
(11:09:41) LSchiere2: nosnilmot: i have a report that the paths in the non-root mozilla compile install of gaim are sketchy
(11:10:17) nosnilmot: any specifics?
(11:10:42) LSchiere2: yeah, people don't normally have a "usr" inside ~
(11:14:28) nosnilmot: I do
(11:14:51) nosnilmot: no I don't...
(11:15:41) LSchiere2: its not a big deal, easy to change, i just thought i'd let you know
(11:17:18) nosnilmot:
(11:18:37) LSchiere2: oh wow, ask and i recieve. you rock nosnilmot
(11:18:55) nosnilmot: I don't like to be wrong
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Gaim FAQ
" Maintainer: Christian Hammond <>
" URL: none
" Last Change: 13-July-2003
" Remove any old syntax stuff hanging around
syn clear
if !exists("main_syntax")
let main_syntax = 'gaimfaq'
if !exists("gaimfaq_no_html")
so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/html.vim
syn cluster htmlPreproc add=gaimfaqCommand,gaimfaqQuestion,gaimfaqAnswer
syn case match
syn region gaimfaqCommand keepend start="^!\(SECTION\|ANCHOR\|COMMENT\)\t" end="$"
syn region gaimfaqQuestion keepend start="^Q:" end="\t"
syn region gaimfaqAnswer keepend start="^A:" end="\t"
if !exists("did_gaimfaq_syntax_inits")
let did_gaimfaq_syntax_inits = 1
hi link gaimfaqCommand Function
hi link gaimfaqQuestion Label
hi link gaimfaqAnswer Label
let b:current_syntax = "gaimfaq"
if main_syntax == "gaimfaq"
unlet main_syntax