
A bunch more linting

2018-02-19, Gary Kramlich
A bunch more linting
# kubectl
The kubectl package provides tasks for interacting with kubernetes via kubectl.
It supplies the create, apply, and delete commands.
## kubectl/apply Task
An apply task will apply kubernetes manifests to the cluster.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ----------| -------- | ---------- | ----------- |
| context | | | The kubernetes context to use. |
| files | Yes | | The list of manifest files to apply. |
| namespace | | | The kubernetes namespace to use. |
| selector | | | The selector to use. |
### Example
type: kubectl/apply
- manifest.yml
## kubectl/create Task
A create task will create kubernetes manifests on the cluster.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ----------| -------- | ---------- | ----------- |
| context | | | The kubernetes context to use. |
| files | Yes | | The list of manifest files to apply. |
| namespace | | | The kubernetes namespace to use. |
| selector | | | The selector to use. |
### Example
type: kubectl/create
- manifest.yml
## kubectl/delete Task
A delete task will delete kubernetes manifests from the cluster.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ----------| -------- | ---------- | ----------- |
| context | | | The kubernetes context to use. |
| files | Yes | | The list of manifest files to apply. |
| namespace | | | The kubernetes namespace to use. |
| selector | | | The selector to use. |
### Example
type: kubectl/delete
- manifest.yml