
Start updating the ChangeLog
2021-10-16, Gary Kramlich
Parents a07b353c07e7
Children 738aea24df10
Start updating the ChangeLog
  • +18 -43
  • --- a/ChangeLog Sat Oct 16 00:14:19 2021 -0500
    +++ b/ChangeLog Sat Oct 16 04:57:56 2021 -0500
    @@ -1,46 +1,21 @@
    - * Changed tasks names for bitbucket pipeline tasks.
    - * Abstracted the bitbucket pipeline script parsing to a library function.
    - * Fixed branch detection for bitbucket pipelines.
    - * Fixed an issue where the files for clean tasks were not having their
    - variables expanded.
    - * Fixed a bug where tasks weren't being validated. Fixed #160
    - * Set the workdir parameter for docker/run tasks to ${CONVEY_WORKSPACE} if
    - the image does not have a workdir set and the user has not specified one in
    - convey.yml. Fixed #167
    - * Add a top level convey.yml option for specifying the required version of
    - convey to use for the convey.yml. Fixed #168
    - * Command line arguments were not being passed to the command line in a
    - secure manner. You couldn't run a shell command, but you could break the
    - command. Fixed #162
    - * Add copies of all VCS environment variables without their prefix as well as
    - a VCS environment variable. Fixed #164
    - * Added a new aws/ecr-login task for logging into AWS ECR. Fixed #161
    - * Added kubectl/apply, kubectl/create, and kubectl/delete tasks. Fixed #170
    - * Added kubectl/rollout task.
    - * Added a new convey/noop task that does nothing. Fixed #174
    - * Fixed an issue where relative import paths wouldn't work right if the
    - convey.yml is in another directory. Fixed #176
    - * Split the docs up to make them easier to maintain. Fixed #177
    - * Added FreeBSD as a build target.
    - * Build static binaries and remove the alpine binary as it's no longer
    - necessary. PR #40 (Steve Wills)
    - * Deleted all existing images.
    - * Deprecated docker/import and docker/export and replaced them with
    - convey/import and convey/export.
    - * Removed deprecated command line options: --graphviz, --list-environment,
    - --list-meta-plans, --list-plans, --list-tasks, and --config.
    - * Removed the network since it doesn't actually protect the host from the
    - container.
    - * Removed the convey/extend task as it's very normal case is easily
    - replicated by plan/stage environment variables.
    - * Removed the deprecated always attribute on stages.
    - * Added the convey/fail task which is good for testing.
    - * Removed deprecated tasks formats. All tasks types must be defined via the
    - type attribute now.
    - * Added the convey/subtask task to simplify some configurations.
    - * Removed the tasks from the list plans output.
    - * Removed the plans from the list metaplans output.
    + * The command line now requires a `run` command before a plan name even if
    + you're running the default plan. For example `convey run` for the default
    + plan, or `convey run plan1` to run plan1.
    + * Replaced Docker support with podman. This simplifies many many things, but
    + you do now need podman to run convey >= 0.15.0.
    + * All docker tasks have been marked as deprecated but will map themselves
    + into their podman replacement tasks, expect for docker/environment whose
    + behavior has been removed.
    + * The workspace has been changed from a container to a directory on the host.
    + This should solve a lot of issues that `docker cp` created, but this
    + directory is now created next to the convey.yml file that's being run so
    + disk space issues could arise.
    +0.14.0: abandonded
    + * This version grew out of control and was past the point of saving. We
    + decided to throw the entire thing out and move on to 0.15.0 instead of
    + trying to save this ill conceived version.
    0.13.1: 20180114
    * Write warning, error, and fatal log messages to stderr. Fixed #156