
Update all the things

2021-09-02, Gary Kramlich
Update all the things
FROM alpine:edge
RUN set -ex && \
apk add --no-cache \
mercurial git ca-certificates \
meson ninja gcc libc-dev help2man libxslt \
gobject-introspection-dev gobject-introspection-dev gtk+3.0-dev \
python3 python3-dev py-gobject3-dev py3-gobject3 \
py3-pip py3-jinja2 py3-markdown py3-pygments py3-toml \
lua5.1-dev lua5.1-lgi \
vala \
perl-glib && \
pip install -U typogrify
CMD ["/"]
COPY meson/ /
ENV MESON_OPTIONS="-Dperl5=false"