
remove dev-convey.yml

2020-03-02, Gary Kramlich
remove dev-convey.yml
# Examples
This directory contains quite a few examples of how to use convey.
## default-plan-alias.yml
A simple plan that aliases the default plan.
## detach.yml
A simple plan to show how you can detach a container.
## detach-health.yml
A simple plan to show how you can specify health commands for a detached
## environment.yml
This example shows how environment substitution works in your config file.
## meta-plans.yml
This example shows how you can use meta-plans to group multiple plans together.
## override.yml
This example shows how environment substitution overriding works and uses a
`-override.yml` file as well.
## extends.yml
This example shows how to have one file extend another, inheriting all of the
plans and tasks that are not otherwise overwritten by the configuration file.
## extends-merge.yml
This example shows how to have one file extend another and specific stages of a
plan can be replaced in the extending file.
## extends-slice.yml
This example shows how to expand an environment variable into a list in the
context of a extended task.
## environment-from-file.yml
This example shows how to inject variables into the environment from a file in
the workspace.
## login-logout.yml
This example shows how you can login and logout of a Docker registry by using
environment variables.
## script.yml
This example shows how to use the script attribute of a run task.
## ssh-identities.yml
This example shows how you can specify an ssh identity to automatically turn on
ssh-agent forwarding.
## stage-run.yml
A simple example showing how to use the run attribute of a stage.
## traditional.yml
This example shows your traditional clone, test, build, deploy, and report for
a project.