
forgot to do what i was meaning to do in this file..
To Compile
As of version 1.5 Guifications no longer needs to be compiled with in the Gaim
source tree. So, all you need to do is untar:
tar zxvf guifications-VERSION.tar.gz
Next run the configure script. If you have extracted Guifications with in the
GAIM_SRC_DIR/plugins the script should auto detect where the Gaim source is.
Otherwise, just add --with-gaim=PATH/TO/GAIM, this must be an absolute path, if
someone wants to fix this up and have it work for both absolute and relative
paths, feel free.
./configure --with-gaim=PATH/TO/GAIM
As long as you haven't gotten any error messages during the configure script,
you'll be read to compile. To compile just type 'make':
Guifications will install to the gaim lib directory and all of the configuration
images into the gaim datadir. These directories are usually /usr/local/lib/gaim
and /usr/local/share/pixmaps/gaim, so be sure you have write access to these
directories, or use 'su' to become root and then run 'make install':
make install
Once thats done, you are good to go. Restart Gaim, go into preferences, then to
plugins. Enable Guifications, right of of the box it will work with all the
default settings. There is always a large configuration for you to play with if
you would like to.