
remove dev-convey.yml

2020-03-02, Gary Kramlich
remove dev-convey.yml
// Convey
// Copyright 2016-2018 Gary Kramlich <>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package docker
import (
log ""
// Run represents a docker run task which will run a container.
type Run struct {
Command string `yaml:"command"`
Detach bool `yaml:"detach"`
EntryPoint string `yaml:"entrypoint"`
Environment yaml.StringOrSlice `yaml:"environment"`
HealthCheck HealthCheck `yaml:"healthcheck"`
Hostname string `yaml:"hostname"`
Image string `yaml:"image"`
Labels yaml.StringOrSlice `yaml:"labels"`
Script yaml.StringOrSlice `yaml:"script"`
Shell string `yaml:"shell"`
User string `yaml:"user"`
WorkDir string `yaml:"workdir"`
WorkSpace string `yaml:"workspace"`
// UnmarshalYAML is a custom yaml unmarshaller for run tasks.
func (r *Run) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
type rawRun Run
raw := rawRun{Shell: "/bin/sh", HealthCheck: HealthCheck{}}
if err := unmarshal(&raw); err != nil {
return err
*r = Run(raw)
return nil
func (r *Run) ReadEnvironment() []string {
return []string(r.Environment)
// writeScript will write a shell script to the given tempfile for the given commands
func (r *Run) writeScript(name string, rt *runtime.Runtime, fullEnv *environment.Environment) (string, string, string, error) {
// create our task directory if it doesn't exist already
scriptsDir, err := rt.State.Workspace.TaskDirectory(name)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", err
// create the temp file to write the script to
scriptFile := filepath.Join(scriptsDir, "script")
entryPoint := r.Shell
if entryPoint == "" {
entryPoint = "/bin/sh"
// Scripts must retain order, so don't use st.MapSlice to
// expand things (which results in a non-deterministically
// ordered slice of the expanded input). It also doesn't
// make sense to expand things here anyway - use a loop in
// bash if you need that kind of control.
scripts, err := fullEnv.MapSlice(r.Script)
if err != nil {
if nErr := os.Remove(scriptFile); nErr != nil {
fmt.Printf("error removing file: %s\n", nErr)
return "", "", "", err
// set the run command argument to the script file
commandArg := scriptFile
// write the script to the file
err = ioutil.WriteFile(scriptFile, []byte(strings.Join(scripts, "\n")), 0700)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", err
// return it all
return scriptFile, entryPoint, commandArg, nil
// detach will run the container detached
func (r *Run) detach(name string, cmdv []string, rt *runtime.Runtime, logger *log.Entry) error {
stdout, stderr, err := DockerOutput(name, cmdv, rt)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("%s", stderr)
return err
cid := strings.TrimSpace(stdout)
rt.Cleanup(func(logger *log.Entry) {
logger.Debugf("stopping container %s", cid)
err = StopContainer(cid, logger, rt)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnf("failed to stop container %s: %s", cid, err.Error())
} else {
logger.Infof("stopped container %s", cid)
logger.Infof("started detached container %s", cid)
logger.Infof("checking for healthcheck")
// check if the container has a health check
hasHealth, err := containerHasHealthCheck(name, cid, rt, logger)
if err != nil {
return err
if hasHealth {
healthChan := make(chan error)
logger.Infof("waiting for container to go healthy")
go func() {
duration := 5 * time.Second
for {
// check the health
healthy, err := containerIsHealthy(name, cid, rt, logger)
if err != nil {
healthChan <- err
if healthy {
healthChan <- nil
logger.Infof("container still not healthy, waiting %v", duration)
err := <-healthChan
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Infof("container is ready")
} else {
logger.Infof("no healthcheck found")
return nil
func (r *Run) buildCommandHealthCheck(cmd *exec.Generator) {
// add the healthcheck command if we got one
if r.HealthCheck.Command != "" {
cmd.Append("--health-cmd", r.HealthCheck.Command)
// add the provided interval
if r.HealthCheck.Interval != time.Duration(0) {
cmd.Append("--health-interval", r.HealthCheck.Interval.String())
// add the provided retries
if r.HealthCheck.Retries != 0 {
cmd.Append("--health-retries", fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.HealthCheck.Retries))
// add the provided start period
if r.HealthCheck.StartPeriod != time.Duration(0) {
cmd.Append("--health-start-period", r.HealthCheck.StartPeriod.String())
// add the provided timeout
if r.HealthCheck.Timeout != time.Duration(0) {
cmd.Append("--health-timeout", r.HealthCheck.Timeout.String())
// Execute runs the run task.
