
Make this look right.

2006-04-04, Richard Laager
Make this look right.
Gaim Remote
OK, I wrote In addition to existing gaim-remote
functionality, you can call any dbus-exported gaim API function. The
power of python lies in the fact that you don't need to have any
gaim-specific library, all bindings are created dynamically. What's
more, the language is very concise, so implementing common things such
as starting a new conversation or changing the status of all active
accounts never takes more than a few lines of code. Try it! The dbus
bindings allow you to write gaim "extensions" in any language that
supports dbus (these programs are not extensions in the strict sense,
but have similar capabilities).
<p> Next, I'll try to make gaim talk to other dbus-aware applications
such as NetworkManager, Galago, and Beagle. I'm going to write
external python scripts for that and have as little of C code in gaim
proper as possible.