
Add a and the logo

18 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Add a and the logo
Cerestial is a REST application that is hosted at
[]( It started kind of as a joke in
[chrissiecodes twitch stream](, between
[techygrrrl](, and
[TheIdOfAlan]( that there was no rest API for
checking the phase of the moon.
grim ran with the idea and started a simple proof of concept in golang where he
was trying to do the math. This eventually gave way to using a library instead,
but the idea was already running.
grim also named the project and registered the domain
[]( which techygrrrl suggested as the
TLD. The name is a pun of celestial but since it's a REST API we had to get
rest in the name somewhere.
The logo was designed by techygrrrl and was picked via a poll in grim's twitch
## Build
Cerestial is a stand golang application, you can build it with `go build`. A
`Dockerfile` is also provided to build and run the container, but the image is
deployed to ``.
## Running
Cerestial runs on HTTP port `3000`. In the future we will provide more
documentation on the REST endpoints.