
Now maybe robot101 can stop having to re-explain this every month or so
require "";
start_html("Screen Shots");
$cvs_screenshots = array(
"account.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 562,
"HEIGHT" => 281,
"THUMBNAIL" => "account_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 130,
"TEXT" => "This is the new account editor. Note that signing on a new " .
"account takes only a single click"
"convos.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 700,
"HEIGHT" => 473,
"THUMBNAIL" => "convos_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 130,
"TEXT" => "You can now have any arbitrary number of conversations in any window. " .
"You can drag the tabs from one window to another or within the same window ".
"to reorder your conversations."
"getinfo.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 370,
"HEIGHT" => 222,
"THUMBNAIL" => "getinfo_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 130,
"TEXT" => "Gaim 0.60 uses GTK+ 2.0. Its entire interface has been dramatically ".
"overhauled from previous releases, looking to the GNOME Human Interface ".
"Guidelines for guidance. The result is a dramatic improvement in usability."
"i18n.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 436,
"HEIGHT" => 484,
"THUMBNAIL" => "i18n_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 117,
"TEXT" => "Gaim 0.60 has infinitely improved its internationalization support. In this ".
"screenshot, we see a conversation over AIM using in many different languages, ".
"even using multiple character sets in a single message. No other third-party ".
"IM client can claim this kind of internationalization support."
"modify.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 422,
"HEIGHT" => 495,
"THUMBNAIL" => "modify_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 111,
"TEXT" => "This is the modify account dialog. All of Gaim's dialogs are being rewritten ".
"to take advantage of GTK+ 2 and improve usability."
"plugins.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 598,
"HEIGHT" => 598,
"THUMBNAIL" => "plugins_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 130,
"TEXT" => "Loading a new plugin is extremely easy. Plugins are probed when you start ".
"Gaim. You just need to choose which one you want and click the checkbox. The ".
"preferences dialog has been completely rewritten to present options in a more ".
"organized manner."
"themes.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 568,
"HEIGHT" => 598,
"THUMBNAIL" => "themes_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 123,
"TEXT" => "The smileys you see in your conversations are themable. Writing a smiley ".
"theme is easy, and installing one is even easier. You can drag a link right ".
"from the <a href=\"themes.php\">themes page</a> in your browser into the ".
"themes selector."
"themes.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 568,
"HEIGHT" => 598,
"THUMBNAIL" => "themes_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 123,
"TEXT" => "The smileys you see in your conversations are themable. Writing a smiley ".
"theme is easy, and installing one is even easier. You can drag a link right ".
"from the <a href=\"themes.php\">themes page</a> in your browser into the ".
"themes selector."
"ft.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 423,
"HEIGHT" => 516,
"THUMBNAIL" => "ft_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 107,
"TEXT" => "File transfer support is one of the many new features in Gaim 0.60."
"docklet.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 489,
"HEIGHT" => 442,
"THUMBNAIL" => "docklet_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 131,
"TEXT" => "Gaim's GNOME applet has been replaced with a tray icon plugin. This tray icon will dock into any ".
"<a href=\"\"></a> compliant notification area (GNOME 2, KDE 3.1) ".
"and provides rapid access to common features and the ability to reduce clutter on your desktop by hiding ".
"the buddy list window."
"newlist.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 331,
"HEIGHT" => 835,
"THUMBNAIL" => "newlist-t.png",
"TEXT" => "The buddy list can optionally show your buddies buddy icons. This makes locating your buddies in a long list much easier. ".
"When buddy icons are shown in the list, a second line will provide more information about the buddy (status messages, idle times, warning levels, etc.)"
"aimicq.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 466,
"HEIGHT" => 454,
"THUMBNAIL" => "aimicq-t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 123,
"TEXT" => "Gaim is currently the only IM client that can send messages between AIM and ICQ as shown in this screenshot."
$screenshots = array(
"convo1.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 374,
"HEIGHT" => 397,
"THUMBNAIL" => "convo1_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 125,
"TEXT" => "An example conversation"
"msn_buddylist.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 234,
"HEIGHT" => 346,
"THUMBNAIL" => "msn_buddylist_t.png",
"TEXT" => "An example of a gaim buddylist using only MSN"
"msn_convo.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 374,
"HEIGHT" => 369,
"THUMBNAIL" => "msn_convo_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 125,
"TEXT" => "A conversation using the MSN plugin"
"tabbed.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 420,
"HEIGHT" => 413,
"THUMBNAIL" => "tabbed_t.png",
"THUMBWIDTH" => 125,
"TEXT" => "A tabbed conversation window. Notice the red " .
"names? Yup! It notifies you of new messages."
"buddylist.png" => array(
"WIDTH" => 234,
"HEIGHT" => 363,
"THUMBNAIL" => "buddylist_t.png",
"TEXT" => "A shot of our in-development GTK2 port doing " .
"a bunch of protocols--namely AIM, Yahoo!, IRC, Gadu-Gadu, " .
"MSN, ICQ, and Jabber."
if (!isset($file)) {
start_section("CVS Screenshots");
print "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" width=\"100%\">\n";
$b = true;
while (list($filename, $data) = each($cvs_screenshots)) {
if ($b == true) {
print " <tr>\n";
print " <td align=\"center\">";
print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?file=$filename\">";
print "<img src=\"/images/screenshots/" . $data["THUMBNAIL"];
print "\" width=\"" . $data["THUMBWIDTH"] . "\"";
print " height=\"" . $data["THUMBHEIGHT"] . "\"";
print " border=\"0\" alt=\"[Screen Shot]\" />";
print "</a><br />";
print "<p>";
print $data["TEXT"];
print "</p><br /></td>\n";
if ($b == false) {
print " </tr>\n";
$b = !$b;
if ($b == false) {
print " <td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";
start_section("Older Screenshots");
print "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" width=\"100%\">\n";
$b = true;
while (list($filename, $data) = each($screenshots)) {
if ($b == true) {
print " <tr>\n";
print " <td align=\"center\">";
print "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?file=$filename\">";
print "<img src=\"/images/screenshots/" . $data["THUMBNAIL"];
print "\" width=\"" . $data["THUMBWIDTH"] . "\"";
print " height=\"" . $data["THUMBHEIGHT"] . "\"";
print " border=\"0\" alt=\"[Screen Shot]\" />";
print "</a><br />";
print "<p>";
print $data["TEXT"];
print "</p><br /></td>\n";
if ($b == false) {
print " </tr>\n";
$b = !$b;
if ($b == false) {
print " <td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
print " </tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";
else {
start_section("Screen Shot");
if (isset($screenshots[$file])) {
$shots = $screenshots;
} else if (isset($cvs_screenshots[$file])) {
$shots = $cvs_screenshots;
} else {
print "Invalid screen shot.";
if ($shots) {
print "<div align=\"center\">\n";
print " <img src=\"/images/screenshots/$file\"";
print " width=\"" . $shots[$file]["WIDTH"] . "\"";
print " height=\"" . $shots[$file]["HEIGHT"] . "\"";
print " border=\"0\" alt=\"[Screen Shot]\" /><br />\n";
print "<p>";
print $shots[$file]["TEXT"];
print "</p>\n";
print "</div>\n";
print "<br />\n";