
Install ztd as well since makepkg needs it
draft default tip
2020-08-19, Gary Kramlich
Install ztd as well since makepkg needs it
# msys2-cross
This image contains everything you need to create a windows bundles from msys2
packages. It was built to help with [Pidgin3]( development
as most of use tend to use Linux and don't readily have a Windows machine
This image uses
[pacman-static]( and a bunch
of helper files from [mingw64-base]( to
make this all work.
# Howto
It setups up a new empty root in `/windows` which can be modified using
`pacman-cross` which just runs `pacman --root /windows $@`. After installing
packages you can extract the files by any means you like from
`/windows/mingw32` or `/windows/mingw64` depending on which packages you
There is also a `makepkg-cross` that will allow you to build packages. It
requires you set the `MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX` environment variable to the
correct value. As far as I know, the only options are `mingw-w64-i686` and
`mingw-w64-x86_64`. So a simple invocation like the following from the
directory containing your `PKGBUILD` will spit out a package for you.
MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX=mingw-w64-i686 makepkg-cross
# History
This image was built to be run in
[convey]( pipelines, but can we used
where ever.