
Remove test print.

2017-09-26, Eric Fritz
Remove test print.
0.10.0: 20170925
* Added new task type "extend". (Eric Fritz) (Fixed #124)
* Added the ability to expand variables into lists. (Eric Fritz)
* Updated all of the golang Docker images to 1.9.
0.9.1: 20170921
* Added environment mapping support to the login and logout tasks.
0.9.0: 20170917
* Updated the import and export tasks to allow a string for the files field
to specify a single item.
* Grammatical updates to (Anatzum)
* Added a stage.Run attribute to replace stage.Always. (fixed #107)
* Properly handle errors in bitbucket-pipelines.yml. (fixed #119)
* Added support for detachable containers with health checks. (fixed #21)
* Updated workspace and network creation to honor the Docker config options if present. (fixed #120)
* Added support for extending Convey config files. (Eric Fritz) (fixed #122)
0.8.0: 20170725
* Allow labels for the Docker run and build tasks to use environment
variables. (fixed #112)
* Use a custom network for each plan invocation. (fixed #113)
* Add support for using custom docker config directories. (fixed #87)
* Add support for detailed images when loading bitbucket-pipelines configs.
(fixed #114)
0.7.0: 20170619
* Added support for passing arguments to the Docker build task (--build-arg).
(fixed #106)
* Fixed a bug with git/hg variable normalization (fixed #110) (Eric Fritz)
0.6.0: 20170515
default environment. (fixed #98)
* Added support for labels to the Docker build and run tasks. (fixed #97)
* Added support for ssh-identities in the config file. (fixed #88)
* Add an example showing a traditional CI build. (fixed #90)
* Moved default-plan from the top level of convey.yml to an options section.
(fixed #100)
* Added support for Docker commands with the Bitbucket Pipelines support. (fixed #92)
* Made meta-plan edge's dashed and bolded to make them more obvious. (fixed #85)
* Fixed the script option for the run command on docker4mac and docker4win.
(fixed #91)
* Fixed a bug where always edges weren't being rendered in the graphviz
output. (fixed #86)
* Fixed always stages to have edges from all previous stages. (fixed #89)
0.5.0: 20170428
* Added support for disabling stages (fixes #33)
* Added support for aliasing the default plan (fixes #56)
* Added support for metaplans (fixes #82)
* Added support for making sure there are SSH identies available when using
--ssh-agent. (Fixes #84)
* Added support for convey.yml and convey.yaml. (Fixes #81)
* Updated the graphviz colors by removing the yellow colors and added a
bunch more colors. (Fixes #77)
* Fixed the graphviz output so that plans with graphviz reserved words no
longer cause issues. (Fixes #76)
* Fixed the build task to keep files relative to the dockerfile. (Fixes #80)
0.4.0: 20170406
* Added convey/go-vet image
* Added support for bitbucket-pipelines (-l bitbucket) (fixes #36)
* Added a --list-plans (-P) option to output the plans and their stages
(fixes #75)
* Fixed an issue where the convey/go-build images would fail on go get if
the package didn't have an sources files in it's root.
* Fixed all go get's to ignore vendor directories (fixes #73)
* Fixed subshell's in script commands (fixes #51, #74)
0.3.2: 20170330
* Fixed the remove task (fixed #69) (Eric Fritz)
* Added support for multiple images to pull, push, and remove tasks
(fixes #70) (Eric Fritz)
* Added support for multiple destinations in the tag task (fixes #71)
(Eric Fritz)
0.3.1: 20170330
* Reset the HOME environment variable after we've ran git and hg.
0.3.0: 20170330
* Added a build for Rust on Linux (/images/rust-build-linux) (Erik Davidson)
* Added a build for template files (closed #58) (/images/template) (Erik Davidson)
* Added a clean task (closed #57, #63, #64) (Eric Fritz)
* Added support for exporting globs (closed #1) (Eric Fritz)
* Added support for file destinations in build tasks (closes #64) (Eric Fritz)
* Ignore vendor directories in the go-test build image (Erik Davidson)
* Fixed full environment for all tasks (fixed #60) (Eric Fritz)
* Fixed logic in the environment mapper (fixed #59) (Eric Fritz)
* Export now uses . as host path name if not supplied (fixed #61) (Eric Fritz)
0.2.0: 20170323
* Added script and shell attributes to the run command
* Added cli options --cpu-shares and --memory to limit cpu and memory usage
in run tasks.
* Added support for concurrent stages in the --graphviz output
* Added support for always stages in the --graphviz output
* Added support for environment expanding the workdir and workspace
attributes of the run task.
* Fixed a bug in the git and mercurial environment variables where output
from stderr would be in them if the git/mercurial repositories could not be
* Fixed convey/go-build:alpine image on docker hub.
* Fixed sending multiple -e's for the same environment variable to docker
* Fixed -e to convey which was broken.
* Cleaned up the error message when the config can't be read.
* Cleaned up some log messages.
0.1.1: 20170319
* Added a time out for all tasks (defaults to 15 minutes)
* Added support for ssh-agent. Pass --ssh-agent to convey to expose it to
your run tasks.
* Added support for environment variables in convey.yml including auto
* Added an alpine binary
* Moved all binaries to dynamic instead of static.
* Fixed the bug where convey would exit if no convey.yml was found (Keith Petkus)
* Various typos found and fix (Keith Petkus)
0.1.0: 20170311
* Initial release