
(11:09:41) LSchiere2: nosnilmot: i have a report that the paths in the non-root mozilla compile install of gaim are sketchy
(11:10:17) nosnilmot: any specifics?
(11:10:42) LSchiere2: yeah, people don't normally have a "usr" inside ~
(11:14:28) nosnilmot: I do
(11:14:51) nosnilmot: no I don't...
(11:15:41) LSchiere2: its not a big deal, easy to change, i just thought i'd let you know
(11:17:18) nosnilmot:
(11:18:37) LSchiere2: oh wow, ask and i recieve. you rock nosnilmot
(11:18:55) nosnilmot: I don't like to be wrong
require "";
class Smilies extends Themes
function Smilies()
function get_theme_type_id()
return 0;
function get_description()
return "Smilies";