
Remove the packaging files

21 months ago, Gary Kramlich
Remove the packaging files

The idea of these was to provide packages via and use their
service as a way to provide up to date packages for end users. However, things
have changed since that decision and it has become very clear that using Flatpak
solves all of the issues the repositories on package cloud were supposed to but
with a much lower effort.

Testing Done:

Reviewed at
There are a few notes about building on OSX.
First off, building has *ONLY* been tested against homebrew. If you want to
support fink or macports, please let me know and I will merge your pull
Currently there is no known way to build the Perl loader on MacOS. So you
**MUST** run meson with `-Dperl5=false`.
## Lua
For the Lua loader to work, you need to install `lgi` from luarocks either
systemwide for lua 5.1 as `lgi` does not currently work with lua 5.4 which is
the default in homebrew.
To make this work, you'll need to install both `lua@5.1` and `luarocks` via
`brew install lua@5.1 luarocks`. Once those are installed, you'll need to
create `/usr/local/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua` with the following contents.
-- LuaRocks configuration
rocks_trees = {
{ name = "user", root = home .. "/.luarocks" };
{ name = "system", root = "/usr/local" };
lua_interpreter = "lua5.1";
variables = {
LUA_DIR = "/usr/local/opt/lua@5.1";
LUA_BINDIR = "/usr/local/opt/lua@5.1/bin";
Once that is done, you can then finally install `lgi` with the following
luarocks --lua-version=5.1 install lgi
## Python3
If you're using homebrew, you need to install `pygobject3`.