
Initial import into CVS
chipx86 start
2002-09-26, Christian Hammond
Initial import into CVS
// grumpy.c -- inspired by the spell-check plugin, but i thought it
// would be too messy to tack this onto its split-on-punctuation
// logic.
// Copyright 2000 Decklin Foster, <>, GPLed (see
// the top-level gaim source dir for your copy).
#include "gaim.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// isn't this next line just disgusting?
const char *munge = "<b></b>";
// and we put that after the first char in any of these. "O:-)" has
// it's own graphic, but will be caught looking for ":-)". Entries on
// the same line have the same graphic.
const char *smileys[] = {
":-(", ":(",
":-)", ":)",
":-P", ":P", ":-p", ":p",
";-)", ";)",
// this is bad -- free should barf if dest is auto. either g_free
// checks this or i'm very lucky. need a better way to prevent
// memleaks here. (when i doubt, blame the plugin interface for
// forcing me to munge strings like this ;-)
static void insert_str(char **dest, size_t pos, const char *src)
char *new = g_malloc(strlen(*dest) + strlen(src) + 1);
//printf(" inserting '%s' into '%s' @ %d\n", src, *dest, pos);
if (!new) {
fprintf(stderr, "yipes! can't g_malloc.\n");
strcpy(new, *dest);
strcpy(new+pos, src);
strcpy(new+pos+strlen(src), *dest+pos);
//printf(" result: '%s'\n", new);
*dest = new;
// There are probably more efficent ways to do this, given that half
// our keys start with ':'. Do I care? ha!
static void munge_smileys(struct gaim_connection *gc, char *buddy,
char **im, void *cb_data)
const char **s;
char *p;
if (!im) return;
//printf("im: '%s'\n", *im);
for (s = smileys; *s; s++) {
//printf("looking for: '%s'\n", *s);
p = *im;
while (p = strstr(p, *s)) {
//printf(" got substr: '%s'\n", p);
insert_str(im, p - *im + 1, munge);
//printf(" advancing %d chars\n", strlen(*s));
p += strlen(*s);
//printf(" p is now: '%s'\n", p);
// what's my name? say my name, bitch!
char *name()
return "Grumpifier";
char *description()
return "Munges smiley faces so that your buddy's AIM software won't "
"display them as pictures. Fight the evil forces of cuteness!";
// these GAIM weirdos really need to use capital letters for their
// constants or something. 'handle'? wuzzat? (hi Rob ;-)
char *gaim_plugin_init(GModule *handle)
gaim_signal_connect(handle, event_im_send, munge_smileys, NULL);
gaim_signal_connect(handle, event_chat_send, munge_smileys, NULL);
return NULL;
void gaim_plugin_remove()
// dave's not here, man...
void gaim_plugin_config()
// FIXME: make a dialog box for stupid people