
Add a settings list to plugins page

18 months ago, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Add a settings list to plugins page

This currently creates a **placeholder** widget that simply displays the setting value. I do have a local copy with proper widgets for most cases, but I need to go through and confirm that everything useful is covered (`GVariant` is very flexible, but I think settings are less so.)

Additionally, because of the way that settings are loaded from the devenv, we don't get the summary/description, so those won't load just yet. I've left those out of here for now so this only displays the key name. Once is complete, then we can put everything into a resource and the summary/description will work properly.

Testing Done:
Compiled only.

Reviewed at
e = executable('test-python3-loader', 'test-python3-loader.c',
include_directories : include_directories('.'),
c_args : [
link_with : gplugin_loader_tests,
dependencies : [GLIB, GOBJECT, PYTHON3, PYGOBJECT, gplugin_dep])
test('Python3 loader', e)
# we can't see the symbols in gplugin-python3 externally, so use the static
# version for testing
e = executable('test-python3-utils', 'test-python3-utils.c',
include_directories : include_directories('.'),
link_with : [gplugin_loader_tests],
test('Python3 utils', e)
# Add the test plugins path to our environment variable
devenv.append('GPLUGIN_PLUGIN_PATH', meson.current_source_dir() / 'plugins')