
Migrate to gi-docgen

2021-08-30, Gary Kramlich
Migrate to gi-docgen

gi-docgen is apparently the future and it works much faster with no extra work like updating `gplugin-docs.xml` that gtk-doc required.

However, there are a few additional python dependencies for gi-docgen, notably `python3-jinja2`, `python3-pygments`, `python3-toml`, `python3-typogrify`. I'm in the process of updating the builders right now as the docs build by default now.

Testing Done:
Ran locally and via the new convey plan.

Reviewed at
# GPlugin
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GPlugin is a GObject based library that implements a reusable plugin system.
It supports loading plugins in multiple other languages via loaders. It relies
heavily on [GObjectIntrospection]( to expose its API
to the other languages.
It has a simple API which makes it very easy to use in your application.
For more information on using GPlugin in your application, please see the
[embedding]( page.
## History
GPlugin has a bit of history, you can read more about it in [](
## Language Support
GPlugin currently supports plugins written in C/C++, Lua, Perl5, Python3, and
## API Reference
The in-development API reference for the development branch can be found at