
This should now work after the change to
Version 1.10 7/15/04:
* Changed the changed signal for spin buttons to value-changed so if someones
Gtk theme is hiding the up down buttons, the pref will still get saved.
* Updated to work with gaim 0.80
Version 1.9 6/24/04:
* Updated to work with gaim 0.79
Version 1.8 5/27/04:
* Updated to work with gaim 0.78
* Finally added offsets for the notifications
* Redefined compiler warnings removed (Stu Tomlinson)
Version 1.7 4/24/04:
* Updated to work with gaim 0.77
* Added a notification for a message being received (Aaron Bock)
* Only the last action performed by a user will be shown. The last is the
most revelant, for example, "so and so is back", "so and so signed off"
will now only display that "so and so signed off"
* Memory leaks have been sealed
Version 1.6 4/1/04:
* Added a signal emit so that we can display other plugins contributions to
the buddy context menu
* Fixed some memory leaks in the ellipsis code
* Fixed some spelling mistakes
* Changed the way that I grab the protocol icon. This should make
guifications no longer depend on the prpl_info struct not changing. That
means no more releases just to fix that ;)
Version 1.5 01/10/04:
* Guifications will no longer work with Gaim prior to 0.75, if you do
not want to update Gaim, 1.4 will work just fine. There are no
plans to add backwards compatibility
* The library name has changed from to, so be sure
to clear the old file out. They will both work at the same time, but I do
not suggest it
* Guifications no longer needs to be in the Gaim source tree to compile.
It will still compile with in the gaim source tree, but it is no longer
mandatory, nor does it require you to edit any of Gaim's files
* Updated guifications to work without prpl id's, I know this doesn't mean
much to most of you, but it's a change ;)
* Fixed a bug where if a connection was canceled and then later established,
no guifications would be shown for that account
* Ray added a toggle to hide guifications while away, note: this will only
hide guifications for accounts that are away. If you have multiple accounts
connected, and only one account away, you will still see guifications from
the other accounts
* Fixed some errors and left out information in the INSTALL file
* Fixed a bug where local and server alias would not be displayed correct if
they contained html special chars
* Updated the default background: made the gaim guy smaller so the
default text doesn't overlap him
* Updated most if not all of the docs
Version 1.4 12/08/03:
* Added user defined mouse buttons for clicking on a guification. These
include: Close Window, Get Info, Open Conversation, View Log, and the main
context menu from the buddy list.
* Potential bug where an image gets set with a notification up removed.
This really wasn't a bug, but it just looked bad.
* Made clicking a guification to open a window switch to that tab if tab
windows are enabled and a conversation is already open.
* Added release notification. Theres a toggle for it on the advanced tab.
* Fixed "growing" option menus (dropdown lists)
* Added the ability to "zoom" the guifications
Version 1.3 11/03/03:
* Notifications will now open up an IM window when they are clicked. This
is probably buggy, so play with it and let me know.
* Fixed the bug where the notifications were only showing if all events
were checked
* Added message box if an invalid image file is selected
Version 1.2 11/01/03:
* Fixed a compiler warning
* Took animation out completely, I got it working but it looked like crap so
I just removed it all together.
* Windows makefiles added and it should compile under windows now
* Windows binary added to sf releases
* Debugging output added to all functions
Version 1.1 10/29/03:
* Fixed an issue with the file selection dialog showing the current font
as the previous image
* Other random fixes and clean ups in the configuration window
Version 1.0 10/29/03:
* Everything in the configuration window is working except for animations.
Since I haven't come up with a decent and effective way to do it yet, it
will have to wait.