
I think this could be worded better, but...
* window focus should only be transfered from one window to another by the direct action of the user.
* The WM does not know when a new window is user initiated or not.
* The application that requests the new window does know
* In the case of new application launch, this yields a useful result: you can start several things
in the background (or on login) and not have your focus jerked around as they start.
* While it is acceptable to design a specification by which an application which does not currently
have focus can request it either by creation of a new window, or for an existing window, such
a specification should be an opt-in policy. quoting Etan:
"If, however, people feel that there should be a way for an application to request focus on
mapping that's fine. Such a specification should be written such that it is an opt-in concept,
not an opt-out one (or one that requires all applications to follow for it to work). For
example, given our experience with metacity (and the focus stealing prevention spec) the fact
that gaim does not do anything to accomodate the spec used to cause all of our windows to be
on top and focused, and now causes all our windows to be popped up underneath other windows.
This is really an unacceptable way to design a new specification, especially when dealing with
something as old as X and which has legacy applications which one wants to continue to have act
correctly. If the purpose of this spec is to only make windows that really want focus on map
to get it than require that *those applications* set the property to some agreed upon value or
set of values, and that anything which does not is going to be treated in a wm consistent and
non-annoying fashion (i.e. not given focus on map, but also not hidden and therefore requiring
further specification to function usefully)."
* new windows should be created at the top level unless specifically requested otherwise by the starting
application. Placement should reflect some overall policy of the WM, preferably a policy that the
user understands and can predict. Remembering previous placement is a reasonable, but not required,
part of said policy.
* Window stacking and focus policy should be at least somewhat decoupled.
* It is acceptable for a window manager's overall focus policy to include some concept of absolute
Z-level and restrict an application to a single Z-level. Such a policy, however, should include
some method to notify the user that a new window has been created.
* Applications which currently have focus should be able to hint if a window said application has
created gets focus or not. It should be able to do so without changing the level at which the window
is created (assuming the hint is followed).
* While it may be valuable to specify or further specify how this should be done, _NET_WM_USER_TIME
in it's current overloaded state does not seem to us to be a viable solution for this. We would
suggest something like a _NET_WM_[GET_|TAKE_|REQUEST_]FOCUS property.
* Applications which do not have focus should not be able to pull focus from another application in a
way that the user cannot disable or modify. Changes to individual applications at a source code
level should not be necessary for this behavior.
* _NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION may have merit here if used to indicate that a window which requests
focus was not given in so as to comply with the WM's policies on focus.
* Window managers and and applications should both support both the ICCCM and fd.o specs
* That being said, ICCCM has been a specification since 1993, and (for example) gnome should be
supporting urgency before they get too upset about us not supporting
_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION. Further, we undertake to implement support for this after
Gnome supports urgency.