
why in the hell am i working so much on this file when it's going to be cut to shit in the next couple of days?!?!?!?!?
To Compile
I'm aiming for this plugin to be distributed with gaim, so it's not
just a simple configure, make, make install. here's what you have to do
to get it to compile.
First off, make sure you have the following packages:
Without them gaim will not be able to load guifications, on account of
unresolved externals.
Next extract the source into:
gaim-source-tree being what ever path you extracted the gaim source to.
For example, if your gaim source tree is in /usr/local/src/gaim-VERSION
you want to "cd" over to /usr/local/src/gaim-VERSION/plugins/ and type:
tar zxvf guifications-VERSION.tar.gz
Now that you've gotten the source installed you have to modify gaim's main
autoconfig script. (Like I said this is aiming to be distributed with gaim)
so "cd" back to the top of the gaim source tree "cd .."
Open up in your favorite editor and look for this line:
At last check around line: 996
Somewhere in this block you want to add these two lines:
They must be before the closing ]) otherwise you'll mess up the whole script.
Save then run automake, autoconfig, and configure in that order:
automake --add-missing --copy
Once gaim is done configuring, cd to plugins/guifications
make install
And you should be good to go. Restart gaim and try it out.
Guifications will not compile with gaim. If you would like to make it
compile with gaim, add "guifications" to
Be advised though that at any point in time guifications might just
break and error out, and if you come to the gaim developers saying it
died at that, they're not going to be very happy with you. So if you
modify it understand that if guifications breaks, it'll be your
responsibilty to fix it.