
Bump to golang:buster
2019-08-23, Gary Kramlich
Bump to golang:buster
# About
goserve is a dead simple HTTP server whose sole purpose is to serve static
content from a container.
This was built because I was tired of introducing nginx or another web server
into what would be a tiny container only containing the static files
# Building
If you're building this yourself, it is recommended to build it statically and
strip the resulting binary with the following command.
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -ldflags '-extldflags "-static" -s' .
# Configuration
goserve is configurable via environment variables
* GOSERVE_ADDR the address it listen on (defaults to :3000)
* GOSERVE_PREFIX a optional prefix to strip from the path, useful if using path based virtual hosts
* GOSERVE_ROOT the root directory of the files to serve (defaults to html/)