func (r *Run) Execute(name string, logger *log.Entry, env *environment.Environment, rt *runtime.Runtime) error {
fullEnv := env.Copy().MergeSlice(r.Environment).Merge(rt.Environment)
// create an id for this container
runID := uuid.NewV4().String()[0:6]
// Map the image name so we can use it elsewhere
image := fullEnv.Map(r.Image)
if image == "" {
return errNoImage
// build the command
cmd := exec.NewGenerator(
"run", "--rm",
"--name", runID,
// add the hostname if specified
hostname := fullEnv.Map(r.Hostname)
if hostname != "" {
cmd.Append("--network-alias", hostname)
// assign a default workspace location
workSpace := r.WorkSpace
if workSpace == "" {
workSpace = "/workspace"
workspaceMount := fullEnv.Map(workSpace)
"-v", rt.State.Workspace.Volume()+":"+workspaceMount,
"-e", "CONVEY_WORKSPACE="+workspaceMount,
// we do workDir after workspaceMount so we can put workspaceMount into an
// environment that workDir will be mapped against.
wsEnv := fullEnv.Copy()
wsEnv.Set("CONVEY_WORKSPACE", workspaceMount)
workdir := wsEnv.Map(r.WorkDir)
if workdir != "" {
cmd.Append("-w", workdir)
} else {
id, nErr := ImageID(image, logger, rt)
if nErr != nil {
return nErr
if id != "" {
// Check if the image does _not_ have a workdir set. If it doesn't,
// set workdir to the convey workspace
cmdv := []string{
stdout, stderr, nErr := DockerOutput("checkWorkDir", cmdv, rt)
if nErr != nil {
logger.Errorf("%s", stderr)
return nErr
if strings.TrimSpace(stdout) == "" {
cmd.Append("-w", workspaceMount)
// detach if necessary
if r.Detach {
// add cpushares if necessary
if rt.State.CPUShares != "" {
cmd.Append("--cpu-shares", rt.State.CPUShares)
// add memory constraints if necessary
if rt.State.Memory != "" {
cmd.Append("--memory", rt.State.Memory)
// grab the current user's UID and GID
user, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return err
cmd.Append("-e", "UID="+user.Uid, "-e", "GID="+user.Gid)
// set user if one was specified
username := fullEnv.Map(r.User)
if username != "" {
cmd.Append("--user", username)
// initialize some variables
var scriptFile string
entryPoint := r.EntryPoint
commandArg := fullEnv.Map(r.Command)
// if we're using a script defined in the yaml, create it and override
// some variables
if len(r.Script) > 0 {
scriptFile, entryPoint, commandArg, err = r.writeScript(name, rt, fullEnv)
if err != nil {
return err
if scriptFile != "" {
cmd.Append("-v", scriptFile+":"+scriptFile)
if entryPoint != "" {
cmd.Append("--entrypoint", entryPoint)
// add a label to the container
normalize.Normalize(fmt.Sprintf("convey-%d-task=%s", os.Getpid(), name)),
// run through any user supplied labels
labels, err := fullEnv.MapSlice(r.Labels)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, label := range labels {
cmd.Append("--label", label)
// add the ssh agent stuff
if rt.State.EnableSSHAgent {
authSock := os.Getenv("SSH_AUTH_SOCK")
"-e", "SSH_AUTH_SOCK",
"-v", authSock+":"+authSock,
// add the health check stuff
// now add all non-empty environment variables
for _, env := range fullEnv.Prune().Items() {
cmd.Append("-e", env)
// add the image to the command
// append the command if we have one
if commandArg != "" {
args, err := shellquote.Split(commandArg)
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Infof("running container with id %s", runID)
// Everything after this should be mostly dead code
if r.Detach {
return r.detach(name, cmd.Command(), rt, logger)
// Mark running so we can detach this container form the network
// when we've got a signal to shutdown. An active network cannot
// be removed, so we need to track things to kill along with it.
// This is no longer a problem once the subprocess returns.
defer rt.Containers.UnmarkRunning(runID)
// run the command
return Docker(name, cmd.Command(), rt)
// New creates a new run task.
func (r *Run) New() tasks.Task {
return &Run{}
// Valid validates the run task.
func (r *Run) Valid() error {
if r.Image == "" {
return errNoImage
return nil