
Bring back the break after functions
2020-02-15, Richard Laager
Bring back the break after functions

With the AlwaysBreak style, functions with many arguments get continued
onto the next line like this:

GObject *manager,
GPluginPlugin *plugin,
gpointer data) {
GPLUGIN_GTK_STORE(data), plugin);

It is difficult to see where parameters stop and the body starts.

Gary suggested this formatting, which "helps (at least me) visually see
the blocks while scanning the code":

GObject *manager,
GPluginPlugin *plugin,
gpointer data
) {
GPLUGIN_GTK_STORE(data), plugin);

Unfortunately, that is not something that clang-format supports. We
can get almost the same output (just moving the closing paren), with
the same visual benefits, by using BraceWrapping: AfterFunction: true,
which produces this:

GObject *manager,
GPluginPlugin *plugin,
gpointer data)
GPLUGIN_GTK_STORE(data), plugin);
There are a few notes about building on OSX.
First off, building has *ONLY* been tested against homebrew. If you want to
support fink or macports, please let me know and I will merge your pull
Both the Lua and Python loaders are currently broken as we can't build the
gobject-introspection targets. Currently the only way to build is with:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$(brew --prefix libffi)/lib/pkgconfig"
meson -Dlua=false -Dpython=false -Dgobject-introspection=false build
cd build
## Lua
For the Lua loader to work, you need to install lgi from luarocks either
systemwide or to a virtual environment created by LuaDist, vert, or something
along those lines.
When you're building lgi against homebrew you'll have to set the
`PKG_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable since homebrew does not install libffi
systemwide. This is easily done via:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(brew --prefix libffi)/lib/pkgconfig
and then running `luarocks install lgi`.
## Python
If you're using homebrew, you need to install pygobject3 with
brew install pygobject3 --with-python3