
Update requirements to meson 0.37.0.
2016-12-18, Elliott Sales de Andrade
Update requirements to meson 0.37.0.

All the necessary patches have been merged, though some small tweaks
have been made. So make the necessary adjustments as well.
GPlugin uses hgflow[1] for development. All development takes place on the
develop branch which leaves default to be a stable release clone. All long
term feature/bug fix work should take place on a feature branch that when
closed, gets merged to develop.
Releases are forked from develop and create a new branch for any testing/bug
fixes. When a release is deemed done, it's merged back into develop and into
default. hgflow takes care of all of this for us.
To add a feature please fork Then clone
your fork. Once you have your fork cloned and hgflow setup and installed, type
hg flow feature start $NAME_OF_YOUR_FEATURE$
This will create a new branch for you to do your work on. When you submit a
pull request, make sure it's this branch that you're requesting I pull.