
Make property registration consistent

2021-10-09, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Make property registration consistent

Always order it permissions, construct-only (if applicable), static strings.
And add static strings everywhere, since they are.

Testing Done:
Compile only.

Reviewed at
Title: Embedding GPlugin
Slug: embedding
## Embedding GPlugin
You can embed GPlugin into any language that has GObject-Introspection support,
but in this example we're going to look at embedding GPlugin into a C based
GPlugin was designed to be simple to implement and use. Initialization and
teardown examples can be found below.
### Initialization
During the start up of your application you need to add the following
/* Create a variable to hold the default manager instance. */
GPluginManager *manager = NULL;
/* Initialize the GPlugin library */
/* Get a pointer to the default GPluginManager instance. */
manager = gplugin_manager_get_default();
/* Tell GPlugin to look for plugins in its default paths */
/* Optionally tell GPlugin to look for plugins in application specific
* paths. This will add `$PREFIX/lib/application`.
gplugin_manager_add_app_paths(manager, PREFIX, "application");
/* Once you're ready to find/load plugins call g_plugin_manager_refresh. */
### Shutdown
When your application is shutting down you need to uninitialize GPlugin by