
Update the build image to go 1.21 as well

6 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Update the build image to go 1.21 as well
# Script
Script is a set of tasks for running scripts on the host. These can be
dangerous and should be used sparingly.
## script/shell
Available on UNIX like platforms including BSD, macOS, and Linux, but will
raise an error if attempted to be used on Windows.
Either a filename or commands must be specified, but specifying both is an
error as Convey will not know which one you want to prioritize. When commands
are specified, a temporary file will be created containing the given commands.
### Attributes
| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| ----------- | -------- | ------- | ----------- |
| commands | | | A list of commands to run as the script. |
| environment | | | A list of environment variables to set. This should be specified in a `NAME` or `NAME=VALUE` format. |
| filename | | | The name of a script file to run. The file must exist in the directory containing the current convey configuration file or a subdirectory. |
| shell | | | The shell to use. If not specified the users default shell will be used. |
### Examples
Run an existing script
type: script/shell
Run an adhoc script with a single command. The `commands` parameter will work
with a single string or a list of strings
type: script/shell
commands: uptime
type: script/shell
- uname -a
Run an adhoc script in Z Shell
type: script/shell
shell: /bin/zsh
- uname
- uptime