
Remove Perl5 support

21 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Remove Perl5 support

This was originally added to keep feature parity with purple2, but it has been
a huge pain, there's no solution on macOS, it randomly breaks, and there never
really was a lot of adoption of it in purple2.

Also the IEEE and Stack Overflow surveys from 2022 have Perl ranked between the
20th and 30th most popular programming language so I feel comfortable remove it.

If necessary we can always pull back out of version control and bring it back up
to date.

Testing Done:

Reviewed at
There are a few notes about building on OSX.
First off, building has *ONLY* been tested against homebrew. If you want to
support fink or macports, please let me know and I will merge your pull
## Lua
For the Lua loader to work, you need to install `lgi` from luarocks either
systemwide for lua 5.1 as `lgi` does not currently work with lua 5.4 which is
the default in homebrew.
To make this work, you'll need to install both `lua@5.1` and `luarocks` via
`brew install lua@5.1 luarocks`. Once those are installed, you'll need to
create `/usr/local/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua` with the following contents.
-- LuaRocks configuration
rocks_trees = {
{ name = "user", root = home .. "/.luarocks" };
{ name = "system", root = "/usr/local" };
lua_interpreter = "lua5.1";
variables = {
LUA_DIR = "/usr/local/opt/lua@5.1";
LUA_BINDIR = "/usr/local/opt/lua@5.1/bin";
Once that is done, you can then finally install `lgi` with the following
luarocks --lua-version=5.1 install lgi
## Python3
If you're using homebrew, you need to install `pygobject3`.