

2003-07-16, Herman Bloggs
Parents d29bb33bcce1
Children 94ce98841716
--- a/htdocs/win32/index.php Wed Jul 16 23:34:57 2003 -0400
+++ b/htdocs/win32/index.php Wed Jul 16 23:48:40 2003 -0400
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
<a name="debug"></a>
<?php start_section("Debugging Windows Gaim")?>
<h3>What to do if Gaim crashes</h3>
-First make sure that you are not affected by 'Dll Hell' as described above. Download and install the <a href="<?php print $current_win32_version; ?>-debug.exe">debug version of WinGaim 0.65</a>. The neext time you run Gaim and it crashes, the call stack will be dumped to gaim.RPT in your Gaim install dir. When submitting a bug report, give a detail description on how to produce your bug and attach the most recent crash dump from your gaim.RPT file.
+First make sure that you are not affected by 'Dll Hell' as described above. Download and install the <a href="<?php print $current_win32_version; ?>-debug.exe">debug version of WinGaim 0.65</a>. The next time you run Gaim and it crashes, the call stack will be dumped to gaim.RPT in your Gaim install dir. When submitting a bug report, give a detail description on how to produce your bug and attach the most recent crash dump from your gaim.RPT file.
<?php end_section() ?>
<?php start_section("Build Instructions") ?>