
Add GTK4 viewer outline

2021-10-09, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Add GTK4 viewer outline

This does nothing since the widget isn't implemented, but it's setup to use GTK4 paradigms.

Testing Done:
Compile and run `gplugin-gtk4-viewer` with the various options, and some temporary debug prints.

Reviewed at
if get_option('perl5')
e = executable('test-perl5-loader', 'test-perl5-loader.c',
c_args : [
link_with : gplugin_loader_tests,
dependencies : [GLIB, GOBJECT, gplugin_dep, perl_dep])
test('Perl5 Loader', e)
# Add the test plugins path to our environment variable
devenv.append('GPLUGIN_PLUGIN_PATH', meson.current_source_dir() / 'plugins')
endif # perl5