourceforge. Please
# make sure you meet these requirements before saying it doesn't work.
# This is the dir we're copying index.html, *.po and *.pot to, make sure that
# these files (or the directory they're in) are group writable.
# Set this to the desired file name for the output to be saved to
# Set this to your project timezone if you want to be consistent
export TZ
# Make sure we've got any updates first, otherwise things might be wrong
cvs -q update -dP
# Save the existing .po's to reduce conflicts
rm -rf .posave
mkdir -p .posave
cp -a *.po .posave/
# Lets do this now...
./ --pot
for pofile in *.po ; do
./ ${pofile%.po}
./ > $OUT_FILE
tar zcf - $OUT_FILE *.po *.pot | ssh "cd $SF_DIR ; tar zxvf - ; chmod 664 *.po *.pot $OUT_FILE"
# Restore saved .po's
mv -f .posave/* .
rm -rf .posave