
Disable some of the tests on windows and there more trouble than they're worth to fix 'em
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Gary Kramlich <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, see <>.
* SECTION:gplugin-version
* @Title: Version Information
* @Short_description: variables and functions to check the GPlugin version
* GPlugin provides version information, primarily useful in configure
* checks for builds that have a configure script. Applications will
* not typically use the features described here.
#include <gplugin/gplugin-core.h>
#include <gplugin/gplugin-version.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
* Globals
GRegex *regex = NULL;
static const gchar *version_pattern = "^(?P<major>\\d+)(\\." \
"(?P<minor>\\d+)" \
* Helpers
static void
gplugin_version_lazy_init(void) {
static volatile gsize init_volatile = 0;
if(g_once_init_enter(&init_volatile)) {
GError *error = NULL;
regex = g_regex_new(version_pattern, G_REGEX_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE,
0, &error);
if(error) {
g_warning(_("Failed to initialize the version regex: %s"),
(error->message) ? error->message :
g_once_init_leave(&init_volatile, 1);
static gboolean
gplugin_version_parser(const gchar *v, gint *major, gint *minor, gint *micro,
gchar **extra, GError **error)
GMatchInfo *info = NULL;
gboolean matches = FALSE;
gchar *temp = NULL;
matches = g_regex_match(regex, v, 0, &info);
if(!matches) {
g_set_error(error, GPLUGIN_DOMAIN, 0,
_("%s does not match the version regex"), v);
return FALSE;
/* grab the major version */
if(major) {
temp = g_match_info_fetch_named(info, "major");
*major = (temp) ? atoi(temp) : 0;
/* grab the minor version */
if(minor) {
temp = g_match_info_fetch_named(info, "minor");
*minor = (temp) ? atoi(temp) : 0;
/* grab the micro version */
if(micro) {
temp = g_match_info_fetch_named(info, "micro");
*micro = (temp) ? atoi(temp) : 0;
/* grab the extra version */
*extra = g_match_info_fetch_named(info, "extra");
return TRUE;
* GPluginVersion API
* This is the major version number of GPlugin that was compiled against.
* This is the minor version number of GPlugin that was compiled against.
* This is the micro version number of GPlugin that was compiled against.
* This is the extra version string of GPlugin that was compiled against.
* This is the string version number of GPlugin that was compiled against.
* @major: the major version to compare for
* @minor: the minor version to compare for
* @micro: the micro version to compare for
* Checks the version of the GPlugin library that is being compiled
* against. See gplugin_version_compare() for a runtime check.
* Returns: %TRUE if the version of the GPlugin header files
* is the same as or newer than the passed-in version.
* GPluginVersionCompareFunc:
* @v1: The first version to compare
* @v2: The second version to compare
* @error: A #GError return address if there are any errors.
* #GPluginVersionCompareFunc is used to compare two versions of a plugin. It
* should return -1 if @v1 is greater than @v2, 0 if @v1 is equal to @v2, and
* 1 if @v1 is less than @v2.
* Returns: -1 if @v1 is greater than @v2, 0 if @v1 is equal to @v1, and 1 if
* @v1 is less than @v2.
* gplugin_version_compare:
* @v1: The first version to compare
* @v2: The second version to compare
* @error: A #GError return address if there are any errors.
* The default #GPluginVersionCompareFunc. It handles the typical
* MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO format and ignore any characters after the micro version.
* Returns: -1 if @v1 is greater than @v2, 0 if @v1 is equal to @v1, and 1 if
* @v1 is less than @v2.
gplugin_version_compare(const gchar *v1, const gchar *v2, GError **error) {
gint v1_maj = 0, v1_min = 0, v1_mic = 0;
gint v2_maj = 0, v2_min = 0, v2_mic = 0;
gint t = 0;
g_return_val_if_fail(v1 != NULL, 1);
g_return_val_if_fail(v2 != NULL, 2);
if(regex == NULL)
/* make sure v1 matches the regex */
if(!gplugin_version_parser(v1, &v1_maj, &v1_min, &v1_mic, NULL, error))
return 1;
/* make sure v2 matches the regex */
if(!gplugin_version_parser(v2, &v2_maj, &v2_min, &v2_mic, NULL, error))
return -1;
/* now figure out if they match */
t = v2_maj - v1_maj;
if(t != 0)
return t;
t = v2_min - v1_min;
if(t != 0)
return t;
return v2_mic - v1_mic;