
Add Sametime to the list of supported protocols, add 'Novell' in front of GroupWise to match the About box, remove 'MSN window closing notification' from the feature list.
function build_section_name($section)
$newstr = str_replace("/", "_", $section);
$newstr = str_replace(" ", "_", $newstr);
$newstr = str_replace("(", "_", $newstr);
$newstr = str_replace(")", "_", $newstr);
$newstr = str_replace("!", "_", $newstr);
return $newstr;
function start_q()
global $qa, $anchor;
print " <dt class=\"faq-question\" id=\"q" . $qa . "\">\n";
if ($anchor != "")
print "<a name=\"" . $anchor . "\"></a>\n";
$anchor = "";
function end_q() {
print " </dt>\n";
function start_a()
print " <dd class=\"faq-answer\">\n";
function end_a()
print "</dd>\n";
function check_in_qa()
global $in_question;
global $in_answer;
if ($in_question)
$in_question = 0;
elseif ($in_answer)
$in_answer = 0;