
Add runtime dependencies to tests

7 months ago, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Add runtime dependencies to tests

`meson test` only builds what's required to run a test. If you start with a clean build directory (or run `ninja clean`), then about half the tests fail because the required plugins or even the loaders themselves have not yet been built.

This adds the proper dependencies so that all requirements are built before testing.

The name of the macro used to pass through the build directory has also been made consistent, so that it could be automatically generated.

Testing Done:
`ninja clean` and then `meson test`, and all tests now pass.
Also `ninja clean` and `meson test "test name"` for all test names, and each individual test passes.

Reviewed at
# Dependencies
GPlugin depends on the following at a bare minimum:
* glib-2.0 >= 2.40.0
* gobject-introspection, libgirepository1.0-dev
* meson >= 0.42.0
* gettext
* help2man
* a C compiler
A full build (enabled by default) depends on the following:
* gtk-4
* python3-dev, python-gi-dev, python3-gi
* libperl-dev, libglib-perl, libglib-object-introspection-perl
* liblua5.1-0-dev, lua-lgi
* valac
All of these packages and their development headers need to be installed
prior to building GPlugin.
# Building
GPlugin uses [meson]( as its build system. As such
compiling is a little bit different than your typical `./configure`, `make`,
`sudo make install`.
Meson requires you to build in a separate directory than your source. As such,
these instructions use a separate build directory.
To compile you need to run the following commands:
meson build
cd build
ninja install
If you want/need to tweak the build system (to enable/disable certain loaders)
you can do so at any time by using `meson configure` in the build directory.