
Fix up some stuff that missed in the perl->perl5 transition

Testing Done:
Compiled and updated po's.

Reviewed at
There are a few notes about building on OSX.
First off, building has *ONLY* been tested against homebrew. If you want to
support fink or macports, please let me know and I will merge your pull
Currently there is no known way to build the Perl loader on MacOS. So you
**MUST** run meson with `-Dperl5=false`.
## Lua
For the Lua loader to work, you need to install `lgi` from luarocks either
systemwide or to a virtual environment created by LuaDist, vert, or something
along those lines, then you just need to run `luarocks install lgi`.
## Python
If you're using homebrew, you need to install `pygobject3`.