
Merge the redux branch into default.

2021-12-20, Gary Kramlich
Merge the redux branch into default.

This officials abandons the 0.14.0 release and moves right on to 0.15.0 which
includes replacing docker with podman and simplifying many things.
# Docker
Since version 0.15.0 convey no longer uses Docker and instead uses podman.
The Docker tasks are currently still available for backwards compatibility, but
will be removed in a future version. The do a best effort to apply their
original functionality to the podman tasks but not everything maps 100%. Please
see individual task documentation for additional information.
## docker/build
> The docker/build task has been deprecated since version 0.15.0. Use the
> podman/build task instead.
This task will build a container image.
### Attributes
**NOTE:** arguments and files are not currently mapped into the podman/build
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ---------- | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| arguments | | | A list of build arguments to pass to the build. |
| dockerfile | Yes | | The dockerfile to build. |
| files | | | A list of files that should be made available for the build. |
| labels | | | A list of labels to set on the container image being built. |
| tag | | | A tag to apply to the image. |
| tags | | | A list of tags to be applied to the image. |
| target | | | The name of the target to build in a multi stage dockerfile. |
### Example
type: docker/build
dockerfile: Dockerfile
tag: myimage:latest
## docker/environment
> The docker/build task has been deprecated and has no replacement.
The functionality of this task has been removed and the task now just fails.
If you have a use case for this task and would like to keep it, please file
and issue in our issue tracker.
## docker/export
> The docker/export task has been deprecated since version 0.15.0. Use the
> convey/export task instead.
This task will export files from the workspace to the host filesystem relative
to the convey.yml used for the run.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ------ | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| files | Yes | | A single filename, source:destination, or a list of filenames and/or source:destinations. |
### Examples
type: docker/export
files: filename1
type: docker/export
- logo.png
- binary:binary-linux-x86_64
## docker/import
> The docker/import task has been deprecated since version 0.15.0. Use the
> convey/import task instead.
This task will import files from the host filesystem relative to the convey.yml
used for the run and put them into the workspace.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ------ | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| files | Yes | | A single filename, source:destination, or a list of filenames and/or source:destinations. |
### Examples
type: docker/import
files: filename1
type: docker/import
- Dockerfile
- src:source
## docker/login
> The docker/login task has been deprecated since version 0.15.0. Use the
> podman/login task instead.
This task allows you to authorize to a container registry.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| --------- | -------- | --------- | ----------- |
| username | Yes | | The username to use. |
| password | Yes | | The password to use. |
| server | | | The registry to login to. |
### Example
type: docker/login
username: superuser1
password: abc123
## docker/logout
> The docker/logout task has been deprecated since version 0.15.0. Use the
> podman/logout task instead.
This task allows you to unauthenticate from a container registry.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| --------- | -------- | --------- | ----------- |
| server | | | The registry to logout of. |
### Example
type: docker/logout
### docker/pull
> The docker/pull task has been deprecated since version 0.15.0. Use the
> podman/pull task instead.
This task allows you to pull down a container image. If the image is private,
be use to run a `docker/login` task first.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ------ | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| image | | | The name of the image include the tag. |
| images | | | A list of image names including the tags. |
At least one image must be supplied by either the `image` or `images`
attribute. If both are specified, `image` will be prepended to the list from
### Example
type: docker/pull
image: gliderlabs/alpine:edge
### docker/push
> The docker/push task has been deprecated since version 0.15.0. Use the
> podman/push task instead.
This task allows you to push a local container image to a registry. If the
repository on the registry is private, be use to run a `docker/login` task
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ------ | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| image | | | The name of the image include the tag. |
| images | | | A list of image names including the tags. |
At least one image must be supplied by either the `image` or `images`
attribute. If both are specified, `image` will be prepended to the list from
### Example
type: docker/push
## docker/remove
> The docker/remove task has been deprecated since version 0.15.0. Use the
> podman/remove task instead.
This task will remove an image from the local machine.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ------ | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| image | | | The name of the image include the tag. |
| images | | | A list of image names including the tags. |
| quiet | | false | True if a missing image should not count as a failure. |
### Example
type: docker/remove
## docker/run
> The docker/run task has been deprecated since version 0.15.0. Use the
> podman/run task instead.
This task will run a container with the workspace mounted.
### Attributes
**NOTE:** the detach and healthcheck attributes are not mapped to the
podman/run task and are not expected to be in the future. If you have a use
case for this, please open an issue on our issue tracker.
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ----------- | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| command | | | The command to run in the container. This is only necessary if the image does not provide a command by default. |
| detach | | false | This is deprecated and no longer support. |
| entrypoint | | | The entrypoint to use for the container. This is only necessary if the image does not provide on by default or if you want to override the images default entrypoint. |
| environment | | | A list of environment variables to set. This should be specified in a `NAME` or `NAME=VALUE` format. |
| healthcheck | | | THis is deprecated and no longer support. |
| hostname | | | A custom hostname to set inside the container. |
| image | Yes | | The image include the registry and tag to run. |
| labels | | | A list of labels to set on the image being run. |
| script | | | A list of commands to run inside of the container. |
| shell | | | The shell to use with the script attribute above. |
| user | | | The user to run the container as. |
| workdir | | | The working directory inside the container. |
| workspace | | | The path to mount the convey workspace at inside of the container. |
### Example
A basic example where the image knows everything to do.
type: docker/run
image: golang:onbuild
A basic example using a a standard image to do something else.
type: docker/run
image: debian:jessie-slim
- wget https://somedomain.tld/file1
- wget https://somedomain.tld/file1.sha256sum
- sha256sum -c file1.sha256sum
## docker/tag
> The docker/tag task has been deprecated since version 0.15.0. Use the
> podman/tag task instead.
This task will tag existing images on the host.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ----------- | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| source | Yes | | The full source image including the registry and tag to tag. |
| destination | Yes | | The destination tag include the registry and tag to create. |
### Example
type: docker/tag