
Add an example using meson
2018-05-08, Gary Kramlich
Parents 66a42ebdec52
Children 1ceacc6b4468
Add an example using meson
  • +43 -0
  • --- a/ Tue May 08 01:37:05 2018 -0500
    +++ b/ Tue May 08 01:37:13 2018 -0500
    @@ -6,6 +6,17 @@
    It can be used on any gir file with any XSLT processor.
    +# Purpose
    +gir2glade was written because I didn't want to have to maintain a glade catalog
    +especially when all of the data is already in the gir files being built as part
    +of my projects.
    +With it, you can add a build target to your build system that depends on your
    +gir and have it create the catalog and install it into the proper place.
    +# Command Line Usage
    The following will create the glade catalog and output it to stdout.
    @@ -20,3 +31,35 @@
    Then add the path you wrote it to to glade's catalog search path and you're set!
    +# Meson Usage
    +Below is a quick HOWTO, to generate the catalog with meson. You may need to
    +tweak the path of `gir2glade.xsl` as it's assumed to be in the root of your
    +source directory.
    +This is spread a couple of files, but it can be found in the
    +[GtkIM]( source tree.
    +GLADEUI = dependency('gladeui-2.0', version: '>=3.0.0')
    +XSLTPROC = find_program('xsltproc', required : true)
    +gtkim_gir = gnome.generate_gir(gtkim,
    + includes : ['GModule-2.0', 'GObject-2.0', 'Gtk-3.0'],
    + namespace : 'GtkIM',
    + symbol_prefix : 'gtkim',
    + nsversion : '@0@.0'.format(GTKIM_MAJOR_VERSION),
    + install : true)
    +gtkim_glade_catalog = custom_target('gtkim.xml',
    + output : 'gtkim.xml',
    + input : gtkim_gir[0],
    + command : [XSLTPROC.path(), '--output', '@0@/gtkim.xml'.format(meson.current_build_dir()), '@0@/gir2glade.xls'.format(meson.source_root()), gtkim_gir[0]],
    + install : true,
    + install_dir : GLADEUI.get_pkgconfig_variable('catalogdir'))