
Make this look right.

2006-04-04, Richard Laager
Make this look right.
DBus for plugins
I've written DBus support for plugins. Plugins now can register their
own functions and types. Wonderful.
Not quite. The underlying architecture is rather inelegant. At the
moment, I use a python script to transform gaim function headers into
code that uses GObject DBus bindings. GObject DBus bindings are
themselves wrappers for low-level GLib DBus bindings. The result: two
layers of wrappers, which results in unnecessary complexity, and
creating artificial GObjects only because the lower wrapper layer
needs them. For the plugin writer, it's all conveniently wrapped in
macro definitions, but if you take a look at my current private
version of <code>dbus-server.h</code>, you'll see a lot of ugly
#define statements.
It's time to get rid of this. As I can see, GObject bindings buy us
nothing but more unnecessary declarations. The signal-to-dbus
converted was previously re-written to use low-level DBus binding for
exactly the same reason. Changing the python script to use low-lever
DBus binding directly shouldn't be difficult and this enable us to
drop GObject bindings altogether. This will also give us the ability
of changing the implemented functions on the fly (plugins).
Here is the proposed DBus plugin architechture. At the moment, when
gaim receives a DBus call, it call the appropriate method and returns
the result. If the method doesn't exist, it returns an error, period.
Thing are a bit different in the new model to-be-implemented. When
gaim receives a call, it emits a special signal "dbus-method". The
opportunity of answering the call is given to all entities connected
to this signal (the first wins). The last (first?) entity connected
to the "dbus-method" signal is gaim itself. Opinions